#₊˚⊹🏷️ by em
emilbh · 26 days
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isabotagemyself on tiktok / unknown / fruiteas on instagram / unknown / unknown / strangers - ethel cain
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cherubispunk · 6 months
rules: go to pinterest and search "celebrity," "outfit," "quote," and "aesthetic." the first four photos that pop up are your vibe.
Thank you for the tag @joelslegalwhre 🩷🩷🪽
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I think this sums me up pretty well, I LOVE this dress!
🪽🏷️ @amanitacowboy @planet-marz1 @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @chloeangelic @chaotic-mystery @morning-star-joy @swiftispunk @sweetercalypso @persephone-girl @walkintotheriveranddisappear
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Did you see the show yet!
I SAW!!!! I was so happy 😭😭😭😭
Did you??! How did u like it waffles??🌸🌸
I have some opinions on it…idk if I should post that list or not XD with how defensive some people get idk whether I should lol
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gayhoediaz · 2 months
I absolutely adore your writing & it’s so clear that you write what you love. Also, I just love you on my dash!
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tell me something you like [or dislike] about me 💌
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zvdvdlvr · 2 months
You Found Me, You Found Me.
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🪼 — Synopsis. A glimpse of your life with Aaron and Jack after resigning from the BAU.
🪼 — Warnings. Mention of past torture. Kissing. Probably non-canon ages. Short fic.
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As much as Aaron didn’t want you to quit, you did. Realistically you could still do your job but putting the rag in now would probably save yourself from taking a fatal bullet wound or yet another life-changing injury.
Even after you sold your house and moved in with Aaron you still had your eyes out for a job. You and Aaron combined had enough money for you to be jobless for years if you wanted, but you wanted something to do during the day.
So now, years later, you still kept working at the flower shop that hired you. Your old boss Wendy Norman had left the shop to you in her will after your fifth year working for her.
You looked up as the new hire, Ian, knocked in your office door. Looking up from the paperwork you were filing, you smiled. “What’s up?”
“There’s a man and a little boy asking for you,” he said wringing his hands.
“Awesome. Send ‘em in,” you said, tucking the bills away. Ian nodded and left.
A second later Jack burst in the room and jumped into your open arms. “We missed you, mommy! Daddy said he wanted to see you, too, he just didn’t want to tell you himself,” Jack whispered to you as the man walked in.
“Hey sweetheart,” Aaron greeted, wrapping both arms around you and Jack after you stood up. “Jack missed you.”
You laughed and Jack groaned. “I heard,” you mused adjusting the boy and your hip. Aaron admired the muscle bulging through your shirt. Eventually after you got married, Aaron convinced you to go to the gym with him. He liked the time you both spent together, growing mentally and physically (and you looked good in spandex).
“I did too,” Aaron murmured, pulling you flush to his chest by the waist and pressing a kiss to your lips.
Jack yelled and screwed his eyes shut. As he squirmed in your arms, Aaron laughed loudly.
“I love you, sweetheart.”
Jack finally broke free and ran out of your office, probably going to annoy the ladies that were fond of him.
That gave you the opportunity to embrace Aaron. “I love you too.”
🏷️: @zaddyhotch @fictionallifestuff
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officialdaydreamer00 · 8 months
You. know em! You love em! Itssssss---- it's idia I'm requesting idia. I would like an x "biter". We all know bro can't handle kisses in public so what if we straight up just fucking bite his arm instead?
Also part 3 of the thing you know what i mean
i am crying and kicking my feet at the same time this is ur fault
reader is not yuu, reader is gender neutral, mentions of blood
man will fucking screech at you the first time you bite him
why did you bite him????? what'd you do that for????
will flinch every time your teeth meet his skin. you don't even need to bite for him to jolt. dramatic ass.
eventually, he gets used to it. still flinches a bit when you bite him.
biting him in public? oh that's a different story.
his systems will malfunction and his soul will evaporate instantly.
and now you have a colossal sized body to drag back to ignihyde.
in the confines of his room however, he's gonna be plotting his revenge on you.
those shark teeth aren't just for show, bestie. his bites will indent your skin, some are hard enough to draw blood (those are usually accidents)
likes gnawing on your shoulders to focus on his gaming. this sometimes leads to him biting too hard, as mentioned above.
in conclusion: you bite him in public, he bites you in private.
taglist🏷️ @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @dove-da-birb @siren-serenity @twistwonderlanddevotee @cookiesandbiscuits @cave-of-jade @miniminnieum @xen-blank @cheezy-moon @axvwriter @mermaidfanficlibrary
reblogs are very appreciated!!
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caramelcleopatraa · 3 months
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word count: 509
x: finally got something out (excuse any errors you see) :( I have 3 other imagines in queue right now. I should be able to get another imagine out by Friday. this was inspired from the video of him signing his merch.... obviously. aaanyways, the usual college is whooping my black ass and i'm still horny as ever :p. Enjoy :)
content: Roman Reigns x Reader, 18+ MDNI, hands.... that's it.
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You love his hands. It’s not your fault that your eyes gravitated to his huge hands engulfing regularly sized objects. Or the way that the veins in his hands demanded your attention while he was busy signing away an endless mountain of merch. You could get lost for hours imagining those hands all over your body. Pressing, pulling, dragging, and tugging at you. How his hands would look soaked and swimming in your juices. How his hand would hold your wrists above your head while he fucks you passionately. You knew that those same hands would be on you an hour later, but that hour felt so far away. You felt like an impatient kid waiting for a kids meal. You wanted him. Unknown to you, Roman had already peeped your quietness and noticed your eyes glued to his hands. He smirked to himself knowing you were lost in your imagination, your still body and blank eyes told him so.
“You okay?” His voice brought you out of your mind and back to the present. You shifted in your seat and gave him a genuine smile. “Yeah. Just thinking.” 
“I know,” Roman says confidently. The look of his face told you that he knew exactly what you were thinking about. You weren't sure if you should be embarrassed that you are so easy to read, or turned on because he knew exactly what you wanted. He knew exactly how your mind worked and what switches to flip to get you right where he wanted you. Realistically, he didn't have to do much. His body straining his all black outfit already formed a pool between your legs.
“I can take a break,” Roman says, closing the shiny sharpie and laying it down on the table. He was already moving towards you before you could form a response. Your eyes twinkled with desire for Roman. If there weren’t staff members in the room, you would let him bend you over the table and have his way with you. It felt like heaven finally feeling his hands on your waist, holding you tight. Your mind was running wild with all sorts of ideas of what he could do to you. But they all circled back to his hands. How they flipped you into the next position, how they would restrict your movements, how they would explore every part of your body. “What are you thinking about right now?” 
“Your hands,” you said with no hesitation. He smiles and takes his hands off of your hips to look at them closely in a pretend state of confusion. “My hands. What about ‘em?” You took his right hand in yours and replied, “How they’ll hold me place while you fuck me.” Roman’s eyes darkened and his smug smirk returned once again. He yelled at the staff to exit the room, and they followed instruction, fastly filing out of the room. 
“Get on the table.” You looked at him in question. “Why?”
“Cause i’m ‘bout to make your daydream come true. Hands above your head.”
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🏷️ tags :) @reignsboy19 @2-muchsauce @theninthwonder @harmshake @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @alyyaanna @empressdede @badbitchcentralinc @christinabae @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41
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grandestheart · 21 days
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character(s) - grayson hawthorne
tag list 🏷️ - @nqds @urbanflorals @sophiesonlinediary @lxvebelle @x-liv25-jamieswife // it will only let me tag five people at a time so thats why tags are split up <3
@shuhuaspookie @sunsetovertheocean @never-enough-novels @lanterns-and-daydreams @inmyheaddd @reyreadersblog lmk if you want to be added
req?- no
warnings - suicidal thoughts, sh, ed (kind of) insecurities.
a/n - this idea is from @x-liv25-jamieswife her hcs are amazing so def go check them out!!! she takes full credit for this idea. Might do one for all characters depending on how well this one does
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him and jameson had a joint birthday party once and he didn’t have anyone to invite, so he let jamie invite people and in the end only one person showed up 🥲 (this is kinda both of them but whatever)
went through a phase of hating nash for leaving so much and threw away the teddy bear nash got for him
nash later found it and has kept it ever since
When em*ly first died, grayson heard and saw her everywhere, so much so his brothers caught him talking to her all the time, he doesn’t hear her as much now, but it still really effects him.
he’s one of those people who’s weight fluctuates a lot (which is totally normal for everyone xx), so when he thinks he’s getting heavier, everyone can tell because he only goes swimming really late at night so no one sees him shirtless.
he also stopped eating for a while after Emily died
Emily wanted to have sex with him when they were dating, but he said he wasn’t ready and it made him uncomfortable, which upset Emily so she walked out and found jameson :/
used to sh on his ribs but tobias found out and made him stop because in his eyes if anyone found out it would ruin the family reputation
ate lunch by himself most times because jameson skipped school, and xan had clubs
when he was a kid whenever he went to join in with other kids playing, they’d all get up and walk away because they thought he was mean.
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ratedfleur · 7 months
let me touch.
sister’s bf!kim jiwoong x reader 1.4k word count genre ୭ explicit
🏷️ : nsfw, fingering, unprotected sex, sudden sex tension, cheating, dildo, exhibitionism, age gap.
🗒️ : oh em gee i love 🫧’s brain…..
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to be frank, you like having jiwoong around but a part of you yearns for him — specifically your lower half.
every time you see him in his tight gym compression shirts, you could feel yourself grow wet at the sight of his arms, wanting jiwoong to throw you around in bed.
that afternoon, jiwoong decided to come over whilst wearing that exact shirt that you loved on him.
you watched as jiwoong and your sister headed upstairs, hand in hand as they giggled away and into her bedroom to do god knows what.
you lied down on the couch with a sigh, trying to ignore the heat between your legs when you remember that jiwoong had worn his favorite compression shirt today.
hours passed and you were lying comfortably in the living room with the lights dimmed to the max. as usual, you thought about jiwoong and how it felt like a sin to think about your sister’s boyfriend in a sexual way.
you were right in your twenties so you thought it was your hormones acting up, trying to forget the fact that you could only cum to the thought of jiwoong fucking you.
you sighed once more when you felt the heat in between your legs, squirming around on the couch as it grew warmer.
“fucking wrong timing.” you groaned when you slip your hand down your skimpy sleeping shorts, fingers immediately landing on your swollen clit.
you sighed in content as you rubbed yourself, index and middle finger slipping in between your folds and into your hole which swallowed your fingers up.
you let out a small moan as you relaxed on the couch, feeling your fingers slip in and out of you. you tried to think about different fantasies that you used to cum to, only to be left feeling aroused rather than horny enough to cum.
you opened your eyes as you fingered yourself, panting as your other hand groped your tit, fingers tweaking at your nipple that poked through your shirt.
you continued to finger yourself, trying to think of something that would make you cum. sighing as it got you nowhere, you took your hand out of you and your shorts and sat up whilst sucking on your own slick when you stood up and headed into your room, fetching a small dildo before you headed back down to the living room.
passing by your sister’s room, you were thankful that you didn’t hear any racy sounds coming from the seams of the room. there were some nights were the two ended up fucking, hearing them through the walls of your bedroom where you were left to touch yourself thinking that it was jiwoong fucking you.
another one you were thankful for is that your parents weren’t home, giving you the opportunity to fuck yourself in the living room.
you plopped yourself down on the couch before lying on your back, hands busy slipping your shorts off before flinging them on the floor. you left your panties dangling on your leg, excited to fuck yourself on the couch.
you licked your dildo, marking it wet with your saliva before you spat on your hand, reaching down to further make your pussy wet.
your hand with the dildo reached down, the tip of the girthy yet short dildo catching on your winking hole.
slowly, you sank the dildo into you, making you sigh as you relaxed further into the couch as the dildo bottomed out inside of you.
you didn’t keep yourself waiting and you started fucking yourself with the dildo as your mind wandered off to the thought of jiwoong and his arms, wanting him to hold you from behind, choking your neck as he fucked you.
“o-oppa…” you sighed as you fucked yourself faster, the soft sound of your hand slapping against your wet pussy filling the living room.
twisting and turning the dildo around inside of you, you let out a sharp gasp when the head hit your spot.
you continued to push it in and out of you whilst jiwoong’s name slipped out of your lips as you fucked yourself.
it went on and on until you sat up and got on your knees, facing the couch as your hand kept the dildo steady underneath you as you rode it, thinking as though you were riding jiwoong.
“oppa, please please make me cum… wanna cum on your cock, please oppa.. god, you’re fucking huge..” you whimpered, imagining that it was jiwoong underneath you.
when jiwoong slipped out of your sister’s arms and room, he didn’t think that he’d see you from the top of the stairs, fucking yourself on the couch.
he contemplated whether to head back into your sister’s room and forget he ever saw you fucking yourself and yet he stayed.
he stayed there, watching you whimper and throw your head back as you frantically chased your orgasm. when you were busy moaning out loud, forgetting your sister and jiwoong were in the house, he quietly descended down the stairs and settled a few steps behind you, leaning against the wall as he watched you bounce on the couch.
he had his eyes fixated on your ass where he could see the dildo disappear in you, riding it repeatedly to the point where your slick was dripping out of you.
“shit shit shit.. ji oppa…” you called out as you bounced.
all of a sudden, a hand rubbed your clit as you rode your dildo, head whipping up to look behind you only to see jiwoong smiling with a glint in his eyes.
“can you cum for me, darling? i’m sure you can, you’ve been fucking yourself at the thought of me since earlier.” he said as he rubbed your clit hardly, helping you near the edge of your orgasm.
“take oppa’s cock, darling. be oppa’s good whore.” jiwoong purred in your ear as you rapidly bounced on your dildo, feeling jiwoong’s upper body press against yours.
“wan’ your cock, wan’ your cock!” you blabbered, eyes brimming with tears as you rode your dildo whilst feeling jiwoong’s hand rubbing your clit.
jiwoong grinned as you bounced in front of him, mindlessly calling out his name as you fucked yourself.
“you want me? huh?” jiwoong asked when suddenly, a cockhead poked into your hole, immediately bottoming inside of you without even waiting for your answer.
you let out a sharp gasp when jiwoong thrusted into you as you bounced on your dildo, feeling full from both dicks.
“don’t stop moving or else i’ll tell on you.” he grunted into your ear when your bouncing started to slow down, feeling way too full.
you whimpered and nodded, still feeling sane enough to be scared at the thought of him telling on you.
“that fucking good huh? am i that good of a fuck for you to go silent after getting stuffed with cock?” jiwoong panted in your ear before you felt him wrap an arm around your neck, pulling you close to him by a chokehold.
your eyes widen as your hand frantically held onto his arm, feeling yourself grow even wetter by the second when you felt jiwoong’s arm around you.
“look at you, darling. growing wet over her sister’s boyfriend, i guess this was what you do behind our backs huh? you fuck yourself at the thought of me?” jiwoong said as he plowed into you, ass bouncing against him as he fucked you from behind.
you couldn’t say any words to reply, only letting out sounds of pleasure as your biggest fantasy fucked you.
“that dumb already, y/n?” jiwoong grunted into your ear as your bounces slowed down, hand pulling out your dildo as you felt full from jiwoong’s length and girth.
you panted in jiwoong’s embrace when he fucked you harder, arm seldomly tightening around your neck when he gets a little lost in your pussy.
“you’re insane, y/n. i didn’t know you wanted me to— fuck, i didn’t know you wanted me to fuck you, would’ve done it before.” jiwoong moaned as his rhythm started breaking up, both arms slowly went to your waist, pulling you close before he stilled inside of you, cumming deep into your pussy which makes you whine and moan his name before you came all over him.
“that’s it, cum for oppa.” jiwoong grunted as you clenched around his dick, cum dripping out of you as you came.
you could feel his lips press against your shoulder, the moment feeling rather intimate. you could feel his arms tighten around you, pressing you down further on his lap.
“just want to fuck you again, darling. i’ll even fuck you right in your bedroom while your sister is fast asleep in her room.”
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undercover-smutlover · 10 months
Captain John Price...🏷️
main masterlist📌
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*·˚Don’t forget to reblog, follow, like, and comment on the authors’ or artists’ pages. Show them some love!
*·˚Broken link or @? Pop a note in the comments or my ask box.
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Works by @miniwheat77
Sweet: Price is harsh on y/n until a mission goes sideways
Sensitive: The only person reader can confide in is her captain
Maneater + Gaz: Reader is a mechanic on base who takes a break with the boys
Give ’em hell Pt.1: Reader and Price are exposed to a weird chemical
Give ’em hell Pt.2: Repercussions of the weird chemical
Red Lipstick: Reader and Price keep one another company
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Works by @captainfern
Lake Of Fire: Price isn’t happy about working with another team
Heart-Shaped Box Pt.1: You help Price feel better
Serve the Servants P.2 + Ghost: The aftermath involving Ghost
Breed: You and Price meet up off base
Marigold Pt.1: Price asks you to meet him upstairs
Marigold Pt.2: Crying becaouse you missed him
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Works by @halcyone-of-the-sea
Songs That Sound Like Sea-Foam: Fisherman Price meets an unexpected person
Our Remains: You are hiding something big from John
Lions and Ibexes: Your voice cuts through and John’s shoulders sag under a non-existent weight.
See No Evil Pt.1 and Origami Boats Pt.2: But you’d been hurt because he had been too late. Nearly bled out. 
I’ll Take the Night Shift: It doesn’t matter what I feel…Where is my John?
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Works by @xyziiix
ARDOUR: He could already hear the pleading edge in your voice
Three Is A Crowd: Well your Captain always liked proving you wrong
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Works by @the-californicationist
He Opens the Mail and Part 2: It was hard to concentrate when he was nearby.
Wonderland: He chuckled, and you enjoyed seeing his eyes shine with his laughter
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Price Eating You Out by @catsnkooks: Too blissed out to notice a guest
Civillian Reader Is Hurt by @lvlyghost: She believed he would save her. And that was enough
Jealous by @stormiwaves: “I like it when you’re jealous”
Angel of Small Death Pt.1 by @whynot-tryit: Price hires a team medic
Not Meant to Be Here, But Glad You Are by @paranoid-borderline-insane: You need to remember all the tips John gave you to survive
Breaking and Entering Pt.1 and Reprieve Pt.2 by @sprout-fics: No place safer in the world than with him
Doll by @blingblong55: It started as innocent stares
No Hero, Just Me by @firsttimewriter92: Price rescues reader from an abduction
Duty Over Heart by @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world: Your lives were forever changed afterwards
Million Dollar Man by @qilinxingg: John gave a satisfied smile as his arms tightened around your small body
Price’s Young Housewife by @moongreenlight: Weekly manicures and pedicures that he’s put his card on file for
My Girls by @bearieio: happy just being able to share moments with your 3 favorite people
Hell on Earth by @ghostlywhiskey: His demeanor and lack of response to your attitude caught you off guard
Designer Dress by @halfmoth-halfman: You can’t think of a better place to start your new life
I Think I Might’ve Inhaled You by @agentmarvel: It eats at him daily, knowing his own indecisiveness is the root of anguish for both of you
Nobody Does It Like You Do by @bunnyreaper: In his embrace, firm and reassuring, you might actually believe him
Spread Your Wings by @crashandlivewrites: “Besides, I find my scene partner enjoys it more when there’s a lot more sensual physical contact involved.”
Mafia!Price x Assistant!Reader by @charliemwrites: In general, you’re like a breath of fresh air. A smiley little charm of colour and delicacy in his world
A Warm Heart by @flowermiist: That clicks in John’s head, it really was you and he was almost amused to say the least.
Soulmate AU Part 1 by @shotmrmiller: your vision distorts with the tears that threaten to spill and bite your bottom lip to stop it from trembling.
To The Flame Pt. 1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4, Pt.5, Pt.6, Pt.7, Pt.8, Moving Day, Afternoon Coffee, Seeing Shadows, A Drink From Her Cup: by @lunarvicar
Dangerous Pursuit by @gloomwitchwrites: The two of you will either close the distance or end this entanglement in blood.
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
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emilbh · 18 days
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bittersweet symphony - the verve / unknown / the civil war - anne sexton / sun bleached flies - ethel cain / unknown / head of a young girl - jean baptiste greuze / @avainblue / sun bleached flies - ethel cain
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miguelswifey04 · 1 year
sweetstuff—webslinger x cowgirl! reader
the webslinger glanced up, his eyes widening at the sight of a stunning cowgirl dressed in a spider-woman suit. he couldn't help but be instantly captivated by her charm and beauty, his heart skipping a beat.
“well, darlin', looks like we've got ourselves a real superhero meetin'. the name's webslinger, and you sure do look mighty fine in that get-up. care for a ride on widow? he’s a trusty steed, just like us."
he extended his hand towards you, a warm smile spreading across his face. his southern drawl added an extra touch to his already captivating charm. “why, sure thing!” you winked at him as you hopped on the back of his precious horse. the webslinger couldn't help but blush at the cowgirl's wink, finding himself even more intrigued by her flirtatious nature. he adjusted his cowboy hat and tightened his grip on the reins as you effortlessly hopped onto the back of widow, settling in behind him. “well now, pardner, looks like we're in for a wild ride. hold on tight, and let's show 'em what a dynamic duo we can be!"
with a swift kick of his cowboy boot, the webslinger urged widow into a gallop, racing across the open plains with the wind rushing through his hair. he couldn't hide his excitement as he swung his lasso, shooting webs that caught onto the surrounding trees and produced a series of thrilling acrobatics.
“yeehaw! ain’t no villain can outpace us, not with this trusty horse and these fancy rope tricks!" the webslinger chuckled, his eyes glinting with mischief as he glanced back at the cowgirl riding behind him. your enthusiasm only fueled his own, and he couldn't help but appreciate her spirit. “damn right!” you said as you held onto his waist.
"feisty and fearless, just the way i like 'em. ain’t no challenge we can't face together."
he continued to maneuver widow through the terrain, seamlessly dodging obstacles and performing daring stunts. his webs shot out in graceful arcs, allowing him to swing from tree to tree with precision.
“i reckon we make quite the team, darlin'. you’ve got the spirit of a true cowgirl, and i ain't afraid to get my hands dirty. so, what do you say? ready to tame the wild west together?"
“yessir, a girl like me is up for a challenge.” the webslinger felt a shiver run down his spine as he felt the cowgirl's hands wrap around his waist, her touch sending a jolt of electricity through him. he couldn't help but let out a low chuckle, his voice full of excitement and anticipation.
“well, ain't you full of surprises, darlin'. hold on tight now, things are about to get a whole lot wilder."with a flick of the reins, the webslinger urged widow to pick up the pace, leading them into a full-blown gallop across the open plains. the wind whipped through their hair as they became a blur against the landscape, their bodies pressed close as they moved as one.
“let’s s ride into the sunset, cowgirl. our adventure has only just begun.
a/n: THIS IS SO CORNY Y’ALL but definitely a teaser bc yes there will be a part 2 :p
🏷️: @kairiscorner
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mamirhodessxox · 4 days
Hey There Delilah (Bonus Chapter)
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Dilf!Cody Rhodes x Fem!OC (Delilah Jones)
Desc: Cody is Celebrating his 39th birthday & Delilah refuses to hear his protests on her getting him any sort of gift but she refuses to listen and takes things into her own hands,
Contents: Fluff, Dilf!Cody, Alcohol (champagne/wine consumption), Smut, Soft Sex, Cockwarming, Cuddle sex, making out, crying, slight overstimulation, slight bottom!cody moment.
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @mini-rollins @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa @kabloswrld @claymoresofinfamy23 @bones-rhodes @cococodysleevlesshoodie @edtomh @ihatecodyrhodes @ayeeitsali @lisatommo28
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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“So if he said no gifts why are you still getting him a gift” Mira questioned over the phone while she sat in her & Randy’s shared living room working on her nails while Delilah huffed in the kitchen over the speaker why she made the babies lunch “Cody likes being the gift giver & I want him to start getting used to get gifts as-well. All I got him so far was a painting of our wedding dance but he deserves more!” Mira scrunched her face and smiled “Easy! Fuck em’ You do it anyways”
Delilah rolled her eyes while watching Matthew & Mirabella play in their playpin while she finished cutting up their food into their regular age appropriate bite sized chunks “Mira C’monn.” The red head grinned over the phone before sighing in relief her nail polish came out perfectly “Go to the mall Delilah, get a little lingerie set in a color he likes you in the most & a little side gift with that.” The blonde girl awkwardly bit her lip before taking the babies to their high chairs & feeding them their lunch “I don’t think that would be a good idea, thats a bit more revealing than I’m used too“ Mira hummed in disagreement “Bullshit, you’ve been full on naked in front of him more than 1000 times right now. How else do you think you got pregnant last year.”
“True. It just seems so..scandalous too me though, with the lingerie getup.” Mira listened intently “Not more scandalous than having out of marriage sex while trying to live up to your religious standards.” Lilah smiled to herself a little bit before checking the time “I’m gonna head out now while he’s still getting Kinsley. I’ll talk to you later.” She had hung up & got the babies in their car seats in her own car before locking up the doors & getting in & driving.
20 minutes after getting to the mall Lilah awkwardly stared at the Victorias Secret store & looking at the comic store right across from it “in & out.” She muttered before pushing the stroller before quickly grabbing a baby pink lingerie set in her size while rushing towards the register. A young woman was pushing charging Delilah while smiling “This is cuute” Lilah smiled back as she paid “Thank you, have a good day.”
Meanwhile hours later Cody & Kinsley were back at the house, The 12 year old sat at the table working on her homework while Cody tidied up a little before becoming bored of the babies & his wife out and about, “Did Lilah ever tell you she had plans today before I took you to school?” Kinsley smiled shrugging to herself “Nope, try calling her pr something.” Around 2 seconds later Lilah huffed as she entered the house with the babies & hiding random shopping bags in the stroller “Home!” Cody approached her pointing towards the bags while giving her a welcoming kiss “Those better not be for me.” She pouted a little bit before setting the babies in the play pen while he followed behind her “Codes we stalked about this..” he hummed in agreement while gently tickling Matthew & Mirabella’s tummies “Mhmm~ we did and I recall me telling you under no circumstances you need to buy me gifts love” Lilah rolled her eyes and patting Kinsley’s back “Did’ya eat dinner yet?” The younger girl nodded to herself while grabbing her homework “ate dinner, I’m gonna be in my room & go to bed.” She nodded with a smile while Cody stood leaning against the kitchen archway with crossed arms “Gorgeous you know how I feel when you get me gifts.” She furrowed her expression while wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her chin on his chest while looking up at him with her sweet little doe eyes “I don’t like it when you don’t get anything in return, Especially on your own day.” He smiled down at her softly before raising her hand up towards his lips to press a kiss against her little fist while she stared at him through her lashes “Can I at least show you after I feed the babies & put them too bed?”
He stared at her briefly before pressing a kiss into her forehead “Do what you need to do love, I’m gonna check up on Pharaoh.” She smiled nodding before taking care of the babies for the next few hours, Bathing them, Feeding them, reading to them, tucking them both into slumber and giving them all of her love while kissing their plump little cheeks before shutting their nursery door, setting his Birthday cake she had to buy in the fridge & setting up the bedroom by putting to drinking glasses filled with champagne on each side of the beside tables before nervously putting on the lace set she bought earlier in the day in front of the mirror.
Cody walked in the room to grab something before diverting all of his attention to his sweet girl whose blonde curls laid delicately on her shoulders “Well aren’t you the sweetest thing.” He hugged her from behind while she curled her lips up slightly before turning her head to see him up close “see? Just wanted to look pretty for you.” He pressed adoring kisses around her face, neck & shoulders “Your already so pretty for me doll, you trying to kill me?” He grinned while nibbling on the nape if her neck before looking around to see the champagne glasses before running his fingers through her hair “All this for me? I must be a deserving man” he teased before sitting on the edge of the bed while Delilah smiled and crawled herself right onto of his lap” “You like it?” He chuckled before rolling them both over and kisses down to her chest & stomach “I love it pretty girl.” He teased while biting at her lace panties & teasing her wet spot “cccodyy..”
Delilah whine while he would tease her lace covered pussy “What is it princess? Hm?” He faked his pout as his lips curled into a smirk, he finally pushed her panties to the side, Cody eventually sat up & undressed himself in front of her, the moment he leaned down her hands grazed down his arms to his stomach “Your so handsome.” She breathed out while the two kissed each other in a partially sloppy manner as he sat her legs up a little bit while his hands ran up her waist “so pretty” his words poured out of his mouth while her hands held his arms “I love you so much.” Delilah sighed out while he pushed himself inside of her in-between her thighs. He burrowed his head in her neck letting out moans every now and then while she was busy keeping quiet and releasing any choked up breaths while kissing his cheek profusely he rolled his hips into hers & lifted his head while forcing her to look back at him “so f-fucking gorgeous.” He whined while she scattered hickeys around his upper body while he continued thrusting into her feeling her pussy clench around him, Cody squeezed his hands into her skin while his head went limp against her chest letting out short whimpers that vibrated against her skin “f-feels so good baby.”
She muttered before he flipped her onto her stomach with her ass held up in-front of him, He thrusted back inside of her and ran his hands down her back and scooping her up against his chest as he continued fucking her “how’re you feeling beautiful” he mumbled into her ear as his hand slid down in-between her legs & toying with her clit as Delilah let out a needy moan & pressing her ass further against him “t-taking my cock so good for me princess” he groaned before halting his thrusts and just kept her sitting on his dick while he teased her clit while she cried & mewled scratching her nails against his arms while her hips buckled upwards while he groaned at the tightened feeling around his dick inside of her. “Babby~..” he shushed her before kissing the shell of her ear before continuing on with his thrusts & eventually cumming deep inside of her & nearly painting her insides white.
She moaned into the pillow as her hips shook once she realized Cody wasn’t planning on stopping for a few more minutes, they both laid on their sides under the blankets while he held her softly & still slowly thrusting in & out of her “f-fuck cody..!” She whined before he pouted against her neck & left soothing kisses against her skin “just a little bit longer sweetheart~” his words staggering as he decided to no longer move at the moment. Delilah’s body went limp against his and straight into his arm. He smiled softly as he rubbed her back “thank you for the birthday g-“ she looked up interrupting him “T-Theres cake for you in the fridge & a big gift bag in the closet from me & the kids.” She whispered while he grinned ear to ear and leaned into their pillows “sweetheart you didn’t have to.” She removed body from his and wrapped around the blankets “go get some cake first & open your gift.” Cody huffed tiredly while getting out of the bed & cleaning them both up before he put on any clothes, he took the next 7 minutes to get then some cake to share in bed, he set the plate on her bed side table for a hot second before going in the closet as she instructed & stood frozen as he looked at the large painting of the twos first dance together at their wedding, he looked down seeing multiple sweet treats that he liked to have as snacks next to the bottoms of the photo.
He walked back into the room & made his way on the bed “It’s beautiful sweetheart.” He spoke to her in a gently tone while she smiled to herself and held a fork with some cake on-top of it “Happy birthday Cody.” She teased while he let out a defeated chuckle as he took the bite of cake.
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@mamirhodessxox’s Masterlist
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gayhoediaz · 4 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NIE!!!! I hope you're having the most amazing day!💕
em!!! thank youuu you’re such a bright light on my dash always mwah 💖💖💖
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alexblakegf · 7 months
I need more hotchniss instagram post possibly an AU where Em is an heiress of something, please? ;) Your account is my comfort and safe place for me <3 thank you!!
(this didn’t turn out how i had it planned because the images in my head didn’t seem to exist so i will make a p.t 2 to this)
Hotchniss instagram posts - heiress
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taglist 🏷️:
@prentissesredtanktop @fanof051 @luhwithah @Dj-bynum3718
be added to my taglist here
send requests and asks here
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officialdaydreamer00 · 10 months
kinda crack and self indulgent, reader is not yuu, gender neutral reader, reader wears an ankle length skirt bc i love long flowy skirts C:
"hey, prefect, what's with the socks?"
to ace and deuce, you, the prefect, are a modest and kind of secretive person. your modesty even extends to your clothes, as you opted to wear pants and long skirts that cover the majority of your skin. you also wear the gloves provided for students.
today, you wore a an ankle length skirt with a pair of mary janes. it was just another normal outfit you would wear, until they saw your socks. one was plain and in a teal colour, the other one was white with mushroom patterns. it wasn't like you to make mistakes so trivial like that.
"oh, this? i was-" you were rather rudely cut off by grim, who was being carried in your arms.
"myahh, those lookalike guys from the shady dorm somehow got henchhuman to wear 'em."
ace and deuce looked at you in concern. "the twins? why would they do that?" "they didn't threaten you or anything, right prefect?"
you only shook your head. "no, they just—"
you sighed, a bit miffed. once again, you were cut off before you could explain. a lanky figure draped himself over your smaller form and wrapped his arms around your waist. the distinct laughter you could practically recognise from anywhere rang in your ears.
"floyd." you greeted curtly, letting out an exasperated sigh. grim let out an annoyed 'myahhh', having been passed to deuce the moment you heard the twins approaching.
floyd only laughed, his arms tightened around you ever so slightly. a chuckle echoed from behind you as jade made his appearance, looking as poised and calm as ever.
"i see you have decided to appease us both."
you sent jade an annoyed side eye. "only because floyd didn't want to wear the mushroom ones."
"awe, lil' shrimpy thinking for good ol' me~" floyd giggled shrilly and squeezed you again, the air out of you lungs. he then picked you up and started to walk away with you hanging over his shoulder like a sack of potato. jade followed right behind as they left with you.
you sent ace and deuce a death stare. "traitors. the lot of you." you mumbled under your breath. another sigh left your mouth, you propped your chin up with your hand against floyd's back.
seven, what have you gotten yourself into?
taglist🏷️ @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @hisui-dreamer @moonlit-midnight @dove-da-birb @cecilebutcher @krenenbaker @ang33333333l @minimallyminnie @siren-serenity @leonistic @red-viewe @thehollowwriter
reblogs are appreciated!
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