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kimmiessimmies · 9 days
Out in the Open (15/19)
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She wiped it away and looked at Sadie, “The timing was, of course, awful, my love, with your concert coming up today. Please don’t blame your father for not coming. He really wanted to be there, but I… I can’t see him right now, so he stayed away to give me space… We also agreed I would tell you what happened. He’s still your dad, and he loves you girls. He wanted you to know you can always call him…”
“Oh, I’m going to call him alright and give him a piece of my mind!” Esme snapped angrily. “Is he totally crazy? What the actual fuck is this? You don’t give up on nearly 25 years of marriage for some crush!”
“Es, please…” Julliet said softly, her eyes brimming with tears.
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"Oh, come on, mum!” Esme snarled, “Aren’t you pissed? Are you just planning on giving up on nearly 25 years of marriage just like that?!”
Julliet said nothing but just bowed her head in silence.
Esme gave Sadie a worried look, and Sadie sighed.
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“I do think Esme has a point, mum…” she said, with as much calm as she could muster, though she was also fuming on the inside, “You’ve always been such a strong woman; why are you not fighting? Why are you taking this lying down?”
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hanafubukki · 4 months
Sweet pea!
I've seen your mini drabbles about Silver, and from one Silver simp to another, can I just say AWOOGA! :D. He's so so pretty and sweet, it's unfair that he's not real 😭
I was thinking, what if Silver had a childhood friend that he slowly developed feelings for? Basically a classic childhood friends to lovers trope, but also cause I feel like that would suit Silver the most. It's wholesome, and Silver wouldn't really fall in love with just anyone unless he *really* knew them
This isn't really a request, but I just absolutely wanted to get this off my chest cause ahhhhhhhhh, to be childhood sweethearts with sleepy pretty boy <3
Hello Sadie 🌺🌷🌻
Thank you!! So happy to hear you like my Silver fics ☺️🥹💞💞 He’s a sweetheart and so lovable. I wish he was real 🥲
Ohhh I adore childhood friends to lovers trope. It’s one of my faves. There really isn’t enough of this trope.
Silver cares about those he’s close with, being childhood friends with him? You’re basically part of his life and his family.
I think meeting Silver would be through the Zigvolts since Silver and Lilia live away from others. Imagine one day, he visits Sebek and there you are with him.
So I guess you are both their childhood friends. 🤣🤣 He practically friends you too and you end up going to his cottage.
Sebek is pouty because not just anyone should be able to go to Master Lilia’s cottage, but Lilia says it’s alright.
You don’t train to be a knight. That wasn’t your calling. But I think being a healer would be cute seeing as how these boys keep getting hurt.
Eventually, crushes are formed but…Silver might be a bit oblivious since he’s always had feelings for you but didn’t realize.
Sebek is suffering. His idiotic friends are going to give him grey hairs.
Once he realizes though? I can see Silver directly confessing to you; if you haven’t done it first that is.
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atlabeth · 1 month
Gideon!Reader is phenomenal- I can’t wait for the next bit of it ! Any hints you’re willing to release? 👀🥰
thank you so much im so glad you're enjoying!! i can't really release anything ive prewritten bc all of it is very spoilery but this is what gideon and spence were talking about that made him all blushy lol
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plxtypusbearr73 · 3 months
Spare some sadierra for the poor?
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save me chubby girlfriends…. save me…
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raspberrysmoon · 5 days
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Remember when you were like what if the bellkeeper was a woman and I was like okay
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lenakluthor · 5 months
Kara flirting with Lena, getting her eyebrow ™️ and a smirk to confirm that yes, she's enjoying Kara's attention.
Would Lena try to assert her dominance on Saskia, or would they just work together to make Kara and Sadie squirm a little
i think once they both catch on and realize they're in agreement on switching up the dates, they'd totally work together to mess with kara and sadie. lena and saskia would enjoy watching their respective dates squirm a little before the group parts ways
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wednesdayshadow · 6 months
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@neil-gaiman, this is NOT fan fiction just a bunch of your Tumblr answers threaded together!!
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hidden-1n-the-sand · 22 days
ok so I saw ppl in my moot circle do this so.
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family :D @stephlastname @gayestclarinet @isopodonanescalator @nerdyratz @/raspberrysmoon
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whitecreekvalley-if · 6 months
Toast, do the ro's have a morning routine? and would it change with mc?
Mace is a simple man: alarm, snooze, realization that times-a-wasting, wash face to wake up, breakfast, teeth, chores. Wouldn't change a bit except he'd probably squeeze in some snuggles instead of snoozing his alarm, and be sullen about getting up instead of staying there. Double the breakfast since MC deserves to have breakfast in bed.
Alice almost never gets up for her first alarm, not until she hears Soledad starting her day. That's when she gets up, gets dressed (evening showers supporter), and heads downstairs to help her grandma make breakfast for the whole family. After that it's teeth, hair, makeup, chores. The sheep take up most of her morning because she can't help cuddling. Wouldn't change much with MC, except she'd pull them along through her morning lol
Judge has a very rigid morning routine. Old habits die hard, so he's not going to change. Up at first alarm, meticulous making of the bed, go for a jog. Come home, shower, breakfast is one cup of coffee and whatever type of eggs he feels like making. Check the news. Wash teeth, get dressed, go get the day.
Sadie is an early bird and she loves her morning routine, which is mostly her waking up, doing some simple stretches, and then starting her skincare routine. Breakfast smoothie/bowl, read news while listening to music, go over some emails while she's at it. Finish skincare routine and get ready for work. Simple joys. She'd definitely help MC join her skincare meticulousness, and it'd be a nice, slow morning together.
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montammil · 17 days
Do the kids know Lawrence and Charlotte are celebrities? I feel Nathan knows and Sadie in old canon found out, in new Canon she does for sure they're in the same business...and she'd recognize someome of celeb status anyways even if she dint know who Charlotte is...
I'm very curious...
Both Nathan and Sadie know, just not Marshall LOL. Sadie knew from the start (as you mentioned), and Nathan found out relatively early on when he and Lawrence were still on good terms.
Marshall doesn't know, but I will say since my boy was chronically online before the kidnapping, he does think Lawrence's face looks familiar because he's seen many memes and loved binging celebrity drama news LOL.
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kimmiessimmies · 6 months
Spring 08: Now or Never (23/25)
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Sadie shook her head, “No... I can’t keep him waiting any longer... He sort of wants to know where we stand right now and I don’t blame him. This has been simmering for far too long. It’s now or never, really...”
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“Well, maybe that’s what’s holding you back? The feeling you’re now jumping in at the deep end while this is the thing you feel most vulnerable about? Maybe you’re just scared? But then, won’t it always be scary?”
Sadie shrugged, “Maybe... I guess... But there’s... something else too...” She bit her bottom lip to stop it from wobbling as tears filled her eyes.
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“What is it?” James said, now looking concerned, “What’s making you cry?”
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“Well...” Sadie said in a whisper, swallowing the lump in her throat, “If... I do this... Then...” She stopped talking while her gaze wandered to her right...
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James followed her stare.
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Oh... Yeah. I know. Then you can’t spend nights here anymore..."
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"But Sade, that doesn’t change anything as far as I’m concerned. It doesn’t change how I feel about you.”
“...How do you feel about me, James?” Sadie whispered.
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chaosflight · 1 year
between all the gems and beach city crew the herd is gonna be huge! :DDD
this is not nearly everybody but here's a couple I do have locked and loaded:
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atlabeth · 5 months
glad to know i’m not the only one who is done with little miss billionaire’s bullshit
this made me lol but yeah im kind of sick of her at this point
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this is a VERY SPOILERY ask so for those who are reading tbk for the first time, SPOILER WARNING!!
but omg your reflection on how chapter 2.1. was mostly told from Miusovs POV and how this could mean the narrator probably got his information through him, made me think of who else POV we got in the book and more importantly who's POV we didn't get. which makes me think of Smerdyakov and how he is represented throughout the novel. which is obviously not in a very favourable light with only a very few instances where in he gets to talk for himself. with him being the only brother whose perspective we are never shown. I always saw this as the narrator having a clear bias against him (which is probably also still very much the case). but now it makes me think that there might also be a very practical explanation for this, he's the only brother who doesn't make it out alive! and consequently the only one who didn't get to tell his story (since the book is supposed to be written many years after the events). so the only way we ever get to see him is through the eyes of characters like Grigory, Ivan and Alyosha, who all have very clear biases against him
Oh my goodness, you’re so right!! And there’s that time where the narrator literally deems him unworthy of the reader’s attention.
It would really be most helpful to append some special remarks about him here, but my conscience forbids me to divert the attention of my reader with such commonplace lackeys, and I shall therefore proceed with my narrative, in the sanguine trust that the details about Smerdyakov will come forth of themselves in the course of the tale's unfolding.
-3.2, McDuff translation
Not only did the narrator get his information from biased sources, but trying to understand Smerdyakov cannot have been very important to him anyway, as he explicitly sees it as a waste of time. And I think Dostoevsky is deliberate in drawing our attention to this. It plays into the class themes present in the novel.
Thank you so much for this ask!! My brain is churning.
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remember when i dreamed that you texted me a picture of my house and then showed up and slept on my couch playing mario kart with my brother for like three days because i will Never Forget
… dreamed?
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