#Born to suffer; And shall continue to do so|OC Headcanon
rkwritingprojects · 3 months
Fisk the Rabbit
Warning for multiple possibly triggering things in this. Fisk is one of the MOST fucked up characters in my personal roster due to her past, along with her current scenario. Please keep this in mind.
Fisk is a brown, mobian lop rabbit with dark brown spots on various parts of her body. The tips of her ears, a thin border around her eyes, and lightly spotted on her arms and legs. This also matches her hair, usually pulled back into a ponytail to keep it out of the way. Her muzzle color is extremely pale, and that color matches the oval that consists of the midfront of her body, as well as underneath the little pom-tail she has.
While her eyes were naturally a color that would've matched her darker brown features, they now are, instead, ruby red. Though, at times, some could swear that they look more like a glowing crimson.
If anyone where to ask about her, little would be exactly. . . Known about her. She had appeared one day, randomly, and just kinda. . . Stuck around. While initially a bit of an asshole, she's softened up over time. Despite being far from the best person in the world, she still cares about others. . . 'Moral obligation', she calls it.
She is not in any databases, and no one recalls her any time prior to her arrival to various areas and doing certain things. This makes her seem like an anomaly to most. She also never directly talks about her past to most people, with very few exceptions.
She, most of the time, can be seen spending her days around various GUN buildings, being a general pain in the ass, but also causing GUN members to quit on a regular basis. The rabbit quite enjoys the irritation this causes the higher-ups, and doesn't intend to stop anytime soon. After all. . . She can't help it if GUN is a bunch of useless assholes-
In truth, she had been kidnapped when she was but a small kit, by a being she doesn't know much about, even to this day. She was almost always out of it, unable to comprehend reality from fiction. Made to go into various highs and lows over the years.
Her very being was look upon, tweaked and changed in ways that most tests had failed before this point. One would question. . . How does one change the essence of a soul? Is the soul ever the same after? Or is it still. . . Mobian?
She was meant to be the answer to these kinds of questions for the being that had ahold of her. Surviving out of pure willpower, and even just the instinct to survive even when it ran out. Her pure ability to live though such things was what made her one of the favorites, the preferred of the subjects that they had obtained over the years.
Or, at the very least, the most recent one until she got away.
This time when her soul was tweaked and tormented like this caused permanent effects on both her mind and body. The least of the issues would be the identification marker, drilled and screwed into her left hand's bones so it could never, truly, disappear. A constant reminder that she wasn't ever quite alone.
Many nerves in her body no longer work as they used to. Most of them are prolonged or lessened, with the worst being her ears. under extreme duress, they can twitch and try to perk up, but it tends to be painful if anything.
She finds herself constantly needing a particular kind of release, at least once a day. More if she's stressed. She never takes it forcefully, even when she's unable to get the release she needs. Despite it all, she cares about the consent of others, and will always make sure that is reached before doing anything with another.
She values little of herself and constantly questions her existence because of the things that had happened. Wondering what she did wrong, or how things could've been different. And so, she finds herself wanting to help others out, but also not be noticed at the same time. Usually, this lets her end up looking like the bad guy most of the time, even with her good intentions. It doesn't help she's willing to dig deep to ultimately do some good for the world.
However, the most notable thing is the fact that she can now commit gravity manipulation and has a constant excess of energy.
She seems to draw it from people and things around her, but never enough to make notable damage occur unless she is in the same exact spot for a prolonged period. The most notable way to think of it would be akin to how the world was drained in Lost World. However, due to this being so slow in general, this tends to never actually be seen.
Her gravity manipulation has been mastered over the years, and she uses it for various things. From being able to simply move things, to boosting herself forward when running. From simply being able to make a person slow or stop moving when she focuses enough. . . To being able to make their breath get taken away if she so wished. Both a blessing and a curse, one she rarely uses unless she feels the need to.
However, this is how her energy gets dispersed, seemingly back into the world around her like she had taken it. And with it constantly building, it can grow into an uncontrollable amount, even for her. This is what the intended purpose was for the capabilities. . . When under an extreme amount of stress, and she has been unable to release her energy via this manipulation, she will. . . Blow up.
She does her best to contain this when it happens, but there has been evidence, by the one who had taken her, that she could go as far as to be able to blow up Station Square in its entirety, if not further.
She can live through this, much to her horror, but she does tend to be exhausted and unable to continue on herself. This makes her view on herself even worse, as she doesn't understand why someone would want another being to be able to do. . . That.
Her ultimate goal is to get rid of the facilities that are all over the planet that he uses to test on others. She never wants another person to have to suffer under his hands if she can help it.
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rkwritingprojects · 3 months
Dianne Simmon the Fox
Dianne is a blonde-yellow colored fox with grey accents on various parts of her body. The tips of her ears and tail, the lower part of the outside of her eyes, and the tips of her fingers and toes are all a shade of Arctic fox grey. The rest of her seems to be more akin to a 'normal' fox color, and her hair is more of a golden shade compared to the rest of her body. Her muzzle is a slightly toned-out grey compared to the usual bright white, and her eyes are ocean blue. Her hair has a beach wave to it, and she tends to keep it down when she is in a casual setting. However, in serious scenarios, she will either put it up in a ponytail or braid it to keep it out of the way.
She is considered by her people as the 'Princess' of the Jewel Archipelago, much to her annoyance. However, she is the only true blood of the Simmon family as of currently, and so, the role should belong to her. However, both herself and the people do not have the capability to fight back against her mother, the wife of the previous head. While most do their best to keep the older woman happy, Dianne still has her precious friends to help her through these rough times.
This consists of the members of Curio's Curiosities. Curio himself, who has been helping her family line for as long as she can recall, and then some. Then there were his workers, Sammy, Laurine, and Meiko. All assisting with various tasks and having different personalities, they have all taken one another in and see each other as a family more than Dianne sees her mother as a mom.
She had been taken of her true role due to the age of which she was when her father passed away, her mother fighting against Curio taking the rein till she was of age and instead taking the role instead. Since her control, the islands have become much more money-oriented, and the natives overworked. This has led to tension between Dianne and the people of the islands, despite her doing her best to make things as comfortable as possible in her own way.
Her mother has also taken a morbid interest in the island's defense, the Jewels. A total of five (really seven) rocks to each represent each island. The head family of each island has a jewel, and Dianne was able to keep ahold of the Sapphire. However, that hasn't stopped her mother from toying with the power, trying to do things that they aren't meant to do.
This has lead to the choice of her having to leave with her island Jewel, much to Curio's insistence. Even though she didn't want to, she knew it was the right choice. To explore the world as she wanted for a time to let things die down, and then return when she was of proper age to get the role she rightfully deserved back and as such, the freedom of the people.
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rkwritingprojects · 3 months
Curios the Demon
Curios, aka Subject 1-C or Enchanted Vessel, is a demon artificially created by Wakabe, originally with the intent and purpose of being an organic vessel for Wakabe. However, Curios' physical composition was not able to comply with what Wakabe needed, and so was deemed a failure. Kept only for his brute strength when upset, and his capability to enchant various objects, Curios was merely toyed around with and nothing more after his use was deemed to be insignificant.
Then would come the day when Curios and Zayn both escaped Wakabe's control, using their combined strength and wits. Well, primarily Zayn's strength and wits, as Curios was not entirely there at the time. However, after getting out of the lab, they came to work together to determine a safe place for the two of them to stay. As such, it was Curios that proposed the idea of attempting to travel to a place otherwise unknown to most.
Thus began the journey for them to find that place, and it eventually ended in what would later become known as the Jewel Archipelago. There the two of them would befriend one of the island's native people, a privateer, and a member of a powerful tribe. It was also on these island that Curios and Zayn would then go their separate ways, doing their best to keep in contact.
Now, to this day, Curios has remained with the Jewel Archipelago, as an trusted assistant to the lead family, raising descendants to become as talented as their ancestor. In his spare time, and as his primary front, he also runs an enchanted/cursed antique shop with other travelers from afar as he works to protect the secrets entrusted to him.
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rkwritingprojects · 3 months
Woojoo's Thoughts - Wakabe's Projects
While even less aware of personalities as others like Fisk and Zayn, she has some of the more logged details of the projects, their capabilities, and general attitudes. The bat usually keeps an eye on most of them for Zayn himself, and as such, may know things that others don't because of this.
Zayn himself is someone that Woojoo finds great interest in, if only due to the fact that he seems so similar yet. . . Different compared to his counterpart. She admires his determination in his goals, yet wonders what he actually plans on doing once he achieves them, as he's seemed to make it such a key part of his personality.
Curio is someone that is interesting in concept, but a tad. .. Lacking in execution. With no offense to the demon, she can tell why it was that Wakabe likely didn't think of him as the final vessel for himself, as his capabilities aren't quite up to par for the role.
Lunar Love is someone she's never directly seen on cameras but has seen the files of. This is one where she is moreso concerned than anything about what the current state of them may be, as, well. . . The things stated in the files leave a lot to the mind, and there is the worry of them possibly snapping overall.
Fisk is someone that Woojoo can tell is pretty fucked up mentally, which is valid. As the one considered to be the 'Final Result' for his vessel, he was on the stage of breaking her mentally so that he could take control and keep it no matter the circumstance. She is one that Woojoo sees as the most genuinely dangerous, as she tends to get emotional fairly often, and the bat can't help but think that there may be a chance he'll try to get ahold of her once again, and may not be as willing to let go of her a second time.
Goopy is an interesting. . . Circumstance. From what she had been able to catch of her on cameras, she seems overly attached to her 'parents' despite having only been with them for a little bit of time when she was initially created. She still seems to be young in mind, which is hopefully a good thing.
Maika is someone that she managed to figure out the information of with the matching files dates and similar times of her disappearance from the public. While she has been unable to find her outside of a couple quick frames, she feels that the woman is able to keep herself safe with how well she's hidden herself, even from the bat.
7-B is someone she had managed to catch sight of only once or twice overall since she had obtained the files for them. The best hidden one so far, Woojoo instantly contacted Zayn and let him know that one of the projects seemed to still be alive and kicking. They are the one that she's actively searching for at the moment, hoping to get a better idea as to their situation.
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rkwritingprojects · 3 months
Fisk's Thoughts - Wakabe's Projects
While Fisk is not entirely aware of every project Wakabe has done, she is still keenly aware that there were a number before and after her. Some far into testing, others not even scratching the surface. Of course she has thoughts on them all.
They are all in a similar state as herself, having been created or taken from their normal lives to be made into something they're not. It makes her feel ill knowing the number of lives that had been affected by Wakabe extends past what she initially thought, and probably more than she currently knows of, as well.
Zayn is the one she is the most aware of, as he was the one who found her and managed to, daresay, 'tame' her. He helped her to realize that there was more to the world than what she had been told for so much of her life, and that there was more worth existing for than just revenge. She trusts him with her life if it comes down to it, even if she enjoys tormenting him at times.
Curio is only someone that she has heard Zayn speak to on a few occasions, and never seen him in person. Apparently, he lives somewhere else, having found a new purpose for himself. Fisk is proud of his ability to do this, and a tad jealous, even. However, the few times they have spoken, he tends to make her feel. . . Nervous when she accidentally ends up upsetting him.
Project Lunar Love is only one she had heard of in passing. Apparently a part of her own overall project, she can't help but find herself wondering if they know a way to help her in some form. . .
Goopy was a being that she partially witnessed the creation of herself, as she had imprinted onto her quickly after creation. Fisk found herself also attached, but she had gotten ripped away from her, and she has yet to figure out where the young one may be.
Woojoo is someone that she has worked with on a few occasions, especially in regards to finding and ransacking various strongholds and labs. Usually, anything that has to do with technology or could be made easier with it, she is contacted. Fisk highly respects her capabilities, but wishes that she could get a proper look at the one she works with someday.
Fisk is unaware of any of the other projects. Fallen Angel and Inverted Light had started long after she had managed to get away from the labs herself, and while she has been helping Zayn out, she hasn't quite come across any information on them as of yet. Though, that may be for the best. . .
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rkwritingprojects · 3 months
The Song's Involvement of Espio's Singularity
Woojoo is aware at, one point, her family had done something stupid. However, she is unaware of the exact details, and never really thought too much on what it was that exactly happened. It seemed that everything was over and done with, and as such, was left to the past.
However, a few generations back, her family had been the one to unintentionally out the location and information of Espio's clan. Having been working with them on the rare occasion, they had obtained a cordial relationship. But then money started to run tight, and jobs of a genuine nature were thin.
While having taken one of these jobs, one of the family members needed to go to the clan in regards to something, unaware that they were followed. The clan, having seen this, called the family traitorus, and did their best to flee. Despite the claim of being a traitor, the Song family attempted to assist as best they could, but it was too late.
The clan was killed off, bit by bit. But by extension, so did the Song family by the very same clan they had grown to respect. The Song family never once blamed them for their reaction, even if they continued to despise them.
Woojoo's parents were murdered by some of the very last members of this clan when she was too young to understand such things. But it seems that there is one of each side left, unaware of the other.
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rkwritingprojects · 3 months
Woojoo the Bat
Woojoo is a mostly cream-colored bat with black wings. Her muzzle is white, as well as the oval spot on her chest and stomach. She has gold-yellow eyes that have lighting fractals within the irises. She also has long, dark green hair that is put up into a high ponytail that goes down to her waist, along with high bangs. Her ears match the cream color of most of her body. The bat has a couple white spots scattered across her body, but her clothing usually covers these locations. Woojoo's small tail is also white, other than right at the base of it.
It is rare for people to have contact with her outside of the use of various technology. From radios to phones, to even something as simple as a surveillance camera, she keeps to the darkness. While seen on the rare occasion when she does dare to decide to go outside, most people just consider her someone that probably lives outside of town and comes by to get materials on the rare occasion.
In reality, she lives in town, but keeps herself contained to her inherited home that her parents had once owned. Being immunocompromised, she ends up extremely ill after going out most times, and so, she does her best to remain indoors, where the home has long been made to be a giant bubble for her.
She can technically go out using medication temporarily, but it wears off very quickly if she isn't consistently taking it. The bat believes it to be more of a risk and liability, especially when she can order things to her door and just deal with the decontamination process to get it all inside herself.
She is very technically skilled, having the hobby of hacking into various places to get information and keeping an eye on various places by getting into the camera. She can see the whole world with the simple use of her PC built just to do this. She has also created multiple AI systems, complete with their own personalities, to assist her with various tasks.
However, she is mainly good with using technology, compared to building it. She needs to be able to have something to use to be able to manipulate it in her favor.
She is otherwise known as Project Techeart, or 5-W. Having gotten taken when she was recently orphaned, she was then used to be able to try and give him an edge on the use of technology to get information. As his presence tends to cause things such as cameras to bug out, much to his annoyance, a project akin to this was considered 'extremely beneficial'.
This caused her ability to go outside to worsen much more compared to how it could've been as a side effect. It also gave her her lightning fractals in her eyes, and a metal plate with '5-W' is embedded into her left hip as a result.
However, she can 'see' the code when she is doing various things, and 'feels' her way through it instead of having to directly hack like most people do. It is akin to going into the cyberspace of a digital network. She can do this of her own will, as long as she has a direct connection, or can get her PC to have this needed connection.
When she does do this, she seems to zone out, but is still able to communicate. Her lightning fractals glow brightly when she is in a digital space like this, but she is vulnerable to attack due to the way she is mentally not there, unlike her body being so.
She managed to escape on her own, back to her home and was able to decontaminate it, but only after the implementation of the experiment was already in her system. Since then, she has started working with other Projects to be able to keep this from happening to others, as well as to protect herself.
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rkwritingprojects · 3 months
Zayn's Thoughts - Wakabe's Projects
Being that Zayn is Wakabe's oldest project/subject, he has been around to see or meet the conception of each project as they occurred, with only a handful of exceptions. While Zayn would like to see each of the projects be liberated and released from Wakabe's influence, he also knows that this is often easier said than done due to a number of circumstances.
Moving on to his thoughts regarding individual projects, his feelings about them vary from project to project. While he acknowledges how dangerous each project is individually, he also knows that some of the subjects themselves are far more dangerous than others. For projects that only have one primary subject, Zayn doesn't really seem to separate the distinguish the project name from the subject's identifier. In normal conversation, however, he will still use their preferred name over anything else.
Unless he is highly upset with the subject(s) in question.
The Enchanted Vessel (Subject 1-C), is the oldest project that he is aware of, aside from himself. Zayn personally thinks that they're a dangerous individual if left unchecked, but has no immediate evidence to back this up outside of witnessing incredible feats of strength under extreme emotions. That, and the ability to enchant objects or clothing makes for questionable safety with what you get from him.
Subject 2-R, or Lunar Love as the files referred to the overall project , is one that Zayn does not personally involve himself in. The overly sexual/sensual nature of the project often leaves him unnerved, and the way that she seems to be okay with how her body responds to the testing she goes through. He's concerned for her well-being, but also knows that she can absolutely be dangerous to some people with her above average strength, high stamina, and resilient nature.
Project Willpower, aka Subject 3-F, is his primary traveling companion, and frequent housing partner. How he cares for her differs and varies from time to time, due to her high maturity for her age combined with how her own demeanor can differ every time he meets up with her.
Subject 4-G is not directly associated with any one particular project of her own, but rather is considered a failure from Project Shattered Prism. Zayn considers her to be his own daughter, and would willingly end the world to keep her safe, as unlike most of the other projects, she is not outright dangerous. Yes, she has similar capabilities to his own, and can be considered dangerous in that right. However, her behavior and mentality largely diminish the actual danger she would pose to others.
Subject 5-W/Techeart acts as Zayn's primary informant of various happenings around the world. A vital piece to his overall operation, Zayn takes great care into making sure that she gets the resources she needs to get herself started. After that, he knows that she is more than capable of keeping herself sustained after with various tools. He does not consider her to be conventionally dangerous to others in a physical sense, despite her background and training. Rather, he considers her to be a danger to others' electronics.
6-M, the Fallen Angel is a short lived project that Zayn is only passingly aware of. He is aware of what her concept and abilities were supposed to be, but she was apparently able to get away before they were able to begin the testing process. He's proud of her for having escaped, and as such considers her to be the least dangerous of the projects due to her early escape.
Subject 7-B, Inverted Light. Zayn had heard of the name from 5-W, and when described to him of what it was supposed to be, his inner alarm bells were immediately ringing. The fact that his creator had separated some more of himself off, and forced a new color and personality onto it. Zayn knew that he was trying to recreate the success that was himself. He immediately warned all of the other subjects that he'd rescued prior of this project, and told them that if they ever encountered anything along the lines of it, to not engage. It was lethally dangerous to any of them, except for himself, 1-C, and arguably 3-F. Though the last, he wasn't even entirely sure of either.
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rkwritingprojects · 3 months
Wakabe's Project List
Wakabe has had a number of projects over the years, and as such, has them logged and their notes kept safely away where, hopefully, no one will ever find them. The projects are the following, in the following order:
0-Z - Known as Project Broken Mirror, it was an attempt to split off all of himself that he did not like, nor want to be within him. Unfortunately, it developed it's own will and goals, leading it to become an irritation. Still an absolute "favorite" of Wakabe, leading to consistent torment.
1-C - Project Enchanted Vessel, this project was intended to be a puppet vessel with which Wakabe would lured in subjects for testing, as well as to manipulate events without being directly involved. Subject's body is permanently female, and found to be impossible to change, regardless of attempts and circumstances.
2-R - Project Lunar Love, created to see just how far a beings drive for affection, attention, and sexual curiosity can go. While not an immediate favorite, and considered a useless side project, still is tested upon on the side. Basis for some tests performed on 3-F, as well as basic imitation of the Mobian species to be used.
3-F - Also known as Project Willpower to anyone who asked him about it at the time, was meant to try to understand and control the souls of something not manmade. The first project to use a Mobian instead of a creation of their own. Also considered one of the 'favorites' of Wakabe.
0-Z-(A-N) - Collectively referred to as Project Shattered Prism, these are an attempt to recreate project 0-Z after it's escape. Relatively the same as 0-Z, but noticeably less powerful than the original subject. Unaware of the fact that they originate from a much more powerful project. Highly suggestible, and easily molded to fit set personalities and tendencies.
4-G - Considered a failed part of the 0-Z-? Project, and as such, useless to them. They gave them their own specification and made sure to keep them away from what it considered its 'parents' to keep it from becoming a potential issue in the future.
5-W - Known as Project Techeart. As they are unable to use cameras directly to their advantage, they wanted to create a being that could manipulate and further advance the capability that they have on technology. An orphaned child who was alone and unable to leave their home, it was the perfect choice for this kind of project.
6-M - What was going to become Project Fallen Angel, to which they would be considered a test for what a normal, everyday Mobian could use in regards to energy. From the Chaos Emeralds, to Time Stones, anything that could be thought of, she was supposed to try and use it all, finding her limits and then breaking them over and over until there were no more limits to surpass. Unfortunately, she didn't stick around long enough for many of these plans to come into fruition, much to their annoyance.
7-B - Project Inverted Light, a small separation of his material, and given a new color and personality. Found to be less powerful than hoped for. Still highly useful, and similar capacity for form shifting, immersion, and assimilation with/of organics.
7-B-(A-N) - Project Inverted Prism, an offshoot of Inverted Light, when discovered that 7-B could actively create children, or 'sister' subjects on her own. 14 minor subjects were then created, and had new personalities and tendencies forced upon them and their mental processing.
Notable mention: Project Shadow - Was not directly involved, but rather an outside influencer that quietly put the idea into Gerald Robotnik's head. Watched from afar, and silently pushed Gerald into fine tuning and changing different aspects as the project progressed. Eventually pulled back all influence once G.U.N. fully seized and took over the ARK, and it's projects, to avoid detection.
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rkwritingprojects · 3 months
Zayn the Dragon. . .?
Zayn is a gold colored Mobian dragon, at least in appearance. Gold eyes to match the scales of his body, and white horns protruding from underneath his bright gold hair, Zayn's appearance can be otherwise described as overly bright, and maybe even gaudy. But when looking at him under normal lighting conditions, one would be able to tell that what spots on his body that aren't covered by scales, are about as pale as can be.
If you tried to question him about his past, his history, he'd try to avoid the questions by stating that there is no history to dive into. While a blatant lie, he will usually insist that this is the case to the point where he will forcibly drop the topic. Unless he trusts you of course.
Having been around for what has felt like an eternity, there are almost no events that Zayn hasn't been a witness to in some form. Yet, he doesn't appear in any public or military databases. Files of him can be found, if you know where to look, but would one really want to look there?
Typically found wandering the world, keeping an eye on things and certain others, and assisting from the sidelines most of the time, Zayn isn't much of an active being. If it wasn't for his own code of conduct, he would not involve himself at all most. However, a moral obligation of sorts chains him to the decision to provide aid to those who need it, when it is most needed.
Yet, this is only scratching the surface about him.
Truthfully speaking, Zayn is actually one half of another very powerful being, making him equally as powerful. He is also that other. . . Thing's opposite in terms of natural balance. As such, for every bit of power one gains, the other is growing in power respectfully, meaning that they act as perfect counters to one another. This also means that while Zayn may appear to be Mobian, he very much is not. Quite, he is unfortunately just like his creator in that regard.
This was something that his creator found to be highly intriguing, and severely annoying. Something that lead to him being constantly contained except for when experiments were to be conducted on him, to explore what all he was fully capable of. This lead to a myriad of discoveries about him, ranging from his ability to split himself off into smaller pieces that could operate independently, as well as being able to heal others.
Like his creator, there are ways to slowly eliminate him. Using the material that his creator is made of is the most prominent method, as they directly counter each other. The main determining factor between which material is destroyed first typically comes down to who has a greater willpower, as well as who has more energy to burn.
The other method is extreme heat, which can directly burn and break down his existence. While not as commonly known, it leads to a similar behavior as his creator, in a preference for colder climates and locales. This does not stop him from acting in environments that would work against him, however. It just makes things much, much more difficult.
An additional weakness that was discovered through experimentation, was that Zayn is exceptionally prone to high voltage charges. While smaller currents can safely pass through his body without harm, large sudden charges like those from a substation, a lighting strike, or an amped up shock collar can quickly debilitate him, and leave him vulnerable to attack.
Despite these weaknesses, and the suffering Zayn has gone through, he works with some of his creators other various projects to prevent his creator from starting new projects, while freeing the remaining projects under his horrible control. A goal that he intends to accomplish, even if it ends up destroying him at the end.
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rkwritingprojects · 3 months
Wakabe the. . . ?
Wakabe is usually never directly seen by others, preferring to remain out of sight and out of mind to the world around themselves. However, whenever they are seen, they take the form of a type of desert dog. With a black and fur coat, hair, and mismatching black and white eyes, they look rather. . . Unnerving to anyone who talks about them. Despite the lack of need, they also wear glasses, to give the impression of an inability to see without them. A tactic to buy them time if they were to ever need to do something against anyone who tried to pick a fight. . .
They have been around as long as the world can remember. A form of darkness that people little expect, but should more often. A being capable of horrid things when given the chance, with no remorse for it. They do not care about the effects their actions cause, and instead, tries to see just how deep they can go.
A direct underling, and believer, of Mephiles, they seek to cause negativity to the world, and are constantly working to provide the means for those that wish to do so, knowing it will cause the end to come sooner.
They are the one who have been the main cause of anguish for a number of people over the course of years. From their own personal projects to the reasoning that Gerald ended up the way he did. From the torture he forced others to endure, to being the cause of multiple families' demises and torment.
Their primary regret is the loss of their greatest project, due to the fact that this project actively works against them in regards to not being able to further their work. This project has also actively turned their other projects actively against them, instead of behaving and letting themselves keep what little 'freedom' they have.
Wakabe is not a mobian, nor any kind of true. . . Being. And as such, they can shapeshift and change forms as they pleases. They have a primary, social form that they use, but when in private, it tends to be removed, instead sticking to being a formless, large mass without a face. A color of pure darkness, unable to be seen through.
This mass can be removed from themselves, with them still being able to control it and move it around. It acts akin to a thick, goopy slime most of the time, but it's thickness can be altered to be thinner or thicker depending on the use for it.
When it enters the body of a living being, it can let them mentally interact with the other being, akin to a form of telepathy. They are known to use this to cause great anxiety and fear in others, to manipulate them, and to make them believe things that may not be true over time.
However, this material can be removed from surfaces and living beings in a number of ways. One way is by using the material of it's opposite, covering the area and letting it kill off the material. This can also be used on living beings, called a 'flush', but is known to be rather uncomfortable and painful.
The other way is by heat. Particularly, fire. It cannot withstand the higher temperature, and so flames can be used to disperse it. When in regards to living beings, something such as entering a hot tub or something similar in heat increase can cause the material to be removed as well.
This makes it prefer colder climates, such as snow, caves, or underground buildings that they have made across the planet. This is where they tend to be, plotting and working further toward the goal of their. . . God.
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