Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
echoes of scattered footsteps sound into the dark , a terrible idea for meera to be out on her own so late at night . the moon beams down upon king's landing , and with it brings exposure . after all , people are far more frightening than any lore sung by wet nurses to put children to bed . once in lys , a lady embellished RED from head to toe had told her that the night is dark & full of terrors . with her hands desperately grasping onto loose scrolls , mind preoccupied , she is caught by surprise when a dark figure turns the corner too fast for her peripheral , a s c r e a m bubbling in her throat . IS IT A GHOST ?
#` * ━━━ alyssandra targaryen. / interaction. ( meera )#` * ━━━ be gentle. / starter. ( meera )#7khq:starter
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in no way does meera wish to offend the lady of winterfell , but perhaps now may not the ideal time to be near a stark amidst CHAOS . as much as politics bore her to death , this much she knows . anxiety paints her face . ❛ uh . . . fun ceremony , was it not ? u - until the end , of course . ❜ oh c r a p . the last thing she wants to bring afresh is how lord umber opened his big fat mouth and ruined everything .
#` * ━━━ aryanna stark. / interaction. ( meera )#` * ━━━ be gentle. / starter. ( meera )#7khq:starter
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it is rare , very RARE , for a handmaiden to loiter in princess elia's substitute chambers ( more or less , it looks like a shack in comparison to the one back in dorne ) without asking permission first , but after all of the commotion that took broke loose during the celebration , an ambience of restlessness looms over frail shoulders , and she seeks a familiar face to keep her horrid thoughts grounded . ❛ —— princess ? ❜ she calls softly , awaiting the same kind voice she loves so dearly . no response . all that greets her is an empty bed & a b e a u t i f u l dress sprawled across satin sheets . meera , as curious as one can be , steps further into the room and picks the dress up delicately . opposite of her stands a mirror with a freshly polished metal surface , reflecting a blurred image of a girl who once dreamed of wearing something so EXTRAVAGANT . she presses the dress to her figure and sticks her chest out proudly , lips pouted . ❛ my name is elia of the house martell , ruling princess of dorne , mother of benevolence . UNBOWED , UNBENT , UNBROKEN ! ❜
001 . SUNSRULE !
#can u tell she's a dork n completely still geeked abt elia#` * ━━━ elia martell. / interaction. ( meera )#` * ━━━ be gentle. / starter. ( meera )#7khq:starter
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FOR A BEAUTIFUL MOMENT, Cressida believes she’s dreaming because those wide, brown eyes that meet hers are achingly familiar. She digs her nails into her palms, draws blood. This isn’t a dream. Meera’s … HERE. In Westeros. Flesh and blood and more beautiful than in Cressida’s memories. How long has Cressida thought of this moment? How many words has she dreamt of saying if they met again? Yet now, her tongue lies flat, thick in her mouth as if she’s afraid the barbs she’s grown in the years that’ve past will scare Meera away. A noblewoman passes, scrutinizes as her skirts brush against theirs’. Cressida glares at the woman before she quickens on her way. ❛ Please— ❜ Too many eyes are watching, wandering. Cressida doesn’t want to share this moment with anyone. ❛ Follow me? ❜ It’s spoken like a command, sounds like a question; choked full of need and longing because Cressida—gods, she’s MISSED her.
fury boils within like never before . tenderness disappears from soft features , quickly replaced by a fire that burned long , long ago . she learned to control it as a young girl , keeping it dim underneath the surface where no one can see , but cressida had always accepted her flaws with not a single complaint . ❛ NO . ❜ meera raises a quivering hand to silence her friend , if they are even that . they both have grown so much — does she even k n o w her anymore ? cressida feels like a stranger in her eyes . ❛ leave me alone . you are as DEAD to me as my mother . ❜
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like this post for a starter yall !!
#my muse is skyrocketing i need all the luv#` * ━━━ oh my fuckin god she fuckin dead. / out of character.
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tbh life has been pretty hectic recently & my mental health is so so important to me ! pls bare w me while i get myself back on track . i have replies still in my drafts that i will definitely try to work on this weekend .
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HE WOULD NEVER DARE ADMIT how his heart feels like it nearly stops when she reaches out for him. her touch is soft but electricity must spark from her fingertips; there is no other way to explain how the touch almost burns but in the most pleasant way possible. “ that sounds like any excellent idea. ” away from wandering eyes that, while he does his best to ignore them, prevents them from speaking openly. he has never enjoyed the rigid propriety of court, but in moments like these his distaste for them is tenfold. what does rank matter when it comes to the heart? it is the person beside him that makes his heart race; that should be enough. “ lead the way, my lady. ”
❛ if it pleases you , ❜ smile never feigning , meera pulls him from the garden , away from people that wish them nothing but fail , and into an emptied hallway where festivities cannot reach . she is almost afraid to let go of his arm at first ; he was made for her touch . ❛ there , that is more like it ! ❜ a heartbeat , a flutter , a brush . perhaps it is impulsive on her part , his too , to engage in such secrecy , however it FEELS right . he feels right . ❛ we are alone at last . ❜ she presses her back against the cold wall and faces him with doe eyes , waiting for his next move .
#im so sorry this took a hundred years 2 reply !!#` * ━━━ nikolai hightower. / interaction. ( meera )#7khq:event
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“ YOUR WORDS ARE A KNIFE to me! how ever will i survive?! ” laughter falls from him lips. it is true that nikolai has been in the company of many noble woman in his life, but even the memory of them pale when he looks upon or so much as thinks of meera. and lately thoughts of her seems to be all that fill his head. he looks for her whenever there is a moment to spare, hoping to catch even a glance of her. the pull is a foreign one but he does not dislike it as long as it pulls him to her. leaning closer, he mimics her whispers, “ but if i am so drunk then you mustn’t leave my side. we wouldn’t want a drunk lord wandering about the keep alone, now would we? ” he his wits are about him, let no one doubt that, but any excuse he has to remain in her company he shall take. when she is at his side the rest of world fades into the background; there is only her and the feeling she awakes within him.
❛ well , that does not sound like a very wise idea , my lord , ❜ she teases , words light as a feather . without a second thought , meera slides her hands around his arm in a moment of weakness , burning skin touching . perhaps it is SHE who is intoxicated , though not on wine , forgetting about the plethora of eyes possibly watching them , stalking their every move , anticipating for the theme of their next table side prattle . it is not illegal to touch a lord , as long as it remains only that — a TOUCH . ❛ shall we find someplace more . . . private ? ❜
#im disgusted @ how fuckin cute they are tbh#someone kick them#` * ━━━ nikolai hightower. / interaction. ( meera )#7khq:event
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“edric,” mariela hissed, reaching forward and pulling the little one back, — eyes narrowing ever so slightly. “we discussed this, no? we do not pull on others clothes. no matter how enticing the option.” she shook her head, pushing him gently in the direction of other children, sighing heavily. a moment passed before she turned towards that whom her son had interfered with: offering an apologetic look. “my apologies. he gets such inclinations from both his father and mother. i’ve… yet to break him of the habit. your garbs are not too ruined, are they?”
only l i g h t laughter is presented to the woman , head shaking to assure no harm has been done . ❛ children are curious by nature , no need for apologies . ❜ meera smoothes out the wrinkle from her gown and offers a smile . nothing brings warmth to her heart more than a BOND between a mother & her child ; she dreams of a future where she has one of her own someday . ❛ adorable little thing , your son . how old is he , if i may ask ? ❜
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MEERA HAD BEEN IN LOVE ONCE , before the death of her mother & the ugly hardships that followed suit quickly after , before rich men defiled her , painted her ( b l a c k ) , killed the shell of a girl she used to be . she had been in love , and it nearly destroyed her . after all of these years , wounds healed and thicker skin emerged , but oh , the pain ? it remained FRESH , reminding her every once in a while of the betrayal committed by the one she held so dearly . but when she sees HER , sees the familiar dark hair brushing inches from where she stands , an overwhelming sensation washes over like a tide crashing against a small ship . chestnut eyes go wide , heartbeat feral . ❛ cre —— . . . ❜ she loses her voice .
#let the bitchfit begin#` * ━━━ cressida grafton. / interaction. ( meera )#` * ━━━ be gentle. / starter. ( meera )#7khq:event#7khq:starter
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SOMETIMES SHE SURPRISED HERSELF , she , a whore , in kings landing , sure that was nothing special , there were many in the capital , but a whore attending the name day celebration for princess visenya , well , who would of thought she’d be here ? then again , she didn’t think she’d ever leave the north as a child but many years on , she was here . blues and golds draped almost perfect porcelain skin , a salacious smile perched across her lips as she played her part , she was a guest , but it was doubtful you could guess her occupation , after all , she wasn’t always a whore . ‘ oh , forgive me , i seemed to have lost myself for a moment , please continue , i’d love to hear more . ’
❛ oh , i — ! ❜ meera hasn't noticed the presence of the lady at first , her mouth running laps from discomfort , feeding into what she feared the most about traveling to king's landing where bloodlines remain precious & critical . her place here feels mislaid , and she is HOMESICK for dorne . ❛ never mind that . i was only r a m b l i n g to myself , silly me ! ❜
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FREE HAND ROSE TO HIS chest as he feigned injury. “ you wound me! do you truly think so lowly of me that you think i would jest about such an important matter? ” how light he feels! the teasing words fall from his tongue effortlessly and his feet feel as if they barely touch the ground. she must be an enchantress sent to seize control of his very heart. the catch? he believed he would give it to her willingly if she asked. perhaps even if she didn’t. why, he would do anything to keep the smile on her face, to hear her melodic laughter, and to watch her blush, which only added to her beauty. “ it is everyone else who suffers from poor eyesight if they question your beauty. ”
❛ YOU ARE MAD , ❜ svelte fingers tuck strands of hair behind her ears , visage not foreign to modesty that often takes root when flattered . he is a lord — surely he has been in the presence of beautiful women before , from princesses to ladies in waiting , all of whom would be a perfectly fitting paramour for someone highborn . meera , on the other hand . . . a pretty face ? perhaps so , pretty enough for a whore at the very least . ❛ no more W I N E for the good lord , he is seeing visions ! ❜ hushed whispers dissimulates into a giggle . it is sporadic for her to be this playful , especially during dire times for house martell , but he allows certain comfort , and she forgets that they are not alone .
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Courtney Eaton in Newness (2017)
#listen#my gay ass is not equipped 2 handle how fuckin adorable courtney is#` * ━━━ stardust too fragile to collect by mere human hands. / portrait. ( meera )
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THE FEELING SHE AWOKE WITHIN him was a foreign one. the mere sight of her made warmth flood through his veins and he could not erase the smile from his face even if he wanted to. her words made the warmth grow. to his eyes, she was the sun and all he could do was admire her light. he wanted to ask her to dance. someone as beautiful as her shouldn’t be hidden away on the outskirts of the party, but nikolai knew he couldn’t, not where everyone could see. a handmaiden and the lord of the reach? the sight would cause quite the scandal. instead, nikolai placed a hand on meera’s back and began to lead them away from the crowd. “ you are a vision, meera. not even the queen herself rivals how beautiful you look. ”
this feeling is like no other . he speaks , and she radiates . he smiles , and she melts into a pool of nothing . he must know , has to know , the effect he holds over her . a cruel twist of FATE that she can never belong to him , for the odds are against them both , and the gods have made their decision long ago . it can only be a childish crush , nothing more . ❛ you jest ! ❜ laughter bubbles from her throat , hair falling on her face to cover rose cheeks . ❛ best hope that nobody overhears you . they may have you examined for POOR EYESIGHT ! ❜
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A FESTIVAL IS NO excuse for her to cease working. in fact , times like these are the most productive for ALL of her business ventures. men loosened their tongues & their belts around wine , and she was sure to reap the benefit of it. it is for this reason that she does not shy away from the messenger boy that comes with a scroll in his hand , but merely ushers him away from the FRAY. ❝ were you seen ? ❞ a small , emphatic shake of his head. she nods her approval before placing coin in his outstretched palm. ❝ hurry home now. ❞ she does not read the message in great length before tucking it in her bodice. away from PRYING EYES. she realizes too late that she isn’t so alone , but makes no real sign of distress. instead , she narrows her eyes.
❝ surely your mother taught you that staring is poor manners. ❞
HER MOTHER HAD TAUGHT HER A FEW THINGS — tears of lys is not as beautiful as it sounds , people can be unkind , life will never be just & fair . what meera did not learn from her mother was how to grow up an orphan . when to keep her mouth shut . what to do when she is all alone without a place to call home . no , the pleasure house had taught her that . ❛ i wasn't ! ❜ she squeaks , clearly shaken from deep thought . ❛ at least , i didn't mean to ! i saw n o t h i n g , lady myriam , swear to the gods old and new ! ❜ except she did . another thing she never learned ( how to LIE ) .
#everything i write becomes depressing af idk ???#` * ━━━ lady myriam. / interaction. ( meera )#7khq:event
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NORMALLY AN EVENT SUCH AS this would capture nikolai’s full attention for even though the talk could be dull at least there was good wine and food. and sometimes dancing, which he often enjoyed. today, however, his attention was elsewhere. there was only one person he wanted to see and spend time with. eyes scanned the crowd, passing over familiar and unfamiliar faces until they found the one he was looking for. a smile pulled at the corners of his lips. there she was. he made his way through the crowd as quickly as possible without drawing too many eyes until he was at her side. “ my lady, may i steal a moment of your time? ” words were spoken quietly for her ears only.
❛ OH ! ❜ her heart reacts to his voice far more quickly before her body can , and she finds herself swooning . silk fabric caresses silhouette , long dark locks flowing over shoulders . today is a CELEBRATION , and she must play her proposed role — silent as a mouse , in the backdrop . never did she expect nikolai hightower to spot her , of all people , amidst the vast crowd of kings & queens . alas , how beautiful he looked ! adorned from head to toe in lavish garment . meera almost feels like a little c h i l d playing dress up in comparison to him . ❛ what is mine is yours , my lord . ❜ a sly smile stretches her lips .
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#im so woozy frm the drugs tbh ??? let's see if i can b productive n not fall asleep#7khq:event#` * ━━━ stardust too fragile to collect by mere human hands. / portrait. ( meera )
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