#“Lankmann is strong
luxury-nightmare · 3 months
mom says that it’s my turn on the writing
They’d been caught.
Police sirens blared outside the barn, shocking Alex out of their uneasy sleep. The lights outside painted the barn in red and blue.
Clyde barged into the barn in a panic. “Human we need to leave”
Alex grabbed their bag and sprinted out the door, only to be met with the horrifying sight of a cop car parked right outside. They froze, then started to dig through their bag for a weapon as police swarmed onto the scene. Out of the corner of their eye they saw Clyde dive onto the nearest one, ripping him to shreds with it’s claws.
Looks like they were fighting their way out of this one.
Clyde was panicking, fueled by pure adrenaline and fierce determination as it moved onto the next cop. It could ignore the exhaustion that plagued it for a moment as it torn through the officers.
It felt a shock run up its spine. It snapped around, only for the shock to return with vengeful force, a police officer holding a taser standing behind it.
Only for a crowbar to hit him on the side of the head. Alex stood behind the cop as they went for another swing. Their eyes were full of fear, but Clyde could see a spark of white-hot fury behind them.
Alex extended a hand. The eyes were visible in their hair again, their illusion fading through the sheer stress. Clyde grabbed their hand and the two started to run. They were outnumbered, and Clyde wasn’t stupid enough to let its pride blind it to danger.
A buzzing sound rang through the air, and Clyde felt the shock a third time. It snarled, whipping around and striking the assailant with it claws. The exhaustion came back with incredible force, and Clyde stumbled back a little in dizziness.
It saw the officer sneak up behind Alex, ready to tase them down, and Clyde lashed to protect it’s friend, it’s family.
Wait, what?
And suddenly, Alex wasn’t there anymore.
Clyde had never been more thankful for its illusions acting subconsciously in its life. It turned to the officer, ripping through his chest, and turning to next one with rage in it eyes, eyes so heavy from exhaustion. It lunged, only for a sharp pain to shot through its shoulder. It turned around to see a police officer holding a gun in his shaky hands.
Clyde turned to lunge at the cop, but before it could, he pulled the trigger, and another flash of pain sent it reeling back.
And another
And another
And as it lost consciousness, it wonder if it would get to see Winfrey again soon.
Alex hadn’t left the barn for hours, and Simon was worried. It had come back to the barn in ruins, and Alex had tried to explain what happened best they could with their broken sign language.
Clyde had been taken, using its illusions to hide them before it was carted off to the asylum. Simon was terrified, utterly confused on what to do next.
But if Simon was panicking, Alex was completely devastated. They had sat in the dark for hours, surrounded by nothing but their own illusions. Simon had taken a look inside a couple minutes ago, and the whole room was dark.
Lit up only by illusions of yellow eyes and crooked grins.
Simon heard the door creak open, causing Simon to turn around quickly, to see Alex walk out from the darkness. They had given up trying to make themself look human in any capacity, and Simon finally saw what they looked like underneath the falsehood.
Their form was dripping and unstable, crooked stripes lining their arms, ebony black claws gripping their crowbar. The bones of wings stuck out of their back, dripping with void. Their face was completely covered in shadow, crooked eyes burning with determination and rage, inhuman teeth pulled back into a snarl.
Are you coming they signed. Simon looked at them confused “what are you talking about?”
I’m going to the asylum. I’m getting everyone out, are you coming with me?
Simon looked at Alex in shock “Alex, you can’t. You’re unstable and it’s to dangerous-“
Are you coming? They signed aggressively.
Simon looked at them, at the sheer rage in their eyes, and nodded.
———————————————— Clyde woke, exhausted and in pain. It shuffled upwards, gripping its bullet wounds. The costume shifted uncomfortably against its skin. It took a couple moments to take in its surroundings.
It heard muffled voices from just outside the large steel door. Out of curiosity it moved closer to hear more clearly.
“I said I wanted 01 in prime condition, instead your men turned around and made Swiss cheese out of it!”
Rage curdled in its stomach. It knew that voice.
“I’m sorry sir, but it brushed off three tasers like it was nothing and killed at least six of my men.”
“Never mind. At least it’s here. Where it specimen 03?”
“I don’t know sir. They just disappeared”
“What do you mean they disappeared? Did you forget they could make illusions?”
“Incompetent. All of you”
All of a sudden Clyde heard a shuffling behind it. It’s tail shot upwards in fear. It was in no state to fight, and whatever was in this room with it was probably bad.
It knew those voices
It turned around-
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fandomfuntimem · 4 months
I updated their outfit. Its a ripped straight jacket now. Lore. I gues.
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Also some extra doodles and notes.
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shattered-lazuli · 1 year
Some random Lankmann headcanons!!
(cuz I've posted these a while ago on twt, so might as well share them here)
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I am so incredibly normal about him <3
He wouldn't really be a dog nor a cat person, he'd be a lizard person. If he was to have one as pet, it'd be a chameleon
He doesn't like suits (why? cuz it's ironic lol)
He cannot handle spicy food, his limit is fucking black pepper
Since his head is literally an empty hole, he uses it to hide stuff he steals, like snacks, pens or whatever else from Pastra
He analizes the hell out of stories, be it books, movies or whatever, and he loves symbolism
I don't think he's aware of Swankmann's existence. He'll essencially blackout, Swank will do whatever he gotta do for the buck, and Lankmann will just wake up confused on what even happened
His favorite song is Ruler of Everything
He's got a deep hatred for Phil after he destroyed the wall, but he can't actually show it, so he just acts really passive-agressive with him
He doesn't have a favorite type of game, but he hates rhythm games (look at his hands)
He probably giggles and kicks his feet when he sees fanart of himself
Lankmann is really annoying with cleaning. On one hand, he doesn't ruin the house as a roommate. On the other, he'll bother you about a single dirty plate in the sink
Mf sleeps once a week, but whenever he does, you will not wake up his ass, he actually looks dead
He'll go to fast-food places at the most ungodly hours to eat and chat with the cashiers. Both him and the minimun-wage workers rant about their landlords lol
He probably feels a bit self conscious about his height. Like, in the videos, he makes himself look like this big creature, when he's 5'5"
He's actually ordered a Clyde plushie, his purposes are unknown
Lankmann absolutely would fall for updog and deez nuts jokes
That's all I got. If you actually read this whole thing, wow
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corrupteddoodles · 5 months
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Is Lankmann as strong is he purports?
Or is it based on his support?
He’d be powerless without Eastridge Police!
And here’s the sugar on the cream, he tried to silence me!
I came back and now he’s pissy, that’s the tea!
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prodigal-sunlight · 2 years
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Pls keep your eldritch horror coworkers on a baby leash so they don’t cause trouble
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fandomfuntimem · 4 months
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My veldi Alex isn't actually that big. I just thought it would be fun to draw them as a giant monster.
Anyways, this isn't canon to the crossover. But IMAGINE since my veldigun Alex was held captive like Winfrey was. Leon realising the people he was sent to work for, under the deise of finding his lost cousin, were holding his lost AND VERY MUTATED cousin in the basement. Like damn.
Extras + Crossover info below.
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Crossover au stuff
Leon and Alex were both socially awkward kids. So they often hung out during family gatherings. Hence their closeness.
Alex was the first person Leon wanted to talk to after the events of Racoon city. But he was prohibited by the government. Not too long later Eastridge was closed off to the world and Leon could no longer contact Alex.
Leon wasn't as close to Louis Williams (i think that's the child's name-) as he was to Alex Williams. This was mostly due to the age gap. Leon still felt terrible when he died.
Leon was sent to work with the Lankmann foundation alongside Chris and Ashley (Ashley needs to be around more. Freaking love her). He only found out Alex was missing after arriving and trying to visit them. (Lankmann lies and says Alex is missing, probably eaten by the eastridge demon, after learning them and Leon are related.)
Leon is initially on a quest for revenge, but after almost killing Clyde he learns the truth and decides to abandon the mission and help Alex.
Chris is deaply untrusting of the Veldiguns and believes Leon is under their control.
Ashley is conflicted, but trusts Leon more.
Both Alex and Leon have a strong sense of justice, and also deal with survivor's guilt. (Alex: the halloween incident. Leon: Raccoon city)
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fandomfuntimem · 3 months
Remember when I promised all my one shots would come with art? I lied. ANOTHER DOAI X RE CROSSOVER BE UPON THEE!
The folie of deux au x resident evil
Leon dove below a desk. Holding his breath he heard the sound of heavy boots slowly approaching the door. The door creaked open.
"Leon?" It said, "helloooo..." it began to wonder around the room. There would be footsteps, then they would stop, things would be shuffled around, then it would continue searching. This thing wearing Alex's skin just appeared and began stalking him! Like that freakish super soldier from the police station. It knew his name, but that wasn't his cousin. No. It was some freakish mind controling parasite or something!
Leon heard it stop again. The sound of a book being slid from a shelf was heard before the brief flipping of pages.
"No. Nothings wrong. I just find books inturesting."
"Yeah... so. It seems he isn't in here."
"I know, but maybe you saw wrong!"
"Ugh! I don't even know what you like about the guy. I get he's your cousin and all, but he carries those gun things and keeps running."
"You're right. We aren't exactly what you used to be."
"Yeah... sorry..."
A one sided conversation, and it sounded regretful. Leon felt his shoulders relax, "your cousin" it said. Was it talking to Alex? Is Alex still in there? Leon shook himself. Maybe they were still there, but they have no control. He can't risk his life. Even if there was a sliver of a chance at saving them, he couldn't risk it.
The footsteps started again, moving away from his hiding spot. Soon the door creeked open, and the creature exited with the door slamming behind it. Leon listened as the footsteps slowley, but surely, became quieter and quieter. He let out a sigh of relief. Slowly creeping out of his hiding spot, he made his way to the door. Leon pressed his ear to the door, nothing, its safe.
Leon slowly made his way through the halls of the old office building. He hasn't found whatever Lankmann wanted him to find, but whatever it was can't be this hard to find. "It will revolutionize my research," he had said, "A matter of combining the two most optimal forms." Leon didn't believe it. Its probably going to result in a zombie apocalypse he'll have to clean up again...
He searched through some cabinets and desks. It would have really helped if they told him what he was looking for. Turning to leave he was only met with the tall lanky figure of what used to be his cousin. It basicly towered over him despite slouching. Black sludge dripped down half it's face, a glowing blue eye peaked through the curtain of slime. Clawed hands hung at it's sides, and the rest of their figure was shrouded in a black trench cout.
It smiled, "there you are!"
Leon tried to run, he really did, but it gripped his arm. A monstrously strong grip. He wanted to scream, yell for help, cry, but he couldn't. There was no one who would answer. The creature pulled him in, he struggled to no avail, and it just hugged him. A kind and firm hug. One that Leon hadn't felt in a long time.
Despite all his instincts telling him not to, Leon melted into the hug. He must be touch starved to take even the smallest form od affection from the mutated form of what used to be his best friend. "I missed you." It said.
"What?" Leon stepped back. The glowing eye was gone, instead he was faced with Alex's normal green eye on the right side of their face.
"I missed you. It's been years!"
"You were able to talk this entire time and you never did!?"
Alex laughed, "sorry sorry! Winfrey likes her freedom! It was pretty spooky though, wasn't it?"
"Yeah... it was."
"Ugh, yeah. Sooooo..."
"Wanna grab something to eat and catch up? I know a place willing to make our burgers raw!"
Leon took note of the sharp teeth, carnivorous. Leon has seen weirder,
My list of potention crossovers is extensive. I am also on a 9hr road trip rn and the most well behaved person is my 1yo niece. She's just straight vibin.
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