#…and where the oxidative system happens
photmath · 2 years
ended up getting a 97.5 on that exam, god I love being a woman in stem
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reality-detective · 2 months
“I gathered all vaccine ingredients into a list and contacted Poison Control. After intros and such, and asking to speak with someone tenured and knowledgeable, this is the gist of that conversation.
Me: My question to you is how are these ingredients categorized? As benign or poison? (I ran a few ingredients, formaldehyde, Tween 80, mercury, aluminum, phenoxyethanol, potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, sorbitol, etc.)
He: Well, that's quite a list... But I'd have to easily say that they're all toxic to humans... Used in fertilizers... Pesticides... To stop the heart... To preserve a dead body... They're registered with us in different categories, but pretty much poisons. Why?
Me: If I were deliberately to feed or inject my child with these ingredients often, as a schedule, obviously I'd put my daughter in harm's way... But what would legally happen to me?
He: Odd question... But you'd likely be charged with criminal negligence... perhaps with intent to kill... and of course child abuse... Your child would be taken away from you... Do you know of someone's who's doing this to their child? This is criminal...
Me: An industry... These are the ingredients used in vaccines... With binding agents to make sure the body won't flush these out... To keep the antibody levels up indefinitely...
The man was beside himself. He asked if I would email him all this information. He wanted to share it with his adult kids who are parents. He was horrified and felt awful he didn't know... his kids are vaccinated and they have health issues...”
~  By  Iris Figueroa
Here are just SOME vaccine ingredients present in routine vaccines:
◾️Formaldehyde/Formalin - Highly toxic systematic poison and carcinogen.
◾️Betapropiolactone - Toxic chemical and carcinogen. May cause death/permanant injury after very short exposure to small quantities. Corrosive chemical.
◾️Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide - May cause damage to the liver, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. May cause reproductive effects and birth defects.
◾️Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and aluminum salts - Neurotoxin. Carries risk for long term brain inflammation/swelling, neurological disorders, autoimmune disease, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism. It penetrates the brain where it persists indefinitely.
◾️Thimerosal (mercury) - Neurotoxin. Induces cellular damage, reduces oxidation-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death. Linked to neurological disorders, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism.
◾️Polysorbate 80 & 20 - Trespasses the Blood-Brain Barrier and carries with it aluminum, thimerosal, and viruses; allowing it to enter the brain.
◾️Glutaraldehyde - Toxic chemical used as a disinfectant for heat sensitive medical equipment.
◾️Fetal Bovine Serum - Harvested from bovine (cow) fetuses taken from pregnant cows before slaughter.
◾️Human Diploid Fibroblast Cells - aborted fetal cells. Foreign DNA has the ability to interact with our own.
◾️African Green Monkey Kidney Cells - Can carry the SV-40 cancer-causing virus that has already tainted about 30 million Americans.
◾️Acetone - Can cause kidney, liver, and nerve damage.
◾️E.Coli - Yes, you read that right.
◾️DNA from porcine (pig) Circovirus type-1
◾️Human embryonic lung cell cultures (from aborted fetuses)
You can view all of these ingredients on the CDCs website: 👇
You are always welcome to do your own research, in fact I encourage you to do so. 🤔
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balkanradfem · 10 months
So, I've decided to start learning biology.
My education left me with only primary school biology knowledge, because I had zero biology lessons in high school, and now I find myself sorely lacking in knowledge. Which is inconvenient, now that I'm sick and have no idea what to do. I didn't know where to start, but my roommate is in high school right now, and I borrowed her biology textbook to get myself started.
The biology textbook was so misinformed and outdated it made me worry for the education system. Not only they didn't update any info from the last 40 years, some of the info was completely wrong. For instance, it claims there's 6 billion people on the planet (there's 8), and that there's 6 empires of all living things (there's 8, and some of the old ones have been renamed and disputed). I learned quickly to fact-check every bit of information on wikipedia, and this is where I found some truly astounding info that I had no idea about.
If you all have learned this in highschool and it's common knowledge, please excuse me, but I am shocked.
One of the first topics the book covers is evolutionary history of the planet, and it explains how blue-green algae were the first historic plants to produce a lot of oxygen, which sounds like a positive development for us, because most of the living things right now thrive on oxygen. But, looking it up wikipedia uncovered that it was in fact, an extinction event. Most of life on earth was at that point, thriving in non-oxygen environment, and the introduction of oxygen killed 85% of all living species on earth. It was a huge disaster that happened! It's called 'Great Oxidation Event', or the 'Oxygen Catastrophe'.
But that's not all, I found out that it was not only that which destroyed almost all life on earth, but there's been 5 different events in the history that destroyed close to 80% of all species on the planet, and for some of them we don't even know why. We only found proof that lots of species disappeared at all times and the dominant species on the planet rapidly changed, but no idea why, for some of them it's assumed it has to do with volcanoes or ice, and of them that is well known is the meteor, that ended the big dinosaurs.
I never realized how much of evolution was destruction and then starting over, this was shocking to me. It was also fascinating, I found myself following links and learning more about extinction events, also that we're currently in the extinction event caused by humans who are driving lots of species into extinction by taking over their habitats, which made me sad.
At this point I started reading other, biology-related materials, for example, I read a book named 'What an Owl Knows', which is written by Jennifer Ackerman, an owl scientist who studied owls her entire life; now I know more about owls. I also started listening to an audio book about the ocean, and this one proved to be very difficult to follow, but I'll tell you what I learned from both.
The owl book was charming, I found out that owls are the most quiet, soundless birds when they fly, because their wings and feathers are the biggest part of their bodies. This is how they manage to swoop up prey without anyone hearing a single flap. They're also very silent and subtle. Unless you're studying owls, you won't be able to tell if the owl is startled, or scared, because she will sit very still and not give you any clues. Smaller owls can go into their 'freeze' response easily if they're being hunted, because their instinct is to be still and not move when in danger! It can make you feel like the owl is not scared, since she's not moving, but she is most likely not comfortable if anyone is approaching her.
Owls have similar faces to our faces, and they're very charismatic to us; this is why baby owls, and injured owls in human care, can sometimes imprint on humans. This is bad news for the owls, because once it happens, they can never again be released into the wild, they'll either never learn to hunt, or they'll act towards humans, like they do to other owls - brawling, attacking, aggressive, territorial. Even if they really like us, they will keep acting like we're other owl, not a different species. They see us similarly to how we see them.
One of the best information I've learned, is that in Serbia, there's the biggest gathering of owls of all species, there can be more than 300 owls in one place at the time. The reason for this is common use of old-fashined methods of harvesting grains, which leaves a lot of leftover corn and wheat on the ground, attracting mice, rats, and other small rodents, which creates a great food source for owls. Serbian farmers don't use rodenticide, so owls don't get poisoned. Owls so beloved and appreciated there, that they have an owl festival every year, and the whole month of november is called 'Sovember', because owl in serbian is 'sova'. I never knew about this, even though it's my neighbour country! I looked this up, and I found a website for the international owl festival, but I couldn't find any more info. I would appreciate it so much if any serbian followers could write me about this and tell me their experiences with it, I've never wanted to visit Serbia more!
The book contains information about owls used in Harry Potter movies, including the names of the owls, as well as discussing how the books made owls popular, and how it made people want them as pets. Owls do not make good pets, because they're predators and will destroy things and be very difficult to care for, but the book encourages readers to find the local owls and keep them safe, to leave old trees with holes in them standing, so the owls could nest in them, or to hang up baskets that can also be used as nests. It was a lovely, charming book and I recommend it to anyone who wants to know more about owls.
The ocean book is named 'How the Ocean Works', by Helen Czerski, and I haven't finished yet, but it opened up a lot of questions for me. The funniest part of it was the breakup of what people used to think about the ocean; apparently before research, people assumed that the sea is salty because it's been left in the sun for too long, and that's just what you get from sun exposure, they believed that deep down it was not salty anymore. They also believed that the sea water cannot go putrid if left standing. It took a scientist checking this to confirm it was not true; sea water did go putrid left in a bucket in the sun, and non-salty water did not turn salty when left in the sun for months. It was interesting to know that for the longest time, people didn't realize it was the salt in the sea that made it salty, I then wondered how they got salt, and it turns out they just got it from the salt mines, which are leftover from the long-dried up seas.
Now new information that I didn't know, was that the salinity is different between the oceans, the Atlantic is saltier than the rest. The book also explained about how the salt is connected to the currents, and to the movements of the sea, and also changes the density of the water. One thing that had me taken aback was that the ocean waves are not only caused by the wind, but the water is reacting to earth's rotation, and this rotation is constantly moving the water. It feels like the ocean is being pulled both by the earth and the moon, constantly being driven by planetary forces, which is interesting, because it's difficult to tell that just by looking.
The book calls ocean the 'blue machine', because it's always moving, and filled with energy. Sun is always warming up the surface, making it a great reservoir of solar energy, and the book goes on about how it's possible to harvest this energy, using hot water, and cold water, apparently there's already buildings being cooled down by the ocean power, but I never managed to figure out how! I tried looking it up, and also found nothing. I wish the book explained the physics of it, so that I could try it out, it's a great thing to be able to get power jut by using hot and cold water, and the water is already heated by the sun, while you can get cold water from the bottom of the sea.
I think I might understand this book better if I read it, rather than listening to the audiobook, which as you can see, just has me puzzled because I do not catch details. Still I wanted to share my new learnings, and ask if anyone can tell me more, or if this is all knowledge that people who had biology in high school already have. I'm having a great time learning, especially because I can just divert in any direction that has my interest, and I can seek out information that gives me useful, practical knowledge. Wish all learning processes could be free and inspired like this!
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bodyalive · 3 months
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How to Shift the Body into the Parasympathetic Side of the Nervous System
Breathing out and holding out or pausing at the bottom of the breath amplifies the body's natural production of Nitric Oxide, a vasodilator that expands the porosity of our vascular system. During Covid, researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital found that Nitric Oxide improved respiratory permeability & bronchodilation. (They were not looking for the vasodilation effects but I’m sure that must have been happening too.) I first learned about breath holding out from Rosealba Courtney DO Lac from Australia, who used it to test Eucapnic metabolic health, the O2/CO2 exchange rate in the lungs. This was a contributing factor to asthma and sleep apnea and restricted breathing exercises could be used to cure asthma. Then I encountered this again studying at the beginning level with Lois Laynee. She had adopted a practice of Breathing out while humming to increase Nitric Oxide and Vasodilation and used it to calm the nervous system. One of the key actions to making the shift was swallowing at the bottom of the breath before inhaling again.
Signs that the parasympathetic nervous system is coming back online in the body:
+Spontaneous swallowing. When we are in a state of shock, our mouth dries up, we don’t produce saliva (neither are we producing digestive enzymes), and in order to swallow our food we need to drink something. Eating when in a state of stress, you can’t digest your food.
+Intestinal gurgles and rumbles. Have you noticed that when a client begins to relax that their organs and intestines begin to gurgle? As the parasympathetic wakes up, the viscera wake up.
+Yawning. Did you know you can make yourself yawn simply by rubbing your jaw muscles vigorously with your fingers and opening your mouth wide anticipating/expecting to yawn. Fake it til you make it.
Putting these two things together has enabled me to work effectively with shifting people out of long Covid symptoms. It has become my conviction that breathing dis-regulation is the metabolic habit that locks our nervous system into the Sympathetic side of the CNS where natural healing and self regeneration cannot happen due to the ‘emergency’ metabolism associated with the fight for survival.
[Thanks Jocelyn Olivier and Neuromuscular Reprogramming]
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script-a-world · 1 month
Submitted via Google Form, Follow Up:
Some clarifications about the various human races question. (https://scriptaworld.wordpress.com/2024/04/01/submitted-via-google-form-where-do-various-human-races-come-from-when-building-a-sci-fi-story/) First of all, my story is sci-fi mainly because it takes place over a dozen planets over multiple solar systems in a universe I've created from scratch. All the humanoid species started from the same ancestors and spread over the universe in the distant past due to outside interference and had parallel evolution. But the creation of racial traits is microevolution due to local environment unchanging and people not mingling. How do I build all these various things across planets. On earth, we know how race evolved and where people have been and are still discovering connections. But I'm creating entirely new planets and new but habitable terrain. So.. microevolution will likely not be the same across different planets. How can I create such variations? How similar will these microevolutions on different planets? How do I make the terrain and microevolution match up with history on those particular planets? Racial dynamics are even more fluid and are not caused by evolution at all, it's just society itself. Also because the history will be completely different than real life... that will completely change what kind of racial dynamics that might be possible. Such variations will however, be rather important for identification however... race also the the result of how to give these variations names that will help distinguish someone from others. Regardless of any solving of societal issues arising from such tension, when people share or don't share microevolution traits - it is a distinguisher.
Tex: People on Earth look like people from Earth. Presumably people from Venus will look like they’re from Venus, so on and so forth. No matter how large a planet is - and planets are very, very large - there will still be baseline environmental factors at play, such as a planet’s magnetosphere and atmospheric gas composition. There might be a few degrees difference in particular nice environments, but it’s not generally large enough to produce entirely different species unless you’re keen on segregation.
To pull from my extant example, would someone from southern Venus look noticeable different from someone on northern Venus? What about a Venusian living at a higher elevation than another Venusian living at a lower elevation? This would likely introduce some genetic drifts if the societies in different areas only reproduced with their neighbors, yes? Would they all still be people from Venus? Also yes. From an outside perspective, you would likely be able to distinguish the commonalities that make it a singular race.
Addy: If you’re looking at microevolution, I’d say to look at Earth for some ideas. Extreme changes, like gills or tails, probably won’t happen - they’d take significant amounts of restructuring in the body to get to that point. But smaller changes are totally doable. Maybe some people can hold their breath underwater for significant periods of time due to enlarged spleens* and changes in their blood. Maybe you’ve got people adapted to planets with thinner atmospheres, with traits like what you’d find in high-altitude populations –  more nitric oxide in the blood, better energy reserve molecules, more efficient red blood cells, and/or more efficient lungs (such as IRL Sherpas or Andean people). Gravity/climate differences - how do heights vary? Maybe some people are average tall (like Danish people, who average ~5'6" for women and ~5'11" for men) or average short (like Himalayan people, who average ~5' for women and ~5'4" for men). Arm length, general disorders (thalassemia, for example, helps provide resistance to malaria), muscle insertion (tradeoff between strength and finesse)... you’ve got a lot of flexibility for different traits.
* While the IRL Bajau people can hold their breath impressively long (3-5 minutes), there’s a common figure floating around that claims 13 minutes. One of the men being interviewed claimed he could hold his breath for up to that long in his youth, but I have seen no confirmation of anything like that.
If you’re looking for ideas on how to get terrains and traits for those terrains, think about the problems that could arise from a given environment. Lower gravity means thinner atmosphere, for one, but also means less pressure on joints and fewer demands on bone and cartilage. Dark vs bright planet, how do eyes change for that (blue-eyed people actually have better night vision than dark-eyed people, but can have light sensitivity issues during the day)? Humidity, climate, all kinds of things. Play around with it.
And racial dynamics… don’t forget that things as simple as accents can absolutely change how people perceive in-group vs out-group behavior. 
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drstonetrivia · 9 months
Chapter 222 Trivia (Part 1)
Fun fact: this chapter is from issue #2 of WSJ's 2022 collection!
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The Apollo mission had spacesuits tailor-made to each astronaut, but these days it's easier to use interchangeable parts and switch them out according to the size of the wearer, rather than having the whole suit fitted.
However, the gloves are always custom-sized for dexterity.
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Vinyl fabric doesn't seem to have ever been used as part of a spacesuit, however spandex and nylon have, especially in the inner layers.
Outer layers include Teflon, Kevlar, and aluminized Mylar.
It's possible that rather than being used for the fabric, the vinyl is used for the suit's interior cooling tube system, and the aluminum is used for the Mylar rather than for the exterior metal parts, as pure aluminum is easily scratched.
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You probably recognize this panel from the end of chapter 219. The only difference is Ryusui's head has been swapped with Stanley's.
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Japanese doesn't have a "V" sound, which is why Chrome says "by" rather than "vi" or "vy".
Generally English words used in Japanese make this switch, for example "violin" becoming "baiorin" due to the lacking of "V" and "L" sounds.
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This building may be where they're assembling the SENKU 11 rocket, however in this first panel it appears completed, but in later ones it's still under construction.
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The PS5 was first announced in April 2019, and released November 2020. First images of the console were revealed on June 11th 2020.
The first global petrification happened in June 2019, so this person would know about the console but not known what it was meant to look like.
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The robot maid request is most likely a reference to "Me and Roboco", another manga currently being published in Weekly Shonen Jump alongside Dr. Stone. It's a comedy series that follows a powerful-but-clumsy maid robot in a grade schooler's service.
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(Later, Me and Roboco came out with a Dr. Stone parody for the 15th volume cover)
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The vacuum tubes are back in the form of cavity magnetrons. These produce the microwaves that bounce around the microwaves' interior body.
The cooking effect was first discovered in 1945 when Percy Spencer noticed a candy bar had melted in his pocket after testing magnetrons.
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Plastic wrap is vinyl that has been flattened to between 8-12 μm thick, (approximately 0.001 cm). For context, this is about as thick as a spider's web or the size of a droplet of water in fog.
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The film Senku makes here is cellulose triacetate film, which is less flammable than earlier celluloid film, earning it the nickname "safety film".
The 8 mm part is the width of the film strip.
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Unlike reusable hand-warmers that use supersaturated sodium acetate, these are one-time use and rely on oxidation to create heat. Once the packaging is opened, air penetrates the bag, oxidizing the iron. Vermiculite is added to remove moisture & salt is added as a catalyst.
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Chrome's design wouldn't work properly because he uses iron sand rather than iron powder. Iron sand is mostly magnetite, which is already an iron oxide and thus won't have the oxidation reaction or create heat.
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The fridge (or maybe mini wine cellar/fridge?) design is a parody of Smeg, a kitchen appliance brand.
You can also see the Senku-brand PlayStation, robot maid, and protein powder.
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(Next part)
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learnyouabiology · 2 years
Fun fact: Wood Frogs Survive Icy Winters via Frog-sicle status
The wood frog, Rana sylvatica, is scientifically referred to as “iconic” (source: Costanzo 2019). 
The reason they are iconic is because they are famously able to freeze into a literal block of ice in the winter, remain frozen all season long, and then thaw out in the spring without any of the expected dying of cold! Incredible!
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(you can recognise a wood frog by they lil mask by its eyes! Naturalists call it a raccoon mask, and honestly, 10/10 excellent raccoon disguise, completely indistinguishable)
I’ve known about this for years, because I spent a not-insignificant part of my childhood OBSESSED with frogs, but even 8-year-old me didn’t know that these frogs live north of the arctic circle. 
That’s right! They live in Alaska! Where winter lasts more than seven months.
Wood frogs are actually the only amphibian in North America to live this far north. (there are a few species in Eurasia but THIS ISN’T ABOUT THEM 😉 source: x). 
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(I’m not saying Ohio wood frog are wimpy, but I AM calling them “““““delicate”””””. Image from Costanza 2019)
As winter approaches, wood frogs create little furrows in the forest floor, just big enough for them to wedge themselves into, and cover themselves with fallen leaves and other forest detritus (Costanza 2019). They then settle into their little shelter and begin to go through what I assume is a traumatizing experience.
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(she loves a good furrow)
The furrow provides a small amount of insulation from the outside air, but even inside their shelter, it can get pretty cold. 
In fact, wood frogs can survive temperatures as low as -16°C (3°F for the people who use the other system). 
Generally, if you are a water-based organism, being exposed to temperatures so far below the freezing point is... bad. And if the water inside of a water-based organism freezes? That is Extra Bad.
Luckily, wood frogs have a foolproof way to stay safe: they are absolutely FULL of sugar and urine. 
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(I would have said “piss and vinegar” but the vinegar part is technically untrue 😔)
Specifically, the frog increases the concentration of urea in their body tissues before winter sets in. Urea, which is what urine is made of in humans, is commonly used by amphibians to protect themselves from losing too much water to the environment (Costanza 2019). However, wood frogs take it to the Extreme. 
Additionally, as the frog begins to freeze, the liver begins to break down the glycogen stores that had been built up in advance, releasing high concentrations of glucose (aka sugar) into the bloodstream of the frog, (Costanza 2019).
By changing the properties of the internal fluid, the urea and glucose protect the frog’s cells from being damaged by ice, protecting various internal structures and even helping to regulate their metabolism (Costanza 2019). 
(there’s also some stuff with nitric oxide and membrane adaptation but it’s A Lot and if you’re interested I recommend Constanza 2019. see bottom of post for references!)
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(frog: *is flat and frozen*)
While frozen, the frog doesn’t need to eat, or even to breathe, because their metabolism is comes to a near-standstill. Their heart stops beating, and they can survive having up to 70% of it’s body fluids completely frozen (Costanza 2019).
There’s still a little bit of metabolic activity happening, just to keep the frog alive, but this allows the frog to live for months while frozen (nearly) solid until the spring melt comes! 
The frog will generally stay in its little burrow for a few hours as it thaws, presumably processing the trauma of what just happened (also making a few physiological changes to survive the transition from ice cube to frog, I guess), before heading outside to immediately reproduce with the snowmelt.
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(a photo of bliss)
This has been fun fact friday!
Hey y’all! As winter turns to spring, I wanted to do a little series of how animals survive cold, snowy winters when they are unable to migrate. Today was a frozen frog, and next I’ll talk about how turtles survive under the ice all winter long!
Stay tuned!
References under the read more
Smithsonian channel (2015) Frogsicles: Frozen but still alive. https://youtu.be/pLPeehsXAr4
Costanzo, J. P. (2019). Overwintering adaptations and extreme freeze tolerance in a subarctic population of the wood frog, Rana sylvatica. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 189(1), 1-15. doi: 10.1007/s00360-018-1189-7
Kuzmin, S.L & Tessier, D.F. (2013) Amphibians and reptiles. In: Arctic Biodiversity Assessment 2013  http://www.arcticbiodiversity.is/index.php/the-report/chapters/amphibians-and-reptiles
Layne Jr, J. R., & First, M. C. (1991). Resumption of physiological functions in the wood frog (Rana sylvatica) after freezing. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 261(1), R134-R137.
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hey-hamlet · 1 year
can you share your theory on the premature aging please i am really interested
Ok so! This is gonna be kinda nerdy - jargon translations at the bottom.
One of my 'how quirks work genetically' theories is that the quirk virus made germline mutations way more common - tanking the fertility rate bc some of the mutations were incompatible with life, but a a lot of those other mutations led to weird hair, skin and eye colours along with quirks. In real life viruses don't do this directly, some but can incorporate themselves into genomes in fragile places that can, indirectly, increase mutation rates. Also in real life these mutations just give you cancer, but anyway.
Another driver of mutation is stress - like real actual 'my life is a mess' stress, but specifically in this case I'm talking about oxidative stress - this can be caused via aforementioned real actual stress, lifestyle problems, immune system responses, etc. Normal metabolism also induces oxidative stress - OFA uses a *lot* of energy - even if it isn't all from calories, it's still got to be used like ATP!
Basically, you get OFA, and a quirk? Your body is mutation central.
Now you may be thinking - hang on, didn't you just say that all those mutations give you cancer? Where is the aging coming in? And honestly fair enough. Oxidative damage is believed to play some part in aging, but not the main part and it wouldn't explain why being quirkless protects you from it.
The answer is lamins - the weird part of the cell you never think about. Lamins are proteins that form a sort of mesh that keeps your cell nuclei nice and round, allowing for easy cell division and nice neat DNA organisation. Progeria is a rare disease caused by a single nucleotide mutation in the gene coding for the processing of lamins, causing them to fold incorrectly, leading to misshapen nuclei. The symptoms of this disease can be simplified to fatal accelerated and premature aging. These lamins and the associated abnormal nuclei can also be found in, unsurprisingly, the elderly (well, in everyone, but the quantity goes up with age).
This disease is typically a germline cell mutation itself, but now we get to play with the quirk virus (and also fudge genetics a touch). If the quirk virus inserted itself near the lamin gene, the chances of mutation are boosted - now, normally those mutated cells would just get cleared away by the immune system and everyone is happy. But, factor in the massive amounts of oxidative stress OFA causes on the already fragile region of DNA and we start accumulating these mutations in the lamin genes all over the place, causing that rapid and fatal aging seen in OFA wielders that have quirks.
jargon translations: germline mutation: mutation within germ cells - egg or sperm - that can pass on to your children. oxidative stress: you know how oxygen rusts metal? wild over simplification, but something a lot like that happens inside you. antioxidants (eaten and produced by the body) are 'easier to rust' and use up all of the reactive oxygen to keep your cells safe. ATP: adenosine triphosphate - the food you eat eventually ends up as this through a long and convoluted collection of pathways, and its the way your cells can actually make use of it. nucleotide: one of the 4 letters your DNA is made up of - in its simplest form, your DNA is just two matching strands made up of a bunch of these letters which your body reads like a computer reads binary code.
sources: i'm not citing them because i do enough of that in university, but studies, my course content and also wikipedia because sometimes you just need to make sure something you though you knew was right or not. you also do not actually need to trust me because this is just a fan theory about an anime, it just needs to sound good. to my knowledge i'm correct though, but have wildly over simplified a lot
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missingcarrion · 4 months
Carrion ch 12 watcher
Taglost @tapioca-milktea1978 @neapolitantoebeans
Note: sorry y'all lmao
Lights flash red, decorating the white walls in dread and discomfort. Shepherd isn’t sure where everyone is gone, but he steps over puddles of red, sticky and metallic in feeling and smell. Something is terribly wrong and Shepherd looks around, trying to scan for lifeforms, but he finds little, and only distant heat signatures, flailing about between dozens of walls ping his systems. He needs to find Hannah and Aasimar – he needs to make sure they’re okay.
There are distant screams, far deeper into the compound than he’s ever gone, and explosions from levels beneath his feet. Explosions hadn’t been part of the plan, none of this had been. It was supposed to be a relatively quick and easy escape. Get in, distract the compound’s security, get out. But nothing had gone right, Aasimar was caught trying to sabotage a coworker, Hannah had gone radio silent.
“Aasimar?” Shepherd calls out, stumbling through debris as the hall around him crumbles to the ground.
Something clatters and he sees someone stumble out of room. They collapse against the rubble, back pressed against the wall. The person raises their arm and in their hands is a gun, they fire – something thuds in the next room over.
“Aasimar?” Shepherd repeats, and he shuffles forward.
“S – Shep…?” The person’s voice warbles and he realizes it’s Aasimar. “What are you… you were waiting?”
Shepherd eyes him, eyes drifting to the room he’d fallen out of, to the body he’d shot. “Aasimar what did you do?”
There’s a wince, a whimper, a sound of defeat and resignation. “I – I…”
Blood pools from Aasimar’s leg, and he winces. Aasimar’s body is worn, exhausted and his eyes are big and panicked.
“Aasimar, what did you do?” His eyes shift, trailing the blotches of blood that lead away from Aasimar, and into the room he’d stumbled out of. A warbled cry leaves Aasi’s lips, in protest, as if trying to keep Shepherd from going in there.
“Y – You don’t understand… she was gonna…” He whimpers and curls within himself. He reaches for Shepherd.
A body lies in the midst of the debris, blood pooling around their body. The red begins to oxidize the longer it sits there, staining the ground beneath them. The body is familiar, someone he knew, and get the memories are fading. Who had this person been? Shepherd turns to Aasimar, chest full of a sense of betrayal.
“What did you do?” He asks again, and this time he sees Aasimar’s mouth open in reply.
“She betrayed us.” A solemn reply that sees Aasimar hobbling to his feet. “We need to get out of here, fast.”
I’m“Y – You killed her,” he murmurs, and then glanced back at the body, “I don’t remember…. You killed her and erased my memory of her…. Didn’t you?”
“I thought…. I thought it would be for the best, Shep, she… she told everyone. You weren’t going to be erased. They would’ve turned you into a prisoner in your own body and they would’ve made you kill me, they would’ve made you kill every person who ever stood against them.”
Shepherd’s fists clench, anger boils within him. “You. It’s always going to trace back to you. Always about you.”
“W – what? No… I’d… I never meant…” Aasimar hisses and stumbles backwards against the wall. His chest trembles. “Shepherd?”
It happens before he really has to think about it – hand curling around Aasimar’s leg, fingers squeezing tight into the torn flesh. The cries that leave his lips are pitiful and yet he only stops once he deems it fair, and he pulls away with a simple warning, “do not follow me.”
He doesn’t feel like Shepherd. He feels like someone entirely new, someone full of hate. For Aasimar, for the Institute, for everything. But Aasimar is selfish, and his selfishness will have cost him everything.
“S – Shep, p – please,” he whimpers, “I – I’m sorry, p – please don’t leave m – me here!”
Shepherd pauses, some part of him wants to pick him up and run for it, but he can hear the sounds of footfalls – Institute Rats running to find the culprits – to find them. Aasimar is a pitiful sight when Shepherd turns to look at him – tears and blood staining his flesh, but he doesn’t turn back. He can’t. Aasimar has treated him like the Institute had, and Shepherd can’t forgive him for it.
“You don’t get to call me that,” he hisses, “you’re no better than they are, Aasimar. You should get out of here before they find you.”
Shepherd hears nothing in protest from the man, from the doctor who hardly feels like anything but a man with a fancy paper. They were both nothing.
He runs, hoping to make it out before they find him, but agonized screams from behind him make him uncertain of his safety until he reaches the doors they had all planned on going through together. He pauses then, only for a moment, before he escapes into the cold, night air, under the stars he had longed so desperately to see.
Death was not peaceful. He could feel the rushing of water, except it stained everything red. He could feel his body weakening until even his heart could not support him. He feels the air leave his lungs, the gasp that leaves his body. And all he has to show for it is blood on the pavement of an alley.
He had it all, did he not? He had the world in the palm of his hands and yet he had lost it all. He had left safety for some temporary haven. It was all temporary.
Flesh torn from muscle, from sinew and bone. Meat for the murder of crows, hungry and barking for his final breath. He longs to feed them, some sort of punishment for his failures. An apology to the gods that had abandoned him long ago.
It’s the nothing that hurt the most, what they didn’t do to him that left the most damage. The silence between wounds hurts connects his sinews, raw and red and bleeding. He mourns the person he would’ve been.
His chest rattles, and a wheeze escapes his lips when something presses harsh against his chest. Voices warble around him, until there’s nothing but silence and darkness. It’s… over.
Blood bubbles from between his lips, coagulating against his flesh, drying in horrid streaks as he lays about, forgotten.
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mintytrifecta · 1 year
Okay. Okay. So. I’ve seen you tag so many posts with code name:Lenore and for the longest time I thought it was a piece of media I just happened to not have heard of, but somewhat recently I remembering you saying it was your original project and jfjddkdkdk okay pls do not feel pressured to answer if you don’t feel like it or anything but if you would like to share I’m asking, I’m asking SO LOUDLY about it cuz the little context clues I think I have picked up the vibes make it sound SO NEAT so yeah if you would like to share anything about it I would love to hear :3
SO Codename: Lenore is a hypothetical novel I'm developing!!! Right now I'm just in like the plot development and worldbuilding stage so the story isn't fully concrete ^^; HOWEVER I DO HAVE SOME LORE >:DDD AND ITS GOING UNDER THE READ MORE CAUSE I HAVE. A LOT. SSNSGHND
Lenore is a robot built of embossed brass that's long been oxidized who wakes up in an unknown era in an unknown, tiny spaceship with only one universal truth present in her head.
She has a mission to find and record every folktale she can, before time runs out.
She doesn't know why, or how, or where this idea came from, nor does she know why time is running, but she knows she has to do it.
It's lonely, at first. Every planet she visits locally in her crumbling ship seems... empty. Devoid of any life. She spends who knows how long going to whatever area of a planet seems the least in ruins and tries to grab whatever she can but there's not much. There's barely one full legend anywhere and everything she finds she has to fill the blanks in. Although, a lot of them do seem to have the running theme of light in them. Light and grief and storms and anguish and so much pain with no real explanation.
It's only after she finds this pattern that Lenore notices the space around her is just as desolate as the planets she visits. Barely any starlight around and what little does show up is red and flicker. Finding this out, Lenore goes to a nearby star to investigate, one that barely has any shine to it.
As soon as she gets close enough it explodes and sends her unconscious and flying back who knows how far.
Next thing she knows Lenore wakes up on an unfamiliar ship with three people staring at her waiting for her to wake up.
Lenore is, understandably wigged out.
But they smile at her anyway and introduce themselves as the Lightspeeds!! A group of Star Hunters and Speedship racers who've been tracking the stars in this piece of space.
The "leader" of their group is the speedship racing pilot herself and head of navigation is Mairin!! Hothead, spirited and quick to make friends but prone to impulse. She welcomes Lenore to their ship with open arms, exclaiming how relieved she is Lenore is alright.
The engineer and head Mairin's partner lurking off to the corner is Khyun. He's closed off and cool but not neccesarily snappy. He's the one who got Lenore back up and running, claiming that they're lucky he likes history as much as he does, or else he wouldn't have recognized any of how Lenore's systems work.
Lastly, the botanist and head of oxygen and survival resources is Elise. She smiles, claiming she's the one who found Lenore's ship careening out at insane speeds and got everyone to help rescue her.
They explain that as Star Hunters, their mission is to find, record and track live stars and ghosts in the universe so that anyone else who's ship-born knows where's safe to stay for a while and what volatile spaces to avoid.
Speedship racers are a bit of a niche sport/subculture for Star Hunters. They compete in laps around stars of different sizes to see who has the fastest and smoothest ship and he winner gets to claim the biggest star found for their Star Hunter team and put it on the map under their name. To enter a speedship race you have to fill a certain quota of living stars found around a specific area and chart them under the name of your team. In this case, the Lightspeeds.
After a bit of talking they strike a deal with her. Lenore gets to help them find stars and work during their races and in return they help her search for folklore on any system-stars they come across.
A while passes and Lenore's officially a member of the Lightspeeds and she's building up a considerable portfolio of folklore. They haven't stopped though, with the theme of grief and stars, which is kind of suspicous to Lenore. They've traveled pretty far from where she was originally at and she gets that similair themes can occur in different cultures, but this is way too often to be mere coincidence.
Then it hits.
The stars are dying. They're dissapearing faster and faster than they can keep track of. The universe is collapsing in on itself with barely any time to preserve everything that's still here.
Lenore and the rest of the Lightspeeds have their work cut out for them.
That's the synopsis and a little bit of the plot I guess gshsnsn I've got more but if I kept going this would be too long so uuuh I'll leave it at this:
In the story there's a lot of themes and allegories to ghosts. Pretty much everyone in the story is haunting or is haunted in one way or another, narratively or not. With all the stars dying, their light still remains, all the planets are gone but stories they've made get to live on, Lenore is a robot, built and decorated with a story so personal to a society long, long gone. Isn't that a ghost?
Well yeah there's metaphorical ghosts but there are also literal ones >:))
See, sometimes when a dying star sends out a solar flare or explodes in a supernova, it'll reach people living on nearby planets. Caught in that light, they die, but their bodies last second absorb that light and essentially become it. Living afterimages of the people they were made out of pure light. They keep "living" for ages after, holding onto themselves as much as possible, but it doesn't always last.
If you're made of light, it's easy to forget what it was like when you were more then that. It's easy to lose memory. Lose shape.
As time goes on it's harder and harder to keep a solid form and idea of who you are. As this happens, as you slowly fade, your light... shifts. Less solid, blue glows become yellow. Slightly transparent and with some strange shifts of appearance, sure, but you're still fine. The real danger starts when you begin to shift red.
Closer to red means closer to dead. You begin to become transparent, unable to be seen under harsh colored lights. Your memory isn't what it used to be and now that you can barely see yourself its hard to hold shape.
Thank goodness none of our cast is that right :)) Thank goodness nobody in the Lightspeeds is hiding this in any kind of shift from yellow to red right :)))))) We certaintly wouldn't want our resident botanist to be hiding something like that from their friends right :))))))) Wouldn't want our resident folklorist android being an amnesiac of one, her creator, stuck in a metal shell with no way of knowing what she really looked like and who she was before she was :))))))))) Wouldn't want a group hellbent on desperate survival and worship of gravity and black holes to force people into becoming those to praise the gravity of a singularity and turn into light as a way to live as one with a decaying universe :)))))))))))))))
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neuroglitch · 1 year
So I had the colonoscopy today. It was altogether very anticlimactic. Not only was the cleansing a walk in the park, the procedure itself was pretty gentle too. Getting the drop in my hand was honestly the worst part to me.
As far as their findings go, I have something called diverticulosis(?) which occasionally becomes diverticulitis(?). This phenomenon might be referred to as diverticular disease(?).
Physiologically diverticulosis is basically when small pouches, or sacs, form and push outward through weak spots in the wall of your colon. And then it can get inflamed and even infected and need antibiotics which is what happened when I got sent to the hospital.. and other complications... (?)
The people at the hospital were surprised saying how usually they only see this to this degree in people at least twice my age. So yay. My colon looks older than it is. Maybe it's the price I pay for my outwardly youthful appearance..
It's usually seen in older people who don't eat much fiber.. Since I'm not that old, and I eat normal amounts of fiber, the running theory is that it's caused by some level of chronic constipation. This is a suprise to me, who goes to the toilet with diarrhea at an average of 5 times a day. However, these are not in fact mutually exclusive items, as there can be obstructions further up in the system which cause only runny poop to be able to pass through.
I've been instructed to eat magnesium oxide every night for the rest of my life, which is a mild laxative. So I reeaaaally hope that their running theory is correct, in which case the laxative might ironically cause me to have less runny poop..
They said the diverticulosis can't have been there all along, it gets worse over time, and can be the cause of some of the more dramatic symptoms I'm having, but it has also come as a result of the ~weirdness~ of my gastro intestinal health since forever.
They didn't spell it out but I guess that in other words it's a complication of IBS....?
The funniest part of the thing was that, since I was awake they showed me the inside of my colon and explained about the issues and showed me the "sacs" etc. And then they were done so they started pulling out the thing. And I'm just dazedly casually looking at them racing out the colon. Until plop and then it's just like. My ass. On the big screen.
It was like funny in the way that surprises can be funny. I just. I was kinda drugged and I kinda forgot where the access point was... XD
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moonlit-trolls · 2 years
So, what exactly do you do for a living, Mousie?
[Docs for your sake]
—Hello I am Janett with The Empress’ Daily. We interrupt your normal daily broadcast to cover the most recent news that happened. We find ourselves in the scene of one of the largest bank robberies in the history of the north-west side of alternia. There was a bomb threat sent out to the Local Bank Seventy miles from here and the fleet were on high alert at the location of the bomb threat, Location was evacuated and all they ended up finding was a Briefcase with a Confetti and Glitter Bomb Inside, That had a decorative Cheese wheel as well as the word “Mouse’s got your tongue” with what seems to be an online communications Emoticon of someone Smiling.
    Currently we find ourselves in the general bank of the Northern East Side of the City, Where an Explosion alerted the people inside, Furthermore it seems like it was not an actual explosion but a sound coming from a machine able to do an extremely loud Booming sound without any actual damages. The Scene of the crime Appears to have been destroyed by a Construction Grade Wrecking ball. For the damage to the bank’s Vault and Side wall can be related to similar attacks of Property By Wayward Drones. The Bank’s Vault door is Inoperable if you do not have the Bio-metric scanners corrected, but it seems that the lock and main entrance was melted by what authorities affirm was extremely Rusted metal combined with black gunpowder. To create the Thermite Chemical Reaction. The metal oxidized within seconds and the Rusted Iron was melted with a flame ranging 1400°-1900° Celsius. It seems as if it was a Soldering torch that did the job. No suspects have been seen, but the same Internet Communications Emoticon has been sighted inside with the same Decorative block of Cheese with the words “Mouse Is Out of The House” written on the wall—
    Click The television makes a sound as it goes off, You are slouched over the reclining chair in bad need of Repairs eating mozzarella sticks straight out of the bag,You can see and hear your Nannybot with the blues painted Black, humming a mechanical song that doesn’t sound natural, Sounds scripted
    —C’mon MayMay, Cut the song and dance. Play some real music— Your voice echoes on the run down hive As the nannybot does as she is asked. Her audio system makes a noise as it adjusts and begins playing something more your style, The strumming of a badly tuned guitar, the off-beat bass and drums, Everything sounded Perfect As the band yelled their name for the nonexistent stage “WE ARE THE THREE MOUSEKETEERS!” Your voice was the one that boomed out. Alongside it the Fond memories of the band also came to mind.
    Personally you are proud of the job, Maeyie had already counted the bills to a perfect $200,000 Duffle bags as well as suitcases held it all under the floorboards you walk atop of to head to the kitchen area, Small apartment means that it’s all one singular room, not that you care. You want toast in this rainy mid-day, butter, two slices of bread into the frying pan. you believe that any bread can make pan toast, but you prefer sourdough, other people may wish for whole wheat or nuts might go for raisin bread. But you like the consistency of Sourdough, and you are not a simpleton to go with white basic bread. 
    –There is always a method to my madness– You thought to yourself as you ate the first bite of the first slice – I know what I am doing – You say looking out of the blinds, the police sirens finish what the music that Maeyie was playing lacked, The rhythm made sense and the lyrics tracked as the cars wooshed past your window leaving the strange neighborhood you found yourself in with dust to the roofs of buildings due to their speeds. as the sound of music is stopped you hear
    —Master Bonnie, Would You Wish For Me To Make You A Proper Diner?— Her voice was sweet, something you heard not once before from someone as earnest as her… Deeply you wish she was more than a robot so you could be actual friends. But you know that  behind the sweet voice and gestures, lies nothing more than ones and zeroes, and last time you spoke to numbers they called you crazy. But nonetheless you answer.
    —I, yeah man, we got some leftovers, can you mix it all with manioc flour and make some canned beans?— and the machine smiled —Of course Master Bonnie!— and began with the cooking. Her arms moved faster than you cared to look, it’s almost natural how well she knows what you enjoy. She bakes you cupcakes, and brings you what you want… She has to be more than just a bot. 
After leaving with notes that are not marked you come back with groceries, There is a warm plate of food on the table, a little card with a crudely drawn picture of Maeyie smiling, as well as a cup of Strawberry soda, your favorite, As you can see your nannybot Recharging on her station a bit off the wall. –Tastes good as always…– you say eating it, Manioc flour goes well with everything. lightly roasted before being added to dishes, it adds a depth of flavor and filling that no one would believe. you learned that from someone who you haven't talked to since you were basically a kid. but his teachings remain in your head. you warm the second slice of bread you toasted earlier to eat with, it never hurts to add some sourdough to a plate of rice and meat, Never hurt you at least.
    — This feels familiar… — you mutter to yourself looking at the empty chair in front of the counter —Eh, Doesn’t matter— the voice that comes out of you is strained, as if you were lying more to yourself than to the ghosts that are sitting on your broken down chair as you turn the television on. and the broadcast has a random Indigo-blood in custody for the robbery of the bank. 
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memphisfaith · 2 years
Chapter 3: Heat of The Moment
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Paring: Jeon Jungkook x reader
Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Street Racer!AU, Smut
Word Count: 6.4K
Warning: Cursing, mentions of smut, smut, consumption of alcohol, mentions of violence, violence, mentions/hints of abuse, abuse, mentions of death, death, illegal activities.
Summary: You never know what cards your delt in life, not until you learn to use them. I never thought I'd be good a stealing, but there I was steal off the streets. I never thought I'd learn to drive a car, but here I am learning from The Dark God of Seoul. I never thought I'd have an actual family, but I will.
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As soon as the crowd shouted one I shifted into the correct gear and quickly took off. To my luck I passed the guy beside me. I could tell he didn’t have much of an engine like Namjoon’s car, so I pulled ahead and cut him off leaving him to trail behind me. As soon as we do we pass the first stoplight. 
Continuing down the street I can still hear the cheers from the crowd behind us. I glance in my rear view mirror to see his face through his front windshield. An irritated look is itched onto his face as we pass the second stop light. 
I smirk as he tries to steer around me, I pull into the next lane with him continuing to cut him off every time he changes lines.  The third stop light is the turn around point, a point that usually has a police car stationed not too far away.
As I reach the third stop light I steer the car into the middle of the road to give me some room before I quickly shift gears and turn the wheel as hard as I could to the left. I drift Namjoon’s car to a 180°.
Once the hood of the car faces the opposite direction I hit the brakes. When the car came to a stop I switched gears again and slammed on the gas. As I pull off I glance into the rear view mirror again. The guy behind me just finished circling his car around and I watched him burn rubber trying to get his car to haul ass up the street.
I smirk as he finally bursts forward and up the road. I’m already at the 2nd stop light by the time he gets anywhere near me. As I passed the second stoplight the crowd came back into view, but I pulled away from the crowd when the guy’s headlights glowed a little too much for them to be as far away as they were when I last checked.
Upon looking back again I see right on my ass, I speed up a bit more to keep him at a distance but he only speeds up with me. I speed up again but as I do he continues to speed up with me. This continues until I notice him trying to nick the bumper of my car, I glare at him through my rear view mirror. I watch an angry look cross his face, I watch him switch the gears in his car as he now does his damndest to hit my bumper, I steer my car closer to the edge of the road and he follows me there. Just as he hits his Nitrous Oxide System, I jerk the wheel to the left just in time as his car bursts forward, almost hitting me in the process. 
My eyes widen as I see him lose control of his car and crash into the railing, causing his car to flip. I cross the last stop light and come to a stop in front of the crowd. Some people surround me as others rush over to the crash sight. I peak through the crowd just enough to see people pull the guy out of the car. I don’t feel bad about what I did, leading him on like that. It was a close call sure, but I’d rather him crash than me getting Namjoon’s car nicked. He fully intended on crashing me, and there was no way in hell I was going to let that happen. 
I’m pulled out my thoughts and dragged through the crowd by Namjoon, a cold and unreadable expression carved across his face. He pulls me all the way over to where we had previously parked. There waiting for us is the Mentors and their Protogies. 
I swallow hard at their expressions. Once Namjoon let go of me I stood in front of them all, their expressions still hard. The pressured looks grew too much and I ducked my head. “Pick your head up,” Namjoon demanded. 
I swallowed hard again and picked my head up but didn’t dare look at any of them. It’s quiet for a while, unbearably quiet. “Well who’s going to say it?” Hoseok demanded, I flinch at the sound of his voice. No one answers, “Fine I will,” He scoffs.
“Congrats princess, you just won your first Drag Race.” Hoseok cheers, my gaze flies to Hoseok as he shoots me a thousand watt smile. “Congrats sweet girl,” Jimin chimes with a smirk, I felt my cheeks heat up as I kicked at the ground unable to look at them. I jump as I feel a hand place itself on my head, looking up I see Namjoon looking down on me with a small smile. “Good job baby girl,” He smiles, I felt my chest swell with pride. 
So much that I didn’t process lunging forward and hugging Namjoon until I felt his arms wrap around me and cover me in warmth. We stayed like that for a solid minute, until he was the one to pull away. “I’m going to bring the car around. I’m proud of you though (y/n)” He smiles.
I nod and watch as he walks back into the crowd, turning back to the group I’m met with Yoongi. He looked at me with a small frown, I felt my heart sink a little at his disappointed look. “You did good kid, you really did. But you scared him half to death out there. You’ll break his heart if you pull another stunt like that.” He sighs.
“He has a heart?” Jin pipes up, “yes,” Yoongi and I answer together. “He was ready to kick that guy's ass for you, you know. And a small part of me wished you would have let him because if something actually happened to you out there it would have broken him.” Yoongi mumbles.
“He cares about you a lot more than you realize kid, Hell he even lets you drive Monster.” Yoongi chuckles, “Monster?” I question. Yoongi looks at me questionably until he lets out an irritated sigh. “Always keeping something from someone.” He muttered lowly. Yoongi looks back at me, “You know what kid, stop by the shop sometime, I’ll fill you in and I’m sure Tae would love to see you.” He smiles. My eyes widen at his offer and I watch as he chuckles at my eager nods.
After Yoongi leaves Tae takes his place, “whatever possessed you to that should possess you more often.” He grins. I shook my head at his excited boxy smile, “I swear I thought Namjoon was going to break his neck when offered to race for pink lips.” He laughs, “but then there you go stepping in like the badass goddess you are, and boy did you show him his place.” Tae muses. 
“Goddess?” I question, Tae smirks coyly. “I heard it around, it makes sense really. Namjoon is the Dark God,” He shrugs. A smile slips onto my lips, “Yoongi says I should stop by soon, do you think you can pick me up at the garage after school?” I question, Tae lets out a scoff “I’d like to see you stop me.” He chides.
Just as our conversation ends Namjoon rolls up and parks in his previous spot. Namjoon leans over the passenger side seat, “Let's head out baby girl,” He calls. I nod my head and quickly wave bye to Yoongi before climbing into the car. 
As Namjoon drives down the road it’s quiet, not even the radio plays. Unable to take it I spoke up, “Thanks for worrying Namjoon,”. I see a small smile grace Namjoon’s lips, “It's my job to worry about you (y/n). You don’t need to thank me.” He chuckles.
I frown at his dismissal of my thanks, “It’s not your job to worry about me Namjoon, you shouldn’t have to.” I chide. I see Namjoon roll his eyes, “(y/n) I may not know anything about you apart from all you’ve allowed me to know but I’m not ignorant. I see and recognize a lot more things you give me credit for. So when I tell you it’s my job to worry about you, I mean it because I know no one else is.” Namjoon says sternly.
My eyes widen at his confession and I sink back into my seat, Namjoon’s eyes soften at the sight of my reaction. “Like I said, I don’t know anything for sure and you don’t have to tell me until you're ready. Just know from now on I will be the one to take care of and worry about you.” He spoke softly. 
“And if that means you're going to give me a heart attack every time you decide you're going to race then so be it,” He chuckles. His small laughs cause me to smile a little, “But please refrain from doing so as much as possible. I can’t handle that much heartache baby girl.” he sighs dramatically. “I’ll try.” I grin in response. “That's my girl,” He grins as he pulls into the garage. 
True to Taehyung’s words, that Monday was filled with nothing but gossip about the Goddess Prodigy. The stares only grew but they changed in a way, they weren’t judgmental like how they were before. Somehow they looked more like in awe.
As we got out of the car and headed up to the loft I stopped him before he went to his room. “How’d you figure it out?” I question softly, Namjoon leans forward and places a soft kiss on my forehead, “The best listeners don't need words to listen to at all, but only the best knows to listen between the lines when words are spoken.” He chimes. I roll my eyes at his philosophical response. He needs to stop reading all those books before I don’t understand him anymore.
That afternoon Namjoon picked me up but I soon told him I was leaving to hang out with Tae. Namjoon just sent me a small smile and told me to come back before heading home. With his warning in mind I waited for Tae to pull up in the front of the garage. 
Tae pulls up in his same orange mp 412-c, He grins as he reaches across the passenger seat and opens the door for me. I almost regret getting in as he decided it would be a fun idea to speed all the way to his garage. 
I nearly kiss the ground when he finally parks the car and lets me out. Once I pulled my shit together and I looked up at the building. It's a sleek two story house with a garage that seems to be the size of the whole house. 
I glance over at Tae to see him grinning smugly, “This isn’t even half of it. Yoongi and I have a collection so big that we have cars stored in other countries.” He brags. “That’s not exactly true and you know it,” A voice chides. My eyes shoot in it’s direction to meet a Yoongi, who is dressed the same damn way Namjoon does when he works at home.
“Come on in Kid, we have lots to talk about.” He waves as he turns to walk back into the house. Without another word I follow Yoongi into the house. As Yoongi leads me into the house I take notice of the small framed decorations. Framed posters and Newspaper clippings from events of all kinds.
One has a picture of a familiar black car racing down an interstate with at least five cop cars chasing behind it. Another is a framed Magazine cover, low and behold Seokjin stood with a trophy in one hand and Jeon Jungkook’s shoulder in the other as he too holds a trophy just a inch and half smaller than Seokjin’s. Both a shining glittering gold with two beautiful race cars parked in the back drop. 
There's another newspaper clipping, one with the Mug shot of none other than Jung Hoseok as he holds his serial number with a smug expression. But then right beside it is another, this one however is a mug shot of none other than Min Yoongi, he looks stone cold and emotionless as he holds his serial number.
“You know one day you’ll be up on that wall,” Yoongi said from beside me. A small smile falls onto my lips, “I would like to think so.” I nod. Yoongi shot me a small smile, “But it seems Jungkook has, yet again, already beat me to it.” I mumble. 
I hear a hard scoff come from Yoongi, “Honestly I don’t get why you compare yourself to that brat.” yoongi grumbles. A small laugh falls from my lips, “Come over here and sit down, I don’t like standing.” Yoongi continues to grumble. 
I follow the older man’s orders as he leads me over to a couch in a living space. Yoongi has a big leather bound book tucked under his arm and I only notice when he plops it on the coffee table in front of us.
Yoongi flicks it open and as he turns the pages I see more newspaper clippings and a few odd photos are what fills it’s pages. Yoongi comes to a halt and taps his finger on one picture, looking down at the picture I gasp seeing of who it is. 
It’s Namjoon, a very young Namjoon. He stood with an arm wrapped around an annoyed looking Yoongi as they leaned on a familiar black car. “Way back when, this was just a thing we did to pass the time. Namjoon and I worked in the mechanic shop in the same small town. Namjoon saved up three summers worth of money to buy that black car you drive and fixed it from scrap.” Yoongi explains.
“He cleaned and repaired what he could, but he bought new parts for it and added a few features here and there all topped off with a fresh coat of paint. That one car started it all for us. Namjoon and I spent countless hours figuring out how to get the damn thing to run. It was a monster to fix.” He chuckles.
“But when we finally got it to run, it was a whole nother kind of monster. That beast won countless drag races. When we started getting attention people actually started calling it the Monster, Namjoon and I found it all too fitting and decided to let it stick around.” He sighs almost blissfully.
“It wasn’t too long after those few races did this guy come into town to get a look at us. He tracked us down to our small town auto shop and offered us a job, an illegal, but thrilling job that two young small town boys couldn’t refuse. Especially with the numbers he was throwing around.” He continues.
“The guy evaluated us for a while, mentored us. Namjoon in driving and I in mechanics. He set us up on our first jobs and everything flew from there. Namjoon got good, damn well too good and I got smart, damn well too smart. Things fell into place way too easily for us.” Yoongi mumbles before he starts to flip through the book again.
“We come from humble beginnings but we aren’t saints. We’ve killed people, some intentionally and a lot whole lot more unintentionally. But the thing is I can count on one hand how many people Namjoon has intentionally compared to the rest of us.” He sighs, stopping at a page.
On the page is an old mugshot, someone looking eerily like Namjoon. “It shouldn’t be my place to tell you this, but I know Namjoon well enough to know he’ll keep it to himself and away from you for as long as he can. Especially, you know, given your situation.” He trails off.
“Namjoon used to sleep in his driveway a lot, in the car, with the doors locked. So his alcoholic father wouldn't wander into his room late a night to beat him senseless. Sometimes he’d steal the keys and drive over to my place park on the curb and sleep there. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked out to get the paper or mail to find that basterd’s car parked on the curb and Namjoon stretched out asleep in the back seat.” Yoongi sneers.
I look down at the Mug shot again, “The day Namjoon killed his father was the single most reliving yet daunting day of his life. Namjoon had come home to tie up loose ends with his father, only that night ended with Namjoon taking that car he used to sleep in and driving right over that dead beat’s body.” Yoongi concludes.
“When Namjoon first told me he got an prodigy one of the first things he told me was that something was happening somewhere.He didn’t want to push you into telling him, but he doesn’t want to let things get too far, especially since he has an idea on what's going on.” Yoongi mutters.
“I knew it was bad since the moment you walked through that farmhouse door, I remember the look on your face when Jimin went to hug you and I remember the memory of Namjoon having that same face at one point in his life.” he mumbles rubbing a hand along the edge of his jaw and over his mouth. His eyes tell me he’s seeing that face in his memory right now.
“But I also remember the look of pure joy that flooded his face the moment you hugged him a night ago. I’ve only seen Namjoon that happy a few times, and it was that moment I realized he was in deep. Which is why I told you, for his sake, be careful. If Namjoon lost you, that would be it. It would throw him head first over the deep end and I don’t know if I can drag him back let only him being the same ever again.” yoongi stresses.
I swallow the information slowly, “Do...do you know how we met?” I question. Why did I ask, I had no idea, but I had nothing else to say. There wasn’t a way to respond to so much raw intimate information.
Yoongi, however, didn’t seem to mind my random question. He only shook his head, I felt myself smile. No doubt that same ‘dopey’ smile that Tae says Namjoon and I share. “I stole a bag of money from him on  my bike when he was leaving the bank.” I answer, a large gummy smile broke from Yoongi.
“He chased after me and I guess that's what got him interested in the first place. I got so panicked that I made a mistake and he cornered me. I thought he was insane when he offered me to be his prodigy.” I smile harder. “But I guess I was really the insane one, because I was the one who climbed in the car of a total stranger that day.” I muse.
“I didn’t know who he was or what he did, not until we started. I learned who the Criminal Kim Namjoon was before my goofy mentor. But seeing that side of him, he didn’t scare me, because I knew that in a way he was more like me. Or more, I was like him. I didn’t know it when we started, but slowly he was able to describe things about me I couldn’t, even when he wasn’t talking about me. He filled in the missing pieces and wrote in the blanks. And for that I am entirely grateful I stole his favorite Italian leather bag right out of his hand.” I finished.
“You're going to be one hell of an Elite kid, You just have to show the world and get out of your shell a bit.” Yoongi smiles patting my head. “Maybe when Namjoon trusts me enough to let me have my own car, or let me have my bike back.” I shrug with a sloppy smile.
Yoongi looks at me questionably, “What did you drive? The bike I mean?” He questions leaning back in his seat. “I drove a Hawk RPS dirt bike.” I recall, Yoongi scoff. “You drove that piece of trash?” He scoffs. I shrug, “It was all I was able to get my hands on. Most people won’t sell decent bikes to anyone without a license.” I grumble.
“Well now you know me and tae, and there ain’t no way in hell I’m going to let my best friend’s little girl drive around on a Hawk rps, especially when she knows someone as talented as me.” Yoongi grumbles. I felt my chest burst with warmness at his words. 
“I don’t think Namjoon would appreciate you getting me a bike yoongi, especially when I haven’t even gotten a car yet. Not to mention one he hasn’t even agreed to, let alone approved.” I ramble Yoongi rolls his eyes. “Like I give a damn what Namjoon thinks, He’s had you for almost a year and a half and he still hasn’t gotten you a car. At this point he’s just trying to keep you as close as possible and being overprotective.” Yoongi chides.
“I heard what he told Jungkook when he found out what happened on your first day of school, needless to say the man is hell bent on making sure you're taken care of little girl.” Yoongi chuckles. I nod my head silently as my cheeks flush pink. “Just leaving everything to me, I’ll get something nice going and don’t worry your pretty little head over what Namjoon thinks. If he says anything tell me and I’ll handle it.” he smiles patting my head lightly.
With that final word yoongi stood from his seat and looked at the clock on the wall, “I should tell Tae to get you home before Namjoon calls and causes me a headache because he’s worried.” He groans.
Yoongi calls Tae to take me home as the boy in question complains that he didn’t even get to spend anytime with me. I felt my heart skip a beat when I heard Yoongi assure him I could be coming around a lot more often and he’ll have time to hang out with me. 
Tae doesn’t complain anymore after hearing that, instead he takes me out to the car, he even opens the door for me. The drive home was just as dangerous as the ride there. I’m relieved when I see Namjoon standing on the sidewalk waiting for me. 
I hop out  of the car at the first chance I got. Running to Namjoon I jump him completely throwing myself into him. I latch my legs and arms around him as tight as I could as I feel him stumble. Lucky he doesn’t fall and holds onto me tightly. “Did you miss me that much?” He chuckles. I buried my head into the groove of his neck but shook my head.
“Can we go upstairs?” I mumble, I hear him chuckle but I feel him nod. He stalled for a moment, most likely saying bye to Tae. When he carried me all the way to the loft I pulled away to properly face him.
He sent me a comforting dimpled smile, I took a deep breath. “Would it be okay if I stayed here from now on?” I question, Namjoon’s eyes widen but they sparkle with a certain joy. Namjoon cups my cheeks before planting a kiss on my forehead.”Of course Baby girl, I’ll always be here if you need anything.” Namjoon smooths. A grin breaks out across my face, “So now would be a good time Yoongi told me he would build me a motorcycle right?” I question.
It takes Namjoon a solid minute to process what I said, But once he did, boy was that a show. Namjoon grows a bright red before he starts ranting so fast I can’t keep up, he throws his hands up every so often and starts pacing the room. He eventually knocks down a painting in his dramatics.
After his rant I watched him call Yoongi to start a whole new rant, it was amusing. Eventually he calms down, thankfully, and he sits down on the couch with me. He lets out a long sigh before glancing at me with a guilty expression. “I guess, it’s okay.” He spoke up, “Did Yoongi chew you out?” I ask. Namjoon covers his lower face with his hand as he nods silently.  
“He’s right though, I’m holding on too tight. I need to let you go do what I trained you for. So I’ll let Yoongi build you your bike. But once he finishes we’re gonna start your car.” He confesses. “Start my car?” I question, “Yeah, we’re going to do this the old fashioned way.” He grimes cheekly. 
My eyes widen, “We’re going to build my car?” I gasp, Namjoon lets out a chuckle. “We sure are, and you can’t cheat and get Tae or Yoongi to help you.” He rules out pointing a finger at me. “Well, you can ask them questions or some advice and recommendations. BUT they can’t touch it until it’s done.” He revises, I nod my head eagerly as he chuckles and runs a hand over my head. 
“It’s late and you have school in the morning. Get some sleep, I’ll let you have my bed until I can get everything worked out.” He smiles before standing. I nod with a smile, I stood and gave him one last hug before walking to the bedroom.
True to his word Namjoon worked throughout the week to get me settled into his loft. He started with Japanese paper walls and sliding doors before proceeding to forbid me from entering it until it was finished. He moved in all the furniture during the day and worked on decorating it all in the afternoon when I was home so I wouldn’t sneak off and catch a peak.
By Friday I’m over it, walking into school I catch up with Tae updating him on the newest Namjoon fails as he hurts himself decorating my room. School in question is slowly starting to make sense and Jungkook is becoming more and more bearable to the point we can now have a civil but awkward conversation.
Lunch is the best part of my day like any other highschooler, speaking of lunch Jungkook brings me lunch everyday. Thanks to Jin, and I’m half tempted to live there with him just for the food.
Just as the thought crosses my mind Jungkook is placing Jin’s food in front of me. I hurriedly open it up and dig in. “(Y/N)!” I hear Tae call, I glance over in his direction as he rushes to my side. “(Y/N), Darling, Baby Girl,” He begs, I cringe as Baby girl falls from his lips. “Don’t call me that,” I demand going back to my food. Jimin chuckles from across the table as Jungkook lets out a snort.
Tae whines in response as he clasps his hands together in a begging motion. “Could you do me the biggest favor?” He questions, I lift my eyebrow at him. “What Kind of favor?” I question slowly in return. Tae’s face brightens in response. “Could I use you to race for pink lips? He questions hurriedly.
My eyes widen at his request, the table goes silent. I let out a long sigh, “Did you get into trouble Tae?” I groan. “No! It’s just this guy I met who has this gorgeous drifting car but he only races for pink lips.” He sighs, “They why not bet one of your cars? I’m sure you're confident enough to win so there’s not much risk,” I shrug.
“He doesn’t do that either! He’s a total man whore who uses his car as bait to rope women into sleeping with him! It's a clever but disgusting Hustle strategy.” He explains, “Oh, well that’s pathetic.” I quip going back to my food. Tae groans yet again and lets his head fall onto the table with a thumb.
I finish my food soon after, but sigh when I see Tae’s pouting face. “Okay, so what would be in it for me. I’m not taking the risk of getting my body used without something in return.” I scoff. Tae instantly brightens, “A car?” He offers. I shook my head, “Your mentor is building me a bike and my mentor promised me a car.” I dismiss.
He hums a moment, “let's go for a favor for a favor,” He offers. “Oooh, A favor from the famed Hustler! That’s quite a big deal, sweetness. Especially since Tae can get just about anything from anyone.”:Jimin spoke up. 
“Would Namjoon be okay with this?” Jungkook questions, “No, but it’ll be okay. He lets me finish anything I start.” I brush off. “That doesn’t mean he’ll be happy about it.” Jungkook scoffs, “I never said it does,” I quip. “Someone’s sass level is up today,” Jimin smirks, I shrug in response.
“Would you even know how to dress? I’m not sure the guy would be attracted to you no matter how perverted he is solely based on the way you dress.” Jungkook scoffs. I raise my eyebrow. “Is that a challenge Jeon?” I scowl. Jungkook shrugs, “Take it as you will.” He muses. 
Jimin lets out a low whistle, “careful Legacy, if there's one thing I know about women it's not to challenge their feminism.” He advises.”Too late for that now, Jailbreak.” I smirk, “Not to be like Jungkook but do you really know how to dress like a race chaser?” Tae asks. “I had a life before this you know,” I smirk standing from my seat. 
“Don’t worry your handsome face over my part of the deal okay, Pick me up from Joon’s around 7:00. I’m sure Namjoon wouldn’t let me leave the house with what I have in mind.” I muse. 
Jimin barks out a laugh, “Oh I can’t wait to see this,” He grins. I shot him a wink before walking off to class early just so I could make a grand exit. I spent the extra time figuring out how I’m going to get a hold of my older clothes. While I’m there I should get some of my things to move into Joons. 
By the time school ended I had formulated a calculated plan to get everything I need. Namjoon picks me up as always, but he leaves to go see what all yoongi has planned for my bike. He offers me to come along but I tell him Tae is picking me up later and I would like it to be a surprise.
Joon left without much of a fight and as soon as his car turned to the next street I was rushing down the opposite end of the street. Getting into my old place unnoticed was hard, but I managed to do it. I fill a trash bag with some of my old things before sneaking back out.
I get back home in record time, the few hours I had left are used to get ready. I start with a shower, using scented soaps and shaving everything clean of any kind of hair. After getting out I roll my hair into curlers before lathering scented lotion onto my skin. 
I’m silently glad Namjoon isn’t home as I walk around in nothing but a towel. I dig through my trash bag and pull out my push up bra and seamless underwear. I put that on before dropping the towel to the floor and continuing to dig through the bag.
I find my red tank top that's so tight and low cut the swell of my breasts puffs up in the most tempting of ways. I manage to find my black leather mini skirt that ends right below the swell of my ass and fits to its shape in the best of ways. Deciding on shoes is the hardest part, I don’t drive in heels but tonight is not really about getting to drive.
Deciding to suck it up I pull out my black and red strappy heels, by the time I choose my shoes my hair is dry and I need to put on my make-up before I let it down. Once again digging through my bag I find my make-up, pulling it out I walk to the bathroom and set it all out.
I start simple with a little bit of foundation with an even littler amount of concealer. I move on to eyeshadow and settle on a dark nude shade to contour my eyes then use a sparkly nude shade from the corners to the middle. It’s simple but it brings out my eyes and adds an alluring look to them.
I use eyeliner to trace my water lines, it adds a depth to my look and I barely have to add any wing. I add a layer or two of mascara so my lashes are fuller and longer. After I’m satisfied with my eyes I use a nude shade lip pencil to trace my lips before adding a gloss on top. To finish off the look I dust on a healthy amount of highlighter. 
With a complete face I dig under the sink for Namjoon’s hair dryer. After plugging it and turning it on I quickly brush it over my head to heat my hair up. Once I get some heat on it I take the curlers out and brush my finger through it softly until It cools. Leaving me a long curly locks that isn't that tight but still holds its shape. 
As I part and section my hair accordingly I hear the buzzer go off, Tae must be here. I grab a small purse and add two or three things of my make up for touch ups before strapping my shoes. On the way to the door I grab my leather jacket for later. 
I smirk as Tae’s jaw drops upon seeing my look. “Fuck, if I didn’t know any better I would race for pink lips against Namjoon for you.” He mumbles, I snort “It’s a good thing you know better,” I muse. “Yeah, Namjoon would kick my ass in and out of that race.” He mumbles. “Let’s go, Namjoon will lose his mind if I show up any later,” I laugh pulling him to his car. “Before or after he loses his mind over what you're wearing?” Tae smirks, “Probably before.” I sigh.
Tae hauls ass to the racing spot, Upon pulling in Tae shows off and unnecessarily revs his engine to announce our arrival effectively gaining everyone’s attention. Tae gets out with a smirk and chews the gum he popped in when we parked. 
I watch him circle the car and open the door for me, he holds his hand out to help me out and I take it gracefully. I force down a smirk as I caught more than a few stares, I glance over to our group to see Jimin and Jungkook shell shocked, Jin has eyes the sizes of plates, Hoseok is grinning like devil who just ate someone’s soul, Yoongi’s smirk is impossible to miss, but Namjoon’s face is consumed in utter horror. 
Tae uses his free hand to wrap my arm around the one I’m holding before shutting the door and leading us over to the group. I make sure my hips sway and my shoulders are straight to push out my chest as I walk. A dark look crosses Namjoon’s face upon reaching the group, he rips me away from Tae and jerks off his jacket before wrapping me in it.
“What the actual fuck are you doing?” He growls, I let out a line sigh. “Tae asked me to help him hussle this guy who has a car he wants, apparently the guy only races for pink lips and uses his nice cars as bait to win a fuck for the night.” I explain. “I agreed to help Tae win the car for a favor I can call in at any time I want.” I continue.
Namjoon’s face snaps over to Tae who jumps at his dark look, He glances between two of us as I stood straight to hold my ground. “Namjoon, I know what I’m doing. I’ve gotten myself into these situations before, long before I even knew you. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed and I know the risk I’m taking.” I defend. 
Namjoon and I hold our gazes to each other, eventually Namjoon broke first. “That doesn’t exactly comfort me, but fine.” he huffs. Namjoon turns to Tae with his same dark look, “You better win or I’ll have your ass.” He scowls, Tae nods his head hurriedly. I pull off Namjoon’s jacket and hand it back to him, “Thank you for being worried.” I smile.
Namjoon rubs a hand over the back of his neck and takes his jacket with the other, “It’s my job,” He smiles. “I know,” I grin before turning to the rest of the group. “I am delightfully impressed, and I hate to tell you I told you so kook but I’m not.” Jimin smirks. Jungkook groans and rolls his head back, “I get it, she looks good. But you can’t say you expected her to look THIS good.” He snaps gesturing to me with both hands.
Jimin shrugs, “I give you that,” he agrees. “I’m pretty sure he stopped functioning for a minute” Jin smirks, Jungkook jabs his mentor causing the older man to jump away with a laugh. “Do you think I can get in on deal offers too? There's a few people I’d love to piss off and get off my back.” Jimins with a lazy smirk. “I don’t know? Depends on what you're offering in return.” I smirk back.
“Aish, such a cold businesswoman.” he teases with a head shake. I shrug “I’m not much of a risk taker unless I know the price is equal.” Namjoon smirks off to the side, “That’s my girl,” He chuckles. “Ah, make more sense now. You're turning her into a cold criminal Joon.” Jin sighs. “Better than a naive one,” He resorts. “(Y/n) There he is!” Taehyung whispers, subtly pointing at a greasy looking man. But behind him is indeed a sexy looking car. “Are you ready?” He questions, “More than you know,” I smirk.
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hylianengineer · 2 years
I would like to hear about dirt! Please tell me the cool dirt facts!
Oh heck yes, thank you friend I have so many neat dirt facts to share!
First and most importantly, healthy soil has tons and tons of microbes in it, which do lots of cool things, but the ones I'm most well versed in are related to nutrient cycling. There are microbes that pull nitrogen out of the air and turn it into a form usable by plants, and there are microbes that put nitrogen back into the air. There are microbes that eat organic matter and produce all kinds of interesting byproducts - these are the ones that make methane and CO2, and they're also responsible for the fact that iron-containing dirt changes colors depending on whether it has oxyegn in it!
That's because the organic matter eating microbes change one type of iron ion which is red into another kind which is colorless, making the dirt appear gray. So why isn't dirt with these microbes always gray? Because there are a lot of different microbes that eat organic matter, and different ones dominate the system depending on if there's O2 and if not, how long it's been since there was. So in anoxic (without oxygen) environments, there's a whole series of different microbial processes that take place, in order, depending on how long the system has been anoxic. That's because the ingredients needs for the earlier processes eventually run out. And all these processes happen in reverse, too - if gray anoxic iron-rich soil is exposed to oxygen, it'll turn red again.
One of the fun things about this is if you're at a wetland or river, sometimes you can look at the soil just below the water line along the shore and see rusty streaks in otherwise gray soil. Those are plant roots! Or, technically, they're where oxygen from the roots has seeped into the surrounding soil, allowing the iron in it to be oxidized. And if you're an ecologist or soil scientist, that's a useful observation because then you know for sure that the gray soil around the red streaks is anoxic.
Unrelated fun fact: some soil fizzes upon contact with acid. This is because it contains calcium carbonate, the same stuff limestone is made of. If you've ever taken an intro geology class you've probably put acid on rocks to determine if they contain the mineral calcite - aka CaCO3 or calcium carbonate. That's the same stuff I'm talking about in soil.
I hope you've enjoyed these facts about dirt, and also that the first part wasn't terribly incomprehensible because I'm too tired to proofread. Thank you for requesting these fun facts, I sure had fun writing them.
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davidbrigstock · 2 years
Nov 19 Last Day 🚴
Day 47 Cottonwood AZ to Flagstaff AZ
Miles today : 49
Total cross-USA miles: 3310
Feet of ascent today : 5623
Total cross-USA feet of ascent: 100,323
One of my biggest disappointments missing the first week of the Crossroads ride in May was that I didn’t cycle through Sedona up to Flagstaff, which was pegged as one of the most beautiful parts of the tour as well as featuring one of the more memorable (i.e. difficult) climbs. So the plan today was that Matt and I would accomplish that goal. We had a hearty breakfast at a cafe across the street from the hotel and then set off in about a 45-degree temperature, heading into the sun that was rising into clear blue skies. Our route east on 89A gradually took us into “Red Rock Country”, most obvious as we neared Sedona with its characteristic iron oxide orange-red sandstone formations that create a stunningly beautiful mountain landscape. The wind was very strong as we entered Sedona and it was a bit chilly so we got off our bikes at the Pink Tours Co. in the downtown area to grab a warming cup of coffee and take some pics, including the pink pigs sculpture. Our bikes and our bicycle adventure attracted quite a bit of attention with some of the tourists and I got into a long conversation with a German couple who were thrilled to see we were riding Canyon bikes that are made in Germany.
After that, we cycled into the mountain area, trees in their fall colors lining the road with the red rock reaching vertically towards the blue skies. It was idyllic. Lots of pics were taken as we cycled along the mountain pass, opening up new vistas at every turn.
Today’s ride involved climbing more than 5000 feet and the most significant part of that was a series of back-to-back switchbacks or hairpin loops with a 5-9% gradients that would take us up around 900 ft in less than a mile. It turns out that there was a one-way system along this part of the route as the opposite lane to ours was closed for construction traffic involved in bridge and wall repair. Traffic was being allowed alternately up and down this one way section and we could not possibly get up before the traffic started coming down so we opted to cycle in the closed lane which turned out to be a very safe option and allowed us to proceed at our own slow speed (5mph) and stop to take pics while totally staying out of the way oftraffic going up and down. There was no active construction going on so we didn’t have that to worry about either.
At the summit we caught our breath in a park with a great overlook, from which it was about 12 miles and 600 ft more climbing to reach our hotel. Our final challenge? I got a flat tire about half way along this final stretch. There was no obvious reason for it but the tube replacement didn’t take too long. Matt of course is even more convinced that his tubeless set-up which was flat-free all week is much more superior; it’s an option I have on my bike as well but I just haven’t tried it (yet).
Needless to say we arrived at our downtown Flagstaff hotel (with the wind picking up and a temperature around 40 degrees) around 3pm, cleaned ourselves up, and then walked my bike 3 mins down the road to the Bicycle Revolution bike store where I had pre-arranged for them to box it up and ship it back to Sixpenny.
Matt’s bike is going back with him in the plane to Austin, and his bike bag was waiting for us at the hotel courtesy of FedEx.
There was a great bar next to Revolution so we toasted our accomplishment with a couple of local beers, rested in the hotel, and then went to another bar for dinner.
Our adventure is now over and my mission to cycle across the USA this year came true after all. Matt was instrumental in helping me make this happen and to get through some of the difficulties we encountered. We cycled 523 miles with no “formal” support system and that’s an achievement in itself. The sheer array of landscapes that we encountered in just 7 days is truly amazing and really needs to be experienced first-hand to appreciate.
So to get to this point I cycled 3310 miles while climbing just over 100,000 ft, or 19 miles. I built great friendships in the summer which are still going strong but to be able to complete this adventure with Matt added a dimension to this accomplishment - and to our relationship - that is difficult to put in words.
A Crossroads tradition is for cyclists who did not ride in a support vehicle to receive an EFI certificate ( EFI , every fkn inch, but of course we can’t use that word) from Paula. I technically accomplished that, albeit unavoidably in two long journeys rather than one - so Jim created my own personalized EFI award, shown below using one of the pics he took of me. Thanks Jim !!! It’s illustrative of the comradery that our group collectively built over many weeks and which is still very much a “thing”.
What next? I’m not sure but my bicycle will likely be in a future plan at some point. Thank you to my family and friends for reading this, following me on Instagram and giving me the support, encouragement, love, and help to make this cross-USA adventure a reality. ❤️ 🔴
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alertfacts · 22 days
What Color Is Transmission Fluid? Understand the Signs
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Ever found yourself staring under the hood, pondering, What color is transmission fluid? Well, you're not alone! This question pops up more often than you’d think, especially when car owners try to decipher what’s going on with their vehicles. If you’re like most folks, you probably know that transmission fluid plays a crucial role in keeping your car’s transmission system smooth and functional. But what does its color tell you? Can it be a warning sign? Buckle up, and let’s dive into the world of transmission fluids, their colors, and what they really mean for your vehicle!
The Role of Transmission Fluid
Before we zoom in on the colors, let's take a quick pit stop to understand what transmission fluid does. Your car’s transmission system is made up of various gears and moving parts that need to stay lubricated to function correctly. That’s where transmission fluid comes in. It lubricates, cools, and cleans the transmission, preventing overheating and ensuring a smooth gear shift.
Transmission fluid also acts as a hydraulic fluid, helping in power transmission. Without it, your car wouldn’t run efficiently, and you’d be dealing with a lot of costly repairs. So, you see, this fluid is quite the unsung hero under the hood!
The Colors of Transmission Fluid: What Do They Mean?
Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter—what color is transmission fluid? While it might seem like a trivial detail, the color of your transmission fluid can actually reveal a lot about your car’s health. Transmission fluid can appear in different shades depending on its condition, and it’s vital to know what each color signifies.
1. Bright Red: The Picture of Health
When transmission fluid is brand new or in excellent condition, it’s usually bright red. This vibrant hue indicates that the fluid is clean, effective, and doing its job well. If your transmission fluid is this color, there’s no need to worry! Everything’s working like a well-oiled machine—literally.
2. Dark Red or Light Brown: Time for a Change
As transmission fluid ages, it can start to change color, turning from bright red to a darker red or light brown. This shift typically happens as the fluid accumulates dirt and metal particles from the transmission, leading to reduced effectiveness.
When you notice this color change, it’s a good idea to check your car’s manual and consider a fluid change. Though it’s not an emergency, you don’t want to let it linger for too long. After all, nobody likes to gamble with their car’s health, right?
3. Brown: A Sign of Wear and Tear
If your transmission fluid is brown, it’s a clear sign that the fluid has been in use for quite some time. At this stage, the fluid is no longer providing optimal protection and lubrication for your transmission.
Brown fluid can also indicate that the fluid is oxidizing, which is something you definitely want to avoid. When transmission fluid oxidizes, it can lead to increased friction and wear on the transmission’s components. If you spot brown fluid, it’s time to act fast—get that fluid changed pronto!
4. Black: Danger Ahead!
Black transmission fluid is a red flag (or should we say, a black flag?). This color indicates that the fluid is severely degraded, possibly even burnt. It’s not lubricating the transmission components properly, and it could be causing serious damage to your transmission.
If you notice black transmission fluid, don’t hesitate—get your car to a mechanic immediately. Continuing to drive with black transmission fluid can lead to catastrophic transmission failure, which could leave you stranded and facing a hefty repair bill.
5. Milky or Pink: Beware of Water Contamination
Here’s where things get a little more concerning. If your transmission fluid appears milky or pink, it’s a sign that water or coolant has mixed with the fluid. This could be due to a leak in the transmission cooler or a crack in the transmission’s housing.
Water contamination can lead to serious transmission damage if not addressed quickly. The milky appearance is caused by the mixing of fluids, which dilutes the transmission fluid and reduces its effectiveness. In this case, it’s not just a fluid change you need—you might be looking at a more extensive repair.
When Should You Check Your Transmission Fluid?
Knowing the color of your transmission fluid is one thing, but you also need to know when and how to check it. Checking your transmission fluid regularly can help you spot potential issues before they become major problems. Here’s a simple guide to help you stay on top of things:
Check Regularly: Make it a habit to check your transmission fluid every month or so. It only takes a few minutes, but it can save you from a world of trouble down the road.
Warm Up Your Engine: Before checking the fluid, make sure your engine is warm. This gives you a more accurate reading of the fluid’s condition and level.
Use the Dipstick: Pop the hood, locate the transmission dipstick, and pull it out. Wipe it clean, reinsert it fully, and then pull it out again to check the fluid’s color and level.
Consult Your Manual: Every car is a little different, so be sure to consult your owner’s manual for specific instructions on checking and changing your transmission fluid.
How to Change Transmission Fluid
Changing your transmission fluid might sound intimidating, but with the right tools and a little know-how, you can do it yourself! Here’s a quick rundown of the steps:
Gather Your Supplies: You’ll need a new transmission filter, a new gasket, a drain pan, a socket wrench, a funnel, and of course, the correct type of transmission fluid.
Drain the Old Fluid: Start by jacking up your car and securing it on jack stands. Place the drain pan underneath the transmission pan, then remove the bolts to let the old fluid drain out.
Replace the Filter and Gasket: Once the fluid is drained, remove the transmission pan and replace the old filter with a new one. Also, replace the gasket to ensure a tight seal when you reattach the pan.
Refill with New Fluid: Reattach the transmission pan, then use a funnel to pour the new transmission fluid into the fill tube. Be sure to add the correct amount—check your car’s manual for the exact capacity.
Check for Leaks: After refilling, start the engine and let it run for a few minutes. Check under the car for any leaks, and recheck the fluid level with the dipstick.
Dispose of the Old Fluid Properly: Don’t forget to dispose of the old transmission fluid at a designated recycling center. Never pour it down the drain or into the environment!
Understanding What color is transmission fluid? isn’t just about satisfying your curiosity—it’s about ensuring your car runs smoothly and avoiding costly repairs. By regularly checking your transmission fluid and knowing what each color signifies, you can keep your vehicle in top shape. Remember, bright red is the goal, but if you spot any other colors, take action accordingly. So, next time someone asks you about transmission fluid colors, you’ll not only know the answer—you’ll be the go-to expert!
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