secretsketch2020 · 8 months
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rusik-usik-art · 1 year
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: О
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hikimur · 1 year
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В последнее время что то как то тяжко :с
Поэтому, что бы хоть немного отвлечься от грустных мыслей, нарисовала Маринку вот в таком стиле. По референсу из пинтереста..
Плюс, пора бы что то выложить из своих порисулек, а то давно у меня ничего не было
А как вы отвлекаетесь от грустных, апатичных мыслей??
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thepieceofbread · 2 years
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kasikava-saiko · 1 year
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Banana Cat
It's a totally spontaneous sketch, but I like it💛💚🖤
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makishmolnezar · 2 years
Remember this?
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ksksksks1234 · 1 year
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yunaatay · 9 months
С одной стороны страшно было писать, с другой - давило упрямство.
А все потому, что мне написали на фб, что вторая глава - говно (это я утрирую) и, оказывается, я это слишком близко к сердцу приняла...
Но! Вот она! Третья!
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noahsydd · 11 months
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deltaincognito · 2 years
ОксиБаг?? ледиМирон???
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pertsovvka · 2 years
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Иногда, когда я смотрю сериал или фильм, я стараюсь понять, что окружение, цвета или освещение могут рассказать о людях на экране. Новая форма Монарха источает безумие и желание власти, и как показали первые серии пятого сезона, камни чудес больше не средство осуществления мечты, а сама цель. Теперь Габриэль азартный игрок, который прикрывается своей великой мечтой, он вошёл во вкус, нагоняя страх на город. Мне жаль его.
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secretsketch2020 · 8 months
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rusik-usik-art · 1 year
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Мррр мяу! 🌟
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hikimur · 1 year
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thepieceofbread · 2 years
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maybemarapeace · 2 years
ABBA - Money, money, money
- Miss Dupain-Cheng! Please, take just a couple of minutes - her eyes close, hiding from the thousands of camera flashes directed at her. - Please comment on the success of your latest collection. Sales are literally breaking the world market! - The nearest reporter literally shoves the microphone into her mouth, pushing others in the way. She just wanted to go out for coffee.
- Our team worked day and night to achieve not only the best result, but also to surpass it. We always make maximum efforts, - the girl looks directly at the reporter. She smiles kindly at him, mentally cursing herself for wanting to walk away. To be honest, I would like to leave here sooner.
- And it is noticeable! Your work can be seen on world-class stars: actresses, politicians and even the wife of the president. It's a resounding success, but what about the negative reviews? Recently, more and more negative feedback about the new collection began to spread on the network. How do you comment on this?
- You can't please everyone. The first thing I pay attention to is that I like the clothes. Only then do those who agree with my taste buy it. Our managers monitor absolutely all the reaction of the society in order to understand what to rely on in the next collections - the right eye twitches a little, but it remains imperceptible to him, who watches her lips and records all her words choking.
- Of course, of course. However, the other day, the video of ex-model "Gabriel" Lila Rossi, which, to be honest, blew your brand to pieces, became a sensation.
- I don't think I should waste my time on something like that. There are thousands like her. - "I found someone to remember" - the polite smile slowly begins to slip, the back becomes even straighter, and tension appears in the shoulders.
- I would like to note that this video was shot with the help of the reporter Alya Césaire - according to the known data of your former classmate - the face of the above-mentioned girl, who was lurking among other journalists, literally appears in front of her.
Marinette doesn't even have time to open her mouth when the reporter interrupts her and continues:
- By the way, about classmates, the main French male model Adrian Agreste did not comment on your collection. Does it affect you? Colleagues in a fairly close field ignore you? Of course, many fashion designers left only positive reviews, but these figures are also important - he seemed to be speaking a million words per second, and this drives her to the edge. Maybe earlier she would have tolerated the mention of her former classmates and their neglect of her, but 10 years have passed. Maybe they haven't changed, but she has.
Sharply interrupts the reporter with a raised palm:
- You are absolutely right. This upsets me like crazy, and to be honest, I don't have the strength to hold back my emotions anymore - her voice is firm, and her eyes are looking directly at him. Also, without turning away, she takes out a 100-euro bill from her purse and passes it under her eyes. - I guess I'll go cry about it in my penthouse.
After that, the girl throws away the bill like a dirty piece of paper and, turning away on her heels, walks back towards the building. The secretary can also bring her this coffee.
Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
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