#— (tag tba) thoughts.
dolmimi · 3 months
What's ur love hate relationship with Whitney like broski
hey anon thats a rlly interesting question u got there.... i'm gonna use he/him pronouns bc he's male in both runs
hate because.... hes a scoundrel, a brat, a menace, and a monster. he "loves" pc in his own twisted way (that is if you keep him at high dom). love because... his soft moments got me hooked. his fleeting moments of vulnerability, which he hides behind a tough shell. the fact that vrel says he would be a good parent, and how he knows the town is fucked....i've been trying to understand whitney's character lately. like why is an asshole like him a love interest?
i think most would observe that he likes being in control all the time, thats why he asserts dominance over others (in school, to his gang, and pc). it makes me wonder about his background. did something happen to him? but also, it's possible that nothing happened too, he could've just been perceptive. i think it's understandable to put up a rough front when you live in a town like that. he seems to have a fear of vulnerability (him being hesitant to show softness in public, but is a bit more soft in private).
iirc vrel confirmed that pc makes him feel things he never felt before (i saw this in a screenshot and i don't have the source, sorry 😔). i think that may explain why he treats pc like property. he has never felt about anyone like that before, and it makes him vulnerable. since he has a need to be in control, he asserts dominance over pc. hence why he calls them toy, property, etc etc. for awhile it confused me because he would share pc with others.... and act jealous when someone looks at them? but now i understand (of course, i don't think it's right. he treats pc like an object, which is toxic. hope i didn't give this impression 😭). he doesn't wanna be taken advantage of, and is also emotionally constipated.
tldr: i love and hate whitney because hes an asshole but is also very intriguing.
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tolimorghon · 5 months
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click the heart for a one-liner from my bby boy Luke
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disturbnot · 1 year
afternoon friends. i think i'm nearly ready to get back to normal here. i hope you've all been doing well this past week! ❤️ irregularly scheduled ash nonsense will resume after this commercial break ���
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godraet · 1 year
theres a 0% chance that gan went to king rauru and was like lmao ill bow to another king JUST to get a goddamn magic rock, being power hungry isn't the same as like... having some deep spite and anger driving that because also the way he went about it was like... he wanted this to fuckin hurt. if he just wanted the stone he could've just been like lmao and taken it, the guy's literally established as the aspect of power and now he can BREAK THE MASTER SWORD which was supposed to be the only thing that could yeet him and even when he gets yeet he .... comes back ... like
it's established that there's ISSUES between the kingdom of hyrule and the gerudo. that's existed from like. many games ago- i know windwaker goes into this a little more, which is totally valid because of COURSE gan would be spiteful and mad if his people were suffering, his JOB as the person in charge is to Make Sure His People Don't DIE, and evidently hyrule was making that Very Not Easy,
if gan wanted power he could just take it, but instead he makes sure that he LEAVES WOUNDS that go deeper than just the wounds of battle, he wants the people he targets to Suffer and that doesn't stem from a desire for power, that looks a lot like vengeance and attempts to deliver divine retribution
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corvidmagicae · 7 months
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    “... What?”
It's a very simple response, one heard by the witch many a time before. Any other mage who knew her reputation may have been cowed by her annoyed glower, those sharp red eyes glowing beneath the brim of her hat... but those who had actually gotten to know her would recognize the subdued disbelief and confusion in her expression was vastly dwarfing any irritation.
The suited human shoving a manilla folder in Bridgette's face? She fell into the later category. If anything, the woman - affectionately self-nicknamed 'Gadget' (since she refused to even remotely share any other name) - would just give a snicker at the elder's expression, rolling her eyes.
    “C'mon, Biddie. You're old, but i know you're not deaf. Some of the younger fanged folk haven't gotten the memo yet that we're 'off the menu.'”
And immediately held her hand up to interrupt Bridgette's attempt to shoot a quip back at the wording choice.
    “Yeah yeah, i know vampires aren't your forte. That isn't why the old ladies are putting this on your radar. THIS is.” The youngster opened the folder, slipping a couple of photographs out - the first a message scrawled at the scene of the crime, mentioning a particular newcomer to the local gangs.... and the second? A candid image of a familiar blonde. And Bridgette bit back a snarl, one of her fangs showing.
    “The kid's alive - someone outside our group got to her first, obviously. Hopefully they know what they're doing to mitigate vampire bites. Something something, gotta wait out the poison, yeah? Keep them alive long enough? You'd know that sort of thing better than me. The problem is the group in question, and what happened to the biter. The dude's uh... he's not presentable. Not gunna show those images. But a little bit of clairvoyance got us a look at who decided to do some vigilante justice."
Gadget nudges the photo of the blonde towards Bri.
    “So... yeah. That one's yours, isn't she?”
    “She's not mine-”
    “Yeah yeah, fae bullshit. But the point is, she's involved. And the old girls upstairs don't really don't care whatever rivalry you two have going on.... but they've decided that she's your responsibility. For uh... obvious reasons. If it were just her, it wouldn't be a problem, but this Vulcan thing has them rattled. Just... keep an eye on her maybe? Or give her a history lesson, or something. I dunno. You're the most contact she's had with the rest of SIBYL, so if anyone's going to get a better read of her and what she's trying to do, or better yet maybe get her to be less public, it's you.”
Oh, now Gadget's actually taking a moment to breath. Not before smacking the shorter witch on the forehead with the folder, unspoken yet light reprimanding, before dropping the folder in Bridgette's hands, but she's ceased talking none-the-less.
Not that Bridgette's taking the chance to talk. No, she's just running a palm along her face in an exasperated motion, pinching the bridge of her nose while she takes a moment to process what she's been told.
    “Oh, goddammit Krupp. The hell have you done?”
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spxnglr · 8 months
Dum.blr's follower glitch will forever ensure I have no peace.
I haven't unfollowed anyone recently, so if I'm no-longer showing as a mutual then pls let me know.
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tokosyomaru · 2 years
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›–✁-| sho / it+its nblw / 19
Welcome to my Danganronpa blog... 2!! Sparse reblogs as I haven't had a fixation on this series since like, early 2022. My main is @gemharvest and that is where I will like/ follow/ etc. from. Will probably reply from this blog since u can choose that now but if you get replies from my main that's still me !!
I probably wont tag anything super common within the series (minor gore (blood/ minor wounds), death, weapons, etc.) so be mindful of that when going through my blog. Anything a bit heavy like more graphic gore, child abuse, and etc. will get cw tags, though. Mutuals are free to request I tag something specific (if you only follow this blog but I follow back from main ur still a mutual 👍).
[carrd] + [art blog] + [youtube] |-✃-✁–‹
Fun DGRP interest trivia for those who wanna know:
Ultra Despair Girls is my favorite of the games, though that is definitely a subjective take and bc of some of the shit that goes on in there, I completely understand those who may dislike the game.
Trigger Happy Havoc (DR1) is probably my favorite of the main 3 games. The cast just clicks with me more and also it features my girlsssss Toko and Syo.
Still don't personally understand a lot of the hype around SDR2 I'M SORRY it just doesn't click with me as much. It's still super fun I'm just an outlier in it not being my favorite.
World's strongest Tokosyomaru soldier though I'm kinda on break rn with the fixation not being as hard. Fukawa system defender though I also fucking hate how they were written so I am defending them from the devs as well.
Favorite characters include Komaru Naegi, Toko and Syo Fukawa (those feel like "duh"s to me LOL), Makoto Naegi, Kyoko Kirigiri, Chihiro Fujisaki, Kazuichi Soda. Aaand I really liked Maki/ Tenko from nDRV3 but I'm going to be real it's been so long since I've thought about that since the ending of the game made me feel super sour so I'm going to have to get back to y'all on that one.
I also really enjoy seeing Naegiri, Sakuraoi, and Tenmiko stuff. Not super into much aside from my affinity for Tokosyomaru, though I appreciate p much any ship in this series as long as it's not the Fukawas and Byakuya (I'm a lot more chill abt that nowadays though it makes me super uncomf still, sorry).
Despite my interest in this series being pretty dormant, feel free to send me asks abt it!! I'd love to chat a bit even if it's not the current active interest. :)
I also love being given drawing prompts as long as when u send something in, you're aware I might sit on it a while before doing it & that I'm not actually obligated to do any requests and that they're more for me to doodle out if I get a good idea/ am really into the prompt.
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lordliing · 7 months
A casual reminder/saying it outright, but Gortash (specifically mine) has never directly killed someone himself-- he has ordered deaths, tortured someone to later have them succumb to wounds, poisoned someone slowly to let them die from the poison related illness, and even convinced a couple to go into the sewers to die by th Bhaalists-- heck he may be in a couple suicide notes, he is horrible enough. But he has never taken a blade to someone himself, never shot his crossbow to kill. So that could be fun
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sonicprim3d · 1 year
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" It's a common misconception that the Chaos Emeralds can work by themselves and with only one person to get you what you want. By themselves, the Chaos Emeralds are simply a source of infinite power and energy, but when influenced by someone who's managed to collect them all together and those around them, perhaps even the whole world, they can do just about anything the main person, or persons, influencing them wants. It's why I've only gone Super when others need me to, like when I went Super to save the Master Emerald for Knuckles, or to defeat the Titans to free my friends. "
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adventuringalchemy · 1 year
there are minecraft rp blogs. i am shooketh. 💀
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byanyan · 1 year
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@gnarledbite sent:ㅤ💫 a late night text.
texting promptsㅤㅤ.・。.・ㅤㅤaccepting!!
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[sms: overbite]ㅤdo u have any idea [sms: overbite]ㅤhow hard it is [sms: overbite]ㅤto find a place where u can block out all the sunlight [sms: overbite]ㅤwhen u cant tell anyone itll literally kill u if they pull the curtains open [sms: overbite]ㅤive had to sleep in a fuckin closet most days [sms: overbite]ㅤits so uncomfortable [sms: overbite]ㅤu have no idea how hard it is to explain if someone comes in lookin for smth [sms: overbite]ㅤits so fuckin stupid i hate it here [sms: overbite]ㅤanyway dont tell anyone abt this or ill fuckin stab u [sms: overbite]ㅤ(.❛ ᴗ ❛.) 🔪🔪🔪
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pxison · 1 year
Deity verse ft. the sibs
Reiju - going to base her interpretation off of the horseman of death/pestilence out of the 4 apocalypse bearers.
Ichiji - will be based on conquest
Niji - will be based off war
Yonji - will be based off famine.
While those are the themes, I'm probably going to err on the side of loosely using the horsemen lore for the siblings. They won't be put behind a seal but these influences they embody are what they thrive off of/derive power from.
And just like their color brands in canon, their skin will lightly glow with them in an ethereal sense and act as a gauge on how strong they are at the time (faded shade - weak stronger shade - powerful) another indication would be the capacity for size change. Unlike the horsemen the more influence they take hold of boosts how large they want their deity forms to be (when making use of their divine abilities specifically)
They still have steeds (I'm debating still whether to make them giant cats like in canon as opposed to horses) and their respective domain is just as regal as Germa.
As entities capable of leaving the world wrought with apocalypse, mortals rarely call upon them in prayer and instead wish to avoid them at all costs as their presence means nothing good whenever they pierce the veil between realms.
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amitsuma · 1 year
META ASKS: If Your OC Was Canon. // Accepting  
@roseplendence asked:
If there are multiple adaptions/If they are part of a multi-part franchise, which ones would your character appear in? [for Atropa]
Atropa's main appearances would take place in Xenoverse 2! She would be introduced as the Supreme Kai of Time's apprentice and would likely have special missions for the players to complete, possibly based on her mess ups or her curiosities.
I imagine she would also have appearances in Heroes, although I can't say much for how she'd be written because that show doesn't really... have writing. At most she'd probably have cameo appearances and maybe a few lines of dialogue here and there, but I don't think she'd have much plot relevance.
I'd also like to think that she would make a cameo appearance in Super, at least via mention, considering how the future trunks arc delves into time shenanigans.
What corners of fandom would consider your character blorbo material? [for Nirgali]
Nirgali would be a minor/side character, but that wouldn't stop him from having his fans. People who enjoy hot-blooded yet internally soft characters would get a kick out of him, and they might even give him more development and love than canon would, possibly delving further into his daddy issues and his inferiority complex. The fandom might flanderize him a bit and go off over how he's a soft boy that needs protecting or they might go down the bratty angle since he can be somewhat childish.
How does fandom characterize/mischaracterize your character's ship in fanworks? [for Lachiat]
That's a tough question to answer, mostly because Lachiat has yet to develop any ships (mostly because I have yet to develop HER very thoroughly and I haven’t written for her--).
The closest thing might be with Jin, her roommate, and I could see people making the mistake of Lachiat pulling all the weight in the relationship, or that the two fight easily. 
A general mischaracterization I could see for her with ships in general is Lachiat changing herself for the sake of someone else or being indecisive with what she wants.
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gam3bo1-movedagain · 1 year
@womansound 😟
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"so... do you listen to music? any taylor swift? ariana grande? beabadoobee? shania twain?"
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knightinoldarmor · 2 years
when it's too late to love someone . . .
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It seems I have a thing for the character who comes second to the one they care for the most. The one that means the world to them, the one they'd give their life for, doesn't feel the same, but they do for someone else. And they know they'd never be the same important, but they don't mind, because they love them so much.
Shoto knows he'll never be as important as Bakugo is to Izuku. He'll never reach the level of friendship they share, and that's alright, he'll still do everything for the two of them, because they are his dear friends. His dear friends who will put one another's life first, than his own.
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Castiel. He knows he'll never become real family to Sam and Dean. That no matter how many times he'll die, he'll never be a real brother to them, that they'll never choose him, over one another. Yet, he'll die countless times so they'd never get to make that choice, he'll always throw away his life for anything.
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Just look at them. Staring at someone that can't have.
And these are only two examples that come in mind. Mikasa with Eren and Armin is another. Mel with Jayce and Viktor. And so many more.
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heroselect · 2 years
Once again thinking about the idea of Moira having a strange owner & pet/parent & child relationship with her experiments.
She loves them. In her own messed up way.
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