#“he starts to run ahead and the sun runs with him. hes full of strength; theres a lot of time before the day ends”
kerizaret · 7 months
Songs in my native language that make me think of my fave characters save me,,,
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Pairing - Jackson Rippner x fem!reader
Summary - You’re house sitting your friend’s whilst her family vacates. Her dog manages to get you into a dangerous situation.
Warnings - Noncon, dubcon, stalking, groping, humping, f! touching, animal abuse?
Word count - 2.2k
Notes - Jackson, oh Jackson. How your toxic soul has my weak heart. @paradiseprincesss hope you’re hungry !!
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“Calm down Spike!” You exclaimed as you were yanked down the pavements with an overstimulated boxer charging on the other end of the leash.
What was meant to be a simple daily walk had turned into an endless brutal game of tug and war which you were pathetically losing. The rope around your wrist will leave a permanent mark if this animal doesn’t lead you to a fatal encounter by how dangerously you were crossing the roads. 
Firstly Spike’s eyes were set on a pigeon, then when the harmless bird flew off into the clouds, Spike’s mind and impulses were full steam ahead. How long had it been, a mere few minutes or almost a third of an hour? If you knew he’d be such a nuisance you would have convinced your father to walk him, or even stretched beforehand. 
They say your life flashes before your eyes before you die, and you believe it almost did. It all happened so quickly, you yanked back the leash with all of your strength which made Spike halt at the intersection of two suburbian streets as you fell onto your behind. The black Mercedes Benz slammed on the brakes, the tyres screeched as the bumper stopped shorter a footlong to your face. 
All sound was muffled to your eyes as all you could hear were your thoughts. The driver kept his hand on the horn, his jaw clenched as his blue eyes bore into your soul. Spike barked at him viciously, his paws locked into place as if he was prepared for battle. When you realized the man had no intention of releasing his heavy palm, your eyes darted around the empty streets and you hobbled up and had to beg Spike to calm down whilst tugging him away. Awkwardly you waved your hand in apologies as you tried to steer Spike back to his home. 
However, you quickly noticed that the same car rolled behind you, he was tailing you and it made your heart pound in your chest. Every time you looked back, his eyes were locked onto you, his brunette hair parted to either side of his forehead. Spike took no notice in this, his attention elsewhere now. 
When you ended up having to cut through a small field in between to homes to get to the opposing side of the suburb, you desperately tried to get Spike to run again to force you to run as fast as you could. But he strolled away gradually, breathing heavily with his mouth hung. 
Every few seconds, your head shot back to ease your anxieties of the Benz finding you again. For a moment, you feared you had lost your way. You were housesitting your best friend’s house whilst her family was vacating interstate. 
When you noticed the familiar double story home, you hurried inside, giving one last look before you shut the door. Spike plotted down the hall and you breathed out deeply, your back pressed against the wooden door. Just to ease your anxieties, you poked your head out of the window, confirming the empty road. 
As the sun slowly set, you sat in the guest bedroom, your coursebooks in hand as you had Mozart gently playing on your laptop. You breathed out, your pen tapped on the paper as you read through your essay draft. 
Spike started barking again and you grunted out as you slammed your laptop shut. This dog will be the death of you. As you jumped up from your seat, you headed towards the alfresco when your movements paused after you heard Spike cry out. 
Within a snap, his noises had silenced. It was too quickly to be considered normal and you felt your heart rate begin to pick up again as the fear washed over you. In nothing but your pajama shorts and tank, you slowly tiptoed towards the massive window sliding doors. The back light was turned off, which you remember keeping on. You could hardly see out there, as your finger rested on the switch you gulped as you flicked it on. 
Spike laid unconscious on the deck. A heavy gasp left your lips as you lunged towards the sliding door but you froze in your steps as you saw him in the corner of your eye. He sat at the outdoor dining table, a cigarette in between his lips. Quickly you recognised him, the driver from earlier today. He looked to be in the same suit as earlier today, he leant back in the chair as he casually waved towards you. 
Just when you were going to bolt for the home phone, he pulled out a clean knife from his jacket as if he already knew your next move. It almost sparkled and the stranger pointed it at Spike, a mere few meters away from him. Frozen in your feet, your body wobbling like jelly as you looked back at Spike. Your eyes searched for a pool of blood, a slight sensation of relief as you couldn’t spot it. 
When you dared to look at him again, he stood from the chair and inhaled deeply before flicking the dart towards Spike. The man approached the door and tapped on the glass with the tip of the blade. Naturally, you sobbed out as he tilted his head towards you. 
“I’m not going to hurt you” he assured, the blade vanishing back into his jacket as if to ease your distress. “Unless you don’t unlock the fucking door” he grinned to you, his hand propped against the glass over his head. 
Your eyes were darting from him to Spike like a table hockey puck in play. As you cried, you begged for Spike to get up and run away. But to your stress, he continued to lay still. 
“Come on baby doll, it’s cold out here” he said smugly as he rubbed his shoulders dramatically. 
As your hand rested on the lock you tried to make sense of the situation. Were you really going to let this dog be the death of you? Or was this frightening stranger true to his word about not hurting you. An unrealistic idea came to mind as you forced yourself to unlock the door. 
He wasted no time in pushing open the door and stepped inside. Typically you took three steps back. As he closed the door and locked it, he slowly looked back over to you. 
“You know, your parents should have taught you better about road safety” he grinned as he took a step towards you. 
In a flash, you bolted for the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife in the block. He laughed as he approached you and pulled his much smaller yet much sharper knife back out of his jacket. You pointed your knife at him sternly as he backed you into a corner. Whilst staring at you blankly, the blade spun and flipped in his hand elegantly. It made your hold shake, there’s no way you’d win this. 
“What do you want from me!” You mewled out as you found your body slowly slipping back against the cupboard doors. He didn’t answer you as he intimately stepped to you. “Please don’t hurt me!” You begged for mercy. 
The knife slipped from your hold and it clanked onto the floor. Quickly, your body curled up into a ball as you rocked yourself. You sobbed viciously as your heart pounded all the way up to your head. 
“Don’t give me a reason to baby doll” he cooed as he squatted in front of you after kicking the kitchen knife away. You buried your face into your forearm and his cold hand petted your soft hair. “Look at me” he ordered kindly. 
Fearfully you peaked back up to him. He held his hand out, his knife had vanished once more. You blinked as you stared at him up close. You didn’t realize how charming on the eye he was, it made you gulp harshly. “Please… My parents are going to be home any minute” you lied pathetically, sniffling heavily. 
“Baby doll” he tutted as he gently shook his head towards you. “This isn’t even your fucking house” he laughed, casually pointing his finger to one of your friend’s family portrait on the wall. “Now come on, no more tears… Only little girls cry, I want you to be a big girl for me tonight” he condescended as he gestured for you to grab ahold of his hand. 
“What do you want?” you asked weakly as you grabbed ahold of his hand. 
“To talk” he nodded as he lifted you up. He petted your hair to the side and smiled softly to you. “Well, for a little bit anyways” he added, a gentle shrug of the shoulders. 
Your eyebrows furrowed but you didn’t question him as he led you to the lounge room. Your gaze landed back on Spike, who was perfectly still just as before and you found yourself weeping again. He wrapped his arms around you from behind as he shushed into your ear. 
“Relax, relax, a simple sedative… I hope I got the dosage right, I usually sedate people, not dogs” he whispered into your ear, smirking to himself as you weakly resisted against him as you whimpered out. 
Your head shot down, the guilt of Spike being too much for your conscience. He guided you to the couch and pulled you onto his lap. Your body squirmed on top of his, but he kept you locked in. 
“What are you doing?” you whined. 
But he only hushed you and thrusted his hips up. Instantly, you felt his growing erection underneath you and you froze on him. 
“You gave me a massive fright today, you know that?” He sighed, his hands on your hips as he rotated them in a circular motion. 
Your body shivered as you felt your teeth chatter. “I’m sorry… I tried to control him” you explained through heavy breathing. 
“Yeah I know. A little too strong for you, aye?” He chuckled, his hands squeezing your hips harshly. You nodded your head quickly as you tried to focus your mind elsewhere, but it was pointless by the way he was rubbing his cock against your core. “But then, you know… You just looked so sweet and fragile that I just wanted to make sure you got home safe…” he admitted as one hand ran up your spine. 
“You took an interesting short cut. I thought I wasn’t going to be able to find you. But then, I saw you in the distance, running up the driveway” he laughed softly as he hand slid to your breasts.
You gasped out as both hands kneaded them before they slipped underneath your thin tank. His fingers rubbed circles over your nipples and your head fell back next to his and you tried to silence your clear as daylight arousal. 
“No bra? Naughty girl” he groaned by your ear, his tongue slithered around your earlobe. 
After a moment of groping you, his hands slipped down from your torso as you trembled on him, based on a horrific mixture of fear and desire.  
“I want to apologize” he suddenly professed. 
“What?” You panted. 
“For scaring you. I’ll admit, I lost my temper a little bit… You just scared me so bad, baby doll. How would I have felt if I didn’t brake in time?” He explained himself, his smooth jaw nuzzled against yours. 
But during this confession, his hand slipped into your shorts, right into your panties as he stroked your wet pussy. 
“I’m sorry for scaring you too!” You cried out, your heart thudding against your ribs as you found yourself rocking your hips. 
“No, no… You don’t have to tell me how sorry you are, you just have to show it” he moaned, a smug look on his face as a digit easily slipped inside of you. “We can do it wherever you want to, baby doll… Here, in the kitchen, we can get into my car if you really want and I can take you for a ride. It’s an expensive car” he grinned as he forcefully flexed his hips up making you cry out. “But if you want me to make it special for you, take me a bed, any bed. I’m not picky…” he exhaled as his free hand moved back up to your tits. 
“No, please!” You objected, logic dripping out of your aroused state. You were willingly grinding yourself on a stranger, an intruder, a man much older than you. You were in your senior year of high school for crying out loud. It forced you to try to free yourself from him. It only made him laugh and he wrapped his arm around your waist as he pressed his nose to the side of your heated face. 
“Baby doll… Look at yourself, you’re trying to fuck my hand right now” he pointed out. 
All you could do was sob out in humiliation as his fingers pumped inside of you. Your ass rubbed against his hard on whilst he kissed your bare neck. 
“My name is Jackson by the way” he introduced himself, a satisfied grin on his lips. You told him your name through a heavy gasp as his fingers went knuckle deep inside of you. “I already knew that” he whispered into your ear as he felt your walls clench tightly around his hand
Every dog has its day, but unfortunately for you, today was not that day.
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epicthemusical · 2 months
Haunted Thunder Pt 2
part 1 here
After everything that he has seen so far, Polites' heart aches for his friend. He does not know what had happened but the rest of the fleet being missing promises a heartbreaking answer.
Whatever it was that happened changed Odysseus so much that he can hardly recognize his friend.The Odysseus he knows always has a spark of mischief in his warm eyes. He always tries his best to avoid unnecessary fighting and bloodshed. He always puts his all into keeping everyone alive and safe, never asking them to do anything he himself would not do.
The Odysseus he knew is nowhere to be seen anymore. The spark of life in his eyes has all but faded, becoming cold and calculated. This Odysseus shows no mercy, only cruelty. He is willing to sacrifice his men to a monster. This new Odysseus is a monster himself willing to do anything to survive.
If Polites had survived would things have been different? If he had not died to the cyclops would his friend have been able to laugh and smile still? Polites leans against the mast next to his friend and grieves for the broken person Odysseus had become.
Time seems to speed up unnaturally but Polites is too deep in his mind to notice.The crew lands on an island and the boat docking causes Odysseus to groan slowly, waking up still a bit dazed from blood loss.
This brings Polites back to the world around him and he jumps up and rushes to his friend's side even knowing there is nothing he could do for him. The search party is sent out seeing signs of cattle nearby. Eurylochus stands behind and watches Odysseus wake up. Odysseus looks around still a little dazed
“My head…where are we?” Eurylochus stares ahead as the crew comes back with one of the cows.
“We stopped at the first island we came across and it has all these cows to eat. There is a statue of the sun god but we are so hungry… all this meat.” Polites watches the realization dawn on his face
“Please don't tell me you are going to do what I think you'll do.” Polite's heart aches at the first sign of the Odysseus he had known even as his heart breaks at the pleading in his voice.
“Ody we won't make it back alive you know this.” Polites frowns at the hopelessness in Eurylochus voice.Odysseus shakes his head
“No you don't know that! This is the home of the sun god!”
“ I'm starving my friend.” Panic was rising and Odysseus continues to beg
“If we kill his cattle, who knows what he will send! This is the home of the sun god!” Eurylochus sighs, his shoulders slumped 
“I'm tired my friend.”
“ But we are so close to home this can't be where it ends!” Polites feels his eyes start to water watching as his two friends try desperately to make the other understand.
“How much longer am I going to have to push through doubt. How much longer must I suffer? People are dying.” Odysseus struggles against his bonds as Eurylochus walks towards the cow with his sword in hand
“Please reconsider! There must be another way!” Eurylochus raises his sword
”I'm just a man.”
“EURYLOCHUS NO!” He pulls harder at his bonds ignoring the blood from the ropes running his skin raw but can only watch as his friend kills the cow splattering gold tinted blood on the ground. Polites watches the fear spread across Odysseus' face causing him to fear for the consequences in the future.
“You doomed us…” he hears Odysseus whisper before his voice raises to a shout filled with fear and anger
“YOU'VE DOOMED US ALL EURYLOCHUS!” Eurylochus flinches at the sudden shouting
“...Captain?” Odysseus continues to struggle until at last he breaks free
“We need to get off this island now! Grab an oar and row with all your strength!” Despite the mutiny the fear filled orders cause the crew to jolt into action.
“Those cows are immortal, they are the sun gods friends. AND NOW THAT YOU PISSED HIM OFF WHO DO YOU THINK HE WILL SEND?!” Polites sees the moment Eurylochus figures at the full extent of his mistake. Polites wishes he could help them row to get away from the danger they all know is coming. Odysseus shouts for them to go faster but the skies turn dark with storm clouds. Thunder crackles and lightning lights up the sky ominously. Polites is terrified of what he would have to watch happen next as a figure appears in the clouds surrounded by crackling energy. He hears Odysseus whisper in horror
“We're too late..”
Everyone is looking up in fear at the King of the Gods. Polites knows this will not end well and he finds himself thinking of various regrets he has had. He would have been much better off not seeing these horrible situations. How much of this could have changed had he just managed to stay alive? What if he had not insisted on listening to the lotus eaters about going to the cave? He feels so much guilt and sadness that things had gotten to his point. He pulls himself out of his mind to hear Zeus ask Odysseus a question 
“choose. You or your crew.” Polites sees his friend fall in his knees begging the god to not make him do this and Polites hates how this is what it took to bring out Odysseus' emotions. He seems more human now than he had the entire time Polites has watched all this. He hears Eurylochus brokenly call out to Odysseus 
“...Captain?” Odysseus just stands there with his back to the crew who had started to murmur.
“I have to see her again…” Polites wants so desperately to comfort his friends at this moment. Both of them sound so very broken. Odysseus is obviously holding back tears.
“But we'll die..” Eurylochus, despite his attempt to protest, is resigned to his fate. He already knows and accepts that this would be where he and the rest of the crew die.
“I know…” at last Polites can't hold his tears back and he cries along with Odysseus as he points his finger at the crew. Eurylochus just stands there defeated and exhausted but the rest of the crew grab their weapons and try to attack Odysseus. Polites can only watch as lightning strikes killing the crew instantly and Odysseus starts to sink into the ocean depths.
Polites finds himself diving into the water reaching out desperately for his friend and for the first time Odysseus seems to see Polites. Odysseus reaches towards Polites, mouthing his name with eyes overflowing with grief and exhaustion. Odysseus cries his tears mixing with the already salty depths unseen. Polites manages to reach his friend and hug him for once, not passing through his friend.
“I'm sorry I'm so sorry…” Polites manages to choke out an apology as he feels himself start to fade.
“Please don't give up on yourself…” Odysseus’s eyes slip shut and Polites finds himself back in the underworld clutching at empty air. Polites curls in on himself and sobs for everything that he had seen and what had become of his friends.
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iwritewhump · 9 days
Gravestone + cemetery
day 12 of whumptember
587 words
warnings: captivity, dead body
Whumpee pulls his jacket tighter around himself and exhales slowly. He gathers his strength and stands up. His legs wobble under him and he almost falls over, but somehow manages to stay upright. 
Exhaling heavily, Whumpee walks through the open door and looks back at the only place he’s been the past year. 
Dirt is caked on every inch of the ground, it’s a miracle the bottoms of Whumpee’s feet didn’t pick any of it up. Spiderwebs are in every corner of the room, each and every one of them full of bugs that have been sucked dry of nutrients. The windows cast a dull light into the room, illuminating the corpse rotting on the mattress. 
Shaking his head, Whumpee walks out of the room and leaves it behind him. 
With every step he gains strength and soon enough, he’s running. Running up the stairs from the basement dungeon Whumper had made for him, down the hallway and through the kitchen. 
He freezes. 
Police tape is across the doorway. The door jamb has been kicked in and the door lays on the floor. 
There are no police cars around, so Whumpee ducks under the tape and closes his eyes as the sun hits his face for the first time in months. Exhaling slowly, Whumpee soaks up the warmth from the sun until the cold deep in him disappears. 
For the next couple hours (days?), Whumpee sticks around the house. Mostly, he’s waiting to see who-if anyone-shows up. No one does, so he wanders. 
He somehow winds up at an old, rundown park he used to play on all the time. The swings look mostly sturdy, so he sits down and lets it sway in the wind. 
The sun starts to rise so Whumpee jumps off the swing, not wanting anyone to question why there’s an adult man on the swings. He’s not really sure where he’s going, but every step becomes easier. 
He’s standing at the gate to the cemetery. There’s a service and Whumpee, despite knowing better, walks up and stands in the back of the small crowd. He’s way underdressed, only wearing sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt with an old band logo on it and a jacket, but no one seems to notice. 
The priest stops talking and the sobs turn into sniffles turn into silence as everyone places a primrose on the coffin. Whumpee smiles, those are his favorite flower. 
He cranes his neck to see the name on the gravestone, but everyone is in the way. Reluctantly, he tries to nudge his way towards the front, weaving between everyone to satisfy his curiosity.
There’s only a small group in front of him now and he freezes. Whumper stands with his arm wrapped around Caretaker’s shoulders, her head resting on his arm. 
She sobs softly and stares blankly ahead with unfocused eyes. 
Whumpee tucks behind someone and turns around. Breath coming in quick bursts, he runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head. 
“You’re seeing things. There’s no way it’s him.” He tells himself. He peeks around the person he’s hiding behind and stares at the small group. 
Caretaker stands there, leaning heavily on…still Whumper.��
Why would they both be there? Who could bring them both together like this? 
Whumpee keeps his back turned to the small group and finds the headstone. 
He stumbles backward, hand over his mouth. The crowd doesn’t react. He falls to the ground and scrambles back a few more feet, staring at his name on the gravestone. 
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aintashes · 4 months
he's my brother. feat. @painmon.
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     the trek out into alexandria's nearby woods has become commonplace for them. it's a necessary trip, weapons and spellbook and ingredients and all, so that peter can test out new things and fill pages of his almanac without anything backfiring in the middle of a community full of people. daryl doesn't at all mind the break from home— although his people would rather see him reclaim reluctant leadership over the saviors, he'd much prefer to be doing this with peter than fussing back and forth with the coalition about food and fuel and labor. as he's told rick time and time again, that's never been his thing and it never will be.
     so it's a win-win for both of them: peter gets to practice and experiment, gaining strength and skills that will help them continue to evade the cult, and daryl has a little while to breathe. but he's not resting on his laurels; while peter does his thing, daryl avidly reads through their spellbook and the notes that peter has written out for himself, intent on building his own knowledge if only to keep up with understanding his companion's progress.
     it's as they're heading back to alexandria for the day that keen ears catch wind of commotion ahead. knowing that peter will follow, daryl immediately veers that way, his heart dropping down into his stomach— it's coming from the direction he knows the bridge to be in, the distinct sound of shouting and the loud roar of walkers innumerable blooming to life as they draw near. all at once, fear tears through him. this shouldn't be happening: daryl knew about the redirection efforts today. he saw the plans, heard rick and tara talking about them and how simple and clean it should all go so long as everyone did their part. if there's chaos at the bridge, it means that something went terribly, irreparably wrong.
     bursting through the trees, he stops just short of the incline down to the water, taking in the scene before him. rick stands on the bridge, one arm wrapped around his bloody middle. what must be thousands of the dead shamble forward as he raises his gun, the familiar colt python glinting silver in the sun. before daryl can take a breath, before he can even think about shouting or running to the bridge to help him, an explosion of fire reaches toward the sky. his whole body flinches in horror and a shocked sound rips out of his throat.
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     rick is nowhere to be seen amongst the fire or in the rushing waters below. walkers fall in droves from the bridge and into the river. for the first time, it’s too late to save rick grimes.
     everything begins to move in slow motion. daryl doesn’t even register that peter is next to him anymore as he starts to cry, a deep and awful hurt beginning to erupt like a black hole in the center of his chest. eventually he turns, unable to bear witness to the flames and falling debris anymore, and slowly walks into the trees, away from it all.
     it’s aimless. defeated. daryl doesn’t really know where he’s going, he just needs to go. it doesn’t matter if peter is following him or not. the only thing on his mind is putting distance between himself and where the man who saved him just blew himself up.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 4 months
My journey with you
Mars and Fana departed on their journey to see the world.
First of the Kalola BC Ships Art series one shots ^^
Ship: Mars x Fana
Type: One shot
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 551
Author's note:
I'm planning to write those short one shots for each one of my arts. They will make up chapters of a one shot collection fic on Ao3.
Times became peaceful after the brave knights of Clover defeated the Dark Triad, Devils and Morris who had affiliated himself with the Spade Kingdom. Even though the first two seemed more grave, Mars was the happiest with the last. Morris… He experimented on him, he was the reason why him and Fana were separated for so many years.
He looked to the side and saw his beloved walking, her fingers intertwined with his. He squeezed her gently. They were fine now. Clover and Diamond had signed a treaty, a new King has taken charge and Mars was relieved of his duties as the Shining General. He reunited with Fana. 
Their plan was to travel the world together, so they did. Sometimes it rained, the other times it snowed, but then the sun shone like on that day They were walking through a clearing, hand in hand. Mars watched his beloved. 
“What is it?” Fana smiled looking up at him. “You’ve been staring.”
“You’re beautiful,” Mars answered. “However I don’t need reasons to look at you,” a soft blush spread on his cheeks.
“Thank you,” the corners of her eyes happily wrinkled, before turning away. She suddenly stopped walking and pulled on his hand. “Look!” She exclaimed pointing up at the sky. 
Mars followed her gaze and noticed a small swallow gliding in the air. Fana’s eyes widened as she watched the bird fascinated. She had never seen a bird like this before. She freed herself from his hold and started running after the swallow.
“Come on Mars!” She shouted. “I want to take a closer look!” Fana was already ahead of him. 
Mars laughed and it was a laugh of pure joy. His legs moved on their own as he began to run after the woman that he loved. What started as a chase after a swallow, turned into Mars and Fana playfully racing each other. He was getting ahead, his long strides taking him further, so he slowed down. He was never going to leave her behind. It was just that she did not manage to stop.
With a full strength Fana collided with him falling right into his arms. Mars tripped landing on his back, the long grass softened the fall. Fana’s pink hair fell on him, so he parted her bangs to see her face. A soft giggle escaped her. He joined her. His chest vibrated as he laughed. Fana placed a soft kiss on his forehead before getting off. 
She could have stayed… he thought.
Mars spread his arms wide on the grass and looked up. It was really ticklish. Soft sunlight shone on him and only few clouds were visible in the sky. The sky… it was blue, perfectly blue, but he knew an even prettier hue of this color.
As he thought of it he saw it. Fana leaned over him, her fingers cupped his chin from behind, with her other arm she supported herself and she was looking down on him. A tender smile adored her face. Blue eyes, they were gazing at him. Mars grinned.
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“I love you, Fana,” he said. “Dreaming about this journey got me through the hard times.”
“I love you too, Mars,” Fana whispered. “This journey, you,” she paused, before softly stroking his cheek. “You were worth the wait.
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maaszeltov · 11 months
Iconduragos studied the elven man in detail. Of course, there was the telltale pale skin, red eyes, and neck marks that denoted a vampire. Yet there was something else about him that seemed most unusual, aside from the fact that the undead could stand to be in the sun. He dug into heavily modified memories, searching for tidbits of information that didn’t seem tied to whatever blighted mess his past was. Ah, yes. It was very rare, no, extremely rare, for a vampire to so vehemently hate being a vampire as this one evidently did. Draining a boar instead of a passing adventurer or even a goblin? His scaly brow cocked almost instinctively, a gesture his face must have memorized. Astarion visibly fidgeted under his gaze.
“Something caught your eye, darling?” He asked, practiced words rolling from a silvered tongue, but he did not fool him. Iconduragos could see the nerves in the tightness of his jaw and the flickering of his gaze between him and the others ahead of them. He thanked whoever he was before. Clearly the man was practiced at reading others. He reached out with one hand to Astarion, waiting to see if the man would let him get close. To his satisfaction, he did.
“Just some rubble from our… fortunate landing.” With that, he brushed off imaginary dust from Astarion’s shoulder. His voice sounded casual, light. “I believe you have some in your hair as well.” He turned back towards Shadowheart and Lae’zel walking ahead of them in frigid silence, and saw Astarion preen himself out of the corner of his eye. A thought bubbled to the surface; This would be all too easy. What would? Iconduragos pondered to himself as they continued deeper into the forest.
It took longer than he thought it would for Astarion to show his true self. It had been somewhere around five or six days since they had met, and despite Iconduragos’s multiple magical alarms, they hadn’t been set off once. This time though, he felt the pinging just before he felt the hungry presence above him. Time to sell it. He “stirred,” blinking back sleep before looking up and starting at the man in front of him. Astarion jumped back, mouth still agape, fangs glinting in the moonlight. Half of him seemed wont to run, if not for the buffet Iconduragos had just denied him.
“Shit,” he started, “No, no, it’s not what it looks like, I swear.” The man started to breathe quicker, panic setting it. “I- I wasn’t going to hurt you! I just needed, well… blood.”
“Wait,” Iconduragos’s voice was measured. Controlled. “I knew what you were from the start, but I didn’t want to reveal it to the others. I’m not going to rat you out or drive a stake into your heart, believe me.” This seemed to shock Astarion’s system. His expression slowly turned into a small frown as he straightened up, fists now curling at his sides.
“You- you knew?!” He hissed.
“I’m a necromancer, Astarion. Did you think I wouldn’t?”
“You make a fair point.” He relaxed, if barely. “Still, why didn’t you tell me?”
Iconduragos groaned internally at the man. Charismatic, silvered tongued vampire and yet still knew so little of social interaction. “And scare you off? We both know why you didn’t tell anyone sooner. I’m not going to risk someone overhearing us!” It was getting a bit hard for him to keep his voice down. A quick glance at the others showed that he didn’t wake any of them. Astarion followed his gaze, dropping instinctively down into a crouch and whispering.
“Well, I would love to keep chatting, darling, but I really do need a pick-me-up.”
Iconduragos knew what he was suggesting. He had been looking forward to having this moment since that first interaction. Having a vampire at full strength by his side would prove immeasurably useful. Especially one that felt indebted to him. Iconduragos paused for a moment and let trepidation enter his voice. It was not very difficult.
“Promise me you’ll only have a taste?”
“I swear. One quick little nibble and I’ll be done.”
He nodded. “Then yes, you can drink from me.” This was likely the riskiest gamble he was going to take in all of this. Astarion seemed a slight man with little physical strength, but so was he. He swallowed hard and laid back down, pulling upon his shirt collar to expose to the undead a prime target on his neck to sink into. Astarion kneeled down over him, breath cold upon his skin, before Iconduragos felt him bite down. It was as if needles had been slammed into his skin, injecting icy alcohol that burned his veins. Not the first time. The thought flickered across his mind despite him never recalling anything like this. And certainly not the last. Then the horrid drinking began, his blood rushing out from his body with enthusiasm, sprinting to be drunk by the vampire. Astarion grunted and moaned in ecstasy, lost in the moment. The Kiss. They call it the Kiss. Again, unbidden thoughts rose to the forefront of Iconduragos’s mind. So much familiarity behind it all. Where did this all come from? What past did he have that led him down this road? But he must not lose focus. How many seconds had passed? Five? Ten? His hands scrabbled against the undead’s shoulders before finding purchase, peeling the man away from the puncture wounds on his neck. Astarion let go with a sickening pop! before leaning back in contentment, a blissful smile settled across his face.
“Ah, yes. That was delectable.” The syllables rolled off of his tongue lazily, almost sensually. Iconduragos bit back bile and disgust, forcing the next words out through gritted teeth and pain, “Satisfied?”
“Quite. Although something as tasty as that could only serve as an appetizer…” Astarion’s eyes flashed, a predator staring down prey. Iconduragos felt a stab of fear he hadn’t felt in a long, long time. He surely had the means to defend himself, even now. That resolution must have shown on his face, as Astarion shook his head and stood up, that primordial hunger gone.
“And while I would love to partake in such a lovely neck again tonight, I’ll find something else to snack on.” He smiled at him before whirling about and stalking off into the night. Iconduragos could see the newfound power and confidence this had instilled in him. He could only hope that favor was mixed in.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
okay with THAT dissertation done, the rest of the shit I've done so far, which is finishing up a lot of SLinks! I have now completed Temperance, Sun, Moon, and Death. Let's go over them.
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who me? what? don't know WHAT you could be implying Kawakami hahaha anyway how about this weather, btw i'm super happy for you. wow what a crazy random happenstance! you deserve it, i love you.
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When asked how she figured out, she points out that the thing with Takase's guardians worked out way too well for her and Reverie was the only person she told. Which... yeah, that makes it p5retty fucking obvious huh.
lmao as if Reverie going "I need their names," in the previous scene wasn't a massive flag. I am not playing this subtle but also Kawakami is smart and I adore her.
Her SLink is complete!!!! So far, she's the best one in the game, to my utter astonishment. I'm glad I muscled through the awful start because this SLink has everything: mocking the player's teacher-maid fetish, an incredibly mouthy cool millennial lady, a genuinely tragic backstory without being soap opera-y, sympathetic portray of sex workers. IT'S GOT IT ALL.
Kawakami was kind of a very Standard portrayal of Temperance. It's not a super interesting card, it's just about having the emotional strength to find the path forward and to find balance in yourself spiritually and materially. It's often portrayed as an angel passing water between two cups-- cups are the suit of emotional intelligence. And they're my favorite suit, personally.
Kawakami starts the arc solidly in a reversed Temperance, she can't balance anything, the goblets are overturned, and all of her emotional strength is just pouring out onto the floor because she is so overworked, there is no well for her to draw from. Through the arc, she actually shares her troubles with Reverie, which in of itself is a show of emotional strength, and with his help manages to rebalance herself. Finally, she can take her eyes off the cups and look ahead to her future.
I haven't been recapping it because it's.... genuinely not a link that's easy to summarize bc its a lot of politics and small moments, but I finished the Sun too!
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Yoshida was this failed politician who got disgraced twenty years ago in a finance scandal, now returned to try and take office again. His whole arc is about his new ideals of empowering the youth and taking care of the elderly, and with the rise of the Thieves, he acknowledges them as a symptom of a broken system that needs massive reform.
You follow him through some intra-party political issues and his recurring thing is that he sticks to running instead of being someone else's right hand man, even when doing so would clear his name from the finance scandal that ruined him.
I'm NOT gonna lie, his final speech is good. He speaks about Reverie, "a certain young man" he met who is aspiring to change the whole, and though Yoshida cannot follow the same path as this young man, he hopes they will meet again at the top of the mountain they are both climbing together, separate.
It's really good honestly. And for the curious, Yoshida is a very interesting Sun to me. The Sun comes at the end of the Star-Moon-Sun sequence and those three cards are basically their own mini-journey. The Star is the herald that the story isn't over and you must continue. The Moon is the darkness that follows, full of illusions and distractions and madness you have to navigate. And the Sun is the light that comes after, is exuberant and joyful, and more than anything it is certain in itself. In the light of the Sun, all is revealed and laid bare. (Which is why it leads into Judgement soon after.)
Yoshida works for the Sun really well because the twenty years of scandal and shame have already happened to him, and he has made it out to the other side. Now, his ideals and purpose are illuminated under the Sun and he never strays from his path.
It's good! Eight out of ten on him!
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DEATH! Goth Doctor!
lmao she figured it out too. I guess that's just the joke of every max rank, huh?
Anyway, I loved Tae for The Unnamed Arcana. She's great. I love that she's actually a goth, actually has a very morbid sense of humor, actually talks about death a lot. They really leaned into the whole vibe and I appreciate that.
Also her look is impeccable obviously.
Tae's whole thing is that she's undergoing the process of Death, the transformation the card deals with. With the lost of her prestigious position at the research hospital, she is stuck working in a small back-alley clinic.
She definitely goes through a period of real mourning for her past self, resisting the forward motion of her life. But slowly she begins caring for the locals around her and builds a new patient base. Really, the drama with her past patient and the miracle cure for her is an afterthought; the Death aspect is definitely rooted in Tae herself. And by the end of the link, she is still dour and morbid, but there is life to her voice again.
She's great. Seven out of ten.
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So Mishima.
SIGHS. Okay. I hate Mishima as a character and I think he represents everything that is bad about the Phantom Thieves and it's his actions (which were completely unasked for and unprompted) that leads the plot to the clusterfuck we're about to enter with Okamura's imminent death. Fuck the phansite and fuck this phuckboy.
yeah he's a half-decent Moon? It's complicated, actually.
So his set up as the Moon is pitch-perfect. The Moon card is a place a person comes to after great upheaval in their life. It's a dark, quiet place for contemplation and reflection. Best case scenario is that it's a stepping stone in your journey towards the new dawn and the Sun.
But there are strange images in the reflection and the reflected light of the Sun in the Moon can lead a person astray and into madness.
Again: the Moon is an environment of possible madness. The Hanged Man is a risk taken that might led to madness. The Hanged Man goes into the deal eyes open, knowing the stakes. The Moon doesn't know the danger around them and has to keep from lingering.
So as the Moon, Mishima goes from being Kamoshida's punching bag into this dark, quiet place where he doesn't know what to do with himself, only that he needs a purpose. He settles on the Phansite.
Now, I think the game is arguing that running the Phansite gives Mishima direction and purpose, letting him move forward in his path.
I think that's undercut by how much the game itself points out Mishima's actions led to various fuck ups. Remember when Reverie had to be the one to tell him to give back the fucking money he'd collected from "donations"? Honestly, most of the conversations in this SLink are just trying to drag Mishima away from his worse impulses.
Which... also kinda works! I say the game's intended portrayal of the Moon is dumb, but my own is just as valid. I don't think Mishima has moved on and grown at all. I think he's been dazzled by the false, reflected light of the Moon (metaphorically, the allure of his nebulous fame re: the Phansite and his repeated misunderstanding of how to use it without being a malicious prick) and instead of continuing on his journey, he is staring slack-jawed into the illusion.
Sooooooooooo.... Nine out of ten, honestly!
But also I hate Mishima.
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xirayn · 1 year
Stonathan Week Day 4: Fantasy AU - Jonathan's Great Aunt Darlene told him stories about their ancestors becoming ravens to guide warriors who fought as wolves, but they were just the ramblings of a mentally ill woman - right?
written by @xirayn
@aibhlynn and I do have a screenplay for an urban fantasy DnD inspired AU that can basically be summed up as 'Jonathan accidentally takes Steve as his (still human) animal companion to save his life', but I was unable to edit any of it in time, so have a ficlet
I'm on the Hunt, I'm After You
Getting driven from his pack meant a lean year. Hunting down large prey became scavenging, grabbing desperate mouthfuls from a carcass before the grizzly that had come moved in on the wolf's former territory arrives to chase him off. He trots through the brush in search of a meal. On occasion, he is quick enough to grab a rabbit or other small game, but his strength is better suited to harrying moose or holding down an elk while his pack tears into it.
The scratchy call of a raven catches his attention. The black bird peers at him from a fallen log, then swoops a bit ahead and calls again. He follows until the raven is standing atop a deer carcass at the bottom of a small drop. It's neck is twisted and some bones broken from the fall. When he tears into it, however, there are still traces of warmth in it's bowels.
The raven watches as the wolf eats his fill. Eventually, he swoops down to take his pound of flesh and the wolf keeps watch in turn.
Then, in the dreamy gold of the setting sun, the raven looks at the wolf and says, "You need me, so why haven't you come to me?"
Steve wakes up from a different reality. He feels the satisfaction of a full stomach and the safety of another watching his back. It fades as he wakes up more to be replaced with a longing he has felt his entire life. He knows what it means now.
He goes to the Byers' house the next day. Jonathan seems to be waiting for him.
"I had a weird dream last night," he starts awkwardly.
Jonathan nods in understanding and steps outside, closing the door behind him. For a moment, they don't do more than look at one another.
"Me too," Jonathan finally says. His eyes go to the woods. "My great aunt use to tell me stories from 'the old country'." He laughs softly. "I never actually learned where that was. They were basically rambling tales about us being descended from druids or some nonsense. Our ancestors would become ravens to guide warriors who fought as wolves. She said it was a deep bond that kept the warriors from losing their humanity."
Steve swallows. Something deep inside of him similar to instinct knew it wasn't nonsense.
"Did she say anything else about it?" he asks. He isn't surprised when Jonathan shakes his head.
"Dad didn't like us visiting her and Mom tried to keep her from sounding too crazy. I was pretty young, too. Will doesn't remember her at all."
Jonathan steps closer. His head is bowed slightly is the way he does to make himself seem small and non-threatening. It irritates Steve, and for the first time he realizes that feeling isn't directed at Jonathan, it is directed at everyone who has ever made Jonathan felt he needed to be less.
Steve reaches out. He tucks some hair behind Jonathan's ear and moves forward. A deep bond. It formed the night he went back and saved Jonathan from the demogorgon, when Steve picked up the weapon made by Jonathan's hand. He answered the call of the raven and made himself the wolf, if that hadn't been what he was all along.
Steve ducks his head to catch try and catch Jonathan's eye.
"I need you," he states, "so I came to you."
Jonathan's gaze meets his suddenly. He searches for any hint of uncertainty only to close the distance between them when he doesn't find it.
The embrace and kiss that follows embeds the bond impossibly deep in their psyches.
That night, the wolf runs through a field of wildflowers. There are howls in the distance, young wolves looking for a protector, but he doesn't hurry to reach them. For now, his raven is all the company he needs.
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Pirates of the Caribbean shaped me as a child and still has a choke hold on me to this day. When I saw someone suggest this I had to have it immediately so thank you for letting me write it. I’m so sorry it’s not longer. I really wanted it to be, but it was just sitting because I could not think up more of a plot. I've also been listening to the warrior of the Mind a lot, so I sprinkled that vibe in here to, it gave me big Nikolai vibes I couldn't resist.
“ Captain of Medusa, serpent siren, daughter of the sea. Poseidon fury.” 
She looked at him with raised eyebrows waiting for his list to be finished folding her arms across her chest.  “ Flattery doesn’t work on me.” Flattery did work on her. 
Sturmhond strutted across the doorway to her desk. “ Your reputation precedes you. How would you feel about a proposition?” 
A leg kicked up as she propped her foot one leaning on the desk. “ It depends on the terms of your agreement. What do you have in mind?”
Sturmhond hands glided over the paper he laid out. “A design for a ship, I liked your input, I need a crew and you would be the perfect first mate. I saw your skills.You look at things from all angles, completely neutral, a problem solver and quick at thinking ahead. You ask all the right questions and know where to look.” 
“ I could use someone like you. Your perspective, your opinion. What do you say? We would make a spectacular team with my charm and your intellect.”
“ Well see where it ends.” 
“ Is that a yes?” He looked like a puppy tilting his head towards her in excitement. 
A grin spread across her face with a mischievous twinkle. " You had me at the word improbable. I do like to prove people wrong, it's a hobby of mine."
He clapped his hands together as if sealing the deal.  “Perfect, let’s get started.” 
Dark clouds shielded any light. The tension was as thick as the humid weather brewing above along the crew who scampered preparing for a fight. The yelling of barked orders was over lost to the ears against the harsh wind. The ship rocked dangerously back and forth even with the squallers keeping them on course. Another ship had been closing in on them. Merging the two, aligning the boats to infiltrate them. 
Alina held a wild look about her as she stared in disbelief. “ You're both insane!” 
“ But it could work.” Mal asked in hesitation. He would take any option that didn't require the sun summoner to be in possession of the Black Heretic. Even if it was suicidal. 
“ You mean it’s Improbable." The captain let his smirk slip across spreading wide, he had faith in the plan of which they didn’t know the full details, cunning fox indeed. 
Sturmhond second looked at the couple. “ It’s our last shot. Do you want to defeat the darling or not?" She had spoken the blunt truth, though the group waited with bated breaths considering the circumstances, holding each other's gaze with a fierce ambition. 
Sturmhond nodded. It was his ship, his call. They would follow his command. The circle dispersed, running off in haste. 
The two crews had merged together fighting tirelessly. She ran about in the chaos of the middle of the battle continually looking over her shoulder to help where she could. But at this moment in the thickest part where grisha had their power she used all the strength she could muster. In full force she charged forward in the swarm of bodies clustered at arms.  
The clouds swirl above in a funnel, a dark mass bursting ripping the sky open. Suddenly she couldn’t see in front of her from the sheets of rain that splattered smacking the deck of the ship.  
“Marry me!” Sturmhond blurted, as his hand gripped the rope netting watching her from where he slashed with his sword. The privater kept track of where she was and the two worked better in tandem fighting side by side. It was a perfected rhythm over the years with one another. 
She ducked as a gunshot whizzed by. “I don’t think now is the best time!” 
He shouted from the ledge,“ We do this together. Forever, me and you!” Then he jumped down to be near. His coat swishing as his feet hit the deck. 
 Wet hair clung to her face, darkening its natural color. Water dripped into her vision, blurring as her eyes sought him. Squinting into the rain she glanced up to see where his most loyal crew held the high ground attending to their aponanite. Against the sound of battle below, she yelled at the heartender who was watching his sister's back in battle carried his blade above them on the bow. 
 “Toyla! Marry us!”  
Normally you could ask the captain of the ship but for obvious reasons they had to improvise. The man who loved romantic gestures of course had his license to be ordained, It was only appropriate. 
“I’m a little busy at the moment!” He grunted from the top of the bow. “ Can’t this wait? On any other occasion this would be very romantic.” 
“ Now!” The couple spun around to face each other once again.
“ Fine, alright.”  Toyla sent a kick to the chest, sending a man flying across the boards. He stood standing over the railing. “ By the power invested in me man and wife will be joined in union until they share wrinkles into the next life.” 
 “Just kiss!” In exasperation he yelled back over his shoulder. Someone had jumped on him from behind, annoyed he easily tossed them behind fast forwarding their proposal to the end.
Through the blurred rain that pealted the deck of the ship she looked at him. His white shirt fused to his skin, the light weight flock see through. The coat whipping in the wind. 
Sturmhond reached for her, drawing her in with a deep kiss. Their lips clashed hungerly. A hand cradled his head as her arm swept scrunched his hair grounding her to him. The other hand had her fingers gripping his jacket collar. Catching air her lips brushed up from his the pair caught their breath, never losing contact, their heads resting to each other chests panting. 
He stroked a piece of her hair away, “When we get back to Ravak we’ll have a proper wedding.”
Breathless she gasped filling her lungs. “ One on the ship is just fine.” 
“ My mother won’t allow that. Nor will Toyla let us continue to breathe without proper vows if he doesn't ordain us.” 
“ Come find me when this is done.” Sturmhond gazed into her eyes as she nodded to him, in one last passionate kiss they stood in the center of the deck. The captain encompassing the women, her back arched dipping, against him, their hands slide brushing the tips of their fingers before parting back into battle.  
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gldenhours · 10 months
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pictures of ANGELINA PETROVNA TARASOVA have been showing up all over my feed, and considering the last time they were #trending, it was due to a claim that a ghost had contacted her via ouija board — i'm not likely to unfollow anytime soon. with their silk , satin gown & high platform heels that bring her higher to the heavens, i'm not surprised to hear that they are considered part of the NOUVEAU RICHES. after twenty six years, they've managed to garner a reputation for being more sanguine than hedonistic, but their critics say that they're more loquacious than seraphic when they aren't too busy focusing on their pink tipped fingers laced up in secrecy ; leaving red kisses and confusion everywhere you go ; the battle between godhood and motherhood. when they aren't occupied with their work as a true crime host, they've been sighted chasing ghosts & trying to annoy demons , creating fun stories to tell her daughter . reputation.com has taken to calling them HELEN OF TROY in order to avoid a lawsuit ( again ).
FULL  NAME :   angelina  petrovna tarasova GENDER : cis woman ASTROLOGY :    aries sun ,   pisces  moon ,   sag  rising  PRONOUNS :   she / her   ORIENTATION : bisexual & biromantic
there  you  are  :  a  perfect  little  angel  born  with  a  silver  spoon  .  you're  a  daughter  so  prayed  for  ,  so  wished  for  ,  and  the  only  child   of  two  highly  esteemed  entrepreneurs  .  your  whole  life  is  already  planned  ahead  of  you  :  keep  your  head  down  ,  stay  in  the  books  ,  and  take  over  daddy's  company  once  you  graduate  from  law  school  .
but  ?  you  want  more  .  to  be  able  to  run  amongst  the  wolves  ,  and  dance  under  the  moon  .  you're  a  rebel  without  a  true  cause  ;  something  especially  evident  when  you  enter  your  emo  phase  in  middle  school  .  screamo  even becomes  a  new  staple  ,  much  to  the  disapproval  of  your  father  .
( tw : pregnancy ) tensions  heighten  even  more  after  you  find  yourself  pregnant  ;  the  result  of  a  spur  -  of  -  the  -  moment  decision  with  your  best  friend  to  lose  your  virginity  .  remember  in  mean  girls  when  they  said  :  "  don't  have  sex  ,  you'll  get  pregnant  "  ?  yeah  ,  coach  carr  didn't  lie  .  but  ,  you're  excited  !  you  ?  bringing  in  a  small  life  ?  sign  me  tf  up  !  too  bad  your  dad  feels  differently  ;  he's  upset  ,  and  throws  you  out  of  the  house  ,  telling  you  to  never  talk  to  him  again  .  it's  a  relationship  that  hasn't  been  repaired  since  ,  but  it's  all  worth  it  when  you  see  the  smile  on  your  little  bub's  face  .
and  motherhood  absorbs  you  .    .    .  it's  a  24  hr  job  !  who  doesn't  love  sleepless  nights  amirite  (  wrong  .  they  make  her  cry  )  ,  but  in  the  midst  of  delusions  &  chaos  you  begin  to  find  more  interest  in  true  crime  and  ghost  stories  ?  maybe  it's  the  mama  bear  that  comes  out  ,  a  primal  instinct  to  keep  your  daughter  safe  from  any  potential  harm  .  or  maybe  ?  it's  just  your  hallucinations  taking  over  ,  that  make  you  feel  like  somewhere  ,  there  may  be  a  ghost  .
it  takes  you  a  few  years  to  rly  expand  on  your  interest  ,  but  later  is  better  than  never  .  you  start  your  own  true  crime  show  ;  it  begins  as  a  small  podcast  ,  but  grows  into  an  actual  show  with  a  big  audience  !  and  with  heightened  interest  ?  you  become  even  more  chaotic  .  going  into  haunted  houses  and  trying  to  provoke  ghosts  becomes  a  hobby  , and mascara    ,    freckled    skin    ,    and    pigtails    become    a    strength    ⸻    acquiring    the    art    of    storytelling   become    a    reality    ,    as    a    silver    tongue    grows    so    smooth    you    emerge    as    an    orchestrator    of    ( fun ) chaos    .
a  lil  adrenaline  junkie  if  u  may  !  spends  the  majority  of  her  time  catering  to  her  lil  broke  bestie  ,  but  when  she's  not  ?  she  has  such  a  need  for  speed  omfg  .  .  .  catch  her  outside  just  racing  ?  for  no  reason  ?  drifting  and  spinning  ,  and  all  of  the  fast  and  furious  stuff  .  lover  of  anything  fast  !  !  but  only  not  around  her  daughter  .  if  she's  there  ?  catch  her  going  the  exact  speed  limit  or  under  bc  she  loves  her  too  much  to  ever  put  her  in  danger  yup  !
embodiment  of  the  meme  with  the  little  girl  smiling  as  the  house  is  on  fire  fr  .  .  .  she's  a  lil  chaos  starter  ?  will  walk  in  the  room  and  just  instigate  bc  she  can  .  wants  to  see  the  world  burn  !!  and  why  ?  we  do  not  know  .  .  .  she  is  my  rebel  without  a  cause  for  no  reason  i  wanna  bonk  her  so  bad  dfnfjn  .
speaks  with  a  thick  russian  accent  &  curses  like  a  sailor  fr  .  you  can  be  like  "  hey  what's  up  "  and  she  will  dog  you  out  i'm  so  sorry    .  .    she's  nice  tho  !  !  just  very  aries  coded  i  fear  .
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rekiilysm · 3 years
Just a Lil Bit Shy
⇨ 「pairing— rody soul x hero!student!reader」
⇨ 「summary— you and your classmates go on a trip to a different country, which leads you to meeting new people and maybe even romance. but there’s one problem: you’re shy as hell.」
⇨ 「request— @whiteroseskiss」
⇨ 「warnings— slight blood/gore?, swearing, but other than that fluff!」
⇨ 「word count— 6.1k」
[part 1] [part 2]
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you and all of your class were going to different places all around the world to stop some type of trigger bombs that a group called “humarise”.
you were glad you were going to be with your friends, but you were honestly a bit shy. you were working with endeavor at his agency, so you’re with shoto, bakugo, and deku. luckily, you are really close to deku, so you’re comfy around him.
everything was going great until you guys were shopping around the town for things for endeavor; a thief was running around everywhere with a briefcase. you and the guys spilt up, but you go with deku.
you guys run by an ally, but see a guy running carrying the case with him, looking back with a smirk.
“deku!” you yelled over to deku, pointing over to the ally. he quickly looks over in the ally, noticing the guy.
“let’s go!” he nodded towards the ally. you nod in reply as you both go running toward the criminal who stole the briefcase full of gems.
you and deku ran all over the place; to the point where the guy went down to the subway. you both bolt down the stairs after him, but unfortunately, he was alright boarding the train, giving you both a ‘haha you missed me’ look.
you groan as you and deku start running after the train. you both jump onto the train track, running as fast as you can, but deku is obviously ahead because of his quirk; unfortunately for you, your quirk only works with the sun, so running isn’t your strength.
you see deku ahead of you jump onto the train, only to slam his face in the glass of it. you wince and start speeding up.
once the train stops at the next subway stop, the brunette hops out of the train, with you and deku right on his tail.
you and deku run up and tackle him to the ground. he pushed you both off, and quickly crawls over to the briefcase, getting up to bolt out of there. but luckily, deku stops him by getting a hold of the case in his hands.
“let go!” deku yells and the brunette boy quickly shakes his head.
“no, leave me alone!” the boy yells back, them both now having a tug-o-war of who gets the case. eventually, the briefcase opens and goes flying; papers going everywhere.
deku and you soon realized that it was just a regular briefcase, so deku got on his knees, slamming his head to the ground. he started mumbling many apologies, making the boy flustered as he swatted his hands. you bow your head mumbling a soft apology.
“what?!” the brunette said surprised. he looked through the stuff laying on the floor with a sigh.
as you and deku sat there looking at the brunette feeing bad, you heard someone running down the stairs yelling out. the boy who you and deku were chasing looks up in panic. he jumbles up all of the things that flew out of his case and quickly put them back in there. he shoots up from his spot, starting to run the opposite direction as the man chases him.
“h-hey! wait!” deku yelled and the two of you start to chase them both, trying to help the poor guy.
you two chase the boy, the criminal still behind you chasing you guys. before you could go any further, deku stopped quickly.
“y/n, get on my back!” deku yelled over to you, waving you over. before you could hesitate, you quickly hopped onto deku’s back. he started up his quirk as he bolted to the boy who you were chasing.
you eventually catch up, and deku grabs the brunette and slings an arm around him. “h-hey, let go of me!” he spat at deku, which he didn’t respond, he just kept running.
deku used his quirk to swing onto a bridge, which made you grip onto him harder. the boy wailing and screaming the whole time. you couldn't blame him though; you were scared out of your mine too, but you kept to yourself.
accidentally, the brunette started to fall, which made you jump from deku's back to reach out for him. you grabbed his hand, letting a small yelp escape your mouth as deku grabbed the two of you.
the three of you landed in a small patch of grass, you landing on top of deku with the boy on top of you.
“c-can’t breath..” you mumbled out of breath, which made the brunette roll off of you.
“sorry, but what the heck was that?!!” he replied, which deku sighed. he ignored the boy and got on his phone to call todoroki. you looked over the river that you guys had just came from with a sigh; the view was actually very beautiful here. the brunette was still shook from what just happened, and a little annoyed because deku was ignoring him. you just decided to not say anything because you were a bit shy, and didn’t want to talk. but unfortunately for you, he looked over and started to speak. “what’s going on?” he asked you, which you just shrugged.
deku looked back over at us, “so todoroki said to throw out my phone battery, and we need to get out of here.” you nodded, and so did the boy next to you.
you guys sneaked around the town a bit before you found a thrift shop with clothes for sale; you and deku needed to change out of your hero costumes so you don’t get caught.
as you walked (sneaked) up to the store, the brunette spoke up. “i never got your names,” he whispered.
“call me deku,” deku replied. the boy then looked over to you, silently asking for your name.
“uhm, i’m y/n,” you responded softly. the boy nodded at your responses.
“rody. rody soul,” he spoke, which you assume is his name.
‘rody,’ you thought. ‘what a nice unusual name..’
you guys went into the thrift shop with ease, and once you got in there, you all quickly started looking for something simple to wear.
you ended up getting a random band t-shirt, a black long sleeve to go underneath it, some ripped baggy jeans, and a pair of sneakers.
once you guys purchased your findings, you quickly put them on and met up in the alley next to the shop. “so what do we do now?” rody asked the two of you.
“we run,” deku added and you nodded.
you guys ran all day, ending up in a random place out in the middle of no where.
“we need to find somewhere to sleep,” deku stated and you silently agreed with him.
you ended up finding an abandoned barn, which wasn’t the best place to sleep, but it was shelter. all three of you lied down and got comfy on a stack of hay. as soon as your head hit the somewhat soft mattress, you fell into a deep sleep.
a couple of hours later, you woke up from the uncomfortable “mattress” you were all sleeping on. you decided that maybe if you got up for a minute, then you would get tired, so you sat up. but when you did, you looked beside you and only saw deku; no rody. your eyes widen, thinking that something might’ve happened to him, but your mind reassures you into thinking that he just got up and was outside; so, you got up and walked out of the barn.
you peeked your head out from the door, only to spot no one. you start to panic, so instead of doing the smart thing and getting deku, you go out on your own to find this boy.
running around, you eventually find him cornered by a helicopter and someone pointing a bow at him. you panic, bolting to where he was to protect him. as you were getting closer, you heard the arrow being pulled back, so you ran as fast as you could to protect rody.
he looked over to you in panic as you got in front of him and the arrow shot through your stomach. you hunch over at the intense pain, groaning as you held the spot on your stomach. you wrap your hands around the arrow and pull it out. “ahh,” you hiss loudly, almost to a scream. apparently deku saw that you guys left, so he ran over to you guys and picked you both up, throwing you on one of his shoulders and rody on the other.
deku bolted away, going to a random cave that was close. once you got there, deku set rody down and then set you down, “can you walk?” he asked with concern. you nodded and tried to walk on your own, but your legs gave out. luckily, rody was there to catch you before you hit the ground, which you blushed at the touch of him.
“maybe not,” rody chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. you let out a small one too, wincing at the pain in your stomach from laughing.
rody picked you up bridal style and walked over a rock that looked ok-ish to sit against. he gently sat you down, looking over your injuries.
“get the first-aid kit out of deku’s backpack,” you spoke weakly, your arms wrapped around you tummy holding the wound shut. he nodded, walking over to deku, who was setting his backpack down to get the first-aid kit out. deku opened the backpack, feeling around for the box. hi face lit up once he found it, pulling it out and tossing it to rody.
“of all the years of taking care of my little siblings, i know what i’m doing,” rody says and you nod.
“i’m gonna be look out, so if you need me, i’ll be at the end of the entrance of the cave,” deku said, walking away to leave you guys alone.
once he was gone, rody looked over to you, “how are we going to do this?” you blushed and looked over to him.
“i can take off my shirt..” you mumbled and his eyes go wide.
“no no! it’s ok! we can find another way to do this if you’re uncomfortable,” rody spoke back in a panic.
“how else are we supposed to do it?” you ask and he sighs in defeat. you nod and tug the ends of your band tee, pulling over you head with ease. the long sleeve is what you worry about. you lace your fingers under it, starting to pull it up. you wince, dropping your hands down.
“let me help,” rody says to you softly. there was no point in arguing because you couldn’t do it yourself anyway. you nodded, putting your arms up to let him pull your shirt over your head.
he crouches down to your level, grabbing the ends of your shirt and looking up to you. “are you sure your comfortable with this? if not, that’s completely fine!” he quickly stated and you smiled lightly.
“it’s okay,” you say quietly and he nods. he gently pulls the shirt over your head, revealing your black sports bra. he blushed, quickly looking away and grabbing the tools he needed.
he carefully cleaned your wound, trying not to hurt you, but he accidentally hit a few sensitive parts.
once he was completely done, you had bandages wrapped around your torso. you felt a little bit better since it was cleaned and bandaged up, but you still didn’t have a shirt on. you look over to him, his eyes on you.
“rody?” you ask and he snaps out of his trance. he blushes profusely, repeating apologies left and right which made you chuckle. “can i have my shirt back?” you ask quietly, and he realizes that he hasn’t given it back yet.
“oh yeah, of course! i’m sorry,” he sighs and hands you your shirt. “also, you probably should keep the long sleeve shirt off because it might be uncomfortable.”
you nodded, “it’s okay, really. and you’re right.” rody looked at you softly, which made you smile.
“y’know, i’ve always hated heroes; i always thought they were stuck up people who just did it for the money. but after tonight.. i’m starting to think differently of heroes. you just risked your life for me, and you’re not even getting payed to do it!” rody confessed. you give him a small smile, knowing that you changed the way he thinks of heroes. you did. “all i’ve wanted was to protect my siblings, but i don’t have a quirk that is hero-like.”
you raise your eyebrow, “what is your quirk?” he sighs and chuckles.
“well okay so,” he starts off. you smile to yourself thinking about things.
‘he’s really starting to open up to me, just like i’m opening up to him..’
the next day, rody got you guys a car to get around with. it was like one of those old vintage vans that hippies would drive. it was pretty cool.
you guys drove all day and night, making the occasional stop to get gas and snacks. rody had to hide you guys from the gas station worker because you were known “criminals”.
after driving for a bit, rody drove the van into a shallow, wide stream, which made the van get stuck. deku got out and powered up his quirk, pulling the vehicle out of the water. but while pulling, he slipped on a wet rock, falling on his butt in the process.
“are you good?” rody asked, sticking his head out the window. you leaned over the radio to look out the windshield because you sat in the middle between rody and deku.
“yeah!” deku yelled back and got up.
you guys continued to drive to otheon’s neighboring country, which was long. you guys finally made it to the end of a mountain, but unfortunately for you, it couldn't go up it. so, you, deku and rody all had to climb up the mountain yourselves, which was a difficult task to say the least.
as your backs were against the mountain, your whole bodies straight so that you wouldn’t fall, you heard a loud helicopter trying to get you guys. “quick, up the mountain!” deku yelled as you all quickly, but carefully made your way up the mountain.
once you got there, the same people that shot at you guys a couple of days earlier were there. the girl with arrows aimed at you guys, luckily missing every time.
“rody, protect the case! y/n, go fight the girl, i’ll fight the other one,” deku yelled over to you and you nodded. you ran over to the woman, starting up your quirk as you shinned a sun beam into the girl’s eyes. she yelped in response, putting her hand over her eyes.
as you were fighting, you heard some booms from not too far from you.
‘bakugo..’ you thought to yourself, feeling relieved that you had someone to fight with.
bakugo jumped down from the sky, landing on his feet beside you. he used his grenade and blasted the girl, making her fall to the ground. before you could do anything, you heard the sound of propellers; possibly a helicopter. you turn your attention to it, seeing that it was in fact a helicopter.
the girl who was shooting arrows at you guys hopped onto the helicopter, turning towards you. “for the cause!” the girl yelled out. your eyes widened, thinking about what she was hopefully not about to do. but unfortunately, she jumped off of the helicopter, which was right beside the mountain, so she fell straight to the ground. you gasp as all five of you stare in shock. you felt bad for the girl, it was just your nature to care about people.
“oh my god,” bakugo mumbled as he turned around and went over to the group. after you guys got all of the villains, you all huddled together. you sat on the ground with your legs crossed, worn out from all the events that happened today. you looked up to rody, catching him looking down at you. he quickly looked away with a bright blush on his face. you smile, but it soon fades as you look over to the briefcase in his hands. there was a compartment open on the case, which made you suspicious.
“uhm guys,” you said quietly, but they didn’t hear you. “guys,” you said a little louder, but they were still stuck in their conversation. “guys!” you yelled louder, which made the boys all turn to your direction on the ground instantly, surprised that the shy, quiet girl yelled at them. “look! there’s a compartment open on the case,” you say, pushing a piece of your hair behind your ear.
“wait,” deku said, getting on one knee and giving the briefcase a closer look. “y/n’s right, guys!” the boys all look at it, nodding their heads.
“we need to get back,” todoroki stated and you nodded.
once you guys got back to the agency where you four have been staying and working at, you guys immediately started working. you guys were talking and eventually, rody put the hard drive in it into the computer. it showed a bunch of different files, which made your head hurt to look at.
“check the most recent one,” bakugo says to rody and he nods. when he does, it’s a voice recording of a man. (i actually forgot what he says but oh well)
you guys eventually found the whereabouts of where the main base was located, and you guys started your journey there. “how are we gonna get there?” deku asked, which rody stepped in.
“i think i have a way to get there,” he says and you raise an eyebrow.
all of you guys ended up to an old airplane. you smile, nudging him with your elbow, knowing that he is learning how to fly airplanes.
you guys boarded the rather small plane, which deku, todoroki, and bakugo all sat in the back, while you sat in the passengers seat. rody started up the plane, getting ready for takeoff.
the plane ride was sorta long, so the guys in the back were planning and you turned over to rody. you see his small pink bird pop up from his hood and look over to you. “what’s its name?” you ask rody.
he hums, “oh yeah! her name is pino!” he smiles and so does pino.
“aww!” you say with a smile.
what you didn’t notice was deku and the boys talking about you behind you.
“she’s really opening up,” deku said with a smile looking over to you. the boys both agree seeing your smile on your face, which they’ve never seen before.
“i’ve never seen her smile before,” todoroki says and they all nod looking back over to you. but pino was looking right at them when they looked over; pino’s glare startled them for sure.
which only meant that rody heard what they were saying..
anyway, the rest of flight you and rody talked and the boys in the back did as well. when you arrived, the boys opened the back door of the plane, making you stand up from your spot of follow them. but rody grabs your hand, making you stop in your tracks. you look down at him in confusion.
“be careful, okay? please don’t get hurt,” he says softly, looking at you sweetly and lovingly. you nod and smile at him, giving his hand a tight squeeze. you made your way to the door, the boys already there waiting for you. “is there anything i can do?” rody asks and the boys answer while jumping out of the helicopter.
“this is a job for heroes!” they say in unison. you playfully roll your eyes, giving rody one more glance before jumping out yourself.
once you got to the ground, deku spoke the plan to you guys and you nodded. you and deku went inside while todoroki and bakugo handled their own villains.
getting inside was a difficult task to say the least. with the many hallways and cuts and corners, it was a lot. but, you and your green-haired partner got to the main area eventually. as you swung the doors wide open, you look up to the balcony, seeing the main leader of the cult.
“i knew you would stop by,” the guy spoke from high above you. you and deku grit your teeth at the man as he jumps down to your level. “this will be fun,” he says again and you and deku start up your quirks, running towards him. some lasers started shooting out from places on the wall, which shot right at you guys.
you panicked as deku got shot by one. he let out a painful yell as you started to look around for light. there wasn’t any sun around you, but you saw in your peripheral vision a torch that was hanging up on the wall.
you grab the light from where you were, shinning it into the leader’s eyes, but it just reflected back to you, blinding your sight. you let out a small squeal, tumbling back a bit before standing up straight. you squinted your eyes, looking over to deku who kept attacking the man over and over again; and in the process, deku was hurting himself by doing that.
“deku, his quirk just makes our attacks bounce back to us!” you say loud enough for him to hear.
he nods, “yeah i noticed that.” he continues to attack him while you just stood there, not being able to see much. after a few minutes, your eyesight was normal again, so you ran over to deku. but before you could get to him, a laser beam shot you through your shoulder, and shot deku again as well. you scream in pain, bringing your hand up to your bleeding shoulder.
as that happened, deku was blasted into a bookcase on the wall. you turn around to the leader, running as fast as you could with the light from the torch that was collected in your hand. you shot it at the man, but unfortunately, it just shot you into the bookcase along with deku.
deku got up and limped over to who you found out is called ‘flect turn’. but as he was about to reach him, deku collapsed onto the ground from blood loss. “deku!” you whisper shouted. you got up, limping over to him, but as you got to him, you fell yourself.
you both lied there, blood oozing out of your weak bodies as flect turn watched you. you kept telling yourself to pull through, but you couldn’t move.
then you heard the doors open, footsteps following the sound of the door. with all your might, you lifted your head off of the ground to see who it was.
“well, well, well,” flect turn spoke, looking at the mysterious person who walked in.
“i just came here to return this thing to you,” a voice you immediately recognized spoke. it was rody..
you and deku’s heads shot up, looking at rody making his way over to flect turn. he had the hard drive in his hand, ready to give it away.
“rody, don’t!” deku yelled and you nodded, hoping that rody would listen. rody looked back at the two of you; his heart broke at the sight of you. he couldn’t bare to see someone he cared about hurt.
“sorry guys, but some members found me and told me that i could get out alive if i just hand over this little thing,” he says to you guys, holding the flash drive between his fingers.
you frown at him, “rody, don’t do it! please..” he didn’t even look at you because he knew that if he did, the whole plan would go south.
“i’m sorry, y/n,” he says and looks down. you sigh, feeling tears well up. but as rody walked closer to flect turn, his back was facing you. as he walked, you saw pino pop up from his hood giving you guys a wink.
your eyes light up as you and deku look at each other. rody starts to hand over the drive, flect turn’s hand reaching out for it. but rody flips the hard drive up in the air, catching it as he starts to book it for the area where the trigger bomb’s timer is located.
“no!” flect turn yelled out as a laser beam shot right a rody. luckily, he jumped out of the way, bolting for the stairs. the whole way up he dodged the lasers, but unfortunately, one got him. it shot right through his stomach, making him stop. he yells out in pain, which makes you and deku sit up and face his direction.
the sight angered you. you usually were really shy and wouldn’t do much or get mad that easily, but when your friends get hurt.. yikes. especially when it’s someone you’ve grown close to and you care a lot about.
you stopped, anger etched on your face as you looked over to the guy; your jaw was clenched.
“y/n, go help rody! i’ll handle flect turn,” deku yells over to you, getting up to face the leader of the cult. you nodded, getting up as quickly as you could, despite the pain everywhere in your body.
you ran over to the stair that rody had already been down, the blood trail on the wall giving it away. you start down the stairs as fast as you could, but the pain in your body said otherwise.
“shit!” you mumble to yourself, holding your wounds as you made your way down the stairs. you usually didn’t use such language, but you really didn’t care at this point.
as you finally made your way down the stairs, you spot rody face-first on the floor with a puddle of blood surrounding him. your heart shatters at the sight, making tears form in your eyes.
you ran over to his limp body with all your might, sliding on your knees over to him. you picked his head up off of the ground, gently placing it in your lap. you look down at his unconscious face, lifting your hand up to it and cupping his cheek. your calloused thumb ran over his soft skin, wiping some blood off his face in the process.
you look over to the bomb timer, only to see pino on top of the hard drive, which was in the machine.
‘he did it..’ you thought to yourself with a smile on you face, tears still running down your red cheeks.
you run your free hand through his hair, combing out the small knots in it. as you did that, you felt him wake up. he nuzzled into your hand, slowly opening his eyes to meet yours.
“hi,” is all he said before bringing a hand to your cheek as well.
“hi,” you say back with a shy smile. a piece of your hair falls in your face, but before you could push it behind your ear, rody did it for you. “you did it, rody.. you saved the world.” you say, blush quickly creeping onto your face.
“no, we did it,” he says with a smile, which made you do the same. “y’know it’s funny. a couple of days ago you and deku were chasing me down an alley,” he blurts out, which makes you laugh; he does the same, his eyes crinkling up while he laughed.
“yep, and we also went off the grid for about a week,” you say with a chuckle, remembering the events of the past week. he starts to laugh, which you do too.
“you were also as shy as hell a few days ago, and now look at you! you’re talking and laughing with me!” rody says as he looks up to you, admiring all of your features.
“you’re the only person i’ve actually opened up to,” you replied, looking back at him.
“really?! i’m so special,” he says and you laugh.
“you really are..” you say and he raises an eyebrow.
“oh really now?” he smirks and you smile, lightly hitting his arm where he’s not hurt.
you sigh, looking over to the side, “you’re the first person i’ve ever opened up to. i’ve never opened up to my parents before! you mean a lot to me rody..” he looks at you in shock, thinking about what you could possibly say the next time you open your mouth. you sigh, “i-i like you rody. i like you a lot. and i know we just met a couple of days ago, but i’ve really grown closer to you and opened up to you. you don’t have to feel the same way, but i just wanted to tell you.”
rody looked at you in shock, he stared into your eyes, not believing what you had just said.
he finally breaks away from his trance, looking up to you with a smile forming on his lips, “i like you too, y/n.”
now it was your turn to be shocked. no one has ever confessed their mutual feelings to you, and you didn’t know how to react. your heart was pounding and your cheeks were turning bright red.
“i-uhm,” you say quietly, not knowing what to say.
rody speaks up, “c-can i kiss you?” he asks you and you look down at him, your cheeks burning even redder if possible.
you silently nod as he leans up from his spot on the ground, now using both hands to cup your face. he brings his lips to yours, softly kissing your busted lips. you feel his cold, but soft lips against yours as you lean into the kiss more. you slowly wrap your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss more.
as you pull away, you both regain your breath again. you bring your hands back down to your lap as rody pulls his hands away from your face. you both sit there for a second, both a blushing mess. you eventually look up to rody, who was already looking at you. your breath hicks as that same piece of hair falls in front of your face. you push it back, looking back up to him with a shy smile.
after you guys defeated flect turn and the cult, you guys were all put in the hospital to recover from your injuries. your bed sat next to rody’s, which made it easy to talk to each other. as you guys healed, you grew even closer to each other.
but a week after recovery, you guys were finally let go, which meant you and the boys had to go back home. you all stood in the airport, waiting for your flight to be called, but you heard a familiar voice that you adored so much.
you excitedly turned around and left your things where they were, jogging over to rody. deku went along with you to say your goodbyes as well.
as you made it over to the brunette who was on crutches, you stopped and looked at him with a frown. “how are you feeling?” you ask him and he sighs.
“better. but my stomach still hurts,” he replied and your heart broke. before you could say anything, deku came up to you guys as well.
“hey, i see you got out of the hospital,” deku says to rody and he nods.
“please don’t come back, you guys cause too much ruckus,” rody spats as he looks off into the large window. pino pops out balling his eyes out, and rody sighs. you feel tears threaten to spill from your eyes as well, knowing that you won’t see rody for who knows how long.
you and deku go up to him and crush him with a hug, still being careful with his injuries. you’re both to the point of letting your tears flow, but stop them before they could. you guys pull back, letting rody regain his balance.
“i’ll let you guys talk,” deku says before turning on his heel to go back to the group. you looked back at rody, feeling sadness overwhelm you.
“i guess this is goodbye,” you say sadly, making him cup your cheek with his free hand that wasn’t holding a crutch up.
“no, it’s see you later. we’ll see each other again soon, i promise,” he replied to your sad statement. you leaned into his hands, nodding with a smile. you feel the tears that you fought back so hardly flow down your cheeks.
“call me when you can?” you spoke out, your voice sounding raspy from your crying.
“absolutely,” he says and you smile, wiping your tears away. unfortunately, the moment had to be ruined from a voice over to intercom that spoke your flight number.
“c’mon, y/n!” deku yelled over to you from the escalators. you look up to him and nod, turning back at rody. rody wipes your tears away and brings your face into his. he sets his lips onto yours gently, but quickly. as you guys pull back, you press your foreheads together, smiling like idiots.
“see ya later, rody” you say, beginning to walk over to the escalators that your friends were on.
“see you later, y/n,” he said back, giving you a small wave. pino flew up from his hood and kissed you on your cheek.
“i’ll miss you too, pino,” you chuckled.
“hurry up, idiot!” you heard bakugo yell. you sigh and turn to rody. you give him a wave before running up the escalators to catch up to your friends.
over the past two weeks, you’ve let out of your shy shell, opening up to your fellow classmates. but of course, you were still shy as ever.
it was about a month after you left otheon, and it was around christmas time. you and rody talked over the phone every day, always making sure to catch up and tell each other about your days.
you found out that rody actually got a job at a small bar in his town, which made you more than happy knowing he wasn’t doing anything bad.
as christmas day came up, you hoped and prayed it would be your boyfriend coming to japan to surprise you. you and all of your friends were sitting in the common area with santa costumes on, but you were in the band tee that you got from otheon, as well as a santa hat. you were sitting on your phone while everyone else was chatting with each other. until you heard a knock..
you looked up from your phone, wondering who it was. you thought it could be mr. aizawa, so you didn’t get too excited. but once you saw deku swing open the door to reveal a brunette outside, you got excited. you jumped to your feet, running over to rody as you gave him a bone-crushing hug.
“merry christmas, y/n,” rody said as he kissed your forehead. you pulled away to let him get inside and take his shoes off.
“merry christmas, rody,” you say with a smile. your hair fell in your face, so you pushed it behind your ear.
as your classmates watched this interaction, they noticed how opened up you are to rody. they never knew that the shy sunshine girl would be so open and outgoing with someone.
after a little bit, you all got to open up presents, which was always exciting. after everyone was done, rody tapped you on your shoulder, making you turn towards him. as you look at him, you notice something in his hands, so you look down and see a wrapped box.
you lightly gasp, “rody, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
he shakes his head, “yes i did, and i know you’ll like it.” he smiles at you, which makes you do the same. you look down to your lap with the present in it, digging your fingers into the wrapping paper.
once you got it all off, it revealed a fancy-looking box. you give him an unsure look before opening the box. as soon as you removed the top, you saw a beautiful hair clip with a sun on it. you gasp, picking up the hair clip and looking over to rody.
he smiles at you, “i know how annoying that one strand of hair is, and you’re opening up to people more, so i thought this would be a good way to start.” you smile at him even more, giving him a hug.
“i love it, rody,” you say as the damn piece of hair falls in your face again.
rody takes the clip from your hands and places it in your hair, “i’m glad!”
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luimagines · 3 years
First Kiss! Part 3
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Part 1 Part 2
Part three will include Four, Hyrule and Wind!
Content under the cut!
The night was crisp and young as you walked with Four around the forest before Wild had to eventually send out the Wolf to come and find you two if you wanted to eat anything at all.
He walked a little ways ahead of you and grinned when he came across a little tree stump with a small crack down the middle. “I found one!”
“Found what?” You tilt your head. “When you said you were going to show me something, I didn’t think it would be this? Unless it’s still something I’m not seeing yet.”
“We’re not there yet!” Four bounces on the balls of his feet like an excited kid and gestures you to come next to him frantically.
You try to hide your laughter and go do what he’s asking of you.
He’s quick to grab your hand and he takes a breath.
You raise your eyebrow and copy him.
Four looks over to you, knowing that you’re messing with him before he grins and says, “Ready?”
“Ready for what?”
Four starts chanting a spell before you can even think to stop him and your whole vision shifts and everything grows and it’s warm and sweet and there, before you is suddenly a small hut with mouse people that you’ve never seen before. With feathered tails and little hats and ponchos with acorn cups and pots and you take a minute to take it all in.
Four laughs at your struck dumb expression and ushers you forward.
“What is this place?” You ask on a breath.
Four grabs your hand and gestures with his free to the space around you. “This is a safe haven for the Minish or the Picori as they’ve been known to call themselves.”
“Wow...” You feel a bright smile on your face as you head deeper into the little village inside the tree stump.
But alas, it’s only a few seconds before Link is swarmed by the mouse peop- the Minish as they asll seem to recognize him.
“Hello Mr. Hero!”
“You’re back Link!”
“How have you been?”
“Come sit with us! Have a drink!”
“Link, it’s been awhile. Do you have any new stories to tell us?” A group of the mice- minish- you have to remind yourself again- walk up to Link and one dares to loop their around his, leaning her head on his shoulder as she says this.
Four grins and pulls himself away much to your relief. “You know it! But not right now.” Four says your name, introducing you to the people who must be his friend before saying he was going to show you around.
One minish girl pouts and goes to reach for his arm again. “But Mr. Hero~!”
“Later.” Four smiles in your direction and takes your hand for everyone to see, lacing your fingers together.
You smile a little more easily and gladly follow him through the town.
And it’s really quite lovely.
But... You would enjoy yourself more if Four didn’t have one of them come up to flirt with him every ten minutes.
You can see him begin to get uncomfortable and he’s already apologized more than once about not being able to give you his full attention and show you around like he wanted. Your heart breaks for him.
One girl though, really pushes your buttons.
It’s the same one from earlier- the one that didn’t hesitate to latch onto his arm. “Link! You’ve been here long enough already! Tell us your stories!”
“Sorry but he’s with me today.” You growled and pulled him away from her.
He lets you.
You glare at the girl who doesn’t seem all that impressed by your attitude and claim. She scoffs a little and crosses her arms. “And you are you supposed to be?”
“His lover.”
Four coughs a little next to you but doesn’t deny anything.
The picori around you all still as if you popped a balloon in a silent room. All activity stops and there’s a nervous air around everyone as they all turn their heads to look at you, Four and the small group of minish girls that backup the original.
The original blinks for a minute before smirking a little. “No you’re not.”
You feel like you’ve been slapped.
You take a step back before a calm washes over you.
She doesn’t believe you?
That’s fine.
You shrug and turn to Four who’s watching everything with intense interest.
You don’t hesitate to pick him up and pin to the wall beside you, kissing him like it’s the last thing you’ll ever do. Like you’ve been dying of thirst and he’s the glass of water you’ve been waiting for. Like you’re about to get heat stroke and he’s the shade to protect you. 
Four kisses you back with a smile on his lips.
Four wraps his legs around your waist and buries his hands into your hair, bringing you closer to him.
He tastes like apples and you vaguely remember the apple pie Four had managed to snag for breakfast earlier. There’s the hint of cinnamon and sweet sugar topping.
“I think they’re together.” Someone says in the background but you’re not paying attention to them any more.
You pull away from Four and rest your forehead against his. “Hey there Lover Boy, sorry about the lack of warning.”
“I am not complaining. That was hot.” He smirks and pulls you back in for another kiss.
Those who were interested in Four back away somewhat and everyone returns, with great difficulty on their part, back to what they were doing before.
Minish are terrible gossips.
But you think you can accept that the news is going to be that Four is with you now.
All those fangirls can back off, he’s yours.
You were in trouble for real this time.
You don’t know what it’s going to take but you think it might just be the end of the road for you.
You’re out of potions, you have no fairies, you can’t move your dominant arm and you’re ninety eight percent sure that you’re leg is broken.
To make matters worse, there’s a whole bunch of monsters nearby that you think you’re going to be unable to avoid when they find you.
You take a breath and try to calm down.
There’s no amount of adrenaline in the world that can help out of this one.
And you know you’re not getting any backup either.
This is it.
You can at least leave this plane of existence with a good conscious and a clear head. You can go down with dignity and you can at least you didn’t go down easy.
You just know that the next fight will be your last.
You try to sit up, ignoring how everything in your body seems to hurt, all for different reasons.
It beginning to hurt more now that the adrenaline is leaving your system and you’re getting tired.
A nap wouldn’t hurt.
Maybe the monsters will find you in your sleep and end you then. they say that’s the best to go. In your sleep.
Or (and you know this is unlikely) they’ll think you’re already dead and just leave you alone. Then you can wake up and try to go find help after you’ve rested a little while. 
It’ll be tough, but it’s possible.
Who’re you kidding?
You’re going to die.
You’re never going to see your family again.
You’re never going to tell your friends how much you appreciate them.
You’re never going to be able to tell that Traveler that you’ve fallen uselessly in love with him. 
You’re never going to see the sun again and sing and laugh and see a future family for you....
You don’t want to die.
A single tear runs down your face and you lean back against a stone wall. the corner you were in is secluded enough but not at all hidden.
You can hear the monsters come closer- they’re fighting something. The chaos is loud and thundering in the otherwise empty and quiet cave. They’re coming in your direction and you start counting the seconds.
They get closer and you see the fringes of one huge moblin take a step back to be in front of you. He’s not facing you- too busy fighting something on the other side but you’re out in the open.
You’re tired.
You take another breath and close your eyes. You hear the moblin go down and die but from what, you don’t know. You can’t even open your eyes anymore, that was how tired you were.
But then there’s a scream.
A familiar scream.
No, Hyrule. It’s Hyrule. It’s your Traveler.
He sounds horrified, pained and it’s enough to try to get you to move again.
You need to see what caused it, you need to see if he’s ok, you need to see what made him scream like that.
But you can’t.
The most you can do it flop an arm and move your head to the side.
Something lands on your side, you can feel it and if you can’t move you can speak. “Mmm...”
Ok, you guess not.
“Oh my god...” Hyrule voice breaks. He sounds like he’s crying.
Please don’t cry, you think. I’m not worth your tears. Save them for someone who matters.
“No...” He gulps and you can feel him move your head, being as gentle as he can with you. You take the biggest breath you can and try to move your head to the other side.
“You can’t die here.” He says. “I won’t let you.”
You can feel the spell he’s used so often on your friend’s fingertips, flow through you and it lessens the pain somewhat, but you know you’re too far gone. You’re too weak. You want to try to stop him from using all his magic but you can’t but at least you can die happy, knowing that he cared about you. It may not be as deep as you would have liked to take your relationship with him, but this is enough. More than enough even.
You feel him turn your head more and begin to lose consciousness.
This is ok.
You think you can go now.
Hyrule kisses you.
It’s desperate.
It’s longing- painful.
Magic flows through your whole body at an alarming rate and you think you can see a golden glow behind your eye lids that forces you to keep your eyes shut tight from the brightness of it all.
But you can move again.
You bring a hand up to your face, feeling Hyrule’s more clearly and let it rest on his jaw.
Slowly, you kiss back- half sure that this is a dream your dying brain has cooked up to make the process easier for yourself.
It’s not sweet, it’s not gentle anymore and the magic wakes you up again enough where you can feel how tight Hyrule is holding onto you.
You push him away with what little strength you managed to get back and blinked your eyes open.
The golden light fades and there’s sits in front of you, your Traveler.
He’s crying.
You blink and begin to feel more of your body again, confusion drowning you in its wake. “Link?”
Your voice is rough and you feel like you need to cough but Hyrule cuts you off and hugs you close. 
“You can’t die.” He says, gulping down the sob that threatens to break through. “I won’t let you... I promise. You’re going to be ok if it’s the last thing I do.”
“Wind!” You whisper yell and frantically wave your hand to convince to come over to you.
The boy in question grins and looks around momentarily before jogging over to where you were hidden in the bushes. “What is it?”
“Come with me.” You beam and take his hand, wasting no time in dragging him behind you. “There’s something I want to show you but only you. Wild might destroy it and I’ll never be able to get him to leave.”
“Leave where?” Wind asks in his normal volume.
You spin around and place your finger to his lips before glancing for the others again. When nothing appears to have heard the little outburst you pull away and lace your fingers together. “You’ll see!”
Wind doesn’t know what you’re talking about but the secrecy is fun for him, so he’ll place along.
You take him off the trail and take two lefts, a right then a left and Wind considers you two to be lost the second you make the last turn.
He takes a breath and looks around, each tree looking more imposing than the last but he would have no idea where to start if he were to try and go back. “I think we’re lost.”
“No way!” You snort. “This is my home. We’re almost there.”
“Your home?” Wind stands straighter.
You nod and pull away from him.
Wind goes to reach for your hand again.
You don’t notice.
You instead skip over to one of the trees and knock on it three times with your ear pressed up against the truck. You wait two seconds before nodding and take three large steps to the tree on the right and hit it with a branch Wind didn’t see next to it.
The tree shakes and a rope falls down.
You seem encouraged by this and take the rope, pulling on it with all your might which then drops a small ladder, that Wind sees is held together by ropes and connected to something at the top of the tree.
You don’t hesitate to start climbing , getting half way up before looking down and gesturing Wind to follow you.
Wind grins maniacally and follows you up the ladder faster than you would have thought he’d be capable of climbing.
You get to the top which is blocked off by a bunch of wood, but you know this place and you lift the trap door with ease and climb inside.
You get on your knees and turn around reaching your hand out to help Wind into the tree house.
He climbs in slower than you, glancing around with wide eyes, taking in everything.
There’s a small unmade bed in the corner with two stuffed animals from what he can. One is a dog and another is a bird but he doesn’t know what kind.
There’s a small bookshelf under a window that’s propped open with a small wooden board. There��s not a lot of books there, maybe seven at most but that’s more books than Wind is accustomed to seeing in one place and the rest of the space is filled is nick nacks and trinket that Wind assumes are from your adventure. And small chest next to it that must be where your clothes are if the cloth hanging out is any indication. 
There’s also a small- (toy sized) wood stove with matching metal pots and pans and a small sink on the other side of the tree house. Out of curiosity, he walks over and turns on the faucet.
It has running water.
“This is my home.” You whisper when Wind comes to stand up. “It’s little... and a little broken, if I’m being honest. I don’t have the tools to fix it but it’s mine.”
“Broken?” Wind blinks and looks around even more. There’s some rotting wood by the bed, now that he sees it and it doesn’t look like it’ll be able to hold much more weight if it continues without being replaced. It’s holding up the ceiling above your head- Wind instantly feels concerned for your safety should it collapse while you’re there, or what you’d do if it happened while you weren’t there. He’s almost sure now that there’s more that he just can’t see right now, if that was glaringly obvious off the get go.
“Some parts need fixing and replacing.” You admit. “But I didn’t build this place, I just found it and moved in, so I don’t know where I would even start. It’s not safe on the ground at night so I’m better off up here. There’s also some pipes on the roof are beginning to rust and get nasty. It collects the water from the tree leaves when it rains and keeps it in a container buried in the ground, that’s how I have running water. But it’s cracking.”
You sigh and sit on the floor, crossing your legs under you. “I’ll figure it out. Worse case scenario I’d have to leave and find a cave or something to live in but-”
“We can help you!” Wind turns to you and falls to knees in front of you. “Wild’s good at collecting materials. Twilight and Time can help build. Warrior can plan it out. Legend and Four can help with the pipes. You don’t have to lose your home.”
“The others might make fun of me for having this place.” You mutter with a small pout on your face. “But I knew you wouldn’t! That’s why I brought you up here! I may have nothing, but it’s a lot of nothing so I have enough to share.”
Wind leans into your space suddenly and places his lips on yours.
You gasp and touch them with the tips of your fingers, staring at him wide eyed and shocked.
It was just a peck, a butterflies touch, but the look on Wind’s face says something else. It’s heavy with emotion, with concern and care, and there’s a little part of you that finds it more attractive than you thought it would be.
“You won’t lose your home and I won’t let them make fun of you, I promise.” He gulps and bite his lip. “Let us help. Please.”
You blink at him and let the furious blush encompass your face entirely. You shrink a little bit away but smile. “Ok.”
Wind takes a breath and releases it a nervous but joyful laugh. “We’ll go get the others, ok? And we’ll make sure that you’re ok and safe and this whole place will be as good as new.”
You nod with a smile and Wind looks overjoyed that you agreed.
You hum and shift your weight onto your knees as well, leaning into Wind’s space, steadying yourself with a hand on his shoulder and place a delicate kiss on his lips as well. “Thank you Link.”
Wind also blushes something fierce and he begins to play with his hands in front of him, giggling and bashful. “Oh- Um- Well- I- Uh...You- You’re welcome.”
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
what he lost | k.bakugou.
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⇝ pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader.
⇝ word count: 5.4K
⇝ rating: for everyone.
⇝ genre: pro hero!au, exes!au, angst.
⇝ summary: back then; he was young, dumb and a little too prideful, taking your love for granted. now, years down the line he wonders if he’ll ever stand a chance in getting you back or the one in which katsuki bakugou grew up a little too late.
⇝ warning(s): please read ! heavy angst, no happy ending, mentions of toxic relationships, emotional distress, mentions of violence ( explosions, fight scenes, knives, blood ) and cursing all around.
⇝ author’s note(s): greetings everyone!! i hope you’re all doing well, today’s one-shot is a request from @killakatsuki​​, i know you wanted a happy ending but i got a little ahead of myself eee !! anyways thank you all for 400+ followers, i love you all :(
⇝ masterlist | requests
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“katsuki bakugou if you leave me right now, please... please don’t come back.”
bakugou had always hated that, he thought, casting his gaze elsewhere in the room. he always hated how you cried when you were angry, red hot tears stinging a pathway down the apples of your usually glowing cheeks.
he couldn’t quite place the reasoning as to why. maybe it was because you rarely ever found yourself angry or perhaps it was how pathetic you looked when your bottom lip wobbled and your harsh words were laced with watery sobs.
or maybe it was because he didn’t want to feel sorry for you, didn’t want to comfort you when he was too prideful to admit that you were right. “whatever, don’t tell me what the fuck to do.” he spits, eyes and voice full of a venom he barely ever uses against you. he watches with a scarlet gaze as you falter, as if a knife has dug deep into your heart and cut you all up but bakugou only scoffs and continues to pack his side kick costume into the duffle bag he’s got on your shared bed.
every fibre of his being is tell him to reach out for you and apologise, he knows that he’s wrong. keeping his late night shifts from you, working extra hours— of course you were going to worry but he needed you to understand that being a hero was his dream above all else. the last thing he needed was a distraction like you.
something in you changed that night, both of you. as the rain hit hard on the roof of your shared apartment, even as you took his things and threw them out into the hall and even as you gave him one last chance on the doorstep. “you can leave now and not comeback or you can stay and we’ll talk this through—“ your eyes spoke to him in a silent plead, asking him if he would really give up the life that you’d built for lies and a better job?
but you knew the answer already.
“like i said,” katsuki rolled his eyes as knowing sobs wracked your body. “i never needed you anyways.”
you slammed the door before he could walk away and forget the tears in your eyes.
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six years later and katsuki is pissed.
he’d been irritable since this morning when his interns fucked up the paperwork at his agency— leaving him to clean it up and then when his assistant brought him the wrong coffee and forgot to notify him of the pro hero meeting he was currently attending right at this very minute.
of course heroes of all different calibers were present; including none other than the number two, shoto todoroki, who was in charge of directing this week’s patrol missions but something about that only grinds the explosive pro’s gears even more. although, he could see himself being even more pissed if the number one; deku had shown his face instead of being away on an overseas mission. the schedule for this week’s patrol sits heavily in bakugou’s hand and he almost wants to burn it to pieces just at the thought of working with his future partner.
‘yn ln.’
the sight of your name printed in block capitals next to his has the ash blonde reeling, glancing up to send a blazing scowl towards shoto. he feels set up, as if the half hot, half cold bastard is dangling you right in front of him— its not like todoroki doesn’t know the history that sits between bakugou and yourself, after all,  he had been the friend you’d ran off to during the fight that ended your five year relationship.
it’s like todoroki had a sixth sense because by the time he’d finish announcing the pair ups, he’d tiredly caught wind of katsuki’s heated stare. “bakugou—“
“i wanna fuckin’ switch, icyhot.”
“you can’t.”
bakugou stands from his seat next to kirishima ( who only looks apologetically at his colleagues ), annoyance rippling through his veins as he approaches the taller male. “why the fuck not?” he growls, small explosions sparking in the palms of his sweaty hands ( he was undeniably nervous because of the impending patrol ) the group of heroes simultaneously sigh— having been used to the explosive pro’s usual outbursts.
todoroki sighs, running his cooler hand over his face. “because the pairs have been matched up by quirk and strength, on top of that they were done in advance so if you really have a problem with it then i suggest you take it up with the number one—“ the dual quirked hero falls silent, a triumphant smirk appearing on his lips as red riot pulls his friend away before it’s too late.
“dude, you can’t just go blowing people up!” the red head scolds beneath bakugou’s sailor mouth, wrestling him over to the couch.
katsuki feels defeated, there’s no way to get out of this situation. he’s done his best these last few years to avoid you like the plague. it was somewhat easy, considering you were lower in the ranks compared to him, so there wasn’t much time to interact anyway. but katsuki hated the fact that he had always thought you would fall below him.
nonetheless; he took to switching event time tables around, rejecting hang outs with his old high school friends... all to avoid you, and now that he had to see you face to face, he wasn’t sure how to react. would you still hate him? how did you feel about working with him?
there’s not much time to dwell on the thought for kirishima is already patting his back and guiding him out of the meeting as it ends, the promise of drinks at an ‘heroes only bar’ hanging in the air.
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“you’re so handsome, ground zero ! thank you for protecting japan !”
bakugou can feel the bile rising in the back of his throat at the words from the sickly sweet fan, so he gives a nonchalant grunt in response as he finishes up his signature on her notebook before continuing his march to your hero agency. it’s been a few days since the meeting between the pro heroes and all the number three wants is to make it to your agency without being fawned over by more obsessive fans.
he gives the fan a casual wave, ignoring the look of disappointment on her face— either she was expecting his number or for him to grow bashful under her flurry of compliments but katsuki was never one for fan service.
he hated fans that expected something from him, ones who wanted more than a casual chat with their favourite pro hero but he wouldn’t let them in. they didn’t want the intimate, vulnerable sides of katsuki bakugou like you had— maybe that made the ash blonde stuck on you.
yn ln was the only girl in his life who had tried to understand the many layers of the hot headed hero, you saw past his aggressive nature and touched the deepest parts of his soul…parts that you longed to love and keep safe.
you’d loved him for who he was below the surface, not for the money and fame he had come to amass as number three in the ranks.
behind scarlet eyes are the best moments of the hero’s life, each shared with you. katsuki had took for granted the seconds you had been with him, even from the very start— he didn’t care for the way that you held him after he’d been kidnapped, clinging onto him like he’d disappear or would never return to your arms, he should have cherished the tears of worry you shed for him too but katsuki was too prideful at the time.
too full of himself even with his raging nightmares that you had managed to soothe.  
you’d comforted him after he’d failed the licensing exams, promised him he’d still get to be the greatest hero of all time and still, bakugou had cared for none of this. now that he’d thought about it, he hadn’t been good to you, he didn’t know how you’d dealt with they way he undermined your quirk and doubted your ability to protect him when he should have been the one to protect you.
your love was wasted on him, and for that bakugou needed to apologise.
hands in his pockets, katsuki’s mind could have been said to be away with the fairies, haunted by the night he came home with a half hearted apology on his lips to an empty apartment and a note from you. something about staying with the icyhot bastard and not to contact you.
that is until he collided with the back of someone in the crowd. “hey!” he’s quick to growl out to the figure, a slight snarl to the words leaving his mouth. “watch where you’re going, shitty extra—“
“ah, katsuki! nice to see you haven’t changed,” your voice sends shivers down the blonde’s spine, bright red eyes focusing on you and only you. your smile is bright, dazzling under the hot japan sun and even if katsuki hadn’t changed, you certainly had— your pretty eyes he used to get lost in, he used to watch glimmer with tears now hold a different kind of light, they greyish hue that dulled you over your time with him had finally cleared.
you looked healthy, happier and bakugou realises how much your relationship must’ve wore you down.
he feels like he doesn’t deserve the grin that you give him; the one you would save just for him in the early mornings you’d spent together back when you were dating. maybe that makes his heart jumps out of his chest.
“y-yn— “
he hadn’t prepared himself for your sweet, airy giggle that fills the space between you. “ground zero getting shy on me now? don’t tell me you forgot about our shift today, did’ya?”
“n-no, ‘course not, dumbass.” fuck, katsuki’s heart thumps against his ribcage so loud that he’s afraid you might hear it with the little distance between you. since when did you make him nervous? despite the pet name, you still give him a laugh as a flicker of fondness twinges in your bright eyes.
it’s quickly replaced when you blink it away, beckoning ground zero into your hero offices. “nice to see that sailor’s mouth hasn’t changed either ,” you mumble more so to yourself than him. bakugou walks a few paces behind you while you explain to him that you have to finish assigning your sidekicks and interns a few low level missions before you can head off for the day.
the group of young heroes are excitable, seemingly loving the opportunity to work with you— their chatter is loud but it gives katsuki time to drink you in.
crimson eyes travel over your form while you talk— your hero costume has changed a lot since your U.A and sidekick days.
you’d interned under the number two at the time, hawks, thus leading you to have become one of his most trusted sidekicks. no doubt; his skill level had not only  improved your abilities, how you controlled your quirk but your costume as well.
your quirk was known as lullaby, if you could sing a tune in the right pitch to certain groups of people, it allowed you control over the abilities and to put them to sleep. this obviously however meant you were poor at short distance attacks— something bakugou always teased you for, so he was excited to see how you’d improved.
your suit had a visor that allowed you to amplify your quirk, while patterns of the night sky dressed your body— paying homage to your hero name ‘nightsky’.
katsuki felt bad to imprinting the image of your skin tight, midnight blue suit into his mind but back when he had known you like you were his, your costume hadn’t been nearly as advanced as this.
snapping fingers pull him from his thoughts before they can get too hazy.
“eyes are up here, explosion boy.”
katsuki’s gaze snaps up to meet yours, an angry red to rival his gemstone eyes spreading like wildfire across his cheeks. “i wasn’t staring.” he tries his best to defend himself, but your knowing look tells him that you’ve caught him red handed.
“of course you weren’t, sidekicks left about ten minutes ago so we can head out  now—unless you want to keep glaring daggers at my boobs, katsu.” you’re teasing him, voice dripping like honey off of a spoon as you waltz back out onto the streets of japan and leave a bewildered ground zero behind you.
you’ve changed so much since your relationship ended with bakugou, you’re stronger, a vixen and more confident in yourself.
and he hates knowing that he’s the one that kept you down all this time.
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patrol remains uneventful even as the afternoon goes on and the stress of japan begin to fill with citizens for the oncoming rush hour.
the lack of action has lead your conversation to die within the wind and leaves katsuki alone with his thoughts for the time being— you only really speak when you catch the blonde staring you down or when he accidentally walks into something ( highly unusual for him ) but he enjoys the seconds where your teasing voice tickles the tips of his ears and you smile so wide his own lips pull into somewhat of a grin.
bakugou doesn’t know why he’s so quiet, not when the storm in his mind brews all the words he should have said to you years ago. the apologies, the grateful thanks that you deserved; none of these could fall from his tongue.
he liked to say he never had the opportunity, which was partly true you were both up and coming herores yes, but you had damn well made sure you’d never have to encounter bakugou unless the situation required it. and it seemed, that years down the line, he was still doing the same.
the thought alone cause nerves to choke him from the inside out, building up in his throat until all he can do is grunt in frustration—  kicking an empty can along the road you’re currently walking down.
“that’s unlike you,” your chuckle cuts through the thick fog of katsuki’s mind, drawing deep red eyes towards your frame. you walk in front of him now, arms folded behind your head while you step backwards— the sight almost comical to anyone passing by. bakugou must look just as shocked because some how he manages to pull the cutest snort from you, even as his face morphs into a snarl and he marches forward to fall into pace with your steps. your eyes dazzle with your next words. “the great katsuki bakugou, quiet? never thought i’d see the day.”
you’ve always been able to read him like an open book, seeing right through the front he puts on. “i haven’t changed.” he grunts through his teeth.
katsuki stops walking when you do, now standing a breaths width away from you. electricity jumps between you both, static forming in the finger tips that just barely brush against bakugou’s arm.
your eyes spell it out for him, clear as day, as you finally reach out to touch him. His own close at the brief gesture, the pain from having lost you blooming across his chest.
“you did.” you breathe out,  the warmth of your soft voice making katsuki’s eyes screw shut.
he could never get a lie past you.
“we both did.”
vermillion eyes open, trying to seek you out in the light of the day as bakugou wills and prays that he can say what he needs to right now, to get you back but he doesn’t have the chance as an explosion cuts through the building on your left.
bakugou manages to wrap his arms around you, shielding you from the blast before you hit the ground. the impulse sends you  both rolling down the street, small grunts escaping you until you roll to a halt and end up on top of katsuki— straddling him.
dust and debris surrounds the pair of you, creating a thick smog in the air as sirens and screams sound off in the distance. the explosive hero groans in pain— no doubt with a litter of bruises forming under his suit but he has no time to register the sting properly before he’s noticing you on top of him, smirk on your face, devilish glint to your eye.
you’ve been waiting for some action all day.
you’re gone in the blink of an eye, so you must have a plan. katsuki remembers from high school that you made up for strategy where you once lacked in strength, so it’s no surprise to him that you’re already on the move. meanwhile; you manage to slide undetected through the smoke, moving fast to take out the low level criminals.
it’s only a robbery, but the explosion could have caused more casualties than you would have liked. you trust that bakugou can take care of the civilians and bring them out of harms way as you do your best o sus out the ringleader.
the grey tinted fog that sweeps over the area allows you both to work quickly; neither of you need to say anything, for one it would give away your position and secondly— there’s an underlying trust in one another that the two of you had built up when you worked together while dating.
bakugou, through his end, tackles down the small group of criminals after clearing the area and making sure no one was hurt. emergency services had been alerted and were already on their way, all there was now, was to predict your next movements and follow your lead. he’d never liked being bossed about, but the look in your eye made him believe you knew what you were doing.
you were right, you’d both changed. you might as well have been a better hero than him.
the ash blonde follows the trail of unconscious wannabe villains to your whereabouts, he only knows that they’re unconscious because of your ability to put people to sleep with your quirk— all you had to do was get close to them, which wouldn’t have been hard as katsuki knew first hand that these guys’ quirks weren’t shit.
“it’s almost funny, how you thought you could pull a stunt like this on a day when all of japan’s biggest heroes are in one place,” bakugou’s ears pick up on you teasing the criminal leader with that smooth chocolate voice and he follows it deeper into the air that’s heavy with debris— glad you were able to find him before the smoke cleared. “even with the number one out of town, tsk, you should have known better…”
the hot headed pro spots you, holding the hooded ringleader in a choke hold with only your thighs as you sit on his shoulders— eyes wide with victory.
he recognises the dip in your voice as you adjust your tone to put the guy to sleep and call it a day. you’re powerful, a great pro and bakugou watches with awe while you get ready to take this guy down once and for all.
“so cocky, nightsky— why do you think we chose attack the street you were on?” the guy spits through clenched teeth, resisting the urge to succumb to your lullaby of a voice.
brows furrowing, you decide not to dwell on the criminal’s words before leaning down to whisper. “sleep...” but katsuki’s body comes alive with fear as the villain wannabe jams a blade into your thigh, causing your grip on him to loosen enough for him to throw you to the floor and put a boot to your throat. “oh miss nightsky, you really rely too much on your quirk and not enough on your senses. hmm, i think it’s time we say goodnight, don’t you?” the guy chuckles while you squirm under his foot— the need for air burning sharply at your lungs.
bakugou, who’s remained hidden this entire time feels himself snap— a heavy explosion loading up behind his gauntlets while he launches himself right into the scene. he won’t let you struggle for your life, not on his watch. “GET YOUR FILTHY FUCKIN’ HANDS OFF OF HER!”
he reaches the criminal just before your eyes roll back into your head, an explosive right hook colliding with their cheek and sending them flying down the street.
the ash blonde reaches down to pull you up into his chest, that very same one heaving with laboured breaths; you’re shaking but it’s nothing you can’t handle even with the red lines at your throat.
“you good?”
“better, thanks to you.”
there’s a look that you wear right now, one that katsuki recognises from years of training and running into fights with you— you want to do the move. he nods at you, vermillion eyes lighting up with a bright fire while you grip onto ground zero’s wrists.
just as the villain stands, you kick your feet off the ground and in the meantime bakugou begins to twirl you in circular motions until you’ve built up enough momentum for him to throw you towards the criminal.
you collide with his back foot first, knocking him to the ground as your eyes glow a bright white. “i said, go the fuck to sleep.”
the criminal drops to sleep and you roll to the ground after taking him out. you smile to yourself at the familiar wail of sirens in the background but don’t bother to make an effort to stand up, letting the exhaustion, pain from the wound in your thigh and bruises at your neck finally flood your body.
sitting beside you, bakugou smirks and holds a fist out to you. “still got it,” he gestures between the pair of you, the same signature move you’ve been doing since high school having worked successfully once again.
“still got it.” you look up to the now clear sky, fist bumping bakugou right back.
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he’s going to do it, he thinks, he’s going to apologise.
after everything you and bakugou had been through, something in his chest was relieved to know that you didn’t hate him, something in him is lead to believe that you’re going to give him another chance.
katsuki watches you now, an attendant from the paramedics that you called working on patching up the gash in your thigh while you rub a salve into your neck.
despite the pain you must be in; you’re still glowing, still smiling even when fans ask you for autographs or tell you how brave you were during the fight. you’re so genuine, such a ray of sunshine in the world and bakugou can feel himself falling for you all over again.
“Is that all mr. ground zero, sir?” an officer asks, taking down notes for the report about the incident. the hero nods, waving the kid off after giving them all of the details from today. they thank him and he finds himself marching over to you almost immediately, now that you’re all bandaged up.
“walking already, ln? are you sure it doesn’t hurt?”
you beam up at the ash blonde, hopping out of the back of the ambulance and rubbing at the tear in your hero costume where the cut is. “it’s good, stings a little but i’ve seen worse on you,” you comment to him, beginning your stride back to your agency.
“and who’s fault is that, dumbass?” a genuine laughter bubbles in bakugou’s throat, albeit raspy, its not a foreign sound to your ears and it makes you laugh along with him.
he knows you’re referencing the many times you’d kicked hiss ass when sparring from high school to your side kick days. back then you‘d have traced every scar that littered his pretty body and told him how much you loved him.
katsuki aids you while you head back to the nightsky agency, you insist that you don’t need help to walk but you’re limping and the explosive pro hero is stubborn as hell— he’s not about to let you get hurt again, even if its physically and not mentally like he had done to you before.
with the lighter mood, memories flitter between you both— you mention how katsuki used to love his food so spicy you would cry and he brings up the time you had given him and kirishima a bout of food poisoning when you’d come up with an alternative to the latter’s cooking. the stories don’t seem to end even as you lean into him more; trusting him again.
“about what i said earlier…” you begin after finally coming to a halt outside your agency building, a scarlet gaze full of fondness lands on you. you turn to face him with the softest of smiles, half chewing on your bottom lip— something he knew you did when you were nervous. “you’re different, to how…how you were back then and it’s good, katsuki you’re so good…”
there’s a breath of silence, only filled by the quiet hum of city traffic where people are travelling to and from home. “i’m glad i had time to become good,” bakugou offers, forgoing the words ‘for you’ and pausing instead. “i regret who i was back then, with you… thought it made you hate me and that you wouldn’t fuckin’ work with me today.”
you shake your head, breaking contact with bakugou to paw at the stupid tears preparing to make their way down your cheeks. “i-i did hate you for a while, after everything…but we were young and dumb and—“ you freeze as the ash blonde wipes a stray tear from your cheek, you not having realised that it’d escaped. “and i’m so thankful to have met you, to have shared a love with you, you taught me so much and that i could never hate you for.”
“yn...i—“ i love you. i’m sorry. i should have loved you better. the words are there, the ones that katsuki always told himself he would say to you if he had the chance but he finds himself frozen and unable to speak. why? why now? when the perfect chance sat right in front of him, the perfect time for him to make it up to you.
to start over.
“yes, katsuki?”
to get you back.
“yn i’m sorry—“
“—guess who?”
a sing song voice full of positivity bursts through the moment while a pair of hands clasp their way over your pretty eyes and hide them away from the world.
bakugou instantly recognises the voice as belonging to none other than his childhood rival and number one pro hero, deku. he seems to have changed— grown taller, green hair shaved at the sides for an undercut.
the ash blonde isn’t very sure what else has changed, but then again they hadn’t seen much of each other as sidekicks, working under different agencies with different missions.
it was only as they started competing for the top ranks that they started to run the same circles— but bakugou had no idea how you would’ve come to know deku since the blonde hated him and you were dating each other for most of that time.
katsuki is just about to tell the green haired idiot to ‘fuck the fuck off’ for ruining his moment when you do the unexpected.
you clasp your hands over midoriya’s, cheeky smile gracing your lips as you attempt to pull them away from your face. “let me think, could it be? izuku midoriya?” relenting to your cheery voice— deku pulls away from you, hands falling to grip your waist sweetly. possesively. horror flashes behind bakugou’s raging red eyes. you turn in his rival’s strong arms, smiling so hard that it delves deep into the apples of your cheeks. “izu ! when did you get back? i thought you wouldn’t make it in time for today…”
“flew in this morning doll, i wanted to surprise you—“ the number one beams down at you and bakugou’s world crumbles when you cut him off while pressing a chaste kiss to deku’s lips right in front of his eyes.
this couldn’t be happening...since when were you and the damn nerd a thing? why didn’t he realise? why didn’t he grow up and try and get you back sooner?
he has no choice but to sit and stare, a dark cloud now sitting over his shattered heart.
all the while, you’re giggling into deku’s lips, fumbling over his hands that pinch at your sides just to get you to gasp enough for him to kiss you more.  the painful ( well, only for the explosive pro ) lip lock ends when you both come up for air and your eyes land on your ex boyfriend.
“ah, katsuki ! you remember deku right? wait that’s a dumb question you were literally childhood friends—“ you start to ramble, mind getting away from you and katsuki barely registers anything that leaves your lips. his crimson eyes lock with the emerald ones that stare right back at him and hurt swells in his chest.
to deku, he must look like a kicked puppy. a weakling. a loser.
all the things he had labelled izuku midoriya when they were kids.
when bakugou tunes back into your excited rambling, his heart cracks even more in his chest. “this green giant flew all the way in from overseas to come home for wedding planning ! can you believe it?”  the answer to your question is an obvious no.
he had no idea that you had been seeing the number one, let alone being engaged to him. the hot headed hero freezes in his spot when you reach down the chest of your hero costume to pull out a silver necklace.
on the end of it, an engagement ring with a tiny emerald in it’s centre.
katsuki bakugou feels sick, bile rising up in his throat. he’d really lost you. really. “...pretty thing that is, congratulations.” he mentions blankly, eyes trained on midoriya once again. you don’t notice, but deku does and bakugou hates the sympathetic, apologetic look that the fucking nerd gives him.
“mhm ! izu put it on a necklace for me because, well you know, i’m clumsy and didn’t want to lose the thing,”
you’re so clueless that it hurts, burning katsuki from the inside out. that should be him. it should be his arms around you, his lips on yours, his engagement ring on that fucking necklace. not deku’s, not anyone’s. the green headed hero beside you seems to notice the distress ebbing away at your ex and tilts your head up to look at him. “doll, why don’t you head inside and change into something more comfy real quick? we’ve got cake tasting in an hour…”
the tail end of deku’s words are drowned out by your happily animated squeal and with a quick nod you press a kiss to his freckled cheek and bounce inside— missing the way bakugou winces at your display of affection.
it’s quiet despite the bustling sounds of the city but neither if them know what to say, even as the minutes pass.
bakugou knows that you’d be better off with deku, he would treat you right and give you the love that you deserved all along. but that didn’t make it any less painful.
“kacchan, look...“ the number one says eventually, green eyes swirling with guilt. “i’m sorry—“
the blonde shakes his head, spitting his words out through gritted teeth. “don’t...just,” fuck, it hurts to breathe. “just…take care of her for me, you got that deku?”
“yeah, of course…”
the pair of childhood rivals don’t have much time to speak after that, for you’re already bounding out of your agency wearing a comfortable mint green summer dress and pair of red sneakers to rival deku’s, despite the thick bandage to your thigh.
“ready to go?” you ask your fiancé, face as warm and as bright as it had once been when you used to look at bakugou. izuku nods, delight dancing in his eyes despite the nervous chew to his bottom lip, before letting you turn to your ex lover. “great ! well, see you around kasuki, don’t be a stranger ! we’ve got to catch up again sometime, alright?”
you link arms with izuku midoriya, your fiancé, after that—walking away and  leaving ground zero in the dust.
he doesn’t know how long he stands there for, heart in his hands even while he comes to the realisation that you hadn’t gone to todoroki that night when you’d left. no, you’d only told him that so it hurt a little less when he found out midoriya had been the one to look after you. you’d lied because you’d loved him.
you lie because you love him.
and it was only now that katsuki bakugou had realised what he’d lost.
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day 4: "do you trust me?"
(part one)
There are logistics to consider, when it comes to publicly executing a wizard. It’s a show of assurance from the Dynasty, to have him killed under the eyes of all Rosohna, to prove their strength, but also a risk. It looks unprofessional for a captured traitor to make a last stand within feet of the axe, even if all he achieves is going out in a blaze of glory rather than a quick drop of steel.
Steps have been taken to avoid this eventuality. Essek’s hands are shackled behind his back, forced into gloves with steel wires running through the fingers and palms to prevent even the smallest gesture. Between the cloth between his teeth and the metal muzzle holding his jaw tightly closed, he’s no closer to speaking a spell than he is to walking on the sun. Every fiber of his plain prisoner’s shirt and pants has been searched, twice, to ensure that he has nothing on him that might conceivably be used for casting.
Essek has seen this before, although rarely. It was not a surprise, when the appointed day arrived and his guards brought the restraints. Yet it feels unreal, as everything since his trial has felt unreal. As everything since Jester’s message has felt unreal. A dream, unspooling before him, outside his control.
There is a kind of ease to it, that Essek has never experienced before. There is nothing left for him to do. He made his attempt to run, and he failed. He said his words of defense at his trial, and they were not enough. And now, they will use the same techniques that he helped to perfect to drag him to the block and kill him for his treason, his callous disregard for all the lives lost in the war. All neat and tidy, and all he has to do is let the current carry him forward to the inevitable end.
He tells himself, as the gloves are locked onto his hands, that this is one of the better possible outcomes, and he even believes it. His friends, his family—they are not here. Jester has done as she agreed, giving him time to resolve the situation, and hasn’t messaged him since his trial. The Nein are well outside the possible radius of destruction that Essek has caused, in his arrogance and carelessness. He knows his actions will reflect poorly on Den Thelyss, but he hopes that Verin might escape with a mere demotion, as unscathed as anyone could hope to be, protected by Essek’s full, willing confession.
It’s worth it, to pay for their lives with his own.
Essek believes this. He believes it with his whole heart.
The gloves keep his hands from shaking.
Two guards, a goliath with her arms tattooed so densely she looks scaled and a burly half-orc with skin nearly as grey as the stone walls, haul him to his feet in his cell and push him forward. They hold him up by main force when he stumbles and he would otherwise take a head-first fall into the stone. Nonetheless, his pride prickles and burns when the half-orc yanks him upright after his latest near-fall, grip hard on the collar of Essek’s shirt, and snorts a laugh.
“Can’t believe he’s the fucking traitor,” the half-orc says over Essek’s head, drawling the words in a tone full of vindictive amusement that Essek has become regrettably familiar with, lately. “Fucker can’t even walk in a straight line. Can you, Shadowhand?” He gives Essek a sharp cuff on the shoulder to punctuate the insult, and it’s only because Essek has a sense of how this goes by now that he manages to anticipate the blow and stay on his feet.
The goliath laughs, a rolling rumble of thunder as she checks Essek hard with her hip, sending Essek into the corner of the next corridor hard enough that he’d have a bruise, if he lived long enough for it to show up.
“You’re telling me,” the goliath says. “Goddamn, wizards are useless once you get ‘em quiet, huh? Up this way next, what is this, your first time down here?”
“You’ve got to do a pretty good job, but yeah, pretty much just decorative once you shut ‘em up.” The half-orc grabs the cuff holding Essek’s hands together and tugs to indicate the next corridor, ignoring the way it forces Essek up onto his toes against the pain in his shoulders. “I just got in from Jigow,” he continues, as if Essek isn’t even there. “Y’know how it is, they were looking to cover y’all’s staffing problems since this bastard’s confession did a real number on things. Anywhere good to get a drink around here?”
“Thought you looked new,” the goliath said. “You trying to get lucky, new guy?”
“Hey, miss every shot you don’t take,” the half-orc said, sly, angling a glance up at her. “How’s my progress?”
“Depends on how much you spend on those drinks. Hold him, I’ll get the gate.”
The half-orc’s hands close firmly around the tops of Essek’s arms, holding him in place as the goliath strides ahead. In front of her—in front of Essek—is the great gate to the courtyard, and beyond it he can hear the roar of a crowd, bloodthirsty and victorious.
He can picture it. He’s put people here himself, attended executions for treason. The flagstones, smooth and dark beneath the crowd of witnesses. The stone dias with the Bright Queen’s throne, the chairs beside her for close advisors and other nobility. His mother might have been there, if he hadn’t so recently destroyed the reputation of Den Thelyss. And at the center, where all could see, the stairs, and the platform, and the block, and the axe.
The goliath is at the door, and the lock clatters, metal-on-metal.
Under cover of the noise, the half-orc lowers his head and speaks into Essek’s ear, no longer the careless drawl, but quick, clipped words in a familiar accent.
“I don’t have time to explain,” the half-orc murmurs in Fjord’s voice, so quiet that Essek would think it was a hallucination if he couldn’t feel the air move against his skin. “We have a plan. Do you trust me?”
Essek’s first response isn’t relief. It’s not even shock. It is pure, undiluted, blazing rage, that, after all this, these fucking morons are here. It hits him so hard that his skin burns with it, his vision spotting black at the edges, lips twisting against his gag. All at once, for the first time in a week, Essek is awake, jarred back to the present by the fury pounding through his veins. He can feel the air rushing into his throat, the hammering of his heart against his ribs, every fiber of his coarse prisoner’s clothing and every imperfection of the stone under his bare feet.
Fortunately, Essek has been a traitor in the heart of the Dynasty for too long to let it slow him down, and he nods, once, minutely.
“Okay,” Fjord breathes. “She’s going to open that door. When I yell, make a run for it.”
Once upon a time, Essek would have spent valuable time thinking about how astronomically terrible that plan is, but prolonged exposure to the Mighty Nein teaches a person to accept the reality of a plan being terrible right away and move on to thinking about managing the terrible plan quickly. And—
Even if it was the worst conceivable plan, even if it was—well, make a run for it, when there’s a sword-wielding goliath between him and the outside, which is entirely populated by guards, magic users, and a crowd that wants him dead—even then, Essek can’t imagine turning down the offer. It’s not exactly a port in a storm, but it’s something.
Essek is twenty paces from his own death, and even if this plan just ends with him having a friend at his side while he dies, it’s already better than dying alone. He never claimed to have entirely cured himself of selfishness.
And besides, Essek reassures himself as the goliath shoulders open the door. If this gets Fjord killed too, Essek will just have to find a way to drag himself back from death and throttle the entire Nein on principle. Stranger things have happened.
The door creaks open, and Fjord’s hands loosen, just slightly, and Essek runs.
“Fucker!” Fjord roars behind him, sounding breathless—pained? It buys Essek a bare moment to close the distance to the gate, and then dart around the goliath’s side as she starts to turn. “He’s using magic! Stop him!”
The goliath snarls, and Essek puts on a reckless burst of speed. Her hand shoots out and grabs his shirt, but Essek is moving too quickly. The fabric cuts into him as it rips, and then he’s stumbling into the courtyard.
He doesn’t get any further. His luck doesn’t hold up to a second blow from the goliath, and she slams a fist into his chest so hard he hears ribs crack. He’s shoved backward, toward the door, with a helpless, strangled shout of pain that draws every eye.
He’s caught from behind, a fist in his tangled white hair, and he hears a whisper of “Trust me.”
And then Fjord’s hand, unremarkable guard’s sword in his grip, comes down, and cuts Essek’s throat.
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terichii · 3 years
Stalking | Haitani
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Warnings: clumsy english text, typos
Can I just write something before I see these beautiful boys in the new episode?
You knew for sure that you had already seen this guy. By a stupid accident, one day he helped you collect your things that were scattered all over the street. Since then, he surprisingly often began to catch your eye. You noticed him on the way to and from work when you went to the store or just walked around the city. Sometimes he was passing by you and smile, which was confusing, but sometimes you noticed how he was watching from afar. In the end, it was like being paranoid. It seemed that you were about to see these two braids that callused your eyes, sitting on the sofa in your living room.
And you've come to terms with it. Almost. Until something happened.
"You've been finishing up pretty late lately."
"Eh?...",- the familiar voice sent shivers down your spine. You froze, unable to move. But you didn't want to turn your head because you probably knew it was him. Now it was just like a terrible dream that did not want to let you go.
"Do you need a ride?"
Swallowing, you turned around. Yes, it was him. That creepy guy with those stupid braids that you hated. Leaning on the steering wheel of the bike and propping his chin on his hand, he looked at you with a narrowed eye and a grin.
"Uh...n-no, thank you, I'm not far here...", - but you're lying and it seems that he understands this. The time was really late, and you live far away. But right now you were thinking about how to escape from him. You walked further along the street, periodically glancing at him and speeding up your pace. If you had the opportunity, you would have run with all your might now, but you knew that this opportunity was not there. You definitely can't overtake a bike.
The guy caught up with you, looking right into your face, the grin became even wider when he realized what was going on, it seemed that he felt you too well, - "Are you afraid of me?"
"What?? Of course not", - the words, full of indignation, literally burst out of you. No, you weren't afraid of him, you were already sick of seeing him. Isn't that right? Right? ...
From your harsh words, he looked thoughtfully somewhere up into the night sky, before turning back to you, - "That's how...but…"
But you're already gone.
Pausing in mid-sentence, Ran began to look around, peering into the depths of the dark streets. He pursed his lips when he realized where you went – to a remote alley. The place is not the safest.
Your rapid footsteps echoed hollowly from the concrete walls of the narrow alleys. Hoping to take a shortcut and get out of here as soon as possible, you wound through unfamiliar courtyards until you once again came to a dead end.
"Damn",- your thoughts began to get confused again, a tight lump rose somewhere in your throat, you felt panic. If you go back, he will be there. But you're tired of looking for a way out.
"Hey, baby, are you lost?"
Lost in your thoughts, you did not notice how three criminal-looking guys turned out to be nearby. One of them came up to you with an imposing gait, unceremoniously grabbing you by the waist, the disgusting type pulled you closer to him.
"Why are you so tense, relax, we can help you with this, right, guys?", - the guy looked at his friends and laughed, they also took up his initiative.
Unpleasant laughter causes a headache, for a second you thought that you could just give up, that this is not happening to you and it has gone too far.
"Take your hands off!!", - pushing him away from you with a sharp jerk, you jumped back a couple of steps.
The guy staggered, but stood on his feet, although an unpleasant aching pain spread over his chest, which caused his cheerful mood to instantly evaporate, giving way to anger, - "Catch this bitch."
After these words, you immediately slipped back into the narrow alley along which you came, when the others ran after you. Out of the corner of your ear, you heard threats flying after you. You ran, running out of strength until you found an even narrower alley with containers behind which you could hide.
Footsteps and voices echoed past your shelter, sweat broke out on your face, and your legs were buzzing because of the heavy load, but you were still sitting stiffly on the cold, dirty asphalt, unable to move and breathe calmly.
But the panic again covered you when the steps were approaching in your direction, and the shadow fell on the wall of the building opposite. But you breathed a sigh of relief when you saw the tall figure of a guy you already know. It seems that for the first time you were happy to see him.
"Are you okay?", - an excited expression appeared on his face as he looked you up and down and held out his hand to help you up.
"Yes, I was just a little scared...", - you accepted the help and got up on your numb legs, brushing off your clothes from the dirt, - "Thank you for...oh...you have blood on your cheek", - you didn't understand why you were worried about him, seeing only a small scratch on his face, but...from this angle, you noted that your pursuer was very cute, which made your cheeks turn pink.
"Hmm?", - passing his hand over his cheek, he looked at his fingers, which really had smeared blood on them, but..- "It's not mine", - the guy smiled gently, which caused you confusion, but you were calm.
"Do you see how many problems there are just because you didn't agree to my offer?", - a light chuckle eased the tension between the two of you as he held out his hand to you again, - "So can I give you a ride?"
Confused, even more, you looked uncertainly into his eyes and, not seeing the danger, carefully put your hand in his, - "I think...yes."
"I think it's starting to rain...", - a familiar voice drawled thoughtfully to your's right, while you were standing at the intersection and was waiting for the green light.
From surprise, you turned around and shuddered – in the crowd of people waiting for the signal, there was him - a guy with blond hair and a very ordinary sharp face. The purple eyes shine a little, brazenly looking at your's face. Without turning around, he opens his umbrella right at the moment when the first thunderclap sounds somewhere in the distance.
"Aren't you afraid of getting wet?", - It became obvious that this guy was talking to you, taking a light step past those standing around.
"No", - you whisper, taking a step back.
Suddenly, a beep is heard behind him. The cars on the road freeze, and the flow of people rushes forward, carrying you away. Your thoughts were confused as your legs desperately carried you somewhere ahead. You had already passed the crossing, but something made you turn around. Your heart stopped for a moment, then began to pound wildly – you saw him among the huge mass of heads. His blond, disheveled hair shone like the sun from under a black umbrella. It seems that he also noticed you – a friendly smile appeared on his face. Lifting his umbrella, he waved vigorously at you with his free hand.
This innocent gesture caused a wave of icy goosebumps to run down your back, and you hurried to escape from a crowded place to some courtyards.
You ran for a long time, ragged breath coming out of your mouth until the strength left you, and you stopped. You needed to catch your breath. The rain was beating harder and harder on your head. Your hair and clothes were soaked through
"You'll catch a cold if you keep running like this," - he suddenly heard very close to your ear.
You jumped on the spot and turned around. It's him again! And how does he manage to catch up with you, while maintaining an absolutely calm appearance?..
The guy came closer, taking advantage of your confusion. He held out his hand. Cold…
His angular hand slid onto your forearm and, moving up, pulled uncomfortably on your wet sleeve.
"What do you want from me?...", - you whispered very softly. Your voice was hoarse, frightened. You were shaking all over.
A real hurricane of thoughts was spinning in your head. The first meeting was on a clear evening, a sweet, promising conversation. When did everything go wrong? Now he was following your constantly. At first, he seemed unobtrusive and courteous – he met you, accompany you through dangerous streets to the house. But...after one of the meetings, everything changed. Or not?
"I just want to walk you home", - as always, he smiled warmly with his simple smile, as if he did not understand how creepy he looks now, in their "accidental" meeting. - "Yes, and this rain is so not at the right time. And I see you don't take an umbrella…"
"Fuck off already!", - you screamed and started running again, leaving the frightening interlocutor in slight confusion.
The rain was falling harder and harder, blurring the view with a solid wall. Where did you run to? You didn't care anymore. A straight section, a turn, another turn, a wide street that you run diagonally, ignoring the indignant shouts in the back. The lights of the signs and windows dance around you. Everything merges into a strange nightmare, where bright colors are just decorations. Your heart continues to pound wildly, the noise of blood in your ears is deafening.
That's when you bump into someone's thick carcass. An elastic blow throws you to the wet asphalt. Your hands are burning with pain, and you finally come to your senses.
You were now sitting in some dark alley, where neither lonely windows nor the black doors of various eateries do not go out.
A moment of confusion.
"S-sorry", - you rise, leaning on a skinned palm. It stings. – "I just…"
"Are you lost, beautiful?" - A high-pitched adult voice was heard.
You lookup. In front of you is a heavy man significantly exceeding you in height. He chuckles slightly as he looks at you. And now he was reaching out to you
"Let me examine your hands...", - a hard grip shackles your right wrist, pulls forward.
You are overwhelmed by panic, you can't resist it, are absolutely tired. From despair and pain, you began to howl softly.
"Well, well", - the man encouraged you, smiling maliciously, continuing to pull you to him. – "There's nothing terrible here, dear, now I'll help you get rid of the pain…"
The other hand was also close to your body. It seemed that something irreparable was about to happen.
"Don't...please let me go!", - you whimpered and squeezed your eyes shut in a fit of hopelessness.
And then something happened.
You opened one eye, unable to restrain a strange curiosity. The man let go of your hand, and all his attention was now focused on the guy standing almost between them. With one hand he continued to squeeze the umbrella, the water from which was just trickling down the rough man's neck, and with the other, he was squeezing his fat wrist.
"I think they told you to let go," - he said seriously, looking straight into the small, surprising beady eyes.
"What?", - that's all the boar said, after which he tried to crush the stranger with his mass, stepping forward.
What happened next, you remembered vaguely. More precisely, you just didn't have time to remember exactly what happened. The guy only smiled rapaciously at the fat man's movement, after which he made several blows so fast that you simply did not catch them all. Just sharp shadows under the light of a lone lantern suddenly crashed into a thick carcass. The pig didn't even say anything, just fell back, collapsing on the garbage bags against the wall.
Realizing that it was all over, you turned her gaze to your pursuer and were amazed. He stood there, absolutely calm, smiling affably and holding out his hand to her.
"It's dangerous to go home alone. Can I walk you out?"
A lump rose in your throat, but you immediately overcame herself and took the stranger by the hand. - "Yes, I think I should agree"
You smiled sweetly back at him, then obediently stood under a wide umbrella, and together you moved to the exit of the alley.
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