#× kiyo talks
time-speculo · 9 months
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stardoopy · 7 months
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This game sucks
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hyperfixationtimego · 8 months
Do you think Korekiyo has a wide knowledge of meme culture or is more of a hermit?
okay okay okay I love this ask so much
my personal take on it is that he is VERY knowledgeable about memes but ONLY the outdated ones because he has to know EVERYTHING about them before he starts using them. the poor guy is a walking anachronism of language. all he knows are dead memes. everyone hates talking to him /hj
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vellichorom · 6 months
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the comment of all time
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shsl-writer · 3 months
sorry for accidentally dming you this but I find you very interesting and got too excited and pressed the wrong button and stuff so uh yeah
Opinions on Kiyo? (I’m very very normal about Kiyo and definitely relate to him to a average degree)
Heslo! Don’t worry, I totally get it, I’m horrific with technology. I’m just glad you wanted to talk!
Kiyo! God, I adore Kiyo. I haven’t gotten to the third game yet but I’ve watched all the ftes and am obviously pretty deeply entrenched in fandom stuff so I know a good deal about him, he’s genuinely one of my favorite Danganronpa characters.
To me Kiyo reads as an abused person who hasn’t yet realized they’ve been abused. Other people can probably articulate it better than me but from what I’ve seen his Sister has dictated most everything about him from his clothes to his interests. Everything he does is for her and from the sounds of it this is still the case years after her death, that’s how deeply she’s influenced (and manipulated) him. I’m assuming that his parents were either absent or not there entirely which is why she had so much control over him. It makes me so angry about what they did to him in the 3rd trial not only because Kiyo’s character was then completely villainized but because it’s an absolutely disgusting way to paint someone who’s so clearly been abused. There’s a difference between recognizing that a character doesn’t realize they’ve been mistreated and writing them to be a goddamn serial killer (Danganronpa has a history of turning heavily traumatized characters ‘evil’ tho, just look at Toko and Syo).
Anyway, I also think Kiyo is super autistic. So many of his sprites are self-soothing positions (which could also be related to the abuse but yunno), he’s covered pretty much head to toe which could be to protect from sensory issues, and most importantly: this man infodumps like no one’s fucking business. It’s kinda all he talks about unless prompted otherwise? And there’s implication he doesn’t have a lot of control over it because he’ll cut himself off sometimes realizing he’d been talking for too long and dominating the conversation. All of his ftes with Shuichi are about essentially acting as a teacher for different anthropological subjects. That is a special interest, you can’t convince me otherwise.
Overall I think Kiyo is just a really tragic character who was completely fucked over by the writing. As someone ND myself I find him so fucking relatable. He’s seen as weird and typically keeps to himself and has a hard time holding a normal conversation. He keeps trying to just stay in the background and observe but not only does his stature make that difficult he’s also got so much to say, so much knowledge he wants to share, and he just wants someone who will listen. I hold him so dear to my heart <33
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korkshinguji · 30 days
how does kiyo friend here feel about the anons today?
"Kiyo loves his anons. Each of them are unique in their own way, and their gifts and their concern for his health is greatly appreciated."
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strawberrysweater · 3 months
i was talking on discord about kiibo wearing sweaters and joked about him learning to knit or crochet to make his own bc i think that would be silly and he'd enjoy it AND I WAS REMINDED by a friend of the fact that crochet can't be replicated by machines and now i'm sooooo soft about this hc oh my god
kiibo taking up a hobby postgame that gives him something to do during those long quiet nights when everyone else is sleeping... he is all about learning and doing stuff and crochet is so methodical.... he hangs out with kaito or himiko to crochet together, makes a blanket for kaede and shuichi and they're like "hey um this is your blanket too.... <3"
a hobby that only human hands can do but here he is... and sure it's because he's a robot with human-shaped hands but it's still something he's doing because he wants to
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Leofard knew the risks Kiyo had to take due to her status of the star's champion. He knew what he was getting into when he decided to pursue her. Even still, he wasn't happy about what was practically a suicide mission; one that would take her completely out of his reach should anything happen
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"...Come back to me", was all he had said while his silent gesture spoke volumes to Kiyo; an incredibly powerful promise to see this through
And if there was one thing she always made sure of...
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It was to keep her promises
Rarepair Week Day 5 - Promise
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Takaaki and Taka angst
Based on a conversation I'm having with @artz16. But more angsty because I hate myself.
《~~~~~》 Takaaki stared down at Taka who was just sitting at the table he was seated in. He sat across from him. "Taka, Kid. Can you please eat?" Takaaki requested of his son. Kiyotaka just looked up at his father, the same expression of horror still on his face. He didn't respond.
"Taka…" Takaaki repeated, he slightly pushed one of the many plates on the table to his son. "Eat. Come on, you haven't eaten in a while, you need something!" Takaaki told him. Kiyotaka looked at the plate of food. His expression got worse, as if he was afraid of it.
What the HELL did they do to him?!
He heard about what happened to that Mondo boy…could…that have been the reason?
Takaaki sighed and sat next to his son. "Taka, open." Takaaki grabbed a spoon and scouped up the food on the plate and moved it to Kiyotaka's mouth. "Open your mouth. Now." Takaaki demanded of his son. But Kiyotaka defied him.
Takaaki's brows furrowed.
"Taka, open!" He remembered when he used to do this. Back when Kiyotaka was just a little boy. His mother was at work while he took care of Kiyotaka. They'd switch around their days of work and taking care of their son everyday. And today was his day. "Taka." Takaaki repeated, grinning at his son. The little boy watched the spoon in his father's hand move around. "Open up, please!" Takaaki requested again.
The two just stared in silence. Kiyotaka started giggling when the spoon hit his lips as he didn't open them. Takaaki started to laugh as well, "Taka, please. The train needs to go to the station." Takaaki said through his laughter. Kiyotaka finally opened his mouth and ate his food. "Yay!"
Those memories were far now.
"Kiyotaka. Please." Takaaki repeated as he tried to get Kiyotaka to open his mouth. He was getting frustrated. But he also felt absolutely pained, tears threatened to fall down from his eyes. But he held them in. "Taka…please. Please, just do this for me! That's all I ask…Taka!" Takaaki pleaded.
Kiyotaka remained silent.
"Please, Taka…"
Takaaki tried to force his son's mouth open but Kiyotaka just screamed and squirmed. He was acting like a child! "Kiyotaka, this is for your health! Open your goddamn mouth, now!" Takaaki yelled.
Kiyotaka just continued to try and move away and grab onto Takaaki's hand to remove it from his mouth. "Please, Son! What would Mondo think?! Please! For him. He wouldn't want you to starve, wouldn't he?" Takaaki asked his son. Maybe…maybe that would work.
Kiyotaka blankly stared at him.
Mondo Owada, his best friend. He had killed a poor boy and gotten himself killed as punishment. Kiyotaka had been distraught. He stopped eating and sleeping altogether. He met Alter Ego, an AI created by the boy Mondo killed. It cave him motivation, a will to live again as it made him believe full well that Mondo lived in him. That they were together, a part of one another.
Creating Kiyondo Ishida.
But soon enough, Kiyotaka had just given up on Kiyondo after some talking to. And here they were. Back to him being Kiyotaka. All the motivation he had was completely taken from him and he refused to eat and sleep again. The memories of Mondo were far too great.
Maybe using Mondo as a form of motivation could help him again! To help him feel better!
Takaaki could only hope.
"Please? For Mondo?" Takaaki requested with a sad smile. Kiyotaka continued to blankly stare at his father. Then, slowly, he opened his mouth a bit. It was a start! Takaaki put the spoon in his mouth and Kiyotaka ate the spoonful of food. "There we go! See?" Takaaki pat his son's raven hair that had a remaining white streak of Kiyondo.
Kiyotaka didn't respond.
Takaaki sighed softly and continued to feed his son.
It pained him greatly to see his son this way. It hurt. It hurt so much. He wanted to cry at this. His poor boy. The only person that mattered to him was just reduced to nothing but a body full of great "Despair." Believing that his friend had been put into his meals for some cruel and sick torment.
"Taka, you're going to be okay. I promise. Nobody is going to try and do anything awful. Okay? Just keep living for everyone." Takaaki said with a slight smile. Kiyotaka didn't respond, just merely looked slightly up at him. Then back down to whatever he had been looking at as he continued to be fed by his father.
Takaaki just silently watch his son eat. Every single second was torture for him. They just couldn't catch a break. Just…they needed one fucking break.
A break.
Kiyotaka finished eating all the plates of food. "Alright. Now that you're done, let's get you back to your room. Okay? Let me get your wheelchair…" Takaaki got up and grabbed the chair and helped Taka in it. It wasn't fair. His boy was so weak he could barely walk himself. His body was too empty and had lack of sleep. Takaaki took Kiyotaka to his room, gripping tightly at the handles. He bit his lip hard, trying to keep his tears in. They priced the corners of his eyes, but he didn't let them fall.
"You're going to need to nap. I'm going to help you, along with the nurses. Okay?" Takaaki told his son. His son slightly nodded. He really wanted to cry. "I…I love you, Taka. I love you so much. I'm so proud of you and your success through life. And I'm proud to be your father. And I'm sorry…I'm so sorry, Taka." Takaaki heard his voice break, but he did not cry.
He wasn't going to show vulnerability. Not right now. His son didn't need to see that.
Takaaki does end up crying, but he's by himself when he does because he can't let anyone see his grief. He just misses his son and his son being okay.
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beancalzone · 23 days
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Yeah im being super normal about my new dnd character
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time-speculo · 9 months
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spittyfishy · 1 year
For the character list: everyone’s favorite seesaw man
Favourite thing about them:
I am absolutely incapable of explaining why I like Kiyo lol, I used to be neutral to disinterested in him and then one day it was just like poof! Bonked with the blorbo beam, and here we are.
Least favourite thing about them:
Unsurprisingly, it’s all the unpleasantness they added to his back story for no reason. It’s entirely the writers being gross and Kiyo deserves better
As I mentioned in the post about Kaede, I love the idea of her and Kiyo being besties lol. But I also think Kiyo and Kaito being friends is really funny bc Kaito is so freaked out by ghosts and stuff and Kiyo is inherently spooky.
I don’t really have any tbh lol, I’ve seen some kinda cute stuff with Shuichi, but I think Kiyo needs a lot of character development before it’s a good idea for him to be in a relationship.
The grossness goes without saying, so other then that I think I’ve seen some stuff with him and Tenko before which is just yikes lol
Random headcanon:
At one point Kiyo and Syo both ran into each other while disposing of bodies and just kinda,,, made awkward eye contact and slowly went on with what they’d been doing.
Unpopular opinion:
Idk if it’s unpopular, but Kiyos outfit design has a lot of problematic elements so now when I draw him I don’t add his hat, armband, and tbh I just don’t put him in the uniform at all when I can.
Song I associate with them:
I wish I had more songs to go with Kiyo, as it stands I don’t think I really have any that are specifically for him.
Favourite picture of them:
This spoopy season one!
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doritofalls · 2 years
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waves hand sanrio collab 
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caffeiiine · 10 days
ive been thinking about sharing with you this one korekiyo and rantaro hc that i have from like years ago but idk if it makes sense or is in character at all or anything like that but like just hear me out
so. rantaro has like 12 sisters right. he lost them, dont know where theyre at. im pretty sure thats canon info right?
ive had a hc for a few years now that korekiyo somehow found them (i imagine at different times), and killed them so they could be friends with his sister in the afterlife because god knows he killed a fuckton of people for her
anyway i like making my faves backstories intertwined somehow its very fun. just imagine tho like. one of rantaro's friends murdered his 12 sisters for HIS sister in the afterlife. fucked up
anyway sorry im drawing and i thought about that and i was like what if i told soda about it
OH MY GOD I WAS RESDING AND J WAS THINKING LIKE “oh this is sweet, this reminds me of a comic I saw one time” AND THEN THE “HE MURDERED HIS 12 SISTERS” JUST PUNCHED ME SO HARD
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katsutacle · 1 year
Now that we have a feet themed event I hope we get a weight gain themed event just so that I have content to draw for the next 5 years
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korkshinguji · 1 month
if korekiyo loves sister, why does he insist on smashing the mirrors? why does korekiyo hate mirrors?
(Clarification!! Not asking mod I just like talking in the third person <3)
"you mustn't falter"
"I do not hate mirrors. I simply destroyed them as an act of art. They say the urge to destroy is a creative urge."
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