#“i always put keep inventory on” i was like THAT'S WHAT IM SAYING!!!!!!
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sunlightontheseaa · 10 days ago
Okay. So. As im leaving work tonight, it was like 9 and work crush was like "So what are you gonna do with this Friday night?" And I paused before finally saying "Honestly probably just watch minecraft videos" and he asks me "oh yeah? Who are your favorite minecraft youtubers?" And im like. Assuming that he's making fun of me because he's always making fun of me but I will NEVER say no to an opportunity to talk about mcyt. So I list people off, he keeps saying "Never heard of them. Never heard of them." Then finally he goes "You ever watch hermitcraft?" I say no but im familiar with a couple of the hermits, and he starts taking about hermitcraft and some other smp I don't remember the name of, and I come to the extremely amusing revelation that... this man is also an mcyt fan...... how did I NOT KNOW THIS
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saiintvalentiine · 3 months ago
you were, in fact, too late for the original request period, but this made me laugh real bad so im christening this round of requests with it. to everyone who has been waiting diligently, i present to you: omz mask Ken bullying Wifies in an escape room. enjoy!
Word count: 995
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He’s sloughing off skin next to this deep, bubbling lava pool. It's a disgusting feeling, like he’s going to melt into a puddle of sludge if he stands here any longer; he thinks about Ken traversing the Nether with banners, lava lapping at the fraying fabric edges, and garners a new appreciation for what Ken is willing to go through for a good puzzle.
“You’re cute when you’re thinking hard.”
That’s not Ken, he tells himself. It’s not. It’s not Ken, even though it sounds like him. It’s not Ken, even as Ken’s green and yellow sneakers dip into his sightline, even as he looks up and sees the familiar stack of hoop earrings on his green ear.
The mask is a powdery white, like fungal spores, like sickly pale moss, like a spreading infection that saps all the warmth out of the exposed skin of Ken’s face. He’s smiling, cheek bunched up and lip barely visible in its arc, but his golden eye is empty.
Wifies is trying to channel some of that infamous stubbornness everyone says he possesses. He doesn’t glare or rise to the bait, has been as diligent as possible in doing this by himself, even though his body is starting to ache and his mind is slowing down. Sure, he was made for this kind of thing, but it’s been hours— probably closer to a full day than not, though the sun doesn’t move here. It’s all bedrock and barriers and sunshine that makes his eyes sting.
“You’re so quiet!”
Ken— not-Ken— the body lounges in mid air, tail swaying imperiously as Wifies is looked down upon. An ear flicks, the clicking of hoops filling the air. Wifies keeps poking through his inventory over and over, trying to figure out what he’s going to do to get across the lava. Blocks rotate in his grip, a splintering wooden sword landing last.
“Oh no, are you mad at me? Is that it? I know it’s a hard puzzle, but you’re smart.”
He sounds smiley, the way he does when he knows he’s made something that’s going to drive Wifies insane. Wifies is so prone to binary thinking in these rooms that it’s easy to turn him around if it’s a puzzle that’s unintuitive enough.
“Do you want to know a secret?”
That mask fills his vision, upside down and as sickening as ever. Wifies can’t control the way he flinches. The gold eye squints the way Ken always does when he thinks Wifies has done something particularly affection-inducing.
“Heh, cute. The secret is this: you can’t get out of here.”
Wifies doesn’t believe that. He can’t believe that, more than anything.
“It’s so sad that you won’t talk to me,” a hefty sigh, ears pinning down. “Maybe if you did, I could’ve told you that you left behind some important blocks. Conserve resources, Wifies, when will you learn?”
He wants— something just as hot and awful as the lava fills him. He’s not the only stubborn one.
“What the hell is your problem?” Wifies finally snaps, taking a step back.
“Problem? I’m golden.”
Those sneakers thud as they land on bedrock, heavy and casual. Wifies steps back, and back, and back until his back hits a wall.
“Be more specific,” it tilts its head, curious and playful and not Ken.
“Why are you doing this? Putting me through escape room after escape room?”
“I’m not the one who wants to do that,” it clicks its tongue. “I’ve already seen you do this rat race again, and again, and again. Him, on the other hand. . .”
There’s that smile again. A clawed finger presses into his jaw. It’s cold and sharp. A reminder.
“He’s so fascinated by you. It was easy. All I did was—”
It’s a horrible, delicious crack. The pommel of the sword lands true— he’s better at this than Ken probably realized, movements honed, violence desensitized— and the body flails. Flipping the sword in his hand, the flat part of the blade becomes his bat as he swings again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and—
And it cracks in half, despawning over Ken’s bloody head, mask dislodged in the assault. He ignores Ken. He has to ignore Ken. He’s been ignoring Ken this whole time. He can ignore him for a while longer. He can ignore the gored heap on the floor that is Ken. He can ignore Ken and the welts swelling up on his palms and the wet, slick feeling of viscera on his face. He picks the mask up.
It trembles. Or he trembles. It’s impossible for him to tell.
There’s a saturation beacon somewhere nearby. He has to be fast.
He makes his way to the edge of the lava pool and falls to his knees next to it, eyes on the mask the whole time. He closes his fingers through the eyehole tightly. He dunks his hand and mask into the lava, keeps going down until it’s to his elbow, and holds.
The smell of burning flesh is something beyond nauseating. It’s inhuman, is what it is, a violation of natural order and harmony. But Wifies keeps his arm in it until he can’t anymore, until the muscles in his hands spasm and burn away and the mask drops into the bottom of the pool.
It takes everything he has left to not fall head first into the pit. He sways backwards and lands on the floor, pulling his hamstrings as he fails to straighten his legs out. It's just one more pain to register, between the burning in his body and the burning of the sun. He hasn’t slept in days, he’s pretty sure. Rolling onto his good side, he watches Ken’s body, watches it jerk and stutter as saturation forces it back together.
His eyes feel heavy. He closes them, just for now.
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lace-coffin · 11 months ago
Hi im that person that asked for the stufed toy thing and oh my god i loved it so much i loved everything and onece your requests are open sorry im asking while they are shut i had this sudden idea for a request sorry😭😭 ive also kinda got 2 ideas soooo sorry😅
But like a reader that is obsessed with drawing and loved to draw cute and sweet drawings to give to asa to do with their hyper fixation or every time they are with him they start ranting to him about it or them i dont know but he would be so educated on their hyper fixation unless its bugs then he would already know everything haha
Or idea 2
The reader likes to lick things randomly for no particular reason they just like to do it or they love physical touch and cant get enough of it always cuddling with asa at night as close as they can and just imagine them cuddling and they just lick him then he just gets confused that would be so funny to imagine😭😭
Or the reader for the same type of thing as the plushie one but instead music to calm them down and they would have like a tiny crying fit for their headphones bc i have had alot of meltdowns over not having my headphones its crazy i love your writing so much hope u have a good day❤️
Asa Emory x Autistic!Gn!Reader with a new hyperfixation
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Requests are open!
Hi I hope you like this! I totally crammed my last two fixations into this < 3
Call Asa old but he wasn’t exactly up to date on video games. He defiantly was now at least, not that he had much choice. You were always flipping between interests, intensely talking and interacting with one topic for weeks or months at a time and then switching to another that catches your interest. It’s been Sonic The Hedgehog for atleast 3 weeks now.
He didn’t exactly picture his desk to be filled with pictures of anthropomorphic hedgehogs but here he is, he kinda signed up for this when he stuffed you into the trunk, knowingly or not. As long as you’re happy then he’s happy, even if he thinks you’re spending a little too much time on that GameCube you begged him to bring to hotel..
A few weeks pass and it’s now the Saw franchise. Victims being “tested” in disgusting gory traps by a man that fancies himself to be god? This is more up to his speed..pun unintended.
A series of excited knocks sound from the door of your masters workroom. Stretching his taught shoulders and neck he takes inventory of his aching muscles, he supposes he can take a break to spend some time with his puppy. Slumping back in the chair and swinging it to face to door Asa calls you in. “Enter”
Keeping your eyes pinned to the floor until given further permission you enter the room, shuffling over to drop to your knees in front of your owner, waiting for the order. The currently unmasked man drinks in your appearance, oversized jumper falling to sit on your neatly pressed together thighs and the collar he places on you every morning slightly twisted, the tag not where it should be.
“Eyes up pet” he says firmly, snapping his fingers to emphasise the point. Jumping a little at the suddenness you snap your eyes up to meet a fond look on master’s face, you relax a little, letting out a sigh.
Shuffling to prop his chin up with his fist in interest, Asa continues.
“What can I do for you pet?”
Visibly perking up and practically vibrating on the wooden floor you push the paper into Asa’s face, defiantly too close, there’s no way he can actually see it like that. Realising this you settle to put it in his lap and stare back at him hopefully.
“I drew more pictures! I wanted you to see..” you reply a little shy, suddenly realising how loud and excitable you had been, insecurity creeping in. Asa recognises you shrinking in on yourself and tuts. “Can I see, cricket?” He adds softly, prompting you to show him what you’ve been working on, he never wants you to feel ashamed about you’re passions even if you’ve been taught in the past to ‘tone it down’
Asa wants all of you, he accepted that from the moment he hoisted you into the box, to the moments when he firmly settles the collar around your throat every morning.
Soft smile settling onto your face you hand over the paper, not ignoring the way your knuckles brush against your masters during the exchange.
You wait with baited breath as he looks the paper over, you know he would never say anything demeaning about your art but you can’t help feel a little anxiety when letting someone in on something special to you. Todays drawing is a rough sketch of your for a saw trap, it’s grisly and frankly disgusting, you don’t envy anyone that would end up strapped down and desperate on the other end of it. Obviously you have no need for a contraption like that, but it’s only an (admittedly) sick fantasy.
After flicking through the diagrams and reading the notes as best he can (it’s not your fault he can’t read you’re handwriting well 🙄) a strange look crosses his face..it’s almost like you can see the cogs working in his brain. this could either be fantastic or a disaster, Asa isn’t one to do things half assed, it’s always all or nothing.
“Can I use this?” The silence is suddenly broken, his sclera eyes raising to meet your own, not any less eerie than when hidden behind his mask.
A strange feeling begins to pool in your stomach, should you feel exited? Proud that he wants to use your plans? Or disgusted? Sick to your stomach that the plans you never envisioned actually coming to fruition will be used to torture some poor individual? Unsure how to feel or respond you stare back at him, lips slightly parted as if trying to muster something up.
“These are wonderful cricket, they may need a little tinkering to make them functional but regardless this design is…fascinating.” A sickly sweet smile sits on your masters lips as he hands the paper back to you, ruffling your hair and placing a chaste kiss to the crown of your head.
Stunned and with a pit in your stomach you nod dumbly, leaning into the affection and practically purring. The idea that you’ve just essentially sentenced someone to their painful and unethical demise is soul crushing…but also a little thrilling? Has your owner really rubbed off on you this much? It’s not like you don’t know what he does day in and day out but it’s never been this..personal.
Asa slaps his knees (like the old man he is) and rolls back over to the desk, pushing away his current projects and random hardware to make room for your (his) new trap.
“Can you bring me the paper please, doll?. I would like to get started as soon as possible.”
Shaking off the ever building dread you pull yourself up, a little unsteady due to the burning in your thighs from sitting in one position so long. Placing the paper on his desk you stare back at him, waiting for further instruction. you’re not sure when he ended up ingraining that response into your mind but at this point it’s not worth questioning, it’s not hard to see that the pair of you are living in your own little world outside of normal society by now.
“You’re welcome to either sit by me as I work and give input considering it’s you’re design or you may sit on your bed and wait for me to finish”
You glance over at the cushy pet bed across the room from Asa’s desk…a lay down does sound ideal right now, maybe a nap will help clear your head? Or swallow the guilt.
“I’m gonna lay down sir, maybe nap a little, promise I won’t snore and distract you” you tease, giggling and feeling a little better in yourself.
Asa huffs out a chuckle at your joke. “I’ll be sure you don’t little bug.” He says, smiling gently at you. You turn to leave before being stopped in your tracks.
“One more thing, pet”
Cool gloved hands slide around your neck making you shiver at the contact, the small misplaced silver tag is slid back into its original place, proudly stating your name and owner on the front like a brand.
“There we go, much better”
Blushing a little you thank your owner and wonder off to the dog bed, curling up and lazily watching him work from afar.
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beepbananabus · 4 months ago
Now that you've shared your favorite newer h20vanoss moments, what are your favorite older moments?
as stated before, a lot of those moments are interwoven into videos, buuuut there are other more concise moments that I can link below in no particular order :)
EDIT: this was so long so im putting this under a readmore :)
chick-fil-a date. I think its so cute that evan immediately slides into a seat with del and stares at him for a good second. like there's just this moment shared between them, and then the passing of chicken back and forth ;; (focus on the number of chicken in his inventory!). like idk, there's not even a bit tied to this. they're just being them <3
"Oh... he's gone." I don't know what's crazier to me. either its the way that evan says that line with so much softness in his voice, how much he wants him to be there, or the fact that he proceeded to follow his NPC for like a solid 5 minutes straight. LIKE. WHAT? this man has it BADDD i stg,,,
"Leave these guys- Screw these guys." out of the whole mc series, (besides Doomsday because that shit is peak. unparalleled experience.) this is one of my top favorite moments bc its just?? so soft?? just these two sneaking away from everyone, the quiet childish-like giggling like they're two kids out past curfew, and then you have evan commenting: "they're going to be so pissed when they realize that we're gone", like them solidifying their companionship together,,,, UGH i love them sm ;;
"Why don't you marry him while you're at it?" i swear, one of the most common themes between them is the constant (joking) reference that they're together/married. its one of my favorite themes abt the two bc it's so sweet and so funny at the same time, like they do bicker like married couples and you have evan just going off on it SO casually, SO normally, like this wasn't a role he even had to think about. unmatched, actually.
"feathers" Insane to think that we have an honest-to-god parallel to evan calling del 'blueberry', like omfg?? it's so so sweet and i love how almost flustered evan reacts <3
the nether star fiasco okay okay there's SO MANY THINGS that i love about this. it's the immediate trust from evan to del, handing him that nether star with the idea of keeping this bit between the both of them, ignoring the fact that it was brian who gave him the star. then evans reaction to del throwing it out into the open, how he says his name as they're both holding back laughter at the knowledge that they're screwing with the crew. then brian coming in, peeved that evan shared it with del, but did you really expect him?? to not do that?? THE evan?? the evan whos always been a sucker for del?????
want you club okay this one has me by my NECKKK BECAUSE what do you MEAN evan has this elaborate song about risky love that is forbidden, yet he can't help but fall into it deeper and deeper every time- then he edits this song into a mission and he asks del how it sounds??? HELLO??? and then the compliments, the "they're all here for YOU, man!!" the deep immense focus on del throughout ALL of this,,,
boop! its such a small detail, but i LOVE how they move immediately to each other, almost as if GTA has transformed into a version of themselves where they can touch each other across the entire country. they do it so mindlessly, so full of expression and affection, and casually, just moving forward and boop, they've knocked into each other. and the isolation from the others, how they've practically left everyone behind and it's only the two of them now. not to mention the scene earlier where they had just begun the race and while everyone else is happily racing off, evan WAITS for del to catch up to him, then they're off again. he WAITED for him!! not a single word is passed but if del's not going, then he's not going either! and ADGHSAGHDAH RAHHHHGDHA them ;;
"i'm glad that you're here with me, delirious" there's not enough words for how many times this video has me screaming, has my on my KNEES, because oh my god??? i adore the way that he says this with just this soft yet confident tone, like he's so sure in himself of del's company. oh my god. anyways, im going to wade into a river now.
"That's why I'm not angry" This one's a bit lengthier with it stretching to 8:40, but every second of it is worth it, and onwards. evan is playing with delhere. and im not talking about like. playing as in playing the game. he's doing a bit with del and del only. it reminds me of like, stereotypical girls when they get a guy to chase them while giggling, like they're PLAYING TAG right now. just the two of them. evan didnt even kill del. evan probably WASNT PLANNING TO. he was just messing around with del probably and was going to leave him alone after this, like i kinda wish that didn't happen to see what evan WOULD've done. just??? their fucking BANTER in general, then their soft comfort at the end?? like that is INCREDIBLY out of their gamer persona, like i cannot state this enough. they have their moments together. AND THEN THEY PROCEED TO FOLLOW EACH OTHER AFTERWARDS AS GHOSTS??? OH MY GOD???
there's so many more videos like scenes from their minecraft series, gmod, gta v, but this is long enough as it is, so i'll pause it here <33
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crguang · 7 months ago
im curious abt what it would be like for himeko or natasha to lash out because they seem like theyre in control of their emotions most of the time
YES. YES. let’s think about it because one thing about me, i need to see composed/put together/relaxed women lose their mind. like my type of characters are women who are always very in control and the best part of that (aside from the micro expressions) is seeing them turn into irrational, emotional messes. it’s just so delicious. i think they might have similar reactions in that context because they’re both very patient and understanding people who don’t get mad often
i can see natasha’s mood getting darker from the amount of stress and responsibility on her shoulders, and her own perceived uselessness maybe? she knows she can’t uphold the entire underground on her own, that’s why she delegates and leave some jobs to the people best suited for them. she wouldn’t think herself useless usually (so many ppl depend on her, she knows she makes a huge difference in their lives) but there are things she cant do, patients she cant save and injustice she cant correct. when you think about it she must have seen so many people die and she hadnt heard from her own family for years just to find out her brother and father are dead like i think the accumulation of stress, grief, lack of sleep would make her lose her mind eventually. she’s probably finishing some things up at the clinic, it’s past midnight, and as she does the inventory she finds they’re missing some supplies and just snaps. theyre always missing supplies like it’s not something that would usually make her break down but today she just cant. she probably cries silently and refuses to be comforted (“i’m fine.”) i can also see her words cutting deep when she’s reaaally angry but theyre mostly directed at herself; they’re self-deprecating and venomous and any attempt you make to disagree with her will have her telling you to leave because she wants to be alone. she shouldn’t be left alone though i think she could only feel her feelings with someone there to validate them instead of brushing them away bc she has more important issues to deal with
i’m not sure about himeko but i guess i can see her getting mad when others’ safety/lives are on the line. like she strikes me as the type of person to get deeply upset if you do something reckless and get yourself/others injured in the process— she’s relieved you’re okay but all that anxiety, worry, apprehension etc will morph into anger and if you try to appease her by saying something like “it turned out fine though!” ouhhh…. obviously she knows that. she wants you to take accountability for your actions and stop being so thick headed! she doesn’t get angry often at all bc she can forgive most things easily, so like natty it would have to be an accumulation of different situations happening and weighing on her imo. the trigger would have to be something serious tho. it’s so hard to picture her anything but composed bc we know so little about hsr himeko and she keeps a cool head even in stressful situations😭 like i kinda have no idea LMFAOO
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sunshine-blastbeat · 10 months ago
Chasing Buses
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Summary: You go to work expecting it to be just like any other day, little do you know that this job will chance the course of your life forever.
Pairing: Patrick Stump x Reader
Author's note: I haven't written fanfiction in like 5 years so im out of practice when it comes to this lol. regardless i hope you enjoy it! and feel free to leave some constructive criticism so that i can hopefully improve!
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Another day of work. That was all today was supposed to be. Your job wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t that bad either. You worked for a tour bus company. Your job was to ride along with the band and bus driver throughout the tour and to help keep the bus stocked with drinks, food, and whatever else the band requested. Basically, you were a glorified gofer.
You’ve toured with tons of bands before. Some were super easy and nice and some treated you like garbage. Even the bands who didn’t even acknowledge you were better than the latter, and it was always the bands that would put so much effort into how they appeared to fans. You didn’t have a very wide range in terms of music taste, so when those types of bands would be on your bus and would find out that you didn’t listen to their music, that's when they would start looking down on you. 
You headed to the pick up spot with your luggage for the tour. Turns out you would be in charge of two buses this time. From what your boss told you, this band had 4 members and they would be riding 2 and 2 in each bus, so you would need to take inventory at each venue so you could figure out what you needed to pick up for each bus. As you approached, you noticed that it looked like only 2 of the members were there. They were both relatively short men, probably just about the same height as you, if not just an inch or two taller. One was slightly chubby, with his ginger hair peeking out from under a slightly crooked trucker hat. The other was more lean with shoulder length hair and a labret piercing. They were just standing outside the buses, looking around and texting on their phones, looking a little frantic. It was already 11:45 and they needed to get out of there by 12 in order to make it to the first venue on time. 
“Hey, uh.. You guys in the band?” You say, walking up to the two.
“Oh, yeah, I'm Patrick and this is Andy.” said the ginger man as he motioned towards the other, “We’re just waiting on two others, they should be here pretty soon.” 
You nodded your head and headed towards one of the buses to put your stuff away. After picking one of the bunks and throwing your bags in it, you walked back out the bus to hear a car screeching as it pulled up. Two more men hopped out, one with the really curly hair instantly went to the trunk to grab their bags while the other man, the one with dark emo hair, got out and shouted back into the car, “Thanks mom! I’ll make sure to call you!” The Woman in the car waved at all the boys before pulling off. Patrick waved and yelled “Bye, Ms. Wentz!” as she drove away. 
"Great,” you thought, “now that the others are here we can start getting on the road and get a head start in travel.” Before you can get a chance to introduce yourself to the other two, they are pushing each other, yelling, and running onto one of the buses; coincidentally, the bus that you had already put your stuff down in. “Great.” you think. You momentarily think about getting your bag and moving it into the other bus with the two more tame men, but before you can even fully consider the idea the leading driver steps out and tells you all that it is time to leave.  Hesitantly you get on the bus where the two lunatics are. 
Stepping on the bus you find that the two have already started to make themselves at home. They already have their bags open and strewn about the sitting area and one of them is already smoking a bowl. You Sigh at the mess that is already in front of you and the thought of what is to come.
 Just then the emo looking one approaches you. “So, uh… who are you?” he asks.
“I’m Y/N. I work for the bus company.” You say.
“Shit, we got a babysitter??” The curly haired one says, after talking a rip off his pipe. 
“I'm just a gofer. Whatever you guys need on the bus, I’ll get it.” You tell them.
“Oh, sweet! So like anything? You can get us ANYTHING?” the emo one asks.
“Anything that is legal, yes.” You inform him. 
He shrugs at your response and takes a seat next to the other man, plopping down on the sofa. “So, Y/N. Tell me, is this a dream come true for you?” He asks.
“What?” You ask, a little taken aback by the odd question.
“You know. You look to be in your 20s, you dress pretty alt,” He motions to your black tee shirt with white long sleeve under and your baggy jeans. “So you have to be into Fall Out Boy. You must be pretty stoked to be touring along with THE Pete Wentz,” He points to himself, “and Joe Trohman.” he points to the other man. 
You laugh at the assumption, gaining a raised eyebrow from Pete. “What? What's so funny?” He asks.
You compose yourself before speaking, “I have no idea who you guys are, dude! I don’t have time to listen to music because of the restraints of my job. The only thing I get to listen to is whatever the driver listens to on the road, which usually happens to be Aerosmith.” You say, nodding a head towards the driver’s seat. Pete and Joe look at you for a second, then each other, then once again back at you. 
“Sweet!” They both say in unison. “It’ll be great to have someone our age to hang around that doesn’t care who we are. It’s impossible to talk to anyone who isn’t in the band without them freaking out and having a moment.” Pete says. You laugh at the excitement the two express at the thought of making a new friend. 
After getting settled in a little bit, Pete and Joe tell you more about themselves and the other members of the band. You learn that Pete and Andy are both 26 and Joe and Patrick are both 21, they're from a city just outside of Chicago, and that Patrick is single and that you are “totally his type” as Pete puts it. You roll your eyes at this comment. You're used to getting hit on in your line of work, it comes with the territory of spending months on buses full of men. You choose not to mix work and relationships, knowing that it just gets messy and leads to people getting hurt, plus the last thing you need is your boss to find out your helping the clients out in that way. 
Before you know it you're already pulling up to the venue bus parking. You take a quick inventory of both the buses and make a list of anything that needs to be restocked. While the crew are getting the stage set up, you get in the rental car that your company sets to be delivered at each venue for you specifically to do your job. You make the run to the store, making sure to get enough water, snacks, and other meal items for both the buses. You make sure to follow the special requests that were left for you, like making sure to get a selection of vegan options for Andy, and even pick up a few extra things for yourself, like your favorite candies. Once you’re all done with your shopping, you get loaded into the car and drive back to the venue. It’s still a little early so the parking lot isn't too bad, but there are a few really dedicated fans who are already lining up at the front door. You pull around to the restricted back and flash your badge at the security, who lets you drive right through. 
When you pull up to the buses you see that the band members are standing right outside, playing around with some toy that Pete had brought with him. As you step out and walk around to the trunk of the car, Patrick instantly perks up and rushes over, “Hey, let me help you!” He says, Grabbing a few of the bags from the trunk and bringing them towards the buses. 
“One second!” you say to Patrick before he enters either of the buses. You walk over and double check the bags that he is carrying. “Okay, these ones go on Pete and Joe’s bus. The rest should go for you and Andy, and then we can put a case of water on each bus.” Patrick nods at these instructions and carries the bags onto the appropriate bus while you bring yours to the other. You get everything put away and then head back out to get the case of water for the bus. As you walk out you see Patrick coughing a bit as he steps off the other bus, he quickly walks over to you. 
“You’re ok with them smoking on the bus?” He asks you.
“They paid extra to be able to, so I can’t really object to it.” You tell him, shrugging your shoulders. Patrick looks at you with a frown on his face. 
“Besides, I was planning on moving over to your bus before we take off from the venue tonight. Something tells me that no matter how well I hide some of my snacks, Pete is going to end up finding them.” You say, earning a chuck from Patrick. “Yeah,” he says, “Pete has a nose like a doberman, you can't keep anything from him.”
By the time you get the groceries all put away the guys are already off to the sound check. You use the down time to move your things from your original bus to Patrick’s bus, and then make your way backstage to watch some of the show. You pick a spot just off the side of the stage where you won’t be in the way. The concert starts and you learn real quick why Pete was surprised you didn’t know who they were. They freaking rock! Every song is something amazing and Patrick’s voice, oh man can he sing! You were truly taken aback by their music. 
As they played, you must have had a look of amazement, because when Patrick looked over at you he had the biggest smile on his face. Pete, noticing the beaming smile that Patrick had and looked in the direction he kept glancing at. It was like Pete could smell the electric bond that you two were sharing in the moment and knew what he had to do. 
When the show ended you were grinning ear to ear as Patrick walked up to you. 
“So I take it that you liked the show?” he asked. 
“You guys are really something! When I first saw you I had no idea you had such a beautiful singing voice!” you say.
Patrick blushes slightly at the comment, “T-thanks, I'm really happy that you enjoyed it.” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. As you walk with Patrick back to the buses, you hear what sounds like a raging bull running towards you from behind. As you both look back you see Pete and Joe carrying a yelling and kicking Andy, running with him towards the buses. Before either you or Patrick have time to question what they were doing, Pete and Joe carry Andy onto their bus and slam the door. Before you know it, the bus starts taking off. Confused, both you and Patrick rush to get on the other bus in order to follow after them. 
“What was that about?” you ask Patrick.
“I have no idea, but knowing Pete and Joe, it's probably not going to end well.” He says, sitting next to you on the sofa in the shared space. Just then you feel your phone go off. It’s a text from Pete, “when the hell did he put his number in my phone?” You say as you open the text.
Pete: enjoy the free time w/ trick xoxo ;) 
You sigh at the text, knowing now that Pete is absolutely crazy.
Just then Patrick also gets a text. 
Pete: make some moves and make them count. andy is pissed and i dont want it to be for nothin >:)
Patrick blushes at the text. Realizing how his friends were trying to set him up. 
You both sit there awkwardly for a minute, unsure of what to say. 
Patrick clears his throat, “so, uh, Y/N… What are you into? Like do you have any hobbies or favorite movies?” 
You shift in your seat slightly, still feeling the awkward tension. “Well, I play bass and draw a bit, but I don’t usually have a whole lot of time to enjoy those things, being on the road most of the time makes it hard to get a break where I can practice.” You say, rubbing the back of your neck. “As for favorite movies, I mostly like stuff from the 80s, so The Goonies, Top Gun, Indiana Jones and The Breakfast Club. but my all time favorite movie is Ghostbusters.”
Patrick instantly sat up with excitement, “Really? Ghostbusters is my favorite too! I basically have all the words memorized. What's your favorite line?” 
“Yes it's true,” you begin to say. Patrick knows exactly what line you're referring to and joins in, saying it in unison with you. “This man has no dick!” You both laugh with excitement over your shared interest. Talking more and finding out you have a lot in common. 
Soon the buses pull up to a gas station to refuel, allowing everyone to get down for snacks and to stretch their legs. You and Patrick happily hop off the bus, still chatting and laughing.
Pete, Joe, and Andy also get off their bus and begin walking towards you too. Andy looks defeated, tired, and his face and hair are covered in dead bugs.
“Andy, what happened to you??” Patricks asks.
“Their whole bus smells like weed. I couldn't handle it.” Andy said with an exhausted tone.
“Dude spent the entire ride with his head out the window. I know he's straight edge, but we didn’t even smoke at all while he was with us.” Pete says, budding in. 
You and Patrick help to get Andy back onto your bus so he can clean his face and rest, 
“Oh hey, I actually brought my copy of Ghostbusters with me! We can pop it in the DVD player on the bus and watch it together!.. I-if you want.” Patrick says, stuttering a little bit at the end, realizing how what he just asked sounds like a bit of a date. 
“Oh hell, yea!” you say, “Wait, I have the perfect snacks for us to share!” You say, retrieving your secret stash. You open the bag, revealing the assortment of black liquorice, hi-chews, and butterscotch drops. Patrick’s heart skips a beat seeing all his favorite candies. You set up the sofa with pillows and blankets and make it super cozy as Patrick gets the TV set up. You both watch the movie, laughing and reciting every line, word for word together. By the end of the end of the movie you’ve both fallen asleep, cuddled into each other and holding on as if your lives depended on it. 
From that night forward, you and Patrick were inseparable. 
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Andy: guys let me back on your bus please
Pete: why? i thought you didnt like our bus?
Andy: they put on ghostbusters and it's unbearable. i feel like i'm listening to it in stereo 
Andy: *Image attachment*
Andy: they fell asleep finally, but i already know theyre going to be doing this every night. trade me buses plz
Pete: aww look at them, so cute 
Andy: pete plz 
Pete: sux 2 sux. Xoxo <3
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marineflamez · 2 years ago
Your interpretation of Spamton is really interesting, do you have any specific thoughts about each section of his life??? ( like addison, big shot, puppet)
warning, this is a huge autism rant LOL
addison era: i havent headcanoned much about his addison self tbh... the most ive got is hes transmasc and is very bird-like with feathers.....also cat-like too. i think the addisons in general act like that. another headcanon i have is that the addisons are naturally social creatures! they stick together and get depressed when alone, which is sad to think about considering the CircumstancesTM
big shot era: i think spamton during this era was at his highest career wise, and his lowest mental health wise (aside from his current mental health state). my headcanon is hed have a super inflated ego and lash out at people, but only to hide the deep rooted insecurity from knowing he only became successful from a phone. i imagine hed also feel paranoid and constantly anxious at the thought of losing it all, which ended up happening. the social nature of being an addison prolly also contributed to his decline since the addisons left him. so hed stick by the phone not only for advice, knowledge, etc... but for some type of social contact, albeit incomprehensible.
if you wanna see my headcanon for his character In ActionTM, i made a video on his big shot era here: https://youtu.be/OWeStag3dJk
puppet era: this is the most confusing one for me. i still to this day do not know how he became a puppet, if the addisons are puppets, when he became a puppet, etc... its such a confusing thing to wrap my head around. im a big fan of the acid theory and that it kinda melted him away ! however, i dont think it made him shorter bc he states he was always small in the qna, i believe... another theory that could be plausible is the force behind the phone slowly turned him into a puppet as like a "you get success, but only if i get to control you" type curse. idk! its a confusing timeline. regardless, i love his current form the most, aside from sneo. i think hes ageless, but still has the energy and features of a late 40-early 50 year old dude. i draw him with a receding hairline and damage to his puppet body. still transmasc also!
a huge thing i adore about his character is how unapologetically evil he is. he doesnt hide it, he admits hes evil and/or uses you for evil (in snowgrave). and the thing that fucks me up the most is, he had that thornring planned REGARDLESS OF THE ROUTE which is so scary. like if you beat his ass, hes like "whoa there dude! at least buy my ring! fuck you!" and runs off. that and the fact he kept trying to get that neo body. he is so desperate that he has multiple plans to get that body for god knows what.
also the trans allegories for him!!!!!!! love it!!!! like him really hating his puppet body and wanting to be bigger.... or like when u put the emptydisk in the mannequin with the dress, only for it to not wanna go in. like yeah it could be a interpreted as him wanting to go into sneo and not the mannequin, but given his connection to mettaton, who has some heavy trans allegories, i think it has more meaning than just "this isnt sneo!!!!" .,,, also the fact he gets such intense euphoria from being sneo. godddd i love trans spamton allegories!!!!!
spamton neo: my second favorite (almost first favorite) form of spamton. incomprehensible armor, but still killin it with those heeled boots!!!!! girlboss honestly
post sneo fight, i always found it interesting how his ark ends in a less hopeful, and more existentially dreadful manner. it almost feels unnecessarily cruel, but i think that the sad ending to his story is essential to get that hopeless "your choices dont matter" theme across. it also just shows how his hubris fucked him over in the end no matter what he did. ALSO HE DID NOT DIE!!!! people keep saying he died. he didnt. he literally has dialogue if u fill your inventory where hes like "bro???" so like. i think he just kinda gave up and turned into an item on his own accord, like jevil.
however, my favorite iteration of sneo is snowgrave. it really shows how genuinely fucking evil spamton is. he literally tries to stop you from being evil so HE can be evil, its so fucking awesome KJDJGSNKJSDNG
but like. fuck man, the dialogue is crazy good??? just peaking into his actual thoughts and insecurities and absolute self hate... muah. and getting that info from him self projecting onto kris? MUAH!!!!! i think its such a perfect battle for sneo because of how he tries to evade responsibility and hatred toward himself, or at least tries to make it sting less, by self projecting it onto kris. he hates kris, yeah, but its mostly just hatred toward himself, what hes become, and how far hes fallen from grace. and him trying to claw his way back to being successful- no BEYOND successful- and into world domination, is fucking harrowing. he is a fucking force of nature in the form of a YTP puppet.
i adore everything about the buildup to snowgrave sneo, the environmental storytelling, everything!!! it was only recently that i realized the scribbly lines around the mansion were his glitched advertisements.
also another thing that fucks me up: he killed his ex friend by proxy. absolute insane behavior its so. ohhmygod. i also love the connections to noelle and her being an angel. an angel sent to help him reach heaven... godddddd i love this shit
another thing i find so fascinating: his glitched speak in his sneo form is not as incomprehensible? its so eerie. hes like... he can better communicate his thoughts better and more coherently, which is genuinely so freaky because youre just so used to his nonsensical bullshit so its like. whoa. he was There Mentally all along, he just couldnt say it because of how fucked up and glitchy he was.
yes, i do believe he is like Completely There Mentally throughout the entire game. hes crazy as fuck, but he hasnt lost grasp on reality like jevil has. spamton has multiple plans concocted to get what he wants. hes smart! he knows what hes doing, and thats fucking Horrifying.
im tired of people saying he isnt evil or that hes just misunderstood. like yeah his circumstances are so unbelievably sad, but hes not some precious little creature who deserves to be protected... he is evil!!!!! he is evil and uses people to kill, or straight up tries to kill you himself! whether it be for freedom or his own demented plans of world domination!!!! and he outright says hes evil!!! he knows hes evil and doesnt give a shit, fuck, or damn!!!!
ok autism rant over :3 sorry if you read all that and were confused the entire time, spamton is my babygirl
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c0rpseductor · 1 year ago
this is so stupid.
so like. i start worrying i don’t really have OCD. as is typical with these kind of worries, i start getting anxious and feel compelled to go look at That One Subreddit to “prove” to myself i don’t have it. watch a bunch of videos of people talking about how it’s offensive to say you have OCD bc of like “haha i just need all my stuff organized and for things to look nice and even and for the volume to be on the right number <3” and get nervous because i have a lot of small number issues that will make me feel really panicked and sick if i don’t do them. like how if i’m making a drink at home i have to use exactly 4 ice cubes or if i pull something from the microwave early i have to stop it on a multiple of ten or in ffxiv i have to have the number of teleport tickets in my inventory be either even or a multiple of five so i’m effectively not allowed to use them at all once i get them to an acceptable number bc you see the number every time before you teleport so if it’s odd i get really uncomfortable and upset. Or how on tumblr now sometimes i get anxious about the notes on a post being made odd if i don’t interact with it in a specific way. and it’s not a number thing exactly (there is a number involved) this is more of an evenness thing but every time i make a frozen pizza i have to stand by the oven and rearrange all the pepperonis on the pizza so that they’re in two concentric circles and the middle circle has six exactly or i physically can’t put it in the oven. and i have other symptoms like bfrbs and rumination and compulsions about avoiding groups of people and stuff but im anxious anyway bc these are all very like “HAHA IM SO OCD I HAVE ALL THESE COUNTING AND EVENNESS COMPULSIONS THAT DONT REALLY MATTER TEEHEE” and like for me they’re always driven by massive anxiety and even when they’re “right” i notice in a like “oh god what would happen if this was wrong” way where the anxiety is always sort of there but like. idk!!!! im inordinately worried that labeling these as compulsions or related to ocd when they might seem like stereotypical “omg my ocd is acting up 🥴” bullshit is offensive to people with quote unquote “real ocd” or if i do in fact have ocd like people keep insisting i do “ocd that is more real than mine.” AAAAAAAAAAGGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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betajams · 8 months ago
Ok so im thinking way too much about the layout of these fucking menus (that will probably never exist. rip i guess.) so im just gonna list things out under the cut (its messy whoops) so please bear with me lol 😔😔
* RECORD puts the game into a 2.5D first person state where you can (obviously) record anything (which saves to a separate folder). Most cutscenes can’t be recorded, but some will let you. Some you have no choice but to record.
* TALK is also obvious lmao (TALKing can initiate certain cutscenes, and if(ex: when Tim and Jay team up) you want to talk to party members(or if they have something to say) you have to select TALK before doing so).
* INSPECT is, again, obvious, but doing it too much will negatively affect the (i dont have a better name for it rn lmao) Operator meter. Doing it too little and watch out. you’ll miss something and they’ll get you.
* INVENTORY. Do i even need to say anything lol The menu style will change according to who you’re playing as and what they’re currently using(ex: jay’s camera bag in #69) to store items. This also means the on-hand inventory quantity will change. Storage inventory(most of the time the cars) is for storing excess items.
* Health is health lol the other meter is the Operator meter. That fills up/ depletes and changes colors depending on exposure to The Events™️. The more filled the bar is, the more exposed the player is, the more black the meter is, is how affected the character is( ex: so in the final scene of #72, jay’s meter would be completely filled in, with only a hint or green while tim’s meter would be completely filled and about half red, maybe a little more red of anything. Now that im thinking abt it that entry would probably knock jay out of playable character for a little while too) the more affected the character, the less control the player has
* T key to swap to Tim, J key to swap to Jay, status bars and icons grow/shrink and move over to make room(im shit at explaining things but you can see what i mean in the two screens i made lol)
* When jay is on his own, his stats/icons are pretty much where they are in the first screen i made, theres just a tim shaped hole in the menu until he teams up with tim for real(jessica im sorry i know you technically team up with jay first but,, , its not for very long,,,)
* There would be tta minigames/segments (plus whatever the fuck brian/hoody is doing. we stay silly) during which those stats/icon are set up the same as jay’s(alone), stats would def be different from normal play but idk what they’d be lol havent thought about that too much yet tbh (maybe even a little alex minigame. As a treat :3)
* during the divorce separation, tim and jay’s icons/stats are still on screen, but swapping between the two is locked. you will be who you need to be when you need to be them.
* After jay dies, all his icons black out, but they linger around. Hes not exactly haunting the narrative per se, but hes always been like, something adjacent to that to me
* Any glitches and tearing that happen in game can be separate from glitching that happens in the menu and vice versa
* Font i used for talking is the yt captions font. Id probably use it for smaller text/some bg text/item desc., but the action menu is all drawn(idk what this style is but its oddly fitting in a weird kind of way)
anyway thats all i have for now customers keep coming in and i keep loosing my train of thought/getting distracted by other ideas lol
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doggirlhen · 2 years ago
i just finished spiritfarer, actually properly finished. its impossible for me to talk about this game purely subjective bc its so. close to me. and my lived experience. putting this big long thing under a keep reading, warnings for discussion of death and whatnot as thats the prominent theme of the game, and spoilers for the game probably
please excuse the messy, rambly writing, im very tired and very very emotional about this sad boat game and just need to get my thoughts about it down before i go crazy
impossible to not cry at the end. i bought this game around 2019 on my switch, fresh after two or three big familial deaths. picked it up here and there but could never get myself to the end, either being to busy or it being too much for me. i finally found some time now, after owning it on PC for a year or two, to sit down and let myself experience it.
this game treats the passing of loved ones with such respect and care and the grief that follows so beautifully. even the characters i didnt much care for i felt heavily about when it was their turn through the everdoor. it blends this grief with gameplay mechanics so well, and doesnt ever let you forget those close to you. almost every character either has a resource you can collect because of them, their spirit still there when you need more of it, or theyre the ones who had you build the crafting station to make materials and youre reminded of them when you step in the door. i found myself making sure i had everyones favorite foods stocked in my inventory well past their exit. and to really hammer it in, everyone gets their profile marked in the stars when theyre gone.
stella's job is to take care of people, but shes always felt like a vessel-type character to me, as ive had my dealings with the loss of loved ones and those around me and found it incredibly easy to wear her shoes.
moments that really stood out to me were atul not letting you take him through, you just find his flower on its own. so heavily touched me, a man whos only ever cared for you not letting you see his struggles because he knew thats all youd devote yourself too. stanley, letting the weird kid take it the only way a kid could, curious but scared but you were holding his hand. i cant even begin to talk about daria, shes new to me and i can only hope no one can relate to her story but feel for her just the same. gwen, god i could go on about gwen. all the characters feel so lively, so real, all dealing with whats ending them as best they can.
the one that got me the most, though, was astrid. my grandmother on my moms side passed in 2019, so already getting me with a grandmother character but astrids story and motivations remind me so much of her and one of her lines at the everdoor, "dont forget me or i'll haunt you" sounds exactly like somehting my grandmother would say. tears pouring out of my eyes only beat by the end of the game as a whole. such a beautiful story
and beautiful game, too. breaking from the sad stuff for a bit to say the art and music are so beautfully crafted and touching, every character design and choice of animal so perfectly selected. look at darias profile how can you not fall in love immediately. look at her :3
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just. please play this game if you have any sort of feelings about grief and loss. its touched my heart several times in the years since 2016 after lots of familial death and covid. its a bunch of different games at once, largely a resource management and crafting game but the story is so well written and the visuals are beautiful and im soon to buy the soundtrack because i always need it with me
this game means so much to me and will forever be on my mind, one million thank yous and tears to thunder lotus games and everyone involved.
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zoneofsmites · 1 year ago
1, 3, 12, 20 for Sylas and Lucien!
Questions from here!
Part of the post will be under a readmore, so im thanking you ahead of time for the ask <3.
1 - what do they smell like at their freshest? (and/or after a tenday. your choice)
Generally Sylas smells like ozone - thanks to being a storm sorcerer. Ozone has been described as smelling 'clean' as well as sweet and pungent, or like an electrical spark.
crossdressingdeath also mentioned this but I like to believe durge smells faintly like blood regardless of how clean they are. The slightly metallic smell is a constant - and gets more pungent and overpowering after a tenday.
3 - how would they kiss their LI?
Sylas takes cue from his partner - he wasn’t exactly an avid kisser pre-tadpole but now he has even less experience without memory.
Lae’zel and Astarion were kissed roughly - enthusiastically - and with teeth involved. This was fine because that was the point of those two trysts. Lae’zel is into it and Astarion knows how to play rough.
With Wyll he learns how kiss slow and gentle. To hold his partner, cradle their face and getting to enjoy sweet kisses for the first time - It was quite the challenge to learn, at least the other kisses came a lot more intuitively.
(before the tadpole he kissed Gortash once - very briefly before his demise at the hands of Orin - but it was uncharacteristically careful, loving even)
12 - their companions are gossiping about them behind their back! who is it and what are they saying?
At the beginning it would be his general... off putting shit. He stares too much - too intently - and he's eerily quiet. He doesn't sleep for days and when he does he trashes violently. They're also fairly certain he stops breathing for long periods... All of them would kind of do this behind his back - some out of concern for him, others out of concern for themselves and the group.
20 - if you were to try pick pocketing them, what would they be carrying?
Is that… is that another knife? Gods above where do all these daggers just keep fucking coming from????
In Sylas' inventory the player would find a ring, his blades, a sketchbook that is full of sketches and scribbles (some disturbingly violent and some simple practice drawings) that are getting progressively less crappy. If Sylas is pick pocketed after act 2 he will also be carrying the Prayer of Forgiveness note.
1 - what do they smell like at their freshest? (and/or after a tenday. your choice)
Floral and honey - but there is always this medicinal undertone of embalming fluid he cannot seem to get rid of despite his fancy perfumes and prestidigitation. (Necromancy problems 😔)
3 - how would they kiss their LI?
Slow and thorough. Preferably while at the same height - Lucien does not enjoy his height in these moments and being a whole head and then some taller than Wyll is a problem. But squatting or having Wyll stand on something feels demeaning so the polite company version is to both sit or lean down somewhat. But his preferred version involves picking Wyll up.
12 - their companions are gossiping about them behind their back! who is it and what are they saying?
Most gossip in the party about Lucien would revolve around his Rich Kid tendencies - the magic tent being one of them. Probably mostly Shadowheart who starts it - gossip queen that she is - but Karlach is equally perplexed by it.
20 - if you were to try pick pocketing them, what would they be carrying?
Lucien's inventory would include his Grimoire which is neatly organised and carefully binded, a lot of fancy jewelry and if he was given the book by the player: the Necromancy of Thay.
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5-pp-man · 1 year ago
fuck it. tierlist for the stuff im watching rn;
the best things this season;
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-jjk is here twice because the first arc(s) feels like a separate thing from the rest of the season. its hard to even compare the two, but my heart will always lie w hidden inventory/premature death. the vibe is just. so good -the shibuya incident though? my god. it kinda dipped a bit right after the hi/pd ended, but the last chunk of eps has been banger after banger. -if you ever rec migi and dali to anyone they'll think you're insane. but its really good. its so good but so deeply fucking weird and uncomfortable to watch during the entire middle part. -solid show. what else is there to say.
shows that execute their own premise very well;
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-yonkyoudai is rlly sweet and surprisingly creative in terms of visuals. i wouldve put it at the best but. i could do without the brother complex guy (mikoto) -the mysteries are fun, they leave it all ambiguous enough to let you sleuth along with the characters. the pieces are usually all there for you to figure it out, but most of the crimes end up being so convoluted you wont piece it together before they explain it anyways, lmao. very manzai like humour though, which kind of has to be your thing. -my only gripe w bullbuster is that the 3d models for the monsters are bad. the mechs look fine and the 2d animation is actually really good. the story is pretty interesting so far, and goddd is this show funny.
fun for what it is;
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-hypmic fan here. this season is a noticeable step up in quality from s1 (not to say that s1 was bad. in fact i loved it). its fun if you like hypmic. idk what this show would be like from an outsider's perspective -one of those wacky gag comedies. filled w a wonderful array of weird women. again, could do without the incest jokes.
couldve been better;
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-wow what an amazing scene about casual homophobia and the portrayal of gay people in media! I sure hope they keep up this- oh so they want to make incest accepted now? oh so. oh now they're drawing parallels with homosexuality, calling both "forbidden love"? and the incest couple gets a happy ending? yeah ok. -the animation isnt nearly as bad as ppl say. they just hate 3d. the story however... well it all feels a little disjointed. the characters are an interesting bunch though, i rlly like all their designs too
not good but I'm enjoying it anyways;
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-look. THIS is a show where the animation is below standard level. the character designs are rlly good though (no wonder, its ebimo) the music CAN be good. but sometimes it sounds bad on purpose (cause yknow. theyre still learning) but sometimes it sounds bad even when its supposed to sound good (the humming. THE HUMMINGGG) aside from that, the characters are rlly fun and i enjoy the stupid wacky shit that happens every episode
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themetalvirus · 2 years ago
i wanna write but uhmmm words elude me and i am cursed for all eternity to have images in my head that i cannot get out
egghog silver constantly keeps himself busy. he's goal-oriented, so he always has Something he's working towards. he also spends a LOT of time sorting inventory because A. he's really good/fast at it B. it's an easy thing (for silver) to say "im gonna do THIS today" and he feels accomplished when its done
hes much more adept than canon silver at precisely picking up a LOT of objects with his PK and putting them precisely where they need to go. because he spends even more of his free time training those exact skills and pushing himself to the limit. he can do a lot of complex shit with his powers but he needs to focus so if you just clap right next to his head really loud he'll drop everything. and then punch you
for example ummm i imagine that as a little little kid he started by doing those "put the square peg in the square hole" things but with his powers. for training / practice. and he moved up to picking up and sorting more differently shaped pegs into more holes faster. now he can do an entire wall of them without even thinking about it because he's practiced so much. canon silver could do like. six at a time and he'd be a bit slow at it
i also picture him doing that thing that twilight sparkle does where he picks up a bunch of books and floats them in a circle and flips through them to find information if need be. because i think it looks cool and also its cute because it reminds me of mlp :)
he's very studious! he likes to read a LOT of books, it's part of his goal-oriented "must always keep busy" attitude. they're almost all nonfiction books, either about ancient history, architecture, or artifacts. he loves learning about the past - it's how he redirects his sorrow about not knowing anything about the future. he wants desperately to see where he's from, to see what the future holds, but he can't. so he puts all of himself into learning about the past so he can regain some control.
silver gives eggman puppy dog eyes about ancient architecture SO much. because eggman bulldozes over so much of it (or even builds right on top of it). but silver wants to appreciate historical structures for as long as he can before he and his brothers reset the world and turn it into something else.
that's another reason why silver is obsessed with becoming a living history book! he wants to remember everything as it is so it isn't completely lost when he and his brothers destroy it all to create their father's perfect world. he also wants to take a lot of the principles of what he's learned and insert it into the new world, but eggman has some words to say to him about that.
silver has his own little section in eggman's lair for his library. it's constantly growing, and he re-sorts it when he gets stressed out so, again, he can feel like he has control over something in his life (while still being 'productive'). despite that, it's constantly a mess, since silver takes books from places eggman raids all the time. he has a lot of rare and interesting pieces in his collection. sonic destroys it all after silver defects from the eggman empire.
but yeah, silver robotnik is a workaholic nerd who kills
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magicalmanhattanproject · 3 years ago
quick little ficlet thing for @betweenlands Apocaholics au bc I have brainrot for people encountering the Joe Hills Difference for the first time
As soon as the lava comes down, the first thing Sam sees is a blue-shirted figure jumping right in. He checks his communicator, which he really needs to do more often.
[joehillssays tried to swim in lava]
Sam scrolls back through the notifications trying to see when the new person joined, but his entire screen is filled up with the same message. 
[joehillssays tried to swim in lava]
[Awesamdude: when did someone new join?]
[Tubbo_: no idea it’s been like this all morning no one can backread far enough]
Sam flicks the lever for the bridge, downs his fire res potion, and crosses the lava filled chasm to the main cell. He keeps his weapons in his inventory for now. Dream is sitting sullenly on the chest. 
“Don’t look at me,” he says before Sam can even open his mouth. “I didn’t whitelist anyone. He just kinda... showed up. And then started jumping into the lava a whole bunch.” 
A moment later, the blue-shirted man respawns and drops into the single water block. He’s average height with long green hair the same color as Dream’s hoodie used to be and strange, transparent glasses. There’s something off about those glasses, but Sam can’t quite put his finger on it.
“Howdy!” the stranger says, reaching a hand out for Sam to shake. “Joe Hills here, swimmin’ in lava as I always do in Nashville, Tennessee!” 
What’s a Nashville? Sam thinks but doesn’t ask. “How did you get in here?” 
Joe shrugs. “There was a whole-” he gestures vaguely “thing and this is where I respawned.” 
“You shouldn’t be here,” Sam says numbly. 
“Yeah, I kinda gathered.” 
Sam considers the man in front of him for a long moment. He’s definitely not putting Sam at ease for all he seems entirely relaxed himself. Probably better to keep him locked up until Sam has more information. On the other hand, probably better to not let Dream have unlimited access to a mysterious stranger with unknown abilities. 
“I’ll show you out of the cell,” he says. 
“That’s quite alright,” Joe brushes him off. “I can see myself out.” 
Sam blinks. “You can’t. The prison is impossible to escape.” 
“Oh! This is a prison. That makes a lot more sense.” 
“Look, just come with me–” 
“But I was starting to make progress!” Joe whines. “Tell you what. How about I come find you and let you know how I got out and then you can fix the security flaws–”  “There aren’t any.” 
“And then you can fix the security flaws and I can be on my merry way and everyone’s happy.”
From his corner, Dream scoffs. He’s made enough escape attempts of his own to know as well as Sam how futile the attempt is. “What are you, some kind of professional escape artist?” 
“I like to think of myself as a court jester but without the court,” Joe says as though it’s an explanation. “A jester of the masses, if you will. Point is-” he turns to Sam “I’m sure you got more important, wardenly things to be doing than escorting me out and I was just starting to get into the groove, so I’ll just keep trying if it’s all the same to you.” 
Sam pinches the bridge of his nose. “I’m not letting you leave a path that the prisoner can follow to escape.” 
“I’ll message you when I get past the first room so you know to pick him up.” 
“That doesn’t–” Sam’s cut off by another ping from his communicator.
[ZombieCleo: you alright joe? getting bored already or are you actually making progress?]
[joehillssays: im making friends :D]
[joehillssays: where are you?]
[ZombieCleo: i found a casino. I'll send you the coords]
[joehillsays: cool i'll let you know when im on my way]
“I didn’t whitelist that one either,” Dream says tiredly. 
When the coords come through, Joe examines them carefully. “You think you could take me there?” he asks Sam. 
“Sure,” Sam sighs. He’s more than willing to make this guy someone else’s problem. He makes sure that Dream is still in the corner of his cell before tossing Joe a spare ender pearl. 
They walk in silence through the rest of the journey out of the prison, but Sam’s curiosity gets the better of him as they reach the exit. “So, did you manage to find any security flaws?” he asks.
Joe nods. “Uh, yeah, one pro tip real quick. It helps if your players don’t see the whole map before they go through it.” 
Before Sam can reply, he pulls out a bucket of lava and pours it out on the ground. 
[joehillsays tried to swim in lava]
[joehillssays: on my way]
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ramzawrites · 4 years ago
Ah right sorry! I dont know how but my brain was like 'yes discord is exists in minecraft'- Yes of course I dont mind! You can do whatever you want with the request :) Good im happy to hear that! And Thank you!
Original Request: Could I request a shy and quiet reader forgetting they're on a discord call and starts to sing a song that they are listening to? and whoever is on call with them joins in? maybe with Tommy, Wilbur and some other characters you want to write for :)
Remember to eat and drink water!
Secret Singing - Reader Insert
Pairings: none stated but can be read as Wilbur x Reader
Characters included: Wilbur, Tommy, Jack Manifold
Warnings: n/a
Series: a request <3
Summary: Wilbur was busy, but not busy enough to help Y/N set up their workspace at their favorite spot! Going off to fulfill his own errands only to come back to a nice and beautiful tune in the air. 
Words count: 2125
Authors Note: Lmao you are valid, I mean after all skype is canon in the dsmp 💔 Skype my abhorred 💔
Also adhd went brrr again, I tried looking over it a ton but there might still be a few mistakes!
“Oh, wow! Need any help with that, Y/N? That’s a lot of wool you got there!” Wilbur was running through L’Manberg to deal with some errands but stopped in his tracks, having to do a double take as he just saw a mountain of blue wool on legs walk towards his direction. Only then did he notice that it was Y/N who was holding on to a basket with the wool in their arms.
With a concentrated expression Y/N turned around a bit so they could look at him. Pieces of loose wool was laying in their hair or was stuck on their flushed face “Oh! Didn’t see you there! And it’s alright! I’m just getting it over to my bench!”
With their bench they meant the wooden bench they set up themself next to a small pond. They loved working close by it hence the bench to make it a bit more comfortable. It was also still a minute or two off and with the way Y/N was already struggling with the basket, Wilbur couldn’t just stand and watch. How could he hope to be a proper president when he didn’t help people who clearly needed it?
He shook his head with a fond smile on his face, stepping closer to grab the basket from them “Nope, let me help you. Not taking no for an answer.”
Y/N let out a few weak protests but ended up just pushing it into his arms, not wanting to accidentally spill the freshly treated wool unto the ground.
“Hey, um, be- bend down a little, Wil.” their voice weak and wavering like usual. Their shyness getting ahold of them again.
Not even thinking about why they asked this of him, he obliged. They then scoped up the top of the soft mountain so Wilbur had actually a chance to look across. He might be tall but that didn’t help when you held something big in your own arms.
With a soft satisfied smile they begun moving again and for a second Wilbur just stared as he readjusted his grip on the surprisingly heavy basket that Y/N probably made themself. Following after them and making sure that no stray pieces of wool would fall off.
“So, what’s all the blue wool for?” he asked.
For some reason this seemed to amuse Y/N “Well, a lot of our clothes use blue wool. The flag as well! I need some blue thread to either stitch some more flags down on clothing or when repairing them. Same for the flags flying about. General stitching. Besides can’t hurt to have some extra, might even sell some!”
In hindsight this made sense. When this whole L’Manberg situation started out Y/N offered to help stitch together their torn clothes. Over time they got really good at it and nowadays they have kind of turned into the resident seamstress.
Wilbur once apologized for pushing them into this profession only for them to vehemently shake their head “No! It’s fine! I- I enjoy it! It, uh, it also gives me something else to do than worry about our existence.”
He couldn’t argue with that. It was something that he lacked. Everything he did was dedicated to this new nation after all and he would lie, and he did, if this didn’t take a bit of a toll on him sometimes.
Once they arrived at the bench, Wilbur softly placed down the wool next to the seating area as Y/N carefully returned the extra wool back on top. They then sat down on the bench while taking out their tools out of their inventory to turn the wool into yarn or thread.
It wasn’t unusual finding them working here, especially when the weather was playing nice. Often enough sitting together with other people in sometimes comfortable silence or happy chatter. Either making thread, stitching or whatever work they had to do and could do outside.
“Thank you, Wilbur! I’m sure you are busy so I won’t keep you longer but you are welcome to join me if you are done with work before me.”
Wilbur picked some of the stray wool off his uniform and sighed, not particularly looking forward to the work “Yeah. I’ll come around if I can. I’m going to meet up with Tommy in a bit so he might join as well, not sure though.”
Y/N nervously chuckled “Yeah, don’t worry. I know.”
They then begun to set up their tools to start working. Not even looking after Wilbur who begun walking off again in a snail’s pace. He really wasn’t looking forward to his work at the moment but alas it was very important.
It took a bit, but he soon arrived at the building he and Tommy set up as something of a headquarter. It was basically just a room covered in maps, scrapped ideas, plans and a few weapon and armor pieces.
Tommy was already waiting inside for him. He looked a bit annoyed with his arms in front of his chest. Before he could complain to him though Wilbur already threw his arm around Tommy and led him to his latest sketched out plan for L’Manburg. Trying to distract him with work.
They were mostly discussing how to ensure the safety of the new nation and how to create a functioning system inside that would ensure that everything inside would move along smoothly.
Hours passed as they schemed and begun setting a few safety measures up or helped the residents of L’Manberg where they could. Jack Manifold later joined them as well. Helping and even offering ideas of his own to incorporate.
“I think that is all we can do for today. I’m getting seriously tired.” Jack sighed, cleaning the dust off his hands on his own clothes.
“You’re going home?” Tommy asked.
Jack crossed his arms, his eyes wandered off to the side behind his mismatched glasses as he thought for a second “Mh, I was hoping we could hang a bit, you know, outside of work. Haven’t done that in a while.”
“Oh! I promised to maybe spend some time with Y/N if they are still at their pond!” Wilbur suddenly exclaimed, remembering the exchange from a few hours ago.
A happy smile appeared on Jack’s face “Let’s go together then! I haven’t seen them in a while, and it’s been even longer that I hung out with them while they worked. It’s always very calming for some reason.” The last part he muttered but Wilbur caught it.
He wasn’t the only one who thought like this. Most of the people in L’Manberg were drawn to them especially in this chaotic time. It was nice having someone like that around.
“Guess I’ll come with you.” Tommy suddenly exclaimed, pulling Wilbur back out of his thoughts.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, why not. I need to ask them to look at my coat anyhow.”
With that the group begun moving, it was slowly getting darker, but it was still warm outside, so if they were lucky, Y/N was still out.
They were chatting about what they were planning to do next or in Jack’s and Tommy’s case what they have been up to only for them to get interrupted by a tune that the wind carried over to them.
A bit surprised Wilbur looked at the others, hoping to see if they too hear it and true enough, they seemed to be just as surprised as them. Someone was singing but he has never heard a voice like this.
Frankly, it was beautiful.
The tune was sounding sad and yet the lyrics that accompanied it were hopeful. Wishing for peace in a time of turmoil. Promises of a better time filled with a deep love via the voice.
It was a song that none of them ever have ever heard. An original song perhaps?
But what really surprised them was from what direction the music came from.
It came from the pond. From Y/N’s bench.
Almost as if they were worried to scare away a wild animal, they begun to sneak towards said pond. Staying off the path and taking a wild berth. Hiding behind the trees, trying to avoid that if their hunch were right, that Y/N wouldn’t see them approaching.
Wilbur pressed his index finger against his pursed lips as they got closer, motioning for the others to keep quiet. To which Tommy just rolled his eyes, seeing how this was obvious.
Jack slowly moved around the tree and there he saw it.
Y/N was sitting on the bench, their legs crossed with a piece of fabric in their hands that they seemed to stich another L’Manburg flag into. Slowly moving their head from one side to the next to the rhythm of the song.
Wilbur followed suit, using his superior height to peak his head out above Jack while Tommy crouched down to do the same.
They were still intently staring at their handiwork, pushing the nail and thread into the cloth only to pull it out again. Their mouth turned into a happy little smile as they sang this hopefully hymn.
“Wow, I didn’t think they could sing like that.” Jack whispered, looking up to Wilbur.
He nodded, his eyes continuing to rest on Y/N’s happy expression “Yeah. It’s beautiful.”
“I guess it’s fine.” Tommy just whispered back. Of course, he still had to put on his cool dude persona.
Wilbur flicked Tommy’s head “Just say for once what you really think!” He still made sure to keep his voice down, not having heard enough of the song and Y/N’s voice yet.
Tommy scowled and jumped back so he was standing at his full height again “What do you mean? I say what I think! The hell are you talking about!” He tried to keep his voice down but at the end he got louder which made Wilbur panic and clasp his hand around Tommy’s mouth.
Though Tommy saw this coming and dodged out of the way by ducking, resulting in Wilbur to fall over. Crashing into Tommy and pushing him onto the ground, both of them letting out a startled yell.
The singing immediately stopped.
“Ah! Look what you have done!” Jack whined, helping the two reluctantly up.
“Well, if Tommy would have shut his mouth!”
“You attacked me!”
“I did not! I was trying to shut you up!”
“Guys?” a soft and unsure voice broke through their argument.
All three men slowly turned around to see Y/N clutching the piece of cloth they had been working on close to their chest. Avoiding any eye contact. Their face covered in a deep blush. Chewing on their lower lip.
“Are you okay? I- I heard a thud and- I just- I wanted to make sure-“ they stammered.
Tommy seemed to be confused at that “What? No. You were singing though, right Y/N?” Getting straight to the point apparently.
“Tommy!” Both Jack and Wilbur yelled out in outrage.
Y/N’s eyes widened, and they moved the cloth up to their face. Effectively hiding behind it “No. I- uh. I’m sorry?”
“What are you sorry for? Your voice is amazing! Why haven’t you told us you can sing?” Wilbur stepped closer. His eyes wide as well but in amazement.
Though Y/N seemed to cower down even more the closer he got “Because- Because I can’t. Please just forget about it.”
Wilbur wanted to know more, hear more of their singing but they seemed panicked. Hiding away and trying to clearly get out of the situation and he had to take a step back. Guilt welling up in him.
“I’m sorry. We just heard your song, and it was beautiful. I have never heard this song. I guess we got enamored by it especially since your singing was really amazing.”
Jack put his hand on Wilbur’s shoulder and pushed him back a few steps “Come on let’s drop it. They are clearly uncomfortable. I’m sorry Y/N.” He then begun pulling Wilbur along, grabbing Tommy in the process as well who just yanked his arm away from him stating he could walk good enough on his own.
He immediately turned around again to see the nervous Y/N with a determined expression on their face. The cloth now back down.
“The song! I mean, uh, my parent taught me that song when I was a child. Apparently, they wrote it.”
“It’s a really beautiful one. Your parent must be very talented. If you feel ever more comfortable enough I would love to hear the full song.”
Y/N took a deep breath in “I know how to play it on guitar and keyboard? I could, uh, you know. Teach it to you?”
Wilbur’s smile returned to his face “Sounds like a plan.”
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musubiki · 4 years ago
I hope this is not spam because I was lately asking a lot of questions (also I talk a lot sorry for bothering you 👉👈)
Did you go to art school? Your art looks professional and very pretty and you manage to keep this flow that makes the poses, characters, coloring look very appealing, so I wanted to ask about your experience so I can improve my art because I just started posting lately on my tumblr and I want to improve the quality of my drawings! I’m talking about posing, camera angles and shading. You manage to use these elements in a way that looks very pretty and I want to learn how to capture that appeal! I know that everyone has their own learning pace and experience but in this medium other people’s experience is also very helpful
Sorry again if this is a bother I just want some art advice… also sorry I ramble a lot…
yeah no worries!! i like answering these questions!!
no, i never went to art school!! im 95% self taught, 5% looking at tutorials online for specific stuff!!
for posing: honestly most of the time is drawing a pose, thinking "nope thats not it," adjusting it, and thinking "thats not it either," until you eventually get it to "okay i can live with that" or something along those lines!! when i draw i have a rough idea of what kinda pose i want, its usually a combination of (general pose) + (emotion)!! for example the recent bikini mochi piece, i knew i wanted her standing up + nervous/self conscious!! you can observe people in real life / in media to observe what kind of pose expresses what emotion, like someone sitting up very straight and stiff can imply nervousness?attentiveness/anxiousness, and someone sitting slumped, hunched over, legs lazily folded can imply relaxation, idleness, etc!! so posing is about both action + what they feel!! hand gestures can also be good at expressing these emotions!! (a good example too is the "👉👈" hands to show like...nervousness?? shy?? something like that??) im pretty sure you can study more on this, but for me personally i just kinda use...,my own reactions/emotions as a model. how i react if i was in that situation, and the exaggerate it a bit so it communicates easier!!
for camera angles: i feel like this is more about how dramatic you want the piece to be...for me i always saw a straight on, forward facing camera angle as like, yeah this isnt THAT important its just for dialogue. then you can move the camera angle around for the sake of variety, drama, or a lot of times to get things to fit in the same frame!! id say the best way to get better at this is just read some manga and study the panels to see what kinds of angles they use!! im not sure the significance of each of if theres a deeper meaning, but at least it can give you a little inventory of idea for what perspectives you can use when you wanna mix things up!!
for shading: literally dont worry about shading. just...,,,do your best. if im being honest, i still dont know how to shade. its been like, 10 years and i never learned to shade. cuz shading means you have to consider whatever youre drawing in a 3d space and think about how the light would hit it, and where the shadows would go and its jus....too much for me LMFAOOO I DONT SHADE 90% OF MY WORK!!!!!! so if you wanna shade just do your best. i have no advice on this im sorry;,,, just do your best or not at all and it'll be fine!!!
for colors: i dont have much advice here either, i use colors appealing to my own eyes, which is usually pastels/soft colors!! one piece of advice i have is use a brown overlay on top of your piece cuz ive read it "brings the colors together" (which i dont really get but i assume it sort of...makes all the colors become a little browner so it looks better together??? idk) and put an overlay/add layer on top of whatever color you want the piece to have!! i usually put pink over all my art cuz i love it lol
anyway i hope that helped a little bit!! i never learned professionally so i cant explain it in an academic way but as always, the best advice is just to practice. just accept that youre gonna be a bad artist until youre a good artist and keep drawing, its the only way to really get better!! ive been drawing for at least...7 years and i still look at pieces from a few months ago and go "ew disgusting" so,,...youre always gonna be improving just be consistent!!! good luck!!
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