#“I fell in love at seven o'clock with the sun”
fateofglass · 2 months
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Secret Ingredient (Rooster x Reader)
Part of The What If Collection of blurbs for Roo and Baby Girl. Written for an ask. My masterlist. Banner by @mak-32
Warnings: just fluff
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"You seem a little nervous," Bradley whispered as you snuggled up against his arm on the flight. "You know they love you, right?"
You buried your face against his shirt and inhaled the fresh smell of the laundry detergent you always bought. Bradley smelled and felt like home, and as you slipped your hands around his bicep, you snuggled a little closer. "I know," you replied softly. 
You'd spent hours on facetime calls with Carole Bradshaw over the past month and a half since you met them for the first time. Sometimes Goose would make a cameo, but usually it was just Carole. She always called Bradley's phone, but after a minute or two, she inevitably asked to talk to you every single time. 
"I know," you repeated. "I'm not nervous exactly. I just want to make a good impression on them in their home. I'm literally going to visit the house you grew up in. And it's Thanksgiving. It's a big deal."
Bradley just kissed the top of your head and said, "You're a big deal."
You glared up at him, but you were smiling. And then you snuggled in for the rest of the flight and eventually fell asleep. You felt yourself being jostled awake by Bradley just as the sun was setting in Virginia. 
"Let's go find my dad," Bradley said as both of you walked through the airport.
"Your mom's not picking us up, too?" you asked.
"Doubt it. She's probably already cooking more food than we could ever hope to eat."
"Should I offer to help her?" you asked, walking a little faster now that Bradley had spotted his dad standing in front of a row of benches. 
"If you want to," he replied. "She'd probably like that. She might even tell you about her secret recipes."
"Secret recipes?" you asked, but Goose was already pulling you in for a tight hug before he even reached for his son.
"How was the flight?" he asked, rubbing a firm circle into your shoulder with his hand before releasing you with a smile.
"Very smooth," you replied, watching him and Bradley hug each other. 
He kissed Bradley's cheek and told you, "Don't say that to him. He thinks he could do it better."
You laughed. "He probably could."
Bradley kissed you and whispered, "That's my girl." Then you let your fingers tangle with his as you both followed Goose outside as he pulled your suitcase for you. 
The short drive from the airport had you more excited than nervous as you listened to the two of them chat about everything and nothing. And when you pulled up to their house, Carole came running out and opened the back door to collect you in her arms as you climbed out. 
"You're here!" she announced, kissing your cheek and hugging you. "Goose got Bradley's old bedroom ready for you. You'll think it's so cute. It still has his baseball theme."
"You're adorable," you told Bradley as he rolled his eyes.
When you smiled and pulled Carole in for another hug when she started to back away, she whispered in your ear, "I can't tell you how happy I am that you're here."
And then she led you inside and gave you a tour of the house that included her pointing out where Bradley once wet his pants when he was five years old and where he threw up before his date for junior prom got dropped off.
By the time she tried to get the three of you into the dining room to eat dinner, you were doubled over in laughter, and Bradley was shaking his head. "I only threw up a little," he said as he helped his mom carry food to the table. 
And there was just so much food, you couldn't comprehend what tomorrow would be like when she made Thanksgiving dinner. But you didn't have to wonder for long. You and Bradley slept in his baseball bedroom, your body draped on top of his with his fingers tangled with yours. And at seven o'clock, you could hear Carole in the kitchen.
"What's she doing, Roo?" you asked as Bradley started to stir. 
"Cooking," he rasped. "She's always like this. Has to make everyone's favorite side dish. Brenda is allergic to yams and needs something else. Terry hates cranberry sauce so she makes homemade chutney. My dad's favorite vegetable is lima beans, so she makes him a special casserole that everyone else hates."
You stretched as your body reminded you that it was actually four in the morning California time, but you got out of bed anyway. "Your mom is lovely, but I'm glad she doesn't know my favorite side dish, because she would have probably tried to make it."
Bradley just smirked as he watched you pull off your tee shirt and get dressed. "You're right about that, Baby Girl."
"I'm going to go help her," you said, bending to kiss him. "Suck up to your mom a little bit more."
Bradley snorted and rolled over. "She already wants me married off to you, so good luck with that. You'll never get rid of me now." He pulled the blanket over his head, and you smiled as you went to the kitchen to investigate. 
Carole was somehow peeling potatoes, reading a recipe and making stuffing at the same time. "Can I help you with anything?" you asked, and she turned to face you with a bright smile. 
"Sure! Peel these," she said, handing you the peeler and the potato she was working on. Your eyes caught on the ring she had on with her wedding band.
"That's pretty. Is it a ruby?" you asked, and her eyes flashed as they met yours. 
"Yes, it's my birthstone. Goose got it for me."
You pressed your lips together and then decided to ask, "What happened to your engagement ring?" You were sure she'd had a diamond when they visited you and Bradley last month. 
She was quiet for a beat as she diced up an onion and added it to the stuffing. "I just thought it was time for a change," she said softly before she smiled at you. "Now get to peeling," she added with a wink. "We have to make everyone's favorite side dishes!"
You worked for a while side by side as she asked you about your job and made sure Bradley was a top notch boyfriend. "Well he can't cook to save his life," you said, and started to chuckle. "But he cleans and does all the yard work."
"And he's sweet to you?" she asked sincerely.
You looked down at the peeler and nodded. "Yes. He's sweet to me." Then you set the peeler down and said, "Bradley told me something about your secret recipes?"
She laughed a little more. "That's just something I always told Bradley and my Goose to keep them out of the kitchen and out of my hair. I told them that I had to cook my secret recipes, and that maybe one day I would share them."
You smiled and said, "I hope you're not about to tell me that the secret ingredient you use is love. Because that would be the most mom thing ever."
"No," she said with another wink as she opened the refrigerator. "It's wine." She took out a bottle of chardonnay and opened it.
"Okay, that's pretty funny," you said, accepting a glass after she poured two. "Wine is the secret ingredient."
She looked at you for a moment with a thoughtful smile. "I guess there is another secret ingredient. And you'll have to excuse me for giving a total mom answer here. But I think the real secret ingredient is patience."
"Mmhmm," she hummed. "You'll need it with Bradley. I need it with Goose." She took a sip of wine and then said, "But you'll need to be the one to add it to your recipes. Your relationship. Lord knows my Bradley can be a sweetheart when he wants to be, but he can sometimes be indecisive and other times rush things. Let him rush for the good things, like being with you. But make sure you help him through the indecisive bits before you both get too overwhelmed. Now help me with this coleslaw. It's Erica's favorite."
You thought about her words and considered how it felt to be with Bradley. Sometimes you thought you and he rushed to be together and move into his house. And as you mixed up the ingredients as Carole added them, Bradley popped his head into the room. 
"Need help?" he asked. 
"Why don't you set the table?" Carole asked him. "And don't forget the little bottle. I put it in the pantry."
Bradley kissed his mom on the cheek and then pulled you in for a kiss that was on the verge of being too much, and then he disappeared into the dining room. Carole just smirked. 
A while later, when the turkey and no fewer than twelve side dishes were ready, you and all of Bradley's cousins headed into the dining room. "Where should I sit?" you asked him when he wrapped his arms around you from behind. 
"My mom had me put your favorite side dish at your spot," Bradley said, rubbing his mustache along your ear. "See it yet?"
Then your eyes caught on the bottle of your favorite green hot sauce, and your heart swelled with happiness. "Oh!" you gasped, turning in Bradley's arms. "You told her about my addiction to hot sauce?"
"She wanted you to have your favorite side dish. I told her you weren't picky, and then she got that information out of me."
"I love it here," you murmured before rushing over to give Carole a hug.
She squeezed you as you whispered, "Thanks for the hot sauce. Happy Thanksgiving."
"Happy Thanksgiving," she whispered back.
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Oh Captain, My Captain: Chapter 9
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What a night. That was your first thought when you woke up the next morning to the sound of seagulls chirping outside. A stream of sunlight highlighted every little corner of the room that you hadn't really gotten a glimpse of the night before.
You didn't have a care in the world. In fact, you felt light as a feather. Beside you, Joel still slept in his boyish contentment. Messy hair. Deep breaths entering and exiting his nose. Arms folded, hugging across his bare chest. The artist in you wanted to paint him in such a picture perfect state.
A lone anxious thought rose in your chest and it made you reach for your phone. Had anyone been looking for you, or did your brother come through?
A wave of relief washed over you when you saw there were no missed messages or calls. None. Zero. You were in the clear. Free.
The clock read ten minutes after seven o'clock and for a short time you just laid there in the blissful ocean of sheets and blankets. Joel's room was surprisingly neat for a bachelor, with a flatscreen above a pale white bureau and a few other wooden pieces of furniture. A cylindrical wicker basket sat in the corner filled nearly to the top with laundry beside a set of pullout doors you assumed housed a closet.
When Joel finally stirred, he hummed a little wake-up groan to himself as he rubbed beneath one eye before opening them.
You turned, smiling smally to yourself at his pillow-tossed hair and morning squint as the sun invaded his slumber. You felt at ease when the corner of his mouth perked up in a smile and his hand fell to your bare hip beneath the covers.
"Hey," he said quietly, his voice coming out a bit gravelly before he cleared his throat.
"Hey," you echoed, turning your body to face him more directly.
"How'd you sleep?"
"Fine." You sighed when his hand rose high up your torso and back down. "Did you sleep well?"
He nodded against the pillow. "You don't have anywhere to be right?"
You shook your head. "Nope. Do you?"
"Not until later." Joel grinned a little wider. "Someone's gotta drive the boat. Maybe you can come be a stowaway again on a ride or two."
"If you don't mind the company."
Joel chuckled quietly and pulled your body closer to his. Your lips met as you edged closer and all at once you were lost in each other again. Joel held you close, pinning you on top of him as you leaned down and initiated a heated, urgent kiss that intensified the moment. The rest happened naturally.
The entire morning went something like that. Joel whipped up some bacon and eggs with toast and some fruit. You stared out through the hanging branches toward the ocean as you sat side by side eating breakfast at the kitchen island.
Moments after slipping a strawberry into his mouth, Joel was picking up you and seating you down on the countertop with his face in your breasts leaving kisses up your neck and making you want him again.
There was a fleeting moment where you worried someone might see your intimate encounter from one of the many open windows; but once Joel got your next love making session underway you forgot all about it.
Fuck, it was all so overwhelming in the best of ways. You couldn't keep your hands off each other. All it took was one of you to look at each other the right way and the throes of new love took over.
It was close to noon when your bodies had finally had enough. Joel laid on the couch, tastefully exhausted, with you on his chest partially beneath a blanket that had been hanging on the back of the couch.
He placed his first two fingers beneath your chin and it forced your eyes on his. You placed a gentle peck on his lips.
"You know I'm normally a grumpy old man?" He said, half-kidding.
You shook your head with a grin. "I don't believe it."
"This is the first time in awhile I haven't thought about going down to that little dive bar to grumble about my day, or just get buzzed to come home alone and fall asleep."
You kissed his lips again. "I enjoy being with you, Joel."
He let his fingers run up and down your back. "I'm starting to wish you could stay for longer than just this week."
"Me too." You felt somber agreeing with him and rested your head flat against his chest. When his lips touched the top of your head your eyes closed.
"I have to get to work," Joel said in a voice just above a whisper. "You can stay.. or if you need to go home I can drop you off."
You wanted to stay, but you didn't have clothes.. and you knew you had to check in with your family sooner or later.
"Well I don't have any clean clothes," you told him with a laugh. "And I think my parents might send out a search party if I don't show my face. But, uh.."
Joel finished your thought. "Well, if you can sneak away again and feel like coming back with some clean clothes, I get out of work at six. I wouldn't mind some company."
You could sense a seriousness in his eyes and voice, alike. You felt it, too.
"I'd like the company, too."
Joel toyed with your hair and closed his eyes. "I don't want to get up." He let out a light laugh and you smiled.
"Have any sick days?" You joked, scrunching your nose as you looked up at him.
He chuckled. "I think they'd all see right through that lie. Plus.. the tourists await." Joel guided your face back to his and you shared a series of closed mouth kisses.
"Come on," he said with reluctance. "Let's get you home."
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lolohe12 · 1 year
In honor of Good Omens Season 2 coming out I'm sharing my Very long and ever increasing Ineffable Husband's playlist
Somebody to Love - By Queen: "Take a look in the mirror and cry. Lord, what you're doing to me? I have spent all my years in believing you but I just can't get no relief, Lord... Can anybody find me somebody to love?"
2. (You're The) Devil in Disguise - By Elvis Presley: "You look like an angel. Walk like an angel. Talk like an angel. But I got wise. You're the devil in disguise"
3. Rewrite The Stars - From The Greatest Showman: "No one can say what we get to be. So why don't we rewrite the stars? Maybe the world could be ours tonight"
4. Old Devil Moon - By Frank Sinatra: "Just when I think, I'm free as a dove Old devil moon, deep in your eyes blinds me with love"
5. Earth Angel - By The Penguins: Earth angel, Earth angel, will you be mine? My darling dear, love you all the time. I'm just a fool, a fool in love with you"
6. From Eden - By Hozier: "Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago. Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword. Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know. I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door"
7. Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy - By Queen: "Dining at the Ritz we'll meet at nine precisely (One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine o'clock) I will pay the bill, you taste the wine. Driving back in style in my saloon will do quite nicely. Just take me back to yours that will be fine"
8. Take This Waltz - By Leonard Cohen: "And I'll yield to the flood of your beauty. My cheap violin and my cross. And you'll carry me down on your dancing to the pools that you lift on your wrist. Oh my love, oh my love take this waltz, take this waltz. It's yours now, it's all that there is"
9. A Thousand Years - By Christina Perri: "I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more"
10. Black Wedding - By In This Moment Ft. Rob Halford: "I would've loved you for a thousand years. I would've died for you. I would've sacrificed it all my dear. I would've bled for you 'Til death do us part. You were unholy right from the start It's a nice night for a black wedding."
11. Transatlanticism - By Deathcab for Cutie: "The Atlantic was born today, and I'll tell you how. The clouds above opened up and let it out... I need you so much closer"
12. All This and Heaven Too - By Florence and The Machine: "All this heaven never could describe such a feeling as I'm hearing. Words were never so useful so I was screaming out a language that I never knew existed before"
13. Sun and Moon - By Jon Walker: "I could have been a lot of things. I could have seen the world with broken wings. You're the only one who understands. Yeah, you're the only one who understands"
14. When The Day Met The Night - By Panic! At The Disco: "When the sun found the moon she was drinking tea in a garden, under the green umbrella trees in the middle of summer"
15. Still Into You - By Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox: "Can't count the years on one hand that we've been together. I need the other one to hold you make you feel, make you feel better"
16. Come With Me - By Chxrlotte: "And after six thousand years, if the world disappears I'd fight angels and demons to find you, my dear. I hear heavenly sounds in my head when you're near. I'm alright now you're here"
17. Halo - By Ane Brun: "It's like I've been awakened. Every rule I had you breaking, It's the risk that I'm taking I ain't never gonna shut you out"
18. Like Real People Do - By Hozier: " Iwill not ask you where you came from. I will not ask you, neither should you. Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips. We should just kiss like real people do"
19. Time After Time - By Iron & Wine: "If you're lost you can look and you will find me time after time. If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting time after time"
20. Longer - By Dan Fogelberg: "Longer than there've been fishes in the ocean, higher than any bird ever flew, longer than there've been stars up in the heavens, I've been in love with you"
21. The Book of Love - By Peter Gabriel: "The book of love is long and boring and written very long ago. It's full of flowers and heart-shaped boxes and things we're all too young to know"
22. Heaven in a Place on Earth - By Belinda Carlisle: "In this world, we're just beginnin' to understand the miracle of livin'.Baby, I was afraid before but I'm not afraid anymore"
23. And I Love Him - by Benjamin Gibbard: Bright are the stars that shine dark is the sky. I know this love of mine will never die. And I love him"
24. You're my Best Friend - By Queen: Oh, you're the best friend that I ever had. I've been with you such a long time. You're my sunshine and I want you to know t hat my feelings are true I really love you. Oh, you're my best friend"
25. A Nightingale Sang In Barkley Square - By Tori Amos: "There were angels dancing at the Ritz. And a nightingale sang in Berkeley Square"
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angelblacksmith · 3 years
Sleepover (S.S)
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x fem!Reader
Warning: kiss, mention stress
Summary: Sheriff Stilinski is on night duty, so the reader stays overnight at Stiles'.
Word count: 801
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It was already getting dark outside the window. The clock above the kitchen cabinet ticked steadily and showed the time. It's almost seven o'clock in the evening. In autumn, the sun set early, and there was a pleasant and light coolness outside. Stiles liked this weather because he could wear his flannel shirts. Sheriff Stilinski was on night duty, so you decided to stay "a little bit" and spend the night at Stiles' house. After the story with the obsessed Stiles, you tried to spend as much time with him as possible so that he would not drown in his thoughts and constant guilt. You can say that only with you Stiles felt like himself and he was more than comfortable.
Stiles was waiting for you in the living room to watch Star Wars while you were in the kitchen looking for provisions and food for tonight's movie. After opening the refrigerator and taking out a box of ice cream, you hurried to close it, but suddenly almost jumped because of a loud exclamation behind your back.
In a panic, you turned and looked through the doorway. Bent over and clutching his chest in the heart area, Stiles was a true drama queen. Raising an eyebrow in a silent question, you nodded in the hope that it would explain to you what the deepest scene of the drama you are currently watching.
"I'm sorry, I think I just had a heart attack when I looked at you-you're so cute." Stiles smiled so that charming dimples appeared on his cheeks, he was clearly going to impress you with his statement. But you just clicked your tongue and barely smiled out of the corner of your lips.
"Should I comment on this?" It was a more rhetorical question than an interrogative one, but Stiles was quick to give an answer.
"Yes, you should have said that your boyfriend is the most beautiful and amazing." Stiles smiled even harder and leaned against the wall. A gray T-shirt and dark disheveled hair betrayed the boy the comfort you needed after all the stress you had experienced. "And also that I'm the best actor."
"In that case, you should say that I am the best girl, because no one else would tolerate all your antics." Grabbing ice cream and walking to Stilinski, you stopped in the maximum permissible proximity. The ice cream box between you was the only obstacle. "You're an insufferable fool at times. "
You weren't trying to hurt or hurt Stiles with your words. On the contrary, at times it was this childish stupidity, seasoned with practical jokes and a bunch of jokes, that made you fall in love with him more and more. Stiles took the ice cream box out of your hand and left it on the kitchen table. His arms wrapped around your waist and gently ran up and down your spine.
"Actually, miss. I'm a fool because I love you, and that's the only reason." Stiles smiled slyly and gave you a quick peck on the nose. Your hands were at that moment lying on the boy's chest and smoothing the T-shirt on him.
Leaving a light kiss on your neck, Stilinski continued to lay a path of light kisses along your jaw. You fell silent and slightly closed your eyes. Noticing this, the boy, clearly pleased with his activity with kisses and your reaction, looked into your eyes when you opened them. There was an ear-to-ear smile on his face, and there were sparkles in his eyes.
"Stop smiling, I'm going to kiss you." Your words brought even more happiness to his face, and his smile became even brighter. He deliberately tried to hide her smile, but to no avail. Shaking your head, you lightly kissed the corner of his lips. At the same moment, Stiles stopped smiling and caught your lips with his.
Stiles' hands were also resting on your waist. Slightly squeezing the T-shirt that you safely stole from his closet a couple of hours ago, he let out a light moan into your lips. Following that, you pulled Stiles by the strands of his hair, deepening the kiss and making him make another quiet half-moan. Slightly biting your lower lip, Stiles gently moved away, but did not remove his hands from your waist.
"You have such soft lips. I can kiss them all day, but I'm afraid then our ice cream will melt." He gestured to the box. You nodded affirmatively agreeing with his opinion. "After all, we still have a whole night ahead of us."
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liptonsbabe · 3 years
Remember me [F.O]
Finnick Odair x female! reader
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Summary: Something’s different at the Capitol. All victors must return to their respective districts within the week. Snow’s orders. Nobody can oppose and Finnick has a bad feeling about that
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: none
English not my mother language so pls tell me if something’s wrong
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Chapter 2: Homecoming
The morning feels different, as if something has changed right off the bat; the air feels less heavy and I feel less exhausted.
The sun's rays stream through the window and I shiver as I feel Finnick's strong arms pulling me tight against him; he’s bothered by the sun too. I smile and place my hands over his.
“Finnick, close the curtains”
“What? Why me?”
“You're closer to the window than me”
“And your point is...?”
I try to get up and Finnick stops me. He laughs over my shoulder without letting me make another move.
“Leave them like that. Don't get up”
“I want to go back to sleep," I tell him, "We didn't get enough rest last night”
Finnick's face scrunches up, but then returns to normal, wearing a bright smile. He pulls me to him and hugs me
“But it was a good night, wasn't it? At least it was for me. I got the best news in the world”
“Sure, it was”
I try to smile, but worry don't let me. I feel a weight off since last night, but the situation makes my hair stand on end. what would happen when Snow found out i’m pregnant? He hates me to death and he would do everything to make me suffer
It all starts years ago, in my games. It was an important year, the games were organized as a special event for President Snow's birthday, everything had to go perfectly. I was chosen in the reaping along with Derek, my District partner.
Arriving at the Capitol people always have a favorite and Derek was theirs. With hundreds of sponsors raining down on his shoulders and hundreds more female fans who would surely help him. Finnick was one of the few people -along with Maggs, Annie, Johanna and Haymitch- who helped me survive in that place.
Sometimes Gamemakers can be too stupid. On the last nights of the games, Derek had died, unleashing the anger and discontent of most of the country, leaving me with all the pressure of at least being the last to die.
I reached a cliff, a boy from District twelve was following my steps to the top. I was cornered. In an instant of carelessness, the sword I was carrying fell into the cliff and seconds later, it came back to me.
It was a force field, and I used it to my advantage.
That annoyed them very much cause, according to them, with my indiscipline I ruined President Snow’s birthday
Up to this point Snow hasn't deigned to make me pay for that, but I don't deny the fact that he wants to do it later, like now he wants to get revenge on that girl from district twelve who did her little berry trick with her partner. And when Finnick and I started a relationship, he was the first to congratulate us on such a good decision.
Snow is still pissed at me, I can tell by the scandalous looks he sends me every year in the mentor room where we watch our boys fight for their lives. I sense it when he tries to approach me when Finnick walks away, but comes back immediately after when he sees the intentions Snow has for me. And it's not like he can take it out on anyone in my family. I have no one left but Finnick
Finnick's fingers rest on my shoulder and he gently caresses it, trying to make my sudden cloud of unease dissipate.
“We're going to be fine”
“I haven't said otherwise. I just know it won't be what you'd call easy. Snow hates me”
“I know a lot of things about him that he won't want the whole country to know," he says, sitting down on the bed with me following his movements.
“That business of secrets again," I say rolling my eyes, "I hate to think of the way you got them.
“That was before I met with you” He swears with a little smile. I tap him on the shoulder
“You better”
Later in the day Johanna arrives at our house laden with some packages wrapped in newspaper. I help her place them on the table and Finnick goes to the kitchen to get something to drink. We sit together in the living room and Johanna starts questioning me.
“I guess you've told him the news already, haven't you?” I nod and she takes my hands “So, how did he take it?”
“He took it well. Surprisingly well. I told him yesterday in a... not so good situation” Johanna raises an eyebrow waiting for me to continue “He got upset when I went to the bathroom during the night”
My friend from district seven laughs out loud, infecting me with her effusiveness. She denies as she laughs and looks at me unable to contain herself.
“I think Finnick has become more stupid than he already was”
He comes up to us and puts the tray of drinks on the coffee table. Johanna takes the drink and takes a sip.
“Nothing, nothing," says Johanna, "We were talking about how shity is to live in here, right?”
“Johanna..." Finnick mumbles back, knowing they could hear us. She shrugs her shoulders
“What? your depressed faces tells me so. I don't blame you, though. I'd rather go back to those damn games than live here”
“Be careful what you ask for," Finnick says, sitting down next to me.
“As if that's even damn possible”
Johanna slams her drink and leaves the empty glass on the table, she licks her red lips and turns back to us.
“I just stopped by to see how you were doing and to give you some news”
“What news?”
“Oh, I guess you're going to love this”
“What is it” Asks Finnick desperately. Johanna smiles
“Well, I think that Snow's cold is already getting old. He's even more stupid than usual” Finnick tenses at her words and I take his hand to calm him down “Anyway, the thing is that this morning he has given the order for all the mentors that are in this hell to return to their District”
Finnick and I jump up excited and stunned by the news. He looks at me and I return the gesture by squeezing his hands.
“What are you talking about, Johanna?”
“About that thing you heard, love bird” She stands up and stands in front of us “The old man has given us permission to return to our home. Can you believe it?”
The small sense of relief I feel dissipates as soon as his words make sense. I am overwhelmed by such a sudden surprise and by the fact that after some time we’ll return home.
“I guess you guys have a lot to talk about. I'm leaving, Blight is waiting for me” She rolls his eyes and walks towards the door. Before leaving he turns to us with a raised eyebrow “Your train leaves tomorrow at eight o'clock. Good luck”
The echoing of the door floods the room, but we are both too immersed in uncertainty to let it pass. Finnick turns me toward him and grabs me by the arms.
“We can go back. We'll go back," he says, excitement overflowing from his pores. I nod and without knowing why, I'm worried about going back to the district.
Maggs smiles at me as he sees me enter the train with Finnick. I take a seat next to him and he immediately takes my hands.
“Hi Maggs” I stroke her face and she smiles even more. She puts a hand on my belly and then looks at Finnick out of the corner of her eye ”Yes, Maggs, I told him already”
My former mentor pats my stomach and that's when Annie Cresta appears. Her eyes are downcast and her long hair looks disheveled and brittle. Maggs looks at her with sorrow and I invite her to sit with us.
“How are you, Annie?” She doesn't answer and her gaze is lost in the train. For a minute she looks at me and then she starts crying.
“I want to go home. I don't want to go back. I don't want to”
“You won't. Calm down”
Annie leans against my shoulder and I hug her so she can calm down. After a few minutes she falls asleep on me and I hold her until we reach the shore.
Finnick helps me wake her up and get her off the train with Maggs in front of us. As the hatches open the saltiness of the water floods my nostrils. The fishermen are doing their work and the women are making nets for their husbands to lure the fish to the shore.
I take another breath  and the smell of our district food fills my heart and drives away the worry that has settled in me since yesterday.
I’m back
I’m at home
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jafndaegur · 4 years
Blue and Grey [where's my angel?]
Jumin x MC
a/n: Reverse Isekai. If you know the song; then you know the song.
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Where is my angel?
The end of a tiring day.
"Someone come and save me, please"
Is overshadowed by a sigh...
MC stared up at the ceiling, her phone held limply in her grasp. The Mystic Messenger app blinked sporadically with the "Normal Route" logo. Her lips wobbled and she hadn't realized the sob that wobbled in her chest. 
Everything had felt so real. She knew without a shadow of a doubt that she had spent eleven days with the most amazing people that she would know in her lifetime.
She fell in love with the most amazing man she would know in her lifetime.
Her breath quivered and a small squeak came out with her exhale. 
Living and in the flesh, Jumin had been real—every word, every touch, every bit. Same for the others. So why was it now that she suddenly woke up from the dream? Now the real world heaved a sigh and existed all around her as it had before the game. She didn't think miracles were real, but being transported into the world of the game had been a blessing. It saved her and in turn she was able to save someone she loved.
Except now.
MC turned off her phone, unable to bear the sound of the upbeat music or the warm yellow glow of the videogame.
Little time had passed since she'd been brought in and out from the videogame world, less than eleven days (probably less than eleven hours even). No one had worried about her, no one cared. She bit her lip and forced herself to not think about the near-empty contacts list on her phone.
She was forced back into reality and she would live. As she always had.
The color that had been so suddenly and vibrantly splashed into her life was striped away with the harsh scent of acetone and paint remover. 
She walked to work. Her manager greeted her with a practice smile and gave her the laundering list for the day. MC nodded mutely, pulled on her apron and went to the back of the dry cleaning facility. The party recipients were gone, and the lavish ballroom the RFA held their party in also dissipated. Only the sound of chirring machinery and the rustle of clothes, either in bags or not, now existed. MC stared at the rows of slowly shifting suits on the conveyor racks and wondered how often Jumin took his suits to a dry-cleaner. She momentarily fancied the idea of him just purchasing a new suit everytime he dirtied and old one—and she giggled. It was the first time laughing since she came back home. But the immediate pang in her heart at the idea of Jumin's bemused grin and his narrowed grey eyes caused her to swallow back a cry. Because he totally would find her notion silly, before saying something like "I only have the finest launderers in all of Korea dry-clean my suits. And I do leave a mean tip, if I say so myself, darling."
MC hated this.
She found that the world existed in faded hues of blue and grey. The sky glimmered in a dull linen blue, brushing up against the greyed horizon while the sun faded from view. Walks were the only thing MC found she could stomach after long twelve hour shifts. She hadn't the heart to delete the Mystic Messenger game, but she couldn't look at the sprites or the characters knowing she'd interacted with them as real breathing people. So it was a little comfort, but the cool breeze and the nighttime air in the city made her feel closer to her RFA friends even though they weren't there.
City nights in general made her feel closer to Jumin.
MC wondered if in some other universe, or world, or timeline, Jumin lived...missing her the way she missed him. He was far too expressive to be a simple videogame character after all.
She wondered if she was just a game to them too, a little person all coded up nice and neatly for them to choose their preferred routes.
A park between her work place and her apartment sat quaintly in the city. It was safe and hardly used at this time of night. For the past few months since returning, MC had made it a habit to eat dinner here, enjoy the night, and pretend she could see the stars. Tonight was no different. Pulling her thermos from her backpack and a bottle of water, she found a comfy spot on a children's jungle gym and sat down to eat.
Cars honked and neon signs buzzed. People walked on the streets. People talked loudly. She could hear it all from her little spot, and it felt almost nostalgic. For all the secrecy, Rika's apartment had sat in a fairly occupied part of Seoul, and from the little one bedroom MC had always been able to hear the city life.
She could hear it too, from Jumin's penthouse.
Closing her eyes, she tried to picture her friends. 
Zen was probably at rehearsals now. He worked late into the night, practicing, doing his best for whatever upcoming role he may be participating in. Jaehee was probably still at work too—although MC had thoroughly chewed Jumin out for working his poor secretary too hard—since she'd been allowed a revision of her schedule, late nights turned into noontime sign-ins for work instead of the usual eight o'clock.
Yoosung and Seven probably weren't doing too differently. Yoosung was probably causing another bout of sleep deprivation by playing a LOLOL tournament. Seven was also probably sleep deprived, but from doing secret spy stuff rather than having fun. She hoped regardless, that they were doing well.
And Jumin?
"And Jumin," MC sighed, sinking her head onto her knees and squeezing her eyes shut.
A deep and familiar baritone followed. "And me?"
She'd done this frequently, in her return. Imagine him there next to her, hear his voice, feel the ghost of his touch.
A warm hand gently rested on the top of her head, slowly smoothing out her hair.
She wrapped her arms around her legs. "You're probably at home, staring out at those stupid French doors in the living room watching the nightlife live on. Elizabeth the Third is probably at your feet, being the cute thing that she is before going off and finding something shiny that catches her eye."
There's an answering chuckle and her breath shatters in her chest.
Please, she begged. This isn't funny, this is just cruel.
There's quiet and the presence of the hand on her head gone. MC knew she was alone again. She won't go home yet, she needed a minute to collect herself. 
But then there's a shuddering breath and the most gentle murmur. "And if I were to say I'm beside you again?"
MC reeled back so terribly that she fell off the jungle gym. A sharp yelp escaped her as she landed on her tailbone and stars circled in front of her eyes. Hurried footsteps and the panicked shout of her name met her ears—she stared in a daze as Jumin hurried and crouched before her, worrying over her.
She gazed dumbly.
"My love, are you hurt?" Jumin's voice is urgent, and he gently lifted her arms, her ankles, twisting her shoulders, checking for injuries.
MC stares and stares and stares until she's squinting.
To his credit, Jumin bears her scrutiny without flinching. Just that same urgent and worried look.
"You're here." She finally breathed.
Relief visibly washed over Jumin and he relaxed. His hand, it's warm—so, so warm—gently cupped her cheek and MC leaned into the touch without question.
Jumin's nose brushed against hers. "I'm sorry it took so long."
"That's what you're apologizing for?" MC whispered, not knowing if she was supposed to laugh or cry or both.
A velvety laugh rumbled in his chest and he rested his forehead against hers. "Darling, I can't apologize for you being clumsy."
MC choked, shaking her head. Her hands tenderly cupped his face, thumbs sweeping along his jaw. Jumin closed his eyes and pressed a little closer to her, his breath feathering along her cheek with every heave of his chest.
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bungou-stray-dingus · 4 years
I love the one you write about Dazai having a new infant. Could you do the same with Fyodor(・∀・)
a/n : Fyodor is both a baby and an asshole and I love him wholeheartedly. He deserves to be happy too. Thank you for the request!
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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You were the purest thing in existence according to Fyodor. He loved you, that much was clear even without him verbally saying so. You didn't have an ability, and you always took care of him  whenever he came home both physically, mentally and emotionally. He worked himself too hard, and it worried you deeply considering his anemia. You'd check in on him constantly to make sure that he was getting enough sleep, that he was eating and he was drinking enough water. Whenever he came home you made sure to give him enough love and affection to make up for the time he missed when he was away.
He was just waking up, always the early riser and he gently kissed your temple before scooting out of the bed, making sure not to wake you in the process. He loved the way your hair would curtain your face, your lips slightly parted as you slept peacefully. He always thought you looked beautiful, but there was something so mesmerizing to him about the way you looked when you slept, he couldn't explain it. You rolled over, your hand absentmindedly reaching out to his side of his bed, feeling around for him, a small pout forming on your face as your eyes slowly fluttered open. "Good morning, dearest." His voice was still coated with sleepiness, and mixed with his accent it was beyond sexy.
You rolled over and looked at the clock on the nightstand, it was only five in the morning, the sun hadn't even risen over the city yet. "You're leaving already?" He nodded to you as he began dressing himself, his fingers carefully buttoning his shirt as his eyes stayed focused on you. "Hmph... well, I'll make you some breakfast before you go." You moved to get out of bed and he shook his head, softly pushing you back down on the pillow, pressing his lips to your temple.
"Get back to sleep. I'll grab something before I go. I promise." He wrapped his pinky around yours, something that you had begun doing with him whenever you promised something. It showed that you were serious about it, you never break a pinky promise, and he took it just as serious as you did. You rolled your eyes but couldn't help the smile that tugged at your lips as he brushed your hair out of your face.
"When will you be back?" You asked, reaching up to brush your fingers against his face, his skin was always so cold, but you had long since gotten used to the temperature difference between the two of you. He shrugged after pressing one last kiss to your lips and then pushing himself up off the bed. "What do you mean..." You mimicked his shrug as you propped yourself up on the bed, your eyes following him around the room as he grabbed his cloak, ushanka, and boots.
He hesitated next to the door, you heard his sigh before he turned to look back at you. "I don't know, but I'll keep in touch, and I'll try to be back as soon as possible. Now go back to bed." He walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. You grabbed one of his pillows and held it over your face as you fell back onto your own pillows and started crying. You hated when he left, you never knew if he would come back, and that terrified you.
One Month Later
Fyodor hadn't returned home yet, but he wasn't the only thing that hadn't come to you as you thought it would. You sat on the edge of your bed, a bed that seemed ridiculously large whenever he wasn't there with you, and you swiped through the calendar on your phone. "One week, two weeks, three weeks, four weeks... five weeks... six weeks... seven...?" You counted the weeks over and over again, just to make sure you weren't miscounting. "Shit." You groaned, getting up off the bed and grabbing your shoes out of the closet. He hated when you left the house without him, he always made sure the house was properly stocked before he left so you would be able to avoid leaving at all, unless it was necessary. This seemed pretty damn necessary though, and the store was only a block away.
You walked in and made your way to the aisle with the tests, grabbing four boxes, just to be sure. It didn't hurt to be 200% sure, you know, just in case the first test was a fluke or something. You weren't really sure what you would do if they came back positive, and you definitely weren't ready for Fyodor's reaction if they were positive either. He didn't seem like the type of man that would want a child, especially not right now considering the mission he was on. He was barely ever home, the kid would barely ever see his or her own father.
When you got back to the house you ran to the bathroom, sitting on the lid of the toilet and reading the directions of the tests. Sure, they were pretty simple, but you just wanted to be sure that you took them correctly so there weren't any false results. You were stressed, and you cursed Fyodor for not being there with you right now when you needed him the most. You would feel a lot better if he was there to comfort you in the moment, to make you feel like it wouldn't be as bad if those tests came back positive, but no, his work came first.
The tests sat on the back of the toilet, your phone was in your hand, the timer set for five minutes as you paced the length of your bedroom. You picked up on the habit of biting the tip of your thumb from Fyodor, and you were biting it so hard that it had started to bleed. "Dammit..." you sighed, walking into the bathroom to grab a band-aid for your freshly self inflicted wound. Your eyes were immediately drawn to the tests on the back of the toilet, and you immediately forgot about your bleeding thumb, your eyes scanning over all four tests that had a combined total of eight pink lines. "Oh... shit...." You mumbled, your heart was racing and your vision became cloudy as tears began to build on your lower lashes.
You had to call him, you had to let him know, but you didn't even know if it was safe for you to do so at the moment. He hadn't texted or called since last night, and you were sure that he was out somewhere, if you called him it could draw attention and he could get hurt. So you had to wait, you had to wait for him. You were left alone with your thoughts for God knows how long, and your anxiety would only build more and more until that moment comes.
By the time he called five hours later, it was nine o'clock at night and you were sitting on the couch curled up in one of his cloaks, angrily eating a tub of ice cream while crying about the movie on the television screen. You hadn't realized how quick the hormone charged emotions would kick in, but they were evident now. You had never cried at a movie before, and here you were ugly crying into your Rocky Road while still internally fuming at your fiance who was no where around when you needed him most.
You grabbed your phone and answered it quickly, holding it up to your ear. "'Bout time you called." You said snidely, but the sound of your sniffles was what got his attention.
"You're crying. Are you alright, my love? Is there something wrong?" He chided, hoping to pull an answer out of you, and you let out a dry, humorless chuckle.
"Is there something wrong? Well I sure as hell think there is! You're never around when I need you, and I'm stuck going through shit all by myself and there's tears in my ice cream and you're not fucking home!" You shouted at him through the phone, your voice cracking whenever you reached octaves that you were unaware you could go to.
"Hmmm, my love is upset. What can I do to possibly make her feel better?" His voice was soft and velvety through the phone and as much as it used to comfort you before, it was only upsetting you more now.
"You could come home so I can talk to you in person."
"You know I can't do-"
"Fyodor, I'm pregnant." You said, closing your eyes, bracing for his reaction. He was quiet, and you wished that you could see his face right now, but all you got was silence. It was deafening, and his silence was much more scary right now. You wanted him to say something, you needed to know that he was still there.
"Are you sure?" He asked after what seemed like an eternity of silence, and you sighed, letting your head fall back against the cushion of the couch. Of course he would ask that, he wasn't here to see the four tests that all showed positives, he wasn't here for anything.
"Yes. I'm sure." Your anger hit you again. This wasn't a conversation you should be having over the damn phone. This should be an exciting time for you and your fiance, but instead, due to his constant absence, you were scared, and you were alone. "But you know what, I'll handle it myself, just like I handle everything else. Hope your mission goes well. I'm going to bed." You hung up the phone and placed it on the coffee table. You shrugged out of Fyodor's cloak and turned off the television, grabbing the empty jug of ice cream off the table and tossing it into the trash as you made your way to your bedroom.
You shut the door and locked it behind you before undressing and changing into your pajamas, climbing into your bed and pulling the comforters up to your chin. You finally fell asleep as the tears formed puddles in the divots of the pillow.
The sound of pots and pans clanging in the kitchen startled you awake, the smell of pancakes, bacon, and eggs filled your nostrils, the sun was shining brightly into your room, you saw dust particles floating around in the large beam of light. You stretched as you got out of bed, sliding the slippers onto your feet and wrapping your robe tightly around your body before you left the room to inspect what was going on.
When you opened the door, the first thing you saw were the rose petals that created a trail down the hallway. You hummed to yourself as you followed the trail around the corner to the kitchen, and you could have sworn that your heart grew three sizes at the image. A bouquet of white roses, lavender, and purple hydrangeas. They stood in a beautiful crystal vase, and sitting in front of the vase was a large white teddy bear with two smaller teddy bears, pink and blue, on each side.
"What are you doing home so soon?" You asked as you leaned in and smelt one of the roses. He turned to face you, a small smile on his face as he took you in. Whenever he came home, it was like falling in love with you all over again. He could never get over how absolutely gorgeous you were. He placed the spatula on the counter as he made his way over to you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he pulled you close against his chest.
"I know I'm gone a lot, I apologize for my absence. I wasn't here when I should have been, but I'm here now."
Fyodor was never one to express his emotions well, but your pregnancy had changed him, and he began trying. He wanted to be there for everything, every moment of your pregnancy he wanted to experience it with you. Not only was it exciting for him, but he also found it fascinating. He still went out for his missions, but he was never gone quite as long as he used to be. The longest he was ever gone since your pregnancy became known was two weeks, and even then he called every hour, on the hour to check in on you.
When he was home, he was actually quite over bearing. You never complained though, it was nice having him around so much. Every step you took, he was right behind you. He didn't want you to lift a finger. He learned how to cook so you wouldn't have to, he even did the laundry, although you had to help him at first so he wouldn't destroy any of your clothes. He was very invested in your pregnancy, learning everything he needed to know so that he was prepared for everything and anything.
Your morning sickness came later in your pregnancy, and it was a scheduled occurrence, one that he knew very well. Whenever the time came he was already helping you off the couch to get you to the bathroom, holding your hair behind your back as he rubbed soothing circles into your back. He had a cup of water and mouthwash prepared on the counter for afterwards, and he'd help you back to the couch after you were done. He'd bring you a couple saltine crackers to fill your stomach and another glass of water and he'd sit next to you on the couch, holding his hand against your forehead, helping to cool you down after you worked up a sweat from your retching.
He came to every doctors appointment, although he had to wear a disguise due to being one of the most wanted terrorists in Yokohama, it made you happy that he was there. If one your appointments fell on a day that he was out for one of his missions, he would be found waiting outside the doctors office for you to show up. He wouldn't miss a doctors appointment for anything, he would be caught dead before that ever happened.
When he found out you were having twins he became extremely over protective of you and your stomach. He always had a hand on your growing abdomen, tracing your stretch marks with his icy fingers. Whenever you felt self conscious about them, he would place kisses across your stomach and remind you how beautiful it was that you were growing and glowing with two of his children.
Whenever he did have to leave for missions he brought the ultrasound pictures with him, he would look at the pictures and they were a constant reminder to him that the world needed to be ridden of its sin before they came. He needed to cleanse the world so his children could grow up in a society free of sin.
During one of your doctors appointments at six months the doctor told you that you had high blood pressure and needed to be on bed rest for the safety of the babies and yourself. Fyodor enforced that rule, and he stopped going on missions completely. He had his "rats" do his work for him, and they would report to him at the end of the day. He refused to leave your side. When you had to use the bathroom, he would help you onto the toilet and then stand in the doorway with his back turned until you were done, and then he'd help you up. It was embarrassing at first, but you ended up getting used to it, and you knew that he was only doing it because he worried so much. He helped you bathe, sitting on the edge of the bathtub to wash your hair and your body, always murmuring to himself how beautiful you looked. He would only leave the room to cook your meals, and then he would bring those meals to you in bed and feed them to you.
Since you couldn't do shopping at the store, he would lay with you in bed, his laptop on his lap as he scrolled through websites, ordering everything that your eyes lingered on for longer than two seconds. Your front door was filled constantly with packages because according to him, money wasn't a problem if he was spending it on you and the babies. Their bassinets were both a pristine white and they were set up in the corner of your bedroom. He said nurseries were useless until they were about a year and half, that they needed to be with their parents until then because there's a lot of complications that could occur with a child that young while they were sleeping and it would be safer for them to be as close as possible if anything were to happen. You did not argue, there was no point in arguing with that logic.
When he found out that the children were a girl and a boy he was overjoyed. He got both a son and a daughter in one try, it was truly a blessing to him. He started making a list of potential baby names and you both stayed up late at night looking through the names until you both agreed on two.
Elizaveta for your daughter and Iosif for your son. Picking their names made it more real for him, it was more concrete now. He would often lay his head against your stomach, cooing in Russian to the children. They would usually kick when he did this, and whenever they did he would quickly look up to you and ask if you were okay, and then lay his head back down and talk again in his mother tongue, probably scolding them for kicking you.
You had no doubts about him as a father, he truly loved his children. Before you had gotten pregnant he had rarely ever said the L- word, but now, every night, he would press a kiss to your lips, and then lean down to kiss your stomach twice, once at the top, and the last kiss at the bottom. He would whisper that he loved them both and then tell them not to move too much so you could sleep. Then he would move back up and place one more kiss to your cheek before whispering that he loved you.
The snow coated the ground, building up against the windowsills. It was a blizzard, and it was beautiful. Fyodor had helped you move into the living room, lighting the fireplace and handing you a cup of hot chocolate as you both watched the snow fall. His legs were stretched along the couch as he leaned against the arm, you were laying against his chest between his legs. His finger traced hearts over your stomach and you both sipped on you drinks enjoying the view. "It's beautiful, I wish the children were here to see it." Fyodor murmured before taking another sip.
Just then you felt a sharp pain in your stomach, you shot up straight and he quickly grabbed your cup out of your hand and placed it on the coffee table. His brow furrowed and his forehead creased with worry lines. "They... they might be... fuck..." You squeezed your eyes shut and gripped onto the couch cushion as you tried to breathe your way through the pain. You felt the wetness build between your legs and you turned to look back at Fyodor. He nodded and helped guide you up off the couch.
He grabbed your coat and helped you put it on and button it up, then he draped a large wool blanket over your shoulders as he led you to the door, grabbing his keys on the way over. "Fyo, there's a blizzard, you can't drive in this."
"My dearest darling, I'm Russian." Was his only explanation, and you rolled your eyes. His arm was wrapped tightly around your waist as he helped you walk down the front stairs. The snow was deep and the wind was strong, it felt like it was lashing against your face. You shivered as it hit you, and he held you closer, helping you walk through the snow to the car.
It must have just been a coincidence that he had just traded in his small sedan for a larger SUV with four wheel drive only the week before. Surely if he still had the smaller car you would have been delivering these babies at home. Your luggage was already packed and stored in the back of the truck, the carseats were hooked up in the second row as well. He was more prepared for this than you were.
He slipped off his cloak and placed it over your lap and as soon as he started up the car he blasted the heat. The contractions came steadily and you felt the pressure building, you were panting heavily as you held onto the handle above the door. He drove slowly through the snow, trying to get there as quick and as safely as he could. "You're doing great, dear. Keep breathing." He said softly, his hand on your thigh squeezing it gently to try to calm you down.
"How much longer... Fuck! Please go faster." You pleaded with him as the next round of contractions came on. You clenched your teeth and you whimpered as the tears threatened to fall. You had never been in so much pain, it felt like every single bone in your body was being broken, it was torture.
You were checked into the hospital and wheeled to your room. Fyodor watched as the doctors worked over you, checking how dilated you were, hooking you up to heart monitors and other machines that you didn't quite understand. You got hooked up to an IV that would help ease the pain of the contractions, but nothing seemed to help as much as you hoped it would.
Fyodor stood by your bed and held your hand as you labored through every contraction. You had been clenching your teeth so hard that they actually hurt, your head was throbbing and you felt nauseous. The doctors had come in and told you and Fyodor that you would need to have a C-Section which was something that you didn't really want, but opted to do just so you knew both of the babies would come out safely. You had done enough research to figure out that even if one was delivered naturally, the other would most likely come out through a C-Section anyway.  
He was quickly suited up, and if you weren't in so much pain you would have giggled at how he looked in the blue scrubs, they definitely did not accent his beautiful dark purple eyes. The doctors began wheeling you down the hall and he walked quickly next to you, refusing to let go of your hand for one second.
You had been given sedatives through the IV and you were numb, it felt strange because you could still feel a dull pull whenever you had a contraction. There was a blue curtain blocking the view of your stomach, so you found comfort in looking up at Fyodor, staring into his eyes as he looked down at you. You could tell that he was smiling, even behind the mask, as the corner of his eyes would crease slightly.
He would occasionally glance around the curtain and hum as his interest was peaked, watching as the doctors carefully sliced through the skin and muscles of your abdomen. You could still feel it slightly, the sensation of the tugging and pulling, but it never actually hurt. His hands were on your shoulders, and although you couldn't actually feel the circles he was rubbing into your skin with his thumbs, there was comfort in knowing that he was touching you, that he was there with you.
The birth itself took not much longer than thirty minutes, and by that time you felt like you were going to pass out, so you weren't sure how much longer it took for the doctors to stitch you back up, and none of that really mattered anyway. When you forced your eyes open, the only thing you were looking for was your babies.
Elizaveta Fyodova Dostoevsky, born January 15 at 5:28PM, 5lbs 8ounces.
Iosif Fyodovich Dostoevsky, born January 15 at 5:30PM, 5lbs 2ounces.
They both had jet black hair which contrasted against their skin perfectly. They were tiny, but they were healthy, and they were beautiful. It was love at first sight as soon as you laid your eyes on them. Seeing Fyodor hold both of your children in his arms though, that hit different. You never thought you could love the man more than you did in that moment, but there was something about seeing him in that arm chair, smiling down at both of his children, the look in his eyes spoke volumes. He absolutely adored his children, that much was obvious.
When you were finally discharged from the hospital, he took extra care of you, making sure that you didn't push yourself too hard. He was worried about your incision, and he knew that you would have trouble walking for the next couple weeks. He made sure that you took your medication at the right time every single day, he continued to help you shower even though you told him that you didn't need help anymore, he insisted.
He took stayed home with you, refusing to go on missions until you were fully healed, and if any of the "rats" complained about his lack of focus on the mission he would write their names down to "handle them" later.
Fyodor was strict about scheduling their feeding times and nap times so they wouldn't affect when they went to bed. He was honestly such a devoted father to Iosif and Elizaveta, it was almost shocking to you. You hadn't known before the children came that he could sing, but you learned one night that he had the most beautiful singing voice you had ever heard. He would stand over their bassinets and gently brush his thumb across their heads as he lulled them back to sleep, singing in a hushed tone a gentle Russian lullaby.
He ended up teaching you Russian, you had asked him after you heard him crooning to them while he fed them their bottles. The children seemed to find the language relaxing, and they would often fall asleep listening to their father talk. He wanted his children to know their heritage, to know where there father came from.
Fyodor wasn't one to spoil his children either. When he finally went back to "work" about two months after their birth, he would stay away for only three days, maybe five tops. Whenever he would return, he would bring back something small, something that reminded him of you, Iosif, and Elizaveta. The items didn't cost much, sometimes they cost nothing at all. One time he returned with a small rock, a leaf, and a bird feather. The rock was shiny and a dark grey color with purple streaks going through it, it had reminded him of the beauty of Elizaveta's eyes. The leaf was small, but it was a bright green, it reminded him of Iosif, who was the smallest at birth, but was intelligent and bright already at only two months old, already attempting to hold his own bottles. The feather was pure white, and it reminded him of you. You were still, and always will be the purest thing in his life, the most amazing and beautiful woman he had ever met. You made him feel like the luckiest man on earth, he was so happy, so over joyed with you and the small family that he had, it felt like he was flying.
If someone had asked you in the beginning of your relationship if you thought Fyodor Dostoevsky would ever want to have children, you would have scoffed and said no. Fyodor was a man who, at the time, didn't seem like he would ever be capable of being a father. That hadn't bothered you, because you loved him enough to want to be with him no matter what. Now, here the two of you laid, both of your children between you on the bed, and you couldn't imagine him not being a father to your children. He was the most amazing father you could have ever wanted your children to have.
He pressed quick kisses to the tops of the children's heads before smiling up at you, brushing his fingers along your cheek. "YA lyublyu tebya, moya dorogaya."
a/n : Thank you for reading! I got really really really into it, and I love my baby Fyodor so fricking much. He deserves so much love. Also daddy!Fyodor is a whole ass mood, love me a big Rat Daddy. Okay but seriously, I love him so much. He's just *chefs kith* Also, what he says at the end is "I love you, my dear" because Russian is hot and him speaking Russian would just *kaboom*
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fan-girling-101 · 4 years
Pogue Winter
Pogues x Reader x Kooks, Rafe x Reader
Summary: After almost dying on Halloween Y/N stays with Rafe. Until he surprises her with a too expensive gift.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Rafe being a sweetheart, My sucky writing, I think that’s it
Thank you @thisismynerdyself​ who let me use her story which was part one. This is part two there’s going to be a part three and maybe four. Please go check her out and read the original. And thank you for letting me use it. This is all my writing, also if you read the first then second chapter the writing style is completely different.
Part one here
Original part one here
Her Tumblr
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Imagine he’s dressed up not sweety in awe of how you look
The next few days I’ve been quiet, not talking to many people, mostly just Rafe, I haven’t even answered JJ. I mostly stayed in Rafe’s room reading or watching any movie on disney plus. Rafe got some clothes from Sarah for me to wear, Ward and Rose had no idea someone else was in their house. I guess that would happen if you never pay attention to your son.
“Hey Pumpkin.” Rafe called making me look up from Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban book in my lap. “I wanted to go golfing with Topper and Kelce, but I don’t want to leave you alone, so do you want to come?”
“Do I want to come watch the most boring sport, if it can even be called that, in the world?” I looked out the window thinking for a moment before answering with a sure.
“Ok it’s not boring.” I rolled my eyes walking over to Rafe. “You keep telling yourself that.” I pat his shoulder walking around him to grab some clothes to change into.
“It’s not!”
We’ve been at the golf course for what feels like an eternity, but probably only an hour or less. The boys are golfing while I sit in the golf cart, tempted to drive away and go anywhere but here, reading my Harry Potter book. The sun makes it almost too hot to bear, It’s November for God sakes stop being so hot.
“Come, I’m gonna teach you how to golf.” Rafe grabs my hand pulling me up and over to the golf tee. Handing me a golf club, I stand there not making a move to actually golf. “How hard can it be to hit a ball with a club?” I ask, laughing and going to walk back to my book.
“Pretty hard Y/N,” Topper said, hitting a ball himself that went super far. I roll my eyes hitting the ball Rafe so kindly set up for me. The ball ended up going further than Topper’s so I smirked at him and walked away. “Beginners luck.” He muttered.
 Over the next few weeks Rafe has been taking my golfing with him just the two of us. He says I could be amazing if I tried. I rolled my eyes everytime but went along anyway. By now I couldn’t really remember why we ever hated each other. Well I mean I know he was always kinda mean to friends, who I haven’t spoken to in a long time, but I can’t remember one time he said something mean to me. Ever.
It was now Christmas time, I was still living in secret with Rafe and if you’re wondering where my parents are. Right when I turned 16 I got emancipated. Their idea, not mine, not that I wanted to stick around with them. So back to Christmas, Christmas in the Outerbanks means the annual Winter Ball.
“So Y/N/N what are you doing December 18th.” Rafe asks me, coming to lie on his bed with me. His smile told me he was planning something, and I couldn’t tell if I wanted to be a part of it. “Come on Pumpkin, it's not a hard question. 18th are you or are you not doing anything.”
“Well…. Let me check my schedule.” I pretend to pull out my phone. “Hmm.. well the 18th that's a Monday meaning, one o'clock, wallow in self pity. Four thirty, stare into the abyss. Five o'clock, solve world hunger; tell no one. Five thirty, jazz-ercise. Six thirty, dinner with me. I can't cancel that again! Seven o'clock, wrestle with my self-loathing… I'm booked! Well if I bump the loathing to nine I could still be done in time To lay in bed and stare at the ceiling and slip slowly into madness…”
“So you’re free. Good.” I shake my head at him letting him continue anyways. “December 18th is actually a Friday, also the day of the Winter Ball. So Y/N L/N will you come to the winter masquerade ball my me?”
“That doesn't sound promising.” He pouts looking at me sadly trying to get me to guilt me into coming.
“You didn’t let me finish. Why would you want to bring me? I don’t know if you’re aware but I’m a pogue, your sworn enemy. And being a pogue means I have no money, no money means no dress, no dress means no Y/N at Winter Ball. It’s really just logic.”
“Why wouldn’t I want to bring the most gorgeous girl in the universe to the winter ball.”  A blush found its way to my cheeks, making me look down. “Also I already planned for you to come so…” He gets up leaving the room for a second and when he comes back he has a sparkling red dress. I was beautiful.
“Rafe-” I gasp looking at the beautiful dress. “I-I can’t take that. That probably cost you a fortune, Rafe I could never repay you for it. I mean when did you even. That cost more than my whole house and things combined.
“Y/N I don’t need to be repaid. Take it. At least try it on please.” He hands me the dress leaving the room. I reluctantly put the dress on facing the mirror looking at how the dress flowed. I couldn't help but smile. A soft knock on the door of Rafe asking if he can come in.
“If you’re making me do this I don’t want you to see me on the dress until the ball.” I heard the groan from outside the door.
“Fine but I have your shoes, mask, necklace and earrings.”
Full outfit
“Rafe! I’m gonna owe you for the rest of my life and more.”
“I don’t want anything, just take them please.” I open the door just enough to grab the stuff quickly putting it all on. “Sarah helped me find everything one night while you were asleep, the shoes took the longest, or I would have asked you sooner instead of a week's notice. Does everything fit, I was scared it would be too big, or small. Or you would hate the color. Or the style of it. It took me almost three nights to find that one, it had the prefect and I needed Sarah and Wezzie to say it looked good and you would like it.”
“Rafe shut up I love it ok. It fits perfectly, the shoes are my size, I love the color,and the style is beautiful. Stop panicking ok.” I open the door dressed back in my Christmas pajama pants and Rafe’s old football jersey. “Come on, ice cream my treat. And I’m driving your truck.”
The whole way there Rafe was acting like a scared mom in the car with their child. Telling me to slow down. I was an amazing driver, he was just paranoid. Sure I was a little reckless but I’m also too good to ever get in a crash.
We go through the drive thru Rafe ordering a plan oreo, while I got a candy cane ice cream because Chritmas time is here bitches! As I pull up pay I grab my cash going to give it to Matt a tenth grade that I go to school with. Out of nowhere Rafe reaches over to hand Matt his own money.
“I can't let you pay what kind of gentleman would I be if I let you pay.”
“The kind that already bought me a dress, shoes, and jewelry.”
Soon enough the 18th came, Sarah, Weezie, Rose and I were all getting ready in Sarah’s room. Rose was so excited when she heard Rafe was bringing someone, never once had Rafe brought someone to a kook event. When she found out it was me I saw the fake smile with clenched teeth. 
Sarah had me sit down on her vanity chair to do my makeup. I told her to do whatever would look nice with my dress. When she finished she started my hair curling my hair and braiding some small red flowers into my hair to match my dress and give me a pogue type look with the random small braids. Rose did everything for Weezie and after the two of us sat on Sarah’s bed playing a card game while Rose and Sarah got themselves ready.
Sarah’s Outfit
Weezie’s Outfit
I knew Kie was coming of course with her parents, Pope was coming to help his dad and John B was Sarah’s date. But I had no idea if JJ was going, usually the two of us would sit around drinking and smoking while the others were at the fancy parties, or on a rare occasion we’d crash the party, while being drunk and high. I haven’t spoken to any of them in a long time. I felt bad, really bad. I mean JJ was my best friend, basically a brother to me. 
We all had our dresses and me, Sarah and Weezie started taking instagram pictures all dressed up. I say I was nervous was an understatement. I mean I was going to a kook party dressed as one of them. I was going with Rafe fucking Cameron, the kookist of all kooks. 
Weezie and Rose left when Ward called us down. I started fiddling with my freshly painted nails. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up at Sarah. “Don’t be so nervous, if you get bored of my brother and his boring friends me and Weezie will come and save you. We have a secret place we go to.” She gives me a reassuring smile giving me a small hug.
“You go down, I'll be there in a sec. I have to mentally prepare for this.” She laughs leaving the room and heading down with everyone else. I pace the room a little before heading down myself.
Rafe’s POV
We all stand in the front room waiting for Y/N. I hear heels clicking on the stairs as someone walks down. I eagerly look at the stairs waiting for the girl that’s been living with me for over a month. The one who I always thought was beautiful. The one who deserves the world and more. The one I think I fell in love with. When the person came into view the excitement fell from my face seeing Sarah instead of Y/N.
“Sorry to disappoint.” She laughs going to stand with Weezie whispering things in her ear. “This is why you don’t bring someone like her.” My dad sighed clearly, not happy with having to wait.
“What do you mean ‘someone like her’?” I ask him. “Someone who’s never been to anything important in their life. We’re going to be late. Next time invite someone with some social class. If this was some way to piss me off congratulations Rafe you’ve done it.”
I would have yelled at him, I would have told him to shut up. But I head the soft click of heels on marble. This time I knew it was Y/N. I completely forgot about what was said about her. I couldn’t wait to see her all dressed up. The only time I’ve seen her in a dress was when she’d crash our formal parties. It was always the same one, a peach sundress.
When I saw her in front of me I had no words, everything else suddenly didn’t matter. I didn’t hear when everyone else went to the car. All I could see was Y/N, she looked like a goddess. No one was more perfect. Her Y/H/C hair was lightly curled with flowers braided into it. To be fair Y/N would look perfect in anything, and nothing.
I lied before, I don’t think I’m in love with her…
I am in love with her.
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chikette9 · 3 years
Joys of Choly : The Morning
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Disclaimer: Ok, I write French fanfiction, I have a Wattpad account and some regular readers. And I've noticed that some of my colleagues have taken the step of translating their work into English. For my part, I don't have a good enough level to offer a good translation of my writings (especially for English speakers who might be bothered by syntax errors and poor vocabulary due to a rough translation). I am able to understand a simple text, or comprehension in general, but as far as speaking and writing are concerned, it's a disaster X').
However, I want to try to share more of my writing, imperfect as it is. I use the translator DeepL and add some modifications if I perceive some mistakes.
To begin with I would like to present you a small introductory chapter of Joys of Choly. It's from Fluffynight.
So... Let's go ?
The Morning
It was a spring Sunday dawn in the Fluffytale for our two lovers and parents of a lovely child who had recently turned three. The clock on the bedside table in the parent's bedroom read seven.
Ccino stood up and stretched before glancing at his Nighty, who was still sleeping. The barista found him so handsome, so desirable despite the unsightly drool dripping from the corner of his lips. He couldn't help but kiss him on the temple, even if it meant disturbing him. The former bribe-taker let out a grunt as he turned away from him and brought more cover with him. Ccino laughed and leaned closer to him.
- Hello my beautiful Nighty ~
Nightmare grumbled again, barely looking at his other half.
- It's early my angel, go back to bed...
Ccino pouted. How dare anyone refuse a morning hug ? Then the barista got on top of him, crushing him and causing a squeak.
- Choly's still sleeping, Ccino whispered, I'm awake, you're awake, so that means it's time to...
- I'm tired, darling, Nightmare cut him off, go back to bed or make the coffee, whatever you want, but let me sleep.
The barista sighed, frustrated. He slumped back on his pillow and stared at the ceiling.
- You're not being nice, Nighty...
- Stop it, I don't like it when you do that to me, you're trying to coax me.
He had looked over his shoulder at the barista's theatrically decomposed face. His pupils begged for tenderness, something the former corrupted man could not provide when his nasal cavity was still stinging.
- No! This time I won't be fooled by your candid airs.
But Ccino wanted to above all else, he was in a very cheerful mood. It was then that a sweet melody echoed through his skull. A melody that he felt like singing in prose. Delicately he laid his hand on the quilt separating his lover's shoulder and came to him, singing in his sweet voice.
- La matinée se lève, toi debout il est temps ~ (The morning dawns, you get up it's time)
Nightmare immediately covered his shoulder and replied:
- Attend encore, attend, j'ai pas fini mon rêve ~ (Wait again, wait, I haven't finished my dream)
He bowed his head as he heard himself singing in turn. This amused the barista who grabbed his chin to point at the window that let the light through between the blinds.
- Le Soleil nous inonde, regarde moi ce bleu ~ (The sun is flooding in, look at that blue)
Nightmare shook his head and put it back on the pillow.
- Attend encore un peu, je refaisais le monde ~ (Wait a little longer, I was doing the world again)
But Ccino prevented him from doing so, forcing him to stand up by pushing his back with his hand.
- Lève-toi donc, respire, quel printemps nous avons ~ (Get up, breathe, what a spring we have)
The old corrupted man rubbed the corner of his eye sockets. He smiled, in spite of his pain marked by dark circles, at his lover who was beaming with happiness.
- J'efface mille avions, une guerre, un empire ~ (I erase a thousand planes, a war, an empire)
The barista came closer and sat on his lap astride. He pressed his forehead against that of his beloved, giving her a look filled with seduction and a call to gluttony.
- Faut labourer la terre et tirer l'eau du puits~ (We must plough the land and draw water from the well)
The heat rose below the belt ridden by the barista's basin. Nightmare saw his cheekbones tinted purple, causing him to smile nervously but no less lovingly.
- Changer la vie, et puis, abolir la misère~ (Change life and then abolish misery)
Feeling it under his sacrum, Ccino brushed the contours of Nighty's manhood that formed a peak through the sheets. This further whetted his appetite.
- Regarde l'alouette, il est midi sonné~ (Look at the lark, it's 12 o'clock)
Nightmare sighed and gave in. He took the barista by surprise, grabbing him by the shoulders and flipping him over to stand four feet above him.
- Le Monde abandonné, je le donne aux poètes~ (The world abandoned, I give it to the poet)
He plunged his head into his neck and devoured him. Then he kissed him fiercely. When they broke up, Ccino invited him to the garden by spreading his femurs.
- Allons, viens dans les vignes, le soleil est très haut~ (Come on, let's go to the vineyard, the sun is very high)
The old corrupted man, before venturing out, caressed the feverish cheeks of his lover.
- Le monde sera beau, je l'affirme et le signe~ (The world will be beautiful, I affirm and I sign) The latter smiled at him with all his love.
The latter smiled at him with all the gratitude in the world. His pupils sparkled with ecstasy. They stared at each other intensely and, before binding themselves, they sang the last verse in chorus.
- Le monde sera beau, je l'affirme et le signe~ (The world will be beautiful, I affirm and I sign)
The room fell silent again, except for the soft song of the lark and the friction of the sheets. Then the sound of a door opening, followed by a small, high-pitched, familiar voice, had the effect of a shock for both partners, who froze with fright.
- Mum, Dad, hungry!
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inkedstarlight · 4 years
Bittersweet: Chapter Six
Summary: It's Thanksgiving, and Nesta and Elain are invited to celebrate with the Inner Circle. Unfortunately, the holiday brings back bad memories for Nesta... Note: Read it on AO3 here! Bittersweet Masterlist Warnings: this chapter contains more explicit child abuse (physical), and there is self-inflicted scratching in one scene (not explicit), heavy angst
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Nesta hated Thanksgiving: the cooking, bland traditions, family bonding, football games. It was torture. She despised ‘giving thanks’ at the dinner table; Nesta would gladly kill the fool who came up with that idiotic idea.
To be fair, Nesta loathed every holiday.
But Thanksgiving was the worst… followed closely by Valentine’s Day.
Fucking Hallmark.
Everyone was invited to Feyre’s tonight to celebrate. Much like the Archeron sisters, none of her friends had immediate family, so every Thanksgiving was Friendsgiving (as Mor liked to say). Feyre assigned each person a certain dish. Nesta was to make an appetizer.
Nesta had burnt pizza bagels on more than one occasion. She’d once baked brownies, but those turned out so rock solid that Elain broke her gods-damn tooth whilst eating it. How the fuck did they expect her to cook a whole ass appetizer?
“Are you sure you don’t want me to help?” Elain was sitting at the breakfast bar as Nesta flipped through her many cookbooks. Elain - being the outstanding cook she was - had volunteered to prepare the turkey, so she was going to Feyre’s place a couple hours early to get it ready.
“No, you go ahead. I got this,” Nesta assured her.
"Okay," Elain chirped.
“Nervous to see Azriel?” Nesta asked as she watched Elain shrug on her coat. She wore a pale pink sweater and light jeans, brown boots covering her from the knees down. Her wavy hair fell loosely over her shoulders. Her face was free of makeup, and she was absolutely glowing.
“Nesta, it’s not a big deal,” Elain said, shooting her a pointed look. “I barely know him.”
“It better stay that way," Nesta grumbled back.
Elain groaned and grabbed her purse. “I’m going to head out. If you have any questions -"
“Yeah, yeah,” she shooed her away. “I have you on speed dial.”
Elain blew her a kiss and walked out the door.
It wasn’t until an hour later when Nesta finally settled on an appetizer: cornbread. It looked easy enough and more importantly, Nesta recognized all the ingredients. She stumbled around the kitchen for a half hour as she managed to locate all the necessary items and figure out what a 'sifter' was.
I mean, really? Why the fuck do I need to make the flour less lumpy? There aren't any in the first place.
The recipe said it would only take thirty minutes.
The recipe was wrong.
After an hour and a half of slaving over the stove, the oven timer finally went off.
"Took long enough," Nesta mumbled to herself as she opened the door and took out the cornbread.
She didn't realize her mistake until her bare hands clutched the pan. The very hot pan.
“Fuck!” Nesta cried out, pulling her hand back instinctively and shaking it in pain. She gritted her teeth to stop herself from screaming. Nesta looked down to see the damage. The moment her eyes took in the bubbly red skin, she was transported back in time.
It was Thanksgiving, and Nesta was seven years old. She woke up that morning with a grin as she thought about cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. Jumping out of bed, she pattered to the kitchen. It was ten in the morning. No one else was awake.
Nesta sighed, and made her way to the couch. She opened the book she'd been reading - one about magical adventures and strong women - and bid her time until the rest of the house woke up.
Nesta finished her book in an hour. She was still alone, so she decided to grab a snack from the kitchen. Her mom didn't usually make them breakfast; she slept in late.
After Nesta gobbled down the granola bar, she decided to wait outside her mom's door. Nesta wanted to be the first one to wish her a Happy Thanksgiving. Then, maybe her mom would let her help with the cooking.
So, she grabbed a blanket from her room, careful not to wake her sisters, and settled on the floor right outside her mom's bedroom. Her dad slept in the spare room across the hall. Nesta didn’t bother waking him up; he never got out of bed anymore.
It made her sad.
Finally, Feyre and Elain woke up. They all whispered each other a Happy Thanksgiving as her sisters made their way to the kitchen to eat 'breakfast.'  But right after, they came back and sat with her for a while, their heads resting on Nesta’s shoulders. Elain told them about the dreams she'd had last night while Feyre dozed off on Nesta.
The clock passed noon. Then one o'clock. Two o'clock.
All the way until five in the evening.
When the sun began setting, Nesta convinced her sisters to go play outside – that she’d talk to Mom about dinner. They reluctantly left Nesta to her lonesome but just minutes later, she could hear the shrieks of her sisters across the street.
Nesta's patience was wore thin. She stood up, legs aching from the hardwood floor. She didn't bother knocking as she entered her mom's room.
She opened the door to find her mom sprawled out on the bed, limbs splayed and hair rumpled. The room was dark, the bathroom window the only light source. Nesta was almost certain there wasn't even a light bulb in the bedside lamp. Empty liquor bottles littered the grimy floor. Nesta was careful to step around the glass as she approached her mom.
“Mommy?” Nesta whispered, shaking her shoulders until she rose to consciousness. She blinked groggily, her eyes bloodshot. Nesta smiled tentatively. “Happy Thanksgiving."
Her mom didn’t say anything. She simply took in Nesta who was perched on the edge of her bed. Her eyes seemed to darken at the mere sight of her.
“Uh... we've been hungry all day. When are you gonna cook -"
Before Nesta could finish her sentence, her mother was grabbing her arm and dragging her out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.
“What are you doing, Mommy?” Nesta watched her mother turn on the burner to high. Her eyes lit up. “Oh, I want to help you cook!”
A rush of excitement went through her and she asked, “Do you want me to grab ingredients from the pantry?”
Her mom remained silent, and Nesta’s enthusiasm quickly disappeared when she noticed the look on her face – it was the face her mom made right before she punished Nesta.
She didn't have enough time to process what was happening as her mom picked her up and forcing her hand onto the scalding burner.
Her world shattered. Nesta let out an ear-piercing scream followed by an agonized sob. Her throat burned and her hand burned and her heart burned. She tried to take her hand off, to kick out of her mom’s arms, but she was holding her so tight. So tight. Nesta was going to die, she wouldn't be able to tell her sisters goodbye before she went to Heaven, oh gods -
Her mom dropped her on the floor. Hard. Her head hit the wooden cabinet, and her teeth rattled with the impact.
Nesta saw black.
She was gasping so hard and the floor was spinning. She felt something warm trickle down her temple.
“Mommy, help!” She cradled her hand. Angry, red blisters covered the entirety of her palm. She could barely see, tears blurring her vision. “It hurts -" she choked on a sob “-it hurts so much.”
Her mother sneered down at her, not a sliver of love in her gray eyes – Nesta’s eyes. “Maybe this will remind you why you shouldn’t fucking wake me up! Are you really this incompetent, Nesta?”
“N-n-no, Mommy. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Her eyes squeezed shut as if she could transport herself from reality. Take her away from the pain.
“How the fuck do you think anyone’s going to care about you when you act like this, huh? Fucking hell, you always make everything worse!”
“I’m sorry.” Nesta kept repeating the words over and over again until her mom retreated back to her bedroom with a slam of the door.
When Elain and Feyre came back an hour later, Nesta and her mom were sitting at the table with a few bags of fast food in front of them.
“I got you all a special treat,” her mom cooed at them with a smile. Nesta had never seen her smile at her like that.
Feyre and Elain returned the smile and sat down. Nesta passed them the bag from the other side of the table. That was when Elain noticed her hand. She gasped. “What happened?! Are you okay?”
Feyre followed her gaze and clamped a hand over her mouth in horror.
“Mommy and I tried to cook, but I accidentally burned myself,” Nesta told them, a short laugh coming from her mouth – a laugh that said, Silly me, I’m so clumsy. She managed to hide the shake in her voice. She was used to this – the lying. “So we just decided to get take out instead. It's easier anyway."
Nesta felt her mom's eyes on her. They said, If you tell them the truth, I will ruin your life.
But the thing is, she already had ruined it.
Nesta didn’t know where she was. All she knew was the darkness that surrounded her.
She heard ragged breaths. It sounded like someone was dying.
No – it was her. She clutched her throat and felt her pulse. Why was it going so fast?
She felt the cool tiles beneath her body. She was in the kitchen.
She tried to get up, but it was impossible. Why couldn't she fucking get up? Nesta clawed at her throat in panic, sharp nails digging into her flesh until they drew blood.
She heard a blaring noise.
The fire alarm.
Nesta didn’t remember what happened next. She somehow managed to stand up. Open the windows. Turn off the alarm.
Her vision cleared, and it wasn't just because of the thick smoke that was aired out.
Nesta stared at the mess she’d made.
The pan full of cornbread was thrown onto the floor, shattered glass covering every inch. She peered closer to look at her appetizer. It was mere charcoal now. The entirety of it was black. Inedible.
Nesta stumbled out of the kitchen to the mirror, only to be met with a terrifying portrait of herself. Her makeup was smudged, eyes unfocused. Deep, red scratches covered her throat. Blood soaked the collar of her shirt. She didn’t know how long she stared at herself for. It was Elain’s text that snapped her out of it.
I called you five times. Are you okay? Dinner started ten minutes ago.
Nesta cursed.
Got distracted. Be there in twenty.
“Is that… store-bought egg salad?” Rhysand asked as a greeting.
After texting Elain, Nesta ran her hand under cold water for a minute. The burn wasn’t nearly as bad as the one she’d received eighteen years ago. After bandaging it, she scrambled to her bedroom to wash the smudged makeup off her face. Before she rushed out of the apartment, Nesta threw on a thick scarf to hide the self-inflicted scratches. She wasn't going to let anyone see them.
They already think I’m crazy enough as is.
Nesta was driving to Feyre’s house when she realized she didn’t have an appetizer. With a colorful curse and a sharp turn of the wheel, Nesta made a quick pitstop to the nearest convenience store. She grabbed the first thing she saw which, yes, happened to be egg salad. And of course, when she finally arrived, Rhysand had to be the one who answered the damn door.
“It was actually made behind the dirty counter of a convenience store,” she told him with a sickly-sweet smile. Nesta didn't know how she managed to conjure that smile, how she was talking right now. When Rhysand opened his mouth to insult her further, Nesta pushed past him and entered the house.
“Come right in,” Rhysand mumbled from behind her. She ignored him.
It was easy to do.
Nesta’s heart raced when she walked to the dining room. Everyone was already sitting at the table devouring their full plates. She heard the joy in their voices as they conversed over wine and food. Nesta simply watched them for a moment, a shadow in the corner. She was a stranger to this group of people. A part of her wanted to walk away; she felt like an outsider here.
You are, a voice hissed at her.  
“Nesta!” Elain noticed her from where she sat. She was out of her seat and tugging Nesta’s hand before she could even blink. Elain led her to the empty seat which was sandwiched between Elain and Amren.
Nesta took her seat and glanced around the table. Azriel was sitting directly across from Elain, the latter of the two careful not to make eye contact. Next to Azriel was Feyre and then Rhysand. Mor and Aurra sat beside each other at the end of the table.  
“What happened?” Feyre asked with a look of concern.
Nesta waved her off, taking the dish of turkey that Elain passed to her. “I burned the cornbread.”
Someone choked on their food from down the table. Nesta didn’t even have to look to know it was Rhysand.
He was pushing her buttons. And tonight was not the time to do it.
Nesta turned to him chillingly slow. “Do you have something to say?”
His eyes were full of mischief as he scooped a spoonful of mashed potatoes onto his plate. “I’m just wondering how the hell you burned cornbread.”
Feyre elbowed him. No one else joined in on the teasing. Nesta received a weak smile from her youngest sister. Sorry about him.
She didn’t give a fuck what her sister’s boyfriend thought of her. And after the evening she had, Nesta didn’t bother shooting back with her sharp tongue. She was exhausted. She was only here because... well, because she didn't want to be alone. She didn't want to spend Thanksgiving alone. Nesta couldn't remember the last time she celebrated a holiday with someone else.
It was a long time ago.
“Do you want to take off your scarf?” Elain offered from beside her. “It’s really warm in here.”
“I’m fine, thanks.”
“But -"
“Drop it, Elain.” Her voice was icy.
Everyone got quiet.
Until Rhysand decided he wanted more attention.
“Sounds to me like Nesta may be hiding a hickey or two under that scarf.”
She slammed her fork onto the plate. Every single person went still. Not even a blink. “And?”
He didn’t even falter. “And it sounds like an improvement. A surprising one at that, but an improvement nonetheless.”
Nesta was seeing red. She felt a delicate hand touch her thigh. She didn’t need to look down to see it was Elain. “An improvement? And pray tell, Rhysand, what am I improving from?”
At least Rhysand was smart enough to recognize he was treading in dangerous territory. That smug look on his face faded. “It was just a joke, Nesta.”
She let out a bitter laugh. Casting a glance at the rest of the group, she realized what a scene she was making. Mor was tense, Azriel about to jump out of his chair at a word's notice. Amren's expression was unreadable, but Nesta swore she saw something like defensiveness in her eyes. Defensiveness for Nesta.
Feyre interrupted before the conversation escalated further.
“He said it was a joke. No big deal. Let’s just enjoy dinner, yeah?”
A small part of Nesta was grateful for her segue. If Feyre hadn't stopped her, Nesta would have caused permanent damage.
Elain, ever the peacemaker, added, “Why don’t we say thanks? We were waiting for you to join us before we started.”
That was the last thing Nesta wanted to hear.
But it was better than getting in a verbal fight with her sister's boyfriend, she guessed.
“I’ll start!” Elain exclaimed with a clap of her hands. She was able to diffuse the tension with a flick of the wrist. Everyone seemed comforted. “I’m thankful that I’m able to spend time with my sisters, and that Feyre introduced me to her wonderful friends.”
She definitely avoided eye contact with Azriel.
His slight blush wasn’t unseen by Nesta, though.
“My turn,” Mor sang. “I’m thankful that I’ve found the love of my life -" a secretive smile at Aurra “-and I’m able to share her with the world.”
“Ditto,” Aurra said, her face positively glowing.
Everyone turned to the next person. Azriel. “All of you guys, I guess.” His voice was quiet.
"Boo!" Mor exclaimed. "Too boring. Try again."
He rolled his eyes. "I'm thankful to have such an obnoxious friend. Better?"
Mor grinned. "Yes."
Next was Feyre. "I'm thankful I managed to graduate college without failing any classes."
Her friends cheered, and Feyre gave them the biggest smile."
"All right, all right," Rhysand joked, holding out his hands. "Calm down, people. It's my turn in the spotlight."
It was difficult for Nesta to contain her sneer. She was trying so hard to keep it in that she didn't hear Rhysand's sentiment.
Too bad.
“You guys said it all,” Amren drawled as she picked her manicured nail.
Mor booed again, but she didn't push Amren for me. Nesta was pretty sure no one pushed Amren and for good reason.
"Nesta, you're last!" Elain smiled. Nesta could tell she was doing her best to keep everyone happy. To keep her eldest sister in check so she didn't embarrass her.
That didn't stop her.
Nesta didn't bother looking at anyone. "I'm thankful that this night is going to be over soon."
No one said a word. The only response Nesta received was from Feyre, who shot her a warning glare. A glare that said, We're going to talk about this tomorrow.
Somehow, Elain got the conversation back on track. Nesta's comment was disregarded, and the rest of the night was spent ignoring her. Elain and Amren were the only ones who even spoke with her.
When the night finally ended and Nesta was driving back to her apartment, she remembered why she spent so many holidays alone.
Sometimes, being alone beats being surrounded by people who hate you.
this chapter was so fucking hard to write, I had to take a break a lot cause it’s very emotional ahhh tag list (let me know if you want to be added):
@sjmships @sleeping-and-books @sirgwaines @books-for-sure @blowing-mikey @b00kworm @wineywitch202 @drielecarla @liquifyme @gisellefigue08 @iammissstark @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter @loysydark @superspiritfestival @stardelia​ @sayosdreams​ @maastrash​ @courtofjurdan​
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deans-mind-palace · 4 years
Suspirium (Pt.2)
Pairing: Prof!Sam x Reader
Summary: You’re in your last year of your Classics and Mordern Languages studies and you're majoring in Latin and English. Then you get assigned to a different Latin teacher. And damn, he loves his subject. Too bad that he’s also hot. What is just a childish crush soon develops into something way more complicated.
Word Count: 1,500
Warnings: None, yet.
Author’s Note: Second chap, guys. And our first meeting with Sam. ;) Enjoy and show it some love.
Suspirium - Masterlist
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Your alarm clock rang exactly at 8.30 the next morning and you still had time to get ready for your 10 o'clock lecture with Professor Winchester and get a coffee at the little café around the corner of your flat. You had escaped from the dormitory since the third semester and now lived in your own four walls. You earned your living by waiting tables at a well-known restaurant in town.
You locked the door behind you and leaned against it for a moment while breathing in the fresh morning air. The dew of autumn was still on the green meadows and it was pleasantly warm. Birds were chirping and the sun was shining its golden glow on the slowly colouring leaves. A smile crept up your lips. It was the perfect second day of your senior year at college. And you wanted to enjoy it. This was going to be your year.
"Carpe diem. Seize the day." you mumbled with a smile before you shouldered your bag and walked off. Your flat was a little further away from college and you were finally going to get your coffee. A few minutes later, you entered your favorite café and inhaled the smell of freshly brewed coffee and cookies. There wasn't much going on, because it was more of an insider tip. Most students got their coffee at Starbucks in the city or directly in the cafeteria. You joined the queue. Then your cell phone started ringing. Surprised, you rummaged through your bag but couldn't find it and instead your notebook fell out. Quickly you bent down to pick it up when it already happened. A man ran into you and poured his hot coffee over you.
You swore unpleasantly when the coffee ruined your white top. The hot coffee ran down your hands and dripped to the floor. You gasped indignantly for breath. "Damn it!" you cursed and reached for a napkin to wipe your hands. "Oh, my God. I'm so sorry! I-I didn't see you, and..." you heard a deep voice stammer nervously. You sighed in annoyance. "It's all right." You muttered, but when you looked up, you paused in amazement. Your gaze caught in the most beautiful hazel eyes you had ever seen. He was in his early thirties, wearing a light-grey knitted sweater and underneath it the collar of a white shirt was sticking out. Long brown hair framed his striking face and you saw the worry in his eyes. "I -" He fell silent and bent down to pick up your notebook and wiped it on his trousers. "Here." He handed it to you and looked at you with an embarrassed look. "Thank you." "I'm really so sorry. I'll pay for the damages. I'm, uh... I'm Sam." He offered you his hand, which you took in a trance. "Hi. I'm Y/N," you said, forcing you to smile. He returned it a little shyly, and you melted away. "Nice to meet you, Y/N. I - uh. I should really get going. I'd love to buy you a cup of coffee. As an apology. O-or a tea. Or whatever you like." You wiped the smirk off your face because of his clumsiness. He was really embarrassed.
He took one glance at his watch and cursed. "I really have to go now. The offer for the coffee stands, Y/N. I'll see you then." he said goodbye in a hurry and ran off. As quickly as he came, he was gone. You watched him hurry down the street while his brown hair flew in the wind until he turned the corner and you lost sight of him. Only then did you realize that you didn't know how to find him again.  He hadn't given you his number or anything.
With a sigh you took a look at the mess on your shirt. Your lecture would begin in a few minutes. But you had to change urgently, because you couldn't show up in class like that. The new professor would throw you out on your ass if you appeared like this in his lecture! The day could only get better from now on.
You arrived at the lecture almost twenty minutes late. Quietly you looked for a place further in the back and began to take your things out of your bag and put them on the table. You listened to the lecture with half an ear only.
"We will devote this year mainly to epics. Aeneas, Odysseus and Iliad. We will also take a closer look at Latin poetry. Please obtain the following books on Catullus and Ovid. I can recommend Latin for the Illiterati edition 2. As a dictionary I ask you to use this one." You had eagerly taken notes and now for the first time raised your eyes to see which book the professor meant. You almost choked when you saw the man in the front of the lecture hall. Your breath stopped. There was Sam! The Sam who had just spilled coffee on you. His gaze wandered over the students, and when he got stuck on you, the book almost fell out of his hand. He just caught it again and cleared his throat embarrassed.
"Do you have any more questions about the topics we're going to study?" he asked around and you noticed the pink blush on his cheeks. He avoided looking in your direction for the rest of the lecture. Embarrassment and shame circulated in your body and you concentrated on making a proper transcript so as not to have to look up again. Awkward. Your professor had just spilled coffee over you and finally invited you in for coffee! The worst thing was that you found him really cute. You would like to say that this feeling had died, but unfortunately he was still pretty hot.
Your professor's coughing tore you from your confused thoughts. "I'm glad you all could come in such large numbers today. The lesson today served as an introduction. Please purchase the requested materials with which we will work until the next lecture. Then we will begin with Catullus. I look forward to the year with you. That's it for today." he concluded today's lecture. Immediately your fellow students began to pack up, but you stayed and watched as Professor Winchester brushed the brown strands of hair from his face and collected his personal belongings.
The lecture hall emptied slowly and then Professor Winchester looked up. You summoned up all your courage and walked over to him. Hurriedly he took the sheet of paper with the names and looked for your first name to find out your full name. "Ms L/N. How can I help you?" he asked a little louder as the last student left the hall. "It's about the coffee, Sa- Professor Winchester." He nodded and smiled at you politely, albeit restrained. "Of course. What is it?" he asked while turning off the beamer and stowing the remote control. "I wasn't sure if you were still- I mean, if this is somehow weird for you, then-" You fell silent nervously, searching for the right words. "Don't worry, Ms. L/N. Professors and students are allowed to have coffee together. I promised to return the favor, and I keep my promises. So the offer still stands. If that's not a problem for you?" He questioned. You nodded and thought for a moment. It certainly couldn't hurt to get to know your professor a little better, after all you had to get along with him all year round. It certainly wouldn't be conducive to have such an embarrassing event standing between the two of you.
"Um, well - yes, of course. When would it be best for you?" you asked and gave him a smile, which he returned immediately. He pulled his mobile out of his pocket and went through his schedule. "I have my first lecture tomorrow around 8.30am," he said. "How about 10:00 at Old Queen's?" You shook your head regretfully. "My classes start at 9:45. So maybe 2:00 then?" This time it was up to him to shake his head. "Ah, I'm afraid I can't do that. How about 4:00?" You nodded slowly. "Yes, I can do that." He smiled at you again and put his phone away.
"Well, I'm looking forward to it,  Y/N - uh, Ms L/N." He looked away embarrassed and cleared his throat. Your name sounded special when he pronounced it with his deep voice, but you ignored the warm feeling in your stomach. "Me too. I'll see you there?" "Yeah, sure. " For a moment there was an awkward silence between you, where neither of you knew what to say, then you started talking at the same time. "Cool." "So then-" You broke it off laughing. "You first," he said laughing. You noticed how his beautiful eyes crinkled at the corners and that his nose turned slightly up, when he laughed. "See you, then. Have a nice day, Professor." "Thank you, Ms. L/N. I'll see you tomorrow."
Your thoughts rushed through your mind as you left the lecture hall in a hurry, leaving Sam Winchester behind.
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hs-devote · 4 years
12. U N E X P E C T E D
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Moodboard // Content // Masterlist
All characters and situation in this story are fictitious. Resemblance to any person living or dead is only God knows.
Previous chapter ; Up all night they spent with sex, worshipping each other’s bodies. They didn’t care if their moans or scream being heard all over the house. Their bedroom was very at the end, secluded from other rooms. Every moan Y/N let out that night made his lust getting higher and higher. And he’d always knew they could go for a few rounds later.
12. UNEXPECTED It was a little after seven in the morning when Harry had opened his eyes, the bedroom was still dimmed due to lack of the lighting. The sky was almost bright but the sun hadn't yet risen. The morning was very cold despite the heater was on. His green eyes were now staring at his lover who was still fast asleep in his arms. Her eyes closed with those tapering eyelashes resting softly on her cheeks, and hair was dishevelled from the sexual activity they had been doing all night. The roar of her soft and steady breath like music in his ears. Sound of crickets from outside made the atmosphere calming.
He chuckled in silence remembering they had sex like rabbits last night, felt a little more special since it was his birthday sex and not to forget they both could last for a few rounds and stopped at dawn. It wasn't a lie if he only slept for some hours before woke up. He gulped when Y/N stirred a little in his embrace, she just snuggled deeper on him and still snoring softly. He let his hand slowly rubbed her bare shoulder while humming faintly to keep her asleep since he knew that Y/N was exhausted.
Harry leaned a bit to land a kiss on top of her head before his thumb caressing her face. His girlfriend was cute with mouth slightly open, yet his index finger touched her lips only to made them closed. The longer he stared at her, the more grateful he was to have this girl on his arms. It had been five or six months into the relationship and he had never felt happy before. So far, this was the longest relationship he had ever have – even he and Victoria used to last only less than five months, and Harry was quite surprised by that. He used to be a person who got bored easily in a relationship but somehow when Y/N came into his life, everything seemed to change. To a better one.
The twenty-six-year-old man remembered the first time he met his assistant. He underestimated her back then because she was very young for the position. Over time, Y/N made his judgement change. The woman managed to amaze him despite her relatively young age. She only three years younger than Harry but she was very mature for her age and succeeded to make him see her as a smart young woman. And the admiration gradually made something else grew on him.
The way he asked her to go on date that time was a bold move of him. Very bold. When the words left his mouth, Harry didn't think of that before, slide just like that when he saw her smile and happiness. His feelings were all over the place when Y/N agreed to go on date with him – not expecting his employee to also secretly seem to like him.
Harry shushed her when her eyes squinted in discomfort. Her body shivered with cold since he saw the goosebumps on her skin. Y/N sighed comfortably as Harry pulled the comforter up to cover her neck, her arms wrapped around her boyfriend’s naked torso twitched before sunk into another dream. He kissed her forehead before tightened their cuddles, didn't want to let Y/N felt cold and woke her up from whatever dreams she had.
Their dates had been great. They got to know each other more so they would comfortable to be touchier. Both Harry and Y/N let each other knew they were didn't have anyone at that moment so it was okay to have each other around. Although both of them hadn't put a label on it, they were used to give affections and knew when and where they could do that. They understood very well when agreeing to start this prohibited relationship, the office was the main issue, and they were required to be professional. Of course, Y/N had asked once or twice about a romantic relationship in work, but Harry always convinced her. A bit risky yet it was their challenge.
But, during that time, there was one fear that Harry had kept and it exploded at the worst time ever. He was ready to take the risk of letting her go but no. The woman stayed beside him, and that was made Harry's feeling skyrocketed like crazy. He couldn't define it but clearly, every day she managed to plant the seeds of feelings that were far deeper and more intimate in him. She was the first woman to succeed in making him better, making him feel more worthy and valued, who put her trust in him and would accept him after his dark secret was revealed.
Time rolled by, there was a feeling of fear within him. Afraid of losing. Afraid of feeling bored. Afraid of where the time comes, they would be separated. It all grew with a strange feeling that ran through his body. Dancing, popping in his heart and veins every time he saw or even heard her name, his heart screamed that Y/N was his or wanted to jump out and beat in tune with her heart – shouted to the world that only this woman who made him crazy. Every time they went outside together, his pride ego encouraged him to show her off. He was happy and proud of her.
Harry just spent minutes for only watching Y/N slept and adore her. One thing he knew now, the lady in his arms now made him successfully fall in love and made him feel loved. Yes, he was so in love with her. And those feelings were getting stronger in him.
He smiled while stroking her flush cheek with his knuckles before his closed eyes dragged him into the darkness. . . . .
“Happy birthday, to you. Happy birthday, to you. Happy birthday, happy birthday... Happy birthday, Harry!”
Everyone cheered at the same time as Harry blew his birthday candle. The families gathered together at the backyard, sitting around a long table – feeling the joy upon Harry's special day. Harry didn't know why Anne invite almost the entire family of Styles. He just thought he would celebrate with the family that was staying over, didn't expect the whole of Styles.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart.” Anne mumbled, kissing his cheek. “I love you.”
Harry, being the birthday star, sat on the end of the table while his mother sat on his right. Y/N sat on the left, next to Lucas. At first, Anne didn't want to use chairs and table but considering there were elderly, she finally decided to arrange a long table and chairs. Good thing, the weather was very nice to have party outdoor so the celebration would run smoothly – hopefully.
“Thank you.” He smiled, giving his mother a quick peck on her forehead. “I love you more.”
“Buon compleanno, Harry! Ti amo tanto! Non vedo l'ora di tornare a casa.” Clementia shouted from the screen. Her lips smiled widely as she waved at him. Since Clementia couldn't make it home, Anne decided to 'presenting' her via Skype. That girl was seen sitting on her bed and still wearing her pyjama even though it was two o'clock in the afternoon in Milan.
“Ti amo anche io tesoro. Vieni a casa presto.” Harry cackled, lowered his face so his sister could see his face closer.
While the families wished him happy birthday from their seats, Y/N didn't want to interrupt his time with them. Plus, what she heard from Anne, Harry rarely came home unless it was Christmas or other holidays. She gave up Harry for a while so he could interact with them. At the end of the day, she would have him the most.
“Why I didn't see you at breakfast?” Lucas chirped, his hand brought his cocktail to his mouth. But, his eyes didn't look at the lady next to him.
“I was feeling unwell, and it's cold.” She said shortly.
“Oh, is that why you're wearing a turtle neck at this shiny afternoon?” he shrugged, looking at her with teasing eyes.
“Shiny afternoon but it's bloody 7 degrees right now, Lucas.” She rolled her eyes. Her hand took the closest soda can, fingers pulling the pull tab effortlessly. She let the cold liquid flow into her throat.
“It's not even snowing!”
“But, still..”
“Are you sure? Not to cover the hickeys on your neck?”
His statement made her choke on her soda, her palm abruptly covered her mouth – preventing her from throwing up. Lucas laughed hysterically whilst Y/N wiped her mouth. Actually, she lied to him. She didn't feel unwell. This morning she woke up late at around nine. Last night, Harry wore her out until dawn. She only slept for a few hours before awakened because Harry was kissing her neck, and they had sex again until she fell asleep. It wasn't surprising she woke up just one hour before the party began. Well actually before she exited their bedroom, she was relaxing since her entire body was sore. She even whined on blaming Harry for that. Even now she had to pretend to be okay even though only her legs still felt weak.
Then, thinking about the love bites Harry left all over her neck and shoulders made her shudder at his stamina last night and this morning. She blinked her eyes when Lucas flicked his fingers in front of her eyes.
“Is that.. that great? You're spacing out.” He nudged her shoulder, “If you're wondering. Yes, your voice was heard clearly up to my room.”
“No wonder why Harry looks so happy. He has those sex glow radiates from him, you know?” he added.
“I promise we won't be that loud any more. So, can you shut up already?”
“Okay, everyone. Since Harry doesn't want to say anything.” Anne exclaimed suddenly, her occupied hand with a glass of wine was raised high above her head. “I'll make a toast for the birthday star.”
Everyone smiled while lifting their drink high while Harry could only shake his head. His smile was big with those dimples were on display. His ringed fingers wrapped around his glass, ready to toast for himself.
“This is for Harry who was getting older and mature today. And I am thankful for my son finally came home to celebrate his big day with us.” Anne made a speech, her eyes scanned every single face in there. This was a moment that she would remember forever since they barely would gather together like this.
“Thank you, mum.” Harry mumbled sweetly, “And thank you everyone for being here. And I can't thank you enough for all the love you guys pour for me, for us.”
“Love you, Hawwy!”
All of the Styles family laughed when Lucy yelled out of nowhere, the little girl was sitting on her father's lap. Her chubby hand waved at him from her seat. Harry cackled before returned the favour.
“And on this special occasion, Harry also brought someone special too who never mind being asked for checking on him.” Now, Anne looked at Y/N right in her eyes. The older woman nodded slightly before the warm smile drew on her face, “Thank you for keeping an eye on Harry for me. And thank you for coming home with him. Welcome to the family, Y/N.”
Neither Anne nor Harry knew how delighted she was. It was a big confession to her. This was only the second time Y/N met Anne but the woman had opened the door for her. Just thinking about it almost made her shed a tear.
“Thank you.” Y/N nodded from across the table. There was a feeling that was fell out of her, a weird feeling that often made her insecure.
“Okay. This is for my mum for making this happen. For all of you guys who came here. For me who is gaining another year old.” Harry began, “And for the lovely Y/N who became my mother's spy.”
“For all the love that has been spread.”
Everyone sighed happily to dig into the food in front of them after the toast was finished. The table was filled with lots of food. Believe it or not, Anne was the one who cooked it with some help from Matilda, her maid. Y/N helped her here and there with Mandy, but not too much since when she came down the food was almost ready and Matilda helped her from the beginning. No doubt Anne's cooking was very delicious. When the food was almost gone, Y/N who was talking with Lucas was suddenly taken aback with a plate of sliced cake being offered to her.
“Ahh, I see you enjoy her company, Lucas.” Harry joined the conversation while getting clean cutlery for her. Y/N didn't even know that Harry had cut his cake. It seemed she was too serious talking with his cousin.
“This is for you–”
“I'm touched. Thank you for the cake.” Lucas winked, take the plate that supposed for Y/N. Harry looked so done with him, the way he stared at Lucas told her so.
“It was for my girlfriend.” He scowled, “But, whatever.”
“I didn't know you cut the cake already.” Y/N declared before let Harry fed her with a spoonful of the cake from his plate. He said nothing but ready to give her another spoonful.
While her mouth chewed on her cake, Y/N's eyes scanned every single person around, trying to remember their faces and names. Harry had introduced her to all of his family members before they gather together. Today's weather was quite cold, but the sun was shining strong enough. Quite pretty good for them to gather around. Good thing Anne had a big house and could accommodate all of them.
After Y/N acquainted with his family, she just found out that Harry has a lot of elderly families and niece or nephew. She also noticed that he was close to them. The kids were very fond of him as well as the elders. But Harry seemed to have more attention to pregnant women. He was very careful with Lisa, quite often asking her permission to touch her baby bump. His eyes lighted up when his palm felt his unborn nephew movement. No, she wasn't jealous. Absolutely not. She was glad to see that Harry really cared. It surprised her to see her boyfriend was so amazed by a pregnant lady or baby bump in particular.
Her favourite moment was when they sat together in the family room, with some of them were on the floor since the couch wouldn't fit them all. Harry's families weren't as much as her family, yet they were friendlier and warmer to her. The feeling made Y/N feel she was part of the family. The funny thing was the kids were all over her after the party so Harry only spent some minutes before she had been bouncing playing with his nieces and nephews. He just watched his girlfriend afar absolutely smitten, even the kids' parents teased him about it.
“Little Harry is such a sweetheart! But, of course the boy had his own misbehaviour. I remember when Anne scolded him for getting into a fight but Igor defended him.” Marie, Igor's mother or Harry's grandmother gave Y/N a wry smile when she finally had time to get to know her grandson’s girlfriend better. The kids no longer surrounded; a good sign for Harry since finally he could have her the fullest. Him, Y/N, Anne, and Marie were sitting together in the living room while other family members were busy with their business.
Anne shook her head, “Igor loves Harry so much. No wonder he always defends him no matter what.”
“Why don't you show her Harry's child book, Anne? I'm sure our darling Y/N is curious with little Harry!”
“Marie,” Harry sighed while pinching his bridge nose, “Don't give her an idea.”
“Hey, that's a good idea, Harry.” Anne looked at him, then averted her gaze to Y/N, “I'll grab it. You'll love it.”
“Mum, no, please.” He groaned in defeat when his mother ignored him. Anne just left without caring to look at her son embarrassed face.
“I believe they won't be embarrassing. I saw some of your photos on the wall and all seemed normal.” Y/N shrugged, “Besides, I'm curious about the kid version of you anyway. The most I saw were your teenage photos.”
That was true. There were some of his photos seen on the walls or the table. Most of them were his graduation, holiday or family pictures. None of them was the childhood picture. A moment after, Anne appeared with a big album in her hand. Y/N felt Harry being embarrassed when his mother put the album on her lap. He was leaning back to the couch; half-heartedly accepting his girlfriend would see some embarrassing pictures of him.
Baby Harry had brighter hair back then. His eyes wide staring at the camera with mouth covered in food. Onto the next one, the small boy wasn't afraid when someone put a huge spider in his palm – smiling confidently.
“You weren't afraid back then, were you?” Y/N murmured, eyes stared at Harry who sat next to her cosily. He straightened up a bit before shrugging, “I don't remember whether it was a real one or just a toy.”
Y/N smiled as her hand flipped every single page while Anne pointing each picture and told her about the story. A true what Marie said, little Harry was a sweetheart. He always smiled in almost all the pictures in the album.
“See? No embarrassing photo of you H. If Anne hadn't shown me this, I wouldn't have known that you were so cute when you were little.” She chuckled, her finger tapping at her favourite picture of him. It was a picture of him when he was two years old. He was standing with baggy shirt and diaper with no pant on, his little hands covered in black gloves. His little mouth was sucking a yellow dummy and head was covered with winter hats. Small bike and slides were seen behind him.
“I can't say that if you haven't finished until the last page. It–”
“Oh my God, Harry!”
Harry inhaled loudly, hands rubbed his face when he knew what happened next. His girlfriend was giggling along with his mother when the next page showing a picture that he avoided saying. He was seven or eight that time – he couldn't remember, wearing Anne's bra over his shirt and clenching his fist. His smile was cheeky to the camera.
“My favourite picture on him,” Marie laughed.
“That's embarrassing! Let's move on to the next page, please.” Harry muttered while trying to flip the page but Y/N stopped him.
“That's cute, tho!”
“Whatever. If I knew this would happen at that time, I would refuse to be photographed.” Harry rolled his eyes.
“Don't be like that. This is something that you'll tell your kids someday that their father was cheeky from the start.” Marie hummed, “But, I agree with Y/N. That was cute. Maybe one day you should take another shot of you doing the same, Harry. Could be nice memories! You'll have baby Harry and mature Harry shares the same picture.”
“Marie..” . . . .
People started leaving the house when the sun's rays have begun to fade. Harry and Y/N also had to prepare to go to London tonight. Before sending Y/N and Harry to the station, Lucas drove them both around Manchester by Anne's request. Since their arrival was just yesterday, they both didn't have time to do sightseeing around the city.
“Can I get postcards before heading to the station? I want to buy my mum some of them.” Y/N asked with her body leaned a little forward.
“Sure. We can go to the one at the Royal Exchange Theatre.” Harry nodded, “Change the route, butler.” He patted Lucas' shoulder from behind since both of them sat on the back seat. Lucas just nodded, turning the wheel – took the reverse route.
“Of course, your majesty.” He mocked. He then shook his head occasionally when he didn't intend watched them from the rear-view mirror. The pair was all lovey-dovey at the back, made him feel like a third wheel. “I know you guys couldn't get enough of each other since last night but please, respect the single man who's driving right now.”
“I feel bad for your lonely heart, really.” Harry spoke, “Until then, don't be curious if you don't want to feel sad.”
“Hey, I'm always curious since your sex activities bothered my sleep last night.”
“Then find a girlfriend.”
“Not in the mood.”
Lucas giggled softly in front of them knowing he always managed to fed up his cousin. He didn't say anything other than cursing if the traffic got on his nerve. Meanwhile, in the back seat, no conversation was heard. Y/N was busy leaning on Harry's chest while playing on her mobile phone while Harry was just playing with her hair.
In his reverie, Harry began to think of what he thought first time in the morning after waking up. He was just adoring her in silence and reminiscing their journey until they were now. Was it too fast for him saying that he fell in love with her?
No word was too fast if it was his heart that chose that.
If he asked himself why was he now in love, he didn't know the answer.
What made him fall in love? So many answers.
The feeling was real but too complicated to describe.
He wasn't aware he got a boner just by thinking about the love for her. Although he was immersed in his reverie, he still gave small kisses and affections to her here and there. He didn't know why he could be clingy like this after thinking of that strange and beautiful feelings in him.
Y/N was the first who notice the tight bulge forming down there. She didn't know what made Harry horny. It was impossible, just stroking hair made his lust went high. Slowly, she brought her mouth close to his ear – didn't want Lucas to hear them because she knew he would tease her boyfriend.
“H, darling.. you've got boner down there.” She whispered softly. Harry blinked before squinting at her, “Pardon?”
He frowned before glancing in the direction that she meant. His face heated up immediately after realising it. No way he got a boner for only thinking about what was love for him. Well, the answer was obviously; Y/N.
“This is embarrassing.” He chuckled before grabbing a cushion to hide it.
“Were you thinking of me?” she challenged him, raising her eyebrow. Her voice was still faint yet heard enough by both of them. She intentionally put her hand on the cushion.
Well, he didn't lie, did he?
“But, not in that way. I – I didn't think something inappropriate of you.” he stuttered.
“Well, you're stuttering.” Y/N teased.
How the hell he stuttered? He told her the truth but why he talked like he hid something.
“Maybe I can help you once we get home.”
Oh man, she couldn't get any better and Harry loved that. . . . . Harry had just finished a teleconference with several companies abroad in his office that afternoon. He was supposed to do a business meeting in New York within this week, but for some reason, he cancelled it. Thinking about the States, he thought it was the right time to expand to America. Of course, after a few offices starting to operate in some big cities in Europe. A feeling of pleasure lingered on him being able to make Erskine develop better. This was Igor's dream to open his company outside the U.K. Erskine was ready to get bigger and so was Harry. Sounded ambitious but this would be an achievement for him for being succeeded to maintain and develop what his stepfather left for his family.
His eyebrows furrowed when he heard a noise from outside. He didn’t usually hear a lot of people. There was also no way there could be so many guests who wanted to meet him since he asked Y/N and Madeleine to limit the guests he would meet every day.
He snapped his head when the door tried to be opened from the outside, of course it wouldn’t be open since he locked it and need an access card to unlock – obviously. He heard a faint sound of Madeleine and.. Bob?
Bob was Erskine's head security. He was the person in charge of security in this building.
What’s wrong with them?
The vibrations of his mobile phone on the desk broke his reverie. He saw that there was one short message from his girlfriend.
Messages– Now ; Sweetheart.
I don’t know what’s wrong but Madeleine and Bob are trying to get these people not to invade your office. I don't know since I can't see who they are. They're blocked by the wall and that huge pots, but I'll try to get out.
Strange. If it was intruder, why the securities couldn't stop them when they were in the lobby?
He thought about whether he needed to open the door; let the person meet him, or keep the door closed?
If there was the worst possibility, as he recalled, he kept a few guns in his bottom drawer – just in case.
Harry sighed before putting down his mobile phone. He pressed the door button next to his office phone and left the door unlocked. He sat quietly in his seat waiting for the door to open. In less than a minute, the door opened. One of them stepped forward and showing his warrant card, spoke words that made him froze.
“Mr Harry Styles. You’re under arrest on suspicion of physical abuse. You do not have to say anything, yet it may harm your defence if you don’t mention when questioned something which you later rely.” . . Please excuse some errors.  Chat me here!
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The Yule Man (4/7)
As told by ME
This was meant to be a short story, but it became too big, so I separated it in seven parts. I want to turn my blog in a space where I can share my writting every once and a while.
This is the first time I post one of my stories on a public space. This is the first time anyone besides my sister will be able to read, so I'm pretty exciting and anxious. I want honest criticism. I hope you all enjoy it.
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The Solstice Morning went away as quick as it arrived. Sophia, Fritz and Thomas spent most of the day playing with the toys they had received from Santa. Mia tried her best to keep the holiday fun intact, despite the bad feelings around the household.
The first day of Yule was always the most important one for children. More than Santa's presents, a huge part of the tradition was Yulesing. Mr. Hayek couldn't take them with him, and with his wife all day is her room, Mia knew the responsibility was now hers.
She and the children were quick to get dressed. This year Chris wanted to come along.
Mia waited for him on the other side of the door, with an umbrella in hands and her hat already on her head. Excitement took the best out of the children. They wore wooden masks of goats and boars. They pretended to scare each other, while caring for bags of last year toys.
When he walked out of the bedroom, she couldn't take in.
"What do you think?" He asked them anxious.
The beard had been carefully shaved. His red hair had been brushed as better as he could. The waistcoat made her realized his body was more muscular and bulkier that she thought. Somehow his boyish face looked sharper and more mature without the beard.
"So, what do you think?" He said still anxious.
"You look great." Was all she could say.
Sophia came forward.
"This means she thinks you are hot."
He blushed.
Mia almost strangled her right there.
The snow fell with all grace and magic of a holiday card. On their sleigh they dashed through the town dressed in white. In costumes, the children played pranks and practical jokes in iced alleys. Some knocked on the doors of families with children and exchanged used toys. That was the case for the Hayek children.
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Mia looked around. So much sheer joy and chaotic fun. Snow castles and angels and blinding snowball fights. By chance she found Chris playing with the other children as if one of them. He raced through the town as a boy in the nursery. Each sight made his heartbeat faster, each sensation made his smile larger.
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For a moment she forgot her worries. Yule had arrived after all.
The days passed. Mia dragged Chris through Arnsberg. Both found a new common ground that made them enjoy more the company of each other. Both walked upon the line between truth and make believe. Their time together was finite, but they acted as if they have all time left in the world. They acted as if they had all the answers in their lives, as if they knew how this story ends. They acted as the people they always dreamed to be.
Mia showed Chris all the wonders of the urban life. Her heart squeezed every time she gazed at his eyes, at how the town made them glisten.
She took him to clubs, cafés, and galleries. She remembered dancing so close to him one night. The music sounded so loud, yet all they remember hearing was each other's heartbeat.
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"The food in this place is great, but it isn't even half as good as the one from that hotel we stayed in Lichthafen City." Chris began saying. "Speaking of that, I can hardly wait to spend our summer vacation there."
"I only want you to stop playing with the sand. You filled our room with sand the last time." Mia bickered with him.
"Oh, but I love playing in the sand, collecting seashells, feeling the sun."
I don't know if it was Mia's or Chris' own idea. They talked to one another as if they had a life together outside of the Yule days. It certainly helped ease his fear of the ominous nothingness. In their conversations, they had a past, they had a future. He existed as much as her.
In the last days of Yule, Mia bought various sewing books. Chris borrowed several fashion history books from the library and brought fashion magazines.
They spend the day sewing, cutting. Experimented with fabrics, fashion, and types of clothes.
"How can you be better than me on this?" He said staring at the shirt she had sewed from a fabric she found around the house.
"I think I found a new talent." She laughed. "If I continue with this who knows I can do in the future."
He gazed upon all poems she had written. All scattered over the conservatory. He found them good. To Mia his opinion didn't really mattered. He thought of everything she did as good.
From the Yule Log, only ashes were left. The grandfather clock on the corner stroked eighteen o'clock.
Chris felt his world shattering. He looked at Mia. With all care in the world, he took her hand in his and said:
"Can you go with me this time."
They left the mansion hand by hand. Sophia, Thomas, and Fritz gave him a big warm farewell hug. Mrs. Hayek shoot them unkind glares.
Chris looked at Mia waiting how she would react.
"She doesn't like that her unmarried daughter is spends time with the magical homeless guy." Mia joked.
He led her outside, and they walked together nearer the edge of the forest. The snow started to fall. The wind blew as if celebrating Chris' departure.
In the middle of the way Chris stopped.
"I don't want to go."
The wind became violent. Howls came from deep inside the darkness. Something dragged Chris into the empty.
Mia grabbed his hand.
"Please, I don't want to go. Please!" He cried in pure desperation. His scream echoed everywhere.
Mia lost her strength.
"I'll be here next year. I'll wait for you."
The wind pulled him into the dark, back to complete inexistence. No one stood there beside her.
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ironicallyrog · 5 years
You're A Distraction.
The last month had been the best month of my life. It was filled with music, laughter, and happiness.
I was able to watch the band record more of their album, and Roger and I we're doing amazing, and Paul seemed to steer clear of me after Brian had talked to him.
I was getting ready for my date with Roger. Today was our one month, and he told me to meet him by the river at seven o'clock. I had no idea what he had in mind, but I couldn't wait to find out. I knew whatever it was, it was going to be amazing.
I slid on my shoes before opening the door and heading out. The river was about a ten minute walk in the field, and the sun was just beginning to set. It was beautiful, and I found myself taking even longer to get there to watch the world around me. Oh, what a world we live in. I breathed heavily, taking in all the fresh warm air that my lungs would take before sighing it out contently. I was so at peace.
I finally rounded the corner towards the river, and Roger stood there. A dopey smile plastered across his face.
There was a blanket laying on the ground near the water, and a basket filled with food that looked more than delicious. A few little fairy candles were scattered around, and a small battery charged radio was laying next to the blanket.
I swore I was going to cry. I never had anyone treat me as well as Roggie did. He truly went out of his way to make me happy, and I felt like the most beautiful girl on earth when I was with him. I loved him, and I was hoping to tell him tonight.
"Happy one month." He smiled brightly, walking over to me with his hand held out.
"Happy one month, Roggie. Thank you." I said softly, still trying to take in that all of this was for me. I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to have him.
He pressed a soft kiss to my lips before we sat down, smiling like the cheshire cat. We ate, drank some wine and talked while the sun continued to go down. It was so peaceful. Small moments of comfortable silence fell between us every now and then before the other one would babble something random from being nervous, making us both giggle like little kids.
"Wanna know a secret?" Roger asked, sitting up and trying to be mysterious. Not wanting to give away what he was about to say.
"Always." I smiled, sitting up myself and looking at him.
A small smiled played his lips.
"Freddie said that he thinks we're gonna get married." He chuckled, "I see it."
"He's so silly." I giggled loudly, the wine starting to take affect over my mind more than usual. I was in such a giddy state, all I wanted to do was lay down and laugh at nothing while looking at the stars in the night sky. It was perfect here, with Roger. And I'm so much more happier than I've been in a really long time.
"I can see it too." I smiled, leaning my head on his shoulder.
"I love you, YN." He blurted, fingers coming to rest on a grass blade that he found would help his nerves if he fiddled with.
My heart swelled so much that I was almost certain that it would burst with happiness and excitement.
"I love you too Roger." I smiled, so wide that my cheeks were beginning to hurt.
He pressed a harsh kiss to my lips, one that I decided to deepen. This was absolute bliss.
He laid me on the blanket, my back on the ground and his lips started down to find my neck.
Yeah, Blissful.
AN : i may cry writing this,,,but i wanted to say a huge thankful for everyone who has stayed along this trip and who reads my writing. It keeps me going and it makes me want to put more works out there for you all to read. thank you, i love u x
taglist : @rogershoe @luvborhap @mirkwoodshewolf @toger-raylor @thosequeenboys @devilcrivbaby @onceuponadetectivedemigod @lacontroller1991
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endoftheroad1983 · 5 years
Wish you were Here..
Wish You Were Here
Steve Rogers X  Reader
Your favorite phone tune chime and it was now beginning to be one that you hated. You had just switch his ring tone to this particular one when it happen. Tears tried to break out but You refuse to let them loose. You had done enough of that over the three days you had stay here. The phone fell silent but only for a brief moment.
You shoved your hand under the pillow you were currently hiding your phone. A groan escapes your lips as his name flash on the screen. You were about to put it back when the tune rang out again in your hand. It was louder this time causing you to jump a bit. He wasn't giving up and You weren't either.  Soon the tune faded away as your voice mail picked up.
After another few minutes it began again only this time it was a different tune. It was the one you picked out for Nattie. A huff of relief  left your lips as you welcome the new caller. But that was a mistake.
“Please tell me your on your way!?” You practically shout at her. The line went silent for a moment before someone clear their throat.
“Y/N?” Steve's voice cut the silence that you now prefer.
“Hell No! I thought that you people in the fifties respected women when they said no.” You snapped at him causing Steve to hitch in breath.
You didn't wait for an answer but before you could hang up Steve spoke again.
“I will find you and then you will have to....” You had a feeling of how that sentence was going to end but You didn't care. You laugh a bit cruelly cutting him off.
“Yea, good luck with that.” This time You did shut off the phone and shove it under your pillow.
Twenty rings later and you were still debating on dumping it and getting another one or keep it and staying on the run. Maybe You could get the tracking device that Tony put in there out. Then you could really mess with him then.
“Stop calling Steve.” Your voice was still stern but you didn't have the power to be loud about it.
“Y/N!? It's me Nat.” Her voice cooled your temper a bit.
“You let him take your phone?” You half question and half accused.
“Well it's not like I'm stronger then him, Y/N/N.” Her light teasing made you smile.
Just hearing her voice was music to your ears. You had been cooped up with nothing but your thought and worries.
“So when is your little vacation coming to an end?” It was her way of asking when you were coming back home to the base.
“I don't know, every time I think about heading back this damn phone keeps ringing. I'm beginning to hate the song I pick out for him.” You sighed as you lay back in bed.
“Oh come now you can never hate 'I like Big Butts.' It's a classic!”
This joke sent you over and now you were laughing. You had expect her to joke with you but this one took you off guard.
“It's not that!” You tried to defend yourself weakly.
“Well do you want to talk about it?” You scrunch up your nose.
“You already know what happen, Nattie.”
“Oh so very true but I don't know all your side of the story only his.”
“Steve? You've been talking to Steve?” Dare You ask more? No you didn't, you pansy out with a swift kick saying that your mind will make up stories about it later.
“Yes, he hasn't left the base since you left. Actually he's in the lobby hoping you are walking in any minute.”
The news broke your heart. Then Your heart flared up again. He was the only that keeps doing this to you not the reverse.  Your brain and heart were at a consent tug of war. But then you keep seeing her face in your mind's eye.
“He ask me on a date....” You breath out as you began your story
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                                                       1 Week earlier.
The sun was warm as you sat in the middle of the grass field of the base. It was lunch time and you were happily in your spot for the time. The weather man lied and it was warmer then expect so you shrugged off your coat and was using it as a blanket.  Your food sitting beside you envy of the sun's attention.
“Hey.” A soft voice call as a very large shadow fell over you.
“Hey.” You answer brightly with a smile.
At the beginning of last month, Steve was transfer to your end of the base. Of course you guys knew each other, well mainly of each other. But you never really spend any time together until now. You became fast friends and never ran out of anything to say. You love the way his blue eyes would lighten up when he was laughing at a joke or consciousness. It made your day.
Without asking for permission Steve join you by your side giving the sun back to you. You shutter as the warm rays chase the chillness of the shadow.  You lifted your face to the sun and close your eyes.
'What's on your mind, Stevie?” You ask after a few minutes of him just hovering.
“Nothing really.” He answer then half a second he huffed out in frustration.
You move your face towards his and arch an eyebrow. He blew out another small breath and crack that beautiful smile of his before meeting your eyes with his. You continue your stare at him. He dropped his eyes to the grass as a light blush come over his cheeks.
“Fine...” He brought his eyes back to yours. “Do you want to grab dinner with me tonight?”
Your heart flutter at his words. Sure you and Steve had dinner several times together but he never ask you like this.  It always started out with him being hungry. You smile brightly at him for a moment before speaking.
“Oh and what's the special occasion?” The bit of teasing brought out the sparkle in Steve's crystal blue eyes.
“Just what to get away from the base with My Girl is all.” His words sent a shiver down your spine.
As your smile grew bigger.
Over the weeks you would both throw complements towards each other then shortly afterwards Steve began tempting to flirt with you. Then you followed pursuit. It was now that you knew that his feelings were there.
“What time are you picking me up?” Daring the chance you pick up your hand and brushed it lightly over his knuckles.
“7 o'clock. And please where that F/C dress that you did to the last Charity Photo Shoot.” He watch as you continue to cress his knuckles. It end up being a very nice lunch.
A few hours later and you where standing outside the restaurant. Steve had text you that he would meet you there, as he sent another text with the address of the restaurant. You took a seat on a a soft cushion bench as you people watch for the time being.
Over three hours and you were still waiting on him. Your first thought was that something happen and he was hurt or he left on a mission. But Steve would have text or called if he left on a mission. So you sober yourself up and watch the busy Streets begin turning blue with the twilight light.
It's was eleven at night when you come bare footed into the lobby of the base. The night was quiet as usual as you greeted the night guards. You went straight for the elevator to take you to the Avengers quarters. You were too tired to confront him tonight. Maybe you would have the nerves tomorrow.
But you had no luck of that. As you exit the elevator you were greeted with everyone in the living area. You tried to sneak away but Tony wouldn't let you.
“Hey Kitten, you look real beautiful tonight. Did you get back from a hot date?” Tears prickle in your eyes but you blink them away. Tony didn't have a clue what just happen to you.
“I got stood up.” You spoke up weakly.
“Oh no by who?”
“Steve.” You blatantly spat out. Captain America wasn't the only one who spoke the truth all the time.
“Oh No. Steve? You haven't heard?” Tony was now gripping your shoulders and turning you around.
“I haven't heard from anyone. Tony wants going on?” Your heart was in your throat. Was Steve hurt and why was Tony having a get together now?
“Their back! All of them! We've must've have breech a worm hole. But their back!”
Before Tony could stop you, you spun around to see who he was talking about. Your eyes landed on the Howling Commandos first. Your eyes drinking in the realness and color people that was chatting and drinking with ease. You only saw the black and white pictures of them. Next, your eyes landed on a very young Howard Stark, Tony's father. Your legs began to feel weak as gravity pulled you down. How could this be happen? They were back! Steve must be really be happy.
And with that thought your eyes found Steve he was at the end of the Howling Commandos. You felt the air leave your lungs as Steve have his arms around her. He held her tight as he was scared that she was going to disappear again too soon.
Peggy Carter.
“Easy! Y/N.” Tony called out to you as grab your shoulders before you collapse.
Tony's words grabbed the attention of the people of the room. Your cheeks began to burn as your eyes met his. And for a moment when the confusion set in Steve's eyes you thought that he remember what he did.  Steve move off the couch and was by your side.
“Doll, what is it? What happen?”
“Don't touch me!” The room was spinning and it was getting harder to breath.
“Steve, Is she all right?” Peggy asked.
“No, I'm not, seven hours waiting on you and you couldn't even text me.” You push away from both Tony and Steve, “You couldn't even call?”
“I'm sorry...” Steve tried to apologies but you cut him off.
“I understand that I cannot compete with her but that was just rude.” The anger had left your body with only the brokenness left in your voice. You turn leaving a very quiet room.
To be continue....
Thanks for reading Kittens
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