overandunderland · 1 month
Abandoning Your Post.
(this isn't a part of sotw just thought it'd be cute to write a little what this context to this picture could be, I have no idea what @mindifirelax has planned, I'm just having fun lol)
"Its gotta feel good right, a job well done?"
"The job is never done, I'm afraid. We may have succeeded in recovery. But she will not let this stand. I know My Queen well, she must have answers."
"Y'think ion know that, I stopped thinking about our time frame a long time ago. Way I see it, I'm here till I'm not. Just would have been nice for him to say something."
Owen absentmindedly leaned back against the Archers tall frame. He felt him tense for a moment, before relaxing. It wasn't like the celebration lended much to lean against, besides, it was a good vantage point to keep an eye on the warrior. It wasn't really his fault, he doubted Gregor had much choice over a time frame. He might as well settle the notion in his mind.
Gregor's eyes had nearly shut his smile was so wide. He and Luxa spun around, dancing to the upbeat pattering of the hand drums and shaking of their makeshift instruments. Newly freed servants celebrating their independence with dancing and hollering! Gregor wrapped his free hand around Luxa's waist, her hand going to his back as they pressed their foreheads together, laughing as they playfully navigated the dancefloor in near unity.
A grunt was heard behind him, as Owen felt the archer settle his chin in his curls. Owen shoulders bobbed once in a short silent nasal exhale of amusement. Surely, his hair hadn't provided that much of an obstacle? But he could tell that Aiden wasn't pleased with what he was seeing.
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"Oh come aaawn, it's a dance, you're acting like he's proposing."
"It starts with a dance—"
"—in their case a slap."
"IN no time I'm watching over 3 half lander children, not including Hazard."
"Ok, I seriously think you have Gregor pegged all wrong. Dudes a fumbling mess when he's around her. I doubt That is anywhere in the forefront of his mind. Let them be happy, is that too much to ask? We all deserve some happiness, right?"
Owen shifted his head, resting against Aiden's collarbone. It was strange how it felt, how settled he had become against his body. It felt as if Aiden had done everything in his power to keep him comfortable like this. There wasn't any resistance, things felt—natural. Aiden slowly coursed his arms around the boys waist, hands resting on his stomach. Leaning slightly downward to the Seekers ear.
"In our line of work...we sacrifice. I—I would like to be...happy." he admitted. "Even if for a moment.."
Owen couldn't tell if it was the pounding of the drums that rang in his chest or if it was in fact his heart. He shifted his head again, looking down at the ring of arms he had found himself in. It felt possessive, a call requiring response. It was a feeling seeking affirmation, his feeling, theirs. But he couldn't react, it had felt unfamiliar yet nostalgic. It was as if he had always been in the Archers grasp. A feeling that should have spelled danger, spelled a feeling that even now dared to be fleeting.
"Wouldn't you?" Aiden asked, his voice silken, and warm with intent.
Owen let out another nasal exhale of a laugh. With a shake of his head, he reached up, Lacing his fingers in the archers, lightly prying his arms off of him, he lifted away, their fingers slowly slipping apart as he looked over his shoulder. Aiden's face had softened, eyes carrying a embarrassingly obvious look of loss.
"Where are you—"
"She's got both her bonds, her boyfriend, and people who currently think she's Joan of Arc. I'm gonna go find my happiness on a shitty tavern cot." Owen replied as he finally let go of Aiden's hand.
The Archer watched as Owen slowly began to walk away from the party towards the tavern. His eyes seemed glued to Owens back, narrowed with a focused newfound—
"Damn it." He muttered under his breath.
He glanced back to the crowd, watching his queen happier than ever. For the first time in his life, he felt torn. As if he was watching sand falling in an hourglass. His breath felt short, his chest and cheeks felt warm. Yet his stomach felt cold, and shaky. His eyes scanned the crowd, spotting their guide stuffing his face with immense effort. Glancing back to the direction of the tavern he noticed Owen had stopped. The boy wore a face he couldn't quite place, but it nearly took the air from his lungs. It was expectant, almost demanding in its hopefulness.
For a moment they stared at each other, a moment for Aiden to try to decipher Owen's demeanor. A moment for Owen to solidify his intention. Eventually, Owen offered a small nonchalant shrug before continuing to walk away.
Only a few moments passed before Aidan let out a frustrated groan, a final glance at Luxa, as if the apology on his face could be felt.
Before he swiftly turned on his heel, and followed The Seeker.
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ruth-odyssey · 2 months
༺✩༻ Taking what's not yours
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theodore nott x fem!reader
wc. 1.5k 
summary: in which reader has a bad habit of taking her boyfriend's things.
tw. reader is a Gryffindor, some italien pet names
a/n. I genuinely have no idea how far from the Gryffindor common room the astronomy tower is soooo….
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“Where in the world are you going at this hour?” You turn around, bag over your shoulder and a blanket in hand. Ron, Harry and Hermione are sitting around a table in the common room, Harry is looking at you clearly confused, eyes darting between you and blanket. “I'm going to the astronomy tower, I've got to finish up my star map for Trelawney.” Ron raises his head, looking at you as if the prospect of actually taking Trelawney’s homeworks seriously – which you had to do since you cannot bullshit your way through a star map – was unfathomable.
“We don't need to go to the astronomy tower for that homework?” Narrowing your eyes at Ron, you deadpan. “The homework is to draw a star map, meaning you have to see the stars Ronald. Unlike you two I won't settle for less than an A.” Harry snorts at that, clearly not caring one bit about said homework. He smiles at you, eyeing your blanket. “Where did you get that blanket from?  I don't think I’ve ever seen this one before.” You glance at said blanket, the soft, fuzzy fabric already warming up your hand. “It’s – You knit your eyebrows, trying to come up with something. – it's kind of old so I don't use it much? Yeah that's why I’ve never seen it before.” You add more confidently. Hermione looks up from her own work, offering you a tired smile. “I think it's great that you’re putting in the work.” She glares at the two boys at that – while Hermione still thought that the study of divination was absolutely ridiculous, she didn't like how easily Harry and Ron would fake their way through their work (usually by predicting their own death) – You roll your eyes, heading towards the portrait. “I'll see you guys later!” You exit the common room, and start making your way to the astronomy tower. 
Okay, maybe you should have brought something warmer. You’re currently freezing your ass off in the astronomy tower, your divination homework already done, sitting on your laps, forgotten. Trying to concentrate on anything but the biting cold brought by the late october night, your ears fail to pick up the sound of footsteps. You snap your head towards the stairs, the sound of someone tripping and cursing bringing you back to reality. You get up as a figure appears. “Theo!” You smile and run up to him, finding comfort – and warmth – in his embrace. Your nose is filled with the smell of his cologne. “I'm sorry I'm late Bella, Draco and Mattheo keep asking me for help with the Arithmetic homeworks.” He apologizes, deep voice softer than usual, a tone he only uses with you. You leave his embrace, just enough to get a look at his face. The moonlight illuminating his features, green eyes, staring at you lovingly. His gaze travels from your face to the rest of your body. He smiles, taking in the blanket on your shoulder. “I was looking for that.” He says, his finger grazing the soft fabric of the blanket. You smile letting out a soft laugh. “Yeah Harry was wondering where I got it from.” “Cara mia you need to be more cautious, you did the same thing last week with my sweater. At this rate, your friends will soon find out about us.” As much as you loved your friends, you couldn't bring yourself to tell them about you and Theo. You simply couldn't tell Harry and Ron since they are convinced every single Slythrin are pure evil and with Hermione, – who you knew would be the most understanding – you had tried, only for her to tell you Draco had called her a mudblood yet again on the day you had planned to tell her. Theo’s hand finds your face, finger softly grazing your cheek. “Are you alright?” You nod, silently pulling his hand to sit down. 
He sits down beside you, one arm around your waist, the other inside his pocket due to the biting cold. Man, I wish I had pockets right now. You flex your fingers, desperately trying to warm them up, when an idea pops into your head. You discreetly stuff your hands in Theo’s pocket, cuddling further into him. Theo raises an eyebrow as you shove your hands in his pockets. “What are you doing, trying to steal my pockets now?” He teases, you send him a scandalized look, a smile teasing the corner of your lips. “Stealing???! I’ll have you know I am simply borrowing it, since I’m cold!” Theo smiles, looking up at the sky. “Semantics… – he pauses and looks at you – So what are you gonna steal from me next? You’ve already got my heart, my blanket, my pocket… what's next on the list.” “Your family name.” Theo’s eyes widened a bit, clearly caught off guard by your answer. He quickly regained his composure, a smirk on his face. “I’ll be happy to oblige when we graduate cara mia.” You smile and he leans in, your lips meeting in a tender kiss, gentle and sweet, like the first snowfall of winter. Pulling away, you rest your head against his shoulder, content to spend some time with your boyfriend. Suddenly, Theo's head snapped to the side. You raise your head to look at him confused when he puts a finger over his lips. There. It's unmistakable; someone is coming up the stairs to the astronomy tower. Your eyes widen and you look at Theo, panicked. Could it be Filch? Or maybe a student? He silently gestures for you to get up and follow him. The both of you somehow manage to make it down, only to find Filch and Norris, blocking the very staircase leading to the Gryffindor common room. You turn to Theo who's been surveying the staircase, as if staring would make Filch leave faster. “What do we do, it's already late.” Theo’s eyes meet yours. “You could come to the Slytherin common room with me.” You open your mouth to protest but he stops you. “I’ve got my own room. You can sleep with me tonight and tomorrow I'll sneak you out early.” Thinking about it for a bit you nod – while you were still anxious about the whole thing there was absolutely no way in hell you’d pass up the opportunity to sleep with your boyfriend. – “Okay fine, let's go.” 
Theeo’s room is exactly how you imagined it would be. Chaotic but at the same time organized, papers and discarded cups of coffee on his desk and stacks of books next to his bed. You remove your Gryffindor robes in favor of one of Theo’s t-shirts and slide beneath the soft, warm sheets. You sigh as Theo lays down behind you, his arm finding your waist. He places a kiss on the crown of your hair whispering a small good night. 
You wake up a few hours later. It's been a while since you’ve slept that well. You hear Theo shift behind you, his hand lazily draped over your waist. Letting out a deep breath, you shift your head slightly looking at the clock next to the bed. 8:35…. 8:35???!!!!! You bolted upright, the realization hitting like a bucket of ice water. You were late. Very late. “THEO, THEO WAKE UP!!!!” Theo let out a groan, shielding his eyes from the sun peaking through the curtains. You get out of bed, looking for your uniform. You enter the bathroom, quickly wash your face. Going back in the room, you rummage through your bag trying to find your mascara, concealer and some lip gloss, hoping none of your friends would question where you had spent the night. You glance at the bed where Theo is still half asleep. He opens his eyes a bit, just enough to look at you. “Cara mia what's going on?” “Theo, my love, it's currently – you look at the clock – 8:40, we are VERY late.” Theo’s eyes snap open. “WHAT.” He turns towards the clock, and groans, scrambling out of bed. He almost trips in his haste, putting on his pants and shirt. The both of you somehow manage to leave the Slytherin common room without being seen by anyone. Reaching the Great Hall, you give Theo a quick peck on the cheek, walking a little faster not to seem suspicious. You quickly make your way to the Gryffindor table, sitting next to Ron. Hermione looks up, smiling. She opens her mouth, eyes darting to your neck. You hold up a hand “Yes yes I know, I’m late, I’m sorry,” You grab a piece of toast, and serve yourself a cup of coffee, throwing a discreet glance at Theo, who’s currently talking with Draco. You make eye contact and his eyes linger on your neckline, he smirks and turns back to his conversation. You narrow your eyes, wondering what that was about. “Y/n?” You start buttering your toast. “Yes Hermione?” “Care to explain why in the name of Merlin you are wearing a Slytherin tie?”
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whorediaries-09 · 6 months
i‘m craving rom weasley smut and im so happy you’re taking requests!!😩
how about ron x girlfriend!reader having passionate and hottttttt sex in the kitchen one night while they’re visiting his family. they have to be quiet because one thing about their relationship is, that they’re almost never casting a quiet spell because it’s just so exciting if there’s a possibility of being caught🤭
just imagine her on the counter and him pounding her and it’s soooo hard to be quiet!! and apparently they weren’t really that quiet because the next morning fred says „how’d you two sleep?“ with suuuuuch a big smirk on his face👀
ughhhh i love this request so much ⭐❗ ron was actually my first fictional crush. hope you like this!
heaven and back;
pairing- ron weasley x reader warning(s)- 18+ content. (let me know if i should add more) a/n- it's like that one scene in where harry and ginny were caught kissing and george was like 'morning'-
little train
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' she went to heaven and back now everything is turning to black.'
the ache in your core began during dinner, when ron had been eating with one hand, and the other one buried deep into you. he slowly rubbed circles upon your clit, pumping his fingers in and out simultaneously. it made you squirm in your seat, and he surely enjoyed watching you hold back the pretty sounds from your mouth as you tired not to combust in front of his family and your friends.
but he had teased you, all through out dinner, 30 minutes of pure torture, just to leave you withering with anger and not make you finish. every time you'd feel the coil about to snap, you'd clench your thighs and the walls of your cunt and he would draw out his hand.
and by the look on his face, you could understand he did it on purpose. he enjoyed the game. two could play the game, you decided, so you changed into your 'night clothes' to join harry, ron and hermione for their usual conversation after dinner.
it was a soft silk night slip dress in burgundy. it was lined with black lace. it ended just above your knees. knowing molly wouldn't allow any of the girls to sleep along with the boys, you'd decided to wear the dress, to be a tease and take a little sweet revenge.
it had resulted in an awkward boner and a distraction to him. he sat painfully, the ache in his groin prominent, the bulge of his pants a few minutes away from being visible. he was too immersed in trying to hide his bulge that eve hermione beat him at chess. with an excuse of being tired, he called off the night, going to sleep.
you had thoroughly enjoyed the redness of his face and how visibly hot he was. if it weren't for going to bed, you were sure he'd turn into a tomato with steam rising from his ears.
but the ache in your core persisted, and try as hard you might, you couldn't get off yourself. so that's why you were awake in the middle of the night, dreaming of your boyfriend's fingers knuckles deep into you, as he wrecked your body, putting you away from the pain.
the ache travelled from your core to your throat, as you slowly gulped. you were thirsty. and the last jug of water was emptied by ginny. so you decided to be crawl down the kitchen, drink some water and sneak back right in.
initially, that had been your plan.
you surely didn't expect yourself to be sitting on the kitchen counter with ron's cock buried deep into your cunt as he pounds into you. he wraps your shaking thighs around his waist, letting him feel better, letting him go deeper.
'k-keep quiet,' he whispers into your ear. the slow sensuous way he speaks contrasts with the rough pace he wrecks you. you nod incoherently, burying your mouth into the crook of his neck, your mouth clasping onto the skin, trying to silent the moans that beg to be echo from your lips.
'just cast the s-shit- spell ron-' you say, as he removes your face from his neck, holding you by the throat. he presses onto your arteries slightly, letting the oxygen flow into your head admonish. he grins, pressing his sweaty temple against yours,
'no honey, what's the fun in that?'
the big pleading eyes of yours does nothing but turn him on further, as he rubs circles on your clit, making your toes curl and back arch. he hits your sweet spot just right, and paired with the the ruthless circles on your clit, the coil bubbles intensely within you, wrecking you slowly.
'f-fuck, so g-good. just there, ron please don't stop,' you scream, shame thrown out the window. he breathes you in, letting out a small gasp as your walls convulses around him.
'i don't fucking plan to stop,' he promises, chuckling darkly. you bite your lip, feeling the nerves tug your veins, the sensations colliding to create a beautiful ecstasy that bubbles within you, shimmying through every crevice of your body.
you scream his name, chained with obscene words as you release, the euphoria of the orgasm gripping you slowly, ruining you slowly. he releases himself deep inside you, his white hot orgasm painting your insides.
he brandishes your face with kisses, helping you off the counter and helping you clean up. with a final kiss on your cheek, he wishes you a goodnight as he descends to sleep.
the morning breeze is cool. your back still hurts from the weird juxtaposition you'd been last night, getting your brain fucked out by the one who has his arm over your shoulders, pulling you closer to his body.
he's warm, the result of wearing the jumper his mum had knitted him last christmas. his fingers are wrapped around his cup of freshly brewed tea. he sips on it slowly, letting the taste wander on his tastebuds, enjoying the silent peace.
it doesn't long though, when his older brother, fred shows up. he's chewing on a piece of bread, a big smile- no smirk on his face.
'what are ya so jolly about, this morning?' you ask, humming slowly. he stands beside ron, pressing his shoulder upon his.
'well good morning to you too. it's not a crime to be jolly now is it?' he winks. you chuckle.
'good morning, fred,' ron grumbles, rolling his eyes. fred's smirk deepens as he replies,
'good morning ickle ronniekins. how did the both you sleep?'
he knew.
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
hi 🥹🥹 idk if this is okay but can i request a os ( or a series if you think it’s worthy, you decide ! ) where lando and yn are exes and they meet during a party after soooo many years and they are still super angry at each other (no cheating because i read your rules but idk, maybe they broke up because of distance?? or lando wanted to focus on his career ??). Despite that, tension builds up and they end up having sex all night and then they confess they never forget each other and idk a lil happy ending?
a right person wrong time ex lovers to enemies to lovers again sort of idk ahahahahahah
love youuuuuu
I've been pretty away from things for the last two days and I'm sorry, but hoping to get back on track real soon
Verstappen reader
Warnings: light smut, fingering
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When you break up with someone you're still in love with, it sucks. It really fucking sucks. So much that it's easier to let yourself hate them than miss them.
It was years ago, but she still hated him. And seeing him on her television so often made her hate him more. It would have been easier if he hated her too, but he didn't. Her brother made sure she was aware of it.
She'd managed to avoid races, has done for years at this point. But Max was about to win his third championship, and he wanted her there for it.
So, he flew her out to Qatar.
For the entire race weekend, she ignored him. She ignored him with everything she had. Hiding out in the Red Bull garage, walking the other way whenever anybody dressed in orange came towards her.
But then Max won the goddamn championship. That wasn't what she was mad about. She was so fucking happy that her big brother had won the championship. She couldn't say no to going out partying with him.
Neither could Lando, either.
He didn't know she was going to be there, didn't know that she was even in the country. But, the moment his eyes met hers, fuck. He couldn't stop himself from striding over to her, drink in hand.
"Hey," he said, a little breathlessly. Well, she she looked incredibly fucking good.
Her hand reached out and struck his face. Lando held his cheek as he looked down at her. "What was that for?" He asked, but he knew. He knew how he had fucked up and he regretted it so much.
""Fuck you," she spat, stepping closer. But then she backed off to find her brother.
The night kept going on like this. They kept running into each other, dancing together for just a few minutes before she remembered who she was with and backed off.
Lando hadn't kissed her at the end of the night. He hadn't climbed into her lap as she sat in a booth (something she did to her). With her situated in his lap, hands on the back of his neck, she pressed her lips to his own.
"Fuck," he grunted against her lips as he grabbed her waist.
She whimpered and began trailing kisses down his neck. "Take me to your room, Lan," she whispered.
Her voice was so soft, how could he ever say no?
That was how she ended up in his hotel. Lando laid her on his bed, his hands touching her like he hadn't forgotten how. She moaned as he pulled down her underwear, his hands touching her thighs. Even this was better than anything she'd had in the years since they broke up.
"I've missed this," he whispered as his finger ran through her folds. She tossed her head back as he felt just how wet she was.
Fuck, he needed her now.
Lando dropped his trousers. He slowly and gently thrust his fingers into her, opening her up before he entered her.
It was like he was made to fill her. And he did, over and over again, until the sun shone through the window and light filled the room.
The new day came a new sense of clarity. She'd fucked her ex. Who the hell made the mistake of sleeping with their ex? She couldn't help but feel stupid as she looked at him, sleeping in the bed beside her. She'd missed him, so damn much.
But he was the one who didn't want her.
As she slipped out of the bed, a hand reached for her. "Don't go," he said. "Stay with me, please."
She couldn't stop herself from letting a sigh loose from her lips. "Why should I, Lan?" She couldn't stop the nickname from slipping out. "You don't want me, so why should I?"
He couldn't help but groan. "I do want you," he said.
She pulled away from him and gathered her clothes up from the floor. "Then start acting like it."
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poppadom0912 · 24 days
Hi, Would you make a Halstead!sister where she is a teen and have her very first boyfriend and when she decides to break up with him he hits her. She wants to hide it from her brothers but they found out anyway
Warnings: Abuse and violence, swearing, canon-typical injuries.
A/N: Okay, this fic will be the last one for a while and I mean it this time. Writing this was so random but I got sudden inspo when I found this half written soooo please do enjoy!!
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You swear that this wasn't supposed to get as bad as it did.
You were still in high school and it might've been your first boyfriend and it definitely took too many tries to convince your brothers to give you permission to date but somehow, you got it in the end.
Several times, both Jay and Will but mainly Jay, warned you of abusive, manipulative and toxic partners which you knew existed but never thought you would date someone as such.
Joey was nice at first. After inviting him over for dinner a few times, your brothers began to be more lenient towards him though they would never admit it aloud.
Yes, they were still quite wary considering you were both still young and in school but over the course of a few months, you were finally allowed to go on a date alone without them acting as chaperones.
Then, it came to your break up.
During school, you and your best friend found Joey and another girl in your year locking lips against her locker without any shame at all. It was there and then you decided that evening you were going to break it off with him.
The two of you met up in the school car park where he would usually drive you home but unbeknownst to him, you had different plans for that today.
You hated how he was acting so nonchalant, the biggest smile on his face when he noticed you walking up to his car. You felt sick, desperately wanting to smack that smirk off his face.
"Y/N! Baby, I missed you at lunch. Where-" Joey started, opening his arms to embrace you but was cut off.
"Don't call me baby." You said sharply, your tone showing you were being completely serious. "We're done Joey."
Joey blinked, tilting his head to the side in confusion before laughing. "Oh Y/N, you're hilarious! Come on, we're going to my house-"
Once again, you cut him off, harshly shoving his hand off your elbow. "No, I'm being serious Joey. We're breaking up."
His face immediately fell at your words. All of a sudden, with the flip of a switch, he changed completely. It was so fast that it started scaring you.
Before allowing him to get a word in, you turned around so you could walk away and go home on your own but you were held back. A hand was suddenly tightly gripping your wrist, pulling you back towards Joey.
"What the hell!?" You exclaimed, trying to rip your hand out of his but he wouldn't budge.
"Joey, you're hurting me. Let go." You said, trying to reason with him but nothing was working.
You tried to calm him down, Jay's voice in the back of your mind explaining step by step what to do in cases like this but you found yourself frozen, unable to defend yourself alike to how you were taught.
It was all so sudden. One moment you were angrily staring up at Joey and the next you were looking to your left, your right cheek burning as it tingled with numbness.
Both of you were shocked at his actions. Using his shock to your advantage, you pulled your wrist out of his hand, ignoring the burning sensation you felt and ran.
Unfortunately for you, it was a friday night and that meant both your older brothers were at home. Typically, on the weekends, you swapped and went to Will's before going back to Jay's for the weekdays. So that meant Will was at Jay's apartment to pick you up.
You were still breathing heavily as you entered the house, unintentionally slamming the front door shut as you came to your senses.
You were home. You were safe.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Jay shouted from the living room. He heard the door slam and was confused since he knew he specifically told you to never slam doors.
"Uh- yeah." You hesitated, licking your lips as you answered. "I'm, I'm good."
"You're red and sweaty- did you run all the way here?" Jay asked after a moment of studying you, taking note of your red cheeks and sweat collecting forehead.
"Yeah I did, I'm bursting for the toilet." You quickly thought of an excuse, lying about why you ran home.
Before he could reply, you dashed past him towards the bathroom to keep up with said lie.
"Hey Y/N-Oh..." Will words were lost as he watched you disappear as quick as he saw you.
"What's up with her?" Will asked, looking confusingly at Jay and down the hall where you disappeared.
"I'm not sure."
Joey went back to disturbing you as soon as monday came. The weekend seemingly getting on his nerves because he was buzzing monday morning to the point that you turned back around whenever you saw him.
But you could only run so far from him because at the end of the day as you waited for your best friend, he was grabbing you way too hard.
This process only repeated itself for the next two weeks, becoming almost routine where you only missed him for two days overall.
Three weeks since he first laid hands on you, you were now covered in an amalgamation of redness, bruises and finger-shaped marks.
Today though, today something changed.
It was friday, nearly a month since you broke up with Joey and you were walking to Med. Will was supposed to pick you up but his latest patient was causing problems and asked for you to walk to the hospital only ten minutes away.
So you and one of your friends who lived near that area walked together, departing as you reached the ED doors and she walked home.
As you waved her off, your smile bright and hurting still from how much both of you were laughing, you weren't paying too much attention to your surroundings. You didn't think there would be much danger outside a guarded ED but alas.
One second your waving your friend off and the next, your on your hands and knees on the floor. It happened so fast you couldn't comprehend what even occurred.
"What the-"
Someone harshly pulling you up stopped your trail of thought, their grip so tight that you couldn't focus on the burning in your palms and knees.
"Joey! Let me go you dickhead!" You shouted at the boy as soon as you looked up at the perpetrator.
Pulling your wrists from grasp, you grunted when his grip didn't let up, instead it did the opposite and tightened to the point that your hand was starting to go pale.
"Please Joey- Please just let me go and we can talk this out, I promise." You pleaded with him, eyes going glassy when he started pulling you away from the hospital entrance, panic finally setting in.
You tried pulling yourself away, heels digging into the ground to stop him but he was too strong, his height and build giving him an advantage along with being on the football team while you barely even participated in gym.
"Joey your hurting me-" You were cut off when he shoved you up against the wall head first and then repeatedly shoved your head back when you kept talking.
"Shut up bitch!" He almost screeched, hand on your forehead to prevent your head from moving, ensuring your eyes remained on him.
Your vision blurred, head banging with what felt like the worst headache in the universe. Your reply was simply a whine, no words possible due to the pain he inflicted.
His elbow was digging into your torso, your lungs and ribs restricted from any movement because of the pressure.
"J-Jo..." Everything of his increased, his grip, his shouts, the pain he caused.
Your breathing was taken away from you when he suddenly brought his fist to your torso repeatedly.
All of a sudden, he disappeared and you were falling, your legs unable to support you.
Before you could meet the ground, you were caught and being hauled into an embrace you hadn't felt in a decade. The familiar cologne one you bought with your own pocket money and a voice you'd known since birth.
"I've got you Y/N." Will whispered to you, cradling you gently in his arms.
"Ethan, you got him?" Will called out to his colleague but you were so out of it you couldn't see the other doctor.
"I'll handle him, get her inside." Ethan replied as he restrained Joey, his past military training helping him plenty.
The last thing you remembered was Will's reassuring words before everything went black.
"We have to wait for her to wake up to determine how bad the concussion is but besides that, she's okay." Will finished explaining to Jay the prognosis who arrived five minutes ago.
"She's also got old bruises." Jay finally looked up from your face to Will's, anguish clear on the latter's face. "This has been going on for a while now."
Jay was speechless.
He was at a crime scene when Will called him, something neither brother did when they knew the other was at work and despite trying to anticipate what was going to happen, he could never guess it would be this.
Will explained that he and Ethan were taking a quick breather outside together after the death of their last patient when they heard a man shouting and though they couldn't see you, Will easily recognised Joey.
While Ethan subdued Joey, Will wasted no time in getting you to safety and inside the ED where Connor treated you.
There would be no long lasting effects from any of the injuries but they were bound to stick around for a while and they would definitely hurt.
Will couldn't get it out of his memory - seeing your ex boyfriend continuously punching you with no remorse and almost strangling you with the death grip he had. Will saw it every time he blinked and felt like puking.
Jay had walked passed Joey when he entered the ED and to say he felt like throttling the boy was putting it very, very lightly.
But Jay had plans for little Joey, he was more than confident that Voight would let him have a few words with him later. Especially if it involved you - his boss seemed to have a weak spot whenever you were involved, everyone did.
"I need to find Goodwin and get off shift early, I'll be back." Will said. Maggie could only do so much for so long.
Jay hummed. "I've got her, she's not going anywhere don't worry."
Will hadn't been gone for long when you started coming back to. Jay was messaging Hailey, asking for updates on what they were doing with Joey when he felt your fingers twitch in his other available hand.
Jay waited patiently, forcing himself to let you take your time and not rush you just in case. Will mentioned a concussion that they weren't too sure on the extent on its damage.
Your whimpers had his heart in your control, a lump in his throat at you clearly in pain and his inability to cure and rid of all your ills.
Seeing your eyes, the colour so bright under the hospital lights and because of the fear you felt so vividly, Jay found himself unable to breath for a moment.
"Is he gone?" You whispered, voice hoarse as you squinted up at your older brother.
"Yes he is." Jay nodded, ignoring the burning that randomly enveloped his eyes and brushed your hair back with such a feather light touch that you didn't register the gesture. "He's never going to touch or bother you ever again, I promise."
The only response you could formulate was tears, the waterworks instant as soon as the words came out of Jay's mouth.
"Will and I will make sure nothing happens ever again, we promise."
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fictionalwh0ree · 9 months
Hi! May I please make a Billie request where Billie realizes she has a crush on her best friend and starts acting nervous and shy around her, and Billie decides to go live one day and fans are asking about reader since she's usually always around and Bil's like "guys she makes me nervous cause I think she's super pretty" and basically admits her crush? Thank you 🥹🤗
cocktail night- billie eilish
summary: you and billie became fast friends, but the celebrity lifestyle sometimes interferes with your plans. you two finally have a free night and decide to have a cocktail night. with alcohol flowing through her veins, billie can't help but confess her crush on you to the world.
word count: 1.4k
warnings: alcohol/drinking, mild swearing
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billie eilish was easily your favourite person in the world. despite having met only eight months ago, you guys had developed a bond unlike any other, spending any free time either of you had with each other. you knew you could spend every waking moment with her, and if you could, you definitely would. however, the celebrity lifestyles often clashed and while there were weeks were you could spend every day with each other, there were times where weeks would go by and you wouldn’t see each other. now was one of those dry spells where you hadn’t seen each other in about two weeks. you planned a little cocktail night together when you were both free. the idea had been your suggestion as the last couple of times you had seen your best friend, she had been acting strange. she was flustered and more quiet than usual. you blew it off as some weird way of coping with the stress and work that goes into writing and producing a new album, but thought that a couple cocktails might help loosen her up a little bit.
finally, the night arrived. you unlocked her door with the spare key she had given you and were immediately greeted by shark, who barked excitedly at seeing you. you bent down to pet him as billie ran down the stairs to meet you. with almost as much excitement as her puppy, she wrapped her arms around you in a hug while a large smile adorned her face. once she pulled away, you followed her to the kitchen.
“soooo, whats new?” she asked you.
“billie, we were on call just before i left the house,” you laughed before stuffing a couple chips in your mouth.
“but actually, this guy cut me off when i was driving and the guy behind me honked at me. i was so annoyed. the only thing that got me through the drive was reminding myself i would be drinking soon,” you vented.
“the thought of seeing me wasn’t enough to get you through the drive?” she joked, placing her hands over her heart dramatically.
“nope,” you smiled.
she kissed her teeth and looked away in fake annoyance, but the large smile on her face gave it away. she looked back over at you, your eyes locking, but only for a moment before hers dropped to the ground.
“i did miss you though, for real,” you affirmed.
“i missed you too,” she said.
“stop being so busy all the time,” billie joked.
“says you,” you laughed.
“you know, i think it would save you a lot of time if you had a muse to write about,” you joked, snagging a couple more chips.
“oh really? and who should my muse be?” she said, raising her eyebrow.
“me, duh,” you smiled.
“you’re already my muse,” she said, sending an exaggerated wink your way.
“aww, shut the fuck up,” you said, shoving her playfully.
“okay, come on lets get to drinking,” billie said, switching the subject.
you nodded in accordance and the two of you worked together, gathering everything you would need. as you prepared your cocktails, you downed a couple of shots each, leaving your prepared drinks, which were supposed to be somewhat aesthetic, a very ugly and delicious hot mess. you took your drinks into the living room and billie put on a movie. the two of you were already tipsy before having even taken a sip of your cocktail, and the movie had become background noise amongst your lively conversation.
before long, the two of you decided it was time to change into something more comfortable. thankfully, you had come prepared with matching christmas pj pants which you had bought earlier in the day. you told her to stay in her place, and she waited eagerly for you as you retrieved your bag. you pulled them out with a ‘ta da.’ she matched your energy, shrieking in excitement. she ran upstairs to get changed and as did you. once you were ready, you met her back in the living room, about to sit on the couch before the alcohol finally got to your bladder.
“i’m gonna go use the washroom quickly,” you told her.
she nodded, fidgeting with her phone. little did you know, she was going on live. the alcohol in her system making it seem like a good way to share your matching pyjama pants. she turned it on and within seconds, hundreds of thousands of people had joined. her live had just barely caught the end of your sentence, leading her fans to question where you were. the comments became flooded with comments along the lines of “is that y/n?” and “where’s y/n?”.
“yes guys, it is y/n,” billie smiled, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks as she slurred her words slightly.
“i came on here to show you guys our matching pj pants but she went to the washroom,” she continued.
her fans quickly picked up on the fact that she had been drinking and they had noticed the blush that got stronger with your mention.
“ouuuu she’s blushing,” one comment said.
“her cheeks r so red rn,” another one read.
“guyssss,” billie whined.
“who’s got you blushing like that 👀 👀” someone commented.
billie read it, mumbling the words slightly, before giggling.
“guys if i tell you this you can’t tell anyone okay?” she smiled, multiple fans agreeing and promising.
“y/n makes me nervous cause i think she's super pretty,” she confessed, giggling like a schoolgirl and throwing her phone. she shrieked into a nearby pillow, not fully recognizing what she had done. she picked up her phone hastily when she heard the bathroom door open. the comments were flooded with excitement and support from her fans, and of course, a lot of teasing as well.
“shhhhh, she’s coming back. remember the promise,” she said, turning back to see you a couple feet from the couch.
“what’re you up to?” you said skeptically.
“nothing,” she said innocently, widening her eyes at the camera to remind them to stay quiet.
“uh huh,” you laughed.
“i went on live to show everyone our matching pyjamas,” she said.
“well show them then,” you said.
she set her phone down against her empty cocktail glass and got up, standing next to you.
the two of you backed up until the camera captured you two fully donning your matching pants and white tank tops. she ran back to her phone and sat on the couch.
“why are you acting funny?” you smiled at her, tilting your head.
“i’m not,” she laughed.
“okay billie,” you laughed back.
you sat down next to her, setting your head down on her shoulder, causing her to blush again.
“my parents 😫😫😫,” someone commented.
“this is too cute,” another one read.
“billie u need to tell her,” one said.
“what’s up with your comments?” you asked billie, looking up at her.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, looking away.
you shook your head and looked back at the screen.
“billie said you made her nervous because she thinks you’re REALLY pretty,” a comment read.
you barely caught it as billie pulled the phone up above your face.
“you guys are snitches byeee” she said, ending the live hastily.
you sat up straight, looking at her in the eyes.
“i caught that, y’know?” you said.
“they weren’t supposed to say anything,” billie mumbled, a shy smile playing on her lips as her eyes locked on the couch cushion below her.
you laughed softly.
“so whats this about?” you asked gently, trying to coax her attention back to you.
“you read the comment,” she said, voice just above a whisper.
“say it,” you said, lifting her chin with your fingers, “tell me.”
she took a moment to meet your eyes, your faces now only inches apart as you leaned forward.
“i think you’re really pretty,” she whispered, “and i think i might like you, in more than a friend way.”
you finally leaned forward, linking your lips in a tender kiss. she leaned towards you and you leaned back until you were barely upright against the armrest. she pulled away for a moment, looking at you with a cheesy smile.
“you’re so stupid, y’know that?”
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justporo · 9 months
Astarion scenario/headcanon idea, how do you think he'd feel if he were to find out, after the fact, that he was Tavs first? can be a 'hey so, forgot to mention something...' or can be a slip of the tongue of a Tav who was maybe worried he'd think them too immature if he knew they were inexperienced
Firstly, let me apologise for letting this sit in my inbox for soooo long - I know it's been forever but I hope you will still like it.
So Astarion finds about that your first night together was your first...
Quite honestly Astarion might figure that out quite quickly, maybe not that it was really their fist time but certainly that Tav's rather inexperienced
Depending on when he finds that out and if he already has an inkling about that he's developing a whole lot of feelings for Tav, guilt would definitely kick in
Early on I guess he'd brush it off rather quickly, definitely not the first time that's happened
But let's assume it's later on and he already slowly realises that you're more to him than just a target for manipulation and a fling
Guilt - that's what's happening but then again he can't and he won't stop his advances - either because he's still very much dependent on Tav for his own survival or becase he's already head over heels (or an even more powerful mixture of both...)
He'll try and find some kind of awkward way too show Tav that it's not a bad thing
Although he might not yet be at a point where he can actually talk about this and the shame he feels because of that, he starts to make especially conscious efforts to take it slower with Tav
He double-checks with Tav what things are okay
And maybe through this it causes him to also be more conscious about what he himself is feeling, how his actions impact his own well-being and pleasure in the moment
Somehow it may become a lot of exploration for Astarion too because when was the last time he was actively thinking about these things?
At some point the topic will be definitely brought up for discussion, that's when Tav can reassure him that there was no need to feel guilty to begin with as much as Astarion reassured his partner that there was nothing to be ashamed of
That being said when you're more comfortable with all this (and maybe after some messes have been dealt with so you're both more free to explore), he'd definitely tease you to explore even further: what turns you on, what are definite no-gos
Astarion's eager to please and eager to teach and thus maybe learning a thing or two about himself too
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theorphicangel · 7 months
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author’s note: this man is making me SICK I need to write for him.
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- waits for you outside of your lecture or seminar room, somehow knows your timetable off by heart 🤨
- but he gets so gooey and happy inside at seeing your face light up at him when you spot him
- this man has got your snacks when you’re studying for finals, whatever you want or whatever you need, he has got it!
- and he knows how to calm you down if you get stressed out
“breathe with me, c’mon— in and out.”
- after your finals, he’ll treat you to a basket of all your favourite snacks, drinks and self care products to help you rewind
“m’so proud of you, okay? don’t forget that.”
- knows your coffee order by heart — you still get surprised when he buys a cup just for you and your favourite blueberry muffin
- saves you a seat at lectures if you take the same subject or saves a seat at the library too; a cosy spot where the two of you won’t be disturbed by satoru anyone
- very good listener when you’re ranting about your group work projects or your shitty professor who gave you a poor mark
“and she did nothing — absolutely nothing for the group project!”
“I can’t believe that, princess. drop her.”
- middle finger each and everytime satoru gags at the two of you kiss — not heavy PDA but just a lil kiss when you’re leaving for class and toru acts soooooo dramatic
“Ewwww get away from me, you freaks!”
- oh and best believe suguru is soooo quick to respond
“Where’s that girl you were fucking with last night? Jennifer, right?”
- for once that shuts satoru up.
- always knows how to motivate you if you ever want to quit
“don’t you want to prove that bitchy cousin of yours wrong?”
- You cheer up a little at the reminder, now motivated to get the grades you need
“atta’ girl.”
- if you do ever get a bad day every once in a while, he’s there, if you call him.
- the two of you don’t even have to do anything, just sitting in a comfortable silence with each other
- he makes you forget about your schedule and lectures deciding to dedicate a whole self care day for you even if it means eating a pile of shit and watching movies all day
- maybe he’d suggest a walk to clear your head in the fresh air, going to infamous route of your favourite restaurant and treating you to a dinner
- or take out is always an option if you don’t feel like being in a social setting
- you practically live at his dorm/apartment.
-clothes, accessories, your missing pens are always found at his place — you have to ignore satoru’s complaints that you guys are kicking him out as a roommate
- leaves post stick notes on your books and study materials, just little reminders to have a good day or to call him later
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no pls I swear I love toru here are his college bf! headcanons okay bye
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cinellieroll · 6 months
☆ random obey me headcanons part 3!
beelzebub, belphegor and solomon ♡
part one (lucifer, mammon and simeon)
part two (asmodeus, levi and barbatos)
part four (satan and diavolo)
cw: slight spoilers again if you haven't played the recent lessons
small note: thank you again for the likes and reblogs. also, happy 20 followers! yippeee :^D also sorry for the delay i was being silly the whole day so..yeah
☆ beelzebub:
- doesn't listen to music that much which is kinda weird like wdym you don't vibe to hard ass beats everytime you work out? on the bright side a cupid playing a harp melody does start playing in his head when he sees food
- some days his resting bitch face goes so hard you think he'll start biting your neck off if you even try to talk to him
- he does a lot of unintentional things it's actually so hilarious. like no he didn't mean to mindlessly draw an icecream on your hand and start licking it. it was an accident! he swears!
- when you cry he tries to cheer you up with jokes but it always end up being horrible because deep down he's panicking inside on what to say. the bitch starts saying "why did the chicken cross the road" jokes while watching you bawl your eyes out with snot bubbling out your nose
- so instead of the horrible jokes he decides to hug you instead while picking you up and gently sways you left to right <3 and during those situations he's willing to do anything you want. you want him to carry you to your room? gotcha. you want him to buy you food from hell's kitchen? he promises he won't eat it. (he actually didn't but you could see his drool staining the paper bag once he gives it to you)
- there was one point in his life where he was the smallest and fattest out of all the brothers when he was still younger. his older bros, especially mammon would always pinch and bite his cheeks because of how he looked <3
- watches hells kitchen while eating food from hells kitchen. mans obsessed with the show
- has dimples and an eye smile
- he likes it when he holds your hand and look at it from time to time. he just likes to see how big it is compared to yours.
☆ belphegor:
- doesn't really use his phone a lot and resorts to watching TV instead so he doesn't have to use his hands
- slept while candy was in his mouth and woke up choking once. safe to say lucifer banned candies for a whole month after that and everyone else was NOT happy.
- since he is the youngest out of all the brothers he's pretty spoiled in a way. he wants to be the one you hang out with the most and if he needs to pull out the moves just so you'll give him cuddles he won't think twice
- "what do you mean you have plans with asmo today? didn't you know? he ditched cooking duty last night and lucifer told me to do the job instead. i deserve your attention more than he does."
- he thought you were attractive the first time you two met
- takes reaction pics. it's mostly him in a dimly lit room with his eyebrow raised or replicating a funny photo of his brothers
- wasn't interested in shows like hells kitchen until he saw you and beel watching it. he occasionally watches drag race too
- during car rides or road trips he always has to be the one in the back just so he could lay down and sleep
- you can't rely on him for notes because it's always covered in drool when he sleeps in class. although he mostly never takes notes at all he just relies on stock knowledge and good memory
☆ solomon:
- he never caught up with the recent trends in the human world so you really had no one to relate or talk to about your favorite shows, songs, etc
- decided to catch up for you anyway. what a sweetie pie ^_^
- a tear rolled down his cheek when raphael confessed that he liked his cooking for the first time.
- when he's drunk he starts singing love songs and starts going on a ramble about how lonely he is when he isn't with you. and yes, his voice WILL crack.
- sometimes he points things with his lips it's SOOOO HOTTTT
- he gets sad when you get suspicious of him when he's doing a nice gesture for you. he's aware that everyone else think he's shady, and he is! but mc, he just wants to do something nice for you!
- he's an asshole and will constantly tease you especially if you guys are seated together in class. he'll write a note on your notebook saying something like "remember when you *insert embarrassing moment here* or will start writing something subtly flirty like "wanna come over after school?"
- he buys you a lot of expensive things out of nowhere. like there was no ocassion whatsoever but he gifted you the recent iphone like what?
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shaunashipman · 4 months
what gets me is that date scene was a literally under a minute long which isn’t a whole loft of time exactly of dissect the inner workings of their daddy issues. the minute they had, they used it to its full potential because we had:
- buck and tommy being casually domestic together on their date night in, which while nice, wasn’t like a super fancy thing and shows that this is probably a common occurrence for them. (especially when you see episode 9 and Bobby’s mention of buck going to visit tommy after the shift)
- buck telling tommy about his day, tommy making a joke about the dedicated hospital wing but recognizes that buck is not okay so he ASKS him pointedly how HE is
- buck shares the close relationship he has with bobby and this seems to be the first time they’re delving into that and so of course tommy wants to understand better, hence why he says “your dads alive”, buck replies exactly and tommy gets an understanding buck doesn’t have a great relationship with his father (also I have to add buck sharing how he sees bobby as a father with tommy is a big deal esp considering the buck bobby scene last episode where bobby tells buck tommys good for him soooo)
- tommy then shares his OWN experience after that, bounces off of what buck says to add to the conversation and open up to his boyfriend about his own past so he can get to know him better too. it was a moment where they were both vulnerable (the Gerard mention in particular i 100% believe is to set up an arc with tommy in season 8)
Now at this point there isn’t a whole lot of time left in the scene like maybe 20-25 seconds? they can exactly like I said sit there and examine and analyze their childhoods and their fathers so the tone switches to a more light hearted vibe because it would be weird to end it on a heavy note AND simultaneously it gives us more insight into their relationship
- buck suggestively says the daddy issues line which again, how anyone interpreted that as him wanting to continue a serious discussion is beyond me when again, the scene has hardly any time remaining
- tommy picks up the vibe he’s putting down and tells him he doesn’t have them (he clearly does have daddy issues so again, we know this isn’t about the actual trauma but about sex and what they both like/dislike )
- buck once again responds suggestively with the “you think I do”
- and then tommy with his infamous “God I hope so” - leaving buck giddy and smiling because he got exactly what he wanted
tdlr; We got domestic bucktommy, tommy backstory, both of them being vulnerable with each other, Tommy recognising he was not a good person in the past under Gerard, a set up for a tommy storyline with Gerard in some way for seaosn 8, bucktommy flirting, bucktommy matching each others freak and both very much enjoying it, bucktommy showing they can read each others moods like??? all for his in a scene that was under a minute
that scene was such a masterclass of Show Don't Tell. they had 55 seconds to get across how they're doing and where they are in the relationship and they did it. we can see that they're comfortable with each other; that they're okay with opening up about vulnerable topics but haven't had in-depth conversations on some, like buck and his parents; we can even see some of how they communicate, with tommy relating to buck's admission with similar thoughts of his own father and father-figure (something we've seen tommy do before, and is a lovely subtle showing of his personality); and then we get confirmation that yes, these two have fucked already, and are clearly compatible in that department too.
plus another sprinkle of foreshadowing with gerrard.
in 55 seconds.
that is called economy of time/space/whatever the rule is i can't remember rn. the show doesn't always get it, but when they do it is golden
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
threesome with sev and ran?
you sent this in 3 days ago, anon, and i've been having SOOOO. so sososo soooo many thoughts since then. this might all just be horny gibberish, i'm so worked up by this idea.
men and minors dni
i like all scenarios of how the three of you get together. i like the idea that you and sevika ask ran to join you; that the two of them are dating and pick you out in a crowd and seduce you; but most of all: i like the idea that sevika just kinda bullies her way into you and ran's relationship.
she likes you. she likes ran. the two of you are always making out at work in front of her, and she likes that an awful lot too.
one night as the three of you are hanging out and chatting after the last drop's closed, you in ran's lap, running your hands through their hair, sevika takes one big swig from the bottle of whiskey in front of her and decides to just go for it.
lightning fast, she reaches across the table separating you from her and grabs your collar, tugging you out of ran's lap and halfway over the table, planting a solid kiss on your lips.
you pull away with a shocked gasp, and behind you, you can feel ran rise.
"what the fuck was that se--mph!" ran's cut off when sevika pulls them across the table and kisses them just like she'd kissed you.
except, ran gets a little bit of tongue in their kiss, and you're confused to find yourself a little bit jealous. of sevika or ran, you don't quite know.
when they pull away, ran's lips are a little swollen, their cheeks are pink and their eyes are glossy. your stomach flips over at the sight, and then you look across the table at sevika.
she's smiling, her eyes darting between you and your partner, a dark, predatory look in her eye. "so... do you two wanna head back to my place? i've got a big enough bed for the three of us."
ran's eyes dart to yours, half panicked, half horny. you bite back a giggle, still trying to wrap your mind around the situation, then hold one finger up at sevika and tug ran out of the little nook your table's in.
"do you wan--" you both start at the same moment. you burst into giggles, and ran darts forward to kiss you.
"i mean, you're always talkin' about her arms." ran says. you giggle.
"oh, please, you were the one who was waxing poetic about her ass the other day!"
"baby, you should've seen it! she's always wearing that damn cape but i'm telling you--"
you cut ran off with another quick kiss, snorting. "why don't we just take her home and i can see for myself?" you ask. ran grins.
"...wanna see if we can make her beg? she's always bossin' us around, i wanna boss her a bit too." ran whispers. you grin.
"see, this is why i love you." you giggle.
the walk to sevika's is quick, spent groping and sneaking quick kisses. when you get to her place, she offers to give you a tour, only for ran to laugh in her face and drag her by the collar toward the bed.
you follow behind, giddily.
ran pushes sevika to sit on the edge of the bed, giving her a nice, sloppy kiss before pulling away and looking at you for direction. you chuckle.
"c'mere." you whisper. ran's by your side in an instant, their hand around your waist as you study sevika where she squirms on her bed. ran starts kissing down your neck, and you giggle as you speak. "you wanna play a game?" you whisper.
"yesh." ran mumbles against your neck. you snort and elbow them, then wait for sevika, the one you asked, to answer.
"fuck yes." she says, nodding and licking her lips. you giggle and nod.
"here're the rules. i ask you a question, and if you answer truthfully, i let ran give you a reward." you offer. "and then, it's ran's turn to ask the question, and i get to reward you."
"fuck. yes." sevika nods eagerly. you giggle.
"okay. how long have you wanted to fuck us?" you ask.
sevika squirms a bit in her seat. ran chuckles against your neck.
"weak ass question."
"fuck off, you'll get your turn."
"since i walked in on you two fuckin' in silco's office." sevika's voice cuts in. "couldn't get it outta my head. then i started thinkin' about you guys fuckin' in my office and..." she trails off. ran giggles, nips your neck, then approaches sevika on the bed.
they trail their fingers up her flesh arm, across her shoulder, down her chest and between her breasts, fiddling with the button of her shirt. sevika nods, and ran grins, their metal finger slicing through the clasps easily. you bite your lip as sevika's chest is revealed to you. "no bra?" ran teases. sevika huffs.
"that's my reward?"
ran doesn't answer. instead, they reach forward and pinch sevika's nipple between their fingers. sevika squeaks and smacks ran's hand, blushing as you laugh at her.
"she's pretty, isn't she?" ran asks under their breath. sevika gulps, her eyes darting up and down your body where you stand, and she nods. "tell me how you think about fuckin' her."
you whimper. ran grins evilly, and sevika's eyes go dark at the sound. you wait for a moment, eager to hear her words, in love with your partner for knowing just what to ask her to get you going.
"fuck. i wanna get my strap inside her. wanna sit her on my face and eat her out til she's shak--"
you can't stop yourself from stepping forward, pushing ran out of your way, and sweeping sevika up in a hot kiss as you straddle her lap.
her hands land on your ass, squeezing, and your fingers sink in her hair as you start to grind on her. ran snorts, then pulls their shirt and bra off beside the two of you.
you push sevika down so she's flat on the bed, and ran stops you with a hand before you can follow her with your mouth. you huff, sitting up on her crotch to study her as your partner climbs on the bed beside her. "your turn to ask a question, baby." ran reminds you.
"you wanna eat my pussy, sev?" you ask. she grins up at you, licking her lips and nodding. your eyes flick to ran.
they shrug. "sure, go for it. she can get you nice 'n wet for my strap, then i'll show sevika how loud i can make you." they tease. your thighs quiver a bit at the threat of ran's strap, but you scoff at their tease, looking back down at sevika as you start to strip your shirt off.
"they act like they're not the one that squirts the second i get my tongue in 'em." you mumble. sevika whines pathetically, grinding her hips up against you at your words.
"fuck off!" ran growls from where they're stripping and searching for their strap. you just giggle.
"i-i wanna see." sevika mumbles. you chuckle.
"which do you wanna see more? my cunt in your face or ran squirtin'?" you ask as you shimmy out of your pants. sevika whines again.
"fuck-fuck, i dunno- i can't--"
"she's so worked up already." ran giggles as they crawl back on the bed, their strap bobbing between their legs. besides sevika's pants, you're all naked now. "anybody ever told you you're cute, sev?" ran asks.
she growls up at them. you chuckle, tug her hair, and straddle her face. sevika's grimace melts, her wide eyes blinking up at you as she waits for you to descend.
"you are cute, sev." you whisper down at her. she scrunches her nose and you tug her hair, getting her to listen. "bet you'll look even cuter when you're beggin' to cum."
sevika scoffs. "i don't beg."
"not yet, but once you had a taste'a my girl's cunt you'll be crying for it." ran says. you pull them in for a quick kiss, biting their lip and tugging their pierced nipple. they shiver.
sevika clears her throat under you. you just chuckle and sit your cunt down on her mouth.
you both groan at the same time. sevika at the taste of you, you at the feeling of her mouth. you sink forward into ran as sevika reaches up and grips your hips, keeping her face buried in your cunt.
"fuck!" you whine. ran chuckles.
"feel good?" you nod against them. sevika's finger sink deeper into your flesh.
"shit, sev, if i'd known you were such a slut i woulda sat on your face to shut you up years ago." you whine. ran laughs aloud, and sevika smacks your ass in retaliation. you whimper.
"she any good?" ran asks, their thumbs gently rubbing circles in your hips. you nod, gasping. they chuckle. "better than me?" you giggle.
"dunno. might need a side by side comparison." you tease.
you expect ran to laugh, not for them to grunt and push you clean off sevika's face, diving down to bury their face between your spread legs before sevika can even sit up on the bed.
you squeal. ran's lips suck your clit up in a kiss, and they start eating you out like they're starved. "what the fuck?" sevika groans from the foot of the bed. you half laugh half moan.
sevika's figure looms behind ran where they're between your legs. you smile up at her, reaching up to gently pinch one of her hard nipples. sevika pouts down at you and pinches ran's ass.
"selfish fucker, i was enjoying myself." she grunts. ran pushes their ass against her palm, and she grins as she starts palming it.
as ran starts to work their tongue into you, sevika starts to grind her clothed crotch against ran's ass. the little grunts the two of them are letting out are like music to your ears, and you can feel yourself getting close to your first orgasm.
"fuck, sev, play with their clit." you whine out. you can tell sevika follows your instructions when ran jolts against you, whimpering. you grin down at them, threading your hand through their choppy bangs and blowing them a kiss. they wink from between your legs. "gonna show sev how you squirt, baby?"
sevika groans. ran pulls away from your cunt with a gasp, then grins at you salaciously. "only if you let me show her how you cum on my cock." they say.
"fuckin' deal, baby." you giggle.
"this is the best night of my fuckin' life." sevika mutters. you and ran burst into giggles.
it takes no time at all for you to cum.
you can hear the squelch of ran's cunt when sevika sinks a finger inside them, and the subsequent squelches that follow as she starts to fuck them harder and harder.
"you're dripping." sevika gasps. you grin up at her.
"hot, right?" you squeak out between your moans. sevika nods.
ran's struggling between the two of you, trying to simultaneously press closer to your cunt and toward sevika's fingers. and when their teeth graze against your clit, just as sevika smacks their ass, you fall apart with a loud whine.
"oh fuck!" you cry, twitching against ran's mouth. they're grunting against you, and the moment you go limp they pull up to gasp.
sevika reaches forward and hooks her arm around ran's neck, pulling them up to rest their weight against her chest as she continues to pump her fingers in and out of their cunt.
ran's flushed pink all the way down to their tits, their face is covered in your cum, and you nearly cum again at the sight of their blissed out expression as they try to capture sevika's lips in a messy kiss. sevika whimpers as she licks your cum off their face.
"fuck, sev, i--" ran cuts themself off. you giggle, knowing what it means but wanting to watch them struggle a little more.
"what?" sevika asks. you chuckle.
"i, fuck, you-- fuck!"
when ran gets close to cumming, their every other word becomes fuck. you chuckle, reaching forward to fiddle with their swollen clit under their strap while sevika's fingers ram into them from behind.
"fuck!" ran squeals.
"pull your fingers out, sev." you whisper. she nods.
ran cums. with each flick of your thumb over their clit, a little spurt of cum splashes down on you and the bed below you.
sevika growls at the sight, sinking her teeth into ran's neck. they whimper. then, both of them collapse on the bed beside you.
for a few minutes, the three of you are just catching your breath. you speak first.
"by my count, everyone's had an orgasm except you." you say, smacking sevika's shoulder. she giggles.
"mmm... she still hasn't begged for it either." ran mumbles against your neck. you snort. ran kisses up your neck, then whispers into your ear. "lemme fuck you?"
you groan, nodding. "what about sevika?" you whine. sevika nods along with you.
"yeah, what about sevika?" she asks. you giggle.
"sevika can sit there and watch you look pretty until she decides she's nice enough to ask to pretty please sit on this sexy face of yours." ran whispers against your lips.
you nod. beside you, sevika sputters. "what? no fuckin' way!" she whines. ran ignores her as they shuffle between your legs, pulling your thighs up over their hips. "wait, this isn't fair!" sevika whines. ran sinks into you in one smooth thrust, and you both shiver.
they bend down to kiss you as you adjust to the length of their strap, and sevika shuffles beside the two of you. you can hear her shed her pants, and both you and ran groan when you pull away and see sevika sitting naked beside the two of you, slowly rubbing her wet clit.
ran starts to fuck you, and you gasp. sevika's got her lower lip between her teeth, watching ran fuck you like she's watching a porno, and the thought only turns you on more.
shit, if sevika doesn't break soon, you might end up begging her to sit on your face.
luckily, ran's a genius.
"we did fuck in your office, sev." they grunt between their thrusts. you shiver around them, biting back a guilty giggle. sevika groans.
"fuck-- seriously?"
"when was it babe, three weeks ago?"
"thieram's birthday party." you mumble into ran's neck. they chuckle.
"shit, that's right. you were so busy playin' cards, 'n your office was empty--"
"ran came all over your desk chair." you gasp as their strap grazes your g-spot.
this seems to be sevika's last straw. she growls and launches forward to press her lips against ran's. you giggle, watching ran pull her away by her tiny pony tail and smile cockily at her.
"got somethin' you wanna ask my girl, sev?" ran asks. sevika's eyes flick to you where you're laying beneath them. ran snaps their hips hard, making you jolt on the bed.
"fuck..." she whispers. "please. please lemme sit on your face, i want you so bad, i wan' both of you so fuckin' bad i can't fuckin' handle it--"
ran raises an eyebrow at you, and you burst into giggles. who knew sevika'd be such a yapper?
"c'mere, hot stuff." you request. seivka wastes no time crawling over you and straddling your face, sinking her cunt down against your mouth.
you whimper. sevika tastes delicious, so good that you reach up to grab her hips and pull her closer to you. her clit is throbbing against you, her cunt is so wet it's sliding off your face, and you can feel her cunt let out little tiny spurts of cum each time you suck her clit.
you lose track of all time between sevika's thighs. with ran fucking you like they always do, and sevika whimpering and grinding down against your face, you're halfway convinced you've died at some point and gone to heaven.
you lose track of how many times you cum, too.
you can hear the smacking sounds of sevika and ran making out on top of you.
you can feel the tell-tale shudder of ran cumming inside you, then the renewed force they use to start fucking you again.
and then, sevika's thighs shake so hard you're worried she's siezing, and she cums with a loud "shit!"
you wake up the next morning in a pile of limbs, a strap-on poking you in the back, dried cum and drool and sweat covering your body. you're surprised to see sevika's let the two of you spend the night, as evident by the sunlight leaking into her room.
but then when you gather your senses, you realize that this threesome might actually become a throuple.
because ran's spooning you from behind, one arm thrown around your waist to hold not just you, but to hold sevika, who's tucked herself in your arms and is snoring happily.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352
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wordstome · 1 year
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Last night I did what I always do when I can’t fall asleep: think about fictional men. Here’s a list of wonderful stories written by incredibly talented people who have helped me think about fictional men by providing the most delicious playgrounds.
In the interest of keeping my recommendations brief, I'm going to talk about what I liked about the fic instead of summarizing what it's about. To know what it's actually about you're just gonna have to click through and read the fic <3
(and just in case anybody's gotten lost, this is all COD, mostly modern MW)
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✦ complete ║ ➠ ongoing
✦Just Friends by @kneelingshadowsalome Salome is so good at capturing a very unique interplay between König’s social awkwardness and his deep, dark, nasty inclinations. He’s so feral and enjoyable to read, and the sheer force of his desire for Engel is downright intoxicating. I find it difficult to describe how much of an impact Just Friends has had on me and my portrayal of König, to be honest. There's a reason why three of Salome's fics are on this rec list.
✦Fatum Nos Iungebit by kneelingshadowsalome Five words. König with his cock out. That's it. Okay, but in all seriousness, I love his character applied to this setting. All the raw visceral violence a König could ever want, a pretty little lady in his bed—he's so boyish and happy in this au it brings me such joy. The way their relationship between him and Fee develops is so natural and so sweet. Please for the love of God read this.
➠Cat/Mouse/Den by @papaver-decervicatus The chase. The pursuit. The adrenaline when Mouse dances out of König's reach once more. I'm a little biased because I adore Julius and Jenny (I could call her Lucretia but the double J names make me giggle) as ocs already, but CMD is so, so well written. The tension, the flirting, the scene where he catches her falling out of the tree?! As I said in a reblog, I shrieked. You know when you're reading something that's so good you want to bite down on it and shake like a dog with a toy? (No? Just me?) That's how I feel about CMD.
➠Anything by @darklordofthesimp Anything, in only 7 chapters (they are hefty, don’t get me wrong), has turned König and Birdy’s dynamic from “THIS MOTHERFUCKER HAS IRREVERSIBLY SCARRED MY BODY AND MY BRAIN, AND I CANNOT TRUST HIM” to “these two are going to get married someday”. (author if you’re reading this, I say that not as an expectation or prediction, but as a vibe reading.) This one is for the hurt/comfort girlies. Also, shoutout to all the other stories set in the Anything-verse. Sunshine and Ghost are just soooo *grips my hand in a fist so hard it shakes*
➠If you need to be mean by @gremlingottoosilly This mostly serves as a blanket recommendation for all of Gremlin’s fics. I found If you need to be mean, and then visiting Gremlin’s author page was like opening a treasure chest. Want to be König’s pampered, (unwilling) little housewife? That’s If you need to be mean. Want a harem fic with almost all of the COD MW men? Gremlin has two, both with their own little spin to keep it fun. Do you want König to keep you in his basement or hunt you down as a serial killer? Gremlin's got it. Monsterfucker? Gremlin has that too. Special shoutout goes to 1295 kilometers. I think about fucking König on a train a lot now.
➠Break my mind by @kaiasdevotion (kaiasown on ao3) There’s no way around this. This fic has the most unhinged, kinky, downright dangerous smut I’ve read in the cod fandom so far (positive). Just Friends König is the metric by which I judge all other Königs’ nastiness, and Break my mind König is tipping so hard on the “unhinged horny violent freak (affectionate)” end of the scale he’s about to fall off. I don't know if you guys have noticed, but I've developed a taste for writing/reading from König's perspective, and he's so chillingly deranged in the most controlled way possible during the chapters from his pov. Incredible writing. Chefs kiss.
✦Experimental by @uhohdad (surgeoninspace on ao3) Alright, enough of just König being nasty. He is still nasty in this one, but he’s not the only one who gets to have a little fun and be a total creep. Our little scientist here is a grade A pervert, and I was delighted the whole way through. The most important thing I need in a fic is suspension of disbelief, and Experimental takes an unrealistic, maybe a little bit silly situation and makes it so believable. Everybody reacts the way you would expect them to, even if the scenario they're in is A Lot.
➠Little Mouse and Rotes Madchen by @sprout-fics I'm combining the recommendation for these two because while they are both very much distinct, unique fics, I love them the same way. Sprout is such an engaging writer, and the internal dialogue of her characters is so well done. It reveals their personality, motivations, and internal conflicts without being overly expository. Do you guys remember that post I put on the König bible about instant obsession? It's this inexorable attraction borne from obsession that sticks me to Little Mouse like a glue trap. (Is that too morbid?)
✦Hot in Sarajevo by @50cal-fullauto Rags' König characterization post is on my Königcore bible, for very good reason. They get it. König is a feral dog forced to live as a man and loves like a total maniac, emotionally and sexually. I marked Hot in Sarajevo as complete but I don't know how many parts there are going to be, and frankly, I do want more. However, if you're going to only read one part (which. why would you do that??? read both.) I recommend the second part. I want to write love like that. Goddamn.
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Yeah, this list is a little bare bones right now. I'm gonna get back to it, I promise.
✦Anhedonia by kneelingshadowsalome The way. Salome takes the "I would take a bullet for him but he's so cold to me" premise and then flips it entirely on its head for the second part is so important to me. The way Simon craves the reader is like human catnip. I reread this fic all the time.
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✦For the Weak and Weary by @halcyone-of-the-sea Read this if you want to believe in true love. That's all. Go on now.
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✦Easy by @danibee33 When people say "I wish this were a book!" about fanfiction, they usually mean it in a "this is good enough to be published by the traditional publishing industry" way. When I say I want Easy (and Diablesa) to be a book, I mean it in a "I want to get this story bound in a beautiful ass cover and keep it on a shelf so I can take it down and reread it whenever I want" way. I don't want the traditional publishing industry to get their claws in this, because it's perfect as it is. This fic is so wild and fun, and the character moments are so special and well done. Do yourself a favor and savor this one.
➠@ghouljams's entire blog [masterlist] "What do you mean someone's entire blog" YOU HEARD ME. Those aus are some good shit. Good characterization, delicious premises, love the group effort of it all. To absolutely nobody's surprise, my favorite couple is König and Bee from the cowboy au (ditzy but well-meaning and competent in her own way woman x big strong man who is obsessed with her and maybe also creeping on her, my beloved), but I also have a fondness for Ghost and Die from demon darlings au. Trust me on this one. Dig into those masterlists babey.
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megamindsecretlair · 1 year
Girlll... i cant get outta my mind the idea of tyrone fkn his girl soo good and deep.. like it’s so emotionally relieving this nigga damn near givin out free therapy
her tearful eyes rolling back while she chants “where u been all my life”
They both sprunggg. and ofc tyrone’s smug ass is flattered & making it worse by hitting that spot over and over. Talking sweet but so dirty & taking over all her senses <33 oooh
A/N: Couldn't get this ask outta my mind so sorry to the ones that came before!! I guess I never updated ya'll. My bad LOL. I hadn't expected the last Tyrone fic to be the last before my vacation. I'm baack. But came back with a nasty cold. So I'm not sure when fics will resume full time, but this was too good to pass up! Thanks for trusting me with it, I hope I did it justice! I wanted it to be a drabble but just kept going. There's worst problems to have so I won't complain. Also, more apologies to the Tyrone asks. I've started Snowfall soooo Franklin Saint fics incoming! This taglist is getting so huge! Thank you! If you want to be added/removed, let me know! Make sure your ages are in your bios, I won't tag empty blogs.
Pairing: Tyrone x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Smut, PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (fem receiving), cum play, possession kink, size kink, all consensual. Praise kink. Use of n-word. FLUFF. Soft Tyrone.
Summary: *see ask* Date night turns a little steamy.
Word Count: 3,251k
Taglist: @planetblaque @dayjlovesromance @sevikasblackgf @melaninpov @amyhennessyhouse @henneseyhoe @honeyoriginalz @justheretostan @black-fairy3 @superhoeva @jarfulloftears @hereformiles @montysstuffs @westside-rot @blackerthings @blowmymbackout @euphoric05 @miyuhpapayuh @nicolexnight @8ttached @judymfmoody @wakandas-vibranium @soft-persephone @justabovewater20 @notapradagurl7 @mcotton0928 @soapjay @heyauntieeee
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There was no special occasion. The stars aligned for you to have a rare night with nothing to do. Tyrone didn’t have anywhere to be that night. He took you out to dinner and you had so much fun getting ready for him. 
You threw on the dress from the back of your closet that you had been saving. Took your time with your makeup and hair. The anticipation made it a treat. You had been out with Tyrone before, but tonight felt good. 
At dinner, conversation flowed naturally. It was easy and Tyrone made you laugh more than you had before. You laughed to the point that the other dinner patrons gave you scathing looks. But you and Tyrone only had eyes for each other.
It has always been like that between you two. Your eyes found each other across rooms or down the aisles in stores. Tyrone pretended to hate running errands with you. But you had a sneaking suspicion that he liked the domestic shit. He liked when something caught your eye and you’d run back to him bouncing on your toes, giving him puppy eyes, and asking him to buy things for you.
You hated asking for shit. He tried to break you of that habit. You still didn’t like it so you compromised with little shit you found in stores like fuzzy socks or a new stuffed toy. 
After dinner, Tyrone was in no hurry to rush you back home. Instead, he took you to the Venice pier and you walked along the boardwalk at sunset. The California sun was lazily slipping below the horizon and people were still trying to hawk their wares before it got too late and the cops came around. 
People skated in the park and other couples were walking along. The storefronts had people rushing in and out. Tyrone held your hand and listened to you babble about anything that popped into your head. The annoying neighbors, the yard needed fixing, your stupid ass coworkers. 
“One of these days, I’ma convince you to let me take care of you,” Tyrone said. He pulled you into him and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. This close to the beach, a chill spread from the breeze off of the ocean. 
“You already take care of me,” you said. Tyrone kissed your cheek. 
“More. I know you hate that job,” he said. 
And you did. You had been together for a while, but there were still some things you were too proud to accept. “Being taken care of” wasn’t in your vocabulary. You were learning. You needed more time. And Tyrone was content to wait…mostly. 
You looked up and found yourself on the long stretch of road in between Santa Monica and Venice. Under the pier, Tyrone stopped and slipped off his kicks. You took off your sandals and you trudged along the sandy beach until you were stepping into the icy water. Your feet sank into the wet sand and squished in between your toes.
Tyrone stepped behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He placed his chin on your shoulder and inhaled your sweet perfume. He kissed your neck. He stepped into you until no part of your backside didn’t touch his front. And you noticed that he was a little excited.
“I’m always excited around your sexy ass,” he whispered in your ear. 
You giggled and shook your head. It amazed you that you were still so needy for each other. You were needy for each other’s time, touch, and words. You stood and watched the horizon. 
Oranges, pinks, and purples meshed and collided to form a painting in the sky. The few seagulls flying around were trying to scavenge leftover food from asshole tourists and LA natives. The salty air was refreshing and cool.
“I want to give you the universe, baby,” he said with a sigh. 
You rubbed his hand around your waist. “You already give me so much,” you said.
Both of your tones were soft and wistful. This moment required a certain reverence for some reason. The joining of two people so madly in love that it hurt to contain it. On more than one occasion, you found yourself out of breath with how much you were in love with this man. 
“Sometimes I feel like it’s not enough,” he said. 
You turned around in his arms until you could look into his dark brown eyes. You wrapped your hands around his broad shoulders. 
“You know that I love you for you, not for what you give me. You are enough for me,” you said. 
Tyrone smirked and kissed you. You thought it was going to be a little peck but he captured your lips with his and kept exploring your mouth. His tongue licked your lips and pressed inside. He swallowed your sighs and held you closer, his arms tightening around you. 
He withdrew from your lips slowly, reluctantly. He rubbed his nose against yours. “I fuckin’ love you,” he said.
“I fuckin’ love you. Take me home, Tyrone,” you said.
Tyrone chuckled and kissed you again, stepping close until you felt his noticeable bulge. “Shit, I’on know if I can make it that far,” he said. 
You giggled against his lips. He said shit like that until he had you folded like a lawn chair and had cum at least three times. 
Tyrone pulled away from you and brought his hand up to caress your cheek. How did you get so lucky to find this man? This man radiated love and strength with every dip of his lean as he walked and the set of his shoulders. He took every one of your insecurities about being a thick girl and mildly shy and tossed them in the wind. You felt him. You never questioned his love.
Yet and still, you didn’t know what you did to luck out on him. You thanked whoever was listening that you got to enjoy him for as long as possible. 
Tyrone dusted as much sand off of your legs as he could manage. You walked back to the car with anticipation building in between you like a living thing. Tyrone kept touching you. Finding ways to “stabilize you” and “make sure you’re straight”. He’d pull you into his side to step around a tiny ass rock or pull you closer to whisper something nasty in your ear.
“I can’t wait to taste between your legs. Bet that pussy ready for me, ain’t it?” 
“Tyrone!” You’d say and squeeze his hand. Your cheeks would burn and your heart would skip a beat. 
“Tell me she ready for me,” he whispered against your neck. 
“You get on my nerves!” You couldn’t form the words. Of course you were ready for him. Every time you saw him, your panties were instantly soaked and hot. Tyrone licked your neck and you giggled. 
“Boy, focus on gettin’ us home!” Tyrone laughed and you made it to the car. He had towels in his trunk so that you didn’t have to get sand absolutely everywhere. He knelt on the ground and cleaned off your legs one by one, smirking up at you while he played with your feet. 
You swatted at his head and giggled. Tyrone cleaned off his legs as well and you climbed into his car. Tyrone sped all the way home, rubbing your leg with one hand while his other stayed on the steering wheel. 
You felt like you were going to crawl out of your skin with need. Everything was in hyperfocus. The bright street lights took on a hazy hue blending between the golden lights and reds and greens of the traffic light. 
Blessedly, you made it home. Tyrone barely pulled into the driveway before he was opening the door for you and yanking you out of the car. Your giggles mixed with his huffs as he slammed the car door and pulled you into the house. 
You were apart for half a second while he closed and locked the door. Then his hands were searching for yours in the dark, your lips seeking each other. Your kisses were rushed, hurried, needy. 
He pushed you into your bedroom, forcing you to walk backwards. But you weren’t scared. You trusted him to guide you. 
He turned on the light and it stung your eyes for a bit. You blinked a few times until you could see the raw desire in his eyes. 
His breaths were coming so fast that you saw the rise and fall of his chest. “Turn around,” he said.
You turned as he said. He stepped close and his warm breaths fanned over the back of your neck. It raised goosebumps on your flesh. 
He unzipped your dress and let it slide over your skin until it pooled on the floor. He sucked in a sharp breath as it revealed your black lingerie set. A simple bra and panties but there were strategically set lacy parts that were like peek-a-boo windows. 
“You’re so fuckin’ gorgeous,” he said. 
“Sweet talker,” you said with a giggle. 
“I’m serious ‘bout that shit,” he said. 
He spun you around and kissed you. He took off his jacket and his black T-shirt and then rejoined your lips. His jeans went next until it was just his dark boxer briefs. Fuck, he was beautiful. Thick. He had a beautiful ass, strong thighs, and a wide chest.
Tyrone slipped your panties off and groaned at how some parts clung to you. Cool air kissed your pussy and you shivered. With no warning, Tyrone pushed you onto the bed and spread your legs. 
You yelped as your ass hung off of the bed. He knelt on the floor and threw your legs over his shoulders, spreading your further. He bit his lip as he looked at your pussy.
“I’m the luckiest nigga in the world,” he said. 
He suckled on your pussy, immediately catching on your clit and you cried out. “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” you yelled. 
You weren’t prepared at all. You had no idea how fast he was going to devour you. Tyrone always kept you guessing. Sometimes it was fast, sometimes it was slow. Your fingers dug into your bed sheets as he fully supported the lower half of you. 
That annoying voice in the back of your head wanted to protest. He couldn’t support all of you.  
You told that voice to shut the fuck up and enjoy his lips on you. You moaned as he swirled his tongue. In no time at all, you were already cumming on his tongue with a loud cry. 
“Oh shit,” you said.
Tyrone chuckled and nuzzled the top of your pussy, kissing you there. “Mhm, that was too quick. Gimme another one,” he said.
Tyrone went back to flicking your clit with his tongue. You were still sensitive from your quick orgasm and your hand flew to his head to push. Tyrone flattened his tongue and licked you from entrance to clit.
“Move yo fuckin’ hand,” he growled and returned to eating you out. That didn’t even seem the proper term. You moved your hand but you wanted to put it back. He added a finger to push inside you. Then he added two and pumped it into you while he continued to lick, suck, and slurp up all your juices. 
You were cumming again, cursing and squirming. Tyrone kissed your thighs as you wiggled and writhed beneath him. He nipped the skin between your thigh and pussy and you jerked. He laughed evilly as he stood up. 
“Let me see them titties,” he said. 
“Tyrone, please, I can’t move,” you said. 
“The hell you can’t. C’mon beautiful,” he said. He grabbed your hands and made you sit up. You were boneless and leaned forward to lean your forehead against his stomach. He smelled so damn clean and sexy. He chuckled and rubbed the back of your neck. 
You kissed his stomach as you took forever to slip off your bra. “Mmm,” Tyrone moaned as you bared yourself to him. 
You scooted further up the bed so that he could climb on. “I ever tell you how fuckin’ sexy you are?” Tyrone asked.
“Shut up,” you mumbled. 
He chuckled. Your body was sensitive to the touch and the bastard knew it. He kissed your belly, licked your stretch marks, and settled in between your legs. He kissed and bit his way to your nipples.
You jerked beneath him with a hiss. “Shit,” you said. 
“So. Fuckin’. Sexy,” Tyrone said. With each word, he kissed your titties. After he spoke, he laved his tongue around your nipple and sucked hard enough to make you buck off of the bed. 
“I promise, I’ll give you everything,” he said. He kissed his way up your skin until he got to your neck. He paid special attention to kissing your neck and licking your pulse point. You ran your hands over his back and neck, rubbing the back of his, and playing with his thick braids. 
“I want to give you a real home, baby. Buy you everything you need,” he said. He kissed up your jaw and kissed you. 
“Tyrone,” you whispered against his lips. 
“I want to make you comfortable. I only wanna see you smile,” he said. 
“You already make me the happiest woman ever,” you said. You tugged on his braids until he leaned up and looked into your eyes. 
“I’m so happy already, Tyrone,” you said. 
He gave you that rare sexy smile. Where he smiled wide and it transformed his face. Your heart shattered. He killed you with that smile.
“I can’t help it. You make me wanna be a better man,” he said. He kissed you, cutting off whatever you were going to say. 
As you kissed, his hands explored your body. He rubbed and kneaded your beasts. He squeezed your nipples to the point of pain and then rubbed the sting away. He grasped your waist and slipped his hands around your ass. He grunted and massaged your booty. 
You moaned and brought your legs up to wrap around his hips. “Mhm,” he said. He pushed your legs until your knees almost hit your shoulders.
His hand worked at his briefs until he was able to free himself. The tip of his dick gathered up your arousal and pushed inside of you. “Fuuuuck,” you moaned. 
He sank in inch by inch with a clipped moan. He kept eye contact as he slid home and you opened your mouth but no sound came out. He stole the air from your lungs like a nasty thief. “Breathe baby,” he commanded. 
You panted. You couldn’t get a full breath. He stopped sliding in. A smirk played on his lips while you adjusted to his size.
“Dammit,” you struggled to say. 
“Relax, baby. I’m gonna make you feel so good.” He kissed you, pressing his tongue inside. 
Your nails dug into his shoulder while you tried to accommodate him. Tyrone kissed his way to your ear. 
“I know you want this dick, so quit fuckin’ playing with me.”
His deep voice and nasty words made you clench around him and he slid in more. He chuckled and kissed your ear. “You like it when I talk nasty, don’t you?” 
“Mhm,” you nodded. 
“Pussy so fuckin’ tight. Open up, baby. Let me give you all of it,” he said. He licked the shell of your ear and you moaned. 
Tyrone pushed his hips in and he stretched you out. “With yo pretty ass. I’m so fuckin’ lucky to be with you,” he said.
You took a deep breath and managed a weak laugh. “I’m the lucky one. You make me feel so good,” you said. 
Tyrone bottomed out and hit some spot inside of you that made you bow your back and cry out. “There’s my fuckin’ spot. My girl need that shit deep, don’t you?” 
He was impossibly deep. It felt like he was in your heart. You were practically folded in half. Tyrone pulled out and then slid back in faster. For every slide out, he came back in twice as hard and made you cry out each time. 
“Oh fuck, Tyrone. Wait!” You said. He was bouncing you so hard, that the top of your head grazed the headboard. It didn’t hurt, but if he slammed any harder, he’d send you through the wall. The thought alone made your pussy clench around him and he groaned. You brought a hand up to brace against the headboard and protect your head. 
“Can’t,” Tyrone said. He placed his hands on the back of your thighs as leverage and slammed into you over and over. He pounded relentlessly. 
You cried. “Please, please,” you chanted over and over. The hand not on the headboard was pushing at his chest. But not to push him away. Just to steady you and match his rhythm. 
“Fuck, missed this. Missed you. Missed my pussy,” he said in between grunts. His eyes were locked on yours. On your expressions and pathetic whining. Sweat beaded on his head and ran down the side of his face, disappearing into his light beard. 
“Tyrone…” your voice was breathless. Your throat burned from your harsh breaths. 
“So fuckin’ beautful. Look how you take my dick. You takin’ all of it. ‘Cause you deserve it, don’t you, baby?” 
“I’m…” You couldn’t speak. Your eyes were rolling into the back of your head. You saw an entire universe of stars in the back of your eyelids. Tears ran down your cheeks. Your body tensed before you exploded and shattered. Your body broke apart, came back together, and ripped apart again. 
Tyrone was saying something but you couldn’t hear him. Your moans drowned out all sound. Tyrone kept pumping into you as if he was truly trying to fuck you through the wall. He joined you and unloaded inside of you. He pumped you full of him and the filthy squelching was like its own music.
Tyrone stayed inside of you and moved every so often. You were surprised that he was still hard. He rotated his hips and you moaned, pushing at his chest. 
“Where have you been all my life,” you cried. Your legs were still pressed against your chest. It should hurt. But Tyrone knew your limits. And he wasn’t done wringing every last orgasm out of you tonight. 
“Prayin’ for you,” he said. His lips hovered over yours so that they were touching but not fully kissing. 
You couldn’t take anymore. He was too sweet. Too perfect. He gave and gave and you didn’t know how you could repay him for everything. For healing things inside of you that you hadn’t realized were broken. For seeing all the cracks inside of you and pouring love into them. 
You shook and cried and he kissed your cheeks. He kissed them both, alternating between the two. You were sure he tasted the saltiness of your tears but he didn’t seem to care. He kissed them anyway, looking into your eyes. Right when you stopped moaning, he’d move his hips and remind you that you were still connected. Still joined. That his cum was still oozing out of you, aided by your arousal. 
“I will protect you as long as I breathe, baby. You’re mine, forever,” he said. Then he kissed you and proved for the rest of the night that you were his.
Loved this? There's more! The Secret Tyrone Files Masterlist
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pinkthrone445 · 5 months
-Let it burn to the ground- Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:fluf, soft, love
Warnings:Mention about past trauma, fires, boring but useful explanation of CPR
Summary:Melissa lets the fire of love consume her when she meets the new chief of the fire station.
After the amazing night of sex, you both have to deal with the consequences.
Mel ate breakfast in silence, glancing from time to time at her cell phone to see if you responded to her good morning message, but no notification came, you didn't even had opened her message, what made the redhead sigh sad
-"Soooo..."-Her housemate couldn't stand the silence any longer and started talking-"Last night was that good or did you scream like a wild animal on purpose to boost the chief's ego and interrupt my beauty sleep?"- Jacob asked as he ate his cereal, staring at her
-"My body hurts in parts that I didn't even knew existed, so yeah, she was that good" - The redhead replied without much emotion in her voice
-"So why do you look so sad?" - He asked, confused, and Mel sighed again
-"Because she left without saying goodbye... And now she doesn't even read my messages..."- She murmured sadly. Mel wasn't a self-doubting person, she was usually very confident in who she was and how she looked. But she couldn't help but wonder what had made you leave just like that, maybe you hadn't liked her body, she usually turned off the lights, but last night she was so desperate that she completely forgot about it. Or maybe you didn't like that the night focused only on her pleasure and not on you too... Maybe you'd reconsidered that she'd been with one of your subordinates in that same bed and you didn't like it...
-"Maybe she had an emergency at work and had to run away, she's the chief after all, her day off only lasted until 12 o'clock yesterday, if she was called after that time for an emergency, she would have had to run to help..."-Her friend commented and Mel nodded thinking about that possibility, it was something that could have definitely happened, which calmed her down a bit.
But two more days passed without you giving any signs, your son continued to go to school, but in none of those days that had passed had you gone to take him to school or pick him up. She even saw that your son was picked up by one of your sisters who looked a lot like you and the redhead thought about going to talk to her to find out something about you, but she didn't want to look so desperate so she didn't do it.
On the other hand, Jacob was upset to see his housemate so sad, and he wasn't a person who sat idly by when he saw one of his friends in pain, so he decided to do what the redhead would never do, visit you at the station to see what was going on and get answers.
When he arrived at the station he was surprised to see all the firetrucks outside being washed and cleaned so thoroughly he could see his reflection in the red metallic paint
-"Excuse me, hi" - Jacob spoke up to get the attention of the firefighters who were cleaning-"Does anyone know where I can find the station chief?"-He asked with his best smile
-"She is in her office, but I wouldn't recommend you to see her, lately she has been more bitch than usual..."-One of the annoyed firefighters commented-"Be careful, maybe you'll go see her and she'll get you cleaning up too" - He joked making the others laugh and Jacob rolled his eyes going to the entrence desk asking to see you.
You were reading some reports with a very deep frown when Jacob entered your office
-"Excuse me chief..."-Jacob spoke in a soft tone, your angry face did caused him a little fear
-"I told them that nobody could interrupt..."- You began to speak annoyantly, but relaxed your gaze at the sight of the scrawny young man at your door-"Hello Jacob, what are you doing here?" - You consulted and he looked at you confused
-"You know my name? Wow..."-The young man was proud of that for some reason
-"Yes, you are the boyfriend of one of my younger firefighters, besides Melissa told me some really funny anecdotes about you... Can I help you with something? I'm a little bit busy" - You asked seriously looking at your paperwork again
-"He is not, we are not... Did he said something to you?... Nevermind, that's not why I'm here for, I'm here for Melissa..."-Jacob spoke, smiling a little as he saw your interest return to him at the slightest mention of the redhead, you put your papers aside and looked at it with complete attention
-"What happened to Melissa? It she ok?" - Your voice sounded really worried
-"She is not, she is sad because you didn't call her again and you run away in the middle of the night after interrupting my beauty sleep with those screams... Why haven't you call her again?" - He asked with a frown, approaching you more confidently
-"Because I can't..."-You whispered without looking at him
-"WHY!?" - He yelled at you slamming your desk, but his anger and confidence quickly disappeared when you stood up from your desk with a frown and crossing arms facing him, sudently he felt small and had to take a few steps back-"Why ma'am? If you care to tell me, please" - He asked again but softer this time
-"Because I can't do casual, no with her at least... Melissa wants casual sex, no a relationship right now, and I can't do it... Have you seen her? We had this amazing connection, amazing chats, amazing dancing, funny moments and amazing sex and she is amazing... Do you know how often that happens in a first date? Never... Even my first date with my husband was worse and I end up marring him... I can't do casual sex after that, I can't when I feel that kind of connection with her... And if I keep seeing her I won't be able to say no everytime she asks me to come, and that would only destroy me more because I will keep my hopes up even if I know it's a dead end... I got scared of getting hurt okey?"-You sighed a little, embarrassed to admit that out loud while almost a complete stranger listened to you. Jacob, on the other hand, didn't know what excuse for your behavior he was waiting for, but it certainly wasn't that.
-"I... Didn't knew, sorry... But at least you own her an explanation, you can't vanish like that, she is sad and it scares me when she is sad... Please talk to her" - His friend whispered and you sighed
-"I'll talk to her... Later, I need to work right now..."-You whispered going back to your desk and he nodded opening the door
-"Thank you..."-He answered
-"By the way cupid, make a move on your friend, he will say yes, he is always checking his phone at work for your messages, God knows how many times I gave him a warning for being with that phone talking to you at work..."-You whispered without looking at him, but you could feel the way he smiled at your comment when he closed the door.
Hours later, you went to pick up your son from school, arriving a little bit earlier, trying to see Mel and talk a little before your son finished his classes.
After introducing yourself at the entrance, you made your way to Melissa's classroom to find it empty, confused you walked down the hallway until you heard her familiar tone of voice
-"Fudge! How is possible that he keeps winning?!" - The redhead spoke annoyed, looking at her phone while sitting in the teacher's room. You approached carefully and knocked on the door gently to get her attention, when her gaze fell on your face she raised her eyebrows in surprise, but quickly her face changed to seriousness and she looked back at her phone
-"Hi Melissa..."-You whispered but she didn't even look at you, you sighed and moved a little closer carefully-"How are you?..."-You gave her a little smile
-"Fine"-It was all the answer she gave you
-"Look... I can see you are mad at me and you are in all your right... I'm sorry for not answering your texts this few days" - You whispered and she just shrugged her shoulders
-"I don't care..."-She replied curtly again and you walked closer to her
-"I am really sorry, I didn't wanted to hurt you... I just got scared of how fast everything went and didn't find the strength to answer..."-You whispered looking at her-"Do you think I could have another chance? I know you felt our connection too, maybe it's worth another try? I promise not to disappear again" - You muttered and she looked at you over the edge of her glasses
-"I can't, I'm busy, I have a date with someone tonight" - She replied seriously and you sighed, on one hand you were afraid of the anger in her eyes and on the other hand this was exactly what you feared, she didn't want something serious and the fact that she already had another date after 3 days of being with you confirmed it even more
-"Oh, Okey, sorry for bother you"-You whispered walking to the door-"And sorry for ignoring you..."-You left the room heading to the exit to wait for your kid. For some reason the redhead's response had hurt you more than you'd like to admit, though maybe the fact that you ignored her had pushed her to that, you thought maybe you'd get another chance. Maybe you'd have to get used to mediocre dates since no other could match the connection you'd had with her in the first one.
After being lost in thought, your son ran out of school towards you with his small backpack on his back, smiling a lot when he saw that you were the one who went to pick him up
-"Mommy!" - The little one hugged you tight and you hugged him too, needing those hugs more than he knew. When he stepped back a little and saw your face, he frowned-"Why are you crying mom?"-Your son took your face with his little hands and you sighed, you didn't even realize that a tear had escaped your eye
-"It's just that I missed you so much" - You whispered and hugged him again-"Do you want to go for ice cream?" - You asked and he smiled and nodded excitedly.
Another week passed and your station had returned to Abbot to take the CPR trainer test to the teachers who had not been present the past time and again to a few who didn't do it correctly, although you did not want to go, the other firefighters had training exercises and you were one of the few who was free, so you had to attend along with Jacob's "friend", Avi.
Gregory, Melissa, Ava,Janine, Jacob and another teachers had to take it again, so there was no scape of seeing the redhead.
When you arrived, you prepared the room with the practice dummies, placing some on the floor and others on tables. When everything was ready, the teachers came in. Melissa frowned as she walked in and saw you, but you just decided to keep greeting them as if nothing happened.
As the exercises began you leat Avi lead the way and you stood on a corner in silence with a very rigid posture, you could quickly saw why Melissa had failed her previous test, she had terrible posture and her compressions were very weak, Jacob was there because he wanted, Janine was doing it again because she hadn't taken the proper time to do it last time and Ava and Gregory had to do it because they hadn't been certified because they hadn't been present the time before.
-"I want to clarify a couple of things... Since the previous instructor didn't explain everything that was needed... Before we start compressions, you need to check that you don't have anything around that could cause further harm to you or the victim, like fire around or something that could fall on you. Second, you need to check first if the person is conscious, to start CPR, you need to have 3 missing things, no breathing, no movement and no response on someone, at that point you need to ask someone to call 911 while you start the compressions, if there is no one around, you call it first and then start the compression. The person has to be on a hard and flat surface, we are going to find the center of the chest, place one hand on top of the other and interlace the fingers, pressing mostly with our palm. We bend over the victim, our elbows locked and arms straight. They have to be at least 2 inches deep and at least 100 times per minute, it's more than one per second so they have to be fast and consistent"-As you explained each step, you only looked your eyes at the doll or the others avoiding the redhead, even though you knew her gaze was fixed on you-"Every 30 compressions, keep count, give 2 breaths to the victim... If you start to get tired, it is preferable to have someone else continue the compressions for you while you rest, because if you are tired your compressions will not be as deep as they were at the beginning nor will they be very effective... Here at school they have masks to give mouth-to-mouth breathing, they cover the nose and the mouth and they are only one way air pass, it is preferable that you use them as this way we avoid contaminating ourselves with viruses, budy fluids or contagious deseases. If we don't have a breathing shield to do it and we are not sure if we should touch the other person's mouth, remember that CPR without mouth to mouth interaction is also effective and can provide the effect that we need in a safer way. Now! Pay attention, it's different for children till the age of 15 depending how big they are. You still have to control the same thing as at the beginning, check if they breathe, move or have reactions. Check that the environment is safe and call the 911. But when we start compressions, you will do it with one hand only, no both because children chest are more fragile and we can broke a bone... After 30 compressions, you breath twice on their mouth using the face shield or breathing mask and then keep with the compressions until the ambulance arrives... Any questions?"-You finished your explanation and asked as everyone shook their heads-"Okey, then, if everyone payed attention, dived yourself into couples and start your compressions, if everything goes as we instructed, you will have your certificate at the end of the class"-You commented and watched as everyone worked.
Melissa was annoyed with the lack of attention you were paying to her, but it started to bother her more when her name started coming out of your mouth non stop
-"Melissa you didn't check your surroundings" "Melissa you need do deeper compressions" "Melissa arms straight" "Melissa, faster" "Melissa use the face shield" "Melissa, Melissa, Melissa" - she was tired of hearing you complain about her all the time, even tho in reality you were checking everyone's movements.
The redhead put the doll aside and stood in front of you with her arms crossed and her brow furrowed
-"Can we talk in the next room?"-She asked and you looked at her with a frown too
-"Avi, keep checking them, I'll be back in a minute" - You commented by following the redhead to another classroom
-"What was all of that?! You were being a bitch to me!" - The redhead whispered/screamed
-"I just was correcting what was needed to be corrected, it's my job, you need to do the things right to get your certificate" - You muttered authoritatively and she scoffed
-"Admit it you were only trying to make me embarrassed! You are only mad at me because I didn't accept another date after you vanish for three days!" - The redhead tapped your shoulder trying to push you but she didn't move you an inch, on the contrary, you got closer to her coming face to face
-"I'm not mad at you for that! I'm mad at myself because I run away because it scared me how casual everything is with you!" - You replied with a frown
-"I didn't wanted casual with you! I wanted a million more dates! You think I didn't felt that connection with you?!" - Melissa commented annoyed
-"Then why you went out dating again so soon?" - This time your tone of voice was calmer and softer, but little hurt
-"I didn't had a date, I just wanted you to feel hurt like I felt..."-she confessed and you sighed
-"I hate you" - You whispered laughing softly - "I hate that that worked" - You confessed and she smiled arrogantly
-"I hate you too" - She said and tried to give you a little peck, but you grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to you kissing her deeper, grabbing her jacket with force and making her moan a little bit when you pull apart biting softly her lip- Can we have another date tomorrow?" - She whispered over your lips
-"Chris has a football game and I promise to be there" - You whispered and she signed-"But you are invited if you want... He will be happy to have more people cheering him" - You commented and she smiled
-"I will love it..."-she answered and walked away toward the door
-"The kiss doesn't mean that you don't need to be better at the test, if you don't improve I won't give you the certificate" - You confessed and she rolled her eyes
-"I hate you!" - She replied and you laughed walking behind her.
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lyfeofbilly · 2 months
mistress!riri x married reader
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warnings: smut, smut, smut! (minors do not interact!)
summary: infidelity had snaked its way into your crumbling marriage. another night with your favorite mistake couldn’t hurt…..right?
author's note: my first time writing smut, so pleaseee bare with me. this is soooo fucking trifling i know, lmao. to them anons, this for yall.
taglist:@koffeesfancy @bubbleblowinggirl @pvnks0ul @solanaszn @onyxstones-world @blacksapphhicmaddonna
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Rianna smirked at her phone as she read your text.
You up?
It had been weeks since you last seen her. The clock read 3:15 AM and you were craving her. Your body aching just to feel her touch again, the mere thought of it making your skin grow hot. Ever since you first got a taste of her you’ve been hooked. Her kisses were laced with a drug that you could not get enough of.
You never wanted it to go this far, to be in so deep. You loved your family- well your children. You and your wife have been on a rocky road for years now, "We're just in it for the kids." y'all would say. The both of you knew that excuse was bullshit. It caused more harm than good and your kids noticed. The resentful arguments, passive aggressiveness, and cursing matches were something that you wished your children would not have had to witness.
Your wife sent the kids to her mother's house while she disappeared to Lord knows where. You stayed home under the guise of having to work early mornings for the rest of the week. It was all just an excuse to have her. Your need for intimacy overtook the guilt you would normally feel in this situation.
You were sprawled across the bed, awaiting a response from Rianna. An hour had flown by since you sent your initial message. She wouldn't deny you and you knew that, she just loved playing the cat and mouse game. The excitement and sneakiness of it all ignited a fire deep within her. The three dots eventually turned into a text, causing your phone to ding.
The Mrs gone tonight?
Your eyes rolled at her text. The pettiness that woman possessed was something that needed to be studied. Her slick remarks and snide comments were something you hated yet loved about her. Another text came across your screen shortly after.
Leave the door open for me baby, I'll be there soon ;)
That sentence alone caused an ache between your legs. The power that she had on you was something else.
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A sly smirk was plastered across Rianna's face as she tiptoed through the front door, softly shutting it behind her. Pictures of you and your family were displayed all around the living room. The image of you and your wife engulfed in a kiss is what caught her eye the most. The two of you looked young, happy, so in love. The frame had your anniversary date engraved on the bottom. It made Rianna sick, she wondered when exactly did your marriage turn sour. What was the straw that broke the camels back?
Rianna sighed and shrugged her shoulders as she placed the picture face down, "Fun while it lasted."
You nor Rianna would have ever thought things would get as deep as they were. Your relationship was innocent, at least that's what you thought, at first. You tried to play the flirting off as being friendly for your conscience's sake. The seductive stares, unnecessary touching of each other, playing footsy under the table, the list goes on. Cheating had never crossed your mind, no matter how bad things had got, but when you found yourself face down in the back of Rianna's car after a night of drinks all of that flew out of the window.
Truth is, Rianna wanted more. More from you, to be more than a late night endeavour, to be more than the other woman. She was more jealous than she would like to admit. The thought of you even laying next to your wife made her seethe with anger.
She continued throughout the house, strutting down the hallway, and finally through your bedroom door. When she entered, there sat you on the edge of the bed, body bare and exposed, anticipating her arrival. One thing that Rianna loved about you was your obedience. Your habit of doing anything that she asked and melt at her words boosted her ego by a thousand percent.
Your bottom lip trapped between your teeth, chest heaving up and down, eyes glued to her. A sight that Rianna loved to see, you so eager and ready for her. She slowly made her way over to you, taking your chin into her palm, her grip was anything but gentle, forcing your face up towards her.
"Three weeks and I don't hear from you?" She growled as her eyes burned holes into you. You would be lying if you said it didn't turn you on tremendously, "What kinda shit is that?"
A whimper left your throat as her hand travelled down to your neck, squeezing the sides of it. Your hips rolled against the comforter underneath you, your clit was throbbing, begging for the tiniest bit of friction.
Her head dipped to your neck, breath hot against your skin, "Missed my touch that much, baby?"
You so desperately wanted it, you needed it. Having her was the only thing that would calm the excitement between your thighs. Her touch alone pushed you more and more over the edge. The spot where you sat became drenched in your arousal.
Her lips began to attack your neck hungrily, and they felt amazing. She nibbled and sucked, sure to leave marks by the next day. Her free hand roamed your body before it grazed the inside of your leg. She drew circles agonizingly slow. Her fingers wandered up, running between your soaked folds. She strategically avoided your clit, wanting to push you to the edge, and boy was she succeeding, "You so damn needy, I ain't even fucked you yet."
With that she suck two fingers into you, causing you to let out a cry, "i nee-fuck!" You threw your head back into the pillows behind you, tears beginning to form in your eyes.
Your slick made it easy for her to open you up. She scissored her digits into you with precision, a loud sloshing sound filled the room, your juices drenching her hand. Her eyes met your half closed ones, "Hm? what you needed baby?"
She watched you struggle underneath her, your legs shaking and face contorted into one of pure ecstasy. She knew you were close, "Tell me what you need mama." You were at your peak, your walls clenched around her digits. A strained cry leaving your throat with every thrust she did.
A wave of dissatisfaction hit you when she snatched her fingers from your center. "P-Please baby i was so close." You whined.
Rianna took her silky fingers and ran them across your lips before sticking them in your mouth. Drool ran down the valley of your breasts as you sucked your juices off of them. She grinned before pushing them farther down your throat, causing you to gag, "Imma give you what you need baby, I promise."
She removed herself from you and stripped, revealing a scarlet red lingerie set that hugged her toned body. The arousal between her thighs dampened the middle of the thong she wore, strings of wetness connected it to her aching pussy as she dropped them to her ankles. She lay her self on the bed legs wide open so you could see all of her, and God was it a sigh to see. Your eyes were her stuck to her, mesmerized by the sight that lay before you.
You crawled towards her, hair falling and framing your face. In this moment you would do anything she told you, entranced in a spell of hers. You dipped your head into her sex, tongue swirling around her clit ever so slowly. her taste possessed you, you would stay down there all day if you could. you moaned as you sucked her throbbing bud, the vibration sending Rianna into a frenzy. She took your locs in a fistful and stuffed your face deeper into her, rocked her hips into you.
"You mm- you like this shit dont you?" her breasts bounced up and down, a layer of sweat starting to form on her skin. Her bottom lip was trapped in between her teeth, eyes locked onto you. Rianna loved watching you underneath her, seeing you please her drove her crazy, "You l-love getting your face fucked d-don't you?"
The grip on your hair got tighter as you continued to coax out her orgasm, "Eating it so g-good f'me baby. "The rocking of her hips became spasmodic as her thighs began to clench around your head, "Shi-shit, oh fuck!"
Her body stilled and her legs shook as she stopped to catch her breath. She pushed your head away and walked over to the bag that she brought. A few moments later she came back with her strap attached to her waist.
"You know how i want you."
You happily obliged as you got on all fours, arching your back so she could have access to all of you. Arousal dripped from your aching pussy down to the sheets. Your body shuddered in anticipation, waiting for her to fuck you silly. She rubbed the tip against your bundle of nerves, resulting in a gasp. Rianna was such a tease. She wanted to make you squirm and whine before she fucked you, needing to see how your body reacted to her.
"S-shit! ri p-please!"
A low chuckle left her, "please what? tell me what you want baby."
She was being mean and she knew it. A smack came down hard on your ass, and another right after. When it came to sex Rianna got off on hearing you beg, she wanted you to tell her everything you desired from her. Silence was never an option when it came to being intimate with her.
“Wa-want you to- ah fuck!”
Rianna teased your entrance with the tip of the dildo, slamming it in seconds after. You could’ve swore you saw stars. She was stretching you immensely, and you loved every second of it. A low chuckle left Rianna's lips, one of satisfaction. She began to push deeper inside you, massaging your gooey walls, hitting your spot just right.
“S-shit ri!” The covers underneath you began to tangle in between your fingers, “J-just like that!”
She gripped both of your forearms, pulling you back up towards her. Your head rested in the crook of her neck as she pecked wet kisses along your jawline.
“Doing so good f’me baby." she rasped in your ear.
Rianna's speed was killing you. She made your pelvises kissed with every thrust that she did.
"F-fuck ri baby please!" Your pleads held no weight with her. She had you right where she wanted.
"You look so fucking pretty when you beg."
the coil in your stomach was threatening to snap. The speed nor force of her drilling never let up.
Your orgasm was creeping up on you and Rianna could tell. Your breath hitched as you clenched around her, "Im about to f-fucking come!"
"Let that shit out," The sound of your bodies slapping against one another filled the room. "Tell me, that bitch fuck you this good?"
It felt like all the air had been knocked out of your chest. Between the pounding you were receiving and that question, you forgot how to breathe. Dirty talk wasn't new to you and Rianna, you fucking loved it. She knew exactly what to say to make your fountain run over. You and your wife's sex life wasn't an exciting one to say the least. It felt like a monotonous chore.
You shuddered against her, "Mmph- fuck!"
"I asked you a question." One hand snaked down your front and swirled your swollen bud in between her fingers, "She fuck you like this baby? She make that pussy feel good like i do?"
You hated to admit it, but your wife had nothing on RIanna, nothing at all. "Fuck n-no! She don't m-make me feel like you do baby!"
Tears ran down your cheeks as your orgasm washed over you, the coil in your stomach finally snapping. After a few more thrusts she pulled out of you, caressing your back as you came down from your high.
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Steam filled the bedroom as the bathroom door swung open, out came you in a towel that clung to your dripping body. Rianna lay sprawled out on the bed, typing on her phone. You two knew the drill, she had to be out by noon.
"Alright Ri.....you already know how this go."
She cut her eyes at you and sighed, irritation beginning to rise. She pretended like she didn't hear you, initially ignoring you. The typing on her phone becoming more aggressive.
11:15 came and she still made no attempt to get dressed and out of your home. She did this every time, wanting to get you back in bed again and not worry about the responsibilities you had to face after your rendezvous.
"Rianna, seriously get dressed."
A groan left her mouth as she tossed her phone on the side of her, "This shit again? When you gone leave her? Ain't like y'all a couple anyway."
"Excuse me?"
She stepped toward you, her being short in stature didn't affect the intimidation that you felt in the moment.
"Don't give me that shit. Y'all don't even sleep in the same bed, and you want me to be gone before she get here? What type of shit is that!"
She was right. You and your wife haven't shared the same bed in months, let alone even touched each other.
"That's my wife rianna!"
She scoffed, "Yea a lousy one. That bitch can't do half the shit I do for you, yet you still fucking stay."
You threw her shirt and pants at her, "Get fucking dressed. You were supposed to been gon-"
The bedroom door swung open, a loud slam following behind it as it hit the wall. There stood your wife, arms crossed and face red with anger.
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jinkicake · 2 years
~♡ All Night Long ♡~
(( Day #7 )) Barbatos, Lucifer, Mammon, Simeon x Reader
A/N: Doyoung’s beautiful voice motivated me to write.. sigh where my nctzens at? ((im sorry i just liked ay-yo soooo much)) anyway... i hope you all enjoy~ 
SMUTTT // NSFWWWW ((some characters have k!nk warnings lol, some have fem!reader -all listed below-))
WC - 2,049
Barbatos never understands your attempts at seducing him.
He fully understands the swirl of desire in his gut and the tightening of his boxers but, not why you do it. You know entirely too well that the demon will give you the world if you just ask. 
All day, he kept catching you bending over in the shortest skirt he has ever seen on you, giving him an entirely full view of the pretty panties you have on. The butler would have been worried if not for the fact that it was only the two of you inside the castle right now. 
Had Diavolo or any of the brothers been around, he would have locked you away in his bedroom and hoarded you to himself much like a dragon and its treasure. 
Regardless of his confusion, Barbatos enjoyed your teasing. It made pleasuring you so much sweeter. 
“Do you know who I am?” Barbatos watches with a certain fondness as he runs his fingers along your clothed slit, each brush of his knuckles against your clit makes you jolt against the bed. From where he has you pinned to the mattress, all you can do is fondle the sheets in your hands. “I cannot be seduced as easily as the next demon or mortal man,” Despite his words, his cock aches at the sight of you. He can feel a gush of precum spurting in his boxers as he rubs one singular finger underneath your panties. “yet, you have me bewitched.”
“What have you done to me, (Y/N)?” Pure desire lights a fire in his chest as he lowers to his knees and pulls your hips so that your lower half rests off the mattress. Your squeak is muffled by the thick duvet. 
Barbatos pulls your panties down without second thought and gives himself a mere moment to stare at your bare cunt. All it takes is a slight wiggle of your hips, taunting him, for his restraint to break. 
The demon lunges for your cunt like a man starved, instantly greeting your folds with his tongue. His hands find your sides and then your hips before running over your ass. With each swipe of his tongue, he sucks in the taste before running zigzag patterns across your slit. He has yet to touch your clit and instead focuses his entire being on your entrance. A single dip of his forked tongue has you screaming out for him. It drives you wild, his monstrous tongue. 
“Barbatos,” You pant, and your squirming is met with a quick slap against your ass. He hits the skin before soothing running his gloved palm over the affected area, ensuring that the pain doesn’t last for too long. As his tongue reaches further inside of you, forcing you to clamp down around him, his thumb finds your clit. 
The combination is dangerous, the sounds he is making are dangerous. 
One of these days, you’re sure that you’re going to pass out from his overwhelming ministrations. But, until then, you’re going to keep taking it willingly and lying down. 
Lucifer (fem!reader)
“Come closer, my pet,” Lucifer lowly murmurs into your ear as his large hands tug against your bottom, forcing you to lurch forward into his chest. The subtle rock of your hips makes you pathetically moan out loud as his long cock reaches places inside of you that you didn’t even know existed. “I missed you today.” He’s so sweet with his words, with his lips as he presses gentle kisses into your jaw. His lips part with each kiss and his touch is soft enough that you begin squirming for more. 
“Lucifer,” You murmur and gently grind down in his lap, back and forth your hips are moving at a slow needy pace. After a long day, this is exactly what the two of you desperately need. “please, I need more,” You’re not sure what you’re begging for, but whatever he gives you, you will take selfishly. 
“You’re being greedy,” He warns and nips at your throat to calm you down. His touch does the exact opposite of that. “relax.” At once, his hands lower from your waist to your hips. He strongly holds you in place and makes it so that you are unable to move a single inch. All you can do is pathetically grind your bottom into his thighs and try to find another source of release. Lucifer sighs. “Must you always defy me?”
Before you even get the chance to explain, lips already parting in thought, Lucifer slots his mouth over your own. He meets you in a messy kiss, tongue first and he’s eager with his movements. Lucifer devours you wholeheartedly, chest burning brightly with pride, as his tongue fondles your own. Over and over, he laps at you until you’re pulling away and gasping for air.
Even then, he can’t stay away and glues his lips to your throat. His strong hips begin to thrust upwards, bouncing you in his lap. Had it not been for the secure touch on your waist, you’re sure you would have flown off of him because of the movements. 
Lucifer sinfully rolls his hips, up and up until you’re falling back against the mattress. He doesn’t let you go, doesn’t give you time to react before he begins his work now on top of you. 
“Beautiful girl,” His eyes soften in a way that makes you bashful, shy, and you can only stare at the fondness expressed in his gaze. It’s entirely sweet and kind. Nothing like the way he is fucking you right now. 
The way Lucifer’s grunts fill your ears and the slaps of skin sound throughout the room, you know this is his purest form of lovemaking. It’s seen in your reactions and the way that you grasp onto his shoulders and dig your nails into his skin, dragging your fingers down his back as he repeatedly hits that spot that makes you see stars. Lucifer will always take care of you, provide for you, inside and outside of his bedroom. 
“Take it all, my sweet human, I know that you can.” 
“You’re just the sweetest demon, aren’t you?”
Had your hand not been wrapped around his aching cock, exploding from his jeans, Mammon would have been sure to reject this with a snarky remark. But, right now, all the demon can do is gasp for words. 
“S-Shut up, I’m not!” He swears it to be true but, how can you take him seriously as he dips his head back and thrusts his hips into your hand? His throat is bared for you and you lean forward to place the gentlest of kisses on his Adam’s apple. “You’ll regret this,”
“Regret pleasuring you?” You murmur into his skin, now picking the area just under his jaw to suck a bruise into. Through short jerks of your fist, you work the demon into submission. Mammon has all but started to thrash against his couch, eyes screwed shut while pathetic moans leave his lips. 
“Come on, more, give me more-” He’s so greedy that it breaks his words, voice cracking from the pressure. The demon can feel his impending release building in his gut, your touch just feels too damn good. “Fuck me, (Y/N), please, please!” Mammon cums into your mouth the second you lower your face and wrap your lips around his tip, you barely begin to suck before he thrusts and spills himself past your lips. 
You don’t waste a single drop, choosing to dig your tongue into his sensitive slit as he withers against his cushions. Being just as greedy as him, you’re eager to swallow it all. 
“You really thought you could toy with me?” Mammon swallows harshly, eyes darkening as he stares at your full cheeks. Your back is arched into the air as you lean over his lap and the demon doesn’t hesitate to slap the back of your thighs. He hits you just enough that you slightly jolt and feel the pressure against your sensitive legs. “I’m not gonna let you get away that easily,”
Then, he wraps his hand in your hair and pulls you toward him. He moans pathetically at his taste on your lips and thrusts his tongue into your mouth to lap at the cum still resting in your mouth. It’s filthy, and messy and only gets even more so as his fingers dip between your thighs. 
Mammon knows your body, he doesn’t have to see your pretty cunt to find your clit and he certainly doesn’t have to stare to find exactly where you liked to be touched. He knows it all already. 
And as he kisses you, stealing the breath out of your lungs, his fingers push your panties out of the way. Your wet cunt makes him moan loudly and he doesn’t hesitate to drag his finger along your slit, scooping your essence to smear it around your clit. 
“I’m gonna fuck you good after this, got it?” His eyes are blown wide with pleasure and his lips are still slightly parted, ready to kiss you once more again. “I’ll show you who’s a nice demon.”
Simeon (daddy kink, fem!reader)
When Simeon first heard the vulgar, authoritative, pet name fall from your lips, he didn’t know what to do. He simply acknowledged it with a kind smile before continuing his assault on your throat. 
The more it fell from your lips and the more you begged for him, however, the looser his restraint got. 
“Please, daddy,” You whine into the air, chest thrusting up from where you rest between Simeon’s legs. This position is anything but innocent. The angel has one of his hands wrapped around your throat while the other rubs ferocious circles against your clit. His own strong legs are hooked over your own, ensuring that you can’t close your legs even if you tried. 
“I’ve got you, my light,” Simeon murmurs into your ear, his eyes zoning in on your breasts from over your shoulder. His mouth waters at the sight, fingers slowing down completely before he brings them up to his lips. Quickly, he sucks the digits into his mouth and laps at his skin. He moans at the taste of your pretty cunt, sucking intensely on his fingers before bringing them to your breast. With a pathetic moan, you whimper when he brushes over your nipple with his two fingers. Simeon toys with the perked nub, circling it a few times before pulling it beneath his thumb. 
He tries to calm you down with gentle coos at your growing anticipation.
“Daddy’s got you,” His gentle kisses against your shoulder do little to satiate the burning desire in your belly. The angel has an obsession with your body, an unhealthy obsession. He can touch you for days and not grow tired of it, he can indulge in the most sinful acts with little shame all because you request it from your pretty lips. 
Slowly, you’re corrupting him and the angel does not care in the slightest. 
“Let daddy finish, sweetheart,” His soft voice doesn’t match his words but, he does it so well. Simeon continues toying with your breasts, pinching and pulling on your nipples before he migrates his hand south once again. Once more between your thighs, the angel runs his middle finger up your slit. He slowly dips his fingers into your entrance just enough to break a silent scream from your lips before he brings his finger to lazily circle your clit. 
“You’re being so good for me, you’re much more of an angel than I am.” Sweetly, he presses a kiss against your cheek before nuzzling his face into your neck. His puffs of air against your throat make you squirm and the sensitivity of his touch is starting to get the better of you. 
“I wanna cum, daddy, please,” Your gentle begs work wonders on the angel, he can never deny you of anything. 
“Since you asked so nicely, my sweet girl,” All at once, two of his fingers slip into your entrance while his thumb toys with your clit. His thrusts are harsh and steal the air from your lungs, causing you to thrash against him. “Cum on daddy’s fingers, you can do it, baby,"
. . .
2023/02/13 ♡
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