#‣ category: fire emblem.
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doyouknowthischaracter · 10 months
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spiritforestwrit · 23 hours
hear me out.
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gloamvonhrym · 2 years
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oh no
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shitpost-quote · 7 months
"Would you still have me, knowing that I cannot stay for long?"
"Without a moment's hesitation. I am used to loss. Do not deprive me from the joy of ever having."
-Say'ri and Tiki, Fire Emblem Awakening
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gayestcowboy · 1 year
sorry for fire emblem on main but one of the first things i realized while replaying fe3h after 3+ years is how incredibly obvious it is that mercedes has adhd. and i feel like i’ve never seen anyone say it before! like every time she describes herself i’m like damn i wonder where i’ve heard this before! so many of her adhd symptoms manifest in the same ways mine do. back when fe3h first came out i saw people speculating about linhardt, felix, and other (male) characters having autism but never adhd for anyone regardless of gender. and yeah i’ll say it i think i’ve probably never seen anyone mention mercedes having adhd because she’s female! and adhd symptoms in girls/women are overlooked irl and female characters in general are frequently overlooked in fandom!
quite a few characters in three houses have very clearly and specifically depicted disorders (dimitri’s psychosis and ptsd, marianne’s depression, bernadetta’s anxiety, etc) and i think a lot of other characters can also very easily be read as having adhd or autism! mercedes almost certainly has adhd in my opinion, as well as annette, and i also suspect dimitri and bernadetta may have autism as well alongside other commonly autistically headcanoned characters like linhardt and felix. as someone with both adhd and autism i do really wish more folks in fandom talked about adhd and autism characteristics in female characters in particular!! thank you for coming to my lecture
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ephemxras · 1 year
guardianfication of strelitzia. i dub thee anthiese
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soapofbar · 6 months
i think the thing that bugs me most about the Discourse™ surrounding 3H is that it is just kind of pointless, and i don't mean that in the "it's pointless to discuss video game stories way" because it isn't! it isn't pointless to do that!
it's pointless because 3/4 routes in the game end with Byleth in a position of absolute power and authority over the entire continent of Fodlan, and therefore has the ability to institute whatever changes they damn well please, backed up the god-like ability to reverse time itself. Being the Archbishop of the Church with the ear of the King in AM, and simply just actually being the Ruler of United Fodlan in VW/SS, Byleth will pretty much always end the game as an enlightened despot. Byleth is, also, a blank slate self-insert, and while they do have some semblance of a personality in their various dialogues and scenes, their actual political beliefs are pretty much up to player interpretation, hence the reason you can even choose between the 4 paths in the first place.
in essence, it makes it very easy for the player to say "well Byleth will simply fix everything" after the credits roll regardless of which path you chose. Especially considering that all their students, who they most likely have very good relationships with, are liable to lend Byleth their political support. Not getting into characters like Sylvain who were already looking to institute change and reform in the areas they had direct control over.
To that end, the game does kind of undermine itself and the routes end up being more about who you want to live more rather than any actual ideological conflict no matter how much the game tries to frame it as the latter. if you agree with Edelgard's motivations but simply like Dimitri, Rhea or Claude more as characters, than there's no reason to really side with her since the player is actively put in a position where it's easy to imagine that after the credits roll Byleth simply does institute the changes that Edelgard seeks in a way that doesn't involve the death of their blorbos/continent-spanning war.
and I think this kind of ends up a factor in why there's a lot of undeserved vitriol thrown Edelgard's way. People see Byleth be given this absolute power, with the support of some of the most powerful noble houses of the land, and they imagine whatever kind of utopia they think Byleth could build with that power, and get retroactively mad at Edelgard. Never-mind that Byleth's ascendancy is only really possible specifically because of Edelgard's war, among numerous other different factors that led to it.
The real sort of funny thing is that the debate is also pointless in another way: Edelgard pretty much always accomplishes the objectives she sought out regardless of which route you chose. In all 4 routes Fodlan is unified. The Agarthans are either completely destroyed (VW) or majorly set back (AM/SS). Huge social reform is coming all across Fodlan, mostly of the variety that she wanted (yes, even in AM, I need to remind people that Dimitri's dad literally got killed for being "too radical" for the Faerghus nobility, not to mention that Dimitri is literally said to institute a new form of government in his solo ending)
idk how to end this just stop getting mad over video game characters
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moe-broey · 1 year
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Seer's Snare team (they're lost.)
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hedgypipes · 10 months
I voted for these games and others for The Game Awards 2023! What did you vote for!
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femblem-emblem · 9 months
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Know your Purple Guys of Fire Emblem, we got sad shamans, bisexual disasters, professional murderers, nerds with death wishes, and daddy issues.
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almoststedytimetravel · 11 months
Franchise entries for the 3ds that are widely panned are my favourite genera of Video game. I love all of them :)
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doyouknowthischaracter · 10 months
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aethercurrent · 11 months
every year the game award stuff happens and every year its a clown fiesta of untold proportions, yet people take it as if it is a life and death situation
its fuckin game awards its a popularity contest after its some sort of heinous commerical nonsense i dont have the english vocabulary for, and THEN after all that somewhere at the very bottom its something that matters for your favourite game of the year
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pathetic-gamer · 2 years
part two Gronder Field be like
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devotedlystrangewizard · 10 months
who would win character that is really wellwritten and who caters to ME specifically or this one bisexual loser from an almost 10 year old fire emblem game (which is notorious for its bad characters)
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