#“oceans haunted” “what”
wooferman-appreciator · 7 months
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The Haunted Palace (1963) dir. Roger Corman
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raayllum · 2 years
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Ocean rune foreshadowing my beloved
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autistic-greg-house · 18 days
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Recently found some old childhood books I thought I'd lost over the years, this one even had the audio CD still in the back!
That said, upon closer inspection -
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Hopfully comprehensive list about things in Zelda 2 that might be important for folks doing fan stuff for the game but don‘t wanna play it for expected reasons cuz tbf, yea the game is hard!
(because if I read "8bitrule is a deadly wasteland" one more time I‘ll delete my save file and go join the Yiga Clan XD /lh)
It got VERY long so I sorted into different categories for some semblance of order lmao. It goes:
General info on Hyrule
General info on Link (+ move set)
And other funky stuff
Hopefully this will be of help/interest to someone. And if not, oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Not enough Zelda 2 stuff out there anyways, so more is always good!
I do like talking about this game so for extra info pls feel free to ask :3
2 Zeldas, the new Zelda is actually a great-great-smth aunt of Zelda 1, and the reason it‘s called "the Legend of Zelda“
Long ago, her bro (and his wizard buddy) pressured her into telling them the secrets of the Triforce she got from their dead dad. Zelda didn‘t tattle, wizard buddy tried to strike her down via spell in anger
Spell went out of control, put Zelda into eternal sleep and killed wizard buddy in one swoop
Prince lost sis and buddy, fell into remorse, locked her in a tower Sleeping-beauty style in hopes the spell would be reversed one day and decreed every princess shall be named Zelda from now on
16 old Link chillin his life when a triangle starts glowing on his hand?? Asks Impa for help, she brings her to the magically sealed door where Zelda the First sleeps, cue Backstory
gives him crystals he needs to put in statues in palaces to unlock a seal on the temple that holds the Triforce of Courage (because he did not have that before)
All the bosses are guardians of the statues + Dark Link is his actual shadow that he fights against to prove his heart is pure enough to hold it
It was brought to life by some old guy hanging out there (never explained but he’s probs supposed to be a sage and looks a lot like the Old Man from Zelda 1, though much like all Wise Men in this game do)
Ganon has literally nothing to do with any of that, his monsters just really want Link dead so they can sprinkle his blood on Ganon‘s ashes and bring him back. (Since they need him dead, it probs needs a lot of blood)
different areas : fields, woods, beaches, caves, swamps, mountains, deserts, graveyards, and one Lake Hylia
2 continents divided by sea, west and east + a small island that is one big labyrinth (named maze island)
different towns, all of them have the names of Oot sages plus Harbor Town Mido and Kazuto Town
the locations/"elements“ of towns do not match their future sages in the slightest (Saria gets water. Ruto‘s in a valley. Nabooru‘s by the sea, fully green and far away from the desert sands).
towns in West Hyrule are well connected via roads
East Hyrule has broken roads (if at all) and Kazuto is even completely ransacked by monsters
there‘s a new Kazuto Town hidden in some woods, while Old Kazuto is an actual Ghost town
Stonehedge is not only a thing but appears in multiple locations
Big Fairies are a thing, but they come without Water Fountains. Instead just hang out in the woods, stonehedge, wherever
streets are always safe. You will never see a monster as long as you stay on it. If you stray, monsters will spawn (though sometimes its fairies instead). If you run back on the street and a monster gets you there, the "battle“ will be empty and you can just walk out. Streets are always safe.
the main graveyard got the King‘s Tomb in the middle of it; has a secret tunnel to one of the palaces
there‘s a smaller graveyard near Death Mountain by Spectacle Rock that‘s apparently supposed to be the Zelda 1 graveyard -> Zelda 1 played in a small part of West Hyrule
third graveyard near The Valley of Death (name is accurate gameplay wise too ._.)
very lively communities
different styles of houses, some have bushes, fountains (with drinkable water), different sections separated by gates, etc.
you have to climb on roofs and jump through windows to get into some buildings
Link can get multiple things here: free healthcare from a lady in red, filled up magic from an old lady in orange, a side quest that usually leads to either a new sword skill or magic spell. Those can always be obtained from a knight/wizard in the basement of the main building.
pretty much all villagers can be talked with and either give: generic Hi‘s, vague hints about the next goal, the sidequest, some praise him as the hero and wish him luck
Sometimes they also turn out to be Aches (monsters that look identical to villagers until you talk to them, upon which they turn into bats and attack); pretty much exclusive to the later/Eastrule towns
16y old and left his equipment at home, only got a sword and shield
Zelda 1 was years ago for him
learned to wear pants between Zelda 1 and 2 (they‘re brown, same color as his shirt. You could make it a onesie if you want to)
hair color‘s somewhere between brown and ginger
Left handed gang
certified recorder player
silly goober
given that Impa got to him so fast, good chance he‘s at the castle often enough
if botw Link is a parry god, he‘s a blocking god
shield is only small enough to cover half his body, hence him learning how to move it at hyperspeed
unnamed sword but the Magic/White Sword from Zelda 1 is on the cover so it’s most likely that one
gains new equipment throughout the game via dungeons
can gain exp and level up, but unless you specifically set him up pre/during his quest, you wanna treat this lad like he‘s maxed out
skills: stab, crouch stab, up jab (like the one from smash), jump/down jab (also like the one from smash, this is where it‘s from)
Shield (turns his tunic red and up‘s defense),
Jump (lets him jump high),
Life (restores 3 blocks of HP; your max possible HP is 8 with all Heart Containers. Doesn‘t start out the most expensive, but unlike most other spells barely gets cheaper with higher magic levels, making it the 2nd most expensive in the log run.)
Fairy (turns him into a fairy; small, no fighting but flying, and lets you skip through locked doors! 3rd most expensive.)
Fire (shoot fire from your sword; some enemies can only be defeated this way)
Reflect (reflects magic attacks, lets you block spells that would otherwise go past your shields; basically magic defense)
Spell (turns some enemies into slime + unlocks a secret area in New Kazuto)
Thunder (rains thunder on the whole screen; needed to defeat a boss. Most expensive spell in the game, regardless of magic level.)
the other spells are all dirt cheap in higher levels
if you wanna be real detailed: one magic meter block = 16 MP, totalling for 128 with a maxed meter. A fully leveled (in mp) Link will use 60mp for Thunder, 50 for hp, 40 for fairy, 8 for Jump and 16 for all others. Otherwise, here‘s a table for MP usage across levels.
Candle: equivalent of the magic lantern, infinite light source. Unlike Zelda 1, this one doesn‘t let you commit property damage :(
Hammer: breaks giant boulders on the road, letting you access shortcuts. Also lets you cut down any tree tiles on the overworld, turning it into fields- Property damage is back baby!
Handy Glove: Lets Link crush blocks with his sword. Even more destruction and a good compromise for the lack of vases imo.
Raft: used to cross from West to East Hyrule.
boots: let you straight up walk on water, but only in certain places.
Whistle/Flute: is actually a recorder (flutes are held sideways, recorders forward. That‘s like. The biggest difference between these two instruments, bar the reputation.) Used to make a monster blocking the road disappear and summon a palace, similar to how you shrink a boss and drain a lake in Zelda 1. Doesn‘t let you teleport though. Does play the same tune, though. It‘s the one also heard in the oot intro!
magic key: the key to end all keys, lets you open all the doors in every dungeon forever (despite the name does not need MP)
Cross: regarless of what some more zealous fans of the series claim as a means to justify their unjustified bigotry, Christianity is not canon to the series. But much like other Japanese media, it sure likes borrowing from its aesthetics! Case in point, this item is just the Kirbo meme. It lets you see invisible ghosts so you can kick their ass. (you don‘t need it to hit them, but they‘re a pain to dodge/ hit even with it.).
magic jar: same as ever. Blue fills 1 mp block, red fills all. Doesn‘t fill instantly, so if your meter’s got points left you can wait till its half full, use a high mp spell, and still get the rest of the points that‘d otherwise go to waste. Dungeons sometimes contain statues, which drop one jar (or start attacking you).
treasure bag: holds exp (money doesn‘t exist in this game)
doll: weird but surprisingly cute doll that looks exactly like a miniature version of Link and gives you an extra life. (The game has lives- if you get a game over, Ganon gets resurrected on screen.)
Bowl of Hearts: Looks, acts like, is a Heart Container. Gives you 1 block of HP; you start with 4, for a max of 8. Can be found wherever Heart Containers would be.
Magic Container: Looks like a filled jar; Heart Container but for MP.
Other funky stuff:
you rescue a kid that got lost in caves
has instances of Link talking in 1st person; one appears by looking under a stranger’s table in a house: "I found a mirror under the table“.
Everyone knows the man the myth the legend, the npc named "Error“, but there’s actually a 2nd guy named "Bagu“. As in, Bug. Game bug.
Bro has a pet Bot (this games‘ version of Chus) sleeping in his house. You can annoy it into waking up and it‘ll tell you where he is so you‘ll finally leave
the waters are NOT poisonous in the slightest (seriously, where did that come from) …but they are infested with jumping Piranhas.
Saria Town only lets people use the bridge connecting the 2 sides of the river if you‘re a citizen or get a permit from Bagu. Vaguely remember you could also take a long road around it tho
With 9.5 towns, a lot of greenery everywhere, and ACTUAL. FUNCTIONAL. ROADS :O This might be one of the most well-off Hyrules in the series (ironically >v<)
Aaaand *looks at length of this post^ ok yea that is enough lmao, I might genuinely hit the word limit here, oof. I‘m a rare Zelda 2 enjoyer can yall tell XD
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theroseredreaper · 4 months
thinking of ocean themed stories. the call of summer. but like…gray, stormy seas…the water turned so dark you can’t even fathom the depths that lay below…flashes of lightning that are only a second but rob your sight, thunder so loud it leaves you deaf, the heave of the waves and blot of the clouds throw you and your boat with no sense of direction, no care for gravity, no separation from what is sea and what is the sky…give me summer in all her cold, biting, howling fury, biting rain and stinging salt and the horrors of a sea in full rage
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nukenai · 7 months
Well I'm glad I went to bed too late bc while I was in the shower my psychopath serial killer possessed haunted Victorian child demon cat tried to burn the house down. Everyone is fine he just melted a carpet.
I didn't see him do it but I know it was him.
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danersion · 6 months
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This reminds me of when I saw you
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pyrriax · 10 months
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yeah so the grey particles are back. i think im genuinely just cursed (ignore my lack of health i was getting my ass handed to me by skyslimes then the server crashed pvfdnkmfl)
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blackmagictrait · 1 year
I'm from the west coast, most of the us just don't exist to me 😭😭
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finished on earth we're briefly gorgeous. want to fucking throw up. i want a movie made out of this but just as abstract and non linear as the book with exactly as much detailed imagery and nothing left out. i want to cradle it in my arms and kiss it. i also bawled for an hour. read the author's discussions on the book reviews etc. im fucking losing my shit this reminded me of what poetry can do to a person. i had forgotten how words can make you feel. i have never seen a book about being born into survival like this and learning to build a life around it and ive never seen an asian person write it. people i am frothing at the fucking mouth.
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neurodivergence thriving in times of missing titanic tour submersible
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hnting · 2 years
Old-timey netrunners whose interface plugs have melted and fused into their skulls, who were discovered long after their deaths by scavengers or some other sort of opportunistic feeder at the bottom of the barrel. Their corpses still moving and shambling about like emaciated dogs on short chains, not strong enough to pull themselves free. Writhing and shuffling on the floor as if in pain, begging to be put out of their misery, you would think the dead were truly re-animated— and many of those who found them like this could have sworn that was the case, giving birth to all sorts of legends and superstitions. When in fact, it's all smoke and mirrors. Nothing more than stray electrical impulses still firing aimlessly and bodyweight suits highjacked by some nasty piece of programming. Still, there will always be those who are convinced the consciousness of netrunners killed this way still roams the net, haunting old and forgotten pockets of cyberspace.
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crimmson · 2 years
if anyone needs me i will be haunted for the next month by the fact that i did something remarkably stupid without thinking, despite being told multiple times that it was fine
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
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“Oh em gee, hon, look at ‘em!” She’s picking one up, grinning from ear to ear as it click clacks at her to no avail. Polly looks absolutely thrilled, even as the abundance of colorful crustaceans only seems to multiply. Surely this is a good sign. 
That mischievous twinkle in her eye is also probably a good sign!!
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fatesown · 1 day
tag drop -> metas
#— ❛❛ // AAYLA ¦ do not be afraid to fail; be afraid to try ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // ALUSTRIEL ¦ i feel divinity in my bones like aching ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // BALTHIER ¦ they say i'm a traitor; maybe i am ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // BUCKY ¦ tell me what it's like to burn ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // CAROL ¦ stardust running through those veins ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // DHAVIHAL ¦ i am my own god and martyr ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // GAILA ¦ i will never apologize for this heart ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // HOPE ¦ clever as the devil and twice as pretty ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // ISOBEL ¦ you were dead; yet here you are ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // JANET ¦ watering a rock doesn't make it soft ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // MARTEL ¦ let go of the illusion that it could have been any different ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // MASHA ¦ how long you've wandered; burned bright as a star ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // OCEANUS ¦ but the arms of the ocean delivered me ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // PHYLA - VELL ¦ and oh i feel stars in my fingertips ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // SCHALA ¦ moon dust in your lungs; stars in your eyes ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // SIONED ¦ a girl in the shape of a monster; a monster in the shape of a girl ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // VELVET ¦ a religious art piece; grotesque haunting and full of melodrama ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // Y'SHTOLA ¦ i fear no evil; the shadow is mine and so is the valley ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // ZARAE ¦ oh drunken gods of slaughter; i've always been your favorite daughter ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // ZELDA ¦ there are rivers sweetly perfumed with lavender in my soul ・ 「 meta / study 」#— ❛❛ // ZIPHRANE ¦ an ache in the bones; an ache in the gut; an ache in the heart ・ 「 meta / study 」
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