#— x ooc. ❛ public service announcement ❜ ( psa. )
misanthropecopy · 4 years
Please! Help us with the editable reblogs hack 🥺
Well alright, since y’all insisted. 
First let’s address the fact that, when you turn on the editable reblogs extension in your posts it automatically gets rid of all prior reblogs minus your own text. Example:
Before turning on edits.
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After turning on edits.
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Now as bad as this may seem, it’s actually still kind of a blessing as vanilla tumblr seems to have gotten rid of the option of removing past reblogs out ENTIRELY. However with x-kit’s editable reblog extension there’s still SOME way out of this, besides making an entirely new post to reply to your threads. However it’s a bit tedious. 
1. Copy and paste your rp partner’s reply along with the url next to their blog icon into your text box, like so:
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2. If your rp partner has a icon you’ll have to save their icon in your pictures and place the image in the position your partner put it in. You can save them by clicking on said picture with your right mouse button and going to the ‘save image as’ option to click on it with your left mouse button.
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3. Now here comes the tricky part: Coding. You see that little gear image on the top right hand corner of your post? Click on it and this should pop up.
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4. Click the down arrow next to the “rich text” button. Another menu will pop up and you’ll want to change it from “Rich text” to “HTML” making your reblog look like this:
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Don’t be intimidated! It’s just part of the process. 
5. After that you put “<blockquote>” in the beginning of your partner’s reply [preferably after their url’s </p>] and “</blockquote>” at the end of it. Like so:
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6. Preview it to make sure you got it right and your text should look like this:
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A bit better, huh? 
7. Finally you should click that editable reblog button there to get rid of the old stuff, then proceed to post it without switching into rich text mode again. Note: You probably should do these steps, when you’re finished typing up your reply. I haven’t, as you can see lol. 
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baphometed · 4 years
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just as a heads up. if my muse gets attached to yours, i really appreciate having communication. if you just up and leave for another account and don’t give me a heads up with no intention of coming back for awhile, or you lose muse for your character, i am going to take it as a greenlight to reset our bonds. im one of those people who tends to ‘long game’ bonds. i love long threads. if you just show back up without saying anything and expect me to jump on board after a couple months to a year like nothing has happened then, it’s not cool with me. my muse would have grown and moved on by then. you may as well start from square one again. 
it’s one thing to be taking a break for awhile from a muse. it’s another to straight up just bounce and assume it’s cool. it puts your partner in a weird place because they could rely on you for world building.
either way, just give me a heads up if you choose to take a break. i can do a break because IRL sucks and thats more important. i can’t take a undetermined hiatus and a fickle muse. i get too ridiculously attached. 
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jugglingcultist7 · 5 years
Rules of a Cultist
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The usual, no godmodding or metagaming.
Anon is off for personal reasons - nothing against anyone, just for my own security.
This is a private and at least semi-selective roleplay blog for Jongleur, however I am not dash only. Please DM me first if you want to to roleplay. 
If I follow you first your chances are higher of me rping with you.
Bullying, harassment of me or anyone else results in a block. This is simply for fun, let’s keep it that way.
I’m more than happy to do crossover roleplay.
I don’t write smut or ship, for personal reasons in my life. Platonic threads are preferred.
The mun and muse are seperate, do not judge me or send hate because of the muse’s actions. They are a fictional character. 
Triggers for gore, violence, body horror will be tagged.
I will also not rp the following subject matter; physical, verbal or emotional abuse, sexual abuse or rape, underage, homophobia, Islamophobia, Anti-semitism, racism, sexism (either towards male or female, neutral).
This is a safe blog for anyone.
 I don’t care about length (unless it’s one liners. That is for ice breaking memes or crack threads), you don’t have to use icons or have a fancy theme.
I will be iconless myself until further notice.
Please read and follow these rules. I won’t ask for a password because that’s tedious. Just search for them in app and hit the heart if you have read them. I don’t have links but am accommodating for mobile and non-mobile users.
If I follow you and you don’t follow me back, I will not pressure you to rp with me. But know that I appreciate your writing! Keep up the good work.
And that’s all! Let’s have fun. Happy role playing!
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falkenar-a · 6 years
// Just a little PSA !! My inbox is  ALWAYS open if you need to vent, get something off your chest, confide in someone, or if you just want to talk. I myself struggle with mental health and strive to assist others if they need help. So please, if you need help and want someone to talk to, do not hesitate to send me a message. I don’t care if it is 1pm, or 1am. I will most likely be awake 95% of the time and will be there for you when you need it. My job is being a friend, a roleplay partner or a shoulder for someone to cry on if they need it here. I love all of my followers as if they were family.... So I just wanted to put that out there. <3
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   Anon Hate? a touchy subject. The Ancient One Speaks.
It has always been a touchy subject; pointless I might add and outright HORRID for a person to receive. Yet, people still, for whatever reason feel obliged to do such a thing; to bring a person down for either their viewpoints, opinions, what they do on THEIR blog etc.
Now, I am utterly sorry if this offends anyone but like they always say Truth Hurts. We are ALL NERDS let’s face it... in one way or another each and EVERY one of us is a nerd that is sat at a computer screen. We are NO DIFFERENT to the others we type to in this way. Yes, we may not share Religion, race, political views or anything of that matter, but that my friends is what is known as D I V E R S I T Y! The only common point we have with others is that we share a love for Roleplaying; for a certain fandom(s).
EVERYONE has their OWN way about going through life within Roleplay --- some of us like to ensure all replies are done as soon as they land in our activity; others, they like to draft their replies until such a time when they have muse and are free enough to respond and queue out replies to space them out, so not as to overwhelm our partners. What WE do is up to US! IT SHOULD NOT MATTER TO ANYONE ELSE! Don’t hate on a person for selectivity with threads OR followers ( we all know our muses are in control and can be right shits at times when it comes to replying. )
Before you even CONSIDER sending another person hate, STOP! THINK about what you are doing. THINK about the words you are typing; such HORRID words. THINK how this could potentially affect the one receiving them. Would YOU like to receive the words you are about to send to the other? NO! DO. NOT. DO. IT!
Ever thought that the person’s mental state is FAR from ready for such words? Probably not because you’re too hell-bent on being the KEYBOARD WARRIOR EXTRAORDINAIRE! Just ONE hateful anon can possibly be enough for another blogger to end their life. It is a horrid concept to grasp, but it is also one that is true. ANON HATE IS CYBERBULLYING!
Did you know that 52% of young people report being cyber-bullied? That’s just over HALF of young people today; a shocking statistic really! Most of these victims are also usually victim to physical bullying within their school lives etc. YOUR ANON HATE IS ONLY ADDING TO THIS!!
Teens who were bullied were 2.5 times as likely to attempt suicide. That likelihood was further increased in teens who were cyberbullied. “This might be because with cyberbulling, victims may feel  they’ve been denigrated in front of a wider audience,” said study leader Mitch van Geel. ( x )
Honestly, there is no need for this hatred. It is petulant; childish and most of all A COWARDLY ACT. There is no need for one to hate on another over something so little as roleplay. Most of us don’t even know what the other is like as a person because we don’t interact with them physically every day or at all! Don’t go about Judging. NO ONE has given you the right to play GOD; be Judge, Jury and Prosecution. And if the victim killed themselves, who would we lay that finger of blame upon? As someone who’s done many levels of forensic study; I can tell you I know one of the first places I’d come and look.
If you would not like such words in your own askbox ---- DON’T SEND THEM TO ANOTHER!
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villainiist-blog · 7 years
sorry to everyone about my inactivity last week. windows had another goddamn update and it made my computer hella fucking slow. i had to take it to a repairman to fix it. but i expect my activity to increase slowly over the next couple of days.
also, i’m gonna miss babies and money in the bank cause i don’t have the wwe network. so i’m hella sad about that. ;(
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adamantweapon-blog · 8 years
\|/ tag dump \|/
#\|/ looking into too many mirrors and finding nothing looking back (self) \|/#\|/ what does something without a soul dream (weaponiisms) \|/#\|/ blood between knuckles and scraggly fur reflected in shining sharp teeth (aesthetics) \|/#\|/ home is where there are no hearts (transgien genetics corporation) \|/#\|/ a flawed existence parallel to himself (logan) \|/#\|/ mistakes must be terminated (x-23|||laura) \|/#\|/ the only one he listens to (zander rice) \|/#\|/ handler lacking a hand (donald pierce) \|/#\|/ weapon of mass destruction with brain disease (charles xavier) \|/#\|/ standing idle with an empty skull (starter call) \|/#\|/ something deadly lying in wait (open starter) \|/#\|/ a contract taken out against them (closed starter) \|/#\|/ turns out people can be programmed too (memes) \|/#\|/ out of containment (ooc) \|/#\|/ public (in)service announcement (psa) \|/#\|/ no such thing as heaven so far as him (eden) \|/#\|/ with fire in her heart and in her eyes (jean grey|||phoenix) \|/#\|/ eyes as red as the blood in the sky on a fiery night (scott summers|||cyclops) \|/#\|/ maybe we're god's mistake (mutants) \|/#\|/ obedient to a fault (answered asks) \|/#\|/ taking away everything you thought was yours (credit) \|/#\|/ maybe he's a little more wolverine than he thinks (not mine) \|/#\|/ kept under wraps as long as now (icons) \|/#\|/ walls made of nothing but the blandest steel and a tube of frosted glass (theme) \|/#\|/ voices just tear holes (discourse) \|/#\|/ the most natural state for a monster man (wild) \|/#\|/ something he has never been but always will be (animal|||predator|||wolverine) \|/#\|/ from the apex you can hunt anything you want down on low (animal|||prey|||target) \|/#\|/ unnecessary things are built for weak men when the stronger wear their teeth like swords and their nails like stones (weapons) \|/#\|/ ship|||the blood just makes it all the more fun (donald pierce/24) \|/
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fierymutant-blog · 8 years
Tag Dump/Tag Meanings
I noticed that it’s so much easier to have a tag dump so that I can make sure all the tags work that are linked. That way, we can all find what we need when navigating my blog and finding a certain item.
I am also guilty of forgetting what tag is what, so I’m putting them here, too. That means if you don’t want to see certain things on your dash, you can block them with the blacklist option. <3 Tags are under the cut!
Now I’m off to do a tag dump for Erik-Mun, @metallicman, since he’s lazy and won’t code anything. I CODED YOUR ENTIRE BLOG, MAN
« PSA » Public Service Announcement about blog or Real Life Issues « open » Any open post or meme anyone can reply to « meme » A meme or meme list you can choose from to send me « open pre » An open RP from before Avengers « open avengers » An open RP set after the beginning of Iron Man, including all Avengers MCU « open avengers with bucky » An open RP from the Avengers verse with Bucky « open xmen » An open RP from X-Men, including all X-Men MCU « open xmen with erik » An open RP from the X-Men verse with Erik « test subject » An RP idea I wish to do; An RP Wishlist « when i look in the mirror » Images of Astoria « the files » Things that pertain to Astoria « out of the fire » Out of Character content; OOC things « credit » GIFs, Images, or Codes I use and am giving credit to the owner « thread tracker » A current list of threads « shiny things » Things Astoria owns; Items she has bought or created « near to my heart » Things Astoria holds dear; Typically people « fire in the queue » The Queue; Items posted while I was not online « there’s no such thing as personal space » Main ship of Erik/Astoria; can range from images to quotes « little one » All threads in the Pre-Avengers verse « part of the team » All threads in the Avengers verse « his gal out of time » All threads in the Avengers verse with Bucky « mutant and proud » All threads in the X-Men verse « never be alone again » All threads in the X-Men verse with Erik « evil met its match » All threads in which Astoria is a villain; Can be in Avengers or X-Men, will clarify in tags on thread « mun » About Mun
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X ⁞ tag drop. 3
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villainiist-blog · 7 years
i am so sorry people for being MIA these past couple of days, windows did a massive update on my laptop and it complete screwed everything up. so i had to do a reset. but i'm here now ;)
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villainiist-blog · 7 years
asuka is coming soon!!!
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villainiist-blog · 7 years
general tag dump
mostly ooc stuff
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