#᛭   —   [OPENS]  seize  the  moment  before  it  turns  to  dust
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ghouljams · 2 days ago
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Bath [Chapter 7]
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Tags: Viking au, Viking!Soap, highlander!reader, healer!reader, Soap x f!reader, slow burn, kidnapping(sort of), forced undressing, noncon touching, bathing Summary: Mactavish, his kindness knowing no boundaries, treats you to a bath as the introduction to your new home. You begin plotting his downfall. A reasonable response considering your circumstances.
Despite Mactavish’s protests you’re both made to help with unloading the ship. Your labor is forcibly lent to the effort, so you take pleasure in slowing it down. Which leaves the sun starting to drift below the horizon by the time a warm bowl of stew is pressed into your hands as payment for your efforts.
It’s well into the evening before you ever finish tramping up the short hill that Mactavish’s house sits atop. You brace yourself for the worst as he opens the door and ushers you inside. Blood and gore splattered about, bones littering the floor, trophies from his hunts, everything that will turn your stomach more than it’s already turnt. You’re half flinched when you step inside.
Mactavish’s house is quaint, but clean in spite of the layer of dust that seems to have gathered in his absence. The wood beams and daub over stone hold up the roof as well as anything else could, and there’s a small opening near the back you assume leads to a bedroom. There’s a table, chairs, a fireplace, and a wash bin with dishes stacked to the side. It smells the same way all houses that have been left for weeks at a time do, it makes you sneeze and Mactavish mutters an apology as he shuts the door behind you. The sparse living quarters speak to a man that lives on the sea. You wonder how long it will be until you’re sleeping on the ship again.
“Outhouse is in back,” Mactavish tells you when he sees you looking around. He runs a hand over the wood holding the door, fingers notching in the carvings there. “Built it myself,” He continues, “don’t usually have guests.”
“Hopefully you won’t have to entertain me long.” You wander to the fireplace discarding your- his fur cloak on a nearby chair. You crouch down in front of the stone to start building a fire. You’re too much your mother’s daughter, too much a helper to survive. Mactavish follows to crouch beside you, tips his head to watch you.
“Want me to get some wood, Vaenn?” He asks as you glance around, “It’s just beside the house, need tae get the tub down anyway.”
You do your best to ignore him and sweep away the ashes littering the fireplace with the short handled broom that had been sitting beside it. The thought of a tub makes your shoulders tense. The idea of this man undressing around you makes your heart hammer in your chest. As if you were family just because you shared a tongue. How can he even think such things? 
Mactavish stares at you a long moment before he stands and turns towards the door. You keep your eyes on the fireplace, your fingers trembling just on the edge of creation as you grasp for straws. For anything to say to tear him down, to rebuke the idea that you need any of his help. The door closes behind him, thunderous in the silence. Your tongue is getting slow as it adjusts to the viking’s rough speech.
Or perhaps silence is the best course of action. Give him nothing and hope that in turn he expects nothing. No, you know yourself too well, you’ve always had trouble holding your tongue when anger seizes it. If ever there was a time to let yourself spit and swear it’s now. Laid in the belly of the beast with nothing to cut your way out.
Although that’s not entirely true. Your eyes catch metal with every turn they take around the small house. There’s the knife in your pack. There’s two more stuck near the hearth. You see an ax hanging over the door, an iron pot, wooden furniture, and a ladder. Perhaps more weapons hidden among the rafters. You glance up to survey what’s been stashed under the roof. Spare furniture and furs, dried and smoked meat, cloth bags held haphazardly in nets. And a tub. 
You frown at the damned thing and hope it springs a leak. Wooden slats fitted together with an iron band around them, the wax on it shining dully in the house’s low light. Your skin itches with grime, smoke and blood stain your skirts, and your head still hammers with the persistent rocking of the long boat. It’s a miserable fate to be condemned to, as if your kidnapping wasn’t punishment enough now you must treat your kidnappers.
You eye the axe over the door again. 
No. You refuse to let such violent thoughts consume you. You will not sit and let the vikings’ warring become your own, as much as your struggles have gotten you nowhere, you aren’t out of options yet. 
You eye the tub that hangs in its netted cage from the rafters. Perhaps if your struggling won’t help you, your compliance will. Never let it be said that you didn’t explore every means of escape except the easiest. Though you don’t see how it could be easy. The mere idea of compliance revolts you, and your stomach churns unpleasantly at the thought of giving any of the men --Mactavish especially-- any ideas that you’re a willing captive. But sacrifices must be made if you’re to get your freedom.
There are women and children here that need care, you can focus your attention on them. That’s simple enough, and when you’re ripped again from your comfort to aid the vikings on their raids, you’ll- you’ll-
You’ll tie yourself to whichever viking seems easiest to sway. Eventually guard will be loosened enough for you to make your escape. Though you’re loath to think what that swaying may entail. 
You think of the women in your village, how they’d spoken about men’s weakness to women, to their own instincts. You think of the way Mactavish draws himself to you, tied already with knots your nails are bloody trying to unravel.
You wonder if this is how he finds his thrill, catching unwilling prey and toying with it until it breaks. Well, not you. 
Your throat tightens at the swing of the tub, a trick of your eye you’re sure. Yet it does swing, in your mind, it hangs over you like the sword of damocles, poised to bring about your ruin with one swift cut. It has to be Mactavish. You won’t be able to master the vikings’ tongue fast enough to try and win over any others. You don’t even know the others, save for Gaz and the captain. No, Mactavish is the most logical choice. He knows your tongue, played witness to your grief (to your village’s execution), he holds the most guilt. He has it coming. 
The door opens and you’re shunted from your thoughts. Your head turns to watch Mactavish set wood by the armful inside the door, your stomach squirms when he looks up at you with a smile. You tell yourself that it’s hatred, loathing, revulsion.
“Should be enough for a fire,” He tells you, shutting the door tight behind him after the last load. You nod. Your mind is made up, but your tongue struggles to follow it. You don’t know what to say, how to act, you’re not versed in anything but your herbs and remedies. Even with those your knowledge is lacking and uncreative. The idea of being sweet to this man makes your stomach turn, and you’re sure he wouldn’t believe it anyway.
You go to pick up the wood, work will take your mind off your planning, and Mactavish catches your arm.
“Go fetch water,” He orders, “I’ll build the fire and get the tub down.”
“Me?” You ask, somehow the idea of being let out on your own for something as simple as a chore had not occurred to you. Perhaps your freedom will come sooner than expected, any other plans can be abandoned in favor of your first one: run.
Mactavish must know the glint in your eye too well, or else must sense some other change in your demeanor because his smile is mean and his eyes are hard when he reminds you,
“You won’t get far if you run, they’ll just bring you back here.” He says it like he wouldn’t be part of the hunt. “They,” as if the other vikings act independent of him. “Vaenn,” you remind yourself, prey. Why wouldn’t the dogs chase down a lone deer, sick with grief and wandered too far from her herd? You can practically feel them nipping at your heels already. You doubt Mactavish has ever given a thought to his own ability to flee.
You glance at the thick corded leather and fluffy furs that seem to lay against him like a second skin. No, you don’t think this man has ever been meant to be anything but a viking. You’re sure he ran off to join them as soon as they landed on his shore. 
“Where’s the well?” You temper your trembling, slough off the adrenaline that threatened to send you bolting. 
Mactavish leads you out the door and points back behind the house to a small ring of stones, just high enough to keep children from falling in. You wonder why a man who lives alone would think to build up the walls of a well when a wooden cover works just as well on the ground as it does on stones, and banish the thoughts that your thinking churn up. You will not humanize the wolf that drools over the marrow in your bones. He has nothing for you, no kind hand or offer of assistance, and will take everything given the opportunity. 
There is no humanity here.
The blue sky feels dull, the white clouds tinted grey, the grass rippling with shadows, so close to your home and yet so very alien to you. The squat houses that dot the town are stained dark from wear, and you manage to dim the colorful banners that signal the market closer to the harbor. Your eyes land on the strange spire that seems to needle the sky, the building dismal and dark nearer the center of town. Vikings must find the sharpness of a blade so beautiful that they construct monuments to it. 
There are people there, threading through the paths that spread through the village like arteries. Mothers and children, craftsmen and shepherds. Sheep wander through the hills on the far side of your village and you feel your heart clench for your own village’s flock. Likely all dead now.
You turn your eyes to the well, and the bucket Mactavish had thrust into your hands. Work. Work will take your mind from your thoughts until your muscles ache too much to ignore. Then you can find a fitful rest.
You lug the heavy bucket of water back to Mactavish’s house just as smoke begins to stream from the hole at the top of it. You shoulder the door open and take the bucket towards the fire, eager to be free of your burden. 
“We’ll need more than that,” Mactavish tells you from behind. You turn to watch him on the ladder, his cloak abandoned and his linen shirt sleeves pushed to his elbows. He leans to grab the rope holding the tub aloft, and you watch with curiosity as he pulls himself onto the rafter and sets about untying the knot. The flex of muscle under fabric doesn’t escape your notice, and the flicker of fire over his features makes him look more beast than man. The thick dark hair on his arms doesn’t help. Like a bear, you think, too big to face with just your wits. 
Your fingers itch for the knife in your bag and you dismiss the thought.
You won’t let these vikings make you a killer, their violence might touch your mind but you won’t let it take hold. You’re smarter than that.
“What for?” You ask, though you know what for. Know it as clearly as you know the thunk of wood as Mactavish lowers the tub to the floor, as well as you recognize the strain of muscle against fabric a size too tight. Mactavish’s biceps flex from the weight of the tub even as it gentles itself on the wooden floor.
“You know what for.” He doesn’t patronize you, doesn’t look at you like you’re stupid, in fact he doesn’t look at you at all. He merely sets his gaze towards the wall and swings himself back towards the ladder. Silently, desperately, you hope he falls. You know it wouldn’t make any difference if he did.
“I’m not taking a bath,” You tell him.
“Aye, ya are.” He responds easily, clamoring down the ladder to finish setting the tub right. He gathers the netting from underneath it and begins winding the rope around his arm in quick motions.
“And you’ll force that on me too, I suppose?”
“If I have to,” Mactavish looks at you, his eyes like steel in the light of the fire. You want to protest, but you know it won’t do any good. You scowl, and turn to stalk out of the house. You can’t do it, can’t tie yourself to a man like him even if it is an act. Mactavish… no Scotsman would turn his back on his own people like this. A viking through and through. He doesn’t deserve that tartan.
You’ll find another viking then. Gaz seemed nice enough, pitying of your situation at least. You’ll try him.
You reach the well before you remember your hands are empty. Your frustration boils in your chest, and rips from your throat in a growl as you turn and storm back towards the door. 
Mactavish is dumping the water into a cauldron over the fire when you stomp inside. He smiles when you snatch the bucket from his hands, smug. What does he have to be smug about? Asshole.
You storm out of the house a second time and hear Mactavish’s chuckle follow you through the door. Your cheeks burn with every step you take. Your shame follows you all the way to the well and you consider running just to make Mactavish’s life harder. Likely it would make yours harder as well. You weigh the pros and cons of it as you carry the full bucket back from the well.
“In the tub.” Mactavish tells you over his shoulder. You curse him under your breath as you pour the first bucket into the wood basin. This is going to take ages. You have no reason to comply except that Mactavish’s watchful eye makes compliance feel more like an inevitability than a choice. One more he’s taken from you, you suppose. The man does make a habit of stripping you bare of every path you might take in favor of his own.
Your next trip stirs a cold breeze under your skirts as you haul the overflowing bucket from the bottom of the well. You nearly lose your grip on the rope when you shudder. The cold here feels bitter. Are you further north than your village? Or are you already remembering the flames before the winter.
You try to remember your mother’s face, the way she’d bundle you against the cold with scarves and mittens. It doesn’t make you any warmer. You didn’t think it would, but you refuse to hold death as the only thing you remember of your life before this.
Someday you’ll be back in your village, you’ll find the bodies of the people you love and you’ll bury them. Then maybe you’ll bury yourself. 
Better than being a viking. 
You dump your second bucket of water in the tub. Mactavish is making himself busy with searching the house for something. You don’t ask. Conversation with him does nothing but anger you. You’re already stewing with each lap you take between the house and the well, festering in your thoughts to pass the time. Your fingers begin to ache around the fifth bucket, your back following near the seventh. By the time you return with the eight Mactavish is dumping the boiling pot into your chilly tub. 
He takes the bucket from you and dumps it into the cauldron to boil. He doesn’t return it. You stand stiffly near the door, unsure what to do with yourself now that your labor seems to be completed. Even your thoughts seem to focus into a single point, settled on the glitter of water in the fire light. Your fingers squeeze into fists, your nails digging into your palm painfully tight. You release the tense fists and scratch your thumb nail against your fingertips instead. 
Mactavish begins unlacing his leather vest and you press yourself closer to the wall. Your eyes follow each pluck of his fingers, drag with the cording through the eyelets, your heartbeat is starting to quicken with each rung on the ladder of his laces that gets discarded. You may as well be trying to paint yourself on the walls with how tightly you press yourself against it when Mactavish lets the leather drop off his shoulders. 
He settles it on a chair with his cloak and furs, then turns to you. You flinch into the wood.
“Thought I told you,” He mutters to himself, loosening the lace on his undershirt and stripping the garment over his head, “I’m plannin’ on courting you properly.”
As if such a thought could comfort you now. He takes a step towards you and you draw your shoulders to your ears.
“Stay where you are.” You order.
“So ahm nae gonna touch you,” He lies, taking another step, your eyes dart wildly around the claustrophobically small house, “but you stink.”
“I’ll scream.” You assure him, inching towards the door.
“As loud as you want,” He agrees, “you’re goin’ in the tub either way.”
Your eyes go for the door as quickly as Mactavish lunges for you. You scramble for the exit, tearing the door open and bolting. You take two steps before something huge and heavy collides with you. Your head is grabbed and pressed close to Mactavish’s chest before you hit the ground, pinned under a man who’s lucky you don’t have a knife on you. You scream and thrash under him. It makes little difference except to make Mactavish grunt with effort as he hauls you up into his arms and drags you back into the house.
You scream even when the door shuts, even when you’re set on your feet, it’s only when you’re spun to face Mactavish’s ruddy cheeks that you stop. You spend your silence to spit on his face. He bares his teeth at you with a growl and his hands grab at your earsaid. You flinch away, beating his hands off your clothes. “Don’t touch me.”
“Cannae go in with your clothes on,” He presses, grabbing for you again. He gets a hand around your waist to grab your back, strong arms holding you tight to his chest as he rips at the laces of your dress. You beat at his shoulders like a desperate flailing animal. It makes no difference.
“Let me go,” You shriek. His fingers unfasten your pin and you yelp when he sticks you with the sharp point. It feels like a punishment for your disobedience.
“Quit your squirmin’,” Mactavish grits, “You won’t take it off yerself, I gotta do it for you.” 
“I’ll do it!” You yell at him, his hands feel too big, too heavy, and shame is starting to burn over your skin. Your hips bump the hilt of his knife and he lets you go. You take several shaky steps away from him, holding your dress tightly closed. He’d nearly ripped the laces trying to get the knot open. Your fingers shake, your heart hammers in your chest. He takes a step towards you when you take too long standing there. “I said I’d do it,” You snap quickly, turning your back to him. 
You swallow the fear in your chest, the hatred that sours on your tongue. You don’t particularly want to undress in front of a man you hardly know, but you aren’t being given a choice. “Don’t look,” You call over your shoulder. You hear a hum in response and glance over your shoulder to see him turning around. You’re quick to divest yourself of the rest of your Earasaid, folding it neatly before your fingers are fumbling with the loosened ties on your dress. You get the knot open and tug at the lacing to open the dress enough to pull over your head, your underdress quickly follows. Another glance over your shoulder to make sure Mactavish isn’t watching and you step into the warm water.
It’s lukewarm, but not unpleasantly so. You sink into the tub, face the edge to give yourself some privacy from Mactavish’s wandering eyes. The warmth sinks into your bones against the chill of the room. You sink lower, trying to soak up as much of the warmth as you can before you force yourself to wash. You scrub your hand over your arm, watching the sweat and dirt slough off, you wish-
The water raises and shifts, splashes over the sides as Mactavish settles behind you with a groan. You glance over your shoulder at him startled, he’s facing you, leaned back against the other end. His head’s tipped back against the edge, throat bared and long legs caging you in as he relaxes in the warm water. You don’t see how he can share so easily, look so at ease, when it feels like your heart is about to pound its way out of your chest. Fear, it must be fear that seizes you when he opens his eyes to look at you.
His gaze feels like hands the way it drags over you, hot and heavy. You look away, face the wall again and decide you can’t do this. You move to pull yourself out of the bath and quickly sit back down when you feel the chill of the air on skin you’d rather keep to yourself. Especially when you feel Mactavish’s hands hovering on either side of you, as if he’d pull you back in himself.
“You said you wouldn’t touch me,” You remind him, your voice quieter than you want it to be.
“Ahm nae,” He tells you, voice thick as he settles back again, “Just looking.” He huffs, tipping his head back again as he relaxes again. “Cannae leave you alone, might try tae run again.”
You do your best not to curl in on yourself at his words, the rumble of his voice, the weight of his eyes. He’s not wrong, but that doesn’t stop the heat that burns over your skin at sharing a bath with him. Acting shy has never suited you, but it’s a hard thing to ignore. You busy yourself with cleaning up, snagging a cloth from the nearby stool and wetting it.
There’s another splash in the water, a disturbance of the delicate surface tension. You peek back at Mactavish and watch him drag the hot cauldron closer to dump the heated contents into the basin. The flood of heat makes you shiver. It’s mere moments before it soaks into your muscles and you have to stop the moan that threatens to escape. Gods that feels good. You could stay in this cradle of warmth for hours.
If you were alone, that is. As is, you refuse to give this man a better look at you than he’s already gotten. After all, you have managed to hold onto some dignity. You scrub your arms harder with the cloth, wishing you had some-
“Don’t want you callin’ me Soap,” Mactavish breaks your thoughts after a moment’s silence. His fingers drag through the water, lazy, as you scrub yourself. You’re eager to get out of this tub, and he seems just as eager to stay in it. He leans forward, and for a moment you fear his legs will drag you back against him. Instead you feel the warmth of his breath over goosebumped skin as he offers you a tallow soap. The soft buttery color of it disappears in your hastily grabbing hands.
“Mactavish does me just fine,” You grit, rubbing the soap into the cloth. You scrub your cheeks, and work on lathering the lye scented stuff into a lather for your hair.
“John-” He corrects, “Johnny if you-” He cuts himself off. You don’t see the need for either name. They’re too familiar. Still, you file them away. 
“You hardly deserve the courtesy of Mactavish,” You bite, “what makes you think I have any desire to call you by a nickname?”
“Cannae be Mactavish forever,” he grunts, you feel a tug at your hair and swat his hand away, you collide with nothing but open air. You glare over your shoulder at him. He only smiles. “What if another one pops up?”
“And what if you stopped talking to me.” You grumble, since you’re naming things that are unlikely to happen. 
You scooch back from the edge of the tub to dunk your head under the water. You bump Mactavish’s knee when you pull your head up, ignoring the way his thick thighs bracket you as you try to wring some of the water from your hair. 
His fingers grip the edge of the tub like a vice, no longer dragging lazily through the water his knuckles are white from the strain. Your eyes travel up his wrist and over his arms to see the bulge of his flexed bicep. You can’t stare too much or he might get ideas, can’t even turn your head past what you need to scrub the wet soapy cloth over the side of your neck. 
“Move back where you were Vaenn,” Mactavish orders you. You huff out a laugh.
“Oh,” you tease, unable to stop yourself, “Am I in your space? Am I making you uncomfortable?” 
You look at him with a mirthful smile and his eyes bore holes into you, blue swallowed by the black of his pupils and his jaw tight. It startles you and in an effort to avoid meeting his gaze you turn yours down. 
Did you realize that there was so much of him under his clothes? He looks to be made entirely of that thick corded muscle that you’d only seen laboring men in your village with. Your pulse throbs in your throat as your eyes trace over him, following the swirling intricacies of paint. From the ram whos horns swirl over his heart, to the tribal markings that trace down his ribs towards-
You shriek as your eyes land on his hard cock where it bobs in the warm water. You scramble away, and when your back hits the edge of the tub you frantically press your foot to Mactavish’s chest to keep him from coming after you. His big body, already moving towards you, now rooted in place at your touch. His eyes rake over you, the soap suds doing little to hide your body under the clear water, and land on the tuft of hair between your legs. His brows pinch together and he lets out a pained noise. 
Your foot follows him as he settles back where he was. Your foot slips and he grits his teeth.
“Keep to your own space,” He swallows, “or get out.”
You grab onto the opportunity for freedom and nearly trip getting out of the tub. You don’t care anymore, he’s seen all there is to see, and you are humiliated. You snatch your underdress from the floor and scamper through the nearest doorway. 
Your hands shake from more than just the cold as you tug the linen garment over your head, your wet skin scraping under the fabric. You wrap your arms around yourself to ease through the worst of the shaking. Fear, you think. It must be. 
It’s darker in here, the wall separating this room from the main one also keeps the fires light from dipping its fingers into it. Still, your eyes aren’t so spoiled by the fire that they can’t tell the shape of a bed. It’s a boxy thing, tucked into the corner and lined with furs. It’s bigger than one man should require, and fleetingly you wonder if he has a wife tucked away somewhere. You quickly dismiss the thought, you doubt any woman would stomach Mactavish long enough for marriage. Besides, you’ve seen no signs of a woman anywhere in this small house. 
Just him then. 
You ignore the splashing from the other room and try to find something to occupy yourself with. There’s a candle beside the bed, a comb, a small wooden bear, a chair and a basket of cloth that you assume holds more clothing. You settle on the bed, feel the crunch of straw under your bottom before you feel yourself sink a short distance. At least he has a mattress in here. You fix your gaze on the wall and try not to think of anything.
But your mind is filled with painted markings, with stories of warriors that earn stripes and were driven north of your home. He really was made to be a viking then. 
And hair. You’d thought the patches on his arms were dark but the mass of it that wanders down the midline of his chest is so much thicker. They must have had to dye his skin to get the pain to stick through that.
You press your thighs together, discomfort burning warm in your flipping stomach. 
Not a piece of him you like then.
Your head jerks towards the room’s doorway when it darkens. Mactavish leans against the frame. You can’t tell what he’s thinking, can’t see his face from the shadows that he casts. 
“You can take the bed tonight,” He tells you, and you must perk up too much because he holds up a hand and crushes you with it, “just tonight, we’ll share after.”
Your heart falls.
And some cowardly part of you tugs you back from going after him. He’ll just force you down as easily as he forced you into the tub.
You suppose even vikings must yearn for their own beds at some point. You just wish you weren’t included in that bed.
352 notes · View notes
deathfavor · 3 months ago
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" Those who do not dare to question are bound to remain ignorant. "
7 notes · View notes
actual-changeling · 1 year ago
"It would have been you."
It's raining.
Of course, it's raining.
A soft, constant drizzle leaving his hair a damp, curly mess that falls into his face and clings to his skin. Even though the cold is slowly seeping into his clothes, Crowley stops and turns around. Condensation is collecting on the inside of his shades where his breath drifts up, warm and too fast, and even if it hadn't been late at night, if the street hadn't been empty, he would have still taken them off.
Aziraphale is licking rain drops from his lips and blinking with dark, heavy lashes.
His voice is rough, almost drowned out by the noise of rain hitting the pavement, collecting in small puddles around his feet.
"If it had been a choice, a real one, it would have been you."
The world did not end, questions were answered, apologies spoken, but their last conversation before everything went to shit is still a sharp splinter lodged in his chest, cutting him open more and more with every heartbeat. All of the fears he had left unsaid, the viscous doubt pooling in his lungs and weighing down his breaths—the truth might tip the scales and finally destroy him, and yet he cannot bring himself to stop Aziraphale from talking.
"It has always been you, Crowley. You must know that."
"I don't."
Bitterness laces his voice despite his best intentions, a drop of oil tainting an entire river, six thousand years of history, and it hurts because it's the truth, because they both wish it wasn't.
He doesn't know, couldn't know, because Aziraphale always needed him to stop them, to step back when they got too close. Every single time he had tried to push, gone too bloody fast, the angel had recoiled, scared for him, scared for the both of them. Crowley knows, and at the same time, he doesn't, because he still has hope and there is nothing more dangerous than allowing it to bloom; it's small, withered, brittle, on the verge of death and has been for centuries.
(It's still there, though. It keeps fighting, keeps trying. Keeps hoping.)
They're drenched to the bone, wet and pathetic, and there is nothing romantic about any of it when Aziraphale retraces his steps and closes the distance between them; there is, however, love.
There has always been love, whether they could admit it or not.
"I'm sorry. For- for everything, for making you think that I don't care about you."
"Angel, don't lie-"
"I'm not lying."
Crowley stares, frozen to the spot when Aziraphale presses cold, wet palms to his cheeks, his breath a ghost of warmth on his skin. This is too much, too close to 'our side', and if he didn't know better (does he know better? does he really?) he would think that he is about to—
"I'm not lying," he whispers, broken, truthful, "I love you. I won't leave you."
The rain stings in his eyes, masking the tears—hot and wistful—meeting Aziraphale's skin where it is touching his.
"Don't make promises you can't keep, angel."
His voice cracks and so does his heart, and he can feel the walls they have built together crumbling to dust under their feet. It's not real, it can't be real, and yet the truth is shimmering in storm-blue eyes he has been carrying with him since the moment he first put stars into the sky.
"It's you, always has been, always will be. If you let me."
Crowley kisses him as he falls apart, barely healed fractures reopening as his essence spills over and out, drowning him in please, please be real, please let us have this, please, God.
Just this once.
Aziraphale holds his face so incredibly gently, as if it's something worth keeping, something to protect, something he is afraid to lose. When the ground doesn't open up and swallow them whole, when the sky doesn't reach for them with greedy hands, he allows himself to seize Aziraphale's face in turn, cupping his jaw and kissing the rain drops off his lips, his cheeks, the tip of his nose, tasting his tears when they begin to fall.
"It's always been you. God, of course I will let you."
Sapphire blue eyes blink up at him, a smile pressed against his lips, a smile he can feel, a smile that is for him, them.
"Perhaps you could let me somewhere less, ah, sopping wet?"
"I was right, though. It's the rain that did it."
Aziraphale laughs, bright and happy, and infectious enough to make Crowley laugh too, and grabs his hand to pull him back towards the bookshop - back home.
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sweetsaladpainterranch · 4 months ago
Challenges of Raising a 6 Month Old Demon
Rebel Without Pants
It was 9 am in your suite at the Hazbin Hotel and you were currently watching your husband and daughter fling themselves and each other out of the small shadow pockets they continued to open in a weird game of cat and mouse wack-a-mole. You let loose a loud sigh of exasperation as Alastor once again caught the small fawn by her tiny hoof and begin threading the pair of cotton pants unto it, only for her to use her own spectral tendrils to yank his tail. He sounded a surprised bleat, while his child wiggled out of his grasp and tossed the clothing onto the ground with a giggle.
"Now see here, young lady!", the tall deer flung a pointed claw in the direction of the grinning diapered demon, "You WILL wear clothes! Or so help me, I will take away your-"
Your husband quickly looked around for something to make his threat credible, but smiled darkly when he eyed a certain container. "Or I will take away your yogurt covered eyes!", he continued to smirk triumphantly at Evangeline's low growl. She had been gifted those treats from her beloved Auntie Rosie from Cannibal Town and they were her favorite snack.
You knew this threat would not go over well with your daughter and could only watch as she tucked her ears back, hissed in static, and narrowed her eyes before darting into another shadow pit. The entire room was, then, painted in darkness as a wary Alastor stood firm in the middle. Waiting for the attack.
His tendrils stood flailing at the ready with different articles of clothing, when, suddenly, he was smacked on the back of his leg by a small, furry ragamuffin. He immediately went to grab his fleeing child before the feeling of weightlessness seized him. The shadows disappeared into the hole your fawn had created, and lured her father into, before you noticed Alastor falling past the tower windows and unto a confused Angel Dust outside. He must've not seen her trap hole with his own shadows covering the entirety of the room, you reasoned and looked down at the laughing spider holding your furious husband like a princess.
Turning around, Evangeline was under the bed trying to open the child proof clasp on her snack container. With a shriek of frustration when she was unable to overpower the magic lock, she threw it down at your feet in a silent request. Unfortunately for her, you were now running late for your meeting with Charlie so you fixed her with a hard stare. At that moment, your mate had made it back up to the tower window and began to coil his muscles and shake his growing antlers. (Many of which sported impaled baby shirts, socks, and pants)
Here we go again. You thought looking at your watch as the small fawn once again reared up at her father from the ground.
"Evangeline Hartfelt!", you spoke with intensity and at once commanded the attention in the room. You almost never raised your voice so the two deer immediately focused on your next words. "I have had enough of this foolishness." You walked forward to pick up the still locked, dented yogurt box and held it out to her. The small fawn's eyes widened with curiosity.
"If you be a good girl and dress properly, you may have your snack.", you fingered the latch open with a precise slowness, "if not, Mommy and Daddy will eat them all!"
The little deer hopped up quickly as you let out a forced evil laugh and brought an eye up to your lips. She allowed Alastor to properly dress her (he actually enjoyed picking out her outfits) with only a few whines when he groomed her fur covered head with his tongue. However, she nuzzled back into his cheek when he softly purred a bit and gently scratched at her tiny antlers.
You smiled and threw 2 of the yogurt eyes in their direction, which they happily caught with their teeth and followed you out the door to FINALLY begin the day.
Hey everyone 🙂 been a minute but I had this idea from the other day and wanted to write it really quick (inspired by my own tiny rebel who absolutely refuses to dress in anything but her diaper 😅)
I'm nearly done with the 4th chapter of The Rival and hope to have it out asap
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pearlessance · 8 months ago
Forgive Me, Father - Idle Threats [viii]
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Series Summary — Joel has watch duty with Jackson’s twenty-year old, smart-mouthed brat and gets more than he bargained for.
Chapter Summary — Joel hears your confession and breaks all ten commandments in the house of the holy.
Pairing — Joel Miller/Reader
Warnings — Explicit sexual content MDNI, brat taming, age gap, mean!Joel, religious imagery and symbolism, catholic guilt, reader has added backstory to progress the plot, mention of sexual assault, murder, canon typical violence, renouncing of god, desecration of a church, blood, brief daddy kink
[cross posted to AO3]
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The following days are easier than any other you’ve had since leaving Jackson. It takes two days, but Joel hears your laugh again and feels himself release a heavy weight at the sound. Once, when the two of you are switching watch shifts, you sleepily mutter his name. And he goes to you like he always will—and you whisper an almost incoherent confession of your affection. “I love you, too,” you say, and he tries not to think about the way it makes him feel like a boy your age, hearing those words for the first time. 
You move slower, and it’s not because of the extra weight strapped to your horses. Joel doesn’t say it, but he knows it’s because you’re afraid of returning to Jackson. Afraid of things going back to the way they were before this run.
In truth, Joel worries about it too. Worries about finding a new routine, worries about Maria and Tommy and Ellie, worries about what they’ll say. It won’t make him change his mind, he knows. Nothing would ever make him regret this selfish decision to keep you. But sometimes, in a too-long moment of silence, anxiety builds in his chest when he thinks of it. 
But you still have several days before you return, and Joel intends to soak up this sweet, delicate time with you while he still can.
A little over halfway back to Jackson, you stop before the sun sets and make camp in an old, abandoned church. The very same one advertised on the billboard Joel had seen on the way to Casper.
Some of the pews are turned over while others have been broken apart and likely set ablaze in the pile of ashes in the center of the floor. There are no infected, but there’s a stone statue of Mary that looms ominously in the corner, covered in dust and cracked along its painted surface.
Joel feels uncomfortable here. Feels watched, judged. His skin crawls and he thinks about pushing on until you find some other place to rest.
The altar table has been left untouched, decorated with a yellowed, satin ribbon draped along its center. The bible lying on top is flipped open to a passage Joel knows well.
Corinthians 10:13 
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
It’s bookmarked not with a scrap of paper but with a silver necklace tucked in its spine. A dainty thing with a cross dangling from the end of it. Joel picks it up, watches it sway between his calloused fingers. 
And when he turns to face you, you’re standing in the middle of the center aisle and the setting sunlight casts a shadow across your face, making you look like some angelic being sent to him by God himself. “Did you ever come to one of these before the world ended?”
Joel nods, takes the necklace in his hands and finds his way back to you. “Quite a bit when I was a kid,” he answers. “My mom was pretty religious. We went to every Sunday service and sometimes the ones on Wednesdays, too. Even sent Tommy and I to the church's after-school program for young kids.”
He holds the necklace out to show you, and a shiver runs down his spine when you trace the cross in his palm, your touch electrifying. It’s just the smallest brush of your index finger, but it makes the air get caught in his lungs. “Pretty,” you say wistfully. “Do you believe in God?”
Joel jerks his chin in a silent demand and you obey wordlessly, turning away from him. He unclasps the necklace as you hold your hair out of the way. “I did,” he answers slowly, wrapping the silver chain carefully around your throat. “And then I didn’t.”
“And now?” 
He secures it and runs his knuckles down the nape of your neck. No would be the closest thing to the truth, but it’s not quite it. Joel thinks about lying to save himself the shame but rejects the thought as soon as it comes. “I believe in you,” he says quietly.
Somehow this confession feels heavier than his declaration of love. Perhaps it’s because this is the thing he’s struggled with, this strange worship of Judas. You’ve come to him in pieces, a shell of a girl, a betrayer—and yet it’s your altar he crawls to. It’s you who holds the keys to heaven, who controls both his grace and his damnation.
Joel leans forward and presses his lips to your skin, leaving goosebumps in his wake. He can feel your breath falter, and so he does it again. This time a kiss to your shoulder, right above the collar of your sweater. 
His hands have a mind of their own as they find your waist. Joel knows this is wrong, knows how sinful it is, and yet he knows the only way to endure the taste of the forbidden fruit is to bite into it, to devour it, to consume it for as long as he’s able. He has spent so much of his life fighting, resisting, repenting—but maybe it’s time God asks for his forgiveness.
Your skin is smooth beneath his calloused palms. He slides them beneath your shirt, over your hips, up your torso. He pulls at the soft garment, and you lift your arms for him to make it easier as he pulls it off and discards it in the nearest pew.
And then his hands are on you again—this time tracing the edge of your jeans, pinky finger dipping slowly beneath the band around your waist, teasing. You’re panting now, chest rising and falling in quick succession. You say his name a little like a prayer and it brings a smile to his face. 
“Shh,” he says. “Patience is a virtue, little girl.” But he wants you, perhaps even more than you want to be touched, so his left hand finds the button of your jeans and undoes it. 
He moves slowly, and you stand completely still as Joel peels the too-tight jeans down your legs. You kick your boots off, and soon you’re standing in the middle of this crumbling church in nothing but a pair of baby pink panties and a white lace bralette, looking every bit the divine goddess he doesn’t deserve. 
When you turn to face him, there’s a playful glint in your eye. “Let me try it,” you say. “One question, though. Is it forgive me, father? Or is it forgive me, Daddy?”
Two things happen inside him at once. 
First, the crudeness of your words baffles him so completely that he laughs. Full-on laughs for the first time in twenty years. The vulgarity of it in a place of worship is somehow both amusing and horrifying. 
Second, all the blood in his head rushes south. Because the word daddy in your mouth is the most erotic thing he’s ever heard, the dirtiest thing he’s ever heard, and Joel knows right away that he will never have the strength to process why such a thing makes him so goddamn hard. Doesn’t even attempt it. 
He simply enjoys it instead. Allows it to drown him, consume him wholly. Accepts what is and what isn’t. Accepts that he is the most deplorable man that’s ever existed and it’s why he’ll never deserve you but it’s also why it’ll never matter. Because now…you belong to the most deplorable man. 
The devil and his pretty, perfect Judas.
And then you lower yourself to your knees in front of him and Joel struggles to keep his weary heart from bursting from his chest. 
His attempts at composure are blown to pieces when you press your hands together and look up at him through your lashes. With all humor bled from the moment, overtaken by a sudden hunger, you say, “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,” and something evil stirs inside him.
Something more than sinful. Something ungodly. Something blasphemous. 
That cross is draped beautifully between your breasts, cleavage elevated by the angle of your arms.
Joel reaches out with both hands and runs them through your hair affectionately. “You look so pretty on your knees,” he says. “You got somethin’ to confess?”
You nod and a smirk graces your face. “I’ve been having wicked thoughts,” you say, voice taking on an innocent and girlish tone. “And…I’ve been giving into temptation, Father.”
“S’that right?” Joel licks his lips. His cock throbs in his jeans, desperate for your touch in a way it’s never been before.
He watches, transfixed, as you take your bottom lip between your teeth, taking your hands from the position of prayer and instead running them up his strong thighs. You slide them beneath his flannel, soft hands cool against his heated skin. “I’ve been letting a man touch me.” You’re whispering, but he feels each syllable down to his bones. “An older man,” you continue, pulling at his belt. 
Joel finds you mesmerizing. Thinks you’ve ruined him. Completely, utterly decimated the man he used to be. “Touch you how?”
You don’t take your eyes off his as his belt clinks against the button of his jeans. “I’ve let him inside me, Father,” you say, pulling down his zipper at a torturous pace. “I’ve let him in my mouth, in my heart, in between my thighs.” 
He never thought it possible, but his need for you grows teeth, morphs into some vicious, ravenous thing. Joel brushes his fingers through your hair, pulling lightly at the roots. “And what do you think you should do as repentance, sweetheart?”
Joel’s reminded of a siren’s song when you answer, “I think I should show a little extra devotion. Don’t you?” You pull his cock from his jeans, and the simple touch of your hand has him nearly shaking in anticipation. You break character for only long enough to giggle softly, wipe the back of your hand over your glossy lips, and say, “My mouth is watering.”
He smooths your hair back away from your face, admiring the way you look on your knees for him, just as desperate as he is. “Go’head, baby,” he says.
You don’t waste any time. You’re slow in your pursuit; tongue tracing the vein on the underside of his cock. Savoring, worshiping, devoting yourself to him and him only. You swirl your tongue around the head, licking up drops of precum.
When you finally take him into your mouth, you don’t stop until you’ve swallowed him whole, choking on it, nose pressed to the tuft of hair below his navel. It’s the most glorious thing Joel’s ever seen in all his life. And then you moan, and he can feel the vibrations of it down to his toes. 
You pull your head back far enough, and your mouth leaves him completely, connected by nothing but strands of saliva. Your lips are already bruised and swollen, but they pull into the prettiest, proudest smile he’s ever seen, and Joel’s weak in the knees. 
“Filthy little girl,” he says affectionately, hands still running through the silky strands of your hair. “Y’like that? Hm? You like that mouth filled up, don’t you?”
“Mmhm.” There’s so much love, so much worship in your eyes that he feels his chest pull tight. You take his cock in your mouth again, tongue sliding along the underside of it, cheeks hollowed out to take him in deeper.
Joel feels your devotion with each soft lick, each swallow at the back of your throat, each ragged, choked breath. He knows he won’t last long. Your mouth is too hot, too wet, too sweet. And when you pick up the pace, bobbing your head, fingernails leaving indentations in the exposed skin of his thighs, pressure builds at the base of his spine like a fucking noose. “There you go,” he encourages. “Doin’ so fuckin’ good, baby. Shit —just like that.”
Your cheeks are flushed, and Joel’s once gentle hands pull tight in your hair, guiding your mouth down onto him. It only makes those delicious moans around his cock that much sweeter. Your thighs are clamped tightly together, and he barrels towards euphoria as he thinks about just how wet he knows you are, his dirty little girl.
“Fuck, baby—fuck. Hold on, hold on.” He pulls your head back, cock slick and glossy, covered in your spit. He’s going to finish just like this if he’s not careful. “Gonna be over too soon if you keep that up.”
“Please, Joel,” you say. “I want to taste it. It’s all I want. Let me make you feel good.”
Joel thinks Michaelangelo never would’ve sculpted David, had his existence overlapped with yours. Because in all the time of the universe, a sight has never lived as beautiful as the one of you begging on your knees before him.
What kind of man would he be if he refused? Joel wants to give you everything you could ever ask for. Wants to give you the world at whatever cost to his soul.
So, he doesn’t stop you when you wrap your bruised lips around his cock again. You feel like heaven, or as close to it as he’ll ever be allowed.
He comes at the back of your throat with a groan and trembling hands in your hair. Hands that are all too aware that they hold something holy, something divine. “ Goddamn —fuck. Mm, yeah. There you go, baby. There you go.”
His cock throbs in your mouth, and you don’t stop sucking until he’s completely spent. And when you do finally lean back and stick out your tongue, he’s nearly hard again at the obscene way his come drips down your lips, down your chin. 
Then you swallow, and Joel grins and rests his palm gently on your cheek. He uses the rough pad of his thumb to push the last few drops back into your mouth, and you suck it down greedily. “Gotta take it all, little girl. Make me proud, hm?”
And as soon as you’re satisfied, Joel’s pulling you back to your feet and pressing his mouth to yours in a ravenous kiss. He can taste remnants of himself on you, and it’s the most comforting sensation he’s ever experienced. It’s proof of your union, evidence of your devotion. A physical, tangible way to convince him he’s not alone in his sacrilege.
Joel lifts you off your feet, and your legs instinctively wrap around his waist. He carries you to the altar table, lays you down, and pushes your knees apart. Normally, he likes to take his time with you. Likes to savor the way you taste, the way you feel. But he’s so hungry for you and you only that he cannot— cannot wait another fucking second.
But then you say his name and his every intention freezes. “You don’t have to,” you say, and it confuses him. You attempt an explanation. “I don’t want you to feel like you always have to make me finish, too. I just…I didn’t do it expecting anything in return. I want you to know that.”
You sound so sincere, so… benevolent. A far cry from the bratty little girl he first met. He presses a kiss to your temple and says quietly, “I’d never let my little girl go without. Not the kinda man I am, baby.”
He might be too old to go rounds with you, but he knows how to make you feel good. He’s real good at it, in fact.
Joel leans over and presses a chaste kiss to your clit, right over your panties. He delights in the way it makes you shiver, but it’s nothing compared to the sounds you make when he pulls the fabric to the side and slides his tongue through your wet warmth. 
He presses your legs back, opens you further, and laps at your pussy like a man starved for you because he is. You taste like redemption, like home.
Your hands weave into his hair, tugging lightly, and Joel moans when you press his face against your pussy like he just can’t get close enough. He takes your clit in his mouth and sucks hard, tongue rolling over it softly. 
“Fuck, that feels so good, Joel— God —”
A groan escapes him, lips vibrating with the sound of it. His cock begins to harden again, hanging heavy between his legs. He’s insatiable for you; returned to the needy, desperate stage of his masculinity he once thought he’d grown out of.
Joel quickens the movement of his tongue and slips a finger inside of you. Your back arches off the altar table and your hips grind against his face, smearing your slick down his chin, over his lips.
He hooks his finger inside of you and strokes the spot that makes you writhe. You look so beautiful he thinks you must be some divine being. It’s the only thing that makes sense in his head. 
Your legs begin to tremble around his shoulders and that’s when he decides to pull away. Because he wants you to cum for him, wants to be the reason you shiver and shake—but he wants to feel it. 
In one smooth movement, he pulls you to the edge of the altar table and sinks his cock into you deep.
“Oh my God,” you whimper. “Fuck, fuck, Joel, I’m gonna—!”
“Wait,” he says, stilling the instinctual rocking of his hips. You’re so tight, so smooth and wet as your pussy flutters around his cock. He pushes into you to the hilt but doesn’t move, doesn’t give you the satisfaction. He moves his hands to your lower belly, applying just a little bit of pressure. He can feel himself inside you, can feel just how full of him you are. “Want you to cum with me, little girl,” he says. “Can you do that for me? Hm?”
Slowly, experimentally, he shifts his hips the smallest bit, thrusting into you and laughing maliciously at the way you squeeze your eyes shut and whine for more. “I can—can try,” you stammer. “But it feels so —”
“Shh, I know baby,” he says, thrusting into you again, a little harder this time. It feels euphoric, indulging himself in you in a place of worship. He can feel faith in the air like magic, faith in you, in himself, in the love you share.
He moves again, fucking you slow and deep. If it weren’t for the way you make him feel, he thinks he might last a little longer. But the taste of ambrosia lingers on his tongue and he can see the pulsing of your clit and feel the tension in your muscles created from holding yourself back from the edge of pleasure.
Pride swells in his chest. His perfect girl, doing everything he asks, doing anything to please him. It makes him feel holy, like maybe the only godly presence in the room is him.
This is what you’ve done to him. You’ve taken this shell of a man and turned him seraphic, turned him sacred through your worship. Emotion builds in his throat when he thinks of it, when he realizes just how lucky he is to exist in this same universe as you, in the same lifetime. 
He kisses you deep and fucks you even deeper.
“Joel,” you pant, fingernails digging into the side of the altar table. The aged satin cloth has been wrinkled beneath your weight, hanging slightly askew off the edge. “Please, please, I can’t—!”
Warmth pools low in his belly. You sound so pretty when you beg. He presses one hand harder against your abdomen and uses the other to circle your clit. He can feel his cock move beneath his palm with each thrust and the sensation is the filthiest thing he’s ever experienced.
The pressure builds and builds and builds, and then finally —
“Go ‘head, baby. Cum for me,” he says, thrusting a little faster, rhythm faltering as rapture fills him like sunlight. Your legs tremble around his hips and your moans echo in the church as you find faith, too.
“I love you,” you say, and it feels like redemption. Like the opening of heaven’s gates. 
Like forgiveness.
You come down slowly, and Joel’s completely spent with almost no energy left. Yet still he helps you dress, pulls your sweater back on, and buttons up those too-tight jeans.
You eat together, rationing what little food you have left to try and stretch these precious days out a little longer. You admit around a bite of hard bread that you’re exhausted from the day’s ride and he is, too. And so you work together to stack the pews in front of the church’s double doors, sealing yourself inside but more importantly keeping anything outside from getting in.
There’s a window at the back of the church in a room Joel knows was once used for confessional. He leaves it cracked just enough to hear the horses outside if a commotion is caused. And then he holds you in his arms and sleeps. 
It’s the best sleep Joel’s gotten in twenty-five years, the sound of your voice echoing even in his dreams. 
But halfway through the night, the sound of whinnying and rambunctious laughter can be heard, jarring you both awake. 
You’re out of his arms and at the back of the church before Joel’s finished blinking his eyes open. 
He stands to his feet, heart racing behind his ribcage. 
Men’s voices, but far away. Several of them. 
He watches you move quickly through the church to the window at the front, watches you carefully peak through the dirty glass pane. 
Joel saddles up behind you and has never been more thankful that you skipped the warmth of a fire. Because fifteen yards away, there’s a group of men passing through. Some on horses, others walking casually beside them. They’re not subtle about their presence. 
Maybe they don’t think anyone’s around. And on any normal day, they would be right. Except this day, Joel’s here. You’re here.
He picks up his rifle from the makeshift bed the two of you created hours ago. 
You don’t move. You stay focused, transfixed as if you’re trying to see the minute details of their faces from this far away. You wipe the glass with the ivory sleeve of your sweater and it comes away grimy, covered in dust.
Joel knows there’s something you’re not telling him. Can feel the tension, electric and tight in the air, skin crawling with it. Your eyes are narrowed, focused on the sound of rambunctious laughter coming from the small group of men. 
And then your spine straightens and all concern bleeds from your face, replaced in an instant with rage. Red, murderous rage. Joel thinks he’s only seen that sort of frenzy in his own reflection. Now it stares back at him, mirrored and bloodthirsty. “What is it?”
You don’t answer. The scrape of your knife against its sheath at your thigh strikes a terror in him he hasn’t felt in years. His stomach turns uncomfortably because Joel knows, he knows something isn’t right. Something is going to go wrong. He can feel it in his marrow. 
“Stop,” he says. “Talk to me.”
It’s like his words don’t even register. You say nothing as you pull at the pews stacked in front of the doors. They scrape noisily against the hardwood floor, and Joel tries to find something to stop you, to get through to you—but that knife is still clutched in your blanched fist and he knows in your rage you’ll swing at him all the same.
“There are eight of them and two of us,” he tries to reason. “We have no ammunition, no bullets, no arrows. We have to let them—”
“Go?” You turn your frenzied eyes on him. “What’s now eight used to be twenty,” you say. “I won’t let them get away this time.”
“Then we plan for it,” he says, holding out a hand and taking a tentative step toward you. It doesn’t matter to him what your reasoning may be. Joel knows that sort of wrath, knows he’ll never change your mind. And he knows following you down this path of slaughter is bound to bloody his hands further, to taint his soul this time beyond repair. 
But he made a promise to you. Nothing in this world will you ever face alone. 
The problem is that Joel knows neither of you will make it out alive. Not in this. You got lucky back in Casper, and he’s got the knowledge and experience with age to know you won’t get lucky twice.
He can’t let you do this. 
“They won’t get far, okay? Not in an area like this. We go home— tomorrow. We ride to Jackson and we’ll get there in a day if we don't stop. And then we’ll come back for them, alright? We’ll stock up and track them down. I swear to you—”
“You don’t know,” you say, voice shaking. “You don’t know what they did—!”
“So tell me. Tell me everything. Give me the knife.” He reaches for it slowly, carefully. You eye him like he might grow claws and an extra head if you look away for an instant.
You don’t trust him, Joel realizes. Not at this moment, not with this. “Joel,” you say in warning. “Don’t.”
He wonders what’s led you here. Wonders about who’s distrusting hands you once placed your justice in. 
The answer comes to him the moment the question crosses his mind. 
“I’m not like her,” he says. “Look at me, baby girl. Look at me .”
You do. And though that frenzied look lingers in your eyes, something in you softens and he’s grateful for it.
“I’m not Maria. You understand me? When I make you a promise, I mean it. I will kill them. All of them. But we have to be smart about this. We have to do it right. Yeah?” He reaches out again. “Give me the knife.”
You angle it higher, just out of his reach. For a second Joel thinks all progress has been lost because he moved too quickly, too carelessly. But then you say, “Swear it to me. Swear on her life that you won't make me let them go.”
On her life. 
Not her death, but her life. A promise of certainty. An unbreakable oath. Because if he fails, if he shatters this trust, Sarah’s life means nothing.
Joel’s lungs ache. Everything hurts and his skin feels like it’s on fire because no one has ever seen him like this. No one has known exactly what to say, exactly which bruises to press. 
He nods slowly. “Okay,” he relents. “I swear on her life that we will find them.”
Carefully, you hand him the blade, and as if giving it away had flipped a switch, you deflate.
Joel slides your knife into the side of his boot when you turn away from him and go back to the window. 
He stands beside you, a looming presence at your back. Even though he wants answers, he doesn’t want to pry them out of you. And your silence allows him the space for his mind to wander into unspeakable places. Joel has seen firsthand the depraved, vile things that mankind spirals into beneath the weight of survival. 
For a time, even he had sunk so incredibly low. 
And because he’s seen so much, his brain is filled with gut-wrenching images, theoretical scenes of torture, corruption, and perversion. Each one is more brutal than the last. And in them all, you’re the center of it. 
You watch the group of men through the window until the blue illumination of their flashlights disappears from view. And the moment they do, you’re slipping through the window in the back of the church. 
Joel follows you, a million questions on the tip of his tongue. But he stays silent and does nothing but help you gather debris fallen from the trees in the wooded area behind the church. 
Once, he picks up a curved stick, and as if you’d seen it from the back of your head, you say, “No. Not that one. If they’re too curved, the arrows won’t shoot straight.”
 The two of you gather timber for over an hour. And when his hands are just as full as yours, you return to the church. Joel returns your knife and you attempt to teach him how to shave the stick correctly and to whittle the point of it into a weapon. 
He’s not even half as fast as you are. For every arrow he creates, you produce three. It’s a slow, tedious process, but eventually, you begin to speak. 
“It happened on the last run I did for Maria,” you say, eyes focused on the knife and wood in your hands. “I fell asleep one night. It’d been days since I’d given myself a chance to rest and it had finally caught up to me. I’d barricaded myself in a house and might as well have been dead to the world. Two of them found me. Didn’t wake me, didn’t try to kill me or anything. They just took my bow and my pack. My pack that was mostly empty, had nothing in it but a twelve gauge with two bullets, some cans of food, water, and those stale fucking barbecue chips.”
You shake your head dismally. 
“Should’ve fuckin left it. But I…I was afraid. If I came back to Jackson without the one thing she asked for, what use was I? What kept me there?”
It pains him to hear you say it. He wants to tell you you’re wrong, that despite what Maria has made you believe, your worth is not tied to what you can do for her. But he doesn’t. Joel just lets you talk. 
“I tracked them to a warehouse a few miles outside of Boise. Watched them for a while, memorized all the entrances, the windows. Even memorized their faces. They had two people on watch in rotating shifts. I didn’t want to kill them, considering they didn’t try to kill me. But I wanted my pack, and so I waited until four of them were talking during a shift change and slipped inside through the back.”
Your eyes darken, and Joel fears what you may say next.
“Didn’t go as planned. One of them saw me. Outed me immediately, of course. And I thought they’d kill me. Shoot me or something. But that didn’t go as planned, either. The leader was called Gabriel.”
Your hands around the arrow still and your eyes grow misty. You’re reliving it, as clearly as if it were happening now.
“He, uhm…held me down. Suggested the rest of them take turns with me.” 
Joel feels something inside him shift. Feels a decision being made, feels murder begin to drip down his fingertips like water.
“They’d already had my shotgun and took the pistol I had tucked in the back of my jeans the second they ripped them off. I thought…I thought it was the end for me. Because even if I survived it, even if I made it through all twenty of them…I might as well have been dead anyway.”
He understands now, Joel realizes. Understands why you were so infuriated about a run for a pregnancy craving when the price was this. His mouth runs dry.
Your words echo in the dark church. “Had my knife tucked up the sleeve of my jacket, though.” A small smile graces your face as you turn the blade over in your fingers admiringly. “Was able to stop Gabriel before he got any further. They were…stupid. Arrogant. Came at me one by one because why would you need more than that to fight a little girl with nothing but a knife ?”
Now there are only eight of them. The main perpetrator perished, his blood stained so deeply into your jacket that when you’d returned to Jackson they’d had to burn it. No salvaging anything from your destruction. 
Nothing but this vengeance, this promise to yourself to right those who wronged you.  He forced you to break it for your own safety. And though a surge of regret and sorrow trickles into his psyche, he knows there’s still an unbroken vow remaining. 
The promise Joel made to you. 
“Some of them ran. I tried to track them but after a few days, I just…I needed sleep. I wanted to go home.” You go black to fletching your arrow, whittling the end into a sharp point. “I’ll find them one day. Then it’ll be me taking turns with them .”
You don’t say much else for the next two hours. And he doesn’t, either. He helps you sharpen the timber into arrows and when you yawn three times in less than five minutes, he gives you his flannel and lets you lay your head in his lap. 
Joel smooths the tangles in your hair as you sleep. And when you begin to softly snore, he carefully shifts your head onto your sleeping bag and tucks the strap of his rifle beneath your arm.
When he slips out of the window in the back of the church, he latches it shut.  He decides against taking a horse, worried it’d create too much commotion. 
But he does take your serrated sawback knife, telling himself it’s poetic justice. 
They’re only two miles away, stashed in a rundown grocery store that’s been picked over one too many times. Two men sit outside the door. Old habits die hard, Joel thinks. 
One has his head tilted back against the stone wall, sleeping with an ease he doesn’t deserve.
Joel takes out the other one first. And he does it quicker than he’d like. He creeps up behind him silently, wraps one hand around his throat, and uses the other to cover his mouth. The snap of his spine reverberates through Joel’s hands, tingling from his palms down to his elbows. 
The other wakes with the commotion but doesn’t even have the chance to scream before your knife is lodged in his neck so deep the sharp point sticks out of the other end. 
Inside, the other six all rest as well. Joel wonders how they can do so peacefully, knowing they’ve given an innocent little girl fuel for her nightmares. A girl who’s lost enough, who’s sacrificed enough, more than anyone should—only to lose a piece of herself at their greedy hands.
He makes quick work of them. Even delights in the way life leaves their eyes. One by one, Joel uses your knife to slit each and every one of their throats. 
By the time he’s finished, his hands are caked in blood, splatters staining the sleeves of his heavy, canvas coat, and all that’s left of the men who hurt you are eight corpses.
You’re still sleeping when he slips back through the window of the church. It’s a little ironic, he thinks, to return here to this holy place with an angel inside, all while covered in the stink of death.
Joel sits beside you, back pressed against a pew. His hands rest on his knees, blood still drying beneath his fingernails. He watches you sleep and thinks his damnation is worth it if this brings you a sense of safety. 
Though he tries not to, Joel thinks an awful lot about Sarah. Thinks about how he failed her, how just a little more brutality could have saved her.
He’s spent years regretting that night, regretting holding on to the shred of humanity he had left when he should have been holding onto her. He makes a promise not to repeat the same bad habits. Makes a promise he’ll never let his naive desire for respite get in the way of his need to protect you, to keep you safe. He’s breaking the habit, the same as he did with Ellie, because Joel doesn’t think he'll ever survive a loss of such magnitude again.
It doesn’t matter what he has to become to keep you safe. Doesn’t matter the cost to his soul.
Your face looks peaceful but your fists are coiled tight beneath your head. As if even in your sleep you’re fighting something, always on the defense. He wonders if it’s a trait you inherited before or after those men, before or after your sister's death, before or after the accusatory way the inhabitants of Jackson look at you.
Joel feels something heavy rise up in him. Something akin to sorrow or grief. This deep, pensive heartache because it’s just not fair. You’re so young, so innocent, dealing with the same demons he still fights and sometimes loses to at age fifty-two. 
He doesn’t want this for you. Doesn’t want you to become volatile, murderous, monstrous in the ways he has. Joel spent so much time pushing you away and he thinks maybe it’s because there’s so much of his anger mirrored in you. That staring it in the face felt too harrowing, too raw. 
The longer he thinks about it the more pieces slot together in his brain. Your cruel words hurled at anyone who sets you on edge. Your inability to follow any direction that isn’t forced. The self-isolation, the distrust in even those you love most. That animalistic fight in you, flight and freeze be damned. The need to protect others before yourself—Joel, Ellie, Miley, even Maria.
You don’t deserve to live like this. Don't deserve eternal damnation or to experience the wrath of God for the monstrous things you result to when you feel all else is lost. Violence is the only thing that has never turned its back on you.
Joel’s melancholy manifests, a single tear sliding down his cheek. You’re just a little girl and it's not fucking fair. 
He doesn’t want this for you. He wants you to live a full, happy, peaceful life. Not one spent out here chasing ghosts, trying to find your worth in providing for others. He wants you to be protected, to know you’re loved even when you lash out, wants you to know that he understands. Joel wants to be that for you. Wants to be the unwavering support you deserve, wants to be the thing that pulls you back from that ledge you’re dancing upon. Joel wants to be for you what he needed in the darkest part of his rage.
But to do that, you’re going to have to relinquish a little more of that control you hold so tightly.
When you wake, it’s gradual. You don’t startle or flinch at the blood on his hands. But your eyes linger there on the red stain for some time before you ask, “All of them?”
Joel nods once. “All of them.” 
And then you’re crawling into his lap, straddling him, pressing your mouth to his, thanking him in the only way you know how. Your tongue tastes like sleep and ambrosia and sunlight, but when Joel cradles your face in his hands he leaves blood in the wake of his fingertips. The bright red is a stark contrast against the smoothness of your skin, the violence an antithesis to your innocence.
He slides his bloody hands into your hair when your hips begin to move. His cock hardens quickly as his body catches up with your intent, always needy and eager, always just waiting to join you in more than just soul.
While he unbuttons his jeans and slides his zipper down to pull his erection out, your mouth never leaves his. Even when you shove those too-tight jeans down your thighs just enough to make room for him. When you lift up on your knees and sink down onto his cock in one familiarized movement he can feel the vibration of your moan against his tongue, can feel the breath of air from your gasp as he settles in deep.
The stretch is blissfully painful, stinging in all the right ways. You rock your hips slowly at first, adjusting to the sheer size of him, adjusting to his all-encompassing warmth. Your fingers dig into his thick shoulders, desperate to keep your balance.
And then you lift just enough to come slamming back down, the friction setting his skin ablaze. Again, again, again —it’s hurried and needy and depraved. Your hips move fervently over his, seeking out what you know only he can provide.
Your eyes are squeezed shut when you pull your sweet mouth away from his. Joel watches you lean back and place your hands on his thighs for support, back arching, and somehow he finds himself even deeper inside you. You’re moaning and his breath is coming fast and he thinks you look more than just angelic from this angle. He watches you ride his cock and wonders if you were fucking made to do this. 
Cheeks flushed, lips parted, his name on your lips. Is this what Eve saw in the waxy reflection of the forbidden fruit? Is this what she saw when she knowingly abandoned paradise? 
Joel thinks it can’t get much better than this. Thinks the only thing that’s ever come close is the feeling of blood on his hands in the name of those he loves, in the name of you.
He wraps his hand around your throat, staining you even further red, and says, “I’d do anything for you. Anything .” 
He thinks about the Ten Commandments, about how he can cross off every single one of them with just this act alone. 
You shall have no other Gods before me. 
No divine being has made him feel like this. No divinity has ever reached up through his ribs and squeezed a fist around his heart. Not like you have. 
You shall make no idols. 
He thinks about the way you look in his canvas coat. Joel has found his own form of peace through you, has found forgiveness beneath your tongue. 
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 
Your pace quickens. The obscene, wet sounds coming from the place you’re joined echo in the walls of the church. “Oh my God, Joel, I’m—I’m close.”
He knows you are. Can feel it in the way your pussy squeezes him like a vise, in the way your rhythm becomes sloppy and desperate.
Keep the Sabbath day holy. 
Joel doesn’t know what day it is. But he knows he wishes he could stay here in this home you’ve made together within the bones of an old religion, wishes he could stay inside you. He doesn’t know if there’s anything more unholy than this insatiable desire.
Honor your father and mother.
He thinks about that day in the dining hall when embarrassment climbed Maria’s cheeks as you screamed in her face. Joel thinks she deserved it more than he realized that day. He thinks about the way you spoke to him in that watchtower, thinks about the way he’d had to drag you there by your hair, all while listening to every disrespectful thing that came out of your mouth and how a few short weeks later you got down on your knees and called him daddy. 
You shall not murder. 
He takes the hand wrapped around your throat and flattens it against your sternum. The blood is drying but still marks your skin in the shape of his fingerprints.
You shall not commit adultery.
Joel knows he’s supposed to be with a lovely, soft-spoken, age-appropriate woman but knows, too, that death would be kinder than the loss of you. 
You shall not steal. 
He was angry at first, about the strawberry scone. Mike’s wife is a kind woman who spends her time baking for the community. But Ellie likely never would’ve had the opportunity to try it had you not nicked the pastry. If it was always going to lead the two of you here, together, Joel would have stolen every last scone on God’s green earth. 
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 
Lying seems a small price to pay for you, for your safety. He remembers telling Greg and Bonnie that you were running late the night you left him in the watchtower alone. He wanted to keep you safe then even without noticing that’s what he was doing. Safe from ridicule, from judgment. 
You shall not covet. 
He recalls seeing Abel’s hands on you, seeing his lips against your hair in a chaste kiss. Joel had wanted to kill him then, for touching what was his. He knows by taking you for his own, he’s taking you away from someone like Abel. Someone with a little more moral in their heart, a little less blood on their hands. But he doesn’t care because you’re his now and always. 
Joel lifts his hips in tandem with yours, meeting each stroke, thrusting his cock even deeper inside you. Your legs begin to shake around his and Joel thinks damnation isn’t so bad. “Anything,” he repeats. “Lie, cheat, steal.” His hand on your chest slides up again, wrapping tight around your throat. “I’d kill for you, little girl.”
Your pussy flutters around him and your spine bends in the most beautiful arch he’s ever seen. It solidifies his belief in one very important thing, the last nail in the coffin that cements the two of you together eternally.
This filthy, sinful devotion is cosmic. Celestial. Unearthly. So much more than a bible and cross. 
It’s worth it. It’s worth everything. 
“You like that? Hm?” Your rhythm falters but his remains steady. “Like that I’d spill blood for you, s’that it? That’s what got you all wet, sweetheart?” Your moans turn saccharine— sacrilegious. “Pretty pussy’s so fuckin’ tight, baby. Such a messy thing. I’d kill anyone for my little girl. Anyone .”
“Joel, I—!” 
He knows, he knows. Because he is, too. “Yeah, thaaaat’s it,” he says, drawing out each syllable. Your hands squeeze hard around his thighs and your muscles draw tight. “There you go, baby. Cum for me. That’s it. Sweet fuckin’ girl. Gonna fill you up. That what you want?”
You rasp out his name and the words yes, please, please, and it sounds like a fucking prayer. It’s a hypnotic litany. It makes him feel cherished, adored. And the sound of it spoken in worship in the house of God sends him over the edge. 
Even though your legs tremble around his, you ride his cock relentlessly. Joel’s vision goes white and his hand on your hip squeezes tight enough to bruise. You feel so good, so warm and wet. You lift your hips and slam them back down until the oversensitivity becomes more than he can bear. His hand abandons the home it’s made around your throat and finds the small of your back instead, stilling you completely.
You lean forward, collapsing with your hands pressed against his chest. Joel wraps his arms around your middle and cradles you in his lap, all too aware of the divinity he holds in his hands. He presses a kiss to your temple and listens to your heavy breaths.
Some time passes. He’s not sure how long the two of you sit there with Joel still wedged deep inside you, basking in the afterglow. The sun rises outside and the songbirds of the morning begin to sing. 
Eventually, you lift your head and whisper, “Thank you.”
“For what?” Joel doesn’t understand. He’s stolen something he was undeserving of, only to be loved back. If anyone should be thankful, it should be him. 
It feels like a punch to the gut when you say, “For seeing me.”
Because he now knows no one else ever has. No one has ever seen your defiance as anything but a nuisance, has never seen you as more than a troublemaker, as a bad omen.  
But Joel does see you. He sees right through all that savage fight to the little girl beneath, that soft, childish innocence you keep under heavy guard. He thinks he’s been able to see through it since the first moment he laid eyes on you.
It’s her he wants to protect.
Joel takes your chin in his hand and makes you a commandment of his own. “I will always see you.”
[part seven] [part nine]
taglist; @heartbrokenlilbitch-nef @elliesr1fle @pascaltesfaye
let me know if you want to be added! thank you to everyone for all the insane support on this <3
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aventurineswife · 2 months ago
Hi! Can I request taking a day off to play in the snow with Gepard? Ik it's a little childish but my school let us out for a snow day after 7 years of no snow and the snow is amazing. Anyway have a nice day 🩷
A Truce in the Snow
Summary: In the peaceful, snow-covered city of Belobog, you convince Gepard to take a rare day off from his duties as captain of the Silvermane Guards. What begins as a playful snowball fight turns into a heartfelt moment of connection, reminding Gepard that even someone as duty-bound as him deserves a chance to relax and enjoy life.
Tags: Gepard x Reader, Fluff, Snowball Fight, Lighthearted Romance, Comfort, Playful Banter, Established Feelings.
A/N: damn what type of school do you go to? I never experienced snow in my entire living life (it never snowed here 😔)
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The city of Belobog stood silent under a thick, shimmering blanket of snow. The Fragmentum's gloom seemed far away today, with the sun casting a golden glow over the crystalline frost. It was rare to have a day of such peace, but you had seized the opportunity, determined to drag Captain Gepard Landau away from his endless duties.
Standing outside the barracks, you stomped your boots against the snow, your breath fogging the air as you waited. Before long, the heavy doors creaked open, and there he was—Gepard, clad in his uniform, the silver-blue armor glinting in the sunlight. His fur accessory swayed slightly as he approached, his expression a mix of surprise and amusement.
“You’re persistent,” he said, folding his arms.
“You deserve a break, Captain,” you countered, tilting your head with a grin. “When was the last time you had fun? Come on, you can spare a day to enjoy the snow.”
Gepard hesitated, his eyes scanning the city streets. “I have patrols scheduled, and—”
“—and I’m sure the other guards can manage without you for a few hours,” you interrupted, grabbing his gloved hand. “I promise it’ll be worth it.”
He sighed, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. “All right, but just for a little while.”
The two of you found yourselves in a quiet clearing near the edge of the city. The snow crunched beneath your feet as you led the way, pointing out the perfect spot for your plans. Gepard followed, his armored boots leaving deep impressions in the pristine white.
“So, what exactly are we doing here?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
You grinned mischievously, scooping up a handful of snow. “This.”
Before he could react, the snowball hit him squarely in the chest, leaving a dusting of white on his polished armor. For a moment, he stood frozen, his expression one of pure disbelief.
“Oh, you’re in trouble now,” he said, his voice carrying a rare playful edge.
It was on.
Gepard bent down and scooped up a handful of snow, expertly forming a snowball before launching it your way. You ducked behind a tree, laughing as it sailed past, narrowly missing you. The two of you darted back and forth, snowballs flying in every direction as laughter filled the air.
Despite his stoic reputation, Gepard was surprisingly competitive, his precision as sharp on the snowfield as it was in battle. But even he couldn’t resist the lightheartedness of the moment, his usual composure giving way to genuine smiles and carefree laughter.
Eventually, you called a truce, both of you collapsing onto a soft snowbank. Gepard leaned back, his hair catching the sunlight as he exhaled a misty breath.
“You were right,” he admitted, his voice soft. “This was… nice.”
You turned your head to look at him, catching the rare warmth in his expression. “You don’t always have to carry everything on your shoulders, Gepard. You’re allowed to enjoy yourself, too.”
He glanced at you, his blue eyes softening. “Thank you for reminding me. I don’t think I’ve felt this relaxed in�� a long time.”
For a moment, silence stretched between you, the peaceful stillness of the snowy landscape wrapping around you like a blanket. Then, slowly, he reached out, his gloved hand brushing against yours in the snow.
“We should do this again,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
You smiled, lacing your fingers with his. “Anytime, Captain.”
And in that quiet moment, under the gentle light of Belobog’s winter sun, it was as if the weight of the world had lifted—if only for a little while.
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mybutcheredtongue · 8 months ago
I'll Love You 'til the Grass Around my Gravestone is Deceased
post azkaban sirius black x fem!reader
CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE (see full series list here)
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A few weeks after the school term ends, you stand on a deserted street at night, looking up at the line of buildings and homes in front of you.
That's where Dumbledore told you to go to number 12...but it's not here? You're in Grimmauld Place, and in front of you is Number 11 and Number 13, with no 12 in the middle?
You squint up at the buildings ahead, sighing in frustration. If this is some sort of trick, like you have to solve a riddle every time you want to enter the Order of the Phoenix headquarters you're going to be livid.
Number 12, Grimmauld Place.
A battered door emerges out of nowhere between 11 and 13, followed swiftly by dark walls and grimy windows. You gape up at the building that's just magically appeared before you, breathing out in surprise, and then you walk up to the door and, as Dumbledore instructed you to do, tap it with your wand.
There's a click, and you warily push the door open, stepping into a dimly lit hallway and shutting the door behind you. It smells old and damp, like a derelict building. Beside you, the wallpaper peels off the walls and beneath your feet is a threadbare carpet. Painted portraits, blackened with age, line the walls.
You glance down at Dubh's crate, the handle held tightly in your fingers, and then walk down the hallway towards a door at the end. On the wall, there's shabby curtains stretching across a large space — there must be a door behind it.
"Hello?" You call, your voice echoing. "Is anybody — "
"Filth! Half-blood! I can smell it on you!"
You whip your head around to the source of this vile, ear-splitting screeching, finding the curtains you had spotted now open, except instead of there being a door behind it, you're met with a life-sized portrait of an old woman, her face red with fury as she continues to scream at you.
"Scum! How dare you set foot in this noble house, tarnish it with your foul blood — "
Dubh hisses from her crate and your ears ring with the incessant shrieking of the portrait, looking around for a solution when the door to your left suddenly bursts open, and Sirius emerges.
"Shut it, you hag, that's my wife!" he barks, seizing the end of the curtains and pulling it with all his might.
"YOOUU!" the woman howls, eyes wide at the sight of him. "Blood traitor, shame of my flesh, abomination, besmirching my blood line with such filth — "
You grab onto the ends of the curtains and with immense effort, the two of you manage to close the curtains over the screaming woman and a silence falls.
Panting slightly, Sirius sweeps his long hair out of his eyes and looks at you. "Well, I suppose you had to meet your mother-in-law eventually."
Your mouth drops and you stare back at him, a surprised laugh leaving your mouth. "You can't be serious."
He raises his eyebrows, smirking. "Actually, that's exactly who I am — "
You give his arm a soft thump, rolling your eyes. "So funny. Remind me why you didn't go into comedy?"
"Oh, because a woman forced me into marriage and I could not pursue my true comedic dreams."
He pushes open the door he came out of and, gathering your bags and Dubh's crate, you follow him down a flight of stairs and into a large basement kitchen, complete with a blazing fire in the corner and a dusty long table in the middle.
You whistle, placing your things on the table and dusting your hands off on your trousers. When Sirius turns to face you, you grab the collar of his shirt and bring his lips crashing onto yours, kissing him deeply.
After a few moments you pull away, smirking. "Still think I forced you into marriage?"
Sirius blinks, looking back at you, dumbfounded, before laughing. "Definitely not."
You glance around the room, taking in your surroundings. "So...are we going to talk about the portrait of your crazy mother or..."
He sighs, shrugging. "Welcome to my parents' house — the house I grew up in. It's just horrible, isn't it?"
He's not entirely wrong. The house is cold and dark, foreboding and lacking the warmth a home should have.
"Well, it's not very homely, anyway..." you say. "It's screaming pure-blood."
Sirius winces, tracing his fingers over the detailings on an ornate cabinet pushed against the wall. "Yes, but...I'm the last Black left, so it's mine now. I offered it to Dumbledore for headquarters — it's about the only useful thing I've been able to do."
"At least we can be together again," you say softly, offering him a smile. He looks back at you, and then returns it.
"Yes." He places his hands on your hips, drawing you closer, smiling wickedly at you. "I am definitely not complaining about that."
He kisses you fiercely, clashing together in a frenzy of passion and he slowly backs you up until you hit the table, scooping you up and placing you sitting on its surface with ease, lips still locked together. It's everything — it says everything —
"It's been too fucking long," he breathes lowly, trailing a line of kisses along your jaw, then onto your neck. He's right, it has been too long. It's not long before his mouth hits a particularly sensitive spot of your neck and your breath hitches in your throat. You feel his smug smile against your skin.
"Some things never change."
You can't resist the urge to roll your eyes, moaning softly as his strong hands slide under your shirt and run along your sides, gently caressing your skin.
"Oh, shut up."
His hands continue their wandering and his lips find yours again, tangling together as he begins to unbutton your shirt, nimble fingers loosening the top button, then the next, then the next —
You jump at the loud noise, and Sirius breaks apart from you to look to the source of the sound — a very old house-elf that's just apparated inside the room with a feather duster in his wrinkly hands.
Your shriek and instantly pull your shirt closed, buttoning back up what Sirius had undone as he straightens up to fix the creature with an angry glare.
"Kreacher! What do you think you're doing?"
So this is Kreacher. Sirius had told you about this particular elf, whose unwavering loyalty to Walburga Black had made Sirius' home life even more unbearable.
Kreacher looks up, fixing his bloodshot eyes on you, and his large nose wrinkles. "I was not aware Master had a guest." Then, head bowed, he mutters very clearly, "What would my Mistress say, allowing such filth into her home..."
Sirius clicks his tongue agitatedly. "You were not aware, really? Did my mother's incessant shrieking not alert you?"
"I had assumed Master was simply distressing her again," Kreacher croaks, making no effort to hide his disdain for Sirius.
"Hello, Kreacher," you say, and then you tell him your name, making sure to emphasise the Black sitting on the end of it.
Kreacher's eyes go wide and he looks at you in shock, before his face twists in disgust. "Black, she says, yet she is no Black I know..."
"This is my wife, Kreacher, and you will treat her as you would any member of my family," Sirius says sternly.
Kreacher scowls at him, his hatred for him evident, before he reluctantly bows to you. "Mistress."
A little taken aback and slightly dazed, you give him a confused nod. "Kreacher."
He shuffles out of the room, exiting through the stairway door and shutting it behind him. Sirius drops his head onto your shoulder, groaning.
"He ruins everything," he says, voice muffled against your clothes. "He did that out of spite, I know it..."
You chuckle, patting his back. "I'm sure he did, hon. Now, aren't you going to show me around?"
Sirius pulls away from your shoulder to raise his eyebrows at you. "Well, I had other plans — "
"Those plans can wait," you say with a knowing smile, kissing his cheek. "I'm not too keen on Kreacher walking in on us again."
Sirius pokes his cheek with his tongue. "It could send him a much-needed message..." he sighs, taking your hands in his and helping you jump off the table, smoothing down your shirt. "Alright, I'll give you a quick tour. Word of warning, though — it's not pretty."
"Wasn't expecting it to be."
You leave the kitchen together and, as quietly as possible, sneak past Mrs Black's portrait in the hall and start to make your way up the stairs. It's dark and gloomy, but Sirius' warm hand in yours pulls you forward through the damp and dust, stopping at a door in the hallway.
"Dining room," he whispers. Then he points to another door opposite. "Study."
Opening the door to the dining room, you're met with the distinct smell of dust and mould permeating the air around you. A long dining table sits in the middle of the room, a fancy glass chandelier hanging over it and an embellished candelabra set upon the middle of the table. Pushed against the opposite wall is a tall wooden cabinet, housing items of fine china. Walking over to it curiously and peering closer, you see the plates, cups, and saucers all bear an identical crest.
"Black family crest," Sirius explains, an edge of bitterness to his voice. "It's on everything."
You drag your finger across the dining table, a long line of dust coating it when you remove it. You study it for a moment. "Has Kreacher really been here since your parents died?"
Sirius nods.
"Doesn't look like it," you say. "The place is practically untouched."
The study is equally as dusty and silent, untouched books lining the bookshelves, the only light in the room coming from your wand, held high to illuminate the room.
Retaking your hand, he pulls you upstairs, passing by a string of detached house-elf heads, stopping at the landing where three doors stand opposite.
He points to each one in turn. "Drawing room, guest bedroom, bathroom."
You follow him to the drawing room as he pushes the flaking wood door open, taking in the destitute room before you. A grand piano sits unplayed in the corner, while two antique settees stand opposite each other in front of a fireplace. A grandfather clock ticks quietly.
You run your finger along the piano keys, the ivories squeaking after so long without use. Covering the entirety of the wall behind it is a large tapestry that catches your eye. Golden thread depicts a sprawling family tree with the names of family members scrawled beneath each head, and written at the top of the tapestry in large gold letters, are the words:
The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Toujours Pur
"Ah, the family tree," Sirius says, joining you beside the tapestry. He scans the bottom of it, pointing. "There's my mother and father, and there's Regulus..."
A sad look passes Sirius' face momentarily, but he shakes it away to point at what looks like a burn mark in the fabric, blotting out a member. "My mother must have blasted me off after I ran away, no doubt." He bends closer to the tapestry, raising his eyebrows. "I haven't looked at this in years...look, there's Phineas Nigellus, my great-great-grandfather. Least popular headmaster Hogwarts ever had...and Araminta Meliflua...cousin of my mother's...tried to force through a Ministry Bill to make Muggle-hunting legal...and dear Aunt Elladora...she started the family tradition of beheading house-elves when they got too old to carry tea trays...of course, anytime the family produced someone halfway decent they were disowned."
"Sounds lovely," you remark sourly, running your hand along the fabric. "Oh, Bellatrix and Narcissa..."
Sirius follows your hand to where Bellatrix and Narcissa Black sit on either side of another burn patch. Sirius nods thoughtfully. "That's where Andromeda would have been, Tonks's mother, but she married a Muggle-born."
He straightens back up, looking around the room grimly. "When I ran away, I didn't think I'd ever have to step foot inside this blasted place ever again. Said I'd rather see the house burn to ash before I'd return to it. Well, now look at me..."
You gently take his hand. "I know. Ideally, headquarters would be anywhere else, but...just think of this as an opportunity, Sirius. We can turn this place into a real home, make it feel real and warm. I mean, this drawing room could be beautiful!"
You gesture to the room around you, smiling at him. "We can clean it, change the wallpaper, tune the piano, take down the tapestry...I think it could be really nice."
Sirius looks at you for a moment, smiling affectionately. "It surprises me how optimistic you can be."
You shrug, leaving the drawing room and stepping into the hall once more. "I think we've seen enough hardship to let a dusty old house get the better of us, don't you think?"
He kisses his teeth. "I should let you know that my mother put a permanent sticking charm on that tapestry, by the way — she also put one on her own portrait," he tells you and you groan. "Until I find a way to remove them, I don't think they're going anywhere."
You sigh. "Of course she did."
Sirius directs you through the rest of the house, showing you the many bedrooms and even the master bedroom, where Buckbeak is sleeping soundly.
"Hello, Buckbeak," you say sweetly, stroking his soft feathers once he wakes. "Good to see you again."
Finally, you reach the final floor. Looking to your right, you see a bedroom door with a sign on it reading: Do not enter without the express permission of Regulus Arcturus Black.
You can't help but chuckle, pointing at it and reading it aloud.
"Yes, Regulus was always very picky about who went into his room..." Sirius says, shaking his head. He tugs your arm and you look away from the door, instead facing another one. There's a nameplate on the door saying Sirius.
He pushes open the door, revealing a spacious bedroom. Stepping inside, you take in the incredible amount of Gryffindor banners, posters and such. In the middle of the room is a large bed, and you let out a small laugh at the pictures of motorcycles and Muggle women in bikinis on the wall.
You point to one such picture, smiling teasingly at him. "Should I feel threatened?"
Sirius chuckles, shaking his head. "They don't hold a candle to you, love...but they'll also have to stay because fifteen-year-old Sirius put a permanent sticking charm on them."
"Anything to piss off your parents, huh?" You say, glancing around at the decor — everything that his purist parents would hate. You spot two polaroid photos stuck to the wall and feel your heart warm.
The first is of the four marauders themselves: Sirius stands in the middle with James, their arms around each other and draped over Remus and Peter. They can't be much older than fourteen, young and rosy-cheeked.
"Aw..." you coo, smiling. "You were such babies."
Sirius joins you at the photo, peering closer before he gasps in disgust. "Did my hair really look that bad? I remember it looking far cooler..."
You giggle, eyes passing over the boys' youthful faces. They look so happy.
The second photo is of you and him, lying in the snow together, laughing. Your eyes light up in recognition. "I remember this photo...Bitsy took it! I can't believe you put this up..."
"Well, I did quite fancy you, believe it or not." Sirius smiles lovingly, tapping the photo. "I remember Bitsy taking that. Right after I annihilated you in a snowball fight."
You scoff, turning to him. "Don't lie, I destroyed you in that fight. You were no match for me."
"I seem to remember differently..." he hums, grinning at you.
"Then you remember wrong."
Sirius laughs, pulling you into him and kissing you. "Enough arguing." He leads you towards his bed, gently pushing you down onto the mattress before him. "I recall us having some pressing plans to get on with..."
You awake the next morning feeling blissfully content. You think you've just gotten the best sleep of your life. Cracks of sunlight stream in through the slivers of window that aren't covered by curtains. You can hear the gentle rhythm of Sirius' heartbeat thrumming beneath your head as you lie on his chest, his own rising and falling steadily in his sleep. You move your head ever so slightly to look at him.
His face is blissfully peaceful, all tension gone from his features. His dark curls fall across his forehead, tickling his cheeks and jaw. You smile lovingly, feeling your heart warm with affection and happiness. You gently trace the outline of one of the tattoos on his arm — a small lion, for Gryffindor. It's the first tattoo he ever got, when he was around sixteen. Just to anger his parents. It had made you like him even more growing up.
He stirs, eyelids slowly fluttering open and gazing at you through his eyelashes, smiling softly.
"Morning," you whisper.
"Good morning." His voice is low and raspy with sleep. He shifts slightly, lazily drawing shapes across your arm with his hand. "I think that might be the first time I've properly slept since my capture."
You smile. "Me too. I can't explain how good it feels to wake up next to you again."
He hums, rumbling low in his throat as he leans his head down to press his lips against yours languidly.
You feel the weight of the duvet dip slightly, and something light pads along your body. Pulling away from your husband and looking up, you find yourself face-to-face with Dubh, her eyes peering down at you curiously.
You chuckle, scratching her behind the ears. "And good morning to you too, Dubh."
She purrs lightly, sniffing Sirius curiously.
"So this is the cat," Sirius remarks, reaching out to pet her. "My replacement."
Dubh leans into his touch, eagerly looking for more attention off him. She settles between the two of you, curling up against your head, purring contentedly.
You yawn, stretching your legs out under the covers. "Time to get up, Sirius."
He groans, tugging you back as you start to sit up. "Not yet. Let's just stay here for a little longer."
You chuckle, wriggling free of his grip and sitting up. "Dumbledore said there'll be a meeting this evening...we need to get up and make sure the place is clean and tidy."
Sirius doesn't seem to register this, however. "Is that...?"
You look back at him in confusion. "What?"
He points at your back, running his hand down the soft skin. "It's a constellation. And here..." He touches the skin just below your right shoulder-blade, tapping it gently. "A paw print."
You smile. "My favourite constellation, and my favourite star."
He's quiet for a moment, eyes fixed on the tattoo as you slip from the bed, your legs shaking slightly.
"You alright? Are you hurt?" Sirius asks at once, worry clear in his voice. You chuckle light-heartedly, waving your hand dismissively.
"I'm fine, darling. It's just been a long time since I've done that."
You look around the room, eventually locating your bra and underwear that had been thrown carelessly on the floor the previous night.
The pair of you spend the day painstakingly cleaning the basement kitchen, ridding it of wayward doxies and dust bunnies. Dubh is delighted, instantly locating a mouse hole and catching the mouse for herself, dumping her prize at your feet in offering, before promptly eating it when you show no interest in it.
You discover that every portrait in the hall is impossible to remove, courtesy of your darling mother-in-law. The curtains have been closed over her portrait, but a number of times you've walked into the entrance hall to find the curtains pulled back and been hit with a cacophony of screams and screeches, all because Kreacher wanted to talk to his mistress. You've gotten better at forcing the curtains shut.
That evening, despite the aching pain in your back from working all day, you sit down at the table beside Sirius for the meeting, watching as different members of the Order of the Phoenix file into the room after you've just had to go shut Walburga Black up again after someone woke her up upon entering. You spy several familiar faces from the original Order: Mundungus Fletcher, Hestia Jones, Sturgis Podmore, Elphias Doge, Dedalus Diggle...and a few new members, too: Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Mr and Mrs Weasley, along with their two eldest sons, Bill and Charlie.
Remus takes a seat opposite you beside Tonks, whose hair is a bright blue today, and Moody takes a seat on your right, his wooden leg clunking on the floorboards.
You beam at him. "Glad to see you back, sir."
"Aye, it's been a while," he answers gruffly, shifting in his seat. His magical eye swivels in its socket, before fixing on the ceiling above and Moody grumbles angrily, bringing a hand up to the eye. "Damn it — it keeps sticking, ever since that scum wore it — "
With a nasty squelching, sucking sound, he pops out the eye and you grimace.
"Mad-Eye, you do know that's disgusting, don't you?" Tonks says conversationally.
"Get me a glass of water, would you?" Moody asks you, and you stand up from your chair, fetching a glass and filling it with water.
"Cheers," he says when you hand him the glass. He drops the magical eye into the water and prods it up and down with his finger. It spins erratically, looking at each person at the table in turn before Moody seems satisfied, scooping the eyeball out of the water and popping it back into his head.
Dumbledore then arrives, taking a seat at the head of the table, his presence immediately commanding the attention of the room. Chats and murmurs die down and all eyes turn to him.
"Good evening," Dumbledore says, his voice warm but serious. "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. We have much to discuss."
You glance around the table, spotting Snape sitting at the far end, eyeing Sirius scathingly. You look back at Sirius, only to see he's giving him an equally loathing glare back at him.
You sigh and nudge him, bringing your mouth to his ear. "Focus."
"First things first: Number 12, Grimmauld Place, London, will now be our new headquarters. I have placed all the necessary enchantments on the building to avoid detection," Dumbledore says, looking to Sirius. "Thank you for allowing us to use it, Sirius."
"Wasn't going to get much use otherwise," he replies, shrugging.
Dumbledore continues on. "The Ministry remains in denial, though it is not surprising. We must continue to gather intelligence and be prepared for any move he makes."
"What about Harry, Dumbledore? Is he safe?" Molly Weasley asks, her face lined with worry.
"Harry is well-guarded at the Dursleys, but we must remain vigilant. His safety is paramount, and we cannot afford to let our guard down," Dumbledore answers.
You drum your fingers on the table. "Surely it would make the most sense to bring him here with us, right? It would be the easiest way to keep an eye on him."
Dumbledore glances at you, shaking his head. "Harry is to remain with his aunt and uncle until further notice. It's where he is safest."
"But — "
"I understand your concern, but you must trust me on this," Dumbledore says firmly, giving you strong look.
You sigh, relenting. Sirius's hand finds your knee under the table and starts to draw soothing circles on it.
The meeting continues, strategies discussed and plans laid out for the future. Molly and Arthur Weasley plan to move to headquarters for the remainder of the summer with their kids by the end of the week, and you welcome the prospect of more life in this soulless house.
Once the meeting has finally drawn to a close, you sit and chat with Remus and Tonks.
"How's he been?" Remus asks quietly, glancing at Sirius out of the corner of his eye. Sirius is busy in the far corner of the room, talking in hushed voices with Dumbledore. A look of frustration passes over his face, and you can see him struggling to maintain his composure.
"Better," you say softly. "It's nice to finally be living under the same roof again but...this place isn't good for him." You sigh. "And his mother is driving us nuts — constantly screaming and shrieking."
"There's nothing you can do about her portrait?" Tonks says.
You shake your head. "She put a permanent sticking charm on it...haven't been able to find a way to remedy it yet."
"How pleasant," Remus remarks dryly and you chuckle bleakly, nodding.
"Will you ever go back to being an Auror?" Tonks says curiously. "I'm sure Mad-Eye would take you on in an instant."
You look over at Sirius, watching his brows furrow as Dumbledore says something to him.
"I never could," you admit. "Not after running away. Not after acting like such a coward."
Remus says your name sternly. "You are not a coward."
You sink your teeth into the soft flesh of your inner cheek, shaking your head. "I am a coward in every right, Remus, it's just the truth of the matter. But...if I had to do it all over again, I'd make the same choices. Teaching at Hogwarts has given me so much."
You stand up from the table, pushing your chair in with a yawn. Your eyes meet Sirius's across the room as Dumbledore dismisses him with a wave of his hand, walking away from him.
He says your name and you look up. "Thank you for your hospitality, professor."
You smile warmly back at him. "Of course."
Later, as you sit on the edge of your bed (well, Sirius's bed, technically) and pull off your socks, Sirius paces the room angrily.
"He really expects me to just sit here and do nothing? All fucking summer, stay in this stupid house and twiddle my thumbs," he murmurs. "While you and everyone else are out doing something helpful, I'm — I'm what? Sweeping the floor after Snivellus leaves half his greasy head hair here — "
"I know, love, I know," you say, pulling your shirt over your head.
"And after all this, we're not going to get to see Harry until further notice? After all he's been through, all we can do is send letters to him? And we can't even write anything specific?" He runs a hand through his hair, hissing in frustration. "After all Harry's been through, really, making him stay with those horrible Dursleys..."
"What can we do about it?" You say in exasperation. "What Dumbledore says goes, and you know he has a reason for everything — "
"Then why doesn't he tell us the reason? He loves keeping secrets, doesn't he, old Dumbledore?"
You sigh. "He certainly likes to be a man of mystery."
Sirius clicks his tongue crossly, mumbling something inaudible under his breath as he comes to sit on the edge of the bed beside you.
You rub his arm soothingly, leaning your head against his. "It's not all bad. When the Weasleys come to stay, you'll get to meet the twins, Fred and George. Oh, you'll love them, Sirius — always pulling pranks and telling jokes, they're hilarious. They remind me of you and James sometimes."
This, at least, seems to lift his mood slightly, and he gives you a small smile. "Really? So someone's still giving Filch trouble?"
You nod, grinning. "They keep him on his toes, alright."
You find you really enjoy having the Weasleys at the house. Mrs Weasley's cooking is divine and you enjoy the chats the two of you have when you help her. You tell her all about James and Lily, telling her the best stories from your school years involving them. Fred and George apparate all over the house, enchanting things that don't need to be enchanted now that they can do magic at home. They've nearly given you about seven heart attacks from popping up randomly right behind you when you're busy. And you were completely right — Sirius loves them. He tells them about pranks that he used to pull with the boys at school, much to Mrs Weasley's disapproval.
"Don't put any ideas in their heads, Sirius!"
Ron and Hermione are here too, and it's odd seeing them without Harry for once. Harry writes you and Sirius letters, each time begging for more information about Voldemort and what's going on and when he can see you again. You sigh as you read the latest one, handing it to Sirius for him to read.
"I wish Dumbledore would just let him come here," you say. "He'll be much happier here with everyone."
Every Order meeting is serious. Snape gives his report on what's happening on Voldemort's side, and often makes snide comments about Sirius being forced to stay in the house and out of trouble. After every meeting, without fail, Sirius comes to you to vent his frustrations about the man.
"Severus," you say as another meeting wraps up and everyone starts to depart from the room. He turns to look at you, his expression cold.
You motion for him to step away from the others, and he follows you to the corner of the room where you lower your voice.
"Wormtail. You have to tell me what he's up to — "
"I have told you all I know," Snape says flatly.
"There has to be something, anything...Severus, I know I'm asking a lot of you," you say genuinely, eyes flicking to Sirius across the room. "But if Wormtail goes somewhere alone or something, you have to tell me, please. He's the only one that can prove Sirius's innocence."
Snape's eye twitches slightly, his nostrils flaring. You can tell that sticking his back out to prove the innocence of his old enemy does not sound appealing to him.
"The Dark Lord will not ignore the disappearance of his servant. He will know there is a spy."
"Then a find a way to do it without him finding out!" You hiss desperately. "Please, Severus. I know you dislike each other but...Sirius will never have a life again if Peter isn't brought to justice."
Snape's jaw tenses, but after a few moments he gives you the smallest semblance of a nod. "If the opportunity arises...I will see it through."
You can't help the smile that spreads your lips and you nod gratefully. "Thank you. I'll be forever in your debt."
He sweeps wordlessly from the room, leaving a small spark of hope in your heart.
Your duties to the Order consists of tailing known Death Eaters and taking on guard duty over the prophecy just like everyone else. You and Tonks have been tailing a Death Eater by the name of Thorfinn Rowle, watching his movements and engagements closely. After one such night of tailing, the two of you return to Grimmauld Place, exhausted and soaked to the skin by the torrential rain you got caught in.
"Bloody hell..." Tonks murmurs, shaking out her jacket as you make your way past Walburga's portrait. It's late and the basement kitchen is empty, save for Sirius who has patiently waited for your return.
"You stayed up?" You say, kissing his cheek as you pass by to turn the kettle on.
"Of course I did."
Tonks looks between the two of you, an awkward look passing her face. "S'pose I'll get going."
You shake your head, grabbing her hand and sitting her down in one of the nearby chairs. "Nonsense, Tonks, stay. We haven't got the chance to catch up yet!"
You give Sirius a 'get out of here' look and he sighs, standing up from his chair. "So cruel."
You smile sweetly at him as he approaches. "I'll be up later."
He nods, yawning. "I know." He kisses you goodnight before leaving.
Once he's left, you give Tonks a sly look and she looks back at you in confusion as you sit down, sliding a cup of tea across the table to her.
"So, Tonks...are you gonna tell me what's going on between you and Remus?"
She nearly chokes on her drink, shaking her head vehemently. "What? Remus? Me? There's nothing going on."
You raise your eyebrows, unbelieving. "Sure..."
"I — I really don't know what you're implying," she says quickly, smiling awkwardly. "Really, Remus and I are just friends, I respect him as a colleague and a man — "
"I'm not going to snitch on you, y'know." You give her a smile. "That's why I had to get rid of Sirius — he'd tell Remus in an instant. Come on, it's pretty obvious to me. He likes you."
"What? No, come on, be serious," Tonks says. "I mean — we're not kids. He doesn't like me."
"Yeah he does!" You insist, giggling. "You two are cute, honestly. You should see the way he lights up when someone mentions you. He's got it bad."
Tonks' cheeks grow increasingly crimson as she continues to deny. "You're only having a bit of fun with me now."
"I'm not, honest!" You continue. "Seriously, Tonks, it's pretty obvious. I'm surprised you haven't noticed it yet."
She shakes her head, laughing and muttering something under her breath in denial.
"But the real question is...do you feel the same way about him?"
She doesn't answer you for a moment. "Well, like, it's Remus — he's great and he's a good person and I don't know, maybe?" She sighs, wringing her hands. "I...I think he's afraid to flirt with me. We could be laughing and joking one minute and then I'll say something further and he'll just...shut off."
You shake your head in disappointment. "I'm going to be very honest with you — that sounds exactly like him. Once you reciprocate he starts to freak out."
"But how do you know that's not just him being disinterested?"
"Because I know Remus," you answer simply. "He shuts himself away because he thinks being a werewolf renders him undateable. I think you just need to show him that you're not afraid of that side of him, that it doesn't bother you whatsoever, that you're there for him."
She nods thoughtfully. "Yeah, you're right..."
You beam, feeling excited. "Oh, it's been so long since I've played matchmaker! I forgot how good it feels."
Tonks laughs. "You've given this speech to other people before?"
You shrug. "Mostly just James and Lily, honestly. Lily hated the man for half her school years! You don't want to know the amount of work I put into getting them together."
->-> read chapter twenty-six here!
→ all kinds of interaction appreciated ♡
time skip WARRIOR 😋✊
a massive thank you to my amazing taglist loves for all their support and kindness:
@izuoyarmin @jennifer0305 @idkman5335 @mothraantics @wholelottalove05 @carpe000diem @elanna-elrondiel @hyperspeedo
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overtail · 1 year ago
'You're not helping." - Sokka x GN!Reader
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Summary - (Y/N) has always struggled with their bending prowess, never having anyone to teach them. After being given some advice by Aang, they still can't seem to focus on controlling the earth nearby. Even though he doesn't know what it's like, Sokka still tries to help.
Contains - Fluff, Flirting, Joking, Sarcasm, and silly fun.
Reader Info - Earthbender, new member of the Gaang, quiet, sarcastic, and VERY ambitious.
TW - None!!
No use of (Y/N)
'You have to focus on what's in front of you. What it is you want to comtrol.'
𝘍𝘰𝘤𝘶𝘴. ����𝘯 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶.
They dragged their back foot through the dirt. The crunching sound of rocks against their shoe helped them connect with the world beneath them. They could feel it, the buzzing in their chest, mind, 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭. They closed their eyes, shakily letting out a breath.
Breath. Focus.
Shifting forward, they stepped with their movement. The dirt below them began to rise, shaking vigorously as it slowly moved upwards. Their eyelashes fluttered as their eyelids twitched. The rocks stopped in place for a moment as their calmness weakened but resumed to it's upwards movement as they took another breath. They let out a low growl before abruptly opening their eyes and throwing their hands forward. They yelled as they did so, trying to hit the target - which happened to be a large rock -- in front of them. Instead of it breaking into a million pieces with the power and force of a true bender, little pebbles bounced off of it, and dirt coated the side.
"God!" They yelled, turning away from the embarrassing sight. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" The peace was gone, and the only thing they felt was rage. True, pure, rage. "Why do I even try anymore?!" They stomped over to a log that sat only a few feet away. Their brows were knitted together, and they were practically fuming with anger. They would fit perfectly in the fire nation.
Sitting down with a 'thump!', they groaned, muttering a few curses under their breath. The one thing in their life that they've been waiting to master is being practically thrown out of the window because they don't know how to properly seize the opportunity.
They thought to themself, why even try? They won't ever be as skilled at Aang; hell, even Katara! Sokka could even find a way to be a better bender than them. They moaned, letting their head go limp and fall in between the space between their legs. They had only started their travels with the group a month ago, but they still wanted to fit in. Aang was the only chance they had of learning to be a powerful bender, and they were failing.
There was the sound of footsteps and gravel crunching behind them, but they didn't even bother to look up. It would be Aang, who was secretly watching from the bushes, coming to give them advice, again. The space on the log beside them pressed flat against the ground, lifting them up slightly.
"How's it going?" It wasn't Aang, obviously. The voice was more mature, more quiet, more calming. "I hope it's better than what I can see."
"Hello to you too, Sokka." They could recognize that sarcastic tone from a mile away, not like they minded it. Their was something comforting about how ruthless he was when it came to making jokes and poking fun. "Clearly, it's horrible. Can't even make a dust bunny!" They said with a groan. Sokka laughed, shoving their shoulder lightly.
"As expected, you really do suck." Sokka retorted back, smiling down at them. He couldn't see their face, but a grim look was spread across it. They felt like they would burst with tears any second, begin crying at how much wasted potential they had. They let out a small sniffle, a single tear running down their flushed cheeks. Sokka's eyes widened at this, quickly leaning his head towards them to check up on them. "Woah woah, I was just kidding! You're not that bad!"
Sokka wasn't the best at comforting, a trait inherited by his dad. Sokka never really accepted, but mainly deflected his and other people's feelings.
More hot tears began to fall from. their eyes and onto the dirt below them. They were full-on crying now, letting out small whimpers. They felt like such an emotional wreck.
"Hey - urm," Sokka looked around, maybe to find Aang or Katara to help, but they were nowhere nearby. It was just him and a crying person. "It'll be fine, Katara used to suck, and look where she is now!"
The person blow him looked up, eyes red with tears. "Y-you think I suck?" Their voice was shaky, and their nose sounded like it was filled with snot from crying.
"No, no! You're good for a-- uhm-- a starter?" Sokka didn't really know what to say or how to say it.
"I've been practicing for years!" The other was crying even harder now, and Sokka felt bad. He actually felt bad.
Sokka wrapped an arm around them, bringing them close to his chest. "Well -- I'm gonna shut up."
They leaned into his chest, shakily grabbing onto his coat with their hands. His face flushed red at the physical touch, looking up at the trees and trying not to focus on the feeling. "Yeah, you're r-really bad at this." They let out an airy laugh, which made Sokka even more flustered. Sokka just smiled, fully pulling them into a hug.
"Are you sick, Sokka? You're awfully hot." Katara placed a hand on his forhead, looking at him curiously as he stood outside the earthbenders tent. He grabbed her wrist lightly, taking it off his face.
He stopped back, taking a quick glance at Aang, who was smirking viciously. "I'm fine." He was still red from the previous events.
"You suuuuuuure?" Aang wiggled his brows, and Sokka kicked him in the shin.
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deathfavor · 9 months ago
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" Calm the fuck down. " Kazutora hums as he sits on top of a metal barrel, wiping at his bloody nose. He can understand the panic given the bodies crumbled on the dirt. " No one's dead. They were the ones who wanted to start a fight challenge. So they do all owe me money now for losing. " He lolls his head backwards before looking towards whoever happened to stumble in.
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lura-valentine · 2 months ago
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World of My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia
With the exception of Rain and the mysterious man, all characters belong to Kōhei Horikoshi
Dabi x Rain ➡️click for Rain's profil⬅️
Please note that English is not my first language. So forgive me for mistakes.
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Happy Birthday 2025, Dabi
The cold swept through the streets of the city, an icy breath that reddened the faces of passersby and made their movements more hasty. Everyone wore thick coats, scarves, and the warm lights of the shops cast deceptive promises of security into the darkness. But he, Dabi, seemed to be a foreign body in this picture.
His leather coat flapped in the wind, his footsteps echoed on the frozen asphalt, but the cold did not touch him. His Quirk - the constant glow inside him - kept him warm. His leather pants creaked softly with every step, his washed-out white shirt hung loosely over his chest. It was almost ironic: while the others wrapped themselves in layers of fabric, he wore only the bare essentials, as if the winter cold were nothing more than a distant whisper.
His eyes, deep and sharp like blue fire, were focused on the surroundings, but his mind was elsewhere. Lost in thought, he made his way through the busy streets, the murmur of people mingling with the howling of the wind. His destination was an old, abandoned building, hidden among the shadows. A place he had claimed for himself. No one dared to disturb him.
The wooden floorboards creaked softly under his boots as he climbed the stairs. The smell of dust and decay hung in the air, but Dabi didn't mind. Once at the top, the familiar path led him to the attic, where an open window revealed a view of the city at night. The lights sparkled like stars, life seemed to go on in the distance while he felt like an observer, separated from everything.
Dabi sank down onto the windowsill, his hands resting loosely on his knees. The wind blew through his dark, tousled hair, but he barely noticed it. His gaze slid over the streets, over the hurried footsteps, the quiet laughter, the deceptive warmth of the people below. A strange calm filled him, one that he rarely felt.
But this calm was suddenly shattered.
A shadow passed over him, and before he could react, he felt something - someone - collide with him. Arms wrapped around his torso and he lost his balance. He landed on the floor of the room with a thud, a soft gasp escaping his lips.
“Damn…” Instinct took over.
He rolled over with a jerk, his hands gripping the attacker's shoulders, and the flames of his Quirk flared up, a dangerous dance of blue fire surrounding his silhouette. But then...
The flames died down almost instantly as he looked into the deep red eyes he knew so well. A moment of confusion crossed his face before his brow furrowed slightly. "What the...? Are you crazy?"
Rain just grinned, a playful twinkle in her eyes. "Did you really think I was going to let your birthday pass by like that?" Her voice was a soft but demanding whisper as she seized the opportunity. With a deft swing, she turned the situation so that she was now sitting on top of him.
"Hey! What's this crap?" Dabi sounded less annoyed than he wanted to, but the warmth of her closeness made his pulse beat faster.
"The crap? Did I surprise you?" Rain's hands slipped under his shirt, her fingers tracing the hard lines of his abs. Her touch was bold, almost possessive, and a small giggle escaped her lips as she felt his muscles twitch under her touch.
"You've got some nerve..." Dabi muttered, but his hands were now resting on her hips as if he didn't want her to leave.
"Don't tell me you're not enjoying this," she countered, her face so close to his that their lips were almost touching.
His eyes narrowed, but he couldn't hide the smile that crept onto his lips. "You really are unpredictable."
Rain laughed softly, her breath brushing his face as she leaned a little closer to him. "Unpredictable, yes. But you love it, admit it."
"Maybe," he admitted reluctantly, his voice a rough whisper that gave away more than he intended. "But that doesn't mean I forgive you for almost killing me."
"Almost killed? Now you're exaggerating." She gently stroked his chest with her fingertips before looking him straight in the eyes. "Happy birthday, darling."
He paused for a moment, surprised by the sincerity in her voice. A moment of silence followed before he leaned his head back slightly and laughed dryly. "You really are the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me."
Rain grinned, her hands lingering on his body as she looked deep into his eyes. "Then I hope you're ready for a night you'll never forget."
Dabi looked at Rain with an expression that was somewhere between amusement and serious desire. Her words still rang in his ears, and he felt a warm rush through his body - one that had nothing to do with his Quirk.
"You know, you're really impudent," he murmured softly, but his voice was tinged with a rough tone that betrayed something deeper. His hands, which had previously rested loosely on her hips, now pulled her closer to him, his fingers firm but not rough.
"Insolent?" Rain tilted her head, her deep red eyes sparkling with playful challenge. "You say that as if it were something new."
"Not new," he admitted, a mischievous smile crossing his lips. "But you'll regret provoking me like that someday."
"Oh, really?" Rain let out a soft laugh, her fingertips continuing to trace soft lines over his skin. "And what are you going to do, hmm? Teach me a lesson?"
Dabi remained silent, his eyes wandering over her face, the shadows of her eyelashes and the slightly open mouth. Then, without warning, he pulled her even closer, his arms wrapping tightly around her back so that there was no space between them.
"I could just as well warn you," he murmured, his breath hot against her mouth, "but what good does that do if you never listen?"
Before she could answer, he closed the distance. His lips met hers with an intensity that took Rain's breath away. The kiss was not a gentle exploration, but a claim of possession, demanding and absolute. His hands slid down her back, holding her tight as he tilted his head slightly to deepen the kiss.
Rain closed her eyes, letting the heat that Dabi brought wash over her. His mouth was demanding, his tongue gliding over her lower lip, urging her to let him in. She obeyed without hesitation, opening herself to him, and the kiss became a struggle, a dance of passion and control.
A small sound of surprise escaped her as his tongue touched hers, and she responded with equal fervor, her hands sliding from his chest to his neck, burying themselves in his hair. Her fingernails scratched lightly at his scalp, and he growled softly into the kiss, causing her to laugh slightly.
“What’s so funny?” he murmured against her lips without completely breaking the kiss.
"Nothing," she answered breathlessly, her forehead resting briefly against his. "Just... you're so different when you're not in control."
"I'm in control," he immediately contradicted, but his voice was hoarse and his hands, which had now moved to her waist, proved otherwise.
"Of course," she teased softly, but before she could continue, he pulled her into another kiss.
The second kiss was deeper, slower, but no less intense. Every movement was deliberate, as if with every touch of her lips he was reminding her who he was - and who she was to him. His hands slid lower, finding purchase on her hips, and a soft moan escaped her as he pulled her even tighter against him.
"Rain," he finally murmured as they both pulled apart, panting. Their faces were only inches apart, and the darkness of the room seemed to disappear around them.
“Yes?” She unconsciously licked her lips, her eyes glowing with warmth and challenge at the same time.
"You're driving me crazy." His voice was quiet, almost a whisper, but it carried the weight of something he rarely said.
"That wouldn't be my intention," she teased, though her hands still lingered on his neck, her thumb gently stroking the sensitive skin behind his ear.
"Oh, no?" His eyes glittered dangerously, but the soft curve of his lips betrayed him. "Then what is your intention?"
Rain leaned forward, her lips brushing his as she whispered, "That you consider me your birthday present for tonight."
Her words hung in the air like a dangerous promise. For a split second, Dabi seemed to remain motionless, but then his mouth twisted into a wide, dark grin that made his eyes flash.
"My birthday present, huh?" His voice was rough and deep, a tone that sounded like a mix of amusement and something much darker. Before Rain could react, he used his superior strength to suddenly grab her and spin her around with a deft tug.
With a gasp of surprise, she landed on her back, and Dabi was now on top of her, his weight gently pressing her against the old wooden floor. His hands were of either side of her head as he fixed her down with a gaze that burned like fire.
"So, do you want to be my plaything tonight?" he asked, his voice a dangerous, almost playful purr. His eyes narrowed and his grin widened, challenging and unambiguous. "With pleasure, Rain."
Rain raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a mocking smile. "So you're so easily convinced?"
"Well, that's all down to how convincing the gift is." His words dripped with confidence as he leaned down slightly, his face so close to hers she could feel his breath on her skin. "And you? Do you really think I'm going to let you get away with this without making you pay for this little act?"
Rain laughed quietly, her red eyes sparkling mischievously. "Maybe I want that. But the question is, do you have what it takes?"
A dangerous growl came from Dabi's throat, his eyes darkened, and the next second he was pressing himself against her with such force that a surprised sound escaped her. His hands, strong and warm, wrapped around her hips as he pinned her to the ground. His lips found hers again, but this time it was different. The kiss was no longer just demanding - it was urgent, hungry, almost desperate, as if he wanted to claim her for himself with every breath.
His tongue parted her lips, entering her mouth without hesitation, a deep, throaty sound accompanying the movement. It was as if he had thrown all his control overboard. His tongue probed, conquered, demanded a response from her, while his fingers dug deeper into her waist, as if that would pull her even closer to him, even though there was no space between them.
Rain felt her breathing quicken, her body reacting against his, even though she didn't want to fully allow it. But the way he kissed her - wild, hot, and with an intensity that made her heart beat faster - was what she loved about him. This unbridled dominance that captivated her every time. His lips moved firmly against hers, his tongue pulled hers into a dance that left no room for doubt.
Her hands slid over his shoulders, trying to find purchase as he held her to the ground with his weight. The strength of his kiss was almost overwhelming and its heat permeated everything, making her forget everything else, as if the room around them was engulfed in flames.
His mouth left hers only briefly, his lips resting at the corner of her mouth for a moment to catch his breath before he kissed her again. The way his tongue explored her mouth was relentless, a silent message that made her tremble.
Rain gasped into the kiss, trying to keep control, but her heart rate noticeably increased. "You're playing a dangerous game, Dabi," she whispered between breaths of the French kiss.
He raised his head, looked her straight in the eyes, his voice a dangerously low murmur: "Not half as dangerous as what you just started here."
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My moral supporters
@doumadono | @unhinged-bratty-boy
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basu-shokikita · 5 months ago
Kloktober 2024 Day 26
Post-apocalypse or Cyberpunk
Army of the Doomstar is a pretty apocalyptic setting so I had to come up with a different one for this prompt. It's still the end of the world, though more scary, somehow.
At the same time, I wished for Skwisgaar and Toki to have a heart to heart talk before the series ended so this is me doing an attempt at that.
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Skwisgaar slowly slid down on the dirty floor, trying to steady his breathing. His arms were wrapped around himself like protective guards against a world that he could no longer recognize. To say he was scared would be an understatement, he wasn’t even sure he’d make it alive. Or, rather, he wasn’t sure how much time he’d be alive. 
In the chaos, amidst the explosions and deafening screams, they had gotten separated. His memory was cut in fragments. At some point they were all together, surrounded by their usual Klokateer guard, getting distracted by ads on a big screen. Suddenly, something fell out of the sky and everything turned white. When Skwisgaar opened his eyes again, he couldn’t recognize where he was anymore. People around him were either motionless or screaming and there was smoke all over the place. A rugged hand pulled from his and he let himself be led away from the chaos.
And here he was, in the remains of what had probably been a school, watching the news in a small, old TV, reporting the same phenomenon happening all over the world. Here was, unsure whether he’d ever seen his friends again or die in some abandoned building.
On reflex, he looked for the guitar when he remembered it was broken in pieces when he fell on it. At the time, he could barely register it but now he felt a pang in his chest. Chuckling, Skwisgaar hit the back of his head against the wall in frustration. The world was seemingly falling apart and he was thinking of his guitar like a lost lover.
Toki reluctantly stood in the doorframe, as if unsure whether he was allowed to be there or not. Covered in dust and blood, Skwisgaar wondered if he looked the same. 
“Ams you- how ams you feels?” Toki eventually asked, still awkwardly looming in the entrance of the room. 
“Bads.” Skwisgaar snorted.
“Ja…” Toki swayed a little before coming in. Because Skwisgaar’s reaction wasn’t immediately defensive, Toki felt encouraged and sat down next to him. Watching the reports on TV, he asked. “It really ams…overs nows, huh?” He smiled sadly.
Skwisgaar bit his bottom lip, seeing his homeland in shambles on the small screen. “You seems okeys wif dats.”
Toki stared at him though Skwisgaar didn’t return his gaze. “Ams nots, I…” Slowly, he looked down and held onto his knees.
If the situation were any different, Skwisgaar would’ve joked that at least the world didn’t have to hear Toki’s shitty playing anymore. And it would’ve made Toki angry but it would’ve lightened the situation a little. Right now, however, all of that felt distant and impossible to seize. Even though it had only been a few hours, his old life felt light years away from him. 
“Ams just glads amsnt alones.” Toki finally confessed. Silently, he let his head rest against Skwisgaar’s who, for once, didn’t reject the contact. 
Everything was cold and intimidating except for Toki’s cheek on his shoulder. It formed a knot on Skwisgaar’s throat that, no matter how many times he swallowed, wouldn’t disappear. “Hey, Tokes?”
“Ams sorries.”
Toki raised his head. “Whats for?”
“I didnts knows how much you resenteds me…” Skwisgaar said, staring at a hole from which he assumed rats would come from. “I didnts know how much I horts you wif mines…behaviors.” He sighed, his gaze now wandering over the window. The helicopters flew in circles. “I justs…” He hesitated. Amidst the debris and death, did any of that matter?
“Thanks you…” Toki chuckled softly. “And ams sorries too…for wantings to ruins your lives and alls dats…”
“All dats.” Skwisgaar repeated with a snort. 
“Ja.” Toki smiled at him. After a few moments, it faded away from his face. “I just wanteds you to sees me.” He looked down, almost ashamed. “Alls this time…I wanteds you to sees me…”
Skwisgaar waited for him to continue, so when he didn’t, he was disappointed. “Dats its?”
Toki raised both eyebrows. “What you means?”
When Skwisgaar turned to face him, it made him wonder when was the last time they spoke to each other genuinely. “You just…wants me to sees you? Just dats?”
The blue in Toki’s eyes, already usually pale, seemed almost entirely decolored under the gray light. His gaze transfixed Skwisgaar in what felt like the longest seconds of his life before something seemed to click. Though when Toki opened his mouth, there was a loud rumble coming from above. 
They both looked up and it had gone quiet again. Suddenly, there was something that felt like a crash, shaking the foundations of the building. In a matter of seconds, it all started collapsing as cement, wire and wood came apart. A big piece of concrete fell right between them.
“Skwis…” Toki was wide-eyed from panic. The exit was blocked with rocks and falling debris.
And yet, seeing the fear in Toki’s eyes, prompted Skwisgaar to calm down. “Toki…Toki!”
Wordlessly, Toki stared at him while the world was ending right in front of them. 
“Alls sees you dere, okeys?”
Toki smacked his lips together and nodded. “Okays.”
Skwisgaar smiled, Toki being the last thing he saw before everything turned black.
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literary-motif · 9 months ago
O ma gawd could you possibly do one about after Love dying Xanthus vents his frustration out on his writing or poems or smth and soon breaks down in front of dontis
Lmao the angst is something alright<33
Life Eternal
Xanthus Claiborne x Reader
He supposed it was inevitable. You were human, after all. 
That did not mean he was prepared to lose you. He could not forgive himself for not being at your side and saving you when he had the chance. Even his blood was not powerful enough to resurrect the dead, and as he rushed to you, heart beating on the very verge of breaking, all he caught was your last smile in his direction before you faded away forever. 
The scream of anguish Xanthus had let out as he cradled your lifeless body would haunt Dontis until the end of his days. 
Feeling the bond break was the most painful experience of his life and despite himself, he was happy that it was him suffering through this anguish and not you. It was as if the very air had turned stifling. He could not breathe anymore, every movement hurt, and with every beat of his heart, he was reminded of the part of it that was missing. 
He could deal with the physical pain. He had gone through worse, but what shattered him was the blackness surrounding his heart. It felt like he had died with you and all that was left of him now was an empty shell. 
There was no light in the world. Xanthus did not know himself anymore. Everything felt foreign. 
He looked at his art gallery and saw nothing but an accumulation of things that would soon turn to dust. He walked through his mansion, one he had tended to and cared for for decades, and saw nothing but walls and emptiness. 
The silence was the worst. It made him feel like a void, present but absent at the same time as loneliness, emptiness, and nothingness ate him up from the inside. His sanity was hanging on by a thread and the steady ebb and flow of anguish and sorrow in his mind was wearing him down. 
In the quiet, he heard the echo of your sweet voice, making his heart seize until he doubled over in pain, gasping for breath until he scratched at the walls, sobbing for his lost love. 
He played the piano until his fingers cramped, desperate to fill the silence and push you out of his mind. He longed for a moment of respite from this hell, but even that was denied him. 
How much sorrow could one person take? Had he not suffered enough for his long life?
He gasped when he felt a hand on his shoulder, then a head gently resting on top of his. Xanthus did not dare turn around to face the emptiness where you should be. Instead, he closed his eyes, trying to keep his hands steady enough to continue the piece as tears rolled down his face and his shoulders shook with barely contained sobs. 
It was a different kind of death he experienced, and Xanthus felt buried alive.
“I hate what you did to me,” he said, sitting on the windowsill with his feet dangling in the open air. The fall could not kill him. It would not even hurt. “I hate who you left behind,” he continued, talking to the moon. 
He wished it were you instead. 
The full moon reminded him of the time you went stargazing together. You had curled into his side, leaning your head on his shoulder as you told him about the constellations, marveling at the beauty before you. He had listened with a hum, arms securely wrapped around you as he closed his eyes, focusing on you instead. 
Xanthus sighed, leaning against the wall. The soft night breeze ruffled his hair and he huffed as it dried his tears. “I don’t forgive you,” he muttered, cursing the universe, fate, or whatever else was responsible for the grand scheme of things. “I don’t forgive you for taking them away.”
He stopped counting the days he remained sitting there, gazing into the distance as night turned to day and night again. The passage of time was meaningless to an immortal. What would it matter if he lost a decade like this? What was there to lose now that you were gone? He was dead inside.
“Xanthus?” He blinked, slowly becoming aware of the reality around him when he felt hands on his shoulders, gently tugging him inside.
“What do you want?” he rasped, snatching his arm from Dontis’ grip. “Get out. I don’t want company.”
Dontis looked at him sadly, glancing around at the papers littering the floor. He took in his friend’s ragged appearance. “How long has it been since you’ve eaten?” he asked, placing a hand on Xanthus’ cheek and tilting his head to look at him. 
The dark circles under his eyes looked like bruises on his pale skin. His eyes were dull and lifeless, fixed on Dontis but staring through him all the same. 
“Leave, Dontis,” Xanthus said quietly, stepping back to shrug off his hand. “I want to be alone.” He turned his back to Dontis, leaning against the windowsill to look at the setting sun.
“I think you’ve been alone enough, Xanthus.” Dontis bent down, picking up one of the papers. 
I find you in the moon,
You’re in the gentle breeze at night.
Each time I see the stars,
I see the past I can’t leave behind.
You’re in the whispers of the keys,
Dancing slowly through the air.
You are the brightness of my life,
How can I see when you’re not there?
Look at the wreck you have made me.
I am falling apart now that you’re gone.
I want to hate you I’ll always love you. Come back to me.
I can’t live without you. Please come back to me, love. 
“I will forever be alone now,” he said, his voice tight with tears, “so unless you can bring them back to me somehow, I suggest you stop robbing me of my solitude without offering real company unless you want me to snap your neck.”
Dontis sighed, setting the paper down on the remnants of the desk. Xanthus had nearly torn it to pieces.
“It will get better,” he said. “With time, you will find yourself again without them.”
“Dontis, I’m warning you—”
Xanthus stilled as his arms wrapped around him, engulfing him in a warm hug. He sighed, melting in the tight embrace. He was exhausted. He was tired of hurting all the time and having this void in his chest. 
“I’ve got you,” Dontis said, tightening his grip and guiding Xanthus’ head to rest against his shoulder. 
Slowly, Xanthus returned the embrace. He felt a fresh wave of tears overcoming him, and he held onto Dontis tightly as he sobbed into his shoulder. “I miss them, please,” he cried, allowing himself to break apart in his friend’s arms. 
“I know. It will get better, I promise,” Dontis said comfortingly, not believing the words himself.
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glasshausthoughts · 1 year ago
hi! this is honestly my first fanfic ever so i know there's maybe a few things I'm not doing right. i'm fully open to feedback and suggestions to improve. hope y'all like it ;)
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You, the reader, and Gojo Satoru were in what everyone would consider a great relationship. That is, until he broke up with you, citing his desire to keep you safe from the threats of the world that he was a part of. He was thorough in his separation from you, so thorough that, had you wanted to reach out to him when you found out you were pregnant, you would not have been able to.
Now, three years later, you've moved out to a quiet village near the sea on Okinawa Island where you've been raising your son as a single mother. You've resigned yourself to only worrying about your son's paternity when he becomes old enough to question it, and you've convinced yourself that you're completely over the blue eyed bastard.
One day, you're out, strolling the beach with your son propped on your hip. You're enjoying the peaceful scene, indulging in your son's fascination of the seaside. His is the kind of fascination that can only come from experiencing something novel. It's the last place you expect to lock eyes on Satoru after the wind sent your wide brimmed hat flying his way and landing at his feet.
Your grip on your son tightens and you unconsciously hold his head to your chest, hiding his face and the azure blue eyes that are exactly like the ones you're looking at now. You can't which of you is more in shock over the encounter. You stare at each other for a few moments too long, but you're the first to speak.
"Can you……pass me that hat?" You ask politely. That seems to snap him out of it, and he picks the hat up and dusts it off before handing it to you.
"Thank you." You place the hat on your head, still holding your squirming son to your chest, and turn away quickly.
You freeze. Your heart jackhammers in your chest. You hear the sand shift beneath his feet as he approaches you.
"Could you turn around, please?" He asks softly. You hesitate.
"M-mama!" The toddler in your arms whimpers frustratedly as he tries to wiggle from your uncomfortably tight grip. Your stomach drops when you realise that you might have been hurting him and you loosen your grip quickly and place a kisses on his forehead and cheeks.
"I'm sorry, baby. Mommy's sorry." You coo at him softly.
"Y/N?" Satoru calls out to you in a low voice from behind. His tone is unreadable. You consider, briefly, making a mad dash away from him. For some reason the desire to hide your son away from him has seized every fibre of your being. But you know damn well how futile that would be against Gojo Satoru, and it would only make him suspicious.
You turn slowly to face him, carefully hiding your son's face, and look up, into the eyes of the man that you weren't counting on seeing again anytime soon.
"Satoru. It's been a while." His name sounds foreign on your tongue, after not speaking it for almost three years. His eyes soften as he takes in your face. The expression makes your heart stutter.
"Yeah……it sure has been." He rubs the back of his head, a nervous trait of his. "You look, well."
"So do you." You respond evenly, as you wonder how you'll manage to get out of the interaction, hoping those damned eyes of his don't pick up on what you're trying to hide. You should have known better though, because when his eyes move from your face to the child in your arms, you knew that he had known from the moment your first locked eyes. His gaze travels back to your face, and he arches a snowy white brow. You press your lips together, not wanting to verbally confirm the obvious, and you both fall into a silent staring contest that  lasts a few brief moments before he sighs deeply.
"Can I hold him?"
The immediate answer than springs to your tongue is a resounding 'No'. And right on its heels are all the things you wanted to scream at him when he left broken and abandoned three years ago. He sees it on your face, the myriad of feelings, the supressed hurt and anger.
"There's a lot of things we have to talk about." He says. "And we will, I promise. But for now, can I just -"
His words taper off as the child in your arms turns and looks at him curiously. You're watching Satoru's face the entire time. You see his breath catch. You see the shock in his eyes. Then you see something that wasn't there when he broke your heart; regret. Anger blooms within your chest.
"My house isn't too far from the beach." You hear yourself say, before you turn and walk away.
Satoru watches your retreating back for a moment before taking one step, then another, before he begins walking after you.
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pocksprincess · 5 months ago
Chapter 5 - Confidence Building
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Series masterlist
Obito Uchiha x f!reader
Modern AU, obi still has scars, so much flirting and simping that it's actually gross, first date in sight? 👀
Word count - 1247
Beta baddie - @dabilove27 ty for being the reason I continue <33
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It has been two days since Obito caught you hanging out of your upstairs window with a choked little scream. You had looked so cute in a strappy little tank top with a bandana wrapped around your head to keep your hair out of your face (after ascertaining that you were okay and not actually in danger, he only had a mild amount of shame admitting to himself that you looked good). 
You said you had been cleaning the windows and his mind can't help but wonder if you'd been cleaning the rest of the house as well. Unbidden thoughts of you pairing that tank top with tiny little booty shorts that barely covered your ass, leaning on tiptoes to dust the top of the cupboards, flooded his mind. Your shirt riding up just enough to reveal your soft stomach…
Obito has gone insane, his poor addled brain cannot stop thinking about you. He's never felt an attraction quite this powerful before, never really noticed someone and all the little things about them so thoroughly. Obito usually keeps to himself and only speaks to others when it's required, like at work, and he's been fine with that arrangement so far. 
But you make him lose all sense and reason and he barely even knows you. Maybe it is because you speak to him like he is a human being worthy of respect, look at him when you talk to him and not just his scars, people never behave that way when they first meet him. But you did. It's nice. More than nice. 
And so Obito doesn't even think twice when he sees you wander out onto the driveway to put out your recycling from his kitchen window. He rushes to open his door, hair still damp from the shower, and calmly walks (or tries to) to his mailbox under the guise of checking it-even though he already did this morning.
You turn at his approach, catching his eye, and that brilliant smile (the one that keeps him up at night) stretches across your cheeks. And in this moment, Obito desperately wishes that you would only smile like that for him.
You close the distance between you both, wandering over with a bashful look about your face, a look he's never seen on you before. You're wearing a stripy, blue tie-front top with denim shorts- the perfect picture of summer in the golden light of the setting sun.
"Hey, neighbour," you greet him, hands dangling at your front, those nervous fingers twisting together again.
"Hey." Obito feels like he should have something better to respond to you with, but his blood is rushing too loudly in his ears for him to focus.
"Sorry about yesterday, I wasn't spying on you or anything, just couldn't get the damn window open.” You chuckle to yourself, a slight grimace to your mouth as you remember the moment. 
"Yeah, I could see that. You made quite the scene." Obito can't keep the amusement out of his tone or the smile off his lips at the memory.
You look at him with wide eyes, your amiable smile dropping as your lips part in apparent surprise, gently scrutinising his expression. He should feel self conscious with how intently you're staring at him, but everything within him is too busy fighting not to stare at your full mouth and the way your lips look all shiny with gloss. Obito wants to ask you what has you so focused on him, but he doesn't seem able to form the words. 
All he manages is a rough clearing of his throat and a hard swallow. But it's enough to snap you back to the present.
You laugh then, a beautiful sound, “What can I say? I'm clumsy. And that window wasn't playing fair!” The little pout you give following that statement almost has his heart seizing in his chest.
“But enough about me embarrassing myself, please. I saw you working on your garden, it's really beautiful! I wish I had a green thumb so I could sort out the mess in my backyard.”
And without even meaning to, he's taken a step closer to you, as if he can't help but be drawn to you like a moth to a flame. A false sense of bravado courses through him at the way you look up at him through your lashes in surprise, the picture of innocence, if it isn't for the way your thighs clamp together instinctually. Your own body betrays your desire.
"Thought you weren't spying?" Obito teases, crossing his arms over his chest, and staring you down as if daring you to deny it. 
It's your turn to stutter over your words, eyes wide, and mouth opening and closing several times as you try to process his proximity and how to respond. He can practically see the little cogs turning in your brain, you're so cute. 
Maybe Obito can get used to being a little braver if it means this is his reward.
You laugh, voice barely an octave higher than usual, but your pretty face is composed once again-body language no longer timid.
“Okay, big boy, you got me there.” You mirror his own action and take the last step towards him, practically toe to toe, playing a game of chicken that you know you'll win. And he knows it too. Did you just call him…big boy? Obito isn't conceited in any sense of the word, but he knows he's large, he's worked hard to stay healthy and strong (especially after the accident). But even so, hearing it come from you? It's almost too much for him to handle. 
“But I just couldn't help admiring the view.” You utter it so casually, a small and easy smile on your face. But he watches you look him up and down, eyes roving over his hips where his sweats hang low on his frame and lingering on his chest, his crossed arms doing little to hide his muscular physique.
And that's all it takes for him to lose all composure, that fragile confidence, any and all thoughts in his brain. If it had ever been in question that you had been flirting with him, that uncertainty dissipates with your sweet words and hungry eyes. Obito doesn't know what comes over him but in the next second he's speaking.
"Yousaidyouwantedtogarden. Learn, I mean. I-I can teach you, you should come over sometime.” The words pour from Obito's lips like an unstoppable tide, jumping forth from his hazy mind without his permission, and he curses himself for being so weak and smitten. What does he do if you say no? Melt into the core of the earth, probably.
But before he can retract his offer and apologise for being so forward, for assuming that you would ever want to spend time with him outside of pleasant niceties, you accept-with a quick "Yes! I mean, I'd love to.” That coy look creeping back into your expression.
Your eagerness is honestly adorable (you look as if you like the idea more than Obito himself), especially hidden behind a sheepish smile, looking up at him through dark lashes. It's the first time he's ever seen you look so unsure of yourself. Embarrassed or surprised (and most recently flustered), sure, but not this self-doubt. Like he might suddenly change his mind and reject you, decide he isn't mildly obsessed with you. As if he ever could.
He knows then and there he's done for.
30 notes · View notes
jrob64 · 5 months ago
Exacting His Revenge - Chapter 1
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It's an international holiday, also known as @kmomof4's birthday! This story has been floundering in my WiPs folder for months under the title 'Bad Boy Hook'. I finally decided to try to finish it for Krystal's birthday, even though she actually helped plot it out! I'm not finished writing the story yet. It will have 3 chapters and chapter 2 is nearly finished, so hopefully the rest of it will be posted soon. Happiest of birthdays, K!!!
Special thanks to my beta @hookedmom.
Story Summary: When Hook sees an opportunity to finally get his revenge on Rumplestiltskin, he seizes it, putting him in the company of Emma Swan. A season 2 canon divergent story. 
Rating: T
Words: 6980
Also posted on ffn and A03
(Story found under the cut)
Hook stood with his arms crossed, leaning against the dank wall of the dungeon containing the cell where Rumplestiltskin had once been imprisoned. He stared at the four women currently trapped there; or more accurately, he stared at Emma Swan, the woman who bested him twice in the last few days.
He refrained from snorting derisively as he listened to Cora taunt them, directing her venomous comments toward the dark haired woman who was somehow Emma’s mother. The Queen of Hearts was attempting to sound like a loving mother who just wanted to make her daughter Regina happy, but he knew better.
“...and now I’m going to give her the one thing she’s always wanted - your heart. Goodbye, Snow.”
Hook flinched as he watched Cora thrust her hand toward the other woman’s chest. When he saw the Swan girl push her mother out of the way, he dropped his arms and jerked forward, his own heart in his throat and sick despair in his gut. But before he could utter the warning that was on the tip of his tongue, Cora’s hand plunged into Emma’s chest.
Frozen in place - extremely unpleasant and unbidden memories parading themselves across his mind - he waited for the inevitable. He didn’t think he would be able to stand to watch the blonde’s heart get crushed and see her crumple lifelessly to the ground.
“Oh, you foolish girl!” Cora chided. “Don’t you know? Love is weakness.”
Hook’s eyes closed as he heard the unmistakable squelching sound of a heart being seized, but they popped open again when Cora’s gasp of disbelief reached his ears. She was tugging repeatedly, unable to extract the organ.
Suddenly, Emma straightened and stared straight into her adversary’s face. “No,” she stated, forcefully. “It’s strength.” The moment she uttered those words, Cora was thrown backwards by a stunning blast of magic.
Hook stood numbly, his jaw slack with shock. In his entire association with Cora, he had never seen anyone who could repel her magic. Yet here was the Swan girl, seemingly a complete novice in the practice of magic, completely knocking the witch off her feet. It was at that moment, Hook made the final decision of who would receive his allegiance.
Cora pushed herself to her feet with a curse, dramatically brushing the dust from her gown and glaring at Emma. “I should make you pay for that little stunt, but simply knowing you will die a slow death in the dungeon of your parents’ own castle is enough satisfaction for me.” With as much dignity as she could muster, she pivoted and swished past the pirate. “Come, Hook. We have everything we need to get to Storybrooke.” She said the last word pointedly, obviously knowing the pain her statement would inflict.
Hook watched her go, fingering the withered bean he pilfered from the giant. He took a step toward the cage as he considered giving it to the Swan girl, but thought better of it and placed it in his pocket instead. He just witnessed the powerful magic she had within her and had no doubt she would somehow be able to break them out of the cell.
Ignoring the pleas of the four women, he turned to follow Cora out of the dungeon, checking his hook to ensure it was securely locked into the brace. Moving stealthily, he came up behind her, hesitating only a second before plunging the appendage into her neck. His aim was true, puncturing the carotid artery. Cora stumbled and fell to her knees, clutching at the wound which was spraying the walls with her blood.
Kneeling beside his former ally, he plucked the compass and Aurora’s heart from the floor where she dropped them, and quickly located the vial containing the ashes of the magic wardrobe. Then, looking into her rapidly paling face, he stated, “My apologies, Your Majesty, but I find I am no longer in need of your services.”
Choking on her own blood, her answer came out as a gurgle. Her fingers clawed at the leather of his vest, desperately trying to cling to life, but to no avail. He watched the last flicker of light leave her eyes, then her lifeless body collapsed to the ground.
Hook was waiting outside the castle when the four princesses came rushing out some time later. Aurora’s hand was covering her mouth, clearly queasy after seeing the grisly scene on her way out.
Emma stopped short when she spotted the pirate, lounging against the stone wall at the entrance of the dungeon as if he hadn’t a care in the world. “I’m assuming that’s your handiwork in there?”
“What, Cora?” he asked nonchalantly, making a show of polishing his hook with his sleeve. “Aye, it is.”
“Why did you kill her?” Mary Margaret asked. “Not that I’m complaining, but why did you do it?”
Hook slowly straightened up, taking his time before answering. “Cora was not to be trusted. I only worked with her because she appeared to provide the best opportunity for me to meet my objective, but now that is no longer the case.”
“So you found another way to get to Gold?” Emma asked.
“Indeed, I did.”
“Then why are you still here?” Mulan questioned.
“Because you lovelies are that other way.”
“Us?” Mary Margaret squeaked. “But we haven’t figured out a way to get back to Storybrooke yet.”
“I believe I have everything necessary to accomplish that,” Hook said, patting the satchel resting on his hip. “And I also have this,” he added, reaching into the bag to pull out Aurora’s red, glowing heart. He held it out to Emma, who took a step back.
“Why are you giving it to me?”
“Because it takes magic to return someone’s heart, Love.”
“But I…” Her voice trailed away.
“Have magic, Swan,” Hook continued her thought when it became clear she wouldn’t.
She squirmed under his penetrating gaze, her mind struggling to come to grips with the thought. Did she have magic? It was unbelievable! Then again, a week ago, she wouldn’t have believed she could slay a dragon or break a curse with True Love’s Kiss. But freaking Captain Hook was obviously convinced she did.
What even was her life?
“Please,” Aurora pleaded, interrupting Emma’s spiraling thoughts as she stepped in front of her. “Hook’s right. It has to be you.”
Emma stared at her disbelievingly for a few moments, then finally held out her hand for Hook to place the heart into it. Balancing it on her palm, her face tightened into a mask of determination before she thrust her hand forward, burying it in Aurora’s chest. The princess gasped, nearly doubling over, then straightened and beamed at Emma as she withdrew her hand. “You did it! Thank you!” she exclaimed.
Emma stood looking down at her hand with a slightly squeamish look on her face. “That is definitely something I hope I never have to do again.”
Aurora grabbed Emma and gave her a hug, before turning to Mulan. “We need to get back to Philip.”
Mulan glared at Hook with narrowed eyes. “Are you sure that’s wise? Snow and Emma might still need protection.”
“Do you really think I pose a threat to them when they are going to help me get my revenge?” he growled.
“Who’s to say you won’t kill them once you do?” Mulan countered. “You disposed of Cora once you didn’t need her anymore.”
He quirked an eyebrow at her. “Aww, don’t tell me you had become fond of her.”
Mulan straightened her spine to stand at her full height. “Of course not! She was pure evil, but you killed her in cold blood.”
“You have no reason to fear for your friends’ lives.” He almost looked offended by Mulan’s words. “I don’t intend to harm them, but you saw what Cora tried to do to Snow White in there. She was the one who was going to enable her daughter to murder in cold blood. I was simply putting a stop to her reign of terror.”
“Look, I don’t really care who murdered who in cold blood,” Emma interjected. “I just want to get home to my son! Mulan, go with us or don’t, it doesn’t matter. Aurora, go find your prince. Hook, show me what you have in that bag and tell me how we can use it to get to Storybrooke.”
“There’s the tough lass I’ve come to know,” Hook smirked, lifting the flap on the satchel and reaching inside. “Compass and magic wardrobe ashes,” he recited, placing each of the items into Emma’s outstretched hands. “Cora’s theory was that the ashes could create a portal, but just in case she was wrong, I also have this.” Drawing the string containing the giant’s magic bean over his head, he let it swing at eye level between them.
“How is that supposed to help?” Snow asked. “It’s dried up, useless.”
“Ah, but the waters of Lake Nostos have regenerative properties. That’s where Cora and I were going before she met her…unfortunate demise.”
“That lake doesn’t have water in it anymore,” Snow said. “We…we needed it to save David’s mother, but it was completely dry because he had killed the siren who lived in it. Of course, she was trying to kill him first.”
Hook turned his eyes on Emma. “Cora said the lake could be restored with magic. That’s where you come in, Love.”
Emma stared wide-eyed at each of the four people surrounding her in turn. “I know nothing about how to use…” she paused and waved her hand around, having trouble actually saying the word, “...magic!”
Snow stepped in front of her daughter and grasped her upper arms. “You can do it, Emma! You said it yourself - love is strength. If you just concentrate on the love you have for Henry and how much you want to get back to him, I’m sure you will be able to make your magic work.”
Blowing out a long breath, Emma said, “Well, I guess I won’t know until I try.”
“Too right, lass,” Hook agreed. “Now, shall we be on our way? I have a crocodile to skin.”
After bidding goodbye to Aurora and Mulan, Hook led the way to Lake Nostos, attempting to engage Emma and Snow in conversation along the way. “So, tell me how the two of you are mother and daughter when you look to be nearly the same age. Have you been to Neverland where time stands still, Milady?” he asked Snow.
The two women exchanged glances. “It’s a long story,” Snow said.
“My schedule is pretty open right now,” Hook quipped.
“You were with Cora. Did she not tell you about the curse her daughter cast?” Snow asked.
“Ah, yes, of course. She did explain the significance of the wardrobe ashes. So, you were caught up in it and didn’t age, while your daughter was sent to the Land Without Magic by herself, essentially an orphan.”
Emma’s eyes flitted over to him at the reminder of the words he had spoken to her on the beanstalk. “Do we really have to listen to you talk the whole way? I’m trying to concentrate on how I’m going to make my magic work once we get there.”
“I shall endeavor to give you the silence you request, Princess,” Hook said with a slight bow.
“Don’t call me that,” she muttered under her breath.
“As you wish, Emma.”
She glared at him, eliciting a smirk before he turned his attention back to the path in front of them. They walked on in silence for a while, until Snow quietly said, “The lake wasn’t completely dried up when we reached it, you know.”
“Why couldn’t it save my grandmother, then?” Emma asked.
When Snow didn’t answer for a few moments, Emma looked over, her brow furrowing when she saw that her mother was obviously struggling with her emotions. Her chin trembled and Emma could see the glistening of tears in her eyes. Finally, she whispered, “Because she insisted that I take the swallow of water left to reverse the curse of barrenness King George put on me. If she hadn’t…well…you wouldn’t be here.”
There was silence between the three of them as they pondered that revelation.
“Then you and David were married on the shore of the lake, right?” Emma asked, seeking to lift the somberness of the moment.
“Yes,” Snow smiled slightly. “Lancelot married us, so Ruth could witness it before she passed.”
“That’s quite the romantic tale, Milady,” Hook murmured.
“What would you know about romance?” Emma mumbled.
Hook’s eyes snapped to hers and she saw a flash of hurt in them. Remembering what he said about Milah when they were at the top of the beanstalk, she immediately regretted her words and was opening her mouth to apologize, when he cleared his throat and responded, “I’ve wooed many a woman, Swan. Perhaps you desire to be one of them.”
Although she could tell he was using the innuendo to mask his true feelings, she couldn’t keep herself from retorting, “In your dreams, buddy.”
He turned and took a step closer to her, bending until his face was within inches of hers. “Since it appears that you’re amenable, I will see you in my dreams, Swan.”
“I think we’re almost there,” Snow stated, and Emma breathed a sigh of relief at the interruption.
Hook gave her one more meaningful look before turning and glancing around their surroundings. “Aye, you’re correct. It should be just around that bend in the road.”
They finished the journey in silence. Once they reached the edge of what obviously used to be the lake, Hook came to a stop in the soft sand, halting Snow and Emma in their tracks. Crossing his arms over his chest, he said, “Well, this is it. Time to work your magic, Swan.”
“You say that like it’s the easiest thing in the world,” she grumbled, her eyes flitting over the barren ground in front of them.
Snow stepped up beside her and took her hand. “I believe there is powerful magic inside you, Emma. No one has ever been able to defeat Cora like you did. You don’t need to fill the lake, all you need to do is generate enough water to restore the bean.”
“Yeah, okay,” Emma answered, widening her stance and setting her jaw in determination. She closed her eyes, picturing her son and father in her mind. A tingling sensation worked itself up from her chest, down her arms and to her fingertips. Stretching her arms out in front of her, she felt the sensation build until she was sure it was ready to burst, then thrust her hands forward.
She heard her mother gasp beside her, but Emma kept her eyes closed, afraid to open them for fear it hadn’t worked. Suddenly, she felt Hook’s presence beside her. “Well done, Love,” he murmured into her ear, sending a different type of tingle through her body.
Her eyes popped open, her knees nearly buckling as she beheld the sparking blue water of the lake, filled so completely that the water lapped at the toes of her boots.
“You did it, Emma!” Snow exclaimed. “I knew you could!”
As Emma continued to stare in disbelief, Hook once again pulled the string containing the magic bean over his head. Holding it out to Emma, he asked, “Would you like to do the honors?”
“Uh, sure,” she said, snapping out of her trance to take it. Bending down, she dipped the black, shriveled bean into the water, waiting a few seconds before pulling it out.
Snow gave a little cheer when the crystal clear bean emerged, fully restored. When Hook reached for it, Emma pulled it back. Slipping the string over her head, she said, “I think I’ll hold onto this, if you don’t mind.”
Once again, she caught a quick glimpse of hurt pass over his face before he composed himself and replied, “As you wish.”
“What’s the next part of the plan?” Emma asked.
“Now,” Hook replied, “we sail to Storybrooke on my ship, the Jolly Roger.”
“Of course we do,” mumbled Emma. “Why am I not surprised?”
Hook decided to use the bean to create a portal and, in a surprising show of generosity, gave the vial of ashes from the wardrobe to Mary Margaret ‘for the sake of nostalgia.’
“I had no idea you had such a soft side,” Emma commented.
“I don’t,” he was quick to reply. “Just don’t have any need for sparkly dirt.”
Emma could tell he wasn’t being completely truthful, but decided getting to Henry was more important than questioning him.
He quickly got the ship ready to sail and they were soon out at sea, dropping into a portal that looked like a whirlpool. It was the middle of the night by the time they reached Storybrooke.
“It’s been a pleasure to travel on such a beautiful ship!” Mary Margaret proclaimed.
“Aye, my ship - she’s a marvel,” Hook agreed proudly, guiding the Jolly Roger into the harbor.
“I can’t believe you were able to sail it without a crew,” Emma said.
“I’m a hell of a captain,” he smirked. “Besides, I had the two of you to help and you were fast learners. You’re welcome to join my crew.”
“Don’t count on it,” Emma mumbled.
“Pity, that,” Hook commented. “I could take you on exciting adventures, show you exotic places that are beyond your wildest dreams.”
“I’ve had enough adventure in the last few weeks to last me a lifetime, thank you very much. Right now the only place I want to be is with my son.”
Hook hummed, nodding his understanding as he expertly maneuvered the ship into a berth. As soon as it was docked and he dropped the gangplank, Emma and Mary Margaret hastily thanked him and wasted no time disembarking and hurrying down the street.
Hook stood alone, watching them until they disappeared around a corner. Even without Emma in his line of view, he could still see her in his mind’s eye, blonde locks flying behind her as she ran, her lithe body moving effortlessly.
Mentally shaking himself, he tried to force his thoughts toward how he was going to exact his revenge on the crocodile. He had been waiting for this opportunity for over two hundred years, and now it was within his grasp.
So why was winning the affections of the feisty Emma Swan suddenly more important?
Storybrooke was an enigma to Hook. It was nothing like the Enchanted Forest, but some of the same laws of magic still applied. Even though they were in the ‘Land Without Magic’, magic had somehow found its way there, and the Dark One was still the Dark One, with the same power and immortality.
Hook had trouble reconciling the fact that the distinguished-looking Mr. Gold was the persona adopted by the evil imp, Rumplestiltskin. Yet, as he spied on the man day after day, he could see that he exhibited the same despicable and selfish tendencies when interacting with the residents of the town.
He was stunned to learn the Dark One had a lady love - Belle French, the beautiful, mannerly librarian. When Rumplestiltskin was with her, his behavior was entirely different, and Hook could tell she had won his heart. This knowledge helped him hatch a plan that was sure to destroy the crocodile’s life, just as he had destroyed Hook’s.
By listening carefully to snippets of conversations while he covertly roamed around Storybrooke, he learned no one could cross the town line. Rumplestiltskin, however, had apparently found a way around that little problem.
While gathering that information, Hook also kept an eye on Emma Swan. It turned out she was the town’s law enforcement, so was often out on the streets. He watched her from a distance and felt a pang of jealousy every time he saw her with a handsome, sandy-haired man, until the day he saw the same man with Mary Margaret and realized he must be Emma’s father.
He also saw her with the boy he assumed was her son. It felt odd to have a sense of pride at being able to help reunite the two. The lad didn’t seem to be any worse for the wear, having nearly lost his mother and grandmother. He was always speaking animatedly to Emma as they strolled down the sidewalk together.
Hook had been able to avoid contact with Regina thus far. He was hoping not to have to explain his role in her mother’s death. Her relationship with Cora was contentious, but she was still Regina’s mother and he was sure to be the recipient of her wrath and perhaps a fireball or two.
His stealth as a pirate served him well, and he was able to elude being noticed by the crocodile. However, hiding the Jolly Roger was a completely different matter. He knew his ship was too visible in Storybrooke harbor, but he needed her to be at his disposal. He finally settled on docking her around the bend at a rocky outcropping where she would be concealed, while allowing him access via a secluded section of beach that seemed to be ignored by the citizens of the town.
The day Rumplestiltskin planned to cross the town line finally arrived. Hook hid himself amongst the trees along the road early that morning, unsure of when the attempt would be made. He checked and re-checked the gun he managed to pilfer from the sheriff’s station. It was similar to the pistols he used for centuries, but was smaller and easier to handle. After watching Emma using one to shoot target practice in the middle of the woods one day, he knew it would be much more efficient than his hook in reaching his objective.
When Hook heard one of those odd contraptions called a car approaching, he made sure the gun was ready to fire and got into position behind a large tree. He watched Rumplestiltskin and Belle exit the vehicle and step toward the town line. Belle held a shawl in her hands that Hook recognized as one Milah made, and Rumplestiltskin held a potion bottle. Hook saw him speaking to Belle, but wasn’t close enough to hear what he was saying. The way she stood there gazing at him as if he hung the moon turned Hook’s stomach.
Rumplestiltskin took the stopper out of the bottle and poured the potion on the shawl, then tossed the bottle away. Hook saw the fabric glowing as Belle placed it around Rumplestiltskin’s neck.
“Here we go,” he said, then slowly limped over the town line. Turning, he hesitated for a long moment, then pointed at the auburn-haired beauty and said simply, “Belle.”
She let out a joyful laugh and said, “It worked!” Taking his hand, she added, “Now you can find your son.”
Just as Rumplestiltskin began to respond, Hook stepped out from behind the tree.
“This is for you, Milah,” he whispered, then pulled the trigger.
Belle’s scream ripped through the air as Rumplestiltskin stepped quickly over the line to catch her before she fell. Looking up, his eyes filled with rage at seeing his old nemesis. “What have you done?” he screamed. “Belle has done nothing to you!”
“I can’t kill the Dark One, but I can kill the woman who holds your heart. You killed my love. Now you know the feeling.”
Rumplestiltskin turned his attention back to Belle, searching for her injury. Meanwhile, Hook started walking back through the woods, intending to return to his ship and sail away, his revenge complete.
He was on the outskirts of town when he heard the sounds of what he had learned were sirens. His smile of satisfaction faded, knowing Emma would soon find out about his murderous act. She was sure to disapprove. Apparently in this modern world, scores weren’t settled with a life for a life.
Hook finally reached his ship and went aboard. He was in the process of readying it to sail when he heard a familiar voice.
“Going somewhere, Hook?”
Walking across the deck, he looked over the side. The light from the moon illuminated the blonde hair of Emma Swan, who was standing on the beach below.
“To what do I owe the pleasure, Swan?” he asked non-chalantly.
“You do know it’s against the law to shoot someone, don’t you?”
“In the Enchanted Forest, it’s called vengeance.”
“In Storybrooke, it’s called attempted murder.”
Hook’s brows shot up. “Attempted?”
“Oh, are you disappointed you didn’t succeed in killing an innocent woman? You shot her in the shoulder. She’s been taken to the hospital, but she’s expected to be fine.”
“Bloody hell,” Hook mumbled, pounding his fist on the wooden railing.
“Are you going to come down here or do I have to come onboard?”
He decided to try turning on the charm. “Why Swan, are you seducing me?”
“You’re not funny, buddy. Belle isn’t only a citizen of this town, she’s also my friend. Now, I’m not asking, I’m ordering. Get down here right now. You’re under arrest.”
Hook sighed. He knew if he tried to sail away, he would appear to be a coward. Might as well face the music. “Very well,” he said, starting to saunter over to the gangplank.
“And bring the gun you stole from the sheriff’s office. You’ll be charged with theft for that, too.”
Hook briefly wondered how she found out about that, but didn’t ask. Being such a brilliant lass, he was sure she figured it out on her own.
She met him at the bottom of the gangplank, a set of handcuffs in her hand. “Hands behind your back,” she instructed gruffly.
“Is that really necessary? I’ll come along peacefully.”
“It’s standard procedure,” she said, encouraging him to turn around by tugging on his arm.
Once the cuffs were firmly around his wrist and the brace holding his hook, she patted him down until she found the gun in the deep pocket of his long duster. Holding it up in front of him, she snarled, “I can’t believe you stole a gun from the police. When did you manage to do that?”
“I can’t give away all of my secrets, Swan.”
“Fine, but you’ll have plenty of time to reconsider. You’re gonna be locked up for a long time,” she stated, giving him a not so gentle shove to get him moving.
“We’ll see about that,” he said, throwing her a look over his shoulder.
“You should count yourself lucky that you’ll be locked up. Gold is furious and if he gets to you, it’s hard to tell what he’ll do.”
“I’m not afraid of the bloody crocodile,” Hook said, a sardonic grin on his face.
“Keep smiling, buddy. You’re under arrest and handcuffed. He’s on his feet, immortal, has magic and you hurt his girl. If I were to pick dead guy of the year, I’d pick you.”
Hook turned away from her and continued trudging along the beach. Neither of them spoke again until they reached the squad car. After locking him in the back, Emma seated herself behind the wheel and picked up the radio. “I have the suspect in custody,” she reported. “I’ll be at the station in five minutes.”
Once they arrived, David came out of the building and opened the back door. Grabbing Hook by the arm, he roughly pulled him out of the car. Keeping an iron grip on him, he led him into the station, Emma following along behind.
“Any news on Belle?” she asked.
“Whale took her in for surgery a little while ago. He said he would update us when he’s finished.”
“Is Gold at the hospital?”
“Yeah. I asked Leroy to hang around and let us know if he leaves. I’m sure once he finds out Hook is locked up here, he’ll be paying us a visit.”
“Good idea. I’m sure Leroy won’t mind being our informant.” Holding up the gun, she added, “Got this back. I’ll tag it for evidence.”
“Think you’re pretty clever stealing a gun from the police and using it to shoot an innocent woman, don’t you, Hook?” David said, practically spitting the last word at him.
“I’m usually a better shot, but I’m not used to such a small weapon,” Hook quipped. “My weapons are much bigger and have better accuracy.”
“Why didn’t you just use one of them, then?” Emma asked, stepping behind the camera to take his mugshot.
“Alas, I failed to procure more ammunition before embarking on our trip to your fair Storybrooke.”
David positioned him in front of the wall, instructing him to look at the camera. He glowered as Emma took the first picture. “Turn to your right,” she ordered.
“You look good, I must say. All ‘turn to your right’ in a commanding voice. Chills,” Hook commented as he followed her directions.
Emma rolled her eyes before clicking the button on the camera.
After the pictures were finished, David unlocked the handcuffs, telling Hook to take off his heavy coat, which he did without complaint. However, when Emma told him to remove his hook, he balked.
“No arguments,” Emma commanded. “You’ll pick the lock with that thing.”
He glared at her for several moments, but it made no difference. She stood there with her hand out, staring him down until he finally twisted the device out of the brace and begrudgingly placed it in her palm.
Soon he was escorted into one of the jail cells and the door slammed shut behind him. “I’ll take the first watch,” Emma told David. “You go home to Mary Margaret and tell Henry I’ll be home tomorrow.”
“Are you sure?” David asked, his arms crossed over his broad chest as he gave Hook a hard stare. “I’d be happy to stay here and let you go home to get some sleep.”
“It’s no problem. I’m too wound up to sleep, anyway.”
“Or you could both go home,” Hook stated. “I promise I’ll be on my best behavior.”
“Yeah, like I would trust you,” Emma spat.
“Okay, I’m taking off. If he gives you any trouble, call me. I’ll be more than willing to punch him in the face,” David said.
“Quite hostile, aren’t you?” Hook drawled, casually leaning against the bars examining his fingernails nonchalantly.
“Just making myself clear,” David responded. Turning back to Emma, he added, “If I hear anything from Whale or Leroy, I’ll let you know, but they will probably call the station first.”
“True. I’ll text you if they do.”
“Text?” Hook questioned.
“It’s a way of communicating through the phone,” she explained, waving the device in the air to show him. “Something a thousand-year-old pirate wouldn’t understand.”
“More like three hundred,” Hook grumbled.
David and Emma said their goodbyes, then she sat down in the desk chair, swiveling it back and forth as she crossed her arms and fixed Hook with a stare. “So let me get this straight - your idea of getting revenge on Rumplestiltskin was to steal a gun and shoot his girlfriend, then sail away?”
“As you’re well aware, the Dark One can’t be killed. I wanted him to know the pain of losing a woman he loved. That pain is worse than death.”
“From what you said at the top of the beanstalk, I surmised he killed the woman you loved. ”
“Aye, my Milah. He pulled her heart out and crushed it right in front of me.”
Emma winced. “No wonder you hate the guy. What did you do to him to make him do something like that?”
Hook wandered over and sat on the cot, leaning back against the wall and crossing his own arms. “Well, you see, Milah was Rumplestiltskin’s wife, but she left him because he was a coward. The laughing stock of the town. She couldn’t take it anymore and ran away with me to live a life of adventure on the high seas.”
“You were either brave or stupid to fall in love with the Dark One’s wife.”
“He wasn’t the Dark One when I fell in love with her.”
Before Emma could answer, the phone sitting on the desk began ringing. “Sheriff’s station,” she answered.
Hook listened to her side of the conversation, watching her furrow her brow and nod. After she hung up, she said, “That was Whale. Belle is out of surgery. The bullet came out clean and she’s going to be fine.”
“Is she in pain at least?”
Emma narrowed her eyes at him. “Belle is sweet and would never hurt anyone.”
“Neither would Milah,” he shot back.
“Still, don’t you feel at all guilty about shooting Belle when she didn’t do anything wrong?”
“She fell in love with the bloody Dark One! She should thank me for trying to put her out of her misery.”
“I should have known you wouldn’t feel any remorse. You are a pirate, after all,” she scoffed with disdain.
A flash of hurt passed across his face before he huffed, “Aye, that I am.”
Emma placed a call to David to tell him the news about Belle. After ending it, she and Hook fell into silence. He lay down on the lumpy, narrow cot, dramatically punching at the pillow with his fist, then closed his eyes to make a pretense of falling asleep. Every time he cracked open his eyes to peek at Emma, she was staring at him.
“See something you like, Swan?” he finally asked.
“No. I just see someone who can’t be trusted.”
“So you plan to remain awake all night to make sure I won’t escape?”
“If that’s what it takes.”
“Rest assured, Darling, I have no way to escape this cell. You can go to sleep.”
“Actually,” she said, standing up and striding over to a file cabinet, “I have a lot of paperwork to fill out because of your little stunt tonight. Might as well put this time to good use.”
Sitting back down at the desk, she pulled out a pen and started writing. Hook watched her for a few minutes until he got bored, then closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. He dreamed that Milah was lying on the deck of the Jolly Roger in the exact spot where she died, sobbing and telling him that he failed her again.
When Hook woke up the next morning, David was sitting at the desk, playing solitaire with a deck of cards.
“So that’s what you look like when you don’t get your beauty sleep, Swan,” Hook quipped.
David didn’t even look up. “I see sleep doesn’t improve your ability to be funny.”
Hook sat up and swung his legs over the side of the cot, looking around the cell. “I don’t suppose you have a chamber pot available, do you mate?”
“No chamber pots and I’m not your mate,” David said, pushing himself away from the desk. “I can let you use the bathroom, but if you try anything…” he patted the gun in the holster he was wearing.
“I wasn’t asking to take a bath, sheriff,” Hook said, over emphasizing the last word. “I just need a pot to piss in.”
“A bathroom is where you do that in the modern world, pirate,” David retorted. “Haven’t you heard of a toilet?”
“Can’t say that I have since I’ve only been in this world for a few days. How long did it take you to adjust to all of the changes?”
David unlocked the cell door and swung it open, reaching in to firmly grip Hook’s arm. “I don’t know. I was in a coma for twenty-eight years.”
Hook gaped at him as he stumbled out of the cell. “I suppose that was Regina’s doing?”
“Yeah, She also provided me with a wife, and it wasn’t Snow.”
“She really had it in for the two of you, didn’t she?”
“The three of us, actually. We were forced to send Emma to this world just minutes after she was born in order for her to escape the coming curse. We hoped she would be able to find us and break it someday.”
“And she did,” Hook stated knowingly.
“Of course she did. And besides that, the first day she ever handled a sword, she slayed a dragon,” David said, puffing his chest out proudly. “In case you haven’t noticed, my daughter is the strongest, bravest, most intelligent person you will ever meet.”
“I have noticed, believe me,” Hook muttered.
They reached the bathroom and David gave him a small push inside, then closed the door behind him. After a moment, he called out, “The toilet is the thing with the water in it. Don’t pee in the sink!”
Hook was surprised Emma didn’t come into the station that morning. Ruby arrived to deliver breakfast from Granny’s for David and Hook, but otherwise, it was just the two men ignoring each other.
It was almost noon when Leroy burst into the office, spouting something about Gold running off to New York City. None of it concerned Hook, who was happy to hear the crocodile would be leaving town, until he heard the dwarf mention Emma.
“Why would Emma go anywhere with him?” David asked, launching himself out of his chair.
“Gold said she has to help him because he doesn’t know how airports work,” Leroy explained. “He said if she won’t, he’s going to come here and kill Hook.”
“What’s the downside of that?” David asked.
“Hey!” Hook protested.
“I’m going to go home and try to talk some sense into her,” David said, grabbing his jacket off the back of his chair. “Can you stay here and keep an eye on him?”
“Gladly,” Leroy growled, glowering at Hook. “If he tries anything, do I have permission to shoot him?”
“He won’t try anything, will you, Hook?”
“I wouldn’t dare, after being threatened by a dwarf,” Hook responded derisively. He watched David sprint out of the station, hoping he would be able to talk Emma out of the insane idea of traveling with Rumplestiltskin.
Leroy plopped into the chair David had vacated, crossing his arms across his chest with a furious look on his face. Hook wasn’t in the mood to deal with the dwarf, so he lay down on the cot, turning to face the wall.
He had no idea how much time passed before he heard David come back. He continued to pretend to be asleep, hoping to hear information about Emma.
“Did he give you any trouble?” the sheriff asked.
“Nope. I let him know in no uncertain terms that I wouldn’t put up with any nonsense. Must not have wanted to tangle with me, because he hasn’t said a peep.”
Hook rolled his eyes so hard, it was almost painful.
“Were you able to talk your daughter out of the cockamamie idea of going to New York with Gold?” Leroy continued.
Hook’s blood froze at David’s next words. “No. She’s as stubborn as the day is long. They’re on their way to the airport right now. Henry is staying with us until she gets back.”
“Do you think she’s safe with him?” Leroy asked.
“The only consolation I have is that he needs her to drive him there and navigate the process of flying. He won’t gain anything by hurting her.”
In theory, Hook knew that was true. But he also knew the Dark One tricks and the Dark One lies. He didn’t put anything past Rumplestiltskin. His mind began churning with ideas for how to break out of jail and get to Emma before something happened to her. If he had to kill Rumplestiltskin to accomplish that, so much the better.
While David and Leroy continued to talk, Hook formulated a plan.
The first step was accomplished shortly after Leroy left, when Ruby delivered lunch from the diner. While David was occupied chatting with the waitress, Hook used a large hairpin he kept in his pocket to help him pull the small buttons of his shirt through the buttonholes, to pick the lock of the cell. It wasn’t easy doing it with one hand, but he managed in a relatively short amount of time.
“I’m going to wash my hands, then I’ll give you your lunch,” David announced, turning his back to walk toward the bathroom. Hook slipped out of the cell, immediately going for the crowbar he had noticed sitting in a corner of the room. Stealthily, he moved to stand outside the bathroom door with the weapon raised in his hand.
When David emerged a minute later, Hook clocked him, muttering, “Apologies, mate, but if you aren’t going to ensure your daughter’s safety, I guess it’s up to me.”
Stepping over David’s unconscious form, he went to the desk and started opening drawers. Finding his hook in the bottom one, he clicked it into place, grabbed his heavy duster from the coat rack and left the station.
After making it down Main Street by ducking and dodging into alleys and behind dumpsters, he arrived at Gold’s Pawn Shop. He made quick work of picking the lock on the back door, entering quietly and starting his search.
He soon found the case where Gold kept his potions and poisons. The bottle filled with a thick, inky liquid drew his attention. He carefully unstoppered and sniffed it. Finding it to be exactly what he was hoping to procure, he stuck it into the deep pocket of his coat and rushed back out the door.
The trip to the Jolly Roger was without incident or coming into contact with any of the townsfolk. Since it was made ready to sail the night before, he was out on the open water in record time, sailing toward the mysterious land of New York.
Thank you for reading. Please join me in wishing Krystal the happiest of birthdays!
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starstruckgardenchild · 1 year ago
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WARNING: Violence. Manipulation. Corruption. Toxic relationship. Cursing. Could Alastor be considered as a warning? Lol. This isn't proof read, so apologies if there are mistakes.
SYNOPSIS: Your soul is in the clutches of the radio demon. Normally, you'd ignore his shenanigans and tomfoolery, but now, after years of your anger festering and festering, it's impossible NOT to say something. Ultimately, in the end, you regret saying anything at all.
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The hotel is a sight to behold in its prime, featuring an extravagant wooden staircase and tall arched entryways that lead to an open-air courtyard. In the center lies a grand fountain that is surrounded by potted plants and flower beds. The exterior is elegant but clearly in need of maintenance, with peeling paint and missing shingles. A thin layer of dust blankets the entire area, lending it a surreal and slightly morbid feeling. The hotel is silent, its once opulent lobby now a desolate place that's a shadow of its former self.
"Alastor?" You called out into the darkness, the floorboards creaking broodingly underneath your boots. You began clenching the flesh of your stomach that was seizing up like a coil due to the overbearing nervousness you were experiencing; "Alastor?" You've never really planned to talk to the radio demon so personally. That was something you've tried to stay away from, due to the fact that it was such a terrifying thought. Despite being in ties with Alastor for a LONG while, he was still such a big mystery to you.
"Ah, Y/N! My dear!" Radio static emitted from behind you, prompting a stern stiffening of your body. "Looking for me, I see? To what do I owe this pleasure of your presence?"
Taking a moment to compose yourself ( only slightly ), you turn to face Alastor who was grinning at you as if he knew something you didn't. Was he aware that you wanted to stand up to him? You swallowed heavily, your stomach seizing up further.
"I wanted to talk to you." You declared in the most confident tone you could possibly muster.
"haha! Well, make it quick, my dear." Alastor spun his staff around swiftly before gently jabbing your chest with it. "You know I am VERY busy."
Determinedly, you swatted the staff away and winced in annoyance which only allowed Alastor's grin to grow impossibly wider. "This is serious, sir." You began, glaring at him.
"Who says I'm not being serious?" Alastor leaned back, shrugging casually. He tilted his head at you, as if he were a curious child - "now, what is it?"
You blinked, "Uhm- I'm just....tired of this. Being trapped, sir." You explained, feebly now. Pinching the bridge of your nose with your thumb and index finger, you laughed frustratingly. "I know there's absolutely no way out of this contract, but could you at least....be more-"
"what?" Alastor forced his face to be mere inches from yours. Your heart immediately jumped into overdrive, "Gentle? Kind? Considerate of your feelings?" He booped your nose before turning on his heel to walk off dismissively. "Hah! If I knew you were going to bring this up, I would've left sooner! Do you really think someone like ME has a moral compass? HAHA!"
You felt offended. Bewildered. And baffled. How could he be so dismissive of you? Despite being FORCED to be at his side, you have shown care for him. You weren't exactly sure why you felt the need to show him consideration when he could care less about you, it was sort of like an instinct for you. Pondering this ultimately prompted your bittersweet emotions to fester greatly, and without thinking, you charged at him and caught his staff from behind and spun him around to face you again:
"Don't act innocent!" Ignoring his strained and clearly frustrated smile, you continued hastily, holding onto his staff with an unforgivingly strong grip. "I've been with you and doing your services this WHOLE time, so I should have a say in this, right!? Haven't I been more obedient than all of your other lil pets? And yet, you still treat me like nothing more than a bag of meat."
"Well, I do like to play with my food." Alastor laughed, radio static continuing to emit from him. He pinched at your cheek harshly, "Everything you're saying is whacky nonsense, my dear! I don't have a favorite pet! Nor do I need anyone at all! If you really think you're worthy of receiving any kind of special treatment from the likes of I, you are sadly mistaken!"
"Nghh-" You tried to pull away from Alastor, but he held your face with a harsh grip, ultimately bypassing the strong hold you had on his staff. "Are you really that cruel? Are you seriously THIS sadistic?" you grunted, letting go of his staff to use both of your hands to push him away. "Gosh, what the hell is wrong with you?"
Alastor brushed himself off after you touched him, almost as if he was disgusted by the fact that you laid your hands on him. "My dear, you should know better than anyone that I show absolutely no care for little simpletons like you." He explained, the static from him became far more palpable and invaded your eardrums. "Even if you WERE worth something, HAH, well then having you on my leash would just be embarrassing, now wouldn't it?"
You inclined back, heart wrenching at Alastor's statement about your lack of importance to him. Your head lolled forward and your shoulders sagged. You really meant nothing to him. After earning a satisfied hum from him, you grimaced, far more angrier than you already were.
"You tacky-fancy-talkshow-piece of shit!" You perked up, looking up at the unfazed radio demon with a nasty glare. "We're in the same boat, did you forget? Or are you just plain hypocritical?! Fuck, Alastor...you think it's embarrassing if I was someone of importance and on YOUR leash? What about you? You are the well known radio demon who sold his soul for powe--"
You were interrupted as an emerald green chain wrapped around your tense figure and tugged you the hard ground with an exceptionally loud thud. Pain and exhaustion seeped into your limbs as you tried to struggle your way out of your bounds and get back to your feet. However, nothing you did was of use.
"I'm sorry I had to do this, dear." Lifting your head up, you let out a stifled breath upon noticing that Alastor was holding the base of the chain that wrapped around you. He seemed furious, his pupils were nothing more than mere slits and his hair was spikey as sharp pointed daggers that no doubt had the ability to cut through the stillness of a silent room. "Despite my earlier statements, I will admit that I have grown quite accustomed to you. But that's not something I wanted to admit as seeing you all furious was quite an amusing sight for me! Oh the theatrics! But, after that uncalled for outburst just now, darling, you've immediately eradicated my perception of you!"
"Wait, I--" Before you could continue and even PROCESS the words that left the radio demon's gnashing yellow teeth, you were hauled forward, your exposed flesh receiving stinging rugburns. You were almost relieved when your forceful movements were halted with your perpetrator looming over you, so that you wouldn't have to feel anymore burns. "Sir, I --"
"it seems to me, my dear, that you have set the bar too low." Alastor tugged your chain upwards so that you were forced to rest on your buckling knees. The back of your neck was rigid as the chain around it held you in your uncomfortable and compromising position. "You'll have to work your way up to exceed my high expectations of you....again. Understood?"
You hesitated, but given the circumstance of the situation, you knew you had to appease Alastor - otherwise, you'd be buried six rings down. "Y-Yeah- yes! Yes, sir. Understood."
After a few more seconds of being held in captivity, the chains vanished into mist, releasing and allowing you to crumble to the floor, weakened. You clenched your fists, feeling completely numb with trepidation.
"you're a charming specimen, my dear. I wouldn't want to hurt you further."
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