#“gay ass jeans” says my partner to Lance
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axeleton · 6 months ago
FINE I'll draw women
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maplecatra · 7 years ago
Blue Eyes
Hey! Kit Kat here! I just wanted to say thank you all! I’m so happy I made it to 100! I’m hoping I’ll keep producing content that everyone enjoys!
I first started writing this fic for @paladinofredlion and ended up finishing it for @bluebeargurl
Keith looked out his window, bored. It was another Saturday afternoon and, with nothing to do and his brother out on a job, he was actually considering making new friends. Then, thankfully before he could entertain the thought for long, he heard a familiar humming. Keith perked up as the fluffy haired boy came into view of the window. Now, Keith would attest that he did NOT look forward to this boy’s occasion visits, and would also (lie) say that he was most definitely NOT checking the other man out. I mean, with those looks? He had to be straight and Keith refuses to play with a straight boy after Jonny broke his heart. Sure they were in third grade at the time, but man could Keith hold a grudge.
Keith, like usually, looked out his window and stared at the other boy’s *ahem* assets as they bent down and picked another flower from his garden. And just like that, an idea popped into Keith’s head. It may have not been the best one, but hey, it was an idea and those were rare enough. So he strolled out side and tapped the boy on his shoulder, the one he had been pining after for weeks without even knowing is name, the one his brother had teased him about for ages.
And the boy, in response, turned slowly. Keith had a smug grin on his face as the look of guilt at being caught grew on the others face. A single blue forget-me-not was held gently in the flower thefts hands.
“Now tell me, why have you been taking my flowers?,” Keith said teasingly. The boy’s eyes just widened and he sputtered in response.
“Well then, if you won’t tell me who she is I’m coming with you to see if the girls actually pretty enough to warrant flower theft once a week,” Keith said with a grin on his face, even though he was inwardly wilting at the idea that this boy already had a girlfriend. The blue eyed boys -god those blue eyes were hypnotic- face turned from guilt to confusion as he stared into the much darker eyes of the other.
“What?,” said the skinny jean clad boy with the best ass Keith had ever seen. There was no way this pretty boy wasn’t taken, or else everyone in this word was blind.
“I’m coming with you. I need to see who’s getting my forget-me-nots every morning.”
But the look of confusion on the boy’s face only grew more. “A girl?,” he asked stupidly. Lance did not know who this boy was or why they were talking to him.
“Anyways, what’s your name? We have quite a walk ahead,” Keith said and then mentally smacked himself. He sounded like a fucking stalker. He wouldn’t be surprised if his crush bolted right there and then. And right there and then Keith would swear the gods descended onto heaven for the smile the other boy shot him.
“Lance, pleased to meet you! Sorry but I’m not actually-,” but before Lance could finish his sentence a car pulled into the driveway. A pure white with black highlights car to be exact, one that had Shirogane in bold stylized lettering. His brother was always one for dramatics.
“Hey bro! Oh, who’s this? Has my little antisocial Keith finally met a friend?,” Shiro said, fully aware that he was embarrassing his brother half to death. Keith blushed and whipped his head around to the boy in front of him, Lance.
“Let’s go!,” he said a little to enthusiastically as he dragged Lance by the wrist. He could hear Shiro calling after him but he refused to listen. You’ve stopped me from getting a hot date for the last time he thought to himself.
5 minutes later and he was sorely regretting his decision, Lance was nervous and fidgety beside him.
“So hehe,” he blurted out nervously “what’s she like?”
“The girl! C’mon she must at least be interesting to catch the attention of a young stud like yourself,” and he winked. He winked at the boy next to him. Why did he do that? He might as well commit suicide.
But the blue eyed Lance smiled and laughed in response, his eyes filling out with a warm kind of love. “Yeah, she’s pretty special. She was strong too. A gymnast actually, she taught me some moves,” he said, fondness and emotions Keith couldn’t quite place growing in his eyes.
O O F, he was falling hard and fast. Fuck! He already had a girl! Hey brain, could you, I don’t know, may sTOP?! He thought to himself. And then he realized the boy next to him was using past tense. Maybe he thought hopefully maybe they fell out and I still have a chance? All he said aloud though was “Tell me more about her!,” he asked, hoping to bring forward all the bad things.
“She was graceful and yet gentle. She was the one who first got me started in astronomy actually. Everyone back in Cuba used to say that I would be a swimmer, but ever since she took me out to the Sea at night I’ve fallen in love. What about you? Do you love the stars?,” Lance asked innocently. Keith was caught off guard because he had been staring at those deep blue eyes, totally enraptured.
“Who, me?,” he said a little too loudly as he chuckled nervously. Thankfully Lance must not have noticed the little slip up since all the brown haired boy did was giggle. “Yes you silly! Who else is here?,” Lance said in a cute voice that Keith cOULD NOT HANDLE BECAUSE FUCK HE WAS SO GAY.
But all he ended up saying was “Yup, I love the stars! I’m actually studying them for school soon after summer ends!,” he said, fidgeting with the small handheld knife in his pocket.
Lance spoke up again enthusiastically “Oh cool! Maybe we’ll be in the same class!”
“Yeah, maybe” Keith forlornly responded. “Anyway, tell me more about yourself.” And now he sounded like a fucking stalker. Great. Thankfully Lance didnt take it that way.
“Well, I lived in Cuba... umm, I met Hunk in high school where we eventually figured out we both got into Galaxy Highs Garrison program,” Keith cut Lance off
“Hey, I was kicked outta that program for taking Iversons eye out!”
“That was you?!? Man you’re a living legend! Iverson was a stiff ass though. Anyway I met Pidge when we were in the same star group test to get our second stripe.”
“The star grouping tests fucking sucked, I was lucky to get partnered will Marry.”
“Who’s - ohh right Marry. She was cute, I guess...”
“But she was such a bitch!”
“I know right?!? She got even bitchier after you left!”
“But really, the star maps were a pain in the ass,”
“I actually thought they were really fun since Pidge couldn’t for the life of them figure out where the Hydrus star was. Enough of me though, what got you interested it astrology?,”
“Ahh, it’s stupider than yours,” Lance giggled. “I won’t judge you, don’t worry”
“Well, my bro always was into the stars and ended up being the golden boy. He was my mentor and ended up bringing me out of the system to put me in the Galaxy program.”
They ended up talking more and more, becoming more comfortable with each other. Before you knew it Keith had forgotten all about the girl Lance was visiting. But after a lengthy discussion on Pluto, Keiths eyes drifted down to the forget-me-nots in Lances hand. Lance continued to speak avidly about Pluto being a planet when he suddenly stopped walking and, in a gentle voice said “We’re here.”
Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh no. That’s all Keith thought as he stared up at the curved letters on the hand painted sign Garrison Cemetery: Your Loved Ones May Rest. Why did I push him? Why did I do this? He thought as he frowned. He screwed up again. All the pieces were starting to come together as he stared at Lance. Lances face held no resentment however.
“They really were an amazing family. My sisters the only one buried close to me, but its nice leaving forget-me-nots by her body. They were her favorite.” Lance said, a forlorn smile covering his face, blue eyes that Keith loved so much cast downward. Keith walked with Lance, not saying a word. He could at least offer some support.
“Thanks, if you want we can grab some coffee and talk more?” Lance said. The blue blossoms on the grave marked Rest In Piece Veronica Mclain, she was a wonderful daughter, sister, and woman were left behind as the couple exited the cemetery.
“I’d love that,” Keith responded, a warm feeling climbing into his gut. He felt at piece, like those blue eyes could fix everything.
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angstandhappiness · 5 months ago
FINE I'll draw women
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