#‘ angel pants – waverly.
girl4music · 9 months
ROSITA: “You know, you lock shit up, you think people would stay out of it.”
WAVERLY: “What? Boyfriend people?”
ROSITA: “Decidedly non-boyfriend people. Never mind. Either stop staring at me like a midway attraction or pony-up five bucks for admission.”
WAVERLY: “Sorry. Rude. Okay. Here’s to you. Who saved my life. Who happens to be a…”
ROSITA: “Say it.”
WAVERLY: “A revenant. God. So weird. You’re just such an awesome person.”
ROSITA: “So, are you going to give me a head start? Before you tell Wynonna about me.”
WAVERLY: “No, I don’t… I’m not going to. Because then I’d have to tell her about me.”
ROSITA: “What? That you’re annoyingly sweet?”
WAVERLY: “I think I’m half revenant. Wow, that’s the first time I’ve said it out loud to… to anyone.”
ROSITA: “Even Nicole?”
WAVERLY: “Nicole. Oh, God, Nicole… Oh that text was so nasty. She’s going to need some space.”
ROSITA: “Screw space. You need to get up in her face and make things right. I gave a guy space once. Took up with his best friend. And that friend was on Wyatt’s shit-list. Yeah. Worst second date ever.”
WAVERLY: “Do you think she’s up yet?”
ROSITA: “Miss Pleat-in-her-pants is probably doing a sun salutation as we speak. But she’ll open the door for you. No matter what time.”
Ah mutual moral greyness. I do love it. Not all demons are evil, not all angels are good. That kind of thing.
It’s nice that Waverly can open up to someone who she knows would understand her. Rosita keeps her secret, she’ll keep hers. It works out. But as far as being more than friends… I don’t think it would work out. Rosita appears to be very supportive of WayHaught so she probably believes the same. I think they will end up really good friends though considering their mutual revenant-cy. Someone to relate to and resonate with every once in awhile will do them both some good for their own sense of sanity.
So Waverly is not going to tell Wynonna nor Nicole that she’s part demon. That Bobo is her father.
Hmm… we’ll see how long that lasts. She might have to use her revenant powers at some point. Maybe they’ll even be used instinctively for the greater good.
See it’s this shit that captures my undivided attention. I really do love moral greyness in a supernatural story.
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avassharpe · 3 years
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Wynonna Earp | 1 scene per episode
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earpangel · 5 years
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get you a woman who can do both
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wayhaughtwives · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Waverly Earp
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shit-zu · 5 years
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sofiasdoodleslife · 6 years
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sadkidthinks · 6 years
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“Attagirl, Angel Pants“ - Wynonna Earp to Waverly Earp
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hushedhands · 3 years
Challenge 83
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@cecilia02 @everbeenminee Astra watching Andrew's coronation.
Astra Orders set an alarm for three o’clock in the morning, but she didn't need it. She didn't sleep at all.
Her mom had invited her to watch the once-in-a-generation event with her little cousins in Illéa Palace, but Astra had refused. Kile had offered to stay the night and keep her company, but that hadn't felt right either. Her dad had suggested not watching at all, which was cute but not really a solution. It would be weeks before footage of this faded from the news, and even then there would be anniversary specials forever. Astra might as well bite the bullet and watch the coronation that had almost been hers.
She wished her parents and her boyfriend weren’t making such a fuss about this. History was full of women who'd almost married princes and then gone home to watch them become kings. Her Uncle Maxon had left dozens of such women in his wake when he’d chosen to marry Aunt Ames, though Astra didn't have the telephone numbers of any of them. She wished Andrew had enough ex-girlfriends to make a proper club like the former Selected. It might have been nice to have someone who could understand this indescribable feeling without the need for words to name it.
It wasn't that she wanted to be married to Andy. She had no doubt at all that she'd made the right decision in calling off their relationship, and that was totally separate from the fact that she was now wildly in love with Kile.
But there was something aching in her chest as she watched the aerial shots of the city of London on the little television in her apartment in Angeles, curled up in her warmest fuzzy pajamas, hair in a messy version of her ballet bun, hands clinging to her mug of tea for dear life. Today was the day that standing by Andrew's side for his coronation went from something she wouldn’t do to something she couldn't do. She'd chosen to walk away, but this was the day that the door locked behind her.
Never was a hard word to give to Andrew, even if Kile had her Always.
The camera above the crowd panned past the palace Astra had stayed in that summer, and her chest squeezed hard. Whatever else had happened there, it had been a refuge for her at a time in her life when she’d needed it most.
It all started when she had been offered an incredible opportunity to dance for the Waverly ballet company in the summer, and an opportunity to attend an elite seminar with London’s royal ballet company in the spring, and Kile, realizing that he and Astra wouldn’t see each other for over six months, had broken up with her very suddenly.
Well, technically it had been a mutual decision. She hadn’t seen him much during his first year at school, and now she was off on her own adventures, and it seemed like a terrible time to try to make a relationship work. What if he met someone amazing at university? What if she met someone in Waverly or London? Was it fair to deny themselves new relationships and experiences just because they’d always been together? Weren’t they technically together by default, anyway?
It was a reasonable question. If you married someone you’d had playdates with for as long as you could remember, and you never even tried to date someone else, it was probably a relationship by default… right?
As she got on the plane for London, it had hit her hard that she wouldn’t have a hope of seeing Kile again, maybe for an entire year. The earliest she’d be back in Angeles was the next fall, and that’s exactly when he’d be leaving to go back to school again. And this time they wouldn’t talk to each other on the telephone almost every single day, and she wouldn’t slip secret notes in the care packages his parents sent him from home, and he wouldn’t surprise her by sitting in the audience during a matinee performance after sneaking back into town without telling her...
And maybe he never would again.
It was possible she’d cried the whole flight overseas, it was hard to remember. She must have rehydrated somehow, or she’d have shriveled up and died of the heartbreak. That time was all a blur now.
But what Astra remembered clearly, sitting on her sofa four years later, was the way she’d felt walking into that little old palace on the north side of the city and realizing that it was essentially hers for the season. It really paid to have a paranoid king for an uncle sometimes, because Maxon had pulled a dozen favors with the English royal family to get Astra somewhere safe and comfortable to live for a few months. She was technically an Illéan princess by title, so he wouldn’t hear of letting her rent a crumby apartment somewhere in the city, and besides, wherever she stayed needed to have enough room for a security detail. Still, even for a small palace, it was a palace and it was hers.
The old place had plenty of full-time staff that kept it in good shape as an estate of historical significance to the English monarchy, but Astra herself didn’t have maids or butlers, or a chef to keep her fed. At night, everyone who worked to keep the palace maintained went home, so it was only her and the security detail.
But she was allowed to order takeout from restaurants around town, so on her very first night alone she ordered enough food to live off of for a while, until she could get to a grocery store. She sprawled on a sofa in the downstairs sitting room, doodling in the notebook her Aunt May had given her for her last birthday, until there was a surprise knock on the archway in the entrance of the sitting room.
“Hello.” Andrew stood there, still in his business suit from the day, though with no tie, and with the top button undone. He looked ruffled, and in his hands he carried a large bottle of red wine. “Sorry to barge in… there isn’t exactly a doorbell in this place, and without staff to handle arrivals and departures… well, I did knock.” he awkwardly concluded.
Astra, still in her tank top and stretchy pants from the plane, would have felt severely underdressed to received a prince at a palace, except this was one of her oldest and best friends, and some of the ache in her heart from leaving Kile on the other side of the world eased away just from looking at him. She hugged him, “You don’t need to knock. It’s good to see you.”
“And you.” he hugged her back. “Ah, and here. A housewarming gift.” he offered her the wine.
“You’re just in time for dinner.”
“Am I?”
“It should be here soon. The finest spicy noodles and sautéed vegetables in the land. Although, if there’s no doorbell…”
“The guard at the gate will take it from the delivery driver and have someone bring it in.” he grinned.
“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go hunt down something to open that bottle.” she said.
A new city, a change of scenery, some delicious New Asian food, a bottle of old wine, a dear old friend… this was the recipe to get over a breakup. Astra knew it, because she already felt worlds better, just struggling to find a way into the wine bottle. There wasn’t a corkscrew in the kitchens that they could find, and this palace didn’t have its own wine cellar, which was the only other place they could think to find wine accessories. In the end, Andrew took an impressive, ancient sword off of a display rack on a wall at the top of the grand staircase and carefully poked the sharp end down until it was lodged into the cork.
Astra laughed so hard her sides hurt as she twisted the bottle out in front of her and Andrew slowly stepped backward. After a couple of tries, the cork loosened up enough that he could use brute force to pull the rest of it out.
When the food arrived, they carried it up to the top floor, to a balcony that overlooked the city, and they had a picnic of sorts.
“Where’s Lucas? You two are usually a package set.” Astra asked between bites of spicy noodles.
“Still finishing up his first year at university.”
“Oh, of course! Kile— “ She stopped abruptly, her chest squeezed tightly, her tongue fell heavy in her mouth, and she drowned the bitter taste of his name on her lips with expensive wine.
“Oh dear. That won’t do.” Andrew leant over and brushed away an errant tear from her cheek. “You mean to tell me… well, he’s safe isn’t he? He’s not unwell?”
“No, no he’s fine. He’s at school… and I’m here.”
Andrew studied her face carefully. He’d met Kile and Astra on the same day, at the same moment, so they’d been friends for exactly the same amount of time. He knew that they’d been together romantically for almost seven years now, the teenage equivalent of a sixty-year marriage. “So you’re… taking time apart?”
“We’ve decided to go our separate ways.” Astra said, the words soft and wispy in her throat. “We’re not… we’re not headed in the same direction anymore. We might never head in the same direction again. After university, he wants to see the world. And I… I might travel around for a while as a dancer, but I can’t imagine not being there for Addy once she becomes Queen… Even if that wasn’t true, we won’t have a good chance to be in the same city for at least a year… and a lot can happen in a year.”
Andrew took a large sip from his glass and then refilled hers.
“That’s really difficult, Astra… I’m so sorry. I know how much you love each other. It must be hell, knowing that you’re growing apart from the person you’re closest to in the world.”
Astra choked a sob in her wineglass and Andrew’s eyes widened, “God, I’m sorry! What a terrible thing to say—“ he sat both of their glasses safely aside and wrapped her in a warm hug.
Astra got his suit all wet from her tears, but she felt comfortable in his arms. “I’m not crying because of you, stupid.” She explained when she had the breath to do so. “It’s definitely because of him. I just… I didn’t think anyone would understand. But you do.”
“I don’t.” Andy rushed to correct her. “Not really. I’ve never experienced anything like that. The closest I can imagine is if… if I lost touch with someone in the Palace kid gang. You’re my best friends, apart from Luke, and I’ve known you forever. If I had to say goodbye to one of you, to lose you forever… it’s not even close to what you’re feeling, but just the thought hurts enough for me to know that you’re going through hell.”
Astra sniffled and collected her wineglass again, ready for more sips, content to allow herself to be comforted by her friend. “Hell has better wine than I expected, I’ll give it that much.”
“Not a bad view, either.” Andrew agreed with a small chuckle, looking out at the city.
“Didn’t expect one of my very best friends to come with me to hell.” Astra timidly admitted.
“And I’m not leaving until I get you out of it.” he’d promised.
Andrew always did have words as sweet as honey.
They drank the whole bottle that night, between the two of them. They had as good an excuse as two teenagers needed: they couldn’t find a wine stopper. Andrew offered to stay the night with her so that she wouldn’t be alone, but now that the world was blurry and warm from the wine, Astra felt delightfully sleepy. She was going to get her first good night’s sleep since losing Kile. So Andrew left, promising to bring breakfast the next morning to check on her.
He checked on her a lot.
He brought her breakfast and dinner every day, and he’d probably have brought her lunch too, except that she was always at her dance seminar during the daytime. Astra ended every night with her body pleasantly tired from dancing, a new half a bottle of wine in her stomach, and her mind full of whatever nice, easy conversation she’d had with Andrew just before bed. Her first week in England flew by.
That Friday night, Andrew appeared in the doorway to the sitting room right on schedule, two bottles of wine in hand.
“You’re mad.” Astra giggled.
“It’s the weekend.” he argued. “You don’t have to dance tomorrow, and I don’t have any public appearances to make until next Tuesday.”
“You’re off work until Tuesday? You English royals really know how to take it easy.” she laughed. She didn’t think her cousins had taken a three day weekend in their lives.
“We’ll keep the second bottle on standby, just in case we decide we want to try it.”
But of course, they were young and it was a Friday night, they definitely wanted to try it. Somewhere after the first glass of the second bottle, refilling glasses got too risky and they started drinking straight from the bottle, passing it back and forth. There was a television show on, showing a concert happening on the other side of the city in a stadium Astra could just see if she stood tall enough on the balcony.
Andrew watched her going almost en pointe to try to spy the stadium, mesmerized by her strength and balance and grace. “Can we dance?”
Astra smiled brightly. Dancing was her favorite in the world, of course they could dance! They danced in their socks to the music on the television until Andrew collapsed, out of breath, on the sofa. Astra joined him, blood pumping pleasantly fast through her veins.
“I’m out of shape!” he bemoaned.
“I’m a professional athlete, don’t compare yourself to me. You did just fine.”
“I did? Do you think I could join the ballet?” He laughed giddily.
She’d never seen him giddy like this.
Andy carried the weight of his country on his shoulders, he always had. Addy hadn’t really started bearing Illéa on her back until she was eleven or twelve, old enough to understand what was coming for her, but Andrew had always been a future king, even when he was tiny. Seeing him now, not a care in the world, laughing about joining the ballet… Astra’s heart twisted in her chest and for the first time since breaking up with Kile, it had absolutely nothing to do with him.
He had no part of this.
Astra leant forward and kissed Andrew on the warm, red cheek.
He looked at her, stunned, smile falling off his face. “What was that for?”
“I don’t know… just because. Just for you.”
“Just for me…” he’d mused.
“For being good to me. For taking care of me while I’m here. For… for being you. Yeah… just for you.” Astra nodded, this time more certain that the words made sense outside of her wine-fogged mind.
“I should be me more often.” he chuckled.
Astra blinked.
Should he?
There was a version of Astra’s stay in London where she pined away for her ex-boyfriend every moment she got, and maybe poured that pain into her dancing because it was overflowing from her heart and needed somewhere to go. That’s what she’d been expecting deep down. But what really happened was, she found a favorite market to buy groceries from, she found a bakery between her palace and the dance studio that kept her in much-needed carbs, she found a park with a pond where lots of locals liked to walk their dogs, which meant she got to pet a lot of dogs, and she started falling in love with the city.
And then there was Andrew.
He knew her so well, and they’d loved each other as friends for so long, and spending those mornings and nights with him felt so easy, so smooth.
And he was handsome and kind and… ugh, handsome. Astra didn’t regret kissing him on the cheek. Not even when he stood with her on the balcony a week later, watching the sunset, and she laced her hand with his.
“Are you quite alright?” he’d asked, not because she’d grabbed his hand, but just because he was still so worried about her.
“When I got here, I thought the answer to that question would be no forever.” Astra confessed. “And listen… I don’t really know who I am without Kile, he’s been a part of me for my whole life… but these past two weeks I’ve started to find out… and I like it. I like getting to know me.”
Andrew smiled down at her and squeezed her hand.
“And I like you too, Andrew.”
His smile became pained, “Astra—“
“It’s okay. You’re the next king and blah blah blah.” he laughed, because there were so few people in the world who could blah blah blah being an heir to a throne, but Astra was certainly one of them.
“It isn’t that.” he corrected her with a shake of his head. “It’s… you’re getting out of a serious relationship. You can’t like anyone yet—“
“Yes I can.” Astra scoffed, a challenging glint in her eyes, “Watch me.”
“But we’ve been friends our whole lives, too. Wouldn’t you like to like someone different? A stranger, maybe?”
“Where would I find one of those?” Astra lamented, only half-joking. Having a king for an uncle really limited one’s opportunities to meet strangers.
Andrew peered at her closely, then seemingly made up his mind all at once, saying, “Put on a dress.”
“Put on a dress, I’ve got a surprise for you!”
Just like that, Andrew was downstairs talking to his security team and Astra was upstairs trying to figure out what dress to wear. There was a sweet springtime yellow thing… and then there was the red thing.
Astra made up her mind quickly. She chose the red thing. She chose everything that the red thing implied.
She appeared at the bottom of the stairs and Andrew’s eyes widened.
“Is this alright? I have other dresses—“
“S’perfect—“ he muttered and then cleared his throat, “Ahem, that is perfect Astra. Let us be off.”
He formally offered her his arm and she accepted with a proud smirk at the flush in his cheeks, then they ducked into his car and his driver whisked them off across town.
“What are we doing?” Astra asked after they took a turn to a part of town she’d never been to before.
“Did I not say it is a surprise?”
“Yes, but—“
“We’ve got guards, and I’ve gone to this place before. There’s no need to worry.”
“It’s where I go when I need to meet strangers.”
Astra blinked, dumbfounded.“You? Meet strangers?”
“How else am I supposed to find a queen? ” he muttered mutinously.
Astra stared over at him for a long moment, never having given it a second thought. Addy would be free to date whomever she chose, but if all else failed she could always have a Selection to find her husband. Andrew had nothing like that to choose from.
Astra was surprised when the car pulled to a stop at the backdoor to a nightclub. Could princes of England really go clubbing? But this place looked like it had tight security, and there were signs posted prominently that there were no cameras allowed on the premises. Andrew’s and Astra’s bodyguards stayed close by as they entered the club and Astra’s ears were assaulted by music so loud she could no longer hear it. All she could hear was the beat.
Andrew took her to the bar and bought her whatever drink she wanted, and then leant in close to her ear so that she could hear him say, “What do you think?”
“It’s a little loud!”
He chuckled, “About the strangers.”
“Oh!” Astra looked around as she spun the little umbrella from her pink drink between her fingers. There were all kinds of men here. Some older than her, some younger, some looked athletic and some looked bookish, and they were all having fun, losing themselves to the same beat. “What do you think?!” she yelled at him.
He looked around at the women in the room, sizing them up, and then shrugged, “Hard to say.”
“How do we meet them?!” Astra was yelling, while somehow he was able to keep his voice low and still be heard when he leaned close to her ear.
“Honestly? They usually just come up to me…” he confessed.
Astra rolled her eyes. Royals.
Sure enough, several women came up to Andrew and threw themselves at him while he and Astra waited for even one man to make a pass at her.
“Maybe you’re intimidating them away!” Astra suggested.
“Maybe so. Do you want me to go dance?”
Did she want him to go dance with one of the strange women in the club so that a strange man might come up to her and hit on her?
Not really, no. She wanted to dance with him. She liked dancing with him. More than that, she didn’t want to dance with anyone else. And she didn’t want him to dance with anyone else. She took his hand and dragged him out to the dance floor, their bodyguards hilariously close by, and they started moving.
It wasn’t dancing the way Astra was trained to think of it. There was no choreography, no gentle swell of melody to carry her movements, this was something far more basic than that. The best part was how quickly she was able to stop thinking about anything but her own breath, the sweat on her brow, and the man in front of her.
There was nothing else in the world. For as long as they could stay with the beat, there was only the beat. Endorphins that she associated with a long hard workout flooded her body, and Astra felt good. And beyond feeling good, she did not feel sad. She did not miss anybody. Not her family on the other side of the world, and not Kile. She was complete right here. All she had to do was make this last forever.
“I am not a professional dancer.” Andrew reminded her, breath coming far too fast to get that whole sentence out without gasping for air several times in the middle.
Astra giggled at him, then hugged him close, “This place is magical!” she yelled in his ear.
And just to prove the point, and to express her gratitude, she pecked his lips with a kiss.
That was it, right? A kiss of gratitude?
As first kisses went, it was silly. They were both too out of breath to do more than mash their lips together for a second and then go back to gasping for air. Andrew led them away for water and after a few minutes to recover, he was ready to try again.
Astra helped him find a way to move to every other beat instead of every beat, essentially cutting the speed of his dancing in half for him. That helped tremendously. But to help him do this, she had to wrap her arms around his neck to guide him, and once he had the beat it was all much less frantic and much more sensual. This time when they kissed, it was not a silly peck on the lips.
Astra had only ever kissed Kile before, but since that was never happening again, she didn’t allow herself to think about that. She didn’t think about how Andrew was taller than Kile, and his cheeks were softer because he shaved every single morning without fail. She didn’t think about anything except how nice it was not to feel pain. When she was with Andrew, especially when she was kissing Andrew, she felt nothing but joy.
Was she using him to feel better?
If someone made you feel better and wanted to be around you, was that even using them?
They stayed at the club until Andrew was too tired to go on (and even Astra was ready to admit she was tired), and then they climbed back into Andrew’s car and rode off into the night.
Astra’s ears were ringing with the sudden silence, and they were both flushed and dripping with sweat. Astra was ready to bet her face matched the red of her dress and her hair, and was ready to feel embarrassed about that somewhere beneath her exhaustion, when Andrew slid his hand over to hers and squeezed.
She looked over at him and smiled.
It was past 2 in the morning when they got back to Astra’s palace, and Astra couldn’t believe they’d spent so many hours getting swept away like that.
“I’d do that every night if I thought my hearing could survive it.” Astra admitted as they struggled to get up the stairs, feeling distinctly like they had overcooked pasta for legs.
Astra took an ice-cold bath and then rolled her legs out to try to avert any soreness the next morning, and then she found Andrew in one of the guest bedrooms. “Thanks for the dancing… sorry we didn’t meet any strangers.” she grinned.
“I’m not.” he admitted, with complete candor.
“Well then, no future queen for you and no non-childhood friend to date for me.”
“Perhaps you could find a childhood enemy?” he suggested, and she laughed at the dryness of voice as he made the joke.
“Yes, I’ll have to make do.” she agreed.
The kisses felt stolen for the first week, like they were getting away with something they weren’t supposed to, but then one day Andrew showed up with Astra’s favorite breakfast, and two paper travel cups of tea, and he pecked her on the lips in greeting and it didn’t feel stolen at all. It felt as comfortable as an old sweater, and made her feel just as warm inside.
To celebrate the end of her first month in London, Astra ordered dinner for them from the same restaurant they’d eaten at on her very first night in town. He showed up looking frazzled after a long day of talking with members of parliament, but all the more pleased to see her because that stress was over now. And, of course, he brought her the same kind of wine they’d shared that first night.
Astra had bought a corkscrew weeks ago now, so they didn’t need to resort to using ancient swords to open their alcohol, which made it slightly less interesting. Astra curled up against him on the balcony overlooking the city and kissed him every chance she got.
“You’re certainly in a mood.” he noted with a smile down at her, after their fourth surprise kiss.
“I’m just glad to be here.”
“Are you?” he seemed surprised. She didn’t blame him. It was quite a turn from her first weepy night a month ago.
“Yes. I think London’s been good for me.”
And maybe she meant the city, with her new favorite local spots and the friends she was making at the seminar, but maybe she meant Andrew. Maybe she couldn’t really tell the difference, and it was all just good for her.
“I am very glad to hear that.”
“I wish I didn’t have to go to Waverly in two months.” Astra admitted. “It’s an amazing opportunity for my career, not to mention I’ll get to visit my grandparents in Carolina all the time, but… I like London.”
This time she was blatantly talking about him.
“Well… London’s not going anywhere anytime soon, I suppose.” he pointed out, fully onto her game.
She hmm-ed into her wineglass, “I suppose not.”
“And you’re always welcome in London, you know.”
Astra giggled and shook her head, surprising him with another kiss as a reward for playing along with her silly euphemism.
Later that night, when the food was stashed away in the kitchen and the wine was mostly empty, Andrew joined Astra again on the balcony as she stood there with the springtime breeze blowing through her loose, curly hair. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and pressed a kiss to her shoulder.
“I meant it, you know.” he said. “You could stay as long as you like. There’s a tremendous ballet company in London, perhaps you’ve heard of it.”
Astra laughed, pressing a hand to his over her stomach and turning to look up at him. “Maybe someday.”
“You’re dead-set on going to Waverly, then?”
“Well, I’ve signed a contract.” she explained.
“Ah. They shall imprison you if you break it. I understand.”
His voice was always so serious when he joked, never giving away the game. She laughed at the thought and said, “Yes, there’s a special prison for ballet dancers who break their contracts, it’s especially brutal. I hear they make you dance to jazz all day.”
This time his lips brushed the placed where her shoulders met her neck, and her breath hitched at the sensation. “I shan’t extradite you.” he concluded, his warm lips brushing her skin. “I shall keep you here, safe and sound, far away from the ballet constables.”
Astra laced her fingers with his over her stomach and said, “They’re relentless, the ballet constables. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.”
His lips trailed up her neck and stopped at her ear where he said softly, “I think I can manage.”
Astra’s entire body erupted in chills, and suddenly she didn’t want to continue their elaborate, jokey banter about the consequences of her actions. She turned in his arms and pressed her lips roughly to his, knowing beyond the shadow of a doubt that all she really wanted was to lose herself in the taste and the feel and the smell of him. Andrew was the only person in the world who made her not care about the future, and when his lips were on her skin that was doubly true.
It wasn’t exactly real happiness she felt when she was lying in bed with him, his sandy brown hair all ruffled, his arm slung across her like he was afraid she’d disappear in the night. True, meaningful, lasting happiness was something that required a lot of factors: feeling good about the present and hopeful about the future, and at peace with the past. Astra wasn’t at peace with her past, and she didn’t even want to think about the future, but the present… the present was so good. It was one out of three. One out of three wasn’t bad.
If Andrew’s parents noticed that he was essentially living with Astra that spring, they didn’t say anything about it. Maybe they just assumed that, since they were close friends, he was keeping her company and enjoying a nice, extended visit. And that was perfectly true, except that they were sharing a bed and occasionally a shower, and they shared a cup of coffee in the morning and a bottle of wine at night.
They didn’t go back to that club, but they found other ways to go out together without being photographed. There were secret tables in the kitchens of restaurants, special royal boxes in theaters, private trains to private estates, and one time there was a royal yacht. Astra was surprised that Andy had so much freedom, as the heir to the throne. Addy couldn’t have dreamed of roaming around Illéa the way that Andrew was gallivanting across his future kingdom. Sure, part of it was Andrew making sure Astra was having the time of her life— he probably didn’t usually venture away from home so much— but even so.
“Will you be able to keep this up once you’re king?” she’d asked him as they sat curled up together on a train ride returning from the south. “All this rambling.” she explained at his questioning look.
“Ah. No, there will certainly be less. But my job will be nothing nearly so intense as King Maxon’s, if that is what you’re thinking. For one thing, I’ve got parliament.”
Astra wasn't exactly sure how England’s parliament worked. She knew King Eoan set the legislative agenda, but he couldn’t pass any kind of law on his own. “I can’t believe they let you have a whole train to yourself, and you barely have to work.” she teased.
His arm was wrapped around her shoulders, and his thumb began tracing her upper arm as he said, “If you think my future job’s a scandal, you should see what our queen has to do. Host parties, go shopping, appear at events…” his voice sounded as if it was a strain to remain light and carefree. As if his words were more important than he wanted them to be.
Astra leaned her head on his shoulder. Those were all things she already did for Illéa. Well, she didn’t host many parties, but she sometimes helped her Aunt Ames out when things were especially overwhelming. It was strange to think that she had experience doing the same job as the Queen of England.
“All that, and she gets to retire young?”
“Assuming that whole heir business is sorted out sufficiently early.” he admitted.
“Oh, that.” Astra giggled.
“On the whole, it’s not a terrible job.” he said.
“No, not when you factor in the jewelry.” Astra agreed, still joking.
“Precisely.” Andrew nodded with a small smile against the top of her head.
Astra wasn’t sure why he didn’t return her joke with one of his own.
Though Astra very much enjoyed being swept off her feet by the prince, it was the quiet nights at the palace that meant the most to her. Sometimes, after dinner and a long, hot bath, her joints would feel well enough to practice some choreography in one of the drawing rooms. Andrew would play the piano for her, putting years of lessons to use for the first time. Sometimes her joints would not feel well enough for more dancing after a long day at the seminar, and he’d rub her battered feet and ankles until she melted into a puddle at the other end of the sofa or bed, or wherever they happened to be.
She’d ask him about his work, but he wouldn’t tell her much. Maybe he was worried about protecting state secrets, or maybe he didn’t want to worry her. Maybe he didn’t want her to see him in less than a good mood, because he was only there to make her happy. And how could she not be happy?
One night, in the middle of her second month in England, as she laid awake in their bed and brushed her fingers through his unruly hair (a sight so few had ever seen: the Heir to England with unruly hair), she pressed a kiss to the shell of his ear and said softly, “What are we going to do when I have to leave for Waverly?”
Sleepily, he’d pried his eyes open, his eyelashes fluttering against her skin. “What would you like to do?”
“Freeze this moment in amber. Live in it forever.”
“Be young, in love, and carefree forever?” he’d smirked.
“In love?” she’d hesitated, surprised. They’d only been attached at the lips for six weeks now, as impossible as it seemed. Hadn’t they enjoyed half a lifetime together already?
“Oh dear.” He’d lifted his head up so that he could look in her eyes, “I shouldn’t have said that.”
Astra shook her head, “It’s okay. I do love you Andrew.”
“Do you?” he sounded amazed.
And she did. She’d always loved him, just as he’d always loved her. They’d grown up together, perfect friends, how could she not love him?
“I’m sorry you didn’t know that already.” she let her hand fall from his hair down his spine, coming to rest on his bare lower back. She traced the shape of a heart there with her finger and he shuddered. “You’re one of the best friends I’ll ever have, and I love you.”
He smiled and returned his cheek to her chest, listening for her heartbeat. “Yes. This moment would do just fine.”
“We could freeze this moment and allow archaeologists to discover it in a few thousand years.”
“And if we don’t like the future, we could simply freeze this moment again.” he agreed.
“You don’t think you’d be bored after a few thousand years?”
He grinned, one hand tracing her ribcage lazily, “I could find a few ways to keep myself occupied.”
Astra didn’t notice the first time there was a photographer waiting outside of the dance studio after her rehearsals. And then, a couple of days later, when a rumor sourced to a local food delivery driver was printed in a Sunday paper saying that he delivered Prince Andrew’s favorite kind of curry to the Palace where Astra was staying a couple of times per week. She didn’t mind when Andrew suggested they stop sneaking out to exclusive clubs or restaurants around the city, because staying in was extremely entertaining.
But it was hard to miss when Andrew nervously appeared in her doorway one evening and said, instead of ‘hello’ or ‘how was your day’, “Grandmother has asked to meet you.”
Astra gaped. Queen Cerridwen, King Eoan’s mother, had never met any of the Illéan royals in-person. Maybe she’d met Uncle Maxon back before he was King, when she was still the active queen, but maybe not even then. “Me? Wh…why?”
Andrew ran a hand through his hair and ruffled it in a way that would have been funny if he hadn’t look so stressed. He sank to his knees to sit next to Astra, who’d been sitting on the floor, using the coffee table to hold her nail polish bottles as she painted her toes. “The rumors got to her.”
“Rumors… about us?”
Andrew nodded, “I’ve had the press department squashing everything the second they hear about it, and it’s bought us some time, but the rumors have been consistent for long enough now—“
“The rumors that we’re spending time together?” Astra asked.
“Yes.” Andrew looked faintly nauseous.
Astra smiled and traced his cheekbone with her thumb soothingly, “We are spending time together. We’re not being falsely accused.”
“No, I know… I think, just… I think we need to talk.”
Those were heavy words.
Kile had been the last one to say those words to her, and the outcome had been really unpleasant.
“You didn’t bring wine?” Astra noticed for the first time.
“I wanted us to keep our heads clear.”
“Are you ending this?” Astra asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“No.” Andrew promised. “But we’ve never talked about what this is before. I’ve been able to buy us a little slice of time to ourselves, but I’ve reached the end of my tricks.”
Astra looked into his eyes carefully, noticing the strain there for the first time, “You never said you had to use tricks…”
“I didn’t want you to have to worry about it. I wanted to be… uncomplicated. Simple. After everything you’ve been through, I thought that you needed simplicity.”
“I did.” she admitted, chest suddenly aching at the thought that the simple times might be gone.
He brushed an errant curl behind her ear and smiled bracingly, “I am not here to tell you that the world is ending. Merely that people have found us out. They’re asking questions that I do not have the answers to, and in lieu of my answers, they are coming to their own conclusions. Grandmother amongst the rest.”
“She wants to meet me because she knows we’ve been dating?”
Andrew huffed a breath, “It’s her way of forcing the matter at hand. When it comes to me, to dating the English Heir, there is dating and there is Dating. Courting. Something official, not just between you and I, but between us and all of England.”
Astra looked a little creeped out at the thought, “They… want in on our dates?”
Andrew rubbed his brow, “In a manner of speaking… there comes a point when I’m meant to introduce anyone I am seeing to the people of England as a potential future queen.”
“Why? It’s not like they get to vote on who stays in your bed, or in our case, my bed.”
“No, but it’s…” he seemed so uncomfortable at having to explain this to her. Probably any English girl he dated would have seen this coming a mile away and known what to expect. Astra blushed a little, feeling inadequate for the first time all spring. “It’s a bit like a small Selection, perhaps. They get to know the person their prince is dating and they get to watch me court their future queen.”
“Oh, and your gramma wants you to do that with me?” What a relief to know she was just a confused old woman who’d misunderstood.
“Precisely. Meeting Grandmother at her estate in Scotland would signal the official start to our official courtship.”
Astra felt all the tension leave her body and she smirked at him, “Your gramma is proposing marriage to me on your behalf.”
“What’s she in such a hurry for? We’re teenagers.”
Andrew let out an exasperated sigh, relieved now that he could see Astra wasn’t panicking and throwing everything she owned into a bag to haul back to Illéa on the first flight out the next morning. “I don’t know. You’re a good match, obviously. My father is close with your uncle, but it would be smart to solidify that alliance with some kind of marriage.”
“Very sexy and romantic.” Astra giggled.
“Isn’t it just?” he agreed wryly. He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath, “I suppose she’s worried because I’ll be king in a few more years. She doesn’t want me to have to go through that enormous transition of responsibility by myself. I suppose finding a queen would be much harder as king than as prince, too. Father’s even asked me if I want to take a few months next year and devote myself to dating full time before he begins handing off responsibilities to me in earnest. As part of a formal ascension plan.”
“What a conversation.”
“You can’t begin to imagine.”
Astra collapsed into giggles, doing her best to imagine it anyway. King Eoan asking his son if he wanted to be a full-time, 40-hours-per-week dater as part of his obligations to the crown.
“It’s good you think this is funny.” he sulked, but he only partially meant it. He was genuinely glad she was laughing instead of crying.
Fairly certain her toes were dry now, Astra stood and screwed the caps on her polish, stashing the bottles in a drawer next to her vanity. She stretched, fingers reached for the ceiling, going up on her toes, and as she came down she whisked her loose t-shirt over her head.
“Astra.” Andrew cleared his throat, forcing his eyes away from her lacy, pale blue and white bra, “Clear heads, remember?”
“I’m just getting comfortable.” she said in a voice that clearly told him she was not just getting comfortable.
He stood and she came over and loosened his tie for him. He placed a hand over hers when she made for his shirt’s buttons and said, “Do you want this to last past April?”
Astra gulped, “I wish April was forever.”
He stared at her, the only flicker of doubt coming from the small twitch of his eyebrow. “That’s not the same thing.”
“… I know.”
“You don’t have to answer me tonight, but we should talk about it. If we keep going past April, I suspect it will make the most sense for you… for you to meet grandmother.”
This time, when Astra continued with his buttons, it was a genuine effort to help him get comfortable, and not a ploy to see his bare chest. Seeing his bare chest was an undeniable bonus, though. She linked her fingers with his and dragged him towards her bed, and then she flopped down on her back and stared up at the top of her four poster canopy. “So what would happen after I met your grandmother?”
“You’d get some secret service protection.” Andrew laid on his stomach and used his finger to draw doodles on the smooth, soft skin above her navel. His breath felt warm as it puffed against her ribs, but her skin erupted in goosebumps anyway, and he pressed a chaste kiss to them. He knew the effect he had on her, and it only made him want to cherish her more.
“I’d go back to Illéa, though. To Waverly.”
“Yes. We’d coordinate that. It would probably be a less hectic place for you than in England.”
“You think England will be hectic if you announce we’re officially dating?”
Andrew huffed one dry, humorless laugh. “When they find out I’m thinking of making you their princess… sweetheart, it’s going to be a nightmare of a circus.”
“Terrifying clowns?”
“The most terrifying.” he agreed.
Astra sighed, “Then what? How long would we get to date before they’d expect you to decide whether you want to marry me or not?”
“Given the time you’d be spending in Illéa, we could get a year.”
“A year.” Astra liked the sound of that. Sure, she’d dance until her contract was up in Waverly, but then she’d come back and get to do this with Andrew for months and months. His dad might even let him date her full-time. Morning, noon, and night cuddles.
“Yes, and then…”
“And then a fairytale proposal. Would it have to be public?”
“Gosh, no.” Andrew promised. “But it would need to have a good story behind it. Take you somewhere meaningful—“
“Like the club where we first kissed.” Astra teased, running her hands through his hair.
“No, not at all.” he chuckled.
“And would I get to wear one of the crown jewels or something?”
Andrew lifted his head to look at her. “Would you want one?”
Astra laughed. It was all so completely silly. She was an eighteen year old girl! A boy was offering her a crown jewel! She laughed some more.
“Our engagement would be six months, eight at most.” he said. “That’s going to be the hardest time for you. You won’t be royal yet, but you’ll have all the expectations. Of course, you’d have everything you’d need from us. Security, education, an allowance for your clothes.”
“Mmm, clothes.”
“And then—“
“A royal wedding?”
“And a royal honeymoon?”
“Of course.” he pressed another kiss to her skin, this one not so chaste.
“And then I’m your princess?”
“Until we take our oaths to become king and queen.”
“You really think I could be queen?”
“You think you couldn’t?”
“I know how hard it is on my Aunt Ames. It’s not really the life I saw for myself.”
“It’s different in England, you know. We’re smaller than most Illéan provinces, and we’ve got parliament.”
She couldn’t continue to fantasize about marrying him without understanding what he meant when he said that. “Andy, how does parliament help you?”
“Eh… help is not the word.” Andrew admitted. “It’s more that they take certain responsibilities off the monarch’s plate. Whether they do so in a manner that helps is an entirely different question. But unlike Queen America, who assists on many matters of policy and diplomacy, my mother’s job is almost entirely ceremonial, supporting my father’s efforts.”
“So do you think I could dance if we were married?”
Andrew fell quiet, wracking his brain for a way. “Not once we were engaged… I just can’t imagine that you would have time. And you’d quickly become one of the most famous women in the world… not that you’re anonymous now, just that we’re talking about a whole different stratosphere of public interest… even if we found time for you to dance in the royal ballet, it might not be safe.”
Astra hated that answer, but it made perfect sense to her. Addy had never regularly commuted into the city for any reason. Keeping her safe during recurring, publicly open performances would have been a nightmare, and Astra supposed that would be true for her too.
Astra also knew she wasn’t going to dance forever. She probably had a good ten or twelve years before retirement, and that was only if she avoided any major injuries. In Astra’s experience, injuries and pregnancies were two of the most common reasons dancers retired younger than thirty and they were both to be avoided.
“How long do you think we could put all of this off? I don’t want to stop dancing.”
“I know. I want you to dance! You’re bloody magnificent when you dance.”
“Just when I dance?” she teased suggestively.
“Other times too.” he smirked up at her. He let his face fall gently on her stomach, breathing in the smell of her body wash and then lifting his head again, “I could tell Grandmother we’re not yet ready. You could go to Waverly and come back for visits now and again.”
“Sounds like I’d miss you.”
“I’d miss you too.”
“Sounds better to me, though.”
“I suppose it must. The people mightn’t be fooled, they’ll still expect something is happening between us.”
“They’d be right.”
“But Astra… No matter what, I’ll be King four years from now. There’s no delaying that. ”
“That’s a long time, Andy.”
“I can’t… you must understand, I’d need to know for certain by then.”
“Of course!”
“Ideally… Ideally I would be married by then so that we could share the coronation ceremony.”
“So we could have a wedding earlier that fall? You’d propose that spring? That gives us a few years. That gives me time to dance.”
“But would it be enough?”
“Three years is forever, Andy.” Astra grinned down at him.
“And you’d really consider being my queen?”
“I’d consider a lot of things for blue eyes like yours.”
“They are an important part of the benefits package.” he agreed, placing an arm on either side of her and bringing himself up so that they were eye to eye. “Along with lots of travel to exotic locations. The finest champagne money can buy. Famous designers tripping over themselves to clothe you. A handful of palaces. Lots of diamonds.” he punctuated each of these offers with a deep, heated kiss and by the end Astra was absolutely dizzy and in no state to negotiate her future job benefits.
By the end of the week it was not just one photographer waiting outside of the ballet studio anymore, there were dozens. They were aggressive and pushy, yelling her name and constantly demanding she tell them if she was seeing Andrew. Her Illéan security detail was not pleased. The theater that housed the ballet was difficult to secure against so many persistent intruders, and there was serious discussion about whether they could even let her finish the seminar. They also discussed calling King Maxon and asking him for reinforcements, which made Astra’s stomach feel sick. She didn’t want her uncle to have to pay money and spare resources to send across the world to her all because of her love life.
It was a tense day and a half before Andrew was able to come through with security of his own to supplement her detail. It had been a tough thing to organize, given she wasn’t officially his girlfriend, but he’d found a way for her.
If Astra knew anything in those days, it was that he would always find a way for her. That had never been the problem.
There were reporters outside of Astra’s palace now, night and day, and they marked each time Andrew came or went. Instead of lounging together on the balcony overlooking the city, Astra and Andrew had to draw the curtains closed for the sake of their privacy.
“We should just tell them we’re not really dating.” Astra said. “I can’t outright lie to them.” Andrew insisted. “I can’t break trust with my people. I don’t have to confirm we’re together, but I can’t just tell them we’re not.”
“There’s got to be a way… tell them we have no intention of courting right now. That’s not a lie, is it?”
“It’s a bit transparent.” Andrew pointed out.
“Well, I’d love to hear your better idea!”
Andrew sighed into her hair. They were dancing to the music on the television, its glow the only light in her bedroom. “Maybe we break up. And I tell them we broke up.”
“You’re breaking up with me?” Astra suddenly sounded so small and vulnerable, he squeezed her tighter, “No! Not really. Not in that way. It’s just a way we can… buy you some more time before we have to fess up to anything.”
Astra didn’t want to fake-break up with Andrew. She wanted the entire world to leave them to their peace and quiet in their little palace of domestic bliss forever. What was so complicated about that?
Andrew had the idea of staying away one night to try to relieve some of the heat, but all it did was leave Astra pacing the floor alone, listening to the rumble of dozens of people camped out on the street in front of her palace all night.
Astra and Andrew were summoned by Queen Waverly the next day and sat down together on the sofa in her office.
Everything about it was embarrassing. Andy’s mother needed to know how long they had been romantic, how far their romance had gone, how serious they were about their future together, and why Andrew had turned down his grandmother’s invitation.
“Lovey, she wasn’t trying to force your hand.” Waverly told Andrew sympathetically. “What’s happening now out there… it’s going to get worse, the longer we let the media spin itself up into a frenzy.”
Astra said, “I only have a week and a half left, your Majesty—“
“Astra.” Waverly reproached the use of her title. “We’re having this discussion as family. Call me Aunt Waverly… if you’re marrying my son, call me Mum.”
Astra gulped, looking at Andrew, lost.
“We’ve only been together a few months, we don’t know—“ Andrew spoke up, until Waverly nodded and held up her hand to silence him.
“I understand entirely.” She turned her head to the side to study a giant portrait of one of Andy’s female ancestors. “Listen you two, I know that this is a complicated situation. The only thing that will help is being forthright with the people.”
“If Astra meets grandmother, the people will be demanding a proposal by Christmas.”
“Perhaps so.”
“We’re not ready for that.” Andrew was keeping a lid on his princely composure, but Astra could tell he felt hopelessly trapped by his mother and the palace and his people beyond its walls. He was ready to rattle the cages.
Waverly nodded, “Your father and I will do everything we possibly can for you, you know that. We only want your happiness. But things are getting very intense, very fast out there. That’s happening because you’re choosing not to do things the conventional way. You must understand that.”
Very intense, very fast. That was Astra’s whole relationship with Andrew in a nutshell.
“It’s just a week and a half.” Astra reiterated. “Then I’ll be back in Illéa and the press can calm down for a while.”
“The speculation won’t stop until it is addressed by us, and it might even turn ugly.” Waverly warned. “When you stop giving them fresh photograph opportunities every day at your ballet house, when there aren’t rumors flying about sightings of the two of you all over London—“
“Not true, by the way.” Andrew said.
“Some of them could be.” Astra reminded him.
“Only the very old ones. We’ve not been out in a fortnight.”
Astra nodded.
“My point is, in a vacuum of real news, someone will invent rumors to splash on their tabloids. It will be anything and everything. Abuse, affairs, pregnancy out of wedlock, Astra will be a gold digger who broke Andy’s heart one week, the next week Andy will be a womanizing fiend who took advantage of a childhood friend. Relations between England and Illéa will be on the brink—“
“They won’t!” Astra objected.
“Only in the magazines.” Waverly replied. “But we wouldn't want any hostile nations thinking the rumors were true and attempting to take advantage of the supposed rift. You see how this could spiral?”
The room fell to silence for the first time. Astra shivered just a little, “I feel like I’ve been tossed into a tornado.”
“It gets better." Waverly promised. “Once you’re proactive about telling your own story, it gets harder for the media to frenzy over half-credible unattributed rumors.”
Astra buried her face in her hands. She’d thought she’d have years before she had to tell the media a story about her relationship with Andrew. It felt wrong that the people of England were forcing an eighteen year old girl to move so quickly.
“I just need time.” Astra said into her hands.
“Right.” Waverly made up her mind and stood, “In that case, Eoan and I are inviting you to stay here with us for the rest of your visit, Astra. We’ll tell the media that we’re very much looking forward to spending time with you before the end of your trip.”
“No, wait…” Astra looked up, heartbroken that she was losing her private little palace. Would she even get to go back and say goodbye to it?
“This isn’t a punishment, sweetheart.” Waverly sighed and then tugged Astra up to standing, pulling her into a tight hug. “You’re not in trouble. Not one little bit. You’ll have more privacy here, behind our gates and with all of our guards. You’ll have one of our cars to drive you to and from the ballet, and Andy won’t be caught coming and going at all hours of the night because he already lives here… or he did before you came to town.” she said the last part teasingly to her oldest son, who had the temerity to blush at his shamelessness.
Astra felt her eyes sting with tears, “I love that palace… it’s been a good home for me.”
Waverly smiled sweetly, “You’ll be welcome to stay there the next time you come back. If you and Andrew announce an engagement, we’ll fully staff the place for you so that it’s safer. Perhaps you and Andrew could use it as your home for the time between your marriage and his assumption of the crown.”
“Really?” Andrew looked enticed by the offer.
“You’ll need to live somewhere, dear. You couldn’t live with your parents as newlyweds, it would be unbearable.” Waverly teased. “England would never get an heir that way.”
Hearing the queen say that word in this palace, next to the crown prince made it feel very real and very scary. Did Astra want her kids to be heirs? She thought again of Addy and Jamesy… she loved them more than anything in the world, but she couldn’t imagine raising her children for such an incredible responsibility.
Waverly continued softly, “The main thing is, we need to be very delicate here, my loves. When Andrew becomes king, he will become the head of the church. Please understand, I do not mind what you the two of you do or don’t do, so long as you are safe and consenting.”
“Mother.” Andy squirmed.
“But it would put Andrew in a difficult position, becoming head of the church, if he was seen to have a… well a marriage-style relationship with a woman who was not his wife for too long.”
“Yes, heaven forbid I have a healthy, long-term girlfriend.” Andy scowled.
“It’s the vows to God that are the issue at hand, not heaven, and you know it.” Waverly scolded his sass quietly, but efficiently.
“So we break up.” Astra concluded. “We officially break up when I go back to Illéa, and then when it’s time, I come back to England and we publicly reunite… you don’t have any church issues, and I have time to dance.”
Waverly looked between them quietly. “It might be the only option, short of scheduling dinner with your grandmother.”
Andrew looked almost as sad as if the breakup was real. Maybe he was scared it would become real once Astra was out of the whirlwind. She laced her fingers with his and squeezed, “We’ll figure this out.”
He squeezed back twice, gently.
That night Astra slept in Andrew’s bedroom for the first time in their entire affair.
“The maids are gonna know.”
“Everyone knows.” he snorted into her hair. “That’s why we’re here and not across town in our own palace.”
“Your parents are in the building.” she complained when his hands began wandering her body.
“Not close enough to hear anything.”
“Still… what if they have to walk by for a glass of water or something?”
“You want me to keep my hands to myself tonight?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Oh, so shall we see who can be quietest?” he brushed his fingers across her ribs and she quietly shrieked a giggle. “You are so bad at this, darling.”
“Oh yeah?” she got her revenge with vicious tickles, exploiting every sensitive spot she’d found on his body the last few months.
Living in the English palace was an easy adjustment for Astra. She'd grown up in Illéa Palace which, as the functioning capital building of one of the largest nations in the world, was larger and had a much bigger staff. The English palace was certainly ancient and stately, but Astra had grown up visiting the place, so at least she wasn’t too dazzled to see this for what it was.
There was no more delivery from local restaurants once those palace gates were closed, but the royal chef made sure that Andy and Astra had everything they wanted delivered to one of their rooms each night, so that wasn’t actually too much of a change. Not only that, but the maids were discrete and only came onto their floor when Andrew was at work and Astra was at the ballet for the day, so it was almost like their bedrooms magically tidied themselves up each day.
Really, the biggest change for Astra had been weeks before, when rumors had started flying and she and Andrew had stopped venturing out into London. Andrew still appeared in her doorway just in time for dinner, looking handsome and happy to see her. They still shared good meals and long baths, and a warm bed each night. But now the illusion that time didn't exist and that they could continue peacefully, blissfully existing in their little bubble forever was burst.
Since the royal palace hadn't released a statement about the gorgeous young foreign princess living in the same palace as their handsome young future king, salacious headlines were beginning to trickle from tabloids to increasingly reputable news sources. Astra and Andrew's private affair wasn’t so private anymore.
Some part of Astra had been hoping that the rumors would die down once she and Andrew had retreated into the palace, even though she knew better. But on her second-to-final rehearsal before her big seminar performance, photographers started camping out overnight at the stage door to the ballet, not just hounding Astra but harassing her fellow dancers, too. It was humiliating to think that these world-class performers, some of whom Astra had idolized for years, were getting manhandled on their way to and from work every day because of Astra’s love life. She wasn’t sure her reputation in the industry would ever recover from this. Who would want to work with her when her very presence could cause such a disruption?
She cried in the backseat of the car on her way back to the royal palace that day, but she had big sunglasses on, and at least no photographers caught her moment of weakness.
“I don’t want to be the girl who’s dating the future king. I want to be a damn good dancer.” Astra said that night, her cheek pressed to Andrew’s chest as he drew swirling designs on her bare back with his fingers.
“You are both.”
“You don’t understand… you literally can’t.”
“What?” Andrew wasn’t insulted, which was the great thing about him. He was always humble about his own limitations. “Why can I not understand?”
“Have you ever looked up to someone who was truly excellent at the very thing that you wanted to be truly excellent at?”
“Of course.”
“King Maxon.”
Astra rolled her eyes and lifted her head so he could see her at it. “You met him when you could still count your age on one hand.”
“So most people never get to meet their idols, and if they do it’s because they’ve worked extremely hard to become very good at something. There are choreographers and dancers at this seminar that I’ve admired for a decade. And now my presence is turning their workplace, a place I consider to be sacred, into a hostile circus.”
Andrew frowned down at her and said softly, “Did I not promise you terrifying clowns?”
“I don’t want to bring chaos to every stage I cross.” Astra pouted.
Andrew nodded and said, “So we should announce our breakup immediately. I’ll release a statement tomorrow, and ask a friend of mine to appear in public with me tomorrow night… a woman. It won’t cure everything overnight, but it would surely alleviate some of the pressure.”
Astra stared into his eyes, then studied the line of his nose, the cut of his cheekbones, the curve of his jaw. “That’s a lot of trouble to go through just for me.”
“Astra, are you joking? You’re the one going through trouble for me.”
Astra nodded, but she dropped a kiss onto his lips anyway. “Okay, but the breakup is fake.” her lips danced over his.
His teeth gently teased her lower lip as he replied, “Yeah. I noticed.”
As warm and inviting as the arms holding her were, Astra had a difficult time staying asleep that night. She was nervous about returning to rehearsals the next morning, nervous about their final performance, now only a couple of days away, nervous about her new relationship with Andrew, and nervous about being nervous about her new relationship with Andrew.
At around four in the morning she slipped out of bed and tiptoed back to her suite, where she found a pitcher of water and a tray of snacks waiting for her. She spent so many hours of her day exercising that sometimes she woke up in the middle of the night ravenously, painfully hungry, so she’d requested that she be left some snacks just in case. She picked at a scone, lost in her anxieties, and her stress about not being able to sleep, until the telephone next to her bed rang so loudly and shrilly that it caused her to jump and splash some of her glass of water onto her night shirt.
“Hello?” Astra picked up the phone, hoping to hear an Illéan voice on the other end of the line. She hadn’t spoken to Addy in a few days, and it had been almost a week since her Aunt Ames or Uncle Maxon had phoned. She hadn’t spoken to her parents in longer than that, but they’d be arriving in London in less that twenty-four hours so that they could watch her final performance, so she wasn’t too desperate to speak to them.
And while the voice on the other line was Illéan, it definitely wasn’t one she had been expecting.
Astra’s stomach clenched and her body flooded with adrenaline. She reminded herself to behave like a normal person and not like a lunatic when, as casually as she could, she replied, “Kile? Is that you?” like she didn’t know. Like she wouldn’t know his voice anywhere, anytime, under any circumstance. She knew his voice better than she knew her own.
“Sorry, I know it’s the middle of the night over there. …You don’t sound like you were sleeping, though.”
He would know.
Astra gulped hard, “I needed a snack.” It was a lie, but it was close enough to the truth.
“Hm. Is he there then?”
Astra felt defensive anger flare up in her chest, and only later realized that the anger was covering a sense of guilt. “So what if he is? You broke up with me—“
“No, it’s okay. I’m not saying that in a mean way. I’m stating a fact. We are not together because you broke up with me, so why do you care if he’s here?”
There was a long pause and then a low groan on the other end of the phone. Astra heard a brush of fabric over his microphone, as if he’d been rubbing his face and his sleeve caught on the receiver.
“I want to know if he’s there, because I want to talk to you when you’re alone. It’s why I’m calling so late… or early, I guess.” Kile said.
Astra’s traitor heart beat faster. What did he want to talk to her about when she was alone? Was he going to apologize? Was he going to ask for her back?
It was too late, obviously. Astra had obviously moved on. Obviously. “He’s not here.”
Kile sounded relieved when he said, “Good.” and that annoyed Astra. He had no right to be relieved that she wasn’t in bed with another man. He’d hurt her in a way she’d never known she could hurt before.
She lashed out, “I didn’t want to wake him up with my snacking. But he’ll probably notice I’m gone soon, so you should hurry up and say what you want to say.”
The pained sound that snuck out of his throat with his next exhale was not as satisfying as Astra had hoped it would be. She regretted her words already. Maybe now he wouldn’t ask for her back… not that she wanted him to.
Kile said, “Let me ask you something…”
This was it. He was going to ask for forgiveness. He was going to ask her to come back to Illéa and be with him.
“What do you want more than anything in the world?” Kile said.
What was he expecting her to say? That she wanted him? She was dating the Crown Prince of England!
“What do you mean, Kile?”
“What do you mean, what do I mean? For our whole lives you’ve always wanted one thing more than anything in the world. What is it?”
Oh. Astra replied almost mechanically, her voice barely above a mumble, “I want to be the Prima Ballerina for the Angeles Ballet for at least a season, maybe two.”
“And you wanted that enough that you didn’t even think about moving closer to my university, because it would have taken you away from the Angeles ballet. And not for a good reason, like that invitation you got to dance in Waverly. For no reason. For me.”
“You’re not no reason—“
“No, I’m just not a good enough reason.”
“You can’t argue with that.”
“You said you wouldn’t promise to look for apprenticeships and internships in the cities where I was dancing. You said you don’t want to live in Angeles when you grow up!”
“I don’t. I’m going to go where I can do my best work.” he said plainly. “I still think you and I made a good choice to split up.”
Hearing him say that was hard. She wanted him to regret it. She wanted him to miss her like she had missed him before Andrew had swept her off her feet. Losing him had changed her and she would never be the same as she was before, and he wasn’t even sorry.
Kile continued, “I’m just saying… what was the point of drawing a line in the sand about you and me if you were just going to walk all over it for Andy?”
“We both know that you’ll never be prima anything if you marry Andy. You told me yourself, every waking hour of a prima’s life is devoted to dancing or preparing to dance. There are no hobbies, no vacations, no date nights. There definitely isn't time to be somebody’s princess.”
“I’m already an Illéan Prin—“
“Cut the shit, Astra, you know what I mean.” Kile sounded exasperated, and she knew why. She was trying to miss his point, but he wasn’t exactly being subtle about it so dodging it was proving impossible.
“Maybe I want something else now. Maybe I want to marry Andrew.”
“Look… Andy’s not a bad guy—“ Kile admitted through gritted teeth, “But there will be plenty of not bad guys waiting for you after you retire. So if you pick him, do it because you want the life he’ll give you more than the life you can earn for yourself. And be ready to bury your dreams of being a prima ballerina forever, if you do. I know you, and I know you’re getting swept up in this—“
“Don’t talk about me like I’m some helpless little… little damsel, Kile.” Astra snapped.
“Think about it logistically. Do you want to move to the other side of the world from your parents and your little brothers? They’ll visit you as often as they can, but your visits to Illéa will always be to the Palace, to King Maxon and Addy. You won’t be able to go home again. Do you want to have to keep a royal schedule, planned months and years in advance? And you can forget being around from Addy once she becomes queen, you’ll be trapped on the far side of an ocean.”
“Kile—“ Astra tried to interrupt him because she wanted him to stop making sense.
“What about the little things? What about the weather? You’re an Angeles girl, are you going to miss the sun? You know they use different numbers for temperature over there, right? How’s it going to feel to wake up in the morning and have some maid tell you that it’s twenty-five degrees outside, so you’d better stay in the shade to keep cool?”
“Kile.” Astra laughed.
“I’m serious. You’re not just choosing a career here, Astra, you’re choosing a life: from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep.” Kile paused and let out a tired sigh. “I just don’t want you to make a big mistake that you can’t undo. I know how badly you want to dance. You’re not ready for this, and even if you were, this wouldn’t be the right choice for you.”
“I’ve changed, Kile.” she wanted to add that he’d changed her. That losing him had made her someone new, someone she didn’t even know yet, but she kept that part to herself. Listening to his voice for so long that night… suddenly she found that she didn’t want to hurt him anymore.
“It’s barely been three months, Astra. You haven’t changed that much.” he promised.
Astra wasn’t sure. Sometimes change was gradual, sure, but sometimes change was all at once. Traumatic change was a sudden shattering of what came before, such that one could never go back again. That was what losing Kile had been like.
But did that mean she wanted to give up dancing and become Andrew’s princess? His queen? His wife and the mother of his heirs? Did she want to leave Illéa forever and eventually move into this palace?
She wanted all of that when she was wrapped up in Andrew’s arms.
But here, alone in the middle of the night when she had her wits about her…
She climbed back into bed and woke Andrew up with steady, gentle kisses. Everything about the love they made that morning was slow and desperate, and even though she hadn’t meant it to, in the end it felt like goodbye.
Astra was gone to her final rehearsals before dawn, but later that morning Andrew was true to his word and made a big announcement that he and Astra had both been secretly dating, and were now publicly broken up. He made a good show of wandering around London looking sad that day, and that night he went out to dinner with a fashion model friend, who did not mind the publicity one little bit.
There were still plenty of photographers salivating at the chance to photograph Astra looking dismal at having lost the chance to become an English princess, but at least they were leaving the rest of the dancers, and everyone else associated with the ballet, in peace.
Astra’s parents arrived at the royal palace in time for dinner that night, and Astra had a lot of explaining to do to them. King Eoan and Queen Waverly seemed to find Astra’s discomfort at explaining her affair with Andrew to her parents over roasted asparagus incredibly amusing, and possibly reminiscent of the beginning of their own relationship. It wasn’t fair, though. Andrew missed all the “fun”, making sure it looked like he was rebounding with that gorgeous model.
That night, Astra was too nervous about her impending final performance to wait up for Andrew to get back to the Palace. She could go to bed early or never at all. She drank some tea laced with a little bit of melatonin and fell asleep soon after dinner.
She woke up in Andrew’s arms, her cheek pressed to the side of his bare chest. She listened to him breathe deeply and evenly for a little while and tried one last time.
She could quit dancing.
She could leave Illéa forever.
She could raise her children to be heirs.
Her children could raise their children to be heirs.
When she died, her bones could be interred in a big old church.
Her whole life could be that easy.
God, it would be so easy.
“Andy?” she whispered.
He didn’t stir.
“Andrew?” she tried again, this time pulling away from him and sitting up in bed.
He didn’t hear her, but he reacted to the loss of her warmth, and eventually his heavy eyelids fluttered open. “Astra?”
“What time did you get in last night?”
“This morning.” He admitted, yawning widely. “I expect the tabloids will be plastered with headlines about their debaucherous future king today.”
“Was it any fun?”
“Yeah. Ellie’s great; she’s always happy to be photographed on my arm. Missed you, though.” he added, as if suddenly awake enough to worry that she was jealous.
She wasn’t the slightest bit jealous. Well, the slightest bit, but not for the reasons he would assume. Astra was jealous because Ellie could keep being photographed on Andrew’s arm for as long as she pleased, with no consequences.
“Maybe you should marry Ellie.” Astra suggested.
Andrew laughed, and it turned into a yawn. Then he explained, “Ellie’s too focused on her career right now. And anyway, she’d be far more interested in you.”
“Now that would be a tabloid headline.” Astra joked weakly.
“What’s the matter? Are you nervous for your performance? Is it because you’re leaving England this time tomorrow? Is it because you told your parents what’s been happening between us—“
“I’m not nervous.” Astra said, even though her stomach was in knots. Those weren’t nerves. That was grief. “Andy… I want to be a ballet dancer.”
Andrew sat up in bed now and rubbed the sleep from his eyes so he could focus on her. The words were familiar, but her tone was alarming. “Of course you do. You are a ballet dancer, and you’re bloody brilliant.”
“I want to be a prima ballerina.”
“That sort of excellence takes years to achieve.”
“Good job you’ve been dancing since you were four years old, then.”
“Shh.” she pressed a finger to his lips so that he would stop talking back and listen to her. He complied. “I won’t be ready to be a prima for seven or eight years. I have a lot to learn. And when I’m ready, I want to be a Prima Ballerina for at least one season, maybe two. That’s every waking hour devoted to dance for two years straight. Then I want to live in Angeles and stay close to Addy in the first few years of her reign. I want to be there when she gets married and has babies, because she is great at putting on a brave face and absolutely terrible at processing the emotions that are scaring her into needing to be brave. She’s going to need me, and I’m excited to be there for her. I can’t live on a different continent than my dad. There can’t such a huge time difference between me and my mom. I can’t be a foreign queen. I don’t want to be foreign at all. Andrew… I can’t marry you.” Her cheeks were wet and her voice cracked, but she didn’t know when, in that little breathless tirade, she’d started crying.
Andrew stared blankly ahead, hugging his knees to his chest around their blanket. He didn’t look surprised. He’d known she was too good to be true all along. Finding his queen could never have been so easy, so perfect. He shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up.
“Andy, none of those reasons I gave have anything to do with you. I love you. You’re a good man, and a great partner, and you have no business being such a talented kisser when you’re so handsome. It’s overkill.” she waited for him to smile. She waited for him to do anything. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Andrew. I just can’t marry you. I’m eighteen years old, I just got control of my life. I’m not ready to sign it over to a monarchy. I would love to be your wife, Andy, but I would hate to be your queen.”
Andrew blinked hard, then looked over at her. His voice was too casual, his words were too easy when he said, “I understand entirely. I can wait.”
Astra furrowed her brow, trying to hold his far off gaze. “Wait? What do you mean, wait?”
“You want to be a prima ballerina, and you said it would take you nine or ten years to accomplish your goal. Fine. I will wait, and when you’re ready I’ll ask to marry you.”
“No, Andy—“
“I don’t mind ruling on my own for a while.”
“That’s more than a while! You’ll be king in four years—“
“It isn’t a problem.” he insisted.
“Did you hear the part about what I want to do after I retire? About living in Illéa, about staying close to my family?”
“Astra, once we’re married, you can do whatever you like.”
“But queens have responsibilities.”
“We can redefine the role to mean whatever you’d like it to mean. I don’t care. I love you, Astra, and you’re the best future queen I could ever hope for.”
Astra paused, blinking hard against the tears in her eyes. It hurt to hear him say that. It hurt to realize that he didn’t believe he deserved any better. “Andy, that’s not true. You deserve a wife who will stay by your side. You deserve a wife who adores you and would be willing to sacrifice her own ambitions to serve England. I’m not good enough to be your queen.”
“Then no one ever will be.”
“Let me wait for you, Astra, please.” His voice broke on that last work, his eyes finally meeting hers and betraying his anguish. “Let me hope. It’s all that I have left.”
Astra couldn’t figure out what would be crueler, to let him hope when she’d made up her mind, or to take that hopeless hope away from him.
So she wrapped him up in her arms and they laid down. She combed her fingers through his hair and he brushed his thumb against her ribs until her alarm clock rang and her last day in London began.
In retrospect, Astra should have chosen a happy, upbeat, peppy song for her exhibition. She could have flounced all over the stage and spun a ridiculous number of times on her toes, and allowed her partner to toss her all over the place with an enormous smile on her face.
Instead, she’d chosen an exhibition from a ballet about a woman mourning her dead lover, dancing with his ghost. She’d been thinking of Kile when she’d chosen it, hoping it would help her work out her feelings about their doomed childhood romance. Now she was about to take the stage of the royal ballet, with Andrew and his parents in the royal box, watching her close enough that she could see the pained look on Andrew’s face as clear as anything.
Astra and her dance partner, Geoffrey, took their place while the stage was lit in nothing but the darkest of blue lights. He laid down across on their only set piece, an enormous fake rock, and Astra settled over him in a dramatic pose of despair, arm flung over her forehead.
The first part of the dance was hers alone. Her grief, her agony, her desperation. None of it was fake. When Geoffrey arose, as a ghost, and began dancing with her, the bittersweet mixture of joy and sorrow was easy to tap into. Nothing brought her more joy than dancing, and nothing brought her more sorrow in that moment than Andrew watching her live the life she’d chosen over him.
When Geoffrey faded back into the fog upstage and left Astra alone again in the center of the stage, all the passion and desperation fled with him. The rest of the dance was small and slow, painfully precise movements timed with the orchestra just so that if she made the slightest misstep, it would be immediately, embarrassingly obvious.
But Astra did not have to fake the exhaustion and resignation her character was feeling. If she allowed herself to second guess her decision to break away from Andrew now, she’d second guess it forever. The roar of the audience as the last tremulous notes from the string section died away seemed to make a deafening contrast.
Astra was surprised to find tears had started pouring down her cheeks somewhere during that performance. Geoffrey returned and took her hand, and they bowed. As was customary for this exhibition, several members of the audience threw flowers onto the stage. From the third row, Astra’s dad threw a whole bouquet, and a little teddy bear. Astra laughed as she wiped the tears from her cheeks. Then she turned to the royal box to curtsey, perfectly observing royal protocol, and was startled to find that Andrew had been crying, too.
He tossed her a single white rose with a beautiful red satin ribbon tied around the stem, but the look on his face was resignation. He could love her with all of his heart for all of his life and still never be able to give her the kind of affirmation she got from a packed theater full of an adoring audience. He’d seen her dance dozens of times in her room at her little palace, and hell, he’d even danced with her himself. But seeing her like this in front of them…
He could wait until the oceans ran dry and the mountains fell flat, and every single star in the sky flickered into darkness… Astra was never coming back to him.
Astra spent that night with her parents, letting them gush over her and spoil her with presents, and help her pack up the life she’d made in London for the last few months. She hoped Andrew would come and say goodbye once her parents went back to the suite they were staying in, but he never appeared, and Astra didn’t chase him down because she thought he deserved to set the terms. That dance had been her goodbye to him. It was up to him whether he wanted to say goodbye in return.
The next morning, Queen Waverly was the only one in the entrance hall waiting to see the Orders family off as they left. The English Royal jet would take them as far as Carolina, where they would visit James’ family for a little while.
Astra imagined Andrew’s private car speeding out onto the tarmac to stop them. She imagined him dashing from the backseat and waving his arms to alert the pilots that they couldn’t leave until he’d said his farewells.
He didn’t come. It was easier this way.
Kenna and James stayed with Astra’s grandparents for a few days, but James had to go back to work and Kenna needed to get back to the Palace. Aunt Ames had five children, two of them under the age of six, and though they had plenty of help in that Palace, Kenna was their primary nanny, their aunt, and she missed them like crazy.
Astra stayed with her grandparents for a couple of weeks, until her contract at the Waverly Ballet began. The media frenzy around her got much better in that time, though it was impossible not to notice that things were staying hectic around Andrew as the English tabloids seemed to catch on to how severely he’d had his heart broken.
Astra wished she could take some of that public shame away.
She wished she could take some of his pain away, even as she was mending her own broken heart. Her weeks in Carolina were good for that purpose. Her grandparents spoiled her rotten, and she gave her body a much-needed break from dancing. Instead, she spent her days learning needlepoint from her grandmother, and her nights stargazing out by the pond where her parents used to sneak off on dates before Gramma Magda gave up trying to convince Kenna to marry someone from a higher caste.
When Astra packed her bags to take the short flight up to Waverly to begin yet another new life with another new ballet company, she was still wearing the beautiful red ribbon that Andrew gave her as a parting gift on that rose, tied around her wrist.
And when, years later, she sat on her sofa and watched him become King of England in front of the entire world, her fingers traced that now slightly frayed red ribbon, Andy’s last gift to her, in a familiar, much-practiced gesture.
It would have been so easy to say yes, to give in to the pressure and let herself get swept away by the English people, the royal traditions, the prince’s staggering blue eyes. It would have been a good life, too. A perfectly fine marriage.
But Astra didn’t want to be queen, and now she wouldn’t have to be, and the freedom she felt watching Andrew bear the weight of that crown was all the reminder she needed: she made the right decision. And now, despite the dull ache of longing in her chest for he boy she’d loved and left behind, she was happy. Truly happy. She was at peace with her past, content in her present, and excited for her future.
When the coronation coverage ended, Astra got ready to return to bed. She was surprised when her phone rang, but she knew exactly who it would be.
“Mom?” she said, before the person on the other line could say a word. Her little cousins would have had just enough time to be tucked back into bed by now, if Aunt May was helping. Kenna would have rushed to the phone as soon as she got the chance.
“Sweetie? How are you, little bug?”
“I’m fine, Mom, I don’t need the pet names.” Astra grinned, rolling her eyes.
“Are you sure?” Kenna double-checked.
“Yeah. I wish Andrew wasn’t alone up there. I still love him, I don’t want him to suffer. But I was nothing but relieved when they put that crown on his head and I didn’t have to put one on mine. I made the right choice.”
“I know you did, honey, but just because you did the right thing doesn’t mean you have to feel perfectly fine about it. Especially not on a night like this.”
“Honestly, Mom… my time in London feels like another life. One I’m nothing but grateful for, but not one I want to relive.”
At first, Astra’s spring with Andrew felt like it had never really happened, or like it had happened to someone else, or like it was all a fever dream: too hot, too heady, a surreal hallucination more than a fairytale fantasy. But now, with some time and space, Astra could see it for what it really was: a romantic affair with someone she could have chosen to marry, but who ultimately was not the right fit for her. On the one hand, Astra and Andrew loved each other, and their marriage would have been fine: they’d known each other forever and they each fully understood the challenges of the royal life they would have been embarking on together.
On the other hand, Astra had known what she wanted out of life since she was a very small girl. It was a hard thing to ask an eighteen year old to walk away from a guaranteed royal wedding for a chance to work very hard to one day, possibly, make her dream come true. If Astra hadn’t grown up in Illéa Palace, she might not have made the same choice. But everything she got out of her life from now on was truly hers, she was the captain of her own fate, and even if she failed and never became a prima ballerina, at least this way she’d have had the chance.
“But Mom?”
“Don’t ever tell Gramma Magda that Andrew proposed to me and I turned him down. I think she would disown me.”
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mikafms · 3 years
Tumblr media
hey   y’all   i’m   nic   and   this   is   so   late   ,   microeconomics   is   kicking   my   ass   rn   ...   hard   .   anyways   ,   i   finally   finished   my   intro   (   it’s   a   bit   half   -   assed   ngl   )   so   this   is   it   !   under   the   little   readmore   there’s   a   word   vomit   about   your   resident   hot   mess   (   emphasis   on   the   hot   )   ,   also   tomboy   ,   mika   !
app :
[ sohni ahmed , cis female , her / she , twenty-two ] hey , mika dheir  , can you airdrop me the pictures from last night ? you were way too funny , remember when you won the shotgun contest  ? now i get it why they call you the tomboy  . hopefully next time they’ll play hungover sunday by christian french . don’t forget to study through , if not you’ll never graduate from  kinesiology this year ! [ knees covered in dirt , messy ponytails , oversized hoodies & 3am snacks  ]
stats :
full name : dominika aleah dheir 
nick names : mika , mik ( pronounced : meek ) , dear ( mispronounced dheir ) , dheir ( sounds like ( d )there )
gender : cis female 
pronouns : her / she / hers
sexuality : bisexual 👀
age : twenty-two
astrological sign : pisces 
major : kinesiology 
label : the tomboy 
extracurriculars : right wing forward in packer’s women’s soccer team . 
inspired by : alex russo ( wizards of waverly place ) , bridget vreeland ( the sisterhood of the travelling pants ) , jess ( bend it like beckham ) , becca ( pitch perfect ) , casey ( atypical ) , harper ( set it up ) , hannah ( crazy stupid love ) & jamie rellis ( friends with benefits ) .
more aesthetics : half finished iced coffee , oversized hoodies , untied shoelaces , tired smile , highlighter on paper , loud laughs , soccer shorts , sports bras , short nails , snacking consistently , the smell of ocean & reading glasses .  
pinterest !
headcanons :
doesn’t own a j*ul but will hit one at parties / wherever she can ... she’s an athlete 😤
will pop , lock & drop to any abba song 
her diet consists of fast food + coffee ( often starbucks ) , once in a while she will claim she is trying to eat healthier but that lasts until someone suggests to eat out .
has so many ear piercings , she cannot keep track , 1/2 of them were done at claire’s 💀
got tiny angels wings tattooed for a fish she owned for 3 years . rip elmo ( emotional support fishy )
owns 593 pairs of converse
mika is the the third child out of four , arguably the worst type of middle child
she grew up with second hand boy clothes and the occasional dress , trying a new sport everyday , talking louder than everyone else to be heard and hurrying to the kitchen so there was food left for her.
she comes from an upper middle / middle class family in a family home big enough so everyone one had their own room and a backyard where she pass the ball with her siblings.
her mother and father are second gen immigration russian & palestinian which makes up for an interesting household . 
she speaks a bit of russian and arabic ( mostly due to her grandparents and extended family ) , but her parents agreed it would be easier for everyone if they spoke english to one another.  
her mother is a vet , they always had the occasional foster animal at home and her father is a pharmacist. 
her childhood was consisted with scraped knees , dirty hands , sweaty hair strands stuck to her forehead , loud giggles , boys with cooties and endless questions . 
she even started her little soccer career when she was only 4 , it was the family sport. 
she always felt the need to stand out because it is hard to get attention in a full house , but she felt like she wasn’t good enough at anything ... sheeeesh. 
she also focused on her soccer career to get a scholarship / financial help bc imagine paying for college but like ... 4 times ... yikes . 
she’s either 0 or 100 . she has too much energy and can be seen making impulsive decisions or is lazy af and you will have to bribe her to get out of bed there is no in between. 
she’s also scared to take things seriously because she doesn’t like to let anything affect her , a little bit of control issues there ngl.
extroverted queen !! but has a little social battery that sometimes needs recharging . 
has an awful memory it’s sad . 
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zofiecfield · 4 years
Empty Pockets (Wynonna Earp ficlet; 4x02)
Jarring, to find her changed, subtle to the eye, but it’s there in every movement, every word.
You saw her yesterday, but her yesterday was so long ago. A lifetime ago, she jokes, hollow.
You recognize change in her touch, reluctant to let go, too restless to stay. Even laughing and light, there’s an anxious coat underneath. And in her gaze, stiffened, sharpened. Constant vigilance has drawn her taut and won’t release her. She clings to it now, can’t let go and risk the fall.
You cherish and console, but you can see your words evaporate too fast to sink in and soothe her. You try to smooth the under layers, but you can barely reach them. They hunker down away from your touch, burrowing in and settling deeper. Rattling around the cavern of her, you find no light or solid purchase.
She talks freely about the days spent in your absence, but never about their cost, no matter your questions. Never about the bargaining, the pleading, the deals made to survive. Deals with herself, deals with who else? She paid everything to wait for you, to stake out ground and defend it. Sold herself and left only an echo and worn floor boards, paced smooth.
She bristles at your empathy. Tries to hide it with a smile, but you see. No matter how soft, she does not soften.
As she fights alongside you, a team united to the eye, you can see her growing absence. Look quick and she’s solid; linger longer and you see, transparent now, nearly ghost.
You’re unnerved to find her this way, increasingly afraid, increasingly angry, increasingly changed. She’s in your arms, but they’re empty. Slipping from your fingers, dropping away from you into darkness. So far away, so far gone, no angel could save her.
But, Love, in your despair, as you watch her lose herself, you have forgotten. Angels don’t stand alone.
It’s Wynonna who catches her and hauls her back.
You wake to find her sitting against the headboard, body quiet, fingers gentle in your hair. You scramble to sit, scramble for words, anything to keep her there like this, like she used to be. The faint smile on her face stops you. So familiar, but she wears it like it’s brand new.
She hands you the folded note, in familiar hurried scrawl.
HaughtSauce, Haught Lady Pants, HaughtShit,
Look. You’re a fudge brownie, soft on the inside, strong crust at the edges, drop dead gorgeous crackling top. The oven was on for so long when we weren’t home, and it dried you out, and you got all crunchy. I’m sorry we weren’t here to turn it off. All crust? No gooey middle? A fucking tragedy.
Let us be your ice cream and chocolate syrup. Let us moisten you up again. (Well, let Waverly do that bit. Wink.) Be the brownie, N.
It’s killing us, to watch you fade away.
Anyway. Pull it together. You’re not alone. Tough love, don’t fuck with my family, yada yada. BFF, you promised.
p.s. Don’t show this to Waverly. She banned sexy brownie jokes three years ago.
At the bottom is a crude sketch of a brownie and a scoop of ice cream enjoying each other graphically on a spoon, with a bottle of chocolate syrup in the doorway covering its lid and hollering, “Again?? Get a bowl!”
You look up, uncertain, but she’s already laughing. It’s heaven, and you join her. Laugh until you cry, and the tears come hard.
Eyes still streaming, she looks straight at you for the first time in days. Waverly, I was so alone for so long. I gave so much, and I’m afraid there isn’t enough left.
Door cracked open, you step inside to see her in the light, unafraid of what you’ll find.
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highrevs · 3 years
The WE fandom for the asks thing :)
Favorite character: Nicole
Least Favorite character: Champ / Willa 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Wayhaught, WynDoc, Wynsita. That’s all I guess.  
Character I find most attractive: Nicole !!!1
Character I would marry: Nicole !!1!!!!!
Character I would be best friends with: Waverly I think
a random thought: I wish dark!Waves stayed for longer, I mean have u seen her ?!?!
An unpopular opinion: the wedding vows were kinda underwhelming
my canon OTP: wHEre U GO I gO
Non-canon OTP: -
most badass character: Wynonna 
pairing I am not a fan of: WynDolls
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Jeremy, he started strong and kinda faded.
favourite friendship: Angel Pants and Bacon Donut :)
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: well I have to say either Nicole or Waves. or both if possible thanks.
Thanks for asking, anon! Have a great day!
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avassharpe · 3 years
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1.13 | 4.12
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earpangel · 5 years
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Splitting Open
Series: Wynonna Earp
Disclaimer: The plot and pairing are mine and everything else is borrowed in this work of fan-made fiction off of which no money is made. 
Pairing: Hollirey
Rating: PG
When Bobo Del Rey has a migraine and tries to ignore it, he ends up having to be taken care of. 
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Author’s note: As someone who suffers chronic migraine, I wanted to write a drabble with Bobo Del Rey experiencing them and having to have his partner and found!family taking care of him. So you get this. 
Splitting Open
It crept upon him in increments so he hadn't fully caught the warning signs too used to the thrum of the curse and the constant heat under his skin. It made him sort of push passed anything else that didn't hit him like a freight train.
Until the throbbing, stabbing pain centered behind his eyes has him doubling over and nearly vomiting mid-step. Ones like these that came slowly and then struck at once tended to put him out for hours if not a full day. And this was particularly problematic as he was on his way to meet up with a certain heir. He braces himself against the door of the truck and considers just canceling and telling her that he had better things to do and she'd just have to wait but...
Waverly would be there and honestly, he didn't want to disappoint her. His stomach revolts violently and he ends up gagging but at least the pressure has lessened somewhat. It grants him at least clear enough vision to drive himself to Shorty's. In hindsight, he probably should have just asked one of the Revenants to do this but there was no way he was having them see him in this sort of state.
It still takes him longer than he likes and he misses a couple of turns, twice. Hopefully, Wynonna didn't expect him to be punctual.
Getting out of the truck leaves him dizzy and realizing that this was probably the worst idea he'd had and that in retrospect he was probably not thinking too clearly as his head was throbbing and it was very hard to focus on any one thing for too long. He closes his eyes a moment to try and reorient himself which once again takes longer than he'd like. He feels hot and cold and dizzy. Clammy and not at all like he should be doing this. But something, something wouldn't go well if he didn't. The reason was now fuzzy but he doesn't like it so he forces himself a step at a time forward. The light hurts, sounds hurt, everything just hurt.
Entering is no better; the sharp smells and sounds only make him want to vomit again and he struggles to stay upright. “It's about time you sho...Bobo?”
He struggles to look anything close to cocky and imposing and is sure there's no point as the look he's getting is quite concerned. And when it's from Wynonna, well he's clearly not hiding anything. “Migraine,” he manages to get out, “S-sort of snuck up on me...” His gesture is shaky, sloppy even as he tries to sound like it wasn't as much as it was.
“Migraine,” Wynonna says slowly gazing at him.
“Mmhmm, you know; headache on steroids? Everything hurts, smells are vomit-inducing, lights are awful, noise is worse. Those things? Got one trying to stab me through my eye. S' fantastic.”
“Then why the hell are you here instead of laying down somewhere?”
He wants to point out what should be obvious; they had a truce and he was getting tired of being accused of not pulling his weight in it but his stomach decides at that moment to want to revolt and he barely manages to get to a trashcan before he's retching miserably the throbbing worsening. “Goddammit, Bobo Del Rey,” Wynonna huffs as she approaches, “There are some things you don't try to force yourself through. This is one of them.”
“'S not...like I'd get much in the way of quiet at the compound a-anyway so if I'm going to be miserable might as well do as you asked.”
“Except, I'd like you to be coherent enough to give me an update. You are clearly feeling like someone ran you over a few times and I really do not want to deal with you having to get a trashcan every few minutes.”
He wants to argue but at this point; was he really going to win? Everything was just making things so much worse. Footsteps approach and he grimaces. “Is he okay?” Robin asks softly.
“Migraine apparently,” Wynonna answers, “Should probably put him in Doc's room until he gets back and can deal with him.”
“Ahhh, yeah, if you do that let me get something that might help. I'll be right back,” comes his immediate quiet answer before the steps recede lighter this time. Bobo had to hand it to that one in particular; he didn't absolutely hate him.
The jury was still out on the others most of the time.
He can barely finish that to completion before he winces at just everything. And then there are the soft footsteps before something is slipped over his head and the noise goes silent. Oh. Headphones. Robin had...
Yes, he definitely would let this one live. Of course he's lightly tugged and he goes with deciding that he's had more than enough of all of this. Of everything. The silence helps the throbbing and he is far more pliant to being pushed into the familiar sheets on Doc's bed before he just curls up. He's pretty sure the headphones keep him from hearing anything that might remotely be insulting about his pitiable state whether it's imagined or real and he is fine with that.
Sleep comes in fits and starts until there is a gentle shifting and he blinks blearily up at Waverly. His angel smiles softly before lightly pressing and he moves so he's laying on his back wondering what she was... The feel of a cold pack against his forehead startles him somewhat but helps immeasurably. His eyes slowly flutter closed and he's sure she mouth's something but can't quite make it out as he settles once more.
The next time he awakens the pain has lessened and the still cold item against his skin tells him it's been changed recently. Slowly shifting it and removing the headphones, he finds the room dark but can make out the figure sitting in the chair nearby. “Henry,” he manages.
“Robert,” comes the soft response, “You should take better care.”
“T-to be fair I didn't exactly notice this one coming. It happens sometimes.”
“Well, when you knew you should have called. I would have come to the park and kept an eye on things. Wynonna, for all her faults, would understand not wanting to deal with anyone in that case. Your health is important to us.”
“Is it now?”
“Do not be daft,” the man warns him, “I'm sour enough with you for things to be uncomfortable but there is also Waverly who would like you to know and I quote 'you have absolutely no common-sense or sense of self-preservation and when you are well enough she's going to punch you for this' end quote. So maybe learn a little better not to upset your family.”
“She...said that?”
“That she did and I am sure she means it, too.”
He can't help the soft chuckle before he'd murmur, “Maybe not the worst thing to hear in all of this.”
Doc rolls his eyes as he moves closer before gently reaching to brush his fingers along his jaw. “I let Levi know you'd be here for a spell and not to worry about you as well as to keep your more tempestuous community members in check so that you do not have to worry.”
“You actually trust Levi to do that?”
“No, that's why I also called and repeated it to Hui and Howard both.”
Bobo can't help laughing softly. “You are certainly learning, Henry. And...thank you. For what it's worth, you didn't have to do that and I appreciate it.”
“Hey now,” Doc murmurs gently as he cups the side of his face, “We are partners, yes? That means I'm allowed to try and help look after the boys if I feel the need.”
“And we both know the boys need all the looking after in the world.”
“Ain't gonna argue that because they are frightfully bad at a lot of things. However, you are to worry about nothing and just rest. I mean it.”
“You know I'm pretty bad at that,” he remarks, “How are you going to be sure that I will?”
At that, the other straightens before removing his hat and making short work of his boots, pants and shirt before slowly sliding into the bed curling an arm around him. “Because, Robert,” he murmurs nuzzling against his jaw, “I'm gonna be right here makin' sure you do.”
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[Hiatus] WOWP Episode Gifset Masterlist
(Updated: Aug 4, 2020) (All gifs are created by me and rightfully mine unless stated otherwise or reblogged.)
Specific Gifsets
#alexrussolooks - basically alexeveryepisode with a focus on fashion because she totally was my fashion icon in childhood
#harperfinklelooks - Harper is also a fashion icon whose creations NEED to be gif-ed
#HarperlovesJustin - Harper’s obsessive crush on Justin: The Series 
🖤= finished gif-ing myself
💜= Alex&Justin centred episodes
💛= Alex&Harper centred episodes
Season 1
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(header by iconsel)
🖤 Crazy Ten Minute Sale
🖤 First Kiss
🖤 I Almost Drowned in a Chocolate Fountain
🖤 New Employee 💛
🖤 Disenchanted Evening 
🖤 You Can't Always Get What You Carpet 💜
🖤 Alex's Choice 💛
🖤 Curb Your Dragon 💜
🖤 Movies 💜
🖤 Pop Me And We Both Go Down
🖤 Potion Commotion
🖤 Justin's Little Sister 💜
🖤 Wizard School Part 1
🖤 Wizard School Part 2
🖤 The Supernatural
🖤 Alex in the Middle
🖤 Report Card 💜
🖤 Credit Check
🖤 Alex's Spring Fling
🖤 Quinceañera
🖤 Art Museum Piece
Season 2
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(header by iconsel)
Smarty Pants
Beware Wolf
Graphic Novel
Alex's Brother, Maximan
Saving WizTech Part 1
Saving WizTech Part 2
Harper Knows
Taxi Dance
Baby Cupid
Make It Happen
Fairy Tale
Fashion Week
Helping Hand
Art Teacher
Future Harper
Alex Does Good
Hugh's Not Normous
Don't Rain on Justin's Parade – Earth
Family Game Night
Justin's New Girlfriend
My Tutor, Tutor
Paint By Committee
Wizard for a Day
Cast-Away (To Another Show)
Wizards vs. Vampires on Waverly Place
Wizards vs. Vampires: Tasty Bites
Wizards vs. Vampires: Dream Date
Wizards and Vampires vs. Zombies
The Movie
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WOWP: The Movie 💜💜💜
Season 3
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Franken Girl
Monster Hunter
Three Monsters
Night at the Lazerama
Doll House
Marathon Harper
Alex Charms a Boy
Wizards vs. Werewolves Pt. 1
Wizards vs. Werewolves Pt. 2
Positive Alex
Detention Election
Dude Looks Like Shakira
Eat to the Beat
Third Wheel
The Good, the Bad, and the Alex
Western Show
Alex's Logo 
Dad's Buggin' Out
Max's Secret Girlfriend
Alex Russo, Matchmaker?
Delinquent Justin
Captain Jim Bob Sherwood
Wizards vs. Finkles
All About You-Niverse
Uncle Ernesto
Moving On
Wizards Unleashed Pt. 1
Wizards Unleashed Pt. 2
Wizards Exposed
Season 4
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(header by blehpsd-blog)
Alex Tells the World
Alex Gives Up
Lucky Charmed
Journey to the Center of Mason
Three Maxes and a Little Lady
Daddy's Little Girl
Everything's Rosie for Justin
Dancing with Angels
Wizards vs. Angels Pt. 1
Wizards vs. Angels Pt. 2
Back To Max
Zeke Finds Out
Magic Unmasked
Meet the Werewolves
Beast Tamer
Wizard of the Year
Misfortune at the Beach
Wizards vs. Asteroid
Justin's Back In
Alex the Puppetmaster
My Two Harpers
Wizards of Apartment 13B
Ghost Roommate
Get Along, Little Zombie
Wizards vs. Everything
Rock Around the Clock
Who Will Be the Family Wizard? Pt. 1
Who Will Be the Family Wizard? Pt. 2
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