clochanam · 2 months
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" oh! irene, you startled me; i thought everyone had left to go to see the fireworks. are you alright? you're feeling okay? " she's actually delighted to have someone present a reason not to do the laundry. now, she can just fiddle with the absolute wretch of a creation that is a silk robe, and face no judgement for leaving it unfolded in the basket. " you know, i was thinking of going for a walk in a bit. there's this market that's open all weekend, and at the end of the street there's a cafe with all these boardgames... what do you reckon? fancy coming along? "
@marblecarved liked THIS POST for a starter using aisling's new fc!
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nomdepen · 11 days
Send 🎬 for a random scene in my muse's life.
As her mother prattled on next to Violet Bridgerton, Pen allowed her gaze to inspect the greenery around her. The land of Hyde Park was beautiful and nothing like she'd expected to exist in the middle of London town. Flowers sprouted from the earth and the pond's waters glistened under the morning sun. The trees were thick and tall and provided perfect shade beneath them-- perfect for reading, she noted. And perfect for people watching.
Knowing full well that her mother would unlikely notice her absence, Penelope broke away from the pair of mamas and began to trail her way over to one of the perfectly perfect trees. As the sound of the women's chatter faded away, the silence was filled with a new noise: the pounding of horse hooves against the earth.
Curiously, she moved closer to the tree to get a better view of the young corinthians riding across the green. It was hard to make out their features from afar, but the two men neared closer and closer to the tree, she could tell that they must've been related. The older male was handsome with sharp features and choppy sideburns to frame his face. The other one, the younger one, was different. He couldn't have been much older than herself and his rounded, boyish features only further proved her theory. Despite how undeniably attractive both men were, Pen's eyes lingered on the younger one. The way he smiled, even from afar, was contagious. He clung to the reins, casting devilish glances to his brother every few yards, just to make sure their competition never strayed too far from thought.
She rested her hands against the cool bark of the tree, watching the scene unfold before her. It was impossible to make out what they were saying, but Pen could see them volley shouts back and forth in such a brotherly manner it made her laugh. As she watched, the wind began to pick up and the young Featherington clutched at her skirts to prevent them from being ruffled in the breeze. With her hands occupied, however, the untied bonnet resting on her head flew off, the wind carrying it through the air like a kite.
Horrified, her eyes watched as the bonnet sailed through the air and collided with the younger boy's face. It all happened so fast, the collision, the fumble, and the inevitable tumble to the ground. Pen nearly shrieked in fear as the handsome rider fell straight into what she could only hope was a puddle of mud.
She broke away from her perch behind the tree and raced over to the pair of men, cheeks burning red with shame. The muddied boy's expression was twisted up as he examined himself, but softened when he realized Penelope's sudden presence.
Close up, Penelope confirmed her handful of suspicions. From the smell--or lack thereof-- it was certainly mud he'd fallen into. From the blueish hue of his eyes, she confirmed he was possibly the most beautiful boy she'd ever seen. And from the old boy's roaring laughter, she could almost confirm that the two were, indeed, related.
As he straightens himself up, his hands take note of the culprit, lying prone in the mud. Her bonnet, once yellow, was completely coated in sticky brown and he examined it with close eyes. After a moment, he cracks a smile and finally turns his attention to her.
"Well, that wasn't very well done of me, was it?" His smile was beautiful and before she can think better of it, Pen bursts out into laughter, shielding her mouth with a gloved hand. His expression falters for a sliver of a second, realizing that her laughter was directed towards him, before expanding his smile to match her own. "You're laughing at me, aren't you? You are!"
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"I'm doing no such thing!" She declared, making only feeble attempts to quell the wave of giggles erupting from her. "I was merely being a kind samaritan, coming to make sure you hadn't hurt yourself."
"Ah, well, you know. Nothing broken, nothing gained, right?" He waved it away, as though he weren't covered in a thick layer of dirt and grime. The other male finally hopped down from his steed and closed the gap between then, slapping the younger one on the back.
"Looks like your equestrian skills need some work, brother."
Pen laughs again and this time, both brothers follow suit. As laughter spills forth from each mouth, the older one's eyes catch sight of something behind Penelope and his posture stiffens.
"Colin! Anthony! Colin, good lord what happened to you?" A voice Pen recognized as Violet Bridgerton rang out behind her, a melodic chirp that was a stark contrast to her own mother's raspy caws. The boy she now knew as Colin, spared a glance at Penelope before replying to his mother's question with a cheeky grin.
"Anthony cheated and pushed me off the horse, Mama."
"You little rascal, I did no such thing!"
Violet shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose between two fingers before ushering the pair of boys to follow her. The beautiful, clever Colin followed close behind his mother while the ruffled Anthony gathered the horses reins and trailed shortly behind. Portia stood beside her daughter, offering a wave in the vanishing family's direction, and wearing the smile Pen knew was fake and forced.
"Well, that's certainly one way to meet our new neighbors. Let's go, Penelope. We have much to do at home."
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mvndrvke · 3 months
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@marblecarved gets a starter! maryana + marin
There's nothing like seeing Westeros from dragonback. Marin has done so much traveling since claiming Mistweaver that it feels surreal, but it's a delight to be able to travel so much after spending most of her life in the safety and solitude of the Vale.
She'd certainly never thought she'd be flying over the ocean to Claw Isle. It's beautiful from above, unlike anywhere she's ever seen. Curiosity as much as duty brings her to land Mistweaver swiftly. Not every place was built with dragons landing on it in mind, so she opts to land on the rocky beach rather than the courtyard.
Her fascination can't be quelled when she dismounts, and Marin crouches to touch the water. She loves the sea, she loves the feeling of the salty wind in her hair and the crunch of sand beneath her feet. She watches a few crabs swiftly retreating from Mistweaver with an amused expression, and only rises when Mistweaver trills warningly that someone is approaching.
"Easy, girl," Marin mumbles, brushing her hand along Mistweaver's flank as she walks to stand by her dragon's head. She gives a respectful nod to the approaching woman.
"I bring a message from the Queen," Marin says. "I think I might've scared some fishermen on my way in; I wasn't sure where to land."
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thiefscant · 9 months
@marblecarved (goldberry) — starter call / accepting!
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        Rarely has the Ranger ventured this close to Bree, preferring to avoid such well-established settlements in favor of wilder places. But the order to close ranks around the Shire came from the Chieftain himself, one of the few people they actually respect, and so they answered the call. That doesn't mean they cannot do a bit of roaming, still.
        And so Anais finds herself in a stretch of nearby wood she's never visited before. Yet they feel more at home here than they do amongst the townspeople. The forest is familiar to her, even when it is unknown. The restlessness of the trees makes sense to her, as though they speak the same dialect of a long-forgotten tongue.
        Here beside a crystalline river, Anais stops and kneels to fill their skins with fresh water—only to freeze with their hands submerged as they sense another presence. They feel her before they see her, and know before they turn that she will be radiant. All the power of rushing waters to wear a stone down smooth, embodied in a woman.
        Slowly, Anais stands, corking their waterskin and stowing it without looking away. After a moment, they incline their head slightly—a show of respect, if not reverence. They know a spirit of the land when they see one.
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clochanamarc · 11 months
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the things they face every day, not to mention the things they do, are not things that can be easily explained to those without experience. time travel. entities that defy the very laws of science. physical impossibilities that render themselves normal amidst the insanity they travel through. most days, they're too busy to consider these things. but today is a rare and peaceful one, and she can't stare at the walls anymore. thus, finding herself wandering over to irene's usual spot is far from surprising. " there you are! " a smile pushes its way to the surface, and aisling stands (hovers) in the doorway, absently twisting the ring on her finger with slow, measured turns. " what are you up to? mind if i keep you company? "
@marblecarved liked THIS POST for a starter, and i picked irene evangelista!
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wornkindness · 9 months
Does your muse have any pets? / What does your muse do to pass the time?
Does your muse have any pets?
yes. im counting them as pets even though i don’t have the info for them as fleshed out as much as i’d like. but in her little garden (i say little but it’s a good size tbh) amelia has a flock of ducks. there are a couple of different kinds of ducks here but most runner and call ducks. she also has at least two rabbits. again i have not really sat down and figured out the legistics to her garden and the animals that live there. but im counting them as pets seeing as amelia does take care of them.
and then there are her actual pets. elmwood, her shire horse i talk about most frequently as he is like her main horse and her favorite. but she had at least two others, and when im happy with all the details with them i’m sure i’ll give them their own post. this of course doesn’t count the little pony amelia rode before being gifted elmwood.
then are her two giant irish wolfhounds, laurel and indigo (i’m sure i’ve mentioned somewhere in that in her canon they are not actually called irish wolfhounds and this goes for all her pets, as tho breed probably don’t exist however for the sake of tumblr it’s easier to assign breeds that already exist) and finally her two cats, lavender and pomegranate. im sure there have been other pets and will be future pets but this what we have for the moment.
What does your muse do to pass the time?
there’s a whole bunch of different things. mostly she’s out riding, by herself or her father or brother if she can convince them to go with her. or she’s reading or painting or drawing to playing one of the several musical instruments she plays, or her needlework. or practicing her dancing with her ladies,e ven helping one of her ladies with whatever they needed. she could be looking into some new interest or brushing up on an out of practice skill. in the spring and summer she’s mostly out in the garden doing any of those things. but she’s also perfectly content laying under a tree on a blanket and daydreaming/ taking a cat nap. 
if the weather is poor or it’s too late to do any of that, she’s happy to settle somewhere comfortable and just hang out with her friends and do more of the girlie things. amelia really values the time where she can do whatever she wants, so there’s not really a moment where she’s really bored, she’s happy to not do anything and just have a cat nap in the sun if and when she ever gets the chance.  
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heacanon questions ┊┊⋆˚ *❀‧₊˚ accepting
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divescustos · 1 year
@marblecarved / for ángela / starter call.
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PUTTING THE TRAY OF FOOD I would not eat down on the table, I felt something I did not usually: awkward. It was one thing to sit with Bella's human friends when she was around as a buffer. An excuse. It was quite another to do so while she was not there. She had forbidden me from keeping her company while she was sick, though, flushing a bright red at the very idea. Although, some of that could have been the cold she was suffering from. And so I had, reluctantly, followed her wishes. Similarly, Alice was also away, on a hunt with Jasper, leaving me alone with the human population.
I didn't get many looks for sitting amongst them any more. Mike Newton still had his venomous thoughts towards me, but some of that had cooled since his relationship with Jessica had bloomed. And yet, even with the time I had spent with all of them, it was Ángela who I still gravitated towards. Her kind mind was a pleasant place to be, and much easier to focus on than the chatter of the rest of the group. So it was next to her that I sat.
"Hi," I said, my friendly tone not even put on. I did genuinely enjoy her company, which did ease some of my awkwardness. "No Ben today?"
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heartsdefine · 1 year
starter call — accepting! ↳ @marblecarved (Goldberry)
        Already, Frodo feels too comfortable here in the heart of the forest, where Tom's influence runs deepest and seems the most innate. He reclines in the grass under a tree, nibbling at the end of his pipe though not quite smoking it. It's as peaceful here as the Shire, and he can almost forget the horror of the Barrow-downs for a moment.
        The shuffling of leaves alerts him to another. Frodo lifts his eyes to the lady and, for a moment, he seems altogether baffled. She is all the beauty of a rushing river incarnate, and he is...well, he scrambles to his feet, brushing blades of grass from his clothes and his hair, and bows. "Forgive me, Lady Goldberry. I was only—taking some advantage of your beautiful garden."
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mvndrvke · 1 year
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@marblecarved gets a starter! maege + robb
"Thank you for coming, Lady Mormont," Robb says, clasping hands with the woman when she reaches him. Bear Island has been a loyal ally to them, and Maege is one of their supporters that he is most grateful to have by his side. "Bear Island's support is a welcome and needed one. I hope you'll be willing to take a place among our advisors."
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gui1lermodelacruz · 1 year
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[𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊]: Send 💬  for me to make you a starter with a random line of dialogue from this generator. [𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒]: accepting [𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌]: @marblecarved / Dídyme
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❝I saw it as clearly as I see you standing there now. ❞ A lie easily escapes his lips, he had gotten used to it over the years. No one ever really noticed, perhaps because for the most part of his life, even with Nandor and the others, no one really noticed him. Which in the end, worked in his advantage. ❝ A vampire hunter killed him.❞ Which was true, of course, only that vampire hunter was him ❝I'm Guillermo. The familiar of Nandor the Relentless.❞ he introduced himself with a small polite smile, looking slightly nervous ❝Did you know him?❞ he pointed at the dead vampire.
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wornkindness · 9 months
📂 - when it comes to sweets amelia is more of a fruit based deserts girlie, tarts, lemon cakes, etc. but she will always happily accept hot coco and any other treats that might accompany it 📂 - even if she runs cold, she loves the snow, both with just how it looks but also going outside and playing in it. she also loves a good snowball fight 📂 - when she can't sleep, she will slip into her father's study. when she was really little she would hide under his desk and wait for him to find her. there's always some sort of conversation had and most of the time she ends up falling asleep on the couch by the hearth
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send “📂“ for a random headcanon⋆˚ * ❀‧₊˚ accepting
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divescustos · 1 year
@marblecarved / for esme. / starter call.
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IT WAS STRANGE HOW PERFECTLY NATURAL it felt to sit once more before the piano, to let my fingers dance across the keys, melodies and harmonies melding between different pieces. It was like an anaesthetic, letting my thoughts focus only on placing my hands in the right positions, to concentrate on transforming one piece of music into another.
Carlisle had informed me they'd kept the piano tuned. Just in case. I could tell he tried not to let the pain of my absence in those years leak into his thoughts, but I could not begrudge him that fact that it still did. I deserved to know what I had put my parents through. They were both being far too kind.
I had waited until my eyes were rid of the last of the sickly orange colour before I let myself consider playing again. A very inadequate penance, I knew, but I couldn't stand the idea of any of my sin somehow leaking into what had once been my favourite pastime.
My head turned slightly, to look at the figure in the doorway.
"I hope I didn't disturb you," I said, pausing to turn fully on the seat and face Esme.
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spellwrites · 1 year
do you know what that means? / from Tonks!
Imogen's extensive experience with esoteric curses, both professional and on-the-side, makes her an ideal candidate to help fumigate 12 Grimmauld Place of all its decades-old magical detritus. And her insatiable desire to snoop into other people's business makes her more than willing--happy, even--to serve as the team's on-call consult for the trickier items.
(She's disregarding Witton's less-than-subtle suggestions to bill Black for her time. He insists it's nothing more than his secretarial duty that compels him to draw up the invoice, and the deplorable way Black treats his house-elf doesn't factor into things whatsoever.)
In any case, Imogen is eager to see what kinds of outrageous things Walburga Black and her incestuous ancestors have holed away in here. She's made a List with all sorts of theories as to what she might find.
This... is not on the list.
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She finds herself standing in front of what can only be described as a miniature altar built into a hole someone long-ago punched into the wall behind Phineus Nigellus Black's portrait. A crude etching of a doxy is scratched into the brick, depicted with a halo and a hand gesture more commonly seen in stained glass. A few stumpy candles sit in front of the icon, but most of the space is filled with the piled bodies of a half-dozen dead doxies.
Phineus Nigellus Black can still be heard several rooms away demanding reparations for the infestation.
"That's, um... the twins having a laugh?" Imogen says. She looks hopefully at Bill, who continues to stare in openmouthed horror.
"No. Already asked them," Moody replies, with the sort of look on his face that suggests the asking involved threats on their lives.
"Huh." Imogen chews on her lip for a moment. "In that case, might I professionally recommend a blood sacrifice for the Doxy God and then a thorough soaking with Doxycide for the whole room. The whole building, actually. In fact, I'll go ahead and talk to Severus about anti-nightmare potions for all of us."
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dvarapala · 1 year
amaryllis : what is something or someone that your muse takes pride in ? how do they express that pride ? / poppy : what comforts your muse ?
botanical headcanons | @marblecarved
she takes pride in all the people she's met throughout the galaxy. (whether that's in the book or in rp). she's quick to compliment them, whether they've done something to deserve one or not; she just wants them to know that she's glad that they're around at all. she's glad that she gets to exist with them at the same moment, in the same time and place.
she also takes pride in her combat abilities. of course there were many times that she got her ass handed to her during training and in other battles, but on the whole, udyati took to kalari like a fish to water. she's good at it. she likes the fact that she's good at it. that she's got something to show for the days, weeks, months, years of training. so she's very confident when it comes to that. almost cocky.
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mvndrvke · 11 months
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@marblecarved gets a starter! esme + bella
Restless. That's all Bella is right now-- restless. She's overly conscious of the nervous beating of her heart; her future family can sense it. She's glad to see Esme rather than Edward right now, who will say the same that he always does.
"Esme?" she says hesitantly. Her thumb brushes back and forth along the band of her engagement ring. "Can we, uhm, can we talk?"
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merveiilles · 11 months
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⋆˚  ✧. ┊┊ KIPPY'S BIRTHDAY BASH;; marblecarved asked: happy birthday, Kip! I hope you have an awesome day! 💓
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// thank you so much!!! :D
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|| @marblecarved
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