bapydemonprincess · 1 year
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When your own kid has learned to imitate your own damn trademark sarcastic smile perfectly 🖤
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hirukochan · 11 months
Aaah i’m the fragrances anon. thank you for the answer. always happy to read writers rambles about their ocs!
so if you don’t mind…i have another heehee
for freya, dove, harrie, and snape!
What are some of their favorite desserts or treats?
What are their favorite/must have purchase from honeydukes?
What type of tea is their favorite/go to (green tea? earl grey? roasted black? do they like it hot or iced?) and what stuff do they put in their tea? (lemon?milk?sugar content?honey?)
*inserting my opinion: black jasmine with any citrus sweetened ice tea is superior*🤭 you can share about yours too!
i just love reading about the little things from ocs behind story. for me things like this just added more depth to their story🤌🤌🤌 -🤍🤍🤍
Hi again!
1. She likes a nice Eton Mess with fresh berries but I also like to think her friend Luise made her a proper Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte once and she loves it ever since! She has Luise make her some German dessert whenever they visit each other. Bienenstich is her second favourite! It’s a scrumptious cake made from a yeast dough with an almond-sugar crust that caramelises while baking and is filled with a vanilla creme.
2. Skeletal sweets - she’d find it extremely funny and her friends always wonder why??? Are you laughing??? Also the Chocolate Skeletons.
3. Any tea Snape makes. Snape’s teas are tiny little potions! The teas he gave her for Christmas are her all time favourite. Especially the for studying tea blend he made for her with nettles, mint, rosemary and dried pieces of orange peel. With a bit of honey or pure.
She is a bit tricky, she’s a reader-insert after all but in my mind it’s this
1. She doesn’t really have one…chocolate cake might be. Light fruit tarts. She doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth because she was never allowed to have sugar.
2. She wasn't allowed to go to Honeydukes so Snape would have to take her and keep encouraging her to pick something for herself. She’d probably be way too overwhelmed and afraid and Snape would end up telling the owner to put together a small bag with his best selling candies and they take a stroll around the forest surrounding Honeydukes while they try the different treats. I think she’d like the no-melt-icecream. Going to Fortescue’s ice cream parlour with her sisters was a fond memory and while it’s not bitter sweet it would remind her of their utter joy that day. She’d find the ice-mice funny! And probably also the Glacial Snow Flakes.
3. Unsweetened rose petal tea, both as a hot tea with a few treats or as an iced tea in the garden, watching over the girls 🥰
1. Treacle tart. It’s Treacle tart
2. The standards: Chocolate Frogs, Chocolate Wands, Sugar Quills and some Pumpkin Pasties for late night snack cravings.
3. I don’t think Harrie is much of a tea drinker. Maybe some heavily sweetened wild berry tea that tastes like molten candy 🤣
1. White chocolate mousse. The Hogwarts house elves make a big bowl everyday for dinner. It sits on the teacher’s table and all professors know better than to try and touch it. Snape gets defensive about his white chocolate mousse. Lockhart took some of it back in Harrie’s second year. Snape didn’t say anything at the time but all the other teachers audibly gasped and the next day he quite suddenly and unexpectedly fell ill with the nastiest cold Poppy had ever seen. 
Lockhart learnt two lessons from that: Don’t touch Snape’s chocolate mousse and don’t leave your cup unattended around Snape in the staff room.
2. White chocolate in any form it comes. And he is quite fond of the Peppermint Toads, both things he’d deny vehemently. No student ever sees him enter Honeydukes. He either goes in like ten minutes before closing on a wednesday or he sends an owl to pick up his order. Look, he needs his sugar rush to deal with the atrocious writing skills of his students.
3. Despite being a terrible tea snob his favourite is a cup of scorching hot, proper builder’s tea. Very strong black tea, very little milk, rarely any sugar. He drinks it without letting it cool down enough. 
When his father was drinking it in the kitchen, tiny Sev knew it would be a good day so he has gotten quite fond of it and continues to stock the same super cheap teabag his father had. 
Apart from that he likes a nice Oolong. He drinks it pure since adding anything would insult the flavour profile in his opinion. He takes his time to prepare it properly, re-brews it several times to get the most out of his tea, enjoying each new unique flavour with every re-brew. He doesn’t grade when drinking this tea. He just sits in his favourite spot and enjoys his tea. It’s a rare indulgence but one that keeps him sane. 
No iced tea. Never. It’s a sin against all tea in his eyes.
My favourite tea is Lady Grey! It’s a less bitter version of Earl Grey with dried lemon and orange peel. A bit of sugar, a little splash of milk and I’m happy.
I also love strawberry-mint tea but only as loose tea! That one makes a nice cold-brew tea as well. I drink often drink that during summer 🥰.
I don’t like pure jasmine tea but my favourite boba tea is green tea with jasmine!
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katierosefun · 1 year
question 93 on the 100 questions ask game if you'd like to share🌸
thanks anon!! // from these asks
93. What are two facts about yourself that are true, but seem contradictory? Or two beliefs you have that seem unlikely to exist together?
hm, that i (a) am not particularly competitive, but (b) i really, really don't like losing, at least especially in things that i care about. which i suppose isn't really contradictory, but like. i remember when i told someone that i wanted to go to law school, they were like, "you . . . don't seem aggressive enough?"
and i remember just kind of. smiling politely, while thinking, lol i'm just not aggressive with you because you've never said anything interesting enough for me to be aggressive.
which probably isn't very nice of me to think, but like. i think especially because i am a law student--i definitely notice that there are some people who seem to be incredibly competitive and aggressive in literally every single aspect of their lives, whereas i think i'm usually okay with like. letting the waves roll over me and being like "yeah, whatever". but like, when there's something that i really care about, it's like. sleepless nights and caffeine, and one of my professors have noted that it's like, "ohhh . . . now this is who she really is". (this professor. is also very kind but was like "i had no clue you had this side in you" and i just smiled and was like ":) heehee thank u :)")
and like, i don't think that it's inherently better to be one kind of person over the other. sometimes i really do envy people who are so competitive all the time, because there are moments when i look at my life and go, "hm . . . i think i should be a little more competitive in this department", but also, i like to think that i'm saving up my energy for the things that really matter to me, so! i'll be chill with this.
100. What do you want an answer to?
lmao so many things, but right now, primarily "hey, will i actually be employed with a decent enough salary where i can support myself + also treat my loved ones to nice things every once in a while + also like. afford a cool living space where my loved ones could stay over like in kdramas like be melodramatic or something. that would be neat. can i. can that happen. will that ever happen for me bc i would love if that happened haha <3"
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yukiwrites · 4 years
Byleth, Thinking of the Future
Thank you so much for the support as always, @xpegasusuniverse! I got a bit carried away with this one, heehee, I hope you like it!
Summary: Right after the shocking scene at the Holy Tomb, the students were overwhelmed with questions as they watched their beliefs shatter right in front of their eyes. Amidst the confusion and questions, Byleth approaches Edelgard to ask why she had been so secretive...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 -  Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8  - Part 9 - Part 10  - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15
Byleth, Hanneman and Manuela herded the students back through the elevator, the atmosphere around them once of absolute shock, understandably so. Claude walked beside the young Professor, his expression serious.
“Hey, Teach, those things you said back there…”
“All true.” Byleth said in a low voice, looking back at the astonished Blue Lions as they made their way out of the large underground.
“I’ll need more than that, Teach, come on. Can we go to your room to talk?” The young man looked back to his lifeless classmates, “there’s too many people around to talk freely.”
Byleth simply shook his head slowly. “On the contrary. I want to talk to all of them -- all of you -- he looked straight to the heir of House Reagan, “at the same time. I can’t allow doubt to be sown right after the truth was revealed.”
“Okay, I understand that much, but you do know that that was a bold statement, right, Teach? Do you have any plans about what to do from now on with all this new knowledge? Lady Rhea was in a rough shape down there, so this is the future of the Church we’re talking about here.”
Pressing his lips into a thin line, Byleth looked away from the inquisitive young man.
“No, no, wait,” Claude let out a nervous smile, patting Byleth’s shoulder carefully. “You didn’t think this through at all did you, Teach?” He snorted, cold sweat rolling down his temple, “I don’t think you know the scale of the scandal you just brought up, man.”
“Believe me, Claude,” Byleth’s voice deepened an octave, making the young man’s hairs stand on end. “I know more than anyone the scale of the things I just said.”
However, it was true that Byleth didn’t have an immediate plan of how to tackle the matters of the Church for the moment -- he simply wished fervently for the truth to be known; for his friend’s suffering to be noticed and grieved instead of glorified that… he was at a loss for the moment.
He had Sothis’ memories, yes, but he was but a human with the consciousness of the Goddess -- his vessel couldn’t hold the almost infinite power the Fell Star had brought along with the records of her life. Meaning he might have had her memories and a faint intent of how she had been leading mankind alongside the Nabateans, but it wasn’t as though Byleth himself had the practical experience of it, so he had to actually think about the consequences of his actions.
He had answered Edelgard’s question about the future of the Church -- it had been a subject that was marinating inside his mind for quite a while as well, though he had never given it proper attention to the development of it to actually see it blossom. There needed to be a reform.
How could one start to dismantle the base of a belief that had been rooted in a nation for centuries? Would he start preaching about the misdeeds that had been perpetuated through generations of Archbishops that were most likely controlled by Rhea from the backstage? Would he be able to uphold such a task at all while still pursuing the true enemies he should be setting his eyes on?
He had promised Sothis he would hunt down the remnants of Those Who Slither in the Dark and he would do so until there was nothing left of them to grieve. But he was only one man. Could he lead the hunt and change the people’s hearts at the same time?
Claude’s single question had made Byleth doubt his entire resolve, to the point that the Professor felt Sothis’ absence even more keenly.
She would have been the one to scold him and bring this subject to light before anyone else. She would be there, pulling his ear inside their shared mindscape to force him to think through his actions and those they affected while still grumbling that she would of course help him throughout it all.
The Professor sighed, shaking his head. “I’ll answer your questions, Claude, but we need to gather everyone-”
“Dear Professor, I don’t think now is a good time, as eager as I know that some of my students are to listen to your explanations.” Manuela approached with a worried look. “The news was too much to take for some of the kids, so I’ll be taking them with me to the infirmary. I think others need their space now more than they need answers to questions they don’t even have yet.” She glanced back at the pack of soulless students. “Give them some time to gather their thoughts and come up with their own questions, okay?”
Hanneman scratched his mustache uncomfortably, not wanting to admit that there were people who could turn away from new knowledge so readily, but agreeing that what a greater part of the students present needed was time to sort their heads. “As it stands, I will have to agree with Manuela on this one. Let us disperse the class and come back at this on Monday, how does that sound?”
“what?” Claude whined from Byleth’s other side. “You want me to wait two days to get the answers I need? Can’t I just go back with Teach and ask the stuff I want to know now?”
“Don’t be selfish, young man. Lead your House back to their quarters; look at how crestfallen they are.” Hanneman scolded his House’s Leader, gesturing with his chin to the Golden Deers’ expressions. Some were so shocked they looked like rag dolls while others were thinking deeply of how such knowledge could affect their lives -- only one or two looked like they were mostly fine with the situation, whichever it would be.
The same could be said about the other two Houses, though perhaps the Blue Lions had taken more damage since Faerghus had always had close ties to the Church, so most of its citizens were devout believers.
Edelgard observed everyone’s reactions carefully, not daring to approach Byleth like Claude did so as not to draw attention to herself. In two days, they would reunite, at the Blue Lions’ classroom, it seemed, so the Imperial Princess had time to think her options through until then.
Thankfully or not, Hubert had returned from the trip to the Empire in record time -- proving that the new teleportation magic they had painstakingly acquired was indeed a necessity for their plans to work properly. Edelgard filled Hubert in on the happenings at the Holy Tomb, urging him to follow her to the Blue Lions’ classroom early on Monday so they could bear witness to how strong Byleth’s resolve was in changing the Church.
Depending on his answer, Edelgard could have the upper hand in the upcoming invasion. She already had much more information than she had ever managed to dig through on her own over the course of her life just by watching that pathetic scene between the wailing Archbishop and the young Professor. Edelgard had had a faint idea of how the Crests came to be, but to think it all was linked to the bodies of the goddess and her children… Amusing.
The classroom, although usually on the empty side since it was rather large for the small amount of students it usually had, soon became packed with people from the other two Houses. There were plenty of places to sit at, of course, but Edelgard and Hubert chose to stand close to the door anyway, wanting to look over the students’ reactions to the Professor’s answers.
“As all of you are aware, we’ve gathered here to clear up any misunderstandings you might have had after that happening at the Holy Tomb.” Hanneman placed himself in the middle of the teacher’s desk, looking over the students’ eyes. “We all know how sudden everything was, so don’t be afraid to speak up and we’ll do our best to give you satisfying answers.”
“So you knew it all, Professor Hanneman. How didn’t you break after I spent the whole day asking you about it… Should I have haunted you in your sleep too? I know how well that would’ve ended…” Linhardt muttered from the front seat, a place he would usually never take but quickly took due to the severity of the situation.
“Believe me, lad, it was a living nightmare, as I made it clear for the past 30 times.” Hanneman exhaled in exhaustion, taking a step to the side to allow for Byleth to take the center of the stage. “The Professor here is the one who has the core knowledge of it all, so Manuela and I shall monitor the questions: raise your hand if you want to ask something and we will make a tally.”
Several hands filled the space, followed by a furious scribbling from the part of the two older professors, each taking into account the students of their own Houses while Byleth memorized the Blue Lions. Evidently, the first one to get the question was Claude.
“Can you tell us in detail about the origin of the Hero’s Relics and the Crests Stones? Are they related to the Crests per se at all? And-”
“One question at a time, lad, be patient!” Hanneman interrupted his House Leader, raising both palms in a placating manner. “We have all day to answer everything you all want, but one person at a time, alright?”
Flashing a dissatisfied pout, Claude crossed his legs under the table. “Yeah, alright. So?”
Byleth took a deep breath. “As I said before, the Hero’s Relics are weapons made out of the bones of the Children of the Goddess -- the Nabateans as they called themselves at the time.”
“Nabateans…” Claude muttered under his breath, nodding his head as though he understood. The name was murmured all over the students’ mouths, though Byleth hadn’t stopped speaking yet.
“The Goddess descended into the world and created the Nabateans from her own blood -- then they all started to impart their knowledge on the humans to help them prosper.” The Professor spoke as though talking about a legend, though all of the present were aware of the true myth passed along the religious carols, and it differed greatly from what he was saying. “Some humans started to feel intimidated by how powerful the Nabateans were and waged war upon war against them, wanting to topple the beings they saw as gods… But such wars nearly destroyed the world.
“Some of the defeated humans left bearing a large grudge, promising revenge, but Sothis had to focus her powers on healing the land instead, leaving it to her children to look for the stragglers. Some of them never returned, being the first prey to the experiments of Those Who Slither in the Dark.”
Edelgard’s hand twitched inside her crossed arms at the mention of the experiments as she narrowed her eyes.
Byleth continued. “Exhausted from healing the land, Sothis had no choice but to leave the land to her Children and retire to the place we saw as the Holy Tomb to rest and regain her energy -- but it was then that the tragedy of the Red Canyon happened: The enemy ambushed the weakened Nabateans, killing them with weapons made out of the blood and bones of their siblings, using these very same weapons to kill Sothis and forge,” Byleth took his sword out of his belt, “the Sword of the Creator.”
“Bloody hell,” Claude leaned on his chair, digesting all of that information. Ignatz was holding his chest as though in physical pain, tears clouding his vision -- and the same could be said about Marianne and Mercedes, being comforted by their closest friends.
“Through the experiments, the enemies realized that they could acquire the power of the Nabateans by drinking their blood -- and that was how the power known as ‘Crests’ were bestowed to the humans who weren’t born from the Goddess. It is also the ancient Nabateans’ crystalized blood that composes the rare Crests Stones -- it’s because of them that the Crest-bearers can wield the Hero’s Relics… Though I should leave the technical details to Hanneman here, if you all are interested.” He took a step back to allow the Crestologist his five minutes of fame.
“Well, as you all know…” Hanneman adjusted his monocle, picking up a piece of chalk to start writing on the board.
Manuela nudged Byleth’s shoulder, “are you sure about this? He’s gonna keep talking all day.”
“It’s fine, I just think he’s better at explaining the relationship between the Crests Stones and the Crest bearers. Besides, no one’s complaining.”
“For now, at least.” Manuela shrugged.
Byleth gave an once over around the classroom, his eyes meeting the Imperial Princess’ by the door. After she had made that radical-sounding comment at the Holy Tomb, the young woman had been oddly silent. Now, however, she looked paler than usual, as a frown covered her brow.
“Don’t you think Edelgard is behaving a bit strangely?”
Manuela glanced at her House’s Leader, looking back at Byleth. “She had been grumpy ever since I had to revoke her permission to return to the Empire, so I suppose it might still be about that?”
The young Professor narrowed his eyes, still in a staring contest with the Imperial Princess. “I’ll go ask her what’s wrong.”
“Wha- Byleth!” Manuela pulled his sleeve, whispering gravely, “if you leave, it will truly turn into a Hanneman-only class, you know!”
“Don’t worry, I’m only going to talk to her; I’m not going anywhere.” He flashed something akin to a smile, patting his colleague’s hand before circling through the desks towards the door by which Edelgard stood. “You seemed to be interested in the explanation I was giving earlier. Do you have anything to ask?”
Edelgard shifted her weight to one leg, looking up at the tall young man. “Only one thing: How do you plan to handle this situation with the Church? The power of the Nabateans can no longer rule over the humans, but right at the heart of this Monastery, lies the strongest one of them… She’s not mentally stable, either. What do you plan to do?”
“I’ll protect Rhea from whatever I can. It’s the least I can do to fulfill a promise.” Byleth replied without hesitation, though looked to the surly Hubert beside Edelgard before continuing, “there is much to be done in regards to the distribution of information, but first I’ll have to deal with Those Who Slither-”
“Enough. That is all I needed to hear.” Edelgard turned on her heel to leave. “It is a shame, Professor. I thought that we could have been allies in this.” She muttered as her white hair fluttered behind her small figure.
Hubert shook his head in disapproval. “To think there was so much potential. Perhaps later you’ll realize the true meaning of your statements, Professor, though by then it might be too late,” he smiled derisively before following his liege, leaving a suspicious Byleth behind.
What was the true meaning of Edelgard’s question? Byleth had so much to think about, he could barely sort his thoughts by himself, missing his mindmate so very dearly each time he felt overwhelmed.
Sighing, the young Professor turned back to the classroom filled with Hanneman’s voice, clenching his fists to resolve himself. One step at a time. First he would clear the students’ doubts, then he would think about what to do next.
If only he had the power to see what was going to happen instead of being able to go back a few moments in time… Perhaps then he would’ve been able to predict the preemptive strike the Empire would deal to the Monastery a few weeks from then.
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vannahfanfics · 5 years
Roxas the Wingman
Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Sora, Jasmine
Requested By: cornholi4 (FanFiction)
Additional Tags: College AU
A dreamy smile was on Sora’s face as he leaned over his desk with a lightly blushing cheek in one hand with the other slowly, methodically, absently twirling his pencil, hazy blue eyes currently locked onto the radiant young woman seated exactly two rows ahead and one seat to the left of him. A deep, admiring sigh exited his lungs as he sat there admiring her, not even paying attention to the droning of their history professor pointing at some map or another on the PowerPoint. Her name was Jasmine, and she was the most beautiful creature that he had even seen; thick, luscious dark brown hair that framed her face in flowing waves, beautiful caramel latte skin that glowed like the desert’s setting sun, warm brown eyes with thick brown lashes that Sora so easily envisioned himself getting lost in. His elbow slid over the smooth surface of the desk as he craned his neck further trying to get a better look at her; all he succeeded in doing was slamming his head down onto the table with a loud smack! He flushed pink at the chorus of giggles that bubbled up around him, namely from one of his best friends that was sitting beside him- Roxas.
“Dude, would you just man up and get her number already?” the blonde boy snorted in derision. Sora growled lightly in response, peering through his spiky brown bangs up at the sneering guy.
“Shut up, Roxas, it ain’t that easy…”
“You talking about Jasmine?” Xion asked from Roxas’ other side, leaning forword so that she could be involved in the conversation. “Isn’t she dating that Aladdin guy?” For effect, the raven-haired girl gestured to the Arabian man seated beside Jasmine who was feeding his totally illegal pet monkey apple slices under the desk. Sore grunted in a bout of triumphant laughter.
“Nah, they’re just friends.”
“You know that, but you don’t know her number?” Roxas tutted with a shake of his head. “This is ridiculous. I can’t deal with your groaning and moaning anymore,” he muttered. Sora lifted up his head as Roxas scrawled something hastily on a piece of notebook paper, tore it free from his binder, and crumpled it up into a ball.
“H-hey, what’re you- Oh my God, no!” Sora hissed in utter dismay as Roxas reared back and launched the wad of paper at the back of Jasmine’s head. Roxas had a pitcher’s arm, and the projectile smacked right into his intended target; she gasped lightly aloud and her hair whipped over her shoulder as she wildly glanced back, eyes darting through the crowd to see who would dare chuck the paper at her. Sora had slammed his head down on the desk again and was shielding it with his arms, whining miserably. Through the small gap in his arms, he saw Roxas motion to her to open up the paper. Warily, Jasmine did as bid, leaning down to retrieve the crumpled ball and, as quietly as she could, unwrinkled it to see what was written on the page.
“I hate you.”
“You ain’t about to in five seconds,” Roxas laughed back. Whining with the pitch of a wailing jet engine, Sora could only watch in dismay as Jasmine’s brown eyes danced over the penciled words. He jumped violently in his seat as they darted back to lock right onto him, so violently in fact that he kicked his backpack two feet forward and made the desk screech against the floor, making the whole back of the class snicker at him again. He shrunk down into his chair with a raging blush, wishing for nothing more than to melt through a hole in the floor and never return, as the girl’s piercing eyes regarded him levelly. Slowly, note in hand, she turned around to resume listening to the teacher’s lecture. Sora wasn’t sure if it was a good sign that she gently laid the note down on her desk rather than crumpling it back up and beaming it right for his bright red forehead. “Relax,” Roxas chuckled as he slapped Sora on the back encouragingly. “I got this.”
Sora only responded with another wheedling groan. He would have to get the notes from Xion after this, because there was no way in hell he was going to be able to focus because he was too busy wondering which way Jasmine was gonna smack the hell out of him after class. Upside the head? On his cheek? Maybe she would go straight for an uppercut or a sucker-punch… Sora spent so much time spiraling into worse and worse probabilities that he didn’t even notice class was over- that is, until the girl he was currently panicking over was standing right in front of his desk. When her pretty manicured nails tapped lightly on the surface of the desk to get him to lift his head, which was shoved down into his arms, he did way more than that; he jerked up like a rod, vibrating the desk as he quivered in absolute alarm. When she quirked an eyebrow at him, he felt like he was gonna explode.
“H-h-h-hey J-jasmine…” Roxas was bent over double trying to contain his laughter at the horribly pitiful display he was putting on. At least Xion tried to smile at him- at least, for all of three seconds before her cheeks bulged out and her hand flew to her mouth to contain the loud snort. Sora deflated, hand delving into the spiky tufts of his brown hair. “Look, Jasmine, I’m sorry. Ro-“
“Is it true?”
“Do wut?” He gaped owlishly at her. She flipped the note around and his blue eyes slowly drifted down to the messy writing scribbled across it basically admitting that he was totally over-the-moon for her. His cheeks turned the color of cherry blossoms as his startled blue eyes rose to her inquisitive but not judgmental ones. “Oh, hehehehe… Um…. Yeah…” he admitted in a teeny-tiny shy voice. He smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “I guess you’re, uh, gonna tell me to buzz off or somethin’ now, right?” Of course she is! She’s so pretty and outta my league… I totally fudged it about Aladdin, too; what if they are dating? I mean, I can take that guy, but still!
“No…” He looked up with bugging eyes as her pretty lips curled into a shy smile. “I was going to say that if you’d like, I’ll meet you at Starbuck’s at three to chat.” Sora gaped stupidly at her while his little pea brain attempted to process what she had said. When it did, it didn’t have nearly enough capacity to form coherent sentences, so he settled for wildly nodding his head instead. As she giggled girlishly and gave him a small wave before strutting off, Sora melted into a pile of lovestruck goo against the desk.
“Ah… No way… We’re gonna go to Starbuck’s <3” he cooed as he basically reached nirvana. The tingling that was traveling all over his body surely signaled the release of his soul from his material form. Well, he had to grab it and force it back in, because there was no way he was gonna miss his date! Now that the girl was gone, Roxas no longer cared about somewhat preserving Sora’s dignity; with an unrestrained howl of laughter, he began beating his fist against the desk while he remained bent over from cackling so hard.
“Holy shit! You looked so uncool! You better count yourself lucky that she likes goofballs, because Jesus Christ!” With a deep gulp for air, he sat up, face flushed and tears at the corners of his eyes. Sora didn’t know whether to glare at him or laugh with him, because loathe as he was to admit it, he probably did look like a big bungling buffoon. Par for the Sora course. Roxas continued chuckling as he wiped the tears from his eyes. “Ahhh, man… That was good… Ehe, you owe me ice cream for this one, Sora.”
“Yeah, I suppose I do. Thanks. Though I coulda done without you laughin’ at me.”
“Look, I’m nice, not a saint.”
“Heehee, you two… Sora, three o’clock isn’t far off. You should probably hurry!” Xion told him. With a gasp, Sora leaped out of his desk. Well, he attempted to leap, but his foot caught on one of the desk chairs and he ended up sprawled out on his belly. Groaning, he stretched out an arm to retrieve his backpack and then hurriedly scrambled up, yelling good-bye to Roxas and Xion as he hauled ass out of the lecture hall. He could barely hear the shouts of protest as he barreled down the hallway and out the building, shooting down the sidewalk in the direction of the campus library. He didn’t hear them, because his heart was singing with joy. He jumped up to pump his fist in the air with a hyped crow of his voice.
I got a date with Jasmine! Thank God for wingmen…
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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dewitty1 · 5 years
I'm feeling curious and random, so! What is your ideal Drarry fanfic? What are your favourite tropes? How do you head cannon Harry and Draco Post-War? I gots to know!! 😂❤️
。;+*(★`∪´☆)*+;。Ahhh, duuude, @april-thelightfury115​, those are excellentquestions!
Let’s see, I love so many fics that it’s hard to decide whatthe perfect Drarry fic would be. I really like when they meet again, after thewar, maybe about 3 or so years after Hogwarts. (They can have completed Eighthyear together and called a truce, but not actually have become friends then.)  Enough time for the  to have grown up a bit. Maybe seen some ofthe world, explored themselves, gotten mind healing maybe (but it’s ok if they’restill a little messed up because aren’t we all? And let’s face it, that warwould fuck with anyone’s head, right?) .
I like a bit of aslow burn, but not too much, because I get damn antsy (I’m like “ COME ON KISSalready!!!!! Let’s get to the good stuff, you know you wanna shag boys!”).  I like when they must work together towardssomething and become friends in the process. And there’s GOT to be BANTER!!!!ALL THE BANTER!!! Draco is a SNARKY GIT, and Harry SNAPS BACK and I must seethat. But of course, it’s got to be flirty banter, you know, lol.
And always I need a happy ending. I can’t do MCD. I likeseeing them with kids together, and things like that too. It’s nice.
Tropes that I love are basically all of them, really. I’m down for reading anything, pretty much. (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡
Enemies to friends to lovers
Professors Drarry
Work Partners
Living in the Muggle world
Randommeeting/Getting Reacquainted/Dating
Fake Dating
Harry “saves” Draco
Draco “saves” Harry
Hogwarts Eighth year
Hmmm, Head cannons Post-War… Those are tough (you know I’mnot a writer, right?) LOL
Many fics have Harry going the Auror route, which is OK. Ilike seeing him doing something else, though. When he goes the Auror, thenProfessor at Hogwarts route, that I like. Especially when Draco Is also aProfessor.
I love Harry doing things with kids. I think he’d be veryactive in Teddy’s life, if not actively raising him.
I like to think Harry retained his ability to speak parseltongue.I think he have a pet snake. Or have friendly snakes in his garden. (This of coursedrives Draco crazy when he finds out! Whoot parseltongue kink, heehee!)
I love Harry with tattoos! I think he’d get a few memorialtattoos for his family. Lilies, a stag, the Sirius constellation or a blackdog, a wolf, probably a phoenix, a sock for Dobby… and later the Dracoconstellation, or a dragon…
Harry would have a dog, lol and probably other pets…
I also HC that Grimmauld Place is magic, too, and eventuallywith Draco’s help, comes to accept Harry, and not be so, well, grim…
Draco…Gosh… I have a lot of thoughts but not enough time,lol
Draco could do or be so many things…but like I said above, Ilike Professor Draco. Teaching Potions, or even Transfiguration…
He got some mind healing, but in France after school. I likea Draco that is at least on his way to healing . (But if somebody wrote me afic, Hey, I’m open to ALL THE TROPES,LOL)
He does his best to not be seen like his Father was. Thoughhe still retains his snark.
He keeps in touch with Pansy, and Blaise, no matter wherethey end up in the world.
He didn’t have to go far to convince his mother that he wasnever going to be “the Perfect Malfoy Heir” that his father wanted.
He completely refurbished the Manor.
He uses Arithmancy to control his family’s investments, sothat even though the Ministry took reparations, their vaults came back quickly.And he invests in Muggle businesses as well as Wizarding. One of his first investmentswas in Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. After apologizing to the entire Weasleyfamily, obviously. Some were a hard sell, but he got through, eventually ( withHarry’s help).
Draco covers his dark mark with a full sleeve of flowers,that include narcissus, and lilies.
I see Draco and Harry eventually becoming the Wizardingworld’s power couple. They help make a lot of changes in the wizarding laws, aswell as Wizarding fashion (thanks to Draco & Pansy).
Wow, this got longer than I intended… IDK if it answeredeverything, and these certainly aren’t all my HC’s, but just a few.
Thank you so  much forthis, darling! xoxo (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。❤🧡💛💚💙💜
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karinachenportfolio · 7 years
Day 13: Innovating Worldwide Nutrition.
August 1st, 2017.
Professor Mr. Julian Wood:
Today, we didn’t actually had class because is the english week and the selected group (my group) is going to present our power point about “Innovating worlwide nutrition” so I brought my boyfriend Ken (the handsome chinese guy that you met) to see the presentation. 
At the beginning it was a little bit confusing of where was going to be the presentation but we ended up at our classroom on the first floor, 108. We waited from 11:30a.m to 12p.m for some teachers and people from the english department. It was quite a lot of people (well, at least I expected less people heehee)
My classmate, Rolando Herrera began talking about what we have done through the quarterly period, what have we learned, and so on. Afterwards, my group began presenting our power point. Lina began talking about the situation in Panama, the high rate of obesity in Panama and some of the factors that cause them. Later I, Karina Chen talked about Japan, the country with one of the highest healthy life expectancy. Following my classmate Shivani talked about the way of eating in Australia and so is my classmate Andrea talked about Italy. 
Everything turned out great just as I expected to be and also i’m very happy that my group was the chosen one to present this masterpiece presentation. Thank you teacher for everything.
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3 Klp:
be patient and know everything will turn out great.
trust on the teacher’s decision.
my boyfriend loves me enough to go out from work to see me give my speech.
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karinachenportfolio · 7 years
Day 11: Trip to “King’s College School” in Clayton.
June 20th, 2017.
Professor Mr. Julian Wood:
Today, we had our first and last trip to a British School in Panama located in Clayton.
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When we arrived to the school, Mrs. Vanessa (picture below) gave us a warm welcome to the King’s college school. 
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In this school, is divided into three key stages which is KS1, KS2, KS3. They have around 33 nationalities students in the entire school. On their curriculum, the subject  “the personal social education” is included which talks about health education overall, for socially, emotionally and physicologicaly. 
Afterwards, Ms. Mafe talked to us about the benefits of nutrition in a British school, they told us that all the students have a very balance diet. They incorporate all the three macros (carbs, proteins and good fats) on their daily meal. Per weeks, they eat 2 times chicken, once pork, once meat and once fish or sea food; some carbs and they have a salad bar so they could serve themselves. They have in their eating room, a purple chart that is called “cuadro de necesidades especiales alimenticias” which means “board for kids who have a special eating treatment” 
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In this chart, they put pictures of students who have allergies for certain food so the chefs and the people who serve the food have to be careful if certain ingredient of the meal might cause an allergy for the student.
For some students, due to religious belief cannot eat pork, nor red meat on some days such as tuesday and thursday, this special treatment are applied for students who have “Ahir” as a last name.
And in some extreme cases, the chef prepare special meal just for one single student.
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The school provides food so:
They control allergies
Avoid bullying between kids
And... also, the only sauce that the kids could use is ketchup, but only when there’s chips aka (also known as) french fries. 
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Each class have around 20-25 mins to eat.
It is a rule that kids cannot bring sweet nor cakes to the school to prevent bullying or any other problems between kids. They also have a poster in the hall about anti-bullying.
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The chef of the school, Juan Francisco Miranda is the one who sets the menu and the budget. He also talked to us about how they manage a budget with healthy meal without costing too much. 
For him, hygiene and health or sanitation in food are the north that he follow.
He mentioned to us the condiments that he mostly use which are the garlic, salt, coriander and onion. He also told us on which distribuitor he gets their meat and vegetables from... 
The chicken from “ melo”
red meat from “carnes de coclí”
vegetables from fresh box
canned, processed foods from “tagaropulos” and frigoservice
and they also contact a cleaning service which is “italquímica”
The leftovers they have does not leave it on the fridge for more than 3 days.
Before leaving, we took a picture of the entire class so here it is. By our amazing teacher Julian Wood Photography heehee.
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Ms. Mafe also took us some pictures (I found these two pictures on their twitter account @KC_Panama).
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Thank you teacher for taking us all to meet the one and only British School in Panama.  Karina Chen. 2017.
3 Klp: 
Chart of special treatment for some students.
Hygiene and Sanitation is the north that we should all follow being at a kitchen. 
We should not keep leftovers in the fridge for more than three days.
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