#» not a request
littlekittyboards · 3 days
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Another Simon Henriksson (Cry of Fear) stimboard with themes of abandoned places, forests, and weapons for myself!
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tempvstas · 5 months
"You were a wonderful experience."
Trey, DEUCE, Jack, Jade, Floyd, KALIM, Rook, Epel, LILIA, Silver
"You were....everything."
Riddle, CATER, Ace, LEONA, Ruggie, AZUL, Jamil, Vil, IDIA, MALLEUS, Sebek
3K notes · View notes
the-slap-updates · 7 months
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865 notes · View notes
profiction-edits · 2 months
You’re invited to the…
I made a list of prompts to use across two weeks. You can do moodboards, stimboards, icons, banners, writing, art, or any other creative thing! For ships, feel free to use ships from any fandom or selfships! You can skip days, do multiple things for one day, or anything else that you’d prefer. Tag your works with #profic party, and/or @ me, and I’ll reblog it here!
Day 1: Your OTP.
Day 2: Your favorite character(s).
Day 3: Your most problematic ship.
Day 4: A rarepair that you like (or a selfship that you don’t talk about often).
Day 5: A crossover ship (or a crossover of two things that you love).
Day 6: A poly ship.
Day 7: A character that you like from media that you aren’t otherwise interested in.
Day 8: Any character or ship, themed after your favorite season.
Day 9: A character or ship from media that you loved as a child.
Day 10: A platonic ship.
Day 11: A character or ship that exemplifies your favorite trope.
Day 12: A headcanon that is basically canon in your mind.
Day 13: Any character or ship at their ideal party.
Day 14: Free day! Make whatever your heart desires.
220 notes · View notes
samandcolbyownme · 9 months
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Summary: y/n is partnered with popular party boy, Sam, for a project and she hates it. Not a request
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, mentions of alcohol, slight angst, slight hatred towards each other, mainly reader towards Sam, mean comments, flirting, unprotected sex, biting, scratching, general filth
Word Count: 10.4k | not edited
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
"I've been thinking about it.." your professor starts out, "..and instead of doing an actual test for the final, I'm going to have you guys do a project. On any historical event of your choosing."
"If we get to have partners, you're mine." Your friend nudges you. You look at her with a nod, "Oh of course."
"You will have a partner.." your professor continues and you look at y/f/n with a wide smile. But, that quickly gets ripped away, "But I will be assigning you your partners."
"Of fucking course." Y/f/n grumbles and you sigh, "Maybe he knows how well we work together. Maybe he'll assign us together."
She sighs, "I doubt that."
You knew she was right. You knew you'd probably get stuck with someone who would have you doing all the work anyway. Someone who has excuse after excuse as to why they can't get together and work on it.
Your leg bounced up and down as you wait for you and your friend's name to be called. Finally, towards the end, "Y/n y/l/n. You'll be partnered up with Sam Golbach."
You closed your eyes, completely shutting everything out as you sat in your anger, "Really?" You look at your friend, "Sam's hot. You just hate him because he's popular or whatever. I don't know. Some stupid reason that you just need to get over. You're lucky you didn't get stuck with Nevin."
"Is that who-"
You pout, "I'm sorry." You knew she was mad, but not at you. She was just taking it out on you, which isn't something new. But she was right, you did kinda hate Sam, but it wasn't stupid, well to you at least.
She rolls her eyes, "Uh huh." She stands up, grabbing her bag, "Gotta go meet my project partner." You sigh, "Yeah, gotta go find mi-"
"Hi." Sam is standing there with a toothy grin. You wanted to smack it off of him, "Yeah, hey." You roll your eyes as you grab your bag off the chair next to you.
"Hey, no need to be so hostile." Sam laughs and you stay silent, turning away from him. You start to walk away and he's right on your tail, saying hi to every girl that, god forbid gawks at him.
"Anything to fulfill your ego, right?" You mumble to yourself as you stare at the door ahead.
Sam jogs up next to you, "You say something?"
"Even if I did would it matter?" You pull your book closer to your chest and Sam laughs, "I mean, yeah. Kind of."
"Why?" You stop and look at him and he shrugs while shaking his head, "Because.. we're.. partners?"
You pause for a moment, "Yeah. Still wish that wasn't real."
"Why are you so negative about me? Is it because I haven't given you any attention?" He laughs and you gag, "no. I'm glad you haven't. And if we weren't partners, I would still be avoiding you."
"Avoiding me?" He furrows his brows and walks with you, "Am I that bad?"
You snort, "I mean, I just don't want to risk catching anything you may have gotten from the streets here at Silverston."
Before he can say anything else, you cut him off, "You don't need to explain yourself to me because I promise you.." you turn to look at him, "I'm not even going to risk it."
Sam's eyes move over your face as he pushes the door open, "Uh huh." He motions, "After you."
You roll your eyes walking out of the building, "So I figured we could just go to the coffee shop and start working on this final."
Sam sucks air between his teeth, "Actually.."
"I'm going to be doing all of this?" You sigh, "Good thing I already planned on it." You go to walk away but he stops you, "Actually, I have a date, but if you wanted to I can come over after."
You laugh, "No. thanks. I don't need you infesting my dorm with whatever you'll freshly be infected by whatever falls into your trap this time."
"How do I know you don't have anything? Sounds like you're projecting.. or something." Sam smirks and you roll your eyes, "While I am impressed you know what projecting in that sense means, I can actually show you my medical record."
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." He winks and you fight back laughter, "In your dreams, Golbach. I'll text you when I figure out what I want to do the project on."
You turn and as you're walking away, Sam yells out to you, "You don't even have my number."
"I'm sure I can walk to the street corner and get it." You yell back and walk away laughing.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You lean back from your laptop, cracking your knuckles as your eyes scan over the page of notes that you took.
Your phone chimes, you don't think anything of it.
It chimes again. Still nothing.
Finally on the third, you sigh, "I'm fucking busy." You mumble as you pick up your phone. You laugh as you read over the texts from an unknown number.
I guess you didn't walk to the street corner to get my number.
Did you find an idea yet?
Date went awful. Text me your dorm info.
"Fucking. Sam." You clench your jaw as you think of something to say, but instead you don't. You just set your phone back down and decided that you'll tell him you fell asleep or something.
As you go back to taking notes, there's a knock on your door. You thought that maybe your roommate forgot her key again, so you get up, "Did you forget your key again, Lauren?"
You open the door, smile instantly vanishing as your eyes meet those blue ones, "What are you doing here?"
"We have a project to work on, remember?" Sam pushes the door open and walks in. You look around to make sure no one seen him walk in and you turn, "Yeah no shit, but I mean.. here. In my room."
"You weren't answering my texts. My date went bad, and-"
You cut him off, "Then you told me to text you my dorm info... so what I'm getting is that you still can't take a hint?"
He laughs and swings his backpack off his shoulder, "yeah, yeah. Let's just get start- oh. Shit." He looks from your progress then back at you, "You're really doing this thing aren't you."
"I need to pass Sam. With or without you." You walk back over to the couch, sitting down to pull your laptop on your lap.
"Oh, so you did read my texts." Sam sits down and you laugh, "Where have you been? We were already over this."
"Well fill me in. What did you pick?" He leans over to look at your screen, and you stay quiet as you take in how good he actually smells, but quickly snap out of it. You shake your head slightly as you clear your throat, "I picked the Battle of New Orleans."
"That's a good one. I was thinking that one, too." Sam nods and leans back. You raise your eyebrows, "Really?"
He goes into shaking his head, "No. not at all."
"Figures. You were only thinking about getting your dick wet." You mumble and focus back on the computer.
Sam laughs, "Think what you want, but with who showed up on that date, you wouldn't be surprised that I ditched."
"Who was it?"
He raises his eyebrows, "Do you really want to know or are you just nosey?"
You shrug and smirk, "Both."
He laughs, "Alright, well I had a date set with Candice, but her sister showed up instead."
You raise your brows again, "Well.. that's not really fair. Setting her sister up for failure like that."
"Yeah, I don't know." Sam shakes his head, "Her sister, isn't my type so."
"Of course you have a type." You roll your eyes and he tilts his head, "You have a type, too, y/n. We all do." You look up at him, "Oh yeah? What my type then?"
He smirks, "Tall. Handsome. Blue eyes. Dark hair."
"Is that why you dyed your hair?" Your eyes flick up to his messy brown hair, "I knew something was off about you."
"Ouch. That hurt." He lays a hand on his chest, "I'm not your type?"
"Not at all." You go back to looking at your computer and reach out to toss a notebook at him, "That's what I have down so far. I'm thinking we can just do a slideshow."
He grabs it, eyes scanning over as he nods, "What can I do?"
"Are you actually going to take this seriously?" You look up at him and he nods, "Yes."
"Okay. Good. So what you can do first, is get out of my dorm." You stare at him and he smirks, "You're so cute when you're mad."
"Ew. No. Get out." You close your lap top, "I need to go get dinner anyway."
"Let's go together. We can work on this while we eat."
Although the offer did sound tempting, you really didn't want to be seen with him, labeled as another notch in his belt, "I'd rather stick needles in my eyes and slam my head into the floor."
"You really don't like me do you?" Sam smirks and stares at you and you shake your head, "Not really, no."
"What did I ever do to you, huh? Seriously."
He knew you couldn't answer because there wasn't anything he personally did to you. It was more or less how and who he is as a person.
"You want an honest answer?" You sit up more and cross your legs as you look at him.
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't." Sam shrugs and you sigh as you lean forward to set your laptop on the small table in front of you, "You're a fuck boy, first of all. Second of all, I really don't want to be seen with you because I'm not going to be labeled a whore who's seen with the guy who's been in everyone on campus."
"I haven't been in everyone on campus." He mocks you, "I know that for a fact because I haven't ever been in you."
His words make your cheeks heat up, "Get out."
"Im joking. Im joking. I'm sorry." He laughs, "I had to. I had to, y/n.Now come on." He readjusts his sitting position and motions to the notes, "what can I do, other than get out?"
You sigh, "Why do you have to be my partner?" You grumble as you open up a new note book. Sam sighs, "Yeah I ask myself that, too."
"What's that suppose to mean?" You look over at him and he looks at you a few seconds, "Oh! I thought we were just saying things that we didn't really mean or weren't true or something like that." He snickers, "If it means anything, I'm glad you're my partner."
You snort, "Why? Because I'm smart and I'd do all the work? Or because you think you can get under my skin and torment me into wanting you?"
"I don't have to do anything, y/n." Sam smirks, "But since you said it. I do have to agree with you. You are very smart."
"Yeah, I know." You look down at the notebook that's lying between you and Sam on the couch, "Okay."
You write down a few things for him to research, "Here." You rip out the page and fold it up, "Look these things up and write down what you think is important enough to put on the slides."
He reaches forward and takes the piece of folded up paper, fingers brushing against yours, "I'll get right on that."
You pull your hand away, "Uh huh. I'm sure."
"I'm serious. I bet you I can fill this paper by morning."
"And If you don't?" You raise a brow, intrigued by this deal that's in the motion of being made.
Sam thinks for a moment and snaps, "I'll do the whole project myself.."
"Um, no. I really don't want to fail." You laugh slightly and he sighs, "Fine. You do one half, I'll do the other. And if I actually follow through my half.. I'll..." he looks around and shrugs, "I don't know."
You secretly liked Sam, but you put a barrier between you and him because you were saving yourself from the heartache of being cheated on or something.
"Maybe stick to one girl for once in your life." You look up, shocked that you just said that out loud, "I-um. I didn't.. mean to say that."
He stares at you, "Alright. You're on."
"You're lying." You roll your eyes, "As soon as you leave here. You'll be going home with the first bitch you lay eyes on."
"So come home with me."
"What?!" Your head snaps towards him, "No. no fucking way."
"Why not? That way you'll be able to know if I break our deal, and since we don't have any classes until next week.. you can just stay at my place." Sam shrugs, a smug smirk resting on his lips, "Just a thought."
"I have a math final Wednesday."
"So go to it and come back?" He laughs, "Look. I'm just trying to prove to you that I take deals and bets very seriously."
A twinge of excitement snaps in your stomach and before you can even take a second to think about it, "Fine."
Sam smirks and stands up, "Gather your shit. You're moving in."
"No. No. I'm not moving in. I'm just- actually. I don't even know what I'm doing." You run a hand through your hair and Sam walks over to you, leaning down so his face is inches from yours, "You know exactly what you're doing."
You squint, "Do I?"
He nods, "I think you do."
"What is it that I'm doing, Golbach?" You tilt your head and he smirks, "I think you like me."
"Wrong." You instantly say, "You couldn't be any more wrong."
"Then tell me why you agreed?" He stands back up, placing his hands on his hips, "I'd love to hear it."
You search for a reason, "Well, because. You, Samuel Golbach, are a player who needs to realize women aren't toys that you can pick up and put down whenever you get bored of them."
He chuckles, "That's.. not what I do.. but go on."
"It's exactly what you do, Sam. You pick a new girl, every day. Every other day. Maybe if they're lucky, half a week tops. Then you ghost them. Immediately moving on to the next victim.. I mean.. girl."
He laughs, "Oh I can't wait to prove you wrong."
"I will believe it..." You stand up, "When I see it. But you're on."
You start getting your stuff around, packing your school supplies and any other things you need.
"Don't forget clothes." Sam smirks as you look at him, "Yeah, because I'd forget the most important thing." You roll your eyes as he chuckles as you throw a few shirts and other items of clothing into the bag, "Alright." You turn and sigh, "Ready to see you fail."
"You mean win." Sam says in a smug tone and you sigh, "Yeah, whatever. I'm tired and hungry so let's just go."
As you walk out of the dormitory, you stop, "Wait. Girls aren't allowed in the dorms after this time." Sam laughs, "Who said I have a dorm?"
"You don't stay in a dorm?" You laugh, "Of course not."
"Yeah I have my own apartment right outside of campus." Sam points and you raise your eyebrows, voice quiet, "Of course you do."
"Don't worry. You won't catch anything. I rarely take girls there. I usually just kick their roommates out until I'm done."
"You're disgusting." You roll your eyes, hoisting your bag onto your shoulder with a groan. He looks over, "Want me to carry that for you?"
You shake your head, "Nope. I got it."
The thought of why you were doing this to yourself gets you through the walk to his car, "Why did you have to park so fucking far away?"
He rubs the side of his Tesla, "I don't want anyone scratching my baby."
You laugh slightly, "mhm." You throw your bag into the back and get in the front passenger seat, "This is actually quite nice, Sam. I'm impressed."
"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." He smiles and you huff, "Way to ruin it."
He laughs and starts to drive. About a half hour of silently wondering what the fuck you're doing later, he pulls into the parking spot in front of a nice looking building.
"Well, mi casa es tu casa." Sam motions from you to the building and you tilt your head, "Wow, someone actually paid attention in Spanish."
"There it is." You shake your head and reach for the handle to get out but Sam stops you, "I actually just know that because my friend Colby says it every time I go over to his place."
"At least you're learning something." You raise your brows and go to get out by Sam stops you again, "hold on. One more thing.."
You turn your head and look at him and he sighs, "I just wanted to tell you that I'm happy you ga- I've actually been wanting to do better and I just.." his eyes scan over your face and you feel drawn to him, "I just wanted to say thank you for taking a chance on me."
You blink, breaking your stare from him before you can do anything you'll regret three seconds after, "I'm doing this to pass my class, Sam. Nothing more."
He nods, "Okay."
You turn to get out once more, and he mumbles a quiet, "Sure."
You close your eyes, fighting to give him the reaction he's fishing for, so you just get out. You shut the door before going back to get your bags.
Sam gets out and waits for you at the front of his car, he chuckles as you glare at him, "You act like you're the only one who hates this."
"Then why did you-" you stop, letting out a groan, "I'm walking back to my dorm." As you turn, you're pulled back by the sudden grip on your bag, "Sam!"
"I didn't mean it like that. I just.." he laughs, "the withdrawal, man."
"The with-" you laugh, "You are unbelievable."
"What? I'm just being honest. Isn't the first step to recovery admitting you have a problem?" He laughs slightly and you shake your head, "That wasn't you admitting you have a problem."
He shrugs and you huff, "Can we just go inside please?" He motions, "I wasn't stopping you in the first place."
"Actually. You wouldn't let me get out of the car." You walk past him and he sighs, "I wanted you to listen to me."  He walks ahead, opening the door for you and you nod walking in.
You look around as you follow him up the staircase. Your eyes move to the back of his head, quickly moving away from him as he looks back at you, "Do you want me to ta-"
"Alright. Don't say I didn't ask."
"I won't be saying anything. Trust me." You roll your eyes, stopping outside of his door as he unlocks it. He pushes it open and you walk in, honestly surprised that it's a nicely kept.
"Well, what do you think?" Sam shuts the door and you nod, "It's nice." Sam smirks, "Thank you."
You walk over to the couch, "So do you want to wor- really."
He looks up from his phone, "Yeah we can work on the project for a little bit."
You stare at him and he looks up, "Don't worry. I'm just texting Colby." You step towards him, "Um. What are you saying exactly."
"Nothing really, just that I have guest over."
"A guest." You roll your eyes, "More like hostage." He laughs and shakes his head, "Here. If you want to read them, go ahead." He tosses you his phone and you catch it, "Sam I do-"
"Read them." He walks over to his fridge, pulling out a beer, "You want one?"
You look up, shaking your head, "No, thanks." You go back to reading his messages between him and Colby and they're surprising not bad at all.
Sam is actually being nice, and not a jerk.
An unsaved number appears at the top and you laugh slightly, turning to him as you read it aloud in a higher pitched tone, "Hey Sam. It's Melina, was wondering if you'd like to take me out on a date yet."
Sam groans, "God she's annoying. Text her back something."
"Me? What do you want me to say." You stare at him and he takes a sip of his drink, "I don't really care, y/n. Just get her off my back."
You chew on the inside of your lip, debating on whether to ruin his life or not, "Okay." Your thumbs tap the screen and Sam walks over, "Whatcha sayin'?"
"Hey Melina, I don't think that's going to work considering I just tested positive for herpes."
His eyes go wide and his hands drop to his sides, "No the fuck you didn't." He leans in, sighing when he sees what you really typed, not going to happen. I'm done dating around. Have a good one.
He lets out a sigh of relief,  "She's going to know that that wasn't me." He looks at you and you shrug, "So what? You wanted her off your back right?"
He laughs and nods, "Yeah. I did. Well, looks like you're in charge of texting all the girls that text me."
You roll your eyes, "I have a project to work on."
"Hey, me too. Crazy isn't it?" Sam smiles and you shake your head with a slight laugh, "Yeah. Crazy."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Jesus Christ, Sam." You look up from his phone, "How fucking ma- actually. Don't answer that. I don't need to know."
He looks up from his laptop and shrugs, "Sorry."
You set his phone back down and go back to typing on your computer, "Okay.. so.. I have the date, the location, and who won all on the first three slides. I'll add in.." you look at your notes, "I'll add in the commanders and leaders.."
"I have the casualties and losses along with stuff about the battle itself." He looks up from his notes and you nod, "Sounds good. Maybe we can knock this out in one night and I can go home."
You laugh, but Sam doesn't. He just gives a slight puff of air and nods, "Yeah."
You didn't dwell on it, not really letting yourself because you knew that if you gave in to him in the slightest bit, you'd end up hurt no matter what, so you just went back to typing.
You must have fell asleep while typing because you woke up a few hours later with a blanket on you, and your laptop was on the coffee table.
You slowly sit up, looking around slightly confused because for a split second, you forgot where you were.
You stretch your arms above your head, letting out a yawn before standing up. You turn around and jump when you see Sam sitting at the kitchen table, "shit."
"Oh hey, sorry. I didn't want to wake you and I couldn't sit on my bed anymore. My back was killing me." Sam looks back down at the computer.
You walk to the fridge, grabbing a water. You walk back over standing behind him as you look at his work, "Those look good."
He turns his head slightly to look back at you, "You think?"
You nod, "Yeah. I like how you have the pictures to the sides of the words." You point to the screen, "Wait, how many did you do?"
"I did seven." He leans back in his chair, "is that alright with you?"
You look at him, "That some sort of smartass jab?"
He shrugs, "It wasn't but it can be." He smirks and you roll your eyes, "Yeah, that's fine." You walk back over to the couch, grabbing your bag as you dig for a shirt and shorts, "I'm going to go change."
He nods, eyes focused on his screen. You walk into the bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror as you slip your shirt off over your head.
You change and exit the bathroom and Sam's eyes are immediately on you, "What? You never seen a girls legs before?" You laugh, "Oh wait."
"Yeah, yeah." He shakes his head with a smirk, "You're lucky you woke up. I forgot about our deal and I was getting ready to see what Felicity was doing."
You felt some sort of jealous twinge, and you honestly wanted to puke. You knew Sam wouldn't last. You just want to stick it out so you could prove him right.
"Nice." You sit back down, back facing him and you hear him get up, "Why are you being so short?"
You shrug, "Maybe because I just woke up. Not everything is about you Sam."
"When did I say it was?" He leans on the back of the couch, "I don't think I did."
You nod, "Right. Right." You turn back to face him slightly, "Good for you, Sam. I'm proud that you didn't text one of your hoes."
"I know that's sarcasm but I'll take it." He taps the back of the couch and walks back over to the table.
You could strangle him, but at the same time, being this close to him, you wanted to just fuck him. Just so you could say you could, but also at the same time, you didn't want to be one of the girls that you ridicule for falling for him.
But you are, you just couldn't admit to it.
"If you want to go back to sleep, you can go sleep in my bed. I'm fine out here." Sam offers and you deny, "I'm fine out here, too."
He chuckles, "Sheets are clean if that's what you're worried about, sweetheart."
"Not what I'm worried about but thanks." You mumble as you type, "Did you put in about- nevermind. Found it."
You can feel him watching you. His eyes are burning holes in the back of your head.
"You okay?" You ask, "I can tell you're staring at me and it's me making me very uncomfortable."
"I beg to differ." Sam shoots back.
You look back at him, "how so?"
He bites his lip and tilts his head, "If you weren't comfortable enough already, I think you would have worn sweats and maybe a sweatshirt.." he takes a deep breath, "Not those.. shorts."
"What's wrong with my shorts?"
He shakes his head, "N-nothing. I didnt- fucking forget it."
You smirk as you turn back around, biting your lip as you know you're now getting under his skin.
Maybe you'll get lucky and he'll just kick you out.
But you found that part of you really didn't want to leave.
"Okay. I think I'm done for the night." Sam closes his laptop and yawns, "I'm going to head to bed since you don't want to take it."
"I'll be fine." You mumble and Sam walks up behind you, "I mean, it is a king size bed so.. feel free to join."
You turn your head, not realizing he was that close. You jerk your head back, "I think I'll survive on the couch."
He shrugs and stands up, "suit yourself." He walks over to the door, turning to face you, "Offer still stands."
"Is this you going through your so called withdrawal? If so, it's incredibly pathetic." You look over at him and he shrugs, "Maybe. Or maybe I just like you. Maybe that was my plan all along."
You roll your eyes, "Mm. Sure it was."
"Oh and here." He tosses you his phone, "In case anyone tries to phone be for a late night booty call."
"Will it happen?"
He nods, "Probably. There's a frat party going on so I'm sure they'll try and summon me." He smirks, "Night."
You nod, "night." You set his phone down on the couch next to you and try to focus on your slides. Sam taking his shirt off catches your attention and you close your eyes, whispering to yourself, "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you."
You crack your fingers, sighing as you set your computer on the table, "Fuck." You get up, walking around to behind the couch so you can stretch your back.
Sam's phone dings and you try to ignore it.
It dings again.
And again.
And again.
Finally, with a sigh, you bend over the couch, picking it up to read whatever sexual message you'll see this time. They're messages from a Veronica,
Sammm babyyy. Where are you? The party is almost over!
"Yeah.. it's almost four am?" You mumble to yourself as you continue reading.
Sam!! Wake up. I need a ride.. back to your place..
"Desperate much?" You laugh quietly and smirk as your eyes read over the last message.
You're really just going to ignore me?
You bite your lip, glancing over at an already sleeping Sam in his room and back down to the phone. Your heart starts beating faster as your thumbs type the words, Sam's busy, honey. And to be honest, I wouldn't text him again.
You drop his phone down after not giving it another thought with pressing send, honestly slightly embarrassed, "I'll have to remember to delete those." You tell yourself, "Okay." You reach for your laptop, but his phone dings again.
At this point you're too nosey to let it go, and you were kind of having fun with it now. You pick up his phone, smirking when you see it's Veronica.
Who is this?
Seriously.. why are you with Sam? Who are you?
You roll your eyes, reminding yourself that you're to get these girls off his back. He wants to start over and since he worked hard on his half of the project, it's the least you could do, right?
But why?
Your eyes scan over the phone, rereading what you typed out, it doesn't matter who I am. Sam doesn't need you anymore.
You hit send and stare at the phone with the urge to go through it. You shrug, swiping out of the thread and looking at the messages. You're shocked when you see that Sam himself hasn't answered very many messages.
He's left them all on read.
You raise your brows as you take a quiet breath, the hidden folder in his phone will really show who he is. You click on it, surprised he doesn't have any passcode or anything.
You're even more surprised that there's nothing in there. Usually guys like him have nudes of multiple different girls, but Sam doesn't.
You continue to snoop, going through it all and if you didn't know Sam, you'd think that he was actually faithful because there's nothing in his phone.
You shake your head, realizing what you're doing and you swipe out of everything and set his phone down.
You close your lap top, setting it on the table before you lay back down, pretty much forcing yourself to fall back to sleep because the thought of liking Sam only made you mad.
When you wake up, there's a coffee and a bagel sitting next to your computer. You smile slightly and reach out, grabbing the coffee to take a sip.
You grab your phone, seeing you have a text from Sam, Went out for a run. Nothing more I promise.
You laugh slightly, typing back, okay.
You set your phone down, grabbing your computer and opening it. You look over the slide show and shake your head, you were actually surprised Sam is sticking to the deal.
You continue to work on your half, completely in your own little world until you remember you didn't delete those texts you sent back to that girl.
"Oh shit." You freeze, "Fuck." You lay a hand on your forehead, "No, no, no."
You hear the door open and you take a deep breath before turning around, "How was the run?"
Sam nods, "It was good actually. I ran without stopping to talk anyone, which was.. weird actually."
"I'm sure." You laugh slightly, sipping on your coffee. Sam walks over, his grey shirt damp from sweat, "How's the coffee?"
You glance over at him, nodding, "Good. Really good."
"That's good." He chuckles and sighs, "I'm going for a shower." He tosses you his phone down on the couch without another word and walks into the bathroom.
As soon as the door shuts, his phone is in your hands and lo and behold, the messages between you and Victoria are still there, probably very much read by Sam.
You curse yourself mentally, mainly because it makes you sound like you and Sam are together and that isn't what you want.
Then why make it sound like it?
You bite your lip, eyes scanning over the text threads. Your eyes go wide as soon as you see y/f/n, "what the fuck?"
You brace yourself as you go to click on the message thread but you hear the shower turn off and you set his phone down just as the bathroom door opens. You look over and he peaks his head out, "Can you grab me a towel? There's one in the basket in my room."
You nod, getting up and keeping your eyes on his room. You walk in, looking around as you find the basket. You pull the towel from the mound of clothes and walk over to the bathroom, "Here ya go."
He smiles and takes the towel, "Thank you very much."
"Welcome." You walk back over to the couch, pulling your laptop onto your lap and what you dreaded, starts to come to life.
"So.." Sam walks out, towel around his waist and hair dark and messy. You had to fight to keep your eyes off of him, "So." You shift around, clicking on a blank slide.
"I have to thank you."
You look over at him, "For what?"
"Helping me."
"With what?"
He chuckles and crosses his arms over his chest, "You know what.. do I really need to explain it to you?"
You tilt your head, smirking slightly, "Yeah, I think you may have to."
He places on hand on the back of the couch, leaning his weight onto it as he sighs, "I wanted to thank you for being so willing to help me."
"Help you with..." you motion your hand for him to keep going and he laughs, "Now you're pushing it." He turns and walk into his room, shutting the door behind him.
You glance down at his phone, shaking your head as you avoid looking through his and y/f/n's text thread.
The door opens back up and he walks out in a pair of shorts, "So did you study for that math final?"
You shake your head, "No I wasn't sure if I could leave or not.." you laugh slightly, "..but you leaving this morning told me I could so I'll probably meet y/f/n later or something."
"Mm." He nods as he walks over to get his coffee, "if that falls through, I'm pretty good with math so."
"Oh you'd help me?" You roll your eye, "I somehow.. don't believe that."
He leans against the counter, "Hit me."
You squint your eyes, "forty five times eight."
He smirks, "Three sixty."
You frown, "That was.. too easy." You sigh and shake your head, "Okay. Sixty six times... fourteen."
He pauses for a moment, closes his eyes as he thinks, "nine... twenty... four." He opens them and smiles at you, "I can do this all day."
"I gotta go." You stand up, grabbing your backpack..
"You're going to leave, wearing that?" Sam asks, eyes moving up and down your body. He chuckles, "Whatever suits your fancy, I guess."
You laugh to cover up how flustered you actually were, "I guess I'm just really worried about this test."
"I can help you. Be your study buddy."
You roll your eyes, digging out a pair of leggings and a t-shirt, "You're not my.. study buddy, Sam."
"Could be a whole lot more if you let me."
He said it quietly, so you didn't think you were supposed to hear, or did you?
"Did you say something?" You turn to look at him and he shakes his head, "No?" You nod, "Okay. Well I'm going to go change.." you point to the bathroom and slowly walk into it.
You close the door and shake your head, thinking to yourself why he would say something like that.
Probably just to get under your skin. Sam doesn't really want you. He's said it himself, he's been in everything but you.
Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but still.
Your phone dings and you look down, "Fuck." You sigh as your friend's message, telling you she can't make it to study.
You reply, alright. Thanks for letting me know.
You open the door after changing and walk out, "Soo.."
"She canceled didn't she?" Sam chuckles and shakes his head, "Should have just said yes in the beginning."
You roll your eyes, wanting to say he probably knew because he's secretly fucking her, but you but your tongue, "Yeah, I guess."
"If you don't want to study with me, you don't have to I lm ju-"
"No. I could use you." You didn't know how your words sounded until Sam makes his remark, "Yeah you could." He smirks and nods his head and you laugh slightly, "No, sa-" you sigh, accepting defeat, "Yeah, I walked right into that one."
"Sure did." He smiles and walks over, grabbing your math book, "What do you need to know?"
I need to know why you're talking to y/f/n, you think as you sit down, "I'm guessing I need to know everything."
"Good thing we have all day then, right?" Sam opens the book, "Okay. So anything from chapter one on?"
You nod, "Yep."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
After a few hours of answering the questions Sam comes up with, and catching a few glimpses of him staring at you, you let out a sigh, "Okay. I need to eat. I forgot to eat last night and that bagel, although it was good, it's not enough to hold me over."
Sam closes the book, sighing back, "I totally forgot I was hungry. I got so caught up in this book." He laughs and you smile, "I can't stand that book."
"More than me?" Sam smirks and you laugh, "You know what.. maybe a little bit more than you."
He lays a hand on his chest and sighs, "Wow. That's so nice."
"Shut up. You're working your way back." You laugh and stretch, "So. Late lunch?"
"You mean.." he looks around and back to you, "You want to be seen out in public with me?" He point to himself and you shrug, "I can just go myself and bring it back?"
He stands up, "Let me get a shirt. I'll drive."
You laugh as he gets up, and you grab your laptop, looking over your almost completed final.
"Looks good don't it?" Sam asks walking back out, "we did good."
You nod, "we sure did. I do have to say.. you shocked me, Golbach."
"Why's that?"
You shut your computer and look over at him, "I didn't think you'd do it."
"Have some faith in me, y/n. I know I have a bad reputation, but.." he shrugs, "I don't want to be the campus fuck boy anymore."
You stare at him, a million things running through your mind trying to slip off your tongue.
"What?" He asks, "You don't believe me do you?"
"I didn't say that."
"Then what?" He crosses his arms and you sigh, "Let's just go get food. I'm getting hangry."
"I can tell." He snickers and you push his shoulder as you walk by him. He lets out an, "Ouch!"
"Please. That didn't hurt." You laugh and look at him, "Do you want it to?"
He shrugs, "I don't know, I might like it." He winks and you shake your head slightly, "Do- no." You laugh and grab your bag, "Come on."
He follows you out the door and down the steps, "Where do you wanna go?"
"I kinda wanna go to McDonald's.. I've been wanting some nuggets." You look at him as you wait for him to unlock the car, "If that's okay with you."
You mentally smacked yourself, why do you suddenly care about what's okay with him and what's not?
"Whatever you want, sweetheart." He unlocks the car and gets in as you do, "I was actually going to say the same thing."
"Yeah?" You buckle up and look at him. He nods, "Yeah, actually." He starts driving and after a minutes, he laughs, "So. I have to ask.."
"Oh god, what?”
He rubs his chin and glances over at you, "How did you come up with the response to Veronica?"
"Oh.. god." You laugh and cover your face, "Can we not.. fuck, I forgot to delete them."
"No, no. Now why would you delete them?" He chuckles, "I thought it was a pretty solid response, y/n."
"It makes it sound like we're together." You roll your eyes and he shrugs, "So what?"
"So what?" You repeat, "I just-"
"You don't want to be labeled a whore. I know." He sounds annoyed and you sigh, "Sam. I didn't-"
"No. Actually, I'm glad I brought this up because I wanted to tell you. I've ever slept with four girls since being here." He looks at you and you chew on your lip, "Really?"
He nods, "you were just going off of what you heard other people talking about." He shrugs, "I'm good looking. People like me. I'm instantly labeled a fuck boy because I like to party and I'm always seen with girls."
"I'm sorry, Sam. I-"
He cuts you off, "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe.. there's someone I want, but they don't want me? Because I can assure you, that that is possible."
You stay quiet and he sighs, "Sorry.. I just.." he runs a hand through his hair and you hesitate but you lay a hand on his shoulder, "No you're fine."
He glances at your hand and sighs before he grabs it, interlocking his fingers with yours.
You're shocked at first, but you let it happen, "Did you sleep with y/f/n?"
He looks at you and laughs, "What?"
"When I was replying to the girls who- wait.. why did you hype yourself up like a fuck boy if you really aren't?"
"We can come back to that. Why do you think I'm sleeping with y/f/n?" He laughs slightly, "Did you not read the messages?"
You shake your head, "No, I didn't."
"Could have." He shrugs, "I was asking her about you."
"Me?" You raise your brows, "Why me?"
He smirks and lifts your hand in his, "This isn't enough of a clue?" He shakes his head, "Maybe I need to spell things out for you."
You smile and sigh, "I just.. I didn't want to do anything I wasn't sure you'd be okay with."
"You swore you hated me. Up and down, side to side. Called me, pretty much a man whore and told me I treat women like objects.. and I'm still here. I'm pretty sure you can hit me with a car and I'll come crawling back."
"Sam." You laugh and he laughs, "I'm serious. Since our sophomore year.. I just thought I'd let you get to know me yourself but.."
You cut him off, "I listened to the rumors in the wind, rather than.. yeah.. sorry."
He shrugs, "I know you don't trust me right off the bat.. I know it's hard but.. why do you think I gave you my whole ass phone."
"Okay.. I did go through it." You look at him and he pretends to be shocked. You laugh, "But that's when I hated you."
"What are you saying? You don't hate me anymore?" Sam smirks and you tilt your head, "Do I have any reason to?"
"Unless you're mad about the four girls, then no." He laughs and you shrug, "You did what you needed to do to get me off your mind."
He sucks air through his teeth, "Yeah, about that."
Your face drops and your heart picks up, oh god, you think, he lied about everything, "what about what?"
"Even when I knew you didn't want me.. I couldn't stop thinking about you."
"Shut up." You laugh slightly and shake your head. He squeezes your hand, "I'm serious y/n. You may be the boring girl who doesn't party and stays back at her dorm to study instead to some people, but to me.. you're the best kind of girl."
His words make your stomach flutter, "Oh." You laugh slightly, "I thought this was going to be a completely different conversation."
He smiles slightly, "I kept up the act because I wasn't sure how this was going to go and plus.. I like getting you going."
"Really?" You squint at him and shake your head, " I didn't notice."
"Really? Hmm. I gotta step up my game." He laughs and rolls the window down before he starts to order.
You tell him what you want and wait for him to finish.
"Thank you." Sam pulls around and lets go of your hand, "Don't go far." He smirks up at you as he reaches into his shorts to pull out his wallet.
"Do you want me to pay yo-"
"Nope." Sam cuts you off with a smirk and you smile, "Thank you." He nods, "Not a problem at all."
"So.." you pause as he pays, speaking back up when he pulls forward, "Question."
"Answer." He looks over at you and you laugh slightly, "the comment.. you made about rarely bringing girls back to your apartment.."
"Honestly. There was one girl there but she was a girl who came with Colby, so she wasn't even my guest, well I mean she was but she wasn't.. mine? I think." He laughs and you nod, "No, I get it."
He sighs, "Good. You make me nervous."
"I make you nervous?" You laugh slightly and he shrugs, "also why I kept up the show. I couldn't let you know you affect my badass exterior."
You roll your eyes, "Please. I always thought you were an asshole."
He laughs and thanks the person at the window before driving off, "Well, I can be."
"There you go. That's a start." You smirk and he rolls his eyes, "Whatever, let's just get you back so you can fill that pretty little head with knowledge for tomorrow."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·
As you wrap up the studying, you stretch your arms above your head, "I feel pretty good about tomorrow."
Sam nods, "Yeah?"
You nod, "Thank you for helping me."
"Does that mean I'm your official, study buddy?" He winks and you smirk, "Maybe. That depends."
"Depends on what?"
You bite your lip and smile, "On if you're going to make me sleep on this couch again."
Sam scoffs, "The offer to sleep in the bed has been there since yesterday." He stands up, "C'mon." You stand up, taking his hand in yours and follow him into the room.
"No funny business." You joke and he holds his hands up, "Not unless you want there to be." He smirks and you pull the blanket back, sitting out to swing your legs onto the bed, "What a gentleman."
He gets in next to you after slipping his shirt off, "what can I say?"
"You can say, Sam, you are such a good guy, I don't know why I ever listened to the rumors about you. You're also a very good looking guy too." He laughs and you sigh, "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say."
"I'll take it." He chuckles and lays on his back, arm behind his head as you lay on your side with your back facing him. Your eyes can the wall, mind racing about everything that's happened.
You bite your lip and roll over to face him. He lays on his side and brushes hair from your face, "What's up?"
"Why didn't you tell me anything sooner?" You look up at him and he shrugs, "Your friend told me to stay away because of the image you had against me."
"But she.." you sigh and shake your head, "Nothing.. goodnight." You go to turn away but his hand on your hip stops you, "What?"
You look back at him, "She told me that I needed to lose my imagine of you and at least I got stuck with you as a partner instead of Nevin."
"She didn't tell you that we texted a few times? Always about you, trust me. You can read them if y-"
You cut him off, "No it's okay. And no.. she didn't tell me."
Sam raises his brows, "Sounds like she's jealous."
"Jealous? Over what?"
"Over me, liking you and not her." Sam smirks, "oh, and because I can do this." He leans in, gently pressing his lips to yours and you freeze.
He pulls away, "Sorry.. too soon?"
You stare at him for a few seconds, "No." you lean back in, pressing your lips to his, "I've actually wanted to see what all the hype was about anyway."
"Doesn't live up to it?" Sam smirks and you sigh, "Yeah, I say it does.”
He smiles, "Alright." His eyes scan over your face and he sighs, "Go to bed."
"You go to bed." You shoot back and he chuckles, "I'll go to bed when you go to bed."
"Fine." You roll over, lying closer to him and he smiles, "Get over here." He lays his arm over your waist and pulls you to him, "you can take my car tomorrow."
"Really?" You bite your lip, "You trust me enough with that thing?" He laughs and nods, resting his chin on your shoulder, "I trust you."
The next morning, you wake up before Sam, anxious about your final. As you're sitting on the edge of the bed, going over problems in your head, you feel a hand gently drag down your back, "You're going to ace this test, y/n."
You look over your shoulder at a still half asleep Sam, "You think?"
"Mhm. I know you will because I helped you study." He smirks and you push him, "I'll thank you when I pass." You smile and get up, checking your phone, "Oh shit. I'm running late."
You quickly get around, pecking Sam on the lips before rushing out the door. You throw your stuff into the car and get in, taking off towards campus.
As soon as you park, you run towards the building and y/f/n stops you, "Whoa, hey y/n. Where the hell have you been?"
You stop and point, "we gotta go. We're going to be late."
She shakes her head, "Professor Fritz postponed it for a half hour. He's running late himself, didn't you check your email?"
You pull your phone out, "No I didn't." You click on the new email that was delivered twenty minutes ago, "Shit. Well. Okay." You sit down on the bench and she sits down next to you, "So you gonna answer my question?"
"About where I've been?" You look over at her and she nods, "uh yeah. That would be the question."
You laugh slightly, "I've been with Sam working on our project."
"You've been with Sam? What do you mean?" She tilts her head and you shrug, "I've been crashing on his couch so we can knock it out as soon as possible, what's the big deal?"
"I just.. the big deal is.. you couldn't stand him three days ago and now you're sleeping on his couch?" She scoffs, "You hate him, y/n."
"What happened to me needing to get over the stupid reason as to why I hate him? You were so hell bent on me being okay with Sam?" You stare at her and she shakes her head, "That's before I knew just how much of an asshole he actually is. You were right."
"Actually. I was wrong."
"What do you mean?"
"Why didn't you tell me that he texted you about me?" You watch as her face goes pale and you can visibly see her stumbling over finding what to say, "I-I don't know.. I don't know what you're talking about."
"I seen the texts, y/f/n, and Sam also told me about them. Why didn't you just tell me that he likes me?" You wait for her to answer, but she doesn't so you sigh, "Look.. I get it."
"Get what?" She snaps and you shrug, "You like Sam. Right?"
"Who wouldn't?" She laughs, "I mean.. yeah. I guess I do, or did. I was just jealous I guess? I don't know." She shakes her head and looks at you, "Wait."
You raise your brows and she points, "Isn't that Sam's car?" She looks from the car to you, "Why are you driving it?"
"He told me I could. He also helped me study when you bailed on me."
"Sorry about that." She sighs, "I'm sorry about not telling you about Sam.. I guess I just let my jealousy of him wanting you instead get to me."
You thought for a moment, debating on whether or not you felt her apology was genuine, "I just.. I wouldn't have done that to you."
"No I know. And I knew that I just.. I'm sorry."
You see the doors open up and you stand up, "I gotta go." You turn, walking towards the now open doors.
During the test, Sam was heavy on your mind.
How he looked while helping you study for these questions.
His smile when you got one right.
His eyes, how they watched you as you thought about your answers.
The way his hands felt on your body when he held you all night long.
You blinked, taking a deep breath as you went back to trying to focus on your test, but it was hard. The fact that Sam really wasn't the popular fuckboy you thought he was all because he was too scared to be rejected by you, makes you really want him more.
"Thirty minutes."
You sighed quietly at the professors warning and made yourself crack down on finishing this final.
Once time was up and tests were collected, the professor stands up from his desk, "You should all know whether you passed or failed within an hour. You're dismissed."
You grab your bag, digging out Sam's keys before getting up. Y/f/n stops in front of you, "Hey wait."
"I gotta get back. I still have to finish my other final." You look up at her and she sighs, "How can I make this up to you?"
You shrug, "When I think of it, I'll let you know."
And with that, you head out to the car, making your way back to Sam's apartment. You never thought y/f/n would do something like this.
It honestly felt like a stab in the back and you didn't know how to feel other than mad.
You make your way inside and open the door. Sam looks at you from the couch, "Hey. How'd it go?"
You smirk slightly as you shut the door, "The part where I tested or the part where I called y/f/n out on being a backstabbing friend?"
He switches the tv off and raises his eyebrows, "You really called her out?"
You nod, "She said that she was jealous over you wanting me instead."
"She wanted me?" He laughs slightly, "Ah. I see."
You walk over and sit down next to him, "Yeah. She said she let her jealous rage come between us. She apologized and then asked how she can make it up to me.."
"What did you say?" Sam reaches over and twirls a piece of your hair. You sigh, "I told her when I think of something I'd let her know and then I left."
He shakes his head, "She messed up."
You nod, "She sure did. I actually kinda like you."
"Kinda? Yikes, okay." Sam laughs and you smile, "you're not so bad after all. I just don't understand why she would tell me I need to get over it if she was keeping how you felt away from me." You shake your head, "I don't know. She should have known the truth was going to come out sooner or later."
"Glad it was sooner." Sam smiles and pulls you to him, "Gimme a kiss."
You peck his lips and he shakes his head, "Um no. I said a kiss." He smiles as you smile and you lay your hand on his cheek as your lips gently move with his.
You lean back, "How was that?"
He shrugs, "It was kinda alright." He smirks and you push his shoulder, "Rude."
He laughs and brushes your arm, "It was amazing."
You smile and look down as your phone goes off, "Oh. That's so early." You look up at Sam and reach for your laptop, "My test results are in."
You click into your email and take a deep breath, "Okay." You wait for it to load and Sam moves over next to you, watching at the circle spins around and around, "I hate that it takes forever."
You nod, "Yeah, me too." You nervously chew on your nail and shove your computer into Sam's lap, "I can't look."
"Okay. I gotcha. Hang on." He lays a hand on your knee, "Still loa- oh. Okay. Here we go." His eyes move down over the screen and you hold your breath, waiting for him to deliver the news.
He looks up at you and a slow smile grows on his face, "You passed."
"I-I.. passed?" You ask in disbelief. He turns the laptop around and nods, "You sure did."
Without any hesitation, you lean forward, crashing your lips into his.
And it's an instant heat.
He moves the laptop, pulling you onto his lap fully, "What are you doing?" He mumbles between kissing you. You lean back slightly, "i guess I just really want to know what you're like in bed."
He chuckles and nods, "Yeah?"
"Do you not want to?" You go to move off of him but he stops you, grinding his hips up and he watches as your lips part, "I didn't say I didn't want to."
His hand slides to the back of your neck and pulls you down, closing the space between you. He swings you over, laying you down as his body moves on top of yours.
Your legs wrap around his waist and your hand runs through his hair, "Please." You whimper quietly as he kisses down your neck, "Sam."
"Please Sam what, baby?" He leans up, smirking down at you. You pout, "You know what."
He leans up, biting his lip as he undoes your pants and your hips raise as he pulls them down, throwing them onto the floor before he takes off his own shirt and works his shorts down.
Your eyes scan up and down his body as he's a lot hotter than you thought.
"Like what you see?"
You blink a few times, breaking the stare from his torso as you look up at him with a slight laugh, "Yeah actually. I do."
You sit up, taking off your shirt before laying back. Sam's brow twitches and he sighs, "Yeah, I like what I'm seeing too."
He leans down, cock pushing against your panty covered pussy and you whine, "Sam.. please." You look at him, "Fuck me."
He hooks his fingers in the band of your panties and pulls them down, quickly discarding his boxers and his body is quick to hover above yours.
All of the hateful things you thought about Sam are gone, right in this moment.
It was just you and him.
He was all you needed.
He slowly pushes his cock into you and lets out a groan that mixes perfectly with your moan, “Sam.”
His hand grips your outer thigh as it wraps around his waist and he leans down to kiss you. You rest a hand on his cheek, “You feel so good.”
He smiles against your lips, “You feel even better.” He starts to slowly pull out and thrust back in, groaning as his pace builds up.
You clench around him, moaning and gasping as you feel so close to breaking, “S-so close.”
“You can do it, come on baby.” He kisses your neck, biting and nipping, “Cum for me.”
You wrap an arm around his neck, clinging to him as your body tenses and twitches, “Fuck. Fuck. F-fu-“ you moan loudly, digging your nails into his back and dragging up.
He groans as the pain from your nails almost sends him right along with you.
“Fucking hell, y/n.” He roughly kisses you as he fucks you through your high, “I-I’m go-“ he moans into your mouth, gasping as his thrusts grow sloppy, “Shit.”
He pulls out and you feel him spill over your stomach. You cup his cheeks, kissing him as he relaxes.
He leans up, looking down at his mess on you and he sighs, "You look so fucking hot like this." His hand drags down your thigh and you bite your lip, "I don't have any plans."
"I'm taking that as a challenge." He chuckles and you shrug, "Take it however just as long as we're naked in that bed."
"Come on." He grabs your hand and pulls you up, "Well clean up later." He winks and drags you into his bedroom, shutting the door with a slam.
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
I just want to give a huge thank you for all the patience. December has NOT been easy for me whatsoever, but the constant support and nice messages mean the absolute world to me. So I thank each and every one of you for that. <3
Likes and reblogs are appreciated
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The Stanleys Parable.
Look at the six of them. Stanleys don't usually coming packs.
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morbiderotica · 1 year
─ ★ just thinking about you and bsf!light having a casual hook up thing going on. study sessions turn into him bending you over his desk, fucking you dumb with his cock while you try to be quieter than a mouse because his entire family is downstairs. or when you stay the night and light offers to let you sleep in his bed with him and just when he's sure everyone's asleep he'll press his chest against your back. sliding his hand into your panties. or when light is too busy doing homework so you sit on his lap and kiss and bite his neck until he finally gives in. undoing his tie and wrapping it around your wrists.
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routeless-writer · 1 year
tw: blood play paired with biting, ptsd/angst with comfort mention (both sides), bdsm/scene/domdrop and use of safeword, gender neutral mc.
Consider: sex with Lilia Vanrouge.
Sex with Lilia Vanrouge when he comes home from one of his travels. he’s been gone for a week and left you to watch the boys, and you both missed each other terribly despite it only being a few days. he hugs you tight when he comes home and before he can even give you the souvenirs he got for you he kisses you, and kisses you and kisses you and it just becomes an unstoppable flow of all the love he had to give you while he was gone that he bottled up for you, and before you know it you’re in his bed and he’s leaving little marks on you to remind you that no matter how far away he his, he’s always yours. You’re always his. You’re always each other’s.
Sex with Lilia Vanrouge when he’s between your legs for hours on end, and then inside you for even more. He’s teased you all day, not letting you cum, taking away the high right before it hits, just to finally snap and lose all his composure because you give him that look that sends shivers down his spine and blood straight to his cock and he holds you down and rams into you after what seems like an eternity of slow pumping. Your climax crashes over the both of you and he lays there, kissing your neck as you catch your breath.
Sex with Lilia Vanrouge for the first time. sex with Lilia for your first time. it’s his thousandth, surely with the way his hands so expertly trace your dips and curves and sharp edges in ways that you’ve never known from anyone. he tells you that you’re in good hands, that he knows the body well, that he wants to know your body better than anyone else. he’s gentle as he pulls you close by your hips and leans down to press kisses to your waist.
Sex with Lilia when you’re exhausted and he’s just in a mood to give you head until you pass out and can sleep properly that night, where you say you’d feel bad not giving him any, and he shuts you up quick by telling you that this is what he wants tonight, that he doesn’t need to finish, he just wants to taste you and watch you writhe underneath him until the relaxation can wash over you and you can be at peace for once after days of chasing after your classmates. And he does, and it works, because he knows you.
Sex with Lilia when you’ve been in pain, so much emotional and physical pain, for years and years of being used by others and all he wants is to show you how much he loves you, how no words can ever describe how deeply he cares for you and wants to take care of you like you take care of him. So he uses his tongue and his teeth and his lips and his fingers and gives you everything he has to give in the bed with you to show you how much he loves you. You’re a commitment to him, he knows you’re the one, and he wants you to know that you can be free of all that pain now.
Sex with Lilia when he’s having a very very bad day, and needs to know that you’re real, that all the good things he has now are real, that all the suffering was for something because he can hold his little human and trace his hands along their thighs in the privacy of his own home and you’re both safe. That nothing is going to rip you away. That he’s just as loved and just as cared for as he loves and cares for you, that you think he’s just as beautiful as he sees you.
Sex with Lilia after he dyes your hair in his bathroom with him. You both wash out your dye in a freezing cold shower and how can he not take the opportunity to grab your ass a little? Your nipples are perked from the chill and he leans in to give them a nibble. You both giggle and get out and dry off, and he offers to warm you up.
Sex with Lilia where he’s doing a scene with you and he’s the dom and he calls the safeword because he had a flashback and suddenly can’t bring himself to use the toys he laid out for you. You hold him as he gets misty eyed and kiss his tears away, telling him you’re okay, telling him he’s okay, that you’re not hurt. Helping him through such a harsh domdrop and telling him to breathe, in and out, that nothing is wrong. You’re not mad.
Sex with Lilia after playfully asking him to bite you, and he happily obliges. He kisses you until you’re breathless, trailing them down your jaw to your neck, nibbling and sucking on the skin and leaving dark hickies before he sinks his fangs in. He hums contentedly as he feels you squirm underneath him, and laps up the last of the blood. Some of it spills onto your pillow. He can’t help but tell you how sweet you are, and can’t help but wonder how sweet you are elsewhere.
Sex with Lilia Vanrouge.
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oftenoffler · 1 month
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Someone stop me
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daily-basil · 6 months
💠 He's a fine gentleman
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littlekittyboards · 9 days
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Simon Henriksson (Cry of Fear) Stimboard with themes of abandoned places for a sysmate of ours!
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tempvstas · 5 months
Your hand in my hand~
"I could never choose to love another."
RIDDLE, Ace, DEUCE, Ruggie, Jack, AZUL, Floyd, KALIM, ROOK, Epel, MALLEUS, LILIA, Sebek
"Maybe one day I could learn to love you too."
CATER, Trey, LEONA, Jade, JAMIL, Vil, IDIA, Silver
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the-slap-updates · 7 months
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#Proposal Fake Outs Am I Right?
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songbirdemojis · 8 months
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my most genuine reaction to mutuals interacting with me. /uil
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yourfavisproendo · 19 days
Your Fav is Pro Endo
Submit any character from any fandom and I'll edit them over a plurality flag
If it's a niche character or if their name is common, submit their fandom as well
If I get multiple requests for the same character in rapid succession I'll only do one
Unless they're different labels (e.g. Venom is an endogenic system, Venom is a mixed-origins system, etc.)
If I get multiple requests for the same fandom in rapid succession I'll put them together
Unless they're all different labels (e.g. Doctor Strange is pro-endo traumagenic, Venom is mixed-origins, Iron Man is non-disordered tg, etc.)
Things I'll Do:
Pro-endo (simple) - the default if you haven't specified, the character placed just an endo flag
Pro-Endo Traumagenic
Mixed Origins
Any origin
Non-disordered traumagenic
Disordered endogenic
Non-disordered endogenic
Anything else basically, just provide a flag or a link to a flag if it's new or obscure
Anti-endos (obviously)
Radqueers/transid and terfs
Yeah that's basically it. No fandom dni or anything
Hate slides off me like a duck covered in oil. I've heard it all before come at me bro. I'm also not afraid to use the block button ^_^
If I do one from a problematic creator or media, kindly let me know. I don't support anyone who makes the media that's requested, I just work here /ref
I also won't do anything of real people (e.g. i won't do "Billy Joel is pro-endo"), but characters of real people (bands/artists, mcyt characters, etcetera) are allowed (e.g. "chonny jash's characters are pro-endo", "ranboo from dsmp is pro-endo")
Mod info:
Hey guys, call me IO! My pronouns are they/them and xey/xer. I'm a mixed origins fictive-heavy system who's sick and tired of anti endo bullshit 💚 I'll sign off as Mod Ore and I'll be mostly doing the modding on this blog. Feel free to say hi ^_^
[What's up guys I'm Mod Electric. He/It or mirror pronouns. That's all you need to know]
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