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infamous-if · 14 hours ago
was there ever a character whose popularity surprised you?
hmm probably blake!
im more surprised by G's lack of popularity (in comparison), i expected them to eclipse seven because i thought people like their sleazy rockstar archetype lmsdcisdn surprisingly g is not very divisive like seven but i feel like a lot of people prefer to keep them at a platonic and pleasant arms length
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qwiopty · 2 days ago
Actually lemme add onto my previous ask because Tails & Cosmo make me insane and I need to YAP /pos I can imagine the scenario so clearly. Cosmo bracing herself for whatever attack Shadow threw, opening her eyes just in time to see Tails fall over, trying to get him to get up... the dawning realization, the creeping dread. Sobbing and holding him close like when they were on planet marmolin as if that could fix everything THEY DRIVE ME TO DRINKKK anyway sorry for exploding in your inbox LOL
🙊🙊 and then the world exploded!!!
(these r just a bunch of quick sketches i put together LMAO not fit to do an animatic rn 💔)
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aloysiavirgata · 3 days ago
A post episode ficlit of Mulder driving Scully (to wherever) after Emily’s funeral (morbid I know- but it’s winter and this season feels endless in NY). 🙏
She had driven to the church with her mother but it is Mulder who takes her home.
Well, away. Not home. Home is very far but away can be anywhere.
Away is where there isn’t little Matthew’s fat pink cheeks or Tara’s full breasts or the helpless gazes of her mother and brother. Away is where she can’t smell incense and baby’s breath and heaps of roses.
They’ve been driving in quiet, aimless loops for over an hour. Scully has her face pressed to the cool glass of the window. Mulder’s jacket is off and his sleeves are rolled up. His forearms are the color of graham crackers.
Mulder exits and re-enters the same highway again. His face is drawn.
Neither of them has consumed much of anything but coffee for days. She can’t let him keep going like this for her.
“Hey,” Scully says, sitting up.
“Hey.” He merges left. They pass the same massive parking garage for the umpteenth time.
“You ever had a fish taco? Kind of like a SoCal lobster roll.” Scully favors him with a smile that she knows to be, at best, watery.
He smiles back. “No, I haven’t.”
If he’s lying he’s good at it, Scully thinks. Scully is white and red and black in the golden SoCal light. Mulder, New England bred and born, is bronze and cinnamon and offshore kelp forest eyes.
She directs him towards a little place she recalls, tin-roofed and fragrant, crammed between the gun shop and the florist.
Mulder turns the car off. Stills. Waits.
She knows what he’s doing because it’s an old interrogation tool and they’re just two magicians doing card tricks for each other but still she gives in. Sometimes it feels so good to let someone else be the adult.
Scully reaches into her pocket, pulls the necklace out. She lets it puddle in her cupped palm.
“How can I believe in a god that would do this,” she asks, shivery and heartsick and afraid. Her own cancer is one thing but little Emily is another. Her cross is gold, like it means anything. 79 protons.
Next to her Mulder closes his eyes for a long breath. Mulder in a shirt crisp and stiff as beaten egg whites. Her shoes are appallingly expensive to her Catholic soul. Her suit is a good merino blend.
Mulder opens his eyes. “God gave us free will, Dana Katherine. He cannot intercede.”
“Mulder, don’t. Please, I -“
“Maybe this is how he saved her. You don’t believe death is the end. Do you?”
He squeezes her shoulder hard, a fraction of a second. She shudders, Dana Katherine. Good second daughter. Misses her father and her sister.
“No,” she whispers. “I don’t.” She stares at her necklace again.
Mulder takes it from her. He reaches around her shoulders, clasping the chain behind her collar. His breath is warm on her neck; he smells like cedar and bergamot.
“Let me curse god for a while,” he says, dropping a kiss on her temple.
Scully nods, not trusting herself to speak. She gets out of the car, follows Mulder into the sun.
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madamechrissy · 1 day ago
I can imagine pregnant reader crying for one reason or another and then gojo starts crying because they’re crying lol. Don’t know why but this thought just hit out of nowhere
*fun fact: there is phenomena where expecting fathers may also experience pregnancy symptoms when their partners are pregnant. It’s known as couvade syndrome
I'm dying 😭😭💗💗🤣🤣 this is the best shit ever ahah. Oh yes there is, my man got cravings and cried with me and was like 'you don't understand' he actually fainted with my first baby 💀💀🤭 and ended up in a damn bed next to me!! That also makes me laugh thinking of writing that somehow but idk if Gojo would faint!! Crying I see it ahhh
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numberserk · 3 days ago
Is your banner a 3D scan? If so, can we see a photo of it? Your banner is very cool.
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recently got a new sketchbook so I decided to decorate it with randum stuffs.. thought it could also work as a banner coz it really screams me O_O thank u!
I scanned it w the document scanning feature in the notes app then saved to my files : )
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cry4nne · 2 days ago
please...please...more....chalastor...pretty please?
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linksfunroadtrip · 12 hours ago
Can you guys draw me wearing a tshirt that says “number 1 sprite fan” and then write “this is true” next to it and all (all 3) sign it so it’s official?
Thank you 👍
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sprite meet & greet..!
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mattastr0phic · 3 days ago
Ach !!! Idk if I'm able to ask for a doodle or drawing of myr giving positive affirmations / self care advice (like drink water !! Eat your veggies , you're worth it !! Type of stuff) BUT if I can ask for that type of stuuuff might I get a doodle or something of her doing that typa stuff
Kinda feeling down in the dumps and I also really love him, idk I think it'd be cool to see that
Not forced of course
- maybe previously the bite of 87
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Carry this Myriad Motivation for your day and also one Myriad curse (IT'S GOOFY DW. and hidden under the cut) for your enemies!
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namgyunation · 1 day ago
Do you see Nam-gyu introducing his s/o to drugs or do you think he’d be the type to shield you from that type of thing?
cw; talking about drug usage and unhealthy stuff here
mmmm based off of my interpretation of him, i don’t think he’d really try to “shield” you. just doesn't seem like something he'd do
i also don't think he would gaf if you knew about his substance abuse. you're his s/o. if you're with him, he's prob thinking "this is what you signed up for when you got with me." i could see him hiding it from his family, but not you.
with a job like his, it'd be pretty hard to hide, anyways. if anything, i think he'd try to at least hide or be vague about the intensity of the drugs he takes and just how addicted / dependent he is on them. he'd probably try to convince you that it's just something casual that he does or brush you off if you display any concern
i could see him wanting to keep the details of his drug usage off your radar, but not because he’s like. concerned that he’ll be a bad influence or rub off on you, or anything. nor would he do it with the intent of trying to protect you or keep you "innocent" / drug-free.
i don’t think he’d enthusiastically be like “here baby, snort this!!! take this pill!!! ❤️” out of nowhere or straight from the jump when he enters a relationship with his s/o. he also doesn’t seem like the type of dude to go out of his way to share what drugs he’s taking or even just his emotions in general. he seems like he’d be very closed off and be more than happy to keep that part of his life from you if you never asked / pushed the issue.
i think he’d just want to avoid his s/o giving him a hard time: asking too many questions about what he’s doing, how it’s affecting him, his health, their finances, and their relationship, and/or trying to get him to stop. he just wants to do what he wants while still keeping you in his life. he doesn't want you to complicate or overdramaticize things with your concern. he knows what hes doing and can handle himself.
but i think if you expressed any sort of interest or vague curiosity, he might initially be shocked, find it amusing, and be surprisingly interested in the idea of introducing you to something, jokingly offer to get you stuff, though he genuinely would if you just straight up asked him to do so.
i think he’d find it interesting / somewhat exciting to see your first-time reactions to things and would find himself enjoying it more than he expected to somewhere along the way, though i don’t think he’d force it on you. if you wanted to stop, he would be cool with that and drop it immediately. it doesn't matter to him whether or not you do drugs or are on the same page as him. he's doing his thing, and you're doing yours. he wouldn't mind and would be just as open to it if you were to ask him about it again later down the line, though.
if you asked him to give you something and lead you through it, i think he’d derive some sort of enjoyment from knowing a lot about something that you don’t, being your sole source of information on the topic, and knowing he's the first and only person that you experience those types of things with.
i could see him being an obnoxious ass trip-sitter just because he thinks it's funny / even getting some sort of ego because of it.
eg. if you start off with weed, he’s laughing at you for coughing, not knowing how to inhale right, and/or making a stupid, exaggerated face when you exhale. when you overestimate your tolerance and get high as fuck, he’s purposefully putting stupid shit on the tv to gauge your reaction (maybe some dumb children’s cartoon or compilation of idk. plants growing timelapse), laughing at you when you're super focused on it (not mean, just teasing / amused), and maybe he takes a few selfies with you to tease you about it later. he would smoke with you, too, but purposefully stays mostly sober so he can take care of you. also, his tolerance is naturally way higher than yours, and i think he'd find it funny if you got high extremely quick.
he says shit like "oh, i invited your entire family and also a hundred of your friends over to the apartment, and they're outside right now. i hope you don't mind" just to get a funny reaction out of you.
he's not entirely mean, though, and despite having his fun, he still wanted to make sure that your experience was good and comfortable from the get-go. he thought ahead and set out snacks and drinks for when you inevitably got the munchies / dry mouth. he has a line up of funny things to watch and a blanket set out to make sure that you're fine. he doesn't leave you alone. even though it's just weed, he doesn't want to scare you.
he feels good and pats himself on the back for taking care of you. he probably enjoys knowing that in that moment, you're completely depending on him and looking at him like he has all the knowledge in the world. he deeply enjoys the fact that you trust him enough to rely on him and trust that you'll come out of the experience okay, because he's there.
nowww, getting on to other drugs outside of weed, i could see him being more serious about it and wanting to make sure that you're okay. he's open and more than happy to provide you with the things you're showing interest in. sharing his knowledge that's completely foreign and new to you and bringing you into 'his world' is satisfying for him, but once it starts to get a little more dodgy / serious, he's very firm on asking you if you're sure and asks a lot more questions. "what are you feeling?" "what do you see?" "do you need water?" "tell me what's going on." etc. he doesn't completely coddle you, but he's not going to leave you alone, either.
also, i was obsessed with breaking bad in middle school LMAO, so it's leaking into this post... sometimes when i think about nam-gyu, i can't help but think about jessie pinkman. there's a particular scene in the show where jessie's gf, jane, introduces him to heroin for the first time, and i think i could see nam-gyu being like jane in this particular scene, with jessie being his s/o that he's introducing shit to.
over time, if you continued to express clear, enthusiastic interest and prove to him that you could handle it, i think that's when he'd finally let himself relax and do drugs with you, rather than staying sober to monitor you. i think he'd grow accustomed to doing things with you, almost falling into a routine or having it be "your thing." he'd sneak things from work that other people gave to him or things that he was supposed to be giving to VIPs and bring it home to share with you. he'd find that getting high with you specifically was more fun for him than when he did it with others.
ending it off with something somewhat lighthearted: after a while, nam-gyu realizes that he's actually kind of excited to have a long-term buddy to get high with. he would start suggesting that the two of you smoke a joint and then go to the aquarium, art gallery, the zoo, etc. if he got something new, he wouldn't let himself try it and wait until he got home to be with you.
tldr; i don't think he'd shield you, but he wouldn't be super open about it either if you didn't ask or push him to talk about it. if you asked him to introduce you to it, he'd find himself oddly excited by the idea. he'd do it but would make sure to keep you comfortable and ask you over and over if you were sure once you got to the more serious shit. he wouldn't push it, either, in the case that you wanted to stop or were uncertain.
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ditzyblues · 2 days ago
i love your april SO MUCH 💛💛 do you have tips on drawing her???
thank you!! and im not entirely sure what that entails, but i'll try my best :D
i stray a bit far from canon april, mostly in the way i draw her hairstyles, outfits, and body type (the last is just to suit my style, its not a big translation IMO)
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there's a few touchstones im always thinking about when i'm sketching her face out:
how wide her nose is (very important that the edges are past the inner corner of her eyes in most angles)
how full her lips are
how thick her eyebrows are (so they don't have to compete with her glasses)
roundness/heartshape to her face
even with all these features in mind, the way she looks can vary. i'm just always making sure these things are accurate, since most are key to depicting her ethnicity, even in the highly stylized show.
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i'm also always checking for the relationship between her eye-whites and skin tone, because if its off, i'd be veering away from representing her deep brown skin accurately.
this very important to be mindful of!! and very easy to check and fix! if you're unsure, find a screenshot with a similar lighting scenario and check the values in black and white.
im always aiming for depicting coils, never curls, since i believe that's the hair type being shown in the show.
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there's a lot of ways coils can look, but usually, keeping volume and staying away from single strands works. i wasn't always mindful of this tho (example below) and still am very capable of loosening it, even if it's subconscious. this is almost ALWAYS a simple fix as well.
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i've see a lot of art of her hair in particular being very loose. like 2b/2c. guys.
and this problem is hardly addressed!! so i am here to recommend finding references for 4b/4c hair, refs are never bad.
her skin is cool toned in most palettes in the show, so i stick with cooler skin for her (tho i mostly use warm palettes so it does get lost)
her red glasses usually salvage her recognizability (i know this because i draw her in different outfits/hairstyles all the time)
^^ green and yellow in her clothes does too.
i hope this helps :D, thank u again! im glad someone's asking. maybe this means more April art will be put into the world.
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infamous-if · 2 days ago
With the new update will it be released on patron first? I know you’ve done it before but I just want to confirm sorry.
Hello and yes! that rollout release system doesnt change :)
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persnickety-doodles · 2 days ago
i am inloveee with the korrasami fanartss!! but one thing, i wanna know where u post ur nsfw korrasami? haha i know it's weird asking for this but i am super inlove with ur arttt
Thank youu 🥹🙏💖💖
It’s definitely not weird to me 😆
I post them to my nsfw Bluesky now. I removed all of my art from Twitter, so now I’ll have to go back and fix my links here 😅
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skeletoninthemelonland · 12 hours ago
since you are an artist I’ve looked up to for quite a while (roughly around july 2023), I’ve been meaning to ask; how do we keep making/drawing things we actually like but never see get any, like, attention? as if that attention helps with our motivation to keep making those things since i/we like it, and other people like it too so even better, right?
perhaps its not the right word but I personally find that personal/stylized projects are more enjoyable for me than drawing the new trending characters from insert fandom here, because a lot more people may enjoy it but the artist may feel nothing towards that artwork because its just.. another Popular Thing to appeal to the masses. so again, how do we keep making the things we like despite the slight demotivation on the fact that it gains little to no attention?
anywho this is just word vomit at this point so I apologize for that. have a good day and best of luck with your studies :)
Oops this was in my drafts since July 2024.
I understand where you're coming from. It might be discouraging to work on a personal project under the circumstances you described.
I think it's worth asking how you view the process of creating. Are you doing art for yourself, or somebody else? Is it a hobby, or a profession? Is it just a fun thing you do sometimes, or something much more meaningful? The answers may vary, and there's never an incorrect one.
The way I found to navigate these feelings of discouragement is going along with the ride — I like this piece of media, and said media is currently trending, so let's make art of it! Once I'm done, hop off and find something else to enjoy. Doesn't have be anything great. Maybe 2 or 3 mutuals are going to stay and see what other stuff you have in store, which means a lot.
Most of the time though? People will move on and you'll be quiet again. From experience, popularity can be disorienting, stressful and overwhelming. It can boost your motivation, but after a while you start loosing the connection you once had with your art.
My best advice is accept that popularity and personal interests flunctuate, and won't always coincide to create the perfect environment. Good surprises will come when you least expect them, so don't get stuck on the idea that your art's worth is based on how much attention it gets from others. Keep doing what you love, you're unstoppable.
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madamechrissy · 2 days ago
i just read i'll look after you and i've never read anything so fluufy, sexy and beautiful in MONTHSSS. pleasee, pleasse, pleasee- write more fics like that please. baby related, pregnancy related, husband coded gojo, soft reader with obsessed gojo ~ anythingggg. especially with the whole tired, neglected reader gettting taken care of core. i'm such a sucker for that. you're so amazing, i wish all good things for you 💖💗🌸✨️
hello love omg I am so happy you enjoyed that one. It's so freaking cute and fluffy 😭😭💗💗
I have a brand new one with accidentally pregnant reader and Gojo called Took You like a Shot that will be very similar!
Reader getting taken care of core also and more Gojo I have a Mob Gojo fic where he's a DOLL and is gonna save tired reader- Losing control now-also soft reader and obsessed Gojo!!
Another obsessed Gojo x soft reader is Would You come with Me! (Finished!)
As for tired reader and a mom I have a Sukuna fic called Pour it Up where he saves her from her lame ass ex baby daddy too 🤭💗
I hope you enjoy these and dw many more to come. This is so sweet I truly appreciate you bb 🥹🥹💖💖😭😭
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velvetwyrme · 1 day ago
I just found a beast wars guy designed specially for you
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His name is Manterror EHSGDHDJ
GASP....... MANTERROR!!!!!!!!!!
MANTERROR ILY MANTERROR 🥺🥺 aueudjthjdhfkxjxhjxbtkd look at them big ol CLAWS...
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