#… if you’re curious what I said to Sayaka when she showed up I instinctively said ‘i Hope you die I’m the movie’ AND THAT IS NOT TRUE I WAS
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galacticstarjump · 11 months ago
All my gems gone.
Dried up.
Shii, iroha, and Kuroe took me to a back alley and beat me up, then Shii called Shizuka, Livia, Sayaka, & Shigure to all point and laugh at me and then left me on the ground, threw a singular slot for each of them and then they all left to go get sweets and tea with the gems they just got from me….
1 Shii, 1 iroKuroe, 1 copy of each respective memo
1, Shizuka, 1 Livia, 1 Sayaka, 1 Shigure. There were some other single repeat memos I already have MLB
But yeah… pretty bad. I would say kind of tied for IroMado. I mean at least with iromado I got 4 slotted with innocent gems and destiny crystals…
Idk I have two innocents gems I could use. I thought about using them on scene zero Madoka but now idk. But I sadly wouldn’t get their max EX bonus anyway so I may hold onto them until I get a third innocent gem.
And Shii is super cool and super good I’m sad they are stuck at one slot what the hell 😭😭😭
My pics are usually higher res. But I recorded my reaction, so these are screenshots from a video that was taken on OBS. I uh- don’t want to post the video cause I was mean to Sayaka when she showed up and i regret it lol😭😂😂 I was pretty sad and silent the whole video after Livia appeared. I accepted my fate that my gacha luck dried up with Historia yachiyo coming from a single 10 pull. Couldn’t let that slide could ya f4….
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cobaltusami · 4 years ago
Tropical Vacation pt. 6
Hey hi hello! This part was very self Indulgent, lots of snuggly fluffy goodness <3
Also a callback to Self Conscious! hooray continuity! :D
I can't believe I'm up to part 6 already, wtf lol
Characters In this part: Switch!Hajime, Switch!Fuyuhiko, Nagito, Makoto, Mahiru, Ibuki, Kazuichi, Sonia, Mondo, Nekomaru, Sakura, Hina, Imposter, Sayaka and more.
Word count: 2,905
Part 1: [Click or tap here!] Part 2: [Click or tap here!] Part 3: [Click or tap here!] Part 4: [Click or tap here!] Part 5: [Click or tap here!] Part 6: You are here.
When the usual morning announcement came across the monitors, It was sort of disappointing because for a moment they had thought they escaped the school but reality was once again upon them.
Makoto pulled himself out of bed upon hearing a knock at his door, he didn’t think twice about going to it and opening It, figuring it was probably Kyoko.
But Instead It was Ibuki Mioda. “GOOD NOM NOM NOMMING!” she greeted cheerfully (and loudly).
Makoto yelped and stumbled backwards In surprise. “U-Uh, Good morning Ibuki.” He smiled sheepishly.
“Ibuki volunteered to come get you and the others to come to breakfast! So throw on some snazzy duds and come on down!” She instructed, bouncing off to the next door and knocking on it.
Makoto smiled a bit and closed his door to get ready for the day. Once done he stepped outside his room and glanced around, He spotted several of his classmates on their way to the stairs.
Kyoko had waited for him. “You’re late.”
“S-Sorry. I had trouble finding my clothes… Monokuma kind of just threw my stuff everywhere.” Makoto apologized as he walked with the purple haired girl.
“You mean you went to sleep with your stuff everywhere?” She asked, surprised.
“Y-Yeah… I was tired.” He replied sheepishly.
“Good morning Makoto!” Hina greeted as she dashed past him down the stairs.
Makoto stumbled and grabbed the handrail.
“Whoa, Hina! Where’s the fire?” Hiro asked with a chuckle. She pointed at the Biker at the top of the steps.
Mondo mumbled under his breath, apparently he’d been chasing her but didn’t want to risk tripping and falling down the stairs so he gave up his pursuit for now.
Once In the dining hall they noticed all the tables had been pushed together into one massive table. They also observed that while not everyone was here yet, Chihiro was already sitting next to Chiaki chatting happily.
Makoto smiled, happy his friend seemed to have made a friend. “So, Where should we sit? Does anyone have specific seats?” he asked Sonia.
“No, Sit wherever you want!” She smiled In response.
Ibuki pulled out a chair for Sayaka, who giggled and did a curtsy as she sat down. Ibuki claimed the seat next to her. Kyoko and Makoto sat next to each other, Taka sat down next to Mondo, Leon sat between Hiro and Makoto.
For some reason, Mondo rose up out of his seat. The reason became apparent to Taka and Hiro when he locked eyes with Sakura.
“Good morning Mondo…” She said carefully, Her fight or flight instincts on standby.
“Sakura… How are ya?” His fight or flight instincts were also on standby.
“Uh, Are you two okay?” Nekomaru asked curiously.
“Yeah, we’re okay… Right Sakura?”
“As long as you don’t repeat your actions from yesterday.” Sakura responded, They stared each other down for a moment in silence.
“Ooooh! It's like a texas standoff!” Ibuki grinned.
Nekomaru pulled out two chairs across from Mondo. “Here, You and Hina can sit here, I’ll sit on this side in case he tries anything.”
Sakura smiled at Nekomaru, glancing back at Mondo, who was sporting a disappointed expression. Evidently he was going to try something, but since Neko was there to stop him he had no choice but to back off for now.
“Thank you, Nekomaru.” she bowed her head as they sat down.
“Mornin’ everyone!” Akane greeted as she walked Into the room, claiming the seat on the other side of Nekomaru.
“You’re In an awfully good mood… What did you do?” Nekomaru asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at Akane.
“What? I didn’t do nothin’ Coach Nekomaru.” Akane smiled.
“Mm… I’m not sure I believe you.” He mumbled, but dropped the subject.
“So what do you guys do for fun around here?” Sayaka asked as they waited for the rest of the students to show up.
“Ooh! We have loads of things to do!” Ibuki replied, practically bouncing in her seat. “There’s a Music venue on the third island!”
“A music venue?? Ibuki, Do you feel like showing It to me after breakfast?” Sayaka asked excitedly.
“Would she?! Ibuki would show you now If Teruteru wouldn’t get mad at us for bailing on breakfast!” She grinned.
“What else do you guys do?” Leon asked curiously.
Kazuichi hummed thoughtfully. “Well, There’s Water Balloon wars, Water gun fights, Swimming--”
Hina perked up. “Swimming? Is the water as safe as It looks??”
Sonia nodded with a smile. “Yes, It’s not dangerous In the slightest If you know how to swim.
“YES! we HAVE to go swimming later!” She squealed happily.
Sakura chuckled at her eagerness. “Alright.”
“Does anyone wanna join us??” Hina asked.
“Hell yeah!” Akane grinned.
“Why don’t we take It step further?” Chiaki asked. “Let’s throw a beach party today as a welcome party of sorts.”
Sonia gasped, her eyes lighting up. “That Is an excellent idea, Chiaki!”
Mahiru smiled, she seemed to be resting a bit easier around the students today. “I think that sounds like fun.” she agreed.
Ibuki whipped around to look at Sayaka. “We could have a beach concert at night!”
“Yes! Let’s do It!” Sayaka beamed back.
Mahiru smiled in exasperation, she knew Ibuki’s music style was very… different. So she was curious to see how they’d pull off the clashing music styles.
The red head paused her thoughts after looking around. “Hey… Where’s Toko and Byakuya?”
“Oh, Ibuki tried to get them out of their rooms, but they refused to join us.” Ibuki explained.
“That’s normal for them.” Makoto explained. “Toko doesn’t like to eat in front of others, and Byakuya Is… well… Byakuya.”
Imposter flinched, how could he have gotten Byakuya’s identity so wrong?
He had long since told the class his identity (or lack thereof) and In turn they helped him figure out who he was, He was now his own person. He struggled some days to avoid impersonating someone else, But the class was so supportive and kind to him that he was able to resist.
“I see, I guess It can’t be helped.” Mahiru sighed softly.
“Has anyone seen Hajime or Young Master?” Peko asked curiously.
“No, I didn’t even notice they were missing…” Chiaki responded, looking around the table.
“I’m sure they’re fine! They’re Ultimates after all.” Nagito reassured cheerily.
“Annnd he’s off.” Kazuichi sighed.
“Mornin’ Gundham.” Nekomaru greeted the dark student. “Did you see Hinata or Kuzuryu when you were coming in?”
Gundham paused, trying to recall if he had or not. “No, I do not believe so. I passed by the small darkling but neither Hajime or Fuyuhiko.” He replied.
“Small darkling?” Makoto parroted.
“He means Hiyoko.” Mahiru answered. “You get used to his dialect the more you hang around him.”
“Speak for yourself.” Kazuichi retorted sarcastically, receiving an elbow to the ribs by Sonia in response. He whined and rubbed his ribs. “Uh, Should we go check on them?”
“I’m sure they’re fine, but just in case I’ll go check on them!” Nagito volunteered, standing up.
He’s probably going to regret this but…
Makoto stood up too. “I’ll go with you!” He chirped, The taller student turned to him in surprise. “I-If you’ll let me.”
“Really?? An Ultimate wants to accompany me?? I’d be honored!” Nagito smiled, Makoto couldn’t tell if he was super sarcastic or just strange… He was leaning towards just strange.
Chiaki reached up, tweaking his side. “Don’t act weird and scare him.
Nagito flinched away, giggling lightly. “We should go. Let’s check Hajime’s cottage first.” He said as the two lucky students walked out.
“Should I have gone with them?” Mahiru asked.
“Probably. But Nagito should be on his best behavior.” Chiaki replied nonchalantly. “He remembers what happened the last time he misbehaved.”
Inside Fuyuhiko’s cottage the two were greeted by the annoying as usual morning announcement, pulling them out of their sleeping states.
Hajime stretched and went to sit up but Hiko snuggled further into his side, squashing any chance at getting up anytime soon.
Hajime smiled as he laid back down, his arm still looped around the blond’s shoulders holding him close. “Good morning, Fuyu.” He murmured.
Fuyu mumbled incoherently in response.
“Yo, Baby Gangster.” The brunette tried, shaking him.
“Fuck off…” Fuyuhiko slurred, his words thick with sleep.
“We have to get up, Fuyuhi--EEK!” Hajime squeaked in surprise as the Yakuza sighed quietly and began scribbling his fingers all over Hajime’s sides. “NOHOHOHO! FUYU!”
“Lemme sleep…” He mumbled.
Hajime laughed, trying to get away from the snuggly tickly Yakuza he called a boyfriend. “STAHAHAHAHAP TICKLING MEHEHE!”
“If you’re not gonna let me sleep… I’m going to need to hear your laugh.” He murmured, his eyes still closed. Though he sported a small smirk.
Unfortunately for Hajime, his squirming led him to fall off of the bed with a small yelp of surprise. Fuyuhiko finally opened his eyes, blinking away the sleep as he stared down at his tall boyfriend on the floor.
“Why the fuck are you on the floor?” Fuyu asked quietly. “I’m up here. Come cuddle me you jackass.”
Hajime narrowed his eyes. “Oh ha ha. You’re hilarious.” He stood up and got back In bed, scooping the small blond up into his lap. “Fine, You want my attention so bad? I’ll give you attention.”
Fuyuhiko squealed as he felt Hajime’s fingers descend on his belly, poking and wiggling in the tender flesh. “AHAHAHAHAHA! FAHAHAHACK!” He swore, squirming around helplessly.
“Not so relaxing and fun is it?” Hajime smirked, tickling his boyfriends cute tummy without mercy. “Although, I can see how you would think doing the tickling is, I feel pretty amused and relaxed right now.”
Oh, Hajime was so gonna go down for this. “FAHAHAHACK OFF!” He cackled, shoving at his hands to no avail.
Hajime leaned down, planting soft ticklish kisses against his neck. “That’s not very nice.” He hummed against his skin. This coupled with the tickling to his belly reduced him to a blushing snorting mess.
“NAHAHAHA! DOHOHOHOHON’T! *snort* IHIHIHIT TIHIHIHICKLES!” He whined, trying to bring his shoulders up.
“I bet It does~ Your neck Is really sensitive.” He murmured, continuing to plant tickly kisses against his tender neck. “You know… I still haven’t found your worst spot… maybe I should look for it.”
“Oh Fuyu, There’s only one place I haven’t tried~” He sang teasingly. “Are your feetsies ticklish?” He cooed, making the smaller boy blush brighter.
Hajime chuckled, reaching over and grabbing one of the kicking appendages. “Someone’s cranky today, Did the sweet baby not get enough sleep?” He cooed.
Fuyu narrowed his eyes at Hajime as he gasped for air, thankful for the small reprieve. “Listen here… you little shit…”
“What am I listening for? Is the big scary Yakuza gonna threaten me? I think we both know you won’t follow through with whatever bodily harm you threaten to cause me.” He smirked smugly.
Fuyuhiko squirmed and wiggled until he freed his arms and he began digging into Hajime’s sides relentlessly. “No, the big scary Yakuza Is going to wreck you!” He shot back.
Hajime yelped and dissolved into loud laughter, he squirmed around until he was closer to Fuyu’s trapped foot and he began tickling it, making the blond shriek and throw his head back in a loud fit of laughter. “TWOHOHOHOHO CAN PLAHAHAHAY AT THAHAHAT GAHAHAHAME!”
“HAHAHAHAJIIIII!” Hiko whined, trying to free his foot. He moved his hands up to tickle under his arms, making the brunette choke on his laughter.
“SHIHIHIHT! HIHIHIHIHIKO! DOHOHOHOHN’T!” He cackled, trying to dislodge the small blond.
“LEHEHEHET GO *snort* OF MYHYHY FOOT!” Hiko ordered, eyes tearing up from laughing so hard.
“THEHEHEHEHEN STAHAHAHAHAP TICKLING MEHEHEHE!” Hajime shot back, his nails gliding under his wiggly toes, drawing some adorable squeals from the Future head of the Kuzuryu clan.
“NAHAHAHAHAA! *snort* FIHIHIHIHINE I’LL STAHAHAP *squeal* IHIHIHIF YOU *snort* STAHAHAP!” He offered, his fingers not tickling as harshly as previous.
“Okahahahay! Truhuhuce?” Hajime lessened his tickling too.
“Truhuhuhuce…” Fuyuhiko pulled his hands back, and Hajime did the same, both of them falling back against the bed panting.
“Hehehe… Damn… I’m so going to remember how ticklish your feet are for later…” He grinned tiredly at the flushed boy next to him.
Hiko narrowed his eyes at the taller boy. “I wouldn’t... Don’t forget… I know your worst spots and how to exploit them…”
Hajime smirked, recalling that time at the beach house when he tickled the Yakuza for the first time. “Is that supposed to deter me?” He quoted him.
“Hey!” Fuyu laughed as he gently pushed his boyfriend.
Hajime laughed too, pulling the blond back into his arms. “That day was so fun… Even after you blasted me with the entire water supply In that bazooka.”
Hiko giggled adorably, snuggling into his chest. “You shouldn’t have pulled me away, I was going to empty it on Hiyoko instead.”
Hajime snorted in amusement. “At least you haven’t made any comments about how you look since then.”
“It’s not because I’m scared of you or anything. Don’t fucking flatter yourself.” Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes. “It’s just that… being around you makes me feel better about myself.”
The brunette smiled and closed his eyes, but after a few moments of thinking over what he just said he opened them again. “Wait, What’s that supposed to mean? Did you just call me ugly?”
“No! You are not ugly in the slightest.” Fuyuhiko frowned as he quickly sat up. “I just mean that… I don’t think about how my body looks when I’m around you… because those thoughts are silenced by…” He blushed bright red, looking away. “B-By how much I… adore you…” He struggled to admit.
Hajime felt his heart melt at the confession, he grabbed onto the smaller student and gently pulled him back down into his cuddly hold. “You’re too cute.”
“Sh-Shut up!” He blushed even brighter.
“So, Nagito…” Makoto struggled to make conversation as they descended down the stairs. “What do you like to do in your free time?”
Nagito hummed thoughtfully, pausing as he turned to the short student. “Well, I guess I usually just hang around my friends. My favorite pastime Is watching Chiaki play video games, Or having Water fights with Hajime and the others.” He answered as they continued walking. “I don’t really have any hobbies or anything. What about you?”
Now that he mentions it… What does Makoto do In his free time? Normally he just hangs around his friends as well… not that there’s much else to do In the school. “Ah, I guess about the same.” He replied shyly. “I normally just hang around Kyoko or Hang out In the rec room with the group. There’s not really much to do In the school.”
“That’s just like you Ultimates, You make the most out of anything and find ways to stay positive even In the most hopeless situations!” Nagito praised, though Makoto still wasn’t sure If he was being serious or sarcastic yet.
They arrived at Hajime’s cottage and Nagito rang the doorbell. After a few attempts without any response, Nagito spoke. “I wonder If Hajime Is even home right now…” He thought aloud.
“Where else would he be?” Makoto asked curiously as the taller student turned to him.
“I think I might have an idea… Follow me.” He instructed, walking off towards another cottage with the small student closely in tow.
“Uh, Nagito? This Is…” Makoto trailed off as they stood In front of a door.
“Fuyuhiko’s cottage. I know.” He smiled reassuringly, ringing the doorbell and then opening the door after a moment. “Good morning!” He greeted as he walked In the doorway.
Makoto hesitantly followed.
Imagine his surprise to find Fuyuhiko wrapped up In Hajime’s arms, the two had jolted up in surprise at the sound of the doorbell but remained entangled. “U-Uh… Hi.” Makoto meekly spoke.
Both of their faces flushed as they pulled away from each other. “J-Jesus Nagito! Why bother ringing the doorbell If you were just gonna fucking walk In?!” Fuyuhiko fumed, obviously embarrassed.
“Hey…” Hajime awkwardly greeted back, clearing his throat. “I thought I locked that…”
“Nope!” Nagito replied with a smile without missing a beat. “You two are late for breakfast, You should get ready and come join us!”
Without waiting for a response he turned around and began making his way back towards the hotel.
Makoto lingered for a minute. “S-Sorry! I didn’t realize he was just going to barge In-- I’ll go now.”
“It’s fine. Nagito Is kind of unpredictable…” Hajime chuckled awkwardly.
“You don’t have to act so weird, It’s not like you walked In on anything other than us cuddling.” Fuyuhiko blushed, refusing to look at Makoto.
“R-Right… Uh, See you guys In a few minutes…!” Makoto mustered up a smile and left, closing the door behind him. Nagito had waited for him at the end of the sidewalk leading to the house. “I didn’t know they were dating…” He said quietly as he began walking with Nagito again.
“Mhm. They haven’t been dating very long though, so they get embarrassed when people catch them being flirty. Or cuddling.” He explained as they walked back up the steps.
“Who else Is dating here?” He asked curiously.
“Mm, I’ll tell ya later.” Nagito grinned, patting Makoto’s shoulder as they rejoined the rest of the group.
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catgrump · 4 years ago
Could you maybe.... "I gotta say, I'm a little surprised" for Leon and Sayaka? If it's not too much to ask!
Alright time to apologize to every anon who sent in a request pre-surgery lol I’m getting to them now! I finally have ENERGY let’s go!
Welcome back to College AU, btw. We love it here.
Sayaka was never good at first dates.
The “getting acquainted” stage was always the hardest, and dragged on the longest
She barely had time for this anyway. Between classes and the work she had to do for her career, not to mention the part-time job she held to pay for her career (agents have bills to pay, too), she didn’t have time for romance.
But she had time for hookups.
It’s intimacy without commitment. Passion without a purpose. Just a fleeting moment to fulfill a basic human need.
So why does she feel so weird in this guy’s apartment?
When she first saw Leon’s profile on tinder, her gut told her ‘oh he fits the mold’.
He had a mirror selfie AND a college sports pic in his profile for crying out loud!
And now here she is, sitting on his shoddy couch in a cute little outfit, feeling more tense than she’s ever had on this kind of a date as he flips through the Netflix menu
“In the mood for anything in particular?” He asked. She took note of their distance apart.
“Oh, uh, no. I don’t care; choose whatever,” She replied, attempting to scooch closer ever-so-slightly.
If this guy is afraid to touch me, then we won’t get anywhere, she thought
He chose some random cooking show; she wasn’t paying attention. She was studying him.
She wouldn’t have swiped right on him if he wasn’t cute. He definitely has that going for him. Sitting next to him on the couch, his jawline was highlighted by the light of the TV screen and the LED lights surrounding his ceiling. She took note of the brown roots peaking through his red hair, and the glisten of the piercings in his ear and under his lower lip.
She guessed he felt her staring, because his blue eyes were suddenly looking at her.
He nervously grinned at her, flashing a brilliantly white smile. She instinctively smiled back, trying to warm him up as she bat her eyes.
“I gotta say,” He said, scratching the back of his neck, “I’m a little surprised.”
Sayaka cocked her head in confusion, “Surprised? About what?”
“That someone like you would—“
“Someone like me?” Sayaka was just repeating his statements as questions as she wondered what this conversation was going to be
“Yeah,” he chuckled before swallowing, “You’re really pretty and talented. I uh, gotta be honest with you; I looked at your Instagram.”
Well it is linked to her profile, so that’s not too surprising. He continued, “Do you and your friends write all your own stuff?”
Oh. He actually listened to her music. No one she’s Netflix-and-Chilled with has given a shit about her music. Sometimes she worries that the only people who listen are her band members’ families, if that. “Y-yeah, we all work together to write our own songs.”
“That’s really cool,” he seemed genuine, “Your stuff is awesome. It’s great that you guys are working so hard; really admirable.”
“Thank you... that’s really nice of you to say,” she could feel her heart beating a bit faster. What is this?
“Yeah,” he nervously chuckled again, making Sayaka concerned about her heartbeat even more, “I think it’s really cool that you’re making stuff. I’ve always wanted to be a musician myself, but I’ve got my baseball scholarship, and my major is really taxing... I just don’t have time.”
“Oh, what kind of music do you wanna make? Do you play anything?” Sayaka didn’t think, she just felt like she could continue the conversation
“I’d love to be a singer-songwriter!” His face lit up as he turned to face her completely, his arm resting on the back of the couch, “I love alternative rock; I’m super inspired by stuff from like 1995 to 2007. I know it’s full of cheese, but I relish in that shit. The angst and the passion: it’s so... fun!”
That’s so different from what Sayaka was pursuing with her girls. She felt her face melt into a smile as she heard him talk about his dreams with such conviction. He was animated and lively, talking with his hands as he talked about the bands that inspired him, and lyrics that meant something to him.
“Aw, fuck, sorry; I went on a tangent there,” he said, embarrassed
“No, I don’t mind!” Sayaka took a chance, using a dismissing hand gesture as an excuse to rest her hand on his knee, “I like hearing people talking about their passions.”
She wasn’t lying. He was cute before, but now... there’s something more here. She has to know if there’s physical chemistry here.
She continued, “Please don’t feel like you need to shut up about something you’re really into.”
Leon’s other hand took hold of Sayaka’s. “That’s really chill of you to say; I appreciate it.”
They sat facing each other smiling, their hands touching. Well, it’s now or never. Sayaka made her eyes glance down at his lips, and bit hers subconsciously when she saw that piercing again. She’s never kissed anyone with a labret piercing before and was curious what it would feel like.
Luckily for her, he caught the hint. He quickly leaned his body forward to aggressively meet her lips, a hand bringing her head closer.
It was electrifying. He kissed with as much passion and conviction as he had when he talked about music. She wrapped her arms under his, pushing her body against him.
The metal above his chin was hardly anything to write home about in comparison to what she felt when his tongue grazed her lips
She immediately let him in when the cold of his tongue piercing touched her, humming with a delighted surprise.
But things weren’t moving in the direction Sayaka originally planned.
Yeah, they were kissing. Yeah, it was good. Really good.
But no one was reaching for hems of shirts, or grabbing at belts. This was perfectly fine.
They smiled through the last peppered kisses, and when they parted, they looked at the other, and laughed.
Sayaka did not plan on showing up here to try to form a connection with someone, but as she nestled into Leon’s arms to genuinely watch the show, she decided she wanted to keep seeing this guy.
Maybe she can make time. She can make time for a guy like him.
Prompt from This List: feel free to send in a request!
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