burningbutwhite · 5 years
my brother: comes over to my house immediately following getting hit by a car
me: ??? um wtf ??? go to the hospital???
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
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i have company
it’s a nice day outside and i’m debating taking a book and just relaxing out there honestly
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
it's a nice day outside and i'm debating taking a book and just relaxing out there honestly
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
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she  spares  an  uninterested  glance  at  meandering  walkers,       not  bothering  to  take  out  the  few  gathered  perhaps  too  closely.         if  any  more  show  up,     they  would  be  a  threat,    but  for  now,    she’d  ignore  them.      “they’re  pretty  stupid,      aren’t  they?”   
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
cammy: makes a new blog
me, immediately, without thought: follows
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
don’t jokeship with me because 2 hours later i’ll have feels for the pairing.
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
Times of Terror
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
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favorite troy otto quotes 3 / ∞
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
me when my brother comes over arguing with the police on the phone: G A G S
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
The soles of his combat boots kicked up dirt, dust particles floating within hot air as blue hues fixated on their surroundings. Rifles gripped within palms, fingers curled and forefinger hovering against triggers. His men by his side as they stood guard on the side of abandoned wasteland. Fuel collected from the depot pulled out from the trunk of his truck. Blake filling up the now empty tank as the dead that roamed was watched out for. A peaceful road to break down on. Silence filled air besides the sound of liquid trickling. Miles from the community they came from, closer to the overrun depot they fled from.
His brows furrowed, eyes widened as he observed off into the distance. Troy’s mind on patrol, on edge, ready for the dead and the living. Squinting from the sun that beamed down. The side of his right hand resting at his forehead, palm hovering and blocking out the heated light that shone. A figure he didn’t mention until worked out. A fellow survivor, too fast for the turned. Guns ordered to be kept down at the sight of a young girl.
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Rifle no longer in hand as he traded for his pistol, placed barrel down in the holster of his belt. His throat cleared at the presence by his feet. A witnessed stumble, face down in the dirt until unfamiliar features eventually caught his eye. An unseen roll of his eyes at her attempt for her gun. His grasp free of weapons, no harm that she believed may come to her. “Need a hand down there?”
Soles firm against the ground as he knelt down before her, a nod in her direction, pupils scanning her path behind her. “You out here on your lonesome?” A little young to be going it alone.
she’s  quiet,         hesitation  clear  by  the  glance  she  sends  to  the  others  around  him.       this  could  be  troubling.         even  before  things  went  downhill  in  the  world,         her  dad  had  cautioned  her  on  strangers   -   and  now  she  was  faced  with  an  entire  group  of  them.         it  wasn’t  like  she  had  anything  they  would  be  interested  in.       from  the  looks  of  it,        they  were  well  off.        even  the  discarded  gun  she  had  wasn’t  useful    ;    empty  with  nothing  to  offer.
she  pushes  herself  to  sit  in  a  less  embarrassing  position,     neck  craned  to  look  directly  at  his  face.     “i’m  okay,”     she  responds  more  confidently  than  she  feels.        she’s  nervous    ;   unsure  how  to  behave  in  the  situation.       mika  had  never  been  out  here  alone  before,      but  the  sudden  horde  that  descended  on  her  group  left  them  all  scrambling  in  different  directions  like  bugs  when  it  rained.        she  was  told  she  was  too  trusting     -    naive  even,       believing  everyone  was  good  when  there  were  some  people  that  were  just  bad.       at  least,      that’s  what  others  had  told  her.       she  didn’t  believe  anyone  was  completely  bad    -    and  these  guys  were  no  exception.
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“i  wasn’t,”     she  answers  clearly,       reluctance  shed  as  she  decides  to  trust  him  and  his  people.      if  it  ended  badly,       well,      she  knew  of  the  possible  dangers.      a  pause  strikes  her  as  the  first  attempt  of  a  smile  slips  from  her  cheeks.    “i  am  now.”        who  knows  where  anyone  she  knew  was?      for  all  she  knew,    they  could  be  dead.   
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
✌ & 👊!
✌    random  mun  fact.
the  first   (  and  only  )   real  job  i’ve  had  was  at  a  sexual  assault  /  domestic  abuse  clinic  where  i  got  to  have  experience  in  several  areas  of  management.       i’ve  had  personal  conversations  with  victims,    scheduled  free  STD  scans   and   awareness  meetings,     created  &  promoted  many  events  including  women  in  stem  panels,    take  back  the  night  marches,   and  colloquiums  discussing  rape  culture  and  how  to  combat  it.      i  was  18  when  i  got  it  and  juggling  college  on  the  side,      but  i  loved  the  message  behind  everything  we  did!      the  only  bad  side  was  how  often  other  people’s  responsibilities  got  pushed  onto  me  for  one  reason  or  another    -    usually because  the  others  were  “too  busy”  to  get  their  things  done.      the  boss  was  virtually  a  ghost    ;    she  showed  up  to  the  monthly  meetings  but  otherwise  didn’t  monitor  what  we  were  doing  or  how  we  were  managing.    after  two  years  of  questionable  leadership,     i  decided  to  quit  the  job.        i’m  still  an  advocate  for  the  messages  it  sends  to  the  public,        but  with  such  fickle  leadership,        it  isn’t  doing  as  well  as  it  could  which  kind  of  disappoints  me.
👊   random  muse  fact.
mika  adored  lizzie,      even  though  she  has  always  been  a  little  different  than  everyone  else.     when  she  was  a  toddler,        she  would  often  waddle  behind  her  sister  and  share  her  snacks  with  her.    when  she  got  to  elementary  school,        she  wasn’t  unpopular  by  any  means.       everyone  wanted  to  be  her  friend!        she  was  nice  and  smiled  at  everyone,       helped  with  the  homework  others  couldn’t  understand,       and  gave  her  toys  to  the  people  who  didn’t  have  anything  to  play  with.       but  no  one  wanted  to  be  lizzie’s  friend    -   at  least,    not  really.       they  kept  their  distance  from  her  because  they  thought she  was  weird      -      and  mika  would  rather  play  with  her  sister  alone  than  anyone   who  would  say  mean  things  about  someone  else.        there  was  one  time  she  stuck  a  wad  of  gum  in  another  girl’s  hair  for  calling  lizzie  a  freak,       but  she  directed  her  doe  eyes  at  her  teacher  and  feigned  innocence.        the  other  girl  got  in  trouble  for  lying     -     and  had  to  get  the  hair  cut  from  her  ponytail.
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
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I  KILLED  SOMEONE  FOR  YOU!     the  one  i  killed  is  ME   ;   changing  what  i  was  for  what  you  wanted  me  to  be      -       i  followed  your  direction,    did  everything  you  asked.    i  hope  that  makes  you happy  ‘cause  there’s  just  no  turning  back. 
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
Look, I get we might not be blood…       But you’re family to me.              I want you to be happy, too…
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
Send ✌ for random fact about mun!
Send 👊 for random fact about muse!
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
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i  just  saved  the  url  deadbaited  because  it  sounded  cool   -   and  here  i  am  once  again  being  impulsive  and  wanting  to  make  another  character.
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
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TWD — 4x14 - The Grove
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
random sentence starters
random sentences for any / multiple scenario(s). change around as you see fit.
“ who do you think you are? “
“ wait , did you just say you love me? “
“ please just … leave me alone. “
“ i’m so happy! “
“ is this a gift for me? “
“ hey! i’ve got something for you! wait right here! “
“ i love you. “
“ shut up! shut the fuck up! “
“ who told you that?! i didn’t say that! “
“ w — what? “
“ … i’m sorry. “
“ what? ME have a crush on YOU? whaaaaaat?! haha! what? pfft … shut up! “
“ bitch , guess what? “
“ oh my god … “
“ fuck you to fucking hell! “
“ man … go to hell. “
“ what did you just send me? “
“ what did you just say? “
“ they’re totally checking you out right now. “
“ jealous?! i’m not jealous! “
“ are you jealous? “
“ wow … you’re hot when you’re angry. “
“ wow … your smile is breathtaking. “
“ you’re so stupid. “
“ okay! that’s it! put your dukes up! “
“ you don’t want me. “
“ question , you’re not dating anyone , are you? “
“ let me take you out on a date. “
“ i swear to god i’m going to scream at the top of my lungs. “
“ no! don’t tickle me! “
“ i’m not good for you , trust me. “
“ no offense but i’m out of your league. “
“ so , how does it feel to know me? a blessing , isn’t it? “
“ … why does this card say ‘ happy 3rd birthday ‘? “
“ so what will it be tonight? “
“ please , let me listen to celine dion in the dark in peace. “
“ i don’t love you. “
“ you don’t love me. “
“ … is there something you want? “
“ you know , you’re really cute. “
“ god , just let me fucking love you , you idiot! “
“ shh … don’t cry. “
“ i just feel like everything is falling apart. “
“ hello darkness my old friend … “
“ so … do i get a goodnight kiss? “
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