#“Lemme turn you off before I give you what you need most rq”
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unicornpopcorn14 · 9 months ago
You know this scene?
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And how it was played as a funny jab at Aku's starvation for approval?
Well, I think it portrays more condescension on Dazai's part than it seems...
Because Dazai touching Akutagawa might have been the reason he even fainted.
Akutagawa clearly agrees with Dazai when he points out his exhaustion, responding to his "You're at your limit, now, aren't you?" With "It doesn't matter".
Rashōmon could have been the only thing keeping Akutagawa standing at that moment.
Dazai could have been totally aware that that was the case.
And what he does? Nullify his ability right then and there. Seep what's left of his strength away. Before, and not after, he provides him the praise he oh-so-needs after so, so long.
I'm half certain Dazai wouldn't have given that compliment if he wasn't sure he'd turn his protege off that way. Never having to deal with the reaction, never having to handle the emotions that would result and stem because of him. Easier that way, isn't it?
And you know what? I don't even think Akutagawa heard him at that moment, else why would he still be adamant to win Dazai's approval after this scene?
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iridesent-folly · 4 years ago
Kalahdiss by Rico Nasty invokes the feeling of roasting Bakugo, I can't explain why.
I just went in my inbox and not only saw that it was kinda full ngl but saw this amazing masterpiece cause-🥰✌️
I hold an abundance of love for Rico nasty and remembering her early SoundCloud days crack me up so damn much😩🤚but more importantly, this diss is giving “dynamic slatt$$$” vibes and this just made me think about a scenario where someone said TR Baji would have bars and now I’m ascending-
Hol on, Lemme show you the vision and humor you rq, 
༻ We have just made it to the weekend with a school break approaching the following next two days but, toman is called in for an early morning meeting that Saturday to establish important gangs and discuss reign control over specific areas within Tokyo from Shinjuku and Shinagawa to Kokubunji and Tachikawa.
༻ Since the meeting hadn’t began as of yet, Baji entrust’s his personal items including his phone to Chifuyu of which both Nahoya and Souta peeped as Smiley leaves Souta alone to go and sneak up behind Chifu with the intention of taking Baji’s phone.
༻ After many shushes and squeezing through various other members, Nahoya makes it within close proximity of Matsuno, almost successfully snatching the prized possession from his back pocket.
༻ That was until Baji’s ringtone goes off, exposing a small snippet of him rapping which amuses the very few Manji members who managed to hear the subtle sound erupting from the device.
༻ It was at this moment that smiley’s very own struggle rap career flashes before his eyes, giving him what he may consider is ‘the best idea in his life’- of which he would’ve shared in that moment if he didn’t get caught trying to snatch Baji’s 2005 samsung i750 from Chifuyu’s back pocket.
༻“Smiley, what the hell are you doing” a subtle and calming yet booming voice erupts from behind him unsuspectingly.
“Trying to answer your phone for you (?)”
“I-Stop fucking around and gimme my damn phone bozo-” Smiley’s turns swiftly once hearing Baji’s statement announced.
“Not my fault that dumb ass ringtone was distracting everyone in the function,”
“As if you could do better” a grin teasing it’s way on to Baji’s face as he taunts his newly gained opponent. Angry’s attention perking up from four bikes away. Eyes wondering upon the scene, conjuring up potential ideas for what could happen with in the next few moments.
“And what if I can.” Smiley provokes, Souta soon chiming in. “What if WE can do better-” a chuckle soon rising from Keisuke, eyes settling deep into Nahoya’s now serious façade he uses to hold in his own laughter of amusement.
“Well then prove it tweedle dee and dumb dee, right here, right now” a mocked tone of voice now appearing on the 1st division captain along side a newly gained audience and a newly earned but familiarly apparent grin that’s he’s held back from the beginning of their interaction.
༻ It is also here that we are now introduced to the most forced, straight out the trenches, wanna be Y/n Jay type freestyle you can think of. I can only envision now the amount of anticipation the crowd of toman members felt after Baji advises chifuyu to stand off to the side, conflicted on whether or not this interaction will transition into another vigorous scuffle between members before a booming sound can be heard from the Bluetooth Matsuno is seen holding, quickly tying to his own bike.
༻Rap battles between the three soon become more frequent and regular that it just so happened to slide it’s way into tradition between 1st and 4th division members to ensure their captains fought atleast once each week. This also soon leading to the creation of disstracks similar “dynamic slatt$$$” where the three of them are just fooling around.
This truly ties into that bakugou roast because I can see now an interaction like this occurring between Sero, Denki and Kirishima where they jokingly make fun of bakugo’s ass with Mina chiming in to create something similar to Rico Nasty’s “Kalahdiss”. I need to go more in depth with that scenario in it’s own individual post and indulge more in this one because that just seems way too damn hilarious to pass up here-😫🤚
@royalelusts @hoetachi @antagonixxt @morosis-haze @kazuluvr @floof-ghostie
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blxetsi · 4 years ago
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modern sasha braus dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!sasha braus x gn!reader
had to write something for my queen 😌✨
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- she shares her food with you. I Dont Care She Does
- also since this is a modern au i dont think she would have such an obsession with food as she does in the canonverse (if we can even call it an obsession) i still think she would have a big appetite (and she'd be proud of it tf 😏🙏) but i just dont see her always being hungry as the fandom makes her out to be
- really likes to hold hands with you
- i think itd be really cute if she was studying to become a baker ?? maybe taking a culinary course at the university you two attend ?? maybe you somehow met there or through a friend
- i think she'd still be insecure about her accent (ig if this is au is set in america she'd be from the south 😐🤚) and would speak kind of like a robot to people she didn't know that well
- connie and jean ALWAYS bring out her accent tho,, like with them she can really be herself
- i think when you were starting to get to know her she would be speaking very formally, and youd take it like shes being kinda stand offish or like,, just doesnt wanna talk so youre thinking "okay maybe she doesnt wanna be friends 😁👍" and would back off
- now sasha's upset because you are so cool and unique and she just wants to know so much about you but youve been very distant lately ?? like did she do something wrong ??
- she tells connie, jean, marco, and niccolo one night and connie and jean are on the side of "find y/n and demand to know why their behavior has changed" while marco and niccolo are on the side of "respectfully dm y/n and ask why they havent been wanting to see sasha recently"
- sasha goes with the latter of the two and dms you after passing you in the dining hall, you two literally keep glancing at each other, texting while you sit with your respective friend groups
- after everything gets cleared up sasha is immediately inviting you to hang out with her crew, and even getting some of her other friends like eren, mikasa, and ymir and historia to come join too
- if she has all the people shes comfortable with there, itll be less scary talking with her accent !
- You Love It. You Think Its Adorable.
- you guys would definitely have a friends to lovers type relationship
- like friendly hugs turn into slightly longer hugs, and now sasha will constantly ask to sit next to you during movie nights
- loves to rest her head on your lap while she spreads across the couch
- i think you two would have your first kiss in niccolos apartment
- you two were sitting in his kitchen, with sasha munching on the leftover food he made that night for your get together
- his mom had called him so he decided to leave to go to his bedroom to answer it
- and slowly you guys just kind of,,,, leaned in 🙈✨
- it was slow and really romantic, kinda rough with the crumbs that were around sasha's lips but you didn't mind
- niccolo barged in and ruined the moment 😐🤚 good going pal 😁👍
- you two were so shocked that you two tried to leave
- ended up just walking down the road in silence like wtf i thought yall were trying to get away from each other 😭😭😭😭
- sasha ended up staying the night ��‼️
- NOT in a sexual way
- but in like a,,,, rue and jules kinda way where jules comes in through the window (but only sasha didnt come in through the window she came in the front door with you) and you two held each other and gave each other smooches for the rest of the night
- sasha woke up late and missed her morning classes 😐🤚 didnt even care and went back to sleep with you
- i think for the most part you get along well with her friend group
- youre definitely closer to connie, jean, niccolo, marco, and historia
- ymir teases you guys a lot and you cant tell if what she says is just jokes (it always is) or if shes completely serious
- eren, mikasa, armin, annie, along with reiner and bertholdt are more of aquantances to you, just because you dont see them as often as you do the others
- she has such a weird relationship with her english professor
- will literally complain how much work he gives his class and then the next day will gush about how great he his bc he gave her a granola bar for her effort in her assignment
- girl pick a script and stick to it 😐🤚
- has a collection of stuffies on her bed. i dont make the rules.
- anytime theres a carnival in town she drags EVERYONE there.
- you all agree to split up into groups so you can all check out what you want, but you always agree to meet up and eat funnel cake together 🥺
- sasha tries to get you to win her new stuffies
- if you cant do it, or just want some for yourself, shes calling connie and niccolo up PLEADING with them to come find you guys,
- then she claims theres been an ACCIDENT and that you two need help
- niccolo is zooming bc he cares abt his besties 😌✨
- connie texts jean and marco to come find you guys too 😭😭😭
- who gets a kick and a lecture for lying courtesy of niccolo ? sasha. but who also gets a bunch of stuffies won for her courtesy of niccolo ? sasha.
- for your anniversary i think she'd want to do something really fun with you
- she'd set up a pillow fort and have a bunch ot string lights and stuff, have all of her favourite stuffies (which are the ones she thinks of you when she sees) in there too.
- she has chips, she baked little pastries and cookies, and she ordered your favourite takeout
- you guys just watch whatever you want on netflix or whatever and its such a nice night
- it becomes a tradition for you guys, but you two always take turns with setup
- one year sasha did all of the planning, baking and whatnot ? okay now its your turn 😁👍
- you guys even started doing themes now 🤩
- if you guys play board games with your friends youre on sasha's side whether you want to be or not.
- shes also the kind of person that says "i can win fair and square !" but then when bertholdt starts kicking her ass in monopoly her script changes real quick 🙄
- now its "y/n,,, give me some of ur money" and "y/n, buy this property for me" like girl,,,, what happened to playing fair 😍⁉️
- will try and do all of those s/o pranks you see on tiktok
- its hard to get a genuine reaction out of you bc you can TELL SHES RECORDING but she tries anyways
- we love a perservering queen 😌✨
- will call you at random times of the day asking if you guys can see each other
- "y/n ??? are you there ??" "sasha its 2am wtf do you want 😐" "do you wanna ride your bike with me down to the park 🥺"
- also is very observant, knows when youre overworking yourself
- will try and pull you away from what youre working on like "lets go get you something to drink, or maybe we can watch an episode of that show you like before you continue working !"
- if youre persistent that you just HAVE to finish it tonight and cant stop and take a break she'll respect that, until you stay at your laptop for over an hour 😐
- just softly pulls you away like "no lovebug, lets get some sleep okay ?"
- is also very protective of you
- overheard someone making fun of you ?? talking shit ??? her besties better hold her back before she gets suspended 😤‼️
- and since connie and jean absolutely ADORE you, you better believe theyre helping their girl sasha out
- those three are the LEADERS of the "protect y/n club"
- it just becomes niccolo and marco trying to dissolve the situation before it gets physical, and then reiner and armin joining when they walk directly into the chaos
- armin tells you what happened and as much as youre thankful that sasha cares about you so much that she'd defend you like that, you lecture her, jean and connie on not making scenes like that again
- sasha's love language is kind of like,, a mixture of quality time and physical touch
- she just really loves spending time with you, but also very much enjoys being in your arms
- she doesnt shy away from it, and is usually the one to initiate those things
- will hold your hand PROUDLY down hallways or on streets
- always hypes you up too, shes very much so your personal hypeman
- "oh lovebug you look SO GOOD rn oh my god" "sasha pls im in my pyjamas" "and you look like a model baby !"
- sasha is very stubborn however, and if you guys ever fight she is NEVER the one to apologize first, or seek you out to talk about it
- even if shes in the wrong she cant bring herself to admit it, she dug herself into such a deep hole with the stance she took that she doesnt want to take the walk of shame in admitting that she wasnt right
- this can cause a lot of problems in your relationship, but after you explain how much it affects you, shes trying to change
- will always work on her stubborn-ness and pride
- and it actually makes her feel a lot better being able to admit defeat, or being wrong
- she really likes being communicative and honest, especially with you
- i think overall your relationship with sasha is very very fun, filled with good memories, good food, good friends, and most importantly, love.
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no bc i really do love her 😐🤚 lemme marry miss braus rq 😏✨
hope u guys enjoyed !! remember requests are open so if you have anything youd like me to write DONT BE SHY ❤️‼️
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