eichigo · 2 years
I've been looking for a fanfiction that has the genshin characters on the real world but couldn't find one so I decided to make one myself, but with a sprinkle of twist.
An apocalypse had broke out, zombies scattered everywhere which you didn't expect to meet a group of handsome men and beautiful women who ironically persisted on accompanying you on your messed up apocalypse life? How bad could it be?
Part: 1, 2, 3
Tw: ooc, gore(?), blood, swears.
"Just where are we?!" Paimon cried out, her eyes glancing to the side only to find the same abandoned area with a few dried blood splattered against the cement wall.
Aether placed a finger on his lips, eyes squinting lightly as he tugged the crying creature close to his chest, silently begging Paimon to shut her mouth before they could get caught.
They were just on a hunt for a ruin guard to increase their reputation in liyue when a strong wind had knocked them back, they didn't know what happened but they just found themselves in a abandoned building with snarling monsters lurking around.
The monsters are walking, trudging towards the exit of the building they are currently in— rotten skins, dangling flesh of an unknown animal on their mouth with hideous wounds around their body. Heck, even their clothes are tattered, their chest, arms, legs and faces seem to have a couple of bites on them.
"Keep quiet, I don't know where we are and I'm sure you don't want to alarm any of those.. creatures." The blonde whispered while tugging his companion closer to him, he even covered her ears so she wouldn't hear the detestable sounds that comes out of their mouth.
"Paimon's scared, aether.." His companion whispered, trembling against him which made the male frown. He doesn't know how to comfort her because he knew that whatever comes out of his mouth, may it be comforting words or an insult— it wouldn't help her ease her nerves.
Much to his relief though, the little companion snuggled to his chest and decided to close her eyes, not wanting to see anymore of the creatures near the exit.
But where are they really?
It seems that the two aren't the only ones who got knocked back because somewhere in the area, a group of five people had been on a run ever since they got transported into this.. unknown place.
"Diluc, on your right!" Jean exclaimed, eyes widening at the sight of a creature latching itself against the mentioned man's arm.
Kaeya was quick to move on his feet, a rusted crowbar on his right hand as he dashed towards the red head male, "Duck!" Was all the eye-patched man yelled out before the red head quickly lowered his head, just in time for Kaeya to swing his crowbar towards the creature's head.
The said creature fell limp and Diluc wasted no time to push it off of him, not wanting to get a whiff of its horrendous smell.
"So far, all the information we have are these creatures loves human flesh and they are quite sensitive to sound." Lisa, the librarian uttered under her breath as she examined the corpse on the floor, "This one seem to be dead for a few days now, bashing their head helps bringing them down but.."
"They were human before." Venti stated, finishing what Lisa wanted to say.
"We can talk later." Diluc said as he wiped the blood off from his face with a handkerchief, "Let's move away from this area first, Jean's yell and this fool's—" On cue of pointing towards Kaeya, "—scream might have grab an unwanted attention from those creatures."
"You're right." The archon smiled giddily, "Let's move first!"
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"This is not good." You muttered to yourself while staring intently in the paper on your hand, well more precisely, it's a map.
"What's not good?" The voice of your little sister came from your right, "And what's that? Is that another scrap from the store?"
"No." Was your reply to her last question and you didn't bother to answer her previous questions because you're worried at the fact that your food and water supplies are running low, you don't even know if you can venture out from the safe zone based on your map.
"Sheesh, I can help y'know?" Your little sister pout at you since she knew that you're purposely ignoring her.
You glanced to her direction, taking note of her ragged clothes and old bandages wrapped around her arms to protect her from possible threats outside of your humble abode.
You released a sigh and shoved the map inside your pocket before kneeling down in front of her, "I know that you want to help, but what did I say?"
"That I can't step out of the door nor glide down the rooftop." She mimicked your voice with a small frown on her face which made you smile.
"Do you know why?" You asked gently as you grabbed her cheeks, looking into her eyes with love and adoration.
"Because you don't want me to be a meal of the zombies outside.." She replied meekly, shying away from your touch as she crossed her arms infront of her chest, "But mixing and making medicines are boring! I want to help you gather supplies for the two of us too!"
You let out a huff, "Let me scout the area first then I'll come back to get you, is that okay?"
Her eyes widened, a wide and bright smile broke into her features that looked similarly to yours, "Yes! Yes! Of course! You can take your time but make sure to come back before lunch then we'll venture out into the unknown!"
She didn't even let you say anything because she already run towards the end of the hall where her room is located, you couldn't help but chuckle out because of her enthusiasm. It's not like you don't trust her to protect herself, after all, she was the one who killed both of your parents five months ago when you couldn't do it yourself.
Those were times when you don't know how the two of you would survive without your parents, but luckily, she served as your strength which helped you to build yourself as a strong and independent young woman.
"Guess I have to get moving then." You chuckled once more.
When you said that you're gonna scout the first area outside the safe zone— you meant that you wouldn't engage om killing the zombies, but six people— who are cosplaying, if you may add, had bumped into you while they were getting chased by a large group of zombies in the distance.
"We're sorry!" The green-haired lady meekly exclaimed as you tightened your grip around her wrist, "Diona, Ganyu, and I didn't really mean to stumble down those stairs!"
The blue haired female pursed her lips, she didn't say anything and just continued running since she doesn't know what else to say to you. It is a little awkward and all of you are being chased by a horde of unknown creatures as well.
Though, the youngest cosplayer that you are carrying on your back let out a quiet hiss, "If only those foxes didn't try to touch me then I wouldn't fall.." Diona whispered, feeling guilty that she and the two young ladies had slowed you down.
"It's not good to blame others for your clumsines—" The black haired male got cut off when you sent him a glare.
"I believe that yelling and talking would attract more of those so start to run faster." You stated calmly, you happened to look at the others who are running with you, their animal ears that are part of their cosplay seem to twitch when they heard your statement.
Strange.. You thought, although, you didn't dwell more into it and opted to run faster, you don't have that much stamina but compared to the people around you— it seems like they haven't broke a sweat yet.
You can't risk leading the horde of zombies towards your home so instead, you run further away from it.
During your run, you had let go of the young lady's wrist and told Diona to hold on tight before pulling the map from your pocket, you gave it a quick look, trying to find the nearest store to scavenge and to hide into as well.
"There's a nearby convenience store!" You informed the others as you put back the map into your pocket, "Try to grab a couple of empty cans beside the road and follow me!" You gave them instructions and they are more than willing to follow it.
You were quick to behind a large broken concrete wall, the other five hid behind to an opposite broken wall and they clutch the empty cans onto their grasps.
You placed a finger on your lips and pulled Diona close to you, they seem to understand what you meant and each of them either placed their hand on their mouth or form their lips into a straight line.
You grabbed a rusted piece of metal behind Diona and stick your head out on the wall to look at the horde of zombie, the undeads haven't notice you and the others yet so you quietly shift in your spot. You lifted your arm and readied yourself to throw the metal and you let go of it, throwing it with a strength that you can muster.
"Grr..!" The zombies immediately went to the direction where you threw the distraction.
You let out a sigh of relief when you saw that the horde of zombies slowly dispersed on their own, you waited for a little bit longer, tightening your arms around Diona— afraid that you might have inflict a possible trauma towards the child's brain.
"The coast is clear." You murmured, (color) eyes glancing around to look if a zombie is in sight, luckily, there's no undead near you and that is a sign that you can go out in the open.
"Just.. What are those?" The brown haired male asked, his tail slowly curling against his left thigh as he moved closer to the other male cosplayer, he dropped the empty can in his grasp, seeing that there won't be a use of it anymore.
You blinked and looked away from the seemingly real tail, "Those are what we call zombies." You stated in a matter-of-fact tone and ushered them inside the convenience store.
"Zomb—" You quickly covered the black haired male's mouth which made the others tensed up.
You looked around the interior of the store and slowly let go of the male before pushing Diona gently towards the green haired young lady, you signaled them to stay still on their spot and you pulled the screw driver from your belt before going behind on an empty shelf.
One, two.. You mentally took note that there are two zombies, they are not that far from each other but it can create enough time for you to kill the first one before striking the second one.
Quickly, you dashed towards the nearest zombie, you kicked it from behind and quickly stabbed its head thrice before moving to the next one, you kicked its shin and it doubled over which gave you the chance to stab its head.
"It's clear." You called out, placing the screw driver back to its place on your waist and turned to look at the six cosplayer, "I have three bags inside my backpack and I want you guys to fill it up with whatever you can find inside this store, don't forget to check the date and the seal."
Just as you were about to give them the bag, the black haired male raised his hand which caught your attention.
"Yes?" You hummed, giving him a bag.
"I just wanted to ask, before you rudely cover my mouth back there, what is a zombie?" He asked, albeit a little sassy regarding the tone of his voice.
You pursed your lips, "You seriously don't know what a zombie is?"
"I wouldn't ask if I know." He said, green eyes squinting into a glare, he doesn't know why he felt offended by your question but he doesn't like the feeling it left on his chest.
"Where have you all have been living? Under a damn rock?" You scoffed under your breath, unintentionally saying it outloud instead of thinking of it.
"No, for your information, I live in Sumeru, deep in Avidya forest and I'm quite proud of it." He replied, wearing a serious expression as he grip tightly on the bag that you gave him.
"Sumeru? Where's that?" This time, you're the one who's confused.
The male was about to answer but he was cut off by the other male, "Please argue later, let's do an introduction for now since we don't know your name yet." The brown haired male stated calmly, there's a hint of authority in his voice but you dismissed it.
"Right, my name is (name), I think it's nice to meet you guys." You introduced yourself, coming off a little sarcastic at the end of your introduction.
"Very well, you can call me Gorou." The brown haired male said his name with a small smile.
"I'm Sucrose.." The young lady uttered, hiding behind the pink haired female— whom you've noticed just now. You were busy running away from the zombies to the point of not looking at the people you've been with for the past hour.
"Yae miko, you can call me Miko." Her tail wagged lightly behind her as she introduced herself, again, you didn't dwell too much into it and dismissed it.
"Tighnari." The guy who said that he lives in Sumeru.
"I'm Ganyu, I'm really sorry for bumping into you." She apologized and lowered her head while saying those words, "I didn't know what a zombie is, that's why I panicked and ran, which is a bad idea considering that I almost left a child behind along with them."
"I.." You trailed off, you don't know what to say since they seem sincere about not knowing what a zombie is, they're probably locked away from the world ever since the apocalypse started, but isn't that weird? Don't they need to eat and drink? Haven't they run out of supplies yet?
In the end, you cannot stick your nose into their business so you just waved your hand in the air and sighed.
"They're originally a normal human, a pandemic broke out which killed a lot of people in this country." Your eyebrows furrowed as you reminisce at the bitter memories, "Of course, a vaccine was made, but the virus already mutated and it caused those corpses to come back to life."
Diona's ears flattened against her head, she doesn't want to hear what's next but Yae shook her head and ushered her to listen carefully.
"Those people who comes back to life.. They start to bite those around them, they bite and eat the others, until they're satisfied." You shivered when you remembered how your mother ate your father's innards, "Once the bitten died, they will also turn into a zombie."
"You must be cautious and prepared at all times, you never know where a zombie might be lurking. They might jump at you and bite you so never let your guard down." You ruffled Diona's hair and smiled gently, "But you got two big brothers and three big sisters with you so you should feel a little more at ease."
"I believe that she must not rely on us too much." Tighnari stated, "Anyways, I thought we're here to gather scavenge for supplies? I don't know what is today's date so you need to teach me on how to look at the expiration date."
"Got it." You sighed in defeat, you guessed that is his way of talking so you just dismissed the tone of his voice.
"By the way.." Sucrose trailed off and you raised an eyebrow as you wait for her to finish her sentence, "Where did this virus came from?"
You shrugged, "I heard that it's from a wild bat, but I'm not sure."
"Then—" The green haired lady got cut off from the sound of chuckling that came from the back of the store, the sound alerted you and the others.
They quickly pushed Diona into the back to protect her and you didn't hesitate to stand infront of them.
"That's an amusing story." A man with an eye-patch walked out from the storage room, holding an alcoholic drink, "I'm pretty sure that Lisa and Jean would be intrigued on hearing that story."
"Who the hell are you?" You snarled, pulling your knife from your waist and holding it tightly close to you.
"Calm down." He stated and carefully raised both of his arms in the air with the alcoholic drink on his right hand, "I'm Kaeya, I'm not here to hurt any of you, especially not you—" He pointed his forefinger to you and smiled, "—when you know a lot about those.. Zombies."
"My friends are nearby, we have gathered a lot of food and water galloons while we're running away." He informed you and gave you a close eye smile.
"What do you say? Would you mind sharing a little bit of information in exchange of supplies?"
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hanakxtoba · 7 months
{Character tags} Kai's Roaring Riger{Takeda Shingen} The spear of Kai{Yukimura Sanada} Elegant Dragon of Eichigo{Uesugi Kenshin} Graceful shadow of Eichigo{Kasuga} Oshu's One-Eyed Dragon{Masamune Date} The benevolent Right Eye{Katakura Kojuro}
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nymphilily · 3 years
[ Me and my mom watching Sengoku Basara: The Last Party ]
Kenshin: I shall entrust the entirety of Eichigo to the Tiger of Kai
Mom: Why is he giving up his army?
Me: He's dying
Mom: Of what!?
Shingen: [ Picks up his axe ]
Me: Decapitation
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mayasshitposts · 4 years
I’ve been waiting for you (Sasuke x OC)
Prompt: None Game: Ikemen Sengoku Characters: Sasuke Sarutobi, Rukmini Chakrabarty (OC)Warnings: Angst/Fluff- starts with angst SASUKE POV Summary: Sasuke and Rukmini had been in a relationship for 2 years before being transported to he Sengoku era through the wormhole. How does Sasuke spend the four years without Rukmini, as he waits for her arrival. Notes: - Sasuke wakes up in the middle of a battlefield - Spots Kenshin and saves him - Go to kasugayama - Analysis, starts calculations - Starts training - Meets yukimura and they become friends - Sasuke's inner thoughts - After he almost dies, he cries himself to sleep - Timeskip to honnoji - Hears yuki arguing with someone - The U-T Forces inspect and Sasuke offers to escort her- - They hug and cry silently.
The world was dark, everything was hazy. One could hear the distant sounds of swords clashing and the thumping of hooves. Men were shouting war cries. The air reeked of blood and death.
Sasuke Mikumo's eyes fluttered open as he was greeted by a bright orange sky and the sights one could only associate with war. From the corner of his eye, Sasuke spotted a man crouched on the ground. He sensed some movement, and before he knew it, Sasuke's feet were moving on their own as he pushed the man out of the way of an arrow. The rest of the events were a blur as the next thing Sasuke remembers is sitting in a large hall, surrounded by men who seemed to belong to a historical movie.
"You don't seem to be from around here," Said one of the men. Sasuke whipped his head towards a man with stunning blonde hair and a piercing gaze of different coloured eyes. Sasuke fumbled, but shook his head, "No, I am not from here." He said.
"What's your name?" asked the man. Sasuke paused for a moment, before introducing himself, "Sarutobi. My name is Sasuke Sarutobi."
 A peaceful fullmoon night had fallen over Kasugayama castle. Sasuke had discovered that he had saved the Sengoku warlord, Kenshin Uesugi's life, and now Kenshin would train Sasuke in the art of the ninja, and provide him with a place to stay. However, what puzzled Sasuke the most was the events that led to this moment. Just a few hours ago, he was standing at the Honno-ji monument with his girlfriend, Rukmini.
 Sasuke Mikumo had met up with his girlfriend Rukmini Chakrabarty at the cafeteria at Kyoto University. They were both working on their joint post graduation thesis on astrophysics specializing in wormholes and time travel. While researching, Sasuke had made an interesting finding. "Rukmini?" He started, as they ate their spaghetti. The girl looked up from her plate, gesturing for Sasuke to speak.
"According to my calculations, a wormhole is supposed to open near the Honno-ji monument, and it should take us 500 years into the past. I want to test it out, would you join me?" He asked. Sasuke was nervous that she would refuse, or call his calculations stupid.
"Sure." Said Rukmini, catching Sasuke off-guard. Rukmini looked at her boyfriend of two years closely as she continued, "We'll be together, right?"
Sasuke nodded as he smiled a rare smile, "Of course we'll be together!" He exclaimed. Flashback end
 They had gone to the monument together when the wormhole appeared, yet Rukmini was nowhere to be seen. Endless possibilities ran through Sasuke's head. Could Rukmini be stuck in another dimension? Did he actually travel through time? Could Rukmini have stayed back in their original time? Sasuke could feel hiss heart clench as he thought about the worst possibilities.
 He had been dating Rukmini for two years now. They had met at university as they had been studying in the same department. Sasuke had fallen in love with her goofy personality and her dedication to academics. Sasuke winced as he felt the pangs of separation. He loved Rukmini, more than anything in this world. Sasuke dedicated the next four years of his life to calculations, and the study of ninjutsu. Sasuke met some friends along the way, including Shingen Takeda and his faithful vassal Yukimura Sanada. Over time, Yukimura became Sasuke's closest friend and support system in the Sengoku era.
 Sasuke's calculations predicted that Rukmini would arrive four years after him at Honno-ji.
 One day, Sasuke was on a scouting mission away from Eichigo, when he was ambushed. He fought valiantly, but the enemy overpowered him, beating him down. It was only when Yukimura arrived with reinforcements that the attackers fled.
Injured and frightened, Sasuke cried himself to sleep that night. What would happen if he had died? Who would tell Rukmini? Who would comfort her when she arrived? All Sasuke wanted was to feel her warmth, and to reassure her, and himself that he was still alive. Sasuke missed Rukmini, he really did.
 Four years had passed since Sasuke had first arrived in the Sengoku era. He was with Kenshin, Shingen, Yoshimoto and Yukimura, as they travelled through the forests near Honno-ji for scouting. They had heard about Oda activity near the territory. Sasuke was glad, as he expected Rukmini to arrive in the Sengoku on that day. The party observed activity near the temple as they lay in wait. Yukimura had gone ahead while Sasuke waited in the shadows.
Suddenly, Sasuke heard Yukimura arguing with someone. He rushed towards the voices and spotted Yukimura talking to a woman. The woman seemed familiar. Sasuke's breath hitched in his throat as he caught a clearer glimpse of her face. Sasuke moved closer to listen in on their conversation. The others join Yukimura and start questioning her. Sasuke knew that the girl was getting nervous. He emerged from his spot as the girl's eyes lit up as she noticed him. Sasuke looked at her, tears pricking at his eyes. He felt that he was alive again.
 "I'll escort her back to the city," Sasuke offered. The men were reluctant, but agreed, considering Sasuke was the safest option.
Once Sasuke was sure that they were alone, he pulled the woman into his arms and let the tears fall. "Rukmini," He whispered, "I've been waiting for you."
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acrispyapple · 4 years
hi there! i was wondering if you knew in which ikesen route it was where kenshin wanted to take mitsunari home with him to eichigo haha! i just randomly remembered it but i cant remember what route it happened in
heya! err, are you referring to this? it’s not from any route, it’s from a collection event story: sengoku host club! ♡
here’s a bonus mitsunari scene from shingen’s route~ (¯▿¯)
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heya! umm, it means exactly as you said it. i don’t know how else i can make it clearer. shards drop randomly (tho with a limit) when you do normal / elite missions, you can also send it to friends (an option is placed in the game), and yes, you also get them from wish tree pulls. as usual, it can cost you gems if you want to get everything fast and complete. (⌒_⌒;)
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heya! oh, it’s because it’s an old post of mine. i just reblogged it then because it was relevant to the event announcement. i delete my ‘old post’ reblogs after a day. i’ll link it here and reblog the post again after this ask. (^ ^*)♡
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jardimdeglicinias · 6 years
☭ (Himezuru xD)
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BATTLE THEME: Ryuu to sakura miko - Hatsuki YuraBATTLE INTRO: Engage in combat fully determined to die and you will be alive, wish to survive in battle and you will surely meet death. And I assure you: I’m always determined to die.VICTORY: As expected.DEFEAT: … Ah-ah… It hurts… But knowing the pain soon will be over… I can go in peace…ASSIST: Don’t waste this opportunity!TAUNT: I was used at Kawanakajima, this is nothing but a silly game!REACTING TO TAUNT: Show more respect to the Crane Princess!FLEE: I shall take my leave, I’m only wasting my time and ruining my clothes!REACTING TO FLEE: Already running? The Dragon of Eichigo will be displeased if I fail to cut an enemy… I’m coming for you!TIE: Ooh? Haha… So funny… I missed this feeling of having someone on my level.PERFECT VICTORY: Did you really thought that the dainty Crane Princess wouldn’t be filled with Bishamonten’s grace? How pathetic.FINISH MOVE: Time to stop this foolishness!
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aldreaoakley · 7 years
(I’ll admit that the story isn’t one of the most happiest of stories but thanks to playing Shall We Date: Destiny Ninja’s fairytale, I manage to get a nice happy ending. Shingen is a tall softie and there is no fucking way he’s gonna let some poor peasant girl die in the damn winter cold without anything to keep her tiny frame warm. …lost my temper but honestly it shocks me how heartless some beings can be in regards to harsh winter chill.)
Shingen walks along the streets of Kasugayama Castle town watching as the snow falls. Then a teenaged girl wearing an extremely thin kimono, faded cloak and barefooted wonders around while cradling tiny bundles of some sort in a thread-thin haori. As she offers one of the bundles to a wealthy merchant, he watches as the finely dressed man scoffs at her while walking away. The scene is enough to make Shingen’s blood boil. That is no damned way to treat a woman. No matter her age. Making sure he has a mental image of her frame burned into his memory, Shingen turns to find materials. ~*~ His first stop is a fabric store. He peruses the bolts and asks for the ones in the back. He holds back a frown as he realizes that none are appropriate for what he had in mind. Unless… He buys three bolts of fabric and carries them to his next stop. Arriving at the cobblers he studies the variety like at the fabric store. He looks them over until he sees specialized yuki-geta. He inspects them until he finds the right size for the girl. He buys that pair and walks out again. His final stop is a basket weavers’ for a sturdy carrying one. En route to Kasugayama Castle, he sees the girl huddled in an alleyway. He’d better hurry. Winters in Eichigo aren’t the best ones to be outside in the cold for. Once inside the castle grounds, he hurries to the seamstresses. He tells them all the details he knows of the girl while laying the bolts down. It wasn’t long before Shingen watches the ladies work their magic with the cloths. Slender fingers transform the flat weavings into clothing that rivals any courtesan ladies. Scissors fly and needles dance with threads trailing behind. The light lavender one transforms into a hadajuban and koshimaki. A topaz yellow nagajuban and obi soon lays with them. The last touch is a ruby kimono dusted with gold and emerald thread-work accompanied with a violet obi cord and matching snow cloak. He has them fold the clothes, obi and tabi socks so they can go into the basket. Using some spare fabric, he wraps the yuki-geta then goes back into the cold. ~*~ Shingen darts down the now nighttime streets looking for the alleyway. His worry grows at the sight of the lengthening snow. If he doesn’t find her now… “…don’t leave,” weakly reaches his ears. Using that as his only lead, he pushes himself to the source of the sound. When he arrives, the sight comes close to horrifying him. Eyes shut. Pale skin. Blue lips. Snow blanket. The worst lays with the two used matches next to an unused one. Shingen ignores them to put the remaining into the basket, clothing and geta got placed on the haori. He notice the sounds woke her up. He offers her a gentle smile. “Good morning angel,” he greets. “Wha- Who,” she whispers. “Don’t worry. Get dressed and then I’ll pay you,” he continues as he turns around. “It’s rude to look at a lady while she’s getting dressed.” As the last one gets places into the basket Shingen can’t suppress the smile on his face. He holds the basket out to her and watches as she timidly accepts it. “So… are you going to buy some matches sir,” she asks him, reaching for a bundle. “Not just one bundle,” Shingen smiles as he pulls out his purse.
EPILOGUE Shingen wakes to see his son and daughter, Chiaki and Hikari, sleeping on his chest with ___ in her futon beside him. He gently curls his fingers around her’s while moving a strong arm across his small kids. Six winters since Shingen rescues ___ from her fate on that snowy day. He faintly recalls her father’s angered reaction as he hugs her close. Putting him in prison and ensuring that all her older and younger siblings get a warm place as a staff at the castle happened right after he brings her back to the castle with him that night. He takes her to the doctor who assures them both that ___ is able to recover quickly after a few good meals and proper rest. What feels like forever was only about half a season to earn her trust while helping in her healing the best he can. Not long after they marry under a shower of sakura petals. Her siblings attend that day along with Kenshin, Yukimura, Sasuke and their fiancee or wife. After the marriage, they take residence in one of the castle’s manors. Chiaki then Hikari both got born with less than a season of the other. The suns after their births are full of smiles and light. At the thought of Hikari’s namesake, Shingen glances at a small bundle of matches laying on a shelf. To anyone but Shingen, they think something trivial as matches can lead to a beautiful family like this. In the times of war and deaths of innocents and lives, he cannot be more grateful for something as this. A family in a small manor being protected from the horrors temporarily in the current reality. ‘Yes. I’ll make sure that Chiaki and Hikari can protect themselves,’ Shingen promises himself. ‘So that they can protect others.’
A/N: I’ll admit that this is short but I am not that cruel to give Shingen hallucinations or death. I lost count of how many flirts in otome games overall are usually sad men or have such depressing pasts. So no way and no how am I going to do that. I had to research what was worn in the Sengoku era for women’s kimono and footwear consisted of. @quincette had mentioned the koshimaki in a fic (not gonna say which one but she’s a great writer and stays true to the era and culture) and I had to look for other parts of a kimono. I got more info from Jigoku Shoujo, a.k.a. Hell Girl, wiki about the other parts of a woman’s kimono, namely the juban that women wear under their kimono. I also read someplace that haori isn’t worn by women until the Meiji era. Searched a long time to learn about the footwear that they’d wear during that time. Word break down for the word “yuki”. Depending on how it’s written in Japanese kanji, “yuki” can mean “courage” or “snow”. Many Ikesen and other Sengoku inspired game players know of Yukimura but yuki in yuki-geta didn’t sound like a funny pun to me when I read about the snow geta. 幸 is Yukimura’s but the yuki for snow is this 雪. 幸村 doesn’t sound the same if written like this 雪村. But yuki-geta have special spikes that allow better grip in the snow and ice along with the distance from the cold ground. Perfect for the location of Eichigo. It’s in a location that has serious cold winters. If anything this is someplace that you don’t want to wonder around barefooted with or without tabi socks and sandals. Kudos to @deathbyikemen for her warlords as fathers headcanon. It the best way to get the fluff and smiles for the soft sides for these fighters. The way how I’ve seen Shingen interact with others from various posts (and not playing the Dueling Hearts ES for Masamune) I did what I could through actions that he cares. Sure he flirts but from what I understand from seeing the various versions of him, he is a man who cares about people around him and to go the extra distance to help a person he doesn’t know. And while it does sound perverted on that he memorized how the girl looks, I did that to show that he is serious about getting her the proper warmth, well-fitting clothes and correct footwear. Cold winters and weather aren’t fun no matter where we are.
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xoxosheera · 7 years
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April 4, 2017,
   Today was a quick start as we had to board a bullet train to Joetsu Myoko. As we said goodbye to our snowy memories from Kanazawa, we arrived at a more grey-er and “depressed” atmosphere. The first place in Joetsu Myoko was Kobagahama beach. 
   Shinran Shonin was exiled to Eichigo (Present Niigata) when he was 35 due to the ban on the Nembutsu teaching. The Kotagahama beach is the beach where Shinran arrived. These places were known for their heavy snow and bitterly cold winter temperatures. There was a little sanctuary inside and the feeling around the beach was depressing but peaceful. The whole Hawaii group did a mini service outside by the beach before we left. 
   The next place was another temple. Same as Hida Kokubunji, Gochi Kokubunji was built by Emperor Shomu about 1200 years ago. The main Buddha is Gochi Nyorai. When Shinran began his exil in Echigo, it is said that he passed his first year at Gochi Kokubunji. There is a hermitage on the temple property called Takeno uchi Soan. The statue of Shinran Shonin was placed in it. After his exile was over, Shinran had to leave the area. However, the people in the area wanted him to stay so badly that he looked into a pond and carved a image of himself to but on the alter. Then, it would be as if he was still there. 
   Then we went ot Kokufu Betsuin. After having spent his first year at Takenouchi Soan, Shinran Shonin moved to Takegahana. (the betsuin). In 1214, Shinran left from Kanto and this place changed its name to “Shinran Haisho Gosoan Annyo Dojo” and it kept spreading the Nembutsu teaching. In 1805, the current Hondo was built by the devoted followers of the Shonin in the Echigo Area. In 1930, the temple was officially named Kokufu Betsuin. The temple was gorgeous. Gold filled the alter and the intricate designs of the different flowers made this temple complete. 
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eichigo · 1 year
An apocalypse had broke out, zombies scattered everywhere which you didn't expect to meet a group of handsome men and beautiful women who ironically persisted on accompanying you on your messed up apocalypse life? How bad could it be?
Part: 1, 2, 3
Tw: ooc, grammatical errors, swearing.
"Almost there!" Tighnari gasped out, eager to see the new area he is about to step into.
The safe zone, the others are excited to see the said location, you spoke so highly of the place which is why, they are curious to death.
They don't know what they are expecting honestly, probably a place with a lot of trees? But there's too many large buildings around them. Maybe, a mountain? But they are in the city. A building? If it is, you would not have encircled the destination on the map further from your current location.
"W-what is that?!" Gorou's surprised outburst had alarmed the others.
They don't know what they are expecting honestly, but the gigantic wall and an iron gate that came in their sight— were the least of their expectations.
How in the teyvat have you managed to surround the safe zone with walls that are made of rocks?
Tighnari's pupils dilated when he saw a child in front, just above a large metal gate that seem to be the entrance of the safe zone you've spoken of, the child's form is frigid— he can tell from the distance, he has a hunch that the child can and will lock them out.
Yet, the child made no movement to close the gate on them, probably because the child knows that you are with them.
He can also smell your scent from the young girl. Is that your little sister? Is she your child perhaps? But why is she so small? So small, yet, intimidating.
You have never thought that you would have another person joining you and your sister, you have never thought about it, but you brought back, not a single person— but a group! How will you explain to your sibling that they can be trusted when you only know them for a couple of hours?!
I'll worry about that later!
As soon as tighnari and the others stepped into the safe zone, all of you passed by the large metal gate, your sister on top of the said entrance with her hand gripping the lever, she pulled the device the moment the others stepped inside.
The metal gate let out a loud squeal as it close itself, it must have alerted the zombies nearby, but you are not worried about them breaking in because the gate and the wall are ten inches thick.
You can hear ganyu and gorou panting heavily under their breath with a calm tighnari looking around expectantly, you, on the other hand, cough out loud to let yae miko to let go of you— since she was quick to carry you on her shoulders as the others had the chance to run away from the horde.
“My apologies.” She smiled at you while gently putting you on the ground, your feet stomped the solid pavement under you and you let out a sigh of relief, "Are you that nervous to be held by me?" A chuckle escaped from the pink haired lady's throat, amused and deligted by your reaction.
"No, I am merely embarrassed to be carried by a woman when I can run myself—" The refusal to her question were cut off when you heard a pair of small feet running down the stairs of your humble abode.
"Sis!" There goes your little sister, her worried face came in to your sight, the moment you entered her peripheral view, she was quick and didn't waste anytime to launch herself into you with her wriggly arms wrapped tightly around your waist, "Why did you take so long to come home?! I prepared your lunch and dinner thinking that you wouldn't take eight hours outside! But what? You came back looking haggard and even brought strangers in here?!"
You would've scold her from the tone she's using on you, but you can tell that she's both frustrated and worried about you, thus, you held yourself back while you let her vent out her feelings.
She's still a child after all.
Your little sister won't stop sobbing against your stomach, her face buried onto your clothes with her hug tightening on you. Meanwhile, the others stood awkwardly on their spot, they don't want to wander around without your permission, as much as they want to examine the place, they know that a child comes first.
Ten minutes had passed or so, the little girl on your arms had calmed down, however, she still sniffling and pouting.
"Are you okay now?" You asked, your voice void of any negative emotions and tone, only gentleness which made your new members to question if it's the same young woman who killed those zombies without any mercy.
"Mhmm.. Yeah." Came a short reply, but you didn't mind.
You gave her a smile and caressed her head, "Good, why don't you take a rest? I'm sure that you've been antsy while waiting for me."
You felt her grab the back of your shirt, "No. I don't trust these guys." She murmured, the two of you didn't notice at how the four reacted, the foxes' ears twitched thrice after hearing her statement and the dog's tail wagged behind him, the adepti's fingers flinched with her eyes staring holes behind your little sister's head.
You pursed your lips, thinking of a peaceful solution.
When you thought of one, you were quick to turn your head on tighnari's direction, seeing this, the fennec fox flinched from his spot, "Go to your left and there will be an intersection, turn right, when you see a white dirty door, go inside then put all of the scavenged goods on one of the tables."
Tighnari blinked, you let the words sink into his head and waited a couple of second before you saw him nod, he acknowledge your order and almost immediately, the four started to leave you alone with your little sister.
When they are out of sight, you carefully wrapped your arms around the child's body and hummed.
"I'm really sorry, love." You sincerely apologized as you pat your little sister's head, "I stumbled upon them when I was on my way back, but a horde of zombies chased after us, I didn't want to lead those undeads here so I took a detour."
"A detour? Where did you go?" Finally, your little sister looked up at you, the skin around her eyes are red and swollen, it made you feel so bad because she must have been so worried.
"Somewhere, around east from here? I met another group and I gave them information in exchange for the supplies." You stated, your fingers combing her hair and you can feel her body melting into yours which prompted for you to let out a chuckle, "There was a kid with us at first, but that kid seem to know the other people from the other group so I left her in their care."
Upon hearing this, the little girl in your arms perked up, she purser her lips and seemingly wanted to say something, but decided against it.
"As long as you're back, sound and safe then it's all good." She muttered before letting go of you, "Make sure that the people you brought here are good, I don't want to clean up your mess again."
"Alright, now run along." You gave her head a pat then she run down the hall opposite from your position, you assumed that she's going back to her monitor room.
Your gaze lingered on the path she run off to for a moment longer before tearing your gaze away, "It's better to check onto the new guys." You uttered under your breath as you walk down the path that you had instructed on Tighnari.
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"Is that all the bags?" Yae asked, scanning through their scavenged goods.
"Yes, there were only three bags that (name) handed to us earlier." Ganyu politely replied, her hand against her chest as she tilt her head a little to emphasize.
"Do you think (name)'s little sister will accept us?" Gorou asked, the anxiety bubbling inside his chest are slowly filling his head, "I feel like (name) will kick us if her sister doesn't like us."
Silence filled the air, we know that, the three thought in despair, however, their faces are void of any emotion. They can't let the others know about their feelings— they are in an unknown place, there are a lot of things to take note off if they want to survive.
What they are feeling right now will only render them useless, they need to bury it if they want to survive.
"Just.. Keep quiet for now." Yae stated, she knew that the general is not someone soft, but she can understand what he is feeling right now.
They got thrown into an unknown world after all.
The four of them stiffened when they heard your footsteps, they don't know how to face you after the ruckus your sister had made. It was clear as day that she doesn't like any one of them— well, they are strangers and they don't know anything about you nor your little sisters so they can at least understand that.
However, being openly aggressive towards an unknown group? Your sister seems like she's still immature.
They wouldn't say that out loud though.
"Oh, good job." You complimented them as soon as you walked inside and when you saw the bags above the tables, you nodded your head, "I'll prepare your portions for tonight after that, I'll show you guys where you will be staying in."
Murmurs of agreements can be heard, you raised an eyebrow at their weird behaviour, tighnari doesn't seem like he's feeling okay due to the lack of sassy response.
Nonetheless, you're glad that you're inside the safe zone now.
"Morax, Buer." A feminine voice called out as her sword materializing on her hand, "I can feel Barbatos's presence, as well as Beelzebul's."
"Then we're in the same place? That's quite a relief." The dendro archon let out a sigh of relief, her feet tapping against the cracked pavement as she walked closer to the tall man in front of her.
"Did you hear that, Morax? We can finally go home!" Buer squealed in delight, she doesn't know how long they have been inside of this cruel world so she's just happy that she can go back to teyvat.
The said person hummed, the beautiful pair of amber eyes stared in front of them as the chaos ensued.
"It is a great news." Morax murmured, but why do I feel another powerful presence in this world?
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eichigo · 2 years
An apocalypse had broke out, zombies scattered everywhere which you didn't expect to meet a group of handsome men and beautiful women who ironically persisted on accompanying you on your messed up apocalypse life? How bad could it be?
Part: 1 2, 3
Tw: ooc, grammatical errors.
"What do you say? Would you mind sharing a little bit of information in exchange of supplies?"
After the awkward exchange of hostility (just on your part), Sucrose eased the tension by telling you that she knew who the man was albeit nervously and fidgeting in her spot while fumbling over her words as she tell you about a few discreet detail where they came from.
You ended up apologizing towards the eye-patched man and followed behind him as he leads you towards his group.
Upon reaching the destination, Sucrose and Diona run towards the group with relieved and hopeful expressions, Diona run up to the blonde female who wore the similar yet different uniform as Kaeya while Sucrose got comforted by the woman behind the red haired male.
"Who are these people?" A male? Or female with beautiful green eyes, asked.
"The one with (color) hair and (color) eyes held a couple of useful information so I bargained with them, food and water supplies for informations." Kaeya stated, smiling at the person beside him.
"And the others?" The unnamed person asked again.
"They're with me." You answered, eyes narrowed at the sight of the red haired male gripping the nailed-baseball bat in his right hand.
"Lower your weapon, as I haven't raised mine ever since I stepped on this place." Your statement was directed to the male whom actually listened to your demand request albeit reluctantly while still giving you a hard and calculated gaze.
Gorou, who could sense your growing annoyance— stepped beside you and cautiously placed his palm against your shoulder, seeing that you didn't bother pushing his touch away, he decided to pull you back to put some distance between you and the other group.
"Calm down, we came here to gather the supplies." He reminded you, his eyes shifting to the unnamed red-head to your tensed form, "You need to tell them what you know so we can leave as soon as possible."
"Sorry." You breathed out, slightly agitated at the fact that you lost your temper at the sight of a weapon raised to you and your strangers of a friends.
"It's fine." Yae reassured you, her hand caressing your head to ease the tension from your body, "Now that you're calm, we need to leave this place the moment we gather the supplies while you tell them what they need to know."
"Okay." You agreed, you gave the bags to tighnari and ganyu before jean lead them towards the storage room. Yae and gorou gave you a reassuring squeeze on your shoulders then they followed the other two.
The other woman smiled at you then towards her friends before she ushered sucrose and diona to another room, you could feel the sucrose's gaze on you but you didn't bother looking at her because you knew that you have no right to stop her from straying away from your temporary group.
"Let me introduce myself first," The black haired male? Or female, spoke up and smiled, "My name's venti, the bard! It's nice to meet you!"
You pursed your lips and nodded, "(Name), can't say that it's the same case for me."
"Since my brother wouldn't introduce himself then let me." Kaeya spoke up and pointed at the red head, "That's Diluc, he's one of our strong fighter here."
You only nodded your head to acknowledge their presence, opting to focus on venti who won't smiling and giggling on his spot.
"It's been a while since we got here and we have gathered a few informations from those creatures." He informed you with a small smile, "They can't feel pain, they somehow stop if we hit them in the head. They are already dead, for days or for who knows how long."
"And they seek for living flesh." He stated bluntly, his smile vanishing from his face as he stared at you, "May I know the cause of this?"
You crossed your arms, "It started a few months ago, a virus broke out and killed many people— half of this country's population had been wiped out because of that. I couldn't say where it came from, but I heard a couple of rumors that it came from a wild animal, another rumor said that it came from a cave bat, another one said that it came from a mice, but I could never guess based on a rumor alone."
"How about the fact that they feed on human flesh?" The red head, diluc, finally spoke up due to the mystery of the flesh eating creatures, "I get that a virus might have caused this, but it doesn't explain why."
You sighed deeply, frowning, "I don't know about that, although, I've been with a couple of survivors before they turn into a zombie—"
"Zombie?" Venti abruptly cut you off, intrigued at the name you had just uttered. His eyes shone brightly and turned to kaeya, "That name is interesting, isn't it? I prefer calling it zombie instead of calling it creature!"
Kaeya chuckled, "I believe so—"
"Ahem." You unintentionally glared at them, "As I was saying, if a survivor will turn, their eyes will turn black, their pupils will be turned into a dark color, their complexion will turn pale and exactly 2 hours after they show the symptoms, they will turn."
"Does that mean that anyone who will die, will eventually turn?" Diluc asked, eyebrows furrowed.
"Yes, another way to turn is when you get bitten, scratched or if your wound got infected by their blood." You stated quite bitterly, "That's why, no matter where you guys at, you need to be extra careful because a small wound can also be the reason why you will turn."
"Is that.. all?" Kaeya asked, afraid that something worse will be added but to his surprise, you nodded your head to reply to his question. He unintentionally let out a sigh of relief when he saw your action.
"Although," You spoke up which caused for them to tensed up once again, "They are quite sensitive to sounds, they are blind and doesn't have a sense of smell but contrary to that, they have a sharp sense of hearing."
After your statement, no one spoke due to them letting the information sink, how can this world be worse than their world? Venti couldn't help but think— can they even survive, now that there's a child in their custody?
It doesn't matter. Venti thought, he shook off his anxieties and gave you a smile once more.
"Thank you for sharing those valuable informations." He thanked you softly, if only he could sing a song for you to thank you properly but then again, this isn't the same world where he once resided in.
Speaking of which, are they the only ones who got transported to this place? What if the Geo archon also got transported? What about the Electro archon? What about the other archons? If their strength got combined, they have a high percentage of surviving until a cure appear.
But considering the pasts, this hope of mine would get crashed due to their disagreements. The former anemo archon ended up being disappointed by himself, he let out a sigh and looked at you again.
"What?" You asked, venti pursed his lips as he think of a better solution— one where he, and the people under his wings right now could be safe while maintaining a good relationship with you, and your group, but how? You look so alarmed and cautious just by him, merely looking at you.
He can tell that you wouldn't trust him that easily, but he can't blame you. This is your world, you've been in that situation for who knows how long, you've been there when it started so who knows what kind of problems, troubles and tragedies you have encountered.
"Can they take any longer?" Your question brought him out of his thoughts, "Someone's waiting for me, I can't be out until dark."
Venti opened his mouth to answer but he was stopped by tighnari's appearance, the fox walked towards you with a heavy bag against his hands and that said fox got greeted by your relieved smile.
"Miss yae, gorou and ganyu are almost finished." He informed you, his tail swishing behind him while subtly walking beside you.
You stayed quiet, getting anxious because you've been out for too long. You don't know if your little sister is mad, upset or disappointed at you for breaking your promise, but you just want to go home now.
And no, it's not like you don't trust her. In fact, you trust her more than anyone else inside the room with you right now, she's probably stronger than them too. The home that you're staying in with your sister are heavily secured as well, you didn't spend an entire six months by doing nothing.
"That's all of them." Yae hummed, her ears perked up at the sight of you thinking so deeply that you failed to notice they are all already standing in front of you, slightly blocking you from the other view and surrounding you.
"(Name)." Gorou called out, his free hand patted your shoulder which successfully caught your attention.
"Hm?" You blinked, "Oh, sorry. I was just thinking." You muttered under your breath and examined the bags on their arms, "Aren't that too many?"
"Oh no, that's a fair amount of supplies." The unnamed woman said, "My name is Lisa, sucrose and diona are already asleep." She informed you with a smile, her eyes looking deeply into yours.
"I.." You trailed off, you wanted to bring diona back with you so your beloved little sister can have someone to play with but you know that you can't force a child to come home with you, "Nevermind." You sighed.
"Feel free to come back." Both Lisa and Venti said as they dropped you off at the door, "I'm sure that, sucrose wouldn't mind seeing you again."
You didn't bother replying, instead, you walked away from their abode without looking back— they could only watch as your figure and the others' grew smaller as the distance kept growing. You helped them big time and the anemo archon doesn't know how to thank you, the two of you might be a stranger but he could tell that you're not some heartless monster.
"May the wind guide you, (name)."
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It's already dark, the sun has already set and the zombies nearby became even more sensitive to the sound around them. You had forgot to mention that the zombies became hyperactive as soon as the sky turns dark.
Currently, the five of you are hiding from the dead, you underestimated the fact that these are zombies you're talking about, they walk around aimlessly so it won't be avoided if they managed to reach the safe zone.
But still, you didn't expect them to be this near.
Tighnari tapped your shoulder and signaled you to move to the left, apparently, the three with cosplay ears are quite sensitive to sound as well. Although, their sense of hearing are way better than the monsters around you.
Ganyu placed her hand against yours, her grip on your palm is tight as she and the others exchange signals.
You had told them where the safe zone starts, right now, you're still out of it so the area is still infected with zombies— not that it really matters, but it's already dark! Your little sister is probably waiting for you at the monitor room! She probably hasn't eaten anything yet considering that she might be worried of your whereabouts.
"Can I hold you? We're gonna make a run for it." A shiver run up your spine when you felt Yae's warm breath against your right ear, her hand automatically circled around your waist which left ganyu disappointed and upset.
"H-ha?" You stuttered out, both flustered and confused.
"Nevermind, hold onto me and make sure that you won't scream, okay?" The pinak-haired cosplayer uttered, she gave the bag to the other lady and she shifted you on her lap.
She scooped you in her arms and from your peripheral vision, you can see gorou and tighnari had brought out the empty cans they picked up earlier (from part one) before they got into a stance.
Ganyu also readied herself to run, yae hummed and took a deep breath before the two males threw the cans as far as they can.
The sound echoed, it caught the unfocused attention of the zombies around you and they all limped towards the location the cans had landed on.
Meanwhile, the four wasted no time by running away from the hiding spot. Tighnari is leading the group because he has the map with him, you entrusted the piece of paper towards him because he showed off his skills earlier by remembering the path where all of you came from the location of venti's group.
"Almost there!" Tighnari gasped out, eager to see the new area he is about to step into.
It's not just him, the others are also eager to see the home you're proud of, you kept muttering how much you miss your home, your bed, and your sister.
They couldn't wait to be inside of your home, they may not look like it but they became quite fond of you since you didn't"t hesitate to show them that you can and will protect them if needed to.
Besides, are you not the one who took them under your wings unconsciously? So why would they refuse your hospitality in this cruel, wide and unknown world of yours?
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