#‘its to know what my opponents think’ he said ‘I need to know their full opinion to really argue agaisnt it’
howtofightwrite · 4 months
Most traditional boxing instructors will tell you that if the opponent is taller than you, has longer arms than you, or is heavier than you, you're fucked and you need to stay extremely aware and work really hard to compensate for all the advantage he has over you.
In a recent forensic survey, it was determined that most traditional boxing instructors who get into real world altercations die when they're shot in the head.
This is the problem with a lot of these kinds of arguments. No one practices traditional boxing. At least, no one does so publicly. How do I know this? Because traditionally boxers fought in the nude. Yeah, we're not seeing that, are we? Now, maybe they meant bare knuckle boxing, but really no one does that either, these days. Boxing without safety equipment is not a particularly good idea, for fairly obvious reasons.
The only reason the word, “traditional,” is in the ask is to lend their statement unearned credibility. It's an attempt to make their statement sound more authoritative, without offering any evidence to support the statement.
Who said that?
“Traditional people did.”
Okay, but, 'traditionally,' people cleaned shit off their ass with a stick. So, maybe appealing to Hellenic sports isn't the best gauge of how a fight will play out.
Also, I know I just said it, but, who are these authoritative sports guys? Because they're not named. We're simply told, “most,” of them agree. Which starts to sound a lot like “four out of five dentists agree.” Who are these instructors? What do they teach? Why are the currently in prison for indecent exposure? And how much did you pay them to get their uninformed opinion? Salient questions which may need to be answered, if the original question wasn't invalid on its face.
Why do I say it's invalid?
Because boxing isn't fighting.
Boxing is a sport.
Boxing has rules.
Kick your opponent in the groin, or shin, and you're punished.
Step on their foot, push them, and watch them tumble to the ground before you start stomping on them, and you'll be punished.
Throwing your opponent will be punished.
And of course, as mentioned at the top, pulling out a gun and expanding your opponent's mental horizons is extremely frowned upon.
These are all things that can happen in a real fight.
These are all things that do not benefit from increased height or reach.
There is one genuinely accurate statement. In a fight, you do need to be very aware of what's going on around you. Everything else is the product of someone who's been punched in the head repeatedly until the CTEs got them thinking that boxing is analogous to a real fight in any way. (And, statistically, will probably end their career sitting in a jail cell over an aggravated assault charge, because their emotional self-control was completely destroyed by those same head injuries.)
The rules that boxers need to follow are designed to (somewhat) protect the participants. It reduces the dangers of a boxer being killed in the ring. In an observation that I would hope to be self-evident, those rules don't exist in actual combat.
It's also amusing, because the original Asker had to go so far as to single out an ill-defined, “traditional” boxing, because no other martial art they checked gave them the soundbite they wanted.
And, of course, women box. Historically, you could say, “traditionally,” there were even boxing matches between men and women. It wasn't until the 1880s that women were excluded from competitive boxing in the UK. (I'm not sure of the exact date when women were banned from boxing in the US, though that prohibition lasted for less than a century, before the modern return of women to the sport.)
So, either these “traditional instructors” don't know the history of their own sport... which doesn't sound particularly “traditional” to me, or they're full of shit.
My advice to everyone would be, maybe, don't take the advice of a sports coach about how he's secretly an absolute badass in all the delusional fantasies he's cooked up about how he'd like to inflict violence on others because they wouldn't date him.
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fanaticsnail · 1 year
You Kissed the Clown? Part 3
So this story in my mind is getting slightly out of hand. I didn't mean for it to get this long, but it seriously hit me like a leaf blower full of refined glitter.
Part 2 is located back here.
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Upon setting sail to embark on the journeying voyage to obtain a figure-headed boat, you and your three travelling companions found yourself in ‘Syrup-Village’, a relatively small town with a large port filled with beautifully crafted vessels.
You held a certain apprehension of commencing your combat training under the instruction of a swordsman, as you yourself had no desire to educate yourself on the many ways of ending another life. Zoro originally began your training with relentless administrations, instructing you to train your body to instinctively reach for a weapon and attack an opponent. It was only when Nami interrupted one of your sessions to interject, suggesting defensive maneuvers be on the agenda primarily and anything else was to be an afterthought.
At this suggestion, you released a sigh of relief you didn’t know you were withholding. You had only ever wanted to use your hands to hone your craft as a jeweller – never to cause great violence, only repair what's broken, appraise what's worth appraising and create crafts of fine make using delicate and hard to obtain metals and gemstones. Although, as a part of a newly formed pirate crew, you understood the many dangers you would come to face at the hands of marines, enemy pirates and bounty hunters.
Your defensive training was far easier to manage; Nami taking over a few of your sessions on the way to syrup village in exchange for you appraising the vast number of treasures she had acquired on her journeys. Your eyes widened slightly and your brow quirked at the sheer number of gemstones, gold and silver. You noticed several items were in need of repair, which you offered to undertake for her to increase its value in trade for her combat training.
As you docked your small vessel into port, you met with a man who introduced himself as Usopp. Immediately your hair stood on edge as he began to relay tall tales of his undertakings as a pirate captain. This response was affectionately dubbed by your siblings as your “bullshit radar”, which came in useful when a merchant you were dealing with would attempt to sell to you any counterfeit goods.
It was only when he exclaimed he could set up a meeting with the owner of the docks that you sensed truth in his statements.
“I think that was the only amount of honesty he had spoken all day,” you said, turning your head to your orange-haired navigator. She chuckled slightly at your comment before you all began your journey following Usopp to meet with ‘his boss’.
"Here, my dear tinkerer and creator of fine trinkets," Nami said suddenly, handing you a small trinket from the palm of her hand to yours, "do you think you could fix this for me?"
You looked at the small mechanical wonderment in your hands, noting several pieces were dislodged, the silver had began to tarnish and some pieces were missing. The affectionate words and titles you shared between your fellow comrade was nothing unfamiliar to you, as you were the one to begin doting on your crew with these types of names. You were, however, surprised when they started throwing affectionate titles your way in response.
"I will give it my best, my darling navigator," you said in response, your brows creasing together as you began to truly assess the damage to this particular item. Zoro snickered at the banter between you two, as the now five of you commenced on your merry way under the guidance of your newest found friend.
You decided to walk in the middle of your troop, Usopp leading your captain who was following quickly behind him; you walking alone in the middle of the group, leaving Nami and Zoro at the rear to continue to banter with one another. You barely paid attention to your surroundings, choosing to fix your gaze on one small trinket Nami had given you to repair. Ever so often, you would feel a hand belonging to Nami clasp your shoulder and navigate you back onto the path following behind Usopp and Luffy.
You felt Nami’s firm hand gripping your shoulder to hold you in place, as two figures came into view. You chose to focus entirely on the task, noting the small cogs within this piece you were repairing were becoming more difficult to work with. This piece was a particularly ornate compass with a decorative clock-face with small cogs, springs and intricate leavers within. You had worked with pieces similar in the make as this one, but never on the road without your full arsenal of equipment at your beck and call. You were forcing a small cog into its place interconnecting to a lever when you felt your hand slip slightly, the piece falling to the gravel floor littering the ground with silver, bronze and gold cogs.
“Blast!” you exclaimed in frustration as the pieces slipped beneath your fingers. You dropped yourself to your knees the gravel road beneath you and began picking at the many cogs, springs and leavers on the ground – struggling to find the hands of the clock and compass.
“Nami, my absolute beautiful and cherished darling,” you suddenly exclaimed in annoyance, “this particular piece, as stunning as it is, is in a state that is completely beyond my abilities. I’m going to need a work bench, some oil, some better tweezers, screws, nuts, bolts, a red hot poker, soldering metal, a blackened glass visor, a large magnifying glass, all of the pieces I dropped and a bloody stiff drink to get all of this done.”
You heard a small giggle from directly ahead, bringing your attention to the two figures ahead for the first time since you stopped.
“Klahadore, can you please help her find the cogs. I will be fine here for a moment,” the small, white-blonde haired woman asked the dark-haired man next to her. He adjusted his glasses with the palm of his hand, reluctantly released her from interlacing her hand within his inner arm and prowled over to the place you were kneeling on the ground.
“Thank you, miss,” you deeply bowed to the lady, before offering a sincere smile to the man before you.
“How many pieces are we searching for, my lady?” the man almost purred at you. Taken slightly aback by his tone, you creased your brows together and slightly cringed your lips.
“Thirty-seven cogs, three needlepoint clock arms and four small springs. I’ve managed to collect the bulk of the clock, but the smaller items seem to escape me,” you responded sheepishly. He shut his eyes in response and sharply inhaled through his nose before reopening his eyes and used his gloved fingertips to search through the rubble to find the pieces you needed.
“After you collect your pieces, Klahadore will bring you to rejoin your crew in the guest quarters,” the woman said with a warm smile.
“Miss Kaya,” the man in front of you turned slightly to face his mistress, “I will escort you back to the castle and rejoin our tinkering guest once you are settled inside,” you noticed the way he addressed you had you set a little on edge, hair pricking up slightly on the back of your neck.
“Please,” you interrupted, pulling his gaze back to you, “I truly have no need for assistance. I’ll locate the pieces I dropped, and I am more than capable of locating you or another attending member of the household staff once I’ve found them all.” You smiled at the man you knew as Klahadore, which he gave a slight smirk and curt nod in response before standing to his feet and extending his gloved hand towards you; which contained thirty-six cogs, all clock arms and three small springs.
“Thank you, Mister Klahadore,” you nodded, accepting the pieces from him and placing them into a small satchel you attached to your hip. You then turned your gaze to locate the two remaining pieces of the item, which was a task you appeared to not be up to undertaking with much success.
As your crew, Kaya, Klahadore and the two other members of staff retreated to the main building; you released a hiss from between your teeth in frustration.
For another hour, you remained on your knees searching for a single small spring and the one remaining cog before you felt something watching you. You turned your head to search for the source of the uncomfortable gaze, finding nothing in your field of vision. You felt slightly unnerved by the feeling, choosing to crease your brows and abandon any hope of maintaining your dignity as you lay face down on the gravel road. You brought your eyes within an inch of the road beneath you, rolling up your sleeves and collecting your skirts beneath you to enable free your movement as you searched.
You heard a small, curt cough from behind you; forcing your whole body to jolt upwards in response and turn to face the source of the noise. Your eyes met with Klahadore’s dark ones, while you stood to your feet and dusted your skirts off.
“Forgive me, lady tinkerer,” he said with a small smile, adjusting his glasses with the ball of his palm, “it appears two pieces from the floor found their way onto the soles of my shoes. I was only just now alerted to their presence and thought to return them to you.”
He extended his hand towards you, and sure enough with the two pieces you spent the past hour on your hands, knees and face searching for on the dusty road below you. You sharply breathed in through your nose in an attempt to mask your frustration before smiling and extending your hand towards the butler to collect the missing pieces.
“Thank you, Mister Klahadore,” you managed to say with no amount of malice present, although you absolutely felt the rage slightly bubble in your chest. You collected the pieces from his outstretched hand once more and placed them into the pouch at your belt hilt. He then turned his back to you and extended his elbow out to you as an indication for you to take it. You creased your brows in thought momentarily before apprehensively reaching your arm out to take it.
“How long have you been in the antiquity restoration business?” he asked you as he led you towards the large mansion. You smiled at his question before responding.
“Longer than many would give me credit for,” you replied with a small smile toying at the corner of your lips, “although that particular piece is proving to be more difficult to repair on the seas than the workshop I am accustomed to working in.”
He hummed slightly, arching his eyebrow at your response. A small silence fell between you before he again spoke.
“And if I was to have a heavily lit workspace made for you within these walls, would you be so kind as to accept repairing something for me if I was to ask it of you?” he quirked towards you, “discretely, of course.”
You furrowed your brows at the question, noting a small amount of malice behind his enquiry. You held your tongue, searching for the kindest way to phrase your next few words.
“I take your silence as a declination of undertaking such a task,” he sighed slightly, reaching his palm up to readjust his glasses once more.
“Not necessarily,” you quirked in response, “I would be interested in providing my skills for you and the lady of the house, sure enough. I am just a little apprehensive as to what type of discretion I am to provide alongside my services.”
You craned our head up to look at the man at your side, prompting him to look down to you slyly out of the corner of his eye.
“It is a sentimental piece from my past,” he responded, leading you up the external stairs of the mansion slowly, “and I would not like to disclose my past to my current employer.”
You nodded your head and furrowed your brows, pursing your lips slightly at the question.
“A mechanical, retractable weapon then?” you uttered almost inaudibly to him, prompting him to halt in leading you further within the walls of the mansion and swiftly turning to face you with wide eyes.
“An excellent deduction, tinkerer,” he responded, “valuable only in sentimentality, of course. I would never intend to use it in my service to Miss Kaya.”
You hummed in response, holding the gaze of the man beside you. Every alarm in your body felt like it was blaring at the same time, screaming at the dangerous aura erupting from the man next to you. You felt the similar feeling of being watched once more, alerting you that the earlier feeling did not belong to this shifty individual in front of you.
You had dealt with many unnerving individuals in the past alongside your father, mother and siblings back at the shop, the latest under your belt being Captain "Axe-Hand" Morgan. Although they never threatened you with harm, nor those within your inner circle, you did feel a slight more lean towards lawful undertakings. Being so far from the comforts of home, you felt as if you had no choice but to accept this task.
"I accept the job, Mister Klahadore," you declared as he continued to lead you through the many halls of the wide mansion. You noticed him smirk slightly at your acceptance before clearing his throat with a small cough and readjusting himself as he led you to the correct wing.
“I will have a space made for you after you bathe and join my mistress for dinner,” he smirked at you before halting your journey in front of two wide double-doors you presumed were the guest quarters your companions were being housed in. You noticed your swordsman companion was walking in naught but a robe while carrying his three swords over his shoulders down the hall towards the door you found yourself and Klahadore standing in front of.
Releasing your hand from its spot on his inner elbow, he used his other gloved hand to claim your fingertips with his own, cradling them slightly with his thumb. He bowed his head slightly to you and brought your hand closer to his face.
“Until the later hours,” Klahadore murmured with a sly smirk, raising your hand to capture your knuckles in a brisk whisper of a kiss. You immediately felt an unnerving amount of alarm bells clatter throughout every fibre of your being at this gesture, but hoped your face did not relay any discomfort.
He brought your hand down from its place against his lips and released it from his grasp, turning on his way you assume to be directing the household to prepare the meals for you and your companions.
“My, my, my,” Zoro uttered from behind you, “ moving on to the Butler now?”
You tensed slightly at his comment, knowing exactly how this would look to your green-haired companion.
"It's not like that," you said through gritted teeth, bringing the hand that was once pressed against the lips of Klahadore and smudging your thumb over the place he pressed his lips onto.
"First the jester, now the butler. Moving up in the world, sweetheart. Proud of you," he taunted you in a monotonous tone.
“Not. A. Word,” you said, pausing between each syllable as you turned to face your companion.
He raised his hands in front of him defensively with a sly and mischievous smile. You hardened your expression and made to open the doors you assumed containing the remainder of your travelling companions. As you pushed on the door, you heard Zoro suck in a large breath from behind you. Before you could make to stop him, he began his loud declaration of what he thinks he just witnessed.
“She kissed the Butler!” he professed to your other two companions, prompting their heads to snap up and acknowledge your presence. You stopped in your movements, Zoro pushing past you and laughing with your captain and navigator.
“Seriously?” Luffy laughed and sprung to his feet, “you kissed him too?”
You felt heat radiating from your body in sheer embarrassment. You knew your face would be beet red at the comment.
“Absolutely not,” you responded, “I was merely accepting a job repairing a sentimental item that belongs to him.”
“Is that what we’re calling it now?” Zoro taunted with a small smirk adorning his face, "do you accept all jobs with a kiss, or is it just the unsettling weirdos?"
You groaned in response, turning to exit the room.
“I’m going to take a bath,” you declared, turning on your heel and sauntering off into the direction where Zoro was walking from.
“Try not to kiss anyone else on the way!” Zoro called out after you, teasing your prior interaction. You felt the flush of your cheeks linger upon your face, more so slightly agitated at the thought that Zoro could couple you so readily in his mind with someone as unnerving as Klahadore.
You had absolutely no feelings of flirtatious intent towards the Butler, Klahadore. In fact, the only feeling that came over you was complete and utter unease. There was something about him that set you off, and knowing you were to repair something potentially dangerous for him did not uproot the uneasy feeling.
Walking through the vast halls, you looked at the variety of antique ornaments littering the benchtops, noting some were in desperate need of repair. You inspected a small, intricate light fixture on the countertop noting that one of the small screws was slightly loose; you took out a small screwdriver from your pouch and began to work at the little metallic piece, tightening it in its place. As you repaired it, you turned your sights onto the next item, an unusual wind up children’s toy that resembled a small mouse. You reached for it slightly, before pushing home repairs to the back of your mind by shaking your head slightly, and making your way to the bathroom to get cleaned up before dinner.
And the bathroom was beautiful. Grand ornamental brass legs held a large bath, filled with slightly murky water you assume belonged to the swordsman. You snarled a little at his bad manners before pulling up the sleeves of your blouse and reaching an arm into the lukewarm bathing liquid. Being a large and deep bath, you felt your blouse begin to get soaked as you attempted to reach the chain attached to the end of the plug to release it from its hold on the drain. A typhoon was created, pooling the unclean bathwater above the drain and emptying the water from the porcelain container with an almost howl-like groan.
Entranced by the spinning liquid as it left the water, you began to think about the battle as it was described to you by your captain between himself, Zoro, Nami and Buggy. The chop-chop fruit apparently, from their description, allows him to carve off a piece of himself and reattach it at will with no harm coming to him.
The “chop-chop cannon” manoeuvre apparently resembled a cyclone of blades as he whirled his disassembled parts around in the air with blades protruding from every surface. You couldn’t quite picture the way it was described to you, as you had no prior experience with detached limbs and their wild movements but as the drain emptied the contents of the bath within, you felt immediately drawn to attempt to picture what that may have been like to combat against.
As this bath was filled to the brim with liquid, you noted it was taking quite a while to empty down the drain. To pass the time, you began readying yourself to undertake a proper wash, one you had not experienced since commencing your travelling with the mismatched troop you found yourself with.
You began humming to yourself as you located a hairbrush and raked it through to begin detangling through your locks. You started at the ends, forcing the strands to part from one another as you administered a small amount of force between strokes. You sauntered over to the sink to locate the problem you were not seeing in your hair, finding it in the mirror. As you brushed your hair, you noticed your skin had begun to tan slightly, as the exposure of the sun in your travels had darkened the pigment your skin under its rays. You leant forward in the mirror to look closely at your face, noticing a small speck of blue paint remained at the point between your jaw and your ear.
It occurred to you that not only had that speck of paint been there for several days now and not one of your companions cared to notify you of it, but the memory of the intimate connection you shared with the clown sprung back into your mind.
At that moment, five different stages of unfamiliar emotion crossed over into your mind.
“Get a hold of yourself, woman,” you said to your reflection, “it wasn’t even that good of a kiss anyhow.” You attempted to bargain with yourself, knowing full and well that this particular kiss you shared between the captain of the Buggy Pirates and yourself was one of the most true, honest and hungry embraces you had experienced with another person.
You started attacking your locks more vigorously with the brush, making your way upwards towards the roots on your scalp.
“And why would he even kiss me like that, anyway? How dare he lean in and actually lean in and enjoy it!” you angrily expressed, slamming the brush down onto the countertop beside the sink. You noticed the bath had completely emptied as you turned to rinse it with cool liquid before filling it again.
“He even had the absolute gall to moan into it, like some touch-starved animal,” you growled, looking at the variety of perfumed bottles surrounding the bathtub, uncorking them and lifting them to your nose to sample the scents before adding the desirable liquid to the bath.
“And I didn’t enjoy it that much. It’s not like I’d ever see him again,” you expressed, beginning to remove your various items of clothing and placing them to the side of the room in a folded, neat pile.
“Do I even want to see him again?” you questioned yourself, quirking your head to the side momentarily and allowing the aspect to mull over in your head for a moment, “absolutely not.”
A wave of sadness overcame you as you reflected on the expression he held in his eyes as he pulled away from your lips, still cradling you against himself and gazing almost lovingly but apprehensively into your half-lidded eyes.
You tested the water temperature with your forearm and adjusted the taps to better suit your liking. You removed the final piece of your attire and stepped into the clean, warm and lightly scented water. You relished in it engulfing your body as you held your nose and dipped yourself back into the liquid.
You removed your head from under the water as the need for air came to fruition in your chest.
“I do want to see him again,” you uttered to yourself, “I want nothing more than to see him again.”
You searched again through the vials beside you and found some cleansing foams and liquids beside you and you began to scrub at your hair, releasing the solidified particles of salt you had picked up from the seawater.
“I would do anything to have one conversation with him,” you uttered to yourself, “just to let him know that I’m not a coward at the very least.”
Again, the image of his body sauntering over to you as a predator would to their unwitting prey; hungry only for violence, death and a swift meal came before you. The shocked look in his eyes while you grasped his mustard-coloured cravat and brought him into yourself, joining your lips together in what was meant to be a swift kiss that turned into something desperate and needy at the hands of this completely unhinged man. The gentle caress, the feel of his desperate whimpers against your lips and the way your body felt ablaze under his careful administrations was so utterly foreign to you, and so completely unexpected.
Your eyes began to well up at the thought of how foreign this felt for not only you, but you could only assume the blue-haired captain. You blinked back slightly, refusing to let anything spill over and onto your cheeks as you dunked your hair again into the water.
“He could’ve been faking,” you whispered, “it could’ve all been an act, a trick to lull me into a false sense of security, only to kill me after he was done with whatever he was doing with Luffy.”
You brought your hand to the nozzle of a honey-sweet scented container and pooled some of the contents into your waiting palm. You rubbed your hands together and brought them up to your face, pressing the sticky substance into the pores of your nose, cheeks, forehead, chin, ears and finally over your eyes.
"But I know for a fact that what I was feeling was real," you exclaimed into your palms, "I could feel how much he wanted me from the way he was holding me against him."
As you closed your eyes and rubbed the foaming liquid into them, you felt the final wave of emotional apophony wash over you. You suddenly dunked your face into the pooling water below to rid your skin of the substance completely before re-emerging to the surface.
"And I want him," you whispered into the porcelain frame of the bath, "And I want him to know how much I want him."
You swiped your hand over your hair to rid it from your eyes and leant into the side of the bath as you came to terms with this new feeling arising in your chest.
“I think I’m in love with Buggy the Clown,” you confessed, unwittingly to the eyes you felt watching over you earlier. Or, more adequately framed, ear tucked cozily into one of the many unused pockets of your skirts belonging to the one and only blue-haired, painted clown captain aforementioned.
Part 4
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swallowtail-lotus · 7 months
Potential Opponent {Thor x Goddess!Reader}
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A repost from my old blog!
Still kinda in love with Thor ngl (I keep putting down thot instead of Thor, my fat fucking fingers-)
In the middle of a humungous field full of flowers, sat a beautiful woman, who was admiring the butterfly resting on her finger with an gentle smile on her face. She watched its wings move slowly, giving her time to take in the pretty pattern it has.
The silence that filled the air around her was comforting to her, as it represents how she's feeling right now. At peace.
"To think my home used to be this breathtaking..." You muttered, your smile slowly fading from your face. With your superhuman hearing, you heard the sounds of footsteps rushing towards you.
"Lady (Y/n)! The Lord would like to speak with you!" A female servant exclaimed, stopping beside your sitting figure. The butterfly has fled from the two of you as soon as the servant had stepped too close.
"Which Lord? Because if it's about those marriages, I'll keep refusing." You hissed with disgust, rolling your eyes at the mental images of the Lord's sons trying (and failing horribly) at courting you.
Reason is that you always challenge them to 1v1 matches, and so far, you haven't lost a single one.
"Lord Zihao wants you to-"
"Tell them I refuse and that I'm busy." You interrupted your servant, your eyes moving to glance at her. The female servant gulped at your stern side glance and nodded vigorously, taking off from you. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration.
"These bastards clearly can't read the message." You grumbled, standing up from your spot and twirled around once, teleporting to a rather dark castle. You looked around, not finding anything familiar with the place.
"Shit, must've thought of the wrong thing."
You cursed yourself. As you were trying to make out anything, you felt a strong gust of wind hit your back. You quickly moved away, dodging whoever was trying to attack you.
"What the- Thor?!" You questioned, your gaze meeting his yellow eyes. Said God moved his hammer away from you when he heard your voice. You tried to see his face, but to no avail.
There was a deafening silence between the two of you. Without thinking, you grabbed his hand and pulled him to some light, relieved to see your love.
"So good to see you again!" You spoke up, trying to fill the silence. Thor look down at you, finally realising you and his face soften.
"Good to see you too, my love." He finally greeted you, a small smile on his face. His hands cupped your face and took his time to take in your features. He leaned down and kissed you softly. The gods didn't know who you were at all. All they knew was that you are a deity, just like them and Thor's love.
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They recently noticed the two small blades attached to your hips, some wondering why you have them. This was confusing them a lot because you spent so much time admiring the flowers and playing with small animals. They think there was no need to keep whatever were attached to you when you have the strongest Norse God by your side.
If only they knew...
Twirling a single flower in your fingers, you smiled fondly at it. It was like your normal day, going to the gardens and admire the plants everywhere. You always loved nature, so you were given a garden as a gift.
Deciding you had enough time in the gardens, you placed the flower in your hair, walking out and in the hallways of the castle.
Stopping in your tracks, you reached for your blade on the left side. You felt something touch your shoulder, and out of instinct, you swung your right arm at the person, sending them flying. You sworn you felt your soul leave your body when you saw who you hit.
"I'm sorry, Thor! I tend to hit whoever startles me!" You exclaimed frantically, rushing over to your love. The God picked himself up with no problem, but his face was something of shock.
You noticed his lips curl up in a smirk, you know, that one and his eyes glowing bright.
Maybe you shouldn't have hit him...
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cal-writes · 10 days
Do you have any headcannon/interpretations of zoro and mihawks relationship? Most fic and stuff I’ve seen have him as a sort of aloof but caring father. Canon hasn’t really given us much to go off but so far as we know Zoro’s dream in life is still to kill and/or maim him so idk.
ohh i do! (some of the nsfw)
i dont think zoro necessarily wants to kill him, he wants to beat him but that doesnt necessitate killing people. zoro actually rarely kills his opponents that we know of (but then in generall one piece doesnt have a lot of on screen character death i think one of the only few confirmed kills by the straw hats is arlong) like hachi survived, mr one survived, wyper survived, kaku, hody, monet, pika, king all survived their match with zoro. i think at this point the only confirmed kill is the former mr seven prior to canon.
honestly kind of funny to think about zoro having such a ruthless reputation and then we know he killed like, one guy lol (it was probably more and he doesnt seem to have objections to killing in general unless its women and children but you get my point)
so i think to zoro the goal is beating mihawk in an honorable battle to fullfill his promise to kuina.
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mihawk i think is bored as all hell. like he's the greatest swords man, he has his own island, he's a warlord so not even the marines touch him (pr time skip) there is no challenge to him, barely anyone even dares to until zoro and even if their fight is ridiculously one sided zoro's tenacity impresses him
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like its fucking lonely and boring at the top or how that saying goes. mihawk and zoro are both very alike in sentiment and their sense of honor, standard swordsman stuff. so i think mihawk was pretty happy to find an equal in that regard already even if zoro couldnt beat him yet. he's investing in zoros future and his own in a way
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like zoro dropped on his island out of thin air, injured and close to death and he took him in
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mihawk giving his energy, tried to help him and seeing “oh okay you just gonna get yourself killed”.
when zoro comes back to ask for his teaching
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he has high expectations for zoro and demands him to meet them (similarly to how zoro holds the crew to his own high standards) so i can see the where the stern parent angle comes from
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but mihawk also has the experience to read zoro really well. i think before this point he thought zoro was doing it largely for himself, his own ambition. but here with their second meeting "its always for the sake of another". in their first fight zoro said he needs to beat mihawk because of "a promise to a friend" and here zoro does everything to get back to his crew.
i find it noteworthy that mihawk insists zoro recover before they start training, probably knowing full well zoro wouldn't allow himself on his own accord. makes me think of the whole "help yourself before you help others" something mihawk knows but zoro still struggles with.
we dont know too much about mihawk, why his running around alone without a crew or how he got to be so strong but again to me he reads as very lonely due to his powress and he kind of wants zoro to defeat him. not just bc for both of them it would be a good fight but also bc then he could "retire" so to speak.
ive mentioned it before but i dont think zoro will know what to do with himself once he beat mihawk and at this point on canon its definitely taken second place to seeing luffy become pirate king so it can go a few ways. i can almost see them not having a direct battle but maybe mihawk falling to an elder and zoro then beating that elder but we’ll see
it would be interesting to see how thatll go down
i think its more a mentor then a parent dynamic, like a grumpy ass professor that wants you to succeed.
in terms of nsfw thoughts i can only add ten images on mobile so thatll come in the reblog lol
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ofstarsandflames · 25 days
Hello all! I know it is a little late (more like a lot late) and RobStar week is already over, but I still wanna share the prompts I wrote in advance!
Something unfortunate happened in my personal life, but everything's okay now! If you would all accept, then I hope you enjoy this prompt for day 3!
(Day's 4-7 should be coming out soon!)
RobStar Week 2024, Day 3
Starfire stretched her arms, her eyes never once leaving her handsome opponent. 
He stood across from her, on the other side of sparring ring. Though he was stretching in a similar manner, he was also displaying an air of calm and confidence. He was not worried about how he’d fare. 
And, as much as she hated to say it, he had reason to feel so self-assured. 
 “3 more minutes of prep.” Cyborg called out from outside the ring side.
‘3 more minutes…’ Starfire repeated to herself. 
She knew it would be in her favor to keep focus on her upcoming spar, but the trio of voices coming from the side couldn’t help but momentarily capture her attention. 
“What’s their score again?” 
“How long do you think she’ll last this time?” 
“Judging from past instances, I’ll give her 4 minutes.” 
“I’ll give her 5. She improves with every loss.” 
“C’mon guys, have a little faith! This time she might actually win!” 
‘Thank you Beast Boy.’  Starfire was happy at least one of her friends was on her side. 
“But just in case, l give her 5 and a half.”
“Traitor.” The red-head muttered under her breath. 
Robin, also having heard the peanut gallery’s conversation, laughed silently to himself. Oh, why did he have to be so handsome!?
“30 seconds guys!” Cyborg called out.
Starfire ceased her stretching, checking to make sure her ponytail was secure (having such thick, curly hair sometimes made it quite difficult to maintain hair ties). Her bangs were still loose, but nothing that would hinder her. Her dark purple spaghetti-strap tank top paired with her black knee-length work out shorts made for a very cute and very practical sparring uniform. The white arm wraps she donned, at Robin’s insistence, were also secure. 
Robin was also checking himself over. He wore a white men’s tank top with a pair of loose black work out shorts. Like Starfire, he had a pair of white arm wraps covering his hands. Unlike Starfire, he still had on his signature domino mask. 
Oh, how Starfire never tired to see him in his workout clothes. 
They both fit and complemented his frame perfectly. Not too skinny, but not too buff; a perfect combination of the two. Showcasing the dexterous strength of the lean muscle in his arms, displaying the vigor of his legs and thighs, and don’t even get her started on his chest… 
 Starfire looked up, unable to recall when she gazed down. 
Robin watched her with an amused smirk, a tiny blush colored on his cheeks. 
“Focus.” He pointed at the timer. “We’re about to start.” 
“Oh, heh. Of course.” Starfire said bashfully, wiping a small bit of drool from the corner of her mouth (when did that get there!?). 
“Get ready you two!” Cyborg called out, officiating the match. 
“3… 2... 1... Spar!” 
Starfire wasted no time rushing toward her opponent. Using the bo-staff gifted to her, she tried to use its length to trip the other. Robin, of course, recognized this move from a mile away; he flipped backwards, dodging the staff and landing on his feet with one arm as balance. 
Starfire, however, knew this would happen. While he was recovering, she too stepped back to asses his figure (professionally, she reminded herself). 
Nothing yet that could clue her in to how he planned to fight this match. 
After 27 sparring matches, Starfire began to grow familiar with Robin’s various battle formations and combat styles. Having no powers in a world full of powered beings, he needed to find some skilled and creative ways to, as the humans say, “level the field of playing”. If this were a normal fight, Robin would have already found a way to not only overpower her but combat her own powers against her. 
However, this was no normal fight. This was pure hand-to-hand combat, relied on with nothing more than their limbs, staffs, and innate battle prowess. In fact, something deep within her felt more natural engaging in combat without her powered abilities. As if, in some strange sense, this was similar to how she started out- 
Robin stood back up, masked eyes gazing without mercy at his opponent. 
Uh-oh, looks Star needed to focus. 
Robin ran to her left, prompting the alien to defensively aim her staff in that direction. However, in nothing more than a split second, the human threw himself in the right direction. 
Starfire, with barely enough time to register the attack, was quick to direct her staff in the same direction. 
The staffs made a loud contact, their wielders now face-to-face. 
‘That was too close…’ 
Starfire let out a breath in parallel with Robin quickly backing away. 
Drat, he knew what she wanted her next move to be. In terms of strength, even without her powers, Starfire would be able to greatly overwhelm her leader. 
However, it looked like he was planning to defeat her with his agility. 
That would be a problem. While Starfire herself was very agile, both her mind and body considered to be in top shape in that regard, she was no where near the level of Robin. None of the Titans were. 
If that was the case, Star needed to end this spar quickly if she wanted a chance a winning. 
The fight went on for 4 more minutes, the majority of it consisting of quick jabs and dodges. Neither were willing to get closer to the other than needed, recognizing it would only take one stray step to be taken down. 
Star could feel her chest heaving, her breaths beginning to grow heavy. Robin took deep breaths as well, drops of sweat running down his arms and chest. 
His grip on his staff was still firms, his stance being balanced primarily on his right leg, while he partially rested one of his arms on his left- 
Wait, his stance! 
Starfire ran right for him, surprising the boy wonder. He held his staff in a defensive manner, as it looked like his opponent wanted to strike him mid-frame. 
However, right as their staffs were to make contact, Starfire quickly lowered herself to skid across the floor. Now standing right behind him, Star quickly jabbed Robin’s back before he could realize what was happening. 
Within seconds, Robin had fell to the floor. The staff, one end still placed on the middle of back, kept him in place. 
Starfire breathed heavily, starring down at her seemingly defeated partner. Her eyes were wide, full of disbelief, before a quiet sentence left her lips. 
“...i have won…” 
Cyborg and Beast Boy stared into the ring, jaws slack in disbelief. Raven, much more collected that the boys, simply had a raised eyebrow. 
“I-I have won!” Starfire said, much louder than before, 
“YES!” Removing the staff from its place, she raised it happily and in triumph. “I am victorious!” 
Starfire looked up at her friends, eager to see their reactions. She expected to see looks of joy and pride and her victory, especially after their earlier comments. 
Why are they all now giving her knowing looks? 
Robin’s voice, playful in nature, made her freeze in her tracks. 
Slowly turning, Starfire saw that Robin, who was still laying on his back, was now half-sitting upright using his elbows. He tilted his head down, gesturing toward her legs.
“You sure about that?” 
Nervous, Starfire looked down. Sure enough, her standing legs were in between Robin’s laid ones, his staff in between to ensure she could not escape. 
“...sometimes I really do not like you.” 
And with that, Starfire was tripped and pinned down by Robin’s body. 
“Match!” Cyborg called out, ending the spar. “What does that make now?” 
“28-0.” Raven said, using her powers to change the board. 
“Nice job, Star!” Beast Boy exclaimed with a thumbs up. “You almost had him!” 
“Haughhh…” Starfire groaned from underneath her handsome prison. 
“Now, what were the terms of our deal again?” Robin said with a voice full of mirth. “If I won you’d make a fresh batch of brownies, all for me?” 
“Yes, yes.” Starfire said with exaggerated annoyance. “Is there anything else I may bestow upon you, Your Majesty?” 
“Well, now that you mention it-”
“Okay, okay.” Robin chuckled, helping Starfire up. 
She dusted herself of upon standing up. Luckily, the smile on her face told the others she held no hard feelings. 
“You may have conquered me this time, Robin.” Starfire said as they walked side-by-side out of the training room. “But I assure you, one day soon it shall be I who conquers you!” 
“Looking forward to it, Star.”
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roseofdarknessblog · 2 years
Northern lights (Porco Galliard x Reader)
Word count: 7 050
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes  
TW: mentions of blood, death, canon typical injuries 
Summary: How did Porco Galliard pass time while the other Warriors were away on Paradis? By falling in love, participating in occasional military missions, and almost dying for the country that never really valued his life and the sacrifices he made from a young age. If it wasn’t for Y/N, Porco Galliard would never live to inherit the Jaw Titan. Not after being left behind during a failed ambush of an enemy fort way up north from his hometown.
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Northern lights
„Damn it! You should’ve told me sooner, that you’re hurt! What the hell am I supposed to do now?“ Porco hissed, brushing a few strands of hair from your face. His light hazel eyes were full of concern and gut-wrenching fear. He was looking at you as if you were dying right there in his arms.
Well... maybe you were.
Your perfectly white uniform was drenched in the blood of your opponents, but also your own. Two stray bullets found their way into your body – one hit your left thigh, and the other went through the left side of your waist. The second one hurt a hundred times more, but the one in your thigh was bleeding more aggressively. At least until Porco took the belt from his own uniform and fastened it around your thigh, just above the gunshot wound, wrapping it over tightly with his jacket.
„I’ll be fine, don’t worry,“ you assured him in a weak voice, while you tried to blink away the exhaustion from combat and blood loss. This never should have happened. It was supposed to be an easy mission. Not an actual assault on one of the other nation's military forts. „They’ll come back for us. A lot of soldiers got left behind... they have to come back.“
„But they may be too late,“ he murmured angrily, running his bloodied hand through his hair. It was usually close to perfect, every little hair knew its exact place. But now they were all tousled around, some of the longer strands even falling into his eyes. The right side of his head was covered in almost dried blood from the wound on his temple. A long red streak made its way down his neck and disappeared under the dirty and bloodied fabric of his uniform. But it seemed that he was fine otherwise. „I don’t know how to stop the bleeding.“
„You’re doing fine, just keep putting pressure on the wound.“
„You’re going to bleed out this way!“
„Porco...“ you said his name calmly, trying your best to smile at him. He was panicking, and so were you. It’s just that you didn’t have the energy to show it. „I’m fine... really.“
Even if for a couple of seconds, you needed to close your eyes. Rest them for a bit, maybe forget everything that was happening around you. Forget the trenches where you and a lot of badly wounded Eldian soldiers were hiding and waiting. The army had to step back from the attack, leaving a lot of its soldiers behind. But you believed that someone will come back. They had to.
You didn’t want to die like this.
Not so soon.
„We should get away from here. The enemy will think about searching the trenches for survivors. And what do you think they’ll do when they find us?“
You smiled again, reaching for his left arm. The tips of your fingers brushed over the yellow armband, which was so much prettier than your grey one. Yellow has always been your favorite color. And it suited Porco and his eyes perfectly. Even more, because he hated it so much, but didn’t want to give it up.
He was allowed to wear a red one after Marcel became the Jaw Titan, but since he himself didn’t make it as one of the inheritors, he simply kept his status as a Warrior candidate. And those always wore yellow armbands, separating themselves from other Eldian soldiers. The ones like you. Ordinary people, that gave their lives to the Marleyan military in the hopes of a slightly better future.
„And where do you want to go?“ you asked him, your finger outlining the white Eldian star.
„We can hide in the forest somewhere.“
„I can’t stand up,“ you reminded him.
He shrugged, leaning closer and kissing you on the forehead. „I’ll carry you.“
„My hero,“ you smiled again weakly, caressing his cheek with bloodied fingers. Your hands felt so cold. Just like the rest of your body. „But you can’t tend to me, cover up our trails in the snow, and watch out for the enemy all at once. Trying to run would get us killed.“
„Staying here is going to get you killed.“
„STOP IT!“ you flinched a little when he yelled at you. Regret almost immediately made its way to his face, because the sudden movement made you grit your teeth in pain. This was the first time you’ve been shot. But never before did you imagine it being this painful. „Please, just... stop saying my name like you’re about to say goodbye to me. You’re not dying here, okay? We’re going back home and we’ll wait for my brother and the others together. You promised to never leave me, remember?“
You nodded, while the pain from your side was spreading through your entire abdomen and climbing up your chest. „I’m not leaving you, Porco.“ No, you weren’t leaving him. Not yet. „And I’m not dying here. I want to live, experience so many things... with you.“
Porco wasn’t a guy who would smile often. That even you couldn’t change. That’s why the shy little smile on his lips made your heart break into a million pieces. You had to be on the brink of death to see him let his guard down and stop pretending to be tough all the time.
„You should go fetch some help, we need to close the wound on my side first, so I don’t lose more blood.“ Stitching up different kinds of wounds wasn’t that hard. You learned to do that even before joining the military thanks to your aunt, who was a doctor back in the internment zone. „I can stitch it up myself, but you need to find me the supplies.“
„I can’t leave you here. What if...“
„You go, I’ll be fine. Just don’t take too long, okay?“
„But how...“
„GO!“ you hissed at him through gritted teeth again. Even breathing was becoming more and more painful.
Porco hesitated for a minute, but when you grabbed his chin and brought his face closer to yours for a short kiss, he snapped back to reality. His lips found yours once more before he pulled his hands away from your side. From that moment it was your responsibility to continuously push on the wound and slow down the bleeding. The good thing was, that the bullet stayed inside. Pulling it out in this situation could be fatal.
You watched Porco slowly and carefully make his way to the direction, where you last saw the two medics, that were always present amongst every soldier unit. Merely for situations like these. You had no idea if any of them was still alive, but in the end that didn’t matter. All you needed was their bag with the medical supplies.
You tried to stay calm and not look around too much. The closest surroundings were filled with the dead bodies of your comrades. They were shot or killed by many grenades the enemy had tossed into the trenches. It was a miracle, that you and Porco weren’t killed in their last attack.
The closest sign of life was a young Eldian soldier, whose name you didn’t know. He way laying a few feet away, his uniform soaked in blood from the three gunshot wounds on his chest. But he was still fighting for his life. Still painfully gasping for air while facing the sky above your head. The sun was slowly setting in the rich hues of yellow, orange, and pink that were peeking through the thick grey clouds. It was a beautiful contrast to the dirt and snow all around you.
The fort Marley decided to invade was far up north, a long distance from Liberio. There was much more snow than you’ve ever seen. But the cold air felt pleasant and you liked the tiny snowflakes almost continuously falling from the sky. They served you as a great distraction until Porco finally came back.
„I found one of the medics, he was busy helping the soldier around him. And the other one is dead. But I couldn’t find his bag anywhere, somebody must have already taken it.“ You nodded, trying not to panic while seeing the look on his face. You’ve never seen him this scared. Not because of you and not because of anything else. „But he gave me something you could use.“
„Great,“ you breathed, lifting your head up a little, to see better. „You’re gonna help me, okay?“
„Me? How?“
„I’ll tell you in a minute.“ You slowly pulled your hands away from your side and with Porco’s help undone your uniform jacket, and pulled up your shirt underneath. Your ribs were covered in many bruises, the area closest to the wound sticky with slowly drying blood. „Okay, did he give you anything for disinfecting the wound?“
„Yeah, some alcohol.“
„Great, that’s perfect.“ Cleaning the wound was the easiest part, even though the pain almost made you scream out at the top of your lungs. But Porco seemed far more traumatized by everything you were doing. Watching you inject the local anesthetic to ease the pain made him look away. „Stop flinching, the worst part is yet to come,“ you murmured, looking at the streaks of blood flowing down your side and stomach. „Help me sit up a bit better.“
He was careful, touching you like you were made of glass, but every little movement still caused you tremendous pain. And all you could do was breathe through it and bite into your bottom lip to avoid screaming again. Porco helped you lean against the frozen dirt wall of the trench and knelt beside you.
„Okay... okay...“ Catching your breath seemed impossible for a short while. But when you finally calmed down and started thinking rationally again, you realized your hands were shaking. It was probably from the cold. Or maybe the blood loss. Or exhaustion. Or all of them combined. „Now I need your help.“
Porco nodded, taking one deep steadying breath. „What do I do?“
„You’ll have to guide my hand, it’s shaking too much and I can’t see the wound really well.“
„That doesn’t sound like the best plan, so don’t get your hopes up.“
You smiled, pulling your hand away from your side again. Suturing was a skill that took a considerable amount of practice. You knew that. The practice you had was only enough for real emergency situations such as this one. The stitches didn’t need to look pretty. Later a real doctor will correct them either way.
„We can do it, just listen to me,“ you said, looking into his horror-filled face. It wasn’t the blood or the wound itself that scared him. It was the fact, that your life was in danger, and getting proper help was almost impossible. There was no guarantee, that the military was coming back for you. And the enemy could strike again at any given moment. „Don’t panic, it really isn’t that serious. We both have seen worse things.“
„We did, but this is pretty disgusting if you ask me. How do you even know these things?“
„My aunt taught me. And you should know something like this too, it’s a useful skill.“
„Whatever,“ Porco muttered, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. His body faltered a bit, but he used his other hand for support before losing his balance.
„Are you okay?“ you asked worriedly, reaching out to him. „Does your head hurt?“
He nodded, just a second before he turned around and threw up. His whole body was visibly shaking, while he tried to catch his breath again, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. „I don’t feel good, Y/N. What’s happening?“
„It’s probably a concussion, you hit your head pretty hard.“
„Yeah.“ He left his head bowed down for a short while, trying to blink away another wave of dizziness and growing nausea. „Whatever, I’m fine,“ he said with still-closed eyes, turning back to you just a second later. You could see the determination on his face. He knew there wasn’t anybody else to help you. It had to be him. „What am I supposed to do?“
You looked him over with a worried expression. He wasn’t okay, he didn’t even have the strength to pretend anymore. But there was no time to waste. If you wanted to live, you had to act fast.
„Grab my hand and guide it to one end of the wound,“ you said in the calmest voice possible. Everything was going to be fine. All you needed to do was calm down and concentrate. „Be gentle but vigorous, okay? We have to do this fast.“
„Yeah, okay... okay...“
Porco’s hand was suddenly trembling even more than yours, but somehow he managed to do exactly what you needed. He was talking in a hushed voice, navigating your every move verbally as well. Suturing the top part of the wound was the hardest since you couldn’t see in properly. But after some failed attempts and with Porco’s help, you somehow managed to close it off, stopping the bleeding almost completely. The stitches were far from perfect, little streaks of blood were seeping through in some places, but it did the job.
The local anesthetic helped you not feel a single thing. All you concentrated on, was your lover's cold fingers on your skin, gently holding your hand and helping you save your life. Working without proper equipment and not in a clean or quiet environment made everything much harder, than when you practiced at home. You wished your aunt could be there at that moment, to tell you what exactly to do, or just to assure you, that you’re doing good enough.
„Are you okay?“ you asked Porco when he helped you secure the bandage on your side. His hands were shaking even more visibly now.
„Yeah, fine. It’s just... disgusting and...“ It seemed unusually hard for him to form a proper easy sentence. That made you worry even more. Nothing should have happened to him. Not him. Everyone else could die, you wouldn’t care unless he was alive and well. „Do you have to suture the wound on your thigh as well?“
„I should, yeah. It’s not bleeding that much right now, but...“
You never had the chance to finish your sentence. Not, when you noticed shouts from enemy soldiers nearby, followed by the sounds of shooting and killing. You looked at Porco with sheer panic in your eyes. If they find you, it’s over. They’ll kill you both without mercy.
„Lay down!“ Porco ordered, helping you get onto the ground. „Try not to scream, please.“ He didn’t give you a chance to even fully understand his words when he turned you over – on your side and then on your stomach. Both wounds on your overall aching body protested with a massive explosion of pain, that almost made you cry out in agony. „Just close your eyes and don’t move under any circumstance, okay?“
„What about you?“ you asked, while the gruesome sounds of other Eldian soldiers being murdered were getting closed and louder.
„I’ll be right here,“ he assured you, looking around frantically.
Playing dead was seemingly the smartest thing to do. Even more, when Porco dragged one of the already deceased soldier’s body closer and carelessly threw it over you. As if that was the way both of you found your end.
„Don’t dare to make a sound!“ he hissed at you, just as he lay down close enough to reach your hand, while he flipped another dead soldier horizontally over his own body.
„I love you,“ was the last thing you whispered to him before you had to close your eyes to stop the tears from running down your cheeks. You could hardly catch your breath when the footsteps of the enemy got even closer.
You could feel Porco’s hand close to yours, but he didn’t dare to actually touch you. And you didn’t either. All you could was try to control your breathing and slow down your almost painfully pounding heart. Overwhelming waves of panic and fear kept coming and going, as the enemy finally made its way to the place you and Porco were laying.
You held your breath and bit into your tongue when one of them carelessly kicked your leg. Since it was already almost dark, the soldiers carried flashlights to make their search for survivors easier.
They were talking in some foreign language, so you couldn’t understand a thing, but their nasty laughs and the actual tone of their voice was enough. All the death they saw around pleased them. Well, why wouldn’t it? They did their duty and protected the fort Marley decided to attack. You didn’t even know the exact reason. Nobody cared to tell you, they all just expected to act on command and never ask questions.
Not even when your own life was at stake.
You didn’t dare to open your eyes for a long time after the last sounds of shooting got quiet. The freezing ground under you finally stopped shaking from the weight of soldiers walking around.
It felt like hours have passed until you finally found enough courage to slowly lift your eyelids and look around. One side of your brain waited for an armed soldier standing right above you, pointing his gun at your head and waiting for you to reveal your cover. But there was nobody there.
„Stay down, don’t move. We should wait some more,“ he whispered, looking at you with tired eyes. His face looked even paler than before, especially in comparison with the dried blood. Or at least it appeared like that, you couldn’t see very well in the slowly thickening darkness around you. The only source of light was the moon, elegantly making its way across the dark sky above your head. „Are you in a lot of pain?“
„I’ll manage.“
The pain was coming and going, you didn't really feel it because of the adrenalin still vigorously floating around your whole body. The cold was starting to bother you more. You could barely feel your hands anymore, and your whole body was shivering more and more with every passing second.
„They’re coming back for us, right?“ you suddenly asked Porco without even thinking about the real meaning of your words. Did you mean the enemy? Or the Marleyans?
It took Porco only a short while, before he carefully reached for your hand, brushing his ice-cold fingers against your skin. „We’re not dying here.“
„We’re not dying here,“ you repeated after him, squeezing his hand a little harder.
Were you two the only ones left alive? From so many soldiers all around? It was possible. But even if not, you had only each other to lean on now. And you were determined to do everything possible, to keep Porco and yourself alive long enough, to return home. You had people back in Liberio waiting for your return. Family and friends.
And you both gave the other Warriors your words, that you’ll wait for their return from Paradis. Even if you only knew Pieck and Zeke, since the others left before you and Porco met, you couldn’t wait to meet his brother and the other three heroes sent amongst the island devils. Porco told you a lot about them all. Sometimes you felt like you knew them for many years, even if you never met them in person.
It felt like another eternity went by until Porco finally moved and climbed out from under the dead soldier. He was moving slowly and carefully, apparently quite dizzy. „Can you move?“ he asked worriedly, rolling the other soldier's body from yours. The sound you heard when it hit the ground made you sick. „What about your injuries? Are you in pain?“
„I’m fine.“ You weren’t fine, but there was no point in saying that out loud. There was nothing he could do to help you now. All there was to do, was wait for the Marleyans.
Or for death.
„How’s your head?“ you asked him, reaching out your hand and brushing your fingers alongside his cheek. Not seeing his face very clearly was for the best. This way you only had to imagine all the pain, fear, and exhaustion that was written all over it.
„It hurts a bit.“
„You should lay down. It’s not like we can do anything now.“
„I’m going to,“ he assured you, helping you sit up. The effects of the local anesthetic were long gone, your whole left side felt like it was on fire or as if somebody was repeatedly stabbing you. Your whole leg hurt as well, but it wasn’t as bad. „I just want to hold you. We need to stay warm. It’s a long time until morning.“
„That’s the only reason you want to hold me?“ you teased him, frowning a bit when Porco took the coat from one of the soldiers and tossed it around your shoulders. Just your own clothes weren’t going to be enough.
„Right now, that’s the main reason. But there are others as well.“ His tiny smirk made your heart swell up with hope. He was still trying to be the typical Porco Galliard you fell in love with more than a year ago. He was an idiot most of the time, but he was your idiot. You wouldn’t trade him for anything in the whole wide world. „I don’t think they’ll return until morning. If they return.“
„They will!“ you reassured him, taking the other coat he was giving you. Its entire back was covered in dried blood. But it was warm and that was the most important thing.
„Do you know any good stories? We shouldn’t fall asleep.“
„Not really, but I can make up a one or two.“
„I remember some old fairytales my mom used to read to me and Marcel when we were little.“ You smiled softly, while Porco took two other coats for himself, finally settling down next to you.
He leaned his back against the trench wall, half sitting and half laying down to ease his dizziness. With painful tears you moved closer, pressing your body up against his. With one coat undernet you and the other covering you like a blanket, you rested your head on Porco’s chest, arms tightly wrapped around his body.
„Do you think they would notice if we lit a tiny fire? Just to warm our hands or...“
„We can’t risk that,“ Porco answered before you were able to finish the sentence, wrapping his arms around you. He was really careful not to hurt you in any way, even on accident. „Somebody may still be lurking around.“
„We shouldn’t talk then.“
„We shouldn’t, but we’ll go crazy if we stay quiet until the morning.“
He was right. When all you could hear was the eerie quiet, all the death and destruction seemed even closer. It was like Death itself looking over your shoulder, waiting for the right moment to slice its scythe through your body.
„So... tell me one of those fairytales,“ you suggested, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. When your lips made contact with his icy skin, even more intense shivers ran down your back. „I’d like one with a happy ending.“
„They all have a happy ending. That’s all kids are supposed to know... happiness and peace.“
You smiled a little, closing your eyes for a short while. Porco stayed quiet for a second, maybe thinking about something, while his hand was running up and down your back, trying to warm you up a bit and keep you calm. What made you open your eyes again, was a feeling of tiny snowflaked landing on your face.
„I’ve never seen this much snow. Nature is really pretty up here,“ you said, wiping them away from your cheeks. „All those pine forests, the mountains around us, and the snow itself... I’d like to live in a place like this one day.“
„Does living in this nasty cold really sound that exciting to you?“
„Yeah, it’s peaceful.“
Keeping your eyes open was getting harder and harder. Even more, after Porco really started telling the old fairytales. You could tell he didn’t remember all the details, but he quickly made something up, creating a whole new story in the process. But it was fun, he kept your mind occupied for some time.
You really couldn’t remember the last time somebody was telling you a story about adorable little animals and magical beings in the depths of an enchanted forest. Surely nobody ever did it like Porco Galliard, who didn’t hesitate to add some snarky little comments when something seemed stupid to him. Even though it was a kid's tale, and its purpose was to sound childish and sometimes even a little silly.
„Are you still listening?“ Porco asked after a while, looking down at you settled in his arms. You were listening, even if his words slowly started to sound miles away. „Hey, Y/N! Don’t close your eyes, we can’t fall asleep!“ His lips made contact with your cheek, while he run his shaking fingers through your hair. „Look at me, please.“
You did your best, but lifting your eyelids was almost impossible. It was still snowing, and some of the snowflakes were landing right on your eyelashes. „I’m listening to you, just can’t keep my eyes open anymore. I’m really tired.“
„I know, but you have to stay awake.“
„Can I take a short nap? For a couple of minutes?“ He shook his head, kissing your forehead while pushing strands of hair behind your ear.
„Keep your eyes on me, okay? We’re gonna talk about something, anything really. Tell me about all the stupid girly things I don’t give a damn about, but you love doing so much.“
You smiled a little, swallowing hard. „Like my favorite nail polish, I used to wear every day before joining the military? Or the ways I love to style my hair?“
„Yeah, precisely.“
„Every mission requires a different one. You know... to change things up a little.“
His quiet laugh gave you some very-needed strength. You had to hold on. For yourself, but mainly for Porco. He needed you. Playing a tough guy came naturally to him, that’s why not many people approached him. But you knew better. You knew the true Porco Galliard, who needed support just like everyone else. He just wasn’t the type to ask for it. It had to be you, who reached out to him and waited patiently until he accepted your help.
It wasn’t love at first sight between the two of you. You needed time to get to know each other, then falling in love somehow came naturally. With every interaction you had with him, with every little gesture and every mission, he underwent with the rest of the military. It was dangerous, of course. But Commander Magath, the main leader of the Warrior Unit, saw it as a good chance for Porco to prove his loyalty and eagerness to inherit one of the Titans a few years later.
He was still angry about not getting the Armored Titan, even after giving his everything during every single training. But it seemed that since he got to know you, he calmed down a bit. Maybe even enjoyed the fact, that he wasn’t at Paradis right now.  
Surely, he missed hir brother and worried about him, because the mission was taking them way too long. Even Marley got concerned and almost a month ago sent the Beast and the Cart Titan after them. That’s why this mission surprised you so much. You never expected the military to engage in combat without any of the Titans.
„And what is your favorite?“
„Yeah. Do you have one?“
„No, not really,“ you shrugged, cuddling up to him even further. „I never liked my hair. All of those hairstyles are just supposed to keep it out of my face.“ It’s not like you hated your hair, but it always had a mind of its own.
„I like your hair. Mostly when I get to play with it while we cuddle,“ he smiled again lovingly, trying to keep the concern in his tone under control. „When we’re in my room, in the warm bed, under even warmer covers. Drinking hot tea or chocolate. Or that disgustingly sugary coffee you like.“
„You only tried it once and didn’t even drink the whole thing.“
„I’ll try again when we get home, okay?“
You nodded, unwillingly closing your eyes again. Porco almost immediately nudged you a little, commanding you to open your eyes. He wanted you to talk more, about anything. But even opening your mouth and moving your tongue was becoming too much.
Everything was becoming too much. The cold. The blood loss. The overall tiredness.
„You promised not to leave me, remember?“ Porco asked more urgently, rubbing your back under the coats you used to cover yourselves. You could feel him shivering as well, but it seemed that he endured the cold better than you. „Hold on, we’re going home soon, I promise.“
„I love you.“
„I love you too, angel. But you can’t fall asleep, do you understand? You can’t.“
Your hands and feet felt completely numb, almost as if they weren’t part of your body anymore. Even your airways and lungs hurt from the constant freezing air all around. Everything was becoming blurry and confusing, reality slowly withdrawing from your reach.
„Wake me up after... twenty... twenty minutes.“
„How the hell am I supposed to know when twenty minutes pass?“
You smiled for yourself, gripping the fabric of his uniform. „Count. It will... keep you... busy.“
Porco answered something, but you couldn’t make out his words anymore. Not when tiredness took over you and you simply weren’t able to open your eyes anymore. In his arms, you felt safe and loved. You could fall asleep very easily. Too easily, which wasn’t good.
You knew staying awake was crucial for survival. At least your mind knew it. But your exhausted body wanted something different. Some proper rest, even if for a couple of minutes. Morning would come faster if you sleep for a bit. And the pain would disappear as well.
Everything would be so much easier.
„I shouldn’t allow you, but... okay, sleep for a bit.“
„Thanks,“ you muttered almost inaudibly. „I’ll... wake up... promise.“
Despite your reassurance, you had no control over what would happen. And soon you didn’t even know anything about your surroundings. You didn’t know if Porco actually tried to wake you up and failed. If so, he probably freaked out, blaming himself for letting you fall asleep.
You promised not to leave him.
And until today, you always did your best to keep your promise.
Losin you would break him beyond repair. Even more, because he couldn’t be sure if Marcel was alive and coming back home. Same for his friends, all of the other Warriors left, only he stayed behind. You were the only one he had left. The only person that kept him going, when he saw no point in trying over and over again.
„Porco?“ you addressed him, your voice hoarse because of the cold air. „You didn’t... wake me up.“
Were you really awake? Or was this just a dream? Everything seemed so distant and unreal. Mostly the sky above your head. It was... green. Not entirely, just a couple of long swirling lights shining brighter than the moon. They were unbelievably beautiful, like something out of this world. Like something straight out of one of the fairytales Porco was telling you just a short while ago.
„Am I hallucinating?“ You tried to prop yourself up a bit better to be closer to the sky. All you wanted to do at that moment was reach for the lights and let them caress your freezing skin. For some reason, it felt as if they would be pleasantly warm. „Porco? Do you see that too?“
Even if it was just a dream, it was surely the most beautiful dream you’ve ever had. Seeing something so magical, while all that surrounded you was death, seemed like a miracle no one would believe you witnessed with your own eyes.
Why wasn’t he responding? Did he not see probably the most stunning thing in this world?
It was hard to tear your gaze away from the lights. Just then you remembered hearing about something like this. The northern lights, yes. Your dad had a pretty thick book about many natural phenomena all around the world, and the northern lights were one of them. In that book, they were also called the Aurora borealis.
No picture ever would accurately depict the true beauty of that rich green illuminating everything below. You could cry right on that spot, that’s how beautiful the lights were.
„Porco...“ you said your boyfriend’s name one more time, before finally looking right at him. His head was resting against the trench wall, while his arms were limply holding you against his body. That’s when you realized his eyes were closed and he probably didn’t hear anything you said. „Hey... wake up.“
You gently rubbed his chest, pressing your lips to his cheek. He loved when you woke him up with a sweet kiss in the morning or after taking a nap together. And you loved the tiniest smile on his lips, while his eyes were still heavy with sleep.
„Please... Porco, wake up. It’s been more than twenty minutes.“
You tried to gently shake him awake, but he didn’t respond. His eyes didn’t open at the sound of your voice. Hell, his whole body felt cold as ice, while he was barely even breathing.
„Porco... I promised... promised to never leave you, but... you can’t leave me either.“ Your frozen fingers gently brushed a few disheveled strands of loose hair from his face. „I need you.“
What were you supposed to do? You could barely move yourself, all the strength had already left your body. There was no way you could save anybody. Not yourself, and not the boy you loved so openly and so sincerely.
„You promised me we’ll go back home and drink my... disgustingly sugary coffee.“
Tears slowly started to collect in your eyes. But you simply didn’t have enough energy to even let them fall onto your cheeks. Your head collapsed back onto his chest, your eyes closing almost immediately. Not even the pretty swirling lights above your head could keep you awake. Not anymore.
The cold was slowly trying to lull you back into the darkness, while your heart was breaking into million pieces. Both of you were dying and there was no way of getting help. If you screamed, nobody would hear you or answer you. All the people around you were long gone or on the other side of this entire conflict.
„Stay with me...“ you mumbled to Porco, focusing on his barely audible heartbeat. „Just hold on. Just a... minute longer. Marley is... coming... back for us.“
You didn’t even believe your own words. If they wanted to, they would have come back already. But why would they? The lives of ordinary Eldians never mattered to them.
Not yours.
Not even Porco’s.
You could feel your consciousness slipping away, knowing your life will be ending right there very soon. All it took was falling asleep again. A few more dreams, maybe. Or nightmares about your inability to save someone you loved more than your own life.
That’s why you kept fighting sleep over and over again, while quietly begging Porco to wake up.
The northern lights kept dancing high above your head, bringing at least some peace to your shattered soul. Tears finally rolled down your cheeks, just a second before you heard a familiar noise. It was coming from somewhere...
From the sky.
You once again raised your head, searching the night sky with teary eyes and chattering teeth. For a minute, the bright green lights were the only things you could register. Only then the dark silhouette of the familiar white airship appeared. You could barely catch your breath from the sudden rush of hope and excitement.
„They came back,“ you breathed, looking at Porco again and kissing his forehead. „They came back, love. Just hold on. Please just... stay with me. Stay with me.“ Trying to move and do something suddenly seemed so easy. The unexpected wave of adrenaline rushing through your veins again made you think up a simple plan in the blink of an eye.
All of you carried a little flare gun on you at all times. You still had yours, while Porco had his. Right in the little black pouch attached to your uniform, usually also carrying spare ammo. Shooting it to announce your location could possibly notify the enemy. But without doing it the soldiers on the airship would never find you in time.
It was the only way.
The very last thing you were able to do, prior to everything going dark before your eyes once again.
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Leaving a perfectly warm bed during cold mornings was one of the worst things imaginable. That’s why you were glad, that there was nothing to do and nowhere to go. Staying in bed was the only acceptable thing for the whole day ahead of you.
„I have your disgustingly sugary coffee,“ said Porco with a teasing grin on his lips. He gently kicked the door closed behind him, hands full with two white mugs. „I’m doing this just because I promised you. And only this one time.“
You rolled your eyes at him, carefully rolling onto your back. The gunshot wounds on your side and thigh were healing quite nicely. It had only been three days, but you felt a lot better already. And if nothing else, you had at least a month off your military duties.
Experiencing a morning like this was something close to a miracle. You had no idea, how you got back to your hometown. When you woke up for a short while, the airship was already landing in Liberio. Soldiers and medics were all around you, doing everything in their power to keep you, Porco, and ten other wounded Eldian soldiers alive. Only twelve of you made it back home. None other. Even though almost two hundred soldiers were present in that damned trench.
After a few hours, you woke up in a warm hospital room. The bullets were finally out from your body, the sutures corrected, and the wounds closed and bandaged up. After a blood transfusion, good sleep in a warm bed, and some pain meds, you could slowly start to let go of all that happened during that day.
„Did you sleep well?“ he asked, sitting down on your side of the bed.
„Yeah, wonderfully,“ you assured him, taking one of the mugs. „Thanks to you, of course,“ you added sweetly, kissing him as soon, as he leaned closer, putting his own mug onto the nightstand.
„Sleeping in my bed is always a good idea.“
„It’s not about the bed, but about the company beside me.“ You saw he wanted another kiss, which you didn’t want to deny him. Not after everything. Not after almost losing him. „I love you so much, Porco.“
He smiled, brushing his lips against yours once more. „I figured that out after you saved my life. That was really sexy of you,“ he teased you, rubbing his nose against yours.
„And not freezing to death was really sexy of you.“
When you woke up in the hospital, he was already sitting beside your bed, holding your hand tightly. The doctor told you, that Porco was there almost from the moment he regained consciousness. He demanded to see you and make sure you were okay, even though he was still hurting and confused as well since he really did have a concussion.
He even almost got into a fight with your parents, when they came to see you and wanted to spend some moments alone with you since he simply refused to leave your side.
No wonder he was more than pleased when you spent your first night out of the hospital over at his house. His parents welcomed both of you with so much love and gratitude. Everybody was well aware, that this mission was a close call for you both. If the airship came just twenty minutes later, you probably wouldn’t be able to shoot the flaregun and notify them.
„It’s a shame you didn’t see them,“ you said, when Porco climbed back to bed beside you, almost immediately wrapping you in a tight hug.
„The northern lights, they were absolutely stunning. Like I can hardly describe them with words, they were just... probably the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.“
You still weren’t quite sure, if they were really there. You never asked anyone about them. Who knows, maybe they were just a little fraction of your own imagination, that was needed at that moment for the both of you to survive. Maybe it was just your brain's last attempt in saving itself.
„The whole sky was shining in green swirling lights. It felt like out of a fairytale.“
„Well, you didn’t wake me up to look at them,“ he mocked you, planting a soft kiss on top of your head.
„Sorry, you seemed too busy dying. Maybe next time,“ you answered sarcastically, pinching his cheek and meeting his lips in a quick kiss. „We should return up north one day. Just to look at them throughout the whole night. I’m sure you’ll be mesmerized.“
Porco smiled, pulling you even closer to his chest. It felt so good, even better than ever before. You promised yourself to cherish similar moments with him even more from now on.
None of you knew when the last day of your life would come. But until then, you could try your best and enjoy all that it had to offer. Most importantly the love, that you found in one another and which kept you going through everything.
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higuchisora · 6 months
As mentioned before, I'll be sharing my top 10 anime characters that could solo my beloved sweet baby boy Binghe. This is both serious and not at all serious. Disclaimer: I love him, he's my good son, but he also needs some competition to keep his head nice and deflated. I'm sticking with 1 character per show to keep things fresh. Also "anime" is a... loosely used term here lmao. Also also, manga/LN spoilers ahead for some shows.
Without further ado (and in no particular order):
10. Uzumaki Naruto (and friends)
Definitely the most obvious so I'm putting it first. Honestly the Naruto cast could've had its own top 10, but rules are rules. That Talk No Jutsu is fucking lethal. If he couldn't TedTalk Binghe into a reluctant friendship, he'd rock his shit first and THEN befriend him. Without so much as a filler episode.
I'm of the mind that any Kage-level character could wipe the floor with my son, Mano y Mano. But even a solid jonin team would have some serious hands for him.
9. Saitama from One Punch Man
I haven't watched the full thing, but ending careers with 1 punch is literally his job, so I'm taking this one on good faith that he'd also be fast enough to catch Binghe at all.
8. Yoriichi from Demon Slayer
The only thing that could defeat this man was his own sadness. He'd clap TLJ and then come for Binghe without so much as a snack break.
7. Hua Cheng from TGCF (yes I know it's a donghua shut up)
Call me biased, I don't care. Hua Cheng would obliterate this man without even thinking about it. He'd laugh, too, because he's an asshole. And then go home to bang Xie Lian.
6. Rimuru from That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
I don't like this man or this show. But no one can tell me he wouldn't just. Eat Binghe. Like full vore, as is canon of his abilities. He's done it with physically larger targets and succeeded, he could do it for some pretty boy. Binghe wouldn't even be the first demon king he's fought.
5. Aang from The Last Airbender
I SAID WHAT I SAID. Specifically in his Avatar State, I firmly believe he'd clap Binghe if led to believe it was absolutely necessary. Like the literal world ending. He exorcised a man when he was 12, I think Aang at his peak could handle an emo boy in need of an exorcism.
4. Saiki Kusuo from the Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
He'd dust Binghe out of existence before homie even knew what hit him. Argue with the wall.
3. Yumiella Dolkness from Villainess Level 99
I don't even really like her, but considering she's taken on a demon king of her own before, and is capable of making black holes big enough to swallow cities without breaking a sweat, she'll at least be a worthy opponent.
2. Kumoko/D from So I'm a Spider, So What?
Literally a god. The world-ending kind, and that's when she's being chill about it. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up being in control of the System tormenting poor SQQ and SQH. She's not as advanced in the anime, but in the light novel ending a world is literally light work. She's done it before and she'll do it again.
1. Mash Burnedead from Mashle
I haven't even caught up 100% with this show but I don't care. It doesn't even matter that Mash can't do magic. Actually, it's precisely BECAUSE he can't do magic that I firmly believe he deserves a place on this list because that just means this human dude is just Built Different. Binghe would throw a bunch of spiritual/demonic energy attacks at him and Mash would just bitch slap it out of the way. And then bitch slap Binghe. Worst part is that he wouldn't even realize they're fighting for real, which would permanently ruin Binghe's self esteem, IMO.
Honorable mentions:
Gabimaru from Hell's Paradise
I don't think he COULDN'T take Binghe on, just that it's unlikely he'd survive, honestly. Cultivation is real in their world kinda, and from what I've watched he's not yet capable of taking one on by himself 100%. But he's tenacious and skilled, so he'd at least get a few good ones in before Binghe smokes him. With a good crew and a battle plan, he'd be able to lock an average Binghe under a mountain.
Sailor Moon
The only reason she isn't on top 10 is because I'm not confident in her ability to take hits. She's great at dishing them out, but in the event Binghe manages to get a good whack in, I feel like it'll be over for her. I don't think she's fast enough to reliably dodge the whole time either. Plus, I barely remember the OG show, so it's kind of odd to be comparing her to stuff like Naruto, which I know well.
Hina from Hinamatsuri
Just offer a lifetime supply of red caviar and Binghe's a dead man. That being said, I don't think she'd walk away unscathed. This battle would mostly be dictated by how it starts. If she has the element of surprise, he's dead. If Binghe is suitably enraged (say, Xin Mo possession style), Hina's a goner. Hence she isn't strong enough to be able to beat him soundly in all scenarios.
Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul
He's pretty cool. Also likes to eat flesh. I don't think he's as fast at it as Rimuru is, but then again I also gave up watching after the first season. Gets an honorable mention because he might actually be stronger than I think.
He's fucking Goku. I just have never watched this show so I didn't feel comfortable ranking him.
Kibutsuji Muzan + Upper moons from Demon Slayer
Any of them would be a solid threat. However, considering they get their asses handed to them by a bunch of human high schoolers and fold at the tiniest ray of sunlight, I figure the moons would be somewhat of a miniboss vs final boss in terms of power scaling.
Muzan probably would've gotten a place on the list if not for Yoriichi. Also, as said, anyone that gets clapped by a bunch of high schoolers in their own home gets a permanent L. Shine a lamp on him and it's over for bro.
Hashiras from Demon Slayer
Not a single one of them can 1v1 any upper moons. That being said, they still managed to body all of them. They go down with them though, so I'd say it would take all of the hashiras (maybe including pre-canon ones) to take down the average Binghe. And they'd all die doing it.
Hero of Time/Hero of the Wilds Link from Legend of Zelda
Is this an anime? No. Do I care? Not really. Fighting opponents wildly out of his league but ultimately winning anyway is literally his canon lore. All Link needs is a slingshot and an ocarina and he'll fight the fucking moon. He's no slouch in recent games either; a beef bowl and a stick is all it takes for him to take on the immortal demon king possessing the castle in nothing but his goddamn boxers.
This was my list!!! Very long, but a lot of fun. Let me know what your own lists are, I'm curious lol.
If I've not mentioned a show, it's probably because I've never watched it lol.
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disaster-biraven · 3 months
Forgotten Forget Me Nots - Timari Hanahaki
“Don’t you think it’s time to stop?” Tim looked up to where Bruce was standing in the doorway. “You refuse to say who it is, and the Hanahaki is interfering with your ability to fight. I hate to see you like this.”
“The surgery isn’t an option.” He shifted in bed, surrounded by blue petals. Soon they’d be full flowers.
“That’s not what I’m saying. There is always a chance of reciprocation, and your health is more important.” Tim shook his head.
“Confessing isn’t an option either.”
It wasn’t ideal for him to be out fighting, but it was all hands on deck. He ducked from the goon's fist and swung his bo staff. His opponent fell to the ground, and Tim turned to see what else he could do to help. Before he could even process what was happening, something flew toward him and knocked him out cold.
The next thing he knew, a loud ringing and bright light split his head open.
“-Obin! Red Robin, do you hear me?” He looked around to see who was saying that, and maybe find this Red Robin fellow. A man dressed like a bat stood over him, looking really concerned.
“…What the fuck?” A tiny child dressed like a traffic light with a sword appeared next to the man-bat.
“Tch. He is either extremely concussed or has head damage. Look at him, he doesn’t know what's going on.”
“Agent A, prep the med bay.”
Apparently, Tim was supposed to know who these people were. They took him to some sort of underground cave, where an older man checked him out.
“It seems his hanahaki has halted in its growth. And has some form of memory problems.”
“Excuse me? Hanahaki?” He attempted to stand before falling back on the bed. “Since when have I had hanahaki?”
The man-bat had changed into normal clothes and was leaning against the door frame. Another man who was still in his black and blue suit answered.
“A couple of months, and you never told us who you were in love with.”
Tim leaned against the headboard, what if he never found out who it was? Would he get better?
Tim spent the next few days on bed rest, relearning who everyone was.
Dick stuck his head into Tim’s room.
“Tim, your friend Marinette is here. The one from Paris? She knows about our Identities.”
A girl came into the room and pulled him into the best hug he could remember.
“I told them you should have never gone into the field, and look what happened! You can’t even remember me!” She pulled him back to arm's length.
“Sorry about that, but how do you know about us? As far as I knew, it was family only?” He tried to fight back a blush, as he felt pain in his chest for the first time since his head injury. He found who he was in love with.
“I was a hero in Paris and needed help from the Justice League in defeating my villain. They sent you and a couple of other young heroes. I happened to befriend you as a civilian and figure out who you were.” She straightened his blanket nervously. “And we were inseparable since. I was the one who figured out you had hanahaki, but not who for.”
“Well, Alfred said it's stopped for now.”
“I heard. I also heard you’re expected to regain your memories, so it’s just a matter of waiting.”
“I guess so.”
A week went by with no progress, but Tim was learning a lot about his family. When his memories started coming back, it was random small things. Like his rooftop stalking before he had become Robin, or how much he hated Galas. Especially the ones with his parents.
The day Tim remembered the Tower incident, Jason knew immediately. He had confessed to Tim that he was dreading it and hoped he could forgive him again. The memories of Jason’s death came after, and with that Jason waking up to a crying Tim at four am. He remembered being forced out of the Robin mantel by Dick. And then accepting that Dick, the original Robin, was the best person to make that call.
When his suspicions about him loving Marinette were confirmed he went to Bruce. Bruce was in his office, working from home. He looked up, surprised when Tim knocked and entered.
“Hello Tim, what can I do for you?” Bruce closed his computer and waited for Tim to speak.
“I’ve remembered who it was. Who I like. But I also remember why I don’t want to say.”
Many emotions passed across Bruce’s face, but it settled on grim acceptance.
“You hate not knowing things, and as a detective have probably been working to try and figure it out,” Bruce said nothing but gave a slight nod. “I am more willing to say why I was keeping it a secret before my amnesia.” And he told Bruce.
“We’ll let Alfred know that the hanahaki could resume any moment now.” Bruce stood with Tim, and seemed to hesitate before speaking, “I’m proud of you Tim.”
Marinette’s schedule had allowed her another visit, and at this point, Tim had regained most of his memories of their Friendship (and his crush). His nerves were so bad that he wasn’t able to stomach breakfast, and he spent most of the day before she arrived wearing down the carpet in his room.
Petals were piling up in his bathroom sink, Alfred and Bruce the only ones aware of it. Tim hoped the problem would resolve before his siblings uncovered it though.
Tim was attacked from behind by a hug and fell to the ground.
“Ow! Sorry Tim, I don’t want to give you another head injury!” Adrien helped him stand, and Marinette was behind him rolling her eyes. “I’ll let you guys catch up, I’m going to find Dick.”
Marinette brushed invisible dust off of Tim’s shoulders as Adrien sped off.
“Sorry about that, he’s been really worried about you.”
“It’s fine, I’m glad to see him again. But I did want to tell you something really important. I remembered who I’m in love with-”
Tim was cut off from Marinette dragging him into his room, and closing the door.
“Has your Hanahaki resumed?”
“Who knows?”
“Alfred and Bruce. Now you.”
“Are you ever going to tell me who it is?”
“Well, if I do confess, it won’t be for reciprocation. It’ll be to heal because she’s sort of.. engaged?” Marinette paused, not fully comprehending what he said.
There was only one person Tim knew well enough to be in love with who was engaged. Marinette looked back up at a nervous Tim and started to cry.
After an hour of talking through the whole situation, Adrien rejoined them. And Marinette wasn’t one to hide things from her fiance. Tim was okay with that, expecting that anyway. The model wasn’t mad at all, just joking he fully understood why Tim fell in love. He was more concerned with whether Tim’s hanahaki had started to recede yet. Which it seemed to, the talk was very helpful. Marinette had scolded him for trying to be noble and suffer in silence. Tim had pointed out that he only had the hanahaki for a couple of weeks before she had gotten engaged, making him even more reluctant to speak to his best friend.
Tim made the announcement at dinner, by then there was only a faint pressure in his lungs. A group hug, started by Dick was done to celebrate. Followed by constant interrogation of who it was, their guests watching in amusement. Alfred had put a stop to that and served dinner.
Not all Hanahaki cases end in a happy ending, but Tim wouldn’t have changed anything about how his ended.
author's note: Hope you liked it! If you did, feel free to check out my other works on ao3!
And please feel free to join the Discord Server below!
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hikennosabo · 1 year
trimax vol 10 random thoughts (ch 1-4)
usually my method for writing these posts is to read the volume in full, then read it again while writing out my thoughts. sometimes i have to read a volume more than just twice. i don't want to read this one again... mom come pick me up i'm scared
also it's finally gotten to the point that i have to split this post up into multiple parts... lol
why is nightow recycling chapter titles. or is this a translation thing? we already had chapters titled 'wolfwood' (vol2ch4) and 'death omen' (vol6ch4)... heck, the first 'wolfwood'-titled chapter is DIRECTLY REFERENCED in this very volume... anyway.
chapter 1:
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this chapter cover FUCKS... it's just the punishers because this is all razlo is... a weapon. to chapel, anyway.
the bullet holes in ww's back... they've healed by now i think, but still, it's so visceral...
i don't know what to say about wolfwood's faith in vash that hasn't already been said. just. fuck, man.
can chapel die please please please please please youre nothing
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razlo getting in between chapel and wolfwood is... interesting. even if he just wants to prolong ww's suffering... i don't know. it's not like razlo cares about wolfwood, but, hmmm, i don't know. just something i wanted to point out i guess.
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...remind me to count how many vials wolfwood drinks when i rewatch stampede.
razlo's expressions while chapel is talking about how ww needs to die NOW while shooting him and stabbing him with the gun... hmmm... he's thinking...
chapter 2:
i like seeing razlo being pensive.
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the way chapel has his talons in razlo... razlo is so loyal to him because he literally shot himself to beg for razlo's life, but this line of thinking tells me there's also lowkey fear there. the level of obsessiveness for which he injured himself so badly is the same one that makes him want to hurt wolfwood so much and razlo knows it. this is how far chapel is willing to go...
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razlo... :( all he ever wanted was to be needed. and chapel fully took advantage of that.
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ww is trembling here. is this him trying to physically resist chapel pushing his head back or is he trembling out of fear...
chapel is the evilest motherfucker in this whole fucking manga. seriously, fuck this guy.
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melanie's words to wolfwood... despite it being a scolding, they're clearly coming from a place of love, not fear or anger. i think other people have already said everything that i could say about this. so instead i'm going to talk about razlo some more, since nightow made it a point to show us that he's listening to this.
i wonder what he's thinking... this chapter opened with him thinking about what happens to those who "betray" chapel... and he's observing this interaction, of a mother, a guardian, not reacting with anger, but with love, to seeing what's become of wolfwood. such a far cry from chapel's unbridled rage. melanie took care of razlo, too, technically. so i wonder if this is another... i don't know how to put it... another way that razlo's belief in chapel is being chipped away at.
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and wolfwood thinks of vash, and once again, vash appears. like he's answering his prayer again.
i said this last volume, but i love seeing vash use his feathers to protect. and use his powers willingly. of course i worry about him when he does it, but it's just such a powerful character moment every time. because it's for wolfwood.
chapter 3:
wolfwood reaffirms his feelings about vash - absolute faith, someone he believes in and considers a friend - but doesn't understand why vash would come for him. i'm feeling some type of way. it's mutual, you fucking idiot!!!
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razlo's smile is cute...
he's just excited to fight who he deems a worthy opponent... i wish the situation wasn't so dire...
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^ how it feels to read trigun maximum (eating glass)
also, i need to share that when i watched stampede for the first time, this is what i said, copypasted directly from the group chat:
"as if the giant cross he carries isnt enough of a death flag on its own, the glass vials he's drinking are like. major flying high death flags."
i was thinking along the lines of "a character taking mysterious medicine is a death flag," but little did i know that the vials would literally be his cause of death. i was closer to the truth than i thought.
someone in the tag said something about ww going "catholic beast mode" and truly this is it. chapel was REALLY sent flying... fuck you fuck you fuck you you deserved that. i do feel a bit bad for razlo though.
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a LOT of people have already questioned/referenced the theory that vash can literally hear ww's thoughts, but honestly i think this one is just a case of vash knowing ww so well that he understands what ww wants without doing that.
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i actually do, truly, feel bad for razlo though. chapel was the closest thing he has to a father. thing is, chapel was just as abusive and controlling as livio's parents were. not in the exact same way, obviously, but abusive all the same. razlo has just... not been in a good situation. like, ever. he doesn't know anything else. he didn't see chapel's abuse for what it was.
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*head in hands* VASHWOOD.......
they're so fucking stupid. they understand each other so well and yet so little. they can fight back-to-back seamlessly but fall so short when it comes to words. i'm going to cry.
chapter 4:
vashwood banter is back, but oh look, more dread. i've talked before about chapters that use familiar setups/scenarios but have an air of dread over them. 'colorless expression' was one. 'bastards and the blues' was another. i think this scene also falls into that.
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what if i microwaved myself.
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no!!! no silly expression!!! not when my heart is so full of dread!!!!
vash thinking about his feelings for wolfwood. i can't even articulate anything. i just want to cry.
"i wanted to see tomorrow with him." I WANTED. TO. SEE. TOMORROW. WITH!!! HIM!!!! i feel like shinji on the chair.
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he can feel wolfwood's body dying. what if i ate rocks.
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the way he clings so hard. he doesn't want to let wolfwood go, literally and figuratively.
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the embrace. the hesitation. what if i ate glass.
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the apology...... ww knows he's dying and he knows that vash knows. in yet another "i know he knows i know" situation. their whole fucking relationship.
i can't read this chapter without crying, fuck.
even razlo is like, "i want to fight both of you!" but even if vash joined wolfwood against razlo now, it would be too late...
i have nothing coherent to say. this post has become a record of my vashwood-induced mental breakdown, sorry. and we're only halfway through the volume...
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vidreview · 14 days
[originally posted october 11th 2023]
so, i watch a lot of video essays.
i started this blog with the intention of reviewing video essays at length, in the hopes of highlighting best & worst practices, discussing the history of the form, and using them as a jumping off point for personal/political introspection. but as time has gone on, i've found myself encountering more and more videos that i didn't have a whole lot to say about, but that felt worthy of a spotlight anyway.
WITH THAT IN MIND, welcome to video essay roundup, an occasional list of stuff i've watched recently that i think is worth your time. enough preamble, let's get started.
"Self-Discovery Stories | Video Essay" by Glouder Glens.
are you watching Sylvia Schweikert? i know you're not because its numbers are disastrously low. her video about it/its pronouns is a genuine work of art, a video essay about the dehumanization of trans people that seamlessly transforms into lesbian werewolf erotica. this newest video is just as beautiful and strange, not least because it's rendered in portrait mode like a tiktok. it's an honest, far-ranging and personal essay whose sub-300 views is genuinely criminal. seriously, seriously, Sylvia's an essayist you NEED to be paying attention to. it's making the kind of stuff that simply does not play well with the youtube algorithm, and that's the stuff that i live for. watch her videos and share them with your friends. give it money on patreon for gods sake! also definitely go watch her short film "Self Centered," it's a haunting and masterful work of art.
"More unremarkable and odd places in Mario 64" by Any Austin.
i stumbled across Any Austin a couple months ago and he's quickly become one of my favorite "it's time to relax" creators. his "unremarkable and odd places" series scratches an itch i never knew i had, as someone who loves exploring the least interesting corners of any digital world i find myself in. his other series involves calculating the unemployment rate of video game locations by talking to every NPC and deducing their employment status. the editing is calm, his tone is measured and matter of fact, and his sense of humor ties it all together. this is the kind of thing that used to be the bread and butter of video teams at outlets like Cracked or Polygon, before they were summarily laid off or pushed out. it's good to see someone else picking up that mantle in a way that seems relatively sustainable and isn't under the umbrella of a layoff-happy corporate enterprise (except for google of course, but we're all in that boat together aren't we?)
does this count as a video essay? i think that's a reasonable question. i'm inclined to say yes, with the understanding that there are many different types and genres of video essay. but that's a conversation for another day.
"On the Ethics of Boinking Animal People" by Patricia Taxxon.
i should do a full vidrev on this one honestly, but i can't do a post like this and not include it. if you play around in any sort of furry-adjacent fetish space, have opinions about the sexual proclivities of furries, or are otherwise prone to pearl-clutching as an outsider, this is an essential watch. Patricia here does a great job drawing attention to how even well-meaning defenders of, say, feral furry porn, often give up unnecessary ground to opponents with fallacious devices like the Harkness test. i've talked to a lot of fellow kinky furries who came out of this essay exalting in the joy that finally, someone said it! many of the arguments made here, especially in underlining that all furry porn is immaterial and imaginary, are thoughts i've had since i first made a furaffinity account in 2007 or 08 (though i swore up and down i wasn't a furry until 2019) but was always too afraid to express.
this is scary, sensitive territory, but that's what makes this such an essential intervention. this is the perspective of an autistic transfem furry who just wants to have an honest conversation without all the moral fearmongering and shortsighted kneejerk cliches that come up when a topic skirts dangerously close to taboos that we just, generally, refuse to talk about like adults. these are conversations that, in my experience, only ever happened among friendgroups with a long-established repartee and understanding of each other's boundaries, if at all. otherwise, even progressive supposedly kink-positive spaces can encourage a sort of cop-brained punitive attitude towards imaginary sex acts that very easily bleeds over into puritanical takes on, say, kink at pride. frankly, i'm sick of the language & rhetoric of Respectability, because saying "no, most of us aren't like the freaks" only ever results in a liberal block decrying the deplorables and subjecting them to further marginalization and abuse. it takes a lot of guts to make a video like this and i'm so, so glad that Patricia Taxxon stuck the landing.
"Who Is Killing Cinema? - A Murder Mystery" by Patrick (H) Willems.
i've already written two separate vidrevs on Willems, but what can i say? this most recent stretch of work focusing on the business and philosophy of cinema in the streaming era is good stuff. nothing in this particular essay is new per se if you've been paying attention to the business of hollywood for the last ten years, but it does a great job assembling the broad strokes of a lot of different-but-common arguments into one far ranging thesis. much like the prior two videos, i think this works as a solid introductory primer to a more materialist understanding of these trends for folks who aren't necessarily familiar with materialist theory. bonus points for wasting no time getting to the point, unlike his otherwise excellent video on the word "content."
alright, i think that'll do it for this video essay roundup! enjoy :)
[NOTE: as i'm migrating the archive, links between roundups will direct back to cohost. i probably won't get around to changing that until i write a new one.]
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grimmswan · 1 year
Love Bites (But So Do I) part 2
For Captain Swan Supernatural Summer 23
Once Upon a Time : Captain Swan : Supernatural Steampunk AU
“This situation seems dodgy to me.” Killian observed, looking over the file. “These attacks seem too well planned. Too calculated. The residents, as well as the staff, were never in the house during an attack.”
Emma agreed with her partner.
“The beast destroys the door getting inside the home. Overturns and breaks several pieces of furniture. But is careful opening up cabinets?” She looked at Killian. “When we’ve had to force our way into places, you’ve never needed to splinter the entryway door. It’s like this beast is going out of its way to prove its wild and violent.”
Sensing there was more to this case than simply a werewolf on a rampage, the two thought it wise to go undercover.
By blending in and mingling with the types of people who were targeted, they hoped to discover the truth about the thefts.
But first, they needed to visit a friend who would fit them out with reinforced armor.
Love Bites
“I think you’ll like this.” August, the second finest craftsman in the city, held up a sleeve made up of copper and leather. “It will fit over your arm when you’re in your wolf form. This will give you an advantage over any opponent.”
The leathers would do well to protect Killian from an attack.
Sliding it on, Killian shifted, getting a feel of the fit.
“You look incredibly sexy.” Emma purred, running her hands over his leathers and chest. “You should wear these at home. We can break them in.”
“Not just yet, you two.” August said with a laugh. “We need to make a few more adjustments for the fittings to be perfect. The last thing we want is your armor slipping off during a fight.”
While Killian dealt with his armor, Emma looked around the shop
“Is the werewolf your lover?” Geppetto, August’s father, and the one who taught the second best craftsman everything he knew, asked.
“He is my mate. My husband. My partner in all of the ways that matter.”
“He will be eternally devoted to you. If you should ever take another lover, he would likely go insane, and become savage. He exists solely for you, now. If you grow tired of him, it would be better to kill him, than break his heart. I would advise caution.”
“I’m not foolish enough to ruin my own happiness. I know what I have. And I know I would never find anything better. Anyone who tries to come between my beloved and I should be the one to take caution.”
“No one will take you from me.” Killian growled, coming up behind Emma and wrapping her in his arms. “I have lost too much. I won’t lose you.” He buried his face into her hair, deeply inhaling her scent, seeking comfort.
She lifted her hand and stroked the side of his face. Turning her head toward him, she looked at him in adoration. “My beloved beast. We will destroy whomever is foolish enough to try to come between us.”
They paid the craftsmen for the items, then said their goodbyes. Eager to return home.
Love Bites
Emma sighed happily as she laid naked on the bed. Her lover, in his wolf form, hovered above her with blatant hunger in his eyes.
She widened her legs and stretched out her form, placing her hands above her head, allowing her lover full access to her body.
He licked a long stripe up her body. Starting between her legs and moving over her stomach and breasts.
"Oh Killian," she moaned, "I love your tongue."
That seemed to encourage him to continue licking her.
She loved getting him riled up, so that he would pounce on her and ravage her.
She also loved it when he would take his time and worship her body with his eyes, hands, and tongue.
Emma discovered that the werewolf’s libido increased with the approach of the full moon. Though there was never a night where Killian didn’t want her, he always needed her the week before and the week after a full moon. In the days surrounding the slimmest moon phases, he was not as desperate to have her and Emma was able to play with and tease him for much longer.
There were times he would not be able to control himself. His desire for her would cloud his judgment, making everything disappear save for the urge to press himself to Emma.
She had to laugh at times when she would be doing something as simple as taking a dust rag to a high reaching shelf. Just as she had stretched out her body, Killian would be right behind her, rubbing his prominent organ against her ass.
“Emma” He would groan. Panting heavily as he tore their clothes from their bodies.
Sometimes he would simply wrap his arms around her and hold her to him as he thrust into her. Other times he would carry her somewhere, so he could have more leverage.
Emma was certain that if she hadn’t been a vampire, she would have horrendous bruises all over her body from her werewolf lover.
She could honestly say she had never been happier in all of her existence. Every moment was filled with joy, and immense pleasure.
The one thorn in her side was her ex, and sire, Neal.
They had only known each other a few months when he had turned her.
She had not consented to being turned. He had done it without her permission or informing her.
His motive? He had wanted to keep her young and beautiful forever.
He had assumed that she would stay with him. He had believed that she would be dependent on him.
He had been severely mistaken.
As a human, Emma had always been independent and resourceful. Being turned into a vampire did not change that.
It had not taken her long to figure out everything she needed to.
She had encountered another female vampire who had helped her adjust to her new existence.
Emma was in a junkyard, destroying everything as a way of stress relief.
The two had gotten to talking, and soon Emma had obtained a job dealing with nuisance to society.
Neal hadn’t liked it. Had repeatedly demanded that she quit, and return to him. That she owed him for the eternal life he had given her.
She had repeatedly told him that she wanted nothing to do with him. That she owed him nothing, except for a great deal of pain if he continued to bother her.
Neal had been especially livid when he discovered that she had been partnered up with a werewolf.
He had stormed into Nemo’s office, demanding that he fire Emma.
“As Emma’s sire, I have authority over her.” He stood as straight as possible to make himself appear taller.
He was still much shorter than the water demon.
“You have no power or authority over anyone. Even if I thought there was merit to your concern, I certainly wouldn’t dismiss the lady without reason. Sires only have influence over their progeny if the progeny has feelings for their sire. The laws of the vampires, and of the supernatural council make it clear; if Emma doesn’t want you in her life, then you won’t be in it.”
Neal was forced to leave. Obviously seething with anger.
He regretted turning Emma.
The strength of the mind, will, and spirit often lended to a vampire’s powers.
So though Emma was younger than Neal, she was stronger, faster, and more agile.
To put it simply, she was a more powerful vampire.
If he had kept her human, he would have had the advantage.
But he had feared her losing her beauty.
And now he had lost her.
But he vowed that he would find a way to make Emma obedient to him. 
And kill her werewolf lover.
He often said so right in front of them both.
Usually right before he ran away.
He was no match for Killian or Emma separately. Facing them together would be certain death for him.
They didn’t see Neal as a threat. But they also didn’t put it past him to find something that he could use to gain an advantage.
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thepariahcontinuum · 1 year
Worm power where you can temporarily duplicate inanimate objects and have full control over said copies (including telekinesis and a slight Thinker power giving them info on how it works as long as the copy exists)? The duration of the duplicate’s existence would depend on the size, complexity, and the cape’s familiarity with the original object. It’s not an extremely destructive power on its own but there’s lots of creative directions for it, plus the possibility of copying Tinker devices (albeit not for very long)…
Possible applications: copying a telephone box on the street and hurling it at an opponent, copying a rifle and instinctively knowing how to use it even with no prior training, etc. Very large or complex things would last under twenty seconds, but that’s still enough time to cause a bit of chaos or get the cape out of a jam.
Now the "Duplicate small items" part was actually an ability of one of my RWBY OCs, Grapeshot. he just used to turn every shot from his weapon into a full on salvo.
The telekinetic control makes it a lot more interesting however.... Now you said copying things like Tinker-tech but honestly I was thinking in the vein of mixing Shatterbird and Kitchen Sink (Still one of the best Cape names).
This is a Villain, someone of Mid-Tier in one of the major cities where Shakers run the show because the power is effectively a mid/high Blaster rating with Master and Shaker subcategories due to the control and potential scale, as well as a potential Tinker rating.... Although I personally like the idea of them not being able to actually use the Tinker-tech they copy.
Despite the power they're throwing around they still have the overall demeanor and vibe of a lovable rogue or one of the goofy golden age villains. This is a villain that quite a few people consider themselves fans of and has an air of being harmless because they copy things that turn their power into a practical joke.
After all, if you turn the containment foam angle back on the Heroes and PRT by creating literal rivers and tidal waves of lumpy porridge or tapioca pudding to bury them whilst robbing a bank it's funny.....the understanding that you could just have easily have dropped a tusnami of nails and shrapnel on someone and guided it telekinetically through the streets to react that Machine attack from the second Matrix film is just an implied threat.
This is also a villain who's smart enough to use that popularity and parlay into branding and marketing and merch in ways that Uber and Leet need to step up to....a popular trick is to make some genuine t-shirts and hoodies with their logo on and then copy them, throw them into the avalanche of copied stuff and let people grab em. Anyone who still has merch when the copies vanish wins and gets a Twitter shout-out.
Costume wise I'm thinking something in dark grey with bright green and some orange highlights and details.... Something asymmetrical with different textures involved that really shows off the chaotic vibe and is right on the edge of "What you can pull off without looking like a twat"
Cape name: Clutter
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blackcurlsgreeneyes · 10 months
As the Moon Sheds Its Shadow // Closed RP
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The announcement had gone up on all common room boards the day of, making it rather abrupt. But it had everyone excited enough that word spread, so Harry had no doubt that the Great Hall would be quite full despite short notice. And even those who might not have been inclined to join a Dueling Club were talking about it, clearly intending to attend, presumably because of the same fears that had prompted the staff to implement it to begin with.
"What, they reckon that Slytherin's monster can duel?" Ron asked dryly as they left study hall after dinner had been over for an hour, heading back downstairs among the throng. "Still, it'll be useful for more than just this year, I reckon."
"Considering that you two wound up accepting a duel from Malfoy last year with limited spell education, let alone dueling training," Hermione snorted, "yes, I think you might need it."
Harry frowned. "Huh. That reminds me, he's been quiet this year, hasn't he?" he asked as they entered the Great Hall. As if conjured, he spotted the blond across the room, sitting on the small risers that had been raised around a candlelit golden stage stretching the length with Pansy Parkinson, Theo Nott, and Blaise Zabini. His usual guard dogs were sitting off on their own.
"Maybe even he has to admit that You Know Who coming back wouldn't be ideal," Ron muttered as they took their places along the stage.
"I wonder who‘ll be teaching us?“ Hermione mused. "Someone told me Flitwick was a dueling champion when he was young—maybe it‘ll be him.“
"As long as it‘s not—" Harry began, but he ended on a groan: Lockhart was walking onto the stage, accompanied by none other than Snape.
Lockhart waved an arm for silence and called "Gather round, gather round! Can everyone see me? Can you all hear me? Excellent! Now, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little dueling club, to train you all in case you ever need to defend ourselves as I myself have done on countless occasions—for full details, see my published works. Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape! He tells me he knows a tiny little bit about dueling himself and has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration before we begin. Now, I don‘t want any of you youngsters to worry—you‘ll still have your Potions master when I‘m through with him, never fear!“
Lockhart and Snape turned to face each other and bowed; at least, Lockhart did, with much twirling of his hands, whereas Snape jerked his head irritably. Then they raised their wands like swords in front of them. "As you see, we are holding our wands in the accepted combative position, “Lockhart told the silent crowd. „On the count of three, we will cast our first spells. Neither of us will be aiming to kill, of course.“
Both of them swung their wands above their heads and pointed them at their opponent; Snape cried, "Expelliarmus!“ There was a dazzling flash of scarlet light and Lockhart was blasted off his feet: He flew backward off the stage, smashed into the wall, and slid down it to sprawl on the floor.
"Do you think he‘s all right?“ Hermione squealed, watching through her fingers.
"Who cares?“ Ron laughed. Lockhart was getting unsteadily to his feet. His hat had fallen off and his wavy hair was standing on end.
"Well, there you have it!“ he said, tottering back onto the platform. "That was a Disarming Charm—as you see, I‘ve lost my wand—ah, thank you, Miss Brown—yes, an excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape, but if you don‘t mind my saying so, it was very obvious what you were about to do. If I had wanted to stop you it would have been only too easy—however, I felt it would be instructive to let them see…“
Recovering, Lockhart went on, "Enough demonstrating! Time to give you students a chance..."
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purplesimme · 2 years
23 <3
23. "I didn't say kill him!"
TW: repetitive use of homophobic slurs
With time Wille has gotten better at gaming, all thanks to Simon, who kept pushing him to play TF2 with him even though Wille argued he fucking sucked. Simon didn't give a shit, he just wanted to play with Wille.
One afternoon at Simon's place, as they're sitting on the bed, they join a new lobby in TF2. Both Wille and Simon sporting a headset each, they say hi to the rest of their team as the round begins.
It's all professional gaming and strategy until one of their teammates yells, "Die faggot!" As they kill an opponent.
Simon flinches at the slur, and Wille is shocked into silence.
Wille mutes their mics and says to Simon, "This piece of shit did not just say that."
Simon has to pretend he's not affected by it. "It's fine," he says, though he doesn't believe it himself. "This game is full of assholes like him."
Wille frowns, that's not a valid argument. "He shouldn't be getting away with it."
Then they hear him talk again. "Fuckin' sissy, I'm gonna fucking kill him."
Wille reaches towards the keyboard to unmute their mics, ready to give this homophobic asshole a piece of his mind. But Simon is faster, grabbing Wille's hand before he can do it. "Don't bother," Simon tells him. "Really, it's not worth it. Lets just be done with this round and move on."
Wille isn't convinced at all, almost about to disobey Simon completely. "Fine," he says instead, not wanting to create unnecessary conflict. "But if he says something else--"
"No place for faggots in this game," the asshole says again.
And now even Simon gets fed up. "Okay, maybe someone needs to shut him up."
Wille takes that very literally, taking it as permission to act, going out of his way on the map to find this dude.
"What are you--" Simon begins to ask.
That's when Wille finds him, and immediately opens fire, shooting until his character dies.
Simon is speechless for half a second. "Why did you do that!?"
"You said someone needed to shut him up," is Wille's argument.
"I didn't say kill him!"
Wille gives no fucks. "Someone had to," he says, shrugging.
"Oh my god," one of their remaining alive teammates says. "WilleCP," he continues, refering to Wille's username. "Thanks for that, I was about to do it myself."
Wille quickly unmutes his mic only to say, "No prob." Then mutes it again. The teammate laughs.
Simon just stares at Wille, a big smile slowly appearing on his face. He's so in love, fuck, right now Wille is his knight in shinning armor. He has a feeling this is only the beginning.
Unable to hold back, Simon grabs Wille by the neck to kiss him deeply, game in the background completely forgotten.
"Thank you," Simon tells him sincerely as he pulls back.
Wille looks at him with a frown on his face. "Simon." His tone is so serious Simon is hypnotized. "You deserve better." Simon's heart skips a beat. "Don't let anyone make you think otherwise. I'll always be here if you need me, but know you have the right to stand up for yourself."
Simon kisses him again. "Thank you." Maybe he's getting repetitive.
Wille smiles against Simon's lips. "Do you want to keep playing?" Wille asks, though he's already sure what Simon will answer.
"Nope," he answers. "I wanna take your clothes off."
"Uh," the remaining teammate says. "I think you guys forgot to mute your mics."
They pull back instantly, Wille double checking and, surely, he didn't actually mute their mics when he thought he did.
"Oops," Wille says. Simon's stomach hurts with how hard he's laughing. "Sorry, man."
"Its cool," he says back, a soft giggle following. "Have fun, though. It was fun playing with you."
"Same here," Simon tells him. "Good luck on your next rounds."
Wille disconnects both their games, this time making sure he did so.
"What were we doing?" Simon asks, suggestive smile on his face.
"I was about to do you, actually," Wille answers him.
A shiver goes up Simon's spine. "Yes, please."
So Wille gets a hold of Simon to push him on his back on the bed, controllers falling to the floor, as Wille quickly moves to sit on Simon's hips. "Where should I start?"
"I need to lose the pants, like right now." Wille can feel Simon getting hard underneath him.
So that's where Wille begins.
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aritamargarita · 2 years
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*makes my return, all the things she said plays in the background, holds up women’s championship* HEYYY GUYS.
AGHGHGHG. that’s basically how i feel about this chapter. there’s a lot going on but at the same time everything is awesome. decided to just put attitude out first smh im already late asf on everything WHY NOT⁉️ i hate tumblr. sorry if this seems short i was scared to even post this bruh
now ik u guys are wondering. some superstars randomly disappeared (coughEDGEcough) but they’ll be back soon lmao..including more superstar appearances like nwo, eddie, all that jazz.
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You feel okay.
Like you’re hanging off the edge of a cliff. There is no way to get back up. Your only choice is to fall down.
You’re laying on the floor of the locker room. Nothing could ever replicate the feeling of Raven’s touch. No, nothing could ever replicate his presence.
You’re not even sure if you have the energy to go out for any matches anymore.
The sound of banging at your door doesn’t make you jolt even a little bit. Austin’s voice behind it doesn’t make you move a muscle either.
“Open this damn door!”
You still make no moves, instead tilting your head upward. The room is upside down. But the feeling of blood rushing towards your head feels fantastic.
After a few more minutes of banging, the door eventually comes off its hinges.
Wow. He actually took the door down this time!
You smile seeing not only Austin, but Debra coming into the room. There’s a cameraman right behind them, so you figure you have to play things up a bit.
“The hell’s gotten into ya’?!” He yells. There’s a scowl on his face but it only makes you laugh. “I don’t think this shit is funny...”
“[Name], I’m very concerned about you…” Debra trails off nervously. “You were rude to me earlier and Doctor Smiley said your session went terribly.”
Austin decides to yank you up off of the floor. All you have is a goofy smile on your face. He narrows his eyes at you. “Ya’ got anything to say?”
“I’ve never, ever, felt so alive.” You answer, voice calm and collected. “I think Doctor Smiley’s classes were enlightening. However…I’m sorry, Debra. If we’re being honest, Austin’s the one who started it. It was such a cruel, cruel attack on Raven, who was only participating in the exercise. I feel like Raven did no wrong. I feel like he does no wrong whatsoever.”
For a moment, the other two look at you in confusion, before brushing it off. Debra looks over at Austin and crosses her arms. “Do you have anything to say about this?”
Austin scoffed. “Listen, the guy was gettin’ a little too handsy. You would’ve done somethin’ too.” He doesn’t exactly apologize. “That ain’t the point. Chris Jericho’s my opponent tonight and ya need to get it together before we lose again. Do whatever ya’ can to help me out.”
You nod, the liveliness slowly coming back. “Of course! We won’t lose. There’s no way we’d lose.” For a moment, you feel like you’re back to your mood from earlier tonight. Just full of happiness and excitement to be here.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine. Totally don’t know what got into me. Listen, I’ll distract the referee or something!”
Debra seems fine with your apology, walking over to you with a frown. “Sweetie, let me fix you up a bit..” She tries to fluff your hair with her fingers, then dusts off your shirt a bit. If only she had an iron... “There’s dark circles under your eyes! Did you get any sleep last night?”
You thought you did. You wonder if earlier might’ve………….
“And pull your pants up, you look like Lita.” She points out.
“I’d look cute with Lita’s style though.” You sigh, pulling them up.
“The hell you would.” Austin cuts in. “I’m gonna get changed. Ya’ have 5 minutes to meet me in gorilla. I’m leavin’ if you’re not there.”
“Okay.” You give a thumbs up as he exits the now doorless room.
Debra gave you a small smile. “You can tell me anything, you know.” She says. “It doesn’t make sense for you to be so…you know. What happened after I saw you?”
“I’m just nervous.” You quickly say. “I uh, I keep hearing that I’m going to get a match at Vengeance. I’m not sure how to feel.”
“I see. Don’t let it bother you too much. I’m sure you’ll give whoever you’re going against what’s coming to them. I don’t want you walking around like you don’t have any sense.” Debra comes over one more time to make sure you look presentable.
“I’m frustrated with you two…but all I can ask is that you two try your best.”
Just as she asked, you’ll do your very best.
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RAW IS WAR // 8:49 PM
The sound of glass shattering was your cue. You follow right behind Austin, waving to the crowd as you go. You probably weren’t supposed to, but oh well.
Austin quickly gets into the ring and starts attacking Jericho with strikes. You want to hop on the ring apron for a closer look, but instead you stay outside of the ring. Austin irish-whips Jericho into the ropes but the latter clambers out to get some air.
Not for long though. You turn him around and slap him, reminiscent of a couple nights ago. Austin comes out and shoves Jericho into the corner of the steel steps.
He gives him a few chops on the chest and turns towards you. “Hit ‘em!”
You’d be more than happy to! You lick your hand before tearing it back and slapping him across the chest as hard as you could. The crowd sitting nearby winces at the loud sound.
You shake your hand out with a smile and smack him one more time before he falls to the ground in pain.
Austin takes back the reins, pulling Jericho up and slamming him into the guardrail.
That was enlivening! All you can do is laugh. Bringing him pain was the highlight of your night. You hope there’s more opportunities to rough him up.
Back into the ring they go. You’re on the outside, watching ever so carefully. The more you watch them go, the more you take notes. You think Austin’s wrestling style is a bit too hard hitting for you, but it’s still good to learn.
Austin attempts to hit Jericho with a stunner, but the latter reverses and tries hitting him with his own stunner. It fails, and Austin takes him down with a double leg sweep.
You jump for joy as Austin starts twisting him over into the Walls of Jericho. This is fantastic! Your partner has been on fire all night! He didn’t even need your help right now.
But alas, the moment is short lived as Jericho reaches over to the ropes, grabbing it and causing the referee to make Austin drop the hold.
Jericho was holding onto that bottom rope for dear life, so you come over and smack his hands. “Let go of the ropes!”
Austin stomps on his back and you take a step away. You could hear someone from the crowd call your name, so you turn on your heel to face them.
The girl from the crowd seems star struck, but nervously waves at you. You wave back. It wasn’t over, the girl ushers you to come closer.
She raises her voice so you can hear her. “D-Do you think you’ll get the Women’s Championship?”
That was a good question.
“I don’t know! You think I should go for it?” You have a big smile on your face, one that makes her feel more relaxed. “What’s wrong with Trish and the Championship?”
“I don’t really like Trish….” She admits. “I think you’re just the coolest! You’re awesome! Oh, hey, do you have a crush on Jeff Hardy?!”
It’s the nicest thing you’ve heard all night from a fan. “Thank you!” You exclaim. “Listen, Trish is a good champion though!” You’re not sure how to reply to the Jeff comment, after all, Raven is your one and only! “Mmm, I’m not sure.”
Jericho is getting the better of Austin in the ring. This time, he tries pulling him into the Walls of Jericho as revenge for earlier.
Turning your attention back to the ring, you felt scared. You hope he doesn’t tap out. Just incase, you hop onto the ring apron in an attempt to get the referee’s attention.
“Hey!” You call, giving a wave. “Over here!” You make a fuss long enough for Austin to crawl over to the ropes and grab it. Once you notice he’s got it, you jump off. The referee yells at Jericho to release his hold.
He does, dragging Austin to the center of the ring and tries to put him in the submission again. Luckily, Austin kicks him right in his face.
Jericho staggers for a moment, but gives the finger to Austin as he’s still down on the mat. He instead runs over to the ropes and jumps off to try and give him a moonsault, but Austin rolls out of the way and Jericho lands on his feet.
Austin recovers much to your relief, and before you knew it, he hits the stunner on Jericho. Just like that, you hear the crowd scream “1, 2, 3!”
The match was over!
You’re almost brought to tears. Even commentary refers to this win as something you’ve both needed. You roll into the ring, excitedly jumping up and down before holding your hands up.
Austin hesitates for a minute, unsure with what you were doing at first, but gives you a high five with both hands once he realizes. He then walks over to the side and catches two beers that were thrown at him.
He cracks one open and tosses another to you. You crack it open with ease. Now, you weren’t a big beer drinker, but the swig you took was the sweet taste of victory.
This is a night that we all deserve!
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RAW IS WAR // 9:01 PM
“That was awesome!” You yell, turning over to Austin. The camera pans over to you. “You won! No, we really won! I mean, when you hit that stunner, it was like BAM! Jericho didn’t even know what was coming to him! He tried it, then you got back at him! Like ugh!!!!”
Austin gives you a smile, a genuine one. He finishes his last bit of beer. “Hell yeah we did.”
Debra claps her hands for you two. “You two were wonderful tonight. Congratulations!”
“I say we go to McDonald’s!” You recommend. “In celebration! I can drive!” As you head down the hallway, you stop suddenly stop in your tracks.
“Ohhh my god.” You mutter, hitting Austin’s shoulder. “OHH MY GOD!!”
“What’s the problem??” He yanked away from you, a confused look on his face.
“Look! Down the hallway!!” You point. “That’s Bret fucking Hart!” You were completely starstruck, hell, completely in awe. The crowd too, popping for the mention of his name. “Oh my god.” You wanted an autograph. You wanted an autograph bad. Really bad.
Austin doesn’t even know what to say at first. For the first time in a while, he’s speechless. All he can do is laugh. “Ya’ serious?”
Debra gasps. “Oh my! We are in Canada after all, no wonder he’s hanging around. I can’t remember the last time I saw him…”
You’re still freaking out. “Holy shit. I think going to faint. It’s really him!”
The Rattlesnake realizes that you are indeed serious. He points a finger towards the Hitman. “You’re a fan of him? …Debra, you seein’ this shit?”
Debra hits his shoulder lightly. “Let the girl have this. He’s a good wrestler! Good man, too.” Austin crosses his arms and she threw her hands up in defense. “What? I’m just saying.”
He scoffed. “I’m your husband, god damnit.”
“I’ve seen a lot of your matches with him! In Your House was my favorite one!” You hoped you looked good, instinctively straightening out your shirt. It’s safe to say you’ve always had a TINY crush on Bret Hart.
Just a tiny one. He’s very inspiring!
“I really want to go say hi.” You say.
“Go ahead.” Debra lightly pushes you. “We’ll wait for you right here.”
Austin looks like he’s going through all five stages of grief in one fell swoop. “I need to take a blood pressure test. Debra, where’s the cuff link?”
The woman rolls her eyes at him, but you take a deep breath and head towards Bret. You need to hype yourself up. Make it seem like you’re really cool. You take a deep breath as the camera follows you over to his spot.
“Hi…!” You wave.
He turns around curiously, giving you a warm smile at the sight of you. You’re feeling lightheaded, good god. “Hey, how are you? Do I know you?”
“I’m greood! I mean, I’m great, good!” You inwardly curse at yourself for mushing your words together. You were nervous as hell. “No, you don’t know me. I’m [Name], a WWF wrestler. But I know you! You’re Bret Hart, and I’m a really big fan.”
“Really now?” He grins. “You’re really a fan? “Now that I think about it, I may have saw one of your matches as I was watching Raw. If you’re who I think you are, you’ve got some spunk to you.”
“Thanks! Stone Cold Steve Austin said the same thing to me, actually.” You say. “I’m like, his supporter or something. I’m just here.”
“He’s right.” He confirmed. “I think you’re a star in the making. You keep up the good work, you’ll win a title in no time.”
“I really want to. Gonna do the best I can with what I got for now.” It makes you think back to what that fan said. If you went for a title, you’d sure that she’d be elated. “I totally didn’t know you were going to be here! I-I mean I know we’re in Canada but oh my god. Are you wrestling tonight?”
“Don’t plan to. Maybe a promo or two.” Bret says. “I’m taking a bit of a break from wrestling, waiting for the right time to lace up my boots again.”
“Totally understandable.”
It’s quiet between you two before he puts a hand in his pocket, sliding out a pink pair of glasses. “Hey, I don’t suppose a big fan of mine would enjoy a souvenir?”
Was he going to give those glasses to you??? You look at him eagerly. Fuck yes, you’d enjoy a souvenir! “I don’t have a pen on me though.” You say. Even if he couldn’t sign it, you were just thrilled to even get something from him.
“That’s fine. If anyone asks, you can just tell them talk to me.” He reassured, sliding them on your face.
The clicking of heels makes you look over with a smile. Debra’s rushing over to you two with a disposable camera. “How cute! C’mon, let me get a picture. For the memories!”
“Can I get a hug?” You blurt out.
Bret nods. “Bring it in.” He puts his arms around you and you feel like you’ve just accomplished all your goals. That’s it.
….You’re keeping that picture for the rest of your life.
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RAW IS WAR // 9:05 PM
“Looking sharp!”
Your compliment makes RVD turn around, shooting you finger guns at the same time. He had his Hardcore Championship around his arms, completely drenched in sweat from his match.
You were going to give him a hug, but he was a little too sweaty for your taste. “You need a towel?”
“Two, probably.” He nods. There are quite a few sitting on a makeup vanity nearby, so you grab two and hand it over as requested.
Seeing him with one title confused you. “You won? Where’s that European title?”
“Yup. They changed the rules a little…Christian didn’t lose his title. I didn’t lose mine either.”
“That’s confusing.” You didn’t get why. Well, if they didn’t want to change it, they didn’t want to change it, oh well. “Whatever. Congratulations!” You cheer.
Again, you’d hug him, but you didn’t feel like changing at the moment. He’s still kinda sweaty!
“Thanks.” He holds his hand up for a high five, and you’re willing to give him one. Woohoo! Hopefully you’d be able to talk to him later. If there’s any tag team match, you’d definitely want him as your partner again.
A couple of minutes later, you find yourself back in gorilla awaiting Trish and The Rock. You were a little earlier than expected, so the Women’s Champion arriving first wasn’t a shocker.
“[Name], you’re early!” Trish chimes. “I’m glad you’re here though. I’m really scared. I hope we can win tonight.”
“I told you, I’ll be here to help! I’ll make it end in disqualification if I have to.” You reassure, taking her hand into yours. “Mr. McMahon is going to get what’s coming to him, I promise. I think his little club is disgusting and he needs a taste of his own medicine……Trish?”
“…I’m gonna kick our boss in the nuts.”
Trish couldn’t even respond before she fell into a fit of laughter. “No! Don’t do that. Actually, you’re more than welcome to. You wouldn’t believe the things he’s made me do. Bark like a dog…embarrassed me by dumping guck onto me with Stephanie and William Regal…”
“Don’t even get me started on Stephanie.” You groan. “She’s a witch.” You were lucky enough to have not seen her after your match. “Maybe Chris Jericho was onto something. I mean, bottom feeding trashbag hoe….what a choice of words.”
“You know, you two would be an unstoppable duo if you two became friends.” Trish points out. “I think it’d really work out!”
“Over my dead body. I’m not becoming friends with that egotistic self-absorbed asshole.” You roll your eyes, letting go of her hand.
Trish relents, letting out a sharp breath of air. “..Oookay! Maybe you guys should have a promo going back and forth….”
“You ladies look like you’re having a good time.”
The voice of The Rock makes you look over. You easily give a thumbs up. “Absolutely! Hello, Rocky!”
“….” He doesn’t know how to feel about your little nickname, but goes with it anyway. “Hey. Heard you were on our side tonight. The Rock appreciates that.”
It’s kinda weird to hear him talk in third person, but you roll with it too.
“Of course! I was just telling Trish that Mr. McMahon was gonna get what’s coming to him. You’re gonna win!”
And if luck is on your side, tonight would still be your night.
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YAHHH READER GETTIN IN THE MIX! IF THIS POSTED.. WOOHOO!!! split it up again im sorry but this really was just a test run, sorry if it’s a little all over the place grrr.
anyone down for a battle of words with jericho? im sorry but reader would eat him up so quickly
to make it better. i give you more raven in the next bit. and this time i will elaborate on why triple h gave reader lingerie LMAO
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crystalelemental · 4 months
I feel silly asking you this, but can you do a characterization analysis for Trace? I feel silly asking because A: you haven't played Let's Go, and B: I think I know what you're going to say about most of his team members (Marowak and his starter are obvious, Vileplume and Rapidash are third in line for BST for their types among the original 151 behind Blue and Green's Exeggutor and Victreebel and Arcanine/Ninetales, but I can't quite grasp why Slowbro's there.
Sure. I'll do it. Honestly, let's see if I know anything I'm talking about.
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Mercifully, Trace's team is identical between versions. I'm specifically using his rematch, because...prior, he only has three attacks. A Champion only has three attacks per Pokemon. I promise I will take no further shots at Let's Go.
The Lead (Pidgeot) What I really enjoy about this is that his mega is his lead. That feels very distinct from others, who would set their mega as their ace, or at least late in the game. Trace leading with the mega implies a sense of just going at everything with all he's got. There is no warmup, no assessment of the opponent's strength, it's just going full throttle out the gate, try to keep up.
That said, without knowing Let's Go's movesets, it's odd that his best STAB attacks are Quick Attack and Air Slash. These are fairly low BP, so despite that immediate presence at the outset...his approach is not particularly offensive. His moves are priority, flinch rate, and obvious coverage for Steel that would block him, with U-Turn to flee as needed. Which is quite defensive.
At least in my estimation, this is someone who is trying to show off, but isn't exactly reckless. He's aiming for a big display to put himself at an early advantage, but he's not leaving himself open to your counterattacks. He's cautious, perhaps even worried, about letting his opponent see past him.
The Ace (Raichu/Jolteon) It's interesting that Jolteon is the Eevee form he chooses. Makes my life easy I suppose. I know it's because he already had a Fire and Water type, but still. It's neat.
The big thing that stands out to me is Thunder. Thunderbolt is the more conservative effort, compared to Thunder, and is what you'd expect for someone leading with such a defensive play. Their coverage also includes a really risky move, in Iron Tail/Pin Missile. Brick Break/Shadow Ball are more standard, with Quick Attack being priority, despite being so naturally fast. ...do his starters have the same boosted stats thing your Eevee/Pikachu do? I guess not because they evolve.
As the finisher, this feels, to me, a bit more like desperation. It's aiming for clean OHKOs but risking everything on that swing missing. It feels more "nothing left to lose" than someone aiming to make a safe comeback. It's a sensible choice when you're down that far. When you're on your last, swing with all you've got, and keep every advantage in your corner you can. Yeah you're super fast, but if you need to get a sudden shot in, Quick Attack will do it.
Offensive (Rapidash/Marowak) Marowak is the more obvious one. Earthquake standard, Fire and Thunder cover the typical Grass, Ice, and Water weaknesses of Ground types, Brick Break is just a lot of super-effective coverage.
Rapidash has Flare Blitz, which is self-sacrificial, but its coverage is super awkward. Drill Run and Poison Jab aren't...intrinsically bad, but they're not necessary for Rapidash, they don't do anything for it. Its weaknesses aren't hit any easier, nor does it hit things that threaten it. And again, there's a Quick Attack in there.
Marowak is your most direct, perfect coverage offense. And it's slow. Rapidash has whatever's biggest, but is super fast. I think, taking all of this together, suggests that Trace is someone who's going to push really hard for an early lead, roll the dice when he's down to the wire, but his core is someone balanced. Rapidash fills in what it can because it's quick and can get first strike, while Marowak considers its matchups and tries to cover what it would need to cover. Offensively, these are about as good as we get, without putting some special attacks on Rapidash and aiming for Sunny Day strats. Which would be better offensive coverage! But the lack of that kind of effect suggests either simplicity, or that he's considering a bigger picture, given his Water type, and his Grass type would be even worse off. Although...
Defensive (Vileplume/Slowbro) Vileplume is an excellent choice, 10/10. Don't know how he got that version exclusive in both games but sure. Its defensive backbone is Reflect, which is a fun means of protecting the team at large from physical attacks. The rest is offense, including Sludge Bomb, Dazzling Gleam coverage, and...Solarbeam. Buddy. You should've run Sunny Day on Rapidash.
Slowbro has Light Screen as its defensive support, alongside Surf, Psychic, and Blizzard. Interesting to note, neither heals. Which is...odd. Boost defense so you can't be beaten down easily, but nothing to sustain yourself. I read this as someone who's not about to keep trying at something that isn't working. There's no point to healing and keeping in if you can't beat them, getting caught in The Loop. Just push your way through. He's willing to play his cards directly and make his move, but he's not going to languish on it.
Fun to note: both use the shield that boosts their worse defensive stat. Vileplume has better Sp Def, while Slowbro has better Def, so they're using the right shield for their weaker defensive stat. And it's here I think we can make an assertion.
I've done a lot of competitive in my day, and one of the hardest things I have to think about sometimes is your team's role. Specifically, I am someone who aims to balance defenses in this way. Sometimes it works. But often, you get more mileage on a defensive backbone by playing to a strength than a covering a weakness. And this feels like what Trace is after here.
Final Thoughts Trace is someone who aims to be balanced, and to make each individual Pokemon as good as it can be. This can come at the cost of overall team cohesion, however, as his consistent offensive Pokemon are slow and have no defensive merit, while his fast Pokemon are wasting coverage on ensuring they can drop priority. He runs highly inaccurate moves at times, sacrificing consistency for risky throws that may not be necessary. He aims to take an early lead, but by lockdown rather than ruthless offense. He aims to stick a finish, but through risky plays that could easily seal his fate. He's almost entirely offensive, only playing defensive for the sake of shields that prevent damage, but won't aim to heal off what he takes or extend the fight in a way he can't win. He's a simple, direct boy whose focus is pushing through and doing his best on an individual basis. I just think...well...
He's a worthy successor to Red. He has really strong picks, he has a generally sane approach, but counterpicking him is pretty easy. It's mostly raw offenses, a couple defensive tools, but ultimately, a lot of inconsistencies as a cohesive unit, in favor of maximum individual potential. The risks he takes are calculated, but man is he bad at math. Which is a little unfair, he is run by AI and AI doesn't switch. So maybe he's making the better call after all.
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