#» การดลใจ ; Aesthetic
faemoria · 3 years
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faemoria-arch · 5 years
Shakespearean Aesthetics
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𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨  &.  𝐣𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐭.    suburban  july.  scraped  knees.  bruised  knuckles.  blood in your teeth.  bare  feet  on  hot  concrete. restlessness.  your  high  school’s  empty  parking lot. love  poems  in  your  diary.  a  window  open  to  coax  in  the  breeze.  BURNING INSIDE.  an  ill - fitting  party  dress.  a  t - shirt  you  cut  up  yourself.  the  time  you  tried  to  give  yourself  bangs.  biking  to  your  friends  house. bubble  gum. gas  station  ice.  the  feeling  that  you’ve  met  before. rebellion.  a  car  radio  playing  down  the  street.  cheap  fireworks. a  heart  drawn  on  the  inside  of  your  wrist  with  a  sharpie.  switchblades.  red  solo  cups.  dancing  in  your  bedroom.  screaming  yourself  hoarse.  running  out  of  options.  the  forlorn  looking  basketball  hoop  at  the  end  of  a  cul - de - sac.  climbing  onto  your  roof  at  night  while  your  parents  are  asleep.  flip - flops.  a  eulogy  written  on  loose - leaf.  the  merciless  noontime  sun.
𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐞𝐭.   speaking  in  a  whisper.   holding  your  breath. a  browning  garden. a  half  remembered  story.  furniture  covered  with  sheets. fog  at  dawn, mist  at  twilight. losing  touch.  the  ethereal  space  between  winter  and  spring.  the  soft  skin  at  your  temple. the  crack  in  the  hallway  mirror. things  you’d  say  if  you  knew  the  words. uncombed  hair. books  with  writing  in  the  margins.  books  with  cracked  spines.  books  with  lines  scratched  out.  prayers  on  all  souls’  day.  a  chipped  ceramic  bathtub. a  cold  stone  floor.  THE UNCOMFORTABLE AWARENESS OF YOUR OWN HEARTBEAT.  the  sparrow  that  got  in  your  house. shadows.  the  creek  you  played  in  as  a  child.  a  dirty  night  gown.  an  oversized  t - shirt.  a  collection  of  your  favorite  words.  soil  beneath  your  nails. ghost  stories.  the  strangeness  of  your  own  name  in  your  mouth. deep  silence.  exhaustion. a  cliff  with  a  long,  long  drop  down.
𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐟𝐭𝐡  𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.   wicker  deck  furniture.  new  england  summer.  large  sunglasses  and  a  blonde  bob. a  storm  over  the  ocean.  patio  umbrellas  flapping  in  the  wind.  the  smell  of  chlorine.  muffled  laughter.  sarcasm.  starched  cuffs.  day  drinking.  bay  windows. the  idea  of  love. love  for  the  idea  of  love.  love  for  love’s  sake.  hangovers.  wandering  over  the  sand  dunes.  a  vagabond  with  a  guitar.  fishermen  with  tattoos. a  pretty  boy  with  a  slacked  tie. a  lighthouse. growing  too  close.  boat  shoes. FEELING YOURSELF CHANGE.  big,  floppy  sunhats.  double - speak.  a  song  you  keep  listening  to. turning  red  under  their  gaze.  margaritas  drank  on  an  inflatable  pool  lounger.  string  lights  on  a  balmy  night.  sleepy  june  days. fights  you’re  unprepared  for. hope  you  weren’t  expecting.  pranks  that  go  too  far.  bad  poetry.  pining.  becoming  less  of  a  stranger.
𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡.  the  space  where  your  grief  used  to  be. a  bird  that’s  lost  an  eye.  old  blood  stains.   heavy  blinds.  the  smell  of  sweat. the  stillness  after  a  battle. a  fake  smile.  a  curse.  the  taste  of  metal  at  the  back  of  your  tongue.  your  house,  unfamiliar  in  the  dark.  a  dusty  crib.  the  smell  of  sulfur.  an  orange  pill  bottle.  streaks  in  the  sink.  a  black  cocktail  dress.  your  hand  on  the  doorknob,  shaking.  a  chilly  breeze.  crunching  from  the  gravel  driveway  on  a  moonless  night.  clenched  hands. a  rusty  swing  set.  a  flashing  digital  clock  stuck  on  12 : 00.  a  snake  that  crosses  your  path. an  owl  that  watches  you.  a  dog  that  runs  when  you  approach.  red  smoke,  dark  clouds.  cool  steel. tile  floors.  footsteps  in  the  hallway  late  at  night.  a  baggy  suit  that  used  to  fit  before.  visions.  insomnia  headaches. nursery  rhymes. BEING TOO FAR IN TO GO BACK NOW.
𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡  𝐚𝐝𝐨  𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭  𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠.   the  high  drama  of  small  towns. a  pickup  truck.  military  supply  duffel  bags  in  the  hall,  hugs  all  around. tulip  bulbs.  a  wraparound  porch.  a  pitcher  of  iced  tea.  a  rubber  halloween  mask. someone  on  your  level. ill - timed  proclamations.  stomach  clenching  laughter.  rushing  in. not  minding  your  business. crepe  paper.  white  lies.  SECRETS WRITTEN DOWN AND THEN THROWN AWAY.  southern  hospitality.  homemade  curtains  in  the  kitchen.  a  sink  full  of  roses. hiding  in  the  bushes.  old  friends.  the  wedding  dress  your  grandma  wore,  and  her  mama  before  her.  a  dog - eared  rhyming  dictionary.  chamomile  with  honey.  the  intimacy  of  big  parties.  lawn  flamingos. gossip.  a  crowded  church. friendly  rivalries.  unfriendly  rivalries.  shit  getting  real.   love  at  five  hundredth  sight.     not  realizing  you’re  home  until  you’re  there.
𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫.   cement  block  buildings.  power  lines  that  birds  never  perch  on.  the  end  of  the  world.  useless  words.  rainless  thunder,  heat  lighting,  a  too  big  sky. arthritic  knuckles.  broken  glass.  chalk  cliffs. the  pulsing  red - black  behind  closed  eyes. something  you  learned  too  late.  wet  mud  that  sucks  up  your  shoes  while  you  walk.  a  cold  stare.  empty  picture  frames.  empty  prayers.  the  obscenity  of  seeing  your  parents  cry.  a  treeless  landscape.  bloody  rags. grappling  in  the  dark  with  reaching  hands.  THE SHARPNESS AT THE TIP OF YOUR TEETH. the  blown  out  windows  of  a  skeletal  house.  decay.  jokes  that  aren’t  jokes.  biting  your  tongue. prophecies.  aching  muscles,  tired  feet.  stinging  rain.  invoking  the  gods.  wondering  if  the  gods  are  listening.  worrying  that  the  gods  are  dead.  white  noise.  shivers.  numbness.  the  unequivocal  feeling  of  ending.
𝐚  𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫  𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭’𝐬  𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦.   the  smell  of  wet  soil  and  dead  leaves.  listening  to  music  on  headphones  with  your  eyes  closed.  wildflowers.  the  distant  sparkle  of  lightning  bugs.  a  pill  someone  slipped  you.  fear  that  turns  into  excitement. EXCITEMENT THAT TURNS INTO FRENZY.  mossy  tree  trunks.  a  pair  of  yellow  eyes  in  the  darkness.  night  swimming.  moonlight  through  the  leaves.  a  bass  beat  in  your  chest.  a  butterfly  landing  on  your  nose.  a  kiss  from  a  stranger.   a  dark  hallow  in  an  old  tree.  glow  in  the  dark  paint.  drinking  on  an  empty  stomach.  a  twig  breaking  behind  you.  spinning  until  you’re  dizzy.  finding  glitter  on  your  body  and  not  remembering  where  it  came  from.  an  overgrown  path  through  the  woods.  cool  dew  on  your  skin.  a  dream  that  fades  with  waking. moths  drawn  to  the  light.  giving  yourself  over,  completely. afterglow. the  long,  loving,  velvety  night.
tagged  by.  @melancholeyes​ tagging.  @rulesfear​ @wildgcd​ @defensator​ @materxnatura​ @deadlcrd​ + you ! tag me ♥
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faemoria-arch · 5 years
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how much does survival hurt ?
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faemoria-arch · 5 years
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bold what applies.
I. THE FAIRY.  chipped nail polish. glitter highlight. tall trees with smooth bark.  tangled hair. the taste of cinnamon sugar.  talking too loud and too fast. overgrown flowers in your hair. crumbling buildings reclaimed by nature.  flirting.  walking home at 3am with no coat. platonic hand-holding.  blowing smoke out of your nose. dragonfly wings.  chaotic good. freckles.  fairy rings. secret meetings.  gender nonconformity.  leather. smudged eyeliner.  forbidden fruit.
II. THE REAPER. computer errors.  a shiver down your spine.  haunting beauty. hard liquor.  crowns of thorns.  shadowed alleyways.  decaying plant matter. shattered mirrors and broken glass.  corrupted memories. stopped clocks.  the scent of stale cigarettes.  tattered black hoodies. walking your friends home.  the crescent moon.  the sea.  a graveyard on a foggy day. cold rings on cold fingers.  absolution.  looking out the window of an airplane.  soft kisses.
III. THE WITCH. graffiti.  pretending to know what you’re doing.  worn paperback books. growing up too fast. parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.  lace and combat boots. moth wings.  candles on every surface.  a weathered deck of cards.  turning the music up. fireflies in jars. calloused fingers.  drawing on your skin.  sunlight filtering through clouds. petrichor.  a dying rose in a jar.  wearing a crystal pendant.  illusions and spells. black cats.  mint gum.  chapped lips.  dirt under your fingernails. the cycle of life and death.
IV. THE WOLF. murders of crows.  frost-bitten leaves. wolves howling at midnight. knocking on your door. leaving food out for stray animals. the twang of an acoustic guitar. honey. tiny red buds on trees.  claw marks on the walls.  golden eyes. slightly too long stubble. sharp canines.  soft, thick fur. hunger. a small cottage in the middle of the woods.  knitted fingerless gloves.  sleeping on the forest floor.  always finding your way back home.
stolen from : i don’t remember i had it saved in my drafts tagging : ( just a handful of the usual nerds ) @rulesfear @enigmatias @catncore @galrannoodle @blackasteriia @maenadian @materxnatura @mammaterasu @devotedretribution @wildgcd @dawnled and also *finger guns @ u*
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faemoria-arch · 5 years
TAGGED: @wildgcd​ ( /loves upon sadie ) TAGGING: usually i try to but .. ... i’m too lazy today sorry PLS TAKE THIS AND TAG ME .
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HONEY AND LEMON or milk and sugar // musicals or PLAYS // LEMONADE or iced tea // strawberries or RASPBERRIES // WINTER or summer // beaches or FORESTS // diners or CAFÉS // unicorns or DRAGONS // GEMSTONES or and CRYSTALS // HUMMINGBIRDS or owls // FIREWORKS or sparklers // BRUNCH or happy hour // sweet or SOUR // ROME or amsterdam // CLASSIC or modern art // SUSHI or ramen // sun or MOON // polka dots or STRIPES // MACAROONS or croissants // GLITTER or matte // degas or SEURAT // AQUARIUMS or planetariums // road trip or CAMPING TRIP // colouring books or WATERCOLOUR // FAIRY LIGHTS or and CANDLES
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faemoria-arch · 6 years
bold what applies to your muse and repost. do not reblog.
tagged by: I stole this from someone like 6 months ago probably tagging: you , if you haven’t done it before
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SNOW WHITE. jade trinket boxes. taste of iron. fingertips on a mirror.  yellow and green with envy. long handled hunting knives.  sewing by the window.  combs laced with pearls and poison. an apple white one side and red the other.  white doves. frosted glass.
THE MAIDEN WITHOUT HANDS. a blunt axe.  a ring of chalk. tear-stained cheeks. sweet pears. hands tied behind back. shallow rivers. aching feet, walking for days. flowing gowns. liquid silver. wax seals. blinding lights.
THE THREE LITTLE GNOMES IN THE FOREST. lukewarm bath water. sapphire butterflies. tiny milk snakes. baskets of strawberries.  fat toads. sparkling snow. fur cloaks. raw gemstones. kettles made of copper.  red wine. a tiny cottage in the middle of nowhere.
BLUE BEARD. a tiny key made of gold. pools of blood. stains that won’t rub away. galloping hooves. treasures from far away lands. dragging by the hair. dark and damp cellars. marble walls. shivering with fear. screaming at the top of your lungs.
THE SIX SWANS. sitting side-saddle.  daughter of a witch.  nettles. white feathers. refusing to smile. needles and threads.  a castle in the forest.  sound of beating wings. birthmarks.  climbing trees. balls of yarn.  silver crowns.
LITTLE RED CAP. wildflowers.  rich-tasting cake.  wicker baskets. the path rarely trod.  sharp teeth. curtains drawn.  a dying fireplace. grey pelts.  red velvet.  handmade quilts. sunlight peeking through branches. opening corks with a satisfying pop. looking someone directly in the eye.
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