eggabaga · 3 days
How are my sweetie pees
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eggabaga · 2 months
So basically for this spell to work we have to get naked and rub our dicks together. Yeah for mana. so its not gay i prommy
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eggabaga · 2 months
thinking about the one time my roommate (completely forgetting that i have tumblr) sent me a repost of my "who give a shit" poem and i said "this is my blog actually" and she said "i thought this is probably something you would find funny" and like. yeah i guess
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eggabaga · 2 months
it is really pathetic how every ""left-wing"" usamerican politician has decided to take this moment to try and shore up biden in the hopes that they can channel some mild social democracy through his decrepit corpse like court eunuchs manipulating a child emperor. i've always thought it's kind of uncharitable to blame the average biden voter for "finding mild reforms more important than genocide" because ultimately those people have very little power in any meaningful sense to choose anything--unlike sanders and The Squad (embarassing moniker), who are very purposefully making that very choice with the influence they have!
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eggabaga · 4 months
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eggabaga · 4 months
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eggabaga · 5 months
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eggabaga · 5 months
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eggabaga · 5 months
hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???
i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)
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eggabaga · 5 months
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IBM ThinkPad 701 with Butterfly Keyboard design by John Karidis
source: mycommercials
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eggabaga · 5 months
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marcille is very protective (and jealous)
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eggabaga · 5 months
some loser: humans are innately selfish creatures
my psych book:
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eggabaga · 5 months
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Ai Weiwei, “Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn,” 1995
An astonishingly irreverent piece of work.  This triptych features the artist dropping a Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) in three photographs.  
When questioned about the work, he suggested that the piece was about industry: “[The urn] was industry then and is industry now.”  His statement, therefore, was that the urn was just a cheap pot two thousand years ago, and the reverence we feel toward it is artificial.  One critic wrote: “In other words, for all the aura of preciousness acquired by the accretion of time (and skillful marketing), this vessel is the Iron Age equivalent of a flower pot from K-Mart and if one were to smash the latter a few millennia from now, would it be an occasion for tears?”
However, the not-so-subtle political undertone is clear.  This piece was about destroying the notion that everything that is old is good…including the traditions and cultures of China.  For Ai Weiwei, this triptych represents a moment in which culture suddenly shifts (sometimes violently), shattering the old and outdated to make room for the new.  
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eggabaga · 5 months
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eggabaga · 5 months
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Saw this post and my dungeon meshi rotted brain only thought of this
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eggabaga · 5 months
As someone recently diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, one thing that’s been helping me grapple with the intense shame I have over all my “wasted potential” is accepting that potential doesn’t exist and never did.
This sounds so harsh, but please bare with me.
I procrastinated a lot growing up. I still procrastinate today, but less so. And yet, I got good grades. I could write an A+ paper that “knocked [my professor]’s socks off” in the hour before class and print it with sweat running down my face.
I was so used to hearing from teachers and family that if I just didn’t procrastinate and worked all the time, I could do anything! I had all this potential I wasn’t living up to!
And that’s true, as far as it goes, but that’s like saying if Usain Bolt just kept going he could be the fastest marathon runner in the world. Why does he stop at the end of the race??
If ANYONE could make their top speed/most productive setting the one they used all the time, anyone could do anything. But you can’t. Your top speed is not a speed you’re able to sustain.
Now, I’ve found that I do need to work on not procrastinating. Not because the product is better, even, but because it’s better for my mental health and physical health to not have a full, sweating, panicked breakdown over every task even if the task itself turns out excellently. It’s a shitty way to live! You feel bad ALL the time! And I don’t deserve to live like that anymore.
So all of this to say, I’m not wasting a ton of potential. I don’t have an ocean of productivity and accomplishments inside of me that I could easily, effortlessly access if I just sat down 8 hours a day and worked. There’s no fucking way. That’s not real. It’s an illusion. It’s fine not to live up to an illusion.
And if you have ADHD, I mean this from the bottom of my heart: you do not have limitless potential confounded by your laziness. You have the good potential of a good person, and you can access it with practice and work, but do not accept the story that you are choosing not to be all that you are or can be. You are just a human person.
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eggabaga · 5 months
we have a right to BE safe not to FEEL safe
Like, since when did we decide that feminism was about making every woman feel safe? You’ve gotta go to some pretty heavy extremes to make that happen. For starters, you’ve gotta pick which women you’re gonna make feel safe. And then you’ve gotta exterminate every woman who your darlings get the willies about.
I mean, I get how it happened. Patriarchy was all, “When women say they feel unsafe they’re just lying, they’re fine.” So feminists were all, “Nuh-uh!! We’re gonna believe women who say they feel unsafe because they probably are unsafe!”
But that only works when you assume that women are only ever in situations where what we say is really how it is. Sure that’s true when white men are threatening white women. If a white woman says she’s unsafe in that situation I’m gonna believe her.
But fucksake we KNOW that we women can pull bullshit down race, class and trans/cis lines, among others. There’s some women on a hairtrigger for “you made me feel unsafe!!” when a Black woman comes along and calls them out, or when they see someone in a bathroom they don’t like.
It still almost works on me. When cis women go on about wanting to feel safe in bathrooms part of me says, “Well, y'know, we’ve got to believe women. That’s what feminists do? Right?” WRONG. Feminists (should) fight the power. That needs a bit more than “believe everyone”. It needs an analysis of power structures.
We have a right - that is, we’re fighting for the right - to BE safe. Fuck this “feeling safe”. Some women aren’t even allowed to “feel”. I see a lot of folks acting like some women don’t even have feelings, can’t ever feel unsafe, because we’re big strong tough matriarchal ballbusters basically men.
Maybe the biggest joke is when a woman gets to the point where a lot of the time she IS safe. She’s got enough power gathered round her that there are some situations in which she’s safe. Where, if someone attacks her, others will back her up. And then she goes calling that down on people with less power than her.
She looked at me mean! She said “die in a fire” and ohhhh she’s going to burn me alive! Oh, sisters, oh sisters, save me! Save me!
Come on. This bullshit is how men say we should act. If we internalise it we’re just eating shit. We have a right to BE safe. We don’t have a right to use our feelings as weapons against those with less power than us. We don’t have a right to retreat into the kind of bad faith where we half-convince ourselves that we’re right to use it this way.
We have a right to BE safe not to FEEL safe. Part of that means doing the work to be honest about our real situation, and those of our sisters, and examine when WE might be the threat. It also means not enabling those who try to twist sisterhood around to harm those it should help.
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