#»🪓—Johanna Mason |  THREADS.
furysburn · 8 months
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“  i can’t get it off—  i can still feel it on me!  ” | ( ANNIE & JOHANNA ) | @spectrophobias
" C'mon Annie, aren't you a Victor ? You've faced worse than this. " It felt desperate and stupid but she still tried putting whatever energy she could into her voice. Trying to drum up the Johanna whose skin she wore since she was 16. " How about you tell me about the beach again ? Or the sand ? It'll wash it all away, I promise. "
They were trapped so close that even in the darkness Johanna could make her out in silhouette against the cement walls. She took her hands and squeezed them offering an anchor point. If she pretended hard enough Annie could be in Four and her in Seven and their months in the Capitol a nightmare they'll one day awake from.
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furys-burn · 1 year
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@fantasywritten liked for a starter !
There was buzzing in her head, in her teeth, in the very bones beneath her skin. She could smell ozone over the burn of smoke and hoped the nicotine would kill her craving for morphling but it all just ended up pissing her off. She knew the rain was coming and as much as it tried to chase her inside she needed this.
( She needed to be there when that fucker dies even if it is Katniss' hands around his throat and not her own. )
Another pull and the tingling lowers to a low throb and she can make it.
" How you holding birdy ? Think you have another 20 miles in you before that new organ pops ? " Maybe she should be more worried for the face of the revolution but she was there when they stitched her open. It was a wonderful bonding experience for them both.
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axes-and-ashes · 2 years
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» ⍋—Johanna Mason |  MUSINGS 🪓
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» ⍋—Johanna Mason |  MUSINGS | Capitol Couture 🪓
» ⍋—Johanna Mason |  MUSINGS | District Seven 🪓
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furysburn · 8 months
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@hvbris | Starter | ( Johanna Mason & Effie Trinket )
High necked leather, ribbed emerald vines, and a delicate recreation of her Victor crown to remind them who she was. Armor befitting her and the glorified viewing at Flickerman's feet she was about to put on. She would have preferred anything but tree-vant garde but it was time to lean heavy on the brand. Remind them of the girl who tricked the Capitol and upset the betting pool enough to kill Seven's sponsorships for a year.
It felt pathetic even for her.
Turning from the mirror, Johanna cut her eyes towards her escort. " What's' the plan when I get out there ? Do you want me to start crying for old time's sake ? " She could hear District 6's muffled interview and mournful screams of the crowd; it was going to be an ugly night. " Or should I fight someone onstage ? Take a cheap shot now before the Games even start. "
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furysburn · 9 months
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❝ sometimes, i just need the world to be beautiful. i know how dark and ugly it can be but i just want to see something good and focus only on it for a few minutes. ❞ | ( ANNIE & JOHANNA ) | @spectrophobias
They were on the edge of the world looking at the ruins of it. In just a few hours Snow will be dead to the reign of Coin. She had a bad feeling about it all but a quick light and nicotine soothed her worries. Her hands shook less and she took in Annie's words with the smoke letting them tumble and burn her chest.
" For your sake Annie, I hope you find something good out there. I really do. " A flick of her wrist sent ash over the tilted remains of a white column staining it black. Orange started to bleed on the horizon and Johanna realized it was the first time she saw the Capitol's sky free of augmentation and filter. Hm. "...the sunsets pretty."
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furys-burn · 2 years
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@madefate liked for a stater ! | ( JOHANNA & CLARISSE )
Contrary to popular belief, they do not let them sit in on the reapings. Those first moments are spent being remade into Johanna Mason; Victor, Traze tutting in her ear over the state of her hair and bitching about needing more wigs for her stay. They stuff her into a dress and she gives her first interview to Caesar already flushed in the cheeks and Blight reeking of his favorite herbal remedy. When Flickerman asks, " How they will they do? " and she answers, " Well no worse than last years. " Blight says nothing but his elbow makes room in her ribs.
Then it is the moment of truth. Johanna sits down with a glass in her hand legs tucked into the folds of tulle trying to find the words that will never appear. She will let Blight coast by on his veneer of kindness and then play bad cop when they get too shaky about killing someone else's kids. She will pump them full of food and keep a neutral tone and try not to get too attached. In the Capitol, she palm off what favors she owes and reap what she can with the chance that maybe they'll leave only one kid lighter.
And then Clarisse La Rue boards and any rational thought leaves her mind. Blight takes the glass from her hand quicker than she can let go and he is on giving the speech and guiding them onboard while Matilda teeters behind them. Johanna hears the rush of waves and anger and wants to grab her by the throat. Scream at her because she can see the sheer audacity and fear in her eyes.
But she knows better. Knows there is a camera on her and it is recording her for this exact reason. She puts on the persona and bares her teeth hoping it comes across vicious instead of cornered. She claps her hands together happy to see the boy jump despite his size and muscle. " Congratulations kids, you just won the shit lottery. What do you wanna know ? "
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furys-burn · 2 years
contd. | ( FINNICK & JOHANNA ) | @madefate
He is content to just hang onto her for a moment, to feel that she is alive and whole and whatever is happening in the world -- however fucked they are -- they can at least have this. Finnick tightens his hold as much as it’ll go until it strains muscles he hasn’t used in a while and starts biting into scar tissue and healing wounds, and even then he tries a little more. He braces his hands against Johanna’s back and feels the rhythm of her sobbing and lets his tears fall. 
❛ Good. Just -- just stay right here. ❜ He stopped wondering about things like justice and deserving when he was about sixteen or so. There’s no such thing as karma; your suffering doesn’t pave the way to better things in the future. Your best bet is to survive while you can, take as much as possible without attracting attention, and make your calculated risks that don’t err too far into recklessness. 
But he’s human, despite it all, and there’s a dying voice still kicking around in the back of his mind that wonders if they don’t deserve a little bit of happiness after all the pain. 
When she’s ready, he lets her sit up just a little, their hands still linked. For the first time in years, he feels the roughness of his own skin against hers and he laughs, pleased. They’ve seen too much for either of them to be scared of the ugly looking marks wrapped around his palm. ❛ I don’t... I have no idea. I haven’t heard anything, so I -- ❜ He trails off, still a little angry with himself that full sentences are hard to put together. Particularly since he suspects that the cause isn’t some injury, but something deeper in his mind and his heart. ❛ I figured I’d stick around and see what... I assumed someone would need something. Television, or -- they always need something, you know? ❜ 
He pulls her hand up and presses it against his cheek. It’s real. Real, real, real. ❛ But maybe we could finally... go home. See it -- I want you to see Four. Or Seven. Can you even imagine? ❜
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Outside of the room she could hear orders and the metallic scraping of hospital beds. Out there, they were sipping on the dregs of revolution deciding what the tale of District 13 will be. If Coin will be a mistake or a martyr, the girl on fire revolutionary or a traitor, and caught in the middle of it were bodies like theirs used for their godhood but discarded for the person. In here, she felt more like Johanna than she had for weeks.
The hand on her cheek is scarred and textured and she presses the point of her cheekbone hard into it. It was one of the few moderations Blight had allowed a toss up between structure and curves that gave the severe look the Capitol had loved her for. Now it just felt useless except for how it bit into his skin. There were no more crowds, no more fans, no more hands to grab and pet and claw at her skin. She could see it in Finnick's eyes the years held tradition of preening for the cameras a craving worse than the call of morphling she had under her own skin. What was their precious Finnick Odair without a crowd to scream his name?
Maybe she is a coward or maybe she doesn't believe it herself but she doesn't tell him that it is all over yet.
" You would hate Seven, the old fogies will have a field day ripping you to shreds. If you think I'm mean you should see the type who raised me. " One look at him and she could almost hear the side eyes and backhanded remarks he would earn. Maybe it would do him good, tender him up some after years of Capitol niceties. " As for Four..."
Air catching in her throat, not again, she screams the secrets out before she is under again, choking. There is only a second before she feels her body light up and spread into cells and then atoms and then nothing. She is burning yet drowning and above everything else, she won't die. " Someday. Someday I'll go to Four. "
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furys-burn · 2 years
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The exit of the “Star Squad” left the lot of District 13 on edge with its residents working twenty-four hours a day to prep Snow 2.0 for her ascension as new President of Panem. Johanna would have happily spent the last dregs of this war in a Morphling haze but her new therapist demanded she be cut off cold turkey with routine samplings of her blood to check for abnormalities. 
Without Katniss, their room returned to its bare form as they gifted what she left behind to her mother and sister likely as some momento for when she inevitable bit it. Each day Johanna waited for the incident that would end their precious “Mockingjay” and each day she kept on. 
[The truth was she missed her; she missed her and having someone in this place to lean against. Something that was not the sheen of 13 that was so much like the Capitol only the rules didn’t apply here like they did there. They hated Johanna the Victor and she was too far gone to remember Jo the human; where does a useless Victor go when their glory is gone? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.]
The idea of seeking out Annie Cresta (Odair?) comes out of a haze of isolation and thrill seeking. They had always existed perpendicular to each other alike in groups and friends but she always kept her distance too aware of her moniker and the rare protection Mags was affording her. She knew Finnick loved her, she knew they had married in something too glitzy to be real, and now he was gone and Katniss was gone and they would probably die like the idiots they were for a cause that was worthless. 
[She doesn’t touch the memories of after the Games. She deserves some form of mercy without a pill in her hand.]
She doesn’t know what she wants when she goes, what she will say when she answers, but the last thing she expects is, “ Do you still need a roommate ? ”
Starter for @sirendrowns
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