#— zuri speaks now. ༉‧₊˚.
by sick i mean like… the common flu, colds, fever, cough, etc etc (reblog if possible, just so i can see more ppl’s answers)
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harmonysanreads · 1 year
Vampire! Alhaitham casually dropping the most ardent, most passionate compliments and pickup lines in all of Teyvat's history in ancient languages but in written form. He leaves notes around the house and instead of throwing them away, darling just collects them because the calligraphy and writing is nice.
Fast forward to the time where darling is comfortable enough to ask him what those notes mean and he just short-circuits. You've been collecting them???? Since when??? He always assumed you threw them out. Oh dear. Who's going to help him translate all of them without losing his composure?
Oh Zuri, that's just perfect.
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Even the most comedic literary collection Alhaitham could manage to procure for your entertainment, would fail to invoke even half of the feelings you feel bubbling inside at the mere sight of the vampire's stunned stature. His eyes are unblinkingly fixated on the stack of parchment you'd placed amongst the piles of books and files on his desk — his bewilderment accentuate further at the height of the bundle, to which his books cower. You can practically hear his thoughts running miles per second, an unconscious gulp and you're more intrigued than before about the mystery of these notes.
“Ah, there's five more of these stacks in my room, actually. If you want, I can bring them here, too?”
You tilt your head to get a better look of the vampire's face and almost burst out laughing as his breath hitches in disbelief. His lips part to speak but nothing leaves, after a bit of struggle he groans, running a hand through his hair.
“Why... did you keep them?” the question is not accusatory, his voice is barely above a whisper as though raising an octave might shatter something important. His hand remains entangled in his hair, eyes narrowed at a particular piece of writing and — is your eyesight growing weak or are those flickers of embarrassment you see in them?
You shrug, “I recognized them to be your handwriting and I found them aesthetically pleasing, so I decided to collect them. Even though they make no sense.. oh! Also because I thought they could be important to you.”
Alhaitham sighs in relief inside, that's so... you. But he soon finds it stolen away as you come to his side with a skip in your steps, holding onto his arm to get his attention.
“Did you know, I went through all the books in your library to try translating the texts! ..But most of the time, the streams of consciousness are so complex I can barely grasp a word. Why do you have to write so... complicatedly?”
Alhaitham feels a throb inside his ribcage as your lips purse together, your hold tightening around his bicep to express your distress and it takes everything in him to not squeeze your cheeks. He lets out a real sigh this time, well at least, you don't know what those writings mean ; the stretch of an amused smile beginning to materialize.
“So, will you end my agony and tell me what they mean now? Please?”
The pout on your lips is replaced with a sudden determined look, you're serious about this, huh. The red tint in his eyes flashes a little, Alhaitham gently removes your hand from his arm and takes yours in his clasp instead. One small tug and you've tumbled to his lap.
“How about... I show you instead?”
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teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
Congrats on 700 followers!! I forgot to send in an ask when I first saw the post T^T but it's 100% well deserved <3 (1k when?XD). Your works always feel well thought out and I really love your writing style! Thank you so much for sharing your works with the world!!!! uu
Now, for the request thingy I thought, “I’m the only thing keeping you safe from this filthy, disgusting world.” - with our fav boy Childe? 👀
Hopefully, the prompt is able to bring you an idea :D (and hopefully I requested this correctly DX) Have a nice day Zuri!!!!
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Masochism and sadism go hand in hand with Childe. It makes sense. He likes a good fight, relishes it even. The nonchalance he has when discussing a particularly brutal showdown he recently had should have been the most obvious red flag, but you brushed it off as some kind of weird warrior thing.
You were terribly wrong.
Despite the rough and ragged exterior, he's soft and more... 'puppy-like' on the inside. That's what kept you with him. You had a morbid curiosity to dissect him and learn about what makes him this way, why he's so two faced and why he's so terribly intent on domesticity despite his everyday life.
That should've been another red flag, but you don't know better, do you? In attempt to get to know him better, you had accepted his invitation to have dinner at his house. It was an enjoyable evening. You were given a glimpse of his teenage years in the form of the story of how he joined the Fatui and felt some kind of sympathy for him.
It would be wrong to call that feeling love. If anything, it was just you feeling better about yourself. Seeing people like him makes you realise that your life hasn't been all that bad being from a Liyue village and all. Maybe it's the fact that he's still alive and well that draws you to him. Even after going through so much - evident of the scars that peek through his clothing - he still tries and tries.
So now that he's confessed and you've turned him down, you're getting a hint of the sadism that he enjoys.
Taunts are all you're getting. Open windows, an unlocked door, a letter neatly folded letter left on your bed and the lack of his explicit presence but the ever looming shadow that apparently haunts you like a ghost.
You were fired today.
And that letter - that damned letter - is asking if you'd finally like to accept him.
Maybe satiating your curiosity was a bad idea. Maybe you shouldn't have thought of another person as some kind of study material, as some kind of solace for yourself. Maybe this is how the archons punish you for thinking so.
After gathering your bearings, you rush back out the door and stomp to his residence. The guards hadn't asked you anything, simply letting you go as you please, and you take it as another taunt. He's messing with you, that much is evident.
Even his main door was unlocked. It's almost as if he was expecting you.
And expecting you he was because he's leisurely sat on the sofa with his burgundy shirt unbuttoned as he casually twirls a blade in his hand.
"What the hell is this?"
Your tormentor tilts his head, side eying you before a smile stretches on his face.
"Why, good evening to you too." His voice, smooth and confident, annoys you to the core. "I was waiting for you to come visit."
"Childe, I already said no. I'm not interested in a relationship with you."
There it is. That wide eyed smile that clearly shows he's anything but right in the head.
A gaze that's cold as ice greets you when he turns to completely face you, blade now left on the sofa. His lips part to speak and you almost consider walking away.
"I'm the only thing keeping you safe from this filthy, disgusting world. Do you really want to throw that away? Throw away all the comfort that I can and will give you? Would you rather go out there and let those bastards satisfy their dirty eyes with your presence?"
You take a step forward, but he stands up. Barefoot, he slowly makes way towards you, grabbing your face like you're about to run away.
"I'll keep you safe, [Name]. I'll protect you."
Grabbing his wrists, you remove his hands with a scoff. "I already told you. Leave me alone."
He doesn't say anything. He simply smiles when you move to the door, chuckling when you can't open it. You get another glimpse of his sadism when he grabs your shoulders, breathing down your neck. Maybe you shouldn't have pitied him. Maybe you should've feared him instead.
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sheep-from-rad · 2 years
Come to bed Notes: I have a series idea for idol Scaramouche x idol reader but I haven't drafted it yet so here's a small fic for now Content warnings: established relationships, pet names Masterlists: [masterlist1] | [masterlist 2]
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Tevyat has multiple languages: the common tongue and the language used by the native regions. It’s not uncommon for people to speak multiple languages all around as the common tongue is used in business and trades. Ayato, when he’s tired, he sometimes reverts back to speaking his native language. 
It was already late at night when you opened the door carrying a pot of freshly brewed tea to his office. Ayato looks up from his work, ink stains on his hand and a soft smile on his lips. “なんで、まだ起きてるの?”, his voice sounded in the room together with the tea that the traveller specifically bought in Sumeru. Ayato cleared the space next to where he is sitting, allowing a spot for you to sit on. 
“I should be the one asking you that question”, you retorted. “It’s been 5 days already. You need to go to sleep properly and on the bed.” Ever since the lift of the vision hunt decree, his desk has never been cleared of papers. Usually, he will have you and Ayaka to sit and team with him in his office but now the floor is littered with papers and the stack only grows bigger each passing day. “Just a little more, I promise I will join you soon.” 
Your lips pressed into a thin line upon hearing his words, “You said the exact same thing 3 days ago.” Duty is an important part of life but so is rest. If one can’t simply rest in their sleep, they can always find comfort in another’s arm. “Come and rest, if Ayaka is awake right now she will scold you.” You placed your hand on his, trying to pull him up as you stood up. He didn’t budge from his position and only pleaded more.
 “ダーリン , please just a little more.” 
Ayato’s internal smirk faltered when he heard the word and his hands took yours close to his lips. “You really do know where my buttons are and how to press them, don’t you?” You only answered him with a smile, the same deceiving smile that he gives people around. “I am your lover, aren’t I?” He finally puts his brush pen down, placing his arm around yours and leading you both out of his office. Tomorrow when the skies are clear he’ll take you out for a scroll and maybe a boat ride but tonight he’ll make sure to spend the long night with you.
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Translations: (1) なんで、まだ起きてるの?- Why are you still awake? (2) ダーリン- Darling (3) あなた- Anata explanations for this here
Taglist: @uchihaeirin | @eccedentesiast-sapphic | @tinandabin @chihawari | @zuri-feather | @jaxielous
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paisholotus · 8 months
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Queen Stella arrived with King T'chaka to see his brother N'Jobu. When they get to the door, Stella and T'chaka wait behind while Dora Milaje knocks on the door. Stella looked at T'chaka as he put his helmet on. "Yuh, seen his son? him so cute." Stella gushed. T'chaka scoffed and ignored her. Stella rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Muss you be a ass about everything? That is your nephew." 
A man opens the door, and the Dora Milaje walk in slowly with their spears. They ask N'Jobu who he is, and he tells them he's the prince by showing his tattoo on his bottom lip. The Milaje hit their spears on the ground three times, letting us know it was okay to enter.
They walk into the apartment, and N'Jobu kneels at the sight of us. "My King. Queen Stella, it's a pleasure seeing you again." He says to her: She smiled at him, and T'chaka rolled his eyes and smiled, walking towards his brother.
"Leave us." He tells the boy in the corner. N'Jobu tells them that the boy's name is James, and he is very trustworthy to stay. T'chaka and N'Jobu hug, and they talk about how he's been, saying he looks strong. T'chaka then tells his brother that he ran into a problem when this man named Klaue stole a ton of vibranium and bombed the border.
T'chaka looked hard at his brother and said it was an inside job. He continues to stare at him, like he's giving him a chance to answer. N'Jobu looks at him, confused as to why his brother is looking at him like that. "Why are you here?" He asked T'chaka. The king walks to his brother, and his face turns angry. "I want to know why you betrayed Wakanda!" He yelled at N'Jobu.
N'Jobu got defensive and said he did no such thing. Stella walked forward a little because she could tell this was going to turn messy. T'chaka turned to James and told him to tell N'Jobu who he really was: Zuri, son of Badu.
N'Jobu looked furious, and he grabbed Zuri, starting to yell at him that he had betrayed him and trusted him. Just to find out he was a Wakandan spy this whole time.
T'chaka begins to tell N'Jobu that he has to return to Wakanda to face his crimes, and N'Jobu refuses.
As the two argue, Stella walks towards the window and sees two boys playing basketball, and Stella recognizes one of them to be N'Jadaka. She rushes from the window and tries to get between them. "Wi can't duh dis here. Tink of da boi. Even though N'Jobu did something that was wrong, he did it for his family."
T'chaka pushed Stella back, and she glared at him. "This has nothing to do with you. But with him, he betrayed his home! Therefore, there must be consequences!" Stella got angry and walked closer again. "FI GUD REASON! Yes, it was wrong, but he had no choice."
She yelled at him. They go back and forth, the argument getting more heated by the second. T'chaka has enough and takes his claws and stabs, killing N'Jobu. Stella screeched out, catching N'Jobu's body and cradling his head as tears formed in her eyes. She looks up at T'chaka, mortified, and says, "Yuh, kill your own bredda." She said, tears streaming down her face.
T'chaka bends down and grabs Stella by the throat, and as she grips his hand, he gives her the most menacing look he could muster. "You speak of this to anybody; it shall be you with panther claws in your chest!" She glared at him and grabbed at his suit, causing Dora Milaje to walk closer. "It nuh mi yuh should be worried about, but wah wi happen wen Bast comes fi yuh," she said. He backed away and went to leave.
"What about the boy? My king." Zuri asked T'chaka. He looked at him, then at Stella, and turned back to the door. "Leave him. He's not my concern." Stella stared at the empty space the king stood in, and her heart dropped. Zuri gave her a sympathetic look and walked out with Dora Milaje.
Stella was speechless and swallowed, a sob forming in her throat. She looked down at the now-dead prince in her lap, who had now turned cold. She brings her head down and kisses his forehead. Her heart picked up when she heard little N'Jadaka yell for his daddy, running up the steps. She quickly raises her hand over N'Jobu's body, turning it into air. Her heart aches as he completely disappears.
Little N'Jadaka runs into the apartment with a big smile on his face, but his smile fades as he sees Stella on the floor with tear-stained cheeks. "Who are you? Where's my daddy?" He asked her, frowning. Stella gets up and walks carefully to N'Jadaka; her mind is racing. How do you tell a child that their only parent left was killed and she couldn't do anything about it?
"My name is Stella, and Mi and Yuh Baba are great friends." He smiled at her, but it fell again. "Are you from Wakanda? Where's my dad?" Stella tried to stay strong in front of the young boy, but she's never done anything like this before; this was probably the hardest thing she's ever had to do.
"No mi nuh from Wakanda." She lightly chuckled. "But I've been to Wakanda plenty of times; you, baba, went to Wakanda for an emergency." He looked upset and looked at the ground, then back at Stella with teary eyes. "He left me?" His voice cracked. Stella's heart broke into more pieces when he said that this was going to be harder than she thought. "No, he will be back in a couple days. But till den him tell mi tuh luk afta yuh ave. Yuh, have you been to Jamaica?" She asked, giving him a big smile.
He gave a tiny smile back and shook his head. "Well, guess wah mi Queen of a place inna Jamaica called Sun City, an yuh baba ave been plenty of times. suh yuh can truss mi, mi wud neva hurt yuh. Ok?" She said that, giving him a reassuring smile. Sticking out her hand, gesturing for him to grab her hand. He looked at her, hesitant. "How come he's never mentioned you?" He looked at her quizzically.
"Well, because I am a Queen. And Queens are buzy. But this time I had time to come visit you. But yuh daadie had urgently lef to Wakanda, but like mi seh, he'll be back in a couple days. But yuh baba talk about yuh alla di time; he even showed me pictures." She said this, crouching in front of him. "Ya, believe me now?" He still looked hesitant, but he let her grab his hand. "I promised yuh Baba, I would look after yuh. And I promise nothing will happen to yuh." She gave him a sincere smile. He smiled back at her and nodded.
She stood up and told him to go get his things. He went and packed some clothes and other things he wanted to bring. She took some of his bags and asked if she could pick him up. He slowly nodded, and she picked him up and kissed the side of his head.
It caused him to smile a little; he probably hasn't felt motherly affection since his mother was in jail. On their way outside, a black Cadillac Escalade came into view, with guards standing on the outside. While N'Jadaka was packing, she called her husband and told him to send a car her way. N'Jadaka hid in the crook of her neck and wrapped his arms around her. She whispered to him that it'd be okay and that he was safe. Getting into the car, she told him to lay his head on her lap and go to sleep, saying that she'd wake him up when they got to the airport.
He protested that he wasn't sleepy, but his eyes suddenly got heavy, and he lay on her shoulder. She laid his head on her lap as they rode to the airport. She didn't realize she was crying until she wiped them away. Today had to be the most heartbreaking day she'd ever been through, and she's had plenty. But she's going to make N'Jobu promise to take care of his son and make sure N'Jadaka sees his mother again. But most importantly, she was going to make sure N'Jadaka made it to Wakanda, whether T'chaka liked it or not.
Alfre Woodard as Stella Williams
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ctrlsznwrites · 2 years
a familiar face.
summary. after n'jadka's return, things tend to go the exact way the reader hadn't hoped they would. pairing. erik 'killmonger' stevens x black!reader word count. 1.57k author's note. I've sat on this series for a while and I finally want to finish it since I've been writing more regularly at the moment so please bare with me. and leave behind some thoughts.
series masterlist. | masterlist previous | next
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            [Your Name] hung up her phone, saying a silent prayer to bast that everything would be alright after this ritual to place and that her kids make it to their destination safely.  Letting out a deep sigh she made her way to the waterfall were the ceremony was being held. And even though she was hoping for the best, she couldn’t shake the feeling this wouldn’t end the way the elder and the kingdom would hope it would.
Once she got to the waterfall, she made her way next to her mother holding her hand as the ritual started. Her stomach felt as if someone had punched her repeatedly, as the ritual went on tears were present in her eyes. Watching the King who just lost his father fight his long lost cousin who was failed by two systems and his family. The anger felt from N’Jadka made her head swim watching as he delivered blow after blow onto Prince T’Challa.
The bile in her stomach rose as she saw him turn into the hurt little boy she had seen appear so many nights as he took the life of someone who he once knew as an uncle. Tears streamed down her face at the screams for Zuri losing his life, turning her head she couldn’t stomach much else as tears ran down her face.
Erik started on his speech as T’Challa fought to find the strength to continue the fight. [Your Name] couldn’t take her eyes off of Erik as he picked up T’challa throwing him off of the waterfall. All the wind had been knocked out of her chest as she tried to find the air to scream watching a childhood friend of her die at the hands of her first true love. Soon enough the council was scattering, the Queen and Shuri had been safely removed from the scene before Erik could notice.
But the same luck couldn’t be extended for herself, as she made her way to leave she was stopped by the sound of his voice.
“So, you think you can just up and leave lil’ mama?” This question caused [Your Name] to turn around taking in his appearance.
Looking him over she took a deep breath, watching the erratic breathing he had along with the cuts along his body. It made her sick to her stomach but a weight in her heart knowing it was just a scared child lashing out the fill the warmth of the village that left him to struggle after his father died.
“Yes, my King the ceremony is over, with the previous King being dead and all. I have to go report to my tribal elder , since she is my mother of this before you hold the first meeting. Now, excuse me but this is an urgent matter.” [Your Name] quipped, turning to walk away.
“I just got one question for ya’. Why’d you leave after you told me you got an abortion. And why didn’t you tell me you were from Wakanda? You could’ve helped me come here. We could’ve done this together.” He explained walking towards her.
[Your Name] looked Erik up and down quickly. “My king, if I recall you said, ‘Either you have an abortion or never speak to my ass again’ and that’s exactly what I did.” She rambled before quickly leaving the waterfall making her way back into the streets of Wakanda as quickly as she could. 
After what she had said to Erik, [Your Name] knew deep down in her heart that he would catch on.  That he would find out she had his children, but they wouldn’t meet him as long a single breath went through her lungs. 
Once [Your Name] had gotten home she’d explained everything to her mother, down to why her sister had to take the kids to M’Baku for safe keeping until everything was figured out. The sickness she felt had made an appearance earlier, which is why she is in her current predicament. Sitting on her mothers couch nursing water trying to get ride of the anxiousness she felt about the current situation happening.
This feeling only got worse when there was a knock at her door. Her mothers head snapped towards [Your Name] knowing it could only be the Dora coming to get one of them for whatever reason N’Jadka saw fit. [Your Name] signaled for her mother to sit down, going to get the door so this could be over soon then later. Hopefully the ball of emotions she had would go away once she finally was able to talk to him face to face. But even in her heart of hearts, she knows it’ll only get worse before it gets better.
“Hello, how may I help you two?” She questioned opening the door, with her mother standing right next to her.
Since Amala is the elder in the situation she would now be the head of this conversation, much to [Your Name]’s dismay.
“The new King has requested for your eldest daughter [Your Name] to come to the palace to meet with him. We also have strict instructions not to leave without her.” One announced, which the mother and daughter duo took in.
Amala went to objects but before she could her daughter beat her to it, putting on her shoes to leave with the two members of the Dora.
“I’ll go with no issues, but do you know why he asked to see me specifically?” [Your Name] knew exactly why he wanted to see her, but she was wondering what he was telling the people around him at the moment.
“Personal.” The two answered in sync, this caused her to nod her head following them out of her mother’s house.
On the way to the palace, [Your Name] couldn’t help but replay every moment she’s ever had with N’Jadka good or bad. She knew he was hurt by how he found his father, but she never thought he would be so blinded by his rage, if he did this to Wakanda. Its no telling what he did to get here, and that is what really shook her to her core.
Upon their arrival, she was escorted to the throne room where he was seated waiting for her. A weird sense of annoyance rolled over her at the irony that a few hours ago it was him entering this room, while she sat to the side watching him challenge his now deceased cousin.
Snapping out her train of thought she proceeded to greet N’Jadka. “My King.” She spoke softly moving into the room a bit more.
This caused him to wave his hand while a small chuckle left his lips.
“You can forget all that shit, [Your Name] you know me better than anyone. Ain’t not need for all this formal shit.” He held this smirk on his face as he walked away from his throne to get closer to her. Her eyes never left his person, as he started to circle her.
“There just one thing that really is getting under my skin at the moment. And with you knowing me better than anyone else in the entire world. Why the fuck didn’t you tell me you were from Wakanda!” He questioned roughly, she watched as his breathing started to get more rapid how his upper lip was curled in disgust.
“You knew my father was from here, what I went through in my childhood. And you still looked me in face, claiming to love me and lied to me.” Now, it was [Your Name]’s turn to feel awful.
She was caught in between a rock and a hard place, she loved him, she truly did. But she had a duty to her country to not tell him that she was brought up to speed of everything by her Uncle and the he knew she was carrying his nephews children. So many times she had thought to end it all, but she loved him too much, selfishly.
“Answer me!” He yelled, causing her to jump as tears rolled down her face against her will.
“I couldn’t let anyone know about who I was or where I was from. N'Jadaka I understand how this seems, but I was there to see how life was. I met you unexpectedly, I couldn’t blow my cover. You never know who the King sends to watch you.” She explained.
His face remained cold as he took in what she said. [Your Name] was now avoiding his face at all costs, she still had love for Erik. But she knew he wasn’t the person she met at MIT. He had changed and for the worst and she knew there was no way she could help him. He was a lost cause, and this isn’t the way she wants to remember him, or for their children to remember him. Even if they didn’t know he was their father, she wanted to keep the good memories she had if them, that she had told her children.
Her thoughts were soon interrupted by Erik. “[Your Name] I have one last question before I let you go. And please answer this honestly.” He started walking closer to her, lifting her chin up with his index finger.
“Are the children you have mine?” [Your Name] studied his facial expression and she could tell for once Erik was truly being sincere and vulnerable. 
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Meet the Girls
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The family origins of Jamie Parish are shrouded in mystery. Indeed her very name comes from a juvenile mispronunciation of "Jane" or "Janie" and the surname Parish relates to the Catholic church where she was abandoned/found. Jamie was living a tough life in the system and most recently on the streets; until a fateful and booze-soaked night left her pregnant and in desperate need of help. Luckily she's found Hillside Haven and is now in a safer place.
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Rose Williams was orphaned and injured in the vehicular accident which killed her parents. You can't often see the scar on her forehead, which she mostly keeps covered with a fringe. Rose has been at Hillside Haven the longest, staying with Vicky for several months now. She also had the most "normal" childhood of the three girls, at least, she was the only one to have both parents present while growing up.
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Chloe Samuel is the newest resident of Hillside Haven. Hers is, potentially, the most dramatic story. Young Chloe lived with her artist mother (Zuri) and their beloved cat until one night when she was out in Totter Park a little too late and was viciously attacked by a stranger out of the dark. Chloe was pronounced dead and Zuri was making arrangements to bury her daughter when Chloe came back to life in the funeral home. Fortunately for Chloe, a small, connected faction of the Copperdale community know vampires are more than myth and they were able to secretly spirit Chloe to safety. Now Chloe must navigate a new hunger and a new world. As our story begins, she has yet to be reunited with her mother or classmates.
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Vicky Martin is the bold, blonde paralegal who runs Hillside Haven. In her early thirties, Vicky has no children or partner as yet; but rather devotes herself to championing young girls in need. She has just recently been bought into the loop on the vampire front and Chloe is her first supernatural charge {as far as Vicky knows...}
Vicky is supported by her loving father Robert plus many colleagues and friends.
Her rules for Hillside Haven are fairly simple.
I) Speak the truth, always. Omit if you really must, but don't tell falsehoods.
II) Make your own bed (it's a small accomplishment but it sets one up for the day and declutters the room, clearing mind space).
III) No alcohol or drugs (if you're here, you're here for a reason, no need to go making problems worse).
IV) Curfew is 9pm (no late night shenanigans).
In return, Hillside Haven is exactly that. A safe space where residents can put the pieces back together and find their feet again.
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oc-cafe · 1 year
Stories, skelons and tits
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Vea tires easily, they are after all, still recovering. They ask me for water and give me no answers. 
I lead them to the kitchen, which is now mostly deserted, the servants having long disappeared into their beds. Some of the messengers mill about outside, just having returned from their various tasks. I wonder what it must be like for them, refugees who made their home in serving a kingdom that they don’t consider as their own, never in the same spot, swift as Dhoruba’s wings and  ever changing like the waves of Baharini’s waters . 
I do not wish to become them. 
“How do you know where everything in your castle is?” Vea shakes their silently and I notice the silver glinting through their hair. 
“Zuri, my sister, and I used to play here with the other children.I suppose we learnt all the hiding spots and the rooms along the way...” I trail off, voices of the past now deafening.  
There I had bandaged Eren’s cuts when they’d fallen into some bush while we had been playing, there Zuri had burnt her dress, there were the places my father had taught me how to clean the stems of flowers, there I had prepared soup with him, there I had found Gabriel and Zuri kissing for the first time, there was the grate I had cut open my hand on, there was the place my father had gently taught me the healing salves, there was that, there was this, memories washed over me, drowning me.  
“What was it like?” I barely hear Vea but some distant part of my brain computes their question. 
“It was fun, loud and absolutely lovely.” I smile a little as I think of the girls I used to know. So many of us drifted away as the war waged on, I wonder what they’re doing now. 
“It seems so.” One of them was called Vriti,  she used  to be popular, her parents had been immigrants from Alinthi, her father a merchant and her mother the head healer, they’d left five and a half years into the war. She’d been barely thirteen. She had a sister, older than her by three years, I think her name had been Reet or something of that sort. 
“Do you miss those days?” Vea asks, leading me out of memory lane. Thousands of names cross my mind, Adunbi, Aziza, Badru,  Chioke, people I used to know, with faces that sacrificed themselves to time. 
“Desperately.” I don’t know why I don’t lie but something about them compels me to tell them the truth. They sigh softly, fixing their glasses, they stretch their legs out in front of them, letting their cane lie at their side as they sit down on the kitchen stool. 
I pour them a glass of water, allowing silence to fill the room. Neither of us say a word, simply enjoying the feel of the cool night air. The utter silence leaves me with a heavy heart but a clear head. 
And a clear head is what I need right now. 
It matters not that my heart still weighs me down, that the grief seems to smother me until I can scarcely breathe, it matters only that the answers I need are within my reach. 
Speaking of which, 
“Vea. You promised me a story.” 
“Impatient, are we?” They sigh again, and I bristle. They sigh quite a bit.  
“Yes, well. I wasn’t allowed to be at the forefront of the war.”
“Be greatful for that.” They sit up sharply, eyes flashing with an emotion I cannot name. 
“Yes, whatever. Now, story.” 
“Fine. There’s people under the sea and they were allies until they weren’t.” 
“Oh okay… then- wait..What.” People under the sea? Did they hit their head on their way here? 
Do I need to hit them on their head?   “Yes Princess, there’s people under the sea. They’re called Skelons, they’ve got blue hair, and they can breathe underwater, they’re Baharini’s bitches.” 
I burst into laughter, they really had me going for a moment there. I really thought they had something important to say.
“Yeah, of course, and the next thing you’re gonna tell me is that fucking Baharini’s real.” I really did inherit my father’s sailor mouth. 
They gave me a sheepish look. 
Abeba’s tits. 
They have got to be kidding. 
“And do you have any evidence to back up this outrageous claim?”  
“Am I not proof enough?” I give them a quick once over, a broken nose, a few scrapes and bruises and broken glasses.
“Right, your….state is supposed to prove to me that there are people living under the sea?” “Not people princess!” They stand up, eyes wild. 
“They’re  monsters. We would be fools to believe otherwise!” All this excitement seems to be getting to them. 
“Look! Look at this and tell me that a man could do this-” 
“Kiongozi Amaris! Please! Get a hold of yourself!” I attempt to still their wild hands as they work furiously to rip off their tunic but ultimately, I fail. 
They shrug off my hand and continue  frantically unbuttoning their tunic. 
Well. This is not how I anticipated this evening to go. 
Maybe I could still make a run for it. 
I take a step back. 
And Vea steps forward. 
Or I could just punch them in the face and run. 
That’s probably not gonna work. 
I’m not very strong. Or good at running. Or… punchy. Is that a word? 
Fuck it. 
I’ll just drown them in the sea. 
Let ‘em be with their sea monsters. 
“Princess I know what this seems like and I’m sorry- I promise  I’m not trying to impose myself on you or somethin-” 
“Then could you kindly put your clothes back on?”
“I will… just- this is something you have to see to believe.” They finally shrug their clothes off and I scramble to cover my eyes. 
This is literally my castle. 
I can look wherever I please. 
I peel my fingers off my face and finally look at Vea. 
Bandages cover most of their body, except a few portions. 
The wrappings around those areas seem to have rotten and fallen away,I reach forward, my hand just barely brushing the edge of the gaping hole in their abdomen. 
It's hypnotising, it's almost as if their blood poisons the wound. I let my fingers brush the edge, and travel further up, tracking the path of scars, exploring the openings between bandages, and letting them tell me a story no words could ever describe.
Because no mortal weapon could ever have inflicted this kind of trauma, because swords and arrows can only cut so deep.
But these?
These are claw marks.
Claw marks that grow grey and luminescent blue under the gaze of the gentle summer moon.
Claw marks that shift and sway like the waves of the ocean that crash against our shore.
Claw marks that resemble the ones embedded into my city's walls from where Baharini once severed her village away.
A/N: Once again, not beta read, but then again when is it?
Mod Tag: @tiredguyswag@ne0npurplefantasies
Taglist (send an ask to be added or removed): @ghostdragoncookie @jewishdainix @ialmostdonothingnew @just-call-me-a-god @death-and-the-lady13 @fierreth-who @mister-finally-found-himself @coffeelovinggayidiot @pinkyy-promises @sassychaostrash @lesbiansayaishii @a-cloud-for-dreams @brkh96 @i-likestuff86 @redvelvetpdf @xx0yeet-everything0xx @thisismisogynoir
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nexility-sims · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
𝐍𝐎. 𝟏𝟗: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥   /   JÁUREGUI ESTATE, AMATL, 1935
❧  𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠  /  𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬  /  𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭.
Jáuregui Estate stood in the rolling hills of Amatl, high above a rich valley that slept beneath a blanket of snow this time of year. Rowena always found the landscapes of Uspana marvelous. Zuriñe seemed at home in all of them: the humidity of Yaas which made the hair at her temples curl; Nakawe’s sunshine in which she sweltered with elegance; and now, the temperate forests she actually considered home. Rowena could appreciate the significance of being here with her. She recognized it as among the moments of fleeting intimacy Zuriñe had allowed over the years. Once, it had struck her as ironic and even unkind to hear the queen call her ‘daughter’ and count her alongside someone like Ander (who, everyone knew, had truly earned his place). Rowena liked to think she understood the uneasy comfort of Zuriñe’s mothering better these days.
❧ ft. vivian & claudette from @thegrimalldis​ ♥️ i ... freestyled their meet-cute :^)
[Z] It never snows like this in Nakawe.
[Z] This is what I am built for, but one learns to adapt. [R] It snows like this back home—in Eldwine, at the Big House.
[Z] Ah, I recall: your childhood home. How quaint that you call it that. I cannot imagine you ever planned to be so far from it.
[Z] For some of us, that is our lot in life. We are not the keepers of the place where our ancestors rest; we go elsewhere and make new homes.
[Z] It brings me such joy, still, to be here. My heart sings. [R] I can almost hear it. It’s so quiet out here. {Zuriñe chuckles.}
[R] I know you don’t visit often. Is it hard, even after all these years? [Z] Yes and no. My heart is no longer here. It lives in Nakawe these days. But, the sweetest memories dwell here still.
[R] Sweetest? As in better? [Z] I am getting too old to not long for my girlhood, Rowena. Sweet is not filling, but the idea of it tantalizes more than dreaming of roast when one is already so full. Only people who are starving disagree.
[Z] You should not think poorly of yourself if you feel that way, too. [R] I do, sometimes.
[Z] I was your age once. My children grew, and I became ravenous. [R] I don’t know if I want that. Maybe it would help.
[Z] You may be satiated for years yet. Tomás can barely walk. Now, speaking of food and hunger, I suspect dinner is ready. [R] If it’s alright, I think I’ll stand here a minute longer.
[Z] Talk to Her, if you wish.
[R]  I couldn’t be further from ravenous, in truth.
[V] You tell it better than Bruno does, Zuri. [Z] Bruno was too starstruck to remember the details.
[Z] Vivian came rolling down the hill like a damsel in distress, Bruno saved her from a villainous pine tree, and the rest is history. [R] How romantic!
[R] What is love at first sight without a little danger? [V] That is exactly what it was. My hero! Zuriñe was laughing at me, as I recall it, but I loved her soon enough, too.
[Z] Souls speak to each other sometimes. I know it when I see it. Vivian was family the moment Bruno helped her to her feet. [V] See? Zuriñe is a poet—and that is why she tells it better.
[B] Time for dessert. We can entertain Rowena with more reminiscing in the other room. I shall go rush the staff, so we can also treat her to the finest roasted coffee in all of Uspana.
[V] This one is from ... 1876 or 1877? Bruno was a precious baby.
[R] Oh, and that must be your daughter! I remember her face. [V] The Creator’s gift to us: my Claudette! [R] She’s beautiful. [V] I believe Zuriñe gifted her that piece. She adores her niece.
[B] She wanted Rowena to see your baby portrait, but it is missing. [Z] I have it. No one needs to know I was ever an infant.
[R] What a lovely bride you were! [V] The photographer was cross with us because we were so giddy. We giggled the entire time! [R] It does feel like a grand dream, doesn’t it, the wedding day?
[R] And these women? They look very grand themselves. [V] Ah, yes—the Armendáriz matriarchs.
[V] Bruno and Zuriñe’s mother is to the right. Citlalli. She wanted Zuriñe to marry Fernando, so Bruno and I inherited the estate in her stead. [R] Who inherits next if Claudette is also a queen? [V] Any of her daughters will belong to Monaca... Perhaps a cousin?
[V] Bruno and Zuriñe’s mother is to the right. Citlalli. She wanted Zuriñe to marry Fernando, so Bruno and I inherited the estate in her stead. [R] Who inherits next if Claudette is also a queen? [V] If any of her daughters will belong to Monaca... Perhaps a cousin?
[Z] She is quite the tour guide. [B] Always has been. Sentimental people tend to be.
[V] Zuriñe, I am going to show Rowena the new photographs of Nicholas. [R] Will you join us?
[B] Those you mailed her? I bet she would love to see them again.
{Quiet, indistinct radio music; Rowena humming.}
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contemplating cutting my bangs rn. at home. alone. for the plot.
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z0nic · 2 years
What the zuck did you just zucking say about me, you little zitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Zone Cops, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Eggman Nega, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in hedgehog warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire No Zone armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the zuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Zobius, mark my zucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the interzonal internet? Think again, zucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the multiverse and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, zaggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're zucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Elite Zone Force and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable zass off the face of the Prime Zone, you little zhit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your zucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you godzamn idiot. I will zhit zury all over you and you will drown in it. You're zucking dead, kiddo.
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sketch-guardian · 1 year
I really like your OCs, could you tell us more about them? 🥺
(here you have all the space you heart could desire 💚💚)
Aw I'm glad you seem to like my OCs that much☺it makes me quite happy to see people interested in them,so thank you!✨I'll try my best to tell more info about them,even if it will probably take a while for me to write about each character🙈(thanks for being so considerate,you're very kind💜)
Anyway,here are some random facts about the RAD classmates:
Zuri,Azul and Domnra are fallen angels like the seven brothers,while Demya and Odon were born as demons.
Domnra was cursed some time after becoming a demon and Mobim is the result. While Mobim looks like a Little D. or a weird familiar, instead it's a curse that represents Domnra's "innocence" and it holds half of his soul. When in demon form, both Domnra and Mobim fuse together.
Azul is literally a mood ring, he changes color depending on his feelings and he can't control it(just like a human can't control blushing) so this makes him an open book. He's also a bit of a bipolar,so his colors can change quite quickly sometimes.
Zuri's demon form resembles a creature similar to a dark fae.Odon is a kind of ancient eldritch demon, which makes them the most dangerous one between the classmates. Domnra is a shadow demon. Demya seems like a succubus but that's just a sort of strategy to attract preys and then eat them (so she's a kind of gluttony demon I guess).Azul is a ghost-like demon,in fact, occasionally he can be seen passing through walls and this would also explain the wings and horns made of will-o'-the-wisp.
Demya doesn't like closed and narrow spaces,not even cages,zoos,chains or muzzles, due to her past spent as a slave in an old circus in the human world,where she was the main attraction in a freak show. She also tends to eat often out of fear of starvation (unwarranted fear now, but the habit has remained). She was released by Domnra by accident, which is why they seem to hate each other. Demya doesn't want to feel indebted to him, she wants to be free, while Domnra considers her an ungrateful brat. they are rivals who, basically, help each other only in times of need.
Zuri is a very independent demon and many of the clothes she owns are sewn by herself. She's not exactly a stylist, but every so often she receives requests for photo shoots (in which she also occasionally appears as a model)
No one has ever seen Odon's face under their bangs and it's said that whoever has actually seen it, has not lived long enough to tell about it. Because according to Odon at least, their face would be terrifying enough to cause either madness or death. Technically, however, they also have shapeshifting abilities, so if Odon wanted to, they could change their face into something bearable for the human mind.
The eye-shaped creatures that Odon possesses appear at random and seem to have a personality of their own. It also appears that Odon can see right through them, however their nature and other abilities are unknown.
Mobim cannot speak, but it appears to share a telepathic bond with Domnra and like the Little D.s, it appears to possess moderate intelligence (example: it can read and write). Mobim has a very sweet but cowardly personality and tries to keep Domnra out of trouble as much as possible. It is able to feed itself: the food, when it approaches the area where the mouth should be, seems to be swallowed by the shadow it is made of.
Azul's tattoos are quite sensitive and cover his arms and pecs. If he really doesn't want to let people know what he's feeling, he tends to close his eyes, mouth and hide his arms behind his back. Also random detail, but: to go faster, he often floats instead of walking.
In terms of magic power, from strongest to weakest: Odon, Zuri, Azul, Domnra, Demya. While in terms of physical strenght, from strongest to weakest: Odon, Demya, Domnra, Zuri, Azul.
Other info like their heights, what they like to do with MC or which canon characters they like are on some of my other posts. For now, I hope this was satisfying enough☺again thank you for the ask!✨(And sorry for any mistakes, but English isn't my mother language-)
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A Really, Really, Really Sharp Knife - Diamonds to Dust Ch3
Synopsis: Take some proper Storm whump- they’re on the run with a knife in their abdomen :)
Content: Villain whump, stabbing, pursuit, anxious caretaker
Taglist: @whump-queen @ghostsinthecloset
Storm practically falls against the brick wall of the alleyway, taking ragged, heavy breaths. They clutch at the dagger skewered in their torso and try not to give in to the overwhelming nausea. Everything hurts; it feels like they’re drowning in pain, and they’re so tempted to give up and collapse to the ground.
But they can’t, not now, not when they’re being pursued. Storm isn’t completely sure they can still move very much, but they have to. The alternative is getting caught by the hero who knifed them in the first place. They’ve already been here too long anyways. Droplets of red are scattered on the ground, forming a trail leading right to them. If they linger, they risk letting their pursuer catch up to them.
So Storm forces themself to stagger away from the alleyway. Running is utterly beyond them now. They stumble down a quiet street lined with townhouses. Most of them seem empty.
Storm starts to feel dizzy, and they’re not sure if it’s from the blood loss or if it’s from the panic. They don't know where to go, they barely recognize this neighborhood, and their home is so far away from here.
If they could just get to a landline or a payphone—they could call Xavier for help. Except, there’s nothing of the sort on this street.
Their head is pounding, and they want to scream. I’m going to die here, aren’t I? If that hero doesn’t kill me, then losing all this blood definitely will.
They can’t. They can’t die like this, not to a stupid hero, and not because of a stupid bank robbery.
Still holding onto hopes of getting away, Storm takes a few shaky steps forward. Then they notice something and abruptly stop.
It’s the house they’re standing in front of. They recognize it. One of their classmates lives here, Zuri Msuya. They’d stopped by a couple of times a while ago, to work on a project with her.
Storm hasn’t talked to her much since, but this is their last hope. They stuff their mask in the pocket of their shorts, lower their hood, and make their way up her front steps with excruciating effort.
They knock on the door as hard as they can. Storm feels close to collapsing, but they try to stand on their own anyways.
After a few moments that seem like an agonizing eternity, the door opens, and Zuri is standing in the doorway. She’s home, thank the stars for that. Her face is a picture of plain shock, and she opens her mouth, but no words come out.
Storm wants to offer some sort of explanation or greeting, but they feel so disoriented. They sway on their feet, and their legs give out under them. They almost fall to the ground, but Zuri catches them at the last moment. She holds them steady in her arms.
She shakes her head in disbelief. “Oh my—oh my god…” she stutters out in horror. “What the hell happened to you?”
Storm tries to say something, but their throat is too dry and they can’t muster up the energy to speak.
“I’ll call an—I’ll call an ambulance right away. You need to get to the hospital right now,” Zuri tells them with a shaky voice.
Their eyes widen and their heart skips a beat. That makes Storm terrified. There's no doubt that the heroes have notified the hospitals about a villain with their description. If they walk inside an emergency room, they’ll definitely be arrested.
“D-d-don’t…” they manage to stammer out. “D-don't, please… I just need…” They stop to catch their breath, already too strained by just saying a few words. “I need to use your phone…”
They pray to no god in particular that Zuri will let them.
She bites her lip and tersely replies, “Okay,” and starts to lower them onto the front step.
“W-wait, please, please take me inside…” Storm pleads desperately. They’re so scared that the hero hunting them down will dart down the street at any moment.
Zuri doesn’t seem sure if that’s a good idea at first, but she switches gears and gingerly carries them inside.
Her house is small and cluttered, so she’s forced to lay them on the wooden floor. She quickly grabs a pillow for Storm’s head with an apologetic look on her face. Zuri looks like she wants to say something, but she doesn’t know what. After a few moments of worriedly scanning over Storm’s injuries, she gets up and walks into another room.
She returns with a cordless phone in her hand, which she passes over to Storm. They mouth a thank you.
“I’ll—I’m going—I’m going to get some bandages for you,” Zuri proclaims. She leaves the room again, but she looks nervous about doing so.
While she’s gone, Storm goes to dial Xavier’s number with shaking hands. It takes them a couple of tries to enter it right, and they frown in slight frustration.
Xavier picks up after just a few rings.
“Storm?” They’re aware that they’re the only one with this number, so Storm isn’t surprised that Xavier knows it’s them.
“Yeah, it’s me...”
“My god, where are you? Are you okay? You’ve been the focus of the afternoon news, all they’re talking about is how you’re at large! Don’t tell me you got caught.” Xavier is talking a mile a minute, but he pauses just long enough for Storm to say something.
“I’m fine… okay, well, I guess—I guess I’m not actually fine. But no one’s arrested me or—or anything… I’m at the house of someone I know…” they mutter into the speaker. “Here, lemme give you the address… can you get someone to… to pick me up?”
They recite it to Xavier, and he responds, “I’m sending Claire to pick you up right now. In the meantime, I’ll sort this whole thing out. Stay there, got it?”
“I need to go now, but call me if you get into any trouble, okay?”
“As always,” Storm mutters.
“...I love you, you know that?”
“Hehe… of course I do.” Storm can’t help but smile.
“Good, good.” Storm hears a hint of relief in Xavier’s voice. “Alright, bye for now.” Then Xavier hangs up, and the call ends.
Storm lays the phone on the floor at about the same time that Zuri walks in with a first aid kit in her hands. She sits next to them and hastily opens the kit.
“I can’t—I can’t just let you die of blood loss or something.” The words tumble out of her mouth as she prepares some bandages, “So here—lemme get you patched up.”
AN: This is actually the first third chapter I’ve ever finished! I’m officially making this into a series now :D
It’s gonna be called Diamonds to Dust! The chapters will be however long I feel like making them, and they aren’t always gonna be released in chronological order.
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Title: Drowning Out Sound - Chapter #6
Pairings: None [Gen]
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Word Count: 1,555
Panic Attack Minor Character Death (Off Screen/Mentioned)
Square Filled: Toxic Family
Written For: @anyfandomangstbingo
Full Fic AO3 Link
Third grade is even better than second was and Stiles is enjoying every moment of it. His favorite thing is when he gets to read. Since Stiles was little, he has always loved reading. He is like a sponge, soaking up every bit of knowledge he can. Callie’s older brother suggested he read The Hardy Boys and Stiles eagerly gobbles up all fifty-eight of them.
Callie suggests Goosebumps and Stiles gives it a try, but they don't appeal to him. He still thanks her for the suggestion. His favorites to read are The Chronicles of Narnia, Charlie Bone, The Giver and he actually really likes the Nancy Drew books too. That’s what he’s reading today.
Summer ends and on the last day before school starts back up, the kids–Malia, Stiles, Jackson and Callie–all head to the park near the Hale’s house. Stiles giggles as the girls put a crown on his head that they made out of flowers. Jackson takes a picture of him and then grumbles halfheartedly when he gets his own crown. They’ve played for hours all summer long and Stiles plays with Callie nearly every day. She is his best friend.
Stiles starts some more rigorous and in depth therapy with Doctor Bowen to talk about what his mommy did. Jackson and Malia walk him to class and home. Sometimes they even ride the bus with him so he’s not alone.
Third grade is even better than second was and Stiles is enjoying every moment of it. His favorite thing is when he gets to read. Since Stiles was little, he has always loved reading. He is like a sponge, soaking up every bit of knowledge he can. Callie’s older brother suggested he read The Hardy Boys and Stiles eagerly gobbles up all fifty-eight of them.
Callie suggests Goosebumps and Stiles gives it a try, but they don't appeal to him. He still thanks her for the suggestion. His favorites to read are The Chronicles of Narnia, Charlie Bone, The Giver and he actually really likes the Nancy Drew books too. That’s what he’s reading today.
Now that Stiles is seven, Jackson, Malia and he are in third grade. Stiles is technically doing fourth grade work but now that he’s fully attending public school, he wants to stay in the same class as Malia and Jackson. Aunt Talia talked with the school and got it all sorted out. He just does different schoolwork but is physically in the same classroom as his siblings.
At recess, a car pulls up to the school. It’s not unusual for people to come and go during the school day but for some reason, Stiles’s stomach starts to churn with rapidly rising anxiety. He doesn’t know why but his heart jumps to his throat when the car door opens. Zuri is right there with him to calm him as he lays eyes on the person exiting the car.
Malia looks over, noticing her brother isn’t paying attention to her anymore, nor his book or anything else. Well, that’s not true exactly. He’s looking at–‘Uh oh,’ she thinks to herself and quickly rushes to her brother’s side. The woman whose eyes are scanning the playground is someone who definitely shouldn’t be here. Malia knows she has to tell her daddy. Carefully she pulls out her phone and almost misses Stiles speaking.
It startles Malia because Stiles rarely talks, usually using sign language now for everything. He only speaks vocally to daddy or to the family at home. She doesn’t get to dwell on it long as she hears the woman speak.
“Hi baby,” Claudia says. She has a soft, disarming smile on her face, but Malia can see how tense Stiles is. She grabs his hand as Claudia speaks again. “I’ve missed you baby boy.”
Of course, Stiles doesn’t hear her, and Malia is glad.
He turns to Malia.
> Why is she here? I want daddy.
His hands tighten on Zuri’s leash as they begin to shake.
Malia nods and texts their daddy before glaring at Claudia. Her eyes are cold as she stares at the woman who hurt her brother. She places herself in front of Stiles with her arms crossed, cutting Claudia off from seeing him.
Peter’s reply is instant, and Malia relays the text to Stiles.
> Daddy is coming. He says stay put.
Stiles nods. “Da’dy.”
Claudia’s face, that had been sporting an easy smile, now changes in an instant, turning furious. How dare her son call Peter daddy. Unable to accept this, she starts shouting at them. She says awful things, none of which Stiles hears. Malia hates her even more now. If she truly cared about Stiles, she would realize that he can’t hear her, but Malia is glad Claudia doesn’t know. She comforts her brother and hopes their daddy gets there soon.
Not even five minutes later, Peter arrives and scoops Stiles up, grateful for the deafness if only because it means he won’t hear Claudia’s cruel words.
Malia hears the words though and Peter has to wrap his arm around her, so she doesn’t go off on Claudia herself. Peter can barely contain his own anger that somehow this woman has shown up when she was never supposed to get out or have access to Stiles ever again. His attention is quickly diverted to the boy when a small hand waves at him.
Stiles signs.
> I want to go home.
> We are going home right now dearheart. I’ve got you. You’re safe now.
It’s only then that Claudia has stopped speaking as she watches the signing between the man and her son. Since when is her baby deaf? Before she can ask, she’s being arrested and put in the back of a squad car. No matter how much ranting and raving she does, they don’t let her go and her manipulation which got her out of the asylum in the first place doesn’t help her either. The only thing it does is to show that she is a danger to society and especially to her son.
So, she is forced to watch her son leave again while the police drive away with her in cuffs and without what she came for. This time, Claudia is sentenced to life in a maximum security asylum and blacklisted from any visitors. The one time she tries to seduce a guard she ends up in isolation for three days. It takes three instances of that for her to stop trying. Claudia doesn’t give up on getting out, but she changes tactics.
This behavior continues until the day she gets a visitor, not knowing it’ll be her last one. If Peter has someone visit her to explain exactly what will happen if she pulls that shit again well that’s between that person and her. After all, Peter made a vow, and he will see it through.
He’s not a heartless man nor an evil one, but when the news comes a few months later that Claudia is dead, he doesn’t shed a tear and when he tells Stiles, the boy breathes a sigh of relief.
For the last couple of months of third grade, Malia and Stiles are homeschooled by Talia. Peter refuses to let them go back to that school as he feels they were very incompetent when it came to the children’s safety. Talia and Marie support him and the three adults look into alternative schooling options.
Stiles is sulking most of the summer. Even though he gets to see Callie a lot, he’ll be switching schools and he’s worried that he’ll lose his friend. So, when he and Malia are enrolled in Lupus Luna Academy Prep and get their uniforms, he is stunned to see Callie there too. He doesn’t let go of her hand the entire tour.
Lupus Luna Academy Prep is a school for the deaf and the three children, especially Stiles, thrive there.
Malia is fiercely protective of her brother and sticks by his side constantly. Callie takes his other side and Zuri is always right there to keep him safe. It makes Stiles feel protected to have Malia on his left, Zuri on his right and Callie next to Zuri. Jackson stays at the public school, but he always does his homework side by side with his siblings.
They are all going to be eight soon and have decided to have a big party for all of them, Callie included. Summer comes and the four kids have been begging their parents to go to Waterloo Heights Summer Camp, now that they are old enough.
Talia paid for two weeks for each of them as an early present and they are all currently packing. Callie’s parents are letting her stay tonight so she’s ready to go first thing in the morning and they won’t have to drive her over.
As the kids pile into the living room for a movie with Zuri in the middle of them next to Stiles, there’s an air of excitement that grows higher the closer it gets to the day they leave for camp. They all snuggle together as the movie Fox and the Hound plays on the tv. Stiles lets Callie hold Vixie, his stuffed fox and when she offers him a smile Peter can’t help but notice that his son seems to have a little crush, his cheeks flushing a light shade of pink.
Peter silently steps up behind his wife, who is watching the children from the doorway and wraps his arms around her waist. She settles back against him and hums when he rests his chin on her shoulder. Their eyes never leave the sight before them. It’s calm and relaxed in their home and something about the peace and happiness makes all the tears and pain of the past seem nonexistent.
So, they take time to cherish the moment when smiles are everywhere and their home overflows with love and contentment. It’s one of the many reasons Stiles loves being a Hale.
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dragonmuse · 2 years
A Guide to the OCs of Leda Verse (mostly for my own amusement because I was trained to make reference tools) presented in order of appearance (with ratings because why not)
Blue Toby- The guy Eddy took out with a crowbar and still limps to this day. Gets a few mentions throughout. (1/10, never appears on screen, but is probably a dick).
The Terrible Roommate- Lucius' unnamed roommate and ex, who became the not fun kind of drug dealer. (1/10, very awful and did not earn a name. But did help Lucius and Pete move in together.)
The Barista, Who Knows What He Did - Jim's unseen nemesis. (10/10, I love this joke unreasonably and no, we will never know what he did. HE KNOWS.)
Craft Lady at the Folk Festival- Trying to flirt unsuccessfully with Oluwande while Jim gets a drink. (2/10, based on an actual encounter at a festival, very annoying, but points for helping along the conversation. No name earned.)
Dolly Boodhari- Oluwande's mom, collector of many things, and all around sweetheart. (9/10, would be a 10, but sometimes her existence makes Jim a little sad which is not her fault and yet...)
Ada Boodhari- Oluwande's oldest sister who works in finance, has a crappy boss, now has Sweeney's sister as a pet, and collects bee themed items. (10/10, get a sister-in-law who will paint a room with you)
Zuri Boodhari- Oluwande's older, but not oldest sister. Married to Mark and has two kids, does medical billing. (5/10, not yet developed, but she's filling out the space along with her family, thank you for your service Zuri.)
The Boy Who Tried to Make Alma Kiss a Worm - Miserable little shit that causes Eddy to instruct Alma in the fine art of punching your problems away. Returns un-credited as the asshole making fun of Ingrid. (-1/10 for obvious reasons.)
Carnival Owner- Waxed mustache, too much cologne and a racist prick. John and Pete blow up his spot by literally blowing up his caravan. (-5/10, will never earn a name, terrible person, moved the action along, but at what cost?)
Zipper- Buttons' former lover, who left him for a younger man and crops back up to be a dick on their road trip. Smells like stale cigarettes. (1/10, good pun name, awful person. Good day, sir...I said good day! )
Sympathtic Woman with Cat Ears and Tight Corset at the Ren Faire- Listen, she appeared for one line, does not speak, but she gives Izzy an understanding look over his jealousy issue and I bet she's got a great backstory. In fact, I'm going to give her a name right now: Peony Lane. (4/10, too brief to go higher, but a good 'un).
The Lady Blacksmith- Sharpens Izzy's knife at the Ren Faire and has amazing biceps. Might make another brief appearance, so I will withhold naming her here, but she deserves one. (4/0, same as above.)
Jonah Hands- Izzy's older brother, deceased. Mentioned several times in passing and described as a violent charismatic guy that likes Johnny Cash. Will likely crop up again at some point. (4/10, don't want to hang, but I am curious about him.)
Faith Callahan - She's got her own story, spin off aus etc, doesn't really need her own summary here. (9/10, point deducted for being dead.)
Beth-Faith's lukewarm friend, who does attempt to get closer, but only when Faith gets into the same classes again. (3/10, make an effort, come on.)
Brittany Cartwright- Faith's former friend turned bully because she had some repressed feelings to work out. Returns as an grown up guidance counselor at Charlie and Alma's school, married to the English teacher. (7/10, gets a whole unseen redemption arc, but the unseen makes it hard to get fully on board).
Brandon- Proto-Eddy for Izzy, does not do the job very well and is forgotten about as soon as Izzy leaves school. (1/10, he's a menace and does not get a redemption arc.)
Faith's Parents- Bad all around. Abusive, cold, and basically killed her. (-1/10)
Delilah 'Delly' Norris nee Hands- Izzy's younger sister, described as a gremlin until Izzy reconciles with her later. Generally irritable and exhausted because she has a toddler and the Hands genetics. (8/10, another off screen arc that probably won't get pulled into focus, but she's doing the most she can with what she was given and didn't need to kill anyone to get there, Izzy.)
Sweeney- Izzy's cat. Furry knife pile (11/10 cause kitten.)
Ingrid Watts- Alma's first and best friend. Shy, bullied, but comes out of her shell to become a kickass vocalist. Loves vintage punk. (9/10, first real fully conceived OC of the series, actually. In that she has an entire personality and hangs out in and out of the story for the rest of the series.)
Owen Grant- Alma's second friend, desperately wants a band, keeps the band going and when the band finally dies, will probably start another band. Has dated Ingrid on and off for years, briefly dated Alma and Shawna too. (7/10, want to flush him out more, but his day has not yet arrived).
Felix Cardosa- Alma's first boyfriend...also Charlie's first boyfriend! Star pitcher, devoted lover, and apparently Bonnet catnip. (9/10 one point deducted for bagging siblings without remorse, c'mon man.)
Aaron Hands- Izzy's younger brother, missionary and all around misogynistic jerk. (1/10, awful.)
Thomas Norris- Delly's husband, fire fighter, appears to be a decent father and husband. (5/10, enigma, but seems fine.)
Deborah, Rachel and Leah- Izzy's squad of cousins that move as a unit. (5/10, perfectly cromulent humans)
Saul 'Da' Hands- Izzy's father. Abusive twatwaffle. (-1/10, necessary to the plot, but unnecessary to the world)
Thomas Norris- Delly's husband, fire fighter, appears to be a decent father and husband. (5/10, enigma, but seems fine.)
Dylan 'Pickle' Norris- Izzy's niece and personality is mostly 'toddler' at the moment. (8/10 cause she comes in like a wrecking ball).
Shelia Kissamee- Unseen drag queen, who tattles about the Swede's summer adventures, but it works out. (4/10, don't rat out the Swede, even if it worked out!
Rita Zebrowski- Read's unofficial foster mother, kicked Read out of the house when Read turned on the gang, but has since tried to rebuild the relationship (5/10, that's a big hurt to come back from, but Read is a very forgiving person.)
Alex 'Zee' Zeborwski- Rita's ex-husband and slightly better than the rest of Read's former gang, but still not great. (2/10)
Jacob Lewis - Real estate agent and charismatic head of Read's former gang. Sadist. (-1/10, inveigling kids in your evil scheme? You get to hang out with Hornigold in hell)
The Ballet Teacher- Brief moment, but big impact on Read's life. (5/10, really mostly just selling her class, but the outcome was good)
Amir Shariq- Charlie's best friend, room mate and once fling. A great swimmer in his own right, pre-med student, supportive and class A dude. (10/10, did not plan for him and he really grew throughout the writing in to a fun, complete person, definitely will appear around the edges of other stories)
David 'Coach' Hoffman- Has coached college swim for twenty years and knows Charlie has a lot of potential. Hates the football coach. (7/10, watching out for the guys, but kind of gruff about it. which Charlie likes for Charlie reasons.)
Chase- Swim teammate of Charlie's, freshman. Well meaning, but easily confused. (4/10, will buy anything)
Phillip Toulouse- Rival swimmer, apparently an asshole. I don't actually know anything about him, but he seems like a tool (2/10, do better, sir.)
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litlunacy · 1 year
32 and 45 for the mc ask game! (for as many of your apprentices as you want to answer for)
I answered for all six of them this time!
32. Does their use of/skill in magic differ from canon? How so?
Well, the canon magic system seems to be a kind of soft one, right? Sometimes it's as simple as willing a thing to happen, like thinking of fire and summoning a flame, and sometimes whole entire rituals are required. There are also different classes of it, like green magic, alchemy, blood magic, etc. Also, everybody's magic has a different feel to it, and the Apprentice can pick up on it. So with that in mind:
Ximena's magic feels like a cool, gentle breeze, but can come off a terrifying gale if she's mad enough. It manifests itself in pale, silvery wisps when unfocused. And since her aunt was all green magic, and her dad is ridiculously powerful in the abstract formation of will, Ximena has a very good grasp on both. She is a powerful magician, and she often uses magic to do everyday things.
Lilith's magic feels very sharp, like a whipcrack. She has a very tight control on it and is extremely powerful. She knows this, and she will use it to her advantage. Don't ask her to do green magic though, plants aren't her thing.
Zuri's magic feels like...nothingness, emptiness, a cold dark void. And it kinda frightens her a little. It also gets away from her sometimes, especially if something happens to break her concentration. She has a lot of power that she doesn't really know what to do with. She does better if she has a partner to form a circle with.
Lorica's magic feels playful, like butterfly kisses and playing tag. She's a good magician, but she works better with a focus. That's why she keeps spare crystals in her bag.
Rajani's magic feels like spring, green and alive. Which makes sense, as their focus is mostly on green magic and healing. They do like doing stuff the old-fashioned way though, so you won't catch them using magic for most daily chores and stuff.
Bellamy's magic feels warm and bright, like a sunny summer day. He's a bit better at reading the cards than he is at magic, mostly because his attention tends to wander. He's something of a Jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none in magic; he can do a little healing, he can do green magic, he can manifest his will if he really tries, he works with a focus if he remembers to bring one. Don't ask him to do the fancy rituals or alchemy though, that's way too complicated. He does become a lot more powerful when when casting with a partner who can help him concentrate. Oh, and he can talk to animals. Which is just a very normal thing to him that always astounds everyone else.
45. Are they more street smart or book smart? Something else?
Ximena is a bit of both. She reads a lot and is highly intelligent, and she can navigate a lot of situations purely by bullshitting her way through them. She prefers to sit back and observe as long as possible before acting in most situations, or just cast a cloaking spell and dip if something is too much.
Lilith is book smart, but she's not exactly street smart. She does, however, have a very authoritative presence and can be extremely menacing when she chooses, and uses it to her advantage. If she starts speaking very slowly and precisely with that little smile, run.
Zuri is extremely book smart, but has no street smarts whatsoever. People are terrifying and confusing and why do strangers talk to her and can she please just go home now???
Lorica is a mix. She's well-read, but not a genius, and she can navigate most situations by staying calm and listening. Politeness is key.
Rajani is more street smart. They are intelligent, but they prefer reading people to reading books. They're also quite good at smoothing things over with little distractions. "Oh, let me buy you a drink, that's a lovely bracelet, hey did you hear about this..."
Bellamy is...neither. He's not an idiot by any means, but he tends to just float through life by being a good dude who smiles and laughs a lot. People like him. He likes people. And if he screws up, he apologizes. It works, at least most of the time.
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