#“oh god hes touching me hes touching me and looking at me and TOUCHING ME WHAT DO I DO HES STARING AT ME WITH HIS EYEBALLS HELP ME”
cinnamorollcrybaby · 23 hours
Can you pretty please write something like the Nanami college au again?? It was so funnn <33 love your work!
Shibari Master
Tags: dom!nanami x fem!reader, college au, nsfw, mdni, bdsm relationship, fluff, mutual pining, slight angst, happy ending don't worry.
Synopsis: Nanami is the stoic, silent, strong type. He excels in each class he’s put in. He’s never one to cause trouble, but… there have been whispers around the university. “I hear he likes to tie girls up for fun…” “My friend says he’s a freak in bed and left marks all over her.” “Someone told me he has ropes in his dorm.” It seems like Kento has a secret.
An: You guys really seem to love the college au Nanami 😭 I don’t mind. I actually really love writing him. This isn't necessarily a sequel or part two, but I hope this is something that you were hoping for. This is another long one. Strap in.
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You were the type of person who really kept to themselves while in college. So many people told you that you would meet some lifelong friends and studying in university, but you didn’t really see the point. Everyone went their separate ways after college. There was no point in befriending anyone in there.
Well, Shoko’s the exception. She’s like a sickness that you just can’t fully get rid of. No matter how closed off you were, she just continued to tease and banter with you. You two often found yourselves sitting next to each other in class or in the dining hall.
Sure, you two had fun being absolute haters together. “Oh my god, yn. Look at what he’s wearing.” Shoko would whisper into your ear, referring to the guy in the hentai face hoodie that no man who gets pussy wears.
Shoko had friends. She was close with all sorts of people: the athletes, the quiet ones, anime nerds, trouble makers, everyone. She didn’t discriminate, which means she had a lot of gossip on everyone.
You were sat next to her in the dining hall as you leisurely munched on an apple. She was yapping about some people in drama club that got caught fucking in the auditorium, “a total orgy” was how she described it.
Your mind was elsewhere though. While you weren’t keen on making friends, you weren’t immune to crushes though. A man like Nanami was right up your alley. He was quiet, respectful, the hottest man you’ve ever seen and smart.
“Girl.” Shoko nudges your arm and furrows her eyebrows at you when you’re not giving her all your attention. “You are not ogling over Kento fucking Nanami right now, are you?” Goddamn her sense of social cues. You could get nothing over her.
“And if I am?” You ask, taking another bite from your apple before turning to face her with an almost challenging look.
“My little yn is finally coming out of her shell.” Shoko grinned up at you. She could never resist picking on you a little bit. “No, but seriously, I’ve heard some crazy things about him.”
“Like what?” You immediately ask with a puzzled expression. What kind of crazy things would Nanami get up to? He seems so strait laced. It’s hard to imagine him doing anything ‘crazy’.
“I heard he likes to tie up girls for fun.”
Oh shit.
Now, as a person who had unrestricted internet access as a kid and a recovering tumblr user, you knew what BDSM was. In fact, you were pretty well acquainted with the concept. Even as it was now more widely accepted after the movie Fifty Shades of Grey (which in your opinion, missed the mark on portraying a healthy BDSM relationship), BDSM still felt a little taboo. It was like a forbidden fruit to you, one that you thought about often.
“So? A man has a kink. Be so for real right now.” You respond as you glance back over at Nanami.
“No babes, it’s not just a kink. Like… I’ve heard that he didn’t touch them like that..”
“Oh…” You almost want to fucking pout upon hearing that.
“Oh yn, you freak.” Shoko laughs as she pokes your cheek. “You totally want him to tie you up.”
“I mean…” You give her a look which makes her laugh even harder.
“Stop.” She says while still laughing. “I heard it something called like shibari…”
*** *** ***
That night instead of researching for your upcoming term paper, you spent all night on the Shibari Reddit and reading up on different forums.
It was nearly three in the morning. Your fingers are scrolling on some sort of shibari blog, and you can’t help but feel almost jealous of these people. It was like an art and BDSM activity all in one. You wanted to do that.
You wanted Nanami to do that to you.
Your eyes are nearly half-lidded when you come across another blog. It was so late. You knew you should probably get some rest, but one more blog couldn’t hurt.
The knots were beautiful and intricate on the model’s skin. There was one photo where large veiny hands were cupping her cheeks as she was tied up. Damn. The master had nice hands.
You learned quickly that the ones who were being tied were called models, and the one who were doing the tying were called masters.
The next photo on the blog was even more erotic than the last. Another model tied up in pretty pink rope, and a tie was being held around her neck.
You’ve seen that tie before. It was unmistakable.
The only man who wears a yellow and black tie like that was Kento Nanami.
Heart pounding, you check the caption:
Knots done by KN
This was too much to be a coincidence, right?
You keep scrolling until you come across a text post instead of a picture.
Looking for models in the Kyoto area. College shibari master looking to teach.
Holy fuck. This had to be fate, right? You felt your stomach swirling with butterflies as you hovered over the message button. What are the odds that this isn’t Nanami?
Yn: Hi.. I saw where you were looking for models to teach.. I was wondering if I could get some info on that.. Sorry to bother you so late!!
Gods. You sounded like an absolute dork. You wanted to delete the message, but it was likely that the master already received it. What had you done?
*** *** ***
You could barely sleep last night, plagued with dreams of ropes and Nanami using his tie on your wrists or neck. You were lucky that you didn’t have a morning class today.
Drowsily sitting up, you reluctantly checked your phone. It was nearly noon since you had stayed up so late. Scrolling through your notifications, your heart nearly stopped when you saw a message from that blog last night.
KN: No need to apologize. Yes, I am looking to teach a new model. What kind of information would you like?
Ohmygod. Ohmygod. Ohmygod.
Yn: Thanks for getting back to me!! I was kinda wondering if you charge anything for a session..?
KN: No, I don’t charge anything. I go through a pretty extensive recruiting process with my models though.
Yn: What might that include..?
KN: First, I like to get to know them on a deeper level than just first name basis. I want to know what kind of understanding they have about shibari.
KN: Then, I request that the model provides me with some kind of proof that they’re in the right medical condition for shibari. It is a demanding art that does include some physical aspects. I want to know what your body can handle.
KN: After that, I try out practice knots on the model, making sure they’re absolutely comfortable every step of the way. I think of this as a trial run.
KN: Granted all goes well, I then draft up a beneficial agreement between the both of us.
Oh. This was so much more than you could’ve bargained for. You didn’t even expect for him to respond back, but he was talking about an agreement??
If this was Nanami, then you could feel yourself falling even more hopelessly for him. If this wasn’t Nanami, you were definitely reluctant to move forward.
Yn: An agreement..?
KN: Don’t let that word discourage you. I’m a man of rules and principles, that’s all. We’ll talk more if we get there.
That word felt like a bee sting right in the gut. As delusional as it may sound, it felt like he was already discounting you without completely being rude.
You didn’t even know what you were thinking when you messaged this person on the internet. You weren’t even sure it was Nanami. The idea of shibari was appealing, tempting even, but you really didn’t want to just experience it with any type of person.
A message on your phone grabs your attention.
KN: May I take you out to coffee sometime, yn?
This was probably wrong, but it felt right. Something was pulling you to keep texting him.
Yn: I don’t normally meet strangers from the internet so quickly.
KN: Oh? We’re strangers? I would’ve at least considered us to be acquaintances.
Your eyes widen as you stare down at your phone. This might actually be Kento Nanami messaging you, and he offered to take you out to coffee. You were now aware of how hard your heart was pounding in your chest.
Yn: Is this Kento Nanami..?
KN: It is. Was it not obvious?
Yn: It definitely was. I think I was just nervous and didn’t want to get my hopes up.
KN: Get your hopes up? You were hoping for it to be me?
Yn: Is it weird if I was..?
KN: I would consider it to be cute rather than weird.
KN: About that coffee..?
*** *** ***
A pile of discarded clothes lay on your bed as you were trying on another outfit while Shoko watched you. You had hated everything you have tried on so far.
“What’s so great about Nanami anyways?” Shoko asks as she opens up your window and lights up a cigarette. You’ve begged her to stop smoking, but she adamantly refuses, stating “at least I’ll die happy”.
“He’s just… kind of mysterious, is he not?” You ask as you’re looking at yourself in a full length mirror. You were to meet him in about thirty minutes at a local coffee shop near the campus.
Your body is being hugged by mocha brown shirt and a brown plaid pleated skirt.
“Jesus, yn. Is he getting to know you or your ass?” Shoko jokes as she grins up at you with her cigarette tucked between her lips.
“Both if I’m lucky.” You wink at your friend who rolls her eyes playfully at you.
“And you’re one hundred percent sure you’re not into girls? What does Nanami have that I don’t?” Shoko’s no stranger to flirting with you. It was just her personality type. Though, if you were into girls, Shoko would definitely be your type.
“I’m sorry. When did you grow a dick?”
“You’re saying you wouldn’t suck my strap?” She playfully pouts and gives you a look that almost makes your heart skip a beat.
“For you, Sho? I just might.” You continue to banter with her as you grab your purse.
“You better go before I steal Nanami’s woman.” She looks away from you as she snuffs her cigarette against the outside brick.
“I’m not his woman.” You retort as you head towards the door.
“Yeah, yeah, I better be your maid of honor. I wanna wear a tux though.”
You laugh at your friend’s boldness and decide to hurry down to the coffee shop, not wanting to keep Nanami waiting. He seems like the type of guy to value punctuality.
As you arrive to the local shop, you marvel at how nice the shop looks. The walls are painted with a soft eggshell white, and it has accents of dark oak wood and black decorations. It’s decorated high and low with botanical plants
Nanami was sitting in the corner of the shop in a more private area of the shop. He seemed to already be sipping on a coffee of sorts. You feel your heart start to pound at the sight of him. He was wearing a black button-up shirt that hugged his muscular arms so deliciously thanks to his harness that he was also wearing. His beige slacks also fit his frame nicely. You might dare say, Nanami has a nice ass.
His hazel eyes lifted up from a book he was reading, and his lips so subtly quirked up into a smile as soon as he caught a glance of you. He stood up from his seat and pulled your chair out for you like the gentleman he was.
“You look lovely.” His deep voice made your head spin for a moment. Sure, you had heard him during class, but he sounded much more relaxed and less robotic.
“As do you.” You respond before realizing your blunder. “I mean, you look handsome-“ The words quickly fall from your mouth.
“Oh? I'm not lovely?" He asks, an edge a playfulness in his tone. You didn't know he had the capabilities for that.
"I- No- I meant. You are?"
"Relax. I don't bite." He takes a small sip from his coffee before lazily looking back up at you. "Unless you ask me to."
Heat floods your face, and you immediately cross your legs together, trying not to show your obvious likeness to that idea. "Good to know." You finally manage to say after a moment.
He gives you a kind, warm smile in response. "Do you want to order a coffee? Then, we can get to know each other more?" He asks in a reassuring tone. His presence is nerve racking, but he also provides almost a sense of comfort. He has things under control, and you just have to follow along.
"Sure." You agree, and he walks with you up to the counter to order a drink.
"Can I get a vanilla latte please?" You ask, and the barista types in your order before rambling off your total. You reach into your purse to retrieve your credit card, but Nanami subtly nudges you while handing the barista his card.
"I could've gotten that..." You quietly state, feeling guilty that he paid for you. Nanami shakes his head with a small scoff of amusement.
"I invited you out, yn. I wouldn't expect for someone to pay for something that I invited them out to." Nanami assures you before the barista hands you your latte. You make the mental note to get him back at a later date.
The both of you settle back in at your table.
"So, how did you find my blog?" He asks with a small, curious smile on his face.
"Well..." You start off, but your voice trails off. Not fancying the idea of telling him that you and Shoko had gossiped about him, you decide to bend the truth just a bit. "I've always been intrigued by the idea of BDSM, and I just kinda fell down a rabbit hole of shibari, which led me to your page."
"Oh really? What intrigued you the most about BDSM?" He cocks an eyebrow up at you, his smile never fading.
"Trust, mostly." You respond sheepishly.
Nanami couldn't have came up with a better answer himself. He shifted his position a bit, and he leaned into the table ever so slightly. "Trust... Is that what excites you?"
You feel your heart flutter in your chest as you gaze into his hazel eyes. "Yeah... being able to follow in someone's lead because I trust they're sense of judgment. That's what excites me."
"A woman after my own heart." He jokes kindly as he leans back into his seat. "So, no experiences with BDSM or shibari though? Just intrigue?"
"Yeah... just intrigue." You agree as you tug your bottom lip between your teeth.
"What all do you know about shibari?"
"Hm, I know the roles of master and model... I know there are different color ropes. It seems like a very emotional act..." He nods at what you're saying.
"It can be very emotional for both the model and the master. It's a huge test of vulnerability, trust, submission, and leadership. You know, Yn, if I ever have the honor of tying you, I will be holding your life in my hands."
You feel the heat rush to your face and between your legs from his words. There was something about giving him that level of control over you that drove you mad on the inside. You almost wanted to tell him that you wanted to skip to the trial run, but you knew that his process was what was best.
"I.. I know that... The honor...?" You softly question, causing for him to gently laugh.
"Yes, the honor. Never ever let a dom or master make you feel like your submission is anything less than a privilege. You don't owe me or anyone any part of you."
Jesus Christ. How was this man even real?
"Uh.. Noted... So, how did you find shibari..?" You hate how spacey you get when you're feeling nervous, but you don't want to fuck up and say the wrong thing.
"I always took pride in photography, so when I found photos of shibari, I knew that was something I wanted to capture. The leadership role was not always something I've been good at." He explains as he gaze drifts down towards his coffee. You're silently grateful that the coffee shop isn't too busy. They're also playing soft lo-fi tunes that drown out yours and Nanami's conversation.
"How long have you been a master?" You curiously ask, feeling a small pit in your stomach as you remember he has had other models.
"Well, I've been tying knots on people since I turned eighteen, but I'd say I really became a master at it when I turned twenty-one. That's also when I really started to take it more seriously. I use to just tie up whoever volunteered just so I could learn the knots on an actual human body. That got me into some shitty situations, so once I gained enough experience, I decided to do this little recruitment process."
"Is this just a hobby or..?"
"I see it as a lifestyle, one that I don't bother hiding."
"Then, what are you in Uni for?" You ask as you tilt your head to the side a bit, feeling confused as to why he was in college if he seemed to only have a passion in something he was already a master at.
He gives you another amused laugh. "Business." He replies.
"Why would you be in the business major?"
"I run my own business, darling. The pictures of shibari I take aren't free, with the exception of the ones I post to my blog to market it. I also photograph other things as well."
"Ohh..." You drawl as you feel a bit embarrassed for not considering that aspect. "So... how many models do you have...?" You reluctantly ask, unable to squash the growing pit in your stomach.
A small smile curls on Nanami's face as he looks at you with an unreadable expression. He seems to completely think through his response before he opens his mouth.
"I wouldn't necessarily say I have any models of my own." He answers, but that really only fills you with more questions instead of reassurance.
"So... that means...?" You ask, not daring to look up from your coffee mug. It was foolish to want a sense of monogamy from him at this early of a stage. You knew it was, but you still couldn't get behind the idea of him having multiple models.
"It means that..." The door to the cafe jingles, and Nanami's face immediately shifts to a more serious one. It's an expression that you're use to because it's the one he uses around campus. He looks unamused and almost annoyed.
"Nanamiiin!!!" A white-haired male drawled as he approached your table. You recognized him as another student from uni.
"Gojo." Kento greets in a flat tone as he eyes the male. Gojo seems to not take any offense to Nanami's tone, and he plops down on the bench seat right next to him.
"Are you on a date, Nanami?" Gojo teases as he eyes you then looks back at the blonde with a grin.
"What are you doing here, Gojo? You don't even like coffee." He says, completely ignoring the other's question.
"This cafe has a really good hot chocolate, you know. Also, am I not allowed to run into my best friend while he's in public with a pretty girl?" Gojo cuts his bright blue eyes towards you, beckoning for you to speak up.
"Oh, are you two friends?" You ask, unable to bear Gojo's omniscient stare.
"The closest." Gojo replies before draping his arm around Nanami's shoulder. Your date rolls his eyes and shrugs Gojo's arm off of him.
"Too close in my opinion." Nanami grumbles lowly.
"So cruel, Nanamin." Gojo pouts over at his friend who doesn't budge in the slightest. "Are you at least going to introduce me to your date?"
"No, leave."
"My name's Yn." You interject their little spat as you hold out your hand towards Gojo's.
"Yn, what a pretty name for an even prettier girl." He says as he takes your hand and brings your palm up to his lips.
Before either of you could react, a strong hand grabs onto Gojo's wrist, preventing him from kissing your hand. "If you intend on keeping your hand and your dignity, I'd leave now."
Your eyes slightly widen as you watch the covert struggle between the two men. You can’t help but be hyper aware of your heart pounding in your chest. Was he being territorial… over you?
Satrou looks back over at Nanami with a smug grin before he releases your hand. He then drags Nanami’s hand up to his mouth and presses a small, polite kiss to his hand as if to piss the blonde off more. “You should bring her to the pool party next weekend, Nanamin.” He suggests with a grin.
Satoru then stands from his seat. “It was nice meeting you, yn. I hope to see you again soon.” He then promptly leaves the cafe - without even buying a hot chocolate.
Nanami takes a few moments to repress his anger back down. He takes a deep breath before speaking up. “I’m so sorry about him. He doesn’t understand boundaries at all. He didn’t make you feel uncomfortable, did he?”
“No, no, it’s alright! I’m okay.” You assure him with a reassuring smile.
He nods and returns a relieved smile before checking his watch and softly sighing. “I have to go… I would like to see you again.”
You can’t help the smile that creeps up on your face as you nod your head. “I’d like that too..”
“Do you have a free day before next weekend?” He asks before drinking the rest of his coffee. You had only just now noticed that he was drinking straight black coffee.
“Oh, uh, Wednesday afternoons are free.” You respond, feeling a flutter in your chest from the promise of seeing him again.
“Wednesday afternoon it is. How do you feel about coming to my dorm?”
His dorm? The one that’s rumored that he keeps ropes in? You can already feel your excitement bubbling up inside you.
“Your.. uh.. roommate will be there?” You ask, silently kicking yourself for how you stumbled over your words.
“Hm? No, no, I don’t have a roommate.” He assures with a small smile. “I paid the extra money. Considered it to be an investment towards my lifestyle since practicing shibari would be hard to do with a roommate.”
The new information only makes you feel more nervous and excited. For one, it was an extra thousand dollars to be roomed alone. That was no small “investment”. For two, this meant you were going to be alone with him in his room - with ropes.
“Oh.. uh, yeah, I’m okay with that.” You finally respond after a moment.
“Perfect.” He stands from his seat and looks down at you again. You have to crane your neck upward to look at his face. It’s your first time seeing him up close like this. He was tall, and his muscles and veins made you want to salivate all over the table. “See you then.” He mumbles before affectionately patting your head and leaving the cafe.
*** *** ***
The wait until Wednesday dragged on and on. You were so antsy to finally see Nanami again. You had filled your time gushing to a very skeptical Shoko and stalking his blog. He hadn’t posted anything new yet, which you decided to be a good thing. Maybe he didn’t really have any other models?
You politely knocked on his dorm door, triple checking that you went to the right one. He had texted you which one was his this morning.
The door open a moment later, and you were greeted to the sight of a cozy looking Nanami. He wasn’t in his normal attire - just a t-shirt that fit him way too tightly and a pair of grey sweatpants. Slut.
“Hi.” You greeted awkwardly, not knowing what to say.
“Hello.” He let out a puff of air in amusement to your candidness. “Come in.” He says as he moves out of your way. “Make yourself at home, please. I figured we could watch a movie today unless you wanted to do something else.”
Yeah, Nanami - do you. You silently thought to yourself.
“A movie sounds good.” You casually reply as you stroll into his dorm room. It was the average size of a dorm room, but since he didn’t have a roommate, it felt a lot larger. He had a couch where the other bed would go.
Taking in more detail, it was incredibly clean yet cozy. Your eyes drifted around his plain looking room. You don’t really know what you expected, but you assumed there would be some sort of hint to shibari.
That’s when your eyes find a coat hanger, but it wasn’t hanging up coats. Bundles of differently colored ropes hung from the hooks. He had every color of the rainbow and even some multi-colored ropes as well.
Biting your lip slightly, you wondered how the ropes would feel against your skin - if they’d be soft or rough. Would he be gentle or rough?
“I see you found my collection.” His voice slightly startles you, causing for you to flinch. A small chuckle of amusement escapes him from your skittish behavior.
“Oh- uh, yeah, sorry..” You apologize, not wanting for him to think you’re weird.
“Don’t be. I assumed you’d be curious. Want to touch one?” He offers as his hand slowly finds the small of your back, and he casually guides you over to the coat hanger in the corner of the room.
“I’m allowed?” You sheepishly ask.
“I wouldn’t have offered if you weren’t.” He calmly laughs as his hand grazes across a white rope. “This is called jute rope. It’s made for comfort and aesthetics.”
You nod your head and carefully reach out to brush your hand against the rope as if it was made of glass. The rope really was silky smooth. You almost wish your clothes were made out of the same material.
“I didn’t expect it to be so soft.” You muse quietly, allowing your hand to continue petting the rope.
“It’s made with comfort of models in mind. It won’t leave any rope burns or anything like that on their skin.” He explains, and his hand moves to a different rope. “This one on the other hand is hemp rope. It’s rougher, so it can sit more snugly against the skin. It’s great for tight knots and suspension.”
You follow his lead, carefully touching the next black hemp rope. It was rougher than the jute rope. “Suspension?” You quietly ask.
“That’s for experienced models and masters. It’s a whole different breed of shibari - one that requires a huge foundation of trust and understanding of each other’s bodies.” Nanami explains as he watches your facial expressions.
“Oh.. have you ever suspended someone before..?” You can’t help your curiosity when it comes to his experience level.
“Once, but it was sheerly for practice.” He calmly answers before moving his hand over to the soft pink rope next to it. You immediately recognize that rope from the pictures on his blog. “This one is made of cotton. It’s extremely soft and lightweight, great for beginners models.”
You reluctantly reach out and barely touch the pink one. It was incredibly soft, but you can’t help but think about the lucky girl posing in his pictures and how pretty she looked in his hands.
“You recognize this one, don’t you?” He asks, immediately noticing your withdrawal.
“Yeah.” You respond as you look away from him and the ropes. You knew you were being dramatic, but some part of you couldn’t help it.
It’s obvious to you that the girls he’s tied up in the past spread those rumors about him, telling everyone what he likes to do in his free time. You painted a narrative in your head that all the other girls he’s tied up in the past aren’t really into shibari. They probably just wanted to get in his pants. Okay, maybe that was an unfair assumption.
“Hey.” Nanami speaks up, and his hand gently cups your cheek, making you look up at him. “We can pick out your own rope, okay? I want you to be comfortable, and if using ropes that have been on other models makes you uncomfortable, I’ll buy a whole set just for you.”
It’s a heartfelt gesture - proving that he has your best interest in mind. It didn’t completely put an end to your bitter jealousy, but it helped.
“I don’t want you to spend that kind of money just because of my downfall.”
"Downfall-? No, darling, it's not a downfall, and please, there is nothing else in the world I'd rather buy than new shibari ropes. As soon as you can provide a doctor's note to me, I'd love to take you and pick out ropes for you together." Nanami's hand stays firm on your cheek, not allowing for you to look away from him. His voice sounds raw - he's being serious.
Something about him planning for the future makes you relax a bit. He's planning this stuff already as if you're spot in his lifestyle is already guaranteed.
Swallowing harshly, you slowly nod your head. "If it's something you'd like to do as well, I think it would help me feel a bit more comfortable."
"It is. I want this to be as fun for you as it will be for me." His voice drops an octave lower as his eyes rest upon you, practically drinking in the sight of you. Slowly dipping his head towards your ear and neck, he whispers, "You're going to look so pretty tied up. I'm excited to see what color you'll pick."
You immediately press your thighs together, trying to subtly hide your arousal from his words. Gods, you were so easy. He didn't even have to do much to get you all worked up.
The two of you lounge on his couch, watching a movie that he has playing on his laptop. He has his arm comfortably placed around the back of the couch. Since you were watching on a laptop, you had to sit rather close to him.
The lingering scent of his cologne in the air made you feel feral, and you could feel his body heat radiating from his body. The movie was just a blur at this point as you were silently wishing he'd just wrap his arm around your shoulders and pull you closer.
You sneakily catch a glimpse of his face, and you notice his eyes are closed. His breathing is even and deep. He fell asleep next to you.
What an absolute cutie.
Carefully, you reach out to the coffee table and pause the movie. With no more background noise, you can hear the soft and subtle snores escaping from his mouth.
Deciding that it would be too weird for you to stay in his space while he's unconscious, you carefully try to stand. but two strong arms loop around your waist and pull you back down - right into his lap.
"Stay." He murmurs quietly. His voice was still breathy from sleep. "Please?"
You gaze up at him, and his eyes were still closed. He had his face nuzzled into your hair while holding onto you like you were a damn teddy bear. Refusal wasn't an option. Even in his sleep, Nanami was stronger than you.
"I'll stay." You whisper back to him, knowing good and well that he was fast asleep. Getting cozy in his lap, you allowed your eyes to slip close as well.
*** *** ***
He apologized profusely to you for falling asleep once you two woke up from your cozy nap. You reassured him that it was okay. You were grateful that he felt comfortable enough to fall asleep next to you, and it seemed like you both needed that nap.
In order to make it up to you, Nanami invited you to that pool party that Satoru mentioned at the cafe. If you had the guts to meet Satoru and still stick around, you may as well meet the rest of his friends.
Now it's Friday, the day before the pool party. You hadn't really heard from Nanami since he invited you, but he was active on his blog. That sick feeling clouded in your stomach upon seeing another model tied up in the white rope you were just touching on Wednesday.
Jealousy's a bitch.
Deciding that you really couldn't be upset, you weren't even technically one of his models. It was also very possible that Nanami was posting older pictures that he had taken before you had even messaged him.
You couldn't stand to sit on the sidelines for much longer. If you wanted to become one of his models, you needed to go down to the clinic and get a physical to prove to Nanami that you were in good health.
Surprisingly, it was easy to lie to the nurse and say that you need a physical to join the volleyball team. She didn't suspect a thing as she had you sit down on one of the cots and fill out a clipboard.
Since this was a university clinic, privacy was not it's strong suit. You could clearly see anyone who walked in through the doors, just as they could see you.
Answering all of the questions on the clipboard with 'no', you perk your head up as your hear voices speaking to the nurse.
Your heart fell into your stomach immediately as you take in the sight of Nanami guiding a girl into the clinic. What were the odds?
Feeling your heart pounding in your chest, you try to calm yourself. This could be just a funny coincidence.
"What seems to be going on today?" The nurse asks while looking between the girl and Nanami.
"She just needs to be checked out is all." Nanami's calm voice felt like a bullet. He was here, helping another girl get a physical, so she could be a model too.
All while he had been practically radio silent to you for the past couple of days.
Glancing over, his eyes caught yours. A smile immediately curled on his lips until he saw you crumpling up your paper from your clipboard.
"Nevermind. I'm good." You tell the nurse and Nanami as you chunk the piece of paper into the trash.
"Hey wait- yn-" Nanami tries as he tries to reach out to you, but you were already gone.
It's funny how he was suddenly flooding your phone.
KN: Yn, please, allow me to explain.
KN: I know you're upset with me. Let's just talk this out.
KN: Tell me what to do to make it better.
KN: Yn, please.
KN: Please. I'm sorry. It wasn't how it appeared.
The messages went on for the rest of the day. You ignored each one of them. You had placed him on some fucking pedestal just because he seemed quiet and 'not like other guys'. BLEH. He was exactly like other guys. He could just tie boy scout knots and say pretty assuring words. This is exactly the reason why you didn't care to make friends. Something will always come around and burst your bubble.
You finally gained enough courage to tell Shoko what happened the next day. She promptly came over to try to console you.
"Baby, he could've actually had an explanation." She oddly advocates for Nanami, even though you distinctly remember her asking what was so good about him when you first brought him up.
"No, he just wanted a way in, so he could lie and make me feel better." You say, telling yourself that fact as much as you were telling her.
"Are you still going to go to that pool party? I'll be there." She says as she rubs your hair gently, allowing the strands to flow through her fingers. "You can at least show him what he's missing."
The thought of going out anywhere sounded like torture and seeing him sounded even worse, but the thought of getting your mind off him did sound appealing. Plus, you did have a really cute bathing suit...
"You'll be there..?" You ask timidly.
"Of course." She assures you with a smile.
*** *** ***
Walking into the huge frat house, your arm is linked with Shoko's. She was wearing a pretty black one-piece bathing suit that she's wearing a black lace shawl to cover her body.
You were wearing a lilac bikini with a bathing skirt that tied around your hips.
It was dark out, but the back patio of the house was lit up by a cozy fire and string lights that wrapped around in trees and around the patio area. The massive underground pool was also lit up by pool lights that were underwater.
It wasn't necessarily crowded per say since it was so massive, but there were probably twenty or so people hanging around the pool and outdoor bar.
"Shokoooo!" A familiar white-haired guy shouted from inside the pool. The he was leaned back, so the water lapped at his chest and abs. He raised up a beer. "aaanndd... Nanami's girl. You made it."
Your face involuntarily grimaced from being referred to as 'Nanami's girl'. Had you not seen pictures of his new models and him taking that girl to get a physical, you probably would've blushed from the nickname.
"She's my girl tonight. Thank you." Shoko bantered with a small grin, and she gave your arm a reassuring squeeze.
Speaking of Nanami, you didn't see him anywhere. Did he decide not to come?
A tall brunette male with long hair and gauges stood beside Gojo in the pool, and he leaned over to whisper in his ear. Satoru's face shifted, and he nodded. "That's right." He said a bit too loudly before the brunette shushed him.
"Come on. Let's get in." Shoko urges you as she slips off her shawl and gets an over exaggerated whistle from Satoru. You then hear a "ow!". It was clear the brunette had elbowed him.
You really don't feel ready to be alone, so you follow her lead and slip the sheer lilac skirt that covered your hips, and you throw it on one of the nearby patio chairs.
Stepping into the water, it becomes clear to you that the pool is heated.
"How does the school even afford this?" You quietly mutter.
"The school?" The brunette laughs. "The school didn't afford this."
"This isn't a frat house..?" You quietly ask as you step deeper and deeper into the water.
"The Gojo-frat house." Satoru replies with a cheeky grin.
"It's called daddy's money." The brunette adds with his own grin.
"It's called Gojo money, Suguru." The white-haired male jabs the other in the side.
The patio door slides open behind you, and you look over your shoulder to see Nanami walking out with another tall brunette male, but this one had shorter hair. He also had tired eyes and a stoic face.
Your heart aches a bit as you share a glance with Nanami. He was wearing swimming trunks and a grey t-shirt that covered his chest. He looked at you with a hopeful glance, as he obviously looked like he wanted to say something.
"Hiromi, haven't seen you here in a while." Suguru comments as he takes a drink from a red solo cup.
"Yeah, law school is pretty unforgiving. I don't recommend." Hiromi says with a small smile as he sits down on the concrete next to the pool. He allows his legs to dangle inside the pool next to you. "I'm sorry. I don't recognize you from around." He says as his gaze falls upon you.
"Oh, uhm, I'm Yn. I don't normally come to these things." You awkwardly greet yourself as you look up at him. Maybe he'd be a good distraction.
"I'm Hiromi Higuruma. It's nice to meet you." He smiles as he sticks out his hand. You graciously take it, and he gives your hand a small squeeze.
Your eyes meet and for a moment. You're almost able to forget about Nanami. That is, until you see the blonde strip off his shirt out of your peripheral vision. You give him the satisfaction of glancing over at him.
Fuck him and his entirely too nice body.
He looked like an Olympian. His shoulders were nice and broad. His chest and abs were perfectly defined too. He slimmed up a bit towards the waist area, and his swim trunks were ever so slightly giving you a peek at his v-line.
"Show off." Hiromi laughs as Nanami sits on the other end of the pool. He then props his hands up on the concrete and allows his entire body to slip into the water.
You're almost completely mesmerized by him, until Hiromi speaks up.
"So, you don't come around these things too much?" He asks as he looks down at you while your lower half is submerged in water.
"No, I don't. I don't really enjoy the party scene." You reply sheepishly as you look back up at Hiromi.
"Me neither." He laughs leaning down towards you slightly. "I don't know why they continue to invite me to these things."
You share a small laugh with him, but a cold chill makes your body shiver. You can feel a pair of eyes boring holes into you. Risking a glance over in Nanami's direction, you see him staring straight into Higuruma's very soul.
Was he actually jealous?
"Do you want a tour?" Hiromi asks as he seems to not even notice Nanami's death glare.
"Uhhh..." You drawl as you glance back over at Shoko. She was currently chatting up a pretty girl at the other end of the pool. A small exhale of amusement leaves your nose. So much for being her girl tonight. "Sure. I'd like that." You respond to Hiromi. He carefully takes your hand and helps you out of the pool.
You two explore the massive frat house, and Hiromi tells you that he use to go to your school and live in the frat house with Satoru, Suguru, and a few other names you don't recognize. However, he left once he was accepted into law school.
"You know... no one would notice if we were gone for just a little while." Hiromi murmurs into your ear as he crowds you against a wall. "I could show you my old bedroom. I doubt Gojo had the decency to even fix it up after I left."
"Oh, I..."
"Hiromi." A deep voice calls from the other side of the hallway, startling you from responding. You glance over and see Nanami with a towel thrown over his bare shoulder.
"Kento." Hiromi responds with a half-smirk. "Have you met Yn?"
"Very much so. Satoru's calling for you outside." Nanami responds flatly as he stares Hiromi down. "I think it'd be wise of you to go see what he wants."
Hiromi lets out a slight sigh, and he moves back away from you and the wall. "Fine." He responds before brushing his hand against your cheek and walking away.
Left alone with Nanami, you have no where to go and hide. You can't avoid his questions anymore.
Stalking forward slowly, you feel your heart start to race with each step.
"You've been ignoring my texts..."
"I have." You respond dryly as you keep your eyes away from him.
The sound of his footsteps hitting the ground draw closer.
"That girl at the clinic wasn't my model. I don't have any models." His voice was lower than normal, hanging onto each word.
"The pictures on the blog? You going silent for a while?" You ask as you take a step back from him.
"I run a business of selling pictures of models practicing shibari as pieces of artwork. It's all completely consensual, usually girls come to me looking to make some money since I give them forty-five percent of all the money earned from the pictures. They're not my models though. I rarely ever see the same girls twice considering the amount of money I pay them." He explains as his footsteps gradually grow closer.
You take another step back, trying to comprehend what he was saying, and your back presses against the wall. Dead end.
"The girl at the clinic?"
"She passed out in front of me completely by sheer coincidence. I was just doing her a favor and not leaving her unconscious in the middle of a college campus."
He takes another step towards you until you can feel his body heat radiating from him. You're eye-level with his pectoral muscles as you can't bring yourself to look him in the eye right now.
"Yn." He says your name in such a demanding tone. You slowly drag your eyes upward and give him a guilty look. Your jealousy had gotten the better of you, and it almost cost you Nanami. You can feel your heartbeat in your throat as he carefully reaches up and cups your cheek. "I've wanted it to be you ever since I first saw you around campus."
"Wanted what to be me..?" You softly whisper as his giant hand encompasses your cheek and jaw. His thumb drags gentle circles on your skin, massaging your face.
"My model. My muse. Please, forgive me for not being immediately forthcoming as to what I do for a living. I'll stop it immediately if you ask me too. I'll do whatever you want.. just please.."
Your hands reach up and gather his jaw before you can even think twice, and you pull him downward to you. He immediately gets the memo and dips his head down, pressing his lips against yours firmly.
You respond immediately with a small whimper as he presses your back against the wall. The sounds of lips smacking together filled the hallway completely as Nanami drinks down every little noise you make.
His hands are gently groping at your thighs, massaging the soft, pillowy flesh beneath his fingers, and he lets out a quiet groan. Your hands trail upwards to his blonde hair, and your rake your fingers through his undercut.
Your bodies are pressed together, barely hidden by the fabric that was your bathing suits. Nanami trails his kisses down your jaw and neck, gently sucking and nipping at the skin. His hands firmly hold onto your thighs, and he lifts your feet off the ground, holding you up against the wall.
“I can’t get enough of you.” His voice mumbles between kisses.
“Nanami…” You softly gasp as he sucks a love bite into the crook of your neck.
“I thought I was going to kill him.” He goes on as he gently bites and kisses down your shoulder. You immediately know he’s talking about Hiromi.
“I couldn’t stand the way he looked at you.” Another bite. “I want to be the only one who looks at you like that.” Bite.
You’re pitifully trying to grind your hips up against Nanami’s growing bulge, desperate for friction. “Say you’re mine, and I’ll give you what you want.”
You feel your heart flutter at his offer. Nanami’s dirty secret wasn’t that he’s a shibari master. He would tell that to anyone proudly. His dirty secret is he’s as jealous and territorial as you.
“I’m yours.” Your voice is breathy as you lean your head back against the wall. “I’m yours. Please, Nanami.”
Oh, that whiny tone will be the death of him.
“That’s what I thought.” He lowly rumbled into your ear before he started to move his hips, practically dry humping you in the hallway. Anyone could walk in and see you two.
You were too enthralled by the feeling of his tip bumping and rubbing against your core. You could feel every outline thanks to both of you being in swimwear.
“Fuck.” He quietly growls as his hands start to move your body as well, practically using you as a toy for pleasure.
He leans over towards your shoulder, and he catches the tie of your bikini string between his teeth. All while he’s grinding against you, he unties one of your bikini strings using only his teeth.
The wet fabric immediately slides down, allowing him a peak at your breasts. He lifts you up a bit higher so he can kiss around your chest. Unfortunately for him, your top is still blocking what he’s aiming for.
“Take it off.” He demanded lowly, getting impatient.
Your hands immediately reach behind your back, and you pull a string that immediately frees your chest. Your top ends up on the ground.
“Good girl.” He rewards as he leans his head down and kisses all around the soft flesh of your breast. His tongue darts out, gently lapping at your nipple, causing you to shiver. A smile curls onto his lips. He loves your reactions.
“Nanami~” You impatiently whine again.
“So needy.” He clicks his tongue. “Tell me what you want, darling.”
“Please.. no I-“ You fumble over your words, feeling to shy that you want him to fuck you into next week.
“Use your words. Tell me.” He’s unrelenting.
“I want.. want you to fuckmeplease.” You quickly say, mushing all your words together.
“You can do better than that, dear. Try again.” It’s no wonder he’s a fucking dom.
“Please fuck me.” You finally whine out.
“Yeah? You want me to fuck you, right here?” He asks as he adjusts his arms. He cradles the back of your thighs with one arm as his other is busy pushing down his swimming trunks just enough.
“Yes.. please..”
“Right where any of our friends could come and see us?” He questions once more as he hooks his fingers into your bikini bottoms, and he pulls them to the side.
“Yes..” You whine as you glance down. Your skin runs cold as you see his length.
“So impatient.” He muses as he gently starts to rub the small bundle of nerves in tight circles, causing your body to shake lightly in anticipation. Your legs hook around his waist, and your arms stay around his shoulders.
“Hope you can be quiet, darling.” He taunts as he aligns himself with your hot wet entrance. He hums as he pushes in at a torturously slow pace. It feels like he’s splitting you in half, quite literally impaling you with his cock as he lowers you down onto it.
Your nails dig into his shoulders as you feel each inch of him push into you. Harsh jagged pants and small moans escape from you involuntarily.
“Or don’t. I wouldn’t mind them knowing how good I can make you feel.”
“F-fuck too big.. ngh~ I.. I can’t.”
“Shh. You can take it.” He hums as he presses soft kisses to your neck. “You’re my— hah.. good girl, aren’t you?”
“Y-yes!” You stifle a cry as your body hopelessly clings to him. He’s only halfway in, and you’re already so delirious.
“So warm and… ngh tight for me, hm?” He praises as he continues shoving himself inside of you. His self control is slowly withering away as your cunt grips him like a vice.
“Therree we go..” He purrs as he’s finally buried himself to the hilt. “Biiig stretch.”
“Sh-shut.. up.” You whimper out of embarrassment as you lean your head down into his shoulder.
“What did you just say?”
His hips pull back and snap inward forcefully, causing your back to thump against the wall. “Ah!”
“Say it again.” He demands.
“Shut up..” Your voice is barely a whisper, and Nanami laughs at you. He laughs.
“Oh darling.” He murmurs into your ear quietly. “I’d suggest you check your tone before you speak to me like that again.” He rams his cock into you once more, causing a small whisper-cry to fall from your mouth. “Or else everyone in this goddamn house will find out how much you love being fucked by me.” His hips start to move at a brutal pacing. Your back is flat against the wall as you’re physically knocked back with each thrust.
“I-I… ah~ … ‘m sorry.”
“I know you are.” He murmurs quietly into your ear. “Ngh.. fuck’s sake.. takin’ me so well.” He praises as his hands are dragging you in sync up and down his cock, impaling you harder.
Your walls squeeze around him so deliciously, and your pretty sounds falling from your mouth. Nanami doesn’t feel in control for the first time. Sure, he’s the dominant one in this situation, but his hips are moving completely on their own accord, rutting into you fervently. His cock can’t get enough of your warm spongy walls wrapping around him.
Glancing down, he can see a ring of white and clear slick gathering at the base of his cock. “Such a mess.” He mumbles as starts rolling his hips faster into you.
His thick tip gently kissed your cervix with each roll of the hips. Your body was trembling in his arms. “Na..fuck.. nanami~” You moan as your nails are digging into his shoulder blades, giving him scratched as trophies.
“That’s right, darling. Say my name.”
“Louder. Want .. mnnph.. want our friends to hear you.” His hips are rocking back and forth deliciously, rutting you into the wall like an untamed animal. His body was coated in a thin sheen of sweat, and his normally kept blonde hair was messily falling onto his forehead.
“Nanami!” You shout, obeying his demand.
“Good fucking girl.” He growls as he bounces your body up and down along his length.
“Sh-shit.. Nanami, I wanna… ah~ wan’ to cum please.” You ask for permission as soon as you feel the coiling heat in your stomach. Your body is so close.
“Go ahead, baby. Let me feel you.” He pants as he feels his orgasm nearing as well.
“Oh, fuck-“ You whimper as your body spasms on him. Your walls clenching around him impossibly tighter.
“Thaaat’s it.” He purrs as he pumps himself in and out of you gently, fucking you through your orgasm. “That’s a good girl, finishing on my cock like that. So pretty when you cum.”
Your poor fucked out cunt is so sensitive as he’s continually forcing his cock in and out between your soaked folds. Grunts and growls escape his mouth as his pacing is slower but purposeful.
“You ready for my- mmnph~ cum, baby? Where you want it, huh?” He asks as his legs are starting to tremble with each thrust. It’s taking every last inch of self control he has not to finish right then.
“I-inside.. please, don’t pull out.” You whine as your legs tighten around him more.
“Want it inside your pretty cunt? You wanna be filled with my cum? You sure you can handle that?”
“Yes, please.. fuck~ please, Nanami.”
“Come here.” A deep growl rumbles from his throat as he pushes into you as deep as your pussy will allow, and his cock twitches with each rope of cum his blows into you. You’re able to count at least six. “Ohhh~ fuck-!” He curses as his entire body stays tense for a few more moments.
Deep breaths fill the silence.
Your body is gently trembling in his arms as you’re both coming down from your highs. He presses a small kiss to your cheek. “Do you think you can stand..?”
“N-no..” You reply sheepishly.
“Okay darling, I’m gonna sit you down on the floor. I’ll be right back, okay? Just get your top on and wait for me.” He reassures before hissing as he pulls out of you. His seed immediately trickles down your thighs.
He gently sits your bottom down onto the ground, and he makes sure you’re okay before he pulls his swim trunks back up and walks out towards the back patio.
Your body will barely cooperate with you as you tie the lilac bikini top back to your chest. Your hands keep shaking and fucking up the knot.
From the patio, you hear loud cheers and claps coming from Satoru.
“Na-na-mi!” He chants to embarrass his friend. A few others in the pool chant along with him, loving the look of annoyance and underlying pride on his face.
Kento simply rolls his eyes with a small smile and grabs his clothes and your sheer skirt from the back patio. “Go for round two. Don’t be a pussy!” Satoru shouts obscenely, and Nanami flips him off as he walks back into the house with you.
He puts his shirt on you to cover you up and carries you back to his dorm bridal style.
“Sleep at mine tonight. We’ll get you some clothes tomorrow and go to the store.” He offers as he closes his door with his hip.
“The store?” You ask curiously, wondering why you two would need to go to the store. “I’m on birth control.” You inform, thinking he’s talking about getting a plan B.
“Well, that’s good to know, but I was talking about getting your ropes.” He responds with a soft smile as he gently sits you down on the couch. He then digs some clothes for you two to wear out of his dresser.
You had almost forgotten all about shibari after he had fucked you like that. Your eyes immediately glanced over towards his coat rack, and your eyebrows furrow as you realize it’s empty.
“What happened to your other ropes?” You quietly ask.
“Hm? I gave them to a beginner shibari master.” He says casually as he pulls his swimming trunks off. You politely try to look away, which earns a laugh out of him. “It’s not like you haven’t seen me before.” He muses.
“Not like this-!” You shout with a pout as your hands cover your eyes. “Why did you give them away?” You ask quietly.
Nanami pulls on some dry pajama pants, and he carefully walks up to you while you still have your eyes covered. His thumb gently brushes against your lips, causing you to flinch slightly.
“I don’t want you to feel reminded by other people when you’re in here with me. This is our space. We’ll have our own ropes just for me to tie you up with and no one else. You’re the only person for me, and I don’t want you to think that since I have other ropes, it means I’m tying up other people.” He quietly explains as he takes your hands away from your eyes.
“But your business..?” You quietly ask as your eyebrows knit together. The thought was so considerate and sweet, but you didn’t want to be the reason for his loss of income.
“Is not as important as you are. Besides, I photograph other things.”
“And… if you take pictures of me..?”
“My eyes only.” He grins before pressing a kiss into your cheek.
“How’s that, darling?” Nanami asks as he tightens the knot against your wrists. “You remember the safe word?”
“Feels good.” You softly hum as you allow for your eyes to close. “Yes, I remember the safe word.” The safe word was Malaysia. Nanami admires your expression. You were a complete natural at this. He started off small, only tying your wrists behind your back as you were on his knees.
The red jute rope looked so pretty as it pressed against your flesh. He took out his camera and snapped a picture of your hands bound together. Then a picture of your relaxed face.
“So beautiful.” He praises quietly.
Your eyes flutter open, looking up at him through your lashes. His breath hitches in his throat as he takes one more picture.
“Something feels wrong.” You murmur quietly, and Nanami’s face shifts to one of concern.
“What is it, baby? Too tight?” He asks as he immediately goes to look at your wrists, making sure that he didn’t accidentally bind you too tightly.
“No.. my mouth feels empty.”
Kento’s movement stops as he looks down at you. You give a coy smile back up at him.
“Oh, I see. Too empty?” He says as he leans back up, standing in front of you to where you’re eye-level with his belt.
“Uh huh..”
“You want me to fix that, baby?”
His hand buries into the hair on the top of your head, and he grabs onto it with one hand. His other hand unbuckled his belt and frees his already hard cock from the constraints of clothes.
Your mouth waters as he holds your head just far enough way to where you can see his cock but not touch it. Your wrists immediately pull against the restraints.
“Oh? Is this what you want, hm?” He asks as he slowly pulls your face forward.
“Y-yes..” You stutter, immediately feeling neediness pool between your thighs as you see a bead of precum gather on his reddening tip.
“Open up for me.”
Your mouth is immediately open as you look up at him.
“Ohh, good girl.” He purrs as he thrusts his hips forward, filling your mouth with cock.
You’ve never been happier (or fuller).
“This plan is absurd.” Hiromi gripes as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Look, they’re hopeless. What kind of friends would we be if we didn’t help them out?” Satoru asks with a grin.
“Okay, run it by me one more time.” Hiromi says with a small sigh. He should be studying for the bar right now, but his friends needed him.
“Shoko is going to bring Yn to the pool party. You try to get her alone, and I’ll send Nanami in there to get you to come outside. He’ll see her with you and be so overcome with jealousy that he’ll have to spill his feelings!” Satoru explains with big hand gestures.
“You meddle in everyone’s love lives too much.” Suguru shakes his head with a fond smile.
“Shoko started it! She was the one who went telling Yn that Nanami tied up girls, knowing damn well that would intrigue her.” Satoru deflects, causing Shoko to scoff.
“I was doing him a favor! He was clearly lovesick over her, and when she mentioned liking him too, I just gave her a little breadcrumb to make her more interested.” Shoko adamantly defended herself. “You were the one who followed them to the cafe after I told you not to!”
“I had to see it for myself if he was actually going to take her on a date and bring her around!”
“All of you should be charged with stalking and harassment.” Hiromi remarks as he shakes his head. “Remind me to never tell you guys if I have a crush or not.”
*** *** ***
Tags: @theuniversesnepobaby @lemonlimecrystal-blog @getoisinnocent @jjknanamin
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gloomwitchwrites · 2 days
You're having a bad day so they do their own version of Magic Mike for you
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ANON! This ask sent me into a fit of giggles. I am so happy to do this. I had a lot of fun putting together some quick writes. I know you've been waiting a while. I hope you have a good laugh out of this, and maybe even giggle and/or kick your feet with glee. I know I did!
Presented in four double drabbles.
For the masterlist and how to submit your own request, click HERE
Task Force 141 x Reader (can be read as gn!reader)
Content & Warnings: swearing, suggestive themes, dancing, singing, striptease, lap dance, brief non-descriptive nudity
Word Count: 800
ao3 // main masterlist // imagines & what if masterlist
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John Price
"Everything okay, love?" asks John from the bathroom.
"Just a headache," you reply. "Had a busy day."
"Busy? Or bad?"
He knows you too well.
"Bad," you sigh, propping yourself up on an elbow.
John is no longer in the bathroom. He stands inside the doorway, leaning against the doorframe with one hand.
Freshly showered. Towel hanging on his hips.
"What?" you ask, noticing the smirk on his face.
John lightly pushes off from the doorframe. In a sultry sway, John begins to approach you, both hands reaching as if to undo the towel.
He doesn't drop the towel, just teases the undressing. Your face grows hot as he nears. John comes to a stop just in front of you, the towel still perched on his hips.
"Go on," he purrs with a heated stare.
You tug and the towel falls away.
"Plan to fuck away my headache?" you cough out, gaze darting upward, focusing on his face and not what’s behind the towel.
John grabs your forearm, helping you to a seated position. "Not yet." He places one knee beside you on the bed. John holds your chin with thumb and forefinger. "No touching until I say so."
Simon "Ghost" Riley
"I’ve had a bad day," you sigh. “I’m tired.”
Turning your head away from Simon, you glance out the window.
As you exhale, something soft and large lands on your head. You yank it away. It's Simon's shirt. As you turn to address him, something else comes flying in your direction.
With a yelp, you snag it out of the air before it hits you. Simon's jeans. Belt included.
Simon stands ramrod straight with arms at his sides in nothing but his boxer briefs and socks.
Perplexed, you fail to form words as Simon starts to saunter over to you. It’s stilted. Odd. The man has no rhythm but clearly all the confidence in the world.
"Oh my God," you murmur, clutching Simon's clothes to your chest, sinking further into the couch.
He's trying. He really is. But all you can focus on is how intense Simon’s face is, and how stiffly he…dances?
"Are you okay?" you ask.
Simon blinks. Frowns. "Yes." He glances down at himself. "Do you not like this?"
Whatever foul mood you were in has vanished, replaced with soft amusement and disbelief.
“Just…cuddle with me on the couch.”
“Clothes off?”
“Clothes off,” you confirm.
John "Soap" MacTavish
"Want to talk about it?"
"Not really," you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose.
When you glance up, Johnny has a devilish grin on his face.
"What?" you ask cautiously.
Johnny pushes off from the kitchen counter and reaches over his head, removing his shirt. Your mind promptly forgets its previous concern. All it cares about is Johnny's broad chest and muscled stomach.
"What are you doing?" you laugh as Johnny twists the shirt and grabs either end, placing it behind your neck.
"Helping," he coos.
Now in only grey sweatpants, Johnny pushes in. You lean back, a bit startled.
"Helping how?" you giggle.
Johnny rocks his hips, swaying them slightly in a semi-erotic rotation.
"You look ridiculous."
"Maybe,” he agrees. “But you're smiling."
You are. To the point that your cheeks ache.
"I could keep going," he teases, rolling his hips again.
You playfully push at his stomach and Johnny takes that moment to sink down into your lap. "Nope," you laugh. “Absolutely not."
Johnny does an exaggeratingly awful impression of a lap dance. It sends you into a fit of giggles, and he doesn't stop until you're wheezing.
"Better?" he teases.
The bad mood is gone.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
"My brain is static," you groan. Kyle grins and starts to hum. "What are you doing?"
He saunters over to you, the humming turning into singing.
"Is that Pony by Ginuwine?" you laugh, disbelieving.
“Girl, when I break you off,” he continues to sing, removing his shirt, spinning it over his head like a lasso. “I promise that you won't want to get off.”
"Oh my god," you mutter, covering your face, cheeks flaring hot.
You peek through your fingers only for Kyle to toss the shirt at you. It lands above your head.
“If you’re horny, let’s do it,” he sings, reaching for the front of his pants. “Ride it.”
Your mouth is open, staring at Kyle as more of his clothes disappear. He’s in nothing but boxer briefs. Placing his foot on the couch, his hips flex forward, giving you a clear view of what’s beneath the fabric.
"Stop," you giggle, covering your eyes with one hand. The other extends to cover his junk.
Kyle takes your wrist and draws your palm to his chiseled stomach. "How are you feeling now?"
The static is gone, replaced with a soft affection that warms your everywhere.
"I'm better,” you laugh.
@glitterypirateduck @km-ffluv @tiredmetalenthusiast @miaraei @cherryofdeath
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@saoirse06 @unhinged-reader-36 @ravenpoe67 @sageyxbabey @mudisgranapat
@lulurubberduckie @leed-bbg @yawning-grave81 @azkza @nishim
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@sammysinger04 @kylies-love-letter @dakotakazansky @suhmie @kadeeesworld
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@ash-tarte @enarien @gingergirl06 @certainlygay @greeniegreengreen
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eiightysixbaby · 21 hours
i want awkward fumbling inexperienced eddie.
he kisses you for the first time, nervous at the old wooden table in the woods behind the school. his lips press to yours and it’s… bad. there are no fireworks, you guys don’t have any real rhythm together yet.
he’s not doing anything inherently wrong, really. there’s no overwhelming amount of tongue or saliva or anything. but he’s overthinking too much, and he’s not quite sure how to move his mouth once it’s pressed against yours.
you clock his bright red face, nervously tugging on a strand of his hair after you’ve both pulled away. “that was awful, wasn’t it?”
you give him a warm smile, choosing to hush him up not with words but with the way your hand cups his cheek, fingers brushing his hair back, your mouth finding his again.
“don’t overthink it,” you murmur against his lips. “just let your mouth move with mine.”
you can tell the moment he starts to just let it happen naturally, his mouth slotting against yours less like a square peg in a round hole and more like a missing puzzle piece that was made to fit there.
it’s getting somewhere, really starting to be good when he pulls away abruptly. his face is even redder than before, his eyes won’t meet yours. he shifts awkwardly on the wooden bench seat, adjusting the denim of his jeans.
and it doesn’t take long for you to realize that he’s hard, his body betraying him after a couple simple kisses. he looks like he wants to scurry into the woods and never reappear, but you think it’s charming.
“do you want to touch me, eddie?” you purr softly, letting your fingers trail featherlight up his thigh.
“oh god—” he curses quietly. “yes, please.”
“do you want me to show you how?”
his big brown eyes cast downward, embarrassed. he knows the gist of it, but he’s not sure he’d actually be able to touch you the right way.
“there’s nothing to be ashamed of, eddie. really.”
he’s nodding, slowly looking up at you through those unruly bangs of his. you part your thighs, feet spread apart on the bench beside him, encouraging him to come sit between them.
his nervous hands touch you so softly, as if you’re made of porcelain. your gentle voice guides him step by step, until he’s making you cum for the first time.
flustered as he might be, he’s eager to learn, and even more eager to please.
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lxvvie · 18 hours
Gaz who's fuckin' nasty.
And it isn't the roguish nastiness or "I don't give a flying fuck" nastiness that Soap and Ghost embody, oh no, darling.
Kyle's nastiness is suave. It is smooth and hits softly but leaves you stunned nonetheless. And he gets you every. single. time.
He knows how to make you hot and bothered without even touching you. All it takes is a certain lilt to his voice, quietly teasing, enough to make you squirm and flustered. In public. In fucking public. Cheeky bastard.
Kyle is the one who croons, "Heya, gorgeous," before you feel his lips against your temple. Before you know it, his hands are up your shirt, toying with your nipples, making you squirm and push back and grind against his hard cock. "There we go, darling..."
Kyle doesn't call you so you can hear him touch himself and he doesn't send you pictures. He sends your voice messages, wishing you a wonderful day telling you he loves you... and then proceeds to mention how beautiful you looked when he fucked you silly.
Gaz can't keep his hands to himself when he's around you. You're irresistible, beautiful. His fingers are everywhere. On your hips, on your shoulders, brushing against your ass, up your shirt, in your mouth, down your pants, in your underwear, inside you... did we cover everything?
Sometimes he wonders if he has an oral fixation. Luckily for him, you're there to help him figure it out. And so you do, wherever he can get you. You're naked from the waist down and Kyle's buried between your thighs, holding them so you don't get away from him. "Look at me, gorgeous... there we go," Kyle's soft and reassuring while dark eyes pierce you with their stare. "Cum in my mouth..." is what follows next and fuck yes, he absolutely has an oral fixation. Gaz cleans you up, kisses you so can taste yourself and him, and it's only later that you realize you're missing your underwear.
Kyle lets you have time to yourself in the shower but once you're out, you're his. He's the one who takes the towel and dries you off. So he says. Because even with the towel Gaz is massaging and thumbing the most sensitive parts of you, enough to leave goosebumps and have you panting in front of him, ready to jump his bones but you just got clean. Kyle, you just showered—"C'mere, baby..."
Can we also talk about how Gaz can never stop kissing you? If he can't do anything else, he'll make sure his tongue is in your mouth for sure. And when you're left dazed and breathless and just crazy as fuck for him, the insistence of his tongue is replaced by gentle pecks against your swollen lips and he's grinning like the victorious and lucky bloke that he is.
And last but not least, let's talk about how much Kyle enjoys it when you cockwarm him. He likes to kiss, nip, touch, and suck you into a frenzy, begging for his cock, clenching around him to motivate and milk him. "You ready, darling?" Kyle asks after he's teased you for god knows how fucking long. You've BEEN ready, Garrick. All it takes is a look and, "Here we go," before he's fucking into you and you're clinging to him like your life depended on it.
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robinsfilm · 3 days
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PAIRING: jason todd ✗ reader ;
SYNOPSIS: hidden away in a library, you bask in seeing that pink hue on jason's cheeks ;
ANON ASKED: " Reader teasing Jason over his blushing. You can decide whether they're in an established or pre-established relationship. " ;
WORD COUNT: 0.9k ;
NOTES: took a while to get this request done, not because the writing took some time, it was just because this is my first ever time getting actual requests, so i am all over the place with this. in this work reader and jason aren't in a relationship yet. thank you anon for the request <3 cross posted on my AO3.
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A SUBTLE TINGLING OF THE BELL SHIMMERED IN THE AIR. The old smell of book pages spreads through the small library. Its rusty brick outside, snuggled between two towering buildings, had caught Jason's eye during patrol a few days ago.
He contemplated asking you if you'd like to visit the little, small haven he had found. Every time the thought crossed his mind, a warm feeling spread through his body; his cheeks felt hot and his hands shaky.
Weird, but now that doesn't matter.
What matters is that somehow you both were in the doorway of the said library.
Your eyes darted around the room laid in front of you, curiosity obvious in your gaze. The library had truly had a homey, cozy feeling to it. Your hand grazed Jason's as you pointed out a decoration on the wall next to the two of you, though Jason's mind was preoccupied by the small touch of your hand on his.
Was it silly, he thought, that even a single graze had him tripping over his words?
The same warmth spreads through him now as it did then when he thought of ways to bring you here; what do I say to them? Should I label this as a date? Or is that too soon?
He remembers mentioning the small library when you piped up and suggested both of you visited the place.
“C’mon, Jaybeans! It’ll be fun. You and me.” You and me.
You took the words out of his mouth, literally. Answer, goddamn it!
“Yes!” he says, a bit too loud. You tilt your head, a smirk appearing on your face.
Oh, he wanted to wipe that smug grin off your face. With a kiss, preferably. You'd have a field day teasing him for that as well. He can’t really seem to mind; a kiss from you seems worth it.
He's forced to snap out of his daydream when he hears your melodic voice ring out in his ears.
“Earth to Jason,” you quip, not before raising a brow, “what's got you all quiet? You seem nervous.”
Goddamn you and how well you know him and his tells.
“Nothing,” he stammers as he answers, “now, let's go in.”
The warmth of the library makes both of you feel the unforgiving cold of the Gotham weather. The freezing hands hidden in pockets slowly peeking out, faces hiding under scarves poking out.
More accurately, his face pokes out from the scarf wrapped around him. Your scarf, he should add on that.
He almost stopped dead in his tracks when you turned to him and wrapped the fluffy, crocheted by hand scarf around him.
You scolded him about dressing appropriately for the weather. He should have been listening; god knows he hangs onto every word you say, but at that moment every sound was lost on him.
The saccharine-intoxicating smell of the fabric engulfed him wholly.
You eyed him a moment then, eyes squinting as if taking every detail of him, before you muttered just for him to hear.
“It looks good on you.”
Jason feels his cheeks grow hot—too hot, his palms grow sweaty. God, when did it get so hot?
The last thing he remembers seeing is your face breaking into a proud smile.
He hopes you won't ask for the scarf back, he thinks as he gathers both of your coats to set on the rack.
The book shelves fill the entire library so much that there's barely any space for the two of you. You don't seem to mind, he notes, as you drag him down the shelves, bodies close.
He runs his hand through his hair nervously, black and white steaks getting caught between his fingers. He has styled it. Did you notice, he thinks? Does he want you to notice?
Yes, he concludes, he does.
“Hm,” you hum, “I’ve been planning on reading Emma since you mentioned it.” You remembered that? He thinks as you look through the books to find your desired one.
‘If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.’
He remembers that single quote; it rings over in his mind repeatedly.
Get it together, Jason, he scolds himself.
“It has ‘the I-am-going-to-scoop-my-heart-out-with-a-spoon level romance of Pride & Prejudice’” he muses.
“It better not be like Mansfield Park,” you puff. “Jane, I'm not mad; I’m just disappointed.”
His laugh slipped out, low and warm. You take in the sight in front of you: his laugh; his smile, his eyes smiling alongside with it; the scrunching of his nose.
It’s truly a heavenly sight.
Oh, only if you could tell him.
“You should laugh more,” you simply say. It’ll do for now; it’ll do until he gives you the okay, the okay to tell him all of it.
You'll bask in his blushes and stutters as he tries to gather his thoughts.
“You should laugh more,” you contemplate for a second, “and blush more.”
“You—” he huffs, “just get the book.” He tries to turn his head away from you, though the red on the tip of his ears is telling you all you need to know.
You'll wait; he'll wait as well.
Because all of this is worth the wait.
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© ROBINSFILM ﹕ I do not give consent for my writing to be posted or used on any other platforms without my permission and proper credit.
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figthoughts · 3 days
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combat knife - soldier boy 18+
summary: soldier boy can’t help but find it amusing when you decide to hold a knife to his throat when you’re high. (soldier boy x gf!reader).
warnings: light smut, dom!soldier boy, swearing, drug use, slight degradation talk, knife play (slightly).
“i said shut your mouth,” soldier boy commanded, his big hand wrapped around your throat, “why don’t you ever fuckin’ listen?”
“ben! just one more line…. please?” you whined, giving him your best puppy dog eyes as you straddled him on the couch. “c’mon, i’ll be so good,” you glanced down at the crushed bennies on the coffee table, wanting more, despite the last bump still making your head spin slightly.
“fuck, alright,” he grunted, “just quit your bitchin’ and moaning. s’doing my fuckin’ head in.”
“yeah, course. whatever you say, sir,” you smiled down at him as he grabbed his combat knife off the coffee table and scooped some powder onto the blade.
soldier boy rolled his eyes, trying to hold back a smirk. sir. goddamn it. why did you always know what to say? he swallowed as his cock twitched and he shifted his hips under yours.
“watch it.” he warned as he lifted the knife up to you. he watched you bring your nose just above the powder. “and watch the fuckin’ blade. i’m not dealing with you if you cut your damn lip again. get all pathetic and whingy.”
“oh, shut up. not even.” you narrowed your eyes, trying to prevent the grin from growing on your face.
you closed your eyes and snorted. fuck. that feeling never gets old. you felt the euphoria wash over you and you let out a pleased hum.
“feel good, baby?” he smirked. god, he loved you like this. all carefree and high on his drugs, practically letting your body melt into his. he fucking loved it.
all you could do for a moment was just nod. the air around you felt thicker as you breathed it in. you rubbed your nose and sniffled, looking down at your boyfriend. fuck, he’s handsome.
“words, babygirl.” he raised his brows.
“s’good.” was all you managed to moan out as a smile grew on your face. you closed your eyes and breathed in more of the thick air through your nose.
“you’re so fuckin’ sexy when you’re like this,” soldier boy smirked, “all messy and smiley, not a damn thing in that little head of yours, huh?” he poked your side and your hips jerked involuntarily. your eyes opened and flickered to his.
“there she is,” he cooed, leaving the knife on his chest, his hands coming to rest on your hips.
“mmm, shut up,” you felt your cheeks heat up slightly under his intimidatingly smug gaze.
soldier boy studied your face as he held you in place by your hips. “uh-uh, be good for me now. i let you have another bump, so don’t be actin’ like that.”
you closed your eyes and let out a soft hum as the thick air cuddled around you like a warm blanket. you felt good. soldier boy kept his eyes on you, watching every little movement you made. he could tell you’d had more than enough.
“look at you, can’t even speak.” he chuckled mockingly, giving your hips a squeeze. “so fuckin’ desperate to get like this, aren’t ya?”
you smiled sheepishly, your eyes still squeezed shut. he wasn’t wrong. there’s nothing you liked more than this; sitting on your boyfriend’s lap, his hands all over you as your brain slowly turns to mush from the drugs. it felt good.
soldier boy loved it too, seeing his girl get all soft and so, so compliant. he couldn’t help but want to touch you.
he squeezed your hips again, causing your eyes to flutter open. he smirked and let one of his hands wander down to your inner thighs, closing in on your core. your breath hitched.
“something wrong, angel?”
“that’s what i thought. be a good girl and keep that mouth shut. i’m sick of sayin’ it.” he moved his hand up the leg of your pyjama shorts, his fingertips tracing along the hem of your panties.
soldier boy grinned as he saw your eyes drop down to his hand, your lids heavy and your mouth parted, the drugs obviously hitting you harder now.
he slipped his fingers into your panties, finding your pussy already soaked. “god, you’re such a slut… already so wet, baby.”
you groaned and covered your face with your hands. yes, you were already wet and he hadn’t even done anything yet. you felt his fingers gently begin to rub your clit. sparks shot up through your nerves, forcing a moan out of your mouth. god, this felt good high… it always does.
“look at me.” soldier boy muttered firmly, his fingers still teasing your pussy.
you reluctantly dropped your hands and found his eyes, a smirk growing on his face as he studied your expression.
“always so embarrassed, huh? i don’t know why… you know you love it when i make you cum on my fingers,” he teased, his fingers speeding up slightly as they moved through your folds.
you let out a moan and dropped your hands to his chest, trying to steady yourself.
“yeah, that’s it. give in, baby. show me what a little slut you are for me,” the smirk remained on his face, his eyes tracing your every feature as his fingers pressed against your clit, forcing your hips to jerk forward.
soldier boy’s grip on your left hip tightened, holding you still. “keep. still.”
you looked at him with your jaw dropped, your brain fogged over from the drugs and the feeling of your boyfriend’s rough fingers against your pussy making breathy moans fall out of your mouth.
“fuuuckin’ look at you. pathetic,” he laughed, keeping up the speed on your clit, “a fuckin’ mess… and all i’ve done is rub your pretty little cunt.”
you whimpered at his words and tried to roll your hips on him, feeling his cock twitch beneath you. you needed more.
“uh! i said keep fuckin’ still.” he squeezed your hip, this time hard. you whimpered and he grinned, moving his hand from your hip to your jaw, forcing you to look down at him.
“yeah, keep whimpering, fuckin’ slut.” your lips parted as more soft moans rolled off your tongue. his fingers picked up the pace on your cunt. you felt yourself clench around nothing.
soldier boy must’ve felt it too. he let out a deep groan and tightened his grip on your jaw. “you gonna cum, baby? huh?” he taunted, letting out a throaty chuckle.
you whimpered again, feeling the familiar pressure building in your lower stomach. fuck. he kept up his relentless pace on your soaked cunt, unable to hide the smug look on his face as he watched you melt onto his hand.
“such a mess.” he laughed.
you whined and squeezed your eyes shut as your cunt kept clenching, desperate to be filled.
soldier boy’s cock could feel every movement of yours. he let out a rough breath, trying to keep himself under control, despite his cock beginning to harden under you.
“fuck, harder… please, sir. so close.” you begged, looking down at him. you tried again to move your hips, desperate for friction against your soaked pussy.
soldier boy pulled his hand out of your shorts. “i said shut up and keep still,” he yanked your face towards him, “can’t even do that, you braindead little slut.”
you whimpered loudly at the loss of his touch and frowned. you didn’t particularly like when he talked to you like that, especially when you were so close to cumming all over his thick fingers.
“ben…” you whined weakly, your head spinning from the drugs and the ache from your cunt.
“shut the fuck up. listen to me or don’t cum. your choice, princess.” he stated firmly. you frowned more.
soldier boy looked at the pout on your lips and cocked an eyebrow, letting out a mocking laugh. “pouting now, are we? c’mon, just do what i fuckin’ say, it’s not that damn hard.”
you let out a huff, the frown staying on your lips. your eyes drifted down to the knife on his chest. before you could think, you found your hand wrapping itself around the handle and putting the blade against soldier boy’s neck.
now, you weren’t stupid… well maybe you were right now, but at any other time you knew that a knife wouldn’t do shit to your supe boyfriend.
and he knew that too. he laughed and looked up at your pouting face, “really? this is what we’re going with?” he wrapped his hand over yours on the handle, pushing the knife against his throat more.
“go on, pet. try your luck.” he mocked with a smirk.
you could feel yourself getting huffy and desperate, just wanting him to lay off a little and give you the release your body so desperately craved. you pushed the blade harder against his neck. “fucking do something,” you whined, “need your fingers back…”
he smirked, “oh, yeah?”
you shoved the knife harder into his neck, still not doing any damage at all, “yeah! touch me, now!” you tried to demand, although it came out more like a desperate whine.
“alright, babygirl.” he laughed and yanked your waistband open, shoving his fingers back against your cunt.
your breath hitched and you tried to keep the firm look on your face as soldier boy’s fingers began to soothe the aching throb of your cunt.
“harder, now.” you said breathily.
he grinned and moved his fingers against your clit harder, resulting in more moans coming from you.
soldier boy kept his eyes on you as he worked his fingers against your slick pussy. he was enjoying this, letting you have your moment of dominance, the feel of the cool metal against his skin. he thought you were so cute, acting like a tiny blade could do any damage to a supe like himself.
normally, he’d have tied your fucking hands together for an act like this, but he couldn’t help it right now. this was amusing to him. he knew that you knew a knife wouldn’t hurt him, even if you tried your hardest. a weak little girl like you was no match for him. not at all.
you cried out as the pressure began building in your stomach again, “fu-uck!” your hips jolted forward as your pussy clenched. you were close. your hands dropped slightly as you moaned and ground your hips down onto his hand and hardened cock.
“nuh-uh,” soldier boy forcefully grabbed your wrist and moved the knife back against his neck, “fuckin’ keep it there. you started this.”
you pushed the knife against his throat again, your eyes finding his. he still had that stupid smug smirk on his face. you whined as you rocked your hips against his fingers. you could feel his cock twitching in his sweatpants beneath your cunt.
“that’s it, babygirl. make yourself cum. good girl.” he chuckled as his fingers moved faster and rougher on your clit. he could feel your cunt clenching around nothing, so fucking needy and desperate for his cock. you always got like this when he got you high with him. and he loved it. a guaranteed needy little hole for him every time.
“g-gonna- gonna cum…” you mumbled out, your words almost slurred as you tried focused on your release.
soldier boy smirked, “that’s it, baby. cum for me. cum on my fingers and show me who’s boss, huh?” he teased, his free hand pulling the knife back harder against his throat.
“oh, fuck!” you cried out, right at the edge of letting go. you leaned forward, unconsciously pushing the knife against his neck harder.
soldier boy grinned as he felt the metal press into his skin more, thanks to your heavy-handedness. obviously, the blade did no damage, not even pricking his skin slightly. this is fun, he thought.
he kept rubbing your pussy as firmly and expertly as he could, keeping his eyes locked on your scrunched up face, wanting to push you over the edge.
“come on, pet. cum for me.” he cooed, somewhat mockingly.
you felt the coil in your stomach snap and your cunt clenched and unclenched as you whined and whimpered through your orgasm.
soldier boy’s fingers didn’t stop though. he pushed you through your orgasm, not relenting the harsh force against your clit. he felt you try to pull your now sensitive pussy away.
he smirked and held you still, wanting to draw out the immense pleasure for as long as he could.
“oh, god… oh… f-fuck… so good…” you rambled on like some cockdrunk virgin, your eyes barely open as you looked down at him with a stupid smile on your face.
soldier boy smirked. you were so beautiful. so fucking cute. especially like this, when you’re barely coherent post-orgasm. he loved the way you reacted to him. to his touch.
as your mind cleared, you let out a deep breathy sigh. you pulled the knife back from his neck, “sorry ‘bout that,” you murmured softly, a slight sheepish smile playing on your lips.
“no. put it back. we’re not done.” soldier boy said gruffly and yanked the knife back to his neck, his hand slipping back into your panties.
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A/N: hiii, hope u enjoyed! i didn’t really have a plan for this story, but yolo, right? idk. all ik is that i want soldier boy so bad !!!!!
feedback and requests are always welcome (love some inspo)!!! <3
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ariescancer2 · 2 days
Ride it like you own it| B.C
Synopsis: Chan always needed someone who could ride him.
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Riding Chan was something new since you and he recently started but when he saw you for the first time he swore to god. This man fell in love with you at that time he was hard as fuck.
At the after party of the Met Gala, you and him crossed paths. You, a rising American singer, had captured the music world's attention with your debut album "Dopamine," which soared to the number 1 spot on the Billboard charts.
As the night unfolded, he couldn't help but admire your captivating presence. Adorned in a stunning Versace dress from a timeless vintage collection, you exuded an irresistible charm that left a lasting impression. It was a moment frozen in time, where two worlds collided in the most enchanting way.
Rest was history after swapping numbers you were laying all bare in his bed your eyes looking at his ardor eyes that were filled up. With the urge to take you right here.
“Sit on it come on angel,” he said as he took your hands in his fingers touching the inches of skin and sending a quiver down to his crest. You let out a delicate whimper as you put your hands on his chest.
He was laying down as he helped you to sit on his cock.
Your cunt drenched up to his hardened thick cock. The cock sagged into your tiny hole. It took a bit of stretching since he was big he had to finger you and eat you out a lot of time before making you ride him.
“come on princess I know you can take me”
Damn, he was the right cause once he was finally inside you. It was like you could see the stars. Usually, Chan was the one who was the dominant one in the relationship.
Chan was on the pillow.
”oh channie look at you being my pillow prince” you smirked he groaned and his eyes rolled up as you lifted your hips on and off. As a beam of electricity surged through his body, he felt a jolt of energy electrifying every nerve and fiber within him.
Your pussy holding his cock like a lifeline his nails dug up to your skin leaving some imprints on your thighs. His cock curled up inside as you hopped.
The wails and the skin-slapping chimes scatter around the diminutive space. Thankfully, his roommates were out for the night, leaving the apartment quiet and empty. The soft glow of the moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting gentle light on your skin.
You looked so ethereal right now.
Your messy hair and sticky skin as you were sitting on him like a goddess.
“Oh god baby you look so beautiful “
He cried as he was close he could feel his precum leaking inside you.
He didn't want to finish right.
He yearned for this blissful moment to last more.
He panted as you rumbled your hips, his cock hitting your walls. “That's right baby” he cried cupping your breasts, fondling them a little.
You rolled your hips more as he almost leaked himself inside you.
“Come on change inside me right now” you moaned and licked his nipple as you bent down a little you gently kissed his soft, warm lips, savouring the tender moment as your breaths intertwined in a sweet, lingering embrace.
“Shit baby I am close” A small tremble escaped his body as he felt his face getting red he leaked himself inside you. You felt your insides getting wet because of his white cum jerking inside you.
He laid his head on your shoulder “fuck… only you can make me feel things like this” he peck your shoulder a little leaving the trails of wet kisses.
“I love you Chan” you huffed and beamed at him.
He halted bussing you and chortled a little “I love you more baby girl”
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drgnflyteabox · 8 hours
red ochre [1]
part one -> minium || part two -> tbd
pairing: viking goap x fem! nun reader summary: you become the unlikely treasure of two vikings who raid your convent looking for gold w.c: 4.3k tags/warnings: religious themes (DLDR), minor suicidal ideation, mention of viking raids (slavery, violence, death), kidnapping, threats, dubcon bathing + touching, mean simon (ish), established goap, reader is underfed and beaten in the convent (corporal punishment), difficult travel, some food description
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Near the coast the wind scratches at you when it blows, full of sand and salt.
Once, you'd imagined this as your calling; committed to asceticism, married to God, serving under the abbess. Enclosed, you find yourself stifled more than devoted, pressing your face to the stone barrier that blocks the convent from the outside world.
Isolation, never being quite full, the slow and steady stripping of your identity. This is your life - hollowed out, like meat sucked from a crab, cracked open and used and hollow.
You couldn't have predicted Christ to be such an inconsiderate husband.
"Girl!" the voice is the crack of a whip in empty air. You don't jump, but the hair on your body raises, the welts on your thighs sting.
"Yes, mother?" you put your chin down to your chest, turning, pressing your back to the wall. Demure, submissive, utterly devoid of fight. And still, her grip finds you hard as iron and rough as the rock you'd just been touching, pulling you hard enough to make your shoulder ache back toward the heavy wood doors of the dormitory.
"You shirk your duties again, child? Leave your sisters to pick up your slack?" you didn't mean to, truly. It's only that you ache so deeply you're afraid you might never recover from the feeling.
"Please forgive me, mother, I lost track of time," you murmur. Your uniform is damp from the spray outside, and you relish in the scent and feel of it. Freedom, that's what it is. "Allow me to make up for-"
"Hush!" spit touches your cheek. You don't wipe it away. "You'll finish the tapestry tonight. No matter how long it takes you."
Desperately, you wish for God to strike you down. If you're there, father. You close your eyes. Please, please kill me now.
He doesn't listen, and the abbess pushes you to supper.
Dark bread, boiled turnips, fish and wine. Average, filling, but you'd hoped for more of the crumbly white cheese from yesterdays supper.
You know not to complain. And truly, you are grateful. With your family, it had been gruel upon gruel, often bear, and rarely flavour. Salt kisses your tongue now, and the wine makes your sore muscles relax.
The monks have it harder; you'd visited them once as a girl with your father to pray, but there was still labour to be done here. Cooking was often your job, as was doing the washing and the tilling for the vegetable garden.
Today sister Colette had assigned you weaving so that you wouldn't be out of practice. The muscles in your back and fingers ached from it already, and dread made your stomach sour to the food you ate at the thought of more work.
Mealtimes were quiet, as required. The other women eat mousily, looking down at their plates and pulling their food apart into small little bites, trying to make it last. Obedience, poverty. How silly it was now that you'd dreamed of this.
"Sister?" a whisper, next to you. Margaret was almost a friend, too pious to really confide in but so kind it was impossible to ignore her. "What were you doing?"
"I felt compelled," you shrug, lips oily from the fish. "I felt confined."
"Oh sister," Margaret pushes her bottom lip out, dark eyebrows pulling up. "You should never feel confined here."
You knew, and yet you did. It was like living in a stone coffin. All the work felt pointless since your heart had strayed from God. Even now, touching Margaret's elbow to comfort her in her worry for you, you're sick to death of even clearing plates.
There was one secret they hadn't found. None of the sisters, not even the abbess, had found your secret booklet.
Paper was more valuable than gold since the church needed so much to copy and produce texts. The writing room at the very top of the convent, where you were so seldomly asked, was full of it and guarded by lock and key.
Over months, you'd scrounged, stealing enough to make a booklet. In it, you felt sustained. Free. Titillated, sometimes, when your hand found its way beneath your soft worn blanket under your shift and you drew indecent drawings of men coming to save you. Of the farmboys from your village.
They were nothing like real art, not so detailed, but they lit inside you a spark of life. Without them, you'd be snuffed out.
Candles line the hallway toward the workroom, where you'll likely spend the rest of the night. It's near the very entrance of the convent, so that visitors may see the sisters hard at work and find reason to donate.
Really, it's a temptation. Those massive doors, ready to open and let you free.
But what could you do, really? If God were a kind man and Christ a good husband, they'd turn you into a horse so that you might run, might feel your hooves beating the earth and the coarse air on your skin.
Regrettably human, you sit to work on the tapestry. Curse the abbess and let the holy father hear your thoughts. This is worse than hell, you think. Your fingers cramp and the chair is hard, flat wood. It's made to be uncomfortable on purpose, everything is. After you finish you only have a thin mattress to look forward to, even thoughts of drawing hunky carpenters doesn't draw you out of the misery that is embroidery in the dark.
Is this string strong enough to hold you, should you hang yourself? You're being dramatic, but you feel you've earned the right.
Footsteps walk down the hall towards you. They're sure, heavy. Maybe sister Catharine, tall and splendid, is coming to release you from torment?
"Hello," you say jovially. Please be sister Catharine.
"Look what we've got here, Ghost," it's a male voice. You freeze. The accent is unfamiliar. Had you missed the visit of a monk, an abbot, a priest? "Darlin' little lass, all by herself."
Shivers overtake you. It hurts to straighten from your hunched position, but you have to do it to see properly.
You come face to face with a skull, towering over you from the doorway.
A scream builds, filling your chest, hanging off the tip of your tongue.
Stopped only by the glint of candlelight against a blade, and the quickness of the another man reaching you.
You shake, all sound stuck in your throat, feeling arms as strong as petrified wood circle your arms and pull you toward the door. The pressure, the scrape of rock against your feet, it's unreal and barely registered against the terror that builds when you look to your left and see the skull, sewn into cloth, with the soft clank of bones hanging from his waist.
His eyes find yours, dead and mellow in the eyesockets, piercing through you. Blood rushes through your ears, deafening you, until you leave the room and reality sets in.
Devils, come to sack the convent.
Who will likely kill you and all your sisters. Even the abbess, with her punishment cane and severe face, doesn't deserve that.
You shriek, finding your voice, twisting like a cat in a bag. Their hands tighten against you, growling orders at you to be still, girl.
It's then that you hear the cries, the crashes. Sounds of chaos, a cacophony of harsh voices and the search of the convent. Some of the women weep, some pray, you scream.
"Hey!" Skull snaps, shaking you hard. "Behave and we won't kill you." You comprehend that, but the animal urge to struggle for your life still has a grip on you.
The other man twists towards you, lips snarling. "Ye want to die, then? I'm not opposed to slitting ye open throat to cunt, if that's what ye prefer."
You still, sag, mouth turning downwards in misery. Sweat sticks to your skin, from fear and exertion.
"Good girl," Skull says.
The nuns have been crowded back into the dining room, cowed and cowering, trembling lambs against the storm of awful armoured men ravaging the sanctity of the space.
Some have already found gold, crosses and busts of saints and reliquaries. The abbess weeps to see the bust of Mother Mary, thrown so roughly to the ground that baby Jesus snaps off.
You watch it all happening, eyes wide, shaking despite yourself. Adrenaline makes your legs cramp in their position, curled, back to back with another sister.
"Cap," a younger man runs up, hands full with an ornate chest. "What'cha think of this one?"
"Lookit this one," the man from earlier is giddy, slapping the young one on the back. He holds St Augustine, gilded in gold and jewels. "Not too shabby, eh, Gaz?"
"Not too shabby at all," Gaz grins back at him, turning towards the third man.
"Good job, boys," he says. He's mustached, tall, steadier and calmer than the rest. A leader, clearly.
It smells of smoke, or blood, but you can't see anyone bleeding.
Maybe that's their natural scent, violence clinging to them cloying like they'd bathed in it before coming.
"Soap," Gaz calls. He's run through the library, tossing shelves to the ground, taking one or two books. Walked through the dormitories, throwing open the chests at the ends of each bed. "Take a look at this one!"
A little booklet. Your booklet, tiny in the hand of the devil.
Anxiety crawls up your spine. There's no way they'd know it was yours, but you're still afraid of another kind of raiding, should they discover your sin.
The men laugh, looking with hungry eyes, glinting, mouths stretched and wet.
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Look at the ground, be quiet, be still. You want to survive, you want to draw again and feel the air against your skin. You're scared of these men, huge and muscled as they are.
They wear furs, leather, clinking chainmail, wrapped shoes. Weapons hang by their sides and are clutched firmly in hands, though no nuns nor abbesses have been harmed.
"Gold ain't the only treasure, eh?" Soap looks down at you while others use pillowcases for bags, stuffing their bounty inside with loud clangs.
His foot nudges your thigh, and you shift away as much as possible, still looking away, still scared.
Skull comes back. Soap calls him over and calls him Ghost, so you switch the name in your head.
Ghost is big, but he glides through the air.
"See that, Ghost?" Soap nudges him, the way he nudged you. Eyes crazed.
"Mm," Ghost grunts. He hasn't looted, not like the others. Just walked through the halls and gathered one or two other stray nuns shuddering in various corners. "You want 'er?"
You blanch, breath leaving you.
"Can we?" He looks back at you and leans down, thick fingers finding your chin, tilting your face up. "Pretty little hen, so scared, aren't ye?"
"Take 'er."
With Ghosts permission, Soap moves his fingers from your face to the meat of your arms, dragging you up, using your stupor to help him.
"Dinnae worry, hen, we'll take good care of ye," it's not reassuring. You think you feel your knees hitting each other from the force of your shaking. "Awe, don't cry."
Two rivers have sprouted form your eyes, tracking searing hot salt down your cheeks, hands twisting in your habit.
The men regroup. You were right about the mustached man being a leader, and learn his name is Price. He commands them like any armyman you've ever seen, clearly holds a lot of authority.
You're the only nun that's a part of the spoils.
The only one tied with coarse rope around the wrists, chafing, tossed between Soap and Gaz through the convent until you reach those big wooden doors.
Those doors you'd dreamed about opening, those doors that you dread opening now.
"Keep walking," Gaz says. He's mellower than the others, but you'd be a fool to underestimate him.
Or ask him for help.
Reality hasn't set. You're in purgatory, stumbling across the wet grass in just wool socks, growing wetter by the minute from mist and dew. The men hoot and cheer and clank their gold, throwing fists and weapons in the air.
A bloodless victory, unless they change their mind and decide to kill you.
Soap jumps, accidentally pulling you forward in a jerk that brings you to your knees. The tears come back, and the pebbles nearing the beach digging into your knees makes you sob.
"Careful!" Ghost barks. Behind you, he reaches under your armpits and helps you up. His hands are still rough, but he lets go of you quickly to yank the rope out of Soaps hands. It doesn't help that it's still near-pitch outside, not yet morning, hard to see.
"Ach," he rubs a hand behind his head, watching you cry and walk like a deadwoman. "Got a little over-excited, darlin. Forgive me."
"I'll be better to ye, don't worry," he falls in beside you, using a knuckle to brush away your tears.
When you reach the beach, you see a few boats, supplies, but that's all. No camp, nowhere to sleep. Did they jump straight from the boats, marching up the hill to the convent to pillage?
God, they're so big. Warriors. Why just you?
"Right," Price calls them to attention. You're stuck next to Ghost, sniffling, shivering a little, praying mentally for the first time in a long time. Dear God, please help me, please strike these men dead and let me run back up the hill.
You miss what Price says, whispering under your breath with your eyes closed and palms together until Ghost puts his hand on your shoulder and pushes you forward again.
"Walk, then get on the boat," his voice is a growl.
"Dinnae worry," Soap chips in. "We brought meat."
They did - dried fish hangs like your laundry across each boats. The gold is loaded alongside you, stuffed to one side, and you're left trying to avoid the men tossing things in your direction.
Ghost ties your wrists to a wooden loop on the side of the boat.
It was built for this. For prisoners, slaves, taken in conquest.
Price shouts, the men answer. It's loud, a cacophony of voices and waves and the scrape of the boat against the sand.
You're going, going, gone. Floating. Adrift. Tied to the side of a viking ship with nothing but your thick, woolen habit and woolen socks. At least they provide some warmth, the air colder over the water.
Eyes look you up and down, not just from the two that took you. Gaz smiles to himself and punches Soap in the thigh, then they play wrestle.
You wonder what will happen to you- are you being taken as a slave? A prize?
The positive side to your time spend as a nun is that you know how to work, and you know that if something awful happens, you could find a way to meet God early and put yourself down.
Blood rushes in your ears again.
You register from somewhere outside of yourself that you're panicking again, caught wanting to run and having nowhere to do it. Tied down.
A hand touches your nape, and you turn with wild eyes and desperation all over your face to Ghost.
"Take a breath," he says, low enough that only you hear it, firm and commanding. "In and out, girl. Do it."
You do, if only to save yourself passing out. In and out, in and out, you breathe.
"That's it," he leans down, brown eyes finding yours. The skull is bleached yellow, old, but you try to ignore it. "You're alright."
"No I'm not," you shock the both of you by speaking, voice high and wavering. "I'm not, you're going to kill me or worse-"
"You think we'd take you just to kill you?"
"You're a heathen, aren't you?" you gasp again, wiping your face on the fabric of your sleeves. "Sister Catharine says heathens sacrifice virgins. Please don't."
He startles you by laughing, a ragged thing ripped from his chest.
"Not gonna sacrifice you, lamb," his hand squeeze your nape, his thumb rubbing the edge of your jaw where he can reach. "Gonna be a long journey, you'd better settle now."
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It's hell. You were mistaken before, and you'd do anything now to go back to embroidery. You'd let the abbess cane you bloody, you'd kneel and pray with the passion of Christ himself if it meant you could come off the boat.
The boat, the men. The godforsaken fish, too-salty, not much better than the biscuits Soap insists on feeding you by hand.
"Your hands are tied, pretty lamb, how are ye gonna feed yourself?" He breaks it up, wiping crumbs from your cheeks.
You hope Ghost will step in, but he doesn't. He watches, a specter, still wearing that mask on his face. You wonder if it's because of you, or if he's just like that. Private, hidden. Intimidating.
"Open wide," Soap seems fond of holding your face, squishing your cheeks and puckering your lips. He's extra zealous since catching a sea-bird, keen on making you taste it.
The thought makes your stomach roil, despite being sick of the fish and biscuits. You turn your face, trying to avoid him, whimpering when he squeezes a little too hard.
"Come on, hen," he leans closer. "Fresh meat is good, no?"
"Johnny", Ghost saves you again, finally. Pulls on Johnny's shirt until he's sitting back on his heels. "Let her be."
"Awe, just wanna giv'er my catch, Si," if a heathenish, kidnapping devil could whine and pout like a child, it would look like this.
Horrific, is what it is. You tuck your face into your elbow and close your eyes.
You've been doing that most of the journey, closing your eyes and breathing deeply like Ghost taught you. Or Simon, what you've heard Johnny calling him.
Dread sneaks in every once in a while, wakes you up from fitful sleeps or seizes your ability to speak. Nobody else has spoken to you, not even Gaz who keeps glancing at you. Nobody but Simon and Johnny.
"Here," Simon says. You look up.
In his hand, an apple. Your eyes go wide, prickling, and you look even further up to him.
His eyes reveal nothing. Brown, flat.
"For me?" you ask.
"You see me offering it to anyone else?" from the corner of your eye, Soap is staring at you, smiling.
"I can have it?" an apple. You could dance. Days and days of travel after living in the same town and then the same convent to taken by force on a boar. An apple.
"Take it before I give it to Johnny," he grunts.
Suddenly, you feel a kinship with Eve.
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Seasickness luckily doesn't affect you, and the melancholy is kept at bay by the apple. You think of it when you think you can't take anymore, remembering it's sweetness.
Simon becomes the safest person, and often if you feel scared your eyes find him.
When a minor storm rocks the boat, pelting rain, waves beating against the front, you tuck yourself close to his side and let Johnny take your hands into his.
Too easy to lean into them, to accept Johnny wiping your face gently with a cloth and eat fresh fish from Simons fingers. You're exhausted, and Simon doesn't push.
He just remains steadfast against chaos, even when Johnny fights with another one of the men and he has to pull them apart by their shirts.
"Si'down!" he barks, the loudest you've ever heard him. It makes you flinch, hiding again, until he sits heavily down beside you and you scoot as close as possible again.
"Not the smartest, are you?" he looks down. That hurts. You're just scared, is all. "Doesn't matter who's there, you'd cling right to them, wouldn't you?"
No, you want to say. But you just hide your face in your arms and cry again. You want to tell him the apple was special, that you know nobody else has one or got one, but you don't.
Your heart beats hard against your ribcage, that dread coming back again, feeling heavy and small under the weight of your predicament and his judgment.
"He didnae mean it," Johnny croons. He strokes your hair away from your face, thumbs finding your tense brows and smoothing them out. "We know you're a good girl. S'why we took ye."
You sniffle. The rocking of the boat has become both maddening and soothing.
You wonder when this journey will end.
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Your clothes are stiff with salt, wetted and dried and re-wetted. Your skin itches, wrists burning, welts unhealed from before when the abbess has caught you sneaking mead.
She had accused you of indulgence, of trying to get drunk. Truthfully, you'd just liked the taste of honey and missed it.
Nuns didn't eat honey, at least not there. Cheese and wine were already over the top, God forbid anyone ate anything sweet. That's why you loved the apple, had held each bite long on your tongue, letting the sugars sit there a moment to savor them.
"Hey," someone nudges you, bringing you out of your half-sleep. Easier to be less conscious, less aware, trying not to feel your anguish and your physical pain. "Come on, get up. We're here."
"Hmm?" You're so tired, hissing and whimpering when your wrists are jostled.
Untied. They're being untired. Your head lifts too quickly, making you dizzy. Gaz is squatting in front of you, holding your leash.
"You awake?" he squints, tilting his head. "You look rough, sorry 'bout that. You good to stand?"
Too many questions. You're forced to lean on him heavily to try to stand. He's as solid as the others, just leaner. Kinder, honestly, as he mostly carries you off the longboat.
Muscles like a new foal, you take a seat on the soft wet sand and slump onto a crate. It's a struggle to walk on solid ground.
Men move around you, dumping and lifting and talking. Less excited than the last time they were on the beach, but there's still a buzz aflutter.
"Can I bring'er up?" Johnny is looking at you, his hand on Simon's forearm. Their affection is the quiet kind, something you only noticed the last couple days of the journey. Small touches, murmurs.
"Go ahead," Simon touches him back, moving towards Price when Johnny comes towards you.
"Awe, lamb," he coos, hauling you up with an arm around his shoulder. His other arm goes to hold your waist, squeezing. "Dinnae worry, I'll get ye in a bath soon 'nough."
He's not lying - after a painful, difficult walk, you make it to a wooden cabin. Looking around, there are a few of similar make, a little town.
"Go on in then, sweet hen," he pushes you just enough for you to shuffle your feet in the door.
Modest wooden furniture greets you, a one-room house with a large bed, fireplace, and table. The rest is beyond you once you spot the tub.
"Sit, let me get it ready for ye."
You nearly fall asleep, or maybe you do, because when you open your eyes Johnny has steaming water filled to halfway in the tub, wooden slats fragrant. He's crumbling a dried flower in as well, humming to himself.
"Alright, s'ready," he helps you up again. Modesty is forgotten, you're too tired and weary to care when he slips the woolen habit off and leaves you in a plain shift, finally untying your wrists. "Pretty girl." He says it under his breath, like he can't help it.
The water is better than the apple. You hiss when it touches your wounds, your sore muscles.
You're tired to your marrow, could weep about it, eyes still opening and closing. Around you, Johnny searches through various bags and chests until he finds a bar of soap.
The soap is better than the water.
"Feels good?" he whispers, dipping his hands in and lathering up. How he's up and about, you have no idea. Even his hands near your bare breasts don't phase you - that's how wiped you are.
"S'good," you mumble. "Thought I ws'gonna die."
"We wouldn't've let that happen, sweet girl. Too precious, our treasure," a kiss, on your shoulder. He rubs the soap on your skin, your arms and down to your fingers, washing them each one by one.
"N'ver want to do that again," and then, because you forget he's your captor. "Please."
The attention is soft, patient. The soap washes away salt and dirt and sweat, even tears when he wipes your face with a rag. This is a second baptism, a better one, with gentle hands massaging your scalp and the barest brush against your nipples.
"Sit up," he pushes you forward, rinses your hair, washes your back while you're there.
The rag swipes over your cunt when he gets there, once, twice, eyes boring into you. Your exhaustion mutes the squeeze of anxiety in your chest, closing your eyes to avoid his gaze.
"Right, all done," he helps you back out and into a long, thin shift.
The bed is soft, so soft, covered in furs and actually stuffed enough to cradle your body. You sink into it immediately, just barely registering the door opening again.
"She asleep?" It's Simon, carrying luggage.
"Aye," Johnny says. You hear them kiss, wondering if they think you're asleep. "Anything else?"
"No," he's gruff, to-the-point. Drops bags in the corner with a clank and a chest by the door with a thud. "She give you trouble?"
"Sweet as a lamb, our girl," he sounds proud.
You open your eyes, one last attempt at self-preservation, and see them looking down at you.
Simon swipes a thumb over your cheek, under your eye, still wearing the skull.
"It's alright, go to sleep," he murmurs. Johnny leans his head on Simons shoulder. "Perfect girl, knew we did good takin' you."
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solxamber · 3 days
Dragon's Favourite Sacrifice – Trey Clover x reader
Trey finds himself volunteering to be the human sacrifice to you in place of his siblings. What he didn't expect was to become your housekeeper instead of being eaten.
Crossposted from my ao3!
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The village doesn’t know how to react when Trey volunteers as a sacrifice. He’s fully prepared for the worst, thinking back on all the horror stories the elders tell about the dragon god—the terrifying, ancient being that can destroy their village with one swipe of a claw. At least, that’s what everyone says.
But it had to be done. The village is on the brink of disaster and their last hope was the dragon god that lived in the mountains. The villagers began to proclaim that this was happening because they forgot to send a sacrifice in recent years. And when the current sacrifice chosen turned out to be one of his younger siblings, Trey had no choice but to volunteer himself.
As he approaches the temple, though, Trey wonders why the place looks like it hasn't been touched in years. Not exactly what you’d expect from a wrathful deity.
Maybe they just don't care about keeping things tidy before eating their next victim?
The inside of the temple is surprisingly cozy, but he doesn't have time to think about it. You, the ancient dragon, make your entrance—or rather, you wander in, yawning, and blink at him like you've just woken up from a really long nap.
“Hey… uh, are you the dragon god?” Trey asks, clutching the bundle of supplies he'd brought along.
You stretch, wings fluttering lazily behind you, before giving him a confused look. "Who else would I be? The village’s lost pet?"
Trey blinks. This is not what he was expecting. He was ready for a quick, brutal end. Maybe some fire and brimstone. Not... this.
“Right.” He clears his throat. “I’m Trey, from the village. They sent me as the sacrifice.”
You squint at him like he's just told you the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard. "Sacrifice? They still do that? I haven’t asked for a sacrifice in… decades. I was actually happy to not have my nap interrupted by scared humans. I was going to help with the crisis anyway."
Now it’s Trey's turn to stare. “You… don’t want the sacrifice?”
"Nope." You shrug, completely nonchalant. "You can go back to the village if you want. Or, if you're looking for a change of scenery, the village on the other side of the mountain is kinda nice."
Trey lets out a small sigh, but it’s not exactly relief. “I… can’t. If I go back, they'll think the offering was rejected. My siblings could suffer for it."
You pause, then nod thoughtfully. "Ah, yeah, human politics." You click your tongue. "I hate when that happens. Well, just so you know, the past sacrifices? Yeah, they all ended up in the village on the other side of the mountain."
Trey’s jaw drops. "Wait… what?"
"Yeah." You nod sagely. "They all thought the same thing—'Oh no, the dragon’s gonna eat me'—but I just sent them over there.”
He blinks at you again, trying to absorb all of this information. "So… you don’t actually…?"
"Eat people?" you finish for him, giving him a strange look. "No. That’s gross. Why would I do that?"
Trey's lips twitch upward. A beat of silence passes before Trey clears his throat again. "Mind if I stay, then? I can cook, clean, and—"
You give him a sideways glance, and your eyes light up. "Wait. You cook?"
"Yeah," Trey says, still trying to grasp that he’s negotiating his survival with a dragon.
A slow grin spreads across your face. "Well then, you’re hired. Welcome to dragon duty."
Trey’s not sure whether to laugh or cry at how anticlimactic this has all turned out. He’d prepared himself for noble sacrifice, but instead, he’s somehow signed up for dragon housekeeping duty. With a deep breath, he puts on a smile. "So, uh, what do you want for dinner?"
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From that moment on, life with you is… surprisingly comfortable. Trey, ever practical, makes himself useful.
He handles things with the same calm practicality he’d use back in the village, except now, there’s a giant, sometimes snarky dragon looming over him as he goes about his tasks.
He spends his days cooking, tending to the temple’s neglected gardens, and even baking pastries—though you still don’t believe him when he says there’s no oyster sauce in his sweets.
“You’re pulling my tail,” you mutter, eyeing the perfectly innocent-looking cake Trey’s set out in front of you. “I can taste something weird in it.”
Trey just smiles. “Oyster sauce. Definitely.”
You huff, giving up on trying to figure him out, and focus on enjoying your meals and new company instead.
One evening, after a particularly good dinner (with no discernible oyster flavor, much to your disappointment), you glance at Trey lounging by the fireplace. He's been here for a while now, and you find that you're quite enjoying his company. In fact, you're enjoying it a little too much.
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"So, you’re not as terrifying as the stories make you out to be," Trey comments one day, setting down a plate of food.
You snort, flipping lazily on your side. "Thanks, I guess. Humans are always so dramatic."
"And the drought?" Trey asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Taken care of," you reply with a smug smile. "Already brought in the rains.”
He nods and settles down next to you, holding a book from the library that you never bothered to visit.
Well, it's now or never. “So,” you begin, almost casually, “I’ve decided.”
“Decided what?” Trey looks up from the book he’s reading.
“That you’ll be my mate.”
He nearly drops the book. “Your... what?”
“My mate.” You stretch your wings, trying to look as imposing as possible—though you’re pretty sure Trey isn’t intimidated by you anymore. “You’re the first human who actually stuck around. And you can cook. That’s mate material.”
Trey is, understandably, at a loss for words. “…You’re serious?”
“Completely.” You flash him that grin again, all teeth and playful confidence. “Unless you’ve got a better offer somewhere else?”
Trey pinches the bridge of his nose, but the smile tugging at his lips betrays him. “No, I think I’ll stick around.”
And just like that, Trey Clover—the supposed human sacrifice—finds himself the mate of a centuries-old dragon. Maybe this wasn’t the fate he expected, but all things considered… it could be worse.
At least the dragon likes his cooking.
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m1ngkis · 3 days
Jeong Yunho #NEEDTHAT (18+)
A/N: MINORS BE GONE not me blushing rereading this.
It had to be going on a month since you had seen Yunho. His schedule as an idol kept him busy and yours equally so. The most you two had time to do was text each other, trying your best to find a hole in your plans to see each other.
"Wednesday?" You looked up from your calendar to gauge his reaction through the facetime call, which, if you were reading the furrow of his brows correctly, wasn't good.
"Shooting a couple of promo shows." Yunho sighed as his hairstylist continued to tug at his head, spraying a bit of product on the strands of hair.
"Dance practice. Then, hyung has a song he wants to work on with me." You could see his frustration for the situation sit on his features. "I have to go. Manager is calling." He groaned before mumbling an I love you and waiting for you to say it back before hanging up.
It wasn't until two more weeks later that Ateez was granted a vacation and the first thing Yunho did was ask to be dropped off at your place.
His text came through your phone the same time his knocking was heard at the door. "Let me in." And you hopped up off the couch, not bothering to check the camera to see if it was really him.
With a squeal, you opened the door and jumped into his arms, holding him tight as he dropped his bag to catch you.
"I missed you so bad." Your speech muffled into his jacket as he groaned, his arms wrapping around your frame and squeezing hard.
"I missed you too."
Yunho walked inside your apartment with you clinging to him like a sloth to a tree, kicking your door closed and tossing his bag to the side. "I thought I'd never see you again." His hand cradled the back of your head as he gazed into your eyes.
"Don't be dramatic, Yuyu." You chuckled, running your palm down his cheek. He melted in your touch, grabbing your wrist to keep it in place as his eyes fluttered shut.
He rubbed his face into your hand, relishing in its softness and warmth. A moan slipped past his lips so quietly you almost didn't catch it before he kissed your hand.
"I missed your touch so bad, I thought I was gonna die."
"Really?" He nodded as he took hold of your other hand and placed them both on his head, letting your nails scratch lightly at his scalp as his arms wrap around your body again.
"Oh God, please..." Yunho whines, dropping his head to your chest and biting at you skin. Your fingers curl around his hair and tug until his head snaps back.
"What do you need, Yuyu?"
Yunho shakes his head as his hips start to thrust up shallowly. His need bleeding through his body and making him lose control over himself. "Anything...everything. What ever you're willing to give, baby please."
You pucker your lips and plant a kiss to his forehead before whispering. "I have an idea but you have to let me go for a second."
He actually whimpers at the thought of your bodies not being combined for more than half a second but his arms loosen and he allows you to get up.
"Take off some of your clothes." Only then does he realize that he didn't even bother taking off his shoes before entering your home.
He does so and sits them in the entryway. Afterwards, his jacket and shirt are shed as he makes his way back to the couch.
You run to your room and come back with a scarf. "Do you trust me?" The scarf dangles from your fingertips and a smile graces your lips.
"You're beautiful...I trust you with my life." His eyes sparkle in a way you have never seen and it almost pains you to hide them behind the material and you tie it behind his head.
Immediately, Yunho tenses. His hands curl into fists as his breathing becomes ragged. "B-baby? You still there?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm here." You run a hand down his chest, your nails grazing against the skin, causing him to shudder as his body melts into the couch. "I need you to breathe."
A shaky breath exits his nose. "C-can I touch you?" The desperation in his voice makes your thighs clench.
You don't answer him, opting to adjust him so he's laying on the couch. Slowly, you start to remove your clothing and toss it his way. His frantic hands grab onto every piece like a life line.
"Ready?" You ask. Yunho perks up. "Yes, yes. Please, Im so ready."
You hook your leg over him so you hover over his face and once he feels your thighs on either side of his head, he groans and his arms grab hold of you, pulling you down to sit on his face.
"Yunho!" You yelp as he moans against your heat, lapping up your wetness like a starving dog. "Wait!" You reach for his head, tugging at his hair.
"Mmmm hmm." His tongue laps at you and his eyes roll back behind the blindfold as moans spill from your lips. A month with out him dialed your sensitivity to 20 and its apparent in the way you fall forward against the arm of the couch. Your stomach heaving as the knot in it tightens.
"So good, Yu! Yes!"
Yunho thrusts up into nothing as your wetness drips down his chin and his fingers dig into your thighs. His own moans vibrate your skin as he guides your hips up and down his face with no regard for the mess you two make.
Your moans climb in pitch and his tongue speeds up until the knot in your belly snaps and you cum. Yunho licks it up and slips the scarf from his eyes as you come down from your peak.
"Was that good?" He asks with a smirk.
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aaagustd · 11 hours
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pairing: producer!cheol x (f)reader // genre: meaningless smut // wc: 0.8k // warnings: f*ngering, c*m eating(finger sucking), kissing, public s*x, unedited; 18+
note: this is probably bad but my allergies are kicking my butt. i still wanted to post though. divider credit.
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When a hot producer asks you out, he can sense your nervousness as soon as you get in his expensive car. “What helps you relax?” is what he asks you. Your answer was not one that he expected, but it turned him on like nothing else has. Dinner will just have to wait for now.
“Fuck!” Your entire body trembles with pleasure. The shame of wanting a stranger to ruin you on the hood of his Benz is long gone—so has the fear of being caught while you’re getting fingered in an alley.
Your hands grasp his shirt while your watery eyes stare into his. It’s a silent plea for him to give you more, to bury another one of his long digits into your needy heat.
He chuckles. “No matter how much this little cunt gets, it always wants more, doesn’t it?”
“Oh, god. Yes–It wants more. Please,” you whimper, burying your face in his shirt to muffle your cries. His hand has only been down your panties for about two minutes and you’re already falling apart. “More, please.”
“Well, if you’re that horny…” He grabs your hair and forces you to look at him. “Just sit your pretty ass back and let me see what kind of faces you make when you cum.”
You prop yourself on your arms and observe his work, gasping when a third finger enters your pussy. Your legs are spread wide, and you buck off the vehicle to match his movements, swirling your hips when his palm touches your throbbing clit to add more stimulation. If you weren’t about to reach your high, you’d be begging him to replace his digits with whatever it was that was pressed against your ass a few minutes ago.
“Goddamn it, how are you this wet?”
The lewd noises your leaking pussy produces explain why your panties are a sticky and sodden mess. Your clothes cling to your body due to the sweat forming on your skin, giving you the urge to get rid of the damn things. Of course, you can’t, but it would be nice right about now. “Is this all for me? Couldn’t resist me, could you?”
“You wanted me inside of you? That’s understandable, babe. Everyone does,” he claims. 
The tension boils to a head when his fingers curl inside of you.
“I can’t hold it anymore,” you warn, reaching out to grip his arm.
His eyes soften as he pities the pathetic mess he’s made of you. He lifts his hand to cup your face before he grabs your throat, squeezing gently. “Then let go, love.” 
A switch flips when he winks. The coil snaps and the sky of red-orange and deep purples begins to spin around you. He’s forced to cover your mouth quickly to suppress your screams, but his fingers continue to move at a fast pace, milking you of every ounce of energy you have left.
You almost fall back onto the car when your body finally relaxes, but his strong arms prevent you from doing so. In a state of haziness, you can still make out the sight of him licking his fingers clean of your arousal, moaning loudly as he tastes you. 
You’re pulled in for a sloppy kiss and you’re thrilled that the taste of you still lingers on his tongue. Your legs wrap around him, trying to trap him so you can unzip his pants. However, he stops you before you can do so.
“Now right now, love.”
You pout. “But—”
His large hands find your ass and pull you towards the edge so he can keep you close.
“Later,” he says sternly, earning him another sad face.
He laughs at you for a second, resting his chin on top of your head while you lean on his firm chest.
“Seungcheol,” he announces out of nowhere. “That’s my name if you care to use it.”
“Hell yeah, I care,” you assure after introducing yourself. “ I’ve never done that before. Thank you for not judging me. Well, to my face, at least.”
Seungcheol shakes his head. “I’d never. Plus, you’re hot. I wouldn’t want to ruin my chances of getting to know you.”
“Really?” You didn’t mean to sound so excited. Now he probably thinks you’re a groupie.
But he just smiles and pulls away. “You’re cute. Come on, let’s go somewhere and talk.”
He helps you down and guides you to the passenger side of the car. He opens the door for you and waits patiently for your wobbly legs to climb inside.
“Are you hungry?” he asks.
“No, I’m okay—”
When he gives you a look, you come clean. “I’m starving.”
“Cool. Let’s grab dinner and go back to my place. Then you can show me which of my cars you want me to fuck you on next.”
He shuts the door without another word, leaving your sticky thick thighs rubbing together.
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fictionalmenxyn · 15 hours
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ꨄ𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭ꨄ
Pairing: Drew Starkey x actress!reader (established relationship) (prompt, see post below for context/what prompt is)
(Also ik Drew has sister/s. Idk how old they actually are so imma make it up to fit the story line) (reqs are open!!!)
Warnings: language, SMUT, p in v, no mentions of protection (wrap before you tap), detailed-ish smut. (First smut post so sos if it’s bad!)
Being back in your hometown felt great. After finishing the latest season of Outer Banks, you both wanted a small break. So that’s exactly what you did.
It was currently 11:38pm, all the younger siblings were in the basement. You were the eldest out of your siblings. You had two brothers and one sister. Your sister was 17 as your brothers were 15 and 13. Drew’s sisters were both 18 and 19.
You and Drew were in the kitchen. While all the siblings were in the movie room (your parents converted basement). You wore one of Drew’s grey sweatshirts and a pair of (has favourite) navy cycling shorts. Drew wore some grey sweats, his Calvin waistband poking out of the waistband of his sweats.
You sat on the island counter, a bowl of grapes in your lap. Drew leaned against the counter opposite you. You were watching something on your phone, he just watched you. God he could eat you up, right here, right now.
He stepped forward, standing between your legs. He placed the bowl down onto the counter next to you. He placed his hands either side of you, on the counter. “Hey, baby?” You look up to him. “Yeah?”
He grinned a little “you know… we haven’t had, ‘us’ time in a while… with all the filming and stuff… and you here, in my sweatshirt and those little navy shorts you know I love dearly… makes me think things…”
You smiled, putting your phone down “oh yeah? What things?” He chuckled lowly, moving his face closer to yours “well, all our siblings are in the basement… our parents are all over my parents place… we could head up to your room?” You smirked. Pecking his lips “sure, ba-”
Next thing you know you’re over his shoulder as he carried you to your room.
He opened the door with his spare hand. Then closing it with his foot. He walked over to your bed and placing you down.
Climbing, so he’s hovering over you. He moves his lips against yours. Kissing you as if he hasn’t in years. Drew was one for physical touch, he was heavy on hand holding and kisses. You kiss back, matching his energy. He groaned against your lips. He pulled away, only a centimetre. He whispered “god missed this, so much… gonna take you, right here.. right now, okay baby?” You nodded “yeah…”
His hands go to your thighs, pulling them apart. Letting himself kneel between them. He starts to kiss you again as his hands rub your thighs gently. His hands soon get to the waistband of your cycling shorts. He mumbled against your lips “love these shorts… but they gotta go… getting in the way of my sweet girl…” he tugs down your cycling shorts in one swift movement. Discarding your shorts to the floor.
His hips pressed against your pantie covered entrance. You hummed “fuck, Drew…miss you…” he knew what you were referring to. “Yeah? Missed my cock, babe?” You nodded. He grinned. He rolled his hips against you. Causing a soft gasp. God you could never get over how big he was. Being lovers for three and a half years, still you couldn’t fathom how huge he was. Still took all of him though, which he loved.
He rolled his hips again, he groaned “fuck baby…” he grabbed both waistbands of his sweats and boxers. Taking them off together, at the same time. Making him completely naked. He climbed back between you. You softly moaned as you felt him rub against you. He grinned “shall we get rid of this, sweetheart?” He tugs on your panties. You nod, not wanting to waste anytime.
You were completely bare, besides the oversized sweatshirt of his still on you. Just how he liked you, bare, but in his clothes.
He rubbed against you again. He groaned at how excited you could get, every time. Seeing you drenched for him, made him feral. He slowly pushed in, making small rolls as he adds more of himself to you. Causing soft moans each thrust.
Once he was completely in, you leaned down onto you. His face close to yours “gonna make you feel so good, sweet girl… I love you… so much.” You press a kiss to his forehead “I love you too, Drew.”
His fingertips rub up your forearms. Then interlocking and holding your hands into the mattress.
He started to slowly thrust, causing you to gasp. The noises becoming music to his ears. He slowly started to lick up the pace. His one hand lets go of yours, moving under the sweatshirt and needing your breast softly and lovingly.
Meanwhile, downstairs, both girls from each side were wanting you both for help. The coffee machine wasn’t working, only you and Drew knew how it works. Since both parents were over Drew’s family’s house; you two were their only help.
Drew moved his hand down from your chest to your thigh. Pushing it into the mattress more. His thrusts started to get sloppy and quick, every other would be hard thrusts.
You were a moaning mess, Drew smiles, knowing he does this to you. And only you.
Drew spoke “fuck, you look so good..taking all of me, like a good girl… always one f’me aren’t ya? Love when I fill you, don’t you?” You nodded. Your head tilting back into the pillows. He smiled.
Drew picked up the pace, moving the fastest he could go. You could feel the edge staring to come. You were almost there, about to finish. He could feel it, he was almost there too. Loving how you feel against him “feelin’ so good f’me baby… ssshhiitt…” he moaned. You rolled you eyes as his thrust became harder than before.
Both sisters headed upstairs, to the second floor. They walked down the hallway. As they got closer to your room, they walked over to the door.
You mumble to Drew “Drew, fuck… hmm shit.. gonna- ohhh…” Drew grinned “gonna finish with me, baby?” You nodded. Your free hand coming up to his bicep as you dig your nails into his muscle. He moaned at how much that turned him on.
Your sister knocked the door and opened it. Drew’s eyes widen, quickly pulling the covers over your lower bodies. He leaned down into you.
Both sister’s eyes widened. Your sister, Kayla spoke “what?! Ew you guys! Couldn’t you wait till we were all in bed?!?” You chuckled. Drew on the other hand… he hid his face in the crook of your neck. His intwined hand squeezing yours. He felt embarrassed, not cause of being caught making love to you. But the fact it was his sister, you’ve been walked in on a few times. Austin has walked in on you guys a few times on set; that being the reason you don’t do it on set anymore. But when it’s family, that’s different.
Drew spoke against your shoulder “what do you two want?!” Kayla giggled “uh the coffee machine isn’t working, we wanted to see if you two could fix it.. but clearly you’re busy.” You chucked “oh shut up Kay!” She playfully gasped “what?! I can’t help it if you two are getting frisky while we’re all awake still!” You playfully roll your eyes “you done now??” Kayla chuckles and nods “well let you get back to your… entertainment…” you flip off your sister “close the door in the way out!”
As she shuts the door, she calls out “make sure to lock it next time, dad didn’t put one on there for no reason…”
Once they left, Drew removed his head from the crook of your neck. He looked down at you “um…” you chuckles softly. Carding your fingers through his hair. “Turned off, huh?” He nodded. Not wanting to admit it, but he couldn’t lie to you. You knew exactly what to do. You grabbed both his wrists and gently tug him closer to you.
You whispered “want me to ride you? I’ll let you kiss my chest when I do it?? How’d that sound?” He moaned softly. “I’ll take that as a yes?” He nodded and gently pulled out before flipping you both over.
Letting you straddle him as he leaned back against the headboard. He placed his hands in your hips, just wanting to touch you. You slowly started to rock your hips. You leaned forward, letting his mouth attach to your chest. Moving from the left side to the right. He worked away as you rocked your hips. Slowly picking up the pace. You moaned his name. He groaned and started to rock up into you.
When you felt that similar feeling in your lower stomach, once again. You felt his hands move under your thighs. Holding you up so he could fastly rock up into you. Both of you moaning together. You gasp “Drew! Gonna!” He replied “right there with ya…. Fuck baby, cum on me, sweetheart… so fuckin good” You held onto his shoulders. Finishing down his cock, he groaned as his pace slowed down. He soon came a second or two after you. His hips stutter as he finished too. He moans your name as he does.
He then puts you back down on his lap. He tucked some hair behind your ear. He placed his hand in the back of your neck. Pulling you in for a few soft kisses. Then pulling away and resting your forehead to his. He mumbles “forgot about the lock, haven’t done it in here for a while, huh?” You chuckle. Agreeing with him. Last time was when you were both seventeen. Both of you wanted to be each other’s firsts, thinking it was better to be close to someone when you both do it for the first time. Which can come off as cute. Even if you didn’t date till a few years ago. He presses a few more kisses to your lips and forehead before starting up a bath for you both. Which was then followed by some movies and falling asleep in each other’s arms.
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lvnleah · 2 days
016. | first game
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word count: 1.8k
find the masterlist here!
May 18th 2024 | 7 weeks old.
“Look at you, little guy!” Leah cooed as she gently slipped the tiny jersey over Finley's head, careful not to upset him. “Your first time wearing your Arsenal shirt and it’s got Mumma’s number and name on the back!”
Finley gazed up at Leah, his big eyes wide with curiosity. It was then that it happened. Finley’s face lit up with a small, yet unmistakable smile.
“Did you see that?” Leah gasped. “He smiled!”
You quickly dropped a nappy from the spot in the bedroom where you were packing the nappy bag before running over to Leah’s side at the end of the bed.
“He did?” You smiled.
“Yes!” Leah replied, nodding her head. “I swear, he just smiled at me.”
Just then, Finley’s lips curled up into another sweet, deliberate smile. It was more pronounced this time, his eyes crinkling up as well as if he knew he was the centre of attention.
Leah’s breath caught in her throat. “Oh my god, he’s smiling again!”
You reached out and gently touched Finley’s tiny hand. “Look at you bubs! Look at that smile!”
Leah’s eyes were misty. “This is amazing. I think he’s already showing us how much he loves his new jersey.”
Finley’s small fingers curled around yours, and his smile seemed to grow even wider. “A true little gooner eh? And today is the perfect day for it!”
Today was the last game of the season and also Finley’s first time attending a match of Leah’s. She’d been back playing for a few weeks now and you both decided that it felt right to take Finley to the last game of the season.
So of course Leah had to dress Finley in the tiny Arsenal kit that you used to announce your pregnancy to her teammates.
You knew today was going to also be an emotional one. After seven years, Viv was leaving Arsenal. She’d always been a close friend of you and Leah but more recently over the past year, almost two, she’d become even closer to you both due to her dating your best friend Beth.
It was a goodbye you weren’t looking forward to.
Once Finley was dressed, you gathered his things and took them into the living room where Leah was waiting with him.
“Ready to go?” You asked, setting the diaper bag down on the kitchen island.
Leah nodded, placing Finley down and strapping him into it. "Almost. Just need to grab my shoes and put them on.”
As Leah busied herself putting her shoes on, you double-checked the diaper bag to make sure you had everything: extra nappies, wipes, a change of clothes, and bottles. Despite your best efforts to stay organised, the sheer volume of items needed for an outing with a newborn always seemed overwhelming.
Leah glanced at the clock. "We need to leave in fifteen minutes if we want to avoid the worst of the traffic."
You nodded, feeling a bit of anxiety. Getting out of the house on time with a baby was a new challenge you were still adjusting to. Finley, now nestled comfortably in his car seat, let out a small whimper.
"Okay, shoes are on," Leah announced. She then picked up Finley’s car seat and looked at you with a determined smile. "Let’s do this."
As you opened the door, you realised you’d forgotten your keys. "Hang on, I’ll be right back," you said, dashing back to the bedroom. You found them under the pile of clothes you had been sorting through earlier.
Back in the living room, Leah was gently rocking Finley, who had started to fuss again. "Shh, it’s okay, Bubba. We’re almost ready," she murmured soothingly.
You grabbed the bags and ushered Leah and Finley out the door. The sight of Leah carrying Finley in his tiny Arsenal kit filled you with a range of different emotions.
After securing Finley in the back seat, you climbed into the passenger seat and started the car. Leah settled in beside you, glancing back to check on Finley. “All set?” you asked, looking over at her.
Leah smiled and nodded. “All set. Let’s go show Finley what it means to be a Gooner.”
When you finally arrived, the stadium was already buzzing with energy. You found a parking spot and began the process of unloading everything. You strapped on the baby carrier, carefully placing Finley inside. He stirred but remained peacefully asleep, his tiny hands clutching the fabric of your shirt.
As you approached the entrance, you could see familiar faces in the reception area. Beth waved, her smile wide as she saw you approaching. “There’s my little nephew!” she called out, rushing over to greet you.
Leah beamed. “We’re here! All three of us, just about.”
Beth smiled, “Oh look at his little kit!” She cooed, peeking into the carrier, “His little frown, he’s so adorable.”
Amanda joined you and Leah just as you entered the reception area, her eyes lighting up at the sight of her grandson. “There’s my little Finley!” she exclaimed, leaning in to get a closer look at him in his Arsenal kit. “He’s getting so big already!”
Leah hugged her mum, “He smiled this morning, Mum. Twice!”
Amanda’s eyes widened with delight. “Did he? That’s wonderful! I can’t wait to see it myself.”
You turned to Beth, who had been standing nearby, watching the exchange with a fond smile. “How are you feeling about Viv’s last game?” you asked her, knowing she’d hardly played at Arsenal without Viv.
Beth’s smile faltered slightly. “It’s bittersweet, to be honest. I’m so proud of her and excited for her new adventure, but I’m going to miss her so much.”
Leah placed a comforting arm around Beth’s shoulder. “We’re all going to miss her, but she’s going to do great things. And you’ll still see each other every weekend, there’s no doubt about that!”
Beth nodded, her eyes misting over. “Yeah, I know. It’s just...It’s hard to see her go.”
Amanda wrapped an arm around Beth, giving her a reassuring squeeze. “Change is never easy, but it’s also a chance for new beginnings. And you’ll always have us and the other girls.”
Beth smiled gratefully. “I know I will.”
As you all stood in the reception area, you turned to see Viv walking towards you, her face lighting up as she spotted the group.
“There she is!” Leah called out, “The star of the day!”
Viv shyly grinned, “Look at this little guy!” She looked down to get a better look at Finley, who was still snoozing in the carrier. “First game and he’s already got the perfect kit.”
Beth laughed, playing with Finley’s little hand. “Yeah, he’s all ready to cheer on Auntie Viv.”
You said goodbye to Leah, Beth and Viv and made your way out to the stands with Amanda. The stadium was already buzzing with anticipation, the familiar Arsenal chants filling the air. You found your seats with Amanda, Kyra, Lia and a few of the others who weren’t playing as the team took to the pitch for warm-ups.
Amanda cooed over Finley, who was now awake, as she held him. “Look at you! A mini kit, just like your Mumma’s.”
Lia leaned over to look at Finley. She rested her head on your shoulder. “Aww, he’s so cute! Can I hold him?”
You nodded and carefully handed Finley over to Lia. “Of course. Just be gentle with him.”
Lia smiled, “Hey, little man! Are you ready to see Mumma play?” She gently rocked him.
You smiled, watching the interaction. “You look like a natural with him.”
As the players continued warming up, the excitement in the stadium grew. You could see Leah on the pitch, stretching and chatting with her teammates. She glanced over towards the stands, her eyes searching until she found you all. She waved quickly, her smile beaming.
The match soon started and the girls headed out, cheers ringing around. Lia handed Finley back to you who fell back to sleep in the baby carrier. They shook hands with the other team, you laughed at how Beth juggled carrying a baby and holding the hand of a toddler. By the seventeenth minute, Alessia had scored a goal assisted by Emily and another soon followed in the twenty-fourth.
The first half flew by quickly and before you knew it time was over and the girls were back on the pitch. The first twenty minutes went by quickly, and Arsenal were given a penalty which Kim ended up missing.
In the sixty-first minute, three changes were made and Viv was brought on. Kyra, Steph and Alessia left the pitch, hugging Viv tightly as Frida, Laia and Viv took their places.
Cheers and chants once again rang out around Meadow Park. You watched as Leah kicked the ball to Beth who then passed it perfectly to Viv, giving her the chance to score her last goal.
You stood up and cheered, quickly quietenting once Finley began to stir. The team gathered around, patting Viv on the head as she celebrated her goal. You swore you saw a tear slip down Leah’s face.
The last thirty minutes flew by and by the end, the girls had won 5-0. Once the final whistle blew, the girls gathered around Viv and hugged her. A guard of honour was formed and you headed down onto the pitch with Lia and a few of the others.
Leah was quick to take Finley into her arms as you stood on the opposite side beside Beth to comfort her. Sabs and Kaylan said their goodbyes and it was then Viv’s turn. Beth’s tears started once Viv locked eyes with her before walking down as she dropped her coat.
You wrapped an arm around her shoulder and placed a kiss on her temple as Steph hugged her other side. The fans sang Viv’s name as she recalled all of her time at Arsenal and said her thank you speech. She was presented with a shirt and a bouquet of flowers, your arms wrapped tightly around Beth as the tears continued.
Once it was over, everyone’s family headed onto the pitch and Viv and Leah made their way over to you. Viv squeezed Beth tightly, lifting her off of her feet as Leah passed Finley to you.
Beth and Viv held onto each other for a moment longer, both of them laughing through their tears. When Viv finally set Beth down, she turned to you and Leah, her eyes filled with tears.
She leaned in a tickled Finley’s stomach, “Did you enjoy your first game, little one?”
Finley smiled in response, making Beth and Viv laugh as you handed him over to Viv for a cuddle, “Oh look at that smile!” She cooed.
Leah wrapped her arms around your waist as Viv and Beth walked around the pitch with Finley for one final thank-you lap.
“I think we’ve done pretty well, eh?” Leah whispered in your ear, pressing a kiss behind it.
You nodded as you laughed, “Yeah I think we have. This is exactly how I imagined things last year.”
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metranart · 3 days
My one and only wants you, so he’ll have you (Part 11)
ft. Sensei! Gojo Satoru, sensei! Suguru Geto, reader insert, slight! Megumi x reader.
Gojo Satoru and Suguru Geto happily married, you, their lovely student and the cause of their ragging temptation. The problem: their son, Megumi, your best friend.
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𖦹 Warning tags: Gojo x Reader x Geto, threesome, married couple, Suguru and Gojo happy married couple, polyamory, Teacher-Student Relationship (everyone is an adult).
It was Suguru’s lips colliding with his that brought him out of that toxic trance, Suguru used his last weapon, the most lethal he had. Gojo melted against him, unable to hold that track of selfish thoughts, instead giving all his attention to his husband's lips, his hand ended up sliding from the knob and Geto smiled against his mouth, pecking those pouting lips a couple of times before smashing a hard kiss on his forehead and sending him a disapproving look. The white-haired man shrugged like a scolded child. He almost ruined it... almost.
“I’m not sure if we are there yet, Gumi…” You mewled timidly. But he needed to fight for his right to have you, Megumi was burning to be yours, literally burning, he could not think straight anymore, you were all he thought about nowadays, you and him, just that. 
You'd only been together for a two month, and you hadn't been intimate yet, maybe some fooling around, here and there, some make out and touching— you'd jerked him off and he'd fingered your pussy after a stressful mission but that was as far as you two had gone... you couldn't find it in you to end the transaction, not when you were terrified of confusing his name with one of his parents. Not when Gojo and Geto had given you an ultimatum. Not when even now they were likely listening in from the other side of the door, if you judged by the shadows you had seen under the door, discreet enough to go unnoticed by your distracted boyfriend who prioritized his attention on you, but undoubtedly blatantly indiscreet enough for you to know and strive to keep your promise.
Nor Gojo nor Geto had been happy about your new relationship with their son but when you explained Sukuna's sudden appearance and your inability to go any other way, they understood, reluctantly… but they understood.
"Not under our roof." Suguru had spat severely, "NEVER under our roof, (Y/N) ... or I'm not responsible for my actions." With that, he spined on his heels with more sharpness that it was necessary and walked away to smoke a cigarette in solitude. His silhouette, the clear posture of an annoyed, irritated and highly conflicted, man.
Leaving behind a very guilty sorceress and a very shaken husband. You sucked in a shaky breath and the lone tear that ebbed the corner of your eye was quickly whipped away before it could even roll down your cheek. 
"Oh, my sweet pup, don’t cry,” Gojo spelled sweetly, burying you in a bear hug “this is all my fault, I should never have—”
“Don’t!” you squealed, “don’t even think about it. I wanted to!... I still DO.”
You felt his lips press a kiss on the crown of your head, to then hear the sigh of relief. “Thank God,” he chuckled, “I feel lighter already. Thank you.”
You opted to stay inside his warmness, the silence was comfortable, nevertheless, was also brief.
“I know you didn't have a choice and the last thing I want is for you to hurt Megumi," Gojo wanted the best for his son, but also for himself. He wanted you so bad, it physically hurt him. His knuckles sliding down the softness of your cheek, slowly, so slowly, felt more like if he was sewing the texture of your skin to his brain. That blue, shiny gaze firm on yours. Searching your stare insistently. Stare that refused to meet his, out of embarrassment. 
"Look at me, (Y/N).” Gojo demanded in a calm tone which quickly grew sharp. “You owe me that much-"
"Y-You have no idea how hard this is for me as well!"
Your outburst was cancelled by his arm getting tighter around you, burying you deeper into his chest, your nose dug hard against his shirt to inhale his fragrance, smelling Gojo always calmed you down, it was one of his many gifts. He smelled safe, if that was even possible, everything about Gojo Satoru made you feel safe. You melted on him, and he smiled against your hair.
"You miss us?" It wasn’t a question, it sounded like one, but it wasn’t.
Your head nodded against his broad chest, and his hug tightened even more. Tight, so tight it should hurt but it didn’t. Gojo’s fingers began to make circles on your back. Massaging the tension away with tender motions, melting the anguish in you with his tireless compression.
"We miss you so damn much, that's why Suguru is so-" his eyes shifted to the aforementioned, who was already on his third cigarette, "-is so upset."
"With me?"
You felt how deep his sigh were, when his chest rose against your cheek.
"I'm afraid, he doesn't know how to be upset with Megumi, pretty. He adores him way too much-…So, you'll have to put up with his bad mood for a while," he laughed but not the merry sound you loved. Then, he kissed each request against your forehead, soft and warm kisses filled with tender pleading, "...please, please don't judge him for his behavior. Suguru isn't good at sharing-"
Your head whipped up to look at him, and he chuckled. "He's not good at sharing with anyone but me."
You giggled, returning to your original position. No! a little close, if that was possible. "Now what?" your lips asked, afraid of the answer.
"We’ll figure it out and while we do it..." Gojo felt conflicted, even so, there was one thing he already knew he wanted from you. Warm palms dug thick thumbs under the curve of your jaw to help him tilt your head up for some needed eye contact. Once your eyes met, Gojo’s understanding look faded away and his reverent grin turned icy "...don't let Megumi fuck you." All tenderness melted away, and he repeated, "... promise me, (Y/N), you won't sleep with him until we know how to handle this."
You promised.
"I'm afraid that's NOT enough." 
It startled you. Suguru Geto, standing behind you, he dropped the last of his cigarette to the ground and step on it, those onyx orbs he called eyes, black and devoid of any kind emotion, were kinda shocking but what shocked you the most was what ended up coming out of his mouth. 
"Let's do a binding bow-"
Gojo started but was quickly stopped by his husband with hard squeeze to his shoulder, it carried a hidden message, something only Gojo could appreciate: ‘let me be the irrational for once’- Gojo fell silent. 
“I already promised to-”
Geto denying his head cut you short.
"It doesn't really make any difference-…but the binding bow, that will actually make you keep your promise."
"Don't you trust me anymore, Suguru?" It was easy to detect the touch of indignation in your voice. Abruptly, you pulled yourself out of Gojo's arms to stare at Suguru with a hint of defiance. "Don't you-"
"I'm not going to let Megumi get hurt, DAMN IT!" The special grade sorcerer bellowed, rushing to you until were face to face. “Over my death body,” he threatened, your mouth scrunched up, a complaint about to come out before being cut off by him. “No, it’s not what you think either,” Geto added, quickly. “I don’t plan on losing you either. You are not going anywhere…”
You had never seen him so visceral, so emotional. Gojo was the creature full of fragile feelings, not Suguru, but apparently you had gotten under his skin, deeper than he had even anticipated. 
“You are mine-...Ours,” he corrected and Gojo chuckled, shaking his head, amused “...if you and Megumi start getting intimate it will only complicate everything.” The raven-haired insisted, grabbing you by the wrist to pull you closer to him, “the binding bow will prevent this.”
“How? I don’t see how-”
“Just grant me this, (Y/N).” He pleaded, grabbing you by the forearms, desperate, crazed, "...I'm dying here, just grant me this, I trust you...but even though I love my Megumi more than my own life," now, you felt your cheeks being wrap in his warm, big hands, "I don't trust him, at least not with you. I know how he feels and after all, he is our son."
Suguru didn't have to explain any further, Gojo supported him, and you ended up, accepting. How right he was, how much Megumi resembled his adoptive parents. Because right now, he refused to accept a negative.
"Is that a, no? you don’t want us to—” he asked, a taciturn emotion kidnapping his features, and the hurt in his eyes made you feel sick to your stomach, you were weak for this entire family, to some more than other, even so, they all have a part of your heart.  
“I do-”
“You do?”
Megumi's eyes sparkled, filled with renewed hope and his parents felt a lump in their throats. Fushiguro climbed on top of you, slow and cat-like, you crawled back until your head hit the headboard of his bed and he laughed amused, excited, hands equally excited sliding down the length of your legs, you could almost hear him purr.
If there was one thing you loved about him, it was the difference that did exist between him and his parents. His shy essence was unbreakable, making him a tender and dedicated creature even in movements predestined to be abrupt. He accommodated you under him prioritizing your comfort over his own, he would have to put more tension on his body, but it was worth it if you were happy.
"Gumi-" you mewled, and he swallowed your next complaint with thirsty lips and slippery tongue. "Just let me show you, (Y/N)," you heard him mumble against your neck, "I know I can also make you happy."
Also?... you didn't dare to delve into that comment, it sounded too desperate, coming from a place deep inside Megumi, a secret and intimate place.
It was just a whisper, but it sounded like a scream to Gojo and Geto, like a bullet going through their selfish hearts, really, they wouldn't give this pleasure to Megumi? Were they really that self-absorbed? They both turned to look at each other and after a few seconds, you saw the shadow under the door disappear completely.
"Is something wrong?" the brunette asked when he noticed you distracted, and you shook your head. Yes, there was a problem, but it wasn't Megumi's problem.
“Nop, babe.” 
Megumi tugged you forward-or maybe he'd lunged toward you of his own accord, he loved when you tagged him as you ‘babe’—and just like that, you were kissing with the fervor and passion of touch-starved souls all pent-up repression and stress, released in a single instant. The force of the collision, lips on lips, tongue against tongue, was deliciously bruising, enough to knock the breath out of you. 
Megumi gasped your name, smearing each syllable in saliva and praises, overly excited, wondering if only him was feeling that cord of electricity running through his veins, fiery adrenaline coursing through his body, blood pounding in his ears as a shiver ran down his spine, so powerful that he thought he might collapse on top of you.
Each effort of Megumi making you let yourself go more, letting you mind fly free, maybe too free to your own good. Your hands tangled in his hair in an instant, pulling him even closer, even harder against your lips as your excitement soaked your panties.
“…. May I have a taste, (Y/N)?”
You had half a second to entertain the request of your boyfriend, before he asked again, just sweeter. 
“One lick or two,” those were the last words you thought you'd hear coming from Megumi, "I just want to put my mouth down there for a minute, please, my love-... may I?" 
His lips quickly came in aid to his goal, eating your neck in sloppy but awfully well-planned kisses, bites and licks, a joint effort to weaken your reason. It was slowly working. Pressing back with his tongue even as a moan began to well up in his chest, “P-Please?
You squealed, a sign of your upcoming defeat. He used that weakness to pull your bodies together for an instant of pressure that sent fireworks off all across your skin. A sensation that you had only experienced with Gojo and Geto, confusing your mind with sparks of recognition, men who were not there felt present in each caress that their son executed without fail.
You surrender to his wholehearted efforts, it was too much, too vivid. Megumi had shown his claws, and they were sharp, going deep, deeper than you ever expected. Sharp in need, tearing you apart like a ragged doll. Your lips parted and the affirmative he so craved was about to pour out-
Knock! Knock! Knock!
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Chapter 4 : Flashbacks and Fear
Continuation the The Prolouge, Chapter 1, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.
Just his luck...
This stupid Fenton Luck.
He's lost in Gotham and Dante is still at work, He forgot where he was for a moment and remembers 'oh he's not in amity' too late and now he's wandering the streets.
"Fuck.... Oh Ancients... Where do I go.... Oh no.. Dan will be so worried." Danny combs his hair back with his hands and letting it ruffle back down again.
Stress. That's what he's feeling right now, confusion too maybe. He wanders the streets in search of his way back hoping the "Fenton Luck" would be on his side and guide him back home.
"Please, please plea-" He stops talking as he hears a commotion, possibly a gang fight he thinks and he decides to hide within the darkness of the alleys in fear of getting in the crossfire.
He doesn't like to hear the fighting... Not anymore much so. He covers his ears as he curled up in the corner of the alleys trembling with his hood up. He tries to muffle the fighting noises coming through his ears by lulling a lullaby Jazz always sang to him.
"🎶p...pass the fourth turn.... By... The barn ... Where Mrs. Full man.. lived until she passed on... There is a cottage.. by the lake..side... Where fairies.... Come out at night.... Hic- .... There's a music.... Box in the bedroom... Hic.... It's playing songs... From 1922.... And if you listen... Hic—🎶" He stops singing as tears rolled down his cheeks, the memories were getting to him. Happy memories when she was alive.
He curls up even further and sobbed hoping his sobs would muffle the Noises. Until the noises finished, but Danny still couldn't stop crying in fear and the memories flooding in on his mind. Replaying over and over again.
The warm smile she gives him, the reassurance that he's no less than human despite having becoming a Halfa. The Family he misses, he misses her so much. He wishes she was still there to comfort him with her lullabies, her gentle touch, her soft spoken voice.
"I'm scared Jazz..." He mutters sobbing.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Damian perked up, they had just finished breaking up a gang fight but Damian couldn't help but hear... Subtle sobs of a child...
Damian isn't always one to care much but he couldn't help himself this time.
"Is everything alright Robin?" The Big B asks with a monotonous tone.
"Not sure B, I hear a child sobbing their eyes out...." Damian answers and starts to walk trying to track the sobs. It made his heart ache- Fuck why is he acting like his father and that so called Genetic "Adoption Tendencies". He refuses to be one of his brothers with that Genetic. Maybe even Grayson is a more reasonable option for that Genetic.
Damian saw a glimpse of the sobbing child in the alley. He tries to mimic his father and try not to be intimidating.
"Hey there... Kid.." Damian spoke out softly with the gentlest smile he could muster out of his face. The kid looked up and it made Damian Flinch.
His eyes, they're too... Reminiscent of the Lazarus Waters.... Did someone dunk this kid there too? What the fuck happened to him? Who is he?, many questions ran through Robin's Mind but he shakes it off to check up on the kid.
"Are you alright... Do you need hel—" Damian was cut off by the kid suddenly hugging him tightly.
"Please... Bring me back home... Hic... I want to go home..." The kid sobbed, almost pleading to go back home.
Why is Damian's Heart Aching?. Why is it making him want to cry too... It was odd, but Damian just hugs the kid back and carries him— Dear God he's so light weight. It's like lifting a feather, very concerning... His body temperature was also ice cold. That's even more concerning.
"Ofcourse... I'll take you home... Do you uhm- have any family?" Robin asks worryingly.
"Mhm.... My big brother..." The kid mutters softly.
"And where is he?" Robin asks again and was told that he works at a local new Cafe near Gotham U.
Robin just nods and looks at Batman with a stern yet softer look.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Bruce was confused, Damian was being.... Soft-spoken, really. A rare sight. Damian consoling a crying child.
A child with Black hair blue eyes and .. a lot of scars, including a very concerning Lichtenberg Scars that traces along the child's eye to his skin and possibly down to his chest or back.
"B, the police can handle the rest of them, I'll take this child to the Cafe near Gotham U." Robin states blantantly.
"...hnn... I'm coming with you." Bruce said and Robin just sighed and nodded.
Who's child is this...? How did he get here? How did he make Damian so soft-spoken? Is he a meta? Is one of the criminals they subdued his parents or-... Bruce tried to keep his thoughts calm, it's just a child after all.
Bruce gave the kid a Candy, Odd that he had one in his pocket but it still calmed the kid nontheless
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
They eventually reached the Cafe and Saw a Panicking Man yelling out the name "Danny" as he wanders around concerningly.
"Dan!" The kid yelled out, still in Robin's arms.
"OH ANCIENTS! DANNY!" Dante was very worried, tears were rolling down his cheeks and he was already About to call Vlad.
Robin sets Danny Down and Danny ran to Dan and Jumped at him. Dante hugged Danny tightly, "Fuck... Where did you go... You little twerp.... You shouldn't run away like that... Or even wander off. Goddamit.." Dante sighed in relief as they pressed foreheads with each other .
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Danny mutters under soft sobs.
"It's okay kid... It's okay.." Dante reassures him as he looked at Robin with soft gentle teary eyes. "Thank you..." Dante utters with his voice almost breaking.
"C'mon Danny.. say thank you to the heroes." Dante tries to distract Danny through telling him to say thank you and Danny tilts his head towards Robin and Batman.
"Thank you..." He smiles with teary reddish eyes that made Damian's Heart Ache but also throb with happiness.
Robin smiles softly. "It's what...we do..." He says with a gentle soft-spoken tone. Batman just Grunts approvingly and Danny Giggled.
"Thank you. Thank you again. I wish you all the best.." Dante mutters as he kisses Danny's Hair and Bows at the two heroes before walking off.
Danny waves goodbye at Robin and Batman and Robin couldn't help but wave back, he slowly stares at his hand that was waving goodbye and presses it to his chest.
"... Such an... Odd feeling..." Robin utters with a smile still plastered on his face as he noticed the kid had left a sticker on his glove. A star sticker infact.
He plans to keep that sticker on the glove now. Never letting it be taken off, because it made him smile.
Odd... So odd.
As promised @craftyexpertchild and @darkenedenchantress tags for y'all
I wrote this in a 40-30 minutes timeframe
Older brother Dan is my type of Man and Cunt™
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pinkponyclubbb3 · 9 hours
inspo: a sexy friend of mine gave me this idea thanks beautiful 💋
Summary: One day, Matt stumbled upon a cam girl while mindlessly scrolling the internet. He can’t help but be intrigued and start desiring her. What happens when Matt meets this girl he’s been getting off to?
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y/n’s POV
I adjust my bra strap and look in the mirror again before going live. I set up the ring light and sit in front of the camera before I hit the ‘LIVE’ button. “Fuck, something’s off,” I tell myself. I take my bra off and throw it on my bed. I looked through my closet and found a bra with red heart-shaped cups. I smile, satisfied with my outfit, and sit down. “Pfft, okay.”
I click the ‘LIVE’ button and immediately, the view count goes up by the hundreds. “Hi, guys!” I wave my hand. I turn on the TV to play music in the background so it’s not awkward and we can all get in the mood. “So what are we in the mood for tonight, hmm?” I cross my legs and read the comments.
‘Take your top off’
‘Turn around, beautiful’
‘Dance for us’
‘spread your legs’
One of the usernames caught my attention. It was someone who I hadn’t seen in my streams before. @/mattbern He sent me a hundred. “Wow, a hundred already? Thanks, baby, just for you tell me what you wanna see?” I lean in closer to my laptop to read more comments. It’s been a few minutes, and he hasn’t said anything. “Okay, our first-timer is a little shy, so I’ll do a majority vote.” I set up a poll that has two options. ‘Dance’ or ‘Tease’ Votes immediately come rolling in. “Okay, tease, it is.”
I turn around to show my red panties and use the hem of it to pull it down slowly. Before it shows anything, I lift them back up. I bend down to pull out my basket of sex toys. I pick a pink vibrator and sit down on my chair. I spread my legs so everyone can get a good view. I use my hand to touch up against my thighs but not giving myself the attention I need. I take my ring and middle finger and start sliding my fingers against my clothed cunt. I can feel myself getting wetter by the touch.
I take the vibrator and turn it to the lowest setting. I start on my inner thighs before lightly grazing it on my panties. I close my eyes and smile feeling how good the sensation is. I decided since the new guy spent so much money and didn’t give a request i’ll give him something to work with. I click the button for the second setting which is more intense but still not enough to make me cum or anything. I tease my clit with it and throw my head back. “Oh fuck, matt” I turn the vibrator off after a few seconds and go back to my screen.
‘No fair i’ve never had my name moaned’
‘He’s a lucky guy’
I can’t help but laugh at the replies. Money starts rolling in and so do requests.
Hours later
I have my head thrown back and my chest is fully exposed. “Okay guys I think that’s enough for tonight.” I wipe the sweat off my forehead and reach for a random shirt to put on. “Thank you guys for joining this was so fun,” I blow a kiss to the camera and turn off the live. Before I get the chance to exit out the site a message pops up. @/mattbern
‘hi sorry i’m new to all this I wasn’t sure what to request.”
Matt’s POV
I send the message not expecting her to reply. The live stream has thousands of viewers. I look down at the mess I made on myself. “Fuck,” I get up go get a towel to wipe myself off when I hear a notification. I run walk back to my laptop and see her message.
‘no problem, sweetheart we all start somewhere. did you enjoy the stream?”
I bite my lip, not sure how to respond. God I sounded pathetic with the first text. ‘Yeah, I’ve never seen anything like it’ What the fuck am I saying. A couple of minutes go by, and she responds. I hope to see you in future streams;) Have a good night.” I smile at the message and reply quickly, ‘Goodnight,’ before shutting my laptop off. A part of me feels guilty for watching a random girl get herself off online. A sick part of me can’t wait to do it again.
❀ ❀ ❀
it’s been a couple of hours of me tossing and turning and I can’t get myself to sleep. I sigh out of frustration and sit up. I reach for my laptop and go back to the site i was on hours ago. I click her username @/theywanty/n. To my surprise she’s active. I hover over the message button debating on texting her.
After going back and forth with myself I click and start typing. ‘How much for a phone call?’ It takes a while for her to respond making me start regretting the question. ‘130’
I send her the money and see the call come up. “What no camera?” I clear my throat. “Not this time.” Her voice is sultry and inviting. "No camera today, just voice. What do you want to talk about?" I can hear the smile in her voice and I blush furiously, glad she can't see me. "Uh... I don't know. Whatever you want."
“Did you like the stream?”I smile thinking about her moaning my name. "It was interesting. I've never watched anything like that before." I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. "But I couldn't stop thinking about it. About you." I hear her chuckle softly on the other end of the line. “I noticed you didn’t make a request after you sent the money. Were you shy?”
"I... I was. I didn't know what to ask for. But.. I liked watching you touch yourself." I say, my voice getting bolder as I talk to her. "It made me hard." I admit. I hear her softy laugh. “Wow maybe you’re not as innocent as I thought.”
“I mean, I've never done anything like this before. But there's just something about you. I can't help myself." I say, my breathing hitching. "What are you wearing right now?" I ask boldly.
"I'm wearing a little black dress... and nothing else. I took off my bra and panties while we were talking." She whispers seductively into the phone. "Now can you touch yourself for me, Matt? Tell me how it feels..." I hesitate for a moment, but her voice is so commanding that I can't help but obey. I slowly move the waistband of my pajamas pants down, sliding my hand into my pants to wrap around my hard length. "It feels so good.” I whine into the phone.
“Does it? You sound so pretty, Matt.” I grunt, starting to stroke myself slowly as I listen to her words. "I need to hear your voice while I touch myself." I can feel my breath hitching in my throat as I imagine her hand moving beneath her dress. “Are you going to be a good boy and let me talk you through it?” I can’t hold back my moans "Yes, I'll be good. I'll listen to you," I whimper, my voice growing tighter as I get closer to the edge. "Please, talk to me... tell me what to do."
"Good boy," she coos approvingly. "Now, listen closely. I want you to slow down, Matt. Draw it out... make it last. Can you do that for me?" My eyes shut tightly "Y-yes... I'll try," I choke out, slowing my strokes to a torturously slow pace. The anticipation is killing me, but I don't want to disappoint her. "It's so hard... I want to come so bad." I whimper. I hear her moan through the phone. I know she’s getting off too.
“I can hear it in your voice, matt. You want to cum?” I hear the mock in her voice. "Y-yes... god, yes I wanna cum so fucking bad," I sob, my entire body trembling as I fight to hold back my orgasm. "Please... let me cum... I'll do anything” I beg, my voice cracking with desperation.
"Anything, huh? That's a dangerous promise to make, Matt." She chuckles darkly. "But I'll take you up on it. If you want to cum, you'll have to do something for me first." She pauses, letting the silence build. "Please... what do you want me to do?" I beg, my voice shaking as I try to hold back my release. "I'll do anything... just please... let me come for you." I'm pathetic, but I don't care.
"Just a little longer, Matt," she whispers seductively. "You're doing so well holding back for me, such a good boy" Her voice is like velvet, wrapping around me and drawing out my pleasure. “Can you beg for me?” she asks, her voice a soft purr. "Beg me to let you cum, Matt. Beg me to give you permission. Show me how much you need it."
My breath giving away how much control she has over me. “Please y/n i’m so close please let me cum for you.” I hear her laugh on the other side of the phone. “Okay baby cum for me.”My breath hitches, my entire body tensing up as I finally release. "Thank you Oh god, I'm coming." I gasp, my voice breaking as I finally find my release. I catch my breath wiping the sweat off my forehead. “You did so good for me, matt. I hope we can do this again soon.” I nod even though she can’t see me. “Me too y/n.” We say our goodbyes and hang up the phone.
Jesus Christ.
y/n’s POV a month later
I’m getting ready for a party I was invited to a few days ago. I met this girl at a bar, and we hit it off as friends. I told her about my job, and she was supportive. We even went shopping for more costumes and are talking about doing a stream together. I look down when I hear my phone ring, and the name ‘Mia’ pops up. I pick it up and listen to her turn down her music. “Hi babe, you ready?” I adjust my mini skirt and pat it down. “Yup.” I grab my bag and head downstairs. “Okay i’m outside.” she hangs up before I can respond.
I open the car door and get welcomed with the smell of liquor. “Fuck Mia, did you drink already?” I laugh and fake faint. She hits my shoulder. “Not yet. I brought us drinks to pre-game, but I spilled one when I hit a speed bump.” I turn around to see the seats are soaked. “Idiot.” I laugh at her. She pulls out two water bottles that looked like they’ve been crushed. “I got these though!” She turns up the music and passes me the drinks. “You can start if you want I can’t have any until I get to the house.”
I take a small sip and close the bottle so we can finish them together. “Whose party is it?” I turn to her. “My friend Chris. He’s really cute you know if I didn’t have a boyfriend…” I laugh and hit her shoulder “Mia you can’t say that!” I say laughing. “I’ll introduce you to him! You guys would be so cute together!” I shrug her off. She turns left and I see a lot of cars parked around a house. “Shit.” I whisper not believing how many people are there. “This is so gonna be so fun!” She parks the car and turns to me to grab the bottle i’m holding for her.
“Ready?” I nod twisting the cap off. We cheers and chug the bottle. “Ew! what is this?” I see her face and she’s confused. “Bitch you drank my bottle! I poured myself something stronger. Sorry mama I didn’t notice.” We laugh and head towards the house. We see a lot of people in the front yard sitting on the grass. We open the front door and see the lights are off but there are colorful LED lights keeping the room lit. “Mia!” I hear a boy shout. A boy with a sleeveless shirt that says ‘Pirate Girl’ on it comes over. “Chris! this is my friend y/n!” she introduces us.
She wasn’t lying he is fine. I look at him up and down admiring his build. “Hey gorgeous hope you have a good time. Let’s go get some drinks I’ll introduce you to my brothers too.” We follow closely behind him and I feel her elbow my shoulder. “He’s a triplet.” I roll my eyes not believing it. We get to the kitchen and I see a boy sitting down at the table on his phone. Chris goes up to him and calls his name. “Matthew! This is y/n.”
“Told you he’s a triplet.” His brother looks up at us and when he meets eyes with me his smile drops.
“Hi nice to meet you. I didn’t actually think he was a triplet.” He laughs nervously. But just nods. Did I do something wrong? “He’s shy.” Chris tells me. I just nod and follow chris to get some drinks. As Chris and I head into the kitchen, Matt hangs back, standing near the door and watching me through the open doorway. He looks a little out of place among the loud, laughing crowd, and his eyes keep drifting back to me. I’m sure I would’ve recognized him if I knew him. Something about him seems so familiar.
Matt watches as chris and I disappear into the kitchen, the sound of laughter and clinking glasses filtering out. I see him take a deep breath, looking like he’s mustering the courage to approach the kitchen door. He lingers in the doorway, his eyes flicking between mine and Chris. “Matt join us!” I pass him a red solo cup.
he freezes, his eyes meeting mine. I smile encouragingly, gesturing to the counter littered with shot glasses. He hesitates for a moment before slowly approaching, his hands shoved awkwardly into his pockets. "Oh, uh, no, that's okay."
Oh my god. His voice. It finally clicked as to why he felt so familiar. My eyes widen and I know he knows that I know him from somewhere. That’s why he was acting a certain way towards me. I can’t help but bite back a smile. “I’ll meet you guys later i’m gonna go to the bathroom.” Chris ignores him starting up a conversation with me. “Where the third clone?” I jokingly ask. He points behind me and I see another boy who looks like Matt. I nod trying to find an excuse to leave. “It was nice meeting you but I have to pee really bad i’ll catch up with you later!” I give him a side hug and go follow Matt.
I follow through a hallway and I see he entered a room and shut the door. I knock and let myself in. “Hi Matt.” Matt jumps slightly when he hears my voice. “…Hi” He scoots over motioning me to sit. “So you’re the mysterious man behind the screen?” Matt nods, his eyes wide with curiosity as he takes in my appearance. He's admitted to fantasizing about me for a while, and the reality is even more captivating than he imagined. “Y-yeah... that's me.” He clears his throat, trying to play it cool despite his racing heart.
I take in his appearance his blue eyes, he has sort of a tiredness look to him that’s really attractive. His messy brown hair. “You know you’re really cute, matt.” He smiles and looks down. “Thank you. It’s crazy seeing you after all those phone calls we had.” I see he’s playing with his necklace indicating that’s he’s nervous. I nod agreeing with what he says. “Am I making you nervous, Matt?” He looks at me as if I have some special power that can read his mind. “What? No.”
“You’re not?” Matt fidgets with his necklace again, betraying his nervousness despite his words. “Maybe a little. But it’s not a bad nervous. It’s more like... excited nervous.” He takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself. Our faces are inches apart. He looks at my lips and back up at my eyes. “Don’t be nervous, sweetheart I’ll take care of you.” I say barley above a whisper. He nods as he leans in closer. I decide to close the space in between us. His body relaxes as he leans into me further. I grab onto his hair pulling it slightly.
Matt lets out a low whimper, his body tensing slightly before melting into mine. His hands roam to my back. His body shivers as he feels my soft hands caress his face. I pull back from the kiss watching him blink dazedly, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. “You want more?” He doesn’t hesitate to nod. His eyes filled with desire. “Yes please.” He leans in finding my lips again, more demanding this time.
I take my right hand brushing it on his crotch. Matt lets out a low groan as I cup him through his jeans, his body convulsing slightly at the sudden contact. He grinds his hips forward, seeking more of my touch. His breath hot against my lips. “Y/n” he moans. “What baby? what do you want?” His voice barely above a whisper. “Touch me, please” I bring his lips back into mine and smile against his lips. His body melting into mine as he kisses me back eagerly. He breaks the kiss, his hands moving to help me free him from his jeans. “Give me your hand.” He gives me his hand and I pull my underwear to the side so he can feel how wet I am.
He hesitantly touches me, his fingers slowly moving to part my folds. He lets out a low groan, his eyes filled with wonder. “Is this what I do to you?” I nod smiling at him. “Want to help me out?” He nods. Matt's shyness momentarily forgotten in his eagerness. He helps me push my skirt down, his hands shaking with anticipation. He looks up at me with wide, eager eyes. “W-what do I do now?” His voice is barely a whisper, his innocence endearing.
Matt allows me to guide his fingers, his breath catching in his throat as he feels my slick heat. He mimics the movements I show him, his touch tentative but growing more confident with each passing second. “Like this?” He asks, his voice husky with desire. I nod shutting my eyes. “Mhm like that you’re doing so good.” I praise
his confidence soaring. He continues to rub me with his fingers, his thumb gently pressing against my clit. He looks up at me, his eyes filled with adoration. “I love making you feel good, Y/n.” Matt's body stiffens as I wrap my hand around him, his head falling back as a low groan escapes him. His hips instinctively buck forward, seeking more of my touch. “Oh fuck..” he moans. “Lay down.” I say demanding. Matt immediately obeys, laying down on his back on the bed. He looks up at me with a mix of excitement and nervousness. I straddle his lap so now i’m sitting on top of him. “Is this okay?” He nods eagerly. His hands find his way to my hips. “Please let me feel all of you.” 
I grab his hard cock and line it up against my dripping wet cunt. Matt's eyes roll to the back of his head as I sink down onto him, his fingers digging into my hips as he tries to hold back. He lets out a series of low moans, his body tensing beneath mine. “Fuck,” he pants. I give myself a moment to adjust to his size. “Fuck you’re big matt.” I rest my hand on his stomach as I start moving myself up and down his shaft.
Matt's breath hitches as I start to move, his hands gripping my hips tighter. He looks up at me in awe, his eyes dark with lust. “Yes just like that.” he moans, his hips starting to thrust up to meet my movements. I throw my head back in pleasure. “Fuck you feel so good,Matt. You’re doing so good for me just keep on doing that.” He bucks his hips forward hitting my G-spot “Fuck!” His face scrunches as he starts to get closer to his orgasm. When his faces scrunches his glasses move. I take off his glasses and put them on myself. “Y/n I’m gonna cum”
“Give me a second matt i’m almost there” I lead his hand to grope my tits feeling my stomach knot as his thumbs circle around my nipples. “Oh fuck I’m so close.” I tell him. I pick up my pace feeling the knot in my stomach become undone. “Cum for me, matt let me feel all of you.”
His face contorts with pleasure as he finds his release, his hands gripping my hips tightly. I can feel the warmth spread inside me, his breathing heavy. His thrusts become sloppier as we both finish. I catch my breath then slowly pull out and lay down. “Did you like that?” I ask him as I take off his glasses and put them back on him. He nods not being able to speak. I laugh as I get up and put my clothes back on. “It was nice meeting you.” I say before I open and shut his door, heading downstairs.
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a/n: oh my god this took forever to write. i’ve never written a sub matt so lmk if you liked ittttt!!!!!!!!! check my pinned so you can see how you can be tagged in the next fic!!!
thank u to @sturnburbs for the request. 💋
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