#“hard things” as in i have to talk about sex and kink for several reasons and ive barely been able to touch on any of that at all
castielafflicted · 10 months
i need people to be so so proud of me for talking about hard things in therapy today
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feeder86 · 3 months
The Boss' Secret
There was something familiar about Daniel. Jon recognised his face from somewhere, although he could not put his finger on where. They shook hands, being introduced as colleagues for the first time by their senior leader. But as Jon studied his facial features, he could already see that Daniel showed no signs of recognising him in return.
“Daniel will be overseeing most of the accounts from now on,” Rachel explained, clearly a little taken by the slender twenty-something as she showed him around. “He’s got some fantastic ideas to really rejuvenate things around here and save on costs.”
Jon could feel his teeth clenching. He knew that they were hiring for a new member of the team, but he wasn’t aware that that recruited person would be working above him. It was yet another shitty move from the higher-ups, promising them all pay-rises and progression, then hiring in from outside and going back on their word. And then they wondered why morale was so low?
“Can you believe that?” Jon grumbled later to Kathleen at the desk behind him. He could feel a rage building inside him. “They’ve hired that skinny little shit to come and put us all in our places!”
“What else did you expect?” Kathleen sighed, rolling her eyes and agreeing with him completely.
It was things like this that caused Jon the most frustration in his life. He was tall, broad, muscular and extremely masculine-looking with his well groomed beard. He weighed more than 240lbs, having the largest glutes and thighs than anyone else in his gym. In his day-to-day life, people naturally looked up to him and listened. But, here in work and throughout his career, he’d had to fight for every last thing he had received. “Where’s he from?” he asked Kathleen, still unable to shake off the recognition that he felt.
“New York,” Kathleen replied. “Janice drew up his contract. I know I shouldn’t say this, but… he’s going to be on more money than you and I combined.”
Jon shook his head and looked over the desks at his new, younger boss, already despising him. Guys who worked their way up the ladder this quickly were always the type to take credit for other’s work, or throw people under the bus whenever they’d fucked up on something. In no way could Jon ever trust a guy who had climbed the ranks this quickly. But, even so…. where the fuck did he recognise him from?
Gina had been an awesome distraction for Jon that night, turning him on by gorging her big fat belly on pizza and cake. She sucked him off so perfectly and easily gorged on at least three thousand calories to satisfy his kinks. In return, he’d fucked her just as hard as his big thighs and powerful hips suggested he was capable of; leaving her feeling completely satisfied and grateful as he slipped out the door.
No stranger to casual sex, Jon had to admit that he enjoyed the fatties more than any other. Their soft, fleshy bodies made him feel so powerful and in control. When they ate for him, he knew they would be carrying additional pounds that were his alone; that he had added to them. The whole thing was a buzz like no other. It was the reason why he frequented those feederism websites and apps; happily perusing through one the following evening in the hope of finding more possible connections with fat girls.
That was when Jon’s eyes boggled and his jaw dropped to the floor. Staring back from the screen at him was his new boss’ profile picture. The idiot was sharing his face and everything; all there for everyone to see. Jon remembered coming across him several times in chat rooms. The guy was just another fat-lover, like himself. However, he didn’t seem to have the right charm or dominant approach to getting the attention that Jon enjoyed from the larger ladies. Sure, his face was pretty, but the moment he started talking on there, most people assumed he was a simple catfish.
Anonymously, Jon clicked on the guy’s profile, seeing that he had just moved from New York and was on the hunt for a larger lady to ‘feed-up and pamper’. Jon couldn’t believe what he was reading. This was absolute gold! Imagine what would happen if he exposed this at work! He screenshotted the lot, storing it ready for himself, just in case.
“So why is Daniel meeting with my client?” Jon demanded, incensed. “They’re my client! I was the one who brought them here from my last job!”
“He’s done the same thing with some of Kathleen’s clients,” Fred added, whispering in case others heard them. Daniel’s reign was still in its infancy and loyalties had not yet been fully established.
“That’s the fifth time this week he’s pissed me off,” Jon complained, similarly looking around to check that no one was listening in. “Is that all they’re paying him for? To take clients… clients we already have… out to lunch?”
Fred laughed but nodded in complete agreement. None of them had yet to see the great ‘innovation and cost-saving’ that Daniel had promised to deliver. As far as they could all see, Daniel was nothing but hot air and a sickening stench of self-importance.
“I’m meeting with a client on Friday and I want you to come with me,” Daniel announced a few weeks later. “I think you’ve got the sort of charm with the ladies that may work with this one,” he explained.
Jon laughed inwardly to himself. There was no tolerance for sexual exploitation in this office, apart from when they needed his muscular body to help them swoon a new client. “Sure,” he nodded nonchalantly, requesting the case notes to read through beforehand. He wasn’t surprised in the slightest that Daniel was asking for help to seduce a potential new client into signing. Once you looked beyond his pretty face, there really wasn’t much personality to find within. Despite being on those feederism sites most evenings, Daniel didn’t seem to be making much impact there, either. Although he had at least found some sense to remove his face from his public profile.
As arranged, Jon made his way to the restaurant that Friday, frustrated that Daniel had already sat down with the client. Why hadn’t they all just arrived together at the same time? Was it a strategy of Daniel’s, simply to make himself look more professional in front of the client by arranging that Jon was a little late? He’d certainly known insecure bosses to pull similar stunts in the past.
Plastering a smile on his face, Jon set to work, doing exactly what he did best. There were occasions when he had to deflect some poor interferences from Daniel but, on the whole, no one could argue that the successful outcome of the lunch meeting was entirely down to him.
“Well, I think I owe you a beer,” Daniel conceded afterwards, as the client left with a giant smile across her face. “I certainly didn’t think she was going to sign for that length of time.”
“You’ve gotta be ambitious,” Jon shrugged. “I knew I had her the moment she brought out those pictures of her dog.”
“Yes! That was definitely the moment she started coming around,” Daniel nodded in complete agreement. “Thank goodness your mom bred all those German Shepherds when you were growing up.”
Jon looked at him sideways, raising an eyebrow. Had he really been as gullible as the client?
“That was all bullshit?” Daniel asked in surprise. “But you sounded so knowledgeable!”
“A dog’s a dog. You just have to tell the client whatever they want to hear,” Jon chuckled, finishing his coffee and standing up. “I also have an uncle who works for the New York Yankees and a cousin in the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. They never fail to impress the clients when I talk about them.”
Daniel looked as though he wasn’t completely sure that Jon was still making things up. Then the pair of them simply laughed.
“I’ll catch you back at the office,” Jon announced, striding back through the restaurant as people subtly swooned over his muscular thighs and butt in his tightest work pants.
Scrolling through the feedism app that weekend, Jon couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing. Daniel had posted a status the night before that seemed bizarrely out of character. He had recounted visiting a restaurant with his ‘muscular colleague’ and had described his body in quite surprisingly erotic detail; ending with: ‘I so wish I could fatten him up!’
“Cheeky fucker!” Jon laughed aloud from his bed as he read it. He searched back through the guy’s profile, realising that there hasn’t been any hint of bisexuality before now. It was part of the reason why the guy had failed to make any impact on there. No one could really make any sense of what he was actually after. Whereas Jon always went in hard and confident; flirting with anyone with a big appetite and at least a hundred pounds of extra blubber.
Jon sat back and smirked. So his boss had a little crush on him? That was definitely unexpected. And yet, it was also something that he could definitely use to his advantage.
“Off out for lunch with the boss again today?” Fred smirked, trying to conceal his jealousy with humor. “The Chosen One, yet again!” he laughed.
Jon nodded. He had started to do quite well under Daniel’s reign. A month earlier he had been looking for jobs at other companies. But now he found himself feeling rather content with his work life. The favouritism was obvious and Jon could feel the relationships with his colleagues becoming a little more tense, but the trade off would be worth it when his pay review came up. “Daniel’s the numbers guy, and I’m the charisma,” he simply joked back to Fred. “You’ve gotta admit, we’ve never taken on so many new clients in such a short space of time.”
“All these free lunches on the company expenses account,” he grumbled. “You’ll start looking like the boss soon, if you’re not careful.”
Jon nodded and quietly laughed. It was something they had all noticed in the last couple of weeks. A distinct dad bod had started to take hold of Daniel’s slim physique. Bombarded by an onslaught of company lunches since he had arrived four months ago, a distinct paunch had started to push its way out below his chest, straining the buttons of his ‘slim-fit’ shirts. It was his own fault, Jon noted with surprising glee. He’d seen for himself how carelessly the guy ordered from the menus, selecting signature dishes rather than considering what was actually in them. He’d also not got his apartment straight since he’d moved from New York, relying on microwave meals and take-out more often than not. What else should he expect?
“Don’t you worry about me,” Jon smirked, tapping his trim waistline. “I think there’s only space for one little chub in this office,” he winked, happy to show that despite being so much in favor with the new boss, he also wasn’t above making a joke at his expense.
A few days later, Jon and Daniel sat at the bar, congratulating each other with a beer after having secured yet another large account that evening. They’d done their homework beforehand and executed their strategy to perfection. To be fair to Daniel, the guy really did put the hours in. There wasn’t a single figure that he hadn’t had to hand the moment the clients asked for it; saving Jon’s pitch and smooth talking each time they tried to catch him out. Still, all these work hours were taking their toll on the boss, with his squisher glutes starting to spread themselves a little wider across the bar stool.
“Hello, stranger!” came a loud voice as a giant lady started striding towards them.
“Gina!” Jon smiled, getting up to kiss and hug the large girl from the feederism website, all dressed up and fancy on a night out with her friends. “Looking good!” he swooned, suddenly remembering that Daniel shared his larger taste in women. “Gina, this is my boss, Daniel,” he smiled, making the introductions.
Daniel rose to his feet, looking rather overwhelmed. He shook her hand and seemed quite out of breath once she had left. “Is she your girlfriend?” he asked, sounding impressed.
“Nah,” Jon replied, shaking his head. “She’s a beautiful girl, and I enjoy messing around with her every now and then,” he smirked, letting Daniel know exactly the sort of fun they got up to. “But she’s also very high maintenance!”
Daniel was still staring at Gina’s enormous rear as she disappeared out of the door to the restaurant. “Can I ask you something?” he mumbled, seeming now to look up to Jon more than ever before. “How do I get a girl like that?”
Jon smiled, enjoying the dynamic that had seemed to form between them. He wasn’t intimidated by the overly serious, sometimes humorless nature of Daniel, like so many others at the company were. He’d read too many status updates about himself on the guy’s feedism profile, describing Daniel’s crush on him in quite some detail. One had particularly made Jon laugh, where the younger boss had described how the pair of them had been in an elevator together, before a giant influx of people joined at a later floor, squishing them both together. The boner this had given Daniel, having Jon’s large, muscular glutes pressed up against him, was written up in extraordinarily graphic detail that even gave Jon a semi when he read it.
“Girls like Gina,” Jon began, with an air of expertise, “they love confidence. They’re big and heavy and they love a guy who can handle all that. When they see a big, strong man like me, they know they’re in for a good time.”
Daniel looked down at his own body with dismay. “Maybe that’s where I’m going wrong,” he sighed. “Since moving here, I’ve accidentally let myself get a little doughy.”
Jon chuckled. He knew that he was supposed to make Daniel feel better and tell him that he looked no different to how he did five months ago, but what was the point? They’d all noticed the pounds he had gained. “Listen,” he began, leaning in a little closer and choosing to have some fun. “Even that little paunch of yours is a marketable asset,” he stated with certainty, deciding to play with the guy. “Who usually ends up with the fat girl in the end?” he asked. “It’s always the fat boy!”
Daniel looked across at Jon the same way most guys did; as a man who knew exactly what he was talking about when it came to seducing girls. “You’re saying I shouldn’t lose weight?”
Jon rolled his eyes. Surely Daniel knew him well enough by now to work out when he was playing with him? He always took everything so damn seriously! He sighed, deciding to see how long he could stretch the joke out instead. “Of course not,” he laughed. “Keep going! Add a few more pounds. It’ll all be worth it in the end.”
“I never thought about it that way before,” Daniel nodded, looking down at his softer middle with renewed understanding. “I guess the type of girls I like would find this all pretty hot,” he considered, rubbing his hand against the blubber in his stomach.
Jon looked on with surprise. Did he let on that he had been kidding? Or did he simply let this ideal roll?
“Fuck!” Jon gasped as he checked into the feedism app the next evening. “What the hell has he done to himself?” he laughed.
There, on the screen, was a brand new picture of Daniel added to his profile, showing his body from the neck down dressed only in some very tight underwear. Just what had all this careless eating done to his physique? The guy was positively flabby! A generous coating of fat had surrounded his stomach area, destroying the tight waist that had been visible in previous pictures. Likewise, his chest had begun to soften, with fresh blubber seeping itself around his nipples and beginning to make them pointed and sensitive-looking. His underwear seemed tight around his thighs as even his legs seemed considerably more padded with softness. It was one thing to see Daniel looking a little softer and doughier in the office. But without his clothes on, there was no hiding just how far his lifestyle had thickened him up. Jon’s boss was actually fat!
Jon read through all the comments the picture had attracted. As well as the mountain of likes, guys and girls had complemented and teased Daniel with as much enthusiasm and arousal as Daniel must have hoped for. The horny guy had replied to each and every one of them, promising to keep up this new look. That was when Jon actually felt himself getting hard. He’d been the one to start this. This had all been his idea. Had he single-handedly created his very own monster?
“Are you okay?” Jon asked, stepping into Daniel’s office a few days later and seeing his boss looking a little surprised and flustered at his sudden appearance. 
Upon seeing that it was only Jon, Daniel relaxed and pulled back a hastily concealed box of doughnuts, grabbing a fresh one for himself. “I thought you were Rachel,” he mumbled, resuming what had obviously been a mid-morning bout of gluttony.
“What’ve you got there?” Jon asked, stepping closer and picking up the sweet scent.
“It’s a pack of twelve. You want one?”
Jon waved his hand and shook his head. “You keep at it, buddy!” he smiled, dropping a report with the projected sales figures for one of their client’s companies. “I’m guessing you’ll be wanting lunch at your desk today?” he asked, perching himself on Daniel’s desk.
“I’ve actually got a lunch date,” Daniel replied, holding up a doughnut, as if this explained everything. “She likes big guys, so I may have exaggerated and told her I’m a little heavier than I actually am,” he continued.
“How much did you tell her you were?” Jon asked, peering down at his boss’ bloated stomach.
“Two hundred and thirty five,” Daniel replied, wincing like he was quite some distance off that figure.
Jon pulled a sceptical face. “Yikes! What possessed you to tell her you were that big already?” he chuckled.
“I’m really into her,” Daniel sighed, as if this explained it all. “She’s big… very big. I’ve never had a chance with a girl like that.”
Jon looked down on his boss with pity. Having had more than his fair share of larger ladies, he could hardly begrudge Daniel his first opportunity to enjoy himself. “Well, I guess we could try and bloat you up a little bit before you go,” he suggested, taking the report back and deciding that his boss had far more important things to attend to. “Doughnuts won’t work all by themselves. I can whip something up for you, I’m sure.”
Jon soon left Daniel to finish his doughnuts whilst he emptied his large gym bag and headed straight to the convenience store down the block. There he bought a large gallon bottle of water which he immediately tipped out, and replaced with a mixture of several items, including whole milk, cream and a few sachets of the calorie boost powder he kept for after his gym sessions. Without a blender, he merely had to shake the daunting mixture up after he pulled it from his bag back in Daniel’s office.
“This’ll put some meat on your bones!” Jon grinned, pleased with the surprisingly large mixture he had created within ten minutes.
“You want me to drink all that?” Daniel asked, amused by the idea.
“Well, why not? You made light work of those doughnuts,” Jon joked, spotting the empty tray. “I don’t see how this is any different.” 
He passed over the great container to his boss who simply looked at it, perplexed. The bottle was so heavy, Daniel couldn’t hold it up to his mouth without help, and so Jon stood behind his chair, reaching his arms out to support the bottle as Daniel tried to tip it up and into his mouth.
Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. The guy was actually doing it!
“You’re doing the right thing, buddy!” Jon coaxed him. “This’ll blow you up for your date in no time!”
Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. Jon kept his eye on the door to the office, silently wishing that he had locked it behind them.
“This is a good effort!” Jon continued, noticing that Daniel still hadn’t stopped for a break. “Your shirt buttons are getting tighter already.”
Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. Suddenly the bottle was light enough for Daniel to hold himself. Jon stepped back, feeling the stiffness in his crotch as he saw for himself the monster he had set loose.
With only a third remaining, Daniel finally lowered the bottle and paused, clearly trying to release a burp; the sound of it eventually coming rolling up his throat at a velocity that was unknown to most people; gargling through the large amount of liquid that had already filled his stomach. 
“Awesome work, buddy!” Jon chuckled, clapping the guy on his back. “Better out than in!”
“My gut feels like it’s about to explode!” Daniel groaned, setting the bottle down on the floor.
“That’s exactly how it looks as well,” Jon grinned, still standing somewhere behind his boss’ field of vision. “She’s going to be one lucky lady when she meets you later!” he marvelled at the stout bloat that had pushed Daniel’s shirt buttons to the absolute limit. He grabbed his bag and held it so that his crotch was covered, advising Daniel to take his time with the last third, then made his way out, back into the bustling office space once more; where not a single person could have guessed what had just gone on behind that closed door.
Jon didn’t need to wait until the following Monday to find out how his boss’ date had gone. Daniel had written all about it on his profile, describing the incredibly decadent and gluttonous time he had enjoyed. By Sunday, there were more pictures of him; this time drinking shakes that looked suspiciously like the one Jon had made up for him, with a caption that told everyone that the drinking of these was the biggest turn on he had ever experienced.
A few more weeks went by. For the first time ever, Jon had been asked to accompany Daniel to a hotel in Toronto where they were meeting with huge new clients and putting the finishing touches to a major project they had been working on with them for quite some time; one that would be the crown jewel of Jon’s CV if it all came together.
“This place is unreal!” Jon gasped as they arrived in the hotel lobby. “Have you seen the spa facilities?” he asked, showing Daniel a copy of the brochure he had been perusing whilst his boss had been checking them in.
“Go for it!” Daniel chuckled as their bags were carried ahead of them up to their rooms. “It’s all on the company account. They stand to make a lot of money on this, so take full advantage. The flight home isn’t until Thursday.”
Despite the optimism, the work schedule had been surprisingly gruelling since they had arrived in Toronto. It wasn’t until the Wednesday that things started to relax and the two men could finally spend a little more time enjoying the lavish hotel. A confident Jon strode into the changing rooms with his chubby boss. He’d never been shy about his own body. He’d always been taller and better built than most guys, and he had learned that, even when flaccid, his penis was significantly bigger than the average. 
If anything, Jon was most curious about whether he would later end up reading about the experience of getting changed in front of Daniel on the guy’s feederism profile. It had been some weeks since there had been anything written about him whatsoever, with Daniel writing post after post about his own body instead. Perhaps a little glimpse of Jon’s large, muscular glutes. that the boss’ profile had previously stated he found so alluring, would soon prove to be the key to correcting that.
Daniel’s undersized swimming trunks pinched at the guy’s back fat like nothing Jon had ever seen before. It was as if his former athletic body was still perfectly visible, yet the puddles of fat invaded it all from above, not yet fully integrated, but simply leeching onto wherever it could. Jon had to admit that even he had been shocked at how Daniel looked without a shirt on now. Sure, he’d seen pictures on the feederism website, but that hadn’t prepared him for the fluttering of the back fat when he walked behind Daniel into the sauna, nor the way it all rolled up when he sat his wide butt down in the dry heat.
“Does this sauna feel hotter than most others?” Daniel asked, sweating so much that his whole blubbery body glistened.
Jon looked at him and chuckled. “I was just thinking how much less intense it is in here than the ones I’ve been to in the past.”
Daniel threw his sweaty head back against the wooden walls and tried to breathe a little deeper. “It must just be me then.”
“Or, it could be all this recently installed insulation,” Jon joked, poking his boss in his tummy and being genuinely surprised at how far his finger went in with so little effort; especially after how tightly the man had packed his gut at breakfast. “Being a hit with the ladies does have its consequences!”
Daniel nodded and seemed to relax a little more, grabbing a roll of his fat and jiggling it. “It’s all come on so fast,” he agreed. “My friends back in New York will be so shocked when I see them.”
“Of course they will,” Jon smiled. “You’re a fat boy now.”
Daniel grinned. “I really do love it!”
“I know you do,” Jon laughed. “It’s hot!” he blasted, suddenly realising that he was being a little too forward. “I mean… you know, it’s hot when fat girls really embrace it and let you play with their fat; maybe feed them a little,” he added. The pair of them had discussed their love of larger ladies in the past, but their conversations had never gone as far as talking about feeding them.
Daniel’s eyes lit up and he nodded. “Actually…” he smiled. “There’s a girl I met online. She’s really keen to… be the one to feed me.”
“Oh…right,” Jon replied awkwardly. The conversation and gentle flirting had been so fun, but hearing that there was someone else ready to take on all the hard work that Jon had begun with Daniel actually made his teeth clench with jealousy. “What’s she like?” he asked.
“She’s so hot!” Daniel beamed. “We’ve only met a few times but…”
“You’ve actually met her?” Jon asked, feeling even more scorned now.
“Oh, yeah!” Daniel nodded, delighted with himself. “We’re actually dating.”
Jon listened as Daniel droned on and on about the new love in his life. He’d always felt somewhat in control of the situation; that he could snap his fingers and make the guy fall for him, should he ever wish for it. Yet now there was someone else. He’d waited too long. Perhaps Daniel had never really been into him as much as his profile made out. 
Daniel wouldn’t have noticed how pissed off Jon felt, yet he still made his excuses, heading out of the sauna, claiming that he needed to make a phone call before their first meeting. But, inside, he was silently devastated.
“We’re glad we’ve finally got you on your own,” smiled Holly, the main business associate they had been dealing with in Toronto. “We’ve been very impressed with you this week and would like to invite you into discussions about coming to work with us in the very near future.”
Jon’s eyes widened. A job offer?
“Let me ask you, how would you feel about relocating here to Canada?”
“Um, well…” Jon murmured, hardly knowing what to say. He thought all the hard negotiations had been completed yesterday. Then he thought back to Daniel and how let down he had felt. As a man who had always been able to keep people hanging on his every word, he suddenly felt childishly spiteful towards sticking around for Daniel; especially if the guy was going to go off and date someone else anyway. “Sure,” he nodded. “I’m up to discuss that.”
Besides the outrageous rental prices, Toronto had turned out to be an awesome place to work and live. Jon was earning well over twice his salary at his old job and, in the three years that he had lived there, he had fallen for a girl on his team; even becoming engaged at one point.
However, things were now starting to fall apart. His relationship was over, thanks to a pregnancy scare that had uncovered a fast chasm of difference in the pair’s priorities and life goals. Also, following a car accident his father had been in, Jon came to realise that his parents were not getting any younger. Canada had been great, but it was time to move back home.
Jon began what he assumed would be a long process of trying to find a job that was even comparable to his salary in Toronto. However, the portfolio of work he had put together from his time there was a serious draw to anyone who had his CV wafted under their nose. Within a week of looking, Jon had accepted a position at a prestigious company he could never have dreamed of taking him on three years ago.
“The team are all very keen to meet you,” Gina explained, leading Jon around the new offices the company now occupied in the very heart of the city. 
Everyone seemed very nice and friendly. Jon had been glad that he had worn his tightest shirt and pants as he could already see his appearance was going to earn him a lot of favour with the heavily overbalanced, majority female, staff members.
“Danny usually works from home on a Monday,” Gina explained, taking Jon into the large office that was next to his own. “But he’s come in especially today so that he can get you up to speed on things.”
A massively overweight man rose to his feet as they entered, his hand already outstretched to shake as he moved out from behind his desk. 
Even as Jon took his hand, the realisation didn’t hit him until he looked deeply into the man’s eyes. ““Daniel!” he laughed. But how was this so? He was barely recognizable, with a huge ring of fat now surrounding and framing his face; well shaved skin and an extreme double chin having entirely swallowed his neck.  “I didn’t know you worked here!”
“About eighteen months or so now,” Daniel nodded. “I couldn’t believe it when they said you’d been hired. Head of marketing, huh?” he chuckled. “I guess I’ll be accountable to you when it comes to that department,” he joked, appreciating the reversal of roles.
Gina took an interest in Daniel and Jon’s previous work together. As Daniel explained it all, Jon had the opportunity to look down and see just what had happened to his old boss. Exactly how had that little pot belly exploded into such a monstrously wide gut? How had his fleshy chest suddenly become adorned with breasts that were larger than most girls’? And how did he move about these days with thighs so incredibly thick and juicy?
“I’ll leave you with Danny to get reacquainted, and he can guide you through the account I referenced earlier,” Gina smiled, making her way towards the door. As soon as it closed, both men seemed to give a great sigh of relief and looked at each other, grinning.
“Look at you!” Jon marvelled, sending his eyes straight onto Daniel’s giant gut. “You look so different! You certainly know how to take an idea and run with it!”
Daniel smiled and reached out his hand to touch the extent of his giant tummy. Even his hands had filled with fat; mere dimples where his knuckles had once been, and sweet little creases of skin where his wrists began. “I recently hit four, sixty,” he grinned, seemingly loving Jon’s startled reaction
The last three years had suddenly evaporated. Jon fell back into feeling completely relaxed around Daniel as he circled around to get a look at the guy from behind. His ass had completely blown up and the love handles were enormous! “I can’t believe you took it this far!” he laughed, unafraid to show his sheer delight. “Is this the work of the girlfriend you were seeing before I left for Canada?”
Daniel pondered for a second, wondering who it was Jon was referring to. Then he shook his head. “No… this has been all me,” he smiled, placing his hands on his wide hips. “With, perhaps just the odd bit of help from a feeder or two over the years,” he winked.
“Awesome, dude!” Jon smiled. “Absolutely awesome!”
“I agree!” Daniel smirked, sitting his giant ass back down at his desk with a plop. “Although, the back fat is rather interesting at the moment,” he chuckled, lifting his arms and showing just how much blubber had filled under his armpits, visible even through his giant work shirt. He tried reaching for some of it, but it was obvious that his body was becoming too wide for the man to reach everywhere.
Such a sight gave Jon an instant erection like nothing else he had experienced around Daniel before. He followed suit, sitting down as fast as he could in order to disguise it.
“You look no different at all,” Daniel laughed, finally content to move on.
“Excuse me!” Jon joked, raising his arms and flexing his biceps in his tight shirt. “These guns have never been bigger, actually!” He tried breathing deeply, but his sudden arousal was so much to cope with. Perhaps it had blended with his nerves about starting a new job, but he almost felt out of control; as if his mouth could run away and say something horny and stupid at any moment. “So, are we going out for lunch today, like we did in the old days?”
Daniel grinned. “Actually, I think Gina has plans for you over lunch.”
“Well… fuck her,” Jon shot back impatiently. He hadn’t felt this aroused since he was a teenager. “I want to catch up with my old buddy instead.”
Daniel’s smirk was something new entirely. He seemed to have a confidence about him in this new body; not so shy and humorless as he had once been. He inhabited the life of a massively obese man in a way that only made him ever more enticing. “How about dinner instead?” he asked. “Do you have plans after work?”
“No,” Jon lied, deciding to cancel everything that stood in his way.
After the long day, Jon headed straight into Daniel’s office to find that the large man wasn’t there. 
Jon curiously took a tour of the room, spotting several candy wrappers in the little trash bucket. He pulled open the drawers, failing to find anything useful for an office worker. All of them were filled with the very worst, most fattening snacks available. Jon laughed as he sank his hand down into the drawer, lifting some out and dropping them like confetti back inside. “Oh, Piggy!” he sighed in helpless lust. “What the fuck have you been doing to yourself!”
Thankfully, Jon soon returned from the bathroom and the pair of them were quickly making their way to a cab that Daniel had booked. It was obvious that the big man walked very little around this city.
“So, where is good to eat around here these days?” Jon asked, looking out of the window and seeing that so much had changed.
“There’s an all-you-can-eat place right by my apartment,” Daniel explained. His mouth seemed to water at the mere mention of food and he swallowed the saliva that was building up. “I thought we could go there.”
Jon nodded in agreement, excited to see just what kind of damage a big man like Daniel could do in a buffet these days. He smiled to himself, wondering whether Daniel had bought his apartment in this area because of the buffet place only a few feet from his building, or whether it had all been one giant coincidence. He suspected not.
“Evening, Danny,” sighed the server as they turned up, giving Jon the impression that the fat man’s appearance was just a regular part of the monotony of her daily routine. “A table for two tonight, huh?”
Daniel stepped aside a little more so that Jon could be seen and he introduced him. They headed to a table that was referred to as Daniel’s ‘usual spot’ and she left them be whilst she got their drinks.
“We’re a little early tonight,” Daniel whispered. “The good dishes usually come out at six.”
“You really know your stuff!” Jon laughed, watching as Daniel’s greedy eyes scrutinised the staff as they prepared the buffet for the changeover; listening as the saliva was building in the guy’s gluttonous mouth and witnessing him having to swallow it down several times. However, the fat man was not wrong. Within minutes, the buffet was filled with fresh new dishes, and the two men got up to start. 
Jon followed on behind, eager to take in the view of Daniel from behind. Just what the hell had happened to the guy’s hips? From this angle, the man was so incredibly wide! His butt had swollen and stretched itself outwards in all directions; the fat in his love handles bouncing and rocking with each step he took, slowly untucking his work shirt. The glutton seemed like such an expert at filling his plate, selecting the best parts of the buffet and leaving the cheaper fillings, such as the rice and the breads. It was no secret that he knew what he was doing, openly boasting about how much he had read up on how to get the best value out of these types of places as the pair of them sat down.
Jon ate slowly, whilst Daniel was up and down, fetching himself more and more. So incredibly turned on by this vast display of greed, Jon fiddled in his pockets, trying to reposition his erection so that he could stand up when needed and not expose his arousal to everyone else in the restaurant. After three years of being in a relationship with a girl from his office, Jon hadn’t explored anything to do with this world of eating and weight gain, and it was only after this encounter that he fully understood just how linked to his own sexuality it all was: nothing turned him on more.
“I am STUFFED!” Daniel chuckled about fifty minutes later, having gorged his way through most of the main courses on offer, as well as several of the dessert items. He slapped his hand on his lage stomach, not seeming to notice how strained the buttons had become.
“You’re leaving those?” Jon asked, surprised to see two macrons left to the side of Daniel’s final plate.
Daniel looked down at them. He sighed and gave an uncomfortable burp. “It’s okay. They’re not so good from here anyway.”
“Even so…” Jon smiled mischievously. “You can’t ruin your clean sweep. You’ve cleared every other plate.”
Daniel grinned. “I’d forgotten how much you used to encourage me in the early days,” he laughed. Even so, he looked down at those macrons, sighed in fullness and then shook his head. “No,” he winced. “Trust me. I’m done!”
“Surely there must be something I can do to persuade you?” Jon asked, trying to think on his feet. More than anything else, he didn’t quite feel ready to stand up and leave just yet. “How about I buy you a coffee on the way to work each morning next week?”
Daniel pulled a face. He’d never been a great lover of coffee.
“I’ll buy you a new plant for your desk,” Jon tried again, having noticed that Daniel’s current office plant was withered and mostly dead. He searched through his memory to try and recall the things used to motivate Daniel back when he knew him best. “I’ll let you feel my bigger biceps,” he offered cheekily, flexing them and never expecting his bribe to work.
Daniel considered for only a second, then he nodded and threw a macron straight into his mouth at a speed Jon had not been expecting, laughing, even with his mouth full, at Jon’s shocked expression. He then reached across to get a feel of a stunned Jon’s muscle. “Okay,” the fat man nodded. “They definitely are bigger than last time,” he admitted, mumbling after swallowing most of it down. 
Jon grinned. He couldn’t believe that it had worked. Then again, Daniel had always claimed to be obsessed with his body in those early days. 
Still one macron sat on the plate, unclaimed. “Eat that other one for me and…” Jon pondered, considering whether he should go as far as he was now considering, “...I’ll let you feel up my glutes next.”
Daniel’s pig-like eyes widened in surprise. He raised an eyebrow and smirked. Then, although he had not been able to bring himself to even swallow the last of the previous macron, he pushed the final one into his mouth, accepting the offer; forcing himself to chew and swallow them both down at long last.
Nothing was said about heading back to Daniel’s place afterwards. The two men simply got up and started walking until they reached the fat man’s building. There, they got into the elevator and made their way up to the top floor, all whilst making inconsequential small talk to fill the time.
Daniel’s apartment was large and flashy. He had great views over the city and his kitchen was straight out of a home decor magazine. But the place was also scruffy and filled with furniture that was oversized and awkwardly positioned. Take out boxes sat on the top of his coffee table, providing the slight stale odour that filled the space. However, Daniel simply seemed oblivious to it, heading straight to a massive chair in front of his TV and sighing with relief as his massive form dropped into it with a confidence in its constriction that did not seem warranted.
“This is where a lot of the magic happens,” Daniel smiled. “I’ve pushed so many calories into myself right here, in this chair.”
Jon laughed. “Not just you pushing them in either, I bet,” he teased. “You don’t grow a gut like that without a lot of encouragement.”
Daniel nodded and smirked with a confidence in himself that Jon had never seen in him before today. “Yeah,” he agreed, looking around the space and rubbing the top of his fat gut. “I’ve had a lot of fun in this apartment.” His eyes then locked on Jon’s. “And now it’s time for you to pay the piper,” he joked, beckoning him over. “That last macron wasn’t easy!”
“You want to touch the finest glutes in the city?” Jon laughed. He wanted to act casual so that he could still walk out of there with his head held high should this not go in the direction he desperately hoped it would.
Jon made his way over, positioning himself so that his back was turned to Daniel and his pert butt within reach. He heard the fat man grunt as he repositioned himself on the edge of his seat, then, two chubby hands reached out and moulded themselves onto the shapely, firm masses, exploring every inch.
Both men gave a sigh as all the pent up sexual tension finally started to release. Jon felt himself being pulled back a little more by his belt. Then, even Daniel’s nose was rolling over the material, his lips kissing each glute in turn. “Beautiful!” the fat man whispered.
It was at that point that things became all too much for Jon. His hands reached down to his belt and he unbuckled faster than he ever had in his life, pulling his thick erection out and handling it in the way he had wanted to all day. He spun around, staring only at Daniel’s greedy little mouth. “Open up, Fat Boy…” he growled, letting his lust completely get the better of him.
Despite his coarseness, Daniel’s mouth slid straight over the hardness and began working straight away; his hands holding firmly onto Jon’s strong hips and pulling him in closer. 
Jon moaned aloud. It never failed to catch him off guard how great guys often were at giving head, but three years in a monogamous relationship had also lowered his expectations when it came to genuine sexual thrills like this. Daniel’s mouth was so filled with saliva, his tongue so expertly gifted at working whatever was placed on top of it; Jon felt like he could climax in no time at all. Instead, he pulled back, quickly undressing himself further and allowing Daniel to do the same once he stood back up again.
Suddenly, all that incredible flesh was being unveiled. Even after staring at Daniel’s body for so much of the day, Jon had never imagined that the guy’s nipples would sag quite so much. His giant gut was so heavy and squishy, his love handles rolling into several folds of fat that wrapped around into his back. His arms were so large and puffy, his thighs so genuinely overfilled with blubber, his calves looked positively tiny and weak in comparison. But then Daniel lifted his gut a little and reached under to grab at his almost hidden hardness, his forearm jiggling all the lard in his stomach as the fat man attempted to pleasure himself.
“Are you impressed?” Daniel asked, knowing that despite how hot and muscular Jon was, it was his own body that was the star of the show right at that moment.
“Yes,” Jon replied, tugging at himself as he watched Daniel doing the same.
“Did you ever imagine I’d get this big?” he asked next, clearly arousing himself more with his own questions.
Jon shook his head. “I didn’t think you had it in you to get this big,” he answered honestly; awe-struck by how extremely obese his former boss now was. “This is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen!”
Daniel moaned and tugged at himself more, grunting with the effort of having to reach his chubby hand into his groin. “I’m nowhere near finished yet, either,” he continued, grabbing at his stomach fat with his other hand. “I still want so much more!”
Jon sighed in appreciation of the display in front of him. There were so many rolls and folds. He could spend weeks exploring and fucking every single one; never getting bored.
Stepping closer to Daniel, Jon slipped his large hand around the back of the big man’s head and pulled him in for the most lust-filled kiss of his life.
“Don’t worry, Fatty,” he grinned, finally having the freedom to tease Daniel just as he had always wanted. “I started you off on this journey…” he whispered, grabbing at the flab and jiggling it. “...And I’m going to be the one to finish the job!”
Daniel nodded submissively, his hand taken away from his own hardness and replaced with Jon’s strong, firm grip upon it instead. “Whatever you say,” he moaned back; his piggy little eyes already rolling back into his head at the sensation. “You’re the boss.”
Jon’s erection seemed to swell ever more. “Say that again!” he teased with excitement, manoeuvring the fat man so that they both slipped into the nearby bedroom. Daniel was spun around and he gladly fell upon the edge of the bed, his wide rump exposed.
“You’re the boss!” the large, horny man declared, spreading his legs wider, knowing exactly what he needed Jon to do next. “You’re the only boss I ever want!”
Jon marvelled at the sight before him, knowing that nothing would ever come close to exciting him in the way that this did. He lubricated and pushed himself inside, enjoying every single powerful thrust he made: the sheer scale of the man he was fucking, the way all the fat and blubber rocked and jiggled. Feeding and pounding Daniel was the only thing he ever needed.
“I should hope so!” Jon declared, slapping the wide butt that was so willingly taken. “I’ll be giving you your performance review in a couple of weeks…” he teased, starting to thrust harder and harder. “I’m going to need you to bring your A-Game appetite and really step things up for me.”
Daniel moaned and nodded in agreement; every fantasy in his kinky little brain starting to come to life.
“Your new boss is a real bastard,” Jon laughed. “He’s going to push you harder than ever before, Fatso!” 
Jon slowed his pace slightly, allowing the huge man a short relief; sliding in and out with more tenderness and caring.
“But be prepared, piggy…” Jon smiled, starting to ramp up the pace yet again; his strong thighs beginning to come into their own. “...I need results. And, I’m sure as hell going to get them…”
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yanderestarangel · 6 months
Okay, so I was thinking about yandere Peter B and Miguel O’Hara with FTM reader. Both men obsessed and possessive with them ever since they joined the society.
And they both share them. Kinks could be breeding, size difference, degradation, praising kink? Miguel could be a hard dom and Peter a soft dom. You could add more if ya like.
Your writing is absolutely amazing!
A/N: I made it in headcanon format because I was too lazy to make a one shot, but I hope you like it.
TW: age gap, smut, yandere content, dark romance, daddykink, praise!kink, size!kink, possession, manipulation, ftm reader, betrayal, breed!kink, v!sex, anal!sex, overstimulation, kidnapping, blackmail, murder, aphrodisiac use, dub con, threesome, creampie.
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Being in the spidersociety was a big responsibility role for you, but you accepted it anyway, after all you had the sense of hero that each spider variant had. You didn't expect so much attention or flattery for you but that's what you received from two specific people ─ Miguel O'Hara, your boss and Peter B. Parker, the most peaceful and sweet spider man you met in Spider society. You swore you saw hearts form in the two older men's orbs simultaneously.
You quickly saw things escalate to a strange level. Miguel was very protective of you, even putting you on "easier" missions like staying at the spider society headquarters and giving him boring reports.
"You're safe here. Being a spider-man isn't just about battling villains, it's about learning responsibility. You're still a little spider, carinõ." the Mexican would speak as he gave you more papers to fill out. While on the other hand, Peter agreed with everything the leader said, complementing even more.
"Miguel is right, baby boy. You still have a lot to learn." The older man gestured excitedly and you accepted, defeated and sighing.
O'Hara watched everything with a chill passing through him, he tried not to let his thoughts speak loudly but he knew that Peter was also interested in you, just like the Mexican was.
"You shouldn't be so close to him, Peter. Your wife will be jealous." O'Hara hissed the words like venom coming out of his fangs, while the other spider-man just smiled relaxedly and looked at the younger man.
"You want to compete for him? Is that it Miguelito? You liked him too, didn't you? We can share." Peter spoke as he saw you oblivious to the dark conversation you were both having.
The proposal for a share was denied in the first instance, but every day it seemed more tempting for the spider leader, for several reasons. The main one was that you were getting closer to other spider variants and Peter, being more social, was keeping up with your pace ── at the same time that you realized that some spider variants no longer wanted to talk to you, if that variant presented romantic interest in you, they disappeared and came back with deep bruises, diverting topics with you and leading you to turn to Peter.
Little did you know that the nice family man was the cause of that. He was sick for you, to the point of abandoning his purposes and character ── you and his daughter were the only things that mattered to him at that moment, he told himself that he still loved Mary Jane... But he also loved you.
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Peter was getting rid of another spider variant using threats and pure blackmail to do so, but the poor victim that time had no chance after Miguel appeared and took out his fury on them. The tall man sloppily wiped the blood off his hands as he turned to Peter.
"Okay... I accept your proposal, let's share the ninõ." O'Hara spoke in a calm, cold and insane tone, while he saw Parker smile and nod his head ── after this previous peace agreement between them, it was his life's turn to become a sweet hell.
You had no one else inside or outside the spider society, Peter and Miguel were the only ones who spoke to you. (Peter's threat + Miguel's tyrannical power with the other spider variants in secret was the reason for his involuntary isolation.)
In addition to the fact that the Mexican used his entire database to find out about your family, friends and possible love interests outside the society he had control over ── some were bought with money, others were threatened and others... They were found in alleys and became news on TV channels.
Everything was falling apart in your life, even your college grades and your mental state and all you had left was the comfort of the two older men... Exactly as you both planned.
You ran into their arms while crying and venting ── an Oscar award was supposed to be presented to the duo, both of them pretended shock and indignation while you told them every detail. So when you were weakened enough, they acted, bringing you into their possession, protecting you from the cruel world that was made worse in their minds.
Compliments, gifts, words of positive affirmations and everything sweet and warm in the world they gave you. Miguel was more desperate for touch, placing you on his lap while he worked on the panels of the multiverse or giving you small, intimate but not vulgar kisses, something that asserted a silent and slow dominance ── away from curious eyes, after all he was still the leader of that society.
Peter on the other hand would give you more affection in public, you and him would even go for a walk together with mayday as a family, away from Mary Jane's eyes. He would also lie to you saying that he and his wife were separated and even show the old divorce paper to prove something to you... You were trapped in a spider web of lies and dirty manipulations.
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And when you realized, you were in a relationship with both men ── they asked you if it was okay for you to deal with both of them at the same time, which you denied, too drunk with pleasure to think about anything more than both filling you to the brim (an effect that was also the fault of the aphrodisiac Miguel had put in your drink that day.)
Peter's hands took off your spider uniform while O'Hara's thick hands went towards your wetness, playing roughly with your clit "mi hermoso" the spider leader growled in your ear as one of his thick fingers entered inside you, making you moan ─ at the same time that Peter sucked your nipples and gently squeezed your breasts, his experienced hands were working magic on your body. Raw kisses were left by the older man on your abdomen, as Parker knelt and licked your clit, helping O'Hara prepare you even more for what was to come.
"You're already dripping for us, aren't you? Such a good little slut." The tanned man teased as he stuck a second finger in your cunt, stretching you in scissor movements, back and forth. Peter got out on his knees as he captured your lips lightly moaning huskily against your flesh: "Such a beautiful and good boy for us... You make your daddies proud like that little spider." He said as Miguel pressed his hard, pulsing erection against your ass, making you moan loudly against the other man's lips.
The two bodies fit perfectly inside you, practically crushing you with their heat as you tried not to cum on O'Hara's fingers, but the effort was in vain as you felt him easily reach your cervix. You felt one of Peter's fingers soon find your other hole, making you moan even more against his lips.
"That's it, my spider boy. Show us how much you want it." The voices mixed together as you felt like you were going to explode at any moment and it actually happened ── you came, squirting onto Miguel's forearm and dripping onto the floor as all your muscles contracted involuntarily.
"I knew it was going to be a fucking squirt." The spider leader said, laughing, as you left for the next step ── you just left yourself there, your body for the two of them to use as they wanted, you just wanted to feel good and they would guarantee that.
With careful coordination and chemistry between the three of you, you found yourself sitting on Peter's lap, your back pressed against his chest as he guided his cock to your tight hole. Meanwhile, Miguel positioned himself at your front, his hands gripping your hips as he slowly entered your dripping pussy. "Te ves tan hermoso."
Peter couldn't help but let out a groan of satisfaction as he finally buried his cock deep inside your tight ass, the feeling of being completely enveloped by your warmth and tightness was overwhelming for him, he had to fight against the urge to just thrust into you with abandon. Instead, he took deep breaths to steady himself, his hands gripping your hips tightly. "Fuck, you feel incredible, baby boy. So tight and eager for me... You wanted that, didn't you? Being filled by two dicks, a greedy, needy boy..."
Miguel's primal instincts took over as he felt the tightness of your pussy around his cock, the blissful sensation causing a guttural moan to escape his lips. "I'm going to breed in that beautiful pussy of yours, boy... You're going to be our breed whore... We're going to always leave you full of cum, in that beautiful hole of yours." Miguel's hips moved in sync with Peter's, his thrusts gaining speed and force as he aimed to push you over the edge. "So beautiful and obedient, If you continue like this, being a good boy will be rewarded ok?.." the older man moaned as you felt Peter and Miguel's cocks stretch you to the edge, letting you drool on both of their cocks like an animal in heat. Just as you thought you couldn't take it anymore, your climax crashed over you like a tidal wave, your body convulsing with pleasure as you moaned their names. Parker and O'Hara continued their relentless thrusts, prolonging your orgasm and riding the waves of your ecstasy, but they hadn't stopped yet. Peter's thrusts grew more frantic as he felt your body convulse under him, the pleasure building within him as well. He knew that his release wasn't far behind.
"You're so damn tight, baby. Fuck, I'm gonna come--" His voice was filled with a mix of pleasure and urgency as he increased the pace of his thrusts. O'Hara felt his own release drawing near, your tight pussy milking his cock with each powerful thrust. His grip on your hips tightened as he neared his own climax. "Holy shit little boy, you're really going to get pregnant with us, aren't you?" As both men reached their climaxes, they filled you with their seed. Peter's hot cum filled your tight ass, while Miguel's release spilled into your pussy, marking you as theirs. Their bodies shuddered as they reached their peaks, their gazes locked on yours. Nothing needed to be phallus, not when both of your eyes reflected their red, sickly hearts, surrounded by possession and pleasure for you.
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obx-pogue4life · 1 year
The Right Path For Us
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Summary: Rafe just wants to be able to feel his girl without anything between them and that need turns into a conversation which leads y/n and Rafe to realize they just might finally be ready to start a family together
Warnings: Fluffy smut. Slight breeding kink, begging, swearing, kissing, slight dirty talk, mentions of sex, pregnancy and marriage
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"Please baby? Let me feel all of you without a condom,"  my boyfriend Rafe begged. "I need to feel you against my cock. Don't you want to feel me without that barrier in between us? Don't you want to feel my hot cum shoot into you, painting your insides with my seed?
"What I want Rafe, is to not get pregnant by my idiot boyfriend who thinks it's ok to just unload in me freestyle because he wants to feel all of me," I say to him sternly. I'm gonna stick with no.
"Awww come on y/n, what's the worst thing that could happen? You get pregnant? So fucking what! Who cares if I knock you up! You don't want that? Please...I know you. You'd love it if I put a baby in that belly of yours. You'd love carrying around a little Cameron and have everyone know that you belong to me.
I start to blush and Rafe gives me that shit eating grin of his, knowing that what he said is right on the money. "I fucking knew it," he brags.
"OK fine, but just because you technically may not be wrong does not mean I am ready- actually scratch that, that WE are ready for a baby Rafe.
"Pffffftttt," he says looking directly at me. He takes my hand and laces our fingers and leads us to the couch. I follow him but am a little surprised at his sudden silence. We both sit down, him still holding my hand and sit a minute in silence. "Do you know how much I love you, y/n?," he quietly asks, turning to face me.
I mimic his turn on the couch and notice how serious he is. "Of course I do Rafe. I love you just as much, with all my heart," you answer him, grabbing for his other hand. I put it directly over my heart and place my hand over his. "Forever," I say softly. Rafe's face lights up immediately and he moves our hands from my chest to his, repeating the word that means so much to him.
"Forever," he says to me. "I would love nothing more than to start a family with you y/n."
"I'm barely 20 years old," I say desperately trying to come up with reasons to tell this gorgeous man in front of me as to why we should not have a baby right now.
"Well that's a shit reason," he says chuckling. "Just because we're young doesn't mean we aren't ready. We are plenty mature and have plenty of money. NEXT," he says confidently.
"Well...we aren't married, we aren't even engag-," he cut you off with a wave of his hand.
"That is 100% your own doing y/n and you know it. If I had my way, we would have been married a long time ago.
"If you had your way, we would have been married in high school and we might not have made it here because you know perfectly well that it would have been really hard to make an actual marriage work when we still have to worry about getting to homeroom on time and submitting book reports," I say as calmly as I can muster.
We have had this talk many times over the past several years of dating and we both agreed to hold off until I was finished with college and Rafe played a bigger part in his dad's company. I know that him just being a Cameron alone would support us well beyond our means, that is always a big part of our arguments, but it's very important to me to know that we can make it on our own and support ourselves by having real jobs and skills to fall back on just incase we ever needed them. I also wanted to make damn well sure that Rafe knows I loved him despite his money, not because of it and this was a clear way for me to prove that to him; not that he ever questioned it but I never want to give him a reason to. With a family like the Cameron's, there comes a lot of underlying responsibility and a lot of obligations and I never felt ready for all of that, no matter how much I loved Rafe. Well...until now, that is.
"I still think we would have been fine but that was then y/n," he presses. "What about now?"
"Are you actually being serious right now," you say slowly, thinking.
"Serious as a heart attack baby," he states coolly.
"Please baby? You know I will always take care of you and you know how much I love you. It's only a matter of time before you're a Cameron anyway," he smirks at you, leaning in for a kiss. I sigh into his mouth, knowing he's right and struggle to come up with any real reasons why not to at least try to start a family. It probably wouldn't happen right away anyway and I know how much having his own family means to him. I also know he will always make good on his promise to take care of me and to love me. So maybe now could be the right time?
"So I'm not saying yes but-," THERE'S A BUT!, he interrupts.
"Oh my gosh, eager much," I tease him, poking him in the ribs and smiling. "I'm not saying yes but if I were to agree to this, I want to hear you tell me that this just isn't just about sex. I need to hear you without you trying to put the moves on me that you really want this as much as you say you do Rafe because so so help me god, if you're lying to me just to get me to let you fuck me without a condom-," BABY he interrupts again.
"You know me better than that. I would never trick you like that! What kind of a jerky bastard do you think I am?!," he feigns in mock rage.
"I know that," you sigh apologetic. "This is just a huge step for us and I just really need to make sure we both want this for the same reasons."
"We?," he questions, raising an eyebrow and smirking.
"Yes, we," I say to him, smiling back happily.
"You know how badly I want you and to start a family together," he says taking his arms and draping them around my neck. I might have started out like a little bit of a jerk earlier but it's just because I love you so much and my need for you clouds my mind sometimes. And I know that sounds like a line but you know in your heart that I mean every word of it. The pleasure we'd feel would just be an added bonus y/n," he smirks at me.
"Is that so?" I say egging him on.
"Oh baby," he says raspily, his eyes filling with lust. "You have no idea how good it's gonna be."
I feel myself gulp as my eyes widen from his confidently naughty confession. My breathing gets a bit faster and Rafe immediately notices my body stiffen in front of him.
"What are you thinking, y/n," he asks me, resting his head against my forehead.
"That I want you," I immediately say and then blush. I can feel Rafe's eyelashes fluttering against my face and the way his breath begins to pick up. He presses his lips to mine in a sweet kiss and I can feel the smile on his face. After a minute he pulls away to look at me.
"What else do you want?," he asks me, his tone desperate to hear my words of affirmation.
"I really want to start a family with you," I tell him earnestly. I always have. I just wasn't sure we were ready for it until...," I look at him as the realization washes over me. "Well... until this exact moment. It just feels so right. The more I hear you talk about it, the more it just makes such perfect sense."
Before I could barely finish my thought his lips were on mine in a fevered panic, needy and wanting, as if he hadn't kissed me in ages. Between breaths he paused only to say how much he loves me and how happy I make him, confirming to me that this was absolutely the right path for us. As he lay me down on the couch, his body is pressed flush against mine as he puts my hands over my head and clutches my wrists. I sigh in complete content as he kisses my neck and I let my eyes close allowing that familiar feeling to start bubbling up inside me.
"Raaaaffeee," I moan out, letting him know how good he's making me feel.
"I know baby," he says in between biting and sucking on my delicate skin. He moves to my mouth and gives me a long, sweet kiss. His tongue melds with mine so perfectly, it makes me wonderfully dizzy and all I can think about is how in love I am with him. When he stops kissing me and pulls away it takes me a second to come back to earth. I open my eyes and find him smiling, staring at me and his necklace dangling right in front of my nose. I playfully grab the chain gently and he leans in and kisses me sweetly on the nose.
"What?," I say giggling. He's still looking at me with that goofy grin on his face and he once again makes me blush.
"Now," he says with a twinkle in his eye. "I just have to get you to agree to marry me."
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rosescovenwrites · 7 months
10th Doctor NSFW Alphabet
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Warnings: pegging, spit kink, graphic descriptions of cum, threesomes mentioned, pegging, bondage, the Doctor's massive cock (needs a warning in and of itself)
a = aftercare (what he’s like after sex)
The absolute sweetest boy, he will clean you up, shower you off (might go for round 2 if you're up for it), cuddle with you, and do whatever you want. He gets hungry after sex so he will make you both a little snack.
b = body part (his favorite body part of his and yours)
The Doctor personally favors his hands because he knows how to use them (like fuck have you seen David’s hands, they do those close ups of them for a reason). Whether he’s touching your ass or your pussy, he knows how to get you riled up and ready to take him.
On a cheesy note he adores the cute faces you make when he’s fucking you and just in general. Sexually speaking, he loves your ass. When you're off on another planet he is shameless and grabs it when no one is looking (some planets physical affection in public is totally normal so if someone did catch him no one would bat an eyelash).
c = cum (anything to do with cum)
He cums a lot and can do so several times in a session. Perks of being a time lord. His favorite place to cum is on your body in some way. If he’s taking you from behind he will paint your ass white with his cum. He cums inside you once you feel comfortable with that.
d = dirty secret (a dirty secret of his)
The Doctor really enjoys being tied up sometimes and edged and vice versa. He would use his different ties and it is super hot.
e = experienced (how experienced is he? does he know what he’s doing?)
Being over 900 years old he has had his fair share of sexual partners.
f = favorite position (goes without saying)
The Doctor really likes the legs on shoulders position because he can penetrate you deeper and because he likes to look at you during sex. Normal missionary is too boring for you both.
g = goofy (is he more serious in the moment? humorous? etc.)
This is the 10th Doctor we are talking about, so he can be goofy at times during sexy time. Sex isn’t always pretty like it is in the movies, silly things can happen. Sometimes when he is stressed he gets more serious and the sex is always ungodly hot regardless.
h = hair (how well groomed is he? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps things clean and trims when needed.
i = intimacy (how is he during the moment? is he romantic?)
He is adorably loving and sweet, always checking how you are and he is a consent king. 
j = jerk off (masturbation headcanon)
Because he is always with you, he really doesn’t need to masturbate. Though there are times when he thinks he’s being sneaky and he masturbates in your shared bedroom in the Tardis and you walk in on him, he is adorable and turns bright red but you of course urge him to keep going. Mutual masturbation is also something you both partake in, usually as a form of foreplay but he does prefer to touch you himself.
k = kink (one or more of his kinks)
Praise kink 100%, you praise him, he praises you and it is so sweet
Sir kink, it makes him so fucking hard when you call him that
Edging, delayed gratification for both parties makes the orgasm so much better
Bondage, nothing too kinky but he loves restraining you with his ties or blindfolding you with one to heighten your senses
Spit kink, spitting in your mouth or you in his to taste each other’s juices/cum
Not sure if this is considered a kink but he is into him being fully clothed while fucking you and you being completely naked.
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
Usually in the Tardis of course (not when it's moving though that would be terrifying and no one would be handling the controls), specifically in the bedroom. He likes you both to be comfortable and the bed is typically the best place to do that. Sometimes in the bath or shower when the timing is right.
m = motivation (what turns him on?)
When you wear more revealing clothing or when you wear one of his iconic suits
Simple but effective when you bend over in front of him
When you tug on his hair during a kiss
When you’re confident, it makes him both happy and horny
n = no (something he wouldn’t do)
Nothing that would severely hurt or injure you, spanking and choking is hot but nothing too aggressive.
Nothing to do with bodily fluids (blood, urine, shit, etc.)
No dubious consent he is too sweet for that and it feels icky for him
No weapon play
o = oral (preference on giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He loves, loves, loves eating you out and he knows you feel so good because you pull on his hair a bit. On the other hand, he loses his mind when you suck him off because the noises you make and the sex in your eyes drives him wild and makes him absolutely feral. When you gag on it, it strokes his ego (clearly not the only thing being stroked ;) ).
p = pace (is he fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
The Doctor can be either depending on his mood. Regardless of pace he constantly checks with you because he wants to make you happy, safe, and comfortable.
q = quickie (his opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Usually, the Doctor likes to take his time with you when you have sex. He certainly finds quickies fun and thrilling but he loves to have longer intimate time spent with you. One time you had a quickie it was rough and dirty (which is usually how they go). Jack almost caught the two of you in the act, but he didn’t see anything but he knew because you both had sex hair and you still had his tie around your neck.
r = risk (is he okay with experimenting? does he take risks?)
The Doctor would take risks to an extent, but nothing too crazy. Public sex is not something he would be into because he loves you too much to risk that. However, he doesn’t mind going for a quickie in a bathroom or closet, maybe even in the parked Tardis with the door open if you’re both feeling a bit on the frisky side.
s = stamina (how many rounds can he go for? how long does he last?)
He can go about 5-6 rounds and he usually can last anywhere from 10 minutes (for quickies) or 45 minutes (when he wants to take his time with you, he wants to make you cum as many times as possible).
t = toys (does he own toys? how much does he use them? on you or him?)
I feel like there would be a lot of like intergalactic sex toys you find along the way on your travels with the Doctor. I can’t be the only person who thinks how sonic screwdrivers look a whole lot like vibrators. 
On him, he would probably try pegging at least once, but I have a feeling he would really, truly enjoy it.
u = unfair (how much does he like to tease?)
As stated above, edging is huge for the Doctor both when giving and receiving. You tease each other an equal amount and are both switches. Sometimes he will whisper dirty things in your ear when you are out and about and gives you subtle touches but says you have to wait. You tease him too by sucking on a lollipop or popsicle or walking around the Tardis in one of his shirts and nothing else.
v = volume (how loud is he? what kind of noises does he make, etc.)
The Doctor is not afraid to grunt, moan, and be vocal about how good you feel. He also loves to praise the hell out of you and say things like “good girl” but also “my little slut” when he is being mean in bed or is in a mood.
w = wild card (random headcanon)
He would be down for a threesome, usually he wouldn’t want to share you because he loves you and only you (we love a loyal baby girl, 10 is so baby girl sometimes I swear). He might even fuck around with you and the Captain Jack Harkness. The Doctor has always been queer to me and there has always been undertones of that.
I know in the show he hates being called sir in a professional way, but when you say it during sex he loves how obedient and good you’re being for him.
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
You know the David Ten-inch joke and I know that’s MASSIVE but in my canon it is 100% accurate. 
y = yearning (how high is his sex drive?)
Doctor Who, more like Doctor Horny, this man loves to fuck. He can go multiple rounds in a night/day and has a pretty quick refractory period.
z = zzz (how quickly does he fall asleep afterwards?)
I feel like the Doctor would be kind of energetic or “on a high” after sex since he’s not human, he would lie with you because you’re exhausted (especially after going several rounds) and he will eventually drift off to sleep beside you.
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gaytamorfosi · 1 month
What effect does this have on you?
🇬🇧 ("Che effetto ti fa?" Versione Inglese)
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A frightening sense of dizziness won't let me be on this sultry August morning. A small taste of supernatural experience, it lasted a handful of minutes and it was enough. There's no turning back from something like this. That scene repeats itself incessantly before my eyes, my stomach churns and I feel like I'm lacking oxygen, like I'm on the verge of fainting. It is not a fleeting sensation, but a prolonged one, which has clouded my mind for hours while the room seems to slowly turn on itself. 
I met Dario thanks to a mutual friend. I couldn't believe that a person with fantasies so similar to mine lived near me. For years I had considered my kinks as an absolutely private and intimate thing, not thinking that I would ever find someone with my same tastes who understood me fully. When I saw Dario, I was pleasantly surprised: he was very handsome, definitely out of my league. Gathering courage, I asked him out. I don't think a bald, overweight bear like me has much of a chance with a guy with a perfect body like Dario, but considering we had several things in common, I thought it was a great opportunity and stepped forward. I was surprised when he said yes; maybe I had a small chance with him. 
Last night we went out together and had a wonderful evening. Time flew by and in an instant we found ourselves alone in my house. It was too good to be true. I asked myself if we would have sex, fearing I was rushing things too much: I didn't want to waste this precious opportunity; I really like him a lot. 
“We ended up not talking about our fantasies,” he said. “What would you do if you were faced with a person who was actually capable of changing their appearance and becoming someone else?” I had never asked myself this question. "It's a hot fantasy, but I have no idea on how I would react in reality," I replied. At that point, Dario began to undress. I remained a few meters away, surprised and embarrassed. Left with only a pair of shorts on, Dario sank into the armchair and his massive, virile body began to shrink and rejuvenate. In a few seconds he had become a guy who was about twenty years old. I had dreamed of a scene like that many times, but living it was something else entirely. I was speechless in front of that impossible scene. "Don't you like Thomas?" he asked, reading the confusion in my eyes. "He's an English TikToker, as handsome as he is useless and arrogant."
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That Thomas wasn't really my type, but I couldn't deny that he was a hot guy. In any case, all that came out of my mouth was an awkward, meaningless babble, and then silence fell. I hadn't yet wrapped my mind around the transformation when Dario's appearance changed again, this time replicating mine, in every way. The only difference was that Dario was standing there wearing only his shorts and with his legs wide open. "What effect does this have on you?" he asked. Once again I didn't know how to respond: it was a scenario I had never even imagined. A sense of excitement mixed with euphoria pervaded me. I had never found myself particularly attractive, but Dario's attitude in my body made it exciting, against all odds. Even before my head could make sense of all this, my body started sending me clear signals: seeing my self-confident copy made me hard. Like a mirror, Dario began to get excited in the same way, while smiling smugly. 
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I wonder what turned me on... The transformation itself? My reflection? The idea that someone could find me attractive enough to take my shape? I only know that when Dario got up from the chair and his lips touched mine, it was as if the world began to spin in reverse. From that moment on, nothing was the same as before; my heart remained in that room and Dario, by leaving, took with him every possibility of reasoning in a clear and coherent way, leaving me in this state. I never wanted to let him go again, but he promised he'd be back: "I just started rocking your world," he said before disappearing through the door.
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I like noncon + mind break/mind control + being used like a toy in my monsterfucker fantasies because it allows me to turn my brain off and just enjoy it.
I’m autistic so I get burnt out on socialization very easily, I’m prone to overstimulation to the point of meltdowns (which would likely ruin a scene irl), and I take “imagine this happens to you” scenarios a bit too literally (because I can’t not take things literally). It’s bad enough that just reading a fic that has the reader (me) talk out consent makes me so so tired, as if I actually just had a conversation. The chronic exhaustion from just dealing with everyday life means I’m always looking for any means of escape that doesn’t involve using more spoons, and that includes for my sexual outlets.
Enter noncon. You don’t have to talk because the monster doesn’t care about that. They may be nonverbal themselves and only communicate in body language, including reading yours, which may be of benefit if they’re the type that likes to elicit a response from you. If they just see your body as a sex toy, they’re not going to hold back or have any reserves about pounding into you either, which is exactly what I want.
Now add mind break/mind control. You don’t have to think or process feelings because the monster is doing it for you. They’re making you feel a certain way, usually highly pleasured, because they can. You don’t have to worry about it not feeling good because they’re in control of that. You also don’t have to worry about overstimulation or meltdowns because they can control whether you feel that too. And if they see you as a mate, breeding partner, incubator, or just a good fuck, of course they’re going to want you to feel good. The ideal scenario for horny monsters and breeders is that you keep coming back to them.
Personally it just sounds really nice to have someone turn off all the sensory noise, not require me to speak/interact with them, and just make me feel good for several hours or even days. I would love a break like that, just, finally existing in the world in a way that isn’t irritating or painful for me but is instead making me feel good for a while. For that reason, coming up with different iterations of monsters who can achieve this, either through magic, aphrodisiacs, or just raw skill, is a rather soothing hobby of mine.
And yeah I know it won’t ever happen like that irl. Partly because I’m aroace. But that’s the point of fantasy. The fantasy itself of these kinks is very cathartic.
And I guess if you couldn’t tell already I’m a massive sub. You know the omegaverse quiz? I got Submissive Omega on it. It fits. Not ashamed just tired and happy to let someone else have all the hard responsibility, protect me and make me feel good.
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matryosika · 2 years
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Day 1: Age gap + Impregnation with Chan.
Wordcount — 2,406 words.
Includes — Age gap (male character is at least 10 year's older than reader, who is described to be in her mid twenties. No exact ages are discussed). Babysitter!reader, single dad!Chan, use of the word "daddy" once but it is not used as a petname nor it's part of the dynamic between reader and male character, dirty talk, oral sex (m. receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, impregnation kink, creampie, themes of pregnancy.
Author's note — If you have been following me for a while, you know this is one of my most dominant kinks. So I just had to! The wordcount is longer than it should be, but I hope that's not an issue! Also, I know this was supposed to be day number 2 instead of 1, but I had my reasons to reschedule 😭 I will be posting mirror sex + praise kink with changbin later on though!
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“This is wrong,” Chan mutters through gritted teeth while his eyes are all over you, admiring the way your tongue swirls around his hard and veiny cock. You suck on it like it’s your 
favorite candy, like you have been craving it for ages. 
Truth is, you do have been craving it ever since you met him.
“Is it?” you ask him, pulling his cock out of your mouth with a lewd sound. The drool on your chin and the string of saliva connecting your swollen lips to his reddened cock is making him rethink his last words. Is it really wrong? How can it, when it feels this right?
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” he replies. Ironically enough, he does so while guiding your lips back to the tip of his cock, pushing your head down on it. “You shouldn’t be doing this”. 
Your teary eyes look up to him while having his cock deep inside your throat and the filthy image makes Chan’s heart race. He keeps your head in place for a couple of seconds before allowing you to gasp for air, coughing when you are finally able to breath. 
“Do you want me to leave, Mr. Bang?” you query, feigning innocence. Your eyes are wide open and clouded with tears, there’s drool on your chin and the way you mockingly smile while asking such a question, all-together, makes Chan even harder.
He doesn't answer, but his cock twitches visible in front of your eyes. It’s hard not to notice when all you can do is stare at it; it’s thick, reddened and there are several, prominent veins that start at the base and fade away near the tip. 
He really is nothing like the men your age you’ve fucked before. 
“You know what I want,” he purrs, caressing your hair while you are still kneeling in front of him. “But I don’t think it’s right”. 
“Why not?” you pout. “Because I’m too young for you?”
Chan shouldn’t feel aroused when he is reminded of it, but he does. You are a legal, independent adult, old enough to have a job and a place of your own —still, you are too young for someone like him. You should be fucking men your age, dating them and having all these sort of experiences Chan lived a while back.
But men your age are not really something you are into these days. 
“Don’t do this to me,” he hisses, pushing a few strands of hair away from your face. “Don’t tempt me”. 
“You did this to yourself, Mr. Bang,” you murmur, eyes fixed on his. “Had you been a decent man, none of this would be happening”.
He knows you are teasing him, as the bratty woman you are, but he can’t help but feel anger lingering inside his guts. Is he really the only one to blame? Had he minded his own business and stopped staring at the young babysitter that works for him in a perverse way, would things be different?
“Had you not offered yourself to me so easily, none of this would be happening,” he corrects you, cupping your cheeks with one of his hands. “Talking about decency as if your cunt isn't dripping every time I am around”. 
He forces you to stand up from your knees, still cupping your face with his hand harshly. He sneaks the other one between your thighs and underneath your skirt, scoffing bitterly when the tip of his digits touch the wet patch on your underwear. 
Far from making you feel embarrassed by proving his point, you come up with something to tease Chan even more.
“It’s just human nature,” you whisper, licking your lips when you feel him lazily tracing your slit. “You have something I need, and I am capable of giving you what you want in return”.
Chan’s breath hitches when you say that.
“I know what you want,” he murmurs, his eyes fixed on your parted lips. “But what is that thing you can offer me?” 
You wrap your arms around his neck and smile when you feel his toned body tensing at your touch. The amount of power Chan has over you it’s pathetic, but neither of you can deny that you have equal or more power over him.
“Remember that time you invited Mr. Kim for dinner?” you query, brushing your lips against his without actually leaning forward for a kiss. Chan is taken aback from the unexpected topic of conversation that is rising, but he follows you.
“I do”.
“You two were drunk and making a lot of noise,” you continue, your hands caressing his neck. “Little Chris was sleeping soundly and the last thing I wanted was for him to wake up in the middle of the night, so I tried to ask you to lower your voice”. 
“What does that have to do with this?,” Chan clears his throat, his heart racing at a thousand miles per hour as memories of that night make their way to his mind. 
“You don’t remember what you told Mr. Kim?” you ask him, tilting your head while your gaze flutters between his eyes and lips. “About how bad you wanted to be a father again?”
His insides sink when he hears those words falling from your lips, and your initial proposition now makes sense: He has something you need, and you are capable of giving him what he wants in return. 
“I don’t know why, but I haven’t stopped thinking about that ever since,” you confess, pressing your body tightly against his. “I haven’t stopped thinking about you filling me up with your cum, every hour of every day”.
It’s impossible, but Chan can’t feel himself growing even harder at your words. His cock is brushing against your body and, although you are not touching it, the simple brush of it against your skirt is enough to have him on edge.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about letting you fuck me raw, especially on days like these” you breathe, “because that’s what you want, right?” 
You know you have found his weakness when his jaw tenses and the sentiment in his gaze drifts from guilt to lust. The arm he had around your waist pushes you into the bed and, only then, you can truly admire him —he is still wearing his buttoned white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, his belt unbuckled and his pants are lowered enough for his cock to be out. It doesn’t seem like he has any interest in removing his clothes, but neither do you.
You are both too aroused and desperate to pay attention to such details.
“Just an advice,” he mutters, positioning himself on top of you. His hands lift your skirt up and he loses no time in ripping your panties off, throwing the remains of them to the side and leaving your pussy exposed for him. “Next time, watch your words when I am around you”. 
The teasing smirk in your face fades away completely when his dick stretches your cunt without a warning, feeling the pressure between your legs escalating as he pushes himself deeper in you.
“Chan!” you gasp, your hands gripping the sleeves of his white shirt while he bottoms out.
“Are you sure you can give me what I want?” he groans through gritted teeth, controlling himself from blowing up the minute your walls clench around him. “You can’t take my cock without whining”. 
“It has been a while since the last time I fucked,” you cry out, digging your nails in his biceps. You are sure you want him, but you perhaps underestimated how rough and painful taking someone as big as Chan could be. 
“I can tell from how fucking tight you are,” he hisses, thrusting his hips slowly but harshly inside you. “Your body is practically begging for me to fill you up with my cum”. 
When his hips acquire a pace of their own, his hands push your legs further until your knees are almost sided to your breasts. The position you are in now, if anything, only allows himself to go deeper inside you, which is exactly what he wants.
“You know, I haven’t come in a while either, didn’t want it to go to waste by jerking off,” he groans, words coming out faintly broken as he pounds your pussy mercilessly. “You can just imagine how badly I need a release”.
Chan’s words make the tension on your tummy unravel while the tip of his cock hits that sweet, perfect spot inside your walls. The hidden promise behind his words, that he has all of his cum saved up especially for your sweet cunt, drives you to the edge.
“Are you going to give it to me?” you sob. Far from sounding cocky or teasing, your voice has a tone of despair that makes Chan fuck you faster. He knows you aren’t asking that to provoke him, but because that’s exactly what your body and mind need.
“If you beg for it,” he grunts. “If you prove to me you deserve it”.
The dirty talk does wonders on you and he notices it when his cock slides perfectly inside you. Your cunt is wet, and warm, and so slippery that Chan utterly believes your body is begging for him to impregnate it. 
“Please,” you cry out, your trembling hands trying to grip anything from him but failing because of how numb they feel. “Mr. Bang, please!”
When you moan his last name, Chan’s movements become rougher. 
“I know you can do better for me,” he murmurs in your ear, a few strokes away from blowing up but still determined to make you come first. “Don’t make me think you don’t want it”. 
“No, fuck! I-,” you try to form a coherent sentence, but the way he is thrusting his cock inside you doesn’t help. “I need it, I really do”.
“Do you really need to please me this badly?” he moans. “Willing to let me fill you up until I get you pregnant?”
“Please!” you whimper and, judged by the way your walls spasm around him, Chan quickly realizes you are about to come. “Please, please, please”. 
“Make me come then,” he growls in despair, “show me how much you think you deserve me to make you a mother”. 
It’s that last sentence that pushes you to your orgasm. Your hands are glued to his white shirt, gripping it while waves of pleasure wash up over your body with no end.
“Right there,” you moan, eyes white and lips parted, allowing the lewdest of noises to fall from them. Chan doesn’t slow down, and that causes your body to tremble and your legs to try and close together, but he is quick to keep them in place.
“Keep them wide open for me,” he hisses with broken words. “Don’t want my cum dripping out of your pussy because you are closing your legs together, do you?”
You shake your head enthusiastically, albeit your body feels weak. The climax is still wreaking havoc inside you, but you know the painful stimulation won’t last long —you are just a few seconds away from getting away with what you have been craving for months.
“Let me feel you,” you beg when he presses his forehead against yours. You are both sweaty, and the clothes aren’t doing you any favors, but wearing them still makes the two of you feel even filthier —him in his office clothes while you are wearing a short skirt and a top that traces the silhouette of your breasts perfectly. “Come inside me, I promise I won’t waste it”. 
“I know you won’t,” he grunts, his hitched breath caressing your face. “I’ll make sure of it”.
He kisses you sloppily, tongue sucking on yours while his hips lose their acquired pace. All the ounce of control in his body vanishes once his orgasm is approaching, and you can tell by how he turns ten times more primal than he already is.
“Then come inside me,” you whimper, breaking the kiss just for the sake of hearing him moan. “You are going to come a lot, right? Make sure you milk yourself inside my cunt?”
Chan, who had been carrying the dirty talk up until now, doesn’t answer. And not because he doesn’t want to, but because he can’t —you and your words are overwhelming him to the point of losing his senses, the only thing in his mind being fulfilling his natural desire to leave his seed inside you.
“Fuck-” his voice quivers and your insides sink —he sounds needy and desperate to come like it’s the thing he craves the most in the world. 
“I’m ready,” you purr, hissing in overstimulation. “I promise I’ll be really good. I’ll carry your baby and will make you a daddy again, don’t you want that?” 
The dirtier you talk, the louder he growls. And the more you tease him, the more he loses control. 
“Please,” you murmur in between moans, “you know how fertile a woman in her mid 20’s is, Mr. Bang? I bet you would only need to fuck me once for me to get pregnant, that’s how good I could be for a man like you”.
A warm sensation quickly floods your lower abdomen and Chan’s movements slow down gradually, accompanied by guttural, quiet groans he emits every time he feels the spark of overstimulation.
His dark, lustful eyes are fixed on you and, suddenly, you run out of words. You are both panting, trying to recover their sanity and breath, hearts racing at a thousand mile per hour while he is still deep inside you, cock softening as the seconds go by. 
Chan, once again, pushes your knees further and fixes the position you were in, exaggerating it a bit by lifting your hips up even more —although he pulled his cock out of you, his semen isn’t dripping out of your pussy and you quickly realize that he is putting you in that position to prevent that from happening. 
He leans down and kisses your forehead, leaving you to stare at the sinful sight: your swollen and wet cunt up in the air, in an awkward position that it’s as filthy as the words that you both shared a few moments ago.
“I guess we would have to see if you are right about that”. 
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projectbluearcadia · 5 months
[P2] My Love, I Am Drinking PLeNTy of WAteR
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NSFW Lucifer x F!MC Spice Rating - 4/4 HOLY F*CK THAT'S HOT
[ Part 1 ] [ Part 2 ]
I fully support Luci having a praise kink, full stop. :) @ourfinalisation the food is ready muahaha.
Wordcount: 2470
smutty notes (consult if you haven’t read my smut before.)
“It’s so hot in here,” he complains, still picking at his buttons and undoing them all out of order. It would help if you didn’t keep your fireplace lit all the time, you think as you help him take his vest off. “Mmm… aren’tchu hot too?” 
“...yes,” you reply honestly after a moment, almost unconsciously helping him out of his shirt to leave his chest exposed. 
“Then… let’s cuddle naked!” 
Oh good lord… you think, not quite sure how to respond to the innocent way he said that. Neither of you kept your hands off each other when the clothes were gone. But then you’d be taking advantage of a drunk. Though the only reason Lucifer would be upset about you doing that to him is that he wouldn't remember the experience. 
Of course, Lucifer’s jumping full-steam ahead as he takes your shirt off and presses his face into your belly as he hugs your lower abdomen.
“C’mere, MC… stop just standing there holding my mug like a pretty mannequin… Let me love you!” He pulls, and you half-stumble your way to half-sitting on him. He takes the mug from your fingers, sliding it open and taking a drink before he grimaces at you. “That is the most watery coffee I have ever tasted,” he says in the most grave tone of voice that you can’t help yourself from bursting out laughing. “You should be ashamed of yourself, MC; why are you laughing?” 
“You’re already wasted, Lucifer; I’m not giving you caffeine too,” you reply after you recover, belatedly realizing that his hands are shimmying your pants off you. He started this, you think before you unzip him, and, amused, watch him try to take his trousers off with you sitting on one of his thighs. 
“You’re mean,” he says as you laugh again. “You know I’m all…” He makes a vague gesture, and you smile as you obligingly help him undress the rest of the way. You worry your lip lightly as your eyes carelessly absorb him for a moment, half-fantasizing about absolutely wrecking him so that he wakes up embarrassed without even remembering why. No, MC, only if he pushes it. Still… naked cuddles. On his bed. Where we’ve had sex several times.
You don’t even get to the cuddling part because Lucifer had already pulled you on top of him, kissing you. You have the sudden and distinct suspicion that the conniving little shit had been actually planning to make love to you since the moment he came home. Yeah… come to think of it, the way he looked at you at the door was pretty close to his “I want to fuck you so bad right now” face. 
“MC… I wish you were always here,” he mumbles before he kisses up and down your neck. “Every time I think of you, I want to hug you, and then I get hard thinking about you, and then I feel bad when you’re not even there…” 
“I can’t be in here perpetually,” you joke, though he obviously takes it seriously. 
“You could if I tied you down,” he grumbles, nibbling on your collar. “Then I could do anything I want whenever I want.” He pauses before he groans and butts his head softly against your chest. “I’m sorry that I fantasize about that. I’m not an asshole that would use you and do bad things to you and, I just… want more of you…” You pet his head sympathetically, surprised by his consideration. 
“I fantasize about slightly concerning things too, Lucifer.” Some things I wish I had the ovaries to ask you to try with me. “So don’t worry about it. We’ll talk about it if it’s a problem.” 
“You're so sweet… what’d I do to deserve you???” Lucifer squeezes you tight to him. “Can I thank you? Can I eat you out?” You decide to throw away how startled you are by the sudden offer. Oral from you? The person who rarely does it unless I (sexually) beg for it? You think I’d say no? 
Saying “yes” would quickly become a regret. But all in good time. 
As it turns out, Lucifer’s drunken stupor meant he was a lot more into making noise during sex, and that included while he was busy thrusting his tongue inside you. Not to mention when he was busy licking the hell out of your clit like it had something sweet and sticky on it. And there he was, flushed and naked between your legs, eagerly taking what seemed like mouthfuls of your slick and heartily groaning like it was his first meal in five years. 
You thought he wasn’t lucid enough to pleasure you with his fingers, which was why it was taking you a little bit of time to cum. Oh, how wrong you are. No, this fucker is playing with you. 
Which is why you’re so surprised when he starts giving both your clitoris and your eager pussy attention, nibbling and sucking and rubbing. Your orgasm at that point is very forthcoming. 
As is the one directly following it. 
“Lucifer,” you gasp, squeezing his hair in your hands. 
“Mmm… I’m not finished drinking my water~” the little shit teases into you, and you’re quickly learning that his desire to see you overstimulated is even more pronounced than usual. 
Which is why it was a mistake. Because you’re now on your fourth orgasm, and he didn’t seem like he was going to stop until he had destroyed your sanity. 
“Lucifer… please… can’t,” you try between gasps, and he kisses your thigh. 
“Just a little more? You’re so good for me; just let me do everything, okay? Just a little more… want you to like it.” He gives you another lick that practically sends stars to your eyes, looking up at you as you try in vain to squeeze your thighs closed. 
“Bad…Lucifer,” you mewl as he keeps giving your clit attention, his long fingers still nursing your ever-tightening insides. He stops, right as you were reaching another peak.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, not seeming to realize the fact that he’s edging you. “I wante’to see your face when your brain has nothing in it but me…” Didn’t you get that out of me the first time!?!?
“Lucifer, I’m already thinking just about you, so please let me finish…” 
“No, not that, I want to see your fucked out face. The way you drool and cry and stop being able to form a sentence.” Fucking hell, he’s remembering that? Now? “But I can’t?” Lucifer makes a face like a kicked puppy, making an x with two fingers, one of which was struggling to separate from a wet membrane attached to the other finger. 
“Goddammit, do whatever you want, just please!” You groan, covering your eyes and feeling your cheeks warm. You can practically feel him brighten as he dives back between your folds. Not long afterwards, your most intense orgasm makes you scream his name while you grip his hair frantically like you’re trying to shove him even closer than he already is. 
Calming down is almost an ordeal as he licks at your convulsing, needy hole that was currently spilling your release like it was water. 
“I think this is better than demonus,” he mumbles, probably to himself, but your ears catch it just fine. You really can’t tell whether he’s referring to your pleasure or messily drinking in your natural lubrication. Is this what he fantasized about without telling you? Getting on his knees and tongue-fucking you so hard that your entire body was left buzzing afterwards? “MC?”
“Wh… What?” you gasp, faintly realizing he’s finally risen from his position on the floor, his lips and the tip of his nose still shining. 
“Love you,” he says sweetly, kissing your lower stomach and almost making you convulse in the process. Especially because the rosy head of his cock is very much visible from between your knees. “Did you like my thank-you? You did, right? I was good, right?” He looks up at you like he wants to be petted, and you just can’t help yourself from fluffing his hair. He leans into your touch, letting out a satisfied, deep hum. You internally promised to tease him later for this. As payback. 
“Yes… you were good.” It seems like your praise just makes his cock stand up even taller, and you feel your insides twitch in response. You have your doubts that he can stay concentrated enough to keep it up, but God, you’re wishing he would. “I never knew you liked it this much whenever I praise you,” you tease him. 
“...maybe I have a kink for it.” Lucifer slurs. “Izzat a bad thing? Can I be a top with a praise kink?” 
“Of course, silly.” You ruffle his hair some more, just messing it up even further. There is certainly a quiet yet powerful satisfaction in knowing you’re the only one allowed to see him like this. To do this to him. “Everyone likes being praised for doing something well. Even you.”
Lucifer giggles a little and says, “How come you’re so wise when you’re less than a hundredth of my age?” 
You have to bite your tongue to avoid calling him an old man and killing his happy mood. He’s already insecure about that no matter how many times you told him that you didn’t care because he (and his brothers) never acted like, thought like, or looked like his age.
“You’re drunk, one, and two, you restrict yourself too much for the sake of your pride, so you don’t use that wonderful brain of yours.” 
“Mmm…” Lucifer kisses you, and for a moment you cringe at the taste of yourself before you get used to it. In another moment, your body is pressing harder into his lavishly soft bed as Lucifer’s hovers over you. “Fucking hell, I love you so much,” he mumbles before he dives back to your lips, the wet sounds of his kisses echoing through your ears. “Want you… Want to put it in… mn… what position do you want? Missionary? Please say missionary.” You must say, Lucifer’s flushed, hopeful expression is a sight to behold as he eagerly waits for your response. 
“Missionary is fine,” you reply with a soft grin as you rubbed his cheek. He pushes into your touch, closing his eyes and savouring it. “Come here.” 
“Cum where?” he asks, blinking at you with a dusting of pink on his ears. “I-I mean, it’s not a problem, I um… I would like that a lot actually…” Lucifer’s blush turns darker. “Wait… shit.” Lucifer buries his hot face in your chest. “...sorry.” 
“What are you apologizing for? That’s a normal mistake in this setting.” 
“No, I’m apologizing for the image that popped into my head.” 
“You don’t have to be shy; you can tell—” 
“MC, please, let this one just… stay in my head. It’s really bad.” 
“...I won’t press you right now because you’re making me impatient, but I’m going to find out later what kind of dirty shit is going through your m—Aghnnn!” 
Lucifer groans into your neck, softly panting as he shoves his last inch into you. He throbs against your walls, and you cling to his sweating back, softly digging your nails in from his size. 
“Don’t ask…” he mumbles, drawing himself out as he traces over your nipples, the pads of his fingers circling the hardening nubs. He snaps his hips forward again, leaving you gasping as stars flicker brightly in your eyes. “But… it made me really excited, so…” 
“Ughn ah…! Ahh!” you moan out, your voice abruptly starting to fail as Lucifer grips a tight hold of your hips and starts slamming himself into you over and over again. Your overstimulated clitoris seems to thrum with static, and it thrums harder when Lucifer presses close to messily kiss your neck. 
“Gh… Every time…” he groans, his voice strained. “Your pussy always sucks me in so hard… Hghn. it makes me feel like… I’ll lose it right away.” And as if he wants to prove himself wrong, he starts going at you faster, leaving you gasping and crying at the ceiling, speechless as you actively claw at his back.
Your clit, alongside the place deep inside you that loves Lucifer's thrusts, are receiving such great stimulation that you can barely say anything. All that comes from you are your incoherent whines and raspy croaks alongside the creaks of the bed and the lewd slurps of your soaking wet hole taking Lucifer in over and over again. 
And then, all movement ceases, leaving you looking up dumbly at his concerned face.
“MC? Are you okay?” he murmurs. “Am I hurting you?” God bless this sensitive dingbat, but fucking hell, why does he always stop at the worst damn time? 
“Hghhn… n…no,” you manage to moan out, your vision flickering with how tight your lower abdomen is. You just barely manage to urge him closer, squeezing him with your legs before he throws your ankles over his shoulders, his hands squeezing your thighs as he climbs back up to his earlier pace.
“MC,” Lucifer gasps, dropping his head down to yours, digging his neatly trimmed nails into you as he falters. “MC.” He kisses you again as your nails score scratches into his back that, if anything, just egg him on. “MC, going to… together… please…”
“Yes,” you cry out. “Lucifer…!” With your vision dyed a startlingly brilliant white, your body floating somewhere in the sky, attached only to the electrifying feeling of Lucifer’s body against yours, you’re left to soak it in while you try to get your bearings back. 
It’s as you’re calming down that you realize Lucifer is drowsily wrapping his arms around you, squeezing your sweaty bodies together in the center of his bed. He snuggles you, getting himself comfortable as he whispers half-broken sweet nothings in your ear. Just a moment later, and he falls sound asleep, his soft breathing falling on your flushed skin. 
“Well… I guess the shower can wait,” you croak as you nuzzle him, your own drowsiness sweeping over you in the warmth of Lucifer’s embrace. Not a bad reward for looking after his brothers while he’s gone… I can’t wait… to see his sleepy face in the morning…
Lucifer woke up first about six hours later, painfully hungover and not quite remembering why he was still inside you. Almost everything came back to him however when you explained to him what had happened, and he proceeded to apologize several times, his cheeks flaming red behind his hands. 
You later shared a bath together, Lucifer insisting that he should spoil you for behaving in such a “boorish and absolutely unacceptable manner unbefitting of a responsible demon.” He cleaned you up with meticulous care despite the fact that he was nursing a very stubborn case of morning wood.
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quinloki · 1 month
I'm usually pretty open about everything - kink, smut, sex, morality, etc. including, I hope, mental health. But I don't know that I talk about it often as I could.
I'm not obligated to share things about myself. I choose to - I'm not obligated to write, draw, or even answer asks - I do these things because I find enjoyment in them, and I personally find extra enjoyment by creating a space that's comfortable for more than just me.
Today, is a bad day. I get them - I talk about getting them I know, I'm pretty open with "don't panic, I'm just taking a day away." or lower keyed, or some such.
One of the reasons I'm like that is because about three years ago I lost an exceptionally dear friend.
A force of nature.
A... objectively good person, who was, at the time of his passing about a year younger than I was.
Far too young. Here one moment, gone the next.
Today is hard. The A/C is out, it's hot outside, there's three fans in the room and one in the window trying desperately to keep things cool and comfortable enough. Funnily enough my day job, that good old 9-5 is the least stressful thing I'm dealing with.
I passed out from the stress a bit ago. Not like, blacked out and hit the floor, but like, one minute I'm eating on the couch, the next it's 2 hours later and my throat hurts because I was leaned back snoring like some old geezer conked out for an afternoon nap.
Which was more stress - I missed waking up my spouse, missed the time I could've spent doing other things, missed - well.
It's not yet a good day.
Honestly, I'm not sure what I mean with this post. I'll be okay, I always am. I guess I wanted to let people know, as much as I appreciate that y'all look up to me, please do not ever make the mistake of thinking I'm, I don't know, endlessly in control, I guess.
I struggle, say dumb shit, make mistakes, have pretty severe panic attacks, am 100% depressed, am egregiously terrified of bugs (I cannot tell you how much I loathe the fact that the window is open right now), and certainly have plenty of times, moments... days - weeks, every now and again - where it's not ideal.
Being true to myself in the face of that is, probably, kind of cool. I can concede that much.
Whatever my point for this post was, in closing I'll say - you're not alone. You're 100% worth it. It's so much bullshit to hear "it does get better" because it does, but it's never fast enough I swear. It's okay to have it down pat and then just not. Mistakes are a part of life you'll be making them in your 70s, but so long as you can take something from learn - a lesson learned, a capacity expanded, an understanding that some mistakes will be things you repeat, despite your best laid plans, and that's okay.
I love you - as a friend, as an acquaintance, as a fellow member of the wildly variable and frustratingly complicated collective known as humans, and maybe even as something more.
I'm glad you're here.
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dawnagustd · 2 years
unholy night: epilogue
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The queen has made her list and checked it twice. She’s visiting those who have been naughty, and punishing them in ways that are oh so nice.
- Part of the Unholy Night Series     
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➻ title: epilogue  ➻ pairing: ot7 x f!reader  ➻ genre: fantasy | holiday | magic | smut  ➻ word count: 2.8k  ➻ rating: 18+  ➻ warnings: language | discussions of the adult film industry | plot twist i guess | orgy/group sex/gangbanging... whatever you wanna call it | spit roasting | unprotected sex because this is fiction | Dom/sub undertones | spit/spit play | anal | fingering (vaginal and anal) | rough oral | deepthroating and gagging | hair pulling | mentions spanking | rough sex | nipple sucking | breast play | sloppy kisses | cum shots | facials | dirty talk | pet names | multiple orgasms | triple penetration | throat grabbing | panty sniffing | scent kink | masturbation | handjobs | throat fucking | choking on cock | public/ outdoor sex | squirting | itallics are from the script | mentions polyamorous relationships | the ending is fluffy to me | unedited ➻ author’s note: Well, this is the last one. I’m kind of sad. I’m going to miss these characters so much. Thank you once again for the support. Also, special thanks to @taechwitaaah for beta reading some of these and @yoon2k for this beautiful banner. I hope you all enjoy this one and Happy Holidays!
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“Wait a minute.”
Hoseok momentarily takes his eyes off the paper to check in with you. You’re sitting at your desk reading along with him and the rest of the potential cast. Seven of the biggest names in the industry sit silently in your home office after just reading the screenplay you’ve printed for them.
You’re a tad bit nervous, but your poker face has never failed you.
“You wrote this entire thing?” Hoseok asks in disbelief. “By yourself?”
You can imagine they’ve never thought about what the people who write these things may look like, but whatever their imagination held certainly was not you.
Here you are sitting in your home office, a jobless adult film writer wearing a pair of dress pants and a blouse asking seven hot porn stars to be in your low-budget film. Unfortunately, you have no choice. Bills need to be paid, and work has been hard to find. 
You had to gather up whoever you could find, and these top-paid actors just happened to be looking for a gig.
“Yes, I did. It’s what I do,” you respond.
Hoseok looks over at Yoongi, who’s shaking his head in the corner of the room. He finds humor in his friend’s bewilderment, and it’s because he knows all about your credentials.
“Dude, she’s the real deal. She used to write Hu$tler’s shit,” Jimin explains. 
You nod to that statement, taking full credit for their greatest hits. Not only did you take part in writing and piecing things together, but you also produced several films there. 
But unfortunately, they did not see the vision you have for Unholy Night. They said no female actor would be able to pull off the role. And that there’s too much plot for a porno. But you have to disagree. 
Many people enjoy a bit of stimulation before doing their thing. However, when you have a bunch of people thinking with their dicks, you can never get your point across. You quit the same day, and no matter how many times they call you a day, you aren’t going back.
“Really? So why didn’t they reach out to our agents?”
You answer Taehyung’s question immediately. “Because I no longer work for them.”
You look around the room at the curious looks etched across the men’s faces and further explain the reason behind your departure from the company.
“One can only write the same plot so many times before they are worn out,” you add.
“So why not write something different?” asks Jungkook.
You gesture towards the papers in their hands.
“I did… And they laughed.”
The company didn’t think you could pull it off, nor did they think they could profit off of it.
“Well, I’d pay money to see it,” Seokjin interrupts. “I’m in.”
“Yeah, me too.”
Both Jimin and Jungkook join him in agreement, leaving four men left to respond.
“Well, I can’t agree until I know who’s the leading role,” Yoongi informs.
The other guys become curious as well because up until now that hasn’t been brought up.
“Let’s be real… I can’t afford to hire anyone else. This is a one-woman show, my friends. I’m writing, producing, directing, and… I’m starring in it.”
The room is silent once again. 
Everyone, including the people that were on board with working with you, are now skeptical about this. You have no experience. No screen time under your belt, but you’re planning to portray the leading actress yourself. It doesn’t sound too promising, and for actors of their status, it could be career changing.
You’re confident that you can manage, though. Being a writer gives you experience with creating personalities and characters. Your other secret weapon is your experience. You sure didn’t pull these ideas out of your ass. Sex is one of your favorite pastimes. Though, it’s been a while since you’ve visited that department.
Yoongi sighs before he offers his input.
“Look, you’re hot and this sounds fun. And it’s a great storyline, but…”
“You’re going to have to show us what you’re working with before we put our careers on the line,” Namjoon concludes.
Seokjin takes one look at your face, and he starts to apologize on Namjoon’s behalf.
“Um, I think what he means is we don’t normally work with inexperienced actors, and—”
“I know what he means, Mr. Kim,” you interrupt. “I understand your concerns.”
Namjoon’s comment actually reminded you of why you’re doing this. So many plots you’ve written where the female is left dick-whipped and in a post-orgasmic haze while the male role stands over them on a power trip. So many actresses stuck in the same loop, role after role, an empty filler with the same bimbo personality. They’re programmed to think this is what people want to see, but many viewers have grown exhausted from getting off to the same old shit.
And you would know because you sure didn’t enter this industry for the money.
“I’m not a company that can promise you a shit load of cash. There’s a reason I didn’t reach out to your agents; I knew they’d decline. What I can promise, however, is a good fuck and a brand this industry has never seen.”
You make sure you hold eye contact with everyone in the room before you continue. The last thing you want to show is that you lack confidence. You rise from your seat to make yourself appear larger, claiming dominance since this is your space.
“I have already proven to you how sexy my brain can be, but if I need to show you more… I don’t have an issue with that either,” you shrug.
You lean over your desk, resting your right knee on the surface so you can be closer to Namjoon who has claimed the seat in front of you. You both stare at one another until your smirk produces a tiny reaction from him.
“So how do you wanna do this, Mr. Kim?”
“Up to you, beautiful,” he challenges.
Your focus shifts to the other men for a moment, and then back to Namjoon.
“Well, if I can’t have all of you then this doesn’t work for me.”
“So how do we settle this?” Yoongi asks, gaining your attention.
All seven men scoot to the edge of their seats trying to figure out what happens next, but you plan to show them rather than telling them. You push your papers off of the desk and climb on top of it.
“I guess you all will have to come and push the ‘try me’ button.”
They all get up at once and make their way toward you. 
Namjoon is the closest, so you grab his hands and place them on your body. 
“You better pick a hole before it’s filled,” you whisper to him.
He responds by tearing your blouse. You watch the buttons bounce off the desk and then hit the floor. Namjoon’s fingers trace the black lace bra you’re wearing before he reaches behind you to remove it. 
Behind you, Taehyung helps to remove your shirt, and once your top half is bare, both men start groping your mounds. Your head lolls back on Taehyung’s shoulder while Namjoon leaves a trail of kisses down your neck. 
His hands move down to your pants, and he unbuttons them before slipping a hand inside.
You hiss when his cold fingertips find your clit, and a wide grin spreads on his face.
“I want this one,” he chuckles, moving his digits toward your entrance. When he notices how wet you are already, he looks at Taehyung. “She’s been thinking about this.”
He grabs your throat and forces you to look at him.
“Why didn’t you speak up, sweetheart? We could have fucked you when we got here.”
“Ah. I—”
“Don’t be shy,” he laughs.
“I’m not.”
“We’ll see,” says Yoongi.
Namjoon slowly pushes two of his fingers into your cunt while Taehyung continues to feel all over your body. Jimin and Hoseok climb on the table with you, naked with their cocks in hand. They come close enough for you to take over and pleasure them while you are being pleased.
“Oh, she is not bad,” Hoseok comments.
“I agree,” Jimin says as well.
But you can do so much more. This is just pregaming.
You grind your ass on Taehyung while Namjoon fingers your pussy, and the action withdraws several comments. He praises you for the softness of your ass, and you show appreciation by turning to sloppily make out with him. 
Namjoon is impressed but still tries to break you before the fun even begins. He bends over and wraps his lips around one of your nipples, sucking while Taehyung twists and pinches the other.
“Fuck!” Jimin cries, and Taehyung teases him.
“Damn, dude. Is Namjoon sucking on your tits or hers?”
“Shut up. This feels so fucking good,” he moans, and Hoseok cosigns.
“Yeah, she’s talented.”
Namjoon releases your nipple and speaks. “I’m still not convinced.”
“Because you’re too afraid to whip your dick out,” you laugh.
Namjoon immediately retracts his hand, leaving you wet and disappointed. However, when he starts removing his clothes, excitement builds inside you.
Jungkook, Yoongi, and Seokjin are seated completely bare, stroking their cocks to the sight before them. It only makes you eager to get this started.
You feel Taehyung tugging on your pants so you leave Jimin and Hoseok for a moment so you can hop off of the desk and allow him to pull them down. He takes off your panties too but throws them to Jungkook.
You watch as he catches them and bundles them in his hands, sniffing the fabric before passing them to Seokjin. He passes them to Yoongi once he’s done, and Yoongi takes his turn with them. He wraps them around his dick once he’s taken a big whiff of them.
Before you can get caught up watching him get off with your panties, Namjoon reminds you of your tasks. He’s walked around the table and is now standing behind you.
“Quick math quiz,” he says in your ear. You hum to let him know you’re listening. “There are seven cocks in this room… How many can you take at once?”
Everyone waits for your answer with wide eyes. You can’t help but giggle at the question he asked you.
“I’d say all of them,” you reply.
Namjoon smirks. “I like that answer.
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Your scalp burns from all the tugging and your ass stings from all the blows delivered to your skin. Your throat is sore from moaning and sobbing, but your adrenaline and desire remain high.
Namjoon and Jungkook take turns fucking you from behind while you lie bent over your desk while Yoongi, Hoseok, and Taehyung stand in front of you shoving their cocks down your throat. They all grab your hair and turn your head in every direction, making your head spin from all the commands they are giving.
“That’s it. Choke on it, love,” Hoseok grunts as you gag around his dick.
As soon as he hits the back of your throat, Taehyung grabs you and does the same. You do your best to keep Jimin and Seokjin’s dick in your hands, but Jungkook nearly makes it impossible with his thrusting. 
Out of nowhere, you feel a hand touch your ass, but not to spank you. Its fingers move towards the center and collect the arousal gushing from your cunt. You look back and see Namjoon smirking at Jungkook as he pushes his finger into your back entrance. Your eyes roll back from the fullness that overcomes your body.
Jungkook spreads your cheeks, and Namjoon allows his spit to drip into your hole. Jungkook fucks you faster and deeper, making your squeeze your hands around Seokjin’s and Jimin’s cock for support. They’re already sensitive since they’ve had their turn with you after winning a game of rock, paper, scissors so the pressure nearly drives them over the edge.
“Fuck, your turn, bro,” says Jungkook as his cock twitches inside of you. He knows better. All of them do. 
No one can come until you’re satisfied. 
Is it fair? No. But so far, you’ve had two orgasms; you know this final one will be mind-blowing then you’ll think about letting them reach their highs.
When Jungkook slips out of you, Namjoon takes his place. However, you don’t get to moan out his name when he enters you because Yoongi demands your attention.
“Open up,” he requests, and you do as you’re told.
Just as Namjoon did, he enters you with urgency. The two of them begin fucking you so hard that the desk shakes violently. Your cheeks and chin are covered with spit, tears, and precum while your ass and thighs are covered with large red handprints. Your mouth and throat are raw, and your body feels like it’s on fire.
Your muffled cries are broken and weak, but the pressure building inside of you is strong.
Namjoon removes his fingers, making you believe he’s done playing with that part of you, but you are proven wrong when his cock slips out of your pussy and enters your ass.
You scream, and the widening of your mouth allows Yoongi to travel deeper into your throat.
“Fuck! Every hole she owns is tight,” Namjoon groans. His legs wobble and shake, making you laugh even while he and Yoongi are buried inside of you. The vibrations cause Yoongi’s knees to buckle, and he looks around the room at his buddies before he speaks.
“I hate to disappoint but we gotta speed this up. I almost lost it.”
“Yeah,” Namjoon agrees. “I don’t think I can tag anyone else in. All of you look like you’re done for.”
With it set on their minds, Namjoon and Yoongi decide to take it home. These others gather around like a prayer circle and beat their dicks while their friends split you open.
Yoongi powers through, using your mouth like it’s his favorite toy. You breathe through your nose and relax your throat so you can last as long as he does without choking. Namjoon also makes the most of his last few minutes in paradise. He utilizes both of your holes, fucking one until his muscles are tired and then filling the other. 
Eventually, the pressure becomes too much, and an orgasm washes over you. You squirt all over your desk, leaving Namjoon mesmerized. His cock slips out of you, but that doesn’t stop you from coming. You lay flat on your stomach while Yoongi uses you like a sleeve, still coming and screaming their names.
Once you come to your senses, you hear the cries of pleasure surrounding you and quickly tap Yoongi’s thigh. He removes himself from your throat, and you slide off the table before running toward the center of your office. 
You fall to your knees, and the men get in formation. You look them in the eyes as you massage their balls and lick their cocks to help them reach their high. Even though you’re on your knees, they’re still under your control.
“Damn, sweetheart. We’ll help you with your movie. You’ve earned it,” Namjoon announces, and the others agree.
“But you haven’t read the ending,” you point out.
Your voice is rough and almost inaudible, but they respond, letting you know they heard you. No one knows how Unholy Night’s queen saves Heauxville from those damned souls, but they’re about to find out.
As you wait on your knees for Heauxville’s naughty batch to deposit their seed and paint your body as white as the snow beneath you, the morning sun starts to melt not only the cycles of ice decorating the town, but also, your frozen heart…
Okay, that was a lie. You have no heart, but you’ve always wanted to say that.
Though these men have been punished, you’d be a fool to think they won’t continue their nasty ways. It’s been a cold winter, but things will only heat up from this point forward. This town won’t be able to handle the wrath of these bruised egos. There’s only one person for that job, but she doesn’t plan to stay here any longer.
“Come for me, my loves,” you whisper, and your body becomes their canvas.
Cum and snow begin to cover you until, eventually, it stops. Your body falls onto the piles of white mush, and you smile as your new lovers join you. 
You lie there thinking and staring at the clear sky until it turns into the crystal ceiling of your castle. The chilling snow becomes the cool comfort of your satin sheets. Gentle snoring fills your ears, and you think about the amount of time that has passed since you shared your bed with someone. Maybe this was how it was supposed to be after all. Maybe it isn’t. Regardless, however. There are no rules on your end. 
What the queen wants, she gets. And right now, she wants seven toxic boyfriends… And now, she has them. It all works out perfectly. You’re already imagining what kind of trouble they will cause, and you become wet just from the thought. 
You sigh.
“Tis the fucking season, bitches.”
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inevitably-johnlocked · 5 months
Can you please help me find some sugar daddy fics? I've been obsessed with it lately.
Hey Lovely!
Well, I've never read any myself, so I can't give you any personal recs, BUT I did a tag search on my offline MFL list, and decided to make a new list for you because I need content, LOL!!!
So, here are the fics I have on my MFL list, and if you guys have any more to add, PLEASE do, as always!! Hope you enjoy!!
See also:
Rich Sherlock (March 2020) (MY LIST)
Sugar Daddy Sherlock (SwissMiss)
Sugar Daddy Part 1 (Alexxphoenix)
Sugar Daddy Part 2 (Alexxphoenix)
Worth Its Weight by philalethia (E, 2,986 w., 1 Ch. || Sugar Daddy AU || PWP, Daddy Sherlock, Daddy Kink, Service Domination, Gift Giving, Unsafe Sex, Sex Toys) – “Remember,” John said, “when we talked about you not buying me extravagant things?” Basically: a little bit of Valentine's Day daddy kink. Part 2 of All the Rest 'Verse
An Erotic Sail by justacookieofacumberbatch (E, 4,533 w., 2 Ch. || Sugar Daddy AU || Age Difference, Sugar Daddy John, Yacht Daddy John, Praise Kink, Porn Without Plot, Boat Sex) – Sherlock, fresh off a Semester at Sea ship in Crete, sees a gorgeous older man, and I'm sure you can guess what happens next.
Practically Perfect by vitruvianwatson (E, 6,303 w., 1 Ch. || Sugar Daddy AU || Age Difference, Younger Sherlock, Older John, Finger Fucking, Anal Sex, Hand Jobs, Office Sex, Emotionally Insecure Sherlock, Barista Sherlock, Doctor John, PWP) – There was a knock on the door, and then it opened. John shook the thoughts out of his head and looked up with his fake “I’m your kindly doctor” smile plastered on his face, but a second later his jaw dropped because his “patient” wasn’t a patient at all. It was none other than Sherlock bloody Holmes. Not only that, but he was dressed in one of his more indecent outfits—skin tight jeans that looked like they’d been bloody painted on, and a purple button-down that was straining, to say the least, to remain buttoned. John wondered if he’d worked at the coffee shop in that outfit today. He shut the door and leaned back against it with a wicked smile, and John heard the click of the lock.
A Suitable Stain by vitruvianwatson (E, 7,647 w., 1 Ch. || Sugar Daddy AU || Sugar Daddy John, Barista Sherlock, Older John, PWP, Rutting, Anal, Clothed Sex, Masturbation, Dirty Talk) – John imagines what they must look like--the young, gorgeous university student, naked as the day he was born, draped over the well-dressed older doctor, the muscles rippling in Sherlock's back as his slim hips roll that beautiful arse up into the air and back down again, his spine curving beneath John's hand as he moves it to the small of Sherlock's back to feel the movement. The hard outline of Sherlock's cock slides back and forth across John's body, dampening his clothes with precome, and John moves both hands down to Sherlock's arse, squeezing and pulling him in harder.
To A Tee by lookupkate (E, 15,321 w., 14 Ch. || Sugar Daddy AU || Sugar Daddy John, Hospital Director John, Sugar Baby Sherlock, Accidental Meeting) – Sherlock receives a text from an unknown number. The man is under the impression that he needs a sugar daddy. After careful consideration...well, he could be right.
A Kept Man Isn't A Weak Man by Elphen (E, 20,429 w., 1 Ch. || Omegaverse || Sugar Daddy John, Age Difference, Alpha John, Omega Sherlock, Mpreg, Sex Toys, Mating Bond, Possessive John, Knotting, Masturbation, Dominant John, Mating Cycles) – Sherlock is just out of university, but due to drug habits acquired at said college, Mycroft has cut him off, hoping to put a stop to it that way. Instead, Omega Sherlock struggles doubly, both with his cravings and with finding a job that will not bore him to death and support him financially. Then, when he is on the verge of being completely destitute, he finds several hundred pounds ticking into his account for no apparent reason. He thinks it's Mycroft, but instead he receives an email from someone who promises to send him more money every fortnight and put him up in a flat rent free, on two conditions; he will stop taking drugs and he will occasionally be asked to be a companion for someone. He does not want to be bought like some toy, but what choice does he have? The first time the door bell rings, he is sure the man will demand sex. But instead he finds a very sharply dressed man with money and physical power in his mid-30s who wants to talk with him and take him out to dinner. Things quickly escalates on the emotional and physical side for Sherlock, but can you really have a relationship with an Alpha like that?
Sugar Daddy John Series by Sexxica (E, 22,504+ w. across 7 works || Series WiP || Sugar Daddy John AU || Daddy Kink, Twink Sherlock, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-Con, Masturbation, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Dirty Talk, Comeplay, Anal / Oral, Sex Toys, Praise Kink, Lingerie / Crossdressing) – The very best of Sugar Daddy John and his boy, Sherlock.
sherlock and his daddy series by rory_kent (M, 24,433+ w. across 6 works || Series WiP || BDSM / Sugar Daddy AU || Sugar Daddy John, Age Difference, Sub Sherlock, Daddy Kink, Military Kink, Subspace, Hurt/Comfort, Coffee Shop AU, Unilock) – Sherlock didn't mean to upset daddy he really didn't!
All the Rest (of What I Want) by philalethia (E, 68,082 w., 20 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting || ASiP, Texting, First Time, Daddy Kink, Sugar Daddy Sherlock, Daddy Sherlock, Sex Toys, Phone Sex, Sexting, Unsafe Sex, Service Domination) – After being invalided home from Afghanistan, John takes his therapist's advice and tries to meet people online. Specifically, he joins a fetish site, where he ends up interacting with a man called SH who keeps paying him money to perform odd tasks and seems very keen to take care of him. Basically: slow-build daddy kink. Part 1 of All the Rest 'Verse
Nine and a Half Weeks by CumberCurlyGirl and Kameo (E, 204,733+ w., 41/42 Ch. || WiP || American AU || Different First Meeting, Daddy Kink, Bottomlock, Anal Plug, Riding Crops, Spanking, Light Bondage, Anal/Oral, Aftercare, Posh John, Virgin Sherlock, Homophobia, Sugar Daddy John, Rimming, Coming in Pants, Light Dom/Sub, Past Sherlock / Victor, Light BDSM, Public Sex, John in a Kilt, Vibrators, Happy Ending) – Sherlock Holmes is about to graduate from high school in midwestern America. Despite his intelligence, his prospects are bleak due to poverty, an indifferent, alcoholic father and poor choices. One day, at work, he sells a riding crop to a handsome blonde Brit and his life is changed. He doesn't know what hit him - until he does. This is a story of a journey to love and self-acceptance and explores many themes along the way: drug abuse, grief, coming out, age difference, consent. Lots of sex but so much more.
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agro-carnist · 2 years
Now that I'm slightly less in the spotlight, I'd like to talk about what has been going on and give my side. I'm sure you've all seen what has been said about me, but in case you haven't, this will include a discussion about zoophilia, zoosadism, pedophilia, and taboo kink/fetish.
I've taken several days to write this because I needed to clear my head so I could write something concise. I did not want to immediately write something too quickly that I couldn't think through.
I don't expect anyone to completely understand me or totally agree with my opinions, but I am writing this with full sincerity. I'd just like a little bit of faith when you read this. My positions are based on the science that I read, and I try to be someone that sticks to the side of evidence, not one of pure feelings or assumptions or what we think is common sense, even when it is difficult to understand or seems counterintuitive. I've always preached this principle on here, so I hope you all feel the same way. I ask that you read this with that in mind. Even if you don't reach the same conclusion as me, consider what I say and what I give with good faith.
All linked sources with restricted access can be read by copy/pasting the url or title into sci-hub
First, that twitter account is mine. The art contained on the twitter account is mine. Yes it is graphic. No I am not a zoophile, zoosadist, or pedophile. I understand this kind of art is disgusting and/or disturbing to many people. That is why I kept it on an account specifically for this kind of extreme art. It is why I don't advertise it. I am not secretive about my kinks/fetishes - I enjoy things like gore, noncon, and animal characters - but I know when and where these kinds of things are appropriate. Some of my art is not meant for a general audience. I won't advertise it to anyone and everyone to see because it can be upsetting to most people. That's also why I give plenty of content warnings and include the twitter censor that blurs the image and you have to click 'show' on to see. And that's why I believe posting screenshots of this material with my username, showing everyone exactly where to go to find this content, is irresponsible. I know the people that posted it think they're doing a service, but this is how children find content they shouldn't see. Callouts are how people find things they otherwise would never see. I, personally, don't think calling people out this way helps kids. I think it does more harm than good. My twitter was public but is now private because I don't want curious minors to look me up and look at what is on the account.
I understand that it can be hard to know why someone would enjoy erotic art of violence between animal characters without being a zoophile/zoosadist. But there are many reasons people enjoy taboo erotica without desiring it in the real world. About half of people experience paraphilic sexual fantasies, and the fantasies alone are not indicative of pathology. Deviant sexual fantasies are, in fact, "within the normal realm of human experience." There is little evidence that fantasy alone means someone wants to or will commit a sexual offense. Forced sex fantasies are extremely common. Violent sexual fantasies are not abnormal. Sex therapists and educators acknowledge that fantasies are not necessarily repressed desires. Sexual fantasy is not sexual desire. It's ok for our sexual interests to not reflect our moral code. Often taboo sexual fantasies are a way to explore how we feel about things, like repulsion. Humans are curious animals. We have morbid curiosities. Fantasies can be a way to experience something that would be immoral to act upon.
Why I am into taboo kink is hard to explain, and a lot of it I don't understand myself - human minds are very complex - but I can try to explain some of it. I enjoy exploring the darker parts of humanity. We're still animals and that means we still hold onto aspects that don't align with our morals. We have morbid curiosities. When we pass by a car crash, we want to see it, or when someone tells us something disturbing is spreading on the internet, we take interest in what it could be. Art is a way to fulfill that curiosity without any victims. Another thing is that it can be fun or therapeutic to imagine yourself in situations of bodily harm. That's probably confusing, but I like to explore what my body looks like on the inside, or what it would feel like to experience certain physical traumas, without the threat of dying. Fear and arousal are closely intertwined. The animal characters I draw are also very far removed from real world animals. They are sapient and behave very human. To me the only difference between them and an anthro furry character is the number of legs they walk on and the lack of clothes.
Because I draw this kind of content, many people are claiming that I am faking having ZOCD and my intrusive thoughts, or that my intrusive thoughts have turned into wanted thoughts. They say that if I really was distressed by these thoughts, I wouldn't engage with them through art. But my intrusive thoughts are about real people and animals. I do not have intrusive thoughts about characters. I watch movies and read books with murder, kidnapping, torture, disease, and freak accidents and enjoy these pieces of media. This does not negate the fact that I have intrusive thoughts about these things or the distress I feel regarding them. Someone getting hurt in a movie does not distress me. My intrusive thoughts include ideas of me or a loved one getting hurt, or me suddenly hurting someone. Intrusive thoughts target your fears and your morals. They make you question who you are as a person. That's why thoughts of real world violence are so distressing and depictions of violence in media are (usually) not. I fear losing someone I love, I fear losing a part of my mind or body, I fear losing control of my humanity and hurting someone, I fear loss of inhibition that makes me do things I wouldn't otherwise do. I don't fear hurting a character or a character doing a bad thing to another character. When I'm obsessing and becoming paranoid it's not over things that happen in fictional worlds. My therapist doesn't have to reassure me that I'll be ok if something bad happens in that fictional world. She does have to reassure me that the world isn't out to get me and that I don't have to act on a thought. Others with OCD might find media that resembles the content of their intrusive thoughts triggering, and that's normal, but not everyone will react the same. Not everyone copes with their mental illnesses the same way or has the same triggers. Most violent depictions just don't garner that same reaction from me because I don't have any moral qualms with fake people or animals getting hurt since they aren't real victims. It doesn't attack my moral beliefs that way. It may be upsetting to see, but doesn't make me fear for my or others' safety.
I love horror movies and haunted houses. I love the adrenaline and fear I experience during them. But I still metaphorically shit my pants at the thought of an actual serial killer stalking me and jumping out of a hiding spot. The difference is that the former exists in a safe space that I can leave and where I know it's a script. How I feel about a scenario in fiction does not dictate how I feel about it happening in the real world. To tell me that I don't actually have the disorder that I've been diagnosed with is extremely upsetting. So is to tell me I'm hiding secret bloodthirsty desires behind a mental illness or that I'm making OCD look bad by not having a moral conundrum about fake people or animals being hurt. I especially don't appreciate people that don't have OCD preaching about what "real" intrusive thoughts are or what I should or should not be doing while having OCD. The things that have been said to or about me have been undeniably ableist. And the distress that has caused me has just been brushed aside because I don't adhere to what people think I as a person with OCD "should" act like. I feel like I'm not being granted agency over my own experiences.
I am even being compared to some of the worst people like Kero the wolf or HypnotistSappho. I hope you believe me when I say that is truly disgusting and offensive. These were the kinds of people that belonged to groups for sharing material of real animals being tortured for sexual pleasure, or tried to start an organization to promote bestiality, or openly promoted zoophilia and pedophilia as normal sexual orientations, or actively abused children and animals. I have not done anything like that. My artistic expression is nothing like their real world, extensive and widespread levels of abuse. I am so offended that I'd spend years spreading animal welfare advocacy, including explicitly anti-bestiality rhetoric, only to be lumped in with monsters, like my art erases all the work I've done. How someone could believe I actually desire to torture animals baffles me. How someone could think all this work was just master manipulation to con everyone so I could secretly abuse leaves my head spinning.
I also haven't ever claimed that my nsfw art is a coping mechanism for my OCD/intrusive thoughts. This is an assumption people have made. Occasionally elements of my intrusive thoughts will make their way into my art as a way to confront them head on on my own terms, but almost always are not a factor in my nsfw art. Art based on my intrusive thoughts as catharsis I don't share publicly.
Yes, I enjoy hurting fictional characters. They exist in a world with no consequences. Nobody actually gets hurt. Anything can happen to them and nothing about the world changes. I have no desire to hurt an animal, because that impacts the real world. I have never looked at an animal and felt excitement at the idea of hurting it. I have never felt attraction to an animal. I have never felt the urge to make sexual contact with an animal. I have never experienced attraction to a child, either.
I am also being accused of being a pedophile. This is because I made a tweet saying I enjoy explicitly abusive relationships between adult and minor characters, but don't enjoy minor/adult ships depicted as cute or wholesome. People interpret this as me having a malicious desire to abuse a child. But here's the thing: you don't know why someone enjoys a certain dynamic. Many people that like to see abusive relationships depicted in stories or erotica are survivors of abuse themselves. Many people use kink as a coping mechanism, and the stigma of their kink play often hinders them from trauma recovery. Like I said before, kink and fantasy are not morality guidebooks. This also assumes every character drawn in ship art or erotica is an object of attraction to those that create or consume it. But even porn can serve a purpose other than arousal. Personally I just like these dynamics because they offer a compelling story and/or character interactions that can explore trauma and its effects and can feel therapeutic to work through.
Art does not exist in a vacuum. I don't argue it does. Art is influenced by its creator. But you can't look at the content of someone's kink or fantasy to judge the quality of someone's character. This is the position of professionals that study and counsel people. Whether or not someone commits a sexual offense is more influenced by that person's personality traits, moral positions, pre-existing positive beliefs about offending, environment, and negative emotional states. And, look, fiction does indeed effect reality, but there is little evidence that porn encourages someone to offend or results in more violent offenses. Availability of porn may even be associated with lower levels of sexual aggression. This professional report goes into great detail on sexual offending and concludes that there is no reason "scientific or otherwise" for criminalization of any type of virtual porn because it does not lead to offending, and may even provide a substitute for people that may otherwise offend. Even if you find that content reprehensible. Offensive art has its place and deserves to exist. That is the position I have come to based on the scientific evidence.
And I want to make another thing clear: I am not a proshipper. Disliking the position of one group does not make me a member of a different group. I have no desire to put myself in a category, I just have my own opinions. I also have plenty of issues with the proship community. I just now look at fiction and kink with more nuance than I used to. I don't participate in fearmongering based on knee-jerk reactions to media anymore.
Going forward I'm going to do my best to be more responsible with my nsfw accounts. Any interactions I've made with minors are honest mistakes. I genuinely don't want to expose minors to my nsfw or interact with them. I don't go out seeking minors to talk to. But I know interacting with minors through an nsfw account is serious, so I'm going to do better to police myself and always check that no one I'm interacting with is underage.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Sadly I expect many people won't read this, they'll just continue to repeat "zoophile" and "pedophile." But I really appreciate you if you took the time to read. I know many people really do want to be good and believe they are protecting people by engaging in callouts against people for their fictional interests. I think most people have their hearts in the right place but are misguided by the current culture. And I don't mind if you disagree with me, but I always want people to take their positions with the most information. I want there to be honest discussions about these topics, not naming and shaming people.
I might make updates to this post if I think of things I forgot to address. Like I said, it's been many days of my head buzzing and this post is also very long. I welcome any good faith questions or concerns. People that come just to attack in bad faith will just be blocked. I won't humor that. Please meet me with the same honesty I came with. I want to continue to do good.
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bitegore · 6 months
most fuckable transformer ??
depends on your specific fuckability criteria; i've offered several!
Soundwave from Transformers Prime (most likely to be good with a much smaller and more damageable partner) PROS:   - Has tentacles   - Super good at everything   - Long as hell fingers   - Dexterity off the charts CONS:   - Doesn't speak   - No face [so_no_head.jpg]
Jazz from literally any continuity (most likely to know what they're doing & be good in bed) PROS:   - great personality   - definitely knows how to do what you want   - capable of communicating well, unlike most TFs   - will take you to an awesome local concert as a first date CONS:   - No. Autobot. Wrong faction   - hard to get a hold of due to not appearing in many things even though he is awesome whenever he does   - will probably not fool around with you if you are boring. he has options. he's Jazz, everyone loves him. You are wooing a popular 'bot, you'll have to make it count
Tied between Wheeljack from G1 and Rewind from IDW (most likely to experiment and entertain all your weird kinks without it being weird and uncomfortable)   3.1 Wheeljack G1    PROS:      - Our boy is a scientist, he can experiment      - Fun, easy-going, and interested in a good interesting time      - Very clever      - If you need props this man is BEGGING to make them    CONS:      - not the most reasonable tool in the shed      - if he makes your props there's a 40% chance it will explode      - will say odd shit mid-scene. breaks character often   3.2 Rewind IDW    PROS:      - Has seen every kink under the sun at least six times, even if he hasn't participated      - Camcorder in his head, great for shooting videos      - Can definitely play a role really well      - Small enough that you can probably physically interact more easily while still being like double the average person's size    CONS:      - married & emotionally unavailable to you      - his husband is a weird awkward freak and he might also want to watch. and you will probably have to roll with that      - has a lot of shit going on in his personal life      - hard to get a hold of for a while due to being away from a working phone
Tarantulas IDW (most likely to do that one weird kink NO ONE ELSE will do with you even if it's uncomfortable and weird) PROS:   - up for literally anything, no ethical qualms about like killing you mid-scene or something if you ask real nice   - good at bondage & dirty talk   - will let you vivisect him if you make it sound romantic enough CONS:   - will fall in love and stalk you to your home unexpectedly   - do NOT fuck this robot unless you're into that
Drag Strip G1 (hottest to me personally) PROS:   - ummm.... CONS:   - abysmal at every sex-related skill and even worse at taking feedback   - WILL demand you leave a mirror in the room and make eye contact with himself the whole time, like that bit in American Psycho   - clingy, needy, AND emotionally unavailable ALL AT ONCE!   - most annoying roommates of all time   - will get angry if you're better than him at anything, in spite of how he is roundly terrible at all aspects of sex and does not know how to roleplay at all. gets competitive over this. will text you at 4am on a work night to tell you that you're nothing with no explanation because he's still thinking about how you drank his pussy like a milkshake and getting in his head about it   - cannot be taught, must be trained like a dog, will get aggressive and angry if he finds out this is what you're doing   - wallpuncher   - will try to suicide bait you if you tell him you don't want to have sex with him any more but not very well
Thanks for asking! I hope this is helpful :D
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here's the whole post if you want it. it's very predictable. Really love the "I'm not a proshipper!!" part. Agro, you're not getting any favors by lying lol. you are literally a proshipper and even say that directly on your pedo tweet about previously being an anti lmao.
Now that I'm slightly less in the spotlight, I'd like to talk about what has been going on and give my side. I'm sure you've all seen what has been said about me, but in case you haven't, this will include a discussion about zoophilia, zoosadism, pedophilia, and taboo kink/fetish.
I've taken several days to write this because I needed to clear my head so I could write something concise. I did not want to immediately write something too quickly that I couldn't think through.
I don't expect anyone to completely understand me or totally agree with my opinions, but I am writing this with full sincerity. I'd just like a little bit of faith when you read this. My positions are based on the science that I read, and I try to be someone that sticks to the side of evidence, not one of pure feelings or assumptions or what we think is common sense, even when it is difficult to understand or seems counterintuitive. I've always preached this principle on here, so I hope you all feel the same way. I ask that you read this with that in mind. Even if you don't reach the same conclusion as me, consider what I say and what I give with good faith.
All linked sources with restricted access can be read by copy/pasting the url or title into sci-hub
First, that twitter account is mine. The art contained on the twitter account is mine. Yes it is graphic. No I am not a zoophile, zoosadist, or pedophile. I understand this kind of art is disgusting and/or disturbing to many people. That is why I kept it on an account specifically for this kind of extreme art. It is why I don't advertise it. I am not secretive about my kinks/fetishes - I enjoy things like gore, noncon, and animal characters - but I know when and where these kinds of things are appropriate. Some of my art is not meant for a general audience. I won't advertise it to anyone and everyone to see because it can be upsetting to most people. That's also why I give plenty of content warnings and include the twitter censor that blurs the image and you have to click 'show' on to see. And that's why I believe posting screenshots of this material with my username, showing everyone exactly where to go to find this content, is irresponsible. I know the people that posted it think they're doing a service, but this is how children find content they shouldn't see. Callouts are how people find things they otherwise would never see. I, personally, don't think calling people out this way helps kids. I think it does more harm than good. My twitter was public but is now private because I don't want curious minors to look me up and look at what is on the account.
I understand that it can be hard to know why someone would enjoy erotic art of violence between animal characters without being a zoophile/zoosadist. But there are many reasons people enjoy taboo erotica without desiring it in the real world. About half of people experience paraphilic sexual fantasies, and the fantasies alone are not indicative of pathology. Deviant sexual fantasies are, in fact, "within the normal realm of human experience." There is little evidence that fantasy alone means someone wants to or will commit a sexual offense. Forced sex fantasies are extremely common. Violent sexual fantasies are not abnormal. Sex therapists and educators acknowledge that fantasies are not necessarily repressed desires. Sexual fantasy is not sexual desire. It's ok for our sexual interests to not reflect our moral code. Often taboo sexual fantasies are a way to explore how we feel about things, like repulsion. Humans are curious animals. We have morbid curiosities. Fantasies can be a way to experience something that would be immoral to act upon.
Why I am into taboo kink is hard to explain, and a lot of it I don't understand myself - human minds are very complex - but I can try to explain some of it. I enjoy exploring the darker parts of humanity. We're still animals and that means we still hold onto aspects that don't align with our morals. We have morbid curiosities. When we pass by a car crash, we want to see it, or when someone tells us something disturbing is spreading on the internet, we take interest in what it could be. Art is a way to fulfill that curiosity without any victims. Another thing is that it can be fun or therapeutic to imagine yourself in situations of bodily harm. That's probably confusing, but I like to explore what my body looks like on the inside, or what it would feel like to experience certain physical traumas, without the threat of dying. Fear and arousal are closely intertwined. The animal characters I draw are also very far removed from real world animals. They are sapient and behave very human. To me the only difference between them and an anthro furry character is the number of legs they walk on and the lack of clothes.
Because I draw this kind of content, many people are claiming that I am faking having ZOCD and my intrusive thoughts, or that my intrusive thoughts have turned into wanted thoughts. They say that if I really was distressed by these thoughts, I wouldn't engage with them through art. But my intrusive thoughts are about real people and animals. I do not have intrusive thoughts about characters. I watch movies and read books with murder, kidnapping, torture, disease, and freak accidents and enjoy these pieces of media. This does not negate the fact that I have intrusive thoughts about these things or the distress I feel regarding them. Someone getting hurt in a movie does not distress me. My intrusive thoughts include ideas of me or a loved one getting hurt, or me suddenly hurting someone. Intrusive thoughts target your fears and your morals. They make you question who you are as a person. That's why thoughts of real world violence are so distressing and depictions of violence in media are (usually) not. I fear losing someone I love, I fear losing a part of my mind or body, I fear losing control of my humanity and hurting someone, I fear loss of inhibition that makes me do things I wouldn't otherwise do. I don't fear hurting a character or a character doing a bad thing to another character. When I'm obsessing and becoming paranoid it's not over things that happen in fictional worlds. My therapist doesn't have to reassure me that I'll be ok if something bad happens in that fictional world. She does have to reassure me that the world isn't out to get me and that I don't have to act on a thought. Others with OCD might find media that resembles the content of their intrusive thoughts triggering, and that's normal, but not everyone will react the same. Not everyone copes with their mental illnesses the same way or has the same triggers. Most violent depictions just don't garner that same reaction from me because I don't have any moral qualms with fake people or animals getting hurt since they aren't real victims. It doesn't attack my moral beliefs that way. It may be upsetting to see, but doesn't make me fear for my or others' safety.
I love horror movies and haunted houses. I love the adrenaline and fear I experience during them. But I still metaphorically shit my pants at the thought of an actual serial killer stalking me and jumping out of a hiding spot. The difference is that the former exists in a safe space that I can leave and where I know it's a script. How I feel about a scenario in fiction does not dictate how I feel about it happening in the real world. To tell me that I don't actually have the disorder that I've been diagnosed with is extremely upsetting. So is to tell me I'm hiding secret bloodthirsty desires behind a mental illness or that I'm making OCD look bad by not having a moral conundrum about fake people or animals being hurt. I especially don't appreciate people that don't have OCD preaching about what "real" intrusive thoughts are or what I should or should not be doing while having OCD. The things that have been said to or about me have been undeniably ableist. And the distress that has caused me has just been brushed aside because I don't adhere to what people think I as a person with OCD "should" act like. I feel like I'm not being granted agency over my own experiences.
I am even being compared to some of the worst people like Kero the wolf or HypnotistSappho. I hope you believe me when I say that is truly disgusting and offensive. These were the kinds of people that belonged to groups for sharing material of real animals being tortured for sexual pleasure, or tried to start an organization to promote bestiality, or openly promoted zoophilia and pedophilia as normal sexual orientations, or actively abused children and animals. I have not done anything like that. My artistic expression is nothing like their real world, extensive and widespread levels of abuse. I am so offended that I'd spend years spreading animal welfare advocacy, including explicitly anti-bestiality rhetoric, only to be lumped in with monsters, like my art erases all the work I've done. How someone could believe I actually desire to torture animals baffles me. How someone could think all this work was just master manipulation to con everyone so I could secretly abuse leaves my head spinning.
I also haven't ever claimed that my nsfw art is a coping mechanism for my OCD/intrusive thoughts. This is an assumption people have made. Occasionally elements of my intrusive thoughts will make their way into my art as a way to confront them head on on my own terms, but almost always are not a factor in my nsfw art. Art based on my intrusive thoughts as catharsis I don't share publicly.
Yes, I enjoy hurting fictional characters. They exist in a world with no consequences. Nobody actually gets hurt. Anything can happen to them and nothing about the world changes. I have no desire to hurt an animal, because that impacts the real world. I have never looked at an animal and felt excitement at the idea of hurting it. I have never felt attraction to an animal. I have never felt the urge to make sexual contact with an animal. I have never experienced attraction to a child, either.
I am also being accused of being a pedophile. This is because I made a tweet saying I enjoy explicitly abusive relationships between adult and minor characters, but don't enjoy minor/adult ships depicted as cute or wholesome. People interpret this as me having a malicious desire to abuse a child. But here's the thing: you don't know why someone enjoys a certain dynamic. Many people that like to see abusive relationships depicted in stories or erotica are survivors of abuse themselves. Many people use kink as a coping mechanism, and the stigma of their kink play often hinders them from trauma recovery. Like I said before, kink and fantasy are not morality guidebooks. This also assumes every character drawn in ship art or erotica is an object of attraction to those that create or consume it. But even porn can serve a purpose other than arousal. Personally I just like these dynamics because they offer a compelling story and/or character interactions that can explore trauma and its effects and can feel therapeutic to work through.
Art does not exist in a vacuum. I don't argue it does. Art is influenced by its creator. But you can't look at the content of someone's kink or fantasy to judge the quality of someone's character. This is the position of professionals that study and counsel people. Whether or not someone commits a sexual offense is more influenced by that person's personality traits, moral positions, pre-existing positive beliefs about offending, environment, and negative emotional states. And, look, fiction does indeed effect reality, but there is little evidence that porn encourages someone to offend or results in more violent offenses. Availability of porn may even be associated with lower levels of sexual aggression. This professional report goes into great detail on sexual offending and concludes that there is no reason "scientific or otherwise" for criminalization of any type of virtual porn because it does not lead to offending, and may even provide a substitute for people that may otherwise offend. Even if you find that content reprehensible. Offensive art has its place and deserves to exist. That is the position I have come to based on the scientific evidence.
And I want to make another thing clear: I am not a proshipper. Disliking the position of one group does not make me a member of a different group. I have no desire to put myself in a category, I just have my own opinions. I also have plenty of issues with the proship community. I just now look at fiction and kink with more nuance than I used to. I don't participate in fearmongering based on knee-jerk reactions to media anymore.
Going forward I'm going to do my best to be more responsible with my nsfw accounts. Any interactions I've made with minors are honest mistakes. I genuinely don't want to expose minors to my nsfw or interact with them. I don't go out seeking minors to talk to. But I know interacting with minors through an nsfw account is serious, so I'm going to do better to police myself and always check that no one I'm interacting with is underage.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Sadly I expect many people won't read this, they'll just continue to repeat "zoophile" and "pedophile." But I really appreciate you if you took the time to read. I know many people really do want to be good and believe they are protecting people by engaging in callouts against people for their fictional interests. I think most people have their hearts in the right place but are misguided by the current culture. And I don't mind if you disagree with me, but I always want people to take their positions with the most information. I want there to be honest discussions about these topics, not naming and shaming people.
I might make updates to this post if I think of things I forgot to address. Like I said, it's been many days of my head buzzing and this post is also very long. I welcome any good faith questions or concerns. People that come just to attack in bad faith will just be blocked. I won't humor that. Please meet me with the same honesty I came with. I want to continue to do good.
Oh, and for that last study they linked? Here's the abstract:
Whether pornography contributes to sexual aggression in real life has been the subject of dozens of studies over multiple decades. Nevertheless, scholars have not come to a consensus about whether effects are real. The current meta-analysis examined experimental, correlational, and population studies of the pornography/sexual aggression link dating back from the 1970s to the current time. Methodological weaknesses were very common in this field of research. Nonetheless, evidence did not suggest that nonviolent pornography was associated with sexual aggression. Evidence was particularly weak for longitudinal studies, suggesting an absence of long-term effects. Violent pornography was weakly correlated with sexual aggression, although the current evidence was unable to distinguish between a selection effect as compared to a socialization effect. Studies that employed more best practices tended to provide less evidence for relationships whereas studies with citation bias, an indication of researcher expectancy effects, tended to have higher effect sizes. Population studies suggested that increased availability of pornography is associated with reduced sexual aggression at the population level. More studies with improved practices and preregistration would be welcome.
So even the abstract of the study itself admits almost everything was flawed.
It should also be noted the rest of this study is locked behind a paywall, so there's no way to tell exactly what kind of 'sexual agression' the Study was..... well, studying. But I sincerely doubt it was about the effects of pedo or zoo porn, let alone fucking snuff porn.
Oh, and for that "half of people have fantasies considered paraphillia" that study's Abstract mentions things like exhibitionism, voyerism, masochism, etc-- literally zero things about pedo and zoo shit.
And we all know they used that wording in their post to imply 50% of people think animals or kids are hot, because that's the first thing that comes to mind when people are discussing paraphillias, especially on a post defending creating fucking snuff porn of cats being tortured and raped to death.
It just really boils my blood to see people like this still having a following, the only thing he admitted to doing wrong was "i should never have interacted with minors on my nsfw account, and I will do a better job of policing myself in the future"
Which, even the wording on that statement was a way to gain symphathy lmao. "policing myself"???? Seriously?
Anyway, for anyone still unaware, this is Agro-Carnist aka Angrysnakes aka another Warrior Cat's themed blog I don't recall the name of.
the other warrior cat blog is minkpool.
But yeah this says more or less what I expected. Guy who claims to not be a proship uses every proship talking point and whines about antis anyway.
I’m going to be fully transparent and say that I am not inclined to read that entire thing because it is an incredibly long statement and the parts I did read weren’t anything I wasn’t expecting really.
He’s more or less just breaking it down to “just because I love sexualizing and masturbating to cartoon children and cats being raped to death doesn’t mean I’m sexualizing those in real life 🥺” which is just a bit hard to believe because, as I have said before, drawn pornography exists to satisfy fantasies that can’t or won’t be shown involving live actors but ultimately is made as a stand in.
Attracted to a fictional character? Well, the most accurate way to satisfy that is to find drawn or written fanmade porn because the cartoon character doesn’t exist and couldn’t film a porn shoot if they wanted to. Into something like vore or inflation? Well you can’t do those in real life, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t fantasizing about that happening in real life, it just isn’t possible, that’s what the drawings are there to emulate.
So when you’re drawing little kids in a sexual situation? What is the appeal going to be for most people?
It really isn’t much deeper than that.
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spectraltouch · 10 months
It's actually wild how I'm like...on the periphery of several kinks.
Like, gooning. So much of the current field of gooning is obsessed with degrading the gooner because they're "pathetic" or "can't get a woman" or "can only fuck their hand". I just like frequent masturbation. Or longer masturbation sessions. Or even having a hard time resisting the urge to masturbate. (I'm also abysmal at edging, for better or worse. Given how long I can go just masturbating even when I'm not edging it's probably a good thing I can't keep going for exponentially longer through edging.) Also the aspect of sharing porn or masturbating with someone is appealing. There's a not-insignificant part of me that'd enjoy having a partner that I watched porn and masturbated together with as often as we straight up fucked. Or got each other off to porn. Especially if that's being used to corrupt and add new kinks or twist sexuality. But I'm getting too deep in the weeds.
Bimboification is another one that I like up to a point. I generally am not a fan of plastic surgery in terms of augmentic aesthetics (obviously when it's a solution to an issue that's not cosmetic it's great, and even purely cosmetic it's not morally inferior, I just tend to not find it as attractive, for what little that's worth). Now, magical means of transformation to change someone's body to be pure sex...that's got its appeal. But even then I tend to prefer the lower end of change, physically. Keep it proportional and all that. Which is very much not how that kink usually goes. Even the mental aspects I'm only straddling the fence on. IQ dropping to dangerously low levels? Meh. Only able to think or talk about sex? Meh. Someone realizing they're becoming less intelligent? Ok there's some potential there. Intelligence being shirked because it's more fun to think about something sexy? That's fun, to a point. I think the ideal for me is relatively small but obvious changes in body and behavior as someone goes from who they were to someone much more sexual. Almost more "nerd gets a makeover and people realize she's a woman" and less full bimbo transformation. But since I'm not aware of that half-step having a specific name, I just consider it as part of bimboification.
Perhaps unsurprisingly of someone who's contemplating being nonbinary or even genderfluid, I have some interest in feminization (on both sides, to varying degrees). But as with gooning, /so/ much of it is geared toward degredation. And also, for some reason, racism? I mean that's usually the more intense sissification but regardless it's so strange. I just think the idea of either taking a guy who's already cute and pushing him towards femininity (or lucking into one who's already doing the work for me) is a fun concept. Either through persuasion or maybe hypnosis. Or being on the receiving end of being toyed with mentally (or just worked up about it) until it just makes sense to go along with it. Playing with gender and orientation like that just scratch a similar itch I guess.
Honestly even hypnokink, which was my Main Kink for a long time, there's a lot that I'm not into. But it's also such an umbrella of kinks that that almost makes sense. People who are into slow gradually hypnosis and conditioning may not be interested in an instantaneous complete control. Drones, dolls/puppets, robots may all be enjoyed by different people. So I don't feel like I'm on the outskirts of the kink in quite the same way as I do about the others I mentioned.
Similarly with corruption kink, which I do currently consider my main kink (since it's at the root of a lot of my kinkiness). Just because I don't, for instance, get much out of the idea of a nun being corrupted doesn't mean I'm not into corruption. When some force of good is turned evil and their aesthetics change, I appreciate it, but it doesn't necessarily turn me on. As opposed to the idea of taking someone and leveraging their libido to manipulate what they're into. To corrupt them by making them worse, and also more sexual.
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