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@kitxkatrp asked: 🔥 "not so innocent gift" – muse a surprises muse b with a valentine’s gift… but it’s not safe for work. (Obi and Maika--villa verse) 💋 valentine's day inspired meme.
"Awww, dear~" She knew that they didn't ALWAYS enjoy how their body seemed to work after everything they had been through. But it was moments like these that she could appreciate. She supposed that she had been constantly working for the last few weeks, and a break was something she had needed in that time.
What a better way to relax?
"Is someone watching Hayate, then? Are we really getting all of this to... Ourselves?~"
#|Trigger|Smuttish|#kitxkatrp#kitxkatrp|Obi#The reflection being looked upon|Snow White with the Red Hair#The galaxy gifts a reply|Maika Chifufu Ask Answered#Touched by infinity|Maika Chifufu#A torture chamber of a home|SWWRH Villa Verse Maika Chifufu
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@kitxkatrp asked: STRADDLE ]: sender sits in receivers lap to tease them. Dazai to Oda * ― ﴾ 𝚗𝚜𝚏𝚠 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚜 ﴿ : 𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐘 𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.
Oda found himself looking at the one in his lap at this moment, surprised by the action for the longest moment. It wasn't like him to do something like this, especially when there was little reason for it. But when he was able to get a proper look at the other, he quickly realized what exactly the reasoning was-
He felt himself smile ever so slightly.
"Are you enjoying yourself, Dazai?"
#|Trigger|Smuttish|#kitxkatrp#kitxkatrp|Dazai Osamu#Infinite worlds|Bungou Stray Dogs#Infinite being|In Character Sakunosuke Oda#Flawless.|Sakunosuke Oda Main Verse#The infinite has answered|Sakunosuke Oda Ask Answered
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Fisk the Rabbit
Warning for multiple possibly triggering things in this. Fisk is one of the MOST fucked up characters in my personal roster due to her past, along with her current scenario. Please keep this in mind.
Fisk is a brown, mobian lop rabbit with dark brown spots on various parts of her body. The tips of her ears, a thin border around her eyes, and lightly spotted on her arms and legs. This also matches her hair, usually pulled back into a ponytail to keep it out of the way. Her muzzle color is extremely pale, and that color matches the oval that consists of the midfront of her body, as well as underneath the little pom-tail she has.
While her eyes were naturally a color that would've matched her darker brown features, they now are, instead, ruby red. Though, at times, some could swear that they look more like a glowing crimson.
If anyone where to ask about her, little would be exactly. . . Known about her. She had appeared one day, randomly, and just kinda. . . Stuck around. While initially a bit of an asshole, she's softened up over time. Despite being far from the best person in the world, she still cares about others. . . 'Moral obligation', she calls it.
She is not in any databases, and no one recalls her any time prior to her arrival to various areas and doing certain things. This makes her seem like an anomaly to most. She also never directly talks about her past to most people, with very few exceptions.
She, most of the time, can be seen spending her days around various GUN buildings, being a general pain in the ass, but also causing GUN members to quit on a regular basis. The rabbit quite enjoys the irritation this causes the higher-ups, and doesn't intend to stop anytime soon. After all. . . She can't help it if GUN is a bunch of useless assholes-
In truth, she had been kidnapped when she was but a small kit, by a being she doesn't know much about, even to this day. She was almost always out of it, unable to comprehend reality from fiction. Made to go into various highs and lows over the years.
Her very being was look upon, tweaked and changed in ways that most tests had failed before this point. One would question. . . How does one change the essence of a soul? Is the soul ever the same after? Or is it still. . . Mobian?
She was meant to be the answer to these kinds of questions for the being that had ahold of her. Surviving out of pure willpower, and even just the instinct to survive even when it ran out. Her pure ability to live though such things was what made her one of the favorites, the preferred of the subjects that they had obtained over the years.
Or, at the very least, the most recent one until she got away.
This time when her soul was tweaked and tormented like this caused permanent effects on both her mind and body. The least of the issues would be the identification marker, drilled and screwed into her left hand's bones so it could never, truly, disappear. A constant reminder that she wasn't ever quite alone.
Many nerves in her body no longer work as they used to. Most of them are prolonged or lessened, with the worst being her ears. under extreme duress, they can twitch and try to perk up, but it tends to be painful if anything.
She finds herself constantly needing a particular kind of release, at least once a day. More if she's stressed. She never takes it forcefully, even when she's unable to get the release she needs. Despite it all, she cares about the consent of others, and will always make sure that is reached before doing anything with another.
She values little of herself and constantly questions her existence because of the things that had happened. Wondering what she did wrong, or how things could've been different. And so, she finds herself wanting to help others out, but also not be noticed at the same time. Usually, this lets her end up looking like the bad guy most of the time, even with her good intentions. It doesn't help she's willing to dig deep to ultimately do some good for the world.
However, the most notable thing is the fact that she can now commit gravity manipulation and has a constant excess of energy.
She seems to draw it from people and things around her, but never enough to make notable damage occur unless she is in the same exact spot for a prolonged period. The most notable way to think of it would be akin to how the world was drained in Lost World. However, due to this being so slow in general, this tends to never actually be seen.
Her gravity manipulation has been mastered over the years, and she uses it for various things. From being able to simply move things, to boosting herself forward when running. From simply being able to make a person slow or stop moving when she focuses enough. . . To being able to make their breath get taken away if she so wished. Both a blessing and a curse, one she rarely uses unless she feels the need to.
However, this is how her energy gets dispersed, seemingly back into the world around her like she had taken it. And with it constantly building, it can grow into an uncontrollable amount, even for her. This is what the intended purpose was for the capabilities. . . When under an extreme amount of stress, and she has been unable to release her energy via this manipulation, she will. . . Blow up.
She does her best to contain this when it happens, but there has been evidence, by the one who had taken her, that she could go as far as to be able to blow up Station Square in its entirety, if not further.
She can live through this, much to her horror, but she does tend to be exhausted and unable to continue on herself. This makes her view on herself even worse, as she doesn't understand why someone would want another being to be able to do. . . That.
Her ultimate goal is to get rid of the facilities that are all over the planet that he uses to test on others. She never wants another person to have to suffer under his hands if she can help it.
#|Experimentation|Trigger|#|Drugs|Trigger|#|Gore|Trigger|#|Smuttish|Trigger|#Born to suffer; And shall continue to do so|OC Headcanon#The victor shall write the tale; and the vanquished become it's villain|Kiwi#The screams; Yells; Begging for a savior; The only thing to be found are a bunch of talking animals|StH Headcanon
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@wxrld-xf-cxts from here
It had been so long since she had allowed herself to do this.
She knew it wasn’t healthy to be holding such a thing in, but when did she ever get a chance to do it without excusing herself and possibly causing concern? But now had been the perfect time, and while she had intentions on doing some other, more important tasks, the look that Ele had given her, and the stern way she had went about insisting that she cared for herself, she knew she had no choice.
Marie was in a Pokeball, so she had protection, and Beauti and Ele took the others elsewhere to explore and play. She trusted the two of them, so she felt as if everything would be alright regarding her pokemon-filled family.
So, she took advantage of the chance.
But it was easier said than done. Even though it had been a while, it felt... Difficult. She was eventually able to get herself into the mood, but to be able to get off? She wasn’t sure if she could manage it before N came back...
Leaned up against the tree, she looked up and took a quiet breath. Considering her dress was up, of course it was obvious what she was doing. Face still flushed, she removed her hand, trying to figure out any sort of way to make this easier for herself.
“It’s not healthy to hold it... I know...” She quietly muttered to herself, “I can’t do it...”
She supposed she should likely clean off her hand and make herself look representable again....
#|Trigger|Smuttish|#|Trigger|Smut|#wxrld-xf-cxts#wxrld-xf-cxts|N#VERSE 1 - MAIN. |Dianne Simmon Main Verse#The infinite pokemuse|Dianne Simmon
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@wxrld-xf-cxts asked: ❛ i’m gonna make you scream my name. ❜ Obi and Maika 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆.
“Really, now?” She mindlessly answered, looking over at the other curiously. “It’s been a while since you did that, hasn’t it? Which way are you going to do it this time?” A haunted house? Perhaps using a video game?
Or maybe... Something a bit more inappropriate?
#|Trigger|Smuttish|#wxrld-xf-cxts#wxrld-xf-cxts|Obi#Infinite worlds|Fandomless#Custom infinity|In Character Maika Chifufu#ANGELIC POSES IN A HELLISH BACKGROUND|Fandomless Main Verse Maika Chifufu#The infinite custom has answered|Maika Chifufu Ask Answered
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@starlightofdream asked: Vanilla Sunday Meme (Maika): 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24 Vanilla Sunday Meme
3. Is your muse good at kissing? Are they experienced?
Maika is, indeed, inexperienced with kissing. She can at best be good in regards to pecks and face kisses, but when it comes to deep lip on lip contact, she will prove initially unmoving until she gets used to how her partner kisses her, and attempt to react accordingly.
6. Does your muse steal clothing from their partner?
Yes, yes she does. She especially loves taking shirts that may prove too large for her, as she enjoys sleeping with them on and having them act as a nightgown. It reminds her of her partner and makes her feel as if she isn’t alone if she doesn’t sleep in the same bed as them. She would also more than willingly take hoodies, all the hoodies.
8. Is your muse comfortable with, or proud of their body? Are they insecure?
She’s very insecure about her body. In fact, she has anorexia, which is a mental illness that causes her to purposefully eat less or even force up meals if she feels she’s eaten too much at one time. She has the constant thought that she is heavy and that the only way she can be of an acceptable range is by constricting herself of meals and constantly exercising, which is already happening via her job.
9. Is your muse attracted to any features in particular?
Honestly? It’s hard to say if she has any attraction to specific features of a person physically. However, she does enjoy accents. Fre.nch, Bri.tish, Aust.ralian, to name a few that she tends to melt at.
12. Is your muse easily flustered? Do they blush, swear, etc.?
Very easily. There tends to be a deep fluster on her face the more the flustering continues, and she tends to let out cat-like sounds such as nyu, nya, mrow, meow, etc.
16. Does your muse initiate heated/sexual contact, or do they wait for their partner?
Most of the time, no. She doesn’t want to overstep the bounds of her partner and due to that she won’t usually initiate contact. However, if she were in a mood, and she was certain they were alone, those would be the occasions where she may attempt to start something of a more smutty nature.
17. Does your muse leave hickies? Do they ask for them?
She will leave hickies if her partner is comfortable with them. Usually hidden away under their usual clothing unless she felt bold and gives some on the neck. As for herself, she doesn’t mind them but usually doesn’t ask for them. If she were to, she’d prefer they be in places that can’t be seen. Even if she would want them to be seen, there are certain... Pains in her ass that would get upset.
18. Does your muse like to be pinned down, or to pin their partner?
Maika enjoys the idea of being pinned, it gives a sense of excitement to her. However, it’d always depend on the situation, weither it be giving or recieving. If she sees the situation as alright, then she’d gladly be pinned or pin her partner if she felt in the mood to do so.
22. Does your muse read smut, own magazines, or watch p-rn?
Little do people know, she does! Not even Dianne or Eun realize such facts, but she reads smut and watches such content on occasion. Only really when she needs something to assist her during those times, but it does help her know much more than her personality makes it seem.
24. Is your muse a top, a bottom, or a switch? Do they have a lean?
Maika is a bottom, but occasionally can act as a switch when she wants to.
#starlightofdream#Leader of the cursed|OOC/Mun Ask Answered#Observing all|Maika Chifufu Headcanon#|Trigger|Depression|#|Trigger|Smuttish|#|Trigger|Anorexia|
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The Last One
I sat on the sofa head deep in my Jane Austin novel, the sweet candle on my side table flickering across the pale pages. The crackling and flickering of the fireplace across the room caused the shadows to dance across the walls. the thick purple curtains hiding the darkness from me. I could hear the cracking of the fire, the whistling of the wind through the airbricks in my walls, and the sounds outside of bats and owls in the various trees around my house.
I jumped out of my skin as I heard an alarm.
I put my book down on the side table and went over to my front doors where my alarm had gone off.
'Intruder Sensor triggered'
I brought up the system and I saw it was a sensor on the edge of my garden, I didn't think too much about it maybe just a cat or something so I headed back to my book but before I could pick it up another alert sounded
I checked it again and saw it was the next sensor, this time closer to the house.
I unlocked my door confused as I headed out onto the porch looking across the garden in the darkness. I couldn't see anything just the grass, just the flowers, just the trees.
I turned on my porch light looking for anything and as I looked I saw a dark shadow.
it was clearly a person.
"Hello?" I asked "Hello?" I asked again as the shadow seemed to be getting closer and closer "Someone there?" I asked trying not to be obvious that I was scared "If you don't stay back I'll call the police" I warned as the shadow reached now inches of my porch
But suddenly it stopped and fell forward a body landing on my porch steps unable to move.
"Ohh goodness!" I said quickly rushing over, I helped them up and pulled them inside laying them down on my sofa. they were tall, thin, covered head to toe in black. But even from here, I could tell the left side of their neck was bleeding.
I heard the little footsteps wandering in and I saw little waffles my small light brown sausage dog wander in with a yawn.
"Oh, now you wake up? intruder alarm, a new person enters the house and only now you wake up from your nap" I sighed grabbing the first aid kit from the bathroom, "Sorry madam I'm gonna have to take it all off to deal with this" I said slowly peeling off their gloves, I noticed as soon as I did that their hands were so much bigger than mine how odd. so I pulled the shirt off and instantly noticed something else odd so thin, such small boobs but that's not too odd, the neck was bleeding badly so I began wrapping it up, out of curiosity I pulled back the mask and noticed there short blonde hair and as soon as I saw the face I froze up "what the- this is a very strange looking woman?" I said "Strong jaw. odd neck? this is all strange" I said cleaning up the blood and wrapping it all up I checked them over making sure nothing else was bleeding cleaning up the blood remanence and I had to pull the black jeans down to clean some blood and as I pulled it back I screamed and jumped off the sofa in shock "what the fuck!" I yelled ".... a... a man? holy hell I didn't think any of you still existed" I said "Impressive" I giggled unable to stop looking at his... well his. Yeah. He moved slightly shifting so I pushed his pants back up and moved away as he seemed to keep stirring until suddenly his eyes opened.
The two is us caught eyes on each other and immediately he screamed, so I screamed, making him scream more and me scream, even more, even waffles began to howl. Which stopped both our screams.
He grabbed a small silver knife from the side table from where I had earlier had toast and jam holding it tightly in his hands towards me clearly he was shaking.
"Whoa… whoa… it's okay. It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you" I told him attempting to calm him down
"Who are you? What do you want with me!"
"Nothing. Nothing I promise. You wondered on to my property I saw you were bleeding I just wanted to help"
"That's it?"
"That's it" I nodded
"....okay" he gulped slightly lowering the knife
"Do you remember what happened?"
".......no. not in the slightest" he says struggling to recall much of anything
"Do you remember your name?"
"Uhhhhhhh…. Sixteen forty-two"
"What?" I asked him
"I used to be Thomas."
"Okay, I'll stick with Thomas then if that's okay"
"Yeah that's fine"
"Y/n" I smiled
"Do you have any idea where you came from?"
"No. Why should I?"
"Well, you were badly hurt. And… I'll be honest with you. I haven't seen a man in about ten years. I didn't think there were any still alive. How on earth have you managed to last all this time?"
"I…. I don't know. I don't remember."
"Well. You can stay here tonight and we'll make a plan at first light." I told him I went and got him some blankets and a pillow for the sofa locking up the house. He fell asleep quite quickly so I went to my bedroom leaving waffles on his bed in the hallway almost to make sure I kept the dog between me and him. I'm not sure why I didn't feel scared around him or anything but I didn't want to take the chance.
I lay in bed unable to sleep, I didn't know why. Maybe I was nervous. Maybe I was scared. Or perhaps something else.
I hadn't seen a man for years not in the flesh anyway, the only time you ever saw men was glimpses, old movies and photos from before the outbreak. The last man I saw was my father he was one of the last alive as he had always been so careful but he knew he was infected so he went to be executed so as not to spread the infection further and that was ten years ago now. I forced myself out of bed creeping through my house to the living room where Thomas lay fast asleep I couldn't help looking at him, watching him shift, watching him breathe, I couldn't help but fix a strand or two of hair from his face fixing it behind his ear, I smiled and gave his cheek a little kiss. Before returning to my bedroom. But still I couldn’t get to sleep I glanced to the draw bedside my bed and I couldn’t help getting the little purple toy out from its usual place “Uhhhh!” I gasped with pleasure…
When I woke up the house was fairly illuminated from the morning sunshine, I pushed my covers off and slipped my robe around me as well as my slippers on my feet. I went to the kitchen and made two cups of tea immediately noticing how odd it was that waffles wasn’t at my ankles begging for his breakfast but I didn’t worry about it, I took my tea cups and headed into the living room where Thomas laid still fast asleep with waffles on his lap I smiled a little putting my tea by my chair my steps aloud enough to stir them both
“Morning” I smiled
“Morning” he answered sitting up a little and rubbing his eyes
“Tea?” I offered him the cup
“Uhh yeah sure” he nods taking the cup and having a sip seeming to gag and repulse from it, “Thanks. I can’t remember the last time I had any”
“I take it you have your head back on straight now?” I smiled sitting on the chair
“Somewhat. I think I hit my head on the way out of that place”
“Of what place?”
“It's a long story” He shrugs finishing the tea “Where am I? Exactly?” he asks
“Cambridgeshire! Fucking hell” he sighed
“Breakfast?” I offered
“Sure, thanks y/n”
I went to the kitchen and made a nice breakfast for us both making sure to feed waffles, Thomas came to the table clearly confused and struggling a little with all this, so I took my seat and gave him the plate while I had more tea, he looked at the plate of fruit and pancakes as if I just put a martian rock on his plate “What's wrong?”
“What is this?”
“Why are they spotty?”
“Cricket flower.”
“..... theres bugs in this!”
“It's healthier. Good for the environment”
“No thanks. What's all this?”
“Why does it look like that?”
“That's what fruit looks like?”
“No, it isn’t.”
“Well, the fruit gets size and shape graded. Alot of things were banned or got reshaped due to how offensive and phallic they are”
“Society of women. Why am I surprised” He sighed “I’m gonna take a guess and say the toilet seat doesn’t come up either?”
“No” I admit
“Okay.” He sighed
“Well, do you remember where you came from now? How you’ve survived all this long?” I asked
“I do.”
“Can you tell me?”
“I can answer what you wanna know” He shrugs picking a the food clearly not thrilled about eating it
“Are there other men? Where you came from?”
“Never saw any” He shrugs
“What were you living off? Food wise then?”
“They call it paste”
“Yeah, weird gooby grey stuff”
“Where have you been all this time?”
“The facility”
“The what?”
“The facility, it’s what they called it. Didn’t know where it was”
“How long had you been there?”
“Long as I can remember”
“Who’s they?”
“Never saw the same girl twice. They never spoke to me so” he shrugs
“Then why are you here now?”
“I broke out. Tried to crave the damn tracker out my neck and took off”
“Why?” “If you saw what happened in there. You’d wanna run too” he says for a moment I wanted to press the issue but he spoke those words with such weight and prominence a clear fear in his eyes, his hands around the teacup slightly shaking
“Okay” I nodded finishing my breakfast “we should change your bandage” I spoke up grabbing the first aid kit, he allowed me so I took the old one off and cleaned his neck up again, “You said you did this?”
“Yeah, bare hands so it might be a bit rough I couldn’t really see.”
“I had to damn thing was driving me nuts”
“Well, what are you going to do now your out?”
“Get as far away from them as possible.”
“Makes sense” I nodded finishing up the bandage when I heard the bell on the gate
“Fuck!” He yelled ducking under the table “They found me.”
#tbs#tbs fanfiction#tbs au#tbs smut#tbs smutty#tbs sex#TBS Imagine#tbs imagines#thomas#thomas sangster#thomas brodie sangster#thomassangster#thomasbrodiesangster#thomas sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster i#thomas brodie sangster smut#thomas broide sangster imagine#thomas sangster smut#thomas sangster x reader#thomas sangser imagine#Thomas Imagine
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Bechloe Masterpost
Alright, Imma post some of my stories here, some finished, some aren’t (yet), hate or love me, lol, yall can decide!
@pitchslapped @rejection-isnt-failure @inversetwilight @justis14
Till Death do us Part (finished) Beca is sent back in time in an attempt to stop Chloe’s fate from happening, will she succeed?
Plane Crash (WIP) During their trip back to the states from Copenhagen, the plane they travel in comes crashing down... will Chloe be able to find Beca? And if she does, will she be in time to help her? Or will she have to say goodbye to the love of her life before their life began?
Delightfully Delicate (WIP) Beca and Chloe fall asleep on the couch but Chloe wakes up to Beca doing something rather unusual... (smuttish)
Alpha and Omega (WIP) Alpha Beca enjoyed a life of soltitude until a redhead jumped under the showers... The fact that this woman is an Omega doesn't make it any easier.
Darkness Before the Dawn (WIP) A Pitch Perfect story set in an extremely dark AU, the story starting off with a rape scene and will follow Chloe’s recovery throughout the chapters. My OC Axis will also be in this story. There are trigger warnings.
Here are some of my one/multishots.
Period Pains Part 1 and Part 2 Beca and Chloe go through their period pain at different times, both help each other out.
Taking a Shower and the follow up Bath Time Taking a shower is where Chloe helps Beca showering after Beca hurt her shoulder. Bath time is taking place after they are a couple already and it’s slightly smuttish ;P
Scary Movie Night Scary movie night with the Bellas during Halloween.
Hypothermia Beca is missing after a fight with Jesse and Chloe has no idea where the brunette is. With the temperatures below freezing and snow covering the ground, will Chloe find Beca before it’s too late..?
Handcuffs and No Mercy Smut, just, its all smut, pure smut. Domme Beca and Sub Chloe.
An Act of Kindness Chloe is fighting the illness in her body but some things can't be stopped.
Hey Baby The Bellas were invited to a random party off campus and Fat Amy finds Beca at the bar, feeling very sorry for herself.
He Don't Love You Like I Love You The Bellas go out to a karaoke bar and Chloe sings a special song for Beca.
Favorite Position What started out as a joke took a sudden turn...
Hooking Up Based on the movie Hooking Up with Brittany Snow. I saw a post earlier this week where someone was wondering if someone wrote a fic about the movie just yet. Well, I watched the movie itself, Britt made me lol out loud on more than one occasion xD but this specific scene was the one thing that MADE me want to write it out. BOY do I regret it! This piece kicked me in the balls (which I don't even have) and holy shit, it was a rollercoaster of emotions! There's fluff, there's smutt, there's some angst? I'm not sure, but whatevs.
Rejection Part 1 and Part 2 Chloe doing some of her usual over analyzing of a certain situation.
Okay! This is it! Hope yall enjoy it!
#Bechloe#Beca Mitchell#Chloe Beale#Pitch Perfect fanfiction#Pitch Perfect AU#Pitch Perfect#Master Post thingymebob#Bellas#my fics#dont steal
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@kitxkatrp asked: “So… you WANT to get robbed?” (Obi to Maika modern) aka "Mai is this a fantasy of yours?" Out of context things I’ve said while playing Skyrim {Sentence Starters}
"Like. . . Yes, but no. . ." She had a feeling that this was going to be awkward to explain. It wasn't even meant to be something that he knew, really. But she supposed that accepting taking a survey that was near an adult store did that, sometimes. She's gonna guess that with her disguised look, they looked a bit more like a couple than usual.
Well. . .
The surveyor was gone now. What. . . Great timing on their part. "It's. . . Roleplay, you know? It's not like I ACTUALLY want to get robbed. It's just the idea of playing the scenario out with someone I trust with a more intimate look to it is. . . Interesting." She never got a chance to do it, considering she never really trusted anyone with that sort of thing. But it was something she had always wondered about. . .
#kitxkatrp#kitxkatrp|Obi#|Trigger|Smuttish|#The reflection being looked upon|Fandomless#The galaxy gifts a reply|Maika Chifufu Ask Answered#Touched by infinity|Maika Chifufu#A constant smile with a world made of wings on her shoulders|Fandomless Main Verse Maika Chifufu
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@kitxkatrp asked: kiss,sender kisses receiver. (Steven to Dianne) actions speak louder than words

The woman had far from expected something like this at such a time. Sure, they had gone at it like that a few times, but those times were rare and when they were desperate for any kind of connection. It was something that she had grown used to, unsure of what the implications ever were regarding it...
So when she had gotten kissed, once the other moved away, her lips parted in surprise, a hand mindlessly going to hold onto his shoulder in order to stabilize herself. "Ah... Steven..."
#|Trigger|Smuttish|#kitxkatrp#kitxkatrp|Steven Stone#Infinite worlds|Pokemon#Infinite being|In Character Dianne Simmon#Verse 2 - Blind.|Dianne Simmon P Blind Verse#The infinite has answered|Dianne Simmon Ask Answered
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"Ah, well. . ." She. . . Didn't have much for a plan, if she were to be honest. What could she do at this point? There were only very few thoughts in her mind and none of them seemed quite plausible without a horde of other issues coming into play as well.
"I. . . I don't know. . ." She spoke, voice nearly silent. Dianne found herself ashamed that she allowed this to happen. For it to have come to this. . . It was as if she was in one of those unforgiving chokeholds and she didn't know how she could fix any of it.
She didn't mind, as long as nothing happened to Hatori. She can handle herself when it came down to it. For as long as needed. . . "I'm. . . Sorry. So sorry. . ."
"---If we don't, that woman might use it as an excuse to hurt you." He had no intentions of letting that happen. Especially because...he wouldn't put it past Sylvia to make sure her daughter's virginity had actually been taken with a medical exam. If it didn't show up that it had--
"...If you have a plan...now would be the time to share it. I refuse to let her imprison or hurt you any further."
He didn't know what to do.
#|Trigger|Smuttish|#kitxkatrp#kitxkatrp|Hatori Sohma#The reflection being looked upon|Fruits Basket#Touched by infinity|Dianne Simmon#A cursed french dragon|Fruits Basket Main Verse Dianne Simmon
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"What's better than a manwhore?"
Drum roooollllll-
"A real, certified whore, obviously!"
At least she knows what she is, I guess?
#|Smuttish|Trigger|#It's no use!|Crack Post#The victor shall write the tale; and the vanquished become it's villain|Kiwi#Within the cycle|Fisk Ashwell#At least I plan on going out with a blast!|Fisk Ashwell
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drabble 002 . jjh . [m]
0.7k+, unedited, just a short smuttish drabble. Read at your own risk! Oh and I'll add the keep reading later as I'm not on my laptop. Have fun hornies!
"Oh god, yes baby." Jaehyun grunts from behind you, the sound of your joint body slapping against each other is so loud to your ears. He's not even fast, he's taking his sweet time pounding into you deep and slow. "You're taking me in so well."
Your heart rate increases when Jaehyun curses as you clench around him after he hits a deep spot inside you. Your palm is sweaty and the fog that has formed on the glass from your breathing is now condensed, turning into water droplets. "Jaehyun." You whisper desperately.
"Hm?" His deep throaty hums sparks another hunger inside you. You want him to fuck you. Not like, make love sweetly. You want him to fuck you senseless against this table. You want your ass twerking as he pounds into you over and over again. You just want to be gone being fucked by him.
"Faster." You plead, baring your throat for a palm to slip in between. "Please. I want faster."
"Goodness." Jaehyun swears and as you predicted, wraps his hand around your neck and locks it there. "Faster you say?"
As if your request has awakened another part of him, another desire to ruin you completely. His hip snaps unbelievably harder, stroking your sweet cunt rougher just as what you've requested.
"Look at all the juices you've been making." Jaehyun has the audacity to chuckle, well he should. He's the one making you all drenched, wet and extremely snug for his cock. "You like it when I fuck you deep like this?"
Perhaps this is what you want all along. To be fucked like this. Like one of his possessions. "Yes, Jaehyun."
Your moan is explicit, raw and breathless. Jaehyun doesn't need to put any pressure around your neck, no he doesn't. The tension that has successfully built inside you is enough to make you feel needier, desperate of his cock. Lord, what has become of you?
"I don't think I'll ever get enough of your pussy." Your legs are spread wider, your ass jutting up to give more excess. His hands roam all over your back, trailing your spine and swiftly brings his hand to palm the tenderness of your breasts. Between his thumbs and pointed fingers rolling your nipples alternately with the movement of his hips, you're reaching your limit. "Are you ready to milk my cock, sweetheart?"
It's not dirty, it's not even close to something that you'd consider a dirty talk. But him asking if you're ready to milk his cock triggers your orgasm, never would you have thought you'd convulse to a simple yet strong question.
Jaehyun felt it. He felt your grip on his cock and he knows you're just one second away from your cloud nine. He knows, therefore he brings his palm to your throat again, pressing lightly, not too much but enough to cut the access of the air to your brain, bringing your orgasm to you.
"That's right." His grunts are now louder, ramming his length into you to chase his own high. You're becoming a mess, your head drops on the glass table and the tingling of your scalp screams to be pulled.
"Pull my hair, Jaehyun." Yes you'd like that. You'd like when he's rough with you. This whole sensation feeds your desperation as you ride your orgasm and prepare yourself to welcome another one. "Please."
"Fuck." His breath is harsh, short and for a moment he choked on his own breath, hips mercilessly pounding inside you. "What would you become when I fill you with my cum, sweetheart?"
"What am I going to do with you?"
There's no answer to his question, only a long moan and inaudible gasp as he snaps, pulling your hair when he cums, jets and jets of white ropes filling your cunt without intending to stop. That's it. That's how you'd like your cunt to be filled. Nice and deep by none other, the Jeong Jaehyun. It feels good, extremely good like he just feeds your sex deprivation with good fuck and his cum.
You love this feeling. This after sex feeling, when he stops to catch his breath, as well as his tender hands rubbing the knot of your shoulder to calm you down.
And this is what you love the most.
"Jaehyun." You moan as he reluctantly removes himself from you, your mixed cum oozing out and trails down your legs, a satisfying sensation.
You heard Jaehyun chuckles, tapping your ass in return.
"Fed good, sweetheart?"
"Oh, extremely good, Jaehyun."
#the moans writings#jaehyun smut#nct jaehyun#jaehyun nct#jaehyun fic#jaehyun smut drabble#jeong jaehyun#jung jaehyun#nct jaehyun smut#OKAY HOW WAS IT#first jaehyun smut everyoNEEEEEEEE#give me feedbacks I BEG-
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BTS Reaction To: Your Boyfriend’s Alter is triggered by Jealousy
Summary: your boyfriend gets jealous, which triggers his alter ego.
Request: Can you do a SplitPersonality!au and mafia au were they are jealous because someone is hitting on their girlfriend?💗
Warnings: angst (especially in Jimin’s), fluff, smuttish? (only in Taehyung’s and Jungkook’s), splitpersonality!au, mafia au (so you know what comes with that).
Notes: life has been so hectic for me that I have barely any time to write, and it also has caused me writers block and I hate this stuff.
Note pt.2: I hate this title and couldn’t think of a good one.
Seokjin (Jin):
Seokjin was invited to a ball that was being thrown by one his gangs allies. Your boyfriend could not say no due to wanting to make allies with an upcoming gang, the intention of having more allies and future back up if something happens. Of course, your boyfriend was going to bring you along with him, wanting his companion with him. Seokjin always loved having you by his side, wanting to show you off and have people also see you as his equal, because you are his equal. With that, Seokjin also loved having you as his company, and he always has said that you make things a lot more bearable.
But sometimes, Seokjin regrets bringing you along because you always track unwanted attention from males. And this brings his alter ego, Jin, to the front.
You did not recognize the shift between Seokjin and Jin as you stood and talked with one of the upcoming gangs’ member. The both of you connected easily when you saw his wrist tattoo, which was a heartbeat tattoo that goes through a dove, something that raised your curiosity. You asked him what it meant, and he told you that it was the last beat of his mother’s heart and the dove was a symbol for his mom. This made you feel a little emotional, the meaning of his tattoo was something so beautiful in your opinion. After voicing your thoughts on the tattoo, the both of you began talking about other tattoos that you both. You also learned his name, which is Choi San.
Never would you think that this kind of interaction would trigger your boyfriends alter ego. But when you felt an arm slip around your waist, pulling you back into their chest, you knew that Jin was fronting. The scared look on the male’s face, you knew that he put two and two together, realizing that he was speaking to the deadliest mafia leader’s future fiancé. Wanting to spare a life, you turned around in your boyfriends’ arms.
Placing your hands on his cheeks, you caressed his cheeks. “Love, Choi San and I were talking about our tattoos, there was no harm done.” You began to explain in a soothing tone, “I showed him our matching ring finger tattoo.” You added, wanting him to know that you made it clear that you were taken.
This information made Jin relax, but not enough to allow Seokjin to front again. Focusing his attention on Choi San, he gave a deadly glare, “You’re lucky that she was here,” and with that, he dragged you back to your guys seat, wanting your full attention.
Yoongi (Suga):
In both Yoongi’s and Suga’s eyes, they view you as perfect. Anything that you do they think that no one can beat you in whatever you do. You could have drawn the worst picture ever and have it compared to a better one, and they would still think that yours is better by placing their opinions and pointing out things that the other one did not have. But they both agree on something – you are very oblivious. This can be both a good and a bad thing.
And right now, your obliviousness is bad – to the point where Suga was triggered.
Suga was standing against the hallway wall that led to his office, a hard glare on his face and his arms crossed, watching one of the newbies try and flirt with you. He trusted you, knowing that you would never allow something to go to far. But the person that he sadly does not trust at the moment was one of his men. Rolling his eyes at the cheeky compliment he gave you, he decided that he needed put an end to this conversation. Walking over to you lazily, he noticed that the newbie became aware of his presence, quickly bowing to him. Sliding his arm across your shoulder, pulling you against him, Suga gave a fake, tight lip grin.
“So, I see that you have met my girlfriend,” Suga emphasized ‘my,’ enjoying the newbies reaction, “if I were you, consider yourself lucky that I am not planning on killing you because you are a good asset to my gang. But if you weren’t, well …” Suga trailed off, a deadly smirk on his face.
“I am so sorry, Min Yoongi-ssi and Miss. Y/N.” He apologized before running off.
Suga looked down at you, meeting your glare. “What?” He asked, a frown on his face.
“You know what, Suga, and Yoongi,” you began, “Now, I want you apologize to him whenever you see him next or else, you’re going to sleep on the couch.” Was all you said before walking off to his office.
“No! Baby, wait!”
A smirk made its way onto your face as you heard him call out for you.
Hoseok (J-Hope):
Truthfully, Hoseok cannot control when J-Hope wants to make himself present. Hoseok always apologizes whenever J-Hope all of the sudden fronts whenever something becomes too stressful, hating that he cannot be mentally strong enough to control his emotions. This results in you comforting your boyfriend, telling him that J-Hope is there to make sure that nothing bad happens to him, because it is the truth. The reason why J-Hope was created, basically, is to help Hoseok cope with things.
But the one thing that makes both you and Hoseok worry is when Hoseok becomes insecure, or, jealous.
“God help anyone who disrespects his Queen,” was something Jungkook said one day when he saw Hoseok once again, worship the ground you walked on.
When you felt that possessive arm slip around your waist, and the harsh pull into a firm chest, and dark chuckle sound above you, you knew that this rookie will have a 50/50 chance of seeing tomorrow. You hate having this assumption, but it is the truth when it comes to J-Hope. The trauma that Hoseok lived through, and the reason why J-hope was created to protect him. But ever since you became apart of their lives, that protection stretches to you. So, whoever messes with you and Hoseok, they have to the deadly wrath of J-Hope.
You were knocked out of your thoughts when J-Hope began to mimic the rookie, “’I-I,’ what? Can’t talk?” J-Hope pouted mockingly, a teasing smirk on his face.
“Hope, stop it.” You demanded, looking up at your boyfriend, receiving a shocked look from both the rookie and your boyfriend. Turning to look at the rookie, you gave him what you hope was a comforting, reassuring, smile. “You can go.”
“T-Thank y-you, Noona.” He bowed to you and then your boyfriend before leaving you both. You noticed that he peed his pants, something that shocked you. You knew that your boyfriend was scary, but my gosh you did not think he was that scary. Upset at this knowledge, you gripped your boyfriends’ hand and began to drag him to a private area to give a huge ass talk.
And to say that J-Hope was shocked by your talk would be an understatement, because by the end of it the talk, J-Hope cannot deny that he has a strong leader to stand beside him in this dangerous world. And was also surprised to admit that there would be, for once, no killing on his part. And the rookie was also surprised to wake up not dead.
Namjoon (RM):
Namjoon is secretly a sensitive person who loves to be cuddled and have every ounce of attention that you can give him. Yes, his intimidating mafia leader vibe he gives out can be hard to believe that he can be very sensitive. You were shocked when you found this out because you were always met with his confident persona, not his sensitive persona. Not that it was a bad thing, it was just new to you.
But you were not shocked when you found out that he is a very, in hopeful good words, possessive. Kim Namjoon is not afraid to admit that he has a possessive, territorial side when it comes to you. When his alter ego is present, this possessiveness is heightened, especially if they are both jealous. One thing is, though, the jealousy and possessiveness is a way to cover up his sensitive side, and the worry that he has that you will leave him (them).
That is why the moment Namjoon, later finding out that it is RM, pulled you away from the conversation that you were having with his ally, you were not surprised to find out that it was from jealousy. You allowed your boyfriend to go through his process of jealousy, which is demanding to know what you were talking about, why you were talking about such thing, ask you if said person made you uncomfortable or force you to talk to them, and then apologize when your answers added up to be non-threatening.
“Are you sure it was a consensual conversation?” RM asked one last time, wanting the confirmation.
“Yes, love, everything was okay.” You smiled up at him, leaning up to give him a comforting kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” your boyfriend smiled down at you happily. He hugged you close to him, resting his cheek on top of his head. “Are you sure that I do not need to kill him?”
“Yes. I am sure.”
Jimin (Park):
Both Park and Jimin are very insecure. Some would think that a person’s alter would not have almost all of the same insecurities, but your boyfriend was very unique. The thing is, though, is that Park’s insecurities are worse. This makes it to where you always end up in a fight with Park sometimes at three a.m. after getting home from a party or ball because of Park overreacting about a conversation that you are having with a member of his gang.
Once you saw the change in personality of your boyfriend, confirming your suspicion of Park now fronting, you sighed and ended the conversation with his gang member. The sigh did not go unnoticed in Park’s eyes, something that brought him sadness. Biting his lip, he followed your irritated self out of the bar. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife when you both made it closer to the car. You stood irritated at the passenger door, waiting for your boyfriend to unlock the car, something that never came. Turning around, you were met with a conflicted Park Jimin. Instead of the accusations and yelling, something that normally happened when the both of you are stood outside by the car, you were now met with crying – more like sobs from your boyfriend.
“Park?” You asked cautiously, for the first time not knowing who you were talking too.
“It’s Jimin,” your boyfriend answered.
“Jiminie, what’s wrong?” You questioned, worried about your boyfriend.
“I’m sorry that I am a burden. I’m sorry that I cannot handle my insecurities a-and always get jealous and insecure. I’m sorry.” He sobbed, hands gripping his hair tightly. “I can’t lose you.”
Fuck, he’s about to have a panic attack, you thought, knowing that you needed to handle this and help him through his panic attack. You knew that there will be a lot of talking due to his confession. There was a silent agreement on where you both stand on this, that if this keeps on, then one day the line will be drawn and the actual possibility of you wanting to leave can happen.
Taehyung (V):
Taehyung sat in the VIP section, watching you intensely as you laughed with Hoseok. He could feel V pushing to front, but Taehyung tried to fight him off, knowing that the interaction was innocent and that he had nothing to worry about. But for some odd reason, he had a something close to a vision of you and Hoseok being together, and that thought triggered him, allowing V to become present.
To V, the interaction that you were having with one of his close friends was … unacceptable. You were his and Taehyung’s alone. The want to make that present to his close friend had him standing up, posture straight, but also cocky and relaxed.
You, on the other hand, did not notice V become present and headed towards you and Hoseok. But the look on Hoseok’s face told you that something has happened, and before you were able to turn around and see what was going on, you felt a very familiar pair of lips press against the skin of your neck. Gasping at the pleasurable feeling that you felt, you leaned into the touch of your boyfriend, completely forgetting about Hoseok.
You did not notice Hoseok get up from his chair to give you and V privacy, but V did. The smirk that he threw Hoseok did not go unnoticed by said male, making Hoseok blush in both embarrassment from witnessing that and from guilt of getting turned on by such actions. Giving you one more bite to your neck, wanting to create a mark so everyone can see, V pulled away from your neck unwillingly. Your protest was a whimper, wanting your boyfriend to continue his ministrations.
“I know, baby, I know. But I can’t just devour you in front of this whole crowd. I’m the only one who can see you in such ways.”
Jungkook (Jeon):
Jungkook did not complain when his alter, Jeon, wanted to front. The reason why is, is because in these kinds of situations, Jeon is much more confident that Jungkook is. So, leaning back in his chair, he watched you dance with your friends on the dance floor, the feeling of happiness overwhelmed him as he saw how happy you are. Your happiness is what both Jeon and Jungkook want from you. If you are happy, then so are they. He also could not deny how beautiful you look with your hair looking wild, your natural curls cascading down your back freely, genuine smile on display, and beautiful body moving freely to the beat of the music.
“Damn, she’s fucking hot,” an unfamiliar voice admitted to him.
Looking away from you and to the voice, he was met with a younger looking male, possibly a year younger than him. The feeling of jealousy had him shifting in his seat, not liking the admission from this random stranger. Taking a sip from his drink, Jeon nodded in agreement, not being able to deny the truth that the guy stated. But he did not agree on how the random guy said the words, and how he looked at you.
“Yeah,” Jeon nodded, “she is very beautiful,” changing the word into something more positive and polite.
“I wonder how she is in bed,” the guy thought aloud, causing Jeon to squeeze his cup in anger, the urge of wanting to kill this man becoming very close to being realistic.
But knowing that you hate that kind of stuff, Jeon decided to take a different route. “She’s fucking wild,” Jeon stated, smirking when the guy’s face paled in realization, “especially when I have her nails scratching down my back, screaming my name out to the point where she loses her voice.” Taking one last sip before standing up, he turned to look at the still pale faced male, “be careful to who you are talking too,” he winked, turning around to take make his way towards you, a satisfied grin on his face.
#bts reaction#bts mafia reaction#bts mafia imagine#bts smut#bts imagine#bts hyung line reaction#bts maknae line reaction#jin x reader#jin x you#jin imagine#min yoongi x reader#yoongi x you#yoongi imagine#namjoon imagine#hoseok imagine#jimin imagine#taehyung imagine#jungkook imagine#jungkook x you#taehyung x you#hoseok x you#namjoon x you#ot7 imagine#ot7 reaction#bts splitpersonality!au#jungkook smut#taehyung smut#bts angst#bts fluff#jimin angst
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romantic getaway ( zoah )
sumary: after asking her to be her girlfriend, zendaya and noah ( @ncahcentinechq ) take a weekend out in a mountain / beach setting. this is a collectiong of small paras from that trip. triggers: fluffy, smuttish, angst, cursing, relationship starting at its best dudes when: somewhat a month ago.
DAY 01, the bathtub scene
ZENDAYA: "i'm sorry that i slept the most of the way here", zendaya said, after the both of them settled down the things they brought - suitcases, food, utensils and other supplies. she was hopping that he would erase from his mind the image of her snoring lightly clinging to the script for the second episode of euphoria. "i promise i won't keep you awake at night", with that powernap she knew she wouldn't be sleeping that much at night and was aware that noah loved his sleep. outside, it was close to nightfall, but they were both a bit sweaty from the heat and the effort they put on putting the rented cabin-house in order. reaching for a towel to clean her face, z offered another one to her boyfriend. "how about we break out the tub?", she asked, pointing the hotub outside of the glass walls. in the end she didn't wait long for an answer and took off her shirt, revealing her lacy brown bra as she walked towards the door.
NOAH: "You have the cutest little snor I've ever hear" Noah replied with a smile as they both got to settle everything they bought for their long weekend away from reality. It was a much anticipated weekend for Noah, and something he was really in need of, to have her just to himself. "Now that's a promise I want to see being broken" he was an early riser when it comes to the day to day life, and that wouldn't apply to their getaway, the last thing he is worried is with keeping up a schedule. They would eat when they are hungry, and sleep when tired. Uncomplicated. Everything was perfect about the place she choose for them. He was in love with every little details, and his mind was already running wild on how much they could do. At her offer, his brow was quick to raise, as he watched her taking off her shirt. "That plan sounds and looks amazing" Noah declared, taking off his own shirt and going after the brunette, biting down on his lower lip taking a good look at his girlfriend before catching up to her and grabbing her by the waist, pulling her back against his naked torso, planting a kiss on her naked shoulder.
ZENDAYA: kicking off her shorts as she walked, z wasn't surprised when noah pulled her close. she was hopping for it, that this would be how everything is this weekend worked: just them, connected, not thinking about work or anything else but them. zendaya wasn't the most romantic person she knew, but she did had a few things planned. "can i tell you a secret?", she asked, supporting her weight on him when putting her foot inside the warm watter. "i almost didn't booked this place over this tub. whenever i see it i just remember of peter and lara jean making out - then i realized", she was fully inside the water now so she pulled him close too. "that i have noah. which is way better", she wasn't sure about sharing that detail with him, but figured it was a way to show him that she was thinking about him. "but we can't do the make out part tho. we are enemies now, i'm sorry", she shrugged, pulling away from him, splashing some water in his direction.
NOAH: "You can tell me anything" Noah declaree wholeheartedly, feeling a peace of mind that he haven't been able to experience in a long time, now that he thinks about it. He aided her getting into the tub and didnt took long to join her "Oh god no" Noah complained, looking up and a sign of defeat. "I am way better then Kavinsky, and Lara Jean got nothing on you" he then declared, wanting to hold her close, as she pulled away from him, and instant pout formed in his features. "Whyyyyy?" he complained in this baby voice he knows he had a tendency to pull for some reason in the most random occasions. "Let me love you woman" Noah added playfully in tone, but meaning every word, as he splashed her back.
ZENDAYA: "you're noey, way better than peter", nodding in agreement, she got close enough to touch his chest. "DC", she then touched herself on the chest "Marvel", that was probably enough of an explanation for him. "congrats on the role babe", getting closer to him, she put both of her hands on his neck, feeling her body getting used to temperature completly. "actually congrats on everything you have been doing. working, getting new roles, but also for everything happening with favored nations, for being caring, for being patient and most importantly - for rooting for the warriors", and with that, she kissed him for a few seconds. "i guess i'm saying that i'm falling for you noah. i just wanted you to know that", her fingers pressed his skin, trying to show him one more time that she was there.
NOAH: "Thank you, I mean, he's a good guy and all, but I needed to hear that " he grinned at her. "Oh wow" Noah exclaimed, only now getting the enemies reference, as he welcomed her into his arms. "Please, that's literally nothing compared, my girlfriend is a freaking Emmy nominee and I couldn't be more proud." when he first saw the news he started shouting and clapping in the middle of the meeting, getting everyone looking at him as if he went mental, but he couldn't care less. She deserved all the hype she was getting, and he couldn't be more happy for her. At this point it was so damn easy to get lost in the taste of her lips, and how perfectly they were fitting together. "I've fallen for you a long time ago, actually, I'm pretty sure I've fallen for you back in that basketball court, and I can't believe I got this lucky" he declared back, gazing deep into her dark eyes, his fingers brushing small locks of her hair away from her face.
ZENDAYA: "can you believe it noah? I FUCKING DID IT!", the last part was a bit shouted and right now she was happy they were both in the middle of the woods, so no one but noah would actually hear it. zendaya nodded at him, agreeing. "if you think about it, it's kinda weird that from all places, that's where i take you? that basketball court is my sanctuary. i guess i was just waiting for you to come along", all these thoughts were running in her head for a while now and she was glad that there was space where she could say it without being silly. "just don't go anywhere any soon ok?", and after that she leaned for a kiss, a proper one, sucking his lips into hers, trying to make more obvious that she wanted to have him close.
NOAH: "I can believe it because you are that damn talented. You fucking did it!" Noah exclaimed, sharing the same excitement for her achievement, he was really proud of her. "It was meant to be." the brightest smile was now plastered in his face "I will be forever grateful that you allowed me into that court" he added, planting another kiss into the girls month. "I won't, you don't go anywhere either" he pleaded back, before getting lost into her kiss, eager for her taste under his tongue, officially entering paradise.
............................................................ [ 𝕖𝕟𝕕 ]
DAY 01, serial dater, serial worrier
ZEN: "hey babe?", zendaya asked after almost thirty minutes of silence. they were in the backyard, laying down in front of a fire, surrounded by pillows and duvets. it was the end of the day one, after a big dinner and if they kept quiet they would probably sleep there. it was clear that zendaya had something else in mind, tho. "i have a necessary question", she started, reaching for his right hand. the girl was laying on his chest and was kind of glad that she wasn't seeing his face right now. "alex ren. you broke up with her in april right?", the question was sharp, but her voice was soft, having the sound of the campfire in front of them rattling in the background.6 de agosto de 2020
NOAH: "Hum?" Noah hummed as a reply, as he would find himself thinking in anything in particular, enjoying the peaceful evening the both were sharing by the fire. His hands were easily distracted by her hair, he didnt seemed to have enough of it. "A necessary question, alright" Noah gave a little nod. The question caught him off guard, at least at this particular time being. He was ready to have to discuss his past relationship, it was only normal if they were both starting one themselves. "The news of the break up can out late March, we have been drifting apart since the beginning of the year though. We came to terms with it by February." as he was speaking he was putting the timeline together in his mind. Gazing down at Zendaya he brushed her hair behind her ear for the trillion time that day. "What else do you wanna know?" he asked, willing to tell her whatever she might wanted to know.
ZEN: part of her wasn't expecting a honest answer or actually a answer at all. noah wasn't a ordinary boy, drowned in the dynamics that are expected of a male in society, but she was still surprised. raising her hand, she covered the moonlight on her face, trying to figured out what's the next question would be. "that's a few months before we met", she started. "which makes me wonder - am i the rebound? someone to help you get over her? that's okay if it's the case, i just wanna know", zendaya shrugged a little, still facing the sky while laying on his chest. none of them were capable to see each other faces right now and maybe it was for the best. "i'm not mad really, i just wanna know".
NOAH: As Noah realized where she was going with the conversation, despite being a valid doubt, it still hurted him a little. Love is a weird thing, and Noah as this way of living where he jumps right in at every circunstance that life presents him with. His past relations with Alex Ren is one of those circunstances, but as time goes by, there wasn't a real connection, not as lovers nor as companions. It took then a while to figure out that they are better off as friends other then pushing into something that wasn't meant to be. Zendaya on the other hand, he has noticed, is more of the type to think things through, and mesure her steps carefully, so he knew she had to ask him this things. "I see... the shortest way to reply you is that I was over her even before you and I met for that basketball game. So you are by no means a rebound. By the end of 2019 we both started to realize that the whole thing was a mistake. So the break-up was sort of a natural thing and drama free between the both of us until we made it official since we made it public and all." Noah did his best to explain, since he really wanted to make her understand his true intentions and where he is coming from. Specially when he has this gut feeling that... she's the one. Adjusting a little bit his body so he would he more into a seating position rather then laying, he then reached down to place an upside down kiss on her forehead since she ended up still laying on his lap. "There's no one quite like you, and dont you ever think that this that we have going on is anything less valued just because we recently got out of other relationship, something's we cant explain, you just feel." he whispered, gazing at her eyes even with their faces being in different directions and he planted a kiss on her nose. At this point Noah was pretty sure to be in Love with the girl. But the last thing he wanted was to drop the Love bomb right when they are discussing an ex relationship.
ZEN there wasn't many people zendaya talked about feelings. dylan knew what was happening but she tried to downplay as much as possible, so he wouldn't know how lost she was into the questions she had in storage for noah. and lin did told her that she should just straigh up ask anything she wanted to clear, so for him it was more about the relationship itself and not the feelings behind. "right", stopping touching his hand, she scratched the space between her eyes, as if she was processing his words. she was taken by surprise again, now with the forehead kiss. "still, she wasn't the only one. according to the internet and your instagram actually, that's something that has hapenned before. dating someone for a year, then a few months single, then another year dating...", she wasn't ashamed to put out there that she was researching about his past relationships before even asking to him. in her mind she was about to step into a really big commitment, so she needed to know more about it. "i'm not judging. you do you and it's refreshing to know that you go for it. and on my book, it's kinda good - the idea of having an expiration date", in her head, zendaya was being understanding, trying to bind her idea of a relationship to fit noah's ways. and that, to her, was the ultimate proof that she was into him. "there's a lot of people like me", she smiled to show that this was a joke, but his next words made her fell into deep silence, looking at his face after the kiss. she had to take a breath to focus again. her heart wanted to let this conversation go and get back into comfortable silence by the fire, but her brain was too organized to do that. he made her want to be more confident on them and less of a brainer, but what if this was a mistake? "not that feeling anything will actually do us any good", she finally said out loud, her words sounded a bit bitter.7 de agosto de 2020
NOAH: Putting things like that Zendaya didn't really knew how that was something that actually bothered Noah, in all his moments of introspection he wonders what is wrong with him for not being able to keep a long term relationship, and connect at all levels he is so eager to reach, till this day he is still to find out. He stopped the small touches for a moment, picking the right way to reply to her. "The history is there, and I can't run away from the fact that it does look like a patern. Is not something that I'm particularly proud of. I actually wonder-" he stopped himself for a moment, trying to find the right way to put it. "I dont know... maybe I'm the issue you know?" he ended up adding with a sigh. At her next words his heart sank, and a frown took him. "Expiration date?! What the-" he refrained from cursing, but that one caught him out of guard and it made him upset that she found the idea of having an expiration date was a good thing. He slightly shook his head, "That's not how I look into things. And it hurts me when you put it like that... why would an expiration date be a good thing?" as their conversation went on, an unsettling feeling started taking over Noah. He was already way too deep into feelings for her to be saying stuff like that. "What does that even mean?! I'm not following. For you what is even the point of all this then?" as he question he gestured a circle around the two of them as he said 'all of this'.
ZEN: blinking her eyes pretty fast, she took a minute to appreaciate the fact that noah was being honest and putting himself as a possible part of the problem. people often dodged their responsabilities, specially men towards relationships. she could work with someone that was capable to admit mistakes. before z could articulate any further, the mood picked up and now noah was voicing that his feelings were hurt. scrathing her eyebrow, zendaya sat down, knowing that he should able to properly see her eyes for this part. "it wasn't my intention to hurt you, but you have to understand that i have to prepare myself for this", taking a breath, zendaya felt corned now, having to explain how her mind works. it was a constant feeling towards any significant others, having to adjust herself to them. "unlike you noah, i don't put my heart on the line when i feel there's a possibility. you're my second actual relationship, and i had a hiatus of seven years between. i don't do stuff that there's a possibility to end, i'm always in for the win, for the long run, if it's up to me i am not going anywhere", it was clear she was growing unhappy about this situation. this was why she didn't date, cause no one had to understand how she sees the world. "so when i see that you broke up all these relationships it scares the hell of me. make me feel not important, makes me feel like just another one on the list. or worst - that this is not real", taking a breath and looking down, she noticed that she was sitting in lotus position by his side this whole time. "and at the same time i like you way to much to walk away so yes, i have to find having a expiration date a good thing"., suddenly this felt like a weird pivot moment. make it or break it momentum. "it means that not even love can garantee that this will work. ren gave a interview saying that you were the love of her life. two months later you guys ended it.", she shrugged, sure that this was the worst outcome ever.9 de agosto de 2020
NOAH: "Prepare for what exactly Zendaya?" Noah asked, gesturing with is hands. This was important, he knew it was, speaking about the fears that come with giving yourself into someone else, someone new, but it was still hard and complicated to voice his mind and trying not to be too harsh, they had very different ways to see life, and that he knew. " I'm sorry Z, but relationships don't come with instructions, and not one is like the other, ever. You can't bring my past experiences or your past experiences into our relationship, we need to build our own, learn from our past obviously, but not let it define our future." he added, before growing silent again to listen to what she had to say. He was starting to get so confused by her words, but still trying to do his best to understand where she was coming from. He didn't knew she was that long before letting herself into a relationship. So he noticed some big scars there. " I don't know any other way to do this then to put my heart on the line." he declared, in between her speaking. " Who said I broke up all this relationships? And if all this broke ups mean anything is that neither of them were the right one for me, then maybe you are. Fucking god, how I wish that you are! How you can you be afraid that this might not be real? Have I ever didn't seemed present and open to give myself to you? Because that's all I've been trying to do." Noah was trying to make sense in his words, but wasn't too sure if he was being sucessful. " Z, how many times did you expressed your true feelings in a interview? Are you really bringing something my ex said in a interview?" at his point Noah couldn't help a stern expression on his face. " Listen, I can't promisse you that we will forever be together, no matter I wanted to be able to hold such promise. We never know what life throws our way. I do know is that my feelings for you are real, and can't imagine my life with you anymore"
ZEN: tilting her head to hear him out, zendaya was dangling between amazed and concerned by his replies. they were so different, that was clear from the start and she was hopping it meant that they would complete each other, not colide. she also knew that this was on her too, so if she wanted it to work, she had some work on herself to do too. z felt like noah had understood her and now it was her turn to do so."ok. you're right. no expiration date, no promisses, no fears. just us being us.", zendaya finally said, nodding her head. this felt like the second part of the agreement that they did last week when he asked her to be her girlfriend. now this was a real relationship. "if it matters, i want you to be the right one too", getting closer, she slowly crumbled into his chest, asking to be hugged. "just don't let me go".
NOAH: Noah let out a breath he didn't really knew he was holding as she agreed to give them a fair shot really. "It matters a whole lot" Noah whispered, welcoming her back into his embrace, wanting nothing more then to keep her close to him forever. Thankfull to have long arms that were able to properly hug her into him, and still wishing to have some more so he could hold her even more tight. "I won't" he stated, placing a long kiss on the top of her head. "But babe?"
ZEN: "yeah?", she asked, her voice low, as is she was too scared to keep talking and by that make another mistake, or take a turn that would drag into that discussion again. she just wanted to be there, quiet and loved.
NOAH: "Forgive me but I really need to pee..." he finally said, chuckling, kissing her once in the month before standing up. "Start thinking on what you want me to make for dinner, I'm gona be right back" he added, slowly getting up to go to the bathroom.
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DAY 02, the first time
ZEN: "so, i was doing some reading", the woman was standing next to top the stairs that led to the only bedroom at the house. noah had just left the shower after they spent the afternoon sunbathing outside. "...on how to garantee that the first time with someone new is perfect", taking a step on his direction he could see now that she had a satin robe on. "they say: lingerie, protection, don't worry about appearance...", as she spoke, she undid the robe, showing her lacy black underwear. "...and don't put pressure on orgasming", she stopped midway on his direction, smiling. "so i have it all covered. IF you wanna do somethinng", she was nervous, it showed, but also there was a hint of possessiveness that he knew by now.
NOAH: With only a towel losely around his waist and casually brushing his hair off with another, Noah raised an eyebrow at the sight that was Zenday before him in her silky robe. He didnt interrupted her line of thought, just dropping the towel he had on his hand, having a feeling he would prefer to have them both free. "What else?" he questioned, even knowing that she would keep going. He did his best not to let his jaw hit the floor when she undid her robe showing off to him her perfect figure in a black lingerie, bitting down on his lower lip, Noah kept closing the distance between the two eager to reach her. "That sounds easy enough... IF YOU wanna do something" two could play this game, and for sure Noah would want to have fun with it, as he stopped right in front of her, brushing her shoulder ever so slightly with the back of two fingers, licking his lips, as he gazed into her eyes, their noses brushing together from their closeness.
ZEN: it was clear that she had thought about this several times. from the conversations where she looked at his lips instead of focusing on the content, or the making out sessions that stopped repeatedly, this moment was highly anticipated. "i came prepared. i ALSO have a poem", raising an eyebrow at him, she was challenging him with his very own weapons. he asked her to be his girlfriend with a poem. she would ask him for this with that too. zendaya then threw the robe on the floor, taking his hands into hers. "let me live or live in me. let me go home or make me your home ...", she whispered at first, giving his small kisses through the process. "get inside me, more than you get in clubs", she placed both of his hands on her ass, teasing him with a smirk after. "break my bed, not my heart ... make me wet, not wip", slowly, she pulls his towel away, dropping it on the floor. "because paradise it's reached when we're on our knees ... but not on a prayer", finally, she pushed him to bed and now she was the one licking her lips, watching the image of her completly naked boyfriend on the light of dusk. "fuck, you're so fucking beutiful", she broke character touching his knees with hers before slowly joining him on bed, climbing on top of his body as her lips went for the most desperate kiss they ever had.
NOAH: "I can see that you did" Noah smiled at her, but was surprised when she said she had a poem, using his own moves against him, he was noticing. He let himself being led by his girlfriend, and as she start on the poem, Noah was done, completely surrending himself to her, every word sending small shivers down his spine, every kiss lightning something inside of him, with his hands placed over her ass Noah didn't think twice before feeling her in his hands, holding her close to him, and even before she pulled his towel from his body he was already naked before her, his lust clear in his eyes, mixed with so much admiration for how she started this moment for the both of them. Letting himself fall in the bed, Noah let out a small chuckle, amazed how she took charge of everything, and was pretty much doing everything he wished he did. But then it wouldn't have been this perfect. "Come here already, and let me make you wet, and never, ever, wip" he reached for her hand and pulled her in, their lips smashing together eager for each other, like never before.
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DAY 03, the basics
ZEN: the past few days they feel qucikly into a routine. waking up, eating brunch, then either going to the beach or he convinced her to walk around the woods. at the afternoon they would eat together, watch something, play some game, just enjoying each other until at some point they ended having sex wherever they were at the house. this was the last day and they would be leaving after lunch, so she decided to let noah in bed and make him breakfast. once zendaya managed to get the tray while going upstairs, she smiled at him. "hey noey, morning", she said, putting the breakfast next to him in bed, before giving him a small kiss. "you can eat while i start organinzing shit. you probably tired from last night. sorry not sorry", she shrugged, remembering that they went two rounds more than normal in the past day.
NOAH: Noah was an early riser, but not today apparently. Probably because he knew it was their last day in heaven, and he really wasn't that hyper about getting back to reality. "Morning babe" he mumbled, brushing his eyes with his hands trying to keep them open, before yanning whilst opening his arms wide open. "Not so fast!" Noah held her back as she was getting ready to go on with her plan on packing. "what if you are what I really want for breakfast?" he teased, just wanting to hold her there a little bit longer next to her. "have you eaten already?" he wondered still hugging her down into the bed, he was really just trapping her there, with his arms holding her upper body and one leg over her own legs, as he made her lay there. "I don't wanna go" he declared, and you could listen the pout he was wearing in his voice.
ZEN: to hear him talking like that, hoarse voice in the morning, calling for her, all of that was something the zendaya was starting to wish it was all her mornings from now on. but of course, noah wasn't just going to say, he was going to demonstrate, and all she managed to do before he took her was to get the glass of juice out of bed, so it wouldn't spill. "is that a promise?" she teased back. "not really, focused on doing something for you and forgot" she answered honestly, blowing some of her hair out of her face as she adjusted herself in position. "i don't wanna go either...", that was the kind of thing she would never allow herself to say before, to stimulate a fantasy that would never come true. but this trip proved to her that she could live in a made up world as long noah was holding her. "baaaaabe", now able to see the neck up close, her voice cracked. releasing one hand from the boy's embrace, she touched his skin, now with purple and red tones. "im so so so sorry", she bit her lower lip, already thinking about the shade of foundation she would use to cover it. "i'll get something to cover that for the trip, don't worry", she assured him, tilting her head to check the extent of the hickey on his neck.
NOAH: it was painful the mere thought of having to actually let her go and get on with the day, so greedy Noah decided to just kept holding her for just a little longer, as his mind started to really wake up. a chuckle vibrated through him at her teasing reply. "It can be" he whispered against her ear. "let's have breakfast together then, and be lazy for just a couple more hours, and then we both will get everything packed and ready to go" he sugested, wanting to take everything he could out of these amazing days with her away from reality. "What?" he wondered confused, not sure what she was talking about, as she touched his neck he understood, and memories from last night rushed back into his mind, putting a silly grin to his face. "Why would I want to cover it?" he raised an eyebrow at her, before closing the distance between the two into a kiss, so she would stop over analize the love bite she left on his skin.
ZEN: taking a note to hold that promise against him later, she nodded her head in agreement, trying to move. "babes, in order to eat breakfast you have to let me go", she smiled, giving him another kiss on his chin. "so people won't give you a hard time about it", she said simply, looking at him. suddenly, another grin took over her features. "you know what's my favorite part of your body?", her fingers touched his cheeks. "your scar. i love it. even tho it's covered right now", zendaya caressed his unshaved face, finding him more attractive in this look. "speaking of it, we should cover our basics", at this point, she gave up trying to move and just settled under him, kissing his jaw on the process. "favorite movie, type of music, book, color, food, color, tv show.... tell me yours i tell you mine".
NOAH: "Forgot about that small detail" Noah jokingly pouted, before eventually letting her go for eating purposes, smiling as she kissed his chin, quickly closing the distance between them again smashing his lips on hers. "Yeah, I've grown found of it myself" He said, unvoluntarly reaching with his hand to his chin at the same time she carressed him. "Is the unshaved look girlfriend approved or not?" He wondered raising a brow at her. Grabbing the glass of juice to take a good sip at it, Noah nodded at the idea. "We really should. Feels like we skipped a couple of steps there" he chuckled, at the same time he was already thinking about the questions she already throw in there. "Let's see... Favorite movie is too hard, my favorite rom com is Failure to Launch tho, just music, the type of music depends a lot on your mood, I've been listening a lot to Kina, if you don't know of him you should definitely check that out, book, again, there's a lot, like a lot a lot, but I'm gonna say Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. All the food. I can't pick. I don't have a favorite color, TV show, Friends." As he replied he was counting it with his fingers, grinning at the end. "You're up now"
ZEN: "i like it cause it's something that should let you traumatized but it didn't", she smiled, reaching for the chopped fruit, having some watermelon inside her mouth as she was kissed. "girlfriend aproved. makes me tickle. don't let it too big tho, i like your face", as she spoke some of the watermelon juice dripped from her lips, quickly cleaning it with the back of her hand. "babe, everyone knows you love kina. you hum it everytime", she laughed, zendaya herself had listen to it in her alone times because of him. "ok - movie is harry potter, i'm into oldie stuff like ray charles. aside of that anything R&B, book... i read a lot about business and biographies. i loved nelson's one. burritos, pizza and ice cream. i know imma die because of it. favorite color is pink, tv show would be handsmade tale", she tried to speak all of that in one breath as if it was a contest, laughing. "ok, next round - give me all the family names", she rose her hand too. "also, one thing that makes you happy, one thing that makes you mad, one thing that makes you sad and one thing that makes you horny", wiggling her eyebrows, she smiled and offered to feed him some grapes.
NOAH: "Oh poor dog got more traumatized then I did" he commented, stuffing some fruit into his month after tasting the watermellon from her month. "I'll see so it won't get too big" he said in tone of promise. "Oh, well it's really good" he chuckled. "Okay, I'm taking notes here. Harry Potter and Ice Cream in emergency situations. Got it. Mandela you mean?" he questioned to be sure concerning the book. "I'm the son of Kellee and Gregory, divorced by the way. And the younger brother of Taylor" he quickly replied. "You have quite the big family, which I find it so excited, but I'm afraid if you start naming them all I will forget a bunch. I just ask you to forgive me for it in advance" he pleaded with a small chuckle. "Meditation, is one thing that makes me happy. Mad? Fake people. Sad, well I get sad over the silliest things, like a song. Not having my girlfriend in arms reach for over a month! stuff like that. There's this black woman recently in my life, she pretty much holds that power, it's not really a thing that will get me going, if you know what I mean" as he said his last words he raised and lowered his eyebrows a couple of times. "What does makes you happy Zendaya Coleman. And everything else."
ZEN: "yeah, but we can't watch it together. dylan would kill me", she pointed that out with a face, nodding to the sides. "but if you show up with ice cream at my door i'll do pretty much anything you ask. and yes, mandela! his life is so inspiring", as he spoke she made a effort not to reach for a notebook to note it down, figuring that it would kill the moment. when he mentioned being sad for not seeing her for a month, she pulled his face and gave him a lil peck. she was specially proud that he acknowledged that she was a black woman in his answer. "my parents, also divorced are claire stoermer and kazembe coleman. kazaa for friends. don't worry, no one can actually remember all my siblings names, but it's katianna, annabella, austin, kaylee and julien", starting to smash a piece of bread, she nodded at him. "ice cream makes me happy, mad would be not being able to succeed in something that i invested time... i get sad over christmas songs for some reason and neck kisses gets me going. if you want to tone me down, touching my earlobe makes me sleepy", shrugging, she smiled. they were nearly done with breakfast, so she looked up at him. "ok, final question: what is your goal in life?", her voice was calm, looking at his eyes as she made the question.
NOAH: "Dylan would kill you? Why am I feeling jealous over harry potter right now?" noah frowned slightly, chuckling. "Ice cream, the key to your heart. Noted. I haven't read it yet, maybe you could lend me the book someday. But for what I know he had an incredible life experience." Noah commented, reaching for a couple of more fruit pieces, and orange juice. As she started to go on and reply to her own questions, Noah just listen, and rejoiced on the fact that she was sharing all this litle things with him, it might seem small, but it holds a great meaning when you are starting to get to know someone. With a small chuckling as she shared the earlobe fact, noah grinned at her. "That's something I will keep in mind" he smiled. "Oh, that's a loaded one." he had to take a moment to think about it. "I think the answer would be... just to be, really. You know? To be present in every thing you do. To be a good friend, to be a good son, a good brother. A good partner. At every step of the way, I just want to give my all in what I do, and have faith that will bring me happiness, and fullfillment. I don't have this specific thing. Of course I want to be sucessful profissionaly, but it's really not everything for me." This was the mess that was Noah's head right there, raw and without making much sense, but it was him, and he was willing to show her just that: him. "What's yours?"
ZEN: "don't even start babe, that's one you won't win", she replied with a mockery smile. as noah spoke back, zendaya quickly picked up the tray and it's belonging so clear the bed. she then sat on her legs, watching her boyfriend talk about his goal. at end, she had a huge smile on her face. "to be happy. i mean, i have loads of professional goals and shit, but i just want to brave enoug to be happy. give up when needed, walk away from people, all the hard decisions you have to make in order to make me and my loved ones happy", shrugging a bit, she was glad that they did this, sharing small things made her feel closer to him. "thanks for sharing noey. it's important to me", zendaya smiled at him again, but soon, snapped out of her silly face "okay, now, i do have a short term goal", benting her body to his direcion and gave him a long peck on the lips, then dragged her lips on his jaw line. "making my boyfriend cum", sharing a smirk, z pushed the sheets out of the bed with her feet to have more acess to him. the energy shifted, and he could see she was in a mission herself.
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#( noah c. )#( otp: if i could i'd get you the moon : noah centineo )#( paras. )#( para: romantic getaway. )#THIS TOOK US 16 DAYS TO WRITE lol
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@wxrld-xf-cxts asked: ❝ i think you thoroughly fucked my headache away. ❞ Obi to Maika EMOTIONAL INTIMACY & PILLOW TALK PROMPTS
“And I am very proud of myself for it.”
#|Trigger|Smuttish|#wxrld-xf-cxts#wxrld-xf-cxts|Obi#Infinite worlds|Snow White with the Red Hair#Custom infinity|In Character Maika Chifufu#A HOME THAT WASN'T A HOME BUT A TORTURE CHAMBER.|SWWRH Nightmare Villa Verse Maika Chifufu#The infinite custom has answered|Maika Chifufu Ask Answered
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