#‘i’ll surrender for court martial when i’m done’
acrowbyanyothername · 11 months
can’t talk writing a paper on john sheppard’s authority issues
a fic it’s a fic it’s a fic
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 219: Home Sweet Home Again
"Yes...oh Nana missed you both so much," Snow gushed, as she cuddled Hope, while Lucy sat between them.
"Yeah...so did Papa," David agreed, as he dropped a kiss on Lucy's head.
"Can we come on the next adventure, grandpa?" Lucy asked.
"Uh...well, maybe if the next one doesn't turn out to be so dangerous," he said.
"When does an adventure not turn dangerous with you two?" Henry asked in amusement.
"He has a point," Leo agreed.
"Well, hopefully you and your parents can come with us on the next trip to Boston, but we plan on being home for a while hopefully," Snow said, as she looked at her son and Elsa.
"We have a wedding to throw, after all," she said, as they shared her smile.
"I'm still the flower girl, right?" Lucy asked. Leo smiled.
"Of course you are," he replied.
"It's starting to get late, so we should probably be going," Ella said. They were all in agreement and said their goodbyes for the night.
Their three oldest children went home with their spouses, while their two youngest wanted to hang out with their new friends, JJ and Zia. With the promise that they would be home by midnight and that they stay in Storybrooke or around the reserve, which they agreed to.
That left Snow and David to their own devices and they soon found themselves enjoying a moonlit walk on the beach. They were in October now, so the air had a bite to it, but she was kept warm cuddled against him.
"No matter where we are...the stars at home are always the best. When we can see them anyway," Snow mentioned, referring to the clear night sky, which wasn't always a thing during the winter months in Maine.
"That's because it's home...even when it's below zero in the winter," he joked, making her smile.
"That just means nights cuddled by the fireplace in each other's arms," she purred. He smiled and kissed her passionately.
"Any evening with you in my arms is paradise, no matter the weather," he replied, as they shared another kiss. Before he became lost in her though, he heard a noise and his defenses kicked in, as he pulled his sword and leveled at the approaching person.
"Whoa...easy tiger, it's just me," Patricia said, as she put her hands up. He sighed and sheathed his sword.
"Sorry…" he said.
"A little edgy?" she asked.
"Can you blame me after everything we've been through?" he countered.
"Touche," she agreed.
"What are you doing here?" David asked.
"I'm sorry to intrude, but you two are really hard to get alone," Patricia replied. He rolled his eyes.
"I know, thus, why we're here...alone. We haven't been alone...in days," he complained. Snow smirked at that and Patricia shared in her amusement.
"And this won't take long, I promise," she replied.
"Days," David repeated.
"Charming…" Snow chided, as she turned her attention to the other woman.
"What can we do for you?" she asked.
"I had an unfortunate conversation with one of my superiors earlier today...on our way to rescue the two of you," Patricia said.
"What kind of conversation?" David questioned, as she proceeded to explain.
"General Mendoza...what can I do for you, Sir?" she asked, trying to keep the nervousness out of her voice.
"You've missed three check in calls, so you tell me, Major," the stern voice replied.
"I apologize Sir...there just has been a lot happening," she replied.
"And you were supposed to keep me up to date on everything happening. I let you run your operation with this mysterious David Nolan for the last two years, because you promised big things from him," he said.
"And he delivered, Sir. In his time at the bureau, David helped me take down multiple drug cartels, bust several human trafficking operations, and countless other violent offenders," she replied.
"And you think my superiors are happy about that!?" he yelled, leaving her speechless. She had always known there was a shadow government and had once done their bidding as most in the military did. But she was about to find out just how deep it went and how pissed they were.
"My superiors do not like surprises and they also do not like when there are places they cannot control. How long have you known about this Storybrooke, Maine?" he asked.
"A while," she admitted.
"And yet we had to hear about it the same way the rest of the world did," he said.
"These people are not of this world and would not welcome leadership from elsewhere," Patricia replied.
"Then they will be made to accept it! Like the rest of the world, we must infiltrate the United Realms under the guise of peace, and gain control," he said.
"With all due respect, General, this place is not like other places in our world. They will see right through any plot or supposed gesture of peace," she replied.
"Then you must convince them that this is the best course of action. We will even praise your super agent for all the good work he did tearing down our shadow operations if that's what it takes," he said.
"They will never fully trust me. I am on good terms with them, but they have been wronged too many times. This will not end well for us if we press this," she insisted.
"Oh, that is where you are wrong. The people above me are immensely powerful...more so than either of us can imagine. They are not people you say no to!" he roared. She swallowed thickly.
"I understand that, General, but forcing this issue could be an act of war," Major Donovan argued.
"I am receiving a lot of pressure from the people truly in power in this world and they do not tolerate what they cannot control. They want all your Intel and everything you inherited from the one known as the Collector," the General said sternly.
"And if I cannot or will not deliver that?" Patricia asked.
"Then you will be court-martialed," he threatened, as the line went dead and she pocketed her phone, before going up on deck.
"I knew it...I knew that I was being used," David said, with a touch of anger in his voice.
"No...if I had truly used you, then I would have never had you help me take down all the operations that we did. It flies right in the face of what these people really want," she replied.
"That doesn't make any sense," he said.
"Okay...the people that really run things, this shadow government, are responsible for all the conflict in our world. The wars, poverty, drugs, trafficking, disease...it's created by these powerful families behind the scenes," she explained.
"There is nothing in this world that these people don't know about...until Storybrooke. Finding out that it's been here since 1983 and they had no idea...that's not something that was easily swallowed by them. They're furious," she added.
"All of this sounds like a lot of conspiracy," Snow mentioned.
"Well, there is always some truth in conspiracies...and in this case, a lot of truth," she said.
"And these people...they were all investors with Clayton?" David asked.
"Yes...he would have never gotten away with it all without help from this Underground network. He liked to make you think he had all the power. But his connection to this group allowed him that power to run his operation," Patricia explained.
"But that doesn't make sense...because Clayton knew about Storybrooke. Are you saying he kept that information from them?" Snow asked.
"Exactly that...he managed to conceal Storybrooke. He wanted it and all its power, specifically the chalice, for himself. He managed to fool them all, which let me tell you, is not easy to do," she replied.
"He almost had the Chalice...and he could have easily destroyed anyone he wanted to with it," David said.
"That was probably his plan and now they know that, he's lucky he's dead," Patricia replied.
"Damn him...he keeps haunting us, even from beyond the grave. He's probably in the Underworld right now with that stupid smirk on his face, laughing at us once again," David said in frustration.
"What can we do to stop them? I mean, that's why you're telling us, right? If you weren't on our side, then you wouldn't be telling us? Or is this subterfuge?" Snow asked, as she looked at the other woman with scrutiny.
"She's right...our darker halves wouldn't trust you further than they could throw you...and I wouldn't either, except I did work with you for two years. We did put away a lot of bad people," David said.
"We did...people I wasn't supposed to put away. We're lucky to be alive, honestly," she replied. He rolled his eyes.
"These were their worker bees and agitators that we put away, but there are many more," she said.
"So you expect us to help you take down the rest of them? You're talking years of work and even more danger to my family," David said in irritation, as Snow took his hand, threading her fingers with his own.
"I know...it's unfair, but they will stop at nothing to get into the United Realms and once General Mendoza figures out that I'm not going to play ball, I'll have a hit out on me, which means taking them out is the only way we all survive," she replied.
"What do we need to do?" Snow asked.
"I have a team in place...you've worked with a few of them. They're ready to do the leg work once we eliminate these people in power," Patricia replied.
"So we help take out Clayton's leftovers and then we're out?" David asked.
"Absolutely...and the United Realms can be cut off from the world if you two decide that's what is best," Patricia replied.
"You know that requires that you give up everything you have on Clayton's operation," Snow said.
"I'm ready to surrender it all to you now. If I don't, it might fall into their hands," she replied, as she started with something wrapped in a cloth. David unwrapped it and revealed it to be a mermaid scale.
"This is a start," he said.
"The submarine is in the Harbor and the keys are yours too, so to speak. I'll turn over everything else too," she promised. Snow and David exchanged a glance.
"Then we'll help you take these people out if you really think it can create prosperity in the world outside here. All people should have that...not just us," Snow said. David sighed.
"We'll take these people out...it's our duty as truest loves, but then we're out. The cleanup of your own world is up to you, because we still have ours to protect," he stated. She nodded.
"That's more than fair," she agreed, as they shook hands.
"For tonight...I'll leave you alone," she said, as she walked away. He sighed again and put his arm around her.
"Guess there are more adventures for us, after all," Snow mentioned slyly. He scoffed.
"I think there will always be dangerous adventures for us," David said.
"Maybe...but we'll always face it together," Snow replied, as they shared a kiss.
"Come on handsome...let's go home so we can be really alone," she said. He grinned and with arms around each other, they headed home.
"Are you sure this is going to work?" Mendoza asked, as they prepared for a siege on the palace of Cyprus.
"Of course...you don't really think I'd rush into an armed castle unless I knew exactly what I was doing, do you?" John asked.
"I guess not...but would you mind telling me how we're getting through an army to take a soon to be King hostage?" Mendoza asked. John smirked.
"Hera has taken care of that for us with a light sleeping mist," he said.
"Hera?" he asked.
"Yes...it seems Aphrodite's stepmother is no fan of hers. She wants her happiness destroyed and in return for helping that along, we get what we want," he replied.
"You made a deal with Hera?" Mendoza asked in disbelief.
"Oh yes...and the riches that await us in this new land are hither to un-dreamt of," John replied.
"Then you have an escape plan too?" he asked. John smirked again, as there was a flash of blue and a fairy stood before them.
"Reul Ghorm," he said, bowing in respect to her.
"Your bean, Collector...make sure you hold up your end of our deal," she replied, as she gave it to him.
"Not to worry...when I'm done, Aphrodite will be a shell of her former self with her dead lover in her arms. She'll pay for whatever she has done to piss you and the Goddess Hera off and regret rejecting me for her pretty Prince," he promised. Blue smirked.
"Then safe travels and make sure it's a good show. I really want you to twist the knife in that sanctimonious little retch," Blue said. Mendoza looked at the fairy curiously.
"Why do you hate her so much?" he asked.
"The power of the chalice should be mine. Hera is his wife and I am his right hand, yet he allows such sheer power to remain in the hands of someone who has no interest in using that power for greatness," Blue replied.
"Look at her current charges. At least her first pair managed to defeat several great evils to this world like Gothel. But what has this second pair done but refuse to realize their power? It will not bode well for their future," she said ominously.
"They are fools...we agree on that," Mendoza said. John nodded.
"Thank you...and may we all get exactly what we want," he said, as she disappeared in a flash of Blue.
"How are we going to kill him? Just doing so conventionally in front of the Goddess will be useless if she can heal him," Mendoza said. John smirked.
"Not even her chalice can heal dreamshade, though I suspect after this, it will be something she ensures it can do," he said, as he showed the other man a thorn.
"Dreamshade?" Mendoza asked.
"A highly potent poison from Neverland. No one survives it outside of Pan's realm. One knick and he'll die slowly," he revealed.
"It's time," he said, as they moved onto the palace grounds.
Aphrodite appeared in the palace gardens and made her way inside Adonis' palace. She was returning from a visit with her father and was in very good spirits, knowing she was only days away from her wedding to Adonis. But she found the Throne room eerily quiet and empty.
"Adonis?" she called, but her words fell into the silence. She walked further into the room and then heard footsteps behind her. She whipped around and found John Clayton there.
"You…" she said in an accusatory tone.
"What are you doing here?" she asked.
"I've come to ask for a favor, Goddess," he replied.
"You will get nothing from me," she refuted.
"I figured that would be your attitude, so I have something in place to persuade you," John said, as a man she recognized as General Mendoza from the Dragon King's court came forth. But that was not the alarming part. The frightening part was that the General had her beloved held captive. He had clearly been roughed up and his wrists were shackled, as Mendoza held his sword to his throat.
"Adonis...let him go!" she cried.
"Your lover is free to go if you tell us the location of Cibola," he demanded.
"I told you...she doesn't know! If your own Queen won't tell you...then it's not information she wants you to be privy to," Adonis interjected.
"Quiet…" he snapped.
"He's right...I don't even know the exact location myself! Let him go!" she pleaded.
"And even if I did...not even I could access it," she added.
"You lie! We know the Dragon Queen has enabled access to it with the chalice, which means you are just about the only person other than her that could gain access," John refuted. She closed her eyes and contemplated her next move.
"Aphrodite don't...don't give into them," Adonis implored.
"Give us what we want or he dies," Mendoza threatened. A tear slipped down her cheek and she swallowed thickly.
"You'll need a bean," she said.
"We have one...several, in fact," John replied.
"How did you get magic beans? I thought only the giants had them?" Adonis asked.
"They do...but thanks to a friend, I was able to obtain a few without getting caught," John boasted.
"Enough...let's go," Mendoza said impatiently, as they prepared to travel to another realm.
"Stop!" a voice called, as Esteban entered the Throne room, with Zia and his most trusted adviser, Tao.
"You've committed treason against the crown, Mendoza," he accused.
"Cibola is out there and your Queen refuses to share it with the world!" he claimed.
"Cibola belongs to my people and I will not reveal it to anyone with greed in their heart," Zia refuted.
"Then he dies," Mendoza threatened.
"No!" Aphrodite cried.
"She's right...I will not let you kill him for something as frivolous as gold," the Dragon Queen agreed.
"Then tell us," he snapped.
"In my home realm, I have hidden Cibola near the lost island of Mu. On an island, shaped as a half moon, the gates of Cibola rest. It is in an ocean called the Pacific," she revealed.
"You'll give us coordinates and access," John demanded. Zia used the chalice to produce an enchanted map and handed it to him.
"Now let him go!" Aphrodite cried, as John nodded and Adonis was released. Aphrodite ran into his arms and she kissed him passionately. He smiled at her, before suddenly collapsing in pain.
"Adonis!" she cried, as she looked him over for wounds and lifted his tunic, finding scary black veins covering his torso.
"What have you done!?" she screamed.
"It's nothing personal, my dear...but someone ordered that he must die. I do apologize for choosing dreamshade as the method, as it's quite excruciating, but I could not have you healing him," John said, as a portal opened and they disappeared.
"Adonis...stay with me, my love…" she cried, as she tried to heal him. But nothing worked.
"Adonis…" she sobbed.
"It's okay…I love you," he rasped.
"No…I can't lose you! I can't!" she cried, as Zeus appeared.
"Father...please help him!" she pleaded.
"Oh my sweet girl, you know I would. But even dreamshade is beyond my power," he said sadly, as she held her beloved and he took his final breath. He scream rattled the walls and shook the ground beneath them, as she died inside again.
Present Day
The four of them came out of the theater and began walking along the streets of Storybrooke. It was about ten and there were still a few people out and about.
"That was a good movie," Summer mentioned.
"It was, but I have to say, all the adventures I've been on with you and this family lately kind of makes movies a little less exciting," JJ admitted.
"Yeah...we feel that way a lot. No movie can compare to our crazy lives," Bobby agreed.
"I don't know, it was pretty exciting, but then I haven't been to a theater very many times," Zia mentioned, as she smiled at Bobby.
"Um...so you wanna get some ice cream? My Uncle Dopey runs the shop," he said.
"Sure," she replied, as JJ heard his phone chime and he sighed.
"Is something wrong?" Summer asked. He sighed.
"Just Nora...live on some podcast. Probably skewing all the details of everything she just saw," he replied.
"I'm sorry…" he apologized. Summer shrugged.
"It doesn't bother us," she promised.
"I know, but she can never see the good in anything," he complained.
"It seems that way right now, but she may come around. It will just take time for her to see the truth," Summer said.
"I don't know...you don't know Nora," he said skeptically. She smiled.
"No...but I am the granddaughter of a woman that used to hate my mother with a blinding passion. If the Evil Queen can change...I believe Nora can too," Summer said optimistically. He smiled.
"Does that optimism just come natural to a Charming?" he teased. She smiled back.
"More than you know," she said.
"Except Emma and Leo have their moments of skepticism," Bobby reminded her.
"Sure, but some of that is just an extreme lack of tact, which we know comes from Daddy," Summer said, as they arrived at the ice cream shop.
"Wow...so you saw it all? A City made entirely of gold?" the podcaster questioned.
"Yes...as you can see from the high resolution photos I took. I will most likely have the FBI all over me for releasing the information and photos, but I could care less," Nora replied, as she participated in the podcast from her room at Granny's on her laptop.
"So a lot of my listeners want to know about the company you're keeping these days," the podcaster. Nora snorted.
"Let me guess, more saps obsessed with the great love story of Snow White and Prince Charming," Nora said with an eyeroll.
"There are many that have been caught up in that aspect, yes," the podcaster agreed.
"Well, they'll be happy to know that, though I don't really believe in love, theirs appears to be very genuine, to the point that I think they're both insane," Nora replied. The podcaster chuckled.
"Not a fan of true love, I see," he mentioned.
"Not even a little...and their kids are just strange," Nora said.
"But the magic...that has to be pretty cool, right? I mean, we all saw it during that insane battle," the podcaster replied.
"I suppose it's impressive, but honestly, these people are more trouble than they're worth," Nora said.
"Then you're in the camp of people that think we should fear these people. That they could bring about some kind of apocalypse on us?" the podcaster asked.
"Haven't they already? I mean, look at what happened in Seattle and then in Boston," Nora reminded.
"Fair point...they have unleashed this mysterious demon on us, after all and he already has a body count," the podcaster said.
"And that's just part of it. Apparently, Snow White has some insane doctor obsessed with her too," she reminded him.
"Ah yes...we've all read the book. I have to say, I don't think any of us would think a literary character such as Dr. Jekyll would be in hot pursuit of none other than Snow White. He has a body count as well," the podcaster said.
"Yes...and I know many are enthralled by this love story, but I think we should be asking if the possible destruction of our world is worth it for these people," Nora replied.
"Another fair point," he agreed.
"This pair does seem to go easy on some of their enemies," he added.
"Exactly...and that probably won't bode well for the rest of us," Nora agreed.
"Well, thank you for joining us tonight, Ms. Bradley," he said, as her segment on the podcast ended. But the podcaster would plug her social media and she was already lightning it up with all her photos and reporting. This was going to be the moment where her career as an independent investigative reporter took off.
Xander found himself unable to sleep and made his way down into the common room of the castle. It was taking some getting used to living in such a place, but he didn't dislike it. He was just glad his son still wanted him under the same roof, especially with how angry he had been at finding out about more of his past. As he entered though, he found that he wasn't alone and saw Thalia having a drink.
"Hey…" she muttered.
"Take it from someone who knows first hand...that stuff is not going to make anything better," he admonished.
"Your son will forgive you...but my daughter," she said.
"Our daughter," he corrected and she gave him a look.
"Our daughter," she relented.
"Won't be so easy," she said.
"She'll come around. Clayton was manipulative...and his son is the same way. That family has been manipulating this one from the moment I met him," he admitted.
"Mine too…" she agreed.
"Then let's end that now. Our daughter may be grown, but we can become a united front. She's been hurt by him too," he mentioned. She nodded.
"I'll drink to that," she said, as she finished her drink.
"I'll pass on the drink, but I'm with you. If I've learned anything from my son and I've learned far more from him than he ever learned from me, is that love heals," he said.
"And by the way...had I know about her, I never would have walked away," he added, as he left her to her thoughts.
The moment they arrived home and were in their bedroom, their passion consumed them, ensuing in several bouts of lovemaking. The fireplace burned brightly in their bedroom, for it was proving to be a cold fall night in Storybrooke, but it couldn't have been hotter in their bed chambers. Their bodies moved together in an incredible sync that only they could ever achieve. Every kiss, every touch, every movement brought pure pleasure and expressed their incredible love in the purely physical manner. The sounds punctuated that feeling of that pleasure. Limbs were entangled and lips were locked, as they found completion, not for the first time, together in the most euphoric experience possible. Their insatiable need for each other led to several comings, until they finally collapsed in sated bliss together beneath the sheets, still thoroughly entwined. Kisses were soft and caresses were intimate, as they bathed in the ecstasy induced afterglow.
"Oh baby...that was…" Snow breathed, as she rested her head against his chest.
"Yeah…we have some pretty good stamina for two people that should be old and gray by now," he joked, making her giggle.
"Well, if that was old people sex, then wow…" she joked, as they shared another smile and a kiss.
"Wow indeed," he agreed, as they cuddled together. She sighed.
"Are you worried about everything the Major told us earlier?" she asked.
"A bit...but no matter what, our love always seems to win," he said, as he kissed her shoulder.
"Mmm...after this, I think it's best though. I'm just not sure this world will ever accept us as just people. They're treating us like we're aliens or something," she mentioned.
"Yeah...even the ones that seem enthralled by our love story take it to the creepy level," he said.
"I think I'd be more than okay with staying in the United Realms once this is all over, but I know that you liked your work when you were an agent," she replied.
"I think I'll always have plenty of policing to do here in the United Realms. I liked my work, but I love being with my family and my beautiful wife more. There's nothing I'll miss out there, because everything I love is here," he promised, as he pecked her on the lips. She smiled and kissed him again, as their love consumed them once again.
"And...good morning, United Realms! It's a cool October day, which means fall is in full swing here in New England and the foliage is at its peak beauty," Le Fou said.
"In other words, Le Fou is just trying to distract you from the fact that we live in Maine and winter is coming," Goldilocks replied, as he gave off a fake chuckle.
"Aw, come on Goldie...you don't let a little cold bother you, right?" he joked.
"A little no...but Maine's winters are ridiculous, am I right people? I mean, if I had one question for Queen Regina, it would be why didn't you curse us to sunny California?" she commented, making Le Fou laugh again.
"She's got a point, but hey, there's no snow yet and that's something. Well, fellow United Realmers, our esteemed leaders have returned! Yes, they were spotted at Granny's Diner last night and as usual, they didn't come home without bringing new things with them," Le Fou said.
"Yes...and for that we go to our reporter in the field, Scuttle Seagull, who of course, isn't a seagull anymore and but still travels like he has wings to keep us all up to date on all the happenings in the United Realms," Goldilocks said.
"That's right Goldie...I'm the one that sprouted legs, thanks to the good curse, and now I am an intrepid reporter, who seeks information now instead of fish!" he joked, though it was doubtful anyone was laughing.
"Right...so what can you tell us, Scuttle?" Le Fou asked.
"Well, it looks like our esteemed leaders have gone and added an entire new realm!" he said, as the camera panned to the newest addition.
"We have been told that this is the island of Mu, which is inhabited with a mysterious tribe of people and behind that, even more spectacularly, is Half Moon Island, which is home to none other than the fabled Cibola. Yes...a city made entirely of gold," he gestured grandly.
"Wow...that's impressive," Le Fou commented.
"Yes, it's not often that Snow and Charming bring us anything but complete mayhem, but the day is young," Goldilocks said. Le Fou chuckled.
"Very true...you never know what calamity will happen in the United Realms. Moving on though, we go to the weather…"
"Ugh...seriously, these are the best reporters they can find?" Leo complained, as he turned off the television.
"Yeah...it's a lot of opinion and not so much reporting," Elsa agreed, as she braided her hair at her vanity. He leaned down and kissed her neck.
"It's good to be home," he purred. She smiled and slipped her arms around his neck, as she stood up.
"Yes...it is. I missed you," she said, as she nuzzled her nose with his own.
"I know, you showed me last night," he replied slyly.
"So...let's have an encore," he purred and she smiled.
"That sounds nice...but we have a wedding to plan," she reminded him.
"Okay...but I need pancakes first if I'm going to go through a day of wedding planning. I mean, I love my Mom, but she's probably already hired a pyrotechnics specialist to do all the fireworks or something," he said. She raised an eyebrow.
"You really think she's going to have fireworks at our wedding?" he asked.
"Uh...if we're going to get married, then we need to do it right," he replied, making her laugh and she pecked him on the lips.
"I love you...let's get you some pancakes," she said, as they joined hands and left their chambers together.
Natalie splashed some water on her face and brushed her teeth. Her morning had started out horrid, as she found herself throwing up and wondering what she had eaten to upset her stomach so much. She decided to shower and then find the kitchen for something to settle her stomach, hoping that whatever it was, passed quickly.
After losing Adonis, Aphrodite fell into a deep depression. She spent most of her days alone in the tiny cottage outside Cyprus where she had lived before meeting Adonis. Zeus thought it would take a few years for her to come around, so he let her be mostly, visiting her as often as he could. He had sent Blue to check on her once, but that ended explosively, as his daughter still blamed Blue for leading the Black Fairy to her, which resulted in Anchises' death and the abduction of their son. He did not and could not know of Blue's real role in that, as not even Aphrodite recalled her or Hera's traitorous deeds that took place. Nor did either of them know about Blue conspiring with John Clayton and giving him the beans to escape the realm. The fall out of Adonis' demise had destroyed her and once again, he felt helpless. But this was a curse not even he could break, thus why he had charged his eldest daughter with finding a way to circumvent it. And he had hope that she was onto something. Athena was a prophesier and he only hoped a solution was bestowed upon her.
"Father…" Athena said, as she came to him on Olympus that afternoon. He continued to lament over Aphrodite and all that had befallen her. Her grief had not lasted but a few years, but hundreds now. Her second charges had been cut down in their prime and the chalice was void of champions. And he had to do something to bring her out of her misery.
"Please tell me we have hope for her," he pleaded.
"That is exactly why I am here…" Athena replied.
"Tell me…" Zeus said.
"Do you remember when Dione spoke of the eternal spark?" Athena asked.
"Yes...she also called it a divine spark. It was a prophecy she decreed about a first spark of true love. But that it would happen between two mortals before they even know each other, much less fell in love," he replied.
"Yes...they will be champions of true love and even greater than their predecessors. They will face evil like none before and win with the power of true love," she said.
"Yes…I'm familiar and if that prophecy had come from anyone other than my beloved Dione, I would have scoffed at such notions," he replied.
"The eternal spark will happen...I received the prophecy. Their time of conception is near and Aphrodite will be needed to soon guide them, from the shadows at first, of course," she said.
"She is in no state of mind to do so," he refuted.
"I know...that is why we must wipe Adonis from her memory and change her story," Athena declared. He looked horrified.
"She would never want that...you know that," he said.
"I know...but the fate of all the realms may depend on it. Because her destiny and her true love's will be entwined with this pair's," she replied.
"Why? What is different this time?" he questioned.
"Because her true love will be reborn as the twin brother of the male half of her new champions," she said.
"Why does it matter? She is just cursed to lose him again anyway," Zeus said in frustration.
"Maybe not if we play this right...my visions were clear. Her new champions may be instrumental in helping them to break the curse this time," Athena replied.
"How?" he asked.
"You know I don't have details much beyond that. It never works that way, but dark forces are already rumbling. It's almost as if they feel the light that is about to be born, which is why we must act," she replied.
"And this pair...what will make them so special?" he asked skeptically.
"Well, to start, they will have their first spark, before they even meet. He will come from nothing, but be more remarkable than any born into royalty. He will be handsome, noble, and fight for good. She will be born a princess and upon first sight of her, she will be declared the fairest in all the realms," Athena added. He snorted.
"That sounds like a curse on its own. My daughter's own beauty has caused much of the wrong kind of attention," he complained.
"And it may be. She will entrance men that already have madness in their heads, but her heart will belong only to one...her beloved. But I fear that once the evil senses their spark, they will stop at nothing to destroy this pair as they have with the previous ones. Because this one...will spell their end," Athena decreed. He sighed.
"I am almost afraid to ask, but what must we do?" Zeus asked.
"We leave her memories of Anchises and her son. As usual, when she meets him again, her memory of Anchises' physicality will be blurred. Then we erase the rest," she said.
"The rest? You can't mean…" he started to say.
"We have to, father...she must be so focused on making sure nothing cuts this pair down. In the end, the breaking of the curse will restore her memories and then her true love cannot be taken from her again," she replied.
"Then she will not know I am her father…" he said sadly.
"But one day, she will again, I promise. For now, she must believe her purpose for existence is to champion true love and this coming pair. This pair...they will change everything. They will save many, including Aphrodite and her love," she promised. He sighed deeply.
"I hope you are right...proceed with this plan," he said sadly, as he looked at his precious daughter through the viewing pool.
"Give me strength to see this through, my love," he whispered to Dione.
After breakfast, Snow and David made the dreaded, but necessary trip to the prison to make sure everything was secure with the newest detainees.
"Are you sure you want to come to the barracks with me?" he asked, as he looked over the logs.
"I am...it helps me see that the worst are where they belong, especially Blue. I have words for her," she replied. He couldn't argue with that, as he signed off on the logs, which was part of his job as supreme Sheriff. He took her hand and they took the elevator up to the top level. There were sneers from their newest residents.
"At least your new home doesn't have a bunch of deadly radiation poisoning your bodies, so you're welcome," David commented, as they passed by those cells.
"Well, well...Snow White and Prince Charming have come upon their prisoners. I do notice there is an empty cell up here. Could that be for someone special?" Dr. LaGuerra asked.
"Another certain Doctor that continues to haunt you, fairest?" he goaded, as David grabbed him by the collar, slamming his head against the bars, causing him to cry out in pain.
"How many bones of yours do I have to break before you keep your mouth shut?" David growled, as he shoved him away.
"And for your information, no that cell isn't for Jekyll, because I'm going to make sure he ends up in the morgue. And you'll join him if you even look at her again," he warned, as they kept walking.
"Well...she is quite a vision. She seems to cast a spell wherever she goes, much like the Goddess. My father was obsessed with the chalice and Aphrodite...and later the two of you," Johnny said, as they passed by him.
"He always wanted to mix his bloodline with that of the Charming family," Johnny leered, as his eyes swept over Snow.
"That will never happen and if you keep looking at her like that, I'll gouge your eyes out," David warned, as they moved on, but Snow didn't like the smug smirk on his face.
"Well, well...the Charmings have returned," Blue said, as they arrived at her cell.
"We wanted to see this for ourselves, though I'm not surprised that Fandral bested you," David replied.
"Trust me...when I get out, I promise to make the Asgardian scum and his little waif pay," she said. She looked terrible. Her makeup had run and she hadn't bothered to wash her face of it, making her look almost comical. She wore a blue prison jumpsuit and her hair was a frazzled mess.
"Wow...you look like hell," David said in amusement.
"Oh, you'll know hell when I get this cuff off...you both will," she hissed.
"What has happened to you? I mean, you've been shady before, but this outright evil is alarming, to say the least," Snow mentioned. Blue smirked.
"Oh honey...this is the real me. But I didn't hate you when I felt the spark occur between the two of you. I saw an opportunity...two idiots to manipulate," she said.
"Well, that didn't happen and now you're going to pay for your crimes. You'll be tried in a royal tribunal and if found guilty...you'll spend the rest of your life in prison," David declared.
"Do your worst...because neither of you have the guts to sentence me to the death penalty and that means, given the chance, I will escape and destroy all of you," she promised.
"No...you won't," Snow interjected, as she looked at her husband and swallowed.
"As Queen...I have the power to up your sentence if you're found guilty and if you are convicted of treason, you will face death," Snow decided. It surprised David a little, but he knew they had been through enough to know that Blue was too dangerous to be kept alive, just like Jekyll. Blue smirked.
"There's that darkness...be careful, Snow White, or your heart will end up as black as mine. I would relish that," she hissed.
"No...never. Your sentence will be justice, not darkness. There's a difference," she said and Blue frowned.
"Kill me...and I'll haunt your dreams, Snow White! I'll help the doctor invade your mind and terrorize your every sleeping moment!" she warned, as David led her away. Snow shuddered at her words.
"I'll help Jekyll invade your mind and you'll know no peace! I'll torture you!" Blue promised, clearly having lost her sanity and he felt Snow shudder again beside him.
"Guards!" he called.
"Take her to solitary! She'll remain there until her tribunal!" he ordered, as he held Snow closely and led her back to the elevator.
"Is execution really the right decision?" she asked in uncertainty.
"Yes, my darling...she's a treasonous snake that just threatened a Queen," he reminded her.
"My Queen…" he said.
"What if she can haunt me from beyond? We've had crazier things happen," she told him.
"We will talk to Gold and Regina. We'll make sure she can't, even if we have to go visit Nyx ourselves to make sure her soul isn't allowed to run free in Underbrooke," he promised, as he kissed her forehead and led her out. He hoped that spending the rest of the day planning their son's wedding would help her de-stress and relax.
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astromilku · 5 years
it’ll all be okay - steve rogers x reader pt. 1
pairing: steve rogers x reader
summary: as the battle of wakanda comes near, steve has something to tell (y/n).
word count: 4.5k
warnings: ANGST. fluff? sad boi stevie. sum language. 
notes: so this is my first fic... idk how this is all gonna work out. this is unedited simply bc i suck at editing. i wrote this bc i was sad about endgame so i decided to make myself even sadder... i hope you enjoy! 
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It was coming to an end, and (Y/N) knew it was.
It had been a few hours since Steve, Natasha, Sam and her had rescued Vision and Wanda, who’d been attacked by the two aliens. (Y/N) and Sam were currently getting ready to start flying the quinjet to the Avengers HQ in New York.
“I thought we had a deal. Stay close, check in. Don't take any chances.” She heard Natasha say to Wanda as she hit the button to close the doors of the quinjet, sighing a bit to herself as she flicked a few switches. “Natasha, go easy on her...” (Y/N) murmured softly after Wanda said that they’d just wanted more time, glancing back at Wanda with understanding. Wanda sighed as she looked at (Y/N) in thanks before sitting down and getting strapped in after she helped Vision into his own seat.
“Where to, Cap?” Sam asked once the quinjet was ready for take off, glancing back at Steve as he waited for his answer. “Home.” Steve responded, making Sam nod before turning back to the console. “Roger that.” (Y/N) said with a humorous tone in her voice, making Sam snort from the pun she’d just made. “Perfect timing Mrs. Rogers.” Sam said with a glance back at Steve as he made the quinjet take off, knowing that Steve had been planning on proposing to (Y/N) before Thanos and his crew decided to come to Earth. “Just focus on getting us to New York.” Steve spoke, sounding a bit annoyed with the joke, simply because he was in fact, planning on proposing and he wanted to get this Thanos stuff done and over with as soon as possible so that he could do so. “I’m sorry hun, just trying to lighten the mood a little.” (Y/N) sighed, keeping her eyes focused on the sky as the quinjet took off into the dark sky.
It’d had been a couple of hours since Sam and (Y/N) had made the quinjet take off. About three hours into the seven hour trip, Sam had verbally pushed the superpowered spy out of the co-pilot’s seat so that she could go rest a little bit before they arrived in New York. Sighing a little, (Y/N) got up before stretching a little. The (H/C)ette then made her way over to Steve, who was sitting close to the pilot’s console.
“Hey soldier, how are you feeling?” (Y/N) asked as she sat down next to the super soldier, taking his much larger hand into her own. “I’m just thinking…” Steve answered his girlfriend of three years, bringing their interlocked hands up to press a gentle kiss on her knuckles. “Well don’t think too much, we’ll figure this all out, alright?” (Y/N) tried to reassure the captain, not entirely believing her own words. “Yeah I know doll, but I can’t shake the feeling that we might not win this one.” Steve responded, looking at her with sad, tired eyes before continuing. “I just want this to be over. I want us to go off and buy a little house on the outer banks of New York and just live happily ever after there. I don’t want to keep doing this anymore. I’m just so tired.” Steve finished, pulling (Y/N) close to him, his arms wrapped around her tightly. “Don’t worry baby… we’ll get there. I promise, after this we can retire and live happily ever after.” (Y/N) responded, nuzzling closer to Steve before looking over at Wanda and Vision, feeling loads of sympathy for them. She understood how hard this all was on them.
See, much like Wanda, (Y/N) had energy manipulation and telekinesis, but also had the ability to manipulate shadows — an ability that helped her as a spy greatly. However, using her powers tended to tire her out immensely after an hour or so, depending how intensely she was using them. Only because she’d had her powers for a short amount of time.
(Y/N) had grown up in a family of ‘Hydra’ spies that were secretly working under Nick Fury’s command. Hydra had found out after a mission had gone sideways, and murdered her whole family at the age of ten. They then took her, seeing the potential in her and put her under Strucker. There, she underwent training similar to the red room, except much more brutal. On top of that, they had her undergoing experiments that the Maximoff twins had gone through. She’d passed through all of the experiments and completed all of Hydra’s training after about eight years. Two years later, all the events of Ultron had happened and (Y/N) finally got out of Hydra with the help of the Avengers (mostly Steve). While in Hydra, (Y/N) had gotten close with both Pietro and Wanda, becoming like an older sister to them. So when Pietro was killed, she’d felt it, although it wasn’t as intense as Wanda.
When the accords popped up, (Y/N) and Steve had recently entered a relationship after realising their feelings for each other. However, (Y/N) ended up willingly signing the accords. She was still terrified of her powers, as she still didn’t really know how to control them, even with all the help she’d gotten from S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers to learn how to control her powers. When everything started to split, (Y/N) was heart broken. Her family was being split apart from the inside, and she felt like she couldn’t do anything about it. Tony had quarantined Wanda and (Y/N) to the headquarters, in hopes of keeping them out of the ‘civil war’. However, when Clint showed up to get the two of them, she left with him and Wanda. Similarly, the two enhanced females realized that they could only control their fears, and no one else's. On the other side of the coin, (Y/N) had realised how much she loved Steve, and how he was right on the whole ordeal. So she joined him in the fight against Tony to prove that Bucky was innocent. However, she was taken out of the fight by Black Panther, being thrown onto the ground with enough force to knock her out. She was taken captive, much like the rest of Captain’s team but quickly was broken out by Steve.
Now here they were, almost two years later. (Y/N) had (cut/grown out) her (H/C), gotten a lot stronger with the help of Natasha’s training, and still had an amazing romance with the Captain. It wasn’t always easy, but they always made it through any obstacle that had come their way. She’d also become closer to Bucky, seeing him as a older brother, much like Sam. Natasha had become like a older sister figure, and Wanda was basically already your younger sister. The (H/C)ette gave Wanda a soft smile before she looked back at Steve, instantly noticing that he’d gone back to brooding. “Are you okay? Do you need to talk to me about something?” (Y/N) asked softly, knowing she’d already asked the question before. But she felt like there was something that Steve wasn’t telling her. Steve shook his head, making her sigh.She knew he needed his time, but she wished he could tell her what was going on in that pretty little head of his. Little did she know, Steve was thinking about their future and how much it could change in the next few hours.
They sat in silence for another hour, (Y/N) making some small talk with Vision and Wanda occasionally.“Okay, well I’m gonna go switch with Sam. He needs to rest too.” (Y/N) broke the silence between the two of them, pecking Steve on the cheek before getting up from her seat and making her way over to the pilot’s console. “Sam, I can take over here. Go take a nap or something.” The girl spoke gently as she strapped herself into her seat, clicking her seatbelt in before putting her hands on the wheel. Knowing how stubborn the (H/C)ette could be, Sam surrendered the quinjet over to (Y/N), tapping a button on his holoscreen to switch the controls over to the girl.
After a few more hours, (Y/N) had landed the quinjet in New York. Taking a deep breath, she opened the doors of the quinjet for the rest of the team members. Once everyone was off the quinjet, she closed the doors. Natasha was helping Sam with Vision as Wanda walked next to Sam. (Y/N) took her place next to Steve, standing tall as they walked into the headquarters. They navigated through the hallways, ending up in the main room as Rhodey was on a call with Secretary Ross.
“Not anymore.”(Y/N) heard Rhodey say to the Secretary as they all walked in, the (H/C)ette settling into a pose with her arms crossed over her chest. “Mr. Secretary.” Steve greeted the Secretary of State, a hardened expression on his face. The holographic form of Secretary Ross turned to look at the team of fugitive avengers, scoffing. “You got some nerve. I’ll give you that.” The Secretary said, making (Y/N) roll her eyes. “You could use some of that right now.” Natasha countered, raising her eyebrow as she stepped forward, Wanda stepping in to help support Vision. “The world’s on fire. And you think, all is forgiven?” The Secretary questioned as he glared at the team, Steve returning the glare tenfold.
“I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I'm way past asking for permission. Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight,” Steve paused and took a step closer to the holographic form of the Secretary Ross, giving him a cold, hard stare. “And if you wanna stand in our way... we'll fight you, too.” Steve finished, Secretary Ross scoffing once more before turning to Rhodey. “Arrest them.” The Secretary spoke, making Rhodey sigh, “All over it,” before swiping the hologram away. “That’s a court-martial. It’s great to see you, Cap.”  Rhodey welcomed the team back, Steve moving forward to give Rhodey a hug, Natasha and (Y/N) following behind him. “Well. You guys, really look like crap. Must’ve been a rough couple of years.” Rhodey stated after the hugs had finished, (Y/N) instantly thinking of a sarcastic response, but Sam beat her to it. “Yeah, well, the hotels weren’t exactly five star.” Sam joked with a slight smile on his face, making everyone lighten up a little. “Damn, You beat me to it Birdboy.” (Y/N) whined a little, running her fingers through her (short/long) hair. Everyone let out a little laugh from what the (H/C)ette said, soon startled by a voice they hadn’t heard in a while.
“Uh, I think you look great.” Bruce said as he entered the room, everyone’s heads whipping over to see the supposedly missing doctor. “Uh... heh... Yeah. I'm back.” Bruce added, taking in the look of everyone’s surprised faces. Natasha was the first one to snap out of the surprised spell that had seemingly fell over everyone. “Hi Bruce.” She greeted, Bruce replying with a simple ‘Nat’. The room’s comforted feeling slowly formed into an awkward one as everyone remembered the unspoken thing between Natasha and Bruce. However, Natasha has moved on, and was currently in a relationship with Bucky, which is what made the atmosphere even more awkward. And Sam most definitely pointed it out. “Well, this is awkward.”
It’d been a couple hours since the fugitive team of avengers came back to New York, currently taking some time to clean up a little. They were all about to head over to Wakanda, the after effect of the discussion of the entity in Vision’s head. The plan was to remove the mind stone and destroy it, that way Thanos couldn’t get the stone. (Y/N) was currently in her own room, feeling like a stranger within her own room. She walked into her bathroom and closed the door behind herself, turning on the water in the shower. She slipped out of her grimy stealth suit, taking some time to look at how much she’d changed since the last time she really looked in the mirror. (Y/N) felt a lot different, not just physically, but also personality-wise. Sighing, she shook her head a little before she turned away from the mirror to get in the shower. Her tense muscles instantly relaxed under the hot water, this being the first time in a little over two years that she had a decent shower and she couldn’t even really savor it. She quickly started to wash herself off, starting off with her hair and ending with her body. (Y/N) then hopped out of the shower, pulling a towel over her body while using another one to dry off her hair. Once she was done drying off, she quickly redressed into a newer, cleaner stealth suit. As the enhanced spy started to pull her utility belt, she heard her door open. She wasn’t really startled since she knew who it was.
“Hey Steve.” She greeted softly, lifting her gaze from her belt to look at the soldier. “Hey doll.” He replied, walking over to the smaller girl before wrapping her up in a tight hug. (Y/N) returned the hug, pressing a soft kiss on his covered left pec. “Is everything okay? I mean, despite the whole Thanos thing..” She asked, looking up at her boyfriend with a soft expression. Steve nodded, resting his head on top of the (H/C)ette’s head. “Yeah, I’ve just been thinking a lot about us.” The soldier answered honestly. He figured he might as well ask (Y/N), even though it won’t be how it was planned. “What about us?” (Y/N) asked nervously, an unwelcome feeling of anxiety rising in the pit of her stomach. Was Steve about to break up with her? She wouldn’t even know what to do if Steve broke up with her, especially right now.
“(Y/N)... I-” Steve had started before a loud knock on the door had startled the two lovebirds. “We’re heading out soon, (Y/N) i’m gonna need some help with the quinjet… If y’all don’t mind.” Sam spoke nonchalantly as he peaked his head into her room, already used to seeing the pair together. Steve sighed and nodded a little bit, leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss on the (H/C)ette’s lips before breaking away from her. “We’ll finish this later.” (Y/N) murmured as she moved from her position to walk past Steve, patting his shoulder before she left the room with Sam.
A lot had changed in only a few hours, one minute they had landed in Wakanda, and the other they were fighting some weird ass alien creatures. (Y/N) fired off a couple more shots from her guns as she narrowly avoided getting big gash in her stomach from the talon of the hellish creature. (Y/N) always held off of using her powers, only using them if they were absolutely necessary. Her previously clean hair had already gotten messed up from the battle, a few scratches on her face from getting pummeled to the earthy floor. “God- I could use some help here guys!” (Y/N) spoke, her comm picking up her words as she realized she’d shot out her last bullets, quickly discarding them before unsheathing her (staff/katana/batons/etc.). They’d been fighting for what felt like forever, but they knew that this all was only the beginning. A couple of beams came from the sky, (Y/N) looking up to see Rhodey up in the sky. She nodded in thanks before turning her attention to the sky as clouds started to gather together. Suddenly, a large beam of rainbow-hued light lands in the middle of the field, and an axe flies out of it, wreathed with lightning and tearing through the weird aliens. It flies back to the light and into its master's hand just as the beam starts to disappear, revealing Thor, with a tree and a raccoon. (Y/N) stopped to marvel at what had just happened, her head turning to look at Steve to find him with a similar expression on his face. “You guys are so screwed now!” She heard Bruce shout out with a joyful expression. “Bring me Thanos!” Thor yelled out, running towards the board of aliens with the tree and raccoon following him. He launched himself up into the air, lightning surrounding him as he crashed down into the middle of all the aliens — taking out a lot of them.
However, even with Thor’s help, the battlefield never seemed to change. (Y/N), Natasha, and Okoye had ended up grouping together. They played off of each other’s moves before they heard T’Challa’s staticky voice though the comms. “Fall back! Fall back now!” (Y/N)’s attention quickly landed on the big saw-like things that rolled into Wakanda, her eyes growing wide. Two of them were headed towards her, Okoye, and Natasha, another two going another way. (Y/N) saw a flash of red in the sky, knowing that Wanda had the other two threshers. She dropped her weapon(s), bringing her hands up as they started to glow a dark (F/C)— her eyes glowing the same color. The (H/C)ette focused on the two threshers that continued to get closer and closer, her magic engulfing the threshers in a dark (F/C) before she threw the threshers over the groups of the outriders before she turned back to normal.
“Why was she not using them this whole time?” Okoye said, a bit of indignance in her voice. Okoye’s question when (Y/N) stumbled backwards a little bit, getting caught by Natasha. The master spy knew that (Y/N) was possibly gonna fall back from the amount of force she’d just used. “I-I’m fine- I’m fine Nat..” (Y/N) breathed heavily, trying to regain herself as quickly as possible. She didn’t have time to rest. Once she’d gotten ahold of herself, she picked up the weapon(s) she’d dropped beforehand. Natasha watched (Y/N) with a slightly worried expression, bringing her hand up to her ear. “Cap- We might need to switch. (Y/N) just used her powers, and she was already tired. She might pass out..” She spoke quietly as she started to fight the aliens once more. “Alright... Give- me a sec.. I’ll be there.” Steve responded, grunting half-way through his sentence as he slammed one of the aliens down.
It had been what felt like a few more hours out on the battlefield, (Y/N) and Steve had ended up fighting together. “Guys, we got a Vision situation here.” (Y/N) heard Sam yell out through the comms, about to respond before hearing Bruce saying that he got it covered. (Y/N) looked over at Steve, knowing that they’d probably have to head over there anyways. “Come on, we’ll use the shadows.” (Y/N) spoke, not realizing the concerned look on Steve’s face. “No, I don’t want you to end up passing out. I’ll carry you on my back.” Steve responded, making the girl shake her head. “Steve, it’ll be faster my way. I’ll be fine… Besides it’ll take too long if I don’t, and we don’t have a lot of time right now.” (Y/N) argued back, her eyes and hands already starting to glow a dark (F/C). “(Y/N)- fine.” Steve sighed, grabbing onto (Y/N)’s hands. The couple moved down into the shadows, reappearing over in the forest.
“(Y/N)... I have to tell you something- what I was trying to tell you earlier- I-“ Steve started before he was cut off by seeing Corvus Glaive and Vision. “Damnnit- Steve, we’ll talk about this when it’s over okay?” (Y/N) sighed, Steve nodding before jumping in to help Vision. The captain yelled at Vision to leave as he attacked Corvus Glaive, (Y/N) running over to Vision to try and help him up, her hands and eyes starting to glow again as she tried to somehow use her powers to heal the cut that he still had from the alien’s spear. Suddenly, (Y/N) heard Steve and the alien fall to the ground with a grunt, ready to use her powers to rip Corvus Glaive apart. However, Vision beat her to it but flying forward and grabbing Glaive’s spear and drove it through Glaive’s chest. Vision fell over after killing Glaive, (Y/N) and Steve instantly going over to help Vision.
“(Y/N), you and Wanda protect him, I have a feeling he’s coming soon-“ “No, Steve, I’m staying with you.” (Y/N) said as she walked closer to Steve, her eyes starting to water a little. “No, it’s an order (Y/N).” Steve sighed before pulling the girl close and kissing her passionately. “S-Steve…” (Y/N) whispered after they broke apart, her lips in a frown. “Why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye..” (Y/N) added on, her voice wavering a bit as she continued to look into Steve’s eyes. She didn’t like the direction this conversation was going, especially since Thanos might show up in front of them at any given moment. Wanda flew in quietly, a sullen expression on her face as she looked at Vision, instantly going by his side to support him.
Steve sighed softly as he rested his head against (Y/N)’s, letting his eyes close to try and bask in this very rare moment of peace. “I love you (Y/N).. You’re my best girl. And I… I didn’t want to do this now but I don’t know how much time we have left together… So, would you do me the honor… Of being my wife once this is all over?” Steve asked, a stray tear rolling down his cheek. (Y/N) held back a sob, trying to grasp enough air to respond. Although, by the time she had been able to breathe somewhat normally, she was interrupted by Vision.
“He’s here.”
Suddenly, the leaves around the four avengers started to rise from the earthy floor, the winds starting to pick up. A chill ran down (Y/N)’s spine as she slowly separated from Steve, feeling more and more dreadful as the seconds passed. Steve took (Y/N)’s hand into his own, squeezing it gently to remind her that they were gonna make it. “Everyone, on my position. We have incoming.” Steve commanded, pushing himself back into the mindset that he needed in order to win this fight. Quickly, everyone started to trickle into the forest. “What the hell?” (Y/N) heard Natasha question as a blue-black cloud started to appear, everyone starting to brace themselves for the fight. “Cap.” The (H/C)ette heard Bruce say. “That’s him.” He finished right as a large, purple man stepped out from the cloud. “Eyes up. Stay sharp.” Steve warned, letting go of your hand before unsheathing his arm-shields. The captain then turned to (Y/N), looking between her, Wanada, and Vision. “Remember what I said… I love you.” Steve whispered gently, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead as Bruce charged towards Thanos. Bruce was almost instantly put into the rock from the space stone, Steve looking over at (Y/N) before whispering for her to back up and try and help Wanda destroy the mind stone. (Y/N) and Wanda moved Vision back a bit as the rest of the heroes charged on Thanos. (Y/N) stood with her back to Wanda as she started to make work of the stone, her expression unreadable as you watched Thanos practically destroy all of her family, even more anger rising up inside of her. She felt even more enraged as Thanos tossed Steve to the side after knocking him out. (Y/N)’s eyes and hands started to glow a dark (F/C) as Thanos got closer, lifting up both of her hands as a stream of (F/C) energy burst from her hands, effectively pushing Thanos, but only for a second. However, Thanos used one of the stones to pick up (Y/N) and fling her across the forest, her body landing close to Steve.
The trees bent back with the release of a yellow energy from the destruction of Vision, (Y/N) slowly starting to get up as Thanos approached Wanda. She watched in horror as Thanos turned back the time, Vision seemingly coming back to life. Thanos picks up Vision by the throat, lifting him to eye-level, and uses his fingers to dig out the Mind Stone. He pulls it out and he tosses the lifeless, colorless android aside like trash. Bringing his gauntleted hand up, he slowly moves the Mind Stone into his gauntlet. Another energy surge pushes its way through the forest as he bellows from the sensation of power flowing through him. A massive bolt of lighting suddenly strikes him, digging him into the ground and grinding him back for meters. Thor swoops down from the sky, his eyes glowing with power. The God of Thunder pauses his attack, reverses his position, before he raises Stormbreaker above his head and hurls it -- Thanos fires the whole might of the gauntlet against it, but unable to stop the axe before it hurdles itself right into Thanos’ chest. Thor then lands in front of Thanos, uncontrolled anger in his eyes. “I told you. You’d die for that!” Thor yelled, taking the back of Thanos’s head while forcing the axe deeper into the titan’s chest.
“You should have… You,” (Y/N) hears Thanos start, the sense of dread hitting her tenfold. “You should have gone for the head!” Thanos yelled before raising his gauntleted hand and snapping his fingers. “What’d you do?” Thor started, looking at the now damaged gauntlet before looking back at Thanos. “WHAT’D YOU DO?!” Thor repeated angrily, Thanos simply ignoring Thor before he teleported away, Stormbreaker falling onto the ground. Steve pulled himself up from the ground, clutching his left side as he helped (Y/N) up. The couple then used each other for support as they stumbled into the clearing where Thanos had just been moments before.
“Where’d he go? Thor… where’d he go?” Steve asked, his voice shaky as he looked at (Y/N) before he turned to look at Bucky who’d also just stumbled into the clearing. “Steve? Nat? (Y/N)-” Bucky questioned before he suddenly stumbled to the ground, everyone’s eyes widening as Bucky collapsed to the floor, turning into dust. Suddenly, (Y/N) started to feel sick, starting to fall over, accidentally taking Steve down with her. He quickly pulled (Y/N) into his lap, tears starting to roll down his cheeks as he realized what was about to happen. “Y...Yes..” (Y/N) mumbled out, Steve instantly knowing what she was talking about. He quickly reached into his utility belt, pulling out the ring he’d gotten for her, sliding it onto her ring finger with a shaky hand. “I… I love you Steve…” (Y/N) said with tears in her eyes as she started to turn to ashes. “I love you too Doll..” Steve choked out right before the love of his life turned to ash.
“Oh god.”
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fullmetalscullyy · 6 years
Hey! I was wondering if you're taking requests? If you are do you think maybe you could do a royai fic where Roy gets injured badly and its partially Riza's fault? Like she rushed in or something? If not I understand ❤️ keep up the good work btw I love your writing 💕
i’m so touched by your ask and request anon
i hope you enjoy this!!! ahhh and i hope this is what you were lookingfor as well
if you (or anyone) has anyrequests, feel free to send them my way! i’m off multi chapter fics for a whileas i want to explore other story lines in oneshots and drabbles so i’ll alwaysbe looking for prompts!
thanks again!!!!
He had to move. He had to get there now. If he didn’t, Hawkeye and Havoc’s lives could be in danger.
Move, move, move! Hisfeet pounded the pavement to the beat of that word in his head.
They had been pursuing an arm’s dealer for a few weeks and Royhad dispersed the team to search different areas of the city where they couldbe holed up. Hawkeye and Havoc had been assigned as a team, dispatched to thewarehouse district. Breda and Fuery were sent west but were now hightailing it tothe warehouse district. Roy had held back at the office because Fuery informedhim Falman had been trying to contact him. However, apparently there had been abad storm near Briggs and communication lines were down for an hour beforeFalman could get through.
It was Falman himself who explained the situation to Roy. Itappeared Briggs had finally caughtwind of the possibility of their cover being blown and his former comradedesperately detailed what would happen should the team blow Cole’s cover. It only took them three weeks to realise,Roy growled to himself. How is themilitary this incompetent? Sending itsown soldiers to pursue each other.
“It was need to know only, Brigadier General, sir,” Falmanelaborated in a hushed tone. Even though the worst of the storm had passed, theline still crackled with interference. “And once I caught wind of what washappening, I couldn’t leave you in the dark.”
“I appreciate that, Falman,” Roy replied gratefully, hismind elsewhere and running a mile a minute, trying to figure out how to alertthe team to back off immediately.“Thank you.”
“I won’t keep you sir, I know you have work to do,” Falmanstated, tone changing, voice rising in volume. Someone was nearby and possiblylistening in.
“Thank you, Falman. I’ll be in touch.”
The warehouse came into view at the end of the street Royjust turned onto. The nondescript beige building didn’t look like it washousing an undercover operation, however that was the whole point. Apparently, OliviaCole, their target, had been meeting here with the Drachmans, so even her baseof operations needed to look convincing. The paperwork there alone wouldincriminate the Lieutenant to Hawkeye and Havoc.
Only Olivia Cole wasn’t an arm’s dealer. Second LieutenantCole was in fact in the middle of an undercover operation from Briggs to locatethe real arm’s dealer who was smugglingDrachman weapons into Amestris. She had worked with the real Drachmans, but hadyet to discover the mysterious identity of the ring leader. This warehouse waswhere Cole and her new “friends” were located. If Hawkeye or Havoc shot Colethen there could be severe consequences. Hawkeye would follow her gut and ifeven the slightest thing appeared off about the Briggs’ soldier, or if any ofthe other men tried anything, she would shoot to incapacitate her, leaving theundercover operation blown wide open, giving the real target a chance atescape.
General Armstrong had a soft spot for Hawkeye, however thisoperation was top priority, Falman explained, and probably wouldn’t hesitate toberate and possibly court martial anyone who disrupted this for the Briggs’soldier.
That’s why Roy needed to get there before it all went tohell.
The door had been propped open with a piece of metal piping.Roy eased himself in carefully, wary of not putting too much pressure on themetal as he eyed the rusty hinges, daring them to make a sound to announce hispresence.
“Get down,” Hawkeye commanded, and Roy heard a gun cockingas he entered the main room.
“You don’t want to do this,” an unfamiliar female voice toldthem sternly. Lieutenant Cole. He edged further into the room, weaving in andout of the maze of crates which probably housed “weapons”. Props. The only realweapons in here would be the ones Cole had obtained from the real arm’s dealer.
Roy crouched behind a crate, eyes peeking over the top as hetook in the scene before him. Lieutenant Cole was on her knees, hands behindher head, gaze defiantly staring back at Hawkeye and Havoc. Both his soldiershad their guns trained on the Lieutenant. Other men were beside Cole, the realDrachmans, each with a face of thunder. His Lieutenants had done a grand jobgetting them all on their knees and surrendered, however this wasn’t good.
Shit. Hawkeye’sfinger repositioned on the trigger.
He could snap. He could activate his array and use theflames to push them back from Cole, but there was no knowing how much gunpowderwas in these crates. If Roy did that, the explosion could be catastrophic.
Think Roy, think!
“I would reconsider, Lieutenant Hawkeye,” Cole tried onefinal time, her face twisting into an angry snarl. Roy’s gaze snapped betweenthe “arm’s dealer”, her men, and Hawkeye, who was a second away from pullingthe trigger. Cole stared right back at Hawkeye, eyes dangerous. She lookedevery bit the part of a Drachman spy, and sounded like it too, her accentthick. Falman wasn’t joking when he said this was a serious operation. Colewasn’t budging in her resolve or tempted to reveal anything despite the factshe might very well be incapacitated there and then.
Cole’s hands begun to move from behind her head and that waswhen Roy begun to move. He vaulted over the crate with ease, breaking into asprint towards the standoff happening only a few metres away. He knew he onlyhad a matter of time, because he knew Hawkeye had already made her decision. Assoon as Cole’s hands moved, Hawkeye’s expression turned neutral and her fingerbegun to depress the trigger.
It was stupid, it was reckless, but if it saved Hawkeye’slife, and her career, Roy would do it. He always would. Cole’s “men” begun toshift too, hands reaching for hidden weapons.
This was the only way Roy could think of to stop Cole fromgetting hurt, and therefore ending the Briggs’ operation. It would give themthe element of surprise as well. A Lieutenant shooting one of her own wouldcause enough confusion that it may just stun Cole’s “comrades” to prevent them fromshooting.
Havoc noticed Roy running at them in a full sprint, and so didthe Drachmans. Havoc’s lips parted in surprise, realisation dawning on him thatsomething was very wrong. TheDrachmans looked confused, faces twisting in anger as they spotted anotherAmestrian soldier. Roy heard Havoc say something, but his entire focus was onreaching Hawkeye before that bullet left the chamber.
Roy didn’t even hear the gunshot. He just kept running.There were two shouts, one from Cole and one from Havoc, as Roy felt his bodyjerk. Hid right shoulder twisted painfully from the force of the bullet,spinning him around to face Hawkeye. He saw her face as he fell to the ground,mouth parted in shock, expression horrified. Roy crashed painfully onto hisside, his brain finally catching up with what his body was feeling. He gasped,pain exploding throughout his entire body.
His right shoulder burned intensely. It was almost as bad aswhen he had sealed his wound closed two years ago. There was a wetnessspreading across it and down his arm. His left shoulder, that had hit theground, ached and he was sure something had crunchedinside as he fell. Roy felt pain in his hip too, which had also contacted theground roughly.
“Shit! Boss!” Feet pounded the concrete below him as theDrachmans fled, obviously noticing who exactly it was bleeding out in front ofthem.
Havoc rolled him over onto his back and Roy groaned as hemoved. It was too much. Spots danced in his vision, the edges greying as thepain become too much for him. However, he still had a job to do. He had toprotect his subordinates. He was partly responsible for this mess and it was upto him to sort it out.
“Don’t,” Roy managed to get out. “Don’t… shoot her.” Hishead rolled to his right, seeing Cole blinking at him in surprise. She wasfrozen in place, hands poised above her head, the other men long gone. Why shehad decided to provoke Hawkeye and Havoc, Roy didn’t know, but it pissed himoff. Surely the solider – a Briggs’soldier – knew the implications of moving from a position of surrender likethat while under scrutiny at gunpoint.
Another wave of pain washed over his body as Havoc putpressure on his wounded shoulder.
“Sorry, Boss,” Havoc muttered.
The question regarding Cole was for another time.
“Shit! Hawkeye!” Havoc barked, head snapping up. “Phone anambulance! Now!”
Roy’s head rolled back to his left, gaze lazily movingtowards Hawkeye. The look on her face made fear coiling in his own stomach. Shewas pale, so pale. Her eyes were widewith terror, the gun barely being held in her grip anymore as she stared backat her superior.
Surely the implication of what she had just done was weighingon her mind. That thought would have made his stomach clench if he were not sofocussed on his fading vision.
Roy had known this was what he was stepping into when he ranfrom behind that crate. Taking that bullet and saving Cole’s life meantscrutiny wouldn’t fall on Hawkeye and Havoc. By taking out Cole, Hawkeye wouldbe ending the Briggs’ operation. If anything, Roy would be the one underscrutiny for sending his team into this mission, which ultimately ended in himbeing shot. However, he could play the card that he was unaware of thesituation and was only following orders. So were Hawkeye and Havoc, howeverthey were “less valuable” to the military – a thought that made his blood boil –so wouldn’t be exempt from punishment. A Brigadier General diving in front of abullet for his fellow soldier would add enough heroism that it may just getthem out of this messy situation unscathed.
Plus, they could play it off as the criminals who begun theshootout. It wasn’t right, but until Cole’s operation ended, that was what themilitary would be led to believe.
This would just leave him with a hell of a set ofconsequences to deal with personally, rather than professionally. He’d takethat and protect Hawkeye any day.
“Hawkeye!” Havoc called desperately. The former had yet tomove from the spot, her hands trembling, the gun shaking in her loose grasp. Itclattered to the floor. Roy heard movement and Cole spoke quietly and urgently,her accent gone, giving her identity to an operator and calling for anambulance.
Wave after wave of pain engulfed Roy and he didn’t last muchlonger under consciousness. He was feeling lightheaded, the roof above himspinning sickeningly. He was losing blood and judging by the pulse he couldfeel in his injured shoulder, it was a lot.
No sound came out when Roy opened his mouth, trying to speakto his subordinates. It was too much of an effort to move his head one finaltime, so he tried to convey to Hawkeye what he wanted his say just though hiseyes.
I’ll be fine.
Please, don’t be mad.
Don’t blame yourself.
The ceiling finally dimmed, his eyes closing as he heard avery distraught and choked yell. Riza was yelling his name…
*          *          *
What did you do?
Riza barely felt the blanket Havoc had draped over hershoulders. She sat with her elbows resting on her knees, hands clasped in frontof her, head bowed in shame, anguish, pain, you name it.
You shot him.
Riza shuddered, taking a shaky breath. Her hands gripped oneanother even tighter as she tried to control the shaking in her body, herknuckles white.
You fucking shot him.
There was a pressure on her back, and she jerked. Havoc hadtaken up a spot next to her on the uncomfortable hospital chairs. His hand rubbedlazy circles on her back in an attempt at comfort and to soothe her, but Riza’smind was in too much turmoil.
She had shot her superior officer.
She had shot Roy.
The ever-present urge to vomit creeped its way back up herthroat.
“It wasn’t your fault,” Havoc reminded her for what feltlike the hundredth time. “He dove in front of that bullet to protect Cole.”
“Why,” she whispered.
Havoc shrugged. They had only recently been filled in on thesituation by Fuhrer Grumman, who stopped by a short while ago to see how theBrigadier General was doing. “The doctors are doing their best for BrigadierGeneral Mustang now,” was all they were told. That bile crept higher and higherevery time that explanation floated through her head.
If he dies… Because of you…
Riza thought her fingers might break if she gripped them anytighter.
Havoc sighed, gently prying her hands apart and taking themin his. “Hawkeye? Look at me.” It took her a while, but she finally did.Havoc’s eyes were understanding, and sympathetic, but there was a certainty inthem. “This was not your fault. Hechose to dive in front of that bullet. Mustang chose to do that. You were only doing your job, and this was anunfortunate result of Mustang’s rash decision.” Havoc huffed a laugh. “You knowhow he is. Especially when it comes to us. To you.”
Riza stiffened in her chair as Havoc gave her hands a quicksqueeze. He stood from the chair, fingers diving into his trouser pockets topull out a packet of cigarettes. He appeared to be calm, but Riza recognisedthe signs of stress. His face was pulled tight, his movements stiff as hewalked to greet Breda. Havoc’s tone was strained as they conversed quietly, tooquietly for Riza to make out what was being said. Before she knew it, Breda satdown in the chair Havoc had just vacated.
“He’s a dumbass,” Breda remarked quietly with a humourlesschuckle. “I can’t believe he did that. Well, I can absolutely believe why.” Breda shook his head. “To protect her and Havoc”, apparently. Rizashuddered, picturing Mustang’s face as he was hit, body jerking and spinning towardsher, eyes wide with shock, expression twisting with pain.
And she had just stoodthere and done nothing as Havoc yelled at her to phone an ambulance. It hadbeen their so-called “arm’s dealer” that had saved his life and protected him.
Not her, Mustang’s bodyguard.
You’re useless.
Lieutenant Cole fled the scene after placing the call, justas Breda and Fuery arrived. The MPs and the ambulance were only a few minutesout as the other two team members took in the picture before them, Mustang bleedingout on the floor and Havoc yelling for help. Riza had just stood there, bodyshaking uncontrollably. Fuery wrapped an arm around her shoulders in comfort,trying to soothe her, but she heard the way his voice shook in fear at seeingtheir strong, caring, and fearless leader dying on the floor.
Breda disappeared and when the MPs entered with their gunsdrawn Riza thought they were there to arrest her. Something coiled within herthen, her fight or flight instinct kicking in.
“Where is the shooter?” one barked, eyeing the crates that couldhave been hiding an assailant. Riza tensed.
“They fled out the back,” Breda barked, pointing in the oppositedirection Cole left in. “We arrived just to see them shoot at Mustang and then escape.Lieutenants Havoc and Hawkeye were here when it happened.”
The MP’s gaze snapped to them both. “Did you see them?”
Havoc had always been quick to think on his feet. He backed awayfrom Mustang as the paramedics loaded him onto a stretcher and placed an oxygenmask over his mouth. Riza noted Havoc’s hands were bloody. You caused this. He nodded. “I saw them. I saw them shoot theBrigadier General,” he snarled. Riza thought his anger was targeted towardsher.
“It was the situation,” he had explained quietly as Breda drovethem to the hospital behind the ambulance. “I wasn’t angry at you.” His fistsclenched atop his knees. “If anything, I’m angry at Mustang. He chose to dothis to us without warming. And, we were left in the fucking dark by General Armstrongand Fuhrer Grumman and he had to pay for it. So, did you.”
“Hawkeye?” Breda called to her, giving her shoulder a shake.She was roughly thrown back into the present where the never-ending ache thatthrobbed throughout her whole body came crashing back into her consciousness. Theshaking had almost stopped, but her mind was still punishing her severely. “Youwith me?”
She released a shaky breath and nodded, unable to speak.
“Shit,” Breda murmured. His head snapped up, looking downthe hall. Riza’s head slowly moved to look as well, seeing MPs approachingthem. If she moved any faster, she thought she might snap and break in two, that’show tightly she was wound.
Riza really wasn’t in the mood to talk to them right now.
You’d have to tellthem you fucking shot him.
“Lieutenant Hawkeye, we would like to ask you –” She shuther eyes, blocking out their voices.
“Lieutenant Hawkeye is in shock at the minute. The shooters targetedher before ultimately hitting the Brigadier General,” Breda lied smoothly. Riza’seyes popped open in surprise. “I witnessed the attack and can answer anyquestions you may have.”
Riza watched as the MP’s lips pursed, clearly unhappy, butnodded in agreement. “Right this way, Second Lieutenant Breda.”
*          *          *
As Roy opened his eyes, he heard someone in the room gaspquietly. Groggily, he blinked, his eyelids taking a while to respond to hisbrain’s request. The harsh, white light blinded him, and, in that moment,everything came rushing back. The warehouse. Cole and Hawkeye. The bulletentering his shoulder.
Hawkeye’s horrified expression.
His head lolled, rolling to face the direction he heard thegasp from. Hawkeye sat by his bedside, posture stiff and expression stricken.Her eyes betrayed her true feelings. Terror, shame, concern… They were allthere.
“Lieutenant?” Roy croaked. The pain that had been a dullreminder in his shoulder flared suddenly and he hissed in pain, closing hiseyes. He never saw Riza’s pained expression. “Are you okay? Where is Cole?” Therewas a pause, so Roy opened his eyes again, teeth gritted against the pain. Hefroze when he saw Riza’s expression.
“Fled the scene, sir,” she replied. It was barely perceptible,but Roy heard the wobble as she said “sir”.
She thought this washer fault. That much was obvious, and, of course, Hawkeye would think that.He had chosen to do it, to protecther and Havoc. It was dumb and ridiculously reckless, but it saved them a worldof trouble.
“Good. And you? Lieutenant Havoc?”
“All right, sir. Fuhrer Grumman filled us in on the…situation.”
He breathed a sight of relief. “Good.” They were safe. “I must apologise, Lieutenant. I acted withoutthinking and you paid the price for it. I’m so sorry.” His earnest eyes methers, which were grief stricken. She nodded, but the action was stiff.
“Understood, sir,” she replied sharply. His gaze flickeddown as he noticed movement. Her hands were atop her thighs, fingers digginginto the fabric of her trousers. They were white with the force of it as shetried not to break apart.
“Don’t you dare blame yourself for this,” Roy added, tonedisapproving. “I chose to do this of my own free will.”
“Why?” she finally choked out, that one syllable telling Royall he needed to know. She was hurt as to why he decided to throw himself infront of her gun and desperate for an explanation.
“To save you.” Hawkeye blinked back at him in surprise. “Colewas part of an undercover operation, as you now know. If you had shot her, the wholething would be blown open and you may have been court martialled by Briggs forinterfering with the mission. The fact you weren’t aware of it would beoverlooked if Cole died. And I know you never miss.
“Plus, with the other Drachmans present we could play it offas a shoot out that ended unfortunately for me.”
“Sir, I…”
“Yes, Lieutenant?” She was obviously struggling, and Roy’svoice softened. “You’ve never held back before, Riza.” Her gaze snapped up tohis at the use of her first name. “Don’t hold back now.”
“I shot you,” shelet out in a rush.
“You didn’t,” he replied patiently. “I moved in front ofthat bullet.”
“It was because of me thatyou were shot,” she tried again, voice rising in volume.
“Riza,” Roy replied slowly and carefully, his tonesuggesting she should calm down and think.He wasn’t sure how long he had been out for, but he knew for a fact that Hawkeyewould have been blaming herself this whole time. “I chose this. Not you.”
Suddenly, her hands gripped his good arm tightly. They werecold against his skin, a momentarily uncomfortable sensation, then he felthimself relax at her touch, as he had done so many times before.
Hawkeye took a moment to compose herself, eyes closingbriefly. Roy watched with fascination, but hating how he had done this to her, knowinghe would do it again in a heartbeat if it protected her. The niggling sensationin the back of his mind, reminding him this was just another thing to add tohis “The Ways You Have Hurt Hawkeye” list, never went away though.
“I shot you,” she repeated. Just from her tone Roy knew thishad been repeated in her head over and over. “Something I promised I wouldnever do.” At his confused expression, Hawkeye elaborated. “Never without clearintent.” She took a deep breath. “I swore an oath to protect you from harm, andI take that very seriously, sir –”
“Riza, please,” he begged her. They were so beyond superiorand subordinate right now.
“And I wasn’t able to protect you from myself,” shecontinued, too lost in her own self-destructive thoughts to hear him. “I’museless.”
Roy gripped her hand tightly. “Don’t you ever say that.” His dark eyes piercedhers, daring her to challenge him. “Iwas the useless one. I didn’t figureout what was going on until the last second. I sent the whole team out to findCole, and it was Falman who informed me of the operation, at great risk tohimself.”
“Falman told you?” Hawkeye asked, momentarily distracted.
“Yes. He called before I left HQ. I would have reached youall sooner but there was a storm that cut the communication lines with Briggs.I was almost too late.”
“Why… You jumped in front of the bullet,” Hawkeye muttered.This was something she was struggling to wrap her head around and, to beperfectly honest, Roy was still baffled as to how his brain decided that wasthe best course of action. All it had taken was seeing Hawkeye being dismissedfrom the military, demoted, taken from his side, and he knew he had to so something,anything, to protect Cole and her operation.
“Because I knew it would give us the advantage, the elementof surprise. I don’t enjoy being hurt, contrary to popular belief at this point,”he joked, pleased when he saw one corner of Hawkeye’s mouth quirk upwards to asmile, then it was gone. “But if Cole was injured and I had to call it in usingher identification, and the Drachmans overheard, the real target would catchwind of it and flee, blowing her cover and all she had worked towards.”
Hawkeye nodded as she processed the information, posture slowlyrelaxing. They weren’t out of the woods just yet. It would take her a long timeto come to terms with what happened today, but so long as she understood he didthis of his own volition, that was all that mattered right now. Yes, she hadshot him, but he put himself in front of that bullet to protect Cole and,ultimately, Hawkeye. He couldn’t take her being removed from his team again. Rizathought she was useless, but it was hewho was the useless one without her. Without Riza Hawkeye his whole team wouldfall apart, him included. She was the glue that held them all together, nodoubt about it. Roy was sure the whole team would agree on that one.
He couldn’t take her being court martialled either. Whetherit would have come to that or not, Roy wasn’t sure. He was glad he would neverhave the opportunity to find out because he couldn’t lose the woman he lovedlike that.
“Just… Promise me one thing?” Hawkeye asked.
“Please try to be less dramatic, sir,” Hawkeye replied, eyesbecoming sad once more, the grip on his hand tightening. “No more jumping infront of bullets.”
“Who is the one giving orders here?” he quipped, raising aneyebrow in amusement. He chuckled at her stern glare, giving her hand asqueeze. “I will,” Roy promised. “For you.”
“Thank you… Roy.”
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poisonedviper · 5 years
Beloved Father, Foolish Shadow
L’alor had begun the day inside Veroux Manor, calling in his favor with the now Lord of House Veroux thanks to L’alor’s intervention, Ramirie Veroux. The two had sat in a parlor, going over the plan in detail, L’alor being critical about Ramirie’s lack of danger in the plan. L’alor didn’t need his martial prowess, if there was any, he just needed his influence as a noble of Ishgard. He just had to say a few words at the right time and everything would work fine. So long as the plan was followed House Alluindre would be brought to heel, just as House Milenroux had asked.
As L’alor slipped from the roof of Stoneroot, the estate of House Alluindre, and landed inside the courtyard leading towards the dining hall where Lord Alucar should be, he ran through the plan in his head one more time.
“I’ll slip into the house from the roof, so no one sees me there. Alucar will want assurance everything is a secret happening. I’ll put you by the back door, and you just wait until I give you the signal with the light,” L’alor told Ramirie.
L’alor’s pushed open the door slowly, eyes scanning the room quickly. It was a large hall, but mostly empty for the evening. Lord Alucar dined alone in the middle of the week, so he could slip away without his guards having to notice him leaving. It allowed the guards to maintain the idea that Alucar was in the dining hall and then his quarters all night, instead of leaving the grounds to conspire against is liege house, House Milenroux. To L’alor’s good luck, it had remained just that, and in a show of luck the guards had gotten more relaxed in their duties; they new it was empty, so why guard an empty room? His smirk spread as he stepped inside, making his way up to the table.
Alucar had his face buried in letters, eyes cast downward as L’alor stepped forward. His eyes didn’t move until L’alor knocked on the table, growing wide with shock. “Wh-who are you? Guards!” He shouted out, standing up from his seat.
L’alor shook his head, leaning against the table. “Don’t worry, Alucar. Your guards are gone anyways, so it wouldn’t do good. I’m just here to talk.”
“About what,” Alucar said slowly, bracing his previously occupied seat between himself and L’alor; as if the long dining table wasn’t already there.
“When I have him alone I’ll coax him to talk about his sedition. He’ll think it’s just us, so he should be more comfortable to speak freely, especially when he remembers he’s the noble here. You just have to listen. Pay attention to the words, so you can repeat them. I’ll press the signal right as I begin,” L’alor had said.
“You know exactly what about!” L’alor shouted, slamming a fist on the table. In his other hand he pressed a small button. The jangling of plates on the table and scrape of wooden chairs against stone floors covered the sound of the door as Ramirie entered, hiding himself in the side room as planned. “I may not be a noble, but I know you’re planning to overthrow House Milenroux!”
Alucar blanched at the mention of Milenroux, glancing around the room quickly in panic. “H-how do you know about that?! You can’t! You can’t prove anything! I am loyal to House Milenroux!”
“Liar,” L’alor said firmly, taking a quick step around the table.
Alucar jumped, moving an equal measure in the other direction.
L’alor smirked. “You’ve been planning it for moons now. They got an idea of it, and then I started looking into it. You sent two hitmen to get me. They almost had me, if it hadn’t been for some good luck on my part. Too bad about the burns they got.”
Alucar frowned, glancing down at the table. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about. I would never.”
“Is that really how you want to die? A liar?”
“No!” Alucar started, stepping back from L’alor as if he would run.
“Then tell me the truth!” L’alor shouted, kicking a chair away from the table into the stone wall, splintering it. A show of aggression to encourage Alucar to talk.
“I did it!” Alucar shouted as he recoiled. “I did it. I started talking with House Zefriniet in hopes of gaining their support. I wanted House Alluindre to rise in stature, and knew it could only happen if we removed House Milenroux from our way. I just... I wanted to do what’s best for my house, and it clouded my judgement... I planned to kill the heir to House Milenroux, and in their time of grief remove them from their position. I just.... I just wanted to do what was the best for Ishgard.”
“Because you’re a man of honor, of course. I am too,” L’alor answered slowly, smiling at Alucar.
Alucar shrank back from the smile.
“House Milenroux asked me to stop your sedition, even make you go away if I couldn’t do it another way. They’re not too concerned. I thought there may be a better way though,” L’alor continued on, feeling taller as the plan went along properly. “I can tell them you’ve been very amenable, understanding of your sins. Completely stopped the considerations. You never got very far anyhow.”
“And in exchange?!” Alucar shouted, desperation laden in his voice. He stepped closer to L’alor, like a scared villager beginning to run towards the protection of guards.
“I’ll keep all of what you actually did between the three of us,” L’alor said with a gesture to the side door.
“When the moment is right I’ll mention ‘the three of us’ and you step out to reveal yourself. The second layer of protection in the plan, another noble knowing Alucar’s secret. Just to keep him in check, and it’ll give House Veroux some measure of power over House Alluindre,” L’alor had explained.
Alucar looked to the side door as L’alor gestured. The two of them stared at the door for a moment.
“All you have to do is be there, and repeat a few things he said, and everything will be fine,” L’alor had planned.
Nothing happened. The door remained still. L’alor started to worry for Ramirie, thinking some guards had shown up when he didn’t expect it. He took a step towards the door, concern welling up in his chest.
“Don’t worry,” Alucar said with a newly confident voice. “The guards are gone anyways, so it wouldn’t do any good. We’re just here to talk.”
L’alor stopped in his step, turning to look at Alucar. He wasn’t shrinking away any more. The cowardly man that stood before him a moment ago was gone. Alucar stood tall, a smile on his lips that rivaled the winds of Coerthas, with a sharp glint in his eyes like a sundrake cornering its prey. He didn’t hide behind a chair, but leaned on it almost casually, waiting.
“Ramirie?” L’alor called out slowly, looking to the door.
“Just trust me, and I’ll keep you safe,” L’alor has promised.
“Yes, Veroux, come out,” Alucar commanded.
The side door slid open, Ramirie Veroux stepping out from behind it with a slow stride, gaze avoiding L’alor pointedly. He closed the door behind him and gulped audibly, looking up to Alucar, shaking with each movement. Alucar just kept smiling, his gaze drifting from Ramirie to L’alor.
“And what did you see, Lord Veroux?” Alucar asked directly, like a counsel in court.
Ramirie cleared his throat again, keeping his gaze downward as he mumbled.
“Speak up, Veroux,” Alucar hissed.
“I saw.... him attack Lord Alluindre. Like a savage beast, he tried to assault the Lord. He only managed to protect himself by sheer luck and get the upper hand. He held back as much as he could, but he just kept coming at the Lord. He didn’t stop until it had gone so far, but even at the end he kept threatening the Lord. He’s a danger to us all,” Ramirie said flatly, repeating something that had clearly been rehearsed over and over.
“Ramirie, wha’s...” L’alor began, his mind racing.
“Next time with more emotion, Veroux, but thank you,” Alucar interrupted, keeping his eyes on L’alor.
Ramirie feel silent, stepping back as if he hoped to fade into the wall behind him. Alucar took a step around the table, sighing gently as he looked at L’alor. He snapped his fingers. Guards suddenly stormed into the room, rushing in from doors L’alor had thought locked, and surrounded him. Lances and swords kept at their sides, but a wall of armor surrounding him. L’alor spread his feet defensively, watching for the first strike.
“Veroux,” Alucar commanded.
“He attacked the guards without prompting. They were too in shock to even fight back before he just assaulted them. Those poor guardsmen just did what they could to protect their lord, and this.... monster killed them. Just like he did my father,” Ramirie said in the same flat voice.
“Ramirie, wha’re ye sayin’?!” L’alor shouted, breaking into his accent as his mind raced to make sense of it. His blood was already churning, calling to him.
“He’s explaining himself before the court of Ishgard,” Alucar answered. “In the event that you make any move against my guards or I. So that justice is done, and you are thoroughly punished for your misdeeds against the nobility.”
He swept through the guards quickly, the group of them separating like a door for their lord before swinging shut to trap L’alor and him inside the ring. Alucar didn’t hesitate as he swung his hand forward, slapping L’alor across the face. The sting set his blood in a frenzy, fist curling together and gathering aether as it prepared to swing forward.
“He just attacked the lord with no prompting!” Ramirie shouted, looking directly to L’alor now. “It was supposed to be a diplomatic talk, but he broke into the room and attacked the lord at the command of House Milenroux! He didn’t even respect the call of surrender or mercy the Lord made.” His eyes shook as he spoke, looking at L’alor with a mixture of pleading and sorrow.
L’alor stopped in his tracks, muscles tensing as he fought himself. He could reach Alucar. That’s all he needed. But he could hear the consequences. The justice of Ishgard was rarely his friend, this would only make it worse. He wasn’t here to kill Alucar, he shouldn’t.
Alucar hadn’t flinched, watching L’alor with a growing grin. “There, now it’s making sense to you. Took long as expected.”
L’alor looked up to the man, sneering.
Alucar laughed. “You had a decent plan, I will give you. Against someone else, maybe it could’ve worked. Besides the obvious flaws.” His knee rushed forward, crashing in L’alor’s stomach. His elbow went down, right into L’alor’s back.
L’alor buckled over from the strikes, holding up only by his legs bracing and the balance of his tail. His gaze flicked up, glaring at Alucar.
“Ah, the face of someone who knows they’ve lost,” Alucar said with a sweet mocking in his tone. “Just another fool who thinks he can play this game of shadows.” He kneeled down to look L’alor in the eyes, shaking his head. “You can’t blame this game, not against me. You don’t have the experience for such a thing, the mind for it.” He patted L’alor’s cheek, twice with just a small slap, and a third time with a hard one that sent L’alor to the ground.
L’alor knew he was caught. He wasn’t going to stick around for more taunting, or he knew it would get out of hand. He started drawing aether, preparing to aetherwarp his way out of there.
Alucar stood up quickly, pointing a finger at Ramirie. “Seize him. Kill him if the Miqo’te leaves.”
L’alor stopped. His face turned upwards, looking at Ramirie. Two of the guards were gone from the circle now. One holding Ramirie’s hands behind his back, the second holding a sword to his throat. Both were watching L’alor. L’alor turned his gaze towards the smiling Alucar.
Alucar nodded to L’alor. “I promise you won’t die, but you’ll learn a lesson. This isn’t where you belong. These are not matters of yours to meddle. You may have had luck with the lesser houses, but now you have grown too bold. Stay with the commoners, where you are meant to be.” He stepped back through the circle, one guard handing him a napkin off the table for him to clean his bloodied hands with. “Leave him in the streets after, near a clinic in the Brume. I don’t want to deal with the inconvenience of his death.”
Alucar stepped away from the ring as it closed in on L’alor. None of the guards reached for weapons, but the metal covered hands and feet did more than enough. Ramirie was held in place, eyes closed against the scene. L’alor covered his eyes to protect them from the assault of the guards, seeing the two guards with Ramirie holding his gaze till it closed. If he fled they would kill Ramirie. If he fought back they would have him punished in court with exile or worse. He didn’t have a way out of this without a consequence he wasn’t ready for. He hadn’t done this right. He had lost the game. He had played by the rules, and lost. He wasn’t good at the game.
The assault from the guards seemed fast and slow all at once. Metal crashed against his body, bones bruising and breaking underneath the blows. His blood surged beneath his skin, Venom forming protective barriers but unable to spread enough to cover everything. It called to him, yearning him to retaliate, but L’alor kept himself held down, trying to tighten up into a ball the best he could. He forced the thoughts from his mind with each hit. They were just guards. He could fight back. He wouldn’t let himself. He forced himself back, caged himself in the fear of consequences. He argued with himself for as long as his mind was able, until the blackness of unconsciousness swallowed him. He knew he was bleeding, he couldn’t feel most of his body. He felt disconnected from his body, drifting away from it.
He was moving. Then he was cold. He bounced on a something that creaked. He was in the air, and then slapped against stone. He was laying down. He heard a furious pounding against wood, followed by the quick paced shuffling of metal against stone. He heard a voice, but couldn’t discern what it said. Hands grabbed at him and then he was warm again. Someone called to him, but he couldn’t make it out. He wasn’t there.
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goodbye-susan · 7 years
Unproductive day. But I started collating a sort of ‘top monologues’ list for RuneScape quests.
Stuff I picked so far is below the cut.
Departure - Ga’al-Xox, The Brink of Extinction.
“Before I... go... I want to thank you, human. You nurtured me where others thought me worthless. You fought for my kind, and I have learned much from you. The TzHaar have much to learn from humanity... of compassion, of respect. There are other ways to vanquish an enemy than by blade, mace, or staff.
Whatever awaits us in the next life, beyond the confines of stone or flesh, I hope that we shall meet again. Goodbye, my friend.”
The king’s tax collector - Adventurer, The Fremennik Isles.
“Right! That's it! I've had enough! No more lying! No more biting my tongue!
Do I take you for a fool? Yes I do! You are so paranoid about Neitiznot that you are running this island into the ground! Neitiznot is not going to attack Jatizso. I'll say it again to try and force it into your thick skull! Neitiznot is not going to attack Jatizso. They don't care about Jatizso. They care about the trolls and Troll King who are the real threats to the islands.
You are so obsessed with your cousin, however, that you stick your head in the sand whenever it comes to the trolls. But I'm not sure it matters, since I think there is a good chance that you will destroy this village long before the trolls get here! You do not have to dress in a jester's costume to act the fool, your royal crown is more than enough!”
The Laughing Miner Pub /  Battle of Barendir story - Veldaban, Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf.
“I don't think anyone who was at that battle came back quite the same.
It was a few years ago. The trolls had been attacking our miners, so the Supreme Commander sent a Black Guard regiment to deal with them. I was just a lieutenant at the time. Our commanding officer was Colonel Grimsson. He was a real slave-driver. The new recruits think Colonel Grenda is bad, but Grimsson was ten times worse. We had to attack a position where the trolls were entrenched. The trolls rained rocks down on us from behind cover, and attacked from side-tunnels and pits.
We lost hundreds of men. There were bodies everywhere, and the smell of blood was... I wish I could forget it. Colonel Grimsson led the charge. He burst through the barricades that the trolls had set up, and I saw him in combat with the troll general. WE took the cavern, but Grimsson kept hacking at the trolls that fled. He was screaming like a demon and his whole face was covered in blood from a wound to his forehead. Then the trolls were gone, but Grimsson didn't stop fighting. He attacked anyone who came near him. He wounded several soldiers. Maybe he wound to his head affected his brain. Maybe the horrors of the battle just pushed him over the edge. I don't know. I made the call. I ordered my squad to subdue him.
When we got back from Keldagrim there was a court-martial and he was discharged from the Black Guard. A while later he disappeared. No one else went berserk like Grimsson, but I don't think anyone who was at Barendir has been the same since.
Never mind all that though. It's all over. Thinking about it will do no good.”
The World Guardian is right - Adventurer, Sliske’s Endgame.
“Of course I am! Who do you think has been at the centre of all of this mess?
Not you. Neither of you have seen friends killed by Sliske. Neither of you have seen allies warped into monsters.
Neither of you had to face a god built out of the screaming remnants of human souls. Neither of you have had to travel back in time to visit an old friend, only to be brought back staring at his corpse.
For all that you've been through, know that it's a drop in the ocean compared to what Sliske has done to me. So now, for once. Just for once. Shut up and stop giving Sliske what he wants.”
But we can fight - Zanik, The Chosen Commander.
"We can fight!
I've had that... thing inside my head. It's not merciful. It doesn't see us as people. It only wants to dominate, to control.
Our ancestors defied it. They escaped its clutches, they broke all of its hateful commandments, they built a new city – a new world – where we could be free. We haven't gotten rid of conflict or suffering entirely – maybe we could have, given more time and effort – though we have done pretty well. Our whole history since then, every one of us who has lived and loved and built and dreamed, has been one glorious act of defiance.
If we surrender, that rebellion will be undone. Bandos won't just make us suffer, he won't just reduce us to barbarism – he'll turn us into an instrument of evil. But if we fight it now, then even if we die, that will be the crowning of our defiance.
I thought I couldn't fight, but [Player] told me that... that [he/she] believed in me. That's what we need now; to believe in one another. You say that we can't win, that we can't fight.
Well, perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.”
Shield for Gielinor - Nomad, Nomad’s Elegy.
"I wondered how long it would take for you to show up here, in the Underworld. Alive of course, just to be special.
Don't worry, you're not going mad. I am speaking only to  you, no one else can hear me. How, you ask? It's quite simple really, I am speaking to your soul. The obelisk calls to it, but you are quite safe for now. Your pet god has seen to that.
But here we are again. Must we play the role of 'dastardly villain' and 'selfless hero' once more? Is that the lie you tell yourself? That you're the hero? That you've changed the world for the better? Because it is a lie. Because of you Guthix died. Do you remember? You let them all in to his resting place. It was your hubris that allowed Sliske to slay him. You know that don't you?
It is because of you that the gods have returned. To threaten us all. They flooded in to our world in droves. Each of them giving orders, imposing their idea of order. I saw what my master had become and I destroyed him. I saved the world from his madness. But you...you have so many masters. Do you even realise you're a servant?
Yes I know. You want to deny me, you feel you are in charge. It is a comforting lie I'm sure. But you are here on the word of gods, both alive and dead. You have been told that I am dangerous. That my plan is madness and it is, it's also our only hope. My fortress stands in opposition to the gods. To all the gods. I will be the shield for Gielinor, protecting the world from their arrogant machinations. No matter what the cost, I will pay it. Because to not do so would be far far worse.
So build your siege weapons and storm my gates. I wish that when you reach my gates it is as a friend, as someone who knows my way is the only way. But I am no fool, Player. I know that when we meet again you will give me no choice. When we meet again, it will be the day you die. I am sorry, but there really is no other way. So farewell Player, I look forward to devouring your soul. I imagine it will be exquisite.
The curse of the dragonkin - Phalaks, Hero’s Welcome.
“What do you know of our curse? What do you know of being cursed?
Imagine that every moment of every day you existed in torment, and this could only be relieved by killing a specific person. And, to make things worse, this person was so powerful that the only way you could kill them would involve enduring more torment to get to their level.
How many centuries, centuries I ask you, would you last before you too treated the death of a subjectively 'nice' False User as a cause for celebration?”
Alone - Safalaan, River of Blood.
“I understand what you're going through. Better than I did before. Better than I did when we talked in the castle.
When I was human - when I thought I was human - I believed that vampyres were beasts led by their bellies. And it's true, the hunger is terrifying. All-encompassing. But that isn't what drives you, is it?
The euphoria I felt wasn't the blood in my throat. I saw something very different: a mountain of lives - mortals - and me at the top of it. Nobody above me, everyone else below. The thrill came from being at that summit. Of knowing that all life fed me.
It became an intense joy. I felt safe, like I was unbeatable. I felt like I was the culmination of everything. But then I heard the cries of those below me. I saw the fear in their eyes when they looked up. They were terrified of me.
You know that intense joy and loneliness, don't you? That's why you were set on an alliance with Misthalin. But it won't work, Vanescula. You may sign treaties and alliances, but nothing will have changed. You will still be alone on that mountain, and they will look at you with as much fear as before.
Stop this. Step away from it all. Look to your own people, and stop asserting yourself on the world.”
Lord Jovkai - Vanescula, River of Blood.
“Years ago - thousands of years ago - my family wasn't in the position we are now. We had lost battles against the other houses. We were weak. One loss was against Lord Jovkai and his sycophants. A narrow loss, but a loss nonetheless.
We invited him and his family to our camp to discuss reparations. We prepared a meal. We prepared riches. Such was the custom. But when he arrived, Lord Jovkai had brought his own banquet. He sat at the head of our table, and beckoned us to sit. Meals were placed in front of us. I looked around at my brothers. We ate without joy. I could eat nothing.
Lord Jovkai watched us. He asked if we were enjoying the meal. My brothers nodded in agreement, but I remained silent. Then he filled his cup with wine again and stood up. He told us that this was it: this was to be our reparations. We would be strangers in our own home, dining from his scraps. He walked over to me, placing the cup in front of me and forced me to drink it. I had to; his blade was at my back.
Once the meal was finished, Lord Jovkai made me wash the plates, like some disobedient child. Vanescula Drakan, tending to tables. So I washed Lord Jovkai's cup in slow poison. Every time he took a sip from that cup, he grew more ill. And he loved to drink. Though he was tended to, he died less than a year later.
We did not lose another battle after that meal. There was a fire in all of us. We would never eat scraps again.
You made me lose this battle today. So if you ever make me feel like a stranger in my own home, I will be the slow poison in your cup.
Enjoy this victory. This battle was yours. You did well. Relish it. And when the dust falls on all of this, you should join me at Castle Drakan so we can share a meal. It will be my treat.”
United - Adventurer, The World Wakes.
“That's enough! All of you!
We made it this far, didn't we? We have the head start on our enemy; all we need to do is defend this area and the battle is ours.
If we just give up now, Guthix will be killed and the edicts will fail. The gods will return and the world will be in chaos once more. Another God War will erupt, with no one to stop it. Is that what you want?
Yes, our enemies are powerful - but so are we! We each have our own strengths, whether they be physical prowess or great intelligence. What's more, we are united while the enemy bicker among themselves. Together, we will taste victory!”
Final request - Guthix, The World Wakes.
“...I should have seen it coming. I introduced them to the world, I had a power greater than they had ever seen. The mortal races began to worship me. They built shrines to me, made sacrifices. They waited on my every word. It pained me deeply to see myself becoming what I had always loathed. They should not have been living beneath me, serving me. I wanted them to be free, balanced, to make their own decisions. Knowing my presence was thwarting my efforts, I withdrew into the earth, to sleep. I hoped I would be forgotten over the ages. But it was not long before the other gods arrived.
When I ended the war of the gods, I did it with no pleasure. I knew I had already failed. Looking over Gielinor, it was like looking at my homeland: the land ravaged; the mortals worshipping a multitude of gods, including myself. The races brought in by the now-banished gods remained, and disrupted the balance at every turn. Battles raged on, in the names of the absent gods. I could banish the gods themselves, but I could not remove the memories of them; the blind faith displayed by their followers. Besides, my own interference would only disrupt the balance more. I have disproportional power; more than any single being should have.
I could have prevented this, Player. I have been awake since you triggered the alarm. I knew what would happen.
Player, I have been the most powerful being on Gielinor since my arrival. Of course I could have stopped Sliske if I had desired to. But I embrace my death. It must occur, if the world is to be balanced. If the gods return, another war is inevitable.
Gielinor must be returned to peace before war destroys it... before it becomes like my own home. A dead, desolate wasteland... Gielinor must be protected, Player. But not by me. By a mortal. Someone with the power to defend against the gods, but not the power to be one.”
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