# Araceae
thebashfulbotanist · 2 months
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This weird plant is the recently described Bolivian endemic Gorgonidium striatum. Endemic means it's native to only one place and nowhere else - in this case, tropical rainforests on the eastern Andean slopes in Bolivia. As a member of the family Araceae, it has a spadix and spathe inflorescence, which means it has a spike of many tiny flowers (here they're dark purple-brown) surrounded by a big bract (modified leaf), which here is both mottled and striped with green, cream, and a bit of purple. It's an interesting one!
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syngoniums · 1 year
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Synandrospadix vermitoxicus, glaucous form.
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Swamp fans rejoice! Three wetland aroid pins for all your hydric habitats:
-Wild calla
-Western skunk cabbage
-Eastern skunk cabbage
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spatheandspadix · 8 months
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First flowering skunk cabbage of 2024!
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los-plantalones · 5 months
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One of my favorite wildflowers!
Jack-in-the-pulpit is native to eastern north america and begins flowering around this time. Why is it one of my favorites? Well besides the fact that I ADORE arums and/or plants that smell like literal trash to seduce their victims, but also…
1) Jacks have the ability to switch between sexes (say the plant is female that year, but becomes stressed or diseased… it may become male the next year (typically old or large Jacks are female, and male Jacks are small or young). How delightful is that?!
2) SNEAKY MURDER GIRLS! Males have a small hole the bottom of their spathe (hood that covers their flower cluster), so that pollinators can escape and spread their pollen. BUT females have no escape hole in their spathe so anything that falls in is trapped forever, making successful pollination more likely.
*Sometimes female Jacks are referred to as Jills but I think that’s stupid. 🙂
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faguscarolinensis · 26 days
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Caladium bicolor 'Red Flash' / 'Red Flash' Heart of Jesus at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University in Durham, NC
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dailybotany · 1 year
had my first day of plant systematics today and man. I'm so excited for this class. Day one and I received two pieces of information that blew my socks off in two different ways:
1. We will be going to see Isoetes in the field! and
2. Duckweed (Lemna) is in the freakin' ARACEAE family?!?!? Yknow. Corpse flower and skunk cabbage? Calla lily? Thermogenesis? Stinky? LARGE and in charge? And this is why morphological classification is on such thin fuckin ice. Man. I'm reeling. I love learning new things about plants because they will ALWAYS surprise me.
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agavex · 9 months
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Mouse tail plant (Arisarum proboscideum). April 2023.
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quietachene · 1 year
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wenbochenphoto · 1 year
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It doesn't look like a wild species, but more like a tropical nursery cultivar. I don't know much about #Araceae; guess it is a Schismatoglottis sp.? (West Sumatra, 800m)
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syngoniums · 3 months
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Amorphophallus ongsakulii. I've decided to keep the small tuberous aroids indoors this year. Most will tolerate the heat, but with these small tubers and pots, it's a fine balance between keeping them from getting too dry, and keeping them from staying so moist that it encourages rot. Even if you stay on top of that, they tend to go dormant by July or August, when the heat is extreme. It's a lot of stress on them. This plant didn't bloom last year, so we're already looking better.
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love-for-carnation · 5 months
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Naturaleza muerta con claveles, 1943 Ricardo Martínez (1918–2009, Mexican)
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francescointoppa · 2 years
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A - Arisarum vulgare O.Targ.Tozz. - Arisaro comune (Araceae)
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spatheandspadix · 7 months
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Hangin out with the boyz
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echoed-stimboards · 1 year
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Arknights OC - Araceae
(Araceae and art belongs to @utaite-mun, Happy birthday!!!)
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faguscarolinensis · 3 months
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Spathiphyllum wallisii / Peace Lily at the Denver Botanic Gardens in Denver, CO
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