#—mikashisus asks.
mikashisus · 2 months
CONGRATS ON 200!!!🎉🎉🎉 Oh my gosh yay that's so exciting!! I am very nervous to make a rq but I rlly like your writing hehehe...
Could you maybe write something with Kazuha and a fem reader from Mondstadt? I wish I could pull something a little more specific to ask for, but I was so excited I wanted to send something in right away >< . More than anything I just wanna see him a little more in your writing <3
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Memory Weaver
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summary: amidst the festivities for the annual north winds celebration, kazuha stumbles upon a knight who, although sharing a dance with him, seems to be way more important than she’s leading him to believe.
pairing: kaedehara kazuha x fem!mondstadt!reader
cws: brief mentions of starvation and misogyny.
notes: ANON ILY FOR THIS, i literally write mond mcs sm it’s a crime. i took LOTS of creative liberties with this - namely taking inspo from my current genshin series that u can find here!
i have a kazu fic planned in that au already, so i decided to go with the same au here!! except the mc here is way different from the mc in leaving london. hope u enjoy!!
wc: 3.3k
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The ports of Eastern Mondstadt were as lively as ever despite the sheer cold weather that hovered over the land like a blanket.
Through the winding streets lined with vendors and huge crowds, a white haired man kept a firm grip on the sword sheathed at his side. He shivered a little as a biting wind rushed past. He was not used to this weather. Not after being out on the warm, rocky seas for so long.
A group of children nearby shouted in joy as they played together, one of them holding two Mondstadt hashbrowns in their hand. They waved the food around, signaling for the others to gather around so they could all share.
“Look! That kind man gave me these for free since today is the Festival of the North Winds!”
“It’s the whole week, genius!” Another kid retorted before munching down on their piece of a hashbrown.
“Does it matter? Let’s just eat!”
Before the children could fully dig in to their meal, a cheerful voice interrupted them. Kazuha stayed to watch the interaction, pretending to shop for goods at a vendor stall nearby as to not appear suspicious to the knight that had just arrived.
He watched as the knight ruffled the kid’s hair. She sent them all a big, warm smile as they looked up at her in awe and wonder. Their eyes were practically sparkling.
“Make sure you say your prayers first!” You scolded the children, placing your hands on your hips. “If you don’t give the Queen your prayers, then she might be unhappy and curse us!”
One of the kids, a girl smaller than the rest of the group, pointed at you accusingly. “No she won’t! My Mama says that Queen Catalina is a righteous, gentle god! And that she never harms anyone!”
A loud, hearty laugh escaped your mouth as you held your stomach. “Right you are!” Your laughs, which were akin to a melody on the wind, simmered into giggles.
“So we should be grateful for all that we have because of how kind Her Majesty is. That’s why we pray— because we are returning the kindness and love that she so graciously shows us. Do you understand?”
The children were silent for a few moments, mulling over your words, before they all let out gasps of astonishment. Without another moment of hesitation, they were clasping their hands together and quietly saying their prayers to the ever generous Queen of the North Wind.
As soon as they were done, you pulled something out of the bag tied to your belt. It was fresh bread you bought earlier that morning. You split the two long loaves into pieces and gave them to the children, a soft smile playing on your lips as they thanked you eagerly.
“Make sure to share with your families, okay? We need to feed as many mouths as we can this winter.” You told them, watching as they nodded vigorously and ran off, shouting their goodbyes back to you as they did so.
Kazuha smiled before turning away from the scene, tilting his head down to avoid the intense stare tossed in his direction.
He found it quite difficult to navigate through the city because of the current festivities. According to bits and pieces of conversations he picked up from the locals, an annual festival was taking place solely on this side of Mondstadt.
The land was divided between three gods. To the far West laid Decarabian and his sheltered city that was slowly but surely becoming larger by the year. He was rumored to be a tyrannical god, who refused to let his people wander past the wind barriers he created around his territory.
To the North rested the god of blizzards, Andrius— a Wolf King with an extreme temper. Supposedly, the land of Mondstadt was mostly uninhabitable because of him. He was not fond of humans, nor did he get along well with them. He preferred to stay in his patch of land and not cause them any harm, and they did the same by not wandering into his territory. It was a mutual agreement.
And of course, here in the East sat the magnificent Queen of the North Wind. Ruling over this part of Mondstadt for thousands of years, she was incredibly favored and adored by the people. Her kingdom was quite large, taking up almost the entirety of the oceanside and the mountains that separated the East and West sides of the region.
Unlike Decarabian, she was on somewhat good terms with Andrius. Their common enemy being the god of storms was what brought them together as allies. The forming of their peace treaty was what eventually birthed her title of “The Queen of the North Wind.” It was a title that matched Andrius’ “King of the North Wind.”
The Festival of the North Winds was supposedly created more than a hundred years ago in honor of Queen Catalina, Wolf King Andrius, and the Thousand Winds of Time. It is a week-long festival that not only worshipped the three gods, but was made to thank them for their continuous guidance and protection over Mondstadt.
Last year, the festival had to be cancelled due to a small dispute between Morax, a warrior god from Liyue, and Queen Catalina. The dispute, according to rumors, had been resolved pretty quickly, but due to the fear it had invoked in the people, the Queen deemed it necessary that the festival should not continue.
Kazuha noticed that the streets closer to the castle were more lively, and filled with more color. The crowds were bigger, and the city square was packed to the brim.
He remembered Beidou’s words from earlier that morning: “Go have some fun! This festival is only once a year, and who knows when we’ll be back in Mondstadt for another! Make the most of it, kid!”
There was no curfew— he could return to The Alcor whenever he wanted. As he was debating on whether or not he should return early, a great commotion drew him from his thoughts.
A gathering of knights grabbed the attention of the bustling crowds, politely asking everyone to stop and hear the words of their great Queen. A woman with curly teal hair and eyes bright as starlight gracefully descended the stairs, her bronze skin glowing under the sun and her hands clasping together neatly in front of her.
That was her— the infamous Queen of the North Wind, standing on the steps leading up to the castle.
Kazuha stopped in his tracks, his mouth falling open in shock. He was so close, he could make out each of her facial features, even the small mole on her left cheekbone, and he could recognize that the dazzling gem sitting around her neck was a diamond shaped like an eight-pointed star.
He doubted anyone standing where he had been moments ago could see her this well. He watched as she picked up the bottom of her sparkling, white gown and was helped onto a platform by her lover.
Her radiant smile was enough to dispel any worries the townsfolk harbored, and brought hope to those that had none. She cleared her throat, and with a voice as smooth as liquid gold, spoke with a certain eloquence that only a god could possess.
“My children, it is yet another year that the Thousand Winds bless us with their protection. If not for the protection of the goddess of moments, we would not be able to live our lives freely outside the rule of Celestia.”
Her ability to captivate an entire audience was to be admired. They hung onto her every word, and not a single person dared to interrupt her speech.
“Someday, you will live freely from the gods entirely. But until that day comes, I will stand with you, and continue to fight for that freedom and that future! I will continue to record these moments in my memories for future generations, so that they may understand the past to create a brighter future! With that said, we praise the Thousand Winds! Enjoy this festival, my children, and let these Winds endure for all Time!”
As she finished speaking, the crowd erupted into ear-piercing cheers. All around him, the people were celebrating, kicking off the festival with a bang as they downed barrels of alcohol and tossed confetti and cecilias into the air.
Kazuha watched with a newfound intrigue as the Queen stepped down from the platform and joined the festivities. Had he not seen it with his own eyes, he would have never believed that a god would mingle with mortals like this.
His eyes drifted to the knight that accompanied the Queen’s side, and his eyes widened once more as he recognized them as the knight he had seen earlier— the one who had given extra food to the group of overjoyed children.
You helped the Queen down from her platform and smiled graciously. “Amazing as always, Your Highness,” you said, letting her hand go as she placed it on your head. “Would you like me to fetch you a glass of Thousand Wind Wine?”
She shook her head. “Just enjoy the festivities, my dear Dovewing Knight. You work all year long, please just take a break for once. I’ll still be here when you return to the castle tonight.”
With a retort on your tongue, she grabbed your shoulders and walked you down the rest of the stairs, gently pushing you towards the crowds. “Have fun! I have Lowen here to protect me.”
You tossed an uneasy glance to the other three knights waiting eagerly for you with smiles on their faces. Turning back to the look at the Queen, you opened your mouth to protest once more, when your best friend, Leni, leapt towards you and grabbed your arm.
“C’mon! This happens once a year, (Name)! The only week we have off!” She yelled over the booming music in the square. “Let’s ditch our armor and go have fun like Her Majesty said!”
“But, we’re her Archangels, we can’t—“
“Let it go!” Mari chuckled, patting you on the back. The force of his hand hitting your shoulder made you toss a glare at him. He simply laughed. “Like she said, she won’t be going anywhere!”
You watched as your three fellow Archangel Knights removed their armor and handed it off to the Queen, who promised it wouldn’t get stolen during the festivities.
With a final groan of frustration escaping your lips, you did the same and followed your friends into the crowds. Leni linked her arm with yours and pointed to a dress shop. She jumped up and down, claiming the two of you needed to wear something fancy for the event.
As you flipped through a variety of handmade Mondstadt dresses, you couldn’t find one that caught your eye. Leni was able to find one in just a few minutes of entering the shop.
It was a short, orange dress that complimented her dark skin and amber colored eyes. The sleeves were billowy, allowing her arms room to breathe, and reached her elbows. She tied her curly, dark brown locks up into a ponytail and helped you pick out your own dress as soon as she paid for hers.
“Why not match the Queen and go for a white dress?” She suggested.
With careful deliberation— and a desire to join the festivities already —you picked out a long white, off shoulder dress and paid for it before leaving the shop.
Leni giggled as she dragged you around to all of the food stalls. She was more than happy to pay for your food, even if you scolded her for doing so every time.
You spent most of the first day of the festival with your best friend, who promised you that this year would be the best Festival of the North Winds that Mondstadt had ever thrown. Having only been appointed as the Queen’s elite Archangel Knights two years prior, you weren’t used to having free time like this anymore.
Being able to run around and enjoy the festival like you did in your youth brought back many memories of when you would spend this time of the year with your family. Silently, you thanked the Queen for allowing you to remember those memories, and for letting you have this week off to make the most of the festival.
Nighttime came fast, and with it, came dancing in the city square. The sun was setting over the horizon when the music picked up into a tune that made everyone want to dance.
It started with just a few people clearing the way, laughing and moving as if they were being carried along by the wind. Soon, the Queen and her lover, Lowen, joined in. The crowds cheered and threw out their praises as the two gods took the stage.
It was a magnificent sight— being able to watch the Queen twirl and flow as if she was one with the wind; as if it was guiding her along. After a few songs, she took a seat at a nearby table and ordered a few glasses of wine to enjoy as she laughed merrily and cheered on the other people who continued dancing in her stead.
Leni was the next to join the circle, dragging you in along behind her. The two of you, with much dancing experience, weaved your way between a multitude of couples and eventually lost sight of each other as others asked to switch dance partners.
A man with white hair ended up in front of you as the song ended, his face flushed as he panted heavily. The hand on your waist fidgeted before it pulled back slightly. He smiled gently at you, his crimson eyes welcoming and bright as he let go of your hand.
“You’re a wonderful dancer,” he told you as you took a step away from him to create space between you. “Pardon me if this sounds a little odd, but I was watching you before I got pulled in by the crowd myself. It was like watching flowing water in a stream.”
A small chuckle left your lips. “Poetic, though a little bland for my tastes. If you’re looking for compliments, I suggest you familiarize yourself with Mondstadt’s style of poetic charms.”
He raised a brow. “Oh? Is it that obvious I don’t hail from Mondstadt?”
“A little…” you trailed off as another song started, a slower tune this time, and he once again rested a delicate hand to your waist. You glanced down at the sword hanging from his hip. It wasn’t just any sword— it was a special Inazuman forged blade.
“That katana. It’s Inazuman. Handmade, correct?” You pointed out, searching his crimson eyes. He met your gaze with a small, almost fake, smile.
What was that about?
“You are correct. I would ask how you know, but you are a knight, are you not?”
You nodded. “Indeed.” He twirled you under his arm and you sighed blissfully, grabbing onto his hand once more as he pulled you back into his embrace. “I am one of Queen Catalina’s Four Archangels. It’s a pleasure to meet you, samurai of Inazuma.”
His crimson eyes flashed with recognition. He faltered in his steps a little, quickly recovering himself when you steadied him with little effort.
This could go one of two ways, you deduced.
On one hand, he could freak out and blubber his way through some sort of half-baked eloquent greeting and drop to his knees like half the citizens of Mondstadt did whenever you conversed with them. On the other, his brows could furrow with confusion and he’d give you a once over before questioning if your words were true.
No one ever expected someone like you to be one of the Queen’s elite soldiers. Whether it was because you were a woman or because you simply weren’t built like a knight, you didn’t know. You were more inclined to believe that it was the latter.
Though, you did receive a handful of comments from many people when you were first appointed about your gender. Most of them you ignored, because they were so downright stupid that it made you laugh. Others, you had half a mind to throw them in the dingiest cell in the dungeons for their incredibly disrespectful words. If the Queen had known of those insults, you were sure she would have personally sentenced them to death for their arrogance.
None of the two options you often encountered came to fruition. Instead, his reaction was an entirely different one altogether. You were not expecting him to treat you as if you were any other human being.
“You’re one of them? An honor, then, it is to meet you.” He said, his words flowing like honey from his mouth.
A poet was one who could charm their way into others’ hearts using their flowery language. You were more than familiar with poets— more so of the Mondstadt and Liyuean variety. Mondstadt poets oftentimes happened to be bards as well. They used their songs to tell stories of you and your friends’ adventures.
Almost all of them used their talents to charm their way into your good graces so as to avoid the law. However, their use of compliments and fine verses had no effect on you. As a knight, you swore an oath to protect innocents and keep everyone on equal standing in your mind. You could not let anyone get close, for fear of one day being the one to throw them into a cell.
Leni and the other two Archangels were special cases, though you knew that if they one day also betrayed the Queen, you would raise your sword against them without hesitation.
Letting go of your hand to take your other, the man watched as your expression soured. “Flattery will not get you anywhere with me, but I thank you for your cordiality nonetheless.”
The song ended, and the man let go of you as you stepped away from him. You sent him a polite smile. “Allow me to buy you some festival specialties. After all, this only happens once a year.”
He returned your smile and nodded. “That’d be wonderful, Miss…?”
“Oh! Right. How could I forget my greeting?” You stood ramrod straight and saluted him, the action coming naturally to you after doing it hundreds of times.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, foreigner to the Northern Winds. I, (Name) the Dovewing Knight and one of the Four Archangels of the god of memories, cordially welcome you to Mondstadt.”
He nodded curtly, bowing slightly as he placed a hand to his chest. “Thank you for the warm welcome, Miss (Name). I am Kaedehara Kazuha, a wandering samurai from Inazuma.”
You sighed softly as you relaxed your form. “Kazuha…” you tested the name on your tongue, finding it easy to flow out of your mouth. You hummed and nodded. “Well, Kazuha. Allow me to be your guide. What say you to spending this week with me?”
As a knight, it was your job to guide those new to Mondstadt and help them settle in. You weren’t sure how long Kazuha would be staying here, but you were determined to show him the joys of what it was like to live in Mondstadt during the festival season.
At least, that was the lie you told yourself to prevent your heart from continuing to race in your chest.
Kazuha’s smile was genuine this time as he visibly relaxed. “If a beautiful knight such as yourself is offering, then who am I to refuse you?”
Maybe it was the trick of the light, the glaring sun beating down on his face from over the horizon, but you could have sworn you saw a hint of red on his cheeks as he took your outstretched hand and stepped into a world completely unknown.
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notes: i did not plan for it to be this long… it was going to be longer but i cut it short. if anyone would like a part 2, i’d be happy to make one! you can read more on catalina here! apologies for any errors, i didn’t edit the last half of this 🙏
© 2024 mikashisus. do not plagiarize, copy, repost, feed to ai, or translate my works to any other platforms.
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formyaisonly · 1 month
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
— like we were before
Track 16: used to 𓆩♡𓆪
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୨♡୧ Y/N took a while to respond to Xiao after he asked them if they could watch his game, but decided there's no harm in trying so; they agreed at the last minute.
୨♡୧ Xiao thought Y/N wouldn't go but still prepared vacant seats for Y/N and their friends. 
୨♡୧ After knowing from Scaramouche that Xiao and Y/N knew each other, Tomo got curious if Y/N was currently the one being linked to Xiao, so he asked everyone to watch his match. Unfortunately, they found out about it the hard way. Now he's not the only one threatened by Xiao's existence. Tomo regretted dragging his poor friend.
💌 To the kind anon, thank you for being lovely. Track 16 is for you! 
🔖 taglist: @swivi @whipped-for-fictionals @fatbootymuncher @sukisukiii @tiredslepz @sl-vega @aixaingela @c4ttheart @riyangiis @starringyau @kazumiku @r4yyyyy @kunimylovee @kayla-drawz @pandaquick @yourfavoritefreakyhan @mikashisus @yuminako @samyayaya @sucroselvr @khoncore @tamikahoshiko @kunikuzushis-darling @animeobsessed56 @floweringanna
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚
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stellaronhvnters · 2 months
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THE STELLARON HUNTERS MEMBER APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN NOW! we graciously ask that you read our rules to determine your eligibility to sign up for our network, along with the requirements of reblogging our debut post & following this blog! results are out on AUGUST 14TH ( 4pm gmt+8 ).
click this form <- to apply for our network! applications close on AUGUST 13TH.
taglist : @cross-crye, @mikashisus
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nereidsrealm · 5 months
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congratulations on your acceptance, dear nereids! for those who have already been accepted, please display your affiliation to us on your pinned post. do send us an ask for the link to the discord server. do tag your works with #nereids' realm for us to track it.
if you had signed up with multiple blogs in the form but only find one blog here, do note that all your blogs have been accepted!
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@frosts-intuition | frost
@chichikoi | koi
@opalthea | althea
@heiayen | heia
@mideas | suah
@naraven | ven
@rinneverse | oak
@osamwah | malia
@the-guardian-kitsune | hana
@adiluv | adi
@starglitterz | quill
@lychniis | aine
@beloved-blaiddyd | brynn
@mikashisus | ray
@risustravelogue | kurisu
@mikiruie | cherie
@sleepynoons | carrot
@tartagliove | zebra
@flurrina | zara
@grimmweepers | ryu
@tottentz | tori
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if you weren't accepted, do note that there is a chance you may be accepted in the future – do check that you have all the required information and read our rules properly before applying! we'll check again next round. 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼
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milksnake-tea · 3 months
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sunday x gn!reader || a stellaron hunter sunday series !
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✩ SYNOPSIS : Following the catastrophe of the Charmony Festival, rather than in one of Penacony's hospitals or prisons, Sunday awakens right in the base of one of the most notorious criminals in the galaxies. With nowhere else to go, he's left to follow you, the Stellaron Hunters' medic, in his attempts to become accustomed to his new life.
✩ GENRE : mildly hostile coworkers to friends to lovers, slice of criminal life, humor, angst & fluff, slow burn
✩ INCLUDES : stellaron hunter sunday au, canon compliance except for the beginning, possible medical malpractice, sunday has ocd, stellaron hunters as found family, struggling at making space lore, religious trauma/guilt, profanity, violence, questionable life decisions, illegal activities, bad posture, don't try this at home kids, themes of alcoholism, escapism, addiction, and survivor guilt, reader is self destructive
✩ STATUS : ongoing, no update schedule
✩ TAGLIST : @felibrary, @vxnuslogy, @https-mika, @greyrain23, @red-ninja15, @arienic , @immahuman , @sund4ykisser , @mysteriaqueen , @kiopanxp , @isa-l0v3r , @hesper-houkai-kat , @gamekillera , @nayukiyukihira , @randomidk-123 , @universetrash , @forevernyeong , @thedepartedcryptid , @heyhazelnut101 , @1000-leaves , @lowkeyren , @zhayur , @jellofishuu , @kascar-chronicle , @azaleaflowerr , @neigee , @fallintothechasm , @veritusratio , @astolary , @xphantasmagoriax , @semi-orangeapple , @ezra1yn , @xynthevoid , @apinu , @crysangria , @shenwi , @louchive , @mave-in , @mutiachan , @meerpea , @tetrxctys , @emiken-070907 , @tragedy-of-commons , @boothills-usbport , @mikashisus , @lunaegrl , @cakechase , @keirennyx ( send me an ask off anon if you want to be added !! if your name is bolded, it means i cant tag you )
✩ ADDITIONAL NOTES : banner art by @/ydm_sushi, !! i haven't done a series in a long time so we'll see how this goes ... cross posted on quotev, wattpad, and ao3
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00. welcome to hell
01. new life, new eyes
02. unclipped wings
03. baby’s first wanted poster
04. always an angel, never a god
05. family
06. fireflies look like stars
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© milksnake-tea ; do not copy, repost, modify, or translate.
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mikashisus · 2 months
also ray do u think venti could be romantically constipated or romantically confident
me personally i think he'd be confident at first like writing songs and allat sappy shit but when shit gets serious he's lowkey constipated cuz he's pretty much detached himself from humans ykwim??????? idk if im making sense
romantically constipated is a funny asf term to me cuz i made it up HELP
hmm… this is a good question
i mean he’s a bard and a poet so he’s exceptionally good with words and charming others. i think he’s pretty confident in the fact that he can charm and flatter ppl, but i think if he were actually looking for a partner or romancing someone, i def think he’d be emotionally constipated.
there is SO MUCH to unpack about his character as a whole. he has so much trauma that (imo) he hasn’t overcome AT ALL, despite what he might say to us. losing so many ppl dear to him and harboring all those secrets HAS to be very hard on his mental state.
as someone with trauma, it is NOT easy to overcome at all and takes so much time and effort to recover. i can confidently say that he hasn’t even taken ONE step to recovering from any of it.
he stays out of the limelight so much, but it’s so obvious from his story quest alone and a few voicelines in the game that he hasn’t moved on from the past and is still trapped there.
i think the only way he could actually come to love someone and overcome his emotional constipation would be to FIRST overcome his trauma or at least start recovering from it. or have someone that supports him while on that journey/that could smack some sense into him and make him see that he’s still shackled by the past.
i don’t think it’s a matter of “he hasn’t been around humans in so long” but more so a matter of trauma and ptsd that’s preventing him from having any sort of romantic relationship with anyone.
and if you add in the fact that he’s lost so many ppl, he may be terrified of losing yet another person dear to him. he could very well try to avoid them or smth which would be a perfect plot point for a fic… ok sorry anyw
like xiao said in that one lantern rite event - venti is a god who easily blends into human society and it’s incredibly easy for him to mingle with humans. after all, he wasn’t born a god. he achieved godhood after helping/aiding humans and being around them for a while.
I DID NOT INTEND TO MAKE THIS SO LONG LOL, but i hope i explained everything well!! :))
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mikashisus · 2 months
how abt 🇪🇺 and 📚 for the ask game 🤔 looking for smth new to read hehe
🇪🇺 — i'm american, but i'm gonna include my ethnicity here too :)) i’m white and east asian!
📚 — for book recs, i highly HIGHLY recommend ‘the song of achilles’ and ‘circe’ (both by madeline miller). but my fav fics are earth and wind, to the left of elysian, and ofc a ship in the harbor teehee
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mikashisus · 2 months
:0 what is this marionette?
marionetta on webtoon!! it’s SOOOO GOOD and sahed and julia r cuties <33 i love them smmm
i won’t give too many details bc that would be spoilers, but it’s abt these two girls who join a traveling circus. i promise it’s WAYYY more interesting than the description i gave lmfao
it’s just easy to spoil, so i didn’t wanna say too much 🫶
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mikashisus · 2 months
im waiting so long for a venti skin, like hes so beautiful on his normal skin but i think it would be so cool if we had a like “past” event were we would get to see the archons on theyre past clothes like zhongli on that pretty armor and venti on his archon clothes LIKE IMAGINE VENTI WITH WINGS, Ei with makoto clothes FURINA WITH FOCALORS AND NAHIDA WITH GREATER LORD RUKKHADEVATA’S, idk i just think about archons skin alot 😞😞
and idk if u’ve been around my blog for awhile, but i’ve been talking abt wanting to see him in his archon form again for SO LONG
i’ve also said a few times that i wish they would give him more wings to be biblically accurate LMFAOO, LIKE IMAGINE HIM AS A SERAPHIM/BIBLICALLY ACCURATE ANGEL
im actually in the process of making a slideshow abt his parallels with jesus and christianity. at first i was making it for my mom, but if u guys r interested in seeing it as well, i’d love to show it to u after it’s finished!! :))
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mikashisus · 3 days
mikashisus sunday x stellaronhunter reader mikashisus sunday x stellaronhunter reader mikashisus sunday x stellaronhunter reader mikashisus s—💥 💥 💥 GAH DAMN IM GOING ISNWJEJEHSHDHEUWIW SQUISHES YOU.
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mikashisus · 12 hours
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mikashisus · 5 days
is get him back discontinued? /gen
yall chill i literally just posted the first chapter yesterday 🤕🤕
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mikashisus · 17 days
post whatever you want about whoever you want!! i admit i also followed because of the kinich fic but your other work is just as good. maybe theres not as many venti fans since natlan characters are being pretty hyped up right now but no one should dictate who you write for! venti isn’t a character i had much interest in but your writing is so creative and really just. a breath of fresh air. (haha wind pun. sort of.) anyways just write whoever you wanna write for! getting attention for writing a character who isn’t the one you usually write for and probably won’t write again can definitely be overwhelming but it shouldn’t keep you from writing for who you want to write for!! signing off now 🫶🫶
ty for the kind words!! <33
yeah a lot of fics that feature characters that r less popular end up getting way less traction and it sucks so bad. i feel like a good chunk of venti enjoyers have found my blog, and that makes me happy!
i’ve loved that little shit since day 1 of starting the game, so i feel like it’s only natural i write a lot of fics about him 😭
and yeah all that attention after putting out that kinich oneshot was extremely overwhelming, especially bc i wasn’t expecting it to get as much traction as it did. don’t get me wrong, i’m glad ppl enjoyed it and im thankful for the love and support, but it was just so much happening all at once that it stressed me out big time 🤕
honestly, i might write for him again! i got a cool idea for a different character that i think im going to use for kinich instead bc it fits him better!
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mikashisus · 1 month
answering this in an ask cuz yeah it' easier anyways kaveh because (1) you're a writer /j and (2) i feel you're kinda ambitious and you seem to have a lot of creative ideas in your head i really admire
personality wise or vibes you're probs haitham ☠️ you don't give a shit HAHAHAAH + you did say you're kinda antisocial so hmmmm + you're really straightforward
watch me just accidentally straight up mischaracterise you
HAHA yeah i definitely count my creativeness as one of my best traits. i was always in an environment where i could be as wild and creative and imaginative as i wanted bc my mom always supported and nurtured that side of me.
though, i did have one teacher in middle school who tried to shut that part of me down and told me to “grow up.” i’m glad i never listened to her bs.
when kaveh went on a whole tangent abt his life falling apart, it def hit way too close to home for me, so i do see a little of myself in him + we r a bit similar! esp bc we both start projects we know we won’t be able to finish 😭
on the topic of alhaitham… the only similarities between us r that we’re both autistic LOL 💀 the headphones, the not wanting to be bothered, the bluntness, etc.
IM A FAKE IDGAFER, I AM WAYYYY TOO SENSITIVE LMAO, like i fr cant take jokes sometimes and my irls know that and r super understanding. i rlly hated middle school bc ppl would always say to me “why cant u take a joke”, so then i started masking 🙃
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mikashisus · 2 months
hey can i be on the tag list for older. awesome sauce fic btw :)
i only add ppl to the taglist if they have stated somewhere on their blog (either their pinned or bio) that they are 18 or older bc this fic is mdni.
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mikashisus · 2 months
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