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bukimevieningi · 16 days ago
Vaidas Žemaitis. Į ką pavirtome? (video)
Klaipėdiečiai ir miesto svečiai jau gali stebėti pokyčius piliavietės teritorijoje – nuo pilies bokšto išmontuojami pastoliai. Šis pokytis žymi reikšmingą darbų eigos etapą, pamažu atsiskleidžia atkuriamo istorinio objekto vaizdas. Kas tai per istorinis objektas ir ką jis iš tikro simbolizuoja? Paramos…
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mmargiris · 2 months ago
Lithuanian. Žemaitija.
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jovialdragonhottub-blog · 3 months ago
Žemaitija مغطاة بالجليد بالفعل: توقفت حركة المرور تمامًا في إحدى المناطق
بدأت حركة المرور على هذا الجزء من الطريق في الازدحام بالفعل حوالي الساعة 5-6 مساءً. وبدأت درجة حرارة الهواء تنخفض إلى ما دون الصفر، وتحول سطح الطريق إلى الجليد. تحول الطريق الممتد عبر الغابات والقرى إلى منحدر سالك. وخرجت عدة سيارات عن الطريق. ولم تتغلب شاحنات السحب على الطريق الزلق أيضًا. ولم يكن من الممكن مغادرة القسم الزلق إلا بعد استخدام السلاسل. 15min.lt photo/توقفت حركة المرور على هذا…
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balticapocalypse · 3 years ago
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🌿VAINAGIUS • A wooden idol in the surroundings of an ancient hillfort. #žemaitija #samogitia #piliakalnis #ancientlithuania (at Vainagių Piliakalnis) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgS_CYhLz4y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hogbu · 4 years ago
quarantine par Mindaugas Buivydas Via Flickr : Behance / Instagram / ETSY
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unhonestlymirror · 2 years ago
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Both Latvia and Žemaitija look like they're in their 20s, however, when they open their mouth... XD
Žemaitija is much better in being modern, tho
Lat: I saw this thing on the TikkyToks! Eesti: No. No, you know what TikTok is. I know you know what TikTok is. Please don't start with this. Lat: Or maybe it was the YouTubes- Liet: I thought you got over needlessly adding "s" to proper nouns decades ago. Lat: -it was someplace on the interwebs... Maybe the Instantgrams? Liet: [sQUINTS] Are you purposely talking like a grandpa to assert your age again? Eesti: Again?! Lat: I am older than Berwald! I am allowed to talk like an out-of-touch old man! I... I have earned this. Liet: I promise you, there are better ways to get people to look past your physical age, and if you would just t- Lat: FACEYBOOKS!!
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bukimevieningi · 1 month ago
Vaidis Žemaitis. Žemaitėjės kelēs (video)
Šī kart vidiaks būs žemaitėškā. Rokousēm aplink Žemaitėjės kelius ir anū stuovi. Īruodīsem kap mūsa žemaitiū nemyl Lietuvuos valdžia. Paruodīsem apleistus kelius ī parokousēm aplink pardoudamus Žemaitėjės kaimus. Gēra visīms veiziejėma.  
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saulisadamonis-blog · 5 years ago
Lithuanian troops take part in Northern Strike 20 exercise
From July 19 to July 31 Lithuanian troops have been taking part in Northern Strike 20 exercise at the Camp Grayling Joint Maneuver Training Center and the Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center, both located in northern Michigan and operated by the Michigan National Guard.
Northern Strike is a Joint National Training Center accredited exercise aimed to provide opportunities for all military branches to increase proficiency integrating mission command, air, sea and ground maneuvers. The exercise also presents a premier opportunity for Army futures and defense industry’s partners to test emerging technologies for the future warfare. The exercise is modeled after a realistic combat scenario.
A total of more than 2,300 personnel participate in Northern Strike 20, including Army and Air National Guard forces from California, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Washington, D.C., and Wisconsin. Active duty forces from the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Coast Guard, as well as personnel from the U.S. Army Reserve, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, and NATO partner countries. 
Lithuanian component is presented by 180 soldiers from the Motorised Infantry Brigade "Žemaitija". As to compare, in 2019 Lithuania sent only 3 soldiers. Although exercise is sponsored by the National Guard Bureau, Lithuanian Defence Ministry has spent almost 450 000 dollars.
Despite COVID-19 pandemic the exercise is carried out in accordance with previously approved plans. Michigan National Guard medical officials have worked with public health authorities to incorporate COVID-19 precautions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Countermeasures include social distancing, required use of masks when social distancing is not possible, and frequent sanitization.
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0ut51d3r · 6 years ago
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pixelless · 8 years ago
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Simonas Daukantas, a man who wrote the first history of Lithuania in Lithuanian, stands proudly in the main square of Papilė. #Žemaitija #Lithuania #Daukantas (at Papile)
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aloulou-travel · 8 years ago
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Boats at rest by Raimisv
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balticapocalypse · 3 years ago
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🔥ŠATRIJA • Fire altar at Mount Šatrija, home of the eternal flame. #holyland #eternalflame #žemaitija #romuva #balticpagan https://www.instagram.com/p/CewC-y3FAcH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lietsadventures · 6 years ago
*Tautų susirinkimas, Lietuva negali dalyvauti, Žemaitija pavaduoja*
Žemaitija: Tai ar jau galiu eit iš čia??
Vokietija: Ne
Žemaitija: *Vistiek išeina*
Prūsija: Na mes negalėtume jos sustabdyti.
Vokietija: Kodėl?
Prūsija: Kai bandžiau ji man sulaužė stuburą.
Visos kitos tautos: O_O
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bukimevieningi · 4 months ago
Simonas Daukantas apie būdą senovės Lietuvių, kalnėnų ir Žemaičių
Nuo to, ką iki šiol pasakojau, gali manyti kiekvienas, jog didžiai karingi yra buvę, drąsūs, kantrūs bei narsūs karėje žmonės, o namuose dori, malonūs ir taikūs ūkininkai, noris visados ne vien ginkluoti namie brūzdė ar kelionę keliavo, bet pačiose suvodbose ginkluoti linksminos, pavojaus nevengė, tardami: “Nuo vilko bėgęs, mešką sutiksi”, kaipogi ne vien reikėjo saugotis nuo pikto žmogaus, bet…
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arsuf · 7 years ago
7, 15, 18 (:
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?Nebeprisikiškiakopūsteliaujantiesiems (it used to be the longest word in Lithuanian but apparently there is an even longer now... Anyway, I have no idea how to translate it, it is about rabbits and cabbages though); Perkūnas (word for ‘thunder’ and the name of our god of thunder); Rasa (the occurrence of raindrops on grass in the morning & a name (fun fact: my mom’s name) 
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?I don’t know much stuff from that but I had this saved on my computer for ages because it’s so funny to me. It’s written in Samogitian (a dialect of Western Lithuania district called Žemaitija), and it basically says ‘what do we want? - snow! When do we want it? Now & not in April!’ it makes me laugh so hard because of the dialect and the way it sounds :D)
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language?No. Even though I am from the west, for some reason none of us speak with the dialect/accent. I think it might have to do with the fact that we used to be separate and called ‘Little Lithuania’... maybe.
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