#— musing! w. nora
theajaheira · 2 years
jenny stan blogging becomes 20x funnier now actually
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shevaults · 1 month
anyway like for a short starter set within the nora/hancock breakup period
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justwannasin · 6 months
"You wanted me to stop bullying your son?" He asked as he tied Nora to the bed and handed her "Fine but you're now mine"
nora pulled on the bonds, but of course there was no way to free her limbs. she looked up at him, shook her head. "o-okay. just-- you won't hurt him anymore, right?"
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citrusfield · 2 years
what if i asked for a plot based on book lovers. what then
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miidnighters · 2 months
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It's my birthday ! To celebrate, I wanted to put together a little shout out of people I love because it's the most surefire way to get compliments back in return (I'm kidding!). Thankyou so much for writing with me and mashing our barbies together and making this hellsite such a fun place to be.
Also, seeing how this has changed from my last shoutout at Christmastime - notably, the people I tagged as "people I love who I don't write with very much" but who now I write with or talk to every day lmao.
Please let this have tagged everyone I wanted to tag
I love u so much. U know I do. I love all the random questions u ask and ur request for Isaac Facts and the fact that you refer to Morgan as "Nora's Husband" and the way you wanna lock Flynn up in a tower to keep him a baby forever. Never change lmao.
Bender ur characters are chefs kiss and our dynamics are chefs kiss and I get such a huge smile whenever I see u in my notifs (either here or on disco). I love the things we come up with together.
My darling! I know you're not writing a lot atm but it makes my day whenever we chat and whenever you pop up with some random love. All of our pairings are so good and I can't wait to see what we cook up for the others.
I know you're ALSO not writing a lot atm but Dany and Isaac have my whole heart plus everything that we're doing on the multi for everyone there like. My brain is still stuck on Harts and Vasile like. Does it get any better?
HELLO. ARTEMIS. WOW. I am so in awe of the original spin you're able to put on such a well-known character - and it's not just Artemis and Billie, it's Barty and Flynn, and watching what you do with Zahrosa and so many others.
Sami is my baby. The relationship they have with Flynn and Bella (or Bella and Arthur) and all the others is so special to me, as well as everything we have going on your other blogs (Callie and Shimi, for example? Yes).
Rainer is who I want to be when I grow up. If I could be half as confident and gave less fucks. I love seeing all the wild shit she gets up to and following her different relationships with people who have been in her life for varying lengths of time.
What can I say about the freekz? Callie and Funke's relationship is so special to me BUT also the friendships we've built? Lu and Ruth? Flynn and Ruth? Bella and the both of them? Not to mention your other blogs - Bella and Connie in particular.
Every relationship my characters have with Xeno is SO special. Flynn and Lake are SO special. I'm so excited for what other shenanigans they get up to and all the potential new stuff we're doing on your multi !
I need to put this man in an enclosure and study him. I love him so much, and I love the careful way you've crafted him, and the truly unique way he carries and conducts himself. PLUS the way we chat ooc? Peak.
Every one of your muses is a darling to me. We've started creating such interesting relationships between a few of our muses in varying stages of romance or friendship and I cannot wait to do more with you.
Every time I see you in my notifs I know I am getting fed the Good Shit. You have such a way with words and what we've crafted between Gale and Callie is really something special to me. Plus to varying relationships w Harts and Bella? Yes.
There is no muse of yours that I don't love down bad. We have some truly batshit stuff going on and I know that I can always come to you with the wildest ideas and we can make it work. I am truly your biggest fan.
August is the only child character I write with and I think that says something bc it's hard to write a child without them being too much of a caricature and it's hard to build relationships without them being one-note but you so it SO well, so we have such beautiful ties.
One of the true lights of my life I adore seeing u on my dash and in my notifs. We have some great ties between our characters and I truly love seeing your thoughts on lycanthropy or drow society or whatever takes your fancy.
I love that every pairing we toss together just seems to Work lmao. Whatever the situation, whoever the muse, we can always put them together and come out with something good. And by good I often mean shippy but like. Who's gonna tell us no?
I am so in awe of your mind and your worldbuilding, and I am so lucky to be able to play in these spaces you've built. I love the relationships we've built and I love that we can throw different characters together to see what sticks.
I say this with the UTMOST affection but this is the most messed up roster of characters I've ever seen and I adore writing with them. I adore exploring all the different facets of their characters and how my characters interact with their struggles bc they're NOT perfect.
If I see a man over 30 on my dash, odds are it's you. I love your roster and I love our OOC hate sessions and I love that we can both puck up and put down starters like nothing. Whether it's something established or a new idea we can always put a pair together.
I know you're ALSO not writing atm but I have to let you know how much I love you and your babies. Not just Nick but all of them. We have some really interesting dynamics both platinic and romantic and I can't wait until you're back to pick them up.
And then of course some other shoutouts of people I don't love any less but perhaps don't write with or talk to as often <3 (which should change, honestly. Come yap w me <3)
@abysswarden | @berylcluster | @bucketkicked | @byanyan
@coastercrushed | @corsey | @cragsnow | @demonstigma
@downspirals | @fvzzyelf | @godstrayed | @hegrudges
@idnull | @kxllerblond | @lcngdays | @nabaidhean-neonach
@platiinums | @pohlepen | @redemnation | @strszyga
@withbeasts | @xinxiins
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countlessrealities · 9 months
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Kisses under the mistletoe
@technodromes sent: 💗 : my muse mentions that they want to be kissed under a mistletoe (for Bishop & SR)
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Holidays were always a weird time for Rick. His family had never really celebrated them outside the religious aspect, something he had never cared about. He had celebrated his fist, "real" Christmas with Diane and her parents, in his late teen years, back in a time that now felt like it belonged to another life. They had kept up the tradition during their marriage and she had always invited him over even after they had divorced.
All in all, he had some good memories linked to the day, but he also had quite a few that weren't as pleasant. The first year he had spent it at Beth's, they had reconnected was just one example. He still marvelled that Nora hadn't ended up literally kicking him out, considering what fight had broken out between the two of them. At least Summer had loved her present.
Then there had been the odd years he had chosen to spend Christmas on the Citadel, to make sure that AR did more than just getting drunk and throwing around lewd holiday-related insults until he managed to start a brawl. His best friend always insisted on getting wasted, and he had gotten the guard intoxicated too more than once, but at least no fighting had ever been involved.
Also, he had to admit that, since the election of their new president, the Citadel had always looked great during that time of the year, with all the lights and decoration and the massive tree set up in the middle of the main square. The view from the top of the highest buildings was beautiful and it almost made him feel like the city-state could be a great place to live.
Those last two things were the reason why he had decided to man up and invite Bishop over to this relatively calm but still fun party AR had roped him into joining. Deep down, Rick suspected that it was mostly a ploy to keep him busy, so that he wouldn't be there to stop him from doing whatever he had planned for a certain Commander they both knew.
The thought almost caused SR to sigh, but he held the urge back, choosing instead to focus his attention back on his friend. He had been scheming a little too, so he couldn't really judge the black market dealer as much as he usually did. Not without sounding like a hypocrite, at least.
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"I-I hope all this isn't too confusing for you," he spoke up, after having swallowed a mouthful of the liquor he had been sipping. He wasn't planning on getting drunk, but he had figured that he could use a dose of liquid courage. "M-Most of the shit you see is stuff from Earth, b-but apparently someone had the bright idea t-to mix it up with alien traditions and...I-I won't lie. I-I have no idea of what that is supposed to be."
He pointed with his thumb an oddly shaped...something that had been put in one of the corners of the terrace. His guess was that it was some sort of decoration, with how brightly it was shining, but it was also made of what had felt like solid good when he had got to poke at it. Plus, there was a Santa hat casually tossed on top of it, which only furthered the confusion.
"B-But I hope that you...w-well, that you like the place. U-Usually the Citadel is never festive, s-so...I thought that you should see it like this too."
What he didn't say was that he was hoping that this would allure the Utrom to spend more of the holidays with him. He did have a guest room in his flat, even if that was another thing he hadn't mentioned yet.
"An-And speaking of traditions, t-there's a funny one I should tell you about..."
His voice trailed off and he gulped quietly, resisting the temptation of downing the rest of the contents of his glass. He knew that he couldn't have managed to be smooth about this, but he wanted at least not to show how nervous he was.
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"Y-You see that plant up there? T-The, uh, mistletoe?" He made himself go on, nodding towards the bunch of white berries and green leaves that was hanging from one of the light wires. There were a few sprinkled here and there, just waiting to catch two unaware people underneath them.
"B-Back on Earth, i-if you and someone else end up under it at the same y-you're supposed to...to kiss. I-It's considered a well-liked romantic clichéd."
He wasn't sounding to lame, right? Or, even worse, too desperate?
"I-I did it once. T-The, uh, under the mistletoe kiss, I mean. B-Back when Diane, my ex-wife, and I were still dating. W-We were at this party our college had organised an-and she tricked me so she could catch underneath one of those things. I-I was embarrassed as hell, b-but...it's a nice memory."
Clearing his throat, he allowed himself another sip of liquor as a reward for having gotten this far without running away, before forcing himself to stare right at Bishop as he spoke the next, crucial words.
"I-I've been thinking...I-It would be nice to do it again. W-With the right person, i-if they wanted to try it out." He could do it, just one more sentence. "An-And since you like learning about Earth stuff, I-I thought that we could...you know. K-Kill two birds with one stone maybe?"
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farttherapy · 1 year
Hang on…
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Video: Nora Poggi at the now infamous and loathed toga party housewarming at Villa SF in 2012
Fun fact: the pictured scene in The French Dispatch would be inspired by a SFW B&W photoshoot session the our side of things artist and her then non artist boyfriend had, he snapped her photo instead and she was the muse.
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dudemanauthor · 2 years
Yang Provides (Part 5)
Author's Note: Man, wild how this ended up my first ever fic with Nora in it. Guess I was just really focused on the main 4 that I never thought to branch out, even though Nora was always one of my faves.
Blake had never been this nervous about going to Team JNPR’s room before, and yet here she was, with the regular milk delivery in hand, a vial of the formula in her pocket, and trying her darnedest to work up the courage to knock. She took in a deep breath, stepped up, and knocked. Agonising seconds passed before the door swung open to reveal the excitable little redhead Nora Valkyrie in her pyjamas.
“Hey Blake, what’s up?” Nora said with anticipation.
“Milk delivery. Is the rest of your team here?” Blake asked, trying to peek over Nora and into the room.
“Nah, Jaune and Pyrrha are training and Ren’s off meditating, so yeah, it’s just me here. Maybe I can help you,” Nora said, leaning on the door frame.
“Maybe. I just wanted to ask something about the milk.”
“Oooooh, yeah, the others won’t be any good. Ren can’t drink milk and Jaune and Pyrrha apparently have to have that milk that’s basically just water pretending to be milk, so I’m the only one drinking your milk,” Nora explained. Blake nodded in understanding.
“In that case, do you mind if I come in?” Blake said, offering Nora the glass milk bottle.
“That’d be great, I was getting bored on my own and I ran out of homework,” Nora replied as she grabbed the bottle and took a swig from it. “Mmm, this is good. Tastes a little different though.”
“Oh, you noticed? This bottle came from a… different source,” Blake said carefully.
“Oh yeah, I meant to ask, what is your source? You hiding a cow in your dorm? Did Weiss buy a farm? Are one of you secretly pregnant and lactating and giving me the spare milk?” Nora asked, rattling off her questions rapidly. Blake paused for a moment, taken aback by Nora’s last theory and how close to the truth it was. “Oh, wait, you guys probably wanna keep it a secret, don’t ya?”
“We do, but I’m sure you can keep quiet about it,” Blake said as she wandered over to one of the beds and sat down, followed shortly by Nora on the opposite bed.
“Not gonna lie, I love that you can trust me, and don’t worry, no one’s gonna hear anything about this from me,” Nora asserted. Blake nodded and rested a hand on the pocket with the vial inside.
“So, that last theory of yours, it was close…” Nora gasped.
“Does that mean I get to be the cool aunt that’s not actually related? Wait, that’d be Yang, unless she’s the one who’s pregnant…”
“No, wait! No one’s pregnant!” Blake interrupted loudly. Nora stopped immediately and deflated in a very overdramatic fashion. Then, she straightened up again.
“That’s probably a good thing, actually. Having a big belly would make Grimm fighting really hard, I guess,” Nora mused. “Wait, then what was I right about? People don’t just start lactating for no reason, especially not that much.”
“Not naturally, but we have a secret formula that lets us do it,” Blake explained, pulling the brightly coloured vial from her pocket, then pointing with it at the bottle Nora held. “That bottle was from me, but the others were Yang’s.” Nora held her bottle up to her face, scrutinized it for a very long moment, then put it down again.
“Huh, I guess I like breast milk then,” Nora said with a nonchalant shrug.
“W-wait, this isn’t weird for you?” Blake asked, confusion heavy in her voice.
“Well, one, we’re at a school to fight monsters, so our whole life is pretty weird, and two, that’s actually super smart, because that’s probably way cheaper than buying milk and you don’t get in trouble when you and your best friend sneak on to a farm and try to steal milk from the cows, but the old guy running the farm catches you and yells a bunch of swear words at you even though you’re, like, twelve,” Nora replied, getting faster and faster the further into her story she got. Then, there was a moment of quiet. “So, uh, how does it work?”
“Oh, it’s very simple. You drink it, wait a little bit, and then your breasts start growing and you start lactating for a few minutes, and once they’re empty you’re back to normal,” Blake explained.
“Well, when you say it like that it sounds easy,” Nora said casually. “I think I’ll try it.”
“R-really?” Blake exclaimed.
“Heh, somebody’s excited,” Nora said smugly. “You as ‘excited’ as Yang was that one time?” Blake turned crimson and looked away.
“How did you know?” Blake asked with a wavering voice.
“Uh, didn’t you hear her? She was super loud, and I was gonna talk to her about it, but that only happened once and I didn’t wanna embarrass her so I didn’t bring it up,” Nora explained. “Now don’t go being all embarrassed like that, I was actually kinda jealous. Yang sounded like she was having heaps of fun.”
“Can we add that to the list of things you can keep secret?” Blake asked, slowly regaining her composure.
“Oh, totally,” Nora assured, before moving over to the bed Blake was sitting on. “So, mind helping me with my first time?” Blake hesitated for a moment, especially with how Nora’s cute little smile reminded her of Ruby, but eventually that thought escaped her mind and she was left with the prospect of Nora lactating, and it was a very attractive prospect. Blake carefully opened the vial, poured out a capful of the formula and handed it to Nora, who took it and downed it in one go.
“This is going so much better than I expected,” Blake said quietly.
“You’re welcome,” Nora said with a confident smile, before a look of surprise took her face. The pair both looked down at Nora’s chest and they watched as her breasts slowly grew larger and larger. “Oh man, this feels weird,” Nora said, tentatively touching a growing breast. Nora’s nipples swelled and grew hard under her shirt, creating distinctive outlines that shifted as Nora’s breasts grew and her shirt rode up, as more and more needed to be covered up, yet at the same time more and more midriff was revealed.
“You should take that off,” Blake warned, pointing to Nora’s increasingly tight shirt as it strained to contain the large round mounds.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Nora teased as she folded her arms beneath her growing chest, pushing it up and straining the shirt further.
“No, I mean your shirt will tear if you keep it on,” Blake deadpanned. Immediately, the shirt was off and launched across the room.
“Thanks for the warning,” the now topless Nora replied as she examined her changed body. She cupped her heavy breasts, or at least tried to, as the pale flesh filled her hands and spilled over, absolutely dwarfing her normal empty breasts. Her eyes almost instinctively shot to the dark brown nipples that stood firm as they adorned her hefty bosom. It was at that moment that Nora felt her chest grow tight and begin to ache. Blake, despite the lusty haze she was trying her hardest to stay out of, noticed the look of confusion and slight pain on Nora’s face and moved in closer.
“Don’t worry, I’ll help,” Blake reassured, before leaning in and latching on to one of Nora’s swollen nipples, suckling for a few seconds before switching nipples. As the milk flowed from Nora’s teats, Nora could barely stifle a moan as she squirmed where she sat. When Blake finished suckling, Nora’s breasts were still undoubtedly bloated and laden with milk, but they had stopped and there was no immediate risk of leakage. Blake leaned back and tried to at least look like her normal composed self. “How are you feeling?” Blake asked softly.
“Uh, really horny, to be honest,” Nora admitted. “Do you mind if I keep these for a bit? I wanna feel what really big boobs are like. Not that mine were small, it’s just that these are really, really big.”
“I don’t know why you’re asking me, but…”
“I’m asking because you’re looking pretty thirsty, and in more than one way,” Nora cockily interrupted. Blake tried to look indignant, but she couldn’t help but admit to herself that Nora was right. “Now, do you mind helping a girl out?” Nora asked in a way that was less asking and more offering. Immediately, Blake reacted, reaching out and grabbing Nora’s shorts, yanking them down and pulling them off, completely stripping Nora of her remaining clothes. Then, she spread Nora’s strong legs and moved between them, burying her face and lapping at Nora’s damp core, pulling a gasp and a moan from Nora’s lips. Nora tensed up slightly, bringing her legs in enough to put a little bit of pressure on Blake’s head, enough for Blake to appreciate the quality of the legs she was happily trapped between. One of Nora’s hands rested on top of Blake’s head as Blake worked at pleasuring Nora, while the other gently massaged a full, heavy breast. It didn’t take long for pressure and pleasure to build up in the bloated breast, and Nora quickly realised what was about to happen, even with Blake’s distraction. As a white bead began to form on Nora’s nipple, Nora leant down and brought the nipple to her mouth, locking her lips around it and beginning to suckle. The sweet taste of her own milk, combined with the relief of pressure and the building of pleasure in multiple places meant that Nora simply couldn’t help but let out moans muffled by her own breast, with the vibrations from those moans only making it feel better and better. Before too long, Nora had reached her limit. She fell back on to the bed and unlatched from her nipple, spilling a small dribble of milk onto herself as orgasmic moans poured from her lips. Blake’s tongue kept working through Nora’s orgasm, drawing it out longer and longer and building it higher and higher. Nora’s back arched as she reached the apex of her orgasm, before she flopped back down onto the bed and her moans became breathy and quiet. Picking up on Nora’s cue, mostly Nora’s legs going from nearly vice-like around Blake’s head to fully relaxed, Blake extracted herself from between Nora’s legs and crawled up onto the bed, next to the nude redhead.
“So, how was that?” Blake purred, almost caressing Nora.
“Best. Orgasm. Ever,” Nora panted, as she turned her head and bumped noses with Blake, setting off a small giggling fit for the excitable Nora.
“Glad I could help,” Blake said softly and sincerely. “I hope you don’t mind, but…” she added as she began to make a move towards Nora’s bare breasts.
“You only get one titty, I want the other,” Nora replied, scooping up one breast to offer to Blake and the other to bring back to her lips. The pair slipped into a blissful state as the pair enjoyed Nora’s milk, both moaning from the pleasure of the experience, Nora moaning more and louder than Blake. Before long, Nora had been milked dry, mostly due to Blake’s enthusiastic drinking, and the pair lay next to each other on the bed, catching their breath as they almost instinctively embraced.
“Thanks for doing this with me,” Blake whispered into Nora’s ear.
“Thanks for showing me all of this,” Nora responded. “Although, I think I’m showing a little more than you are.” The pair laughed quietly together as they hugged each other closely.
“If you enjoyed this, maybe you would be interested in a surprise I have planned for Yang,” Blake suggested. “It’s just a small thing to thank her for getting us into this, and for all the milk she’s made for us.”
“Aw, that’s super nice of you,” Nora said sweetly. “Count me in, partly for all that stuff you mentioned, but also because she’s really nice.”
“That seemed too obvious to mention,” Blake explained. “Now, about what I have planned…”
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dcci · 4 years
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Roaring 20′s
With Nora
Austin, TX | January 2020
Image shot by me (dcci) with a Mamiya 645
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galaxietm · 3 years
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one of these days i’ll rewatch the first 4-5 volumes of r.wb.y since it’s been a while and i honestly still love her v much
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theajaheira · 2 years
(whispers) i haven’t forgotten about that halloween fic i said i would write
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shevaults · 1 month
would your muse ask/expect their partner to change anything for them? (if so, what?)
no. nora doesn't believe that she has the right to ask anybody to change anything about themselves. she knows what she's getting into when she enters a relationship and she's not been in that many because of it; if something is that a big a deal, she simply won't date them. nora dislikes hancock's chem usage but would never ask him to cut down because she fell for him despite it.
i think this is also part of the reason why she hands hancock her ring as soon as he says he needs space after she blows up the institute. she knows he's not going to change his mind any time soon, and she wouldn't ask him to do so anyway... not to mention the fact that she knows exactly how serious she is about him. so yeah, no, nora's not gonna ask u to change anything because she doesn't want to change anything about someone when she gets w them. she gets with them because she loves them the way they are. she just accepts them for who they are and would choose to fight through anything w them because of it.
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justwannasin · 11 months
Sienna might have tried to leave but her new owner wouldn't have it as he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back. "I didn't give you permission to leave." He told her harshly. "Now you're gonna stay here otherwise I'm going to make your Dad's life a misery." He told Sienna, looking down at Nora expecting her to protest the treatment of her little girl. Turning back to Sienna, he made her look at him. "Understand?"
if anything, even if sienna yelped when he yanked her hair to pull her back, she paused at the threat to her father. because at the core of it, sienna loved her father, she was definitely a daddy's girl growing up...
her father took care of her, loved her-- no, sienna wouldn't let this monster make his life miserable.
even as nora didn't say anything to argue with him. after all, she'd already sold herself and sienna to him. sienna would just have to accept it.
"if we're your sluts... you'll leave Daddy alone?"
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skyelaf · 4 years
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• when the lights go out a new friendship arises.
When I was younger, so much younger than today I never needed anybody's help in any way. But now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured; now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors. Help me if you can, I'm feeling down and I do appreciate you being round. Help me, get my feet back on the ground won't you please, please help me?
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corpsetsang · 4 years
@theforgottenwanderers​ liked for a starter like 100 years ago 
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“Let’s just... get the fuck out of here for a week or two.” The words sounded much too cavalier slipping from the lips of a woman who just finished a 12 hour work day, but they were no less sincere. She stole a quick glance over her shoulder at the other, brow raised as the corners of her mouth tugged into a grin. “Come on. You can take the time off, can’t you? I would settle for spending a few days in the middle of nowhere at this point.”
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thervnaways · 5 years
arrest ( nora & miles ) :)
 - ̗̀ one word prompts.  ̖́-
status: accepting!
arrest :   your  muse  finds  my  muse  arrested  in  cuffs  with  swarming  police everywhere.
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                   sometimes, miles isn’t as fast as he wants to be. he doesn’t get to go as quickly as he NEEDS to be. and these times often become more troubling than one might think.
his phone rings and rings in his gym bag sitting on a bench in the dug out as he sprints across the track at a much more normal speed just to make it seem like he’s human, and he wins, of course, but at a price. because when he makes it back to his things ( which had been completely ignored by his coach who’d been too concentrated on the competition ), he finds his phone blown up with a number of missed calls from the other runaways. he calls dee back because he figures she’d have the most information, and he quite literally zooms out of the field and to the scene of the crime to rejoice about the capture of that thief who’d been his worst enemy. but he sees someone he doesn’t expect to see, almost dropping his things when their eyes meet.
the boy is stuck staring at her, his friend, hair a mess after they’d pulled her hood off and he doesn’t really have much to say. trying to take everything in, eyes dart to pinky and nana who he assumed had been the two to take her down then back to the police. he’s afraid to call out her name because that’d only make everything worse. instead, miles finds strength in himself to push through the small crowd of people that had gathered around. hurt and guilt and confusion and anger all pool in his eyes, and he doesn’t even know where to start anymore. 
miles is still panting, sweat drying at the corner of his forehead. “so this is why you couldn’t make it to my race?”
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