#‘oh cool yay lesbian show’
secretmellowblog · 2 years
I feel like for Goncharov to be a REAL tumblr fandom you’d have to read all these meta posts about how incredibly Gay it is and thEN watch the movie only to discover that the homoerotic couples each have just one scene together, and most of the plot ACTUALLY centers on a boring bland cliche suffocatingly heterosexual love triangle involving characters who are so dull the fandom never mentions them. You’d have to read all this in depth meta about the agonized lesbian relationship between Katya and Sofia, then watch the movie and learn most of Katya’s screentime is actually devoted to her love triangle with Fred and Bert
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pseudophan · 17 days
I had a "dan and phil dream" last night but it was more about the phandom then them. sorry this is long I promise it's probably interesting. I dreamt that there were two lesbian phannies that started a youtube channel together discussing and reviewing dan and phil content. they had a very similar humor style and aesthetic to dan and phil so people started calling them "the lesbian versions of dan and phil" affectionately. it was very cute and over time they even started branching out their content to other topics sometimes, which caused their channel to explode in popularity outside of the phandom too.
anyway they got popular enough that they were able to do their own live show tour just a year after they started making content, and it was a huge deal. the phandom was proud of them for being such a cool and wholesome representation of us, and their general fans were just excited to see them in person (the parasocial relationships were real). their first show was in my town so I decided to go see them on a whim and even bought merch. but the merch was... really poorly made. like it was shocking that they would even sell it in the state it was in. the shirt I bought basically fell apart immediately and was not worth $60. this caused drama in the phandom before the first show was even over. half the phandom was feeling betrayed and upset, and the other half was defending the couple saying it probably wasn't their fault.
well within 24 hours, some whistleblower from their team revealed it WAS their fault for being cheap, AND also they were fakes! they weren't in a relationship, they weren't cute wholesome people irl, they didn't even like dan and phil. their whole brand was made up to make money. it was an insane bombshell to drop and permanently altered the phandom as a whole. I'm still invested in the drama, I kinda wish it were real so I could continue following along.
oh my god i wish this was real because i would be the asshole going SEE I TOLD YOU SO I TOLD EVERYONE THEY WERE SHIT because the idea of two phannies getting famous for being discount dan and phil would piss me off so BADDD like yay lesbians but also. who are u. why do we care. why is everyone obsessed with them. can we go back to dan and phil
that being said who wants to pretend to date for no particular reason at all whatsoever
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maragarita · 3 months
My thoughts on S2E10 of my adventures with superman, My Adventures With Supergirl!
Amanda Waller girlbossing pencil skirt and all
yay John Henry Irons!
let's go lesbians!!! (they called each other babe again omfg I love)
Dad!!! He didn't abandon us! :)
ahaha remember Clark saying ow when he was roughhousing with Kara?? I am in pain :))))
oh shit in maws universe brainiac is the one who destroyed krypton
wahoo brainiac is dead :)
Ooo cool Kara scar
Kara/Ma/Pa interaction let's fuckin gooooooo
Farm boy Clark Kent my love (the red shirt no glasses combo be still my restless heart)
Ope Amanda is on the loose
LexStroke shippers winning
Yooo Gotham?!??
Hand on the wall ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Bahaha no batman for y'all
Yay we're gonna get season 3 Kara antics!!!
In conclusion: ahhh I don't want it to be over 😭 this season had so many fun moments, I'm glad they kept the heart of this show even though the threats were bigger. From Supergirl being introduced to cunty superman making an appearance, we got FED this season. Like fr we got dad antics, the Jimmy net-worth tracker, dating show superman, gay people committing crime, time loops and cake!!! It was so fun and I had such a good time, can't wait for next year :'''')
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velveteenbard · 7 months
Ep 4
TLDR: yay zuko and yay sokka, boo secret tunnel song
Okay the costumes are starting to look a little more weathered and lived in
There’s some nice music in this
Yeah episode 4 music is slapping
Some of this bending doesn’t look like they know the original. Flying airbenders? The way katara froze the water looking like she was airbending?
I miss the way we met bumi in the original
NONONO the secret tunnel song needs to be sung badlyyyyy and drunkenly
This is not my secret tunnel
I’m so sad
And where’s the “I think this guy is the avatar”
The ostrich horses actually look pretty good
I do appreciate that zuko’s hair looks less shit than his egg animation
The badger moles don’t look bad either
Ooh yeah the siblings are arguing this is what we know
I love sokka
He does need to be more silly though
“Excuse me, mister badger mole”
This random earth nation soldier kinda dilfy
Oh damnnnnnnn long hair zuko
Also zuko being wholesome aaaa
Zuko is my boy
Zukos bending looks so cool, the weight behind the martial arts puts weight behind the bending
Dallas Liu is eAting, thank god someone in this show is capable of acting
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halt-kun · 4 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 425 - Out of season
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Oh we aren't much more forward than I thought
Deku's new looks is nice
looking more like a lesbian day after day
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Oh soooo sweet
he's just a dad like that, proud of his children
so nice
Kirishima is so HYPE
Nejire is with her girlfriend, cool
Did he propose Tamaki ?
are you official now ?
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I didn't know Nezu liked techno but it's not a surprise either
what a gentlemouse
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but you'll manage, like we will (I HOPE)
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Was he in the full rocky horror picture show get-up below his clothes or did he find them on that thing ?????
very you
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Yay tired old dad is still our dad !!!!
Bakugou is probably on a humongous dose of tranquilizer to be that chill
The doctor wouldn't let him live without it
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Oh okay
I get it if it's important for you and your choice
come back some time though
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this is sweet haha
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And AOYAMA isn't
I mean, who is Aoyama ?
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why is she glitching ? A crush on Aoyama ?
I'm glad she was wearing her school uniform, please don't do that in your hero uniform
Oh, a girl from the year we never heard of
don't worry class 1-A, you too will disappear during your next year and then be made relavant again in your third, that's how highschool work
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stop giving him bad advices Uraraka because he'll actually follow them because of his crush
Will we see the new first years
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(not tokoyami, the bottom of the page)
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A lost child ?
Or Shigaraki ?
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That can't be Touya, what's happening ?
Maybe they were badly burnt indeed
But Shouto seems okay
well we won't know for a few weeks
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h1mmel · 9 months
silly guys (tm)
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kiamei high school au <3
Mei was drifting off in class, a rare occurrence on the behalf of her usual studious attitude. But today, instead of classwork to be discussed, the entire room was filled with conversation about the upcoming prom dance. Mei hadn’t been particularly interested in participating, that is, until her deskmate leaned over with a cheeky grin on her face.
“Hey, do you have a date to prom?”
Mei was slightly surprised by the question, but shook her head after a moment. “No. I don’t think I’ll go unless someone asks me.”
“Aww, don’t have that attitude,” her deskmate pouted. “I can help you find a date if you want! I'm the best matchmaker!” she puffed out her chest proudly.
Mei tried to turn her down, but her deskmate insisted until she eventually caved. Gleefully, the other girl wrote down her number on a slip of paper and passed it over.
“Text me when you get home,” she winked.
“Sure,” Mei accepted the piece of paper and slipped it into her bag, feeling her cheeks grow warm. “What was your name, by the way?”
“Kiana!” the girl grinned. She was about to say something else, but the bell signaling the end of class cut her off.
“I gotta go! Text me please! See you!” and before Mei could get a word in edgewise, Kiana had grabbed her school bag and dashed off.
That afternoon, Mei spent a long time mulling over texting Kiana. She wasn’t sure what to say, but eventually opted for a simple message.
Hey kiana, you gave me your number earlier
Her phone dinged almost immediately with a response.
oh hey hows it going im soso excited u agreed to let me find u a date u !have 2 go to prom!!!!!
Mei barely had time to read the message before another one came in.
ok so first of all what's ur type do u like girls or boys btw or both??
She exhaled softly, closing her eyes for a moment before typing a response.
I feel like I should tell you this first. I’m a girl
Mei hadn’t come out to a single person at her school yet, and she’d barely only met Kiana, so she wasn’t sure what came over her to suddenly reveal something she hadn’t the courage to bring up previously. The anxiety set in only after she’d sent the message, spiking when she saw the little bubble that meant that Kiana was typing.
She heard the notification that signified Kiana’s reply.
oh cool swag!! are u lesbian?
Mei nearly dropped her phone. That wasn’t the response that she’d been expecting.
Now that the anxiety from her initial message had started to dissipate, she actually had the chance to consider Kiana’s question. She’d never used that word for herself before, but the label made her strangely giddy. Mei smiled slightly and clutched her phone tighter.
yeah, I guess so yay same!!!! do u wanna go to the dance with me then?????
She nearly dropped her phone again.
I’d love to
Kiana’s response was nearly instantaneous.
ok great! let's go dress shopping this weekend okay? I already have plenty of dresses yes but i want to go shopping with u!! it's a deal you have to go
Mei couldn't argue with Kiana, so she sighed and typed out a reply.
i’ll go yayy i'm so excited!!!!! see u then
There was a few moment's pause before she got another message.
whats ur name again? i have horrible memory so srry
Mei blinked in confusion. Everyone in school knew her name, with being the heir to a big company, people talked about her a lot. And Kiana had called her by name, multiple times.
It took Mei a few seconds to realize that Kiana was likely trying to avoid her deadname.
it’s mei alrighty mei!! i will be at the mall shopping district this saturday. u had better be there
Mei smiled softly.
I’ll see you then
Mei showed up to the mall that Saturday afternoon, unsure where to find Kiana as the girl hadn’t specified a meeting time or place. She was about to text Kiana, when someone grabbed her hand and she spun around quickly.
“Mei! You came!”
It was none other than Kiana herself, a bright grin on her face.
“Why wouldn’t I? I said I would,” Mei replied, awkwardly holding Kiana’s hand still as she was unsure of how to release it. “I… already have a dress, so I don’t really need to go shopping, but-”
“But shopping is fun!” Kiana cut her off. “It doesn't matter if you already have a dress or not! It’s trying them on that’s the best part.”
Mei was helpless to resist as Kiana dragged her into the first store.
Soon enough, both girls had a whole rack of dresses to try on, and they would have selected more had the fitting room attendant not ushered them to try on the ones they had before they had half of the store picked out. Mei could barely carry all of the dresses inside and figured she’d have to make multiple trips to get them all.
The first dress that Mei tried fit awkwardly around the shoulders, but Kiana still insisted she show her. They had a good laugh about the dorky sleeves before Mei shuffled back inside to try a different one.
The second dress was a bit too bright and a bit too frilly for Mei’s liking, but once again Kiana insisted she see it. This time, Kiana herself had tried on a dress, one covered in blue sequins so bright it made it difficult to look directly at her.
“That one’s cute, Mei! Do you like it?”
“Not really,” Mei mumbled, shuffling the skirt’s base with her fingertips. “Too much fabric. It feels like I’m wearing a tutu.”
“How about mine! What do you think?”
“It’s a little…” Mei searched for a good word. “Um, the cut is cute, but maybe in a different color…?”
“Aw, you don’t like blue? I think it’s fancy!” Kiana spun in a circle, making the dress twirl out around her. “You should try that black one on next! I bet it would be adorable on you.”
Mei took the one Kiana was talking about off the rack and headed back into the fitting room.
The dress itself was very pretty, but Mei had a hard time zipping up the back, so she eventually opted to knock on the door and ask Kiana for help.
“Does it fit okay?” Kiana asked.
“Not sure, I can’t reach the zipper.” Mei mumbled embarrassedly, her back turned from Kiana.
“Need some help? Here, let me try!”
Mei nodded and her cheeks burned from the feeling of Kiana’s hands against her bare back. With a bit of tugging, Kiana managed to get the zipper up, and she turned Mei around.
“Oh, that’s adorable!” Kiana beamed. “The cut really fits you a lot! Do you like it?”
“It feels a little stiff,” Mei's hands slid down her sides, feeling the dress’s fabric. “It’s hard to move around in.”
“Aww,” Kiana made a pouty face. “Another one, then. How about the orange one?”
“Sure.” And Kiana headed back to her own dressing room to try a new one on.
This time, Mei wasn’t first to finish changing, and Kiana eagerly knocked on her door.
“Hey, Mei, Mei, come look! I really like this one!”
“Okay, give me a minute,” Mei replied as she finished off the clasps of her dress. She pushed the door open and saw Kiana outside, an eager expression on her face.
Kiana’s dress was very form-fitting with a long skirt that flowed past her ankles in sparkling, elegant fabric. It was stunning and Mei couldn’t tear her eyes away from the sight.
“Like it?”
“It’s…” Mei blinked, unable to make eye contact. “Very pretty. I like it a lot, it fits you well.”
“So blue is my color?” Kiana flashed a wink, and then spun in a circle again. “I dunno, do you think this is too fancy for a school dance?”
“Not at all,” Mei shook her head.
Kiana gleefully set that dress aside and the two girls spent at the very least an hour trying on dresses. Mei eventually settled on one that she liked much better than anything she had at home, and Kiana offered to buy it for her, but she blatantly refused. Mei ended up paying for both of their dresses despite Kiana's protests.
“I’ll get you back somehow!” she’d insisted, and Mei had laughed.
They’d gone to part ways that evening, but only after Kiana had insisted Mei call her later to chat. Mei agreed, and was internally thankful that she’d been convinced to go shopping together, even if she’d only gotten one dress out of every one she tried on all afternoon.
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sierrasbiggestfan · 10 months
my thoughts on episodes 2-4 of the td 23 reboot, spoilers ahead (i wrote these while watching the episode btw)
ep 2
millie is so lesbian coded
caleb is probably going to be the downfall of pryia
are they going to make ripper and axel get together..? 🙁 i hate my life
i feel like chase is going to get eliminated this episode
praying rippers crush on axel is one sided
skunk butt is doing so horrible in this oml
okay wait nvm skunk butt is doing a lil better
ripper covering himself in butter 😭 oml
rippers scenes in this are trumatizjng because what.
team skunk butt is going through it
oh my god the skunk butt comeback is insane
millie is now friendless 😖 someone save our lesbian icon
mk x julia real
i was right abt chase being out, tbh idk how to feel abt it he was funny but ill survive without him on the show 😭
ep 3
begging for skunk butt to win immunity for this episode
if rat face loses millie is probably out literally everyone is against her
i want more rajbow moments 😞
prillie canon 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 the way pryia went with millie to the more dangerous one
they better not make ripper and axel canon im going to kill myself oml
wayne and rajs “🥺” faces when they were talking abt how cheating wasnt good was so cute omg
yay millie got forgiven!!!!!
i love evil lesbians (mk and julia)
zees lil racoon buddy omf
every ripper scene in this season makes me want to kill myself 🙁
millie is probably out
yeah i was right 😭 i speculated she was going to be a early elimination but yknow
ep 4
raj and bowie are so silyl im going to scream
“i know im not mille but im here if you need me” guys prillie canon even if mille isnt here
axel saying ripper is not her type, yay! (her type is women guys)
i like this challenge
“its better for us all if my dms stay private” 🤨
emma is making her team flop 😭 if rat face loses emma is doomed
“if mks brain drove a cool car id date it” LESBIAN JULIA IS LESBIAN THYE ARE CANON MK AND JULIA REAL
emmas fingernail biting habit is so silly shes so real
bowie feeling so bad abt cheating bc it upsets raj aw 😢
the one time emma doesnt go with her gut she loses 😞 im happt skunk butt won
im not surprised she was out but i love her so much i dont wnat jer to go 🙁
rippers poem. oh my god ripper what the scallop 😦
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cluescorner · 1 year
My bullshit summary of the Interdarshan Championship Part 1 (spoilers obv)
Nilou: Yay! I am one of the two hosts for the competition, which fits in with my character and I am naturally good at being personable! I wonder who I’ll be paired up with? Maybe Kaveh because he’s the featured 4-star or Dehya because everyone is in love with her AND that would symbolize the fact that the rainforest part of Sumeru is becoming more inclusive! There’s my partner, and it’s...oh. 
Al-Haitham: Listen this is literally my last duty before they’re finally letting me step down they said that if I agreed to do this they would let me go back to being the scribe please I am literally begging you to just let this happen I will pay you my share if you just let me chill out. 
Nilou: Oh...ok! I’ll provide the commentary and you’ll provide the akademiya-ish side of things....great...
Nilou, to the side: Can somebody please get another reporter holy shit.
Dehya and Candace: We are lesbians and we are on a date. 
Everyone: Yay! Will you be relevant? 
Dehya and Candace: Not particularly but we will manage to become a highlight regardless. 
Everyone: Good enough for me!
Announcer lady: Introducing the representatives~
Tighnari - We are fairly certain he is actively committing academic crimes but the General Mahamatra refuses to do anything about it + everyone likes him
Kaveh - The featured 4-star babygirl who is trauma dumping and is going through a really rough patch in his life. Instead of sending him to therapy or providing him with other assistance, we sent him to the same competition which has killed people before including maybe his dad. There is no way this can backfire, especially when weird ghosts are showing up. 
Layla - The closest thing we have to a normal human being, and she isn’t even human
Faruzan - Girly at this point just hire a PR rep if you want students this badly, this is getting embarrassing 
Cyno - We put a TCG card into the mix because we know it’s his special interest and we needed to give him a reason to show up
LilBiotch - His name is Hat Guy now because none of you can behave
Anyways, what was that about weird ghosts? I don’t care and neither should you! This won’t lead anywhere bad, don’t worry. Go catch a speedy butterfly. We have totally leveled the playing field by creating a challenge that directly involves biological and technological creations, this gives nobody a distinct advantage we promise. 
Tighnari: Wow it appears that I may have a distinct advantage. Anyways, look at this cool method for catching butterflies. I’ll give y’all a free lecture so that my new VA can show off his chops. 
Everyone: Wow we love you Tighnari and new Tighnari VA. We will sign up for your seminar that is technically not allowed to occur and you DEFINITELY should not be promoting it at an event sanctioned by the akademiya, but it’s ok. 
Layla: oh no! i am lost! oh no! i will go chase the butterfly! 
Dehya and Candace: We are on a date!
Layla: i have chased the butterfly onto dehya now let me catch it
Dehya with a butterfly on her hair: *Becomes even prettier*
Dehya: Oh, here you go! Anyways, people are acting suspicious. I say this as though we’ve ever seen a Sumeru where people weren’t CONSTANTLY acting suspicious. 
Layla: ok. i will probably be irrelevant to that plot line, but i appreciate the knowledge regardless. thank you dehya and candace for showing up. 
Me: What no way oh darn /s 
Dori: For the low, low price of hearing about shit you don’t care about, I will give you the information!
Me: What’s the reward? 
Dori: Primogems probably. 
Me: *Sigh* You are so lucky your VA is as cool and good as they are. 
Kaveh and Faruzan: What do you mean there can’t be two second-place winners?
Al-Haitham: WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN?! GOD WHY ARE YOU ALL SO (enters old bickering couple mode with Kaveh)
Nilou: Hahaha, this is fine :-) I was totally given a fair position :-) I will go get the lots :-) Both me and Al-Haitham can be relevant and I am not being neglected in favor of him during an event where I am the featured 5-star for part of it :-) I am super glad I did this :-)
Announcer Lady: Wow, it seems that two of the people who won were the person focused on biology and the person focused on technology (though he basically gave up his points even after Faruzan offered them because...wait why did he do that). It seems that our competition was actually less balanced than we thought. 
Me: Yeah no shit
Announcer Lady: So our next competition will be held in the desert!
Me, looking at poor Tighnari who is gonna be going through it + Cyno and Faruzan who have both spent a good amount of time in the desert: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!
Like 8 NPCs: OH NO THERE ARE THINGS HAPPENING ABOUT *insert dude’s name here*
Me: I literally do not care. I forget the guy’s name and I don’t even wanna look it up. I will take your rewards, though. Baizhu is right around the corner. 
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Watching Black Sails 3x7
My watching is picking up pace again, maybe because I'm procrastinating other things with it... like doing my taxes.
Oh damn, did Max know exactly where to find her?? - Pls don't fight, pls don't fight...
Oh, okay, this is a planned meet-up. Also Anne on a horse is doing things to me. She looks so cool!
"Fuck what he needs." My thoughts exactly.
Well that went well. But also I'm confused - what was the night at the cave Anne was referring to? Because the last time we've seen them together, Jack had definitely not been arrested yet.
Also Max arguing for Jack's life (and, granted, probably her own ambitions for Nassau...) is maybe a bit ironic?
"it will tear her to pieces." I just want my lesbians to be happy, is that too much to ask?? Appearantly...
"Now you come back with nothing but him -" Well, I for once am happy he did!! But the ships would've been nice as well.
Vane seems as into Flint's military speeches as the rest of us.
"I don't know yet." Not what you want to hear from your most important ally in that kind of situation! But the queen seems to know quite a bit about military strategy herself.
Man, I wish Jack were long gone by now! Alas...
Yes, pirate queen Madi soon!!
That man does not look healthy at all. A plague in Nassau is the last thing we need right now... or is it?
Yay, Jack is not being tortured!! - Wait, Rogers is married??
Nooo, don't give Jack to the Spanish!! Bad, bad governor! (And Max is genuinely upset. .__.)
Haha, I bet I know what Featherstone is thinking right now!
I don't think the Spanish need to provoke Anne at all, when they meet up with her without Jack, she will tear into them like a rabid dog.
Yes, wlw solidarity! Or something.
"I don't know what is worse, Anne dying for Jack or surviving without him." T_T
Oh, a peace offering!
Hm, maybe I don't know what Featherstone was thinking.
Vane is still really pissed about the whole thing, huh? That really got under his skin.
Oh wow, is Billy actually being helpful?? - Yes, Silver is back!!
I love every single sentence of that conversation between Max and Eleanor. God, this show does relationships between women so well even though there aren't that many.
Eleanor playing with fire, nothing new here...
Okay, maybe I feel for Rogers a bit. Who could resist a woman like her? - And it's been a while since the show has been that explicit, right? I kinda missed it. It somehow feels different than in a lot of other shows, more interesting.
Okay, that's an interesting post-sex topic. But it kind of feels like Nassau itself is fighting back against the foreign invaders.
"You're one of them." Man, you have no idea how much. Or do you?
And I don't really believe Eleanor when she says she no longer wishes to be that way. But Rogers appearantly does.
Love Vane being all sneaky. And Featherstone's "Hand over Jack or Nassau burns. This is a dilemma to us how?" is really funny.
Roger's dream of a new Nassau is already falling apart, one Featherstone at a time.
"He's fine. - He's dying." From falsehood to truth in under 5 seconds flat. But love for the slave girl from season 1 (who's appearantly named Eme, which I had forgotten) to get some plot! I always felt like she would be a bigger part of the narrative, and then she wasn't.
That's not a very full tavern for Silver's show. But it's probably safer that way.
Oof, and he's immediately back to insulting his audience. But I love that he's basically telling the ghost story Flint wrote for himself so long ago.
Oh, of course Madi knows Eleanor, they grew up together! But Madi should be careful about what she says, Eleanor did free Eme from slavery after all, there might still be some loyalty there...
Guess we're gonna find out who is already sick of civilized life and would rather go back on the account (or is simply more terrified of Flint than England).
It is such a delight to see Silver work. The man definitely has a way with words.
UGH, Dufresne. Somebody finally kill that guy.
I think he's making a mistake underestimating Silver here. A lot has happened since they last saw each other.
YES! (They're really controlling the room well with just a handful of men.)
Ewwwww. But yeah, that'll send a message. They couldn't have planned this better. (Also the Silver of S1 would have never. - Although - he did stab a man in the first episode.)
Aww, Flint checking up on Silver! - Ugh, these two are so co-dependent. No wonder everybody is insane over them.
Everybody like: Oh shit, Flint is alive! Rogers is about to find out Eleanor named the wrong pirate as the most dangerous one.
Rogers playing 5d chess in regards of how to (not) react to this newest development, and probably still coming up short in the end. There is no way Flint isn't already two steps ahead.
Idk if Max wants to help with this. Isn't this a way to get Anne (and Jack) out of harms way? She's gotta see this.
Either way, Idelle is not wholy on board, I think. But I love how much influence the whores have in this show because everybody always underestimates them.
Ugh, she is back. Is that wise? She wasn't very nice to the girls who do remember her. Why not Idelle?
But Max doesn't want some random whore, she wants Anne. ;_;
Huh, Flint is impressed. Maybe I did underestimate Rogers. Either way, this will certainly be a meeting to remember.
Oh god, Rogers immediately twists the knife that is Thomas Hamilton. Let's hope Flint won't jump over the table and try to strangle him. (And how much does Eleanor know about that whole story? Certainly not everything.)
"Nobody's being hanged." Well, except for Jack maybe?? Since you're giving him to the Spanish??
"So what is it you're fighting for that we're not already offering?" Revenge.
Also they're just gonna pardon the burning of Charlestown? Or did they blame all of that on Vane?
"I no longer seek anything from England except her departure from my island." Flint really has the best lines.
Featherstone trying to bring some brain cells to Vane's single-minded pursuit of Anne Bonny and the cache... but maybe in vain (haha).
If this gives me just one actual interaction between Charles and Anne, instead of them merely existing in the same space, I will be happy.
Those are maybe too many men to kill even for Bonny. But maybe not for the both of them?
Oh Anne! She's gonna think Max betrayed her! This is breaking my heart.
So this was the plan? Let the money get away and leave Anne ready for anything? Not a bad plan, but still.
Oh, they had already met up before! So Anne was playing a role. That explains how she gave up rather easily.
Vane has actually though this through!! Or maybe somebody else thought it through for him. And this also means that they're forcing Flint's hand, who might otherwise not be so interested in Jack's rescue.
I approve. Surely nothing will go wrong...
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usaigi · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈💎 for whatever hyperfixiation you want
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
Jessica Henwick, the actress who plays Colleen, was invited to audition for Xu Xialing in Shang Chi but turned it down because she has hope they're bring back Colleen. I personally really hope they do, I'd love to see her as Iron Fist
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you? (I got this one twice so I'm going to split up my response, here's the other half)
Misty - She keeps not showing up in the comics arcs I'm reading so atm all I got is lesbian for Colleen. Misty ily bb I'll be back
Luke - Bi King 💪 It's not weird to cuddle your bros, man. You've just been brainwash by the patriarchy 😒 (But for real, growing up in Georgia in a religious community and going to marines, then the police academy and the prison, Luke spend a lot of time having to unlearning toxic masculinity and still struggles with being vulnerable with his friends. As the group's protector, he often struggles with feeling like he has to suppress and hide his emotions to be their rock) PTSD & OCD
Elektra - Half Cambodian half French, raised Greek. BPD/NPD with murderer tendencies but she's working on it
Layla - Coptic ✌️ Bi 🌈 "oh cool, we finally have a muslim on the team. yay diversity." "I'm actually coptic orthodox" "Shucks. Are we sure we shouldn't hire Ms Marvel?
MK - Sephardic Jewish + Cuban + Guatemalan & PTSD DID BPD Autism. "Wow that's a lot of labels" "Yeah, it was buy one mental illness get 3 free. The alters sale was steal too." In general the system's identities as cishet partly because of Marc but also because of heteronormativity and the fact they're happily married to a woman but some part identity differently (Dani as a lesbian, Mr Knight as AroAce. etc etc). & I think it would be super funny if this was not canon in the AU, this is just what Jake thinks is going on and how he explains the H4H relationship to his system and Layla. Layla, of course, is confused at first b/c.... Wow....Americans. And then she meets Claire and realizes she's bi too
Felicia - colombiana mami 🇨🇴 "Hey isn't it kinda of stereotypical of you to be Colombian and a narco[the King Pin]?" "Mami, if I were a narco's wife, maybe. But this is just feminism. Why should a gringo make all the money?"
send me a ask about my media hyperfixation
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abyssal-cryptid · 1 year
Still thoughts about Tears of the Kingdom (SPOILERS)
The Great Fairies look like they want to eat the small man when they first emerge
Zonai Zelda is so cute
The memories bro the memories
Why cant I put flowers in their mane
Please let me marry Zonai Zelda
Rauru is like lmao Zelda I wont die *dies*
Rauru dont give Zelda more trauma she has been through so much already
Rauru is like "we will put this all on Link"
I will write angry fanfic about this
Gleeoks are so terrifying what the fuck
You can upgrade your horses
What did they do to my beautiful dessert
They let me in as a man??? Noooo I was waiting to enjoy the complicated feelings of Link's gender again
Riju looks so good in this new look
Its so hot everywhere
Nooo my coins my coins!!!
Again doing shrines because I need hearts and stamina
I am a well enthusiast
I caught the golden horsie
Trying to find a perfect colored 5* speed horse is hard
Why are there gleeoks everywhere
Outfits my one true love
My horses are so cute
Let me customize the big horses pleaseee
I need to murder more deer for coins
Need to go deal with the Lurelin Village Pirates
Sorry I write these while Im not playing so I dont always remember to go in order
Im also writing fanfic because of course I am look at me
Im having so much fun
Shrines are becoming less awful
Wait how is Zelda the descendant of Sonia and Rauru if Sonia died without children
I saved this man's goats
Satori mountain is said to have endura carrots. I need them please
Im pro-all armors that show off Link's cool arm
I looked up how to get to Hestu and
I know what I need to do but I dont have the strength to do it
No joke theyre evil for this
How do I get gloom resistant armor
Playing the Zora main questline
The sky island has moon gravity!!
Where is Kass
The new dragon is a Light Dragon
Finally some good fucking food (All the apples on satori mountain)
Me: oh shit blood moon should be soon
Literally the next night: blood moon
Im a psychic
You are correct Roman there is so many apples here you do deserve some here you go baby boy
The checkmark you get for caves is if you killed the Bubbulfrog in there
I need to kill more
I want the full mystic armor
I have one friend who isnt into LOZ and I could tell all this to her but its no fun if she knows nothing about it
She does send me Zelda memes tho. 10/10 friend
Finally endura carrots
I love Malanya so much
Best god
I love Sidon but my god is he just in the way during the Water Temple
On the way, making me waste my bubbles, why do I have to be next to him to get the bubble
Hearing Zelda being referred to as the Sage of Time >>>>
Also I will not shut up about how pretty Zelda is
I have to draw her
Im a simple lesbian
My switch camera is full of screenshots of her
Every cutscene has her be so pretty
Sidon made me my own copy of him
And this man isnt marrying me
I dont think I could have handled that
My camera roll is also full of screenshots of Sidon
Yona is actually really sweet Im just having a moment
A sad day for Sidon lovers everywhere
King Sidon is handsome
He literally got on his knees to swear a vow to me and gave me a ring and married Yona
Yona is cute and I love her
Like her voice too
She's adorable
Maybe we can do a triad
Political(ish) marriage + one crackhead who attracts all the trouble
No because I still actively avoid spots where there used to be guardians
I was at a stable and went "no cant go that way there's guardians"
Nightmares wont give up ever apparently
There has been so many crucifications. The Korok Space Program. Fire is involved
I've also seen people build bombers and mechs
I love it
It seems so wild to me because I dont build in this game
If I can avoid it
I do use the dispensers but thats because its gambling
But all the material spots just get ignored
Dont care
Im going on Roman (my horsie)
But I love everyone is vibing
But still. I need easy mode
These posts are how I process the game btw. Been surprised that people have liked them. I will keep going because I have to process what I feel about things (doctor's orders)
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partypuppynastja · 2 years
I wanted to share this with you because it was a really nice moment. I recently found your blog and it's lovely, so I showed it to my little sister. We're both trans, which is really fun, I'm like a trans genderfuck and she's a trans girl but she's just a couple months younger than I am and she recently started transitioning.
Anyway, she saw some of your pictures and she cried. "I want to be a lesbian like that." Is what she said, which is lowkey incredible because she's both really scared of being a lesbian trans girl and also because she'd said she really just didn't know if there was a possibility she'd ever find any style or 'look' that she wanted to have, mostly bc of dysphoria.
I did ask her before sharing this! And i hope it's cool that I shared it with you. But yeah, my sister is now getting makeup and shit and attempting to steal your style and i haven't seen her happier in weeks, so thank you, for being here, being yourself. 💕
Oh yay! Thank you for sharing!
Pre-transition me also thought this would never be possible for me, which is partly why I was so late transitioning, but now my only regret is not doing so sooner.
All strength and happiness to you and your sister!
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uten4 · 2 years
ask game: wagner, chaos, & strix unib!! what ARE your favorite lines of theirs
MY THREE FAVES YAY!! But oh god... what ARE my favorite lines of theirs... this is going to be tough, but I'm up for the challenge. Thank you again for the asks beloved :3
– Overall opinion of them: Screwed up kid who I love so much. Her dichotomy of being a vulnerable, sheltered girl who struggles with buying food or staying awake in class, and a completely ruthless killer... it's very interesting. She's so interesting. I'm hungry for her to have even more experiences and situations and develop from them. It was cool that they showed her opening up to new social situations and everyday independence, but I want the series to veer even deeper into her psyche. And ideally, to us, she would let go of her [internalized] racism :P
– Gender/sexuality headcanons: Lesbian :)
– Favorite moment in canon: Hmm... even though parts of it are kind of overplayed dialogue, the gist of which Wagner has a tendency to repeat, I think my favorite moment of hers might still be her monologues at the end of her arcade mode. The main reason is because you can see her shed a tear under her crumbling helmet, showing her humanity.
But looking back on it, it's super interesting in other ways... I want to look into the Japanese for this line later, but she seems to refer to all the people she has killed as friends, and hopes that their loneliness will be over now that she has released them, and will wield her blade in their honor...?! Definitely will need to think about that more.
Then, honestly, if it weren't for some of the confident voice-acting, I would say that all of Wagner's lines seem to show that she's losing mental stability here. I know it's necessary for writing purposes for a lot of the characters to talk to themselves, but in these scenes she addresses just SOOOO many people who aren't there. Especially Adelheid... oh my god. Now I'm remembering other parts of this game where Wagner directly addresses Adelheid, questioning her, appealing to her, when Adelheid presumably is in Germany and cannot hear her. And if she can hear her somehow then that's even worse maybe. Oh my god. I'm getting sad now just thinking about what a tremendous grip Adelheid must have on Wagner's psyche.
In these monologues Wagner insists that Licht Kreis needs her, Adelheid needs her. Her last line is "Show yourself to me. Re-birth of eternity, wielder of the ultimate manifestation. My existence as the sword is undeniable proof that you need me..." At first I wondered if she was addressing Kuon, since he's also on her hitlist, and he's associated so strongly with the word "eternity." But well... Adelheid also lives forever, is also a Re-birth. Wagner already insisted that Adelheid needs her. And now she is saying it again. She's so extremely desperate for recognition. UNDER NIGHTTTTTT. WHAT DID ADELHEID FREAKING DO TO WAGNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID LICHT KREIS DO TO HER!!!!!!!!!
– Favorite moment in a fanwork: I do not remember :'3
– Favorite line, in canon or otherwise: That one round-win line she has that's like "get up. Next I'll turn you to ash." Also every time she calls people dogs.
– Characters I love seeing them interact with: Orie!!!!!!!!!!! Their dynamic is so funky. It really brings out so many emotions in Wagner. And it says a lot about both of them. Love themmmm <333
– Sleeping headcanons: She sleeps on her stomach and snores.
– Favorite locations headcanon: This is so random but maybe pet stores. Maybe she likes petting the puppies. And if it's a rare pet store that has shrimp or snails I think she could like them.
– Overall opinion of them: UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. WHAT CAN I SAY. Like ok. I know he just seems like an average nerd character. And he's arrogant sure. And looks down on people all the time BUT he's so freaking funny and only gets funnier the more you think about him. The way he tries to seem logical but makes rash decisions ALL THE TIME just because he feels like it, and will also accept that just any supernatural thing is real. The way he's so cordial with insane and/or very dangerous people like MERKAVA and SETH. The way he casually implores Seth and Enkidu and anyone else to Please Not Fight Him. The way he tries so hard to not seem gay but is in fact so gay. He's constantly trying to get people to join Amnesia. He gave himself a dramatic villain name and decided he hated it like a month later. He's just so quietly and casually A CERTIFIED LITTLE WEIRDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
His casual attitude in general is unironically so cool sometimes. Like I repeat he will go talk to the scariest people in this game like it's nothing to him. And often I do enjoy hearing him talk about his various intellectual interests and how much they mean to him ;~; It's a really good motivation also, you know? And I love his other major motivation... Gordeauuuuuuuu... it just really humanizes him to see him genuinely care so much about another person.
Also he is appearance-wise so so so so so so adorable *unhinges my jaw and bites him* And he pats his giant lizard dog on the head and speaks to him in the sweetest voice ever :)
I could say so many more things about Chaos lol I'm so happy that the writers for some reason decided to make sure he was showing up EVERYWHERE and waist-deep in the plot at all times and not just an accessory for Gordeau or Hilda he's so important and special <3 But he's also so irritating and annoying and unfair and evil and WHY DOES HE HOLD HIS GLASSES IN PLACE WHEN HE'S JUST WALKING AROUND????? UGHHHHHH
– Gender/sexuality headcanons: Cis bisexual man! ☀️💖💜💙☀️
– Favorite moment in a fanwork: This art
– Favorite line, in canon or otherwise: Frick....... I'm obsessed with everything this man says that isn't just him insulting people. Sometimes the insults too. UMMM. Maybe it really is "But I digress, this lowly accoutrement to the beast is called Chaos," the beast being Azhi. I think that was the first line of his I saw that made me like "okay maybe I kinda love this character" LOL... not only did he actually humble himself, but he did it in the most pleasantly-phrased way possible. ARGHHHHHHHHHHH ;v;
– Characters I love seeing them interact with: HILDAAAAAA. And GORDEAUUUUU. And Enkidu and Seth <3
– Sleeping headcanons: Cuddle Gordeau often :') They also take turns waking each other up in the middle of the night with the dumbest randomest questions/comments/actions ever and getting annoyed at each other about it. Chaos started it.
– Favorite locations headcanon: HOME.
– Overall opinion of them: I'll copy-paste parts of something I told you one time bc I think it's a good summary of my feelings on her :)
STRIIIIIIIIIX…. She's so epic to me idk 💜 She's WAYYY deeper than she seems because average UNIB player will just see her and think of her as That Girl Who Follows Byakuya Around and maybe also conclude that she is his sister if they pay attention. BUT THEN YOU LOOK INTO THEIR STORY MODES AND REALIZE THERE'S A LOTTTT MORE TO HER SHE HAS HER OWN BACKSTORY AND MOTIVES COMPLETELY SEPARATE FROM BYAKUYA… tbh UNIB writing team kind of popped off on that one 😔 In fact as you once said, they popped off harder on her story-wise than they did on MANY OF THEIR ACTUAL PLAYABLE CHARACTERS LOL.
I love Strix's feelings, her motivation to save Zohar ;-; And I like her attitude. Elegant and stoic but quietly stubborn, determined, sarcastic, full of restrained anger.
– Gender/sexuality headcanons: LESBIANNN 💖💖
– Favorite moment in canon: When she recklessly stands up to Hilda during the fight between Bankikai and Amnesia.
– Favorite moment in a fanwork: This art!
– Favorite line, in canon or otherwise: "I don't really care about my power. I can lose it for all I care. The only reason why I'm in Bankikai is because of Zohar. If Zohar went to Amnesia, I would have went there too."
Also "...That was pathetic, even for you. I hope that soft brain of yours doesn't cost us both our lives." And so many other sassy things she says. She's a veritable fountain of contempt.
– Characters I love seeing them interact with: ZOHAR. And BYAKUYA (except when it's creepy).
– Sleeping headcanons: I got nothing :')
– Favorite locations headcanon: A grassy hill somewhere ^_^
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jarredlharris · 7 months
Live-threading my thoughts while listening to the Thereafter podcast debrief regarding the Content Warning Event.
The following is a transcript of the live-thread I posted while listening to Thereafter podcast episode 097.
Another week, another @thereafterpodcast episode! Time to listen and live-thread my thoughts. Let's do this!
This episode will be focused on the ContentWarningEvent that took place President's Day weekend, which was fantastic. @thereafterpodcast
Humorous thought: Was the use of the word "debrief" an intentional double entendre or an unintentional one? @thereafterpodcast
I agree with @cortlandcoffey that the panels during the ContentWarningEvent were incredible. @thereafterpodcast
.@thepursuinglife is brave and sharing what songs she sang for karaoke. Will @cortlandcoffey follow suit? @thereafterpodcast
Oh, they had a "nice release" at a lesbian bar at the end of Saturday? *waggles eyebrows* @thereafterpodcast
.@cortlandcoffey is talking about the difference between a space where one is welcome and a space designed with that person in mind. @thereafterpodcast
Yay! The online attendees got a shoutout!@thereafterpodcast
Apparently the tech team supporting the event appreciated it as well. Very cool. @thereafterpodcast
Note to @cortlandcoffey: I think the word you were looking for was your son's FORMATIVE years. At least I hope they have been formidable. 😝 @thereafterpodcast
For me, the vibe of the event was the lack of "experts" and "authorities." It was conversational rather than more didactic. @thereafterpodcast
Yes! @cortlandcoffey is talking about breaking down hierarchies. @thereafterpodcast
As an online attendee, I felt like I made a few new friends through the chat. @thereafterpodcast
Can't wait to buy my tee shirt from the event! @thereafterpodcast
.@thepursuinglife is talking about the money they're charging and that's good. I don't think most people understand just how much putting on an event like this costs. @thereafterpodcast
.@cortlandcoffey is talking about how they tried to help people who wanted to attend but had financial constraints. I actually talked about this in a recent post regarding another community. So congrats, Cortland and @thepursuinglife, I invoked you as an example of how folks in the witchcraft community can address certain issues. @thereafterpodcast
I should mention that one of the virtual attendees was from the Netherlands. I thought that was incredible. @thereafterpodcast
.@thepursuinglife is talking about movies before and after the event and it's funny. @thereafterpodcast
"What is this and can you all pull it off?" Okay, you two. You're really lining up the dirty jokes for me here. I'm trying to show A LITTLE restraint! @thereafterpodcast
I think for many (though not all) pastors, they don't so much get out of pastoring and get into some sort of grift as they just change grifts. @thereafterpodcast
.@thepursuinglife: "DId we just create the post purity culture version of Burning Man?" 🤣 @thereafterpodcast
.@cortlandcoffey is talking about a goal of not just pushing back against the normative but replacing it altogether. Seeing non-normative experiences as their own thing. Good stuff. @thereafterpodcast
I feel like this conversation has been a good balm to Matthew Vine's recent opposition to queering the Bible. @thereafterpodcast
.@thepursuinglife is giving a something amusing shoutout to @justin.gentry. @thereafterpodcast
Another great episode! @thereafterpodcast
0 notes
rewatching lost girl and i now realize why middle school me didn’t root for the sapphic love interest..
i just don’t believe their chemistry bc ig het ppl were writing it and don’t know how sapphic relationships work is one. everytime they have sex or lesbian sex is happening they still got like mad clothes on even though in the het scenes they are butt NEKED is two. and i’m telling u that this love interest in moving like the most toxicist lesbian ever. also f4f is totally cool but like would’ve been mad interesting if she was butch. but lemme tell u this lady is CRAZY toxic. FIRST, the first time they sleep together it’s bc her boss tells her to do that so she can be kept from saving someone from being unjustly convicted to death row. and she find out after they had sex and she basically taking it personally that this girl basically is kinda owned by her boss. but little does she know that she chooses to be there. why? BC SHE HAS A GIRLFRIEND. oh okay she’s in a coma oh it’s been 5 years. i’ll give her some leeway some GRACE. BUT NO. NOT ONLY. not only did she not find out from her but from someone else that she worked like a bitch for to get something to get her free of this boss BUT SHE SUDDENLY DECIDES SHES PLATONIC WITH HER AFTERRRRR SHE FIND OUT. whattttt??!!,?:! like u’ve gotta be kidding me. then she go out the country and back liek three times to relieve this girlfriend of the coma. and when she come back, THEY EATING EACHOTHER FACE. like what happened to thank you???? and then she finally get home after a long day..her BIRTHDAY btw to a surprise party yay!!! NO! she come WITH HER GF to the party and give her a wack as impersonal ass gift. GET OUTTTTTTT!!!!! THENNN the gf obvi sees like things are weird but she attached to her hip cause it’s been five years yada yada and this girl ASK FOR HER CAR to go to a lake house with her gf. WTF IS WRING WUTH YEW???????? and u expect me to believe that they still like each other. THEN they’re back from the trip and this gf is sick whatever and later find out she POSSESED. and she end up having to kill the gf. which was like a pity kill. but like my sis got her lick back anyways so whatever. like it’s not her fault but like idc. also while this girl was possessed she was tossing ppl around and shoving knives into ppls face. GO TO CHURCH!!!! anyways gf is dead she feels back cause she killed her even though the gf was literally asking to like don’t be selfish this girl is goin thru ur let her die. but after she hasn’t seen her for a few days she goes to her house askin for smthn cause they work together and she wanna catch and attitude!!!????? like girl ur gf is dead it was short lived but like not the move…..truly. and then she gon show up to her house askin to sleep in her arms????? WHATTTTT????!!!!! and then when she come to her house she’s like oh u need to heal let’s have sex, cause she a succubus, and she’s like no….i just need an aspirin…GET OFF OF HER LIKE DAMNNN. and her friends are like go be with ur girl….who’s girl. bye.but also she’s being so complacent in this like STAND UPPP. SHES TREATING U LIKE CACA
MEANWHILE the male love interest is a wolf shifter (bonus points) who was deeply in love with her and only her until he traded his love for her so that she could survive some final battle type….knowing that he only could love one person ever in his life…DAMN. THATS GOOD. and he was like not whole without it like damn. po thang.
like i feel like it has the sapphic plot line (BIG REACH) and the sapphic toxicity…but not the emotion or execution..and i’m not really a big fan of toxic relationships. like yearning is alr okay.
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amateurd18 · 2 years
Hii Ami!! Secret Santa here!! Happy Friday!! May your weekend be a long and restful one!! ✨
It was your friends birthday? Well, happy late birthday to them!! 🥳✨ you can never go wrong with Mexican food!!
Ooooo, you’re studying in Madrid? That’s so cool!! What are you studying, if you don’t mind me asking? I had a close friend study abroad in Spain for a semester and absolutely loved it there!! I totally feel you about wanting to move to London!! It sounds like a pretty nice place to live based on the things I hear about it. I remember when I was studying abroad, my friends and I planned our spring break trip to the UK for five days, but due to COVID, we got pulled from our program before we were even able to step foot on the plane there. So I still have that desire to visit the UK for that reason alone lol.
Same here!! I love sweet things, to an extent!! I don’t eat as much surgery things as I did when I was younger!! But when I do, cheesecake is the key to my heart!! Lol.
Thank you!! As of right now, all the owls are packed away from when I decorated my apartment for Christmas. After we introduce ourselves properly, I can definitely send you some photos of my prized ones!! They range from very tiny figures to relatively large ones!! I’m pretty proud of it!!
Lego does count as a collection item lol!! They’re so cool!! I really like the aspect of having to build them (that’s pretty obviously lol, but it truly is therapeutic in a sense!!). Hopefully one day, you can start that collection!! Is there one particular Lego set you would love to have?
Speed Round Answers: Movie/TV Shows? I wasn’t sure if you were asking if I preferred movies or tv shows lol?! I’d probably say tv shows because you can learn more about the characters and their stories through the lens of a series rather than their one dimensional aspects cut short for a movie!! Some of the most recent tv shows I’ve watched are Heartstopper, Young Royals, Wednesday (Netflix cancelled this show after the first season, and I will never forgive them for it!! It’s called The Society and I definitely recommend it if you haven’t watched it already!!) I’ve been rewatching a kids show named Chowder on Hulu for the nostalgia factor lol. Movies/books? Hmmmm… I like books, but I can appreciate a good movie!! I’d say the best book I read this year has been One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston. I highly recommend it!! Who doesn’t love sci-fi lesbian strangers to lovers!!!? Fav. season? The transitional period between summer and fall!! To me, that’s just the perfect weather!! Not too hot or humid, yet not too cold!! Beaches/Mountains? I’d probably live by the beach because I went to college up in the mountains and when it gets cold, it gets cold!!! I’ll risk living around the sand than anything else. City/countryside? I’ve always lived relatively close to the city, but I think it would be nice to get away from it all. Have my own home in a nice large area. But not too big that someone could be living in my home and I wouldn’t know it lol.
Here are more speed round questions, my dear!! Do you have a favorite piece(s) of comfort clothing? (Sweater? T-shirt? Shoes?) What are three things you know you can’t live without? Do you play/enjoy any games (whether that be video games, board games, card games, etc). 🎄✨
Helloo! How is your weekend going? Mine's been fab yay!
I'm doing a dual master - an MBA with a master in business analytics. Why I chose insanity is still unclear, but oh well. It's been hectic but good so no complaints.
I'm so sad that you missed London coz of covid, but here's hoping you can make it there soon. ✨
As far as the Lego goes, i have a long-ass list of very random ones i want. So in no particular order- the entire city collection, the Harry Potter castle, the life-size r2d2 from star wars and the formula 1 Ferrari cars. Is it obvious yet that i love really random stuff? 😂
I love your speed round answers, and I'm putting one last stop on my Christmas read list. Fav clothing: nothing specific, just track pants and a tee / shorts if it's summer. Jeans if i need to be presentable. Three things i can't live without: ooh that's hard. My phone, an internet connection and my earphones. I love board games! Monopoly is a household favourite, as is Uno when we're traveling. Do you have a favourite board game?
More questions: I'm assuming you speak Spanish, but any other languages you speak or want to learn? Do you have celeb crushes? Comfort movie that you'd watch at any point? Do you have a favourite Christmas food?
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