#‘he doesn’t know we’re commonlaw engaged’ 🥰
I was thinking about Shadowhunter/Warlock courting rituals and thought about some things Malec would do for each other? and as their love got deeper the sentiment would grow?
I was just imagining a cute scene where Alec innocently crafts Magnus a runic arrowhead necklace not knowing it is a symbol of unconditional pride to share a symbol of your pure magic for your partner to wear (almost like magically claiming them)
Oooh yes 👀
Bonus points if it’s early in their relationship
Alec gifting Magnus flowers but the flowers turn out to be some potion ingredient and these flowers in particular are a common courting gift
Magnus offering to give Alec a massage and Alec getting flustered cause massages are really fucking intimate among Shadowhunters and are usually offered very late into the courting process.
And neither of them communicates to each other about this (kinda sorta on purpose) so they both have this solo inside joke of “He doesn’t know he’s courting me and I’m not gonna tell him cause I’m enjoying this way too much”. Everyone around them is internally face-palming.
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