#|| lizzie samuels :: headcanons ||
fetchen · 5 months
Do you have any Janis headcanons?
yasssss :3 janis so silly :3
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~ janis has multiple stick and poke tattoos in various places, most of which she did herself.
~ she has a lot more piercings than just a septum but doesn’t wear jewelry in them as often (right eyebrow, various ear piercings)
~ she has synesthesia!!! the way she connects her art to her worldview is supa cool
~ most people call her she but she wouldn’t be upset if someone used they or he either
~ she bruises very easily . many bruises on her arms and legs literally all the time
~ she’s the biggest couple hater of all time. she will hate on every happy couple she sees . fetchen are her biggest victims unfortunately
~ she gets a buzzcut the summer before senior year and dyes it with fun patterns . she’s done melting smiley faces, cheetah spots, and purple flowers.
~ she and damian are absolutely goated at fortnite. they match skins and everything
~ her favourite tattoo she has is of a crow . it was very tedious do to herself and she’s really proud of it
~ she is irritatingly good at chemistry. it’s like second nature to her
~ she sketches her friends so often. damian is her top model of course but she likes drawing gretchen and cady too
~ karen put her on to kpop and she will never ever admit that she listens to it. she listens to a lot of dreamcatcher
~ she picks up drumming after junior spring fling and she gretchen and damian entertain the thought of starting a band together
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heroicintention · 9 months
@wexarethewalkingxdead asked 𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐄 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 ! (for the walking dead muses!!)
1. Which of your muses is the best at cooking? Negan is the best, followed closely by Carl— though he’s more… the best at making things edible. Negan has the most actual culinary skills. He had time to practice after he quit his gig with the school and started taking care of Lucille full time, and he’s figured more out in this post apocalyptic hell hole. Carl, on the other hand, grew up with parents that couldn’t cook worth shit… and then had to deal with eating whatever was available. Due to this, he’s found ways to make things far better than they ought to be. With more availability to supplies, though, he has learned to cook… and is the main meal maker for his family. Aside from these two— Beth is fairly good with simple dishes and baking. Rick and Lizzie are, to put it kindly, hopeless in a kitchen.
4. Which of your muses is more likely to eat something even if it has fallen on a dirty floor? Honestly, all of them would at this point— though Negan wouldn’t if others were around despite his disgust towards wasting things. Lizzie would eat something that fell onto a dirty floor most readily and with no hesitance.
7. Which of them is more likely to suffer from insomnia? Carl suffers from constant insomnia and it definitely shows. He’s incredibly antsy already but it ramps up when he’s tired. Rick and Negan have both suffered on and off from the condition, though Negan less so. Lizzie hasn’t dealt with it, and Beth handles stress with fatigue.
10. Which of your muses doesn't drink at all / drink the least? Lizzie doesn’t drink. She doesn’t exactly have the oppurtunity nor does she have any interest, really. Her lifestyle necessitates vigilance.
12. Which of your muses has the highest "body count" when it comes to sleeping around? Negan easily, though Lizzie isn’t exactly shy when she wants something. Rick has only ever been with Lori— though some assume he’s been intimate with quite a few women that he’s crossed paths with… Carl and Beth both remain virgins.
13. Which of your muses is the most talkative? Negan and Lizzie tie for this spot. Negan is naturally talkative and always has been. He’s an extrovert and an asshole (proudly) that likes to show off. Running his mouth is a hobby— he finds himself funny and doesn’t see why he shouldn’t entertain himself. Lizzie, on the other hand, is silent the majority of the time due to who she stays with… however, outside of the whisperers, if someone speaks to her? They’ll be hard pressed to shut her up. She desperately craves attention.
16. Which of them is the shiest / less outgoing? Carl. Though it’s less shy and more just… not wanting to talk. He doesn’t have an urge for closeness with people and doesn’t like small talk. In fact, he tends to get grouchy when he’s made to overexert socially.
18. Which of your muses is the worst sore loser? Negan. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. He despises losing and will often shift things in his favor. Lizzie is also a bad loser, and can act incredibly childish about it.
22. Which of your muses is the romantic at heart? Beth and Rick are both incredibly romantic, though both of them are a bit jaded by it. Beth, though, is far easier to crack.
23. Which one of them is the most cynical? Carl. He’s had all of his beliefs dug up, crushed, and scattered. While he wants to believe in people and says he does… he feels very much like he has to do things himself. While he loves and trusts his father, he remembers the time after his mother died that he was alone and all the times his father left him to do things ‘for the good of the group.’ He says he understands, and in a way he does. But his view of relationships and things like fatherhood are disillusioned. As long as he lives in this world he’s incredibly certain of one thing— he’ll never do anything that’ll lead to more mouths to feed.
25. Which of them is the most likely to endanger their life for a stranger?
Strangely, it’s Carl who’s become more willing to endanger himself for a stranger. Rick, understanding his children’s need for him, has stopped taking on unnecessary risk and only does so when he can calculate it’ll end in his favor. Carl, whoever, can be far more reckless with his life… but it honestly would depend on his mood.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Can you write a little mix member x avengers cast?? Maybe?
Hello love! Thank you for the request, I apologize for taking so long to work on it! I’ve written this as a headcanon, since I haven’t done any of those in a while. I hope you like it❤️
The Marvel Cast Finds Out You’re In Little Mix
Why is this lowkey a crack fic/headcanon😭💀
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Alrighty so, I feel like they probably wouldn’t know you’re part of a band or who Little Mix is.
Since SADLY, the girls aren’t as big in the States as we’d like them to be:(
The people who definitely might know you are ✨The Brits✨ and Scarlett because she has a young daughter who probably listened to Wings or something—kids find everything on the internet these days.
Working with Marvel was your first acting gig; so none of them knew anything about you or if you’ve been in other films, etc.
Except for Tom Holland, who was lowkey fangirling at the fact he gets to work with one of the Little Mix members.
Side note: he’ll be deeply offended when he figures out the others don’t know about Little Mix or that you can sing.
The rest of the cast (RDJ, Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Seb, Lizzie, etc.) had a hunch that you were some kind of writer.
You were always humming to yourself and writing in your notebook or typing down notes in your phone when something came to mind.
Though they didn’t pry at your business because—well, it wasn’t their business.
They could find out about your other job through many ways. Maybe you guys are doing promo and some interviewers mention the band and things about a new album, to which most of them were confused about.
“So (Y/n), I know this is your first time acting. How different was it from performing on stage and acting on camera?”
Everyone’s attention would be on you (this is a panel btw) Mackie’s looking at the back of your head in confusion, Robert fully turns in his seat to look at you, Lizzie is also curious, Evans is looking between you and the reporter—everyone is just confused.
“Performing on stage? Did you do Broadway (y/n/n)?” Evans asked. Tom (Holland) scoffed shaking his head, disgusted to be part of this group of uncultured swines.
You chuckled and shook your head, “No, I’m a singer. I’m part of a girlband.”
The whole cast gasped in shock. Mackie let out a loud “WHAT?!”. Robert leaned even closer to you trying to see if you were lying. Others whispered amongst themselves asking each other if they knew.
Tom (Holland) just sat back watching everyone’s reactions along with you. Amused at the amount of questions that were suddenly being thrown your way.
He’d also be quick to add, “NOT just ANY girlband, but the biggest girlband on the planet.”
For clarification, Tom’s a very proud Mixer.
Scarlett finally recognized you, knowing that she’s seen you somewhere before, but could never put her finger onto it. “Wait you’re from Little Mix!”
“THANK YOU! FINALLY SOMEONE WITH SOME TASTE!” Tom yelled, dramatically turning to Scarlett.
After the initial shock, everyone was very curious. They wanted to hear your music, wanted to know the other members, when your next tour was—they were very ecstatic.
When you guys finally reached London for the press tour, there was a lot of hype for Little Mix because you guys were going to finally reunite after months of being apart.
The girls were allowed to visit set, but since you guys were working on your new album, they were stuck in London. You were relocated to Atlanta, filming an Avengers movie and working on the album via FaceTime/Zoom.
You and the girls reunite the same night you land in London! As tired as you were, the five of you hung out in your hotel room.
You were all excited for the days to come. Not only were you doing promo for the movie but you and the girls were going to be performing again on night time talk shows and were having a Live Lounge session with BBC Radio 1.
The panel of the cast discovering you were part of a band went viral. Many of the fans couldn’t believe they didn’t know about your other job.
There were even edits going around social media of the cast looking clueless and or reacting to your ‘secret’.
Then there were ones like “Tom Holland being a Mixer for 10 minutes and 57 seconds straight”.
Your favorite one was where they zoomed in on everyone’s confused expression while that one Nicki Minaj song played in the background.
It was mentioned in almost every interview after it went viral.
“So none of you had a clue that (y/n) was also a singer? Like at all?”
“I didn’t even know homegirl could sing, matter of fact I never imagined her to be in a girlband.” — Anthony Mackie
“I had a hunch that she was a musician or artist, but no one ever listens to me.” — Chris Evans
“(Y/n)’s in a girlband? Since when?” — Paul Rudd
“After we found out, I listened to all six of their albums on the flight here.” — Elizabeth Olsen
“Of course I knew, my music taste is immaculate compared to the others.” — Tom Holland
“Shut the fuck up, Tom.” — Anthony Mackie
“I really enjoy Black Magic, it reminds me of Wanda.” — Paul Bettany
The cast was so eager to hear you sing and watch you perform with the girls.
They finally got to do that when you invited them to the Live Lounge session. They also got to meet the girls.
You were very happy at that moment; seeing the two groups of people you love meeting each other and getting along meant a lot to you. It gave you a lil warm tingle in your heart.
Since there were no fans in the studio, it was only you and the girls, the band, and a bunch of the Avengers.
While the cameras rolled and you guys were performing, they were crowded together behind the scenes. Some of them were sitting on the carpeted floors or standing against the walls.
They were absolutely stunned when they heard you sing. You had a powerful voice that ranged from high to low, something they never expected of you.
When they heard you and the girls sing or harmonize with each other, it was like they were all in heaven.
“They sound like angels.”
“My ears are tingling, but like in a good way.”
“Seriously, how did we not know she can sing like this?”
“Hear me out—this is a perfect reason as to why we should have an Avengers musical.”
“Chris if we hear you bring up a damn musical one more time I swear.”
“Their voices go so well together, how do they even do that?”
Scarlett would secretly film videos to show her daughter. I have a feeling that Evans, Tom, RDJ, Sebby, and Mark would record some parts as well and would post it onto their Insta stories.
When fans found out they were at the Live Lounge they freaked out.
Ever since they found out you were in a band, they’ve been the biggest fans and supporters of the group.
They’re always promoting your albums on their social media accounts without you even asking.
Privately and publicly praising you guys for performances or achievements.
Your two main groups clashed and now everyone was friends. It was definitely the most weirdest collision— Little Mix and the cast of the Avengers. But it worked out perfectly.
Everyone got along with each other and the girls would always visit you on set.
They’re always playing the band’s song in the background on set.
Most of them won’t admit, but they definitely memorized the lyrics to almost every song.
*cough cough* Mackie and Hemsworth
I feel like Samuel L. Jackson would join in on the action too, one way or another. Somehow he got looped in.
ANOTHER THING OMG, they would definitely stand up for you and the girls whenever Piers Morgan or some asshole hates on you guys or pulls a jab on you all.
Best beileve Evans will be calling him out publicly on Twitter.
“Why are you so worried about a bunch of talented women who are doing their job and bringing happiness to others? They’ve done nothing to you, you’re always the one making jabs at them. Leave them alone you fucking British meatball.”
I feel like Robert helped you and the girls find a better management company after learning about the unfair treatment you all faced under Simon’s care.
In conclusion: The Marvel cast would be ecstatic to learn about you being a singer and they’d become your biggest fans. They truly adore you and the girls for your amazing talent :’)
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
listen,     if  ever  the  instance  in  which  mika  survives  the  situation  involving  lizzie   -   and  carol  does  not  put  lizzie  down,    it  would  be  honestly  foolish  to  think  that  mika  would  not  forgive  her  sister  for  what  she  did.   yeah,   it’s  kind  of  screwed  up   and,   yeah,   mika  probably  flinches  any  time  lizzie  moves  too  quickly  around  her  for  a  while    -   but  lizzie  is  her  SISTER  and  she  told  her  dad  she  would  take  care  of  her  so  she  is  going  to  until  her  very  last  breath!   she  doesn’t  blame  lizzie  for  trying  to  gut  her.   she  has  always  known  lizzie  was  different  than  everyone  else    -   and  she  knows  just  because  lizzie  did  something  questionable,    it  doesn’t  mean  she  isn’t  a  GOOD PERSON  anymore.
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thequietpickpocket · 5 years
Because I have zero restraint when it comes to headcanon stuff. There’s some repetition between this and her profile page, but there’s some new info as well, and I love any chance to ramble about this kid, so!! Here ya go!
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Name: Mika
Full Name: Mika Idriel Lorenson
Nickname(s): Mikki (her brother’s old nickname for her), little raccoon (another nickname from her brother), “stray”
Title: none
Age: 15
Birthday: November 27th
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Species: Human
Nationality: Colchestian
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Preferred Pronoun(s): She/her
Romantic Orientation: Aromantic
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Religion: Nothing serious. some loosely-held beliefs similar to Celtic paganism (nature-based deities, etc.), a common belief system in her homeland.  
Occupation: Pickpocket (five years experience), wanderer, no formal job
Status: Alive
Fandom: None
Face Claim: Animated — Asuna Yuuki from Sword Art Online (with shorter, brown hair; this faceclaim isn’t too accurate for her appearance when it comes to the anime, but it is fairly accurate in the black-and-white Sword Art Online: Progressive manga, which is where her icons are from); Real Life — Brighton Sharbino as Lizzie Samuels (here, here, here)
Birth Order: Second child (one older brother)
Parents: Lynn Idriel and Galen Lorenson; both deceased
Siblings: Teru Lorenson (brother, three years older than her); deceased
Family: Cain (her border collie); no known living relatives
Significant Other(s): None, uninterested
Children: None, never wants any
Closest Friends: Cain; she had more friends as a child, and I’ll probably list their names and talk about them someday if people are interested!!
Rivals: None (not counting territorial village pickpockets she “competes” with)
Enemies: None (not counting angry people who catch her stealing)
Physical Traits
Eye Color(s): Light hazel (mostly green)
Hair Color(s): Light brown (dirty blonde)
Height: 4'10''
Weight: ~80-85 lbs
Body Build: Thin, fragile, lean, wiry, nonthreatening. Undernourishment impacted her growth, causing her to be shorter and lighter than many other children her age. She’s gotten quite good at finding food for herself and Cain, though, so she isn’t terribly unhealthy nowadays (though she still struggles at times, especially during the colder months). She is often mistaken as younger.
Notable Physical Traits: Lots of faint freckles, especially on her face and forearms. Patches of jagged scar tissue on her neck from where it was hit/cut by debris (this is usually concealed under part of her cloak). She has several other serious scars on her arms and lower legs from the day her village was destroyed. There are more serious scars on her knees from an accidental stumble down a rocky hill. She also has a thin knife scar on her left forearm (from a fight she got pretty badly hurt in).
Phobias and Diseases/Conditions
Phobia(s): Astraphobia (fear of thunderstorms) and claustrophobia (fear of small spaces). Her phobia of thunderstorms was a direct result of her childhood trauma (there was a serious thunderstorm on the day her village was destroyed). She’s always had claustrophobia, but it became severe as a result of trauma.
Mental Condition(s): PTSD, situational/social anxiety
When and how was this diagnosed?: Undiagnosed. PTSD from the destruction of her village, loss of her family, and throat injury. She’s always had slight anxiety, but it worsened considerably after the previous events.
Physical Disease(s)/Condition(s): partial vocal cord paralysis
When was this diagnosed and/or how did it happen?: Undiagnosed. Debris fell on her throat and chest during the destruction of her village, causing serious damage to the nerves connected to her vocal cords.
Usual Mood/Expression: She tends to shift between seeming serious and wary to seeming curious and attentive. In general, genuine smiles are rare and brief.
Moral Alignment: True Neutral
MBTI: ISTP — “The Virtuoso,” “The Craftsman”
Enneagram: Type 5 — The Investigator
Four Temperaments: Phlegmatic-melancholy (I’m not sure about this one!)
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Top Five Tropes: Okay I’m terrible at finding specific tropes so I skipped this one
Five Prominent Traits: Perceptive, wary, curious, adaptable, rational
Skills: Talented pickpocket, skilled at carving little wooden figurines, strong sense of direction/bearings, fairly knowledgeable about which plants are edible and which plants have certain medical properties (her mother taught her), perceptive and good at telling when people are lying
Hobbies: Whittling, pickpocketing (she would call it a hobby), collecting smooth stones and other metal trinkets (she’s drawn to shiny things like a crow)
Element(s): Earth, air
Animal(s): Foxes, deer, dragonflies, raccoons, dogs
Plant(s): Larkspur, snapdragon, foxglove, ivy
Anything else you want to add: Not at the moment!
Compassion: 6/10
Empathy: 6/10
Creativity: 7/10
Mental Flexibility: 7/10
Passion/Motivation: 5/10
Education: 3/10
Stamina: 5/10
Physical Strength: 3/10
Battle Skill: 3/10
Initiative: 7/10
Restraint: 6/10
Agility: 7/10
Strategy: 7/10
Teamwork: 4/10
Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence: 4/10
Visual-Spatial Intelligence: 9/10
Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence: 6/10
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: 5/10
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: 8/10
Interpersonal Intelligence: 7/10
Intrapersonal Intelligence: 5/10
Existential Intelligence: 4/10
Naturalistic Intelligence: 8/10
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Do you have any headcanons for (if the couples stayed together) what any of they’re kids would be called/how many??
Ooo I like this one! Well, there are a few of my headcanons for this that don’t necessarily include couples….So these are just my head canons for EVERY character
NINA: She has one daughter (I’m thinking “Sarah” as the first name and “Elizabeth” as the middle name) who she fears won’t be safe in her line of work (aka full time Chosen One is VERY dangerous), so she calls Fabian after 5 years of no contact to beg him to take the child because even after all this time, she’s the only one she can trust with this, which leads me into…
FABIAN: He never remarried, or if he did, it didn’t last long. He’s a very busy man, what with being a historian and all. He does end up taking Nina’s daughter in, opting to call her “Elizabeth” or “Eliza” because the name “Sarah” brings back too many memories. He’s not a bad father, per se, but he’s very busy, and ends up sending Eliza to Amun Academy, where she lives at Anubis House. He never has his own kids, and never tells Eliza who her mother was (when she finds out, though, she’s pissed)
PATRICIA & EDDIE: They stay together, and have two kids—twins, actually: Nicholas and Eric (Mr. Sweet gets choked up about that one). Eric takes an immense interest in theatre, and goes to a theatrical school, but Peddie sends Nicholas off to live at Anubis House, too.
JEROME & JOY: They have three little angel-devils: Jane, Samuel, and Rose, with Jane being the oldest and Rose being the youngest. Jane doesn’t attend Amun Academy, but Samuel lives in Hathor House, and Rose is starting in the younger years as a day student, not a boarding student
MARA: She meets a nice man and has a daughter who she affectionately names Poppy, after her long time friend. When Poppy Clarke hears about this (she hasn’t yet married), she moans about how it was such a shame her brother was such a weasel and that they could have been sister-in-laws. The young Poppy does not attend Amun Academy, but has a wonderful passion for sports, fed by Mara’s parents.
AMBER: The love guru, oddly enough, never gets married or has any children. She’s very happy being single, and besides: she’s married to her job, and the wonderful articles of clothing she creates are her children.
ALFIE & PIPER: Alfie and Willow end up parting ways after uni on good terms, but his close friendship with Patricia leads him to end up reconnecting with Piper, and they hit it off again. Once they get hitched, they have a sweet little girl named Philippa. She’s pretty much the most creative person on earth, and attends the same theatrical school as Eric.
WILLOW: She ends up becoming a foster parent with her significant other, making sure she does her best to be the best mother to every child she takes care of throughout the years. She never has kids of her own.
KT: KT and her wife adopt a little boy who KT insists they name Robert. He’s quirky and funny, and a real sweetheart (his moms make sure he doesn’t grow up to be a sexist asshole). They apply for him to study in England at Amun Academy, where—while he ends up living in Hathor House (and becomes good friends with Samuel)—he makes very good friends with Eliza and Nicholas in Anubis House.
MICK: He meets a smashin’ lady, and they have a boss-ass daughter named Lizzy, who loves to draw and kick ass on the football field.
Oh my god, I don’t think I’m missing anyone, but damn there’s actually some plot to this 😭😂 This ask got away from me
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Gregory Violet headcanons
For @pipermccloud :)
- His favorite works by Shakespeare include Cymbeline and Troilus and Cressida. While history regards them as “problem plays” because they lurch wildly between tragedy and comedy, Violet sees them as a realistic portrait of the world. People don’t live in a defined constraint of “tragedy”, “comedy”, or “romance” but a melange of all three. As a result, he sees these two plays as among Shakespeare’s best. 
- Violet is part of the aristocracy. His father, Samuel Emerson Violet, is the Viscount Lisle and his late mother, Lady Constance, was the daughter to the earl of Whitehall. He has no siblings and his only sister, Desdemona, died in infancy.
- Gregory first met Edgar Redmond at one of the many soirees thrown by the latter’s uncle, the Viscount Druitt. Not particularly fond of large crowds, Violet slunk away to the moonlit gardens and began to sketch. Sometime later, Lord Edgar appeared (having gone to the gardens to escape the attentions of a particularly abrasive young lady who was determined to become the next Lady Redmond) and quite literally ran into Violet. Midway through their mutual apologies, Edgar caught sight of what Violet was sketching and asked if he would take on a commission:
“My word, these are tremendous!” Edgar—ever the patron of art and beauty—took in Violet’s sketches with a keen look of admiration. “Have you studied under a master?”
“Well you hardly need to! These drawings…they evoke a sort emotion that simply can’t be learned.” He mused, glancing back down at the sullen faced stranger, and saw in his eyes—once glazed over with boredom—a look of slight curiosity. Ah-ha! Edgar chuckled, it takes art to get through to him. “I don’t suppose you’d be willing to take on a challenge, would you?” He inquired blithely, an easy smile appearing on his handsome face. 
The man’s expression changed, now a mixture of inquiry and mild annoyance. “What sort of challenge?”
“Of you?”
“Mmh…I’ve been told that the fairness of my image presents something of a luxury to portrait painters.” He attempted to infuse a sense of modesty to his words but when one has been cooed and cosseted upon as the “handsomest subject in all portraiture”—well. It made humility a tad difficult.
Violet ignored him. “Who then?”
Edgar hid a smile—oh Lawrence was going to kill him for this. “An old friend of mine—his father owns half of England’s banks.”
“How impressive.” He sounded bored.
“Yes—but the trick, my good sir, is to draw his portrait while he’s not looking.”
“You’ll have to sketch from afar and pray he doesn’t see you.”
“And what if he does?” The man inquired, rising from the ground, a look of interest—and faint amusement—glittering in his dark violet eyes.
“Then we’ll have to find another way to torment old Lawrence.” The blonde chuckled fondly, handing Gregory back his sketchbook while the dark haired man looked at him, a strange sense of kinship beginning to take over.
(And thus began Edgar and Violet’s friendship.)
- Violet’s actually quite athletic. He just prefers literature and art to cricket and rugby.  
- He doesn’t dislike people and is, in fact, one of the most insightful men you’ll ever meet. He just dislikes the fact that people have forgotten what it’s like to simply enjoy one another’s company without filling the air with useless chatter.
- He often blends mathematics and art together so he can get the proportions and dimensions of a figure just right. As a result, Violet was actually one of Weston’s best geometry students (alongside Edward).
- Don’t let his slight form fool you—out of the four of them, it’s Violet who can outdrink almost everyone and still remain relatively coherent.
- The first Halloween Redmond, Bluewer, Violet, and Greenhill spent together after becoming friends is one of their most memorable. Violet designed and made his own costume, going as Sir Mordred right after he’d been defeated by King Arthur in the Battle of Camlann. He used fake blood (made of corn syrup and food dye) and realistically painted wounds and bruises all over his face and arms. When he showed up at the Redmond mansion, Greenhill answered the door and screamed, thinking Violet had been in a genuine accident. He knocked over a suit of armor which tipped over the punch bowl, spilling punch all over Bluewer whose glasses then fell off, causing him to run into Redmond and send him flying into the 12 layer Halloween cake. It was the first time any of them had seen Violet genuinely smile.
- While quiet and reserved, Violet can be very sweet. When he learned that Lawrence’s youngest sister, Evangeline, was sick with the measles, he drew a picture of her on a summer’s day, sitting in the grass and holding a newborn fawn. He sent the picture over to the Bluewer mansion complete with a letter of address and a red wax seal because “All little girls want to feel important, don’t they?”
- Gregory’s father is somewhat disappointed that his only son and heir prefers art to combat. As a former commodore, he’d hoped Gregory would follow in his footsteps and pursue a career in the navy.
- Violet was the only one (out of the S4) to see Lizzy at the Sphere Music Hall.
- Violet is quite musical. He learned how to play the piano, violin, and clarinet as a child because his mother, Lady Constance, was convinced her son would become the next Mozart. He quit composing and playing altogether after his mother died.
I hope this is alright! :) 
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syrupwit · 6 years
Letter for Chocolate Box 2019
Hello, and welcome to my letter for Chocolate Box 2019! I hope this letter will give you a better picture of my likes and dislikes, and maybe a bit of inspiration. Thank you very much for considering writing for me!
For this exchange, I've requested fic only for the following fandoms:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) Dishonored Outlast Pyre Shoujo Kakumei Utena | Revolutionary Girl Utena
Likes: Humor; slice of life; character studies; fridge horror; normal horror; hijinks and shenanigans; action/adventure; angst; pining; missing moments; identity porn; porn with feelings; "Crouching Fool, Hidden Badass" trope; stuff where a character who is socially awkward or disrespected in one context is defended by their friends or team from another; canon-divergent AUs; fun/weird alternate setting AUs (superheroes, supernatural circus performers, cyborg werewolf biker gang, etc.); intense relationships between women, romantic or platonic.
DNW: Major character death, bestiality, or gratuitous gore/violence. Onscreen rape/non-con, suicide, cannibalism, or harm to animals (offscreen is fine). Unrequested identity headcanons.
Buffy was one of my first fandoms and still holds a special place in my heart. I love the mix of comedy, action, and occasional darkness, as well as the intersection of real life and supernatural obstacles. I also enjoy the glimpses we got of alternate universes like the Wishverse.
Note: No comics canon, please.
Faith Lehane/Tara Maclay
I feel like Faith and Tara would have fiery, potentially explosive chemistry in a relationship context. I also just think they’re hot and would be hot together. Tara is dependable, nurturing, and stable, but not super interested in taking anyone’s bullshit; Faith is uniquely charismatic and vulnerable and attractive, but her lies and bravado are easy to see through if you have the right set of goggles on. They could have a lot of interesting tension and also a lot of fun.
Please feel free to AU it up for these two, canon-divergent or otherwise.
Tara Maclay/Willow Rosenberg
When first I viewed the series, I wasn’t sold on this pairing. Now, revisiting, I am. The darker aspects of the ship intrigue me, but so do the sweet and fluffy parts. Their love for each other can be destructive and obsessive, but also solid, life-affirming, and redemptive.
Prompt: AU -- Wishverse.
Prompt: Tara is resurrected post-Chosen -- now what?
Prompt: Tara moves away instead of dying, and she and Willow reunite at the crux of a crisis.
Prompt: Someone’s a werewolf. Maybe they all are.
I’m super into Dishonored’s complex, vivid setting and characters, and the way it feels like anything could happen in Dunwall.
Billie Lurk | Meagan Foster & Vera Moray | Granny Rags
These two come from very different backgrounds, but both are drawn to the Void and live an underground life. I feel like Granny Rags could offer Billie a certain amount of knowledge and also serve as a warning. Or maybe just creep her out a bit.
Billie is familiar with Granny Rags, at least by reputation. Have they met at any point? Was there a strange encounter years ago in the slums? Does Billie run into Granny Rags while gathering information on a target? There’s a gap between the end of The Knife of Dunwall and Granny’s showdown with Slackjaw in the sewers -- provided Daud chooses to spare her, does Billie meet Granny on her way out?
Prompt: AU -- Granny Rags, not Daud, is the Marked person who takes Billie as her apprentice.
Billie Lurk | Meagan Foster/Jessamine Kaldwin
Okay, so, yeah -- this is a total crackship. I maintain that anything can happen in Dunwall. Fugue Feast? AU where Jessamine is kidnapped instead of assassinated? Random supernatural resurrection? Meeting in the Void as ghosts? I’d just like to see how these two interact.
Delilah Copperspoon/Lizzy Stride
This is sort of a crackship too, but not so much maybe, since they could potentially have met in canon several times.
Both characters are ambitious, independent, and charismatic or at least fairly charming; both lead formidable criminal enterprises. They both had shitty fathers. Lizzy seems to rely on bravado and zeal more than actual power sometimes, while Delilah is the real deal. I can see them getting pretty snarky with each other even if they’re working on a common goal.
Prompt: AU -- Delilah, not Daud, breaks Lizzy out of Coldridge Prison.
Prompt: AU -- Delilah captures and interrogates Lizzy before she attempts the painting ritual. Lizzy whump and eventual rescue are encouraged.
Prompt: Delilah is a prisoner aboard Lizzy’s boat.
Prompt: Post-resurrection but pre-DH2, Delilah pays Lizzy a visit.
Corvo Attano/Samuel Beechworth
Two words: loyalty kink. Even when Samuel believes Corvo’s a monster, he can’t bring himself to let him die.
I’d love a missing moment from canon or a future reunion for these two. Post-canon, Samuel might expect that low-chaos!Corvo is done with him and the Hound Pits and everything else, but he’s happily proven wrong. Or perhaps high-chaos!Corvo shows up bedraggled and horribly wounded and Samuel reluctantly takes care of him.
I’m also interested into exploring Samuel’s reaction to finding out that Corvo is Marked. He’s seen plenty of strange things at sea; how phased is he? How soon does he figure it out?
Something sweet and fluffy with an Emily cameo sounds lovely as well.
This is likely my favorite horror game and in my top five games of all time. The atmosphere, the characters, the music... I love it. Please consider the DNW for gratuitous gore / violence lifted for this canon, as it kind of wouldn’t be what it is without that.
Father Martin Archimbaud & Richard Trager
Father Martin refers to Trager as “that secular lunatic”; Trager calls Father Martin “the bullshit priest.” What’s their history? They can’t have pulled this debate out of thin air in the twelve or so hours following Billy Hope’s lateral ascension when they were both alive.
Father Martin Archimbaud & The Twins
For a pair of knife-wielding naked cannibals, the Twins appear to hold Father Martin in unusually high esteem. What was their past in the asylum?
Miles Upshur/The Walrider
He’s an intrepid freelance reporter having the worst night of his life. It’s a swarm of nanobots that wants to turn his body into a factory. Does their relationship move from the initial shock of nonconsensual possession towards something lighter (a la Eddie Brock and Venom), or is it dark the whole way through?
Richard Trager/Miles Upshur
Trager canonically cuts off two of Miles’ fingers. Miles canonically finds Trager’s death hilarious. I shipped it last year, and I ship it still.
Please feel free to go as AU as you’d like for this.
This game is fantastic. I enjoy pretty much everything about it, but what won my heart were the character interactions. Well, and the lore. And the music. And the thing where you can bump into other teams’ flying wagons -- I digress.
Big Bertrude & Volfred Sandalwood
I appreciate the warm friendship between these two. I love Bertrude’s kindness beneath her gruff exterior, her tricky sense of humor, and the fact that she seems unperturbed by life in the Downside or might even prefer it. (I also just love witches. The game had me at “bog-crone.”) Volfred has done much to deserve not only the loyalty of his allies, but their devotion. I’d like to know more about this pair’s shared past and potential future, and just to see them interacting more as well.
Rukey Greentail & Hedwyn & Jodariel
The original trio! Tell me more about how they teamed up, how they got along at first, adjusting to life on the Downside together or dealing with unusual problems, discussing their pasts, stargazing, their reactions to finding out about the Rites, future adventures above or below the surface... I like the idea of them all meeting up in a pub in the newly formed Union to share stories and rib each other about the old days.
Jodariel & Pamitha Theyn | Jodariel/Pamitha Theyn
So. Much. Tension. And for good reason! These two are near polar opposites so I’m always interested in seeing them find common ground, whether as friends or more. 
What exactly did Pamitha say to Jodariel to get her to agree to work with her?
In a playthrough where Jodariel ascended before they had their big conciliation, how does their relationship change when Pamitha ascends and joins the revolution?
Prompt: Slowly developing camaraderie in the Downside.
Prompt: Jodariel and Pamitha run into one of the harps Jodariel spared all those years ago.
I’d absolutely love something tropey for these two -- undercover as a couple,  Jodariel having to pretend that Pamitha seduced her over to another side for some scheme or whatever, undercover as guard and prisoner, huddling for warmth / wilderness survival.
The Nightwings & The Reader
The Reader’s temperament can be as variable as that of the player.
What do the Nightwings think of the Reader? How do they remember them? If the Reader makes the big spoilery choice at the end of the game and reaches a certain goal, how do their teammates think of them?
Prompt: The former Nightwings gather to swap memories of the Reader.
The Nightwings & Vagabond Girl
_ae is one of my favorite characters, and her backstory is heartbreaking. In contrast, her acceptance by the Nightwings and the flowering of her relationships with them, particularly Jodariel and Ti’Zo, is heartwarming. I’d love to see some domestic scenes of them just getting along, but something slightly darker or even fraught with peril is great too.
Prompt: The Vagabond Girl returns to her former home or is recognized by someone she used to know. They’re rude to her. The Nightwings spring to her defense.
Prompt: Ti’Zo and the Vagabond Girl rescue someone or several someones from behind enemy lines... by themselves!! 
Prompt: Jodariel teaches the Vagabond Girl how to braid her hair, or do laundry, or fix a broken wheel, or overpower somebody who’s got her in a chokehold, or sing old songs Jodariel knew as a child.
Prompt: Bertrude enlists the Vagabond Girl in her latest effort to thwart Udmildhe.
Prompt: Pamitha, Rukey, and the Vagabond Girl get tipsy and decide to steal another blackwagon’s lantern.
I love this anime dearly -- boxing kangaroos, Dorito faces, and all. As fanfiction goes, I’m fonder of works that adopt a surreal or fantastic tone.
Arisugawa Juri & Kaoru Miki & Kiryuu Nanami
I’m quite fond of the unlikely friendship between these three and the quiet but nonetheless symbolism-laden moments they share together. They all have a metric shit-ton of issues, but I don’t think any of them exacerbate those issues in each other. A missing moment from canon would be lovely to read about, but so would an exploration of something a bit less canon -- banding together against a zombie apocalypse, for example, or piloting a spacecraft, or playing a battle of the bands. Maybe the Student Council is required by contract to take some sort of retreat or perform a weird bureaucratic ritual. Maybe there is a fad for self-propelling bicycles on campus and it gets out of hand and they have to deal with that. Maybe they just have a nice picnic and enjoy themselves. There are many options.
Kiryuu Nanami & Kiryuu Touga
Hoooo boy, now this is a messed up sibling relationship! I’d enjoy seeing them reconcile or undergo some kind of trial together. Alternately, an exploration of their dynamic before or during canon would not go amiss. Post-canon, though, how do Nanami and Touga understand each other? I’d prefer that neither character takes the path of villainy.
Funny and tropey stuff is highly encouraged, as is Touga finding a real way to apologize to Nanami for the Akiomobile stuff.
Himemiya Anthy/Ohtori Kanae 
Now this is a messed up non-sibling relationship. How did Kanae fall into Anthy and Akio’s orbit? Why and how much does Anthy hate her? What is their relationship before and after canon?
Two years ago, I received an absolutely gorgeous piece of fanart based on this post. The image seems to have been deleted from AO3, but trust me, it was lovely. I would definitely be interested in more regarding this headcanon of Kanae having been a previous dueling champion who chose Akio over Anthy.
Himemiya Anthy/Tenjou Utena
My OTP!!! Aiii, I’d be happy with almost anything for these two, provided that they actually see each other in person if it’s post-canon.
Prompt: Anthy arranges for Utena to fight a dragon.
Prompt: Utena or Anthy is briefly turned into a bear. The other is the only one who recognizes her. Everyone else is on high alert for bear attacks. At some point a honeycomb trap is rigged?
Prompt: Wedding day jitters, last-minute problems, and ultimately joy.
Prompt: Utena tries to make Anthy’s birthday special. Keyword: tries.
Prompt: AU -- Utena is an enthusiastic but inept barista; Anthy is her favorite customer.
Prompt: AU -- SUPERHEROES. I’ve seen this suggested before, I believe by dreamwidth / ao3 user panny, and I LOVE IT. 
Prompt: AU -- Utena is sent to rescue a maiden from a terrible serpent, but when she arrives she finds Medusa!Anthy.
Prompt: Their first Christmas together.
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burningbutwhite-a · 8 years
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
HERE,  HAVE SOME GOOD FEELS // @flowersforaghcst
mika was friendly to everyone.   she always went around school with a smile on her face, sweet and inviting.  she liked making friends,  but no one could compare to her relationship with her sister.  she would choose lizzie over anyone else in a single thud of her heart.  which is why,  when she heard a girl had been calling her sister names without her knowledge – she responded by sticking a wad of gum in her hair and tangling it into the locks.
mika never took the blame for things her sister did wrong.  it would be dishonest and mika was big on honesty.  she did, however, talk to their parents frequently in order to reduce their punishment sentencing on the older samuels.  “lizzie didn’t know any better. she already feels bad,” mika would state pleadingly to her parents,  hitting them with puppy-dog eyes and a jutted bottom lip.  almost every time, they would sigh in response and ask mika to make sure lizzie didn’t do whatever had gotten her in trouble again.
lizzie and mika would have sleepovers every weekend.  sure,  their rooms were only a few feet apart - but they were never allowed to openly talk to each other like they were on the weekend.  with the help of their dad ( and a case of double puppy-dog eyes ), the two would build a blanket fort throughout the whole living room.  sometimes, they’d even watch scary movies -- and cling to each other for comfort when they tried to sleep.
before the apocalypse began,  mika and lizzie only had one argument.  it had been over a doll that mika had gotten for her birthday.  it was pretty.  it had long brunette curls and a blue hat that matched the dress she wore.  lizzie had broken it  and  it made mika absolutely furious.  mika yelled at her sister for a solid two minutes, clutching the doll and trying feebly to put it back together again.  after the anger subsided,  mika ended up crying for longer because she didn’t like being mean to her sister.
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absolutedoorknob · 7 years
You first meet the Samuels girls when they get off the bus with their dad. Their dad needed you to look after them for a quick sec and the rest is history After Ryan dies they become your little sisters b/c Carol is your adoptive mother The first night after he dies, Mika can't stop crying so you just hold her. Lizzie can't sleep either and you just become this giant cuddle lump on the floor When Lizzie gets sick, Mika is hysterical. Once again, you hold her at night the poor bab Whoops the Governor arrives and it all goes to hell! You lose track of them and you have to kill two of his men to get to them Meeting up with Tyreese is the best because while you may be the best big sister, there is no way you're ready to be a mother Lizzie starts acting a bit weird, and then you find bunny carcasses. You notice her off behaviour and then all of a sudden she stabs Mika Don't worry, Mika lives. You save her because your parents before the world went to shit were doctors. But then it's time to deal with Lizzie. You hold her hand and tell her to look at the flowers like Carol is. When she falls down you fall with her, hands still connected
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heroicintention · 10 months
Lizzie - ▼ What is their greatest fear? ☠ Do they fear death? ♣ Do they believe the world is made up of good and evil?
Horrific Headcanons || Accepting
▼ What is their greatest fear? || This is a bit hard for one reason -- it already happened. Lizzie's greatest fear is rejection and she felt the day she tried to help her sister change you killed her Lizzie the woman she had started seeing as a mother... turned her away. While she doesn't know that Carol had an intent to kill her, she felt deeply that she'd been betrayed and had gone unheard in her beliefs. Now, she supposes her biggest fear would be being completely outcast from the odd group she's come to limp along with.
☠ Do they fear death? || No, so long as it's at her own terms and time. While Lizzie has no intention of physically harming herself (in a way she sees as harming herself), the idea of letting a 'friend' bite her isn't alarming, nor is joining them. Her continued living is more brought from a desire for more close knit companionship... and moments of mental lucidity where she is more confused and scared than calm.
♣ Do they believe the world is made up of good and evil? || Yes. Her views are still relatively rudimentary, but she has a sense of 'bad people'... though usually those people are simply the ones attempting to hurt her rather than any additional traits.
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heroicintention · 10 months
Lizzie - 3. Describe your muse’s ideal holiday. 6. What is your muse’s earliest memory? 11. Is your muse good or bad at learning new things? 12. What type of music does your muse enjoy listening to?
3. Describe your muse’s ideal holiday.
Lizzie’s ideal holiday would probably be something she can no longer have— going to a theme park. She vaguely remembers going to one (Disney World, actually) when she was still fairly little, when Mika was still a baby. It was most memorable because she went during the flower festival at Epcot and was utterly transfixed. She isn’t sure, but she thinks this might be where her comfort in flowers came from. Even if the rides are all closed and it’s desolate, Lizzie would still like to see one and enjoy the atmosphere.
6. What is your muse’s earliest memory?
Her earliest memory is a toss up. She remembers bits and pieces of things— her mother’s voice, her father’s arms… but the first thing she concretely remembers is a small room with crayons and a nice lady having her draw things. That lady turned out to be her psychologist, and she would continue to see her until the world changed. Lizzie sometimes hopes she’ll come across the woman, especially if she’s a ‘friend.’
11. Is your muse good or bad at learning new things? 
Pretty good if she’s interested. While she wasn’t particularly good in school, most of the subjects boring her, she picked up the skills that Carol offered her quickly and with vigor. Lizzie is especially good at learning when she wants to impress someone.
12. What type of music does your muse enjoy listening to?
Lizzie… doesn’t really listen to music. Most of her time on the fringe of whisperers consists of silence as she doesn’t really wish to be noticed by the living.
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heroicintention · 10 months
Lizzie & Food — Survival
Lizzie has found that eating after the undead is dangerous, though eating raw meat has definitely not always agreed with her stomach and has made her violently ill in the past. However, for some time, foraging and eating after her ‘friends’ was about all she could manage when she couldn’t catch her own (still often raw) meal. And what they ate wasn’t always animals.
When she began walking with the whisperers, she gained more access to fires which she hadn’t learned to start herself and was able to cook things more readily. She also was able to watch and learn from others as they hunted more successfully.
Due to the amount she went without, Lizzie had some stunted growth and isn’t particularly tall. But she does have some wirey muscle and seems able to defend herself well enough, given the group she journeys with.
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