#the plights of a fledgling vampire left to fend for themself
byanyan · 1 year
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@gnarledbite sent:ㅤ💫 a late night text.
texting promptsㅤㅤ.・。.・ㅤㅤaccepting!!
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[sms: overbite]ㅤdo u have any idea [sms: overbite]ㅤhow hard it is [sms: overbite]ㅤto find a place where u can block out all the sunlight [sms: overbite]ㅤwhen u cant tell anyone itll literally kill u if they pull the curtains open [sms: overbite]ㅤive had to sleep in a fuckin closet most days [sms: overbite]ㅤits so uncomfortable [sms: overbite]ㅤu have no idea how hard it is to explain if someone comes in lookin for smth [sms: overbite]ㅤits so fuckin stupid i hate it here [sms: overbite]ㅤanyway dont tell anyone abt this or ill fuckin stab u [sms: overbite]ㅤ(.❛ ᴗ ❛.) 🔪🔪🔪
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