#|| not just that but to me love is something winnie really wants? a sort of peaceful familiarity with someone
saltandburnheathens · 6 months
Good morning Miss Winnie.
Part II
Pairing: Dean Winchester X Reader.
Rating: Gen.
You've just given birth to Dean's baby and are a enjoying a quiet family moment in the days afterwards.
Notes: Non-canon, no time line. And I don't ever want kids. But I just became an aunt and I sort of need to get this out of my system! Short and I'm not promising that I won't continue this. Who knows really. Finally this was written after I'd taken my usual nightly gummy.
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The bunker was quiet first thing in the morning except for the usual hum of the circulation fans. You’d been there so long that they barely registered anymore, and you were extremely thankful that the consistent noise wasn’t a problem for the baby. That would have been a horror show. Trying to navigate parenthood with a baby awoken by the simplest of sounds. 
You shuddered at the thought. 
Life was always loud when you lived with Dean Winchester and his posse of colour characters. Between unexpected visitors and the brothers coming and going at odd hours, there was something new every day and often that new wasn’t good. 
But in that moment things were perfect. The monsters outside didn’t exist and you were a regular mom with a new baby and a husband who loved you. His bother Sam and best friend Castiel were an added bonus, the former serving as an unexpected asset when both you and Dean needed some rest.  
You crept carefully out of bed, your body still feeling weak, and quietly crossed to the crib by the wall. A set of hazel eyes stared up at you and your heart melted. 
“Good morning Miss Winnie.” You cooed, “Let’s get you up and at ‘em before you wake daddy.” 
You heard a small scoff followed by the shuffling of blankets. 
“Winnie?” Dean asked with a sleep-laden voice, “We ain’t calling her Winnie, sweetheart. I’ll accept those new-agey-hippy-names like Kendell and Kloe with a K before I’ll take Winnie.” 
“I’m just calling her that until we choose a name.” You laughed, lifting the little girl up into your arms, her head coming to rest on your chest, “And Winnie is short for Winchester in case you hadn’t pieced that together.” 
“I don’t care if it’s short for ‘daddy’s-little-angel’, it ain’t happening.” 
“I’ll cross that off my list then shall I?” You sat back on the bed, Dean coming up to nest beside you and his eyes immediately going to the baby in your arms. 
He smiled, creases forming at the corners of his eyes. 
“You’re not a Winnie, are ya’ princess?” In that voice he seemed to only have adapted five days ago after the birth of your daughter; that voice reserved for her. 
“Maybe not. What about Meghan?” You suggest. 
“Oh nope. No can do. Knew a Meg once. Demon.” 
You nodded knowingly. No one wanted to name their child after a monster. 
“Stevie?” Dean carried on, his eyes still fixed on the baby.
“Like Stevie Nicks?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“I’m not seeing it. Samatha?”
“Already got one Sam in this bunker and that’s more than enough. Alice?”
“Can’t do it. All I’ll keep hearing is ‘who the fuck is Alice’, and I don’t want my kid to be subjected to that for the rest of their life.” 
You both laughed, interrupted only by the whine building in the little one’s chest. You quickly jumped to action and proceeded to the morning routine you’d been adjusting to since getting back home. Dean followed you, rubbing at his eyes. 
“I don’t think I’ve had hangovers that made me feel quite as bad as waking up five times at night.” He yawned. 
You handed him a dirty diaper and smiled as he grimaced. 
“You can go back to bed if you want. I can manage by myself.” 
“Sweetheart, you just damn near broke your pelvis giving birth to my kid a few days ago. I’m in this from start to finish, and if that means running on caffeine and a prayer, then I’m game. Even for the diapers.” 
Dean rummaged through the first drawer of their dresser and pulled out a small onesie covered in colourful dinosaurs. He held it up in front of him and smiled. 
“It’s hard to believe how small she is, huh?”
“She didn’t feel so small coming out of me.” You quipped, taking the clothing from him to finally cover the squirming child on the changer, “I’m pretty sure my vagina will never be the same.” 
“That’s blasphemy.” Dean gasped playfully, “But seriously, baby, the doctor said that it’ll take a few weeks before you start to feel normal.” 
“Normal is subjective when you’re postpartum.” 
Holding his baby tight to his chest, Dean lent down and kissed you softly on the lips. His green eyes fluttered up to meet yours. 
“Let’s face it, ain’t nothing normal about either of us in the first place.” 
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foreverisntenough · 3 months
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Summary: You were his and he was yours but what would it be like adding one more? Thrust into a whirlwind romance you never could’ve imagined that became your forever love. You continue building a new life across the pond with a very beautiful Scouser. A sequel to the ‘You’re Mine’ fic.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestion, SMUT (unprotected sex,) pregnancy, parenting, mental health struggles, eating disorder, self doubt, body image issues, daddy kink, angst, alcohol consumption - not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: Thank you for reading! Please be sure to like, comment, or message me what you think of the series! Try not to nitpick with any real pregnant/ baby logistics it’s better if you just read along happily :)
Warning! This chapter focus on mental health struggles and body image issues (depression and ed) It’s a little dark so if that is at all potentially triggering to you please be advised and do not interact.
Chapter 20 - Miss Mama | ‘Ours’
“She’s okay? God, please tell me she’s okay.” Trent asked in a voice that was heart wrenching. Lauren felt her heart shatter listening to him sound so meek and broken.
“Erm… physically so so, emotionally, T, I’ll be honest it’s not good. I know she fucked up but this isn’t good for you two to be apart. I’m worried.” Lauren croaked out. “I’m here with her now but….” She tried to begin to provide some sort of update but Trent cut her off.
“I need her to be okay, Lauren. I can’t have her like this. I need her. She… She’s my whole world. I am nothing without her. I’m so worried. I was the one that caused all of this. I need her to be okay.” He started to cry. Lauren could hear the gasps for air and sniffles through the phone. “I.. God, I l..love her so much.” Trent began to stutter interspersed between his tears. Lauren hadn’t really ever heard him cry but she understood wholeheartedly how upset he must’ve felt because she was feeling pretty much the same way.
“I know…  I know you do, T. I think she needs to come home. She needs you. Seriously, I know you guys have a lot to unpack after what’s happened but being away from you, from Teddy… it’s killing her. She’s… she’s not well.” Lauren didn’t know how to describe or even articulate your current state. You were gaunt, your face didn’t have the glow it did when you were with him or your baby. Lauren had seen this version of you before though unfortunately. She hadn’t seen it in years but she’d never forget it. Since Trent entered your life there had been an incandescence about you. Sure, you had dips, everyone does but he was there now to hold you through it all. She recalled an ability you had that she hated to morph your body to completely display your emotional state. Your mental condition contorting into a physical one. “T…” Lauren whimpered, starting to cry. “This isn’t the first time this has happened, I know she’s told you. You’ve been so good for her, you’ve changed her whole outlook on life, you treat her the way she deserves to be treated. I’m just worried because this isn’t the first time I’ve had to do this.” Lauren took a deep breath. 
“I am made for her. I know that. That is my purpose. I am supposed to take care of her and cherish her and I was mad, I was upset but I don’t want this. I never wanted to be the one to kick off something like this. God, I’m going fucking mad, here. Why did I let her leave like that ... .Wait, wait, hold on, do what, Laur?” Trent paused his momentary rant to get Lauren to clarify. 
“Winnie told me about the first time. I hadn’t met Y/N yet. She just was so sick. She wasn’t taking care of herself. I know you already know about these things, I don’t have to relay it all to you again. Honestly, I can barely talk about it. I don't want to have to do this anymore” Lauren’s body shuddered remembering other time’s that she’s been in this very situation. “I’ve watched her destroy herself. She lets herself wither away. I've seen it again and again and I thought we were done. I thought that you’d be the person that finally brought her some peace and seeing her like this again… it’s breaking me. When I came into the apartment… god” Lauren continued to cry, her heart hurting thinking about her best friend struggling to see what everyone around her saw. You were beautiful, inside and out and not in a cliche way, in a way that was indisputable and breathtakingly refreshing. Trent’s stomach dropped. He actually thought he might’ve blacked out while Lauren continued talking.  “She’s okay, she’s safe and asleep but she just really doesn’t want to lose you, she couldn’t handle it.” You didn’t always have the strength to push past the type of destruction you’d inflict on yourself over the years but there was something that Trent was able to do that gave you hope, gave you moments of truly feeling love and value. Lauren believed in you. You could be strong but losing Trent was not something she wanted you to have to ever endure. That was your person. The one that was created and cut, defined and detailed just for you.
“Get her back to me, Lauren. I need her. I am not losing her. You will not lose her. This is stopping now. Whatever you need, just get her back home to me. I’m going to take care of her, I promise.” Trent said sternly. This was over. Being apart was over. Honestly, Trent wanted to just fly to New York right now but he couldn’t because he had a match. He wanted to say fuck football. Trust, he never said that and meant it but he did right now. He knew you’d be mad if he did it and he knew it would cause a stir so he bestowed all his trust in Lauren to get you to him.
As you laid in your bed, Trent was unavoidable in your dreams. He was everywhere. You cried in your sleep. Missing him. You couldn’t get up when your eyes began to flutter open, god knows how much longer later. Enough for Lauren to have your next 24 hours already planned out for you at the least. Your body was paralyzed by the crushing weight feeling as if you ruined your impending marriage and family over a stupid night out you took too far. The tears kept falling. In retrospect, you’re not sure they had stopped for the past few days. You were amazed you had any left in your tear ducts. You thought about how beautiful Trent was and how, in a nearly impossible way, what you created together, Teddy, your baby, was even more beautiful. You could hear their laughs echoing in your head in the most cynical mockery of what you were missing. You missed them so much.
You were filled with a mix of fear, regret, anxiety, heartache, and anticipation when Lauren got you back to your house. You felt your body go cold as you approached your once incredibly warm front door. Lauren stayed outside calling Jude for her own moral support that she needed. You were in a haze but this was really difficult on her as well. You punched in the front door’s code and heard the lock turn and shift. You grabbed the handle and pushed. The smell of your house hit you like a freight train. You could’ve physically fallen over with the amount of memories that flooded your mind at the scent. You covered your face with your hands for a moment and took a deep breath trying to compose yourself. You dropped your bag and your Rimowa at the door just the way you hated Trent did.  The alarm beep rang through the house alerting that a door had opened. The sound was like catnip. You heard the pitter patter of bare feet running clumsily on the hardwood floors. Around the corner swung the most perfect little girl. Her hair laid flat pulled into a bun with a few ringlet curls escaping. She had a light pink shirt on dragging a bear on the ground behind her with one arm holding its paw in her hand. You started to cry immediately.
“Mama!” Teddy cried. Tears coursing down her cheeks. Her initial excitement of who was at the front door halted by the surprise of how much she missed you. This was so unfair to her. You sat on the floor and pulled her into your embrace engulfing her. You sobbing along with her.
“My baby. I missed you so much. I love you so much.  I’m so sorry mummy was away. I’m so sorry, baby.” You pressed your lips to her hair and shut your eyes tight. She didn't really understand why you'd been away but boy was she happy to see you. You never wanted to let go of this little girl. Teddy continued to weep but she slowed eventually. Your hold of her only seeming to get tighter though as she fell into shorter breaths and sounds of hiccups 
“Miss my mama.” She cooed talking into your shirt. You squeezed her that much tighter. Your hand running over her head before you loosened your hold to be able to look at her. You pressed her nose against hers. “Mama no sad.” She whimpered, being able to see how visibly upset you were. It hadn’t actually been more than 72 hours that all this unfolded but you felt like she managed to grow up somehow. She was so emotionally attuned and intelligent. She nuzzled her face into the nape of your neck comforted by your smell and you by hers. 
“Oh baby, I know, I know you missed mama. I missed you so much. I’m not sad, I’m just so happy to see my little Teddy bear, yeah? Were you good for daddy?” The question just fell out like a habit. You shut your eyes barely able to process saying his name to her. It was then you heard ‘daddy’s’ footsteps coming to stand close but what still felt far away watching you in the foyer. He could tell immediately you’d lost weight in the span of days. The curve of your shoulder looked different, your cheekbones just a little more defined. 
“Dada! Mama home!” Teddy pulled away from you and turned around to Trent to tell him the exciting news. He nodded with a smile at her, not looking at you. You weren’t sure if this would be all that exciting of news to him. Nevertheless, you got yourself up on shaky legs. He came over to you in what felt like slow motion. You told yourself you wouldn’t cry. He hated when you cried and you didn’t want to upset him more but you thought you might seeing his gorgeous face again. You had no idea where the two of you stood. He said he was done but you were back home by Lauren's guidance for the sake of your daughter.  She didn’t want to do any of the talking for Trent, she was simply acting as a delivery woman. Trent extended one arm out to you. His big hand grabbing the back of your neck harshly, almost aggressively pulling your sylphlike body into his strong one. He brought his other arm around you slipping low across the small of your back the way he usually did. It was a bone crushing embrace. You felt his chest tremble and then he sniffed in harshly as he began to cry. You made him cry. You shut your eyes, extending the persistence of the horrible feelings you’d had for days. 
“I love you.” You whispered, tucking your face against his neck. Your nose flattened against his soft skin. Teddy stood quietly holding onto your leg not ready to let go. Lauren snuck into the house quietly and grabbed her. “I’m sorry.” you whimpered barely audible. You took a deep breath reveling in the feeling of his warm hold, relief and fear concomitantly falling over you.
“Don’t fucking ever leave us again. Your home, your place in this world is right here in my arms with our little girl. We cannot survive without you here. Do you understand me?” Trent cooed with a stern but shaky voice keeping you tight to his chest. You nodded as your pervasive tears returned. More and more falling the longer he held you. “We love you. God, fuck… I am so in love with you Y/N. Please don’t ever leave me. No matter how much I push, no matter what’s happening, you cannot leave.” He pleaded begging you more than he was instructing you.  
“I don’t want to leave, I don’t want you to not want me anymore. I want to come home, T. You’re the love of my life. You’re the only way I’m able to breathe.” You placed your hand over your heaving chest because your heart began to hurt so badly. 
“You can’t go anywhere else. Not letting you.” He said with a desperate release of air. Your other hand’s nails dug into his cotton t-shirt covering his back. You let him cry, loosening your claw and rubbing circles with your hand on his lower back whilst the other moved off your chest to gently scratch his scalp until he was able to calm down.
“You never cry…” You made the observation giving him a sad smile in between gasping breaths. You wiped the tears under his eyes gently. Guilt and empathy running down your face. 
“You’re worth crying for, baby.” he cupped your cheek. The heartfelt way he said baby to you returning, stilling your racing mind. He looked into your eyes and you felt everything around you disappear. Every worry, every physical thing around you vanishing, only him left. He kissed you and it was like someone restarted your whole nervous system. The cogs in your brain began turning again, the blood in your body began to pump again, your heart began beating again, the color began to rush back into your cheeks. “You owe me a few days of kisses, yeah? Teddy too. She’s desperate, apparently I’m not the same as mama.” He cooed, pulling away momentarily letting you know the work that laid ahead of you before returning his lips to their rightful place on yours.
“Oh no…” you couldn’t help but giggle picturing the conversations they must’ve had. Your lips curling into a toothy smile inadvertently pulling them off his. Listening to the two of them together was precious, you could only imagine what they were saying when they were alone. It made your heart swell seeing those two identical faces together.  “What’d she say?” you asked curious to hear about the exchange. 
“Nah, she had me running, you know? I felt like she knew the game she was playing as well. Dada want this, dada up, dada quiet. Just command after command and then in swept the critiques.” You smiled seeing his eyes light up recalling their days and Teddy’s hold over him.
“No mama does!” She rattled off squirming away as he attempted to do her hair after he placed her on his lap in front of him in a mirror in her room.
“I know she’s the best at it but can you let daddy do it today?” He asked her politely. He pulled her curls back into the best bun he could manage. Brushing it slicked back. She furrowed her brow at the finished product. He looked at her trying to make out why she wasn’t happy. He thought he did a good job.
“Bow! Dada bow, please.” She looked at him back through the mirror like he was dumb pressing her palm onto his thigh. Obviously, he forgot a bow. How did he not know that? He placed it and sighed. He kissed her cheek and plopped her on her own two feet.
“Are we hungry this morning? I am. I’m thinking we have the toastie you like.” Trent cooed looking at her as they walked down the hall inspecting his handiwork on her hair trying to find a flaw that warranted her disgruntled response. Teddy replied with a simple ‘yuck’ keeping her gaze fixed ahead focused on her tiny steps. “What why? What do you want then?” He asked inquisitively with a bit of a smile. It was hard not to laugh at her developing personality. He held her hand but let her navigate the grand staircase in your house roughly by herself. 
“Mama.” She responded to him confidently and calmly knowing not what she wanted to eat but very certain she’d prefer you to be there to make it for her.
“Yeah, well same…” Trent exhaled, inspecting the empty refrigerator he knew you usually filled with all the things you knew he and Teddy liked. It was the little things you did that had disappeared in front of his eyes now missing them tremendously in a day's time.
“I mean… it wasn’t good, baby.” His smile faded as he recalled the last couple days that were filled with some cute moments but more so difficult ones.
“Baby?” You asked, interested if that’s where you stood now. Were you on good terms? One of the last times he said it it really stung.
“Yeah, my baby. Forever but we really need to talk.” He spoke to you softly before taking your hand and guiding you into the cinema. It made you nervous hearing the door shut behind you. The noise reminding you the room had sound proof walls. God, you hoped this wasn’t going to be another loud fight like the one that transpired in your kitchen where you’d need those walls.
“I know we’re talking and it’s serious but…” You took a deep breath and tried to fight back tears. You sat on opposite sides of the couch in the room awkwardly as if you had just met. You looked at him with a pout and puppy dog eyes.  “I’m scared and I really need you. Can you just hold me please?” You whimpered out, quite pathetic. 
“C’mere, pretty girl. This is where you’re supposed to be, yeah?” He smiled softly, loving hearing that you needed him, that he was a comfort to you. You relaxed in his arms, relieved that was the vibe and not you two raising your voices. You laid your head on his shoulder. Trent hugged you tightly and you couldn’t hold back the tears that began to run down your face. You bawled his shirt in your fists.
“T… Who was that in the photos?” You sheepishly asked, unable to keep it inside anymore. You wanted to get what felt like the hard bit out of the way. You were lying to yourself and using him as a scapegoat. This wasn’t the hard part by a long shot. No matter his answer, there was a massive elephant in the room and it was you but you couldn’t shake the photos online of him and that woman. The thought of someone else, another girl spending time alone with him. Her somehow becoming his best friend. Him choosing her over you. 
“Baby…” He drew out the pet name, saddened you’d seen the photos and imagined something completely incorrect. 
“If you did, I’d understand.” You cut him off before he even answered you, excusing an action he didn’t do. He dropped his head back against the couch frustrated this was still where you were at, that things didn’t magically change when you walked back into the house. You believed he could treat you like that and it would be an okay thing, something you might’ve deserved.
“Stop. I didn’t do anything. It was George’s cousin. Baby… we gotta work through this. You need to understand I’m committed to you. This is why I met with her. You need…” He trailed off feeling awkward and terrible for what he was about to say. “ You need help.” He muttered out. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for it all, T, the final, New York.  I never wanted to hurt you.” You apologized earnestly.
“You didn’t hurt me, I mean you did but I’m more concerned about you hurting yourself. I was scared. I know Lauren told Jude not to but baby, we’re all really worried. They both told me about what happened in the apartment in New York…” He sighed hating that you were even having to have this conversation. You exhaled his name, defeated feeling the same. “Nah, I don’t want a defense or excuse. I can’t lose you.” He tried to deter you from the innate need to defend yourself. 
“Before Wembley… I don’t know. I got too drunk and I was alone and I got sad. It was a one off.” You had no ground to stand on, any reasoning would’ve been illogical but you felt the words jumbled rolling off your tongue. 
“It’s not. When Lauren visited, you got so sad, baby. It’s just not, you’ve said it’s happened before. Your dad told me, Winnie’s told me, Lauren’s told me. It might not be happening in front of me but it’s happening. Baby, I get that it…” He tried to keep talking to you but you gave him a face you gave to a lot of people. A facade of interest. A mask being pulled in front of your face, the elastic band snapping behind your head securing it. “Don’t…” he reprimanded you knowing it all too well. “Fine, I can’t understand but I imagine it’s hard to talk about. I’m scared. I’ll be the one to say it, alright? I’m fucking scared, Y/N.” He sheepishly admitted to you. Feeling like he failed by doing so. “We need to go to a doctor. I don’t mean this derogatorily I just think someone could help. I'm out of my depth here. I don’t want anything to happen to you. To my Y/N. To my baby’s mum.” He defeatedly let out. You could feel his heart racing pressed against you. You had so much to say but nothing would come out. You cuddled into him, laying your head on his chest. “I love you so much.” He whispered, breathing you in. Transitioning from sheer desperation to admiration for your body in his hands right now. Jesus Christ, what had happened? In a weird way he began to wonder if he felt like he had used you. “Am I making things worse?” He questioned you terrified of your potentially heartbreaking answer. You shook your head ‘no.’ Why didn’t this stuff go on in front of him? The inability to keep up with a golden boy wasn’t the problem but it was hard to not feel downtrodden. Trent was empathetic, he could hear it in the way you cried in the kitchen before you left.
'You expect me to be this perfect version 24/7 but I’m not. I’m not!” You kept crying. “I’m sorry. Fuck! I’m sorry, I’m trying but I can’t be like you, okay?” You whimpered, feeling defeated and broken.'
You didn’t really blame Trent for being good at well… life. Instead, you felt a crushing amount of guilt and shame for not simply being enough. The inability to measure up not to him but for him. You felt so tender in his arms like if he moved suddenly or too rough you’d break or bruise. He thought about the way he had sex with you, the way he uprooted you to England, the way he got you pregnant. He felt horrible that he inflicted so much on you physically. He just wanted to take care of you but alternatively, you’d never felt less used. The exact scenarios he was recalling flashed through your mind in the most blissfully painful way. You shut your eyes again. You wouldn’t change a thing, a lie, maybe a few things on your end but overall, no. His hands on you felt alleviating and comforting all the time. Even if he was fucking you roughly, even if you were jet lagged flying places to see him, even the grueling process of labor was fine all because he was there. 
“Thank you for caring.” You muttered out embarrassingly honestly, finally finding some words that you felt wholeheartedly would be good to start with. Trent’s heart, if it hadn’t already when he saw you come back into your house, it surely did just completely shatter. He kissed your hair and then over your ear before whispering to you. 
“I will always care about you. More than you could ever understand. I will do anything for you…” he paused and let out a breathy sigh. “Anything.” The warmth of his breath, the drag of his lips moving down your skin sent a shiver running up your spine. 
“T, we shouldn't, it's too soon.” You moaned feeling his lips cascade down the length of your jaw. The mood in the room shifting in slow motion. He didn’t mean to, it just was instinctual. His big hands moving the fabric of your top further and further up, finding more and more of your bare skin. You pushed yourself back into him, rolling your head to the side. Telling him one thing out loud and asking for something completely different silently. 
“It’s fine. We’re fine, baby. We’re gonna be fine.”  He rattled off, not able to think very clearly lost in a very thick haze feeling your body again.
“We can’t do this, T. I have more to say.” You whined, not meaning half the words you said. You definitely wanted to do this but you also did have more to say. He had no control at this point and you hated that it turned you on so much. His desire for you would always trump any sense of reasoning you had. You couldn’t stop him because the sensations running through you were invincible. The physical attraction and the sexual desire between you would always pull you back together. 
“No, no, this is going to be really good. I fucking need you. I missed you so much..” You turned towards him with a desperate look on your face. Your eyes filled with lust. Trent could get hard off the look on your face alone but feeling you again, touching you again was setting him off. He pulled you into a messy make out gripping your face before pushing you backwards onto more of the couch crawling over you. “We need this. You need this.” He whispered, breathing you in and moving his kisses to your neck. You kept him close to you pulling him to you by his face. His hands dropped to your waist. He was right, you needed this, you needed him. His soft warm hands pushed your shirt up to feel more of you. 
“I love you, baby.” You murmured your lips unable to not pull into a smile. He sighed into the crook of your neck hearing you say that. You brought your legs to wrap around him digging your heels into his back. You couldn’t think about anything else but him for the last few days and right now was no different. 
“I love you so much.” He cooed and his voice never sounded more caring and honest. He spoke into your warm skin, kissing them into the most sensitive part of your neck. The whole thing feels more intimate than ever. Love filling the room to the brim. He reached between you and looped the two layers of his boxer and trousers pulling both off. He revealed his tone v line and you let out an embarrassing moan, you taking your own clothes off swiftly. He pulled away from you and looked at your bare body. You felt so naked and vulnerable, he could sense your nerves. He tilted your face towards his holding your cheek. “What are you being shy about? It’s just me, yeah?” He waited for you. You nodded pulling him back into a kiss. You sighed in the kiss dragging your nails up his chest. He repositioned his body over yours and dragged the tip of his leaking cock through your folds. 
“T… please, I need you.” You whined. He smiled happy you were back to your normal comfortable self with him. He slowly eased into your dripping wet pussy. You moaned as Trent treaded carefully moving slowly inside. His face fell into your neck groaning at the feeling of you wrapping around him. He moved slowly but precisely. Your nails dug into his back as he kissed your skin. Each stroke loving and thoughtful. He picked up his pace though lost in the feeling. 
“You feel so good, baby.” He grunted pushing your thigh up further to your side, hitting deeper inside you. The grip of his fingers on you dug into your soft thigh. He found the spot inside you only knew, only for him, only for you, repeatedly 
“Baby, oh my god, T. I missed you. I’m so sorry. I love you.” You were unable to stop your babbles. Tears began to fill your waterline.
“Don’t be. I love you. You’re here with me. Be here with me. Fuck, you feel so good. Let me take care of you” He inhaled a sharp breath. His dimples s sank into cheeks as he gave a sincerely sad and sympathetic smile. “Tell me your mine, baby.” He murmured continuing to thrust into in a way that was so euphoric your tears began to fall. His voice was breathy against your ear feeling the same amount of emotion you were feeling. The weight of his body on top of yours feeling like nothing compared to the weight lifting off you two. Your orgasm approached faster and faster, minute after minute. He bit onto your earlobe and tugged, grabbing your attention. 
“I’m yours, Trent. I’m always gonna be yours.” You whimpered. His mahogany eyes poured back into yours. He felt his heart skip a beat when you pulled him back down into a kiss. He fucked you harder with a harsh grunt juxtaposed by the sweetest kiss to the bridge of your nose. Your hand dragged down from behind his neck down the protruding veins of his arms until you reached the rigid texture of the Patek Phillipe watch he had wrapped on his wrist. The knot in your stomach tightened. It only took a few more mind numbing thrusts before Trent’s head dropped into your neck. Your climax erupting inside of you, your vision going white. His cock throbbed inside of you, beginning to paint your walls. You moaned ‘I love yous’ simultaneously. You felt him pouring into you. Waves upon waves of pleasure coursing through both of you. You hid your face against him. He slowed and you felt your bottom lip quiver against his skin. An uncontrollable sob escaped you. Your emotions bubbled over once more. Trent pulled out as gently as he could. He rolled off of you but was swift pulling you back into him. You clung to him crying. 
“I’m right here.” He whispered, pulling you that much closer to him and yet it wasn’t close enough. You wanted to be completely surrounded by him. “Can you look at me, baby?”  He sounded so worried. You shook your head ‘no.’  “Y/N…” He grabbed your face gently and turned you towards him. “I need to know you’re okay.” He asked softly. More tears escaped.
“I’m okay… just love you so much, T.” You pouted up at him and you felt his tense hold relax. “I love you.” He pressed a wet kiss to your cheek the way you always pretended to hate but secretly loved. You wiped his wet spit off of you and giggled. Trent felt relief wash over him when he heard his favorite sound in the world. 
“Oh wow… so mummy and daddy are… fine.” Lauren laughed carrying Teddy past the cinema minutes okay from upstairs into the kitchen. She was currently FaceTiming Jude biding her time while watching Teddy for you and Trent to ‘talk.’ “I think they’re fine. I mean they’re fucking so it’s either a really good thing or a really bad thing.” She laughed. Hoping for the first option. “Should we make you some lunchtime, hmm?” She cooed to the little girl in her arms while Teddy eagerly nodded trying to grab hold of her phone curious about Jude on the other end. 
“You’re good with kids, Laur.” Jude spoke through her phone with a cheeky smile seeing her so attentive and kind to Teddy. 
“I think I’m just good with Teddy. She's chill so it doesn’t really count. I know this is how it works but she’s the perfect blend of them. All the best things I like rolled into the cutest, squishiest, baby girl in the whole world!” Lauren sang in a soft voice, pinching at Teddy’s tummy. Her squeal shrieking through the phone, Jude blinking his eyes a few times, taken aback by her response to Lauren.
“All done mama!” Teddy yelled as you met them in the kitchen, flush. You pressed a kiss to Teddy's hair on your way to get the water you needed desperately before attending to her. She had finished eating the lunch Lauren kindly had made for her.  
“Good girl.” You cooed with a smile. Lauren sat with a smug look on her face as she waited for the inevitable late entrance of Trent, who, when he did stride in, looked absolutely fucking elated.
“Dada miss mama,” Teddy told you as she saw Trent enter. It was an over simplified way saying Trent had really missed you. He sadly and softly smiled at you hearing her. Your heart broke a little that she’d been able to piece it together, that she could sense Trent’s sad mood. 
“Mummy loves you so much.” He’d reassure her feeling completely unsure of what was going on in your relationship.The few nights you were away Trent would tuck Teddy in as she cried.  Teddy would fall asleep only comforted by Trent babbling on little stories and tidbits about you, how perfect you were, how much you likely missed her. They’d watch videos of you and he’d melt.  “Want to see something baby? Want to see the day I met mummy?” He laughed remembering a specific video he had on his phone, he wanted to watch. Teddy nodded tiredly, adjusting to the new routine activity. He was a little embarrassed he even had it but it made him remember a really good time despite things being so bad right now. You likely didn’t even know this video existed. He kept it in a locked folder on his phone primarily where all your nudes and let’s say spicer videos lived. He smiled seeing you like that. Vulnerable, needy for him and in love. You looked gorgeous. He dragged his thumb over the screen. He just wanted to feel your soft skin again as he carefully picked the video of you out of the roll making sure not to pick the wrong one before he showed Teddy. It was a video Marcel had sent around in a snapchat which seemed mundane at the time. He remembered Jude teasing him about it the following day as you laid on his chest, experiencing a new warm feeling of comfort. The video was strangely endearing, like you could see your connection in real time. Energy and force pushing you together. The earth letting out a sigh of relief finally getting two people that were meant to be connected.
“Mama pwety.” Teddy looked up at him cuddling a plush bear with big sleepy eyes as they looked at the thumbnail before he pressed play. He nodded at her.  “Yeah, you have the most beautiful mummy in the world.” He confirmed to your daughter with a sigh before he hit play. Hearing your coquettish laugh in the video cozying up to him in a club years ago just about sent him into cardiac arrest. It hurt. God, did it hurt. 
“Oh, I missed you both lots.” You cooed, kissing her. She smiled, little dimples indenting in her cheeks. A very visual confirmation she was Trent’s little girl. You’ve said it before but you were comedically jealous of the genetics Teddy was inheriting from him. 
“More plebs!” Teddy screamed, grabbing for you. “Mama, miss!” She giggled loving that you were back and really loving your kisses, kicking her feet in her chair. She greedily hummed. “Lub my mummy.” She squealed excitedly. You wanted to cry but you didn’t want to stop kissing her to so you held off. 
“Mummy gives the best kisses, huh?” Trent cooed, bending over in front of Teddy to plant a kiss on your cheek with a hum. 
“You’d know…” Lauren quipped cheekily eliciting a proud  augh from Trent and a raised eyebrow from you. 
When Teddy eventually got sleepy you brought her upstairs for sleep. You went to her nursery and you pouted seeing that Trent had nestled one of your softest jumpers in her crib, the smell of you still lingering. There was a little framed photo of your family moved from its original place propped closer for her to see. You started crying so hard you had to sit down. You couldn’t believe you put your child through this, you couldn’t believe you put Trent through this. Trent came upstairs and you met him in your bedroom after you had calmed yourself down on your own. He held you in bed in a close cuddle. 
“I can’t remember ever going to bed without saying goodnight before. I hated this so much, baby.” You whispered into the dark room as he caressed your warm skin under a tiny camisole you had on. 
“We’re never doing this again. I’m sorry I got so upset.” He cooed behind the shell of your ear pressing his lips against you. You both stayed awake in a warm cuddle. You didn’t know what time it was but it as the color of sky outside fell into that warm navy color, you’d guess around 4 am though. 
“Do you still want to marry me?” You asked after a few hours of not talking, just happy to be back in his arms and good graces. Neither of you wanted to fall asleep but not out of worry, but out of comfort. You didn’t want to lose the cognizance of his presence, what he felt like, what he smelt like. 
“Not a single second went by where I ever questioned that, okay?” He hummed. You smiled through a pout. You’d hope that was true. He meant it though. He didn’t waver in his commitment to you. He told Tyler he had no plans of leaving you. Through all of this it didn’t even pop in his head you would call off the marriage. Maybe he was angry and didn’t like how things currently were but not have you, not marry you? Never. You turned around in his arms and pressed a kiss to his lips. He kissed you back and shut his eyes, getting tired, not being able to keep them open anymore. You let him rest but you stayed awake inspecting his features. You brought your hand up to his face and tracing his perfectly plump lips. You brushed your thumb over his high cheekbones. You started to fall asleep then dropping your face in his neck, tucked carefully under his chin, wrapping your arms around his waist, legs tangled together. You kissed his warm skin drowsily, letting him know how much you loved him even while he slept. He woke up first the next day. He did the same as you did last night inspecting your features. The morning sun seeped through your blinds. The golden light casting over you. You looked radiant and luminescent but your soul, your heart, he could feel it. It was more striking than your beauty. He kissed your forehead before pulling you that much tighter to him. 
Trent had his last game of the season. It was a little surreal mostly because you realized that when the next season began you would be married, the surname on the jersey you were in, would be your own. Lauren and Marcel accompanied you along with Teddy. You wished Marcel would shut up so you could live in your moment of bliss imagining being his brother’s wife and admire Trent in peace. The way sweat dripped over his adams apple, his jersey sticking a little to his abs, his cheekbones highlighted by the floodlights. He looked unreal. Lauren went inside and Marcel looked at you curiously. You could feel his eyes but you ignored him until he spoke.
“Going to tell me how things have been?” He looked at you completely ignoring the game now. You rolled your eyes but he was persistent. 
“Yeah, all fine” You said dismissively, keeping your eyes on Trent whilst tucking a loose curl behind Teddy’s ear. He rolled his eyes now at you.
“Y/N… you know you have to let us in, let him in, let me in. I don’t get why you didn't tell me to begin with?” He spoke, sounding heartfelt, keeping his gaze fixed on you. 
“When was I supposed...” You sighed stopping yourself from starting to defend yourself but you could see his brow raise in annoyance. “I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t want to scare anyone.” You exhaled feeling a lot of guilt wash over you. He was one of your best friends and you had been extremely selfish not considering how he must’ve felt and dense assuming he wouldn’t want to know.
“Well, you did a really bad job.” He laughed and it made you smile. You felt relieved he was at least being normal again with you.  
“Marce… “ You sheepishly got out. “I’m so sorry” you apologized earnestly, leaning your head on his shoulder. He rested his head on top of yours.
“We love you. Just want mummy healthy, right Ted?” He cooed picking up Teddy from you from under her arms. Her eyes lit up. 
‘Lub mama, Celly!” She giggled, reaching to hug him wrapping herself around his neck. You pulled her Liverpool jersey down for her covering her back. You smiling at her voice. She loved him so much. To be fair, Marcel just had good vibes and since having Teddy you felt like kids had a great gauge of people. There was something that was so endearing about her relationship with him. She trusted him and was comforted by him, it made you feel incredibly relaxed knowing she’d always have her uncles and your sister. 
“I’m so glad you’re mine.” Trent whispered, kissing your head. You held Teddy and smiled for the annual end of season family photo you so loved. Trent was staring at you though not the cameras. You had gone down onto the pitch for one final lap after the match. It was lovely as always. Sweet and a bit emotional. 
“Always yours.” You cooed, turning to kiss him. Teddy quick to want the same amount of attention you were giving each other. She pulled at your shirt with a cute grunt. “Yes, yes and you are ours, Teddy girl.” You kissed her with an eccentric ‘Mwah!’ her giggle following.
When you finally were driving home, you were tired, Teddy already fast asleep, and Trent absolutely exhausted. Needless to say it was a quiet ride. You looked at Trent as the colored lights lining the motorway leaked into the car. You smiled admiring his beauty. His focus on the road but yours on his jawline strikingly sharp. 
“What are you staring at me for?” He laughed, calling you out, flashing his eyes your way quickly. You giggled sliding your hand over onto his face brushing your thumb over his cheek.
“You’re so pretty. Do you know that?” You cooed admiring his annoying perfect skin, despite his annoyingly minimal effort.
“Yeah, obviously.” He replied with a straight face before he couldn’t hold in the cheeky childish smile he was trying to keep down. His perfect grin made your heart hurt. He was so pretty but you rolled your eyes at his pompousness. “Don’t pull a bird like you looking anything but leng.” He turned his adorable look to you.
“Yeah? How did you even manage to bag me?” You teased with a giggle. His smile staying put hearing the sound but he rolled his eyes at your joke. He tapped at his cheek with his free hand, keeping the other draped over the steering wheel. You raised your eyebrows at his gesture.
“Go on…” He instructed you. You laughed again and pressed a kiss where his fingers had been tapping. “Thank youuu.” He sang.
“Ridiculous.” You reached over again to him and squeezed his thigh. 
“Erm… Ow? I just played 97 minutes. Keep your hands to yourself.” He quipped. You squeezed his thigh again just because. You knew he liked the attention. He loves when you give it to him and he can just annoy you in return. 
“You love my hands on you. So full of it, you know.” You giggled with one more squeeze than attempted to remove your hand but he was quick to place his over top of it to keep it on him. 
“I do. I really love your hands on me.” He cooed in a voice that made you feel like you had a juvenile crush on him. You were flustered by the flirtatious comment. He could feel your arm tense a little so instead of keeping your hand on his thigh, he picked it up and brought it up to his lips to kiss the back of it.
“T… do you want to take me on a date this week?” You asked him bluntly, turning the direction of the conversation. You liked him flirting with you right now and you wanted more. You thought it’d be nice to have a night out just you two. Probably a good thing considering what had transpired.
“Yeah? Want me to?” He smiled big again squeezing your hand. You nodded in an adorably naive way.  “Yeah, beautiful, I’ll take you out.” He cooed turning towards you again. His mind beginning to comb through ideas of where he wanted to take you. You leaned over once more unprovoked to give him another kiss on the cheek before you tucked back in your seat shutting your eyes and resting your head onto the window. “Alright, sleepy girls, we’re home.” Trent’s voice waking you up from a daze you didn’t know you had fallen into. You turned to him with a tired pout as if to ask ‘can you please carry me inside?’ He laughed getting out of the car. He came around and opened your door but then he stepped away and opened the back seat. “I’m gonna carry our literal baby but if you want to wait I’ll come back and get you.” He mocked you. You obviously weren’t going to wait outside so you begrudgingly got out of the car yourself. Trent picked up Teddy gently making sure she didn’t wake. He held her tight to him. You shut the door of the car for him and followed them, proceeding to slip your arms around his waist and resting your forehead against his back. He shook his head as he got both his sleepy girls to bed. 
The next day you were getting ready to go to Dianne’s house up in your bedroom's wardrobe. You were doing your best to get back into your routine. Lauren was still there, leaving soon, but you had promised Dianne you’d go see her with Teddy. She heard rumblings about the situation, naturally. Trent had confided in her early on in your relationship when you first let it slip you had struggled with your health to him. He’d never really thought about something like that affecting someone he knew. He had girl friends and girlfriends but he never had a sister he had to share a bathroom with growing up. He didn’t know girls were skipping meals and doing diets or maybe the more extreme things you had been doing that you shared with him. She of course was empathetic to him and did her best to be a sounding board and not intrude but as a mum, as a person who knew you and loved you, she was concerned. So you promised you’d go. 
“Hey… have you seen my Van Clef?” you asked vaguely to Trent. “Like our one?” You clarified more as you were trying to put final touches on your outfit.  He puffed out some air realizing that he was going to have to confront his mistake head on. He hated himself. He had been trying to avoid it but of course you were looking for it, you wore it almost everyday.
“Baby…” he called you, watching nervously. You hummed acknowledging him as you dug through your wardrobe thinking maybe you had misplaced it. “It’s not here.” He told you sheepishly. You gave him a side eye confused but when he didn’t speak you turned your whole body to him. 
“What do you mean? I don’t understand.” At first, maybe you thought this was some sweet ploy of his. He came to you and slipped his hands around your waist. When he dropped his forehead against yours you felt the energy shift in the room. This wasn’t some goofy thing he was serious about something. 
“I had to bring it in to get repaired.” He got his words out so slow you clung to each one in anticipation. Your brow furrowed. He exhaled, dropping his shoulders. He wished he could lie but he knew it'd be wrong to. He was asking you to be honest with him; it would be incredibly hypocritical. “I found it when you were gone and I don’t know I just snapped and then it snapped.” He shut his eyes. You let out a measly ‘oh’ you felt the things he did when it happened. That necklace was your relationship and he had destroyed it. You were definitely in the wrong but it made you feel so sad you were actively trying not to cry or react. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I don’t know what happened it just felt like such a punch in the gut finding it. I though that you didn’t want it or you left it, left me… it hurt. I’m sorry. Fuck.” He babbled incredibly quickly. You usually were fine with his accented words but your eyes narrowed trying to focus your spinning mind on what he was saying. His accent would come in thick sometimes and disappear other days. Relaxing with his friends at home, their words could feel like another language. Nervous doing press, he was more conscious of what he was saying, letting it slip away. 
“It’s fine… I guess.” You gave him a soft smile wishing you didn’t say the last bit. “I understand.” You kissed the tip of his nose and pulled yourself out of his hold. The room went ice cold. Trent’s mind was just filled with his inner voice screaming ‘fuck.’ It was hard not to notice the mood change after that. He hated it. “T, I didn’t leave it on purpose…” you told him right before you left, kissing his cheek, holding Teddy and heading to your car. You were so swift; he didn't even have the opportunity to respond.
“Laur... what am I meant to do here? Things aren’t just going to snap back.” Trent sighed, squinting, picking up his hand to shield his eyes to better make out Lauren’s face. They were sitting in your back garden as the English summer sun beat down on them. They stayed at home while you popped to Dianne’s. Despite your upset about your necklace it did make you happy that your best friend and your fiance “I don’t know, sometimes I just feel like a kid. I feel like I’m making stupid mistakes.” Trent was thinking about breaking the necklace. You’d probably be just as upset if he had managed to break your engagement ring but in a way this had stung more. The necklace was a decision he made before, a decision he made off of instinct, under your nose, completely infatuated by you. It was such an indication of how he felt about you from the very beginning and it was gone. A part of you was happy you didn’t have any visual of it all.
“You’re not but I know the feeling. If you didn’t pick up I was going to call your mum the other day. I was in a moment of introspection on the flight over and I almost laughed. Your mum? Oh hiya erm… can you help… embarrassing.” Lauren rattled off what felt like a million different thoughts. She shook her head but noticed Trent faint smirk on his face not pulling into a full smile but drifting into a tight line. 
“Maybe we should’ve.” He reflected. Maybe Dianne would’ve been more of a help than him. “Like she’s fine most of the time right? I make her happy? I try so hard and yet some days I can feel it like nothing could ever change it all.” He spoke looking and sounded defeated. 
“It’s not you T… She loves you so much. You make her happy, she’ll be okay, but she is the only one that can change it. You’re there for her and that’s the most important. She needs you and Teddy.” Lauren kept her eyes locked on his, making sure he knew she was being serious. She meant what she was saying. He couldn’t fix things but he was essential. Trent responded only with a soft ‘yeah.’ He thought to himself though that what you really needed was for him to repair your necklace and your relationship.
Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the chapter 🤍
Next part - Chapter 21 xx
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twstwinnie · 2 years
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♚ With You ~ Lilia Vanrouge
summary: in a relationship with Lilia! usual three categories: pining, confession, and dating! while this should be a given, I’ll say it explicitly here: the reader is an adult in this given Lilia’s age <3 whether they’re a third year like Leona, or the prefect, is up to you as the reader!
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, mutual pining, gn! reader
a/n: OK SO. this was a request from the comments (I do read those!) also, i was inspired to write for Lilia because I have a friend who really loves him, and i too love the bat boy! so, consider this a sort of love letter to Lilia as a character! For requests, Sebek is likely next, though feel free to lmk what y’all wanna see in asks/comments! enjoy!! special thanks to my beloved Lilia lovers for giving me inspo xx — winnie ♥︎
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♚ starry - eyed !
» Unlike many other students at NRC, Lilia is one of few who’s fully aware of how he feels about you. He’s been alive long enough to recognize the signs— a quickened heartbeat, his eyes lingering on you for a few moments too long, even the way he seeks out your company in his free time.
» While, yes, he’s aware of his feelings, he’s stopped dead in his tracks by fear. It’s such a silly thing to him, really, but he can’t help it. He finds himself afraid that his lifespan might scare you off. Sure, he’s probably not got very long left, but in comparison to your human lifespan— it’s still quite a bit longer. Would you be alright with that? Or would his practical immortality be a dealbreaker?
» He knows that you accept him despite your difference in species, but would that translate if he was romantically interested? He hasn’t a clue, and so he’s bitten his tongue about how he truly feels— hiding behind a mask of teasing and jokes for the time being.
» Yes, teasing. No amount of reservations towards confessing could ever stop Lilia from teasing you. If anything, it only causes his teasing to increase, eventually evolving into something a bit more flirtatious.
» When you’re engrossed in any type of study at the library, he’ll appear in front of you, floating upside down with a wide grin on his face. When you jump back, startled, he merely laughs and comments on how cute you look when you’re focused.
» Sometimes, when you’re walking to class or back to your dorm, he’ll jump out and hug you from behind, near-tackling you to the ground. And though you’re always startled, you always know it’s Lilia hugging you. You’ll just let out a laugh, turn around, and hug him right back. The first time it happened, Lilia couldn’t help his shocked expression, easily melting into your warmth. Now, it’s exactly what he wants and expects when he does this. After all, hearing your laughter and gentle tone as you return his hug is always worth it to him.
» Despite all of this, though, he can’t find it in him to confess— convinced that you two are better off as friends. Who knows what the future holds? Human lives are already so delicate— would it truly be worth it for what’ll feel like a flash of happiness?
» This point comes up when he’s playing online games with Idia. Honestly, he doesn’t quite expect the conversation to take such a turn, but it does.
» “Red, you’ve been a lot less active lately. Kind of an L… but I guess it’s to be expected since you’ve got that partner of yours. Meh. At least you seem happier,” Idia comments. Lilia audibly hums, hands pausing on his keyboard.
» “Ah, you’re mistaken, Shroud. They aren’t my partner— just a friend! Much like you!” Lilia chimes. Idia lets out a quiet, disgruntled sound on the other end.
» “Uh, yeah, pass. We aren’t friends like that. I’m not blind, Lilia. Everyone sees how you look at them. If you were like that with me I’d be weirded out… but uh, why haven’t you told them anyway?” Idia idly questions, and Lilia sighs.
» “Well, us fae have prolonged lifespans. I can imagine that’d be a dealbreaker for most. I’m fine just being their cutest friend!” Lilia hums, but he can practically hear Idia’s eyes roll from the other end.
» “That’s a load of BS. Look, I’m not good at IRL romance, but from what I’ve seen in games, love interests get totally peeved when you try deciding things for them! The, uh… fae-immortality thing. Have you ever even talked to them about it?”
» That made Lilia pause. Well, he supposed he hadn’t really mentioned it to you… but he’d always assumed based on what he’d heard from so many others that you’d believe the same. Before he could respond, Idia continued.
» “And like, OP immortality stuff aside, that last line is a total lie. Are you really fine being stuck all friend-zoned? Can you handle someone else sweeping them away from you? And in the future, what if you aren’t even close? I doubt losing the route is better than, I dunno, trying?” Idia mumbles. Lilia takes a moment to process before letting out a bright laugh.
» “You should speak your mind like this more, Idia,” Lilia mentions.
» “In person? Uh, yeah, no way.”
» The conversation sticks with him, though. Idia is right. Lilia can never possibly know how you feel unless he confesses to you. Even if the future may be uncertain, the thought of losing you— of no longer having you by his side— wasn’t worth it. If confessing meant he’d have a chance to stay with you for the rest of your life, then he’d risk it.
» He’d never met anyone as kind, caring, and understanding as you. Not only did you listen to his many stories from his lifespan, you never doubted any of it for a second. You always give his cooking a try even though you know it’ll be less than edible, but you never judge him. You give him pointers, help him in the kitchen, and dutifully support him in his improvement. Sometimes, you’ll cook for him when he’s a bit too tired to give it another shot.
» You happily joke with him, tease him, compliment him, and spend time with him without a care for what his status used to be. When people warn you of “Diasomnia’s Powerful Vice Housewarden,” you look the other way. You don’t see his titles, his power— you just see him. You adore him not because he could crush you in an instant, but because you’ve become friends with the playful fae that he is.
» In his entire life, he’s met very few people as kind as you. However, you’ve been the one of the only ones to see and embrace all sides of him. Whether he’s fighting for his loved ones, or on stage with the rest of the Light Music club— you accept him.
» In the past, he’s made the mistake of letting go of the ones he loves. Because he thinks it’s better for them— because he feels that he’s dangerous or a dealbreaker. This time, he’s determined to do things differently.
» He wants it to be your choice. You’ve respected him and his choices, so he owes you the same treatment. This time, it’ll be different.
» He’ll confess to you properly and hear your answer. He just hopes it’s the one he also wants to hear.
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♚ say the words !
» Lilia hasn’t properly confessed to someone in ages. He isn’t above asking for help should he need it, but it’s more of a matter of who to ask. Surely not his fellow Diasomnia members— they didn’t have as much romantic experience. Idia’s knowledge extends only to virtual games, so eventually, he settles on asking his clubmates.
» When he presents his issue, he’s surprised to find Cater gaping at him, Kalim equally as shocked. Just as Idia had, they assumed that you were already dating him. (Just how many people thought this?)
» After their shock subsided, Cater was more than happy to assist, along with Kalim. Lilia’s courting knowledge was vast, but much of it was outdated. He didn’t want to scare you off, so he wanted to learn some of the more modern methods of courtship.
» Though, both of the suggestions he received fell flat. Cater suggested a very Magicam worthy date, while Kalim suggested a carpet ride of sorts. They both offered to assist with their respective ideas, but Lilia couldn’t accept. None of it felt right. While he was sure both ideas would impress you, it didn’t feel authentic.
» As much as Lilia loved to tease, he wanted this confession to be serious— to be personal. He didn’t want to pretend to be someone he wasn’t. Eventually, he asked Silver for help. Surely, he’d have some insight considering how well he knew Lilia.
» “Have you considered just using one of the methods you already know, father?” Silver asks with a tilt of his head.
» “I’m afraid all of my methods are rather outdated for this day and age, Silver,” Lilia muses. Silver responds with a small sigh and shakes his head.
» “So? They know who you are already, right? Even if the method’s a little outdated, it’ll be true to yourself. They’ve gotten to know you, so I doubt they’d expect something modern anyway,” Silver finishes. Lilia’s eyes widened and he smiled. Of course, how could he forget?
» You already knew of his vast experiences across countless years. Perhaps, trying to adapt to a modernity he was unfamiliar with simply wasn’t right. He’d confess to you in a way that felt true to him. He was certain you’d understand.
» Eventually, Lilia settled on something true to his Briar Valley roots. Rather traditional, but it was still romantic to him. He’d enchant a briar rose, wrap it in the twine from a spinning wheel, and seal it in a glass case. Then, when the moon was high in the sky, he’d present it to you. Should you return his feelings, the rose would live on. If not, it would wilt away.
» The story such a tradition originated from resonated with him. Someone beautiful and bright falling for someone considered a monstrous outcast. It was quite touching. He wasted no time in gathering his materials, going as far as to travel back home for a moment to find the most beautiful rose for the confession.
» Once finished, he enchanted the rose, imbuing it with his magic— his wish to be with you for the rest of your eternity. Then, the briar rose was tied with twine and sealed away into the glass case. With a smile on his face, he waited as night fell, then sought you out.
» Luckily, your light was on, though dim through your window. Tapping lightly on the glass, he tested to see if you were awake. The sudden noise startled you, but you knew only one person who could possibly visit you this late at night. And enter through your window, no less!
» “Lilia? It’s late, why are you here?” you question in a hush tone, moving to the side to allow him entry into your room. He slips in, grinning as he presents you the rose.
» “As is Briar Valley tradition, I can only present this to you at night. I hope you don’t mind the intrusion,” Lilia says, watching your expression carefully. Your eyes widen as you take the encased rose, observing it closely.
» “It’s beautiful. What’s the occasion? Did something happen?” you ask with a light laugh as you scan the flower. Before he can answer, your eyes widen as you seemingly put the pieces together.
» “Wait… you’ve mentioned this. This is a Briar Rose, right? The string wrapped around it… the glass… Briar Valley tradition— ah! Are you…?” your voice trails off as your face flushes. Lilia merely grins, eyes glinting with mischief.
» “Am I what, dearest?” he questions with a teasing tone. You shake your head and laugh, covering your face a bit.
» “Is this… a confession?” you whisper. Lilia’s eyes soften and he approaches you, placing his hands over yours as he peered into the glass at the rose.
» “How observant. You really do listen to me! This is a confession. I’m terribly in love with you. You’ve invaded my every thought before I could think to stop you! So I’ve decided to tell you. I know my nature can be a bit… alarming, but I wanted to tell you anyway. Silly, isn’t it?” Lilia says softly.
» “It isn’t silly, Lilia. And of course it’s mutual. For as omnipotent as you tend to be at times, you’re a little clueless, aren’t you?” you respond with a warm laugh. Lilia looks at you and tilts his head.
» “What do you mean?” he asks.
» “I’ve liked you for a long time now. Have you ever noticed my advances? I don’t treat you like I treat my other friends, y’know! Plus, the whole immortality thing doesn’t scare me… no part of you ever could,” you say. Lilia processes for a moment before beaming with a sharp grin.
» “Oh really? You’ll be stuck with me for quite some time? Are you truly ready to have such a cute, wonderful partner for the rest of your life?” he teases. You merely smile, placing the rose to the side. Pulling him into a tight hug, you gently nod.
» “I’ve been ready for quite some time now. I’m more than happy to call you mine.”
» Lilia melts into your embrace and lets out a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding in. All of his memories of you come flooding into his mind. He’d been too afraid of judgment to notice at the time, but now he could see it— the way you reserved your brightest smiles for him. The way you’d gently lean into his side when sitting together— even the way you’d watch after Silver on his behalf.
» You’d loved him for quite some time, and now he could finally say that you were his. He’d have you by his side— and he could look towards the future with no regrets, knowing you’d be there.
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♚ at last, with you !
» After you two officially start dating, Lilia acts more or less the same, however, in addition to his usual teasing, he becomes a lot more comfortable being openly affectionate with you.
» Are you walking beside him? His hand is intertwined with yours, then. Just sat down with your friends for lunch? Expect him to hug you from behind and kiss your temple as a greeting. Are you having a study session? Well Lilia’s there, leaned against your side and resting against you as you work. Lilia loves affection, so he gives you plenty of it.
» While he usually initiates any affection, if you ever initiate it first, it makes him incredibly happy. If you reach for his hand first, or greet him with a kiss, he always gets a wide grin and teases you about it. He’ll joke that you actually do love him, and that you must be head over heels for him to initiate such sweet affection. Once he manages to get your face to flush under his relentless teasing, he’ll let up and ask you to do whatever affection you initiated again.
» With how touchy he is, it’s only natural that people find out that you two are actually dating now. Because of your increased presence in Diasomnia, Silver, Malleus, and Sebek are quick to find out.
» Silver and Malleus are entirely supportive. Silver can visibly see how happy you make his father. Lilia spends less time alone nowadays, so Silver doesn’t have to worry about him as much anymore. He knows you’re a great match for Lilia given how much you care for him. Plus, your cooking is easily much better than his dad’s, but hey! Your presence has also made Lilia’s food more tolerable, so Silver’s content.
» Malleus is glad that Lilia’s found someone who respects him, but also accepts his more peculiar aspects. It’s something Malleus often struggled with himself, typically only having Lilia to turn to. In you, Lilia has found a partner, but Malleus has also found a cherished friend. You respect him, invite him out, and listen to him just as you do with Lilia. With such a kind soul, it’s only natural Lilia was drawn to you. So long as you two take care of one another, Malleus is certain that it’s a bond that’ll last a long time.
» Sebek is a different story. He’s at war with his internalized hatred against humans. He wants to respect Lilia’s choice, but he struggles to understand why at first. So, at the beginning he’s weary— closely watching your every move. Instead of finding flaws, he comes to realize why Lilia chose you. You don’t use him for his power, you engage with him and his hobbies, and you even watch after Malleus and Silver. With time, Sebek warms up to you. Of course he does! Perhaps, not all humans are bad. You’ve certainly proved that to him.
» His dormmates’— well, family’s approval is all that Lilia needs to know he’s made the best decision possible for himself. You fit right into his small family, as if you were always meant to be there. You fit right into his life, actually.
» You’re always in the crowd during his Light Music club performances. During the Magift tournaments, you’re in the crowd, cheering his name. Even when he finds himself busy with schoolwork, you’re there— sitting across from him as you work on your own assignments. He’s become so used to your presence in his daily life, but he does love dates with you, as well.
» Designated time to spend with one another. Naturally, he very much enjoys spending time alone with you. More often than not, you two have date nights in. Playing games, watching movies, staying up— it’s all a bit juvenile, but Lilia’s proud of his childish side. Plus, as long as you’re having fun, then it’s worth it.
» He loves those nights so much. Laying side by side after the movies are over, curled up together and having hushed conversation. It’s his favorite. You’ll share your dreams— your aspirations in the dark of the night. Lilia shares his experiences, the things he’s seen that he can’t wait to show you. It helps him visualize the vast future you both have ahead of you— the experiences he has yet to have. It makes him excited, but as much as he wants to see it, he’s content with time passing slowly by your side. As long as he’s with you, he’s happy.
» However, for as much as you two play around, for as much as you both cause chaos together— it isn’t all bright and sunny. Lilia is prone to painful nightmares— memories of his past dredging up and meshing with his recent memories. He’ll dream of losing Silver, Sebek, Malleus— even you— to a war much like the one he’d experienced. During those nights, he’s lucky if he gets even a single hour of sleep.
» You always seem to notice, though. In the morning, you’ll see his tired expression. No matter how much he tries to cover it with a grin, you see right through him. You never judge him or pity him, though. You merely guide him back to his room— school forgotten in favor of a day of healing. You’ll lay him down, remaining by his side as you run your fingers through his hair.
» “I’m here, and you aren’t gonna lose me. We’ve still got a lifetime ahead of us. You can rest. I’ll be here by your side when you wake up.”
» Your soothing words always put a smile on his face. He’ll hold you a little tighter as he drifts back to sleep, knowing that you’ll be there to comfort him should his nightmares wake him up again. On the days that his terrors do startle him awake again, you’re right there— gently rubbing circles into his back as he tells you what he saw. No matter how horrifying the nightmare, your smile remains as you comfort him— assure him that it won’t happen. Lilia will not lose you.
» You’ll always lighten the mood after, teasing him and insisting that he cannot be rid of you that easily. It always puts a smile on Lilia’s face, causing him to quirk a brow and question as to whatever could’ve possessed you to think that’d he’d want you gone?
» After some shared laughter as well as a few playful fights, Lilia manages to relax, night terrors long forgotten in favor of your warmth and comfort.
» Your comfort is so important to him. Of course, he loves being reassured that you won’t go anywhere, but it goes deeper than that.
» At NRC, Lilia is regarded as a terrifying fae with extensive abilities. Though he frequently jokes about his age, there are very few who actually believe him. Most think he’s merely joking— thus his struggles often go unnoticed. After all, someone that powerful couldn’t possibly be affected by loss after experiencing so much of it, or, he must be lying! He looks far too young to have been in any sort of war!
» As much as he tends to laugh it off, it gets to him. He’s forced to hold back— unable to express that emotional side of him. All people see is the conniving, teasing third year. If he ever expressed his painful experiences from his past, he’d likely be called a liar. In truth, he isn’t. And loss doesn’t hurt any less just because he’s strong. The sting of loss hurts just as much the first time as it does countless times after.
» And you understand that. You believe him. With a gentle smile and soft affection, you show him that while his experiences have made him stronger, it doesn’t mean he has to be immune to pain or fear. You show him that he doesn’t need to always hide away behind a facade of playfulness around you. You’re always there to listen, should he need the space to talk.
» For that, Lilia is grateful. You’re willing to share his best and worst moments, and you do so without pitying him or doubting him. You love him dearly. Teasing, serious, even a little scary— all are sides of him that you adore.
» For Lilia, that’s important. Because he knows he has a limited amount of time left, and that your time is limited, as well. For you to be so willing to dedicate that time to him— it’s quite beautiful.
» And with whatever time Lilia has left, he plans to do just the same.
» For you are the very embodiment of the future he hopes to live. And so long as that briar rose he confessed with remains bloomed, he knows that you feel the exact same.
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— fin.
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hellcheer-heaven · 1 year
Hellcheer List: How caretaker Eddie helps Chrissy.
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Thank you to @bluebunnymoose for helping me with this.
So I know that I’ve mentioned a previous headcanon where Chrissy and Eddie would have their “kid day” together. I do love the idea of the two of them engaging in that, but I really like the idea of Eddie being a gentle and loving caregiver to Chrissy.
Let's say she's having a rough week and she's just exhausted and overstimulated.
When Eddie can sense and see that she’s distressed, he goes right into caregiver mode.
One of the first things he does is hug her and offer her a stuffed animal.
She holds the toy and lets herself cry in his arms, tightly shutting her eyes as he rocks her gently.
“It’s okay Chrissy, just let it out sweet girl. You’re safe here.”
Sometimes when there’s too much going on, she may speak very softly, say a small selection of words, or nothing at all.
If she doesn’t talk, Eddie will ask her a simple yes/no question: “Are you tired? Do you want something to eat?”
He also gently encourages her to point to what she needs as well.
He's considerate and patient, letting her know that she can communicate her needs when she’s ready.
She’ll quietly ask for a bubble bath and when he asks her if she would like her bath toys, she looks up with a little smile and nods.
While he washes her hair and scrubs her skin, Chrissy will blow the bubbly foam and watch it float, reaching out to catch it before it hits the water.
Eddie smiles knowing that she’s feeling a little better, he’s even happier knowing that they will have the weekend to themselves to continue this for as long as she wants.
This means no errands, chores, and other adult responsibilities, just taking care of his one and only.
In their own small house, Eddie has already supplied the pantry with snacks and comfort food (bear shaped graham crackers, pop tarts, mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, etc.) that she was never allowed to eat in her childhood.
Eddie will help make their bed and decorate it with her stuffed animals.
He’ll rent a collection of cartoons and animated movies on vhs for them to watch.
He brings out a huge container of arts and crafts and coloring books to play with.
There’s a large soft blanket spread out with even more of her stuffed animals in the living room.
There’s a book shelf filled with her favorite stories from her childhood.
These include fairytales with happy endings, Alice in Wonderland, Winnie the Pooh, Dr. Seuss, Goodnight Moon, Charlotte’s Web, Peter Rabbit, Madeline, etc.
If she wants to color in a coloring book, Chrissy will lay down on the blanket, open up her big box of crayons, and have her back rubbed while she colors a picture of Minnie Mouse petting Figaro.
Before he heads to the kitchen, he gives her two choices for lunch: Grilled cheese sandwiches or pizza rolls.
They eat in front of the tv and laugh together as they watch cartoons and movies.
She’ll happily sing along and dance to the songs, and ask Eddie to join in, something he gladly loves to partake in.
During a sad scene, Eddie gently holds Chrissy as she squeezes her plush toy and presses it tightly to her face.
He rubs her tears away and pecks her forehead, sweetly reminding her that it’s okay to cry and feel sad for a character.
Even if it’s a movie that they’ve seen many times, certain parts never fail to make her tear up, “Seeing Dumbo cry is sad to watch, isn’t it Chrissy?”
“Everyone is so mean to him, he wants his mama Eddie. Dumbo loves his mama and she misses him.”
When Chrissy wants to make a pillow fort, they take off the couch cushions, rearrange some furniture, cover it with a blanket and crawl inside.
When she wants to play with her dolls, Chrissy decides how the story goes.
She’ll let Eddie know which dolls he gets to play with, what kind of voice to use, and what will happen next.
He loves to watch and listen to her create all sorts of tales and describe the adventures and hardships the characters go through.
After dinner time, she begs him to stay up just a little longer, but he softly reminds her that it’s time to get ready for bed.
He offers to pick her up and take her upstairs for her evening bath.
When she’s done brushing her teeth, he dresses her in cozy pajamas and lets her pick two books to read aloud.
During story time, she asks for him to read the book in different voices for each of the characters.
Then he turns off the lights and turns on the nightlight, singing or humming a few comfort songs to her as he tucks her in and boops her nose to make her giggle.
Chrissy will give him the puppy dog pout and tell him, “I’m not tired Eddie.”
Eddie can’t resist those pleading eyes and lays down beside her, brushing his fingers from the top of her forehead to the end of her nose.
She’ll try to keep herself awake, her eyelids feeling heavy as the gentle hum of his voice eases her into a peaceful slumber.
“I’m… not tired. Not… sleepy. Eddie…”
He stays at her side until she’s fast asleep, carefully getting out of bed, and tiptoeing away.
Eddie looks at Chrissy one more time, smiling at the sight of her so calm and serene, “Sweet dreams princess.”
The next morning after breakfast, they would go for a walk in the park and Chrissy would stop to look at the playground.
She wants to go, but she doesn’t tell him and she’s afraid of being judged by others, so instead she watches from afar.
Later on in the late afternoon/early evening, Eddie says that he has a surprise for her
After dressing her up warmly and telling her to bring one stuffed animal, he takes her over to the park.
All of the families have left and the two of them have the entire playground to themselves.
He would push her on the swing, race her down the slide, spin on the merry go round, climb the jungle gym, and play on the see saw.
After she’s tuckered out, Eddie takes her home and then it’s time to get ready for bed.
After a quick clean up and a shower, he joins her as well.
He lays down beside her and kisses her lips, affectionately whispering, “I love you Chrissy.”
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byemambo · 2 months
We Are Lead Actors as K-Pop Boy Group Concept Photos: A Deep Dive [1/2]
Because I can't be normal about anything, I took it upon myself for self indulgence (rip We Are Wednesdays) to share my takes on which boy group concepts the We Are lead actors are based on their editorials/professional photographs (with my own ideas for future photoshoots). I had a lot of fun with this and if anyone has other comments to add, please feel free to do so!
Pond Naravit as NCT 127 - 2 Baddies
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Pond is such an amazing performer (yeah I see them kpop covers!) and I feel like his vibe definitely suits the more modern take on the hip hop concept. His pictorials from ELLE Thailand suited this perfectly, especially with the accessories (the earrings are my personal favorite). I'd love to see Pond's future editorials showcase more accessories and experiment with pattern and cuts of clothing, but keeping it on the darker side. His hair is also his selling point so styling his hair to show his facial features more is a huge plus.
What I'd Love to See: NCT 127 - Favorite (Vampire)
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Pond's features can be emphasized by playing around with lighting since his clothing is rather simple, or even utilizing motion blur like Taeil's image second on the left. It's also the era of vampire content in QL recently (still mourning over no Boss as a vampire but we have Zomvivor so I guess I'll let it go this one time) so playing around with set design and props would be interesting, even something as simple as the location of the photoshoot itself to take advantage of the architecture.
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I feel like from the images that I've seen Phuwin in, from his editorials to the fashion brands that named his ambassador like LOEWE, they seem to keep him in a more dapper and polished style such as the Frank Muller photoshoot for the Vanguard Beach watch collection. The green background instantly reminded me of one of the various concepts for ATEEZ's THE WORLD EP.2: OUTLAW EP featuring BOUNCY (K-HOT CHILI PEPPERS) as its title track, but the clothing for ATEEZ is more cyberpunk influenced to fit their alternate universe in their music video and lore. I'd love to see Phuwin take on more experimental fashion for his future editorials but I'm sure that's a big ask given he's very set on what he wants for himself as a person working in the entertainment world, which I heavily respect.
What I'd Love to See: ATEEZ - 멋(The Real) (흥 : 興 Ver.)
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Jongho's hat always sends me but to not take away from Phuwin's dapper style, there can be experimentation with color and pattern with minimal fashion statement accessories. From something as simple as including a turtleneck like San in the second image or adding mismatched pattern like Yeosang's dress shirt in the third image, I think his stylists could include more fun textures into his wardrobe without overwhelming or taking away from his established image.
Winny Thanawin as ONEUS - Baila Conmigo
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I was torn knowing that Winny is overdue for a new editorial since L'Officiel and I need someone to get on the ball with that asap. Although I included both images, ONEUS's La Dolce Vita EP had gorgeous photos for their mermaid concept (which I'm still mad at RBW for not even including it anywhere except the story teaser images like bruh not even in the damn MV or physical album), so I can totally see Winny embracing a more oceanic and beach vibe (just from scrolling his Instagram feed with all sorts of photos of the beach or poolside). Blue being his favorite color is also just a no brainer for this type of concept.
What I'd Like to See: ONEUS - 쉽게 쓰여진 노래 (A Song Written Easily)
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I need the photographer to take this man outdoors, preferably somewhere along the coast to really utilize the sun and ocean breeze. He also deserves to expand more with his blue tones, given that he seems to wear a lot of it just in every day life. If not a denim set, definitely in some cargo shorts with a Hawaiian inspired shirt.
Satang Kittiphop as P1Harmony - 겁나니 (Scared)
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We need to give P1Harmony their flowers because when I saw these Satang photos for KAZZ Magazine, my mind really went to their DISHARMONY: BREAK OUT EP with Scared as the title track. He's also around the members' ages (born between '01 to '05) so if he really wanted to, he could be their secret seventh member (he blends in so well with Keeho in the second image my god). I also think GMMTV should continue marketing Satang's visual image as more tough and badass simply because I find it enjoyable to watch him in series like We Are as the silly goofy little brother archetype while also serving face.
What I'd Love to See: P1Harmony - 때깔 (Killin' It)
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Y'all cannot tell me Satang wouldn't suit the best of both worlds with having his edge while also tying in his more silly image from the characters he's played that we know and love. Whether they achieve this look from fun statement pieces like fur coats or bold colors, I'd think seeing Satang push beyond his edgy image and becoming more experimental with his wardrobe would be insane.
If you made it this far, I really appreciate it! Y'all, I don't know anything about fashion like that so please: don't expect too much out of me. I recognize patterns because I'm neurodivergent and have a hyperfixations LOL so I have to split this post up into two due to the image limit (found here) but otherwise, I hope y'all get to check out new music or groups, or even the genre of K-Pop if you're unfamiliar and want to venture into it. All these groups are extremely talented and deserve all the love and support they can get <3
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lilac-hecox · 1 month
Hi Hi! It's god-has-left-chat, I'm on anon since i don't want my main here lol. Since ur prompts opened up I was wondering if I would request a small shayncer fic? Just something really cute and domestic since I love the boys so much! Thank you so so much!!
Spencer/Shayne - Puppy - Shayncer
It’s during Smosh’s month-long winter break that Shayne and Spencer adopt a puppy. It’s a mutt, a mix of breeds leaving it adorable if not a tad bit odd. Kiana had been messaging Spencer different posts from the local LA shelters because apparently she and Spencer have these kinds of puppy discussions at work and via text that Shayne just simply isn’t privy to. It’s Spencer who had padded over to Shayne as he read a book, popping his phone in Shayne’s face. 
“Look at what Kiana sent me,” Spencer had said. 
What she sent him was a picture of a dog with floppy ears, tongue sticking out, fluffy and well adorable. 
“Aww,” Shayne had said. 
“Yeah, and she’s up for adoption. She was rescued,” Spencer said, he turned the phone back to read the description of the puppy aloud. 
Shayne slid his bookmark into his current novel, having given up on the idea of reading and paid Spencer his whole attention. 
“Yeah,” Spencer said, “what do you think?” 
“For us?” Shayne had asked. 
A little over a year ago he and Spencer had moved in together and everything was going well. Shayne was deeply and well in love with the other man and despite the fact that Spencer had a cat, he had been dropping hints that he wanted a dog. Their apartment was a decent size and had space for small walks and potty training. They would have to pay a small increase in their rent… 
Spencer’s eyes had shined with hope and Shayne found it so hard to shut him down. 
“We’ll both be working.” 
“We can bring her to work with us! You know, like Erica does Winnie.” 
Really, the second Spencer decided he really wanted this dog was the minute Shayne was always destined to say yes. 
So, on a cool December morning he and Spencer drove to the shelter and filled out all the required paperwork for their puppy after having passed the background check and all the other requirements the rescue had asked for. 
They had met her a few times. A playdate sort of situation and she was funny, adorable, and most importantly, Spencer lit up when he played with her. 
It wasn’t long at all before Poppy was their puppy. 
After adopting her they had taken her to a pet store and picked up a cartful of food, treats, and toys. Spencer had even gotten her a little dog hat which Shayne had rolled his eyes at. 
“Don’t make us those kind of dog owners,” Shayne had said. 
“Oh, she loves it, look!” Spencer had said. 
Sure enough, Poppy excitedly sniffed the hat and barked in joy as Spencer placed it on her tiny, fluffy head. 
Life with Poppy was busier, but admittedly more fun. She was always ready to play. She loved to sleep in their bed with them, happily snuggled between Shayne and Spencer’s body. Shayne adored her, and Spencer loved Poppy so much, but what Shayne really loved was seeing how much Spencer loved her. How he would hold her, how they would nap with each other on the couch on the weekends. 
He was always up to taking her for a walk. His boyfriend, who couldn’t be bothered to eat homemade spaghetti out of a bowl, was now meticulously measuring out Poppy’s food while she happily hopped around his feet. 
“You’re so cute and so hungry!” he said in his best baby voice to Poppy, who lopped around happily and rolled onto her back for Spencer to rub her belly. “You’re the best girl in the whole world, Pop!” 
Shayne stood watching, fond and also ready to tease Spencer endlessly. 
Spencer looked up and grinned at his boyfriend. “Bro, tell me she’s not the cutest thing ever.” 
“She is,” Shayne had said as Spencer placed Poppy’s bowl on the floor which she attacked in seconds. “But you are too.” he looped his arms around Spencer’s waist and pulled him close, kissing his cheek, which Spencer exaggeratedly wiped off. 
“I’m going to request we do a dog parent episode of Reddit Stories and take the opportunity to roast you to hell and back,” Shayne said to Spencer as the two of them had watched Poppy eat. 
Spencer had snorted in return. 
“Fine. I accept that punishment. Emily will only let you lightly roast me.” 
Shayne laughed as Spencer leaned against his shoulder, the two of them watched their puppy eat.
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alright it's time i've made my contribution to the tags i regularly occasionally troll: here is a snippet of some sweet zevlor/oc sort-of-action
MDNI. yes i am using the biggest font to make that clear.
content warnings: talk of disability and chronic pain, blatant lack of understanding D&D lore; minor dom/sub dynamic, technically NSFW but it's just a lil at the beginning to set the scene (LMAO); my tav is a human monk named winnie and they're in their mid twenties. winnie is also AFAB and uses they/them pronouns; this is hella un-edited and i can't wait to see all the typos and half-written sentences i'll find after i hit 'post'
word count: 856 words (this excerpt... don't ask how long the "one-shot" is in its entirety)
really this is just me waxing poetic about an idea i've had about magical mobility aids. i love tattoos and have chronic back pain. i modeled winnie's spinal/pain issues after my own because i stopped taking testosterone and now i have pain flare-ups with my period. yay.
fic title is from the song "traveling at the speed of light" by joywave. it feels very appropriate for them idk go listen to it it's so good
working title: i don't know how long i've been alone
(subtitle: let's reacquaint and show that something's gotta give now)
His nails press slightly into the flesh of Winnie’s rear and a dark chuckle rumbles in his chest, “Let’s make use of that bed, shall we?” he asks and- hells, with his grip on them, he pulls Winnie’s heated center into the growing bulge in his trousers. They gasp and twitch in his hold, digging their fingers into his shoulders. 
“Gods, please,” they breathe into his neck, delighted to feel his responding sigh. It’s just a few steps from where Zevlor stands to the edge of the bed and Winnie thinks back to the very first lewd thought they had about him.
'I want to show him how much trouble I can give him.'
He takes one step forward and Winnie places a kiss under his ear, and after the next footfall echoes through the room they nip that same spot, laving their tongue over the little bite. It isn’t nearly enough to leave a mark on the tiefling’s skin, but it does make him stutter, drawing a strangled groan from his throat where Winnie leaves another gentle love bite.
In no time, he tips Winnie down onto the bed and bites back a growl. He kisses them deeply, swallowing their moans and relishing in the sad little noise Winnie makes when he pulls away.
“Be good for me, sweetheart, we’ve waited so long for this. We’ll have time to play like that later,” he purrs and Winnie settles, though he doesn’t comment on the occasional tremble.
The lovers remain like this for a time, sharing kisses and touches with cautious exploration. Winnie sighs as Zevlor’s forked tongue tastes them; gods how they missed this. For only a night, Winnie knew the taste and feel of his mouth on their own; that night in the grove followed them for the remainder of their journey. Their heart feels too full, like they can barely breathe through it.
Winnie melts into the mattress, burning under his heat in the best way possible when he guides them by the loose hold he maintains on their hair. Each sensuous slide of lips and tongue serves to stoke the fire within them, until deft fingers reach for the tie in the front of their wrap top. 
This was unavoidable, Winnie tells themself. He was going to see it one way or another, so they might as well make the best of the situation. They wouldn’t be here if they didn’t trust him, but anxiety fills them, still.
But Zevlor notices their hesitation and pulls back from the kiss, concern etched on his beautiful Infernal features, “Would you prefer to not remove this?”
Winnie shakes their head, “It- It’s not that, I just… Here,” they shakily untie their top, ignoring Zevlor’s gentle protests. And then he falls quiet, his eyes landing on the peculiar tattoos on their body.
If Winnie had been wearing nothing else underneath the top, he would’ve been too distracted to notice but a band of thin fabric preserves his fortitude for now. He’s known that Winnie has tattoos, but the moonflower on their hand was the only one he’d seen in detail. He examines the lines on their shoulder, how they wrap around the joint as if it were an imitation of a sling or supportive device. It occurs to him then, what the tattoos are: a mobility aid made of enchanted ink. He traces one thick line that wraps around their elbow and back up their arm, feeling the raised skin left behind by the process. 
The first time he’d seen tattoos like these, Zevlor was a fresh recruit with barely a week of service under his belt. In passing, he’d heard of a marshall doing everything he could to put off a final mission, including such tattoos inked onto his hand and knees. But that man had been as old as Zevlor is now- he’d never seen these on someone so young.
He cautiously asks, “Was this an injury?”
Winnie takes a deep breath, “I’ll tell you the whole story later, but no, not an injury. My spine didn’t develop correctly- these tattoos help straighten my spine and relieve some of the pain that comes with it.” They don't mention how their spine still curves where it shouldn't, however minimized. They don’t say anything about their tilted hips and shoulders, or how their breasts are noticeably different sizes in their eyes, or the jagged, pale red lines marking how their body changed so quickly in less than a decade. Those things he can see for himself and Winnie grips tightly to what shreds of their pride remain.
Winnie shivers as his fingers continue to trace the ink up their arm until his hand cups the back of their neck. Would he look at them differently for this, they wonder; the flash of grief was undeniable but he surprises them altogether not by speaking, but acting.
He presses a warm kiss to the inside of their elbow and another, and another, until he’s kissing the space where shoulder meets neck. His fingers caress the side of their waist, making them shiver again but he doesn’t venture downward- or upward for that matter. Instead, he touches them for the sake of feeling their skin under his fingertips, to ground them in the moment. 
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Tulsi and Sage at one of those shooting games where you’re supposed to shoot the little paper star thing and if you get the whole thing you win and she gets the biggest fucking elephant and I specify Tulsi AND Sage even though I think Tulsi would be more interested because I’m thinking of Tulsi kicking his ass and winning the Biggest Fucking Elephant and rubbing it in his face (why are there giant stuffed elephants as the prize for this? Because that’s a prize at the one in my city rn don’t ask me why it just is)
I have Absolutely Nothing for felix because I have no idea what he’d be doing at a carnival anyway unless the other two dragged him I mean it’s loud it’s bright and fuck dammit I want a funnel cake now
Also curious about how Rime and the Griefers would do at a carnival
idk last legacy brainrot is going Ping Ponging in my head like tigger from fuckin Winnie the Pooh
TW very vague mention of alcohol/weed, throwing up
Hehehe,,, I love carnivals,, or I guess it's more accurate to say that I love the vibe/aesthetics of carnivals. It's nostalgic and wholesome and full of heart, y'know?
I think Sage and Elowen (and possibly also Lucan) would get super distracted staring at lights. It's the cat in them. And if Sage and Lucan are buzzed/drunk? Absolutely will go on the Ferris Wheel just to look out at all the lights and chill. My stoner's agenda insists I mention that they would prooooobably do an edible or something beforehand. Balsam might do one too but he also might try to be the sober babysitter. Although if Elowen is gonna be staying around them for the majority of the time then she probably gets to be the DD.
Sage would go as fast as possible! If you get dizzy easily then he'll try to keep it slow but honestly he gets overexcited and still ends up going very fast. If you aren't up to it, send him with Lucan and Balsam. They'll go as fast as possible because they wanna see 'who's the toughest' and can go the longest without barfing. Balsam wins because he has an iron stomach. Lucan and Sage have to sit down and sip some water for like twenty minutes. Dorks.
Funnel cake! Cotton candy! Kettle corn! Caramel apples! Anisa is trying all the snacks and splitting them with you. Doesn't matter how long the line is. Imagine,, you're splitting a funnel cake,,, and she goes 'oh this is really sweet' and you lean over and kiss her cheek and go 'not as sweet as you! :3' and then her cheeks go warm and her hair poofs and she squeaks and ehehehehe I love her so much
Yes Tulsi and Sage doing the water game but. Also. Tulsi and Elowen doing the water game. Elowen having sharpshooter skills. If the guns are the kinds that let you freely move them around then they will shoot at Sage. Either way Tulsi is winning a giant elephant. She's naming it Peanut.
If there's any sort of 'Tunnel of Love'-esque ride, Felix is checking them out. And if there's any sort of live shows or performances, he's there. Magic shows??? Please. Felix who practices street magic and can't help but point out the mistakes the magician is making so the magician is like 'okay you do it then' thinking Fe is just a heckler but then Fe actually does some really impressive tricks and it's like !! He's having fun in his own ways. And if there's any sort of haunted house, he's dragging everyone through it.
Rime,, doing,,, photo ops? I feel like he would be very particular about his selfies. He'll go on rides if you ask him too, but a carnival just isn't his type of scene. He will make some sort of joke about Sage being a clown though. Also remember in (I think?) Chapter 12 when Rime was like 'I'll show you something super scary like clowns?' Rime is scared of clowns. So if there's any clowns around, he'll be very antsy and liable to just fast-walking out of the area to try not to be obvious about it.
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kittybells-writes · 7 months
AO3 Masterpost
Your guide to everything I've written & posted on AO3!
I will define its rating with the color that matches for example. if my fic is rated E, it will be colored as such. due to not having access to yellow anymore for some reason, blue is now teen rated.
as of right now, all of my non-yellowjackets fics are posted so that you need an account to see them, due to the ai scrapers.
sorted by fandom, alphabetically, if it shares a fandom I will put the secondary fandom in brackets before the genre. things that aren't smut/pwp will be given a genre after the title that'll be in parentheses!
I will also put pairings in {these brackets} for relationships, both platonic and romantic/sexual, defined by the & and / tagging system on ao3.
one is the loneliest number [Wednesday] (fluff)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
make me move like a freak {Faith/Buffy}
alley way play {Vamp!Willow/Faith}
D.E.B.S. (2004)
a kinky kidnapping {Amy/Lucy}
Doctor Who (2005)
bow down before the one you serve {Thirteen/River} (watersports)
'cause I, I'm my type, I don't try, and I know just what I like {Amy/Amy} (selfcest)
choke me like you hate me, but you love me {Ashildr/Clara}
forever (adv): a lie {implied Ten/Rose} (hurt/no comfort)
I'm going home, to the place where I belong {Fourteen & Donna} (fluff)
I'm mister loverman, and I miss my lover, man {implied Ten/Rose} (hurt/no comfort)
I wanna fuck you like an animal {Thirteen/River} (petplay)
I would choose you over millions of lives {implied Ten/Rose or Twelve/Clara} (angst)
long ago and far away in a different time {Ten & Donna} (fluff)
see what you're doing to me {Clara/Amy/Rose}
we all need somebody to lean on {Twelve & Clara} (fluff)
you gotta feel it, it's sonic! {Ten/Rose} (lesbianism)
you really feel the need to get high, get full {Clara/Amy} (intoxication)
Doki Doki Literature Club
I hear your heart beat beat to the beat of the drums {Natsuki/Sayori}
I'm so hot I'd fuck myself {Monika/Monika}
Five Nights at Freddy's
join us and die [Hatchetfieldverse] (hurt/no comfort)
veronica gets a motorbike and rides up to seattle {Veronica/Chandler} (some plot)
Miller's Girl
you can count on me {Cairo/Winnie} (a/b/o)
fear and panic in the air, I want to be free
I might kill my ex {Billy/Reader}
Spider Verse
I wanna fuck you like an animal, I wanna feel you from the inside {Miguel/Reader}
let me go home, I'm too far away from where you are, I wanna come home (fluff/angst) {Gwen & Miles}
sweet little unforgettable thing {Miguel/Reader}
Stranger Things
darling you're so pretty it hurts {Chrissy/Robin}
"do not enter" is written on the doorway (hurt/comfort)
eleven is bleeding (hurt/comfort?)
hellfur club (angst/hurt/comfort) {Steve/Eddie}
I can see clearly, now the rain is gone (hurt/comfort)
I tried to find a cure for the pain (hurt/comfort)
I've been hiding these feelings for so long (self discovery, fluff, hurt/comfort)
I will always write back {Steve/Eddie}
strip truth or truth {Chrissy/Robin}
tw: gay (bonding/fluff!)
you're the first to fight, I know something's wrong (hurt/comfort)
The Sex Life of College Girls
don't cry, don't cry [T] {Tatum/Leighton} (angst)
I'm breaking the habit tonight {Alicia/Leighton} (angst)
make me arch my back and we're goin' dumb {Jack/Martha} (medical petplay)
I love my dog as much as I love you {Wednesday & Enid) (agere/fluff)
cry me a river {Wednesday & Enid) (hurt/comfort)
I'll hold your hand if you want me to {Xavier & Tyler} (hurt/comfort)
Yellowjackets (2021)
a light in the crack between your thighs {Lottie/Nat}
all along there was some invisible string {Jackie & Shauna} (fluff?)
all the other girls are thinner, so she makes you skip dinner {Jackie & Shauna} (hurt/comfort)
baby it's halloween, and we could be anything {Lottie/Nat} (fluff)
better run faster than the bullet {Van & Nat} (hurt/comfort)
big doe eyed, amazing {Jackie/Shauna} (petplay)
did you miss me? oh come and kiss me {Jackie/Shauna}
for you, there'll be no more crying; for you, the sun will be shining {Jackie & Shauna} (fluff)
help me find myself {Jackie & Nat} (fluff?)
hold me up, tie me down {Lottie/Nat} (fluff??/nx kink)
I apologize for skipping any tracks, it's just the last guy that played me left a couple cracks {Jackie & Shauna} (hurt/comfort)
I can't really explain it, I'm so into you {Jackie/Shauna}
I can't remember to forget you {Jackie & Shauna} (hurt/no comfort)
I'd throw a thousand parties and never be sorry if you'd walk through my door {Lottie/Nat} (fluff)
if it feels good it can't be bad {Lottie/Nat/Everyone?} (adult tl)
I gave your boyfriend cunnilingus on my couch {Shauna/Nat} (t4t) I like how you look when you really beg {Lottie/Nat} (ws)
I loved you from the start {Lottie/Nat} (hurt/no comfort)
I'll dance with my hands above my head {Crystal/Misty Quigley}
I'm coming home {Jackie/Shauna} (fluff)
I'm feeling sexual, so we should be sexual {Nat/Misty}
in the land of gods and monsters, you were an angel {Lottie/Nat}
it's not my fault you're like in love with me [T] {Jackie/Shauna} (drama, slow burn)
I wanna get in trouble, I wanna start a fight {Shauna/Lottie} (angst)
I want you all to myself {Lottie/Nat}
I wish I knew you wanted me {Lottie/Shauna + Jackie/Shauna} (hurt/no comfort)
I would take a bullet for you just to prove my love, only to find out you are the one holding the gun {Jackie & Shauna} (hurt/comfort)
jet set bonnie and clyde {Van/Tai} (additional angst)
know it's for the better {Nat/Lottie} (angst)
like real people do {Jackie/Shauna} (angst)
long story short I survived {Lottie/Nat} (adult tl porn w feelings)
losing sleep every night, keep trying to cover my eyes {Lottie} (agere hurt/no comfort)
love became the high that's the drug and not the pill {Lottie & Nat} (whump)
love you to the moon and to saturn {Shauna & Callie} (hurt/comfort)
now the pain is for pleasure, 'cause nothing can measure {Shauna/Jackie/Lottie}
on her knees like religion {Lottie/Nat} (a/b/o)
one hour, two bottles and straight to the hotel {Lottie/Nat} (ws)
relax and have a good time {Lottie/Nat} (cnc, public play)
to me, you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny {Lottie/Shauna} (emotions?)
we were built to fall apart {Lottie/Laura Lee} (angst, adult tl)
when I think about you I touch myself {Tai/Van + Misty?)
why don't you lay down and sleep, shauna {Lottie & Shauna / Shauna & Jackie} (hurt/no comfort)
wish you were here right now, all of the things I'd do {Jackie/Nat} (phone sex)
you drew stars around my scars {Lottie/Nat or Lottie & Nat} (fluff/agere)
you wanna fuck me right now, you wanna see me on my knees {Jackie/Shauna}
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wooshofficial · 2 years
please talk to me about winnie hess also
Well u got the spiel last night but
Winnie Hess that is a horse but like. She’s a centaur. Lesbian centaur with tired mom energy. Absolutely has some sort of neurodivergence but I can’t decide between any of them. Slight workaholic but also being one of the strongest pitchers in the league will do that to you.
During beta she was really competitive and invested in the game. She worked hard to get to where she was, but didn’t lose sight of the love she had for her teammates. She was trying to be an older sister to Hewitt and some sort of maternal figure to Thirteen, both of which she lost, and then she lost herself and her entire team. I know we joke about “The sim killed the Breath Mints because Winnie was too powerful and needed to be stopped” but that’s literally her mentality. I like to think you can still hear whispers of the fans in the hall, and she heard that joke and went “was I doing too much? Was it even worth it?” And then proceeds to have an existential crisis throughout season 24.
Even now she’s still not over dying during s24 and didn’t use the time in the BH(BH) to reflect and process it. She still feels dead. Sometimes she wakes up cold and stiff. Sometimes she dreams about the hall. She doesn’t like Ohio mostly because she’s back to playing Blaseball and she didn’t want to do that, and she needed somewhere to get those frustrations out. She ends up doting on NaN “everyone has adopted me” NaN and is like “yanno what, maybe I can have a life here. There are people who I care about here. We have time to figure it out.”
And then NaN explodes.
By that point she is done. She is so fucking done. She says “fuck this, fuck it all, fuck the gods, fuck Ohio, fuck Blaseball” because everything she has ever done has been pointless. All the siphons and the parties and the stat boosts and the stars were meaningless. They didn’t save her. They didn’t save her friends and her family. She is so tired of everything and grieving but Play Must Continue. She wants to have some sense of normalcy but Play Must Continue. She’s trying to be something other than the work horse (hah) she was but Play Must Continue.
And the umps must smell lingering power on her, because they just keep staring at her. She is spiteful and vicious and so so tired, so when the Knight comes to her and says don’t you want to seek greatness she stares it dead in the eyes and says I was great once. It did nothing. And when the Bard comes and says don’t you want success, she just laughs, and laughs, and laughs. She laughs until she runs out of breath and then she starts crying. Because that’s all she wanted. And it didn’t mean a thing.
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stitchkiss · 1 year
tagged by @thiamsxbitch and @raekensarcher tag game? me ?? aww i love u both
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to Ao3. (Sort by date posted.) If you have less than 10 fics posted, post what you have.
i only have 5 fics posted (but im working on more!!!)
the struggle of dating a teenage boy when you’re also a teenage boy but aren’t addicted to fucking call of duty, an exposé by theo raeken (thiam)
Theo sighed for what felt like the thousandth time today.
Liam didn’t notice the edge of annoyance that Theo made sure to put into his sigh. He hasn’t noticed any time before, but why would he start now? Liam’s been glued in front of his TV for the better part of—Theo checks the time—six fucking hours now, not bothering to pay a lick of attention to Theo, who’s been laying on the beta’s bed the entire time, bored out of his goddamn mind.
i see the stars in your eyes and i realize (thian)
Theo thinks he can hear the stars.
He doesn’t tell Liam, preferring to avoid the risk of the other boy doing something ridiculous like agreeing with Theo. Everyone’s been doing that lately; agreeing with Theo. He supposes he brought it upon himself, having spent years plotting and scheming and thinking, something the McCall pack can’t seem to do without their brightest members. Both who hightailed it to the other side of the country, looking for greener pastures than the clusterfuck that is Beacon Hills, California.
we're in love (and we're going to make it everyone's problem) (caswen)
“Okay, stop, stop, STOP!” Miss Jenn’s frustrated cry was enough to make everyone in the rehearsal room freeze in their places.
Carlos hurries to her side and mutters quickly under his breath while sneaking glances at the two boys in front of him. They didn’t notice of course because they were too busy furiously glaring one another other down in a silent war. The East High Drama Club suffocated in tension the two radiated as it blanketed over the room. Miss Jenn sighs.
pony (caswen)
Theater kid meet ups were a usual thing after the musical, obviously. They weren’t going to stop hanging out just because there wasn’t a production to keep them busy and together, and really, they had made some great friendships that fall. Sure, it was tense at first, but the teens valued friendship far more than petty rivalries and less than ideal relationship drama.
Living On A High Wire (anne x winnie)
Winifred Rose had a truly splendid time at the fair. Avonlea was a beautiful town and its inhabitants fit the mold perfectly. It reminded her of a puzzle, but she was the wrong piece for the game board of Avonlea. Her place was somewhere else.
She had fun with her family and with Gilbert and meeting everyone he knew. The entire day was a fresh breath of air Winnie so desperately needed. There was just one problem.
She did not want Gilbert Blythe to court her.
tagging everyone! i feel like everyone's been tagged already lol
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saltandburnheathens · 6 months
Good morning Miss Winnie. (Part II)
Part I
Pairing: Dean Winchester X Reader.
Rating: Gen.
Two weeks after Dean became a father, it's time to jump back on the hunting horse. But he's hesitant.
Notes: Non-canon, no time line. And I don't ever want kids. But I just became an aunt and I sort of need to get this out of my system! Short and I'm not promising that I won't continue this. Who knows really. Finally this was written after I'd taken my usual nightly gummy.
Tumblr media
You shot Dean a look across the kitchen. He was cooking eggs on the stove while you were nursing. Castiel was the only other member of the bunker awake at six a.m. and, fortunately, occupied the library. It wasn’t that you cared about the other men seeing you breastfeeding, it was how they reacted to it. Both became very awkward and outwardly attempted to look anywhere but at your breasts.
“You can’t accept Winnie, but you pick Bonnie?” 
Dean shrugged. 
“I was just thinking if we had a boy we could call him Clyde. We’d have our own little gang.” 
“Firstly, I’m not doing this again. And secondly, Bonnie and Clyde were felons.”
“What do you mean ‘you’re not doing this again?’ Don’t most women go crazy for more kids? They smell the baby's head and some hoo-doo helps them forget about the pain and bodily fluids.” 
“Yeah, well. You try being in labour for damn near forty eight hours and shitting yourself in a room full of people. Including the man you love. Then come back and tell me you’ve forgotten about it and wanna do it all over again.” 
“Point taken.” Dean laughed, plating up eggs and bacon for them both, “And you didn’t shit yourself by the way.”
“I didn’t?”
“I think I’d remember.”
You smiled at the plate of food and carefully lifted the baby from your breast. She’d long since stopped feeding and was instead squirming, ready to be winded. 
“I can take it from here.” Dean reached down and lifted the little girl up into his arms. He held her upright against his chest and began rubbing circles into her small back, “There we go kiddo. Get it up.” 
“Be careful.” You warned. 
“I’m not taking any chances.” Dean gestured to the polka-dot muslin cloth on his shoulder. 
You watched as he gently walked your daughter around the kitchen, her little body squirming while he cooed into her ear. She made several little squeaking noises, threatening to cry, only to be brought back to earth by her father’s tender voice. 
“Come on now, no tears. I’ve got you.” 
Your eyes locked with Dean’s for a moment, both reflecting a soft smile. He was proving to be an excellent father, not that you’d doubted him for a second. But Sam had. He’d been very vocal about Dean knowing nothing about babies and how, despite the fact that he was happy for you both, he thought this whole ‘raising a family thing’ was a bad idea.
“You guys are great together! But I don’t think this is the right environment for a kid.”  Or something along the same bullshit. 
Dean had been adamant about her though. He damn near refused to speak to Sam until he stopped with his questions and logical answers. Sure you both had been sceptical about bringing a child into this life, but neither of you had actively prevented it. If it happened, it happened. 
Speaking of the devil. Sam groaned and stretched his arms above his head, stumbling into the kitchen. He dug the palm of his hands into his eyes, drawing them down his face afterwards. 
“Morning. Coffee’s in the pot.” Dean said, his voice shifting from Dad to brother by just an octave. 
Sam poured himself a hefty mug before offering more to the kitchen. You declined but insisted that he fill up Deans. 
“He’ll need the caffeine for your hunt.” 
“Oh so you’re back on the job then?” Sam questioned, his eyebrows rising. 
Dean’s brow furrowed as he shifted the little one on his chest. He searched her face, the cogs visibly turning in his head. 
“I’ll get back to you on that one.” 
“What? I thought you’d be happy to get back on the horse.” You’d assumed that after being out of work for almost two weeks that Dean would be craving a hunt, but his face said otherwise. 
“Yeah. I mean I am. But she - “ 
“She’ll be right here when you get back.” You interrupted, “It’s a simple in and out job. Right Sam?” 
“Sure. Run of the mill ghost in the attic for some old friend’s of Bobby’s.” Sam took a lengthy sip of his coffee, “And it pays too.” 
“See? And we could use the cash for Winnie.” 
Sam scoffed, barely holding onto the coffee in his mouth. He looked between you both and then to his niece. 
“Short for Winchester but not her name. Just a placeholder until we find the perfect one.” You inform, “But what’s so wrong with Winnie anyway? It’s a perfectly acceptable name.” 
“Nothing wrong with it at all. It’s just not what I pictured you both to come up with.” 
“Fortunately it’s not.” Dean added, shifting the baby from one arm to the other as she reached up with her little hands, “As for the hunt, I’m not sure.”
He offered a finger for her hand to close around, eyes never leaving her. the features on his face softened, lips almost pulling downwards into a frown. 
You exchanged a knowing look with Sam. 
“If this is about Win- her- you don’t need to worry. I can cope fine on my own for one night.” You offered
“Yeah but what if it isn’t just one evening?” Dean answered, his voice doing nothing to disguise the concern he was feeling. 
“It’s only a few towns over. We’ll be home by four am - ” 
“But what if something goes wrong? Huh? Then what? I’ve left my wife without a husband, my little girl without a father. And -” 
You jumped to your feet at the distress in his voice and rushed to loop an arm around his middle.  
“Don’t say that. It’s a run of the mill job, something you guys have done one thousand times over. Nothin’ bad is gonna happen other than a few bruises.” You laid your head on his shoulder, eyes coming to settle on the little lady in his arms, “I can deal with those. And she’ll not know any different.” 
With a deep sigh, Dean kissed you gently on the head. It was an uncharacteristic display of affection, especially in front of his brother, but you hadn’t the heart to react. You knew he was feeling vulnerable, that much was clear in his reaction, and to draw attention to it would only make things worse. Instead you settled against him and allowed his warmth and the soothing sounds of your baby to still your own anxiety. 
You’d be lying if you didn’t admit that some part of you was fearful of your husband walking out of the bunker and never coming home. Hunting was a dire job, one which had claimed the life of many of your comrades. Dean may be an experienced hunter, renowned in his own right, but he certainly wasn’t immune to unfortunate outcomes. That much had been proven time and time again. 
Lost in thought, the only sounds in the kitchen were the gentle fussing of your daughter and the whirring of the circulation fans. 
Finally Castiel broke the silence with his sudden entrance. He appeared in a flurry of feathers, one coming to land on the table top by your abandoned coffee cup. 
“We have doors, Cas. Use ‘em.” Dean warned, pulling your daughter closer to his chest as she began to fuss. 
“I’m sorry, Dean. It’s a force of habit.” Castiel answered, taking a seat next to Sam, “I startled her.” 
“You think?!” 
You moved to take the baby from Dean but he shook his head, whispering a small ‘I got this’ back to you as he started to rock her from side to side. But it was no good, her cries grew louder and more furious. You began to wonder how those big sounds could even come from such a small creature. 
Before you could offer your help again Castiel brushed past you. 
“I didn’t mean to scare her.” He said, coming to stand in front of Dean “Is there anything I can do?” 
“Here” to your surprise, Dean held your daughter out towards the angel, “You can settle her down while I grab her diaper bag.” 
You lean in and quickly sniff.  
“I don’t think she needs changed, D.”
“Well I don’t know what else to do. She -” 
Castiel reached forward and lifted the infant from Dean. He brought her to settle in the crook of his arm, offering up his fingers for her to grab at. Gradually she began to quiet, her hands reaching up for Castiel’s and her eyes wide, staring into his face. 
You and Dean watched on in outward confusion. Castiel, to your knowledge, had never handled a baby before. At least not in recent years. 
“How did you do that?” Dean asked almost aggressively, “She was cryin’ up a storm seconds ago and you just took her and nothing.”
“Did you use your grace?” Sam suggested. 
“She’s much too small to handle my grace in any capacity. It would kill her.” 
You considered jumping in and taking her from Castiel but stopped yourself. She was settled and happily holding onto the angel's fingers. No sense in ruining it. Beside you Dean was tense, clearly struggling with something along the same lines. His face was etched in hard lines and you could see his brows furrowing. 
Gently you looped your arm through his and guided him to his long forgotten coffee cup. He moved but his eyes never left you daughter in the angel’s arms. 
“So,” Sam cleared his throat, “About this hunt.” 
“What about it?” Dean glared at him over the rim of his cup. 
“Are you in or -” 
“He’s in.” You answer before the question could even be finished. 
“Wha - I -” 
“Oh come on. You got this. I can handle her and Cas will be here if I need any help. Right Cas?” The angel gave something akin to a positive response, “You have to get back out there at some point.”
Dean’s gaze flickered from Sam to you, finally coming to land on Castiel. He watched the angel gently swaying the little girl in his arms and the lines on his face began to soften. 
“Hmmm. You’re sure about this?” He asked. 
“If there’s any trouble, anything at all, you call me.” 
“Sure.” You smiled, “But I doubt Winnie will be as much of an issue as your malevolent spirit.” 
Dean chuckled, accompanied by Sam. 
“God, we’re really going to have to talk about her name when I get back.” 
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random-cryptid · 10 months
ok so, i made a lil dolly of ms frizzle and now all i can think about is making lil dollies of winnie, mary, and sarah and i am going nuts over it
i think the three of them would love the fact that i wanna make lil dolls of them, especially winnie. like, theyve never had anyone do that to them, so the thought of me trying out something ive never done before just so i can always have them with me would make all three of them melt faster than honey in hot tea
i'd have to ask mary and winnie how the fuck they do their hair like that cuz idk how to draw it, let alone recreate it with yarn shhdhdj. oh! and i'd have to ask sarah if she has any tips for making the clothes cuz i dont really know how to make clothes in general, let alone doll clothes
ik the dolls are gonna look really skrunkly and messy, but i think they'd be super proud of me for trying something new, and over the moon that i chose the three of them to be my muses for it.
I think Mary would be climbing walls (metaphorically) too ngl. I believe she's an arts and crafts girly (not as much as Sarah though but definitely does some clothes and such too!) so she would find it especially cute.
I believe I can help with the hair and clothes!!!
Winifred's hair is pretty much the same as Queen Elizabeth I, and this tutorial is pretty easy to follow! Definitely not historically accurate in the techniques but it's the same shape lol. Basically her hair is just two big buns!
Mary's hair however... I can't by the life of myself figure out how her hair works (my hypothesis is that her hair is twisted into shape... Kind of.) apart from her having one tiny braid going along the whole hat shape of her hair.
All the tutorials I've seen for her hair have in common using wires and some sort of cilinder to shape her hair tho!!! This is one of the easiest ones I've seen. (Btw it's crazy to me how this lady has her exact vibe)
Now for the clothes you can check Salvador Perez's Instagram account! (He's the costume designer from the second movie) But if you don't want to scroll too much it's okay I gotcha! Here you have:
• Sarah's sleeves (they're sewn in on the corset!)
• Sarah's corset (you don't have to embroider anything, I think it's better if you use markers instead)
• Winnie's top gown + accessories (basically her full gown is two pieces: the top one, which is the deeper green one, and the under one, which is the one with purple and a lighter green)
• Mary's full outfit + details (this one's just a general idea)
• Mary's corset + sparkles (once again, more of a general idea)
• The Sister's shoes + thighs + undergarments (looove love Winnie's boots ngl)
Making sewing patterns is basically like making puzzle pieces and putting them together, so getting the shapes shouldn't be too complicated! In any case, if you need help with that I can help you out! (Unfortunately I'm no taylor but I'll do my best). You can also look up tutorials for specific things like skirts! (They're actually one of the easiest things to make!)
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oozmart · 1 year
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your three best and/or favorite fanarts/fanfics/moodboards/whatever that you've made, then pass on to others. No self-deprecation allowed! Let's get this self-love going ON!
OMG Thank you I super appreciate this!
I've been drawing a lot more recently and I def have some pieces I'm super proud of. All of them are of my OCs of course cause idk how to draw anything else lmao
Definitely have to share this one. This is one of my newest OCs, Janey Honeyfly. She's shy, cute, and loves to read. I'm really proud of this piece because it was the first time I fooled around with lighting and it feels a lot more natural than some of my other drawings. Also I love trying out dynamic pose and background. It feels good putting a lot of effort into a piece and being satisfied with the result.
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I think I made this one last year. This is my Don't Hug Me I'm Scared OC, Winnie the Walkman. She teaches exercise through aerobics and dancing. Everything she does is super 80's because of her age. I love her so much. Winnie is one of those OCs that hit the ground running. She practically made herself. This piece is sort of vent art? I had some stress in my life during my DHMIS era. Queen of Disaster by Llana Del Rey was big Inso for this piece. Thats why the mixtape popping out of her case says "Disaster Mix". Also I loved drawing her organs.
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Last one! I wanted to pick something a little more simple to show off. Also wanted to share one of my most treasured OCs. This is Spooky! She's part of an original story I'm writing with the working title Spooky World. I don't draw her a ton but when I do it's the exact same pose and outfit every time lol. Thats just how it be. But when I do draw her, I get to compare it to my last Spooky and see the improvement in my art.
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Thanks for reading all of this if you did! I really appreciate when my characters get a lot of love 💖💖💖
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athetos · 2 years
This got very long so you absolutely do not have to publish it… I just want you to know that you are seen, and there are others out there who understand what you’re going through 💜 That sort of grief is a very weird feeling. You feel helpless, but also the feeling of loss feels weird? You feel like you aren’t entitled to it somehow, but you are. You’re allowed to feel it. Even if it’s complicated or even if it feels like you’re not grieving the loss so much as feeling pain for the people in your family.
My grandfather passed back in 2018 after a short but rough battle with cancer, while I was doing a semester abroad. It would have been insane for me to try to fly home for the funeral. Like $1000 minimum. The majority of my life my grandparents lived halfway across the country out in Texas, and I hardly ever saw him, but he was still family (technically my mom’s step-dad), even if he was rather old school and that side of the family rather bigoted. But I sent flowers for the funeral, and that helped me feel like I was doing something. They were more for my grandmother than anyone else. And I baked a Dutch apple pie, because it was his favorite and his nickname was ‘Dutch’ because he was from the Netherlands.
So, my advice is to let yourself feel, and know that you are allowed it. Grief is so fucking weird already, and complicated more by feelings of guilt or being conflicted. Try not to get swallowed by the feeling. If you can, channel it into something else. Maybe celebrate the parts of her that you liked, or embrace a favorite memory. Check in with people you do have a positive relationship with, especially those feeling this loss, and let them know that they are loved. Sometimes doing something makes you feel less helpless.
The weird feeling doesn’t last forever. The empty, broken feeling does heal. It’s messy and complicated, but it will get better. Take a breath, and know that you will be fine, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now 💜
Thank you anon this actually brought tears to my eyes and I will try to follow your advice, this means a lot to me ❤️
I think the flowers idea is really good because yeah I’m trying not to think too far ahead I want to stay focused on just what I have to worry about on a day to day basis to relieve stuff but I don’t know how they’re doing the funeral, if I’ll be able to visit, etc like with money and timing but I want to do something so even if I can’t go I can order flowers because I think I remembered what ones she liked
I do have a lot of very fond memories of my grandma from growing up even if we weren’t close the past 10 years I can remember she encouraged me to read so much and would always let me borrow books or buy them for me, she got me into redwall and I read every book except for maybe 2 of them, she’d get me 3 at a time off eBay and get more when I finished them, I remember reading the first book at a cousins graduation party and getting so into it and realizing what an adder was (a snake) and stuff, very good memories. I remember watching Winnie the Pooh in her living room. I remember swimming in her pool with my brother and catching fish off the bottom. She taught me how to swim! It was so scary but I did it, and it’s my favorite thing to do. She had a garden and would let me eat snap peas and tomatoes and cucumbers. We’d go for walks in the woods on the trail and she’d point out birds. She did an Easter egg hunt that was over her entire yard and house and my brother and I were the youngest grandchildren so we got to find the most. She’d make turkey stuffed with rice for thanksgiving and homemade pies. And they made their own wine and while I’m not a big wine fan I always tasted it. She was also the computer lab advisor in elementary school and she taught me how to type, too. Our middle and high school was connected to the elementary school, so as I got older she’d let me come to the lab during my study halls so I could write original stories and make things on polyvore. She also put together the elementary yearbook and would out a pic of us at the end with her, and my other cousins. And I don’t realize until now how many things I love I learned to love from her. The books, especially fantasy, I’ve always been so fond of and she probably started that and kindled that. I was on my high school yearbook club thing and took photos and did layouts. As I said I love swimming and enjoying nature.
I love her and I still do, and I hope she knows that. It just feels so far away and distant. I’m sure it will hit me eventually. But I’m trying to disconnect my love for her from my anger towards my father. I think just by living I will honor her every day because she has become part of me and helped make me who I am today. Sincerely thank you so much anon this genuinely is making me feel a lot better. I’m still in a depressive episode and idk how long it will last but I can breathe a bit easier about this for now I think.
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aqueeracademic · 1 year
morse being queer (and other commentary) pt. 9:
season 3, episode 1, “Ride”:
- here we go season three‼️‼️
- give me some gay shit
- i just SMASHED an angel heart and an iced coffee so i am ready to go
- i do recall this episode being very gay in a very Gatsby way so i’m feeling excited
- i love rich people they’re so terrible
- winnie not saying “come home safe” to thursday because they’re all still shook up over what happened
- thursday assuming jakes would be the person to see morse
- “not since he got out.”
- ^jakes picked morse up from prison and also visited him in prison confirmed
- this whole episode proved that morse was well liked even though he doesn’t like being around people
- people. like. him.
- he’s a loner because he chooses to be. because HE thinks there’s something wrong with him
- they were not subtle with their plagiarism of Gatsby and i respect them for it
- going all in on the dark academia vibe
- thursday misses morse so much im SICK
- morse got invited to a party which means the gay stuff is gonna start happening
- monica deserved better ‼️‼️
- “he doesn’t want to be found”
- do you mean physically or spiritually queen?
- morse walking through this party has me cackling he’s so buttoned up
- roddy is gay for bixby
- i have 0 proof i’m going on vibes alone from a 0.2 second interaction
- thursday is wild for just breaking into morse’s house and waiting
- morse is absolutely gorgeous in maroon
- the way morse is so obviously trying to flirt with bixby and is confused when he doesn’t flirt back
- “and what’s the truth of you?”
- king CALM DOWN
- morse looks at bixby like hes another mystery to solve which means he is immediately obsessive and attached
- “you hardly know me!” “gamblers instinct”
- this translates directly to “ur hot”
- morse taking on bixby’s mentality to decide how to approach his life is so…
- “how was it?”
- strange i need you to reconsider the questions you ask
- he was a COP in PRISON
- this woman is awfully quick to assume morse is attracted to her
- the way he’s so uncomfy 😭😭
- given that jakes is the one who went to go see him in prison and given that he is clearly upset that morse is gone and given that he thinks he won’t be coming back…
- jakes is the only one who knows what morse went through in prison
- he knows!
- and he’s mad morse isn’t coming back
- “i wouldn’t hold your breath”
- he’s mad
- i need answers ‼️
- morse looks jealous asf that bixby’s attention is tacked onto Kay instead of him
- it is so unfair that both Kay AND bixby are using morse to get to each other
- like literally using him and for what
- “are you falling in love with me? men do.” “i can see how that might happen.” “then why don’t you kiss me?”
- i fucking HATE these manic pixie dream girls in the sort of episode
- like shut up
- no girl acts like this
- immediately jumping to his boyfriends protection 🙄🙄
- munch.
- “bix, you could have any woman in the world.”
- and then IMMEDIATELY looking ashamed for having said it
- he is basically saying “you could have anyone. you could have me. so why her?”
- them on the dock together is so intimate
- you can tell they feel it’s the last they’ll see of each other
- even though they don’t know why
- a romantic opera playing during this scene (depicting a forlorn man finding his lover dead)
- jakes being the only person to try and talk to him after he finds bixby 🥲
- morse trying to express to thursday why he feels like he doesn’t wanna come back and thursday being like “stop being a pussy and get used to it” is so insane
- bright is doing his absolute best to apologize and i gotta respect him for it
- my mom giggles every time thursday speaks (she has 0 clue what’s going on idk why she’s watching w me)
- morse opening up about prison makes me 🫤
- he didn’t know whether thursday was alive or not for so long 🫤🫤
- rich people in this time period really just stood around in silence drinking and smoking and thats all
- wish i was them
- ope nvm they also got abused by their husbands i do not wanna be them
- thursday WOULD love magic shows
- he is that bitch
- after morse got shot he reacted poorly to everything from a door slamming to a car backfiring; thursday gets shot and he lets a magician fully point a gun at him and fire for FUN
- heroin feels like such a random tie in to this episode
- like it makes sense in the plot but why
- morse is awfully quick to defend bixby despite not knowing him at all
- little bit 💅
- i know he met bixby in a vulnerable state and was glad to have that sort of attention but he is soooo determined to prove bixby is a good person despite FULLY knowing it isn’t true
- which is insane
- and gay
- you gotta be some kind of freak to have a portrait of someone you have no official attachments to hanging above your bed
- i know kay is supposed to be a sort of rattled and traumatized character but i don’t like the way they wrote her at all
- her entire character feels misogynistic
- even my mom doesn’t like it and that’s telling
- “bixby” being alive is so fucking funny to me
- gay people don’t die ‼️
- roddy deserved better! he was j a lil gay guy there was no need for all this hatred
- morse and jakes are so cold with each other this episode i hate it
- i know we don’t get to know anything about jakes as a person in this show but listen
- i feel like he’s intentionally really closed off and defensive and that’s why he’s especially defensive to morse
- morse is able to figure people out so easily and jakes knows that and he doesn’t like it
- he doesn’t want to be figured out
- so it makes sense that he would be particularly cold to morse (especially given that morse is presumably the only one who knows about his Blenheim Vale background)
- jakes just appearing in the shadows while morse is talking
- like what r u doing babe??
- this man killing his son after everything gets found out is so??
- and not a single person did anything about it
- jakes 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
- finding out where the coin flip thing came from is fucking sickening
- i will say that i enjoy the notion that morse falls in love really easily and that BECAUSE of that he’s a loner
- also the camera lingering on bixby’s face and morse just staring after they lead you to think he’s watching the film for kay???? that’s queer cinema
- “bixby didn’t belong in their world anymore than i do. did. i wanted to tell him that the last night i saw him. he was better than that.”
- morse convincing himself he could have saved bixby if he told them that neither of them belonged in that world
- because he thinks bixby would have gone with him
- like??
- “there’s no real magic in the world. only love. the rest is just smoke and mirrors.”
- him saying that all that was real between them was the love 🫤🫤🫤
- 10/10 for gay this episode
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