#‘i want to go back. i left something at harrenhal’
ilynpilled · 1 year
top 5 jaime quotes of all time 😈?
pretty much the thematic statements post but along with those here are some fave jaime ‘passages’:
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flowerandblood · 3 months
The Fall from the Heavens (38)
[ canon • Aemond x Strong • niece female ]
[ warnings: angst, attempted rape, murder, descriptions of wounds and their effects, descriptions of the fight ]
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[ description: A cool distance turns into friendship and more when two children see that they can find refuge and understanding in each other. However, naïve dreams collide with the reality in which every event has consequences and what once could have been love becomes a dark, newly painful obsession. Angst, sexual tension, obsession, violence, madness, very dark Aemond. ]
The story in this series is an alternate reality from the oneshot Stay and love, leave and die, in which Aemond reads the letters his niece has sent to him over the years. They are the same characters and it shows what would have happened between them − I have changed the background story from their childhood slightly for the sake of the plot.
Characters & Series Moodboard Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Childhood
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
She felt that something hung in the air, that it was all too simple, that Larys Strong would never allow himself to be caught with such ease. She knew this, but no arguments could stop her uncle or her brother, and she was left alone, locked in their chamber in Harrenhal, waiting in fear and tension for their arrival with the hope that they would both return alive.
By her husband's orders, no one was to cross the threshold of their quarters, so she had to remove her gown herself before going to bed. She sighed heavily when she finally managed to free herself from under the layers of her attire and remain in just her nightgown, stroking her belly as if trying to soothe both herself and the child in her womb.
They will come back, she thought in the back of her head.
They will both come back.
She lay back under the thick furs, checking once more with her hand that the dagger her mother had given her as a child was still between the bedframe and the sheets. She let out a quiet breath when she felt the cold steel beneath her fingers and curled up, looking towards the window.
She knew she wouldn't get a wink of sleep that night.
After a few hours she shuddered, snapped out of her half-slumber when she heard a rustling outside her chamber door, and then a click, as if someone had turned a key in the lock. For a moment she thought with joy that it was her husband, but then decided that he would not have crept in, and her hand involuntarily reached for the hilt of her dagger and slid it out, hiding it under the duvet.
She squealed loudly, bouncing in place as the door suddenly opened with a slam and two muscular men, smelling of sweat and alcohol, stepped inside.
"– let's go, little one – don't make me use force –" One of them said as she shook her head quickly, feeling the hard pounding of her heart, her hands clenched into fists.
The man laughed as he saw her pale, terrified face.
"– what a pretty thing you are – maybe we could make use of this body first? – what do you think? –" He chuckled mockingly to his companion, who grinned, from a distance she could see that he was missing a few teeth.
At their words she felt tears under her eyelids, she moved as far away from him as possible, but he grabbed her arm, wanting to lie on top of her, gripping the material of her nightgown.
"NO!" She shouted in rage, the blade of her dagger again, again and again thrust deep into his abdomen, making his voice stuck in his throat, the man behind him shouted in rage, running up to her.
"YOU LITTLE WHORE!" He screamed, pulling her away from his companion, who coughed loudly and slid to the floor, clutching at the spot where his warm blood was dripping, his eyes bulging in shock.
"– LET ME GO! – LET ME GO! –" She screamed and squealed, trying to push him away and stab him blindly with the blade, but he snatched it from her hand, dropping it to the floor with a powerful jerk, crushing her with his own body.
He punched her in the face with his fist, making her feel like she had gone deaf for a moment and lost her sight, his strong, rough hands caught her in half and threw her over his shoulder. They walked out of her chamber into the corridor, as if through a fog she could see the bodies of the guards covered in blood, their wide eyes empty and lifeless.
She didn't have the strength to scream or cry, breathing hard, feeling her swollen cheek pulsing with pain.
And then she noticed some kind of shadow moving behind them – the man noticed it too, because he turned, and after a moment he fell to the floor with her, crushing her with his body. She heard someone's groan of exertion – she took a loud breath as someone slid the man off her, a hand smelling of lavender and clove touching her cheek.
"– Princess – get up, we have to go, quickly –" She whispered, trying to lift her up. She threw her arm around her neck, leading her down the corridor.
Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the body of the man who had tried to abduct her lying on the stone floor, an axe stuck in his head.
Alys took her to some room that smelled of herbs. She laid her down on something soft, and then she heard a rustling and her gasp of effort, as if she was moving something heavy. She breathed loudly, slowly regaining consciousness, and raised herself up on her arm, seeing that she had pawed the doorway with a large dresser and a table.
"– rest –" Alys said, panting heavily, kneeling beside her, her wide-open green eyes shining in the moonlight. "– you are safe now –"
"– what will happen to my husband and brother? –" She mumbled out with difficulty, feeling her whole body begin to shiver with cold and terror. Alys shook her head.
"– I don't know –"
Several hours passed before they heard the powerful flapping of wings, two dragons began circling around the fortress in the darkness.
They were back.
They came out to meet them, both only in their nightgowns and overlaid robes, running down the stone steps. She stopped and screamed involuntarily, sobbing and wailing at the same time, covering her mouth with her hands, as she watched her brother and the man she was seeing for the first time in her life carry her unconscious husband through the fortress gates.
"– he was stabbed with a dagger in the back –" Jace cried out, all red and sweaty.
"– follow me, immediately –" Alys called out, pointing her finger at them to which chamber they should head to.
She ran after them, watching as Jace and the stranger laid her uncle's body on Alys' bed, her aunt beginning to take out various objects from the drawers one by one, panting heavily.
"– take off his cloak and tunic and turn him onto his stomach –" She commanded, and they obediently obeyed her order. She stood a few paces behind them, looking at his pale face, at his parted lips, and only after a moment did she see that a trickle of blood was trailing down his left foot.
Her whole body was trembling, she was unable to get a word out or move from her place.
When her husband was left in only his breeches and shirt, Alys cut the material with scissors. A terrified, helpless, loud moan ripped from her throat as she exposed the wound from which his blood was dripping and she wept loudly, burying her face in her hands, thinking that if he died, she would throw herself from the highest tower of Harrenhal.
"– hold him –" She ordered the men. Jace climbed onto the bed, sitting down on the side of his head, pressing his torso against the bedclothes with his hands while the other man grabbed his legs.
As her aunt leaned over and poured the contents of one of the vials onto his wound, her husband suddenly opened his eye and screamed as if someone was skinning him.
She felt her body suddenly rush up, running towards him – she fell to her knees beside him, grabbing his hand, stroking his hot, sweaty cheek.
"– shhh, my love – shhh – I know, I know it hurts –" She whispered soothingly. He whined low, his fingers tightening on hers.
"– I want to see our child –" He mumbled out in pain. She wept at his words and rose up on her knees, hugging his head to her breasts, stroking his hair. He screamed out loud as Alys repeated the action, spreading his wound with her fingers.
"– why are you doing this?! –" She cried out, hearing how much pain she was causing him, how much he was suffering.
"– I need to clean the wound and make sure there is no internal bleeding –" She replied coldly, looking at the man standing at his feet.
"– Erwin, there are needles and threads in the second drawer from the bottom – give it to me and a lit candle for me –" She ordered, and the man nodded, walking over to her large chest of drawers, snooping through her things, finding after a moment what she was speaking of.
Her husband was convulsing in her arms when they all watched in silence as Alys took out the needle, washing it with the same alcohol-scented liquid, and then slipped the tip of it into the fire. This went on for a while, and as she took it out, she put a thread through its eyelet and leaned over his wound, looking at her brother.
"– hold him –" She said, and then jabbed the needle into his skin, beginning to suture the wound.
Her uncle hissed and whined, squeezing her hand as hard as if he wanted to break her fingers. She looked at her in despair, not knowing how to relieve him, how to help him.
"– gods, please, at least give him poppy milk –" She mumbled out pleadingly, tears of pain and fear running down her cheeks red with emotion. Alys shook her head, heedless of his sobs.
"– no – he's lost too much blood – he won't wake up –" She said in an unobjectionable voice.
She put her arms around his head, cradling him to her chest, hushing him and stroking his hair as if he were a small child, a little boy.
"– shhh – shhh –"
"– Rhaenys – not yet – not yet –" He babbled, terrified, his trembling hand clamped on her wrist.
She felt her throat clench at the thought of him trying to tell her that he didn't want to die.
"– I'm with you – you're not going to die – you're not going to die –" She whispered softly, kissing his hot forehead again and again. She felt his breath begin to calm, and his grip eased: frightened, she touched her fingers to his neck and was relieved to feel a pulse.
Alys finished her work in silence, then reached for a small vessel standing on the table and opened its lid. She scooped a grey ointment onto her fingers, which she began to apply gently to the fresh wound.
"– the wound must not be covered with any material – he must lie on his stomach all night so that the stitches do not rip – if he survives until morning, there will be hope for him – he has lost a lot of blood –" She said, glancing at her out of the corner of her eye. She only wept at her words, placing her cheek on his head, stroking his jaw with her palm.
Neither of them slept for a moment that night.
However, morning came, and her husband, although burning up with fever, was still breathing.
"What's happening?" She asked, touching his hot forehead, placing on it a linen cloth previously soaked in the icy water Alys had given her.
"– it's a sign that his body is fighting – that he's not giving up –" She said calmly, and she nodded, trying to comfort herself with that thought.
When Jace asked them to speak in private she did so reluctantly, leaving her husband in the care of their aunt. They went out into the corridor and looked at each other for a moment in silence.
"– it was an ambush on me, not on him – his spies must have reported to Lord Strong that I had come to Harrenhal – the information that was given to our uncle was just bait – when they attacked me, he tried to protect me –" He muttered and she nodded, stroking her slightly rounded abdomen.
"– your cheek – what happened? –" He asked, but she shook her head.
"– I don't have the strength to discuss it, Jace –" She whispered, tired and powerless. Her brother nodded.
"– we need to inform our mother about what happened –" He replied.
"– yes – and not only her –"
While Alys replaced the cold cloths she had placed on her husband's back and forehead, she sat at her desk and wrote two letters: one to her mother in Dragonstone, the other to her uncle in King's Landing.
She ordered them to be sent immediately knowing what the consequences would be.
During the day, her husband's condition neither worsened nor improved – he was still asleep and Alys' chamber was cramped, so they decided to move him to his chamber, being careful not to hurt him. As they laid him on his bed, Alys placed the ointment she had used earlier on the table next to him.
"– apply a little of this ointment every five hours, Princess – the wound is swollen but no infection is developing – that's the most important thing – I think the worst is behind us – I will inform the servants to prepare hot soup for him and I will personally supervise how it is prepared –" She said, watching her calmly, without an expression of fatigue or discouragement.
She looked at her and nodded.
"– I am grateful to you, Alys – for everything you have done for me and my husband – when this is all over, decide for yourself where you wish to go – you are a free woman now –"
The woman smiled at her in a way that seemed sincere and filled with an emotion she didn't understand. She nodded and left without another word, leaving them alone.
Her uncle, when she tried to feed him, was semi-conscious. Because of the way he was lying on his stomach, she had to lift his head higher so he wouldn't choke. Her brother helped her attend to him without saying a word, holding his chin as she poured the contents of the bowl down his throat spoon by spoon.
Several times he muttered something in displeasure and furrowed his brow, however, he did not open his eyes, restless, sweat droplets on his forehead.
She only fell asleep in the evening, tired and weak, waking up once in a while, however, checking that he was still breathing. She shuddered when she felt him move, his breath became heavy, as if he was frightened of something. She lifted herself up on her arm to see that his eyelid was open, his lips parted, as if he didn't recognise her.
"– Rhaenys –"
She touched his cheek, feeling her heart begin to pound like mad, her stomach clenched in emotion, hearing his voice again, his skin hot from the heat.
"– I am here, my beloved –" She whispered, looking up at him tenderly, begging in her mind just for him to survive, for the Stranger not to take him away so early.
She heard him sigh quietly with some kind of relief, looking at her with a misty gaze.
"– I knew you would come –" He said quietly.
She didn't understand what he meant, but decided it didn't matter, her lips placed a warm, moist kiss on his forehead.
"– do you still want to marry me? –" He asked with difficulty, and she looked at him in disbelief, feeling her heart stop in her throat.
I knew you would come.
It seemed to him that they were still children.
That she had come to him that night when he lost his eye.
Her fingers ran gently over his jaw, hot, burning tears of emotion and pain running down her cheeks one by one.
"– uncle – we are married – I'm expecting your child –" She whispered, gently grasping his wrist, allowing his hand to touch her rounded lower abdomen. She felt him freeze, his lips parted, relief and warmth in his eyes from which she felt a tightening in her throat, stifling the sob that wanted to escape her lips.
"– I have married you –"
She laughed under her breath, wiping her tear-wet face, stroking his hand with hers.
"– yes, my love – I am your wife and you are my husband –" She whispered softly, leaning over him, placing a tender, sticky kiss on his lips, from which he sighed quietly in contentment.
"– you promised me that you would take me to Essos – you can't leave me now –" She mumbled, feeling that despite her efforts, tears flowed down her face in waves again, her breath heavy and hitched as she pressed her forehead against his, stroking his cheek.
"– never, my sweetest – never –" He whispered and closed his eyes. Horrified, she shook him, feeling her heart stop in her throat.
"– Aemond? –" She mumbled and pressed her fingers to his neck.
She cried out loud, feeling his pulse, and lay down beside him, snuggling into his body, praying aloud to all the gods, old and new, to show them mercy, to reward her husband for what he had done for her brother and to allow him to see the birth of his child.
The gods heard her prayers, and when Alys woke her the next morning, wanting to check how his wound was healing, he was still breathing.
Then Daemon arrived in Harrenhal.
The sight of Caraxes over the fortress filled her with fear and joy at the same time. She ran to meet him along with her brother, and although she knew that affectionate embraces were not in his nature, as soon as he slid off the back of his dragon, she ran to him and threw herself into his arms.
"Father!" She cried out, snuggling into him, and he did not reject her, embracing her tightly, pressing her to his heart.
Their stepfather received the information they conveyed to him with an air of disbelief, as if he thought they were hiding something from him; the uncertainty vanished from his face when he was led to the chamber where her husband rested.
"Will he survive?" He asked indifferently, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. She nodded, pale.
"With god's blessing, yes. Alys says the worst is behind him, but he still has a fever. Last night he woke up and spoke to me for a while, but then he lost consciousness again." She explained and he sighed heavily, running his hand over his face, walking around the room.
"I told your mother to let me handle the Strong and Hightower case, but she didn't consent. Does anyone in King's Landing know what happened here?"
"Aegon." She admitted immediately, looking at him, not lowering her gaze even as he turned to her in anger.
"You are a fool. He'll protect his grandfather. He'll hide him like a rat."
"No. Not after what happened." She said with a confidence that surprised him. He laughed and shook his head.
"Your naivety is dangerous, you are aware of that?" He asked, finally making himself comfortable in the chair and sighed heavily, tapping his fingers on the armrests.
"My men will find Larys Strong, and I will feed him to Caraxes in front of his own people. This, however, is not a problem. As long as Otto Hightower lives, don't hope for peace. And that green whore will never give him up to us, even if he unwittingly almost killed her son."
It turned out, however, that Daemon had been mistaken in his assessment of the situation, and the retinue with the carriage with the Queen inside arrived in Harrenhal after a few days. It frightened her that Harrenhal was slowly becoming a small Red Keep and that this woman would stand before her father.
Alicent, however, did not seem to be bothered by the sight of him, and instead walked up to her, panting heavily, grabbing her by her shoulders.
Only after a moment did she realise she was wearing black.
She wore mourning.
"– where is my son? –"
To Daemon's displeasure, she led her husband's mother to his chamber. When she saw him, she cried aloud, covering her mouth with her hand, and walked over to him, sitting down beside him on the bed. She stroked his white hair as if he were still a child.
"– my little boy –" She whispered in a breaking voice.
She decided to give them a moment of solitude.
While her husband was left in Alys' care, she, Jace, Daemon and Alicent sat down at the table together for the first time since the King's death.
They were all waiting to hear what she had to say.
The Queen sat in silence for a long time, staring dully ahead, not tasting the wine or the food, picking at the cuticles around her fingernails.
"My father is dead. My son-king sentenced him to death after he received a message from Harrenhal. He wanted to fly here in person, but I wouldn't let him." She confessed. Daemon snorted at her words, raising his eyebrow as if her words amused him.
"Your son-cunt is no king, and your father's head should have long since welcomed visitors to King's Landing impaled on a spike." He sneered.
"– father –" She said to him pleadingly, involuntarily stroking her abdomen again, weak and drowsy, having not experienced a peaceful sleep for several days. Alicent looked at her, pale and tired.
"– is this his child? –" She asked, and her father snorted at her words, raising his gaze to the ceiling.
"– for goodness' sake –"
"– yes –" She replied calmly, looking her straight in the eyes.
The Queen smiled sadly and nodded, as if this information actually pleased her.
"I'm glad." She whispered.
"– how touching – did you know that there was an attempt to poison my daughter? – that there was an attempt to kill my son and abduct her? – it's a miracle she hasn't lost that child yet –" Her father hissed out with a fury from which everyone fell silent, all around them only the sizzle of the fire in the fireplace behind him.
Alicent pressed her lips together, swallowing hard, looking down at her empty plate.
"– I tried to reason with him, but I couldn't – he thought, as he has all my life, that I was weak and naive in believing that a war could be avoided – he made me his pawn from the moment he put me under the nose of your brother, and my husband, like a mare for sale –" She replied indifferently, as if she was already tired of pretense and courtesy.
Daemon tapped his index finger on the armrest and licked his lower lip, watching her vigilantly.
"– King's Landing is not burning just for the sake of my daughter and what your son has done – remember this well –" He said lowly and rose from his seat, taking his cup and jug of wine, then left, leaving them in complete silence.
If anything good had come out of what had happened, it was that she and Jace were closer than they had ever been. Her brother watched over her and made sure she ate and drank, convincing her that since his mother was at her husband's side, she could finally rest a little.
"– you need to think of yourself and the baby too – call me if you need anything –" He said softly, looking at her lying on the bed, sitting beside her on the sheets. She put her hand on his and stroked it with her thumb.
"– I love you, brother –" She whispered.
Jace smiled at her words in a way from which she felt moved and leaned in, placing a warm, tender kiss on her forehead.
"– sleep –" He murmured and got up, leaving her alone in her chamber.
She had slept for several hours without waking for the first time in days, and when she opened her eyes, she wasn't sure if it was morning or evening. Only when she rubbed her eyes did she realise that the sun had only just risen above the horizon and she had slept through the night. She shuddered when she heard a quiet knock on the door to her chamber.
"– come in –" She said loudly. The door opened and Alicent stood in it, a small smile on her lips from which she felt warmth in her heart.
"– he's awake –"
Although only in her nightgown and a robe thrown over her shoulders, she ran to his chamber driven by euphoria. When she saw that he was lying on his back, that his eye was open, that he smiled softly at the sight of her, she cried out loudly and rushed towards him, climbing onto his bed, cuddling into his chest.
He hissed quietly, as if she had caused him pain, and she moved away immediately, looking at him apologetically.
"– forgive me – I –"
"– no – come here –" He muttered in a hoarse voice, putting his arm around her, pushing her back to him. She laid her head on his chest, this time being careful not to make any sudden movements. She sighed in relief as she felt his lips place a lingering, loud kiss on the top of her head.
Alicent followed her into the chamber, smiling as she watched them from the side, as if something about the sight brought her relief.
Her husband lifted her chin and furrowed his brow, seeing the remnants of a purple-pink bruise under her eye.
"– are you well? – did they hurt you? –" He asked, but she shook her head quickly.
"– no – but – I killed one of them –" She mumbled, lowering her gaze.
Over the past few nights, she had dreamt of the figures of this two men again and again, causing her to wake up terrified and drenched in sweat.
Her uncle sighed heavily, stroking her cheek with his thumb, looking at her face, his sapphire eye shining in the sunlight.
"– how? –" He asked coldly.
"– as you taught me – I stabbed him in the stomach with a dagger –" She muttered and heard him smile.
"– my Visenya –" He whispered and kissed her forehead with a quiet click.
She involuntarily felt herself blush at his words and snuggled her face into his neck, enjoying his proximity and scent.
"– I will order a meal to be prepared for you –" His mother said and left their chamber, leaving them alone. She felt his uncle's hand slide down to her lower abdomen, stroking her skin.
"– how do you feel? –" He asked quietly, as if she had been stabbed in the back with a dagger rather than him.
"– I feel well, uncle – now that I am in your arms, all is well –"
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gojuo · 3 months
so this is how blood & cheese should have went down if hotd had actual good writers: the plotline starts with rhaenyra wailing and sobbing over luke's death on dragonstone. daemon tries to console her as much as he can stand to do so. she tells him that she wants them dead, every single last one of those traitors. daemon grins of course, because this is how he raised her to be: a vengeful, spoiled, hateful, vindictive monster (he has been grooming her since she was 8 years old to hate her half-siblings after all). the next scene in this plotline would have us see to daemon and mysaria in bed together in harrenhal, where he painstakingly details out what he wants her to do exactly. he gives not just mysaria, but us, the viewers, word for word the sequence of events that he wants to happen on the night of the assassination. we the viewers are deeply horrified by his orders, because what he orders is monstrous. book readers would be kept on their toes, because surely the show would change this event in some ways, right? daemon describing it exactly as it was in the book has to be a red herring right?, is what they would be thinking. and show-only watchers would be on the edge of their seats wondering throughout the entirety of the episode if something so horrific would actually take place on screen. both book readers and show watchers would be left with the question of, is this seriously what's going to happen? no fucking way..., when watching the episode unfold. the next scenes concerning the plotline would be mysaria hiring blood and cheese, a scene or two establishing their characters, them getting intel on where helaena and the kids will be, talking about how difficult it would be to break into maegor's holdfast bc of all the guards so the only option is the tower of the hand ... and then eventually night falls over king's landing and we are in the red keep. we'll be near the end of the episode, like the last 15 minutes, and we follow cheese as he leads blood through the tunnels to the tower of the hand where alicent's room is. earlier in the ep we learned helaena always takes the kiddos there to say goodnight to grandma. they sneak into the room where they strangle her maid, kill the guards in front of the door quietly, and beat alicent until she's knocked out and they tie her up and gag her so she cannot be heard. then cheese goes to stand next to the door in preparation for helaena's arrival, while blood sits on a sofa facing the door. the next scenes would be focused on helaena as she gathers the kiddos to go from maegor's holdfast to the tower of the hand, and we are getting eerie, dark gothic grunge vibes from the camera shots as she gets these weird premonitions, shivers crawling up her spine. but she still goes to the tower of the hand, while the viewers would be screaming and yelling and crying and sobbing at the tv begging her not to go there. but helaena goes anyway because this is a canon event baby. i told you in the beginning of the episode what was going to happen :^) and then it happens exactly as described in both f&b and earlier in the ep by daemon. the beheading would of course not be shown but i would have jaehaerys' blood spray all over helaena and alicent while she does the ellaria scream and alicent is crying unable to do anything bc her hands are bound behind her back and she has a gag in her mouth. the final few shots of the episode would be in slow motion (all the while you hear helaena's screams) as the entire red keep hears this harrowed shrieking and so the guards and the maids and the servants all run to alicent's rooms and we see the pools of blood underneath everyone's feet as they go in and out of the room then finally we come to the last shot of the episode which is aegon's frightened face as he slowly walks through the chaos, puts his hand on the slightly closed door, pushes it open (all the while we hear helaena's unending screams), and he quietly says, "jaehaerys?" roll credits.
that's how you write and adapt a fucking book scene @ ryan condal & co you pieces of worthless shit.
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This part in Jon III AGoT when he’s realizing that he means to swear his life to a celibate institution at only the age of 14, before he could explore all the options the world has to offer him.
“I don’t care,” Jon said. “I don’t care about them and I don’t care about you or Thorne or Benjen Stark or any of it. I hate it here. It’s too… it’s cold.” “Yes. Cold and hard and mean, that’s the Wall, and the men who walk it. Not like the stories your wet nurse told you. Well, piss on the stories and piss on your wet nurse. This is the way it is, and you’re here for life, same as the rest of us.” “Life,” Jon repeated bitterly. The armorer could talk about life. He’d had one. He’d only taken the black after he’d lost an arm at the siege of Storm’s End. Before that he’d smithed for Stannis Baratheon, the king’s brother. He’d seen the Seven Kingdoms from one end to the other; he’d feasted and wenched and fought in a hundred battles. They said it was Donal Noye who’d forged King Robert’s warhammer, the one that crushed the life from Rhaegar Targaryen on the Trident. He’d done all the things that Jon would never do, and then when he was old, well past thirty, he’d taken a glancing blow from an axe and the wound had festered until the whole arm had to come off. Only then, crippled, had Donal Noye come to the Wall, when his life was all but over.
This part in Jon V, only two chapters later, when he’s finally about to become a man of the Watch but he can’t get too excited because he’s realizing that there’s a great big world down there, yet he’s all the way up here at the Wall - a cold, unwelcoming home; a prison with no escape unless he wishes to die.
He had no destination in mind. He wanted only to ride. He followed the creek for a time, listening to the icy trickle of water over rock, then cut across the fields to the kingsroad. It stretched out before him, narrow and stony and pocked with weeds, a road of no particular promise, yet the sight of it filled Jon Snow with a vast longing. Winterfell was down that road, and beyond it Riverrun and King’s Landing and the Eyrie and so many other places; Casterly Rock, the Isle of Faces, the red mountains of Dorne, the hundred islands of Braavos in the sea, the smoking ruins of old Valyria. All the places that Jon would never see. The world was down that road… and he was here. Once he swore his vow, the Wall would be his home until he was old as Maester Aemon. “I have not sworn yet,” he muttered. He was no outlaw, bound to take the black or pay the penalty for his crimes. He had come here freely, and he might leave freely… until he said the words. He need only ride on, and he could leave it all behind. By the time the moon was full again, he would be back in Winterfell with his brothers. Your half brothers, a voice inside reminded him. And Lady Stark, who will not welcome you. There was no place for him in Winterfell, no place in King’s Landing either. Even his own mother had not had a place for him. The thought of her made him sad. He wondered who she had been, what she had looked like, why his father had left her. Because she was a whore or an adulteress, fool. Something dark and dishonorable, or else why was Lord Eddard too ashamed to speak of her? Jon Snow turned away from the kingsroad to look behind him. The fires of Castle Black were hidden behind a hill, but the Wall was there, pale beneath the moon, vast and cold, running from horizon to horizon. He wheeled his horse around and started for home.
Yes Jon could leave the Watch, but he has no place! Because where would he go, bastard that he is?
That’s why the most underrated endgame theory is ‘Traveling Diplomat Jon’. Yes he’s a talented politician and he would do very well as a ruling lord, but there’s so much he’s yet to discover because he struggled to see where his illegitimate status could take him. But even in his bastardy, Jon is connected to so many important locations all around Westeros. Forget Winterfell. He could visit Harrenhall where his parents met. He could go look for rubies in the Trident and see where his father died. He could visit the Vale, the place that raised his adoptive father and the man he’s named after. He could take a trip to Starfall and visit his milkbrother, then visit the Tower of Joy’s ruins. He could got to Dragonstone and Summerhall, his father’s birthplace and home. If he wishes, he can cross the Narrow Sea and visit his friend (and personal banker) Tycho Nestoris in Braavos. And if his suicidal tendencies get stronger, why not visit the smoky ruins of Valyria where sleeping dragons were once brought to life, just like himself?
Jon has spent five books earning his ‘Lord Snow’ title. And though it’s an oxymoron everyone, from baseborn bastards to mighty kings, calls him that and not all of them do it as a sign of mockery. He’s put in a lot of work towards coming to terms with his bastardy. So it’s finally time for him to take that in consideration and realize that there’s a great big world out there that’s ready to welcome him, bastard as he is.
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thesunfyre4446 · 2 months
Rhaenys reaction to Corlys infidelity is so disappointing. This wasn’t Corlys sleeping with some whore, barmaid or camp follower once. Corlys had an actual bond and prolonged relationship with this woman. He made a baby with her and then did it again. He was playing house with her and the babies for a time.
Rhaenys is now childless, she lost her 2 children- really because of Corlys ambitions. Then she sees that Corlys has 2 more children? She should’ve raged.
Rhaenys is way more passive than she and team black accuse Alicent of being. In the end there’s nothing a woman can do about her husband’s infidelity and bastards in their society like divorce. They have rights over your body, you can’t withhold sex. The only thing she is allowed is to show her displeasure and anger about the situation and fans are applauding Rhaenys for not embracing that tiny bit of resistance??
The writers fail every time they refuse to let team black have any inner conflict when they have just as many issues as the greens. Everything is solved by good faith and some self righteous speech.
Everything must be neatly packaged with a bow on top by the end of the episode, while they have TG carrying generational trauma and several ongoing plot.
I suppose Jace’s issue with Rhaenyra is solved because she told him that irrelevant ass bedtime story that will soon be lost to history. He’s now a grown man and his mother has never had an honest discussion about his father’s. There is no anger or resentment towards her for the situation she put him and his brothers in. Team Black collectively blame Alicent more for not pretending to be blind than they do Rhaenyra for making an immensely dangerous decision 3 times, 1 time was after an 8 year age gap.
Rhaena now fully accepts her claim to Driftmark died with the pretender Luke. She’s now reconsidered her original feelings about becoming a nursemaid to Rhaenyra and her father’s children (because Rhaena is never treated like family, Rhaenyra never appeals to her by calling them her brothers. Poor Rhaena has had to live the last 6 years of her life as an outsider looking in on her “family”) because Rhaenyra gave her a task to make her more pliant and agreeable like you do with little kids when you hand them a shopping list because you want them to behave and stay out of the way.
Daemyra isn’t even over, he is still tb’s tortured misunderstood devoted malewife “babygirl”. Eventually Daemyra will reunite and talk about twin flames, burning together, a dragon alone in the world or some fake deep shit like that. Rhaenyra is going to accept him back into her heart. He’ll be magically cured of his jealousy and tendency towards domestic violence because Alys sent him some dreams at Harrenhal. While on the other side you have Alicole taking the blame from the writers and the fandom for the murder of their grandchild that Babygirl- Daemon had committed, entrenched in Catholic guilt, fucking and fighting and having secret abortions.
This is why watching team black scenes is like watching white paint drip down a wall. When a team black scene comes on, I can look away from the screen, have a conversation, go online shopping, zone out a little and answer texts or scroll the socials.
They’re dreadfully boring. I saw something yesterday that I never thought I would see from team righteous. The comment section of a promo video HBO posted on IG, a lot of people who said they are team black admitting to finding team green characters more interesting because they have flaws. Saying that they enjoy team green scenes more because the blacks are boring.
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literally why i'm team green. anon ATE and left no crumbs. that was amazing please let's be mutuals
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sapphire-writes · 11 months
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Ch. 5: Safe (finale)
main masterlist || series masterlist || previous chapter
summary: The culmination of the haunting of Harrenhal. Secrets are revealed.
word count: 4.3k
warnings: ANGST, grief, possession, mentions and descriptions of death, suffocation, claustrophobia, car accident resulting in death, home invasion, ghosts, spooky things, fighting, blood, spiders
note: some things are revealed, and some are left for you to rattle around with and ponder! Happy Halloween my loves! 🎃 👻
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banner made by the fantastic @ewanmitchellcrumbs, ilysm ange! thank you again for making this for me, I've appreciated it so much!
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The drive home is filled with comfortable silence. The rain has changed from a torrential downpour to a light drizzle; steam rising off the blacktop curling toward the sky like smoke. The back of the car is full of shopping bags. It was hard to choose only one doll, and Aemond was insistent that Jaehaera should have one of her choosing; thus resulting in the purchase of one of each. 
It was past suppertime by the time you’d returned to the grounds, the sky turning a pale purple as the sun sank over the horizon. 
The house was quiet as you entered. Aemond hurried himself upstairs to check on Helaena and you made yourself busy in the kitchen. You found some leftovers and plated them before putting on the kettle. 
You turn at the sound of footsteps. Aemond’s eye is wide, and he nods as you acknowledge him. 
“Everything alright?” you ask, and he nods again more forcefully.
“Yes, she’s just with Maelor now in her room,” he tells you, “Jaehaera is in the nursery. Everything’s…alright.” He says it like he can’t believe it’s true.
“Sit,” you tell him, “You should eat.”
Aemond does as he’s told, sitting in a chair and rubbing his face. 
“I’m so relieved,” he admits, “I didn’t…I was a bit unsure…” Aemond sighs then, leaning back in his chair, “Well she hasn’t been keen to interact with him since….”
“Since Jaehaerys,” you finish his sentence for him.
“Yes,” he agrees, “Since Jaehaerys.”
How much do you push? You’re not even sure what this means now that you and Aemond have slept together. How much should you know? You place a plate in front of him, before sitting down at the table as well.
How much do you want to know?
“What happened to him?” you ask, nervous to broach the subject.
You’d read a bit online about what had happened, but there were little details made public. About anything to be honest. The Targaryens were quite secretive. 
“Helaena….” Aemond begins, “It was terrible. A home invasion. It happened right in front of her…” Aemond sighs, “I just want her to be safe. I’ve never been more scared than on that night. I thought I’d lost them all.”
Aemond rubs a hand over his face, closing his eyes.
“He thought he was hiding,” Aemond says softly, “Like a game. Helaena told him to go hide and he did. But…” Aemond swallows before continuing, “No one could find him. Long after the police had been there. Not until.”
Nausea rolls through you, discomfort sitting like a weight in your stomach. 
“Where was he?”
“He’d gotten into the attic somehow, locked himself in a chest,” Aemond says, wiping a tear escaping his eye, “The coroner said he’d most likely fallen asleep. That the lack of oxygen wasn’t…it wasn’t a painful way to go.”
You can’t help the small, pained gasp that leaves you and you rush to cover your mouth with your hand, tears welling in your eyes. Just picturing little Jaehaera, you can’t even imagine something like that happening to her. 
“And it was so soon after Alys,” he admits, “I wasn’t..I wasn’t myself. I don’t think I could have survived it. If Helaena…”
“Alys….she was pregnant, wasn’t she?” you ask, speaking very slowly.
Aemond gives you a curt nod, fingers tapping the table.
“She was,” he admits, “We weren’t….it wasn’t planned. But we were happy.”
You listen to him talk, focusing on the movement of his mouth. 
“Car accident,” he murmurs, answering your unspoken question.
You nod slightly as he raises his eyes to see your reaction. There is no need to press any further on the subject of Alys. You can tell he still cares for her, that the wound has not healed. 
“When I brought the children here…the first time…the girl before you, Floris,” he begins, and you nod for him to continue, “That’s when Alys first showed herself. I thought if she had Jaehaera to look after, she’d be content.”
The hair on the back of your neck stands on end. Moments of confusion begin to click in your mind, the realization chilling. 
“She was, for a while,” Aemond tells you, deeply sighing, “I didn’t realize she’d…take over Floris until she tried...well,” He pauses a moment, wetting his lips before glancing up at you, “I’m sure you can imagine what happened.”
“Oh,” you answer, cheeks warming, “And did you..”
“No!" he answers quickly, "Seven hells I was embarrassed,” Aemond says, his own cheeks turning pink, “I had no feelings for her, nor her any for me. The poor girl was humiliated when she realized what Alys had tried to make her do. Left the following morning with little more than a resignation note scribbled on a napkin.”
“What does she want?” you ask, referring to his dead wife.
“I just think…” Aemond trails off, his eyes lost in thought, “I think she’s lonely. I think most of the spirits trapped here are.”
“And yet you mean to sell.”
“What would you have me do?” Aemond asks, resting his hand over his mouth, his elbow against the table.
You hold his gaze, unsure of how to answer. 
Lights shine into the kitchen, along with the sound of gravel crunching beneath tires. Someone pulled in the driveway.
“Someone’s here,” Aemond murmurs, standing.
He goes to the front door and you stay behind, cleaning up the plates. 
Voices soon grow louder as you clear the table. Not quite yelling, but raising in volume. You’re able to catch just pieces of the conversation; Aemond and someone else.
“She’s owed it,” Daemon’s voice makes your blood run cold, “More than you.”
“Alys was my wife,” Aemond argues, “This is what she wanted. I’m respecting her wishes.”
“It’s rather convenient that all those documents were lost,” Daemon continues, “Harwin wanted this place to go to Rhaenyra. To the boys.”
“Then he should have made the arrangements before…”
“Yes,” Daemon says slowly, “I suppose he should have. However, it is rather curious. He returns to Harrenhal House to get his will squared away and then…” Daemon trails off.
“What are you implying?” Aemond asks cooly.
“I’m only being curious,” Daemon insists, a playful edge to his voice, “Though I’m sure you’ll get a pretty penny for this old place. Ghosts and all.”
Aemond doesn’t answer, and you hear Daemon bark out a sharp laugh.
“Come now, lēkianna (nephew), have a sense of humor.”
“I want you gone,” Aemond quips.
“Yes, well, we all want things, don’t we?” Daemon asks, the smile evident in his tone. 
You take another step and a floorboard creaks causing you to wince. 
“Ah. That’ll be your little friend,” Daemon muses, missing nothing, “But before I take my leave, Rhaenyra asked about Helaena.”
“She’s fine,” Aemond snaps, “I’m taking care of her.”
You back up into the kitchen at the sound of footsteps. Daemon appears not a moment later, a half smile on his face. He’s dressed in a black button-up shirt, the sleeves rolled to his elbows. Aemond stands behind him in the doorway, watching closely. 
“Kettle on?” Daemon asks you, violet eyes narrowed. You give him a curt nod. “Be a dear, won’t you?”
You glance at Aemond, meeting his eyes. He looks exhausted but tilts his chin giving you the silent go-ahead. Turning from Daemon you grab a mug and prepare him a cup of tea. Daemon walks around the kitchen as you do so; you can feel his presence behind you. Aemond remains in the doorway his hands curled into anxious fists at his side. You try not to let your hands tremble as you offer the cup to Daemon, turning away from the counter. 
He takes it, offering a small smile in return as he sips from the steaming cup. 
“She’d be better off with Rhaenyra,” Daemon says, not ready to end the previous conversation, “Not like your crowd could keep anyone safe-”
Aemond lurches forward, smashing Daemon’s cup from his hand and sending it to the floor. It shatters and pieces of the mug explode against the kitchen floor. Daemon merely smiles, as though the display was nothing more than a child’s tantrum. 
“Do you deny it?” Daemon taunts, “Be angry all you want; I only speak the truth.”
“Out,” Aemond hisses.
Daemon smiles crookedly, fire in his violet eyes. They stare at each other, neither refusing to back down first. They’re quite similar, you’ve noticed. Perhaps they once got along.
“The deed to the house,” Daemon tells him, “Then I’ll go.”
“You’ll go now,” Aemond says, grabbing Daemon by the shirt, and dragging him towards the door. 
“Aemond!” you yell, as they push through the front door. 
Daemon laughs as he pushes him, holding his hands out in feigned surrender. You’re almost sure Daemon could stop him if he truly wanted to; the older man is built with more muscle, less lithe and lean than Aemond is. You follow close behind as they make it out the door and down the front steps.
“Stop it!”
The two men continue fighting; they tumble down into the front yard, the rain-soaked grass causing them to lose their footing. The air is misty, the rain falling gently, steadily. 
It’s a blur of fists and silver hair, Daemon’s fist connects with the side of Aemond’s head and red explodes into the air like drops of rain. His ring has cut Aemond’s temple, blood trickling down the side of his face, a brilliant scarlet against porcelain flesh. 
“Stop it!” you yell, but the men ignore you continuing their fighting.
Aemond grapples with Daemon, spitting at him as he manages to wriggle out of his grip. You watch as Aemond gets the upper hand, his fist connecting with Daemon’s face. There’s blood on his hands, blood on his rain-soaked shirt and he keeps punching him again, again, again.
“Aemond!” you yell, your voice raw.
His eyes snap up, looking at you standing in the rain watching him. Daemon laughs below him, a slow giggle that grows in volume. 
Aemond rises off the ground, running a hand over his slicked hair and walking toward you.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, “I’m sorry---” You wrap your arms around him, holding his lean form against you, hand pressed to the back of his head. 
“It’s alright,” you tell him, “It’s alright.”
You stand there holding him as Daemon sits up, spitting a wad of blood and saliva into the ground as he stands. Rain soaks through your clothes, Aemond’s head heavy against your shoulder. 
“This isn’t over,” Daemon says begrudgingly, walking over to his car, “If you won’t sign it over, she’ll put in an offer herself. And Helaena….” Daemon clicks his tongue, “Give her my regards.”
Daemon runs a hand over his hair, opening the door to his car before starting the engine. The tires crunch against the gravel as he speeds off.
“You’re freezing,” Aemond says. You’d hardly noticed you’d started shivering, your teeth rattling against each other. Aemond’s body pressed against yours, the only warmth you feel. Aemond takes your hands in his, squeezing gently. “Go upstairs, make sure Helaena is still alright?”
You force a nod, unable to stop your shaking. Your eyes are locked on his face, at the drying blood on the right side. Raindrops gather around the congealing blood, pink tears rolling down his cheek and onto his neck.
“I’ll get cleaned up,” he says softly, “Let’s go inside.”
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You head up the stairs, hurrying to Helaena’s room as Aemond returns to the kitchen. You give the door a gentle knock before opening without a response from within. Perhaps she’s sleeping.
The room is dark, moonlight streaming in through the windows. 
“Helaena!” you call, stepping forward but stopping yourself.
She stands on her balcony, her silver hair blowing softly behind her. The rain sprinkles into the room, pearly dew drops gathering on the hardwood floor like glass marbles. The gate of the railing is thrown wide open so that if she took a step forward she would plummet to the ground below. Your heart hammers in your chest, adrenaline warming you even though you’re soaked to the bone. 
“Shhh,” Helaena murmurs, pointing to the bassinet that balances on the railing. Maelor is sound asleep within it. A breeze rolls through and you shiver.
“Helaena,” you say more softly, struggling to keep your voice even.
“He’s sleeping,” she says, staring at Maelor, “Isn’t he lovely?”
You take a cautious step forward, your shoes squelching as you do so. 
“It’s cold, Hel,” you say, struggling to keep your voice light and even, “Why don’t you come inside?”
She ignores you, still gazing at her sleeping son. 
“He looks so much like him,” she muses, brushing some soft hair, “He sleeps better. Jaehaerys never slept this easy as a baby.” She smiles softly, the back of her fingers almost stroking his cheek, “So soft. Perfect. A little angel, don’t you think?”
You nod, unable to speak, your throat tight with fear. Helaena hums happily and Maelor softly coos in his sleep, his fists raised above his head. 
“He should stay like this,” Helaena murmurs, “Just safe, happy. He doesn't have a care in the world.” Her fingers dance along his face, not quite touching him, “There’s so much pain ahead of him. So much hurt. Scraped knees, broken bones. Loss. Heartbreak.” She laughs quietly, still swaying in the wind. “I can fix that.”
Fear stabs through you like a knife between your ribs. “Hel..”
“I can,” she says, eyes meeting yours, “Right now. Spare him any of that. Isn’t that what a mother should do? Protect her baby from harm?”
You swallow.
“I don’t want him to hurt,” she says, tears streaming down her face, “That’s all.”
“I know,” you tell her, “And you can try, and you can love him and hold him, and teach him, but…you can’t control the world.”
“But I can control this,” she insists, “Right now. I can choose.”
“Helaena,” you beg, “You don’t want this, not really. You want your baby to live. You want Maelor to have a life.”
Her lip wobbles, and tears spill down her cheeks soaking the fabric of her nightgown.
“But ... .but…I don’t wish this pain. Why?” she asks, looking at you suddenly, “Why can’t it stop?”
“That’s the price we pay,” you tell her, “That’s the deal you make with the world.”
“Rotten luck,” she says, laughing bitterly, “This family is cursed. We brought him into the world with a sword hanging above his head. It’s only a matter of time before…” Helaena winces, pressing her palm against her head, “My head….” she says, voice breaking softly, “It always hurts.”
“Maybe he’ll break it,” you insist, “Generational curses don’t have to go on forever. The cycle can end.”
“I suppose,” Helaena muses, giving you a wry smile, “You have lots of hope.”
“I don’t--”
“It’s good,” she interrupts, “Aemond does too. You’re good for him. He has eyes…though I don’t think he can see.” She turns and steps inside.
You take a hesitant step forward reaching to take Maelor, steadying the bassinet as it wobbles. Helaena allows it, walking past you into the room as you scoop the sleeping babe into your arms. 
“This feels familiar,” Helaena says, glancing back at the balcony. A breeze rolls through, making you shiver, but Helaena stands unmoving. “Like…it’s happened before.”
“What do you mean?”
“I want a book,” Helaena muses, ignoring your question, walking toward the door, “I’d like a different story.” She leaves her bedroom door open as she turns down the hall in the direction of the library. 
You steady yourself, taking a deep breath before walking to the nursery. Jaehaera isn’t in her bed when you arrive. A chill rolls through you. You place Maelor in his crib, closing the nursery door. A giggle is heard then, echoing through the hall.
“Jaehaera?” you call, walking slowly down the hall.
The giggling continues, along with the sound of running feet. Suddenly, the hair on the back of your neck rises and you turn.
Alys is in front of you, her green eyes bright. Shock pours through you, fear running through your veins like ice water.
“I’m sorry,” she says quickly, “I didn’t…”
You take an unconscious step back, adrenaline spiking at the perceived threat. 
“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” she says softly, “I just thought..” She trails off, “He’s been meaning to leave for some time. I tried to make him stay…even with Helaena..” Alys shakes her head, “I thought if we could have a baby. Our baby. I just wanted him to stay, that’s all.”
Tears began to well in your eyes. 
“He can’t go,” she tells you, “Not the way he wants to.”
“What do you mean?” you ask.
Alys grimaces. 
“He can’t leave the way he wants,” she repeats, slowing her words.
What? “But Alys,” you tell her, “I don’t understand..please..”
“You know,” she tells you, backing up into the darkness until her glowing green eyes are all you can see—green flames in the darkness. “You’re clever. Help him see.”
Help him see.
Help him see what? But Alys has gone, evaporating into darkness.   
He can’t leave the way he wants to.
You walk down the hall, turning into the library. It appears to be empty and you crane your head around the darkened corners of the room, your mind spinning. 
He can’t leave the way he wants to.
“Helaena?” you call.
The way he wants to.
Aemond calls your name and you turn as he enters the library, his pace brisk.
“Come on,” he says, grabbing your hand, “Grab the baby. And Jaehaera, we’re leaving.”
He pulls you forward, and you nearly lose your footing, his hand holding yours tightly.
“Now?” you ask, your tone concerned. 
“We’ll stay somewhere in town,” he says, “It’ll be fine for a little while, then I’ll call my mother and figure something out with the house.” His voice borders on hysterical, “We’ve got to get them out. We’ve gotta get out now. Before something happens.”
“Before what happens?” you question. He can’t leave the way he wants. “Aemond wait, stop--” 
“What?” he says pausing, “I’ll get Helaena and we’ll go. It’s you and me.” He places his hands on your cheeks. “We’ll all be alright.”
His eyes are wide and he’s breathing heavily. You place your hands on top of his.
“Something’s wrong,” you tell him, “Something’s not right, we can’t.”
“Why?” Aemond says, “We can, I promise you we can let… let's just go-”
“Didn’t I tell you?”
Your eyes snap towards the door at the sound of her voice. Helaena stands in the doorway, her hair and nightgown dry. Her eyes are softer, a small smile on her face. 
“He’s so hopeful,” she says softly, as Aemond watches her, “Even now.”
A chill rolls down your spine as she walks into the room. Even the way she walks is whimsical like she’s floating rather than walking. 
“Hel-” you begin, but your throat grows tight with emotion.
“Don’t,” she says softly, “It’s alright. I wasn’t sure before but…he knows. I think he’s known for some time.”
He knows I’m dead, she means. 
“He just doesn’t want to believe it.”
This feels familiar, she’d said when standing on her balcony.
It all makes sense. 
Dead from the beginning.
“I used to have so many dreams about this place,” she muses, looking up toward the ceiling, “So much suffering within these walls. Death lives within the foundation of this house. It is no wonder things are this way. When I came here….” she trails off, wetting her lips, “Everything was loud. So loud in my head. Louder than it had ever been before.”
“You died,” you tell her, piecing the story together, “When you…when you first came to Harrenhal.” Helaena smiles at you softly, her eyes sad. 
“It was too loud,” she says softly, “I was grieving. It all was too much.”
“Aemond said it wasn’t you…..the screaming that night in the hall…but it was, wasn’t it?”
She doesn’t answer, her eyes just continue to flicker between you and her younger brother.
“Helaena,” Aemond says, speaking softly, “I’m so sorry. I should’ve…I should’ve-”
“Shhhh valonqar,” she says, stepping forward, stroking his cheek, “There was nothing you could have done.”
“I didn’t want this,” Aemond insists, “I just wanted...I just wanted you to be safe.”
“I am,” Helaena insists, “I’m safe. It’s so quiet now.” She looks up at the night sky, smiling to herself. “My head isn’t as loud.” 
“How can that be?” Aemond asks.
“Alys meant well,” Helaena tells him, pursing her lips, “She only meant to keep you here.”
“Alys,” you realize aloud, “It was her?”
“Sometimes ... .she'd get in my head…meddle about,” Helaena says softly, “Sometimes….it’s easy to forget. Time isn’t really the same now. I would walk for hours, waking up so confused.” Her voice trails off before she turns to you. “You’ll look after them. All of them.”
You nod. Of course, you will. 
“Helaena….” you say softly, “But how…”
“I’d always been sensitive, even in life,” she says softly, “Kepa called me his dreamer. It followed me in death as well I suppose.” She meets your eyes. “I don’t know who used me to speak with you. Someone here. Another spirit is not ready to show itself. Or perhaps they just don’t want to.” She sighs
You nod, unable to speak.
“I don’t want to leave you here,” Aemond says, “I don’t…I can’t do this without you.”
“It’s alright,” Helaena says, touching his cheek, “I’m here.” She presses a hand to his chest, and he places his on top of hers. “I’m with you. Do you remember what mother always said to us?”
“The invisible string,” Aemond whispers.
“It follows the people we love, connects us,” Helaena says softly, “Whenever you think of me, you pull on that, and no matter where I am, I’ll know. I am not gone. It’s just different now. But I’ll always be with you.” She smiles, “Avy jorrāelan.”
Aemond smiles through his tears, a soft laugh breaking through. He kisses the back of his sister’s hand. 
“Avy jorrāelan,” he says softly, “So much, Helaena, so much.”
She presses her hand against his cheek.
“Kepus?” Jaehaera’s voice calls, “Miss Gevie?”
Helaena smiles softly at the sound of her daughter’s voice. Jaehaera enters the library, eyes widening at the sight. Helaena walks over to her, kneeling.
“It’s time for me to go,” she says softly.
“I don’t want you to,” Jaehara says, her voice small, “Alys said…she said we could all stay.”
“No,” Helaena says, voice soft but firm, “No, you, my sweet girl, must go.” She brushes some hair from Jaehaera’s face, tears welling in her eyes, “There is so much world for you to see. So much life for you to live.”
“But what about you?” Jaehaera asks, tears falling down her cheeks, “What about you muña?”
Helaena smiles through her tears, her voice breaking, “My journey ends here.”
“No!” Jaehaera insists, stomping her foot.
Helaena presses a hand to her heart, bringing the other to Jaehaera’s. A soft gasp escapes your lips as you inhale a ragged breath and Aemond takes your hand in his. You hadn’t realized you were crying as well until he wiped a tear from your cheek.
“I am always with you,” she says softly, “Do you hear me? Always.”
Jaehaera places her hand on top of Helaena’s nodding despite her tears. Helaena pulls her close, embracing her tightly, kissing the top of her head, and smoothing her hair. She whispers something you do not catch. 
Jaehaera kisses her mother’s cheek before hurrying over to you. She hugs your legs, holding on tightly. 
“Let Rhaenyra have the house,” Helaena tells Aemond, “Tell Daemon. If it is Harrenhal they truly want, give it to them. This family has seen enough fighting for a lifetime.”
Aemond lowers his head. 
Helaena turns suddenly, eyes bright.
“I hear him again,” she says smiling, “He likes to hide, but I always find him.” She turns back to you all one final time, “We’ll be okay Aemond. Alys and I, we’ll look after one another. Be happy.”
Aemond stifles a sob and Helaena is gone. Jaehaera clings to you, pressing further against you and the three of you sink to the floor, holding onto one another. 
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A Few Weeks Later
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Summerhall house is bright; the walls of the first floor are made entirely of windows that overlook the mountains and the Dornish Marches. The air is turning colder with the promise of autumn, but that hasn’t stopped Jaehaera from playing outdoors.
A soft meow makes you glance down as Morghul rubs against your calf. The black kitten meows once more before softly padding down the steps and into the grass. She appeared to Jaehaera soon after relocating to Summerhal, never straying far from her side.
A swing hangs from a large oak tree and she loves to play on it. Though now she rests below the trunk of the tree. You’ll check on her in a moment, once Maelor’s eyes flutter shut and you pass him into Aemond’s arms. 
You rise from your seat on the porch and walk down the steps. The grass is warm and soft under your bare feet. The afternoon sunlight bathes the yard in warm golden light.
“Everything alright?” you ask Jaehaera who simply smiles, showing you what she’d found.
“A spider,” she says, “I’m not afraid of them anymore.”
“Muña wouldn’t want me to be afraid.”
You smile, watching as she releases the creature against the trunk of the tree, watching as it scurries away. 
“No,” you agree, placing a kiss on top of Jaehaera’s head, “I suppose she wouldn’t.”
Jaehaera returns to her swing and asks you to push her. You agree, letting her laughter wash over you. You understand Helaena more and more each day. You only want them to be happy, only want them to be safe and loved.
The world may be full of unknowns, but you and Aemond are not. Here, with you they are safe, they are loved.
This may be enough.
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note: As always when I finish a series thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! For reading my work, for your lovely reblogs, and for your thoughtful comments, I cannot thank you enough for your love and support! This has been an absolute blast to write and share with you! Until next time besties, I love you all so much, and Happy Halloween! 🎃
ACP taglist: @aebi12 | @lokiofasgard12 | @darkenchantress | @echos-muses | @kaelatargaryen | @zenka69 | @heavenly1927 | @boofy1998 | @snh96 | @zillahvathek | @minttea07 | @promnightbinbaby | @marihoneywk | @duds31 |@aemondsdelight
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
Dragon's Mistress FINALE
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Summary: Everything is coming to an end 
Warnings: cursing, mentions of war, mentions of death, humiliation, use of the word bastard and traitor, incest, childbirth, sickness, deaths of multiple characters, might miss some warnings
Wordcount:  3 k
Notes: THIS IS IT PEOPLE! I’m wrapping this up, thank you all for being in this wild ride, it has been the most controversial piece I’ve ever written! jaja I fear that whatever I write next is not going to wake the same amount of sentiments jeje anyways, enjoy!
I really hope I can make it all justice jeje
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Aemond often looked over at Blackwater bay, in the direction of Dragonstone and wondered how you were, what you were doing, if you were content.
He wanted to believe you weren’t, but deep inside of him he knew you were happy and content without him.
He also wanted to feel the baby moving within you
You only let him touch you when you were sleepy in his arms, and the dragonling restless in your belly, moving so much he was able to actually see him
It was a boy, he was certain, it was his heir
And he couldn’t wait to see him, for him to be born, he was going to dispose of Floris, send her away, he was going to keep his child.
He couldn't wait to sit the throne with his baby on his arms, to show the entire realm, his power and legacy
And he wanted to see his beautiful wife, be there by her side when she gave birth
But affairs of the realm kept him, from fulfilling his desire
Even if he had been acting as Prince Regent for years, now that he was actually King, things were incredibly different, now he was bothered with small and big affairs alike, the Kingdoms was settling after years and years of war
After losing half the treasury
People was growing restless, smallfolk who still support her half-sister the usurper, denied the increase in taxes and were not taking well to his own reign, even though he had reigned with a a hard for forgiving hand
But the way to hell was made with good intentions
And he meant well
Days after you left turned to weeks, and then to a coupe of months, and one day, he knew it, the day felt different from the others, an strange calmness to it, the birds had stopped singing and the sea was calm like a cup of wine
He only smiled faintly, looking out his balcony, he then retrieved himself to return to his Kingly duties for the day
A day after he received the raven
His Queen gave birth…
To a healthy baby girl
He frown upon hearing the news, dismissing the maester to keep with his duties of the day 
He wanted to see you, be there by your side
And when he was finally ready, he received other news
There has been a big fire in Harrenhal, ending the life of Lords loyal to his reign, and the one of Alys Rivers herself
Alys was dead 
In a rage, he called his master of whispers, the same one who had caused the fire that ended the life of his own father and brother
He didn’t want to believe what Corlys had insinuated, that Floris and Larrys were on it together to get rid of you, but now this?
He knew perfectly well that a palace like Harrenhal, with nothing to burn itself, only burned for the whims of men and not of those of ghosts
And when Larys Strong refused him an answer, that he didn’t know
Aemond didn’t believe him
The second most powerful men after him was against him, so he needed to get rid of him, the power Larys held with whispers and spies, it was too much to have against him 
But everything that he wanted to do, it was clouded by you
By his need to see you, but everytime he decided to go climb on hagar and travel to you
Something held him back
Something kept him away from you
Corlys front he shadows no doubt, not that he noticed 
Floris was held prisoner in her own room, still getting royal treatment because of the babe within her, but she was forbidden to interact with anyone…
And perhaps that is what spared her
When he decided to take to the skies in VHagar to go and see you… there had been a almost seamless interruption, within the chambers of the small council
The maester of laws started coughing
“I’m sorry your grace, I don’t feel well”, the maester took the liberty of placing his boney hand in the man’s forehead
“He is burning”, he whined, concerned
And chaos ensued all over the keep
The envoy from the North had come and with him, he brought the Winter fever
Aemond had never experienced fear like he did in those couple of months
He, as the King, had to remain secluded, fire everywhere around him to keep away the disease that infected the air. 
Seeing you was out of the question, he only received the ravens with tales of how Dragonstone was not accepting anyone from the exterior, and how they had remained spared from the wrath of the gods 
And Floris went into labor, just in time to receive the prince
And Aemond’s commands to the wetnurses were clear
Save the princeling
They shared concerned looks as they received a small, red, dark haired prince into the world 
Floris had a son, and so did Aemond
He held his newborn while sitting on the Iron throne, with a shy smile on his face, pedestals with fires lit up all over the room.
It was a small quiet boy, Aemond noticed, falling asleep immediately in his arms, against his chest
This is not what he expected
But fatherhood knocked on his door and he gladly answered
“The Gods are punishing us”, he raised his head to look at his mother
He had commanded her to stay in the tower of the hand for her own protection, and so far, the Queen had been safe from the fever, until now
Her face was red with temperature, he could see the sweat drops from here
“This is because of you, for marrying two Queens”, she whined, she took shaky steps towards her 
“Stay back”, he whined, having his son in his arms
“I want to see him”, she begged him, she was delusional, he could tell
“You have catched it”, he warned, standing up, ready to ran away from his own mother if needed be 
“The gods are angry with me”, she muttered, that twisted scowl on her face , “I failed them, I try to uphold the traditions, the faith the family, and i failed”
“You didn't”, he tried, to calm her, “You look unwell, I will fetch the maester”
“I don't need the maesters”, she said, and again, tried to come near him
“I just want to see him!”, she cried, “my grandson, the only one I have”
He had to call the guards to remove her from his space, he had to
He couldn’t risk himself of his son
Queen Alicent lasted seven days with the Winter fever before she perished, having thrown out all her green dresses, crying for her lost children
The fever also took half his small council, and Queen Floris.
The death of the later is still unknown, some say it was because of the childbed fever, others from the winter fever, and other that it was from neglect 
The last remnants of his past life were gone, he was now more alone than he ever was in his life, the court had been decimated, and he didn’t even knew who to trust
Corlys had fled, because of the scare of the fever, and he was faring well and everyone was on Driftmark and Dragonstone 
He stood alone
His only consolation is that you and his daughter were doing well, and not dying painfully of fever
. . .
You cradled your newborn daughter against your chest as she fed hungrily from you.
You had been so scared, and alone, but everything had gone perfectly, and after hard hours of labor, you heard a loud cry fill the room, besides yours anyways
A little silver haired girl
You shrieked of relief and happiness when the wet nurse placed a rosy-cheeked baby in your chest
She was so small and perfect, and as days passed you learned that she was so quiet, not at all fuzzy, she was a perfect baby, like she already knew she was a little princess
A girl
You giggled to yourself, fuck Aemond, but at the same time you felt fearful, but then you remembered you had Viserys, and Corlys, and the remains of your family to protect you, and you felt even better, everything was going to be alright
At least for your small family core 
You’d learn, by ravens and letters, that the Winter Fever has struck the capital
Civilians were dying by the hundreds, and it had struck the inside of the Keep as well, you received a personal letter from Aemond, expressing his concern for you and your daughter 
But you couldn’t be more relieved
Dragonstone was filled with life, the lords of the crownlands managed to send members of their families to make court in the castle, to be with you, you were getting to know them, and had dinners and interacted with all the ladies and lords, it was life fulfilling, you had never been able to do that before
And you found yourself happy one day
While the capital was submerged in chaos, you were dining in celebration of your beautifully perfect daughter, a princess to the Kingdoms, with your cousins, your grandfather, and all the lords 
You were happy
Or as much as you could
You didn’t even care that Aemond never took the time to visit you, perhaps he was sad you had given birth to a daughter and not a son, perhaps that is why he was keeping his distance.
The you received news
That Floris was dead after giving birth to a son
A Baratheon prince
Despite Corlys’ concern, you had none, you had your brother, your daughter, your dragon who had laid an egg for your child that hatched into a curiously looking pink little dragon
And then one day
Aemond was in Dragonstone
You could feel the court change, as the servants changed the banners of the red dragon for a green one.
The first thing Aemond did was held court and receive his subjects int he throne room, with you by his side, and then, after a long day, he dare to enter your chambers, while you were starting to feed your daughter
“Queens don’t do that, specially for a girl”, he whispered entering the room
“Is my child, and I will feed her from my chest if I chose to”, you said dismissively, he said nothing else, perhaps relieved you were actually responding to him
“Are you healed?”, he asked, you looked at him in wonder
“My King?”, you asked 
“Are you healed from giving birth?”, he asked, and you only looked at him sadly
You had the maids take your daughter away.
He served you wine, to relax you, and you had already surrender, you bathed him, as you offered him, like you used to do, but he grabbed you gently and dragged you inside the tub with you
“I’m so sorry for your losses My King”, you whispered as you massaged him, , straddling him, he only hummed
“I have children now, and nieces”, you can tell he was hurting, but didn’t want to show it, so you let it go. He looked at you with desire in his eye, as he took the sponge from your hand and he then cleaned you, specially in your breasts
“You look so beautiful”, he said huskily, you leaned in and kissed him, wanting to get it over with 
He took you in the tub, making you ride him sensually, it didn’t hurt, in fact, it was actually pleasurable.
“You are coming home with me”, he whispered in your ear, with him still inside, but after your both reached your peak
“I don’t think that is such a good idea”, you whispered, he sighed loudly, “the fever is still out there”
And that is how you convinced him to let you stay, you could tell he was hurting, you could tell that he was lonely, now more than ever, but he heard you, and left you in Dragonstone, after an entire month, he left alone
And for the first time, you felt him defeated, even though he was the king of the seven Kingdoms 
And that is how, weeks turns to months, turned to years
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12 years later 
When you looked at your little brother Viserys you often wondered if he was also a son to Harwin Breakbones Strong
Your brother, at his eighteen years old he had the stature and built of the strongest Knight of the seven Kingdoms
You saw him practicing with his sword against Steffon, he was truly a great teacher, and Aerion was also a great student, quick on his feet despite his height, and strong in his movements. 
Your daughter giggled by your side as you walked together by the beach. and walked toward the Dragonmount for her dragon riding lessons, even though she and her dragon were connected in levels you were yet to understand yourself
“When is papa coming back?”, she asked, and you just shook your head
“I’m not sure my love”
Aemond visited often, he found reprieve in Dragonstone, in your arms and his daughter’s care, he took you like a vacation, and you saw him happy, but he soon left, he was the King he had duties, and even though he had refused to say something or share about his thoughts, 
Despite his very efforts, and yours, you had not been able to conceive another child, you couldn’t pass the first trimester before bleeding, and that was alright with you, but not with him, he was concerned. But you found reprieve in Dragonstone, and even though Corlys was getting very old, and he walked with a cane now, you still felt contented
Rhaena and Baela had married, one within her family, and the other with a Hightower from Oldtown, to your surprise, you were certain Daemon was twisting and turning in his grave 
But they were happy 
You found meaning, raising your daughter, and caring front he people in the Crownlands
Corlys had sent your way many Lords of the great families through the years, and you knew them all, and that was very strange
You could feel it
The air was changing
You could sense it 
And it all came to be, when Aemond drew his last breath 
He had been battling with an unknown disease for months, shortness of breath, coughs, spitting spots of blood 
He died, slowly and painfully, the servant found him in the morning, with blood dripping off his mouth.
He knew it was coming, the stranger was looming over him and he spent his last weeks weak, not being able to leave his bed, and there, he pondered, about how he was going to leave this life, with nobody by his side.
His son was scared of him, barely looked at him in the eyes, and his Queen was in Dragonstone, with no intention of coming to his side, shunned and threatened, his daughter, the apple of his eye, was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, but so gentle and kind. he couldn’t force her to come to court, she was still to young and innocent
He laid alone, on his deathbed
A single tear escaped his eye, as tumultuous thoughts invaded his mind
The time he made Vhagar rip Lucerys front he skies, the time he defended Aegon and burned Rhaenys to a crisp, when he slayed all the Strongs he could get his hands on, when he burn to the ground all the castles and cities in the Riverlands…
 The first time he took you against your will, whe he humiliated you and made you kneel
Your tears
Your cries
Everything, installed on his chest like a knife, twisting and turning until he could no longer breathe
He died, coughing blood
Whispering how sorry he was, when Floris, his mother, Helaena, and Aegon came to collect him
 The day Corlys had been preparing for for years
As soon as his spies let him know of the dark news, he sent the ravens to all corners of the seven Kingdoms
From the Wall to Sunspear and Oldtown, all the great families but one, the Baratheons, started a long journey, but not to the Capital, but instead
To Dragonstone
As you, and our daughter mourned, dressed in black, you consoled your child, who only had known Aemond’s good side, she glung to your side as you kissed her head
“I’m sorry my love”, you whispered, as you were in the balcony, looking out at the seas
From one day to the other, ships with banners from all over the continent came to the island, to your amusement
Rickon Stark, now a young man, came to you, as did Edmund Tyrell, Robert Tully, Alyssa Arryn, Even the princes of Dorne came, not to surrender but to support
Corlys introduced them all, to the new King of the seven Kingdoms
Viserys Targaryen
They all bend the knee to him
And proclaimed him King with the crown of Jaehaerys 
“I love you, always”, you whispered to him, as you took his cheeks and made him lean in so you could kiss his forehead, he held you back, kissing your temple in turn
“My lovely sister, you kept me safe, you protected me, cared for me, now is time I do the same for you”, he whispered, “I will protect you now, you will be safe”
Happy tears rolled down your eyes, you knew it was going to be hard, and that your brother was going to be unsafe, but it was what it was 
It was his destiny
So you traveled with all the great families to King’s Landing, Corlys barely made the journey, but he did, and that is what he had been expecting for all his life.
But when you entered the Throne Room, you found a skimpy kid sitting in the Throne, his Baratheon family by his side, who paled when they saw the greatest commitive the world had ever seen. 
Viserys calmly walk up the stairs leading to the throne, the King’s guards did nothing to stop him, he only looked down at the boy and smirked
“You are in my seat”
The reign of King Visrys was long and fruitful, called Jahaerys come again, he married your daughter on her seventeenth name day, and together they had two princes and two princesses
You remarried, a man from a great house, you didn’t bare more children, but you were so happy, and contended, and lived in Dragonstone for the rest of your life
Corlys passed weeks after he put Viserys on the Throne, his life work was completed, thanks to him, the seven Kingdoms were now united under one rightful King, continuing your mother’s legacy, like it was supposed to be
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disgraceful-writings · 5 months
Love, Peace, and War
[requested : @immyowndefender]
“Will you do one where reader lives and shoves both Alys and Aemond into a burning pyre along with the rest of kingslanding or at least one where she makes Aemond her bitch?”
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Whispers of another woman keeping his bed warm have swarmed y/n since he left for Harrenhal. He had supposedly missed her, she now believes it to be simply guilt, coming home despite orders from his king and making love to her until the early morn. Something had seemed off that night, and she wanted to question it, but she was simply happy to have her love back in her arms. However, now he seems to only be trouble. Both of their sons lie dead and wrapped in the finest cloth on a pyre. Vhagar rumbled from her perch, seemingly annoyed. Y/n took one last look at her boys and looked Aemond in the eye with a depressed rage. He only looked at her with remorse. For their sons? For possibly ruining her by sleeping with another woman? She didn’t know, nor did she care.
“Dracarys”, he spoke loudly to Vhagar. Warmth kissed y/n’s cheeks, almost drying her tear stains. “Goodbye my little dragons, protect each other, my strong boys”, she whispered. Y/n turned and walked to her horse, not acknowledging Aemond or his family. When they traveled back to King’s Landing, y/n rushed to her chambers with her maids in tow. “Lyliana, fetch some wine. I’d also like a bath.” Both girls got to work, Lyliana fetching the wine and Alessandra starting to warm some water. Y/n glanced to her bed and saw a plush toy shaped like a dragon sitting next to her pillows. She can’t cry anymore, she’d lost all of her tears. “Shall I help you undress, your grace?”, Lyliana asked softly, knowingly. 
Y/n nodded and proceeded to be undressed with delicacy. Sitting in her shift, both girls started to braid her hair and wrap it like a crown to not get it wet. Y/n asked, “Do you think they’re alright?” The girls glanced between one another, Lyliana answered, “They have each other, your grace, that is all we could hope for.” Y/n nodded and stood. The water was warm, something she needed after a while. Her muscles had been tense after what she’d been through. “I will fetch more oils, your grace”, Lyliana spoke after looking at the selection. Alessandra spoke quietly, “I lost my boy in the fall”, she paused her words and focused on scrubbing the dried blood missed from under the princess’s fingernails. “What did he look like?”, y/n asked. “He had these big brown eyes that were so curious of what was happening around him. He barely stayed asleep, I believe he thought he would miss something”, she smiled with a small laugh, “His hair was black like his father’s and thick. He had this freckle under his chin too. My mother always told me freckles were angel kisses.” Y/n and Alessandra sat in a comfortable silence, only the water could be heard. 
Lyliana returned with the oils and assisted in finishing the princess’s bath. When she had emerged from the water, there was a knock at the door. Lyliana answered the door only through a crack, as y/n was in a state of undress still. “Prince Aemond”, she bowed, “Your wife isn’t dressed yet and doesn’t wish for any visitors.” Aemond didn’t listen and entered the room, “Y/n.” “Ladies, you may go for the night”, y/n released the girls, having now been dressed in her nightclothes. She looked at Aemond standing in the middle of the room. “What is it?”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I am the reason our sons are gone. I just- I can’t have you not speaking or even looking at me anymore.”
She poured herself some wine and sat in a chair, “That is what we are doing now, isn’t it?”
Aemond got on his knees at her feet and placed his arms around the small of her back, “Y/n please, you do not have to forgive me, but please don’t do this.” He buried his face into her thighs.
Y/n looked at her cup, not once acknowledging his proximity, “How’s Alys?”
Aemond raised his head, “What?”
“The girl from Harrenhal. What did they say she was? Some wet nurse to her brother?”
“How did yo-”
“I didn’t know you had a thing for bastards. Thought you always hated them, especially if their roots were from Harrenhal”, she paused for a drink, “Was she your spoil from war?”
Aemond brought his head up to look y/n in the eyes, “Tell me, Aemond, was she any good?”
He stood up now, stumbling over his words like a child caught. “Well?”
“No, she never could compare. I was so alone and lost, I-I lost myself to weakness. Please, my love, I never meant to hurt you.”
“Well you did.” A knock could be heard through the thick air, “Come in.”
A man who looked very much like the prince without the Targaryen features entered the room, “Your grace”, he bowed, “Your spoils.” A bag was handed to the princess, glancing inside she was hit with the stench of death. “You may go, Alfred.”
With her back to Aemond she stated, “A parting gift for you”, she turns and hands him the bag. “I will be going home for my brother’s coronation. I won’t be back.” She walks out of the room to the maester’s. Aemond slowly opened the bag and found Alys River’s head inside, devoid of color. He threw it, landing on a dresser, and poured himself some wine. His movement erratic, he didn’t know what to do, so he drank and went to the training yard to get his frustrations out. Y/n had traveled to Dragonstone before returning home. She spoke with Rhaenyra of how she was the true queen, and the world was lied to for a selfish man’s gain. How Delbore would support her claim if called upon. Then they spoke, not as queen and princess, enemies, or friends. They spoke of their sons, what she would do when she goes back home, and revenge.
Before she boarded the boat, she turned to Daemon and Rhaenyra, “Kill him. Make it painful.” She looked into Daemon’s eyes, and he nodded to her. She smiled softly and set sail for home, for peace. Her kingdom was never called upon. 
The Targaryen’s had seemingly forgotten of the princess. Until one day, she sat in the gardens with her sister-in-law and queen of Delbore having tea. “Princess y/n, a letter has come for you”, a servant girl spoke like a mouse. “Thank you, dear”, y/n dismissed her. She noticed the black Targaryen seal on the scroll and took a deep breath. The queen placed a hand over hers and smiled gently. The words she had hoped to hear for months, almost a year now. Aemond is dead. In black ink, the details of how he had received his dues. Daemon had sacrificed his life in killing the prince, leaving him with a sword through his eye. Time went on and Targaryens died like flies. Y/n, however, flourished on Delbore Isle. She took another husband. A sturdy but soft man who loved her truly. He never left her side, even during the birth of their daughter. Y/n had finally found peace.
Taglist : @watercolorskyy
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theroguequeen · 2 months
we talk a lot about daemon and how he loves rhaenyra and how he is now going literally going insane in harrenhal and him being in pain and agony and just so lonley and isolated and just not being able to just apologize to rhaenyra but instead while being haunted by his hallucinations is trying to find a way to support her claim while relentlessly being confronted with his guilt. And when we go back we see this is a common daemon think after being exiled he came back when he had something to offer to viserys, it's his way of saying I am sorry for what I've said and did but I can't say it so here's something real to make up for it can we now go back to normal? And even so it's important to point out how much he loves rhaenyra and how he has a hard time communicating his emotions, his real feelings theres something else we should not forget and it's rhaenyra. Rhaenyra loves daemon no matter how many times he left, she always did and will. "we always have been meant to burn together." their feelings for each other are mutual and they are both going insane about it from time to time but it's not only daemon struggling with their fight, rhaenyra does to and she is not only waiting to hear about him successfully getting people to bend the knee but she needs to hear from him, she needs him at her side not only to fight this war but because this is the man she chose for herself, her husband. She is hurt and angry at him but at the same time she just wants him to come back to her, to see him, to hear his voice, to feel him. She is still so in love with him and sometimes people seem to forget that she decided for herself that she wants him as her husband and that them being apart is hard for her too and not because she really thinks he would try to get on the iron throne himself, she knows him better than that but because she is not complete when he is not there. "look what my life became with you / a dull tragedy."
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witchofhimring · 6 months
Being the daughter of Alys Rivers
Alys x daughter reader (platonic)
ft. alysmond/ alys x aemond
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-Alys will either be your bio mother or adopted. If you are born to Alys it is by her own choice. Likely she wanted a baby of her own. If you are adopted it is because your birth parents did not want you and left. Taking pity, Alys will take you in.
It was quiet in Harrenhal, the only noises those few that remained awake. Alys sat by the hearth holding a small squirming bundle. She gazed down at the baby's face, your eyes closed. One long finger caressed thin hair. Your shuffled slightly but other then that were still. Alys had always wanted a child but never had the chance. Now she did Alys felt a warmth in her. A feeling almost completely foreign. She's had little in her life, her mother gone, father pretending she did not exist, and any child she cared for taken once old enough. Now she finally had a baby to herself. Y/n yawned slightly and opened her wide eyes. A few snuffles was all that left her. "There there Y/n. Go back to sleep." Alys cooed.
- Your childhood is dominated by Alys. There are not many kids in Harrenhal and Alys trusts no one else with you. You are working at an early age as a maid. It was mostly menial tasks, your mother forbid you doing anything dangerous. She allowed you to have fun after work and play amongst the few children. However you never stayed long and went back to mother. Alys sewed a lot of toys for you. Your dresses as well were made of good quality. Because Alys was given so little as a child she made sure you wanted for nothing.
Alys noticed her daughter eyeing a toy bunny in shop. It was a cute thing, made of dark brown fur and buttons. Of course Y/n did not say it aloud, these things cost money. But Alys was not adverse to giving her daughter something. So when Y/n went back to her chores Alys popped into the shop and asked how much it was. Giving her a wary eye all the time, the shop keeper named the price. It was not too bad, and the toy of good quality. So she bought it. No doubt they would whisper that the bastard daughter would do some ill by it. How foolish they were. She found Y/n by the hearth finishing het sewing. At first Y/n did not bother looking up, so concentrated was she. Alys crept towards her daughter, toy in hand. "Y/n, I have something." Turning, you saw the toy you had been eyeing in her hands. Delighted, you took it with a thanks. Alys watched as you fawned over your new toy.
-You receive an advanced education for a girl your status. From the library Alys pilfers books and parchment. You are taught to read and write from a young age. Language foreign to Westeros is heard upon your tongue. Most important, magic. Alys teaches you all she know and shows you images from the flames. You learn of prophecies that have past, are happening and will happen. In the night two witches chant their spells, learning secrets beyond the knowledge of mortal men.
Everyone was asleep in Harrenhal. That was, unless one did not count the two witches wide awake. Your mother had crawn a circle out of chalk, symbols drawn with a white thin finger. Once done Alys knelt down, green dress fairing out behind. You stood back slightly. Not out of fear, but to learn. Alys said words none other but you two understood. Although Alys knew them on a much deeper level. At your young age there was still so much left to learn. So you watched and memorized her actions. When younger you had always feared that guards would burst in and cart you two off for witchcraft. But now you knew mother would always be there to protect. From the center came a ghostly apparition. Its skeletal body twisting and turning grotesquely. Anyone else would have fled. But you were so used to stranger things that little fazed you. It leaned towards your mother and whispered something soft. Then it was gone. "What did it say?" Alys turned and smiled. "He is coming."
-When war broke out you never left Alys's side. She kept you near at all times. Days grew darker and all knew bloodshed would find itself at Harrenhal. Alys continues teaching you magic. When Daemon came to Harrenhal Alys kept you inside. Afterwards Alys is even more vigilante over your protection. Alys drew symbols around the door, telling you that no one but you two would be able to enter. The days grew darker and your mother spun her web.
Prince Aemond came astride his great beast Vhaegar. You and Alys knew first, sensed him, smelt him on the air. "Y/n, go to our room.' Obeying, you waited. A few times you heard a thunderous knock at the door. Someone took a heavy object and tried to break it down. Nothing worked and you were safe. Unfortunately you were not spared the screams because you could hear them. Men, women and children crying out. Sitting on the bed you tried to block them out with little success. When the door finally did open it was your mother. Without a word you flung yourself into her arms. "It's alright Y/n. We are safe."
-Others may have feared her, but to you Alys was everything. For the next few days your mother had you stay in the room. When you asked what had happened she said "everything is well". Trusting, you stayed. A week later she finally lets you out. Prince Aemond terrifies you. It is not his actions (Alys would have torn him apart if that happened), but his general presence. There was something dark within this young man that unsettled you greatly. Sometimes he would look at you but say nothing. But Alys seemed unworried and he seemed to like you mother. The change was odd. You no longer had to work as a maid but were allowed to solely dwell on studying. Your dresses were nicer as well. Dinner was sometimes taken with the Prince and your mother. It was a strange new world.
You stayed by your mothers side, small hand clinging to her dress. This room once belonged to the lord of this castle, however you had never stepped inside. Standing in front of you was a rather tall man. Or rather he looked so tall to a young girl such as yourself. He looked down his pointed nose, silver Targaryen hair framing a narrow face. His one eye made you shrink. Aemond Targaryen, prince, rider of Vhaegar and kinslayer. "How old is she?" "Eight. But my daughter is not given to childish exploits. So do not mistaken her for an invalid." Alys's grip tightened on you. Feeling safe by your mothers side you looked up at her. Alys showed no fear in the face of a man who had slain his own nephew. Your mother had faced more terrifying forces than this mortal man.
-You did not like Aemond. At least at first. He terrified you, and his monopolization of your mothers attentions brought jealousy to the surface. Aemond had very little to do with you. Alys had become more protective, keeping you by her side. Now that the castle was under Aemond's control (and by association hers) Alys took this opportunity to teach you magic more freely. None would dare to speak of the witch and her daughter (at least not yet. One day you were sitting outside, the light in your palms gently floating. It was liberating to conjure in the open with no worries of getting caught. Someone approached but you ignored them, thinking it was your mother. It was only when they spoke that you realized it was Aemond. Immediately you jumped up, the light disappearing in a thin trail of smoke. Aemond seemed apprehensive, but eventually asked if you wanted to ride on Vhaegar. Looking to the dragon, you were not entirely sure it was safe. But curiosity won.
Lets just say when you and Aemond finally got back down Alys was there. Yup. Aemond was fucked.
You should have been far more terrified. Vhaegar was enormous and even a claimed dragon was no pet. She turned her steely eyes upon you. Likely, it was Aemond's presence that stopped her from turning you into a snack. "Have you ever ridden with anyone else?" It would make you feel better if you knew he'd done this with someone else before. "Yes. My sister and your mother." Well, if your mother had done it, then dragon riding was not too bad. Right? After a tiring climb you reached the top of Vhaegar. Already you were well off the ground. Aemond who had been right behind you adjusted a harness around your waist. With one call Vhaegar was in the sky.
It was the most terrifying and terrific sensation of your life. High in the clouds you had never been so close to death. Never before had you witnessed such a view. Above Westeros you flew. "This is what it must feel like to be a god." You thought. Eventually Aemond decided it was time to land. And waiting in the courtyard was Alys.
Oh shit.
-Your mother began to show signs of illness one morning. At first you were unworried. But time when on and still your mother was ill. You tried to help, providing drafts and good foods. Still, your mothers condition stayed, neither worse or better. Finally, your mother one day came with a surprise. She was expecting a child.
"Probably an upset stomach." You thought. As the days passed by however, you began to worry. Not only was your mother nauseous, but unnaturally exhausted and complained of pains and aches. Finally Alys brought out her box and asked you to wait outside. Nervously you paced outside the door. After a few minutes, which felt like an hour, Alys let you back in. Instead of grief or worry a jubilant smile adorned her face. When you asked if she was well your mother pulled you into a hug. "Oh Y/n it is the best new. I am excepting!"
-You were excited for another sibling. Over the months you had warmed to Aemond (somewhat), so having him as the father was not so bad. Everyone had to leave Harrenhal and a cottage became home. You helped assemble a nursery and look after your mother. So busy were you that the war seemed a distant conflict. There was peace for a time. Unfortunately reality came crashing down in the form of Daemon Targaryen. Heavily pregnant, your mother said it was time to go. All three of you were forced on Vhaegar to meet Aemond. When you landed there he was, the Rouge Prince and his dragon. He helped you and Alys off. "She see's much and more, my Alys." With a kiss for Alys and a pat on the head for you, he was off. The two dragons circled one another. Your mother grabbed your hand and ordered you to follow, Into the forest both of you went. When you asked what was happening Alys told you to be quiet. Into the woods both of you went, the witch of Harrenhal and the little sprite.
Everything was deadly quiet. Your mother huffed and puffed ahead, the baby behind a strain. Frequently you looked back and above. In a rather short period of time the two of you were well away from Aemond. Suddenly with an almighty thud something hit the ground. Like an enormous hammer was slammed into the earth. The both of you nearly fell over. It was only because your mother had a hard grip that you managed to fall down. For a few moments the two of you stood there. A feeling heavier than an anvil settled on your soul. For a moment you were no longer there, but above looking down on a scene of carnage. Two dragons lay in the river, shattered ground beneath. Then suddenly you were underwater. Vhaegar's harness was still attached to its dragon, and rider. The sapphire glinted in his socket. Coming back, you were on the ground. Your mother's terrified face was all you could see.
"Mother, he's dead."
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live-tweeting-hotg · 2 years
my prince [aemond targaryen x reader]
summary: what if, instead of sending Luke to Storm's End, Rhaenyra sends her daughter, childhood sweetheart to Aemond?
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
warnings & content: incest probably, Aemond swears, violence, enemies to lovers?? (he puts a sword to her throat), very slight spoilers for ep 10
wc: 1.6k
a/n: my attempt at salvaging what’s left of my heart after the season finale…
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“If you take this errand, you go as messengers, not as warriors.” 
Your mother’s voice rings in you head, soft but insistent. You try your best to suppress your rising anxiety as the sharp cliffs of Durran’s Point come into view. You tense slightly, bracing for impact as Seasmoke lands before the gate of Storm’s End. Suddenly finding your throat dry, you try again to remember your mother’s words: Lord Boros is an eternally proud man. He’ll be honoured to host a princess of the realm.
Your clear your throat and jump from Seasmoke’s back in one swift move. As the Baratheon knights move to acknowledge you, Seasmoke suddenly snarls, pressing his head against you, almost causing you to lose your balance— before you look up and pinpoint the source of his threat. A large, looming shadow, almost covering the entire horizon, and you wonder why the fuck you hadn’t see it earlier. Vhagar. Shit. 
If Vhagar was here, then her rider had gotten to Boros Baratheon before you. Your mind races, trying desperately to draw up a strategy, both to draw Boros to your cause and to avoid confrontation with him. Aemond. Thinking about his name made you wince. As children, you two had been betrothed and inseparable, and in a different world, you might have even called him your first love. But that, of course, was before Luke took out his eye. After your mother hurried you back to Dragonstone, not another word was said about the betrothal and you had simply assumed you would marry another lord and rid your mind of him. 
When you last returned to King’s Landing with your family, before the death of your grandfather, the late King Viserys, you tried not to look at Aemond, instead allowing a thick, unbearable silence to fill the space between you two. And Aemond had not looked at you, when stood up at the table and toasted your brothers as bastards. His face was sharper than you remembered, the corners of his mouth carved mockingly upwards, and his eye shone, wildly, with something you could not recognise. He acted as if you didn’t exist, and when he pushed Jace to the ground, you half-wished that it had been his hands on you instead. 
The sound of the castle door opening forced your return to reality. As the knights announce your name and title, you stride into the hall with what you hoped was unbothered confidence. You could see his silvery hair out of the corner of your eye. You would not look at him. 
“Lord Baratheon,” you say evenly, forcing your tense shoulders to drop. Your hand are steady as you offered Rhaenyra’s letter to a knight. “I come bearing a message from my mother, the Queen.”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you regret calling Rhaenyra your mother. It sounded girlish and juvenile, and you were sure Aemond would be suppressing a smirk. You were so close to him. You would not look at him.  
Lord Boros smiles, slowly, contemptuously. The letter is in his hand and he glances over it quickly. He had caught on to your slip. “Yet earlier this day, I received an envoy from the King.” He pauses, and you hear a soft exhaling of air, as if a smothered laugh. You wonder if it was Aemond. “The house of the dragon does not seem to know who rules it.” 
You bite your cheek as the Baratheon lord continues. “King Aegon at least came with an offer: my swords and banners for a marriage pact, not to mention the seat of Harrenhal.”
A marriage pact? It was suddenly very difficult to breathe. Surely not…? You move your head abruptly to look, finally, at Aemond. He was already looking at you, with a growing smirk that made you want to punch his face in. With some difficulty, you smile stiffly and look back to Boros. 
“Harrenhal sits at the heart of the Riverlands. The Houses Frey and Tully both have bent the knee to Queen Rhaenyra before the Iron Throne, and neither has pledged for Prince Aegon’s cause.” A pause. The calmness of your own voice surprises you, and you decide to press further. “How his highness might distribute land that he does not own is beyond me. One might call into question the virtue of his judgement,” You look sharply at Aemond, acknowledging him for the first time: “or, perhaps, his foresight.” 
It works like a charm. The smirk is wiped from his face and he stares at you intensely, his jaw firm.
“The wind changes, my Lord. This dance has not yet begun, and the Queen would not yet fault you for waiting to pledge your allegiance.” The Queen would very much mind, but you figure that convincing Boros to stay neutral would be better than nothing, and at least buy you some time in the war. Your eyes flash to Aemond again, and you are suddenly struck by the impulse to do something stupid. “As for his marriage pact, I wish only to remark that Prince Aemond appears to have more betrothals than he does eyes—” This comment was so dangerously ridiculous that you fought the urge to laugh out loud. “Two, that is.” 
The court falls silent, and you wonder if you had gone too far. Boros Baratheon laughs suddenly, clapping loudly, slowly, forcing the court to swing back to life. You breathe a sigh of relief, before you hear the grate of a sword being drawn, and then Aemond is striding towards you, blazing. Shit.
“Say that again,” he hisses. He towers above you and you suddenly realise how tall he is, how broad his shoulders had become. Everything about him is overwhelming. You open your mouth and forget what you had to say.
“Not in my hall! I’ll not have bloodshed beneath my roof!” 
Lord Baratheon’s words shake you out of you trance and before you realise what’s happening, Aemond’s arms wrap around you wordlessly, practically dragging you out of the hall and into the storm outside. Your boot heels clatter helplessly against the cold stone as he throws you onto the ground. 
“Aemond, I—”
“Draw your sword.” His voice was liquid fire, and you know you had fucked up. 
“I won’t—”
“I said draw your fucking sword.” 
He looks like he wanted to kill you. Instinctively, your hand flies to your sword, pulling it out of its sheath just in time to parry the first blow from Aemond. Seven hells, he actually wants to fight you?! You stumble back onto your feet and narrowly deflect another swing, dancing backwards to try to put more distance between your face and his blade. Your father had trained you well, but you knew you had no chance holding Aemond off for long. Aemond deals another swing at you, which you dodge with a sidestep, but he lunges unexpectedly and locks his sword around yours, twisting suddenly and your sword is falling out of your hand, clattering on the stone. Before you realise what’s happening, Aemond tackles you roughly onto the ground, pinning you in place underneath him. His sword rests against the softness of your neck, the cold pressure almost hard enough to draw blood. The rain pours around you, and you realise you are both completely soaked. His face is mere inches away from yours, and as you watch, a drop of rain drips from his lips to yours. You didn’t know if you want to kiss him or to spit in his face. 
“It was a poor joke,” you whisper, breathless. “I swear I didn’t mean it.” It’s a desperate apology. Deep down, some irrational part you you almost wants to laugh at the situation. Hadn’t you wished for this? After what he did to Jace? Aemond’s sword presses a little harder against your throat, making you almost whimper. You feel like a child again under him, and find yourself almost enjoying his proximity. It made the past feel real. 
He dips his head to meet your eyes and you wonder how a man with only one eye could have such a splittingly intense gaze. 
“Didn’t you?” He sounds faintly mocking, almost amused. You feel a jolt of relieve at the change in his tone. His voice is deeper than you remember. Everything about him overwhelms your senses. “I seem to remember you stood on your brothers’ side whilst they took my eye. You mean to tell me you didn’t mean it?” 
“I asked— for forgiveness,” you choke slightly, as a thin line of blood drips from where Aemond had cut you. It was true. You had sold your half your gowns and pearls to a travelling Braavosi to send Aemond an unblemished sapphire, in place of his eye. You never heard back from him. 
He hums softly in response and the sword seems to waver. You stare wordlessly at him, remembering just how fucking breathtaking he is. His lips twitch slightly as you cautiously stroke your hand along his cheek, hooking a finger under his eyepatch. Pulling it off slowly.
The sight of the pure, unclouded sapphire sets your heart racing. You smooth your thumb along his healed scar, running down from his eye to his cheek. Aemond takes a quick, shuddering breath, and across the angular planes of his face flickers something almost like vulnerability. You have to admit to yourself that you had never quite gotten over him. You look at him again, with a new certainty, and he understands instantly.
In that second, something shifts between you. The air thins, leaving you breathless, and it suddenly feels like every wrong had been righted. 
With the sword still in place, Aemond leans down to kiss you roughly, as you knew he would. The rain run from his hair to your cheek. You freeze for a beat before your body responds almost of its own will, jolting to his touch and gasping as his tongue met yours. Distantly, thunder rolls and you moan softly against him. He has made his claim on you, and you feel like something had clicked back into place. 
This feels right. 
This time, you feel Aemond’s smirk as it forms against your mouth. “Come with me to King’s Landing.” 
Your eyes shoot open. “As your captive or your betrothed?” 
His smirk grows. “Does it matter? I have a sword to your throat.”
“Then I supposed I’m in no position to refuse, my prince.” 
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kckt88 · 9 months
Take My Breath Away IV.
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Aegon issues a threat and Vaeryna discovers the pleasure of her husbands touch.
Warning(s): Little Time Skip, Swearing, Angst, Threats, Kissing, Oral Sex - F Receiving, P in V Sex, Jokes, Regret.
Word Count: 3205
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
As it turns out Aemonds seed did not take root, as Vaeryna’s monthly bleeding arrived.
Aemond wasn’t sure whether he felt relieved or disappointed.
He wasn’t sure he ever wanted to be a father, because he was afraid of turning out like his own.
When Aegon was told he couldn’t sire more children, the need to provide a male heir had fallen to Aemond, and he accepted it as his duty.
But his guilt over the way he acted during the consummation with Vaeryna still lingered, they had not touched one another since and now she wasn’t with child, he knew he would have to lay with her again.
He had been summoned to a meeting with Aegon and their mother and as much as he wanted to refuse. He couldn’t.
So, after Vaeryna had gone out with her Cannibal, Aemond found himself slowly walking to his mother’s chambers.
The guard stationed outside nodded his head in respect and then opened the door.
“Prince Aemond. Your Grace”.
“Thank you, Ser Colton,” replied Alicent.
Aemond declined his mother’s invite to sit next to her, preferring instead to stand, his arms folded behind his back.
“Ahh brother. I heard that your wife had her monthly bleeding”.
“Yes, Your Grace” replied Aemond.
“Was it not made clear that you were to make every effort into putting a child inside your wife?”
“It was made clear Your Grace” said Aemond clenching his jaw.
“So why is my good sister not yet with child?” asked Aegon.
“These things take time Your Grace” exclaimed Aemond.
“Mayhaps it would help if you had actually bedded her more than once”.
“She does not care for it Your Grace” muttered Aemond.
“I don’t care. She is your wife, and it is her duty to provide you with children”.
“Aemond. You need to understand the situation your brother is in, without a male heir to succeed him he is in a vulnerable position” said Alicent calmly.
“I am aware of that mother” replied Aemond.
“Well then do something about it. You need to be fucking her every night in order to increase the chances of your seed taking root” snapped Aegon.
“Aegon” gasped Alicent.
“You had no trouble fucking that old whore from Harrenhal, so I don’t see your issue”.
“Your Grace-“
“You will do as your King commands, or do I need to stand over both of you to ensure that it is done” said Aegon.
“No, Your Grace” replied Aemond.
“Good. Now I expect you to fuck your wife tonight or there will be consequences. For both of you. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Your Grace” said Aemond.
“You are excused” snapped Aegon waving his hand dismissively.
Aemond bowed respectfully and then left his mothers chambers.
He stormed through the corridors of the Red Keep, not wanting to speak too anyone and he had barely closed the door to his own chambers before he punched the wall.
“FUCK!!” exclaimed Aemond as the pain quickly lanced through his hand.
Gods he was angry. He needed to get out of there before he did something stupid, like go back to his mother’s chambers and beat the living shit out of his brother.
Ignoring the pain in his hand, Aemond quickly donned his riding leathers and went to Vhagar.
A few hours away from it all is exactly what he needed.
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It was almost dusk when he returned to the Red Keep, sometimes his old girl could be difficult to rouse but today she’d been more than ready to take to the sky.
Aemond did wonder if he would cross paths with Vaeryna whilst he was on his travels but wherever she’d gone with her Cannibal he didn’t spot her.
Of course, he was curious where she would go, as she would often be gone for hours at a time but given how the time had gotten away from him whilst he was amongst the clouds he wasn’t too concerned.
In the weeks since their wedding, Aemond and Vaeryna had developed some form of friendship, they dined together every night and spoke often of historical facts or whatever they’d done during the day.
She would still speak her mind and insult him on occasion and even though it boiled his blood, he accepted it, because that just who she was, and he wasn’t going to try and change her because he knew that she’d tell him to fuck off if he ever dared to try.
His mother had once made a sniping jape about Vaeryna truly being her fathers daughter and Aemond couldn’t agree more, she even looked like him in certain light.
As he arrived in his chambers he was greeted by a hot bath.
“I figured you’d want to bathe; the air was rather cool today” said Vaeryna.
“Hm” muttered Aemond as he began pulling of his riding leathers.
“I’ll go into the lounge-“
“No. Stay. There’s something I need to tell you” said Aemond.
“Ok” replied Vaeryna looking away until Aemond stepped into the bath and lowered himself into the hot water.
Aemond leaned against the edge of the bath and closed his eye. The hot water soothing his aching muscles.
He almost forgot Vaeryna was there until she cleared her throat.
“You said you had something to tell me”.
“I’ve spent the last few hours practising this conversation and there’s no easy way to say this but-“
“For the love of all that is holy, just spit it out will you” snapped Vaeryna.
“The King has been made aware that you are not with child”.
“-And” sniped Vaeryna.
“He said bedding you only once was not sufficient enough to sire a child” replied Aemond.
“Tell that to the numerous silver haired bastards that he’s got running around the streets of silk-don’t look at me like that, you know it’s true” said Vaeryna.
“Be that as it may, he’s told me that we should be laying together every night in order increase the chances of my seed taking root”.
“Did he now?” retorted Vaeryna.
“He also said there would be consequences if we don’t” said Aemond.
“Did he indicate what these consequences could be?”
“No. But given how twisted my brothers mind can get, I shudder to think what he would come up with” said Aemond.
“So basically, your expected to rape me and I just have to accept it?” asked Vaeryna.
“No. I-I can’t do that to you again” muttered Aemond.
“But the King, said there will be consequences of we don’t” replied Vaeryna.
“Whatever happens, I will take the brunt of it, I won’t let him hurt you”.
“But those were the terms I accepted on my arrival to Kings Landing, I knew my purpose was to provide you with children and-“
“-You shouldn’t exist just for the purpose alone” mumbled Aemond as he began to look for a towel.
“Here, I placed it near the fire so it would be warm for you” said Vaeryna as she handed him a warm towel.
“Who taught you that?” asked Aemond.
“My mother. We used to go on family dragon rides and sometimes the skies around Dragonstone would get a little chilly, so she would always set towels in front of the fire to warm us up after we’d washed away the smell of dragon” said Vaeryna sadly.
“Sounds-nice” muttered Aemond.
Vaeryna nodded slightly and then turned around to give Aemond some privacy as he dried himself and pulled on a pair of loose breeches.
“Perhaps we could try-“ whispered Vaeryna.
“What?” exclaimed Aemond.
“It is rather admirable of you to want to bare the brunt of the Kings consequences, but you shouldn’t have to subject yourself to that”.
“What else can I do?”
“We could-” said Vaeryna quietly.
“-Surely your not suggesting what I think you are?” asked Aemond.
“Yes, I am” said Vaeryna as she began fiddling with the laces on her shift.
“N-No. Stop. I don’t-“
“-What’s the matter can’t you get it up for someone your own age, or do you prefer old lady cunny?” said Vaeryna smirking.
“Must you be so crass?” exclaimed Aemond.
“Would you have me any other way?” asked Vaeryna.
“No, I would not” replied Aemond.
“This is my choice Valzȳrys. As much as you are a cunt for what you’ve done to my family, I find myself unwilling to allow you to place yourself in harm’s way” said Vaeryna (Husband).
“You almost sound like you care”.
“If anyone was going to subject you to immeasurable cruelty then it will be me” said Vaeryna.
Aemond took a deep breath and sat on the bed.
“If were truly going to this, then you will treat me with reverence and you will give me the experience I would have gotten if you had known I was maid” said Vaeryna as she untied her shift and pulled it from her body.
“A-Are you sure?” asked Aemond.
“Your seriously asking me that as I stand in front of you as naked as my name day”.
“Just making sure” replied Aemond as he reached out and took Vaeryna’s hand guiding her to the bed.
“Now, show me what it feels like to enjoy the touch of my husband”.
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Vaeryna had lost most of her senses the moment Aemond had pressed her onto the bed and knelt down between her open legs.
When he said he wanted to kiss her there, she never imagined this.
Vaeryna’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as Aemond’s tongue swept across her slick wet folds.
Vaeryna bit the back of her hand to keep herself from screaming as Aemond began using his long fingers to tease her entrance.
“Ivestragī issa rȳbagon ao” growls Aemond (Let me hear you).
“A-Aemond. Oh god. Please” moaned Vaeryna.
Aemond pressed two fingers inside Vaeryna, moving them against a spot that made her entire body shake.
“I know your almost there. Let it happen my sweet. Come for me” whispered Aemond.
Vaeryna arched her back and let out a scream as her pleasure erupted.
Aemond crawled up Vaeryna’s body, placing gentle kisses on her skin as he moved higher and higher.
Vaeryna blushed furiously when she saw that Aemond’s chin was shining with her slick.
“Calm yourself my little dragon” murmured Aemond.
“I-I’ve never-” mumbled Vaeryna.
“Was that your first peak?” asked Aemond.
Vaeryna blushed and nodded.
Aemond smiled as he leaned forward and slowly ran his tongue along Vaeryna’s bottom lip.
Vaeryna jumped when she felt Aemond’s cock against her.
“Don’t worry, I’ll go slow” whispered Aemond as he reached down and took hold of his hard cock rubbing it along Vaeryna’s wet folds.
“Ok. I’m ready” replied Vaeryna, her heart pounding.
Aemond thrusts his hips forward and the entire hard length of him is buried inside Vaeryna.
“Oh” gasped Vaeryna.
She had expected to feel pain, but this was something else entirely.
Aemond rolls his hips gently at first, allowing Vaeryna the time to adjust to the feeling of his cock moving back and forth inside her, but when his wife begins issuing quiet yet insistent pleas of 'harder and faster' Aemond loses it and begins fucking Vaeryna into the mattress.
Their hips pound together as Aemond thrusts hard and fast, his movements brutal and precise.
“Fuck, Ryna” moans Aemond his cock throbbing with need.
“What is it you desire, Princess?” asked Aemond, his thrusts becoming somewhat stuttered and messy, his singular eye screwed shut, he ready to burst at any moment. His silver hair stuck to his forehead, from the exertion of fucking his wife.
“You-Aemond-” gasped Vaeryna.
Aemond grinned, increasing the intensity of his thrusts, watching her body jerk with each movement of his hips.
He could feel her cunny fluttering around him, so he reached down to apply pressure to her pearl.
Vaeryna let out a chocked moan as she felt is finger swirling around her, she buried one hand into his long silver hair and the other grasped his arm so tight her knuckles had turned white.
Aemond pulls back slightly to watch with excitement as his wife peaks again around his length.
With a choked, staggered moan of his own, Aemond grips her so tightly, she would surely bruise, as he spills himself inside her hot, wet cunny. Filling her with rope after rope of his seed, thrusting shallowly to ensure it was as deep inside her as possible.
Aemond collapsed on top of Vaeryna, his face buried in her neck.
After he’d managed to catch his breath, Aemond slowly pulled his softened cock from his wife and laid down next to her, without thinking he enveloped her in his arms.
Vaeryna felt warm and utterly exhausted. She shifted to look up at her husband, watching as his eye opened to look down at her.
“A-Are you ok?” asked Aemond.
“I-I think so” replied Vaeryna.
“What’s wrong?”
“You’ll think I’m being stupid” said Vaeryna.
“No. I won’t you can tell me” suggested Aemond.
After a few moments of silence, Vaeryna took a deep shuddering breath.
“I can’t help but feel like I’m betraying Jace” whispered Vaeryna.
“I know you still have love in your heart for Jacaerys and being with me must be difficult, but we have to make the best of the situation we are in. Granted I did not know him well, but I’m sure Jace would be glad that you are alive” said Aemond.
Vaeryna smiled slightly and snuggled closer to Aemond.
“Do you not want to take that off?” asked Vaeryna.
“It is unsightly, I would spare you from gazing upon my disfigurement”.
“Aemond-I would like to see you, all of you” replied Vaeryna as she sat up.
After a few minutes of silence, Aemond took a shaking hand and unbuckled his eyepatch, showing Vaeryna what lurked beneath.
Both the upper and lower eyelids were missing, with the surrounding flesh red and scarred, yet nestled within the hollow where his eye had once been, was the brightest sapphire that Vaeryna had ever seen, it was so hauntingly beautiful.
Aemond moved his head and attempted to press his face into the mattress, almost as if he was scared of seeing her reaction to what he considered as ugly and shameful.
But Vaeryna gently placed her hand on Aemond’s scared cheek and smiled.
“Gevie zaldrīzes” (Beautiful dragon).
“Vaeryna” whispered Aemond as a lone tear trickled down his cheek.
Aemond smiled at Vaeryna and sat up, he placed his hands on her face and kissed her gently.
Suddenly the door burst open and Aegon sauntered in.
Vaeryna shrieked in horror and attempted to hide behind Aemond.
“WHAT THE FUCK AEGON” balled Aemond as he manoeuvred himself in front of his naked wife.
“I just wanted to check that you had taken my words seriously” replied Aegon as he spied the wine decanter.
“So that gives you the right to barge into my chambers” snarled Aemond.
“That’s rich coming from you, Mr I’m a Prince I’ll go wherever I please” muttered Vaeryna.
“Ryna, Now is not the time” quipped Aemond.
“I’m glad to see that you heeded my suggestion brother. But don’t forget you need to be fucking her cunny every night to ensure your seed takes. I want my heir” said Aegon.
“GET THE FUCK OUT” snarled Aemond.
“Oh, come now brother is that anyway to speak to your King” laughed Aegon as he took a sip of wine.
“Out there you might be the King, but in these chambers, you are nothing but my wastrel of an older brother, and if you do not remove yourself, I will not hesitate to skin you alive” retorted Aemond.
“Such violence, tell me good sister how do you put up with him” laughed Aegon.
“OUT” shouted Aemond as he jumped off the bed.
“Hmm, I can certainly see why she puts up with you. Quite impressive brother, truly a marvel-I’m honestly quite jealous” quipped Aegon as he looked Aemond up and down.
“Halt your vulgarity and get out” said Aemond as he seized Aegon by the collar and marched him towards the door.
“Don’t forget the wine brother” giggled Aegon.
“Take it and piss off, don’t ever barge in here again” exclaimed Aemond as he released Aegon.
The King who already seemed off his face, staggered to the wine decanter and took it into his greedy hands.
“Do remember what I said, I would hate to punish you both” said Aegon darkly.
“Ser Arryk, see that the King is safely escorted back to his chambers. He’s obviously taken leave of his senses” said Aemond as he held open the door.
“As you wish My Prince-this way Your Grace” said Ser Arryk as he took hold of Aegon’s arm and directed him down the corridor.
“Gods what a-CUNT” balled Aemond as he slammed the door.
Vaeryna stared at Aemond for a few seconds before she burst out laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
“Your naked you know” said Vaeryna.
“I-I was aware of that” mumbled Aemond, his cheeks-tinged pink.
“Oh, Its nothing to be embarrassed about husband, it is a little chilly in here after all, I’m sure it will return to its regular size eventually” joked Vaeryna.
“Are you jesting?” gasped Aemond.
“Try not to feel too bad” giggled Vaeryna.
After a few awkward seconds, Aemond caught onto Vaeryna’s joke and rolled his eye.
“Your impossible you know that” replied Aemond as he got back in bed.
“It’s your brother that’s the impossible one, he took the wine and now we have nothing to drink” said Vaeryna.
“Fucking Aegon” muttered Aemond as he jumped from the bed.
“Don’t forget breeches this time” suggested Vaeryna, hiding her face in the covers.
“It’s nothing the maids haven’t seen or had before” replied Aemond smugly.
“WHAT?” exclaimed Vaeryna.
“Surely you didn’t think Alys was my only experience”.
“Oh, well no-I just assumed that-“ stuttered Vaeryna.
“Good job I’m joking then isn’t it” quipped Aemond as he pulled on his breeches and tunic.
“Are you being serious right now?”
“Got you didn’t I-Should’ve seen the look on your face” laughed Aemond.
“Piss off” muttered Vaeryna.
“Oh, come now ābrazȳrys. Don’t sulk. After I’ve got more wine, how about I put a smile on that pretty face of yours” said Aemond.
“How are you going to do that?” asked Vaeryna.
“Mayhaps I shall insist that you are to take my cock again and ride me like an unclaimed dragon in front of the fireplace”.
“Aemond” gasped Vaeryna blushing.
 “So, wine and the-“
“Yes, I would like wine and the other” whispered Vaeryna.
“That’s my girl” said Aemond as he pressed a quick kiss to Vaeryna’s forehead and left the room in search of wine.
‘That’s my girl’  The words awakened a latent memory in her mind and Vaeryna felt her heart flutter in her chest.
Jace used to say to her. He would whisper it as he pressed his forehead against hers after they had shared sweet kisses.
She could almost remember the feeling of his curly hair in her hands as she used to clutch at it in her desperation to feel him closer.
“Jacaerys” sobbed Vaeryna as she threw herself onto the bed and buried her face into the pillow.
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immortalthunderstorm · 5 months
The Alicent-Larys Conondrum
I'm back with some thoughts™️ on the HOTD fandom's hot topics. This time - something I've seen discussed quite a lot and what seems to be a controversial topic - the dynamic between Larys and Alicent, and mostly how a lot of the blame gets shifted onto her. There's a general tendency of overt victim blaming when it comes to Alicent herself, and often situations in which she is subjected to trauma get twisted into her own shortcomings rather than those of her perpetrators. The marriage to Viserys is one example, but the same arguments are used for her scenes with Larys.
I thought I'd try and analyse it a bit more from Alicent's perspective, though I don't disagree that the show has left this incredibly dubious at times and I really think that e.g. the foot scene was unnecessary.
Obviously Matthew Needham already provided a pretty great take on Larys as a character and his perspective on the dynamic, so I won't get into that myself here, but recommend having a listen to what he has to say.
1. Alicent should have dismissed or reported Larys after she learned of his Harrenhal stunt
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I actually think it makes perfect sense that Alicent doesn't dismiss Larys despite being horrified by his actions.
The earlier episodes of the season make a point of how Alicent is isolated and lonely in the Red Keep. She says herself, she has no friends, no real allies, her former companion lied to and 'betrayed' her, got her father fired and therefore left her without her last constant family member by her side. She is heavily traumatised, forced into a marriage she doesn't want, forced to birth child after child and mostly ignored or dismissed by her ailing husband. She is queen in all but name, her job is to look appropriate, make sure the courtiers are entertained, and most of all give the king children.
Before even Criston joins her, the only person who approaches her is Larys. He seems empathetic, talks to her openly (or so she thinks), pretends to care about her as a person. This is where she is probably most vulnerable, most alone. Of course she falls for it, I don't think anyone can realistically blame her for that, she's a lonely teen forced to be a mother in what is essentially a toxic environment. Plus it is Larys who tells her of Rhaenyra's 'betrayal', which turns out to be true, so in a way he 'proves' his loyalty to her by disproving Rhaenyra's.
Later on he is the one who supports her when she vents about Rhaenyra and her bastards, they have dinners together, an honest friend and sympathetic ear in a metaphorical snakepit. And then, he goes as far as killing his own family, something that Alicent is horrified by, but it shows just how far his capabilities stretch. He has a spy network, he can get her information no one else can, information that can give her shreds of power and influence. He can make things happen without anyone ever suspecting that he, and by implication her, was involved. Larys makes himself invaluable to her and is not easily replaced.
I do disagree that she has some great power over him as a lot of people like to claim. Larys would not confide in her if that would bring him in any great danger. Realistically, accusing him would be such a wild theory, plus the absolute no go of double kinslaying, plus he's a very high ranking Lord, I'm not actually sure people would believe her - she doesn't have proof either. Viserys has absolutely not had her back ever, he has the spine of a wet slice of bread, I doubt that he'd simply put him on trial and kill him (each High Lord is an asset to the crown and if he starts "randomly" beheading people that could cause problems, like Ned Stark, like Rickard Karstark (let's put Vaemond aside here because there should have been consequences)) because Alicent said so? All that on top of Viserys' general strategy of ignoring everything that could be a "political headache" to him, my confidence in him is quite low.
And again, why would Alicent rat Larys out? He benefits her and is her main ally at court. She is shocked at how far he went, but in the end it did get rid of both Harwin and Lyonel, which caused Rhaenyra to leave and Otto to resume his position as Hand. Alicent did not condone the murders and would not have sanctioned them had he asked - but to her he is loyal beyond doubt and most importantly only to her (in her head) - later when he offers to give her Lucerys' eye she openly refuses, BUT she acknowledges how far he is willing to go for her. She'd be stupid to rat him out that would only disadvantage her.
2. The Foot Scene
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Now in episode 9, Alicent is in a highly stressful situation. Aegon is to be crowned after she spent the entire day fretting he was missing or dead in a ditch somewhere, she had to fight her father and essentially most of the council not to send assassins after Rhaenyra, she had to find Aegon first to be the voice of reason to him, she is clearly distraught over Viserys death and scared for her children.
This is not the time and place for mistakes, every move has to count and nothing can slip through the cracks. Larys knows this, and he knows that he and his spies are going to be very important in the coup to come, and he knows he is the only one who can provide this. So does Alicent. She may be queen, but in actuality she wields very little power in this instance. The green council scene showed that they plotted behind her back, her father most of all, and clearly don't take her very seriously.
Essentially in episode 9, she's trying to outrace Otto and establish herself as more than a pawn. In a time where war is all but inevitable and she has enemies both outside and within the Red Keep's walls, and her children's lives are at stake - how could she refuse Larys who can provide her with valuable intelligence? By giving in to his "demands" she learns that her handmaiden is a spy which is a very important revelation.
It's hard to try and make sense of how their power dynamic switched to such extremes, we don't know whether it's happened before, in which capacity and for what. Clearly she is aware of what he wants, but how did that come up? How did this develop? We can't know so I refrain from making assumptions for any other times.
Her symbolically selling her body again for all this is a price she is willing to pay, but it doesn't make it any less of a SA (and yes, I've seen a lot of people dismissing this as consensual since she willingly took off her shoes for this. It's giving 'she asked for it'). Alicent is deeply disgusted, she can't look at him, she probably already has a very twisted view on herself and her body as something that belongs to others and he abuses that. But she indulges him because she realistically doesn't really have any other choice. He has made himself irreplaceable.
This doesn't mean it's consensual. Consent would mean that Alicent did this because she wants to, finds some enjoyment in it, and hasn't been pressured into it. But that's far from the truth. She does it because she feels like there's no other way for her to get this valuable intelligence, so she endures it despite clearly being uncomfortable and disgusted. I am so tired of everything being blamed on her just because people don't like or understand her character.
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ewanmitchelll · 6 months
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Imagine Arctic Monkeys’s songs: Do I Wanna Know?
Imagine you are seduced by Aemond Targaryen.
Warnings: fluffy, light reading—explicit smut.
Warnings 2: alternative universe where the Greens won uncontestedly the war.
Have you got colour in your cheeks? Do you ever get that fear that you can't shift the type that sticks around like something in your teeth?
Aemond finds difficulty to settle after years waging war. There is peace after a decade fighting his sister and her partisans. They are all nothing but names now, recorded in the maesters books.
To placate his restless energy, the prince has, in many ways, followed in his bitter enemy’s footsteps—getting himself lands in the Free Cities, he found himself a new life style as well as a new wife.
But because he’s now the Hand of the King, in opposite to Daeron’s career in Citadel, his life style was left behind. For now.
You, however, settled easily with this new routine. Harrenhal is your home and this is the household you must fill your wifely duties. Initially, you found a rival for your husband’s affection—his former mistress, a woman named Alys Rivers, did not let easily go the path to Aemond’a heart—which complicated your smooth transition from the life of a free damsel who loved the seas to a noblewoman, wife of a bad reputed prince.
Despite the initial scandal such a match evoked, you and Aemond overcame the early disapprovals until the dowager queen accepted you as her daughter-in-law in a relationship that grew fondly in due time.
As you spend the afternoon reading a love story between a knight and his damsel in distress, which in some shades reminds yours, you are found missing your husband dearly.
Aemond has been gone to Free Cities to knock a local rebellion and negotiate peace terms with the involved, applying the law, before going back. And he misses you too.
When he lands with Vhagar, he hurries to you—although the prince needs to clean himself first. Only then he comes at you.
Aemond finds you busy with your lecture at their bedchambers, so concentrated that you don’t spot him, leaning against the wall, watching you with a side smirk on his lips.
Are there some aces up your sleeve? Have you no idea that you're in deep? I've dreamt about you nearly every night this week…
His good eye is set on you like a hunter when it’s about to get its prey. Your y/c hair is loose behind your back, your eyes are focused in the lines you read but he wonders what is the theme that makes you furrow your eyebrows. Your lips are partially open and Aemond easily sees his own clashing against yours in a long fervent kiss. But the man is patient.
The gown you dress is the first he gifted you, in the days of your courtship. Aemond is pleased to see you still keep it in your wardrobe. The gown shows some cleavage and shoulders, reinforcing your firm full breasts.
When staring at your heavy breathing, his own chest goes slowly up and down. His eyes devour your skin through the clothing, still keeping in his thought the moment your nipples go hard under his eager tongue.
When remembering how much you enjoy it, how you always sang louder the moment he took his time to suck each breast, a heat troubles his inner balance. His manhood gets lightly unbearable.
It’s time to move.
How many secrets can you keep? 'Cause there's this tune I've found that makes me think of you somehow and I play it on repeat until I fall asleep, spilling drinks on my settee…
Aemond recollects the first time he saw you. Finding a way to survive in Essos, your brother had plans to send you to serve Rh’llor whilst you considered piracy. You’ve always loved the sea, and there you’d content yourself when your path crossed his.
You knew nothing of his past, and yet you took him in. When love flourished, it took not much time.
Moved by this agony of spending too much of his time away from you, he wants you again. Using shadows on his favor, he is about to surprise you.
Aemond kneels behind you. Still focused in the reading, you do not notice he’s behind your chair. The prince is lightly amused at how this novel has stolen you from him.
“My lady, I am no poet, no bard, no man versed in the court of love, but I’d think by now you were missing me.”
Quickly, you stand, turning at him with joy. It’s been five years since he espoused you and the same joy is there whenever he comes back to your arms.
“I missed you, my husband! How could it not be? Oh Aemond, it’s been so long!”
He experiments that peaceful bliss he never thought he’d feel the moment his lips are welcomed by yours. It starts as a slow, passionate kiss, only then to be parted by you.
“I should have prepared our chambers to receive you better”, you say, ready to fetch a servant when he pulls you right in front of him.
“Why, I wanted to surprise my lady”, he smirks, resting his chin over your shoulder as his hands begin to pace around your waist. “You still have the gown I gifted you during our courtship.”
“Yes, I do”, you blush lightly, not expecting him to notice it.
“Looking gorgeous as always”, he whispers hotly in your ear, giving you goosebumps.
“Aemond…”, you smirk, wondering what’s to come. “I have some news to tell you.”
“Then tell me”, so he says as his tongue begins to draw lines from your earlobe to your jawline and neck, tightening the grip of your waist.
You try to focus, but when he gets to your neck, your leg automatically begin to rub in another and you giggle softly.
“Y-Your brother…”, you almost forget how to breathe the moment he rests a hand over your belly, moving up to your breast.
“Yes?”, he bites your neck softly, missing to feel your firm breast over his hand, but not taking it long now… not yet. “You were saying?”
You try to release yourself off his grip, about to get on fire, but Aemond is very domineering today. The hand on your back is now over your neck, holding it possessively. The way you like it.
“He is throwing a feast and a tournament…”, you get speechless the moment his lips are back at your neck and his right hand starts to lift the skirts of your gown.
“And…”, he smirks, encouraging you to speak as he defies you not to succumb easily into his teasings.
“And… Aemond!”, you hiss impatiently when feeling his hand on your thigh.
Aemond takes a seat and makes you sit on his lap. There is a fire that is about to burn you…and you want to get burnt. But you know it’ll be on his terms.
“Tell me, or I will stop.”
He smirks devilishly as you pout.
Do I wanna know if this feeling flows both ways (Sad to see you go) Sort of hoping that you'd stay. (Baby we both know) That the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can't say tomorrow day…
“The tournament is on…” you barely speak as he begins to tease you through your undergarments. Using his thumb to draw circles over it, you whimper, partially impatient.
He pauses, amused as you frown at him.
“Either you tell me or I’ll stop, my dear. The punishment for ignoring me…” Aemond chuckles as you pout again.
“…on the next week”, and he resumes the touching, working his hands within you. “He wants to…. Oh, Aemond!… to celebrate his tenth year he is on the I-I-Iron Throne!”
Aemond chuckles to himself as you try to keep your composure the moment two fingers are inserted in your womanhood. He feels how soaked you are, enjoying the sounds you make as he stimulates you.
“Mm. What else?”, he asks in your ear, using his free hand to unlace your gown, aroused by your reactions.
“He wants you…”, and here you let out a poorly muffled cry the moment he increases his pace. “…to take part of the feast and… and be his champion! Oh bloody seven hells!”
As you throw your head back, the gown, now loose, begins to fall. Aemond stares at your denuded chest, biting his own bottom lip as your nipples are hardened under his lustful gaze.
“His champion?”, he helps you to straighten on his knee, despite the trouble to ignore the aching in his manhood.
“On the tournament!”, you moan indecently loud the moment he cups one boob with his free hand.
Aemond smirks at you. Oh how he loves these games he plays with you. He is a victor each time.
“Hmm. I shall consider the invitation”, he leaves more bruises in your skin, before whispering unspeakable things to your ear that makes you hot enough to burst into his hand.
And when he licks each finger before you, you almost go insane.
“Aemond!”, you turn at him, finally free of his grasp. You remove the gown off your body, rubbing yourself to his manhood as you settle your hips properly over his, hands eagerly removing his own clothing.
“Oh I haven’t finished with you yet, woman”, he groans as he lifts you and pulls you gently against the window. As you remain on your back to him, he kisses your neck and down to your back, before fingering you again.
“Lords, Aemond!”
And to your delightful surprise, his lips soon take place where his fingers have been. Now you settle the reins and gladly ride his face.
Crawling back to you… Ever thought of calling when you've had a few? 'Cause I always do. Maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new. Now I've thought it through, crawling back to you…
But once again in bed he has you under his command again. Crawling over your body, he prepares to set his pace.
“I’ve been burning too long alone to let these flames go unescaped”, he whispers, touching himself right before you, until he leaves it to tease your entrance.
Aemond likes seeing you subduing to him. Even more when fire is indeed burning in such a level that makes you bed. And nothing arouses him more than seeing a prideful lady be turned into a beggar in… bed.
This is how he spreads your legs gently and, leaning his body to be closer to yours, the prince slowly thrusts in you.
“Have I been punished enough?”, you moan sensually, legs wrapped around his waist.
“Perhaps”, he smiles at you.
Only when your gazes meet, he softens.
“I’ve missed you”, and his lust is replaced by the genuine affection that has mirrored in your eyes. “A lot.”
“As have I”, you admit in short breath. “Very much, my rogue prince.”
Aemond smiles down at you, kissing your lips as your body and his finally move as one.
Simmer down and pucker up. I'm sorry to interrupt. It's just I'm constantly on the cusp of trying to kiss you. I don't know if you feel the same as I do but we could be together… If you wanted to.
Later, you feel his wide eyed gaze at you. With no patch to cover his bad eye, he is the way you like him to: himself, nude and crude.
“I am pleased to find your heart shut for me alone”, you muse after a moment spent in warming silence.
“How so?”
He turns at you, on his elbow. Aemond strokes your face gently, doing the same then to your hair.
“Are you still daunted by these insecurities?”
“At times I am. I fear to lose your affection”, you admit. “But this only happens when I’m sensitive.”
“You do not need to excuse yourself for me when I’m open like this before you, wife”, he presses a kiss over your forehead. “I admit I have my own demons to haunt. There are nights I wish I had not… survived.”
“How so, my love,”, you turn at him and he sees fear in your eyes.
“I wish I had not been the cause why such a war disrupted. There is no good in dwelling in the past, but if I must be open with my lady, then my remorse must be shared with you. This is what pains me in times where restlessness knocks me out. Not an old mistress.”
“I’m sorry for this”, you feel ashamed for the confession, but Aemond looks in peace with it.
“Don’t be. We are husband and wife, love. We are in this together. I love you and it’s your love that helps me with going through difficult times.”
That being said, he kisses your lips. Every doubt dies permanently at his passionate kiss.
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deus-sema · 2 months
Here is how I would have fixed the Haunted House plotline without regressing the characters in s2. Though if I had my way then the entire show would be different but never mind.
If they really wanted to give Daemon a reason to feel conflicted about his relationship with Rhaenyra which could be preyed on by Harrenhal then they could have really opted for a different route than "Does Daemon love her or does he want da throne?" which is painfully redundant.
There is a proverbial elephant in the room which could have been used to create friction between Daemon and Rhaenyra on the show: Laenor. Yes, we fans might have accepted that they married according to Valyrian customs but in the eyes of the rest of the Realm, their marriage stands only because Laenor is believed to be "dead" which he isn't. They could have planted the seeds for it in s1 by having Daemon and Rhaenyra worry about Laenor and the possibility of his return even after they had a happy marriage of 6 years, because the results would be disastrous for them both: Their marriage will be deemed invalid, their sons will become bastards and Rhaenyra's claim will receive a major blow. Afterall, logically, they cannot trust Laenor to stay away forever. Then, in Episode 10, instead of that stupid choking scene, they could have had Daemon and Rhaenyra argue about the usage of dragons and have Rhaenyra say something on the lines of Seasmoke being of no use to them because his rider still lives only for Daemon to go all like,"Don't worry about that. It's already been taken care of." This could have led to the revelation that Daemon had Laenor assassinated in Essos which could have caused the first cracks in their relationship. Because Laenor's escape was something the two of them had planned together and he went behind her back to commit this act. Daemon could have rationalized it then by stating all reasons why Laenor needed to die for their good. It also won't be out of character because Laenor's murder is one of the crimes Daemon was actually suspected of in the books.
Flash forward to S2 when they have their argument after B&C and she tells him she doesn't trust him completely. It would hit harder because this is the second time he acted without her leave.Then, in Harrenhal, we could still have Daemon be haunted but instead of "da throne and crown", he has to battle his regret over breaking Rhaenyra's trust and guilt over Laenor's murder because he was family. Meanwhile, he could have donned a calm and composed exterior as he succesfully raises an army and plans a strategy for there was no need to change that subplot from the book while Harrenhal did a number on him behind closed doors.
It would kill two birds with one stone. Give Daemyra a reason to be mad at each other without regressing Daemon's character back to the throne and tied up the loose end left by Laenor's departure leaving Seasmoke to be smoothly claimed by Addam without butchering the lore.
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arabian-bloodstream · 2 months
HOTD S2 Finale-I Haz Thoughts
Thoughts on the finale. Just gonna bullet-point this bad boy. It's still long.
I loved every Daemon scene. Period. Love his friendship with goth girl Alys. (Soooo glad they didn't ruin it by throwing needless sexually-tinged stuffies in there, yay!)
Loved the vision so much. So cool. Beautifully directed, beautifully shot. Bloodraven! DANY!! THE Prince(ss) That Was Promised!! YAAASS! Rhaenyra on the throne! Woohoo!
Boo to Lord Alfred! I was rooting for you! We were ALL ROOTING FOR YOU! I thought he was the one lord who was true and faithful to Rhaenyra, but nooooooo! He betrayed Rhaenyra so easily. For shame. I loved the look Daemon gave him. It was easy enough to read his thoughts with it, but I understood why Ser Simon didn't understand. Good thing too though cuz reached out to Rhae-rhae and got her to Harrenhal.
Oh, Ser Simon Strong, I love you so. He continued to be the scene-stealer of the season. All the way to the end. Please tell me you all noticed him behind Rhaenyra when the army was shouting and cheering "For the Queen!" He was smiling and clapping like 'OK, this is good then, yay!'
Speaking of… loved the Daemon/Rhaenyra scene. Caraxes reacting to Syrax. Rhaenyra walking in, the soldiers parting as Daemon walked toward her. Their discussion in Valyrian, and then kneeling before her. The hand holding, the near-forehead bump. The little tease. All of it. Good stuff. Buuut, I'm not going to lie. It could have been better… or at least we could have had more. They haven't seen in each other in months. WE haven't seen them together all season, and their only full-fledged scene was their fight in episode three. That we didn't get another scene between the two was some pretty wild bullpucky.
Loved the (ONE) Baela/Jace scene. Woulda been nice to actually, finally get a kiss there. Psst, btw, Jace, you were pouting.
All the time spent on the triarchy, I just… why was this introduced now? In the finale? I mean, like why? Every time we went back to them, I was like… really? You're wasting time on this here? Now? In the finale?
The pacing was really bad, like REALLY bad. Let's go back to the triarchy scenes. You had Tyland and Captain lady fighting in the mud, goes on seemingly forever, and THEN about 15 seconds of Rhaena once again running across the Vale, and THEN we go back to Tyland and Captain lady now eating dinner. I mean, for real? What kind of scripting/pacing is that? So bad. There was no graceful connective tissue between so many of the scenes.
Speaking of more bad pacing… Rhaenyra is with Daemon at Harrenhal. And then the next scene she's back at Dragonstone talking to Mysaria, like… what? It's just bad. Sigh. I did, however, like the conversation between Rhaenyra and Mysaria. I like that Rhaenyra is still thinking of the people. She doesn't want to unnecessarily kill.
With that said, I understand why Emma thought it best that Rhaenyra and Mysaria just kiss instead of the baiting. It made sense in that scene. Rhaenyra was frustrated with Daemon. He'd left her for so long. The show did a TERRIBLE job in showing just how long it'd been -- but it had been months. She was angry and alone and when Daemon left her frustrated, angry and alone, when he abandoned her, she turned to the arms of another (Criston, Harwin). So, yes, she kissed Mysaria. It made sense. It was all about Daemon. HOWEVER, the problem with that is no other adjustments were made. The following episode 2.07, and this one which featured scenes between the two showed no sign at all that something had happened. If there had been a smirk at the beginning of their scene in 2.07, a look of 'well, that happened, moving on,' just something. But, alas, nothing.
I suppose one could then tie it to that, well, then the kiss was that after all… nothing.
Huzzah! Criston Cole was not my most hated character in this episode! Congrats to him. I'd say self-awareness becomes him, but his desires leading him astray doesn't excuse the shit-way he talks about Rhaenyra and blames her for his own failings. He still sucks. Whatever, I still didn't loathe him the mostest. Nopers. That role went to Aemond. Gosh, I despise him. He's just so awful. Burning a whole Castle and its peeps because he was thwarted. Being verbally and physically abusive to the sweet Haelena (whom Rhaenyra continues to be so awesome about). Ugh, he's awful.
The wandering of Rhaena on the Vale snippets was just not well done. Especially the bit near the stream. So, she's clearly desperate for water. Yet, she only notices it when she's like two feet away from it, and she runs like to only a certain section of it that's farther away from her? It was very weird blocking. I expect better from Geeta Patel. She's directed some of my favorite episodes.
I guess the Rhaenyra and Alicent scene was good; I am just so tired of them shoving those two down my throats that I just can't. I think I'll enjoy it better when I binge both seasons. The final two shots paralleling Rhaenyra being locked up as behind the grate while Alicent was free was a good one except for one thing. Rhaenyra has always been JUST AS LOCKED UP as Alicent but only in different ways. It's only stupid Alicent (and stupid green fans) that have been unable to see that. Rhaenyra was not able to marry the man she truly wanted for years. Rhaenyra was punished and hated (and still is) for being female. Rhaenyra ONLY had her crown stolen because she was a woman. Baela told Jace true, there have been other crown princes who were bastards but no one said a word. Jace is only talked about because his parent is a female.
Ulf is funny, but ooh, he got on my last nerve. That is your queen, dumbfuck! What a rude oaf, he is. You're sitting at the table of the freaking queen!! Still, Jace could have handled him with more grace putting him in his place.
I felt for Alun, but my goodness, their story is soooo boring. The women + Addam are the only interesting part of this family.
There was just too, too much going on in this finale. Which makes sense. They had enough going on for at least, oh, I don't know, one or two more episodes. Rhaena (as always) got shortchanged. The triarchy story was just thrown in to this final episode and was a big ole WTF? Jace and Baela (as always) got shortchanged.
The ending with all the different peeps getting ready for war, ooh, blue dragon we don't know! (Yes, I know it's Dareon's) was all cool and everything, but yeah, it just didn't really get me hepped up. Honestly, minus the Daemon vision, Daemon/Rhaenyra scene, I just was like, a'right dawg. Last week's episode was so much better. The ending of last week's episode was fist bump YEAH! I mean, imagine if we'd had the Daemon vision scene, Daemon/Alfred, Rhaenyra receiving raven, and Daemon/Rhaenyra scenes included in that episode and THAT was the season finale. What an ending THAT would have been. Daemon and Rhaenyra reunited. Rhaenyra has her army. Ending the show on Rhaenyra and all those dragons. That would have been HELL YEAH!
This was just, eh, OK. I dunno. This just didn't feel like a finale, although they tried it with the final scene with all the peeps marching and swelling music/vocalizing, but it just didn't hit for me. Maybe a rewatch will make me think differently. I dunno.
I guess just for funzies, I should take a bow. I maintained through most of the season that the Daemon arc was about figuring out that he was meant to be by Rhaenyra's side. Figure out his place, and be her loyal subject. She was his queen, and have no more doubts, and here we are. Yay!
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