#―  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ helen ⠀ ❯  ⠀ 🌺
deflvwered-a · 2 years
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time to talk about Zeus’s demi-god little shits; Perseus, Cassandra and Helen. All of whom have been cursed by different olympians. 
Perseus is the oldest of Zeus and Danaë’s kids, he was arrogant and selfish in his youth, bedded basically any girl who was starstuck by him being a prince. He wanted to marry Andromeda and because Perseus is a little asshole, he thought the best way to impress her would be to slay the gorgon Medusa and bring her the head ( because women are totally impressed by monster heads, right? ). However, when he pulled this off, Athena was livid and cursed Perseus to live forever and constantly draw the attention of monsters. Due to constantly drawing the attention of monsters, he got way too good at killing them and now in modern times works as a very tired and depressed monster slayer.
 Cassandra is the second child of Zeus and Danaë. She claimed she was going to be a priestess of Apollo when she got older but after visiting the temple and realizing how difficult the duties of a priest actually were, she bailed. When Apollo sent a muse to stop her, Cassandra fought with and accidentally killed this muse. Due to this, Apollo cursed her to live forever, just like her brother and foresee horrible things that will happen in the future but no one will ever believe her. In modern times, she runs a mystic shop where she does do fortune telling but, again, everyone just kind of blows her off.
 Now we have Helen, the youngest. She is extremely beautiful and was known far and wide for being gorgeous. Multiple suitors tried to take her hand in marriage and getting them to fight over her was a pretty common scenario. However, when Paris came to ask for her hand, she did want to marry him but her father wouldn’t allow it as they’d been at war with Paris’s kingdom for many years. Helen rose a huge stink over this and in a long rant to her father, claimed she was more beautiful than Aphrodite. Aphrodite, as we know, ain’t putting up with that shit. Aphrodite took a page from Athena and Apollo’s books and cursed Helen to live forever, citing that her beauty would never fade and because of that would cause chaos and destruction wherever she went. Helen blew her off until Paris kidnapped her and started the war between his and her father’s kingdoms in which thousands died, including her own mother. Helen today runs a beauty salon and tries her best to avoid men as Aphrodite’s curse always causes something to happen.
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turneradora · 2 months
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Thanks to Helen Wade for her nice screenshot and posted on Facebook ❤️🌺
She does always very nice screenshots and she deserves credit
Aidan in an interview for Poldark
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adamprrishcycle · 4 months
what do you think about lesbian blue?🌺🌸
Ugh love it. I used to write some blue/helen gansey but haven’t in a loooong time
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ludmilachaibemachado · 2 months
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Jane Asher portraits featured in May 21st 1966 issue of woman. Shared by kimmclagan on tumblr🌺🌺🌺
Plain unassuming-that's Jane. By Helen Speed. The trouble with being Jane Asher can be summed up in two words: Paul McCartney. To bring up his name, which people do constantly, is enough to make her about-turn, small face closed. "It's such a drag," she told me. "How would you feel if complete strangers asked you personal questions about the man in your life? It makes us laugh, really it does! It's nobody's business but ours. Nobody's. It's entirely between Paul and me." Well, that suited me, because when I went to her London home, it was to talk to Jane Asher about Jane Asher and in no time we had dispensed with the Beatle bit🌺🌺🌺
The truth is that Miss Asher has an acting career that's a go-go-going concern and she just doesn't need to use anybody's name to get attention. I could tell that she'd be the last person to want to swing on someone else's star. In Alfie, which is Jane's latest feature film, she plays a provincial girl who comes into the life of a wolf-about-town, sweetens his souring world and moves out of it again, as gently as she arrived. What struck me on meeting her is that the real Jane has the same unassuming nature; in conversation she tends to "knock Jane" and there's no false modesty about it, no fishing for a complimentary contradiction from you. This quality is one which Paul McCartney must recognize in her in young actresses it's pretty rare! Twenty year old Jane Asher lives with her family, her father is a doctor and their town house tiers above his ground floor offices in Wimpole Street, W.t. It's a house with four storeys, a busy telephone, and hard-worked stair carpeting. (...)🌺🌺🌺
Via @ladyjaneasher on Instagram🌺
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private-bryan · 10 months
Get To Know Me
Thanks for the tag @queer-cosette
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
Niet - I've never really wanted to get one either. If I was forced to at needlepoint it would probaby be the inscription from the One Ring around my bicep
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Royal Blue
🍕 - What’s the last thing you ate?
A bowl of Kellogg's Special K (gotta get that fibre in)
🕰 - What time is it where you are rn?
11:06 - I'm meant to be doing a security review, but that can wait for the more important Tumblring
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
Libra. And I've got no clue on anything more than that
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
Canadian (just in case the missus is listening), but from the UK/Ireland it's any of the Scottish, Welsh, or Irish accents. They're extremely sexy (most of the time) compared to the bland Home Counties accent in my area
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
My dumbest are the ones on my knuckles. It wasn't from a fight, but from slipping down an icy set of concrete steps, and not realising I was bleeding copiously from all the knuckles on my left hand until I was halfway to work (on a Rail Replacement Bus, no less)
I also have one on my palm from where it was cut by flaking paint (on the handrail of the same set of stairs!)
🌺 - What’s your MBTI type?
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
The Road to El Dorado
"Did you ever imagine it would end like this?"
"The horse is a surprise."
📺 - Favourite show?
Derry Girls. Also Taskmaster
😂 - Are you ticklish?
Yes, but the freewheeling elbows that follow usually disuade people from trying again
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
I already am. Unless I divorce I'd rather not commit bigamy
😳 - Do you like your name?
I don't dislike my name. It's just... a name. My surname is quite rare though, so I've got that going for me
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
Magnolia (we rent)
🤓 - How did you get your name?
I don't think there's a reason my parents picked it, unfortunately.
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
I never went to Uni, but I left college (UK definition) in 2004
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
Nope. Again, fairly bland in how I want my body to look. Aside from the beard (which was mainly an excuse not to shave every day) I basically just think of it as a slightly crappy vessel to live in.
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
Brown. Quite dark, in fact, so that from not too far away they look almost black.
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
Cut short twice a year (grade 3 all over), then I just let it grow until it gets too curly. I don't do anything with it, not that you could do anything with it anyway.
🥂 - Have you ever drank underage?
Not really. I was a/am nerd, and didn't really go past shandy until I was 18
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Just twice - I don't really like how it makes my head feel. Once was after a funeral of a schoolfriend. I can't remember the other one
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
Physical fear is either heights or dogs. But my biggest one is that one day I'll be alone and forgotten.
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Too cold. I'm an overweight man, so I don't like almost literally swimming in sweat. And with cold weather I can just chuck on another jumper or t-shirt (I'm currently sat here in my dressing gown)
🌦 - What’s your favourite weather?
Pissing it down. So long as I'm at home and can listen while reading in bed
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
Autumn. Cool, colourful, and has my birthday in it!
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
The Alpaca. I made the missus go to an Alapca farm on the Isle of Wight when we were over there for our 10th wedding anniversary
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
Three cats (Penelope, Irene, Helen). The wife has a dog called Fritz, but I don't interact with him
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Just over two days.
🎨 - Any hobbies?
Writing, gaming, bookbinding, sewing, model making, 3D printing, procrastinating
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
I'd like to tour the UK - Have a hoke around Scotland, revisit Wales and Northern Ireland, go and see some history in York or Nottingham or something.
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
Currently, it's foiling techniques for my books - the missus bought a second hand set of the LOTR books, and I've got designs on rebinding them and want to make the edges gold
📱 - Favourite app on your phone?
Tumblr. Close second for NYT Games (gotta get Wordle and Connections in), and Duolingo
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
I'm a suburbs person. Or at least a town person.
I like some people around, and being in close range to a supermarket and stuff, but I don't like being in a really big city (like London or Belfast) for too long - something like Portsmouth or Derry is ideal actually
Tagging: @areseebee @carouselunique @imstressedx if you feel like you'd like to have a go too :)
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captainchewtoybaby · 2 years
Be my Baby
Chapter 6 : ice cream 
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Home. Finally after just three days on the road, Bret was home and he couldn't be more happier. But this was just only a two day break as next Monday Stampede would be touring again. 
As much as he liked being home, there was still one person on his mind. Whitney. Sure he wasn't gonna let the rejection thing go but he really liked the girl. He had to find a way to spend some alone time with her. 
But he had one problem. Melanie. He needed to break it off with her before he could take it a step forward with Whitney. But something inside of him made him feel guilty. Was he really ready to face Melanie and break up with her? 
A knock at the door startled him. He went to answer it. It was Gina. Not again. 
"Hi." She said, with a smile.
"Hey, what's up?" Bret asked.
"Well, I made some brownies and I didn't want to eat them all, so I brought some for you." Gina held up a plate covered with a napkin.
"Uh, thanks." Bret said and grabbed the plate. 
"They're just as tasty as my muffins." Gina gave him a wink. Bret laughed awkwardly. 
"Anyways, I was also here to ask you something." She said. "My sister is having a party in two weeks and I was wondering if you would like to come, you know, get some drinks, and meet the family." 
"That sound great and all bu-" 
"Oh come on, please don't tell me you have a tour or something." 
"Well, knowing my schedule, I probably have one , but I'll check it out and then I'll get back to you."
He was lying. He knew he wasn't going to get back to her. He had his own problems he needed to worry about.
"Alright, I better go, bye." Gina waved at him. Bret said his goodbye and closed the door. He leaned his head on the door and sighed. He then looked over at the hamster cage, where Chico was staring at him.
"Don't give me that look." He said to the furry animal. "You would lie to." 
The number one thing Whitney hoped to do when she was back at the hart house, was getting some good sleep and rest. But that all went out the window when she was woken up by a scream. At first she thought it was just her imagination, but when she heard it a second time, it made her jump out of bed. She went downstairs to see what was going on but was surprised when she went into the livingroom to find Helen, completely unbothered by the screams, watching tv. 
"Goodmorning, dear." Helen greeted her.
"Goodmorning, is everything alright?" Whitney asked, still confused by the screams. 
"Oh, yes, it's just Stu in his ' dungeon'." Helen said. Whitney grew even more concerned. 
"A what?" She asked. 
"The basement, dear, he trains people down there." Helen explained. "Our boys call it 'the dungeon'."
Whitney let out a sigh of relief. 
"Maybe you should go check it out, it'll make a nice addition to your story." 
Without hesitation Whitney went down to the basement. When she arrived at the basement she was met with an unusual scene. Stu had some poor guy in a submission hold while three other guys were watching. 
"Hello Whitney." Stu said as soon as he saw her. He let the guy go and got up.
"Boys, this lovely young lady over here, is Whitney." 
The boys all gave her a small wave and a quick "hello". 
"Is there anything I can help you with?"
"I just came down here to see what was going on." Whitney said.  "Helen told me this is where you train future wrestlers." 
"Yes." Stu said. "I don't know if you want to add it to your story." 
"I'll have to think about it." Whitney said. "I have to go, goodluck to you boys." Whitney waved and went back upstairs.
After taking a shower and having breakfast, Whitney went to work on the interview she did with Bruce. Helen had given her an old typewriter so she could write down what was useful. After about 20 minutes of work, there was a knock on the door. 
"Come in." Whitney said. And who was it? None other than Bret Hart. Oh no not him again. After the whole rejection situation, Whitney didn't want anything to do with him. 
"Hi." He said, closing the door behind him.
"Hello, Owen is out, if you're looking for him." Whitney said. 
"I'm actually not here for Owen." Bret said. 
"Oh? Well your da-" 
"I'm here to visit you."
Withney looked up from the typewriter. What on earth did he want with her? 
"Me?" She asked. 
"Yea, i just wanted to know how you were doing after the tour, you know, since it can be tiring and stuff like that." Bret said, scratching the back of his head. Whitney knew he was bullshitting.
"That's not why you're actually here, is it?" Whitney asked.
"Alright you got me, i just wanted to see you, that's all." 
"Well here I am, okay, bye." Whitney said. Now was not the time for chatting, she needed to get her work done.
"So you're just gonna kick me out like that, Sunshine." Bret said. There it was. That stupid nickname.
"For the last time, it's Whitney, not Sunshine." 
"What if I like sunshine better?" Bret said. Whitney let out a sigh.
"I don't have time for this." She said and went back to typing. Instead of leaving Bret went to sit on the bed. 
"I see you got Diana's room." He looked around. "Are you a fan of Leif Garrette too?" 
"No, I'm a David Bowie kind of girl." 
"Good choice." He said. "I listen to Zeppelin, sometimes a bit of Simon and Garfunkel." 
"That's nice, now please get off the bed, you're ass is gonna ruin it." 
"Are you saying I have a fat ass?" 
Whitney rolled her eyes and laughed. "No, I'm saying you'll wrinkle the sheets." 
"How long have you been working?" Bret asked, completely ignoring her statement. 
"A half hour, why?"
"You need a break, let's go get some ice cream." 
Bret sighed. He got up, walked over to her and stood right in front of the little table. He hooked his thumbs into his belt buckle. Whitney thought he looked very dapper in that stance but quickly dismissed the thought. 
"Alright, I'll make you a deal, if you get ice cream with me, I'll never bother you again." Bret said. "So what do you say, Sunshine?" 
Whitney looked up at him. Maybe she did need a break and some company. 
"Alright, but you have to buy me a chocolate flavored ice cream." 
"Whatever you like." He said.
"One chocolate sundae for the journal girl." Bret handed her  a glass bowl filled with chocolate ice cream covered in strawberry syrup, nuts and sprinkles. Whitney laughed
"What am i? A child?" She said, taking the sugary treat from his hand. 
"No, but I picked it out just for you." Bret said. 
"Thank you." Whitney said and took a bite from the ice cream.
"Now tell me something, what was it like to grow up as a Hart?" 
"Are you gonna put that in your story?" Bret teased.
"I'm writing about your fathers promotion, not your biography." Whitney said. "Now answer my question."
"Well, it was tough but when you have eleven other siblings in the house it's a mess." Bret explained. "I remember beating a boy in a street fight once." 
"Really? Who won." 
"Me of course." Bret said. "I remember the kids hosting me up on their shoulders and celebrating." 
"What is this? Rocky?" Whitney said.
"Nah, but I sure felt like him after that fight." Bret said. "What about you, were you one of the good girls in school?"
"Not really, I was kind of an awkward kid." Withney said. "However,  i did egg a teacher's  house once, just because she was a bitch but that's just basic stuff."
"Uh ooh, we got a badass over here." Bret teased.
"Oh shut up." 
"Any highschool flings?" 
Whitney raised her eyebrow. "You would like to know wouldn't you?" 
"Hey, it's just a simple question."
"Alright, yes, but it only lasted a few months because he was a bit too imature." Whitney answered."What about you?" 
"Nah, I was a saint." Bret said.
"That, Sir, is a complete lie." 
"No it's true, I did kiss a few girls here and there but that's just it." 
Whitney gave him a look.
"I'm not bullshitting you, I promise." Bret said.
"Alright, whatever you say." Whitney took another bite of her ice cream. 
"Hey, we should check out that museum." Bret said. "Do you like art?" 
"Of course, but I can't draw." 
"I can watch this." He grabbed a napkin. "You got a pen." 
Whitney went into her purse and grabbed a pen. She handed him the pen and he started drawing something.  Whitney was confused. 
"What are you doing?" She asked but Bret didn't answer. She watched as he drew a face, then a figure and then some hair. He then added the finishing touches and handed her the napkin. It was a cartoonish drawing of a couple. The man had a slightly big chin and an even bigger nose while the woman had a smaller chin and big teeth. Above them was written 'Helen and Stu'. Whitney laughed. 
"That's amazing." She said. "You should become an animator." 
"Nah, not really my thing." Bret said. 
Maybe Bret wasn't such a bad guy, he was kind of annoying but he was super fun to talk to. But that did not mean she was gonna go on a date with him. Now way. 
"We should go before." Bret said, looking at his watch. "Keep it, something to remind you of me." 
"I'll frame it." 
"Even better."
Hi, hi, i tried to finish this chapter and i finally did it. Hope you like it. Shout out to sour grapes, that series is bussin. Anyways, my broskis i gotta bounce, bounce on your boys dick.
Alrighty, i'm out. Bye. ~thys❤
Tag list: @aritamargarita @rainchyna @diesel-pls-powerbomb-me
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strangedreamings · 2 years
For the fic writers ask about quotes and such: 🌺🍒🫐
Thank you!
🌺 favorite poetic quote from a published work
From my Sherlolly fic Oscillating:
“I need a second opinion on what to do,” she said, her eyes on her cup. “There’s this man I like. Well, more than like.”
Sherlock felt his heart sink to his feet and spill onto the rug.
🍒 favorite sweet quote from a wip
From my pre-ASOIAF fic The Heart of the Hand:
He soon found Alysanne walking down a dimly lit hallway. He grabbed her upper arm then pulled her into a darkened storeroom, the only light coming from outside the window on the farthest wall.
“What is the meaning of this?” she demanded, her ire rising, just before he pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly. She pulled back quickly and raised a hand to slap him but he grabbed her wrist.
“It’s me, Aly,” he murmured before pulling back the hood.
She stared at him. “Maynard? Where have you been?” Her gaze turned into a glare. “And what kind of knight takes advantage of a lady like that?”
“One who’s in love with her,” he murmured as he gently took her in his arms again, “and knows how much danger they’re in.”
He didn’t know which statement shocked her more, but she quickly recovered, if her enthusiastic kiss was any true measure of her feelings.
🫐 a line from a published work that you’re proud of, but no one’s mentioned yet - or if you can’t think of one, an underrated line in general
From my Granada Sherlock/Helen fic Warm As The Summer:
He sat in his chair and smoked his pipe as he considered the matter. “I’m not going to tell her I love her until she has seen something of the ton and has a chance to meet other men.”
“But why?” John was utterly confused.
He smiled a bit. “I want to be her choice, not her only option.”
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myfoodsflowers · 1 year
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Rhyncholaeliocattleya Tzeng-Wen Beauty - Magic Meadow Is an orchid hybrid from (Rhyncholaeliocattleya Mem. Helen Brown × Rhyncholaelia digbyana) 🌺🌺🌿
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aristobun · 2 years
i’m pissed that i’ve just had to remake my original tumblr account from 11 years ago because i can no longer access my hotmail account at all — but on the bright side , i am able to name it after the characters own name instead of ‘ lestatscherie ‘ . still pissed , but at least i can use the old one as an archive . will reblog this post once i’ve decorated the new helene blog 🌺
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lordcastaway · 2 years
Hello! Some fascinating questions for you: 1, 8, 10, 12, 23. 🤲🌺
Thanks for the questions!!! Hope you've also received mine, he-he 👀
1. Who is your favourite historical person?
Well, it's definitely hard to choose one, I mean my main hoes for years have been (in no particular order) Castlereagh, Canning, Liverpool and Pitt.
8. What is the last thing you have read/ listened/ spoke with historical reference?
So I recently had to re-read Vitrolles' god damn memoires cause I am now stuck with them for two years for my thesis but I don't think re-reading counts. I have like... an ungodly ammount of tabs with books open, and I am scrolling through a few at once, cause I think with those correspondences and huge-ass memoires it's often not reading everything but just like scrolling through to get to the good stuff. But I digress. I guess I am now trying to properly read Lady Holland's correspondence with her son AND BOY IS IT ANNOYING.
10. Pieces of art (paintings, sculpures, lithographies, ect.) related to history you like most (post an image of them)
Now that's also hard. All pieces of art I like are historical, I guess......... cause they are part of history................... you know............ everything is....... maybe I don't get the question.............
But in relation to my regency tories, from the top of my head (or I'll be here all day) and not too on the nose like portraits (my fav portraits are a whole different topic for some other time if someone wants to hear about it which i doubt), other depictions or political cartoons, it's Canova's Endymion, Helen and Magdalene. I mean they are just beautiful as they are but I've discovered them through The Dead Tories, and also there's this sweet-sweet additional meaning hashtag deep. But that's also a subject for another time. (posting just helen cause i'm lazy)
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12. Would you take part in reenactment? In what era and as whom?
Man, reenacting is a dream. I like a lot of different epochs, I was a theatre kid, it would be cool. I mean, I'd mainly looooove to go all dandy or something. Do a Congress of Vienna reenactment, a battle reenactment, anythingactment. Buuuuut it's also kinda overwhelming, and I'm anxious, so yeah....
23. Favourite historical song / with such reference?
Hares on the Mountain 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 Robin Adair 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 Who Killed Cock Robin 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻Angry Irish 1798 songs 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻Angry Scottish Jacobite songs 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻Willie's Gan' Tae Melville Castle 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 I can go on—
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galaxy12sblog · 2 years
Helen's redesigned!!
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Princess Helen~🌺🍇🪷
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saltysmoothie · 5 days
Hello, I am Helen Inshasi from Gaza. I need your help for me and my family. Please do not hesitate and donate to me and my family. I hope you do not ignore my message. Thank you.https://gofund.me/e2cbb108
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sakura-sharks · 16 days
list of freq fronters, likely to change
quinn/melanie - 👻 - it/he/ey/she/ghost - main host
helen/jinx/elixir - 🌸 - xey/it/she/abyss/chaos - co-host
sasha - 👁 - she/xe/it/glow/fae - co-host
fig - 💥 - she/it/rot/dark
scott - 🦌 - he/ae/frost
layla - ❄️ - she/he
raven - 🌓 - she/it
tim - 🌺 - he/they
gwen - 🖊 - she/he/it
alice - 🐈‍⬛️ - she/they
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kalospiaalmana · 3 months
🌺^-Blossover-^🌺 Characters
Protogainst: Mocha Ira Lyssa- Watchful Spirit of Mad Rage
Lexia Alexis- Defender of Men Protector Klryz Cecelia Kamali - Blind spirit guide Glitch Mara Soren Valentina: Bitter Stern Healthy Glim Faith Deiania- Candle Trust Destroyer of man Lavender Deirde - Broken-hearted Marina Acantha- From the sea thorns Amelia Alina- Industrious bright Kelsey Anwir- Ship's victory liar Medea Trista: Ruler full of sorrows Quitterie Malarie Almer- Quiet Unfortunate Soul Retina Cozbi: Eye liar Helen Deora: Torch Tears Lofi Cato: All-knowing
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estrellalunablanca · 4 months
Thank you lovely ladies from the Love Group. Wonderful Christmas party. Had a wonderful time.Christmas party 2019.I love you all.
Glorious Day !!! LOVEly time spend with the LOVE ❤️ Book CLub 📖
Active Faith is a Shield...what you say you believe in action.
James 2:20, 26...Faith without works is worthless (dead)...As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. Faith reveals a reliance on God, because God is faithful, you and I can have active faith. Have a fabulous day !!!
My second oldest Ivan graduted from High school. I'm very happy and proud.blessing for a bright future.
Celebrating February Birthday’s !!! Happy Birthday Helen & Amy !!! You both are Amazing Beautiful Women of God. Lots of LOVE ❤️ and many more years of Happinesses & Blessings. 🎂🎉👏😍🥰💐🥰🌺❤️🌸💕🌷🌼🌺👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
LOVE Book Club ❤️💕
Celebrating Agape Love, the Perfect, unconditional, compassionate, sacrificial, & PURE LOVE.❤️ This Devine Love Jesus demonstrated to His Father and all humanity.❤️💕We are forever grateful.♥️
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captainchewtoybaby · 2 years
Be my Baby
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Chapter 3 : The Secret 
Tonight was the first night of one of Stampede's shows and Whitney was kind of excited to see what the show offered. Although she has made it clear that she didn't care or like the sport, she did decide to give it a try. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad as she had depicted it to be. 
While waiting for Owen backstage, Whitney was struggling with the coffee machine at catering. 
"It's broken." A thick British accent said. Whitney turned around and saw a young woman staring at her. She was dressed dramatically, had red nail polish on her long nails and a pair of sunglasses were resting on her head.
"I'm sorry?" Whitney asked, confused.
"It's broken." She repeated. 
Whitney stepped away from the machine.
"I just saved you from drinking old coffee, god knows how long it's been there." The woman said. "The name's Jayne." 
"Are you new around here?" She asked.
"Uh, yes, i'm actually here to do a job." 
"May i ask what kind of job?" Jayne asked. 
"I'm writing an article about Stampede."
"Interesting." The woman said. " My boyfriend wrestles for the company, so I come and watch his matches a lot." 
"Doesn't it bother you?" 
"Doesn't what bother me?" 
"You know, the slapping, the punches, the blood, the violence." Whitney explained as if it were something terrible.
"Why, no, not at all, you see I like this kind of stuff." Jayne said. "It gets me all excited." 
Whitney definitely thought she was weird. She thought all the people that enjoyed such a violent sport were weird. But then again it was what they liked and there was nothing she could do about it. 
"Anyways, have you met the Hart's yet? Very nice people aren't they, oh but stay away from their son Owen, he's a very creative prankster."
"I'm actually staying with them and yes they are very nice people." Whitney said. And that was true. She's only been staying with these people for two days and she enjoyed it. 
Helen was treating her as if she was her own child, Stu told stories every night at dinner and Owen was like the little brother she never had.
Just then Owen showed up. "Ladies, the show is about to start." He said.
"We better go, before there are no seats left in the front row." Jayne grabbed Whitney by the arm. 
Owen whispered to Withney : "Goodluck with her, she's crazy." 
"I heard that." Jayne said and the two were off to find there seats.
Throughout the show, Whitney was starting to get mixed feelings about this sport. Yes a big portion of it was violent but the show itself was pretty interesting.
She even saw Jayne's boyfriend, Tom, in action and he was pretty good. No wonder they called him "the dynamite kid". 
"Oh you should meet, Tom." Jayne said as they were walking backstage after the show. "I'm sure he'd be pleased to meet you." 
"He was pretty good in the ring." Whitney said.
"He is, isn't he? I'm very proud of him. " Jayne said. "I can see him making it big one day." 
"You sound like a wonderful girlfriend." Whitney said.
"Why thank you, now come on, let's go search for him and maybe we can convince him to give you a lift to the motel." Jayne pulled Whitney towards the dressing rooms. Maybe this wasn't such a bad sport. 
As Bret was getting ready for the morning, he was in deep thoughts. How on earth was he going to ask Witney out to dinner. The even worse part is that he didn't even talk to her once. He had to think of something before the weeks went by and she would leave.
"Are you even listening to me?" Owen snapped him out of his thoughts. 
"I asked if you wanted to get breakfast with me, Davey and Tom?" Owen said.
"Oh, yea, sure."  Bret asnwered.
Davey boy smith came out of of the bathroom, his chin covered in shaving cream.
"What's wrong with you? You've been zooning out since yesterday."
"I know what's wrong with him." Owen smirked. "He's in love."
"I am not." Bret said.
"With who?" Davey frowned. 
"Whitney, the reporter that's staying with us." Owen explained. Davey looked at Bret. 
"I thought you had something with Melanie?" Davey said. The room went quiet. Bret looked up at his brother. He had hoped that her name wouldn't be mentioned again.
Melanie was a girl he had been seeing for four months. But there was one slight problem. He wasn't sure were this relationship was going with Melanie. Was he in love with her? Maybe. Bret didn't want to break her heart, so instead he told her they needed a slight break just so he could do some thinking. Has he called her since the break? No. Was he planning on doing that? Not at all. 
"Who?" Owen asked.
"Are you going to tell him or should i?" The brit asked. 
"Fine, Melanie is a girl i met on the japan tour four months ago." Bret explained. "She was a photographer, we talked, exchanged numbers and  then started seeing each other." 
"How come Davey knows about this and I don't?" Owen said.
"Because nobody was supposed to know, Davey found out by accident."  Bret said. "I wasn't sure about this relationship, that's why I kept it from everybody." 
"Do you still like her?" Owen asked.
"I don't know, I haven't figured it out yet." Bret said. "That's why we're on a break." 
"Have you called her or anything?" Davey asked.
"That's kind of mean, Bret." 
"Listen, the only reason I did that is in hopes that she'll get the memo that I want nothing to do with her anymore." Bret said. "Now enough about Melanie, how do I ask out Whitney." 
Owen and Davey crossed their  arms.
"What?" Bret looked at them. 
"We are not gonna help you until you call Melanie and break up with her. " Owen said. 
"Breaking up over the phone? That's even meaner don't you think." Bret said.
"Alright then asked her to meet up after we get back home." Davey said. 
Bret let out a sigh. Were they really doing this to him? 
"Fine, fine, I'm calling her right now." Bret picked up the phone on the nightstand and dialed her number. It rang three times until he heard a faint: "Hello?" 
"Bret? Hi, how are you?" She sounded so excited to hear him, which made Bret feel a bit bad. 
"I'm great, how are you?"
"Fine, I thought I would never hear from you again, I was beginning to worry." Melanie said.
"I, uh, I was busy." Bret said. "Listen, I was calling you to ask if you would meet up somewhere after I get back home?" 
"Oh sure, why?" 
"Oh, it's uhm, it's about our break." He said. "Nothing serious of course." 
Davey and Owen groaned. It was a big deal.
"Oh, alright, i'll see you when you get back then." Melanie said. As they said their goodbyes, Bret put the phone down.
"Happy." He said.
"No, you kind of lied to her saying it was nothing serious." Owen said. 
"It is nothing serious." Bret said.
"You're breaking up with her, Bret, it is a big deal." Owen said.
"Whatever, are we gonna get breakfast or not?" Bret asked as he walked to the door. 
"I'll go get Tom." Davey said. 
"You're paying for it, since you are being an idiot." Owen said. 
Bret scoffed. He was gonna have to figure it  out himself  how he would ask Whitney out. 
*stops car infornt of you guys and pulls sunglasses up* "it's Brittany ,bitch "
Hey ya'll. How yall doing. Hope you liked chapter 3. I was thinking about uploading this whole weekend so stay tuned for more. Alright imma go. Love ya'll ~ thys❤
Ps let me know if you want to be tagged.
Tag list : @rainchyns @aritamargarita
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