#“oh you want to find celebi? I got time traveled by that pokemon twice”
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skyarly · 11 months ago
au where ash simply mentions things he's seen. every character would lose their minds
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in-tua-deep · 5 years ago
Umbrella academy Pokémon AU? Each sibling has an affinity to a legendary maybe?
okay you have made me curious enough to explore this in between my monumental task of scanning in Every Family Photo in the house 
so i’m thinking this is a universe where all these children are just. Found. No parents, nothing, because I want to avoid implications. But the point is that these children are blessed by a legendary, sort of. They’re not pokemon, but they’re not really human either because humans aren’t supposed to have powers like pokemon, right? They’re kind of like human shaped pokemon really
Anyway Reginald collects the kids and squirms through on a technicality because technically the kids aren’t human so he can train them like a pokemon team. And so begins the Umbrella Academy! Which is a team of six because that’s the max number of pokemon on a team of course, sorry Vanya you have to stay behind in the box manor
i’m using this page as a reference because i will freely admit i’m behind on legendaries and sub-legendaries and mythical pokemon and also i don’t really know the difference between those three categories
Zamazenta: Shields the others, durability from steel form, fighter. Has second form which could symbolize Luther going from ‘regular’ human appearance to enhanced form that he is ashamed of as it’s less human.
Terrakion: My guy is built like a brick wall and is strong enough to destroy a castle wall in like, one blow. I love and support them.
Lunala: this one is just me being an asshole because Lunala is known as “the beast that calls the moon” and Luther’s relationship to the moon is a big old thing right there
Palkia: this is because Palkia has the ability to warp space which is. Pretty much Diego’s power in the show right? Warps space to that his knives always hit? Also explains Diego’s fight on sight rivalry with Five if Five is Dialga’s lmao Luther stops him from yeeting himself at Five like, at least twice in the show that I remember off the top of my head
Zacian: this is literally just because it’s got a sword and Diego’s power is sharp pointy things so
Virizion: They have knife horns on their head. Knife horns. That’s all.
Azelf: Azelf is the bringer of willpower and Allison’s whole thing is overriding that, which Azelf has been shown to be able to do.
Jirachi: her reality powers could be explained by managing to tap into wishes, though Jirachi’s wishes can’t create objects.
Mew: okay if we’re gently looking at comics Klaus as well then the ability to levitate and be a tiny little shit is absolutely perfect and also makes sense with Reginald’s insistence of Klaus’s incredible potential?? Let me be valid. Also, lives at the tree of life right? Opposite of life is death so that could tie in I guess??????
Yveltal: stealing life energy is as close as I could find to an actual death related legendary I’ll be honest.
Darkrai: he’s nightmares but I mean Klaus has a lot of those so. Seriously where is the pokemon god of the dead like the closest i can find are the legendary beasts because they literally died in a tower (that’s dark)
Dialga: the obvious choice because Dialga is literally like the time god. Since Dialga lives in another dimension I figure they just kind of scoop Five up and steal him? And so Five is stuck in Dialga’s dimension while he’s trying to both master his powers and get home. While having to deal with his overprotective pokemon dad. Also feeds into his ability to rile Diego up with like one word if Diego is Palkia’s
Celebi: able to travel through time and exist simultaneously through time so a stellar choice for obvious reasons. However, Celebi could also be the one who rescues Five from Dialga’s realm since Celebi can sense if something is a temporal anomaly and return them to their timeline sO that’s a possibility. Shared custody?
Xerneas: look Xerneas has the power to share eternal life and it would neatly explain why Five is just. An eternal thirteen-year-old like he is in the comics so there’s that. He would be so salty about it, too. Five just. turns into a tree for seventeen years after using his powers too much lmao can you imagine?? The tree in the courtyard is actually five surprise bitches
Giratina: travels and controls dimensions besides those of time and space which could totally explain his ability to access whatever weird tentacle dimension exists in his stomach?? There we go Ben there is a gate to the distortion world
Deoxys: the closest I could get to a weird tentacle legendary honestly??
Yveltal: stealing life energy and then going to sleep is probably about as scary as tentacles right?? look there’s a distinct lack of weird tentacle legendaries it’s a problem
Meloetta: for that musical tie in yo. Also bulbapedia says that Meloetta is capable of becoming invisible and if that’s not a metaphor for Vanya’s childhood I don’t know what is.
Arceus: i mean. If anyone could end the world in one blow it’s probably the original pokemon god, right?
I’m personally liking Terrakion for Luther, Palkia for Diego, Azelf for Allison, Mew for Klaus, Dialga for Five, Giratina for Ben, and Meloetta for Vanya but there are several i like and also if there are ones y’all want to argue for or throw into the ring let me know! I definitely don’t proclaim to be the most knowledgeable person about pokemon
(especially legendaries which i lost track of years ago rip)
Ben, staring at his hands: If Giratina is my parent. Does that mean arceus is my… grandparent? Is god my grandparent, guys?
just shenanigans
Klaus: yeah i died but mom bailed me out of the afterlife
Luther: mo - you mean mew?
Klaus: oh yeah, mew. lol i dunno how they knew but they highfived me and yeeted me back to life. they have tiny baby hands i love them
Ben: i don’t know what the fuck mew is legend of and at this point i’m too afraid to ask
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