#ᵃ ˢʰᵒᵒᵗⁱⁿᵍ ˢᵗᵃʳ  &  ᵃ ˢᵘᵖᵉʳⁿᵒᵛᵃ  //  verse :  pre cos
lockhcrts · 4 years
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                     ❛ you keep saying you’re going to stop but you don’t ! ❜                                                      @sixthofficer​​
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                    THERE IS MADNESS THAT SETTLED INSIDE       forget-me-not-blue eyes the minute he had tasted fame.     the moment it slipped past his lips it had become heavy enough to drown him.     stones placed inside ribcage until he was sure he would fall.      and yet,       he doesn’t.       there is no leap inside his chest,    no heart sinking to his feet as he laughs      (     for what else could he possibly do but laugh     )      at his lover.     tired eyes meet those sprinkled with concern and even when he can’t remember exactly why he wanted to chase waterfalls and burn his palms on flickering flames he knows he loves the glory of fame just as much as he loves james.   
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❝     i will stop.     ❞     his feet ache from many miles walked,     hair wild from time spend equally in dark forests as in dimly lit study.     there are stains of ink upon his fingertips and cheeks he is sure will never wash away,    no matter how hard he tries.     ❝     i will stop once my name is on every shelf in every home of wizards and witches.     then,   i will stop.    i promise you.     ❞
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lockhcrts · 4 years
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                                  “ you know you’re really something . ”                                        @neeblck​​    /     andromeda
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             THERE IS DELIGHT THAT RESTS UNDERNEATH      his skin at the words spoken by the older woman     /      pink fabric of the dress he has chosen to wear billows as it catches air with a single    spin    .       smile is wide   ,      bright like the sun     ,     enchanting like starlight that is equally captured in the silver details embroidered upon expensive thread   .     tone drips with delight    ;     sweet honey lacing lips    .      
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❝     oh you are quite right about that    ,    darling   .    i am well aware of it    .    ❞     cocky demeanor bleeds     ,     another spin offered with a quick wink    ,     hands placed on his hips as head falls to the side allowing for golden hair to bounce effortlessly    .       ❝     but you adore me all the same   ,   do you not    ?     ❞
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lockhcrts · 4 years
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                               “we all have sins to pay penance for.”                                                  @mostsavage​​
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                              THERE  IS  SOMETHING  RESIDING  IN  FORGET-ME-NOT-BLUE  EYES                something  that  could  almost  be  described  as  sorrow            ;            the  hand  of  sorrow  ‘pon  his  shoulder      ,          a  reminder  that  there  would  be  no  god  residing  in  the  heavens  that  would  be  able  to  wipe  away  the  sins  from  his  slate            /              blood  covered  hands        ,          even  if  he  had  never  ended  the  life  of  another  being        .            fingers  of  a  ghost  wrap  around  his  throat        ,          leaving  him  unable  to  speak  for  a  passing  moment        ,          fleeting            ,          drifting  through  time  and  he  never  did  have  enough  of  time  itself        .        
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features  change          ,          shifting  as  he  shakes  himself  free  from  underneath  the  weight  of  his  crimes        .        lies  once  again  infiltrating  his  mind          ,          a  barrier  against  himself          .            the  forests  is  alive  in  the  night          ,          moon  above  not  yet  full  but  not  far  from  it          .          a  fox  yips  in  the  distance            /          an  owl  looks  down  ‘pon  them  and  for  a  moment  he  cannot  help  but  wonder  if  the  creature  would  see  him  take  a  final  breath            .             ❝          eventually          ,        perhaps        .            ❞          tone  soft      ,        not  yet  confident  enough  that  the  silence  of  the  night  will  allow  for  harsher  words        .            ❝          but  i  would  greatly  prefer  it  if  today  was  not  the  day  i  had  to  pay  for  mine          ,            now  if  i  could  please  pass  through        ?          ❞
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lockhcrts · 4 years
           THERE IS A CERTAIN AIR OF LONGING        which resides in the soul of a man torn from his family during days like these,       gritted teeth and dark circles underneath forget-me-not-blue eyes not the norm for a man such as himself.      there is a certain kind of honesty which is shown by a green coloured bottle pressed against his lips        /       wine perhaps the only thing that would make these days more     bearable.        travels take him far,      but they also take him away when he would rather be close.       
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❝     quite sad isn’t it     ?     ❞     bottle offered to the other,      even when heart and mind do not bear    honest    intend to part with it just yet.      ❝     to be away,     even for a man as well-traveled as myself,     it never does get easier during the holidays.      ❞
           @cursebreak​      //       ♡
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lockhcrts · 4 years
                  MORNING  RISES  SWIFTLY          boots  covered  in  mud  carry  him  swiftly  through  the  streets  of  a  town  he  does  not  know  well      ,        a  swift  flick  of  his  wrist  dims  the  flames  that  flicker  from  fingertips        /          casting  shadows  against  the  walls  of  houses  in  which  the  inhabitants  still  slumber        .          dawn  in  its  full  glory      ,        the  soft  trickle  of  golden  sunshine  slipping  from  over  the  green  hills      .        his  italian  is  rusty  at  its  best        ,        eyes  dart  across  letters          ,          mind  unable  to  grasp  the  meaning  that  resides  inside  them        .            ❝          what  does  a  man  have  to  do  around  here  to  find  a  place  to  sleep  the  day  away        ?          ❞
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he  hopes  that  the  other  understands  english        ,        and  if  not        ,        none  was  lost      .      after  all          ,        he  was  sure  that  he  would  be  able  to  figure  it  out  by  himself  just    fine      .              the  author  does  not  resemble  himself  at  all  in  this  moment                                  hair  caught  up  in  a  messy  bun        ,            mud  caught  up  in  his  clothes        ,            something  that  resembled      blood        on  his  cheek        .          all  he  needed  was  a      bath        ,          and  quickly  at  that      .            ❝          this  truly  is  a  beautiful  country        ,        but  i  could  have  done  without  that  fire  dwelling  salamander  infestation      .            ❞ 
             @helear​      /      pre cos starter call .
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lockhcrts · 4 years
               SILVER LIGHT REFLECTS FROM          crystal glasses        /        casting rainbows across the room in such a manner that he can almost believe it to be an image stolen from a fairytale.      it is a strange sight,      one that nearly does not belong to the pureblood witches and wizards that swarm around them.      he has known this,     once,       when the holidays were celebrated in the manor of his family in france.      and yet,       even whispers of a different tongue could not make the evening quite as beautiful as her smile could.      
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❝     come on dear,       wine can wait.     ❞       barely an adult,      golden curls and sun soaked smile.      dressed to impress even when there are no others around that he wishes to impress quite as much as he does her.       ❝     dance with me,    andromeda      !       let us have some fun.      ❞
            @neeblck​     //      andromeda     //      ♡
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lockhcrts · 4 years
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[ slow dance ] for your muse to ask my muse to slow dance               @mirafirstmate​​
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                  HE MIGHT HAVE FOUND HIMSELF DRUNK ON MORE        than liquor alone.       wine laced lips and a tongue suddenly heavy inside his mouth when he finds the gaze of max.     pleasant conversation and friendly banter spills easily,      as it always does between the two of them.       a party hosted,      a guest of honour picked.        he does not acknowledge most of it anymore,      finds peace and prayer in nought but the comfort that comes from the man by his side.       a pleasure he cannot have often,      but perhaps that is what fills it with delight when he brushes past all the things that    could be.     
❝     look at what you have become,       a romantic.   ❞       feet remember how to move as fingers entwine,    allowing himself to be lead to the open space designed for people to dance.      he does not register the soft tones of music,      cannot for the life of him recall if his ears have heard the song around them before.      no words spoken about love and softer things filling his head.      there is nothing but the gaze of max,      nothing but the shape of those lips.       ❝     you have changed,     mon amour.      for the better i might add.     ❞
arms wrap themselves around the others’ neck,      closer than he has been in a long while.      closer than he has ever dared himself to get in public.       laughter comes freely,      yet softly,      as he finds serenity in the crook of max his neck,     allowing for a quick brush of lips against his jaw.      there is no shame,      no rosy colour on his cheek except for the faint trace of it brought on by wine.     ❝     but i really did hope that you learned to dance in a way that could make me spin,     for i would quite like to see if you’re as quick on your feet as you are on a broom.      ❞
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lockhcrts · 4 years
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                                     👠 Stomp on my muse’s foot                                                        @untomb​​
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                  ARM RESTS UPON THE SHOULDER OF        the older woman    ,     a twinkle of mischief inside his eyes       /       smile turned restless    .     thorns have long since ripped open the fabric of his intestines    .      a bleeding person underneath carefully selected robes and even more carefully picked words     .      the illusion of grip upon life     ;      it is what he relishes in    .    
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❝     bellatrix    ,    darling     ,    i really do feel as if               ❞        words fall into the abyss as a sharp pain blooms like an unfolding flower spreads from his foot   .    a soft whimper of pain slipping from his lips        /       eyes wide with surprise    .     even when he     really should have seen it coming    .       ❝     what was that even for   ?       has the cat got your tongue    ,    dear     ?       why do you favour violence over the mental sparring of     talk     ?     ❞
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lockhcrts · 4 years
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                         ‘  it’s suddenly very important that i get drunk.  ’                                        @stoiretale​​    /    narcissa 
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               LAUGHTER LACES HIS TONGUE      almost as nicely as the liquor does    ,     stem of a crystal glass held carefully between his fingers  .    the sparkling liquid inside not quite enough to make the evening    pleasant    .      blue eyes look at the woman with a twinkle of mischief    ,     a connection forced by minds occupied with anything but the boredom that laid before them in the shape of men and women with nothing    interesting to tell    .      
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❝     finally the most well dressed woman speaks bitter truth              ❞    emphasis laid upon the word woman     ,      glass raised towards the ceiling with a lack of enthusiasm   .     ❝     and i am more than grateful to drink to that    .        cheers     ,     to an evening of boredom     ,     here is to hoping it shall not prove victorious over our willpower    .    ❞ 
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lockhcrts · 4 years
       SNOW COVERS THE GROUND      lights twinkle and the world is perhaps at its most beautiful in times like these               where footsteps are swallowed by the muffled sound of   nothingness   .     where laughter echos and comfort is brought in the shape of scarves and heavy cloaks   .     golden curls catch snowflakes     /     even when the air around him feels somewhat   warmer   than it possibly should   .    ❝     jefferson   .     ❞    a small nod of acknowledgement    ,    blue eyes turned up towards the skies   .      
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he  ,    a child of winter   ,   thrives here     ;     especially when accompanied by someone who    understood    what it was like to crave nothing less than the world    .     ❝     i hope you did not find the ice   too slippery    ?     ❞      smile wide and wicked in its core  .    there is genuine interest in the question   ,    the other not from around here    (     world or country    ,    he still cannot be sure    )     but no frame of reference has been provided   .     a mystery for clever minds to unravel    .    
               @madtea​      //      ♡
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lockhcrts · 4 years
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     -  ̗̀      @marblecarved​​                          ❝ When you are who they expect you to be, they never look too closely. ❞     from Rita
                SMILE  DAZZLING  LIKE  THE  BRIGHT  SUN  HERSELF        gracefully  does  he  sit  ‘pon  the  offered  chair          /            head  tilted  to  the  side  to  show  the  other  that  he  is      listening    to  every  word  that  falls  from  her  lips    .      emotions  carefully  locked  inside    ,    always  hiding  behind  his  trademarked  smile        ;        he  does  not  fear  the  world    ,    but  he  does  fear  its  reaction  once  it      becomes    smarter    .    
  ❝          you  know  just  as  well  as  me  that      fame      is  a  magnificent  cloak  to  hide  underneath      ,      don’t  you    ,        darling      ?          ❞  
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                                    he  means  no  harm  in  honey  dipped  words      /        means  not  to  tear  at  the  foundation  of  his  own  lies    .          ❝          people  only  tend  to  see  the  fame  and  glamour  that  follows  the  famous  wherever  they  go    ,    that  is  exactly  why  i’ve  decided  to  write  my  autobiography  called      magical  me      which  will  appear  in  stores    worldwide    on  the  27th    .        i  will  be  sure  to  send  you  a  signed  copy      ,        love    .        ❞
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lockhcrts · 4 years
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  - ̗̀     @iinmortales​       a kiss on the space between shoulder blades.     from remus
                        SUMMER  NIGHTS  IN  FULL  BLOOM          warmth  lingers  in  the  apartment  even  with  the  windows  wide  open        ;        gentle  do  the  curtains  sway  against  the  light  breeze  from  outside    .      the  sun  has  long  since  settled  down  underneath  the  covers  of  night  and  the  moon  graces  them  once  more  with  her  presence    .    the  soft  purr  of  a  content  cat  and  the  sound  of  a  kettle  attempting  to  boil  alongside  the  soft  tunes  of  jazz  fill  the  room    .      he  can’t  remember  the  last  time  he  felt  so      utterly  content      in  his  own  home    .      
lights  dim  with  a  faint  wave  of  his  hand    ,      filling  the  room  with  the  orange  lights  of  many  candles  at  the  same  time    .        hands  reach  out  to  reach  for  the  kettle  that    finally    finished  when  he  feels  the  faintest  press  of  lips  against  the  space  between  his  shoulder  blades    .        it  is  in  that  moment  when  time  stops  completely  for  him        ;          heart  beating  like  it  is  making  an  escape  from  the  prison  that  is  his  ribcage    .        smile  appearing    ,      softly  and  tenderly    .        kettle  is  once  more  put  to  rest  as  he  turns  around  to  face  the  other    .    
                     ❝          what  is  it      ,        dear        ?          ❞        voice  is  soft      ,      almost  as  if  he  is  too  afraid  to  disturb  the  beautiful  silence  that  lingers  in  the  apartment  if  he  was  to  speak  loudly    .      if  words  were  enough  to  drive  the  other  away        /          like  a  ghost  once  more  slipping  into  the  night      ,          he  would  never  speak  another  word        .          and  that  was  the  absolute  truth    .      hands  reach  up  to  gently  cup  remus’  face    ,      before  he  rises  to  stand  on  his  toes  in  order  to  press  a  gentle  kiss  against  the  others’  lips    .  
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❝     do  you  want  some  tea  too    ?      all  you  had  to  do  was  ask   ,    love   .   or  did  you  just  want  an  excuse  to    get  close    ?   ❞
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lockhcrts · 4 years
                   IT HAD ALL STARTED AS A JOKE         /          a hastily thrown together outfit of red and white,      a hat placed on top of golden curls.      something to keep their mind off of things during the first christmas spend without the ever looming threat of a   war    breathing down their necks.      a joke,    which somehow entirely got out of hand.     james is sat on his lap,     beautiful in a way that only he could be,      and for the first time he is    glad    that his parents had abandoned the lockhart manor for the evening       ;       for the first time he is glad for the absence of his brothers in a home way too big for just two people. 
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❝     do tell,     ❞      voice raspy as he forces it to drop in tone.     a weak attempt at an even weaker play on the familiar father christmas.     arms wrapped around his lovers waist.     a fake beard tickling against his cheek as he leans forward for lips to ghost across james’ jaw.      ❝     what is it that    you    want for christmas this year   ?     ❞
         @sixthofficer​       //       festive / holiday starters 
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lockhcrts · 4 years
           A MOMENT IN TIME        fleeting at best,     careful feet wander the universe on nothing but the trails of shooting stars.    fall,    once the weight of mortality becomes too heavy for the winds to carry.      laughter spun like silk once eyes meet and the familiarity alike   coming home    bleeds from the frame of one of his oldest friends.    you,     perhaps it has always been you.   
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❝     rojas    !     ❞      tongue curls around the familiar name,     cuts itself on the r and heals once more on the lingering promise of excitement.      ❝     i cannot believe that you came to see me,    but then again,     of course you did.    after all,    who would miss my appearance    ?     ❞
          @mirafirstmate​      //      ♡
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