#………………………… i need one hak hug
uriwoos2 · 2 months
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can't sleep... head full of best friend juhaknyeon, who is just so gentle and patient with you.. the situation doesn't matter tbh. like he's just so kind and warm and accepting no matter what. it could be the most stressful situation, in which he couldn't possibly keep calm and all the stress would get to him, putting him on edge but then, when he turns to you his words are coming out all gentle, his eyes holding a soft look, for you. or if you're struggling to do something, failing over and over, when by this point anyone else would've lost their patience but hakkie,, he'll delicately slip his hands over yours and show you how. softly whispering instructions into your ear, as kind to you as ever.. he'll always treat you like you're the most precious thing in the world, he just wants to protect you and have you next to him, safe and happy <3 he's just so perfect :'(
that being said, imagine being deathly afraid of the dark, so much so that you're trembling and visibly scared, and haknyeon taking notice of this, instantly rushing to comfort you in the way he knows how to. he'll just hold your hand, tapping his fingers on the back of yours rhythmically, in patterns. in hopes of distracting you from your fears :( <3 the sweet sweet boy that he is, he'll ask first if it's ok to hug you, and after you grant permission, he'll just wrap his arms around you in the most comfy bear–hug possible.. he's so so warm, and smells so very nice.. his entire presence takes over all your senses, leaving no room for fear. he's an angel, purely perfect..
sometimes he makes you think things that you shouldn't be thinking, like how you want him to hold you close and never let go.. or how you want him to never leave your side and take your hand in his when you need it.. or that the urge to kiss him is so overbearing and as time goes by it only gets more and more intense... but you couldn't ask for a better best friend, and what if he doesn't feel the same?.. that could ruin what you have now, and you don't know if it's worth the risk.. but for now you're just gonna take your time to bask in the warmth his body radiates, the comfort he provides through his gentle touches, rubbing circles on your back, arms tightening around you occasionally, signaling I'm here. here for you. so you close your eyes and hug him back just as tight, signaling back I love you. hoping that somehow he'll get it, miraculously he'll just know.. but the only tangible feeling you have currently is his tight embrace, and you're quite literally sinking into the warm, safe arms of your favorite person. he's your angel <3 sweet, kind angel <3
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makiaan · 1 year
YOTD x Yona’s Younger Sister!Reader Part 1 Hak + Yona + Yoon + Zeno + Kija
Tw: Mentions of Blood/Violence towards big bad guys in Hak's section.
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Back at the castle before the Kings death Yona wouldn't talk to you. To be fair you’d never approach her since you'd also had your own schedule.
This made you two pretty distant regardless of your close blood relations
Though it all changed after the death of the king.
Absolute princess treatment by the one and only princess!
She’s extremely protective of you, always holding your hand no matter where you went.
Being the last of her close family she fears losing you.
The time you were poisoned and fell into a coma she was besides the entire time holding your hand, almost breaking into tears.
Would absolutely want to teach you self defense, and would even beg Haks to help teach you.
Yona would try to remain tough in-front of you, but you always saw through her act, giving her a big comforting hug. She absolutely adored you for that, and begun being more honest with her feelings to you.
Though you two looked similar she’d always compliment and touch your hair,
“Wahh, it’s so silky and smooth!”.
In conclusion! Yona would be the best big sister ever 🫂
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At the palace you two only knew each other by name,
Only running into each other when Hak would be assigned to your section of the palace.
The day that the King died when Hak and Yona were escaping they found you peaking out of your room.
He was quick on herding you and your sister into a protected blob,
And at that moment he made a promise to not only protect Yona but you as well.
Though after finding the dragons and going through adventures together he’d frequently tease you.
Regardless of his harsh teasing, he still cared, and protected you.
“Hey shrimp! Be careful!”
In his eyes you were like a puppy. Walking around smiling while unknowingly falling into danger.
It gave him a lot of stress.
He’d always keep you in the corner of his eye, appearing out of no where whenever you need him.
You’d trip on a rock falling towards your impending doom when out of no where Hak would hoist you back up on to your feet
“Tsk, you weren't listen huh, I said be careful!”
Whenever you'd go missing or get injured he’d take it personally, and throw a tantrum
As in get his hands dirtied with the blood of those who did you wrong..
Though Hak would never admit it, he’d actually developed a big soft spot for you in his heart.
So pretty much a mean but secretly soft older brother🤼‍♀️
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Honestly the first time he saw you he was a bit upset.
Not only did he have to deal with one spoiled princess but two! Oh.. the tragedy for this sassy pretty boy :((
But the closer he got to Yona the closer he got to you.
Actually Yoon would start playing favorites-
Whenever he cooked a meal and you’d ask him for more he’d immediately give in, and huff almost as if you had forced him to. (which you didn't, you asked nicely)
“F-fine! Take it!” He’d puff
Like the mom he was he would scold you whenever you’d leave the camp alone searching for firewood.
Though every time you showed him of how capable you were he'd ignore the evidence and pull up with the "BUT WHAT IF?" counter claim. Stubborn man doesn't stop INSISTING for you to take a battle buddy
The day you joined the pirate crew and had to prove your worth by climbing the cliff with Yona he had nearly collapsed
He was absolutely opposed to putting his sweet summer child into danger, immediately throwing a fuss when the idea was proposed
Whenever he saw you break out into a fever he’d worry THE MOST
After treatment he’d sit and watch over you a long side Yona.
And whenever you needed him he’d always be there, no matter how far or impossible, this man absolutely adored you.
Though his too much of a sas to admit it he really cares for you, and his heart melts whenever your around. ❤️
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Was honestly confused by your existence LOL, he wasn’t sure if he was suppose to serve you..? or be indifferent..? I mean you had red hair but uh???
In the end though he didn’t settle for any of those options… he settled on having a crush LOL
Whenever you spoke to him he’d completely meltdown into a puddle, his words becoming intangible.
“Y-y-YEs! H—ow.. uh uh- C-can I he-elp!” He’d stutter out turning bright red,
“Uh.. Kija you ok?” You’d tilt your head in confusion before Kija would only squeak in response, and bolt away.
In the end though Kija had decided to protect you, and respect you.
Whenever the situation would turn dangerous a switch would flip and he’d suddenly have the courage to be near you.
Though if he saw even just a drop of your blood he’d immediately panic and rush towards you, tears prickling in his eyes
You’d have to hug and comfort him before he’d stop panicking and crying-
Please be nice to him! He doesn’t know how to approach his crush but his trying his very best LOL-
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The first time he had a proper conversation with you he was completely struck through the heart.
*grabs* your my friend now!
And from that point onwards whenever you’d approach Zeno his eyes would shine even brighter and his cheeks would turn flush 😊
Also he'd become more petty, and sarcastic to others when the subject became you.
"Hey! Whacha up to." He'd beam
The boy would never leave you alone, following you around with a big smile
"Zeno do you need something?"
You kinda just let him do his thing, silently following you as you worked on making a fire.
Zeno always tried making attempts at small talk.
He really just wanted your attention, as well as to hear your voice
His clingy needs probably stems from his past. He didn't want to waste a single moment without being near you.
"Nope! Sorry, I want them to do it!"
The most frustrating and stubborn man, would always want YOU to do things for him, otherwise he'd all together refuse what's given to him.
You had your sweet moments though, he'd take the time to make flower crowns, and give you cute little homemade gifts.
And you had to admit, the boy had the prettiest, and brightest smile, so it was always a blessing for you to see him happy.
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anime-fan-05 · 10 months
Hi, may I request for Hak x Reader please? Reader is the neglected princess and wife of Hak. Since they're travelling he's always with Yona and Yona also doesn't let them be together being so stupid. So they have a big argument also with Yona but the dragons and Yoon also try to stop them but the reader snaps. She announces to divorce him and leave. When they meet again she's with another person happily something like that
You weren't the right one
Manga/anime: Akatsuki no Yona
Warnings: angst, with a bitter-sweet ending
(Y/N): your name
(S/O): significant other (not Hak)
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Is being envious a bad thing? Is it that bad to feel it? Is it so bad that I'm jealous of her? I know, I know I shouldn't be jealous, but I can't help it: Hak, my husband, loves Yona, my sister, and I feel terrible.
To be honest, I've always known this, yet I loved him so much I agreed to marry him when my father proposed it to me.
I still remember what I thought when he proposed marriage to me: maybe you won't be the right one, but I still want to be your wife, Hak.
Finally, I gave in to a selfish desire of mine: I hoped I would be able to make him fall in love with me, but I couldn't.
~ 💙 ~
Why, Hak? Why don't you look at me? Why do you console Yona and not me? The one who was killed was also my father, not just her.
"Not now (Y/N). Yona-hime (princess Yona) is sleeping."
"Yes..." You shouldn't hug only her.
I'm not saying you shouldn't console her, but at least pretend you care a little about me. At least try to console me: hug me and say sweet words to me, like you did with Yona.
~ 💙 ~
Since we began our journey to find the Four Dragons, I've been trying to spend some time with Hak, but Yona wouldn't let me: she kept butting in every time we were alone! I sometimes feel like she does it on purpose, but Yona isn't that kind of person, especially after what happened to our father.
I've also noticed Hak is becoming a lot more protective, not only of Yona but of others as well. However, I wish he was so protective of me too, but instead everything remained as before.
However, I'm your wife, Hak! I'm not asking for maximum attention, but I would at least like you to go a little beyond the "good morning" when you wake up and the "good night" before going to sleep (by the way, not even with me). I mean, everyone we meet thinks your wife is Yona and not me! Even the Dragons thought so the first time we met.
Really: you aren't probably the right one...
~ 💙 ~
I can't take it anymore! Every day is harder and harder!
I'm dying of jealousy for Hak and Yona, and I feel terrible. I don't want to be jealous, but I'm not entirely wrong either: nothing has improved since the start of the trip.
Everything is like when we were at the castle...
~ 💙 ~
"Hello, Hak! How are you?"
"Fine." He didn't even look at me.
"Emmm... What are you doing today?" How stupid! I couldn't ask a stupider question: he's obviously looking at my sister!
"I'm looking at Yona-hime. Do you need something?"
"I-I would like to know if you would be willing to come with me to the market one day."
"Sorry, (Y/N)-hime (princess (Y/N)), I can't go out with you: I'm busy taking care of your sister." As always, after all.
Otou-sama (father), why can't I have a bodyguard too? Why does only Yona have it? Why don't you ever consider me?
Why doesn't anyone consider me?
~ 💙 ~
"I'm not clingy or demanding! I just want… I just want to know why it seems like I don't matter to you. I'm your wife!"
Hak and I are arguing. I didn't like feeling these kinds of emotions and I couldn't stand that situation anymore, so I told Hak about it, thinking it might be a good idea. Of course, I didn't expect him to become more affectionate with me, but I hoped he would at least understand me a little and tone down his attention on Yona.
"You are, but you aren't my first priority, and it's time you realized that and stopped getting in my way! I'm tired of you nagging me all the time! Stay away from me for a while and go away!"
What he said?
I? Clingy to him?
"What did you say?"
"You've heard." His voice is chilling; he's really angry.
"Hak, nee-san (big sister), you two should calm down." I can't stand her anymore! Always getting in the way!
"Shut up! I'm really angry with you too!"
"Why? What have I done?" She really is so damn innocent and stupid! She doesn't understand anything!
"Do you even dare ask me? Are you stupid? Since we left, you've been complaining about wanting to get stronger, but what have you actually done? Have you ever managed to do anything? To save someone? Not to be protected? Do you know how much you annoyed me? I'm not like you: I had no one to protect me, even though I was the eldest daughter and heir to the throne. I had to defend myself, I had to learn to fight alone, I always did everything alone! Don't you dare come here, after you keep putting my husband in danger and fluttering your eyelashes at him, even though he's married to your sister!"
It all happens in an instant: a noise, and then a very strong pain in my right cheek.
Huh? What?
"Don't you ever dare talk to Yona-hime like that again!" Hak?
Was it you? Did you hit me on the cheek? Did you hit your wife to protect another woman? How...
"Don't call me that anymore and don't be with us anymore. Go away."
"W-what?" How could you say that?
Tears stream down my face.
I feel terrible. My head hurts, I can't breathe, I feel dizzy...
I know, or rather I've always known, Hak cares more about Yona than me and he'll always protect her, despite everything.
I always knew, Hak, I always knew you aren't the right one for me...
"All right. If that is what you all want, I'll walk away. Hak, don't think of me as your wife anymore: you and I no longer exist. I hope you and Yona will be happy together. Goodbye."
~ 💙 ~
It's been a while since I've been away from my sister, Hak and the others, and I couldn't feel better: I found a man, (S/O), who really loves me, who I care about a lot. However, the story with Hak is still an open wound in my heart, even if my current boyfriend understands me and he never makes me worry about this; he's just a perfect boy!
Now, (S/O) and I are at the market buying everything we need to make our lunch. I'm at the fruit stand; he moved away from me because he had met one of his friends.
While I'm choosing fruit to buy, a familiar sound reaches my ears: Hak! Although my mind isn't even processing everything that is happening, my body is already reacting to his voice, so I look around almost desperately to find him: I start running in the direction from which I heard his voice, colliding with some people and risking tripping several times, until I reach him.
Here, right in front of me, there's the man I've loved almost my entire life. He's as beautiful as ever: his blue eyes, which I have always loved to look at, shine like the sea, and his smile is as warm as the embrace of a loved one. However, what makes me so sad is the fact his smile isn't directed at me: he's smiling at Yona, looking at her with so much affection, not at me. He didn't even notice me.
I don't need to see anything else. I don't want to see anything else. I turn and leave.
My mind is full of regret, pain and anger towards myself: why doesn't Hak look at me? What does Yona have that I don't? Why didn't the relationship between us work out? Why do I keep thinking about him? Why don't you get out of my head, Hak?
A few "what if" scenarios ran through my thoughts, although I know there's no point in thinking about them: he's probably engaged to her by now; I, on the other hand, am engaged to (S/O).
I shouldn't cry, I shouldn't do this, nevertheless, as I lean against the wall of an inn, my chest aching like never before, I can't stop the tears from flowing.
~ 💙 ~
"My love? Are you okay?"
"(S/O)?" I lift my head from my crouched position, looking at (S/O). He's crouched in front of me, looking at me worriedly.
Without thinking twice, I throw myself into his arms and hold him, crying into his chest. He returns the hug, immediately holding me tightly and cradling me gently against him, saying sweet words.
"What happened?"
"I... met... Hak..." I tell him, my voice breaking with sobs.
"Oh, my love... Shhhhh, don't worry: everything will be fine. Can I do something to make you feel better?"
"Can you keep hugging me a little longer, please?"
"Of course." (S/O), why are you so kind to me? Why are you close to me, even though you know I love you, but I still love Hak?
I feel like a traitor. I love (S/O), but I still love Hak too, and I don't understand if I really love him or if he's just a replacement for me. I can't understand my feelings, and I don't want to make him suffer...
"Why are you close to me?" My sudden question shocks him.
"How 'why'? Are you thinking about the situation with your ex husband?" How did he figure it out?
I nod, so he holds me even more gently and says: "Don't worry, I already told you. I love you so much, and, if you're confused about your feelings, I'll help you as much as I can, okay?" I nod again, hugging him tighter and pushing my head further into his chest.
What things which were so good have I done to deserve such a kind person next to me?
I may be so selfish, but, even if I still don't have my feelings clear, I want to be with (S/O); I want to feel as good as when I'm with him; I want to feel that beautiful feeling I feel when we're together forever.
"Thank you, (S/O). Can I ask you something else?"
"Yes." I gently pull away from our embrace and look into his eyes.
"Can we be together forever?" He looks at me with wide eyes and a blush that quickly colors all his cheeks; then, his eyes soften and a sweet smile spreads across his face.
"Of course we can. Come -(S/O) stands up and he takes my hand and helps me get up- let's go home."
Thank you, Hak. You weren't the right one for me, but thanks to what happened between us I'm happy now.
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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Thanks for translating.
I wonder how we'll stop Yona's anxieties when Hak's hugs or kisses aren't enough.
I also wonder what Yona means by "I want to walk with you by my side again one day" again? one day? what way? Platonic? Romantic?
It was nice to see Yona hugging Hak and Hak feeling fine to kiss her (she looked more comfortable or am i hallucinating?) though. But yeah, not enough crying from Yona for sure. I also wonder how she'll react when he gets to war again. Or maybe he doesn't need to with Soowon being better?
Hi Anon!
If you refer to chapter 225, yes, I think Yona was implying in life together, so basically marriage. It's not very clear, very vague yes, but clearly she sees Hak as her life partner.
I think where we are now, Hak will probably have to fight more battles to find her again, but he has more people on his side now, even if the dragons and Yona are all gone. I don't know if Su-Won is getting cured, though. We'll have to see what happens.
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pipinboots · 8 months
WHAT THE CRUDNUGGETS IS HAPPENING!!!!!!!! I have been crying about this all morning 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀 noooooooo my sunshine l know your traumatized as hell but WHYYYYYYY 😭💀 my emotional crushes, and how when YONA and hak hugged him he was like huuuu???! But then he went straight to thinking that there going to hurt zeno THEY LOVE YOU YOU YOU BIG IDIOT!!😭😭
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😭😭😭cry's intensity 💀😭😭😭
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pandoraolivine · 3 months
Akatsuki no Yona Oneshot
Flower Moon
An expansion on the sword training scene/Chapter 47 (Yona/Shin-ah)
My first time posting a fanfic here so pls be merciful to anything that is abnormal or out of place I truly have no idea what I'm doing lol. This idea has lived rent free in my mind for weeks now so I thought I'd write it out. Shin-ah is such an interesting character I was dying to flesh him out more, plus current manga circumstances have me missing my boy. Yes I know Hak and Yona are canon but this pairing will always hold a special place in my heart. I don't own any of these characters. (thank you again @roseodelle for proofreading for me🖤)
TW: blood
WC: 4,371
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Shin-ah didn't quite understand the idea of love. How was he meant to when neither he nor his guardian, Ao, had? His sole point of reference for the outside world was limited to the scene outside the window of his childhood home, where he would often linger for hours. One day, he witnessed longingly as two individuals had their arms firmly intertwined. He, with the naive nature of any child his age, mentioned the encounter to Ao.
"Ao, what are they doing? Are they hurt? Should we go help them?" The young Shin-ah asked. Ao grumbled, tearing his gaze away from the sword he sharpens towards the window. Though Shin-ah's vision was hindered by the mask placed on him since birth, he saw the moment Ao's face dropped. Ao quickly averted his eyes back to his sword.
"They're just hugging." Ao answered bluntly, the sanding of his sword more aggressive than beforehand. Shin-ah was more confused than he was prior to the question. His eyes found their way back to the couple as they tear away from the embrace, observing one place a hand on the other’s cheek.
"What's hugging?" Shin-ah questioned further. Ao, now scrubbing viciously, was silent-something Shin-ah knew meant he had touched a soft spot. He began to consider retracting his concern when Ao spoke:
"It's a thing people sometimes do to show love."
"What's love?" Shin-ah pried further. Ao's answers seemed only to lead to more questions for him. Ao stiffened, his sword slipping off his lap momentarily before he caught it. Though long baby blue hair covered Ao's face, Shin-ah's dragon eyes saw his gritted teeth.
"Something you don't need to worry about.”
"Do you love me?" Shin-ah wanted some sort of reference for the phrase. He knew he cared deeply for Ao, him being the closest to a parent he had ever had. He wondered if that was love. Ao sighed, his sharpening at a normal pace again.
"I guess you could call it that." He stated begrudgingly, his voice half a mutter and half a grunt. Ao finished with his sword and stood up, giving it a few test swings.
"What about the villagers? They hate us, yet you always go out of your way to protect them. Why?"
Ao froze mid overhead slash, his golden eyes wide. He reeled his sword back towards himself, then locked eyes with Shin-ah. His face was tight, temples throbbing intensely.
"I can't hate them-so I'll protect them. That's how I'll show them." Ao announced as he sheathed his sword. His large hand scratched the back of his neck, releasing a deep sigh. "You sure are chatty today, kid. No more questions."
Show them what? Shin-ah wanted to ask, but knew pushing his luck any more would further upset Ao, and he hated when Ao got mad. Ao waltzed to the door, readying himself for their regular bandit hunts. Shin-ah's mouth opened, fear of being left behind overtaking, when Ao lowered a hand towards the ground and outspread it towards him. Shin-ah grinned from ear to ear, rushing into a sprint towards Ao's side, placing his small hand in his guardian's.
Shin-ah physically shook his head in an attempt to purge the memory from his thoughts. Ao was always a bittersweet part of his mind, and it frustrated him how little he could remember of his face-a reminder of how long he had been on his own since Ao had left him.
But he wasn't alone anymore, he reminded himself. A girl who, with an aura more radiant than the sun itself, had rescued him from his eternal darkness. He even had brothers now, too. It had taken more getting used to than he had expected, and even now he found himself wandering far from the group out of sheer habit. He wasn't used to the constant company; Kija and Zeno especially tended to exhibit a particular need for closeness he simply wasn't accustomed to.
“Hak, you idiot.” He would recognize that voice in total darkness-even if he were completely deaf, the warmth of her presence reached him long before she herself did. Yona appeared from behind a tree then kicked the rock closest to her feet, crossing her arms in an extravagant huff. She blew a tuft of crimson hair from her eyes, and in doing so, spotted Shin-ah. Her lips curved into a devious smirk.
Shin-ah gulped, his eyes darting around the surrounding area. His beloved squirrel, Ao (though not fitting for a female squirrel, was named after the only name he ever knew) was chewing on his furry headpiece. Yona approached him with a plan clearly on the forefront of her mind.
“Yes, I want you to teach me swordsmanship. You are a swordsman, right?” Yona asked, her hands kneading into her skirt as she gripped it tightly. Swordsman? He thought, but he supposed it was the proper term for him. Ao had never really given him a special title for it. “Shin-ah, who did you learn swordsmanship from?”
There was a sharp jolt in his stomach, as if he had just leapt from a high ledge. “Ao,” he whispered. Though the name often fell on his lips for his beloved squirrel, it had been many, many years since it was spoken in reference to his guardian.
“...eh?” Yona gasped, eyes wide and bewildered. Realizing the confusion he had caused, he shook his head.
“Someone…by my side, a long time ago.” He confirmed to hopefully resolve any confusion, his eyes trailing off in thoughts of his guardian for a moment. He clenched his fist. “And then fighting in actual battles. Bandits and wild beasts, mostly.”
“That's amazing! I figured as much. I bet those villagers are regretting not appreciating you now that you're not there to fight their battles.” Yona exclaimed, though her brows seemed to lower slightly at the mention of his former village’s residents. He shrunk his head into his shoulders. He knew that the villagers were unaware to anything he had done for them-Ao had made that very apparent to him early on in his life-but it was the only guide he had been given on how to live through this unfortunate existence. His sole purpose was to survive, protect the village, and assist the rising of the blue dragon once the curse laid its hands on its next victim. Clapping her fists together in front of her in a prayer-like motion, Yona leaned towards him. “Teach me the swordsmanship you cultivated through actual combat, Shin-ah.”
Shin-ah twitched, finding himself at cross roads. He thought of Yona’s protector, Hak, and if he would be upset at him for possibly putting her in harm’s way. The Thunder Beast was adamantly against the idea of Yona wielding a sword, and Shin-ah knew he was not one to be trifled with. However, her glowing green eyes gleamed with uncontainable glee, and though he wore a mask, he could tell she was doing her very best to look into his eyes. How could he refuse her when the name she had given him sounded like sweet songbirds coming from her lips? With a sigh, he took his sword from its sheath and meticulously examined it for any potential scratches, as well as ensureed that the handle's binding was secure enough to stay in place as she held it. He hesitated one more moment before uneasily placing the sword in her delicate hands.
As soon as he let go, the weight of the sword quickly made itself known to her as it plummeted towards the ground. Despite trembling arms, Yona lifted the tip of the sword towards the sky, her eyes meeting his, with the fire he admired so much. He evaluated her stance. He then tilted his head to the side, pondering how to explain once he determined how terrible it was.
“Widen your legs…shoulder width apart. Better stance makes you sturdier.” He meekly suggested, not accustomed to being a teacher. He found it difficult, as much of his own studies had been from observing Ao and practicing on his own. He wasn't quite sure how to translate that knowledge. She did as he asked, then slashed the sword horizontally. The weight unbalanced her for a moment, but then she sliced the air going in the opposite way. She followed it with multiple more swings in an uncoordinated fashion.
Ah, there it is, he thinks, the problem evident. Unsure of how to best word his thoughts, he stepped behind her and wrapped his hands around her wrists. “Your wrists are too tight…loosen them. More fluid movement.” He directed, then showed her a proper crossway slice. He followed it with an upward swing, leading into a sharp thrust. “Move with purpose. Each move should lead into the next.”
“So, it's kinda like dancing!” Yona blurted out, practicing the move set he had just shown her. Shin-ah didn't have much dancing practice-or really, any, for that matter-but if the connection helped her, then that was all that mattered to him. His eyes were drawn to her hands, realizing just how much more battered up they were up close: etched with scars, splinters, and small cuts. His chest tightened. He wished that they would stay soft forever and that she would never experience hardship, but he knew that was not the kind of girl Yona was.
Why was he so fixated on her hands? He asked himself, finding his own face growing hot beneath his mask. He released her wrists and stepped back, tossing the recent thoughts from his mind. He steadied his headpiece and monitored Yona as she tightened her grip on the sword. Her eyes were blazingly focused. After correcting her stance as Shin-ah had shown her, she swung the sword in the fashion previously demonstrated for her.
Shin-ah found himself in a trance, incapable of tearing his gaze away. Her hair tossed across her face as she sliced, with stray pieces clinging to the sweat that lined the edge of her hair, her breaths deep but determined. She released small grunts as she fought to keep a steady grip on the blade that she refused to deem too heavy for herself. She went for the upward slash, her brow furrowed deeply as she thrust herself forward with her blade pointed at Shin-ah. He found his breath had escaped him and his rib cage seemed to squeeze at his chest. Had she paralyzed his heart?
Yona softened as she reeled the sword back. Her face pinched, releasing a faint yelp as she let a hand off the blade. He froze, a pit carving into his stomach as he saw the deep scarlet puddle on her pale hands. She stared indifferently at her now-bloody palm.
“I see, this sword doesn't have a guard.” She quickly disregarded her frown, then moved her hand back to the hilt. “Shin-ah, can you walk me through-”
He promptly robbed her of the blade, clutching the handle fiercely to his body. He'd hurt her. He was the one who caused this. He did precisely what he had always feared he would. He pivoted to bolt-his answer to any problematic situation-when a small hand grabbed his elbow.
“Shin-ah, wait. I'm ok, I promise. It's just a scratch.” Yona tried to reassure him, but Shin-ah still attempted to pull away. As hard as he fought to omit the sight from his all-seeing eyes, he could not rid himself of the crimson that stained her hands. He could not leave her like this. He grit his teeth, tossed his sword aside to the grass, then turned to Yona. He knew Yoon had gone to town to buy supplies so he would have to take care of her himself. He gathered her up, one arm beneath her legs, the other around her shoulders, then scouted for a nearby river. Yona cried out, the whites of her eyes taking over and her cheeks glowing, "Shin-ah, what are yo-”
He unintentionally cut her question short as soon as he leapt towards the body of water he had just discovered. Her small fists clamped tightly onto his overshirt, and he found it difficult to concentrate anywhere other than her face as she peered at the passing scenery of the surrounding woodland. They arrived at the fiercely-flowing river, where he cautiously set her down and guided her hand into the water. With one hand, he carefully cupped water over the cut, wincing as he reviewed the incision without blood once the water ran clear. “I’m sorry…Yona.”
“This isn't your fault. I was the one who was careless. I'm sure next time I'll-” Yona began, but was hastily disrupted by Shin-ah passionately jerking his head back and forth. He refused to allow her to get hurt on his account ever again. The bleeding stopped, yet his index finger continued to trace the lines of her palm. He snaps himself out of it then reaches for the bandages he kept in his pack for his arm wraps out. He timidly grabbed hold of her fingers and began to tenderly wrap the bandages around her palm.
He urges himself to stay centered on the task at hand and not let his thoughts drift back to her features, which he deeply desired to study. His work was abruptly disturbed by sudden heat on his jaw, which he faintly gasped to. He raised his head to see Yona's hand on his chin, accompanied by a smile so dazzling it threatened to overthrow the sun and melt his heart. Her gentle fingertips began to wedge beneath his mask so he swiftly seized her wrist to stop her. His hands grew sweaty and his fingertips twitched. Yona's expression sank.
“It's ok, I just want to be able to look into your eyes when I talk to you. Won't you let me? It's hard to read your face with it covered.” She pleaded, stroking his cheek with her thumb. He pressed his lips together and turned his head away. He detested to risk harming her with this curse he had been forsaken by. “I could never be afraid of you, Shin-ah.”
She gracefully proceeds to inch her fingers further to remove the mask from his face, and he finds himself unable to refuse her. He reluctantly let go of her wrist, illumination blinding him as he emerged from his realm of darkness. He instinctively squeezed his eyes shut, largely out of a deep-seated fear of his paralysis powers and the other being sensitive to the sunshine overhead. Yona's hand slid to his cheekbone and brushed the area around his birthmark. His eyelids fluttered open, taking in every detail around him like a newborn observing the world for the first time; from the leaves swaying in the wind, the waterfall miles away, to the fish swimming against the current. But Yona, the most brilliant light of them all, was the one he always found his way back to.
Her face was so much more breathtaking without hindered vision. He absorbed every minute detail: her freckles, the frizz of her wild hair, the cracks in her lips, her sun-kissed skin along her cheeks, the array of green hues in her captivating eyes.
“You have such beautiful eyes. I wish you weren't so afraid to show them to the world.” Yona said. He is met with the familiar urge to hide himself, although this time, not out of fear, but due to a stranger feeling he couldn't quite verbalize. “I don't see how anyone could see you as cursed.”
“I…” He trailed, unable to find the correct words. After muttering a grunt, he redirected his focus back to tending to her wound. As Yona withdrew her hand, the heat dissipated from his cheek, leaving him colder than he was prior with a shiver crawling up his spine. He finishes wrapping it up, taking special care to ensure it wasn't tight enough as to cause discomfort. It would have to do for now until Yoon could work his magic. Shin-ah knew the basics enough to tend to his own injuries from countless years of skirmishes, but he was hardly a professional. The last thing he wanted was to initiate further damage by addressing her wound incorrectly. His hands linger on her hand a moment longer, finding it difficult to remove.
“See? All better! Thank you, Shin-ah.” Yona sings, admiring his work. She then brings her hands to her lap, gripping the fabric of her dress. “I'm sorry for being so careless, and for upsetting you.”
“Yona, you could never upset me.” Shin-ah rapidly responds, quite offended at the very idea, shaking his head furiously. Yona giggles, a sound that could cure him even on his deathbed. “I want to protect you. I…never want to see you hurt.”
“I'm grateful for you, and the others, for that matter. It means the world to me to have so many who care for me.” She states, but there is an underlying tone to her voice as her eyes seem to drift towards the river longingly. “But I want to protect you all too. I never want to be powerless again.”
Shin-ah sharply inhales at how quickly her mood darkened. He frantically looked around for Ao, who was much more efficient at comforting others than himself, but she was nowhere to be found, so she must have returned to camp on her own. He grits his teeth together, his brain mulling over every possibility, but he drew a blank on what to do. He had never been good at this sort of thing-how could he be when none had ever been expressed to him? His guardian, Ao, was certainly not the affectionate type, and the villagers loathed him so much they would have ignored him to bleed to death and then complain about having to clean up the mess left on the dirt. He dreaded to see Yona so sorrowful; he desired nothing more than to be able to physically combat the darkness that engulfed her and beat it into submission so she would never succumb to despair again. His eyes gleam as an idea rolls into his mind, promting him to grab her unbandaged hand with his own, squeezing it tightly. Yona’s head whips towards him, her mouth hanging open at the sudden touch. She quickly throws on a smile, her thumb rubbing against the outer part of his hand.
“That’s why I need you to teach me the sword! I need to be strong enough to protect you the way you protect me.” Yona exclaimed, her eyes ignited with determination. Shin-ah immediately shakes his head, his dragon eyes able to see the fresh wound even beyond the bandages. He would never allow something like that to happen again. Yona's face scrunches to the side, lips puckered into a pout. Her features soften as she locks eyes with him once more. “Could I at least watch you practice?”
Shin-ah grew still as a statue. His golden eyes widened as he remembered how he spent his entire span of consciousness imitating every move Ao had demonstrated for him, even after his death. He was cast away into memories of his own solitude, his sole solace for the majority of his life being that Ao remained eternally with him due to the techniques bestowed upon him prior to his passing. Before he had time to resist, tears welled up in his eyes against his will. Yona immediately jumped to place a hand on his cheek.
“I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to upset you, we don't have-” She apologized, but was rendered short mid-sentence by Shin-ah, who coated her entire hand with his own and swayed his head faintly. His fingers followed the lines of her bandages.
“No…that's perfect.” He reassures, taking a deep inhale in a futile attempt to withdraw his tears. Yona grinned softly, her thumb collecting the overflow from trickling down his face.
“You’re such a kind soul, Shin-ah. I hope you stay by my side forever.” Yona states. He discovered he was completely unable to move-perhaps she had paralyzed him, just as she had done prior. He curled a fingertip just to prove he still could. What had she done to him, then?
“I'll follow you anywhere, as long as you let me.” Shin-ah vowed breathily, wandering in the lush emerald forest that made a home in her eyes.
Yona grew a toothy smile, her cheeks pink like the petals of a rose against snow. Her eyes lit up suddenly and she scrambled through her pouch. “Oh! I nearly forgot! I have a surprise for you.”
Shin-ah’s head cocked to the side, watching her closely as his hands rested in his lap. She let out a triumphant cry as she extracted a foreign object from her pouch. He heard a familiar faint ring, one that caused his eyes to expand and intercepted his breath.
“I noticed you lost the bells from your mask after we escaped the cave, and I was worried they were something precious to you that you lost because of me. So when I was in town with Yoon the other day and saw this, I knew I had to get it for you.” Yona explained, her hands cupped together as she presented a large golden bell threaded through a blue ribbon. He was too overcome with shock to move, so he silently stared at the bell, mouth hanging open and uncertain how to proceed. Ao's words reverberated in his mind: 'I'll know where you are, even if I can't see you.' Yona took note of his awe and sensitively laid the bell into the exposed palms of his lap. Shin-ah hesitantly drew it closer to his eyes, examining the intricate designs along the surface, slightly flinching at the ring that emitted. “I know it's probably not anything like the ones you had before, but I hope you like it.”
Like it? He scoffed internally, his heart practically bruising his ribs with its attempt to escape from his chest. He struggled to comprehend her thoughtfulness in wanting to replace the bells he had worn for so long. He didn't even imagine that she had noticed his bells were missing. When his original bells had fallen, he felt no need to retrieve them due to having friends who finally saw him. However, hearing the sweet ring once more stirred a tender and tormenting nostalgia he hadn't felt since being liberated from the caves he was bound to. He reluctantly rattled the bell again, the music plucking the strings of his heart into a melody that nearly brought him to tears once more. Don't you dare cry again, he ordered himself. Taking a deep breath, he clutches the bell tightly to his collar bones. “Thank you, Yona.”
He cursed himself for being incapable of verbalizing the depth of his gratitude for this gift. She sprung slightly forward and clapped her hands together, her signature enchanting smile adorning her face. Rising to her feet, she dusted the dirt off her skirt, surveying her surroundings. She then extended her bandaged hand to Shin-ah.
“Now, back to sword practice?” She asked. Despite the injury she sustained, she still approached him with the same amount of enthusiasm that she had begun with. He pulled himself out of his daze caused by the gift, snatching his headpiece to place his mask back on, as it was a force of habit that could not be broken easily. Yona frowned slightly, but knew it could not be helped-it would take time for him to be able to live without it. He reached for her hand, wincing for a moment at the reminder of her wound. He then decided to grab a hold of her wrist as she helped pull him up. She leads the way, but his feet are held down by stones he cannot see. Noticing his arm resistant, she turns around with her eyebrows narrowed. “Are you alright?”
His teeth grinded together, his legs trembling as he grasped the bell tightly. “I just...I...” he croaked, the words clogging his throat. It mustered all his strength to not let it morph into an inaudible blubber. 'I'm sorry...I'm going to leave you all alone.' Ao's final words assaulted his thoughts. Yona tilted her head as she stepped closer to him. He turned away in an attempt to further hide his face. “Please...don't leave me.”
Yona's eyes broadened as she peered lower at their interlaced hands. He whirled to face her, poised to take back what he'd said, fearing he'd said something harmful, when she freed his hand. Before he could react, a sudden flash of red surged toward him with two frail arms enveloping his torso. This was unlike anything he had ever felt before. She buried her head deeper into his chest, stunning him to the point that his arms were rendered useless, dangling midair. He recalled the couple he'd witnessed so long ago, and how he'd dreamed of the day when somebody would finally be willing to stare into his eyes head on without fear. He wondered what Ao would think of the friends he had made. Tears surged out of his eyes yet again and he inclined his head towards the heavens in an attempt to prevent them from flowing down his now raw cheeks. He, with reservations, slowly wrapped his arms around her shoulders and softly squeezed them. He hoped he was doing it correctly. Yona eventually draws back, her eyes reddish and glistening like stars from the sun's beaming light peeking through the overhanging foliage. She embraces his neck delicately with both hands and sniffles. “I'm not going anywhere. Thank you for being by my side, Shin-ah.”
They leave for camp together, Shin-ah never once losing grip of her wrist while his other hand cradled the bell firmly to his chest. He nearly stumbled on several occasions as a result of being so enthralled by her presence. He loved her, he decided. He didn't know much about what the word meant, but he knew he cared for her more than anything in the world; she who rescued him from his relentless world of shadows and gave him a moonlight name that he would treasure for eternity. He wasn't sure how exactly to express this love to her, but he knew he would do whatever it took to protect her and prevent her from wearing that melancholic expression on her face ever again. That's how he would show her.
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200 Follower Drabble Prompt Challenge Event ✍🏻
Y’all, I finally made it to 200 followers!!! 🥳
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In honor of this achievement, I will be hosting a Drabble Prompt Challenge event! 
(I know the 100 follower event didn’t go anywhere, and I’m really sorry about that, but I think this one will be much better)
The Drabble Prompt Challenge is exactly what it sounds like. My followers will have a chance to submit a prompt and character(s), and then I have to write a drabble story for it. A drabble is:
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Hence, the challenge!!! I have to write the story in exactly 100 words, no more and no less. This challenge will run from 12/18-12/31. You only have this window to submit your asks for the Drabble Prompt Challenge. Any asks submitted after 12/31, 11:59 PM EST (UTC-5) will be politely declined. 
This is a followers event only! If you feel more comfortable submitting on anon, please use the honor system 🙏🏻
I only write for the Yona of Dawn/Akatsuki no Yona fandom. Please choose characters from this fandom only. You can also choose any of my active OCs!
Each follower can submit a max of 2 prompts for the event. Again, please use the honor system if submitting on anon 🙏🏻
You can only submit 1 prompt at a time. I will not accept multiple prompts in the same ask, there's not enough room in 100 words.
You can only choose a max of 2 characters per prompt. Again, 100 words is not a lot to work with, so that’s why I have to put a limit.
If you choose more than 1 character, please note whether you want the drabble to be platonic or romantic. 
If I receive multiple submissions of the same prompt and same character(s), I may choose to decline your submission and ask that you choose a new prompt or a new character. I will write the drabbles on a first come, first serve basis.
I do not write smut.
I do not write poly.
I only write hetero.
I reserve the right to decline any submission due to broken rules, unfollowed directions, or rudeness.
Pick a character(s)
Pick a prompt
Choose platonic or romantic (if applicable)
Send ask
Prompt List:
Watching the sunset
Enjoying a walk
Dancing around the kitchen
Having a friendly arm-wrestling match
Getting a bath ready
Cooking together
Kissing in the rain
Having a snowball fight
Loudly singing
Laughing at the stupidest jokes
Holding hands
Kissing each other good night
Keeping each other warm
Moments of contemplation
Building a snowman
Choosing a Christmas tree
Getting a sugar rush
Collecting firewood
Sharing a blanket in front of the fireplace
Asking them if they need help
Asking for advice
Consoling hugs
Making up after an argument
Helping them wash off the blood from their body
Hugging them tightly, telling them how worried you were
Trying to hide your injury from them, but failing miserably
Bandaging them up while you both tell each other about your day
Shielding the other one with their body
Complimenting each other unexpectedly
Example Submission:
“Hi! I would like to submit a prompt for the 200 Followers Drabble Prompt Challenge. I challenge you to write a platonic Yun and Yona drabble for prompt #2: Enjoying a walk. Thank you!”
Thank you to all of my followers for being so amazing 💚💚💚 Please have fun with the challenge!!! I'm so excited to see what y'all submit 😁
I will be updating this post with the submissions I receive below.
Drabble Prompt Challenge - Master List:
Yun x Fem!Reader - Prompt # 27
Shin-Ah x Fem!Reader - Prompt # 20
Jae-Ha & Shin-Ah - Prompt # 22
Hak & Jae-Ha - Prompt # 4
Zeno x Fem!Reader - Prompt # 25
Zeno x Fem!Reader - Prompt # 29
Hak & Su-Won - Prompt # 29
Kaya & Kimi (TFOM OC) - Prompt # 2
Zeno x Kaya - Prompt # 6
<event is closed>
13 notes · View notes
jjkw-7 · 1 year
Among the Stars
Jungkook!idol x female!fan
Word Count: 9356
Part 3
The sense of liberation did not last long.
The events after the revelation are all blurred out in my mind. I slightly remember Jimin running to me and hugging me, apologizing over and over again. I remember Tae holding my hand and kissing my forehead, I remember the voice asking me to go to the studio, but I didn't do so straight away as all the strength had left me then.
Hana finally managed to drag me to the studio, shoved me in, and closed the door. I broke down right there and then. There was no one but me and the production team, maybe the spectators would get to see this later too, but right then I didn't care. I cried my heart out until there were no tears left in me.
"Y/N," I hear Mr. Hak through the speakers, and finally notice the screen is on and he is standing on the other side. "as you know I can't say much to help you, however, I can say that ARMY knew long before it was announced so if you were worried about them, don't. As for Jungkook, he is not as shocked as he appears to be and it was a decision none of BTS took lightly. Do not blame them, they don't deserve it."
"I don't blame them," my voice comes out empty and dry "I blame myself."
"Don't blame yourself either, it is okay. You will be okay." He tried to reassure me.
"I know," I said confidently "none of this will matter once I am out of here anyways."
"Are you thinking of quitting?" He asks, his voice coming out slightly high-pitched as if he is worried.
"If you think I'd ever quit, you don't know me at all" I state.
"Good." He smiles as he continues. "Obviously, we will have to stop the plans we had for you and V."
"Why?" I asked confused. "One thing has nothing to do with the other. Having a bias doesn't mean I can't fall for any other man on earth you know?"
"Well, that seems to be your opinion alone." He fidgets with his pen in his hands as he speaks.
"I would like to continue the mission." Now more than ever actually. "You would?" He is clearly surprised by what I just said.
"Yes." There is nothing else to add. I need this distraction, and Tae has been great for me.
"I will discuss this matter with the rest of the production team, if we don't get back to you then the mission continues as normal." He says as he starts to wave. "Good luck Y/N, we are all thinking of you."
And with that, the TV turns black and silence overcomes the studio. It is something I welcome, I need this, just time for me and my own thoughts.
After a while I decided to get up and leave the room, I shriek as I open the door and a bunch of people fall into me. They were trying to overhear.
"Are you quitting?" Hanna asks first and everyone just stares, eagerly awaiting my response.
"What? You also think I'm a quitter?" I laugh out loud. "No, I'm staying."
They all rush into me and group hug me, I open my arms wide and embrace them all. We stay like that for a few minutes until I hear someone clearing their throat. I look to the side and see JK standing there. I give him a wide smile and Hanna, Nabi, Jimin and V pull away.
"Can I talk to you?" JK asks, looking everywhere else but at me.
"I don't think that's a good idea." V puts himself in front of me, while his arms hold me from his back. I gently unlock his hands off me and he looks back at me.
"It's okay Tae," I give him a reassuring smile and squeeze his hand before letting go and following Jungkook.
He led me outside and through the garden until we reached that same bench we had been sitting on a while back. He gestures for me to sit next to him, patting the place next to me.
None of us spoke for a while. My heart pounded within my chest, harder than ever next to him. It is hard to believe they all know the truth, he knows the truth.
"I'm sorry." We both say at the same time and laugh. What a way to break the ice. I gesture to him to go ahead and speak first.
"I didn't mean to make you feel awkward, or to make you reveal that secret you held for so many years before." He gives me a small smile before deviating his eyes back to his feet.
"Don't worry about it, I knew the chances of someone figuring it out were very high when I decided to participate in this." I looked at him but his eyes did not deviate from his feet. "I am also sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable when I looked at you before pulling your name out. I just really wanted to see your reaction."
"No that's okay, I'm sorry you didn't really get to see a proper reaction." He laughs and I follow the laugh, getting up.
"We should stop apologizing now," I state and offer my hand for him to get up too. Tingling built on my palms as his hand took mine. "We should get back, you have millions of people who are your bias out there so I'm sure you are used to it, and as for me, it's time that I man up."
After that, we headed to the house and found everyone drinking and laughing around the sofas. I headed towards the crowd while JK went inside the house. No one acted differently toward me and I was grateful for it. I grabbed my own beer from the cooler and sat on Tae's lap. No one commented and Tae grabbed me from behind, hugging me close and he continued to actively participate in the conversation being help.
It all felt so natural, and slowly, as the alcohol started to take over my inhibitions and silly thoughts, I started to feel more and more comfortable with myself, not once that evening I thought of JK, and that felt weird.
It was finally Sunday and I rub my eyes, stretching as I woke up. When I open my eyes a small scream left my lips as I see Hanna, Jimin, and Nabi sitting in the other bed looking very amused.
"What is the meaning of this?" Jimin asks while Hanna tksed and Nabi gives a devious smile.
I realize that someone is grabbing me from behind, locking me in place, and softly snoring. I look to find Tae and smile. "I can explain." I start.
"I would love to see how you are getting out of this one." Nabi laughs as she speaks.
"Well," I say and smile "we are dating."
"What?" They all say at the same time, loud enough to make Tae shift in the bed.
"Sush guys, Tae is sleeping," I state the obvious while I manage to break free of his embrace and get out of bed. "We should take this somewhere else, let him sleep."
They all get up and ask me to join them outside as soon as I am done getting ready. I do as they say and within 10 minutes I meet them in the sofas, Tae was still fast asleep in my bed when I left.
"Explain," Hanna says, sounding quite excited about this turn of events. Nabi also has a small smile on her face, while Jimin's expression gives nothing away.
"There is nothing to explain," I say, fidgeting a little with my hands. "We just got close and enjoy each other's company, he asked me out and I said yes."
"When did this happen?" Nabi asks.
"Just last night," I say.
"I don't buy it." Jimin finally speaks looking straight at me.
"Well Jimin, you don't have to but it, you are free to believe what you want." I bite back a little too sharply.
"Why are you questioning her?" Nabi asks, her voice sounding a little disappointed and I actually feel bad. "She has no reason to lie to us."
"Yeah," Hanna agrees "I don't understand why you are being such a baby Jimin."
He suddenly gets up and looks straight into my eyes. "Caught you." That is all he says before storming away. So he was the one that wrote that post-it? But so what? He already knows Jungkook is my bias. I'm very confused at his reaction. Also, why didn't he out me then? He knew, he had known since the very beginning. Why did he not say anything?
"Ignore him," Hanna speaks first. "Knowing him he is probably just worried about Tae."
"Agreed," Nabi says nodding. "As well as ARMY reaction."
We stay talking and laughed for a while before deciding it was getting too warm to stay in the sun. Hanna went back in to get us some breakfast while Nabi and I went around opening the parasols to try to keep the sofa area cool.
Soon enough Hanna comes back with breakfast and Tae tailing behind her. I smile at Tae and he smiles back at me, giving me a small peck on the lips before sitting next to me.
"Hey, keep your lovey-dovey actions for when you are in private," Hanna says making me and Tae laugh.
"There is no privacy in this house," Tae says and I nod. He is right.
"There are always the toilets or the studio." Hanna bites back making us all laugh again.
It is a good thing that I and Tae had talked about telling everyone today last evening. He said that I should tell my friends as soon as I woke up, and he would tell the boys when he did. It was unfortunate that Jimin heard it from me, but he would find out either way. I wonder how the others reacted as we quietly ate our breakfast.
Straight after we finish eating, we tidy up and take everything to the kitchen. While Tae does the dishes I dry them, Nabi puts them away and Hanna cleans the stove and table. Working as a team we were done in no time. After a while, I noticed that I saw everyone walking around and doing their own things, except the boys.
I haven't seen Jimin all day after this morning, neither saw any of the boys at all and it's nearing sunset.
"Where are the guys?" Hanna finally asks voicing my inner thoughts.
"Well, RM and Jin are preparing a speech to officially announce to ARMY me and Y/N are together," Tae says and my head snaps in his direction. WTF? Isn't this a bit much? I mean I know they don't know it's fake but still... "Jimin and Jungkook hit the gym since this morning and I don't think they stopped yet, once they start is hard to make them stop. The rest are probably in their rooms sleeping."
I still think it's odd. It's the first time I don't see any of them the whole day. As that if hearing my thoughts RM and Jin come into view.
"Congratulations," RM says pulling me into a hug, that I awkwardly return.
"Thanks, I guess," I say pulling away and looking at Jin who gives me a tight smile, that I can't help but notice, doesn't reach his eyes.
"We have finished the speech Tae, have a once over with Y/N and make notes if there is anything we should add." Jin addresses V. "Meet us in the studio in 10" and with that, they leave.
I quietly read the speech with V, they each have lines to read as well. Mostly they aren't even talking about me and Tae's "relationship" but about self-love, self-respect, and mutual goals. In my eyes everything is perfect. They even mention how this is proof having a bias doesn't mean being in love and my heart actually clenched while reading that part. I don't know why, because that is the truth. Although bias does put standards on me that will surely make me forever single.
Tae made some alterations to his part of the speech that made me laugh. We knew ARMY knew everything was fake, and what he changed made it very clear to anyone that was in this knowledge that it would stay like this.
After all, it is all made up, a script we have to follow for entertainment purposes.
It is all just a fantasy.
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It was eerily quiet as Tae and I step into the studio. Only RM and Jin were there, even though we were not early. If anything, we should be a bit late.
"Where is everyone?" Tae asks as he sits down on a vacant chair and pulls me with him.
"They should be arriving any minute now," Jin replies while he takes over the speech that Tae hands to him.
Soon enough, he turns to the computer and starts making the necessary adjustments.
"Unusual choice of words V." Jin says as he types."It makes sense to me." Tae hums as he taps on the desk.
"You did not want to add or change anything Y/N?" Not to say Jin sounded slightly judgmental, may be skeptical.
"I trust you guys to know what you are doing," I state shrugging. "I would have no idea what to do or say without you all. I appreciate you doing all this for us."
"Not like we were given a choice in the matter," Jin mumbles, too quietly for anyone else but me to hear. His words slightly shook me, however, I chose to ignore them.
One by one, the rest of the boys start gathering in the studio, I notice the air is becoming thicker as more of them arrive. It is almost impossible to breathe. None of them seem to be in the mood to speak, and it is starting to make me slightly uncomfortable.
I smile as Jimin and Jungkook finally join us, but my smile quickly drops as I see that neither of them even looks at me and Tae. They are clearly against this.
I start to have second thoughts about all this. I had the chance to take it all back, make it all go away. Why did I choose not to? And also why did I not care until now? I mean everyone else, save for RM, is clearly against this too. Why did it only bother me after Jimin and Jungkook entered the room?
It got to the point that I didn't feel comfortable anymore sitting on Tae's lap. I quickly get up, making an excuse saying I needed to stretch my legs a bit.
I watch while all the boys give input on their part of the speech, most of them want to either add, take or change something. Eventually, it was time to record it. I had my part memorized, so I just flew through it.
"You're a natural," Tae says and kisses my cheek and I smile while I hear someone gag. Unaware of who it was I choose to ignore it kissing Tae back, on his lips instead. The only worry on my mind is that ARMY really sees through this act.
The evening passed as quickly as a bolt of lightning and somehow, by some miracle, ARMY chose not to vote me out.
It had been a very close call, but they choose to let me stay, at least for now. I don't think I will survive another vote.
After the celebration of my stay, to which I have to add only half the people of the house joined, Tae and I excuse ourselves and head to the hammock. Both of us were slightly tipsy, but still completely in control of our actions. Tae was the one to suggest it, I think he sees that not having Jimin there was having an effect on my mood.
"I'm sorry he didn't come." He says as we are laying there next to each other, cuddling, rocking from side to side, and enjoying the little stars that are still visible through the light pollution coming from our fully lit house.
"It's okay, he will get over it," I say, snuggling against him a bit more and closing my eyes.
The rocking of the hammock made me so relaxed I almost want to fall asleep there. If it wasn't for the slightly cool breeze of the summer evening, I probably would.
"Are you sure it was the right decision to make?" Tae asks, making me open one eye to look at him.
"What do you mean?" We came this far, if ARMY was to be pissed then the harm has been done. They know it's fake, the haters will hate it no matter what.
"Well, this can affect your relationship with the others, permanently." He says while adjusting his position, letting go of me and instead turning straight up.
"You mean the boys? I thought you were worried about ARMY." I sit up, knees to my chin, looking at him somewhat confused.
"ARMY is aware this is fake, but the rest of the guys aren't. Aren't you worried?" I think about it for a second before I reply.
"Why should I be worried? It's a mission, 100% fake."
"They will feel betrayed no matter what." I am not understanding his point.
"If they feel betrayed, shouldn't you be the one worried about it?" He looks at me with a questioning gaze, so I continue. "I mean, you are the one that is tied to them. You are the one who will deal with any consequences after this all ends. I am just a passenger in your lives, soon to be completely gone from them. I am just a memory passing by, at most, you will look back and remember the girl who was scared to tell her bias was Jeon Jungkook, probably not even remembering much more than that."
"Are you blind or just thick?" Tae asks me getting up himself. "Please tell me you are joking."
"What the hell Tae?" I look at him, clearly offended.
"Y/N, did you think they act as they did in the studio if you were not important to them?" He passes his fingers through his hair, which was not even covering his eyes, making it seem he did it out of frustration instead of need. "They acted like that because they care. In the event of a break-up, what do you think would happen? They would have to side with me, no matter what, and with that lose you in the process. You came into our lives and left a mark, something none of us want to lose. None of us wants to let go of you. They did not act like that because they don't like you, or don't like the prospect of you being in a relationship with me. They acted like that because they care about you too much and made a real connection with you, they don't want to part ways with you if things go south."
I let go of a breath I didn't even know I was holding. To say something like that had never crossed my mind was a complete understatement. It basically brought tears to my eyes, the possibility of the boys being so attached to me that they are scared to lose me. Suddenly, Jimin's words and actions no longer seemed harsh and unnecessary. Neither the rest of them avoided me or not looking in my direction. They were trying to not get even more attached, they were avoiding heartbreak, from me, and this thought alone made me regret not ending everything right then when the production thought we couldn't go through with it.
"We should have ended it while we could." A single tear escaping my eye that I quickly whipped away.
"I actually agree," Tae says while stretching a hand out to help me get out of the hammock. "But it's too late now."
That sentence pretty much defines my life, it follows me and haunts me wherever I go. For me, it is always too late.
With one less person in the house, there is now the possibility of two people ending up alone in their bedroom. While everyone kept discussing how to solve the logistics of the situation, my thoughts kept drifting off to the conversation I and Tae had last night. I barely noticed when Hanna shoved me, gesturing for me to draw the paper of the hat. I shove my hand inside and just grab the first one I touch, not bothering to move my hand around fishing for the right one. Likewise, I was too lost in my own thoughts to care about such a trivial matter. Who cares where we sleep? At least we have where to sleep.
"Y/N!" Tae finally snaps me out of it. "We are waiting to know which room you got?"
"Oh." I give him a smile that did not reach my eyes while I open the paper. "I got C."
"Taehyung do you mind changing with me?" I hear Jungkook asking, but I disconnect from the conversation just as fast as I got in it.
How can I solve this? I doubt I can go to the production and ask. Maybe we should just come clean. What's the worse it can happen? We lose 10 k? Tae doesn't care, he is a millionaire. As for me, I could use the extra cash, however, I'd rather lose 10 k than lose the boys, of that I am sure.
"Exchanging rooms is against the rules." I hear the voice say in the background.
I made up my mind. Tae and I, we need to come clean. After changing rooms, I'll talk to him. I don't want to lose the boys. Jimin never talks to me anymore and I miss him terribly, and I got to admit that Jungkook ignoring me hurts like a bitch. Out of everything that came with me "dating" Tae, Jungkooks reaction hurts me the most.
I head upstairs and grab my bag from the old room. My mind so clouded with my thoughts, I did not even excuse myself as I left the room, a very American thing to do but very disrespectful in Korea. I did not think about it, I am so comfortable here that I just act like I'm home because it feels like home to me. But why does it feel like home? When did it start feeling like home?
I am unpacking my last piece of clothing when I see someone coming into the room carrying a bag. It was Jungkook. Wait, didn't he want to change with Tae? Hmmm, maybe he wanted to do it for our benefit? Or maybe Tae is alone, and he would rather stay alone as he did for the past week?
But then this feeling of dread just dawns upon me. Because maybe, or actually most likely, he simply did not want to stay with me. Just like he did not want to stay with Ae-Cha that first week and kept sneaking into Jimin's bed. Maybe I'm the problem now, and this thought absolutely devastates me, it kills me.
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The sound of the siren echoed once more through the house. The sound waves bouncing from wall to wall stopping me from heading toward Tae's bedroom. Doing a 180° turn I take the stairs to the right and soon am standing in the living room.
On the other side of the red button is Seam, Suga is already there leaning against a pillar, legs crossed and one hand supporting his elbow while the other is caressing his chin, a smirk plastered on his face.
I quickly grabbed myself a glass of water before letting myself fall on the sofa while we wait for everybody to gather, not even a minute later Hanna lets herself drop next to me followed by Ari. Soon I feel someone's hands lay on my shoulders and starting to massage them. I let my eyes close and let my head fall backward enjoying the sensation. Opening my eyes I find a smiling Tae looking back at me. I return the smile.
"Good evening." The voice says after a little while. "I see Seam pressed the button this time around."
"Yes, it is my turn to try and guess someone's secret now that mine has been revealed." Seam replies.
For some reason I had a feeling this would be an interesting one so, in order to pay more attention I pull myself forward, making Tae release my shoulders and ending the massage. My legs are open, elbows resting on each knee, holding my now half-full glass of water in my hands.
"Go ahead Seam," the voice encourages "we are looking forward to hearing what your theory is."
"Before I go ahead, this I have to say this is kinda a long shot." He looks at Suga who lifts his chin giving him a sharp nod as if urging him to keep going. "First I thought it would be something, but turns out, in the end, it's something slightly different from my original idea, at least, if I am right." He pauses and looks at everyone from left to right, to be sure he has everyone's attention. After some suspense, he lets go of a breath and continues.
"I think the secret is 'The person I am in love with is in love with Jeon Jungkook'." The sound of a glass hitting the hardwood of the living room is the first thing that can be heard as soon as he finishes his sentence. Tae comes running to me from around the sofa and tries to stop me from picking up the mess I have just made. My hands are shaking and I feel like all blood has left my body. I don't understand my reaction at all to the glass slipping off my hands. It was a coincidence that it did at that precise moment. There is no need for the reaction I am having, but even though I am trying my best to reason with myself, my body doesn't seem to listen as I mindlessly push Taes hand away and continue to gather the biggest pieces of glass that I know I can pick up without doing myself harm.
"Please continue Seam, I'm sorry I interrupted." My voice was slightly shaky, from the scare I had just gone through.
I did not bother looking up to see if anyone of the others was paying attention to me. I know Tae, Hanna, and Ari are helping me with the glass and as I move to the bin to drop the pieces I had caught, I see Tae already moped the floor and go back to my own seat.
"Now that that's sorted," the voice continues "tell me Seam, who do you think that secret belongs to?"
"That secret belongs to Gi." Seam looks at him and smiles. "My turn to reveal your secret."
"Seam please sit down, Gi please go up and tell us if that is indeed your secret." As Seam sits down Gi does what the voice asks and soon is facing us.
"It is a bit more complicated than that." Gi starts looking first at me, for which I am very confused, and then at Jungkook. "But yes, essentially that is my secret, give it or take."
"Care to elaborate Gi?" The voice clearly knows there is something more going on, however, Gi presses his lips in a tight line before replying.
"The missing part of the secret is again. My secret is I'm in love with a person who is in love with Jeon Jungkook, again."
Jungkook POV
I was too shaken to react to the sound of glass breaking right after Seam said those words. What? Who? My mind is running 1000 an hour, I am so lost in my own thoughts I don't see what is going on around me. Seam must be wrong, I mean I don't think anyone in here is in love with Ae-Cha, at least not from the interactions I saw her having.
But then again maybe is not the real type of love. Maybe he means like a fan to idol love? That happens a lot, to me and the other guys too. All those messages and letters we received over the years, too many to count, let alone read. Maybe that's what it is, however, I soon realize this is not the case. The hatred behind Gi's eyes as he corrects Seam's guess. He means truly in love, I am sure of it now.
I feel a hand on my shoulder and a slight squeeze before I come back to my senses. Namjoon slightly leans towards me indicating there is something he has to say so I follow his gesture giving him more access to my ear.
"Collect yourself if you don't want people to find your second secret." I loudly gulp while snapping my head in his direction.
"What does that have to do with anything?" I don't see how the two could be connected, however, I trust my leader and friend as well as his intelligence, so when he gives me a sharp look and turns around I know the conversation is over but set in stone. I follow him wordlessly and soon find myself in the studio with the rest of the boys.
"Where is Taehyung?" Jimin asks. I look around and frown, indeed he is the only one not here.
"He is discussing something with the production, he will meet us here soon" Namjoon clarifies. "Meanwhile, Jungkook, do you have any idea who is it and who was it?"
"I am completely clueless." I shake my head and look at the floor before continuing. "We don't have any friends in common and from the little, I talked to him, we don't seem to frequent the same places at all."
"Maybe he was unlucky falling in love with some fan that, you know, dreams too much?" Jimin suggests while Jin slaps his head. "Ouch, what was that for?"
"Do not talk like that, there is no such thing as dreaming too much," Jin says to Jimin, and we all nod to that. "It has to be someone they both know personally," Namjoon says and we all fall quiet.
"Knowing how many secrets are related to other secrets, we probably can find the person if we think back to the clues everyone dropped at the beginning of the show." Namjoon voices after a while. "And I think there is only one real option, unfortunately, she already left the house, and they both did."
"What do you mean, they both left the house?" Jin asks the same exact question running through my mind, but before Namjoon can reply Tae comes through the door and he was not alone. Standing right beside him is Y/N.
"Guy's, I'm glad you are all here, we need to talk," Taehyung says pulling a very flushed Y/N, effectively bringing her forward enough that he could close the door behind him.
"Tae we were actually discussing important things," Jimin spits "and it's not like we are interested in whatever you both are up to anyways."
"Jimin!" Namjoon throughs Jimin a mean look that shuts him up immediately while turning to the couple and gesturing for them to continue.
Y/N seems like it's about to start but loses her voice and looks towards her feet, we all turn to Tae as we can see whatever this is, we won't find out through Y/N.
"We were faking everything." Tae finally says and I feel my heartbeat accelerate.
"What do you mean Tae?" Jin is the one to come forward. "Faking what exactly?"
"We are not together." Finally, Y/N manage to speak, her voice faint, almost a whisper.
"What the fuck?" Jimin is red, he seems so angry, I cannot remember the last time I saw Jimin like that.
"Calm down Jimin." Tae approaches Jimin putting a hand on his chest that Jimin quickly shoves away.
"It was a mission." Y/N quickly said while pulling Tae back towards her. Seeing Jimin's reaction probably made her feel scared for Tae.
"Well," Namjoon starts, "now that that's cleared out let's go back to the other issue at hand. Y/N I'm sorry to ask this but would you mind leaving? We have important things to discuss that unfortunately, you should not hear."
"Wait a minute Hyung," I interrupt "how come you are so calm? We even did speeches for ARMY like what the hell?"
"Oh, ARMY never saw those speeches, we never sent them." Jin comes forward and smiles, trying to relax me.
"What do you mean?" I look from Namjoon to Jin who seem to be having a wordless conversation between them.
"Let's just say, it is very clear the person Y/N is in love with is clearly not Tae." Namjoon finally says while closing the door. Y/N was long gone and never heard this last sentence, however, I did. What does he mean by the person Y/N is in love with? So she is in love with someone? Maybe has a boyfriend waiting for her? Then she literally cheated on her boyfriend? For a mission?
"Jungkook, I can see the mouse in your head making that wheel smoke from running so much," Jin says and everyone else laughs. "Stop making assumptions and let's figure out a plan to make sure Y/N doesn't find out your secret. How about that?"
Shit, he is right. Seems like this place is even more twisted than what I thought, every single secret is related to someone in here, some more than others, but once you uncover one secret, you'll uncover them all.
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It has been two full days since Tae and I announced we were in fact not dating and, for the first time since then, Jimin came to me.
"I'm sorry." He runs his fingers through his hair, looking somewhere far away. "I cannot explain the reasons to why I acted the way I did. I also don't want to make up an excuse. I'm sure you would understand my point if I could say it out loud but I can't. I hope either way you still find it in your heart to forgive me."
"Of course, Jimin." I lean forward grabbing his hands on mine. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure you have your reasons and Tae explained to me some. That's actually why we decided not to continue with the mission."
"Oh, thank God." Jimin smiles. " I thought it would be harder than this."
"Why?" I ask slightly perplexed. "Did I ever give you the idea of being unapproachable or difficult?"
"No, not at all." He takes a sip of his drink before continuing. "It's more to do with my personality than yours, you see because I know I am not very forgiving, it's only natural that I think others are the same."
"Is that why you took so long to come to me?" I chuckle.
"Partially." He leans forward indicating I should do the same and whispers. "I also needed to find the words to warn you, I was actually going to take more time but unfortunately time has run out." "About what?" I whisper back. Not that there was any need to whisper, it is just a natural response I have. If someone whispers to me, I naturally whisper back.
"We think we found another secret." I look at him with a raised eyebrow.
"And why do I need to be warned?" I mean my secret is no longer a secret so I don't understand what it has to do with me.
"We figured all secrets are related somehow." Wait, what? Oh, that's crazy. "This is inside knowledge that I should not be giving away, however, I think you need to be prepared. Somewhere, somehow, there is this at least one secret that is related to you, and maybe, you don't want it out."
I ponder on his words for a bit, trying to brainstorm how that would be possible. Who could have a secret that affects me, being directly or otherwise? Could it be something that I do not want to be revealed? Or maybe is something that even though might be related to me, doesn't really affect me at all?
"Thank you for the warning Jimin," I say truthfully. "However, there is nothing I can think about that might affect me. My only secret is out, I feel free and I don't think there is any reason to worry." I try to reassure him with a smile.
"If you say so," Jimin replies while getting up from the sofa. "I need to talk with Tae now actually but I enjoyed our talk. Did Kookie come to you yet?"
"No." I try to avoid showing any disappointment as I say this.
"Don't worry, he will." He smiles while he walks away. "He just needs to put his shit together.
I sigh and go back to the book I was reading before Jimin came to me. What shit? What could he possibly need to put together? For real what the fuck is his issue. I don't know why this aggravates me as much as it does. It shouldn't really, he his my bias yes true, but we were never close, to begin with, not nearly as much as I am with Jimin nor even as much as me and Tae.
I slightly jump on my seat as I feel the sofa dip. I was so lost in my thoughts I had missed someone approaching.
"Sorry." Rm gives an apologetic smile. "I didn't mean to startle you."
"It's all right, how have you been?" I put my book down yet again, it seems like today will not be the day I finish it.
"I'm fine, but how about you?" RM, that has always had a bit of an imposing posture, today seems slightly off, maybe more open than usual, I feel nothing good is about to come of this conversation.
"I'm good, slightly bored and trying to finish my book." I turn to him, waiting for him to say whatever he wanted to say.
"Yes, at least the weather has been kind to us." Really Namjoon? The weather?
"I did not take you for one to beat around the bushes." His eyebrow raises, showing surprise at my forwardness. "I know there is something you want to speak about, do so freely."
"Very well, I wanted to ask you about Gi." About what now?
"What about Gi?" I'm confused as ever.
"I think you are the missing piece of the puzzle." I look at RM suspiciously, say what?
"Namjoon, I never have seen Gi before coming here, also his secret is out, why should it be important?" I breathe deeply as I say the next part. "Also, I have to point out, that I am not in love with Jungkook."
"When did I speak about Jungkook?" RM asks, both eyebrows raised and a small smirk on his face.
"I am well aware you didn't, however it was implied." I feel like Namjoon is playing me, just as well as he did in the chess game we had a few weeks before, I thought about it more than I should have, he could have won in 2 minutes if he wanted, it was clear, however, he chooses to play around with me, torturing me by making me well aware I was always on the edge of losing, from the very beginning.
"I have all the information I need," Namjoon says getting up. What the fuck?
"Are you serious?" I ask, but slightly too late as he had already turned the corner and disappeared from sight.
Not too long after Namjoon left, the sound of the siren alerts me to the fact there is yet another secret being revealed. I wonder if this one affects me at all as I get up, book still in hand, and head towards the living room.
This time, Tae is the one standing in front of the red button. This is unfair. They probably brainstorm together and then choose one to announce the secret they discovered.
I sit next to Nabi, who was already there waiting for the brand new revelation. Not even 5 minutes later all the contestants and BTS had gathered around the living and the voice had said hello.
"V, go ahead and tell us the possible secret you found out." The voice says after the first greetings.
"Well, this one will be an odd one to word so I will explain first." V starts. "The secret will be something like "I made someone wait for me for some years to be with me."
"Very well, and to whom do you think this secret belongs to?" Tae looks at Gi and smiles before replying.
"This secret belongs to Da-eun." What? Can we guess the secrets of people who have left the house?
"I'm curious as to what made you think it will be a valid guess since Da-eun left the house?" The voice inquiries with a slight note of amusement.
"We have been reading the rules over the past two days." Oh, so that's why I have seen none of them at all lately.
"Cleaver." After saying these words the TV quickly changes to Da-eun waving.
"Hi guys, if you are watching this then congratulations, you have figured out my secret. I cannot say much more except that I am the main reason why Gi has never been on a date. Today is the day I left the house and the production made me film this in case you uncovered the secret later on. I miss you all already and can't wait to meet you again as you come out of the house. See you soon!" And with the last wave, the TV goes black.
We all turn to Gi. He is already moving to the middle and we silently wait.
"You are lucky my secret is out, otherwise you would be getting no explanation." We state as he walks. "Indeed I am waiting for Da-Eun to get over her ridiculous obsession for Jungkook before I date her, I have been waiting for about two years now. Before her, if you were wondering, it wasn't Ae-Cha the girl I loved. It was about 5 years ago, that I decided it was time to put myself out there and tried online dating. I met this amazing girl. She was really everything I could ever want in a girl, she was straight out of college and had broken up with her boyfriend about 6 months prior because and I quote 'he doesn't understand my priorities."
The more Gi talked, the more this sounded familiar. There was an annoying ringing in my ears getting louder with every word he pronounced. The timing fits perfectly with that one time I decided to try online dating, the reason for breaking out with my boyfriend is exactly the same. But it can't be. I don't remember any Gi, and I certainly do not remember anyone that looks like him, also, no one I ever spoke to online lived in Korea.
"As time went by I wanted to meet her, however, I didn't know how. She was so busy, first with her internship, then with her job hunting, and finally with her job. Not only that but she had this annoying hobby that took so much of her time, she spent most of her free time editing and filming as well as reading interviews, watching game shows, travel vlogs, bombs whatever. You name it, whatever BTS did, she watched it."
Okay, now I am starting to freak out. This is sounding way too familiar for my liking. I shift a little in a place as I feel more and more uncontrollable, Jimin notices it and makes some space to sit beside me while we continue to listen.
"Eventually, I managed to convince her to meet. She made it very clear it was not a date, as even if she had every intention of dating when she made that account, she soon realized she had no time for that kind of commitment. I agreed, being friends at the time seemed enough for me. We meet and talked for hours on end, we clicked straight away. Her Korean was almost perfect, even if I could notice there was a slight accent. She refused to talk in English for the whole time we were out because she said she needed to practice more and she didn't talk enough with her dad to do so."
What the fuck. This is me. But how? I don't remember him at all. Well I remember everything else, and I vaguely remember the guy's facial features, the name I will be honest I can't remember, but it was not Gi. And also, I am not in love with Jungkook? Like for real. What is going on?
"I left that non-date completely and utterly in love with this girl, however, her heart was already taken, by someone who didn't even know she existed. That was the first time I truly hated someone that never did anything to me, someone that I never met. That is the story of the first time I hated Jeon Jungkook."
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Hot water droplets fell on my skin, helping mask the warm tears that run down my face. It's been about one hour since Tae revealed Da-eun's secret, and I couldn't be more clueless of what went through Gi's head. Even if he was the guy I talked to that many years back. Couldn't he have been less obvious? And what is all this bullshit about being on love with Jungkook? He didn't even know my bias, nor even did he care to ask who it was. Not that I would tell him anyway.
I slip out of the shower and dry my skin. Somehow, I have stopped crying and for that I am glad. I need to speak to Gi, but I don't wanna see anyone else before I do. If I'm not mistaken, the best place to find him would be in his room. From the little I noticed from him so far, he is not a very social person. After gathering all my strength, I apply somebody cream and stand in front of the mirror for a bit, allowing it to dry. I don't know what should I ask him, where should I start? Maybe of how come he was in America back then and now is here? Or why can't I remember his face? Maybe it will be good to know if he used a different name back there, or if Gi is short for something else.
Finally, I slip the most chilled clothes I own on, some baggy pink pants and a baggy summer hoodie, and head out of the bathroom. Jungkook, thankfully, is not in the room. I actually have not seen him in the room since we were paired together, I don't even know if he has been sleeping here.
Deciding it is time to get some answers, I go in search of Gi. I start by looking for him in his room, but it's empty. I check the library, the kitchen, the gym, the conservatory, the outside area, the greenhouse, you name it. If exists within this property, I've checked it.
After what seems like hours, I finally give up. I didn't feel like a beer, but I needed something refreshing and alcoholic, to get my mind off things, so I head to the kitchen and start preparing two big jugs of Mojito. I do not add the ice to it not to ruin it, instead, I put some ice in a cooler and bring it all to my new hiding spot. A shed I had just discovered in my search for Gi.
I drink alone for a long while, smoking from time to time too. My brain never stopping its quest for answers, but soon enough I am tipsy enough that I start to disconnect from my worries. That's about when Gi shows up. Turns out that, while I was looking for him, he was looking for me. No wonder I couldn't find him until I stopped still.
"There you are." Gi says, sitting next to me, back against the shed. "I've looked for you everywhere."
"So did I, but as you can see, I gave up." I mumble.
"I was about to give up myself." He breathes, crossing his legs and half turning to look at me.
"So, what was your name back then?" Is the first thing I want to ask.
"Wow, I'm slightly offended you don't remember." He laughs. "Not exactly surprised, though."
"Are you going to answer my questions?" I'll be more than annoyed if all he does is avoid giving me the answers I am looking for.
"Yes, while I was doing my masters in America, I used an English name because I thought it sounded cool." He slightly chuckles before continuing. "I choose Robert."
"I remember now." I said, I remember thinking how weird of a name he had for a Korean, but didn't ask in case it was a touchy subject.
"And how come you look so different now?" I turn to him to be able to see his features better, looking for something recognizable.
"I don't." He smiles while looking at the ground, picking some grass as he speaks. "My hair was longer, and I had some piercings that I got rid of when I came back to Korea, I look older, but I didn't change that much at all."
Weird, my memory for faces is actually perfect. It makes no sense that I cannot remember him if he didn't change that much.
"What is this bullshit about being in love with Jungkook?" I decide to ask next. "You didn't even bother to ask who my bias was."
"I didn't have to ask." He looks at me in the eyes as he said it. "You were the first person I ever fell for, when you talked about them your eyes lit up, but when you specifically talked about Jungkook you made the world lit up with you. Your smile, your voice, your skin, everything about you had this contagious glow that just trespassed to your surrounding"
"That's just crazy, you think you found out my bias and no one else did?" I puff in annoyance.
"You think no one around you knew?" I laugh out loud at that. "Girl, you truly are blind. Yeah, maybe the people watching your reactions didn't know, after all you were trying your best to show neutrality, but I bet everything I own that your close friends knew, even if you never told them."
"There is no way." I disagree, shaking my head.
"Y/N, you have been in denial for the last 7 years of your life." Gi says while getting up. "Don't let your life slip away while you are pinning after a guy that will never be within your reach. I will go now, I think you need time alone to admit to yourself that you fell in love with your idol, even knowing how irrational it would be to do so. Jungkook is a fantasy, wake up before it's too late."
With those words, Gi leaves me to my own thoughts. I pour myself another glass and lit a cigarette, pondering on what he just said. "Am I that stupid that I broke the number one rule of being a kpop fan" I ask myself. "Am I that crazy and delusional that I fell in love with Jeon Jungkook?" I voice again out loud to the air around me, not knowing that, on the other side of that shed, was the subject of my thoughts, listening to every single word.
It is becoming a habit of mine waking up in weird situations, however, this one is slightly more bizarre. The surrounding place is damp and cold, however, my head is nice and comfortable. I open one eye to inspect my surroundings, my head feels heavy as I try to lift it and look around. The effects of the alcohol I had yesterday still lingering around, I am not yet 100% sober.
It is still dark, and I see that I have fallen asleep behind the shed, however I am not alone. I gather the strength I still have in me and sit myself up straight, shaking any dirt still attached to the now damp hoodie. Looking to the side to inspect the figure that I was previously sleeping on, I find Jungkook. I feel bad leaving him here, but I know that waking him up will be almost impossible, so instead I decide to return the favor. I pull him towards me and let his head fall on my lap, silently appreciating every single line and curve of his angelic face. I start playing with his hair lightly while trying to recollect how we came to be here like this. My mind is too fuzzy to remember, no matter how hard I try, and soon I feel my eyes getting heaver and heavier, and my body starts leaning and falling into him. I am aware of it but do not have the will to stop it and soon succumb into a deep sleep.
I wake up with the sun hitting straight on my face. I stretch and look to the side, Jungkook is nowhere to be seen. Did I dream it all? A small patch of the grass showed me it was not a dream, so why was Jungkook there the night before? And why did he leave without waking me up? Sitting up straight, I start gathering all the mess I've made on the same tray I used to bring it all out. I have no idea how long I slept for, but by how tired I still feel, I don't think I slept much at all.
As I'm about to reach to the handle of the bedroom door, it swings open, revealing Jungkook on the other side. He quickly brushes past me, not once looking me in the eye. Does he know? Does he realize I'm the person Gi talked about? Is he acting like this because he doesn't want to give me any hope? As I step into the room and am about to close the door, Jungkook comes rushing back in.
"Fuck it." He says as he pulls me by the elbow and guides me to sit on my bed. "We need to talk."
"Talk about what?" I question him, looking directly at him.
"Everything." What the fuck, everything?
"Well then, did you know that before toilet paper was invented, Americans used to use corn cobs?" I look at him with a serious face, but once he burst out laughing, I can't hold myself and laugh with him.
"That was so random." He says, still calming down from laughing so hard.
"Well, you said you wanted to talk about everything." I smile, laying down and looking up at the ceiling."I thought this would be a good start."
I feel the bed dip as he lays there next to me, both of us silently looking up.
"I overheard you and Gi talking yesterday." He breathes.
"I'm not in love with you, if that's what you are afraid." I am sure of it. "Look, I love you, I truly and honestly do, just like I love everything single one of the other boys."
He lifts his head up, looking at me with a slightly raised eyebrow. Damn that brat tamer...
"Okay, maybe I love you just a bit more." I laugh and he smiles. " I am just not in love with you. There is nothing to worry about. I love you, just not like that." "It's okay." He says, laying his head back down. "Loving is not a crime. No matter who or how you love, there is nothing wrong with it."
"Was this what you wanted to talk about?" I ask, turning completely on my side to face him.
He is absolutely breathtaking, even more so in this close-up. The sun lightly brushing his slightly tanned skin, the few strands of hair that effortlessly fall in front of those mesmerizing deep chocolate-colored eyes, the shape of those beautifully painted full lips. Everything about this guy is unreal. It's as if he is God's favorite, someone he took years if not decades or millennia to create. I am not in love, but if he keeps looking at me like he is now, there will need to be some kind of miracle for me not to fall for him.
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realclever · 2 years
Here’s a cheat sheet I made for myself to know the chapter numbers for when significant HakYona Moments occurred in the Akatsuki No Yona manga. I figured I’d just share it in case anyone else finds it useful.
If some of the phrases don’t make sense it’s because I made them extra short to fit on one line in my notes app. For vague statements like “Wind tribe” I just think the whole chapter is a HakYona moment
Covers up to chapter 226
Spoilers ahead***
FB = Flashback
3 FB when Hak became Yona’s bodyguard
4 FB Hak, Yona and Soowon snow day and get sick
5 Hak picks leeches off of Yona
6-7 wind tribe
8 “give yourself to me Hak”
9-10 the cliff
12 kiss attempt / forehead slam
15 archery lesson, Hak warns: “I’ll get greedy”
16 Yona swipes Hak’s dagger
17 Hak: “the way she looks when she takes risks”
19 Kija interrupts Yona feeding Hak
22 Yona makes Hak stay as lookout in cave
32 Honey scene
40 Yona saw Soowon in Awa. Protective Hak
41 Love potion
47 Swordsmanship, Hak low key confesses
49 Hak and Yona doodles
52 Yona: “I’ll sleep with Hak”
60-61 Hak and Yona as kids
62 Jae-ha teases Hak, forehead kiss
63 Hak and Yona share a tent
64-65 Jealous Yona
75 Yona wraps Haks bandages
76 Hak bets on Yona’s archery
80 Shirtless Hak cover
81 Yona thinks of Hak (water tribe girl talk)
83 Injured Yona caretaker Hak
91 Yona stops Hak from killing Soo-Won
92 Hand holding, smile and hug
95 Kid proposes & asks Yona if she likes hak
98 Hak gives cheek kiss before “sacrifice”
106 -107 HakYona catch a bear
107-108 trapped together in seiryuus shrine
108 Yona->Hak “I won’t hand you over to ghosts”
109 Yona admires sleeping hak
109-111 Yona gives Hak the necklace
111.5 “Hak can you sleep with me”
121 Hak hugs Jae-ha and Zeno for saving Yona
122 Yona wants a Hak hug too
123 big Hak + Yona moments
124 Yona talks about Hak with Lilli
125 Hak flashbacks and saves pin for Yona
131 “I’ll go with you no matter where”
134 Cuddles & Hak pretends to be Ao
134.1 flashback Hak & Yona New Years
134.2 fierce candy, Hak is Yona’s “weakness”
137 Kiss in Ogi’s shop
142 Hak & Yona reunion
143 Hak shields Yona. Kouren & Neguro parallels
144 Hak->Yona “Don’t leave my side anymore”
146 Yona tries to carry Hak, Hak: “We need to talk”
151 Yona jealous and awkward
152 Hak’s confession
153 -154 Hak being playful. Yona being nervous
157 Hak leans next to Yona as she rests
157.5 Haks debut as general
158 Hak: “My feelings of love are not a lie”
159 HakYona one bed at fire tribe castle
163 Hand holding to “absorb power”
174 Hak saves Yona from fire, “I love you”
175 rescue and Water kiss
176-177 Yona says I love you more clearly
183 Post tournament, Hak schemes
187 Yona realizes she can’t see the gang
188 Yona hides from Hak
194 Baby HakYona FB
199 Yona thinks of Hak as her lover
200 Hak covertly checks on Yona
201 Hak gets “arrested” KISS!!!
202 “I want to be closer”
204.5 Yona staring at pictures of delivery boy Hak
205 Hak wants to meet Yona badly but doesn’t want to cause trouble for her
207 Yona jumps from window to say bye to Hak
211 “As long as Hak believes in me”
215 Hak gets swept up in flood
216 Yona has breakdown about Hak
224 Hak reunites with HHB on battlefield
225 Hak kisses Yona intensely while in daze from rain induced panic
226 Yona’s presence calmed Hak
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anime-fan-05 · 26 days
Hello, can you please make sfw alphabet for Hak from Akatsuki no Yona? Thank you in advance!
Akatsuki no Yona ~SFW alphabet~
Manga/anime: Akatsuki no Yona
Warnings: nothing
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
If you two are in public, he's basically not affectionate at all: the most affection you get from him is an arm around your waist. If you're alone, instead, he becomes much more affectionate: hugs, cuddles, sweet words... His main way of showing affection is physical gestures, and his favorite physical gesture is hugging you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Probably, your friendship would have started through Yona, who had introduced you to him; that's why I think at first he's considered you a bit annoying like her. However, he soon changed his mind, and so you two became best friends. As your best friend, he would be very provocative (really, he would always make fun of you, especially if you did something that had embarrassed you), but also extremely protective and sweet if he knew something bad had happened to you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He really likes to cuddle you, that's his way of making you feel close to him; you two don't have much time for cuddles anyhow: in fact, those only happen for a few minutes and not even every day. Typically, you two cuddle while lying down, and he's almost always the big spoon, as he wraps his arms around your waist and his legs are intertwined with yours.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I think he wants to settle down one day, but only after helping Yona to create a prosperous kingdom for you two (and maybe also for your children!) to live in. He's definitely capable of providing for you two: he knows how to cook, find supplies (hunting and fishing), he would even be able to build a small wooden house... However, I don't know how good he can be at cleaning (we also have to remember the period in which the manga/anime is set and Hak's social class)!
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Quick and frank. If he were to break up with you, he wouldn't mince words, but he would be very clear in letting you know he no longer loves you; in addition, his tone would be very moderate and he would apologize to you for the pain he's causing you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I think he plans to marry his partner if he's committed to a relationship, so he gives you all the time, love and affection he can. And, speaking of marriage, he would like to get married to you soon since he realized you're the one, but he first wants to help Yona to revive the kingdom; in fact, after having done that, he'll immediately propose to you.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Despite the many battles he fought, the many chaos and blood he saw, he's very gentle: his touches are delicate and soothing and he's never rough with you, both physically and psychologically. Furthermore, he always tries to moderate his words when he's with you for fear of hurting you emotionally, and he reassures you whenever you feel sad.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs are his way of both showing affection and feeling like you're safe and sound in his arms, so he loves hugging you. His hugs feel like he's protecting you from all harm: they're tight, but also soft and sweet, and make you feel like you're wrapped in a blanket. He hugs you every time you or he feels the need, which happens very often, at least on his part: are you going to sleep? Hug. Are you feeling sad about something? Hug. You risked your life, but did you save yourself at the last minute? Funny of you not to assume he'll hold you for at least five minutes.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He takes forever to tell you he loves you! First he wants to make sure he truly loves you, since he doesn't want to delude you, and you love him back too: indeed, he won't say it until you do first... Furthermore, his confession will be short, but still very sweet, and in private (even if Yona and the Dragons may be behind trees and bushes spying).
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
He doesn't get too much jealous, since he knows you're more than capable of fending off any unwanted suitors. Furthermore, he put a lot of trust into you. Despite that, though, he isn't above the occasional side eye, or the arm around your waist and the harsh tone if someone is getting a little too buddy buddy.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
In public, he almost never kisses you and, if he does it, his kiss is so light on your lips and quick sometimes you might not even notice it. In private, his kisses are slightly more feral, but on only one occasion they're truly passionate, that's if you're in a situation where you risked dying: the anxiety of having almost lost you is reflected in the kisses, which is like it's the end of the world.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He's well liked by the children he grew up with and considered a big brother to many, so I can assume he's pretty good with them. However, in my opinion he prefers to be with slightly older children, like four or five years old and up, so he can do many more activities with them, such as simply teaching them to fight.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings spent with him are pretty rare: most of the time you two don't really get to sleep in or even spend mornings together, after all you're very busy saving the kingdom and not getting captured by the guards. If it happens you two have the morning free, he'll make the most of it: he'll stay in bed (or rather, in the subspecies of sleeping bag you create with your cloaks) for a while to hug you, and then you'll spend the whole morning together, walking through the woods and looking for twigs to light the fire or berries for breakfast.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with him alone are also almost impossible as either you keep moving, or you camp, but you've guard shifts, or stop at an inn to rest but you all stay in a group. If the first possibility happens, you walk together, talking about various topics and holding your hands; if the second happens, you take your guard shift together and cuddle; if the third happens, you sleep close.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I think his openness about his past with you depends on what he tells you: he told you quite early on about his childhood with his grandfather and friends from the Wind Tribe, but he'll take a really long time to tell you about his relationship with Yona and Soo-Won, because he wants to wait to understand if you're the one he wants to spend the rest of his days with. Once he understands that, he'll gladly tell you about his past in full.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He's one of the most patient people: it really takes a lot to make him angry and, if that happens, you don't notice it, because the most he does is tighten his tone and speak a little more sarcastically than usual. The main ways to make him angry are to insult or hurt you or Yona.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He's the king of remembering details you mention in passing: you may have told him just once and even in passing you like a certain thing, and years later he'll bring it up in a conversation ("Oh, by the way, do you know I saw bouquets of white camellias while I was walking in Awa? I got you one, since you told me you like them so much." "Did I tell you?" "Two and a half years ago, when your father gave you them for your birthday.").
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite memory is when you two had laid under the stars and talked about the future and living your life in the future; hearing you so passionate and optimistic, hearing your desires to live the rest of your life, get married and start a family with him gave him hope things would be okay.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Despite knowing and trusting you can defend yourself, he's still super protective of you, one of the few people he cares about in the world, and he would give everything to see you safe and protected: it's like having a bodyguard as a boyfriend. Literally. As for keeping him protected, I think the best way to do that is to remind him not to overdo himself, since he has the bad habit of overstepping his boundaries to protect both Yona and you (and the other Dragons and Yoon too).
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
On the outside, his dates are very simple (they generally consist of you two either walking together through the forests where you camp or taking turns on guard shift together), but he puts so much effort into so may aspects of those anything bigger would lose the personal touch they've; his gifts also appear very simple, but in reality they've great sentimental value, for instance a bouquet of the same flowers he gave you on the day of your meeting.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
His main bad habits are two: the first is his tendency to overwork himself without saying anything to anyone, and that makes you worry a lot; the second is being very attached and protective towards Yona, almost as much as he's towards you (of course, you know he loves you, but sometimes you've doubts...). With time, though, he grows out of the situations and realizes it isn't selfish to want the best for himself, and he also understands he must make you more aware you're the one he loves.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I would like to write he doesn't care at all, but I think that's not true: he's concerned with his appearance, not that much, but enough to make himself decently presentable. He doesn't do it out of vanity, though, but just because he wants to be on your level (he always thinks you're truly beautiful, even in the morning with messy hair or with dark circles under your eyes after sleepless nights).
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
It depends: he feels he needs his space, so he wouldn't feel incomplete without you if you two are apart for a short time; nevertheless, if he has to spend a long time without you, he misses you so much and is likely to desperately seek your presence.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
I'm pretty sure he taught you some self-defense moves: as much as he doesn't want you to go to the front lines to fight, he wishes you to know how to defend yourself at least a little, also because he knows there might be moments when he can't protect you. If one day you knock someone out with one of the moves he taught you, he'll look at you with a proud and smug face.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
If there's one trait he doesn't want in his partner, it's malice: he would never forgive you if you treated others badly or did some evil action. Regarding other physical or character traits, he doesn't have great demands, although perhaps he wouldn't love a too weak partner, since he wants you to be at least a little able to protect yourself.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
As I wrote previously, you can't sleep for a long time but, for what little you can, he prefers doing it with you. Generally, he sleeps on his side while one arm wraps around your waist to keep you close to him and the other acts as a pillow; instead, your legs are intertwined.
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tacticaldiary · 3 years
Pairing: Reader x Son Hak
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
He knows he shouldn’t have let her out of his sight, especially in such an unfamiliar area. 
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The rope digs into her wrists harshly, and she can tell that they’ve broken skin by the stinging. Sitting against one of the walls in the dingy basement, all the can do is glare at her captors in disgust. 
“Should a lady really be bestowing such a foul expression?” One of the five men in the room sneers, walking over and kneeling in front of Y/N. She fights the urge to recoil and shrink back. She wouldn’t let these men know she was afraid. 
“People like you don’t deserve anything but.” She spits out, squirming on the spot in an attempt to get her hands loose. 
A sharp crack, followed by a muffle cry and a stinging pain send her head to the side, the blow to her face clearly going to leave a bruise. 
“We may need to teach you some manners.” The man continues, grabbing her chin and wrenching her face to meet his gaze. Y/N doesn’t back down, glaring at him with hateful eyes. Her hands are shaking behind her back and she wants nothing more than to see her friends again...to see Hak again, because Hak was definitely more than a friend now.
They had gotten separated while taking on a group of bandits in a town near the border. She remembers how hesitant Hak was to leave her side and assist the others. He rarely left her unguarded as it was, and the one time he does leave...well. 
This wasn’t the most ideal situation. She does know, however, that her friends would come for her. That’s the one thing she’s confident in.
That confidence is anything but fake.
Before she can retort, there’s a distant sound of raised voices and the clinking of metal echoes through the hall leading to the room. The man releases her and glances back at the door, eyes narrowed. He signals the other 4 men in the room to go an investigate. 
Grave mistake on his part, really. 
The moment the men open the door, they’re thrown back into the room, crashing against the opposite wall. Looking up tiredly, Y/N can’t help but sigh in relief at the familiar figure. 
“It’s hard to breath underground, you know.” Hak says, and although his tone is even, his eyes show absolute fury, darkening as they find her and the state she's in. They find home for a few seconds on the bruise forming on her cheek and Y/N can tell this wouldn't end well for the men.
“Step away from her. Now.” He raises his glaive at the ready and the captor, who quickly realises all his other men are unconscious, reaches behind him and yanks Y/N up and in front of him. She yelps at the sudden harsh movement, wincing as the rope digs further into her wrists. 
“Let me pass, or this woman dies.” Her breath hitches at the feel of cool metal at her throat. 
Hak looks at the scene, jaw clenching. His eyes lock with hers for a second and with the most minuscule nod, both of them make a sudden move. 
Y/N uses her foot to kick at the man’s knee, sending him to the ground, the knife brushing against her neck. The blade never cuts her though, as Hak is by her side in a flash, hand clamped down onto the mans wrist. Easily twisting the knife out of his hand and pulling her against him in one swift movement, Hak easily knocks the man out with a single blow. 
The sudden silence in the room only lasts a few seconds, before Y/N finally relaxes and sighs. She wobbles, unsteady on her feet after hours of being held captive. She about to pitch forward, but is stopped by Hak, who wraps his arms around her, doing quick work of untying her hands. 
The hug is tight and warm and Y/N can’t help but clutch onto the back of his robes, burying her face in his chest. She missed him. It was hard being strong and brave for so long and she just wanted to see him, to touch him again. It felt like forever since she's gotten to be near him.
“This was my fault. I shouldn’t have left you alone. Forgive me.” He mumbles, arms tightening around her. 
It had been utter hell being away from her, not knowing if she was safe or even alive. 
“No, I asked you to. The others needed help.” She shakes her head, letting herself melt in his grasp.  
She can hear her friends voices down the hall. Hak must have left them to deal with the other bandits. Pulling away gently, she attempts to peer around Haka and into the hallway, but is stopped by him grabbing her wrists. 
He stares at her bloody hands, eyes narrowed and jaw clenched. If only he hadn’t been foolish enough to leave her, or even been quicker to get to her. The soft intake of breath when his fingers brush against the wound snaps him back. 
“We’ll get Yoon to look at this.” He says and the way he holds her hands are as it they’re made of glass. Precious and delicate, something that only the most worthy would be able to touch. He knows she’s anything but fragile, but it’s the instinctive need to protect and keep her safe that makes him loath the idea of anybody who wishes her harm touching her. 
“Thank you for coming.” Her voice breaks through his thoughts once again, and when he meets her eyes, he feels like the breath has been knocked out of him. Although he’s pretty much mastered how to conceal it, she always makes him feel like he can't breath around her, his heartrate always just a tad bit faster. 
“Of course. I’ll always come for you.” 
It’s that simple truth that makes her smile, varying degrees of red colouring both their faces.
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ava-achlys · 3 years
Lee Sangyeon x Ju Haknyeon - Sideways
dom! Sangyeon x soft sub! Haknyeon x bratty sub! fem! reader
Warnings: polyamorous r/s, boy x boy, anal, lingerie, daddy kink, 'puppy' is a petname for Hak, 'kitty' for reader, using a tie as restraint, some spanking, unprotected sex, lots of cum lol
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Haknyeon moans softly, his small hands clutching your waist as your plump lips mesh with his plush pink ones. "K-kitty, we shouldn't be doing this, daddy could be back any minute," he whispers as you suck gently at the skin on his neck. You merely giggle at the thought of Sangyeon catching you two in such a position. Part of you didn't really care either, because when you walked in on Haknyeon putting on some lingerie, you knew you couldn't keep your hands to yourself.
The boy had put on a baby blue set that flattered his skin tone, lace panties that hugged his ample ass perfectly and was snug around his thick cock. He had put it on as a surprise for Sangyeon when he came home, but apparently you beat him to it. You instantly latched on and roamed your hands around his body, and though Haknyeon wanted to tell you to stop, he was a sucker for your kisses and touches, and eventually relented. And that was how you ended up on top of him on your shared king-sized bed, when Sangyeon walks in.
"Puppy? Kitty?" came his voice from the doorway. Haknyeon bolts upright in shock, nearly throwing you off. The older man takes in the scene before him, eyes raking over Haknyeon's voluptous figure in his brand-new lingerie, and your barely-there outfit of Sangyeon's oversized tshirt, tiny panties and long socks. You don't bother climbing off Haknyeon, merely turning your body to wave cheekily at your older boyfriend, which doesn't amuse him.
"What did I tell you about playing with each other while daddy's at work?" he asks, his voice dropping a couple octaves in seriousness.
"No touching without daddy's permission," you and Haknyeon replied in unison.
Sangyeon flares his nose in disappointment. "And yet, look at you both."
You roll your eyes, ever so bratty, and brandish your hand at Haknyeon as you finally clamber off him. "You can't blame me daddy, look how pretty he looks! You would do the same!" you argued. Sangyeon narrows his eyes at you before shifting his stare to the younger boy, making him shiver under his darkening gaze.
"He does look ravishing," Sangyeon agrees, approaching the bed, reaching out a large hand to grasp Haknyeon by the throat, slowly sliding it down his front, stopping just shy of his straining cock. "Did you get all dressed up for me, puppy?" he muses, and the younger boy frantically nods. "Thank you baby that's really thoughtful of you," he murmurs before cupping Haknyeon's cock through his panties, making the boy moan lewdly at the feeling of his warm hand around his sensitive cock.
Sangyeon captures his bruised lips (courtesy of your earlier activities) in a passionate kiss, biting and sucking on those soft pink pillows as he gropes his poor aching cock, making the younger rut up into his hand, moaning into the kiss. They continue to make out for a while, Sangyeon pushing him back down to lie on the bed before you, his large hands grabbing and massaging every expanse of skin on the younger. Haknyeon can only whine and moan, taking all that's given, and clutches onto Sangyeon's sinewy arms that are threatening to rip through his white button-up.
"Daddy! N-no more teasing please, I need you," Haknyeon chokes after a particularly hard grind of Sangyeon's clothed cock against his. The older pulls away, breathless but calm, though the wild look in his eyes is a dead giveaway that he too is massively turned on by the situation. "Get the lube," he barks at you, whose been watching quietly the whole time, fingers in your panties. You bristle at the command, thursting the bottle of lube at him. "What about me?!" you complain, upset at being ignored.
He glares at you, tugging his belt and tie off. He shuffles closer to you, grabbing the lube from your hands before forcing them above your head, tying them to the bedpost with his tie, ignoring your yelps and whines to remove the restraints. "You're gonna sit there and watch and if I so much as hear a single word from you, you're not gonna cum at all tonight, you hear me? You got yourself into this mess, kitty," he growls. You're about to protest, but he holds out the belt, threatening to gag you with it if you misbehave some more.
You lower your eyes, fighting the urge to cry from the lack of attention, and look away as you hear the hushed words of affection being exchanged by the two men, the snap of the lube bottle being opened, and the wet sound of lube-covered fingers.
"I'm already prepped, daddy," Haknyeon blushes, shyly avoiding Sangyeon's eyes as the older spreads his legs apart. The older snickers, finding it cute at how well-thought out Haknyeon's plan was, before pulling aside the fabric of his panties. Sure enough, a bejeweled sapphire plug was nestled between his ample cheeks, and he gives it an experimental tug. The boy whimpers, and Sangyeon begins pulling it out, cooing as he watched the curves of the plus stretching his rim out so prettily. Once it's out, the pink hole clenches and unclenches around nothing, begging to be filled, and Sangyeon can barely wait.
He sticks his lubed fingers into the hole, and Haknyeon gasps, arching his back at the cold liquid being spread in and around his hole. It sounds filthy and they've barely even begun, and your panties are soaked from arousal already, screaming internally at how unfair this is going to be for you. Sangyeon unzips his pants, not bothering to take them off completely. Instead he pulls his cock out, giving it a few good strokes with the remainder of the lube on his hands before lining it up with Haknyeon's hole.
He casts a scathing look towards you. "Are you watching, kitty?" he asks, and when you nod grumpily, he chuckles. "Good." And he pushes himself into Haknyeon's fluttering hole, making the smaller boy groan at the sudden fullness, and a low whine escapes you as you watch his ass swallow Sangyeon's thick girth. He keeps going until he's fully sheathed, balls deep, smirking at the way Haknyeon's eyes roll up into the back of his head in pleasure. He pecks another kiss to his lips before pulling out and slamming back in, bruising the younger's hips with the grip he has on him.
Your eyes are transfixed on the spot where they're connected, watching as Sangyeon mercilessly pummels into Haknyeon's ass, the hypnotic push and pull of his hips, and the filthy sounds of slick skin slapping against each other. It only gets worse for you when Hanknyeon keeps moaning like a bitch in heat as Sangyeon speeds up, and starts teasing his nipples, knowing how much you love your nipples toyed with, but you can't have it. You squirm in agony, rubbing your thighs desperately together for some sort of friction, and you don't notice the way Sangyeon's lips quirk up further at your frustrations.
"Daddy, daddy right there yes! Ahh, ahh, I'm gonna cum daddy I wanna cum!" Haknyeon sobs, the rhythmic pounding in his ass too much to handle. He had been hoping for a nice slow, love making session after daddy came home from work, but thanks to you, he got more than he bargained for. He's not complaining, he loves being used like a cocksleeve too, but it's a lot, and it's tiring. Surprisingly, Sangyeon lets him, encouraging him to cum in his panties untouched, and the poor boy spills into the baby blue lace, screaming daddy's name as he trembles from the force of his orgasm.
Sangyeon rubs his warm hands soothingly up and down his body, coaxing him through his orgasm, muttering soft praises of "you look so pretty like this, puppy" and "you did so well for me I love you puppy" and your heart fractures in jealousy. You want to scream, cry and kick out as your pussy throbs in neglected arousal, but you know that if you act out, you're not getting your way tonight. Usually, Sangyeon would make you cum anyway, just depends on how bratty you've been so he can tease you for longer.
Tonight however, you really need him and he seems more serious than usual about denying your orgasm, so you try your best to rein in your brattiness. It takes so much effort that you're crying, hot tears streaming down your face and Haknyeon is the first to notice. He looks at you in alarm, reaching out a hand to grasp your leg, rubbing it softly to soothe you. "Kitty are you okay? Please don't cry I'm so sorry," Haknyeon pouts apologetically, but Sangyeon shrugs apathetically. Gently pulling out, ("aaah" goes Haknyeon at the loss of contact) Sangyeon comes over to lean over you.
"You're okay, kitty. You want daddy to play with you now?" he murmurs, caressing your cheek with the back of his hand. You nuzzle into it, relishing his much-needed touch and nod softly, trying to stop the tears. Sangyeon quickly undoes your restraints, and scoops you up into his lap laying you sideways, but your relief doesn't last long when he flips you over, making your ass jut out in the air, and you know just what is coming. "No no daddy please don't spank me!" you beg, eyes wide in fear but all he does is solemnly shake his head.
"You've been misbehaving so much today kitty, you know what happens when you break the rules. I'll make it quick, don't worry," he assures you with a soft kiss to your temple. His strikes are quick and impactful, making your plush ass jiggle and bloom with red handprints, which he soothingly rubs after 10 spanks. He gently turns you over, wiping your fresh tears away and holds you close, and Haknyeon combs his fingers through your hair, the soft scritching of his nails against your scalp so calming. After a while, Sangyeon tugs your shirt up, bunching it up above your breasts, and latches onto a pert nipple, sucking tenderly and lapping at it making you sigh in pleasure. His hands wander lower, dipping under the waistband of your ruined panties to rub a calloused fingertip against your throbbing clit.
"Daddy~" you whimper, hesitantly grinding back onto his finger, needing more stimulation. You feel him smile against your breast, and he obliges, sticking 2 fingers into your dripping core immediately, knowing that you're too needy for him to start things slow. He feels your body tense up in his lap, writhing as he pumps his fingers harshly into you, feeling your warm juices coat his hand. Your eyes roll back and your tongue lolls out out of your mouth, a sinful picture of pleasure, and your tiny hands come up to grab his muscular arms. You're so close to the edge, if he keeps this up you're going to cum so soon-
Sangyeon pulls out his fingers as quickly as he shoved them inside you, making you scream in frustration. Furious, you hit his muscular chest with your fists but he merely laughs and catches your hands before you can hit him some more. "If you wanna cum you need to work for it, kitty," he explains, to which you snort. "Haki didn't have to work for it."
The poor boy blushes in embarrassment, not expecting to be caught in the crossfire. "Puppy got all dressed up for me, but you wanted to have him all to yourself, so you gotta make it up to me don't you think?" Sangyeon muses, gripping your jaw to face him when you turn away in disdain. "And you know just what to do."
Without another word, he strips completely, making you and Haknyeon's jaws drop at the expanse of muscle. You live together and see him every day but you both agree that he's hottest during his displays of power and dominance. The older man leans back against the pillows and the headboard, spreading his thick thighs, bringing attention to his erect cock; veiny, throbbing, and beautifully curved. He stares down at you expectantly, looking every bit like a Greek god, and you feel yourself shrink in humility and arousal. You crawl over in a trance, shedding your oversized tee and panties along the way, before settling yourself on his lap, legs forcefully kept apart by his thighs, and his massive cock grazing against your aching clit.
He picks you up single handedly with ease, using his other hand to guide his dick into your pussy, and you whimper at the feeling of his tip rubbing at your folds. Slowly, he eases you down, and a pained groan escapes you as your cunt stretches to accommodate his sheer size. "That's it, kitty, you can take all of it," he shushes you with kisses, and you wrap your arms around his neck as you sloppily make out. Once he's fully inside, you don't even want to move, you just love the fullness of his cock inside you, but Sangyeon urges you to ride him properly, squeezing your ass to move you up and down his cock.
The slide of his dick against your walls is addictive, and soon, you find yourself bouncing on his dick, head thrown back in ecstasy, your breasts smothering his face. Sangyeon takes this opportunity to bury his face in your cleavage, the light stubble on his jaw prickling your skin deliciously and you can't stop moaning lewdly. You're so loud that the sound of your moans even masks the squelching sounds of your pussy around his cock.
"Fuck, Haknyeon, shut her up," Sangyeon growls from between your breasts. The younger startles, and hesitantly stands up on the bed, squeezing his dick through his cum-stained panties. He's hard all over again, just by watching you two, trying his best not to touch himself, but since daddy's given him the green light, he quickly tugs his panties off, hissing when his cum covered dick hits the cold air. "Here, kitty," he whispers, mewling when you willingly take his whole cock in your mouth, eagerly swirling your tongue around it like it's your favorite lollipop. Haknyeon clings to the headboard to steady himself, weak in the knees from your enthusiastic blowjob.
Meanwhile Sangyeon's pulled back, leaning against the pillows and watching the both of you with a mix of adoration and lust in his eyes. He reaches out a hand to massage your breast, and his other goes to grope Haknyeon's ass, grinning when both of you moan at the warmth of his hands. It's getting too much for you, being filled from both ends and your nipples being teased, and your bounces get sloppier with every thrust. "Kitty's going to cum soon, and you are too, right puppy?" Sangyeon smirks, and Haknyeon whimpers, nodding frantically as he fucks your mouth. You can't think anymore, overtaken by pleasure, and can only hope that daddy lets you cum this time, when you feel Haknyeon's hot seed spilling into your throat without warning, and you nearly choke.
He quickly pulls you off and kisses your face in apology, hushed whispers of "I'm so sorry kitty I couldn't help myself!" Gulping lungfuls of air that burn your raw throat, you beg daddy to let you cum, and he decides to help you, taking over and fucking you down onto his dick like a cocksleeve, and you feel yourself come undone, hot juices spilling out of your pussy all over his thick cock. Without Haknyeon's cock in your mouth, your loud moans and gasps fill the air, and Sangyeon isn't much further from his own orgasm either. He pulls you off his him, making you and Haknyeon kneel before him.
"Open up, my babies," he growls, roughly jerking himself off, sending ropes of cum splattering across both your faces, swearing and groaning lowly as you both eagerly lap up his seed. It's a filthy scene, but one that he can never get enough of, and he quickly swipes his phone to immortalize the moment, a personal memento of one of his favorite evenings.
After a nice warm shower and a change of sheets, Sangyeon tucks you both into bed as he cleans up the room, and as he chucks the dirty clothes into the laundry basket, he makes a mental note to buy more lingerie for both you and Haknyeon, possibly matching sets with personalized collars. He grins at the thought as he settles into bed, hugging both of you close, falling into a deep slumber surrounded by his favorite people in the world.
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akatsuki-no-yona · 3 years
This is my second character analysis and I honestly don't know if I succeeded, but I hope I managed to convey what a wonderful and complex character Hak is. I tagged @yonaks as promised.
Hak's wonderful and complex character. He went way to change and succeeded (maybe incompletely because I think to heal until the end he eventually need to confront with Suwon),The present arc just showed how Hak has developed from Chapter 1 to now.
At the beginning of the series, he seemed to be focused solely on Yona and his loyalty to Suwon. It was true, but the Hak of the Beginning was more than just a love interest. He has never been just a love interest and is definitely not only a love interest, his life isn't just about Yona.Hak's a separate character with his own experiences, traumas with a big heart, kindness and loyalty.
The Hak from the beginning knew Yona's feelings towards Suwon, so he pushed aside his own happiness and love and focused entirely on Yona and Suwon's happiness.
Hak's confirmed that all he wanted was to serve alongside Yona and Suwon.
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This monologue was spoken in Awa arc, where jeaha immediately noticed Haku's feelings for Yona and his hopeless situation. Hak pushed aside his own happiness for the happiness of his friends.
Jeaha he perfectly stated that Yona and Hak "seem close, but they're separated by a certain distance"
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The distance was between them because Hak,didn't want his desire to prevail over him.It is obvious. He expected nothing from Yona. He only wanted the good of his friends, even though he was making himself miserable.
Suwon's betrayal was more very shocking and truamatic to Hak than Yona.Everything he dreamed about was ruined by what Suwon did. Yona managed to come to terms with it faster, while Hak pretended that everything was fine, pretended that he was strong. At the end of Awa arc he had a thirst for blood confirms that Hak it was all directed towards one person Suwon.
He went through the first breakdown. When he met Suwon in the water clan.He was out of control,it only shows how much Hak was hurt by the betrayal of a person whom he respected so much and considered his best friend
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Jeaha said he's in the dark all the time and that's true.When Riri and Yona were kidnapped to a labor camp. When he heard Suwon, he had the same thing, that when he dug his fingers against the wall, his fingers were full of blood, yet they cooperated.
At first, Hak wanted to do everything himself. To take on himself the protection of the princess, because he did not think that he could not trust anyone, he closed his own heart.
Gradually, Hak began to change. We see his real smiles. He is as cute as smiles things, more handsome. What's more, Hak admitted that he was grateful to the dragons for being with him because he wouldn't save the princess himself and would not protect her himself.
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shows gratitude with a hug. He opened his heart to a new family.
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Then he nervously shouted Yona what he felt for her (I really would like to hear it in a voice) I think that helped him in some way too, because he had to always suppress his feelings and finally started to say what he thought about her.
Hak first objected to Yona when she decided to return to the castle. You can see how much it broke Hak, how badly he needs healing, how much he is traumatized
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He finally got stabilized, had a new family and had to go back to the trauma (I know he has to work through his trauma) but finally he started to say what to think and not be that obedient to Yona.He began to express feelings.
In the current arc he wasn't allowed into the castle. He cared for dragons in combat shows and joined the army.
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Despite his own trauma, he decided to join the army, where he made a good impression and trained the soldiers of the sky clan. After that, he was put in prison, after all, he trained there and intended not to run away.
Then she despaired, and he fought not only for Yona, but for the family and soldiers of the enemy. He begged for rescue that came.
Conclusion: Initially Hak, suppresses many emotions, mostly feelings for Yona. He was introverted. He suffered from the betrayal of Suwon and it was difficult for him to open his heart to a new family, he was distrustful, and over time he appreciated the four dragons and began to say what he thought, he opened his heart to the new family and began to express his own emotions, even towards Yona.At first he thought about Yona and Suwon's feelings. He began to think about himself and his own feelings. He's still deeply wounded, yet he does his best to be useful. Now he protects not only Yon but his own family. Hook needs to overcome his own trauma eventually, but he does everything in his power to be useful nonetheless.
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orenjikaraka · 3 years
I Just Can’t Take It Anymore…
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The trickster (Ji woon hak) x reader angst
Author note: I barely know Korean so please understand that some words are google translate and I know google sometimes doesn't work ;(, Also I feel like if Ji woon was in that realm for a while, he would start learning English more better, because many survivors are from around the world. Also I made it realistic, so if someone dies they die :).
Part 2
Warnings: cursing, gore, vomiting, murder, angst
Word count: 2027
Ji Woon woke up, he sit up and looked around his surroundings, “못쓰게 만들다 (fuck)”, his hands were squeezed tight, his knuckles were turning white, “why am I still here…” his body was shaking, “I… don’t want hurt anyone anymore… why can’t I leave from this nightmare”, dirt was digging into his nails, his vision was getting fuzzy and his ears were ringing, but until he heard the entity, he snapped out of his thoughts, and heard voices, telling him if he doesn’t move, he’ll be punished. So he stood up quivering and picked up his bat from the dirty floor, when he got situated and try to calm himself, because the entity was watching him, whispering to murder the people around him, but the entity was disappointed by how’s he’s acting, so one of it’s claws were on his throat, whispering ‘murder, murder, murder’ like a broken record, Ji woon had a idea, he grabbed his hair with his free and faked chaotic laughed, to make the entity think he’s still the attendantic murder from the very beginning, the entity slowly disappears into the mist, leaving Ji woon alone, then he ended his acting, and continued to shake, “ok… ok… let’s get this over, and… and maybe I can finally leave this place…” he chuckled with slight relief.
When ji Woon found his first survivor, he was running away from him, he gave fake chaotic laughs and was chasing after him, he wanted to show the entity, that he was insane, he threw his kunais at his legs, so he won’t walk, the man pleads were making his ears ring, ‘how did I get aroused by this…’ it wanted to make him puke, that he even think it like that way, hearing there pleads in his music and screams, was like something was calling inside for him, but now, murdering people over and over and over again, slowly didn’t aroused him anymore and all the attention before was slowly departing too, he just wanted run away just like these survivors, Ji Woon slowly walk up to the poor man, and slowly lifted his bat up and ready to strike his neck, “죄송 해요… (I’m sorry)”
Was all he heard, by the hit of the bat to the bone, he was shaking and he pulled his bat out of the nape, he tried to slow his breathing and went to the next person, while he was walking he could see a woman fixing a Generator, it sounds like it was almost done, so he put his bat on his back, and grab one of his kunais, he aimed it at her throat and it successfully slit her throat, she stopped her hands from fixing her generator, and put her hands on her throat, she was gagging, Ji woon dropped his kunais, and started to cover his ears, his quivering was worsening, and he dunk his head low, so he wouldn’t see, what was happening in front of him, he “tried” to calm himself down, but got it significantly worse, “please… make it stop… please…”, the entity was appearing behind him, ready to punish him again, its claws we’re getting close to his neck again, telling him lies, whispering ‘if you murder the rest, you’ll be free…’ ‘you’ll get rewarded, after this trial’ ‘you can see your father again… don’t you want that…’ “나의 아버지… (my father)”
Ji woon’s laughter got ragged, and everytime he laughed it sounded forced, he got his baseball bat from his back and his tears were still spilling out, that made his eyeliner smear, but he made sure that he looked like a psychopath, the entity disappears again, into the mist it goes…
When he walking away from the corpse, he felt like someone else was watching him, instead of the entity, he felt a woman’s presence, from behind him, he looked back, but all he saw was the corpse from before, he gulped and kept walking forward and found the next survivor, he was cleansing a totem, the man turned around terrified, “let’s makes this quick…” his lips quivered, he raised his bat shakily, but before he raised his shaky bat, the man kicked him in the shin and scattered, “nnnnghhh, 못쓰게 만들다… (fuck)”, the man ran into a dead end, and Ji Woon was behind him, he kneeled down, begging for mercy, “please… don’t make this hard as it is…”, Ji Woon said, he clenched his hands on his baseball bat, the guy in front of him, at this point was sobbing and pleading for his forgiveness, Ji Woon closed his eyes “shut up… shut up… SHUT UP…”, he strike his baseball bat, at his head, and smashed it, the man was screaming for mercy, “shut up!” And smashed it again… again… and… again… until his face was not even noticeable anymore. Ji Woon opened his eyes and was terrified on what the results were, he felt like vomiting, he drop his baseball bat, and put hands on his mouth, for him to stop his vomiting, he swallowed the gross liquid down his throat, he was hyperventilating, “Make it stop… make it stop…” his voice sound so hoarse, he fell back and he put his hands threw his hair, he was digging threw his scalp, “please… I just can’t take it anymore… I just want to go home…” his body was shaking really badly, his hyperventilating was worsening, it was dead silent and all he could hear was his wipering, until he heard some footsteps, right when he felt a hand touch his shoulder, he freaked out, “LEAVE ME ALONE!” He turned back and got a better look at the person in front of him, his shaking was slowly calming down, when he noticed it was a woman, and not the entity, “hey… shhh… hey… everything is going to be ok…” “stay away from me… I… I don’t want to hurt you…” (Y/N) slowly got closer, but he flinched, “please, please, please… I don’t want to hurt you…” (Y/N) felt guilt in her chest, why is she feeling this way, he is a murder, but in past trials, he wasn’t like this, but why now, he’s like lost pup, running away from a pack of wolfs, “hey, trickster, everything going to be ok” her calming voice sound so angelic, he gulped, “can I help you…” he slowly nodded his head, he look so scared, she slowly walked up to him and put her hands in front of him, he look at her like she was mad, she nodded and had the smallest smile, his lips were quivering, but he tried to force a smile, he slowly put his hands on hers, and she slowly lifted him up.
She got a better look at him, his weight looks slightly skinnier than he was before, he had scars around his abandon, around his body was also bruises, ‘is he hurting himself or is the entity doing this to him…’, she looked at his face and his eyeliner was smearing, “hey… everything going to be ok…”, she started to put her fingers in his hair to rub his sore scalp, his body finally stopped quivering, he leaned into her touch, it was quite gentle, he missed this feeling, how his father would help him sleep, when he was a small child, “thanks…” he gave another smile, but it wasn’t forced, she smiled back, “can… I hug you…” Ji Woon said in a shaky breath, she was hesitant, but, “sure…” he felt some guilt railing up to his heart, she sounded so scared, he slowly hugged her, she hugged him back, she was rubbing small circles on his back for more comfort, he slowly let go of her, he looked at her, she was gorgeous, she like a angel that fell out of heaven, how is someone so beautiful like you here. In this dreadful place, “hey… let’s leave…” that shook him, “I can’t…” “let’s try…” his lips were quivering, “I- I can’t” “I know but I want to help you… so let’s just try” she was so calm and clear to understand, “but-“, “let’s at least try” Ji Woon wanted to push her away and then just get punished by the entity, but maybe he can try again, he never walked out with someone else, “ok…” it was barely a whisper, she then offered her hand and he hesitantly grab onto hers, and she walked to the gate, “wait, don’t you need to finish all the generators” “I… I finished every generator, while you were killing the… others…”
When they got to the door, she let go of his hand, and pulled down the lever, it was charging up, but right when it hit 99 percent, he lifted her hand, “it’s not gonna work… just open the gate, and leave me here so I can get punished-“ “NO, we’re getting out of this together” she snatched her hand back and pulled the lever down, the bells were ringing, telling everyone to leave this place, she grab his hand and dragged him along, while she walked, she got out from the other side, but when she was walking, she halted, she couldn’t move any further, she looked back and saw entity fences, that made Ji Woon couldn’t move any further, “see… I- I can’t move any further…” his voice was cracking, he was quivering again, so she tried pulling on his arm, but he couldn’t move from that damn line, “trickster, try pushing I can’t do this all by my-“ “IM TELLING YOU, I CAN'T GO ANY FURTHER, JUST LEAVE” “but-“ “JUST LEAVE” she was sobbing, Ji woon felt horrible, he shouldn’t yell at her, she is just trying to help, and why is someone that he just meet making him feel like this, “NO, I'M NOT LEAVING YOU” (Y/N) ran back into the line, and Ji Woon turned around “what are you doing!” “I’m trying to save you!” He had a slight blush, “but-“ she hugged him and tried pushing him through the line, the entity was clawing through the door, he started to panic, “let… go…” his voice was hoarse, ''no”, ''please… let go…” his tears were dropping on her head, “no…”, “let go, please, you're gonna die…” “I don’t care, I- I feel your pain and I want to help you…” she was sobbing, and it hurts to see someone he just meet, care about him so freaking much, the only person that actually cared so much of him was his father, so, he did the unexpected, and lifted her up, “what- what are you-“ he threw her back into the safe route, he turned around and faced the entity, “NO” she said, he looked back with a small and present smile, “oh, my name is Ji Woon, and thanks for being here for me, maybe we can see each other again, in are next trial” his smile was so pure, despite all fuck up shit, that’s been happening in this cursed realm, “no…” she stood back up and ran to him, and hugged him, “I… just can’t leave you…” Ji Woon saw the entity stopped, the second to final bell ring, telling them, they only had a couple seconds left, “why… are you… so nice to me…”, “because I want to help people that been through so much pain, and relieve them, to not be in that pain anymore”, his heart just flutter, he turned around to pick her up again, she felt how fast his heart was pumping on her chest, she liked how warm he is, he felt so good to touch, it makes her fear go away, Ji Woon was at the line again, ‘let’s try this again’, and right when he stepped on the line, the entity fences didn’t appear, he can pass through, he was relieved that he can pass through, there was tears of joy in his eyes, so he ran…
While holding the most beautiful woman in his arms, he can finally be human again…
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notchesandbullets · 3 years
The Princess and Her Dragons
Chapter 14: Hot and Jealous Shin-ah
Pairing: Shin-ah x Reader
Warnings: explicit smut, jealous sex, exhibitionism (slight), fingering, biting, size kink, cursing.
*requested by anon*
As Shin-ah gets more acquainted in the palace, his new home, he adjusts to almost everything except how you get called away on every occasion that your father needs you to take care of guests. But when someone had the audacity to lay a hand on you, all he sees is red. 
Words: 2.7k
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Storming off into the luscious gardens, you barely even noticed the relaxing breeze that normally set you at ease, too caught up in your own frustration to notice the vibrant colors of the flowers and the soft blades of grass underneath your feet.
Groaning loudly in exasperation, you rounded a corner to the pagoda, throwing your hands up and screaming in the empty grounds as the yell ricocheted off of the stone walls of Hiryuu Castle.
You were so done with men.
At least, the ones who weren’t yours.
Huffing, you pouted to yourself and plopped down on the bench, needing to cool off before you went back.
These airhead nobles hadn’t stopped talking to you, preventing you from going back to your room and you were rapidly growing sick of playing nice. Why did your father insist on you entertaining them?
A clatter followed by a crash caught all of your attention and your head snapped up to see none other than the blue dragon.
“Shin-ah?” You called out curiously, a hint of relief painting your tone as you brushed off your skirts and stood up bashfully. “I was just—”
Your voice caught in your throat as he closed the distance between you two in five quick strides, his hand automatically cradling your face.
“Are you… okay?” He asked quietly, worry seeping in his tone as his eyes flitted over you and you blushed.
It had happened twenty minutes ago.
He had been on his way back from the library, wanting to show her the new book he found when Kija introduced him to something called ‘reading’. He found it fascinating but he was struggling with the long and complicated words and hoped that you had some time to read to him.
At least, that’s what he was hoping when he found you but the sight that greeted him was an unwelcome one to him and it made his blood boil.
You were with other men, in your fanciest dress with your hair done up all nice so much so that he would’ve been distracted by your beautiful shoulders and luscious curves of your body if it had not been for those people touching you.
Shin-ah gawked at you from where one of them had their hands on your waist at his audacity. While he knew that none of his dragon brothers or Hak were allowed to brazenly tell off the suitors in public, as instructed by the king, he didn’t know what to do with these conflicted feelings.
And while he knew that the gesture was mostly innocent, just meant to steer you in a direction that was less crowded, it lingered on your lower back for a beat longer than was considered appropriate.
He was willing to let it go until the guy grew braver and whispered something in your ear, making his hands clench at his sides as he held himself back from storming over there and disrupting the tranquil afternoon atmosphere.
On one hand, he knew that you could handle yourself. Seriously, he had seen you flip one guy over your shoulder when he got too handsy, even though you were in your nicest gown with heavy skirts.
Hak snorted so loud when he saw you toss that man twice your size onto the floor like it was nothing.
But although Shin-ah cracked a smile as Jae-ha chuckled off to the side, seeing you handle yourself at the party was one thing; but seeing you here with no protection other than a few guards, he didn’t know how to feel or if he was allowed to go over there and remove their hands from you.
Before he could decide what to do, you deliberately shoved them off yourself, yelling at them to tell them off and then you sprinted away, leaving the guests you were supposed to entertain in the dust.
Shin-ah had quickly alerted the guards of the situation, in as least amount of words as possible since he really didn’t want to talk to them, before he followed you.
At first, he wasn’t sure if you wanted to be alone or not.
But he just wanted to make sure you were okay.
Shuffling his feet, Shin-ah hid in the shadows of the castle, just in case you didn’t want company. But his eyes went wide from behind his mask when you shouted in frustration and at that point, the dragon bond told him of your distress.
And now that he knew, he could feel that you needed him, he didn’t hesitate to take you into his arms.
You sighed blissfully, as his arms wrapped around you and snuggling into his chest, you buried your face into the crook of his neck.
“Don’t worry, Shin-ah, I’m okay.” You reassured softly, nuzzling into him further when you heard how hard his heart was beating.
He hugged you tighter, his exhales making your hair stir with every relieved breath and you squeaked in surprise when he pulled you down into his lap as he abruptly sat down on the stone bench.
Your arms looped around his neck for balance and you yelped when he stuck his face close to yours.
“Y/N…” Shin-ah breathed shakily, resting his forehead against yours.
You smiled softly. “... ‘m okay.”
Now straddling his lap, you laughed slightly when he softly kissed your cheek. His eyes fluttered shut as you held him close and he was unsure at this point whether he was comforting you or you were comforting him.
Carding your fingers through his hair, you slowly displaced his mask when he didn’t make any move to push you away.
Beautiful golden eyes stared back at you with the deepest level of love and your heart instantly softened. A rosy blush was painted on his cheeks, the red marks on his cheeks nearly blending in with the shade of his flush and you giggled as you poked it.
The first time he had shown you his eyes, you had been overwhelmed by the sheer vulnerability shining in them and you had taken his cheeks, smushed them together and declared that no matter what, you would always be there beside him.
Shin-ah had sniffled, nodded and cried when you took him into your embrace and your heart shook at how much he had been through.
Which is why you were currently shocked that he was rumpling your dress in an effort to get your skirts up.
“Shin-ah!!” You chastised, torn between mortification and arousal as he pawed feebly at your hips. “What are you—”
“... Need you, please.” He begged quietly, his mouth working over the expanse of exposed skin as he slipped off the top of your dress. “Please.”
Fire burned in his loins and he needed you. Bad.
Your mouth dried at the sight of the normally so reserved blue dragon pleading for you to take care of him. His hands roamed all over your body, caressing anywhere he could reach but there was a fervor behind it that was unknown to you.
“Yeah?” You coaxed breathlessly, urging him to undress as he bunched your long skirts around your hip, lifting them up to peek at your panties underneath.
Shin-ah’s jaw went slack as he caught a glimpse of the light blue satin with a pretty lace design in front. That tent in his pants grew uncomfortably tight as his cock swelled and licking his lips, he slowly slid them to the side to expose your dripping core to his hungry eyes.
“Shin-ah!!” You exclaimed in shock but threw your head back and he sank two fingers in your weeping pussy to prep you.
Strands of hair from your fancy updo were coming undone as he continued to stroke your velvety walls, peppering butterfly kisses over your collar bone.
You mewled, arching your back into his chest, head falling down onto his shoulder as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of your dripping cunt. Breathing heavily, you tried to form words to let him know it was okay for him to go faster but you couldn’t muster it and your mouth fell open when he brushed against that spot inside you.
A shrill shriek was barely muffled in time when you clapped a hand over your mouth, squeezing your eyes shut at the onslaught of immense pleasure.
The bond that you shared with them only served to increase it, much to your desire and dismay.
From here, you knew no one would see you, as these gardens were hardly strolled by anyone else other than you; but that didn’t stop from the blood in your veins from throbbing as you realized the danger of a guard walking by to check in on you, only to see you getting fingered by the shy blue dragon.
He wasn’t so shy right now. He was downright jealous.
All his feelings from earlier made his vision blur and clouded his rationality. All he could think about was how they had no right to lay a single finger on you and he was gone. His mouth pulled back in a snarl as he fumbled to undo his robe.
He was unable to feel or hear anything else other than the blood pumping through his ears and the heavy length in his hand as he pulled it out.
Once his cock was out of his confines, your eyes widened at the sight of it resting in between your bodies and your mouth watered.
Look, you knew he wasn’t small by any means, he had put it in you before; but for some reason, it looked bigger than last time.
“S-Shin-ah?!” You squeaked, intimidated by the raw mass of it.
Your head tilted back and you moaned as he rubbed the girth over your puffy outer lips, coating it in your essence to make it easier for you to take.
No matter how many times you guys did this, he always took care of you. Hurting you was the last thing he wanted to do.
Shin-ah groaned your name softly in your ear as he hiked up your legs higher around his waist to give him better access and he shivered as your entrance made contact with his cock.
“Please.” He pleaded quietly, his voice trembling as he kept rutting against your bare pussy without inserting his shaft. “I need you.”
You whimpered, clinging to his neck and nodded desperately against his shoulder, giving your clear consent. “Yes, fuck, holy shit— please!!”
Given the go-ahead, Shin-ah fought to keep a lid on his restraint as he sank you down on his length, jerking as your hot walls gripped around him tightly.
“Ah, ngh, ah!!” Shin-ah huffed into your shoulder, fighting to hold himself back as he sank you all the way down, biting hard on your clavicle as he buried himself into you. “Mmph, Y-Y/N… ah!!”
The unexpected teeth that latched onto the curve of your neck had you pushing your chest into his as he guided you down his thick cock.
Arousal continued to trickle out of you as you heard the usually shy baby be so vocal until he was all the way inside of you and you whined, writhing against him in an effort to entice him to fuck you properly as you started to bounce up and down.
“Shi… Shin-ah,” You moaned, gyrating your hips, encouraged when a particularly loud moan ripped from his throat. “I’m ready, p-please, oh fuck, do something!!”
His cock swelled inside of you and you swore that he was going to burst before you even started.
To your surprise, he kept a firm hold on the back of your thighs and your jaw dropped as he fucked up into you.
You barely cried out before his hand slapped over your mouth, his thrusts growing sloppier as he lost his momentum and rutted into you with reckless abandonment, jostling you in his lap under the force.
Your skirts covered the activities you guys were doing but if anyone were to walk in, they’d know immediately by the suspicious movements as you bounced in his lap.
But he wasn’t going to stop.
Fueled by the white-hot jealousy that spiked through his veins the instant he saw those men put their filthy hands on you, Shin-ah snarled, fucking you harder.
You were his.
His to love. His to cherish. His to touch like this.
Hands roaming over your body under your clothes that you wore especially for this day, Shin-ah couldn’t get but get a sweet satisfaction out of seeing you writhing on top of him like this when you were supposed to be taking care of the palace guests and entertaining them like the good girl you were.
“Hnghh, Y/N,” He gasped out when you clamped down on him. “I’m close.”
You damn near screamed as he thrusted up into you with a strength that shouldn’t have been possible at this angle and you would’ve fallen off if it wasn’t for his strong arm winding around your waist in order to pin you to his body.
“Y/N,” Shin-ah panted, voice hot and heavy in your ear and your thighs trembled. “You’re mine, right? You belong to us.”
Mewling, you nodded, eyes slipping shut as he pounded up into you with such vigor that he nearly unseated you several times in the process. His hips snapped into your ass, each slap barely audible under the heavy skirts and you had a fleeting thought of how it was even possible for him to fuck you like you weighed nothing but the euphoria that coursed through your veins overpowered all comprehensive thoughts, turning them into mush.
“Yes, yes, yes,” You mewled, half-conscious at the speed his girth was stretching you out. You felt so full, completely stuffed with his cock. “... ‘m all yours.”
His breathing grew ragged and his thrusts became sloppier, pumping you on his length once, twice more before he was struggling to hold it back until he felt you were about to cum.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head. “Shin-ah—”
His golden eyes were nearly black, filled with pure desire for you and you whined, raking your nails across his back as he rocked you mercilessly back and forth on his cock. Locking your lips together, he moaned when your tongue slipped into his cavern.
Overwhelmed by how hard he kissed you and how hot he was pulsating inside of your channel, you panted against his mouth when he broke the kiss. “I-I love you so much, fuck—”
Shin-ah’s eyes screwed shut at those words and burying himself deep inside of you, he came hard. His release triggered yours and you bit down on his shoulder to stifle the scream that tore from your lungs.
You trembled uncontrollably on top of him, thighs squeezing his hips as the high crashed over you.
Shin-ah whimpered as your hot walls convulsed around him, milking rope after thick rope of cum from his cock, shooting it deep inside of you. His fingers dug into your hips and he kissed you sloppily, disoriented from how sensitive he was balls-deep inside of you.
He didn’t pull out of you right away, opting to stay buried in your sweet cunt until your skin grew clammy and the sweat dried on your face.
“Shin-ah,” You whined childishly as you came back down from the spontaneous orgasm he had just given you in your favorite garden. “Wha… What was that about?”
Winding his arms around you, he nuzzled into your chest, suddenly feeling shy.
“What?” You giggled as he mumbled something from between your breasts, carding your fingers through his hair to soothe him. “You wanna repeat that for me?”
Heat crept up his neck but he blinked up at you owlishly, love reflected in the depths of his eyes that had returned back to their beautiful and striking golden color.
“I love you, too.” Shin-ah echoed softly.
A wide smile broke out on your face and you bit your lip.
“Yeah?” You laughed as he carefully rearranged your dress back over your shoulders and draped the skirts over your legs.
Your lips ghosted over the shell of his ear, curling in a smirk against the soft cartilage cheekily.
“It’s a good thing I’m all yours then.”
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Yona of the Dawn: Chapter 158 ~ My Favorite Bits (SPOILERS)
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Bro hug!!! 
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Peak comedy 👌🏻🤣
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Again, I think we need more Tae-Jun in the recent chapters
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I LOVE the fact that Kija is the first one to spring into action, even before Hak. He’s like: “That’s MY king you filthy peasants!”
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Hello PTSD 👋🏻
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Slightly violated much???
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Not this cockroach again 😑
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This dude was literally going to kill a child... SMH
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Things are starting to unravel
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Please, for the love of God, get some sleep!!!
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